HomeMy WebLinkAboutJenny Merdinger (TURNING POINT QI) Contract 2024aY-� Memorandum Evanston To: Audrey Thompson, Director — Parks and Recreation From: Seth Kendall, Program Coordinator Subject: Jenny Merdinger Qigong Instructor Date: January 17th, 2024 Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval of the single source memo and purchase order for Jenny Merdinger (1227 Leon PI., Evanston, 1L 60201) to accommodate payment for instruction of Qigong taught at the Robert Crown Community Center. Funding Source: Expenses will be charged to (Instructor Services) 100.30.3030.62505 which has a YTD balance of $110,000.00 Summarv: The Parks and Recreation Department entered into a contract with Jenny Merdinger to provide Qigong instruction in January 2024. The amount of $9,304 represents the amount we would need to pay Jenny Merdinger at the 70% resident rate if all of the programming had full enrollment. Approved: -D Audrey Thompson, Director Parks and Recreation d-ka - a y Date ►Uocat,cityofevanston.orglusersluserslskendaIRMy DocumentslVendor InformationWendorContractsVenny Merdinger12424Uenny Merdinger Memo.dom 'a City of Evanston PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONTRACT FOR SERVICES The Parties to this Apuried ere to City of Evanston and'"'` TNS Agreement, ocnalsling of the stgnaitrra pegs and numbered sectrons Isted below and any ab dwneds Wommad In this Agreemed, oons9kdes the entire Agm maul beh%w the Parties mnow N the subject insured Me Agreement and supersedes 811 prior pmposets, AWeeme* end Aga between the Parties concawag gw su*d matter of the Agraement. This Agreement can be signed in multiple cmaitwW% ertd signaturs may be eledmnic or digW upon egrowmg of iris Panes, 1. TERM AND TERMINATION 2. DESCRIPTION OF SWLW AND SERVICES 3. PRICING AND PAYMENT 4. STANDARD aUSINESS TERMS AND CONDITIONS S STANDARD CERTIFICATION6 6. DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 7. SUPPLEIIEMTAL PROVISIONS In cosrideralicn of the mutual oovenanls and agroernents conmined in this Agraeaunt and htf ollrer good end vahrable oonsiden on, vm re*Pl and sufFdsncy of wt*h we hereby edorowledged, the P8de$ agree b ire Mints and con0itfons $et bth herein and have caused this Agreement to be emled by twin duly authorized rep mniatives on the &W shown below. CONTRACTOR CITY OF EVASION (VendorNam) Jenny Merdinger, Turning Point Q I_LC Jennifer T. Merdinger, "�,;;, - � Offkial9igrtattue � Printed u. Jenny Merdinger PrMea Nan+ Tm Owner no 1116/24 m,k„„ 1227 Leon Place, Evanston IL 60201 PWM 312.371.9031 Fin j,,,m jenny(c umingpolntgl.com Tim .Data 9a Retched iflf=2 Page 1 of 9 l,1 TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT: This Agreement has an kold farm of (Show begs end end dada arhngfh M months ordhw mee" of h3 m) If a start dsts is not Identlded. the tern shalloorninsrm upon the last dated signature of the Parties. This Agreement carmot ba terrrhhhated Ion than thkly (30) days before the agreed start date a Indkated below. My terrnin t Iess then thirty (30) days before the agreed start date must be with the wdttan oonserht of the Department of Perks and Recteallm Request for lamination, ether bidn or alter be ftV (30) day period must be where h and wbr w to the q pmpdo represented" of the Deparirroni dParksand Recreation. 1.2 RENEWAL, Subject 14 the rmm mSm lofai tern as identilled above. the Cky has De option ban" far om foi a ft lerm(s): (Mrre sr>dol' ft ddndpr %*bJbrrhelmdoph5M help"ffentmeVndlrraNdlearp,rerrewaf gpWAq Pridng 1br the renewal lemh(e), or the formula for determining price is shown In the WkMg section of this Agreement. Any renewal Is subject to the same lemma and condition as the orghhal Agresrnenl magi as stated below in this subsection. The City may renew tints Agroemerht for any oral of the option periods wec&d; may mucks anyof the mom, optlahs eariymd may marobe more than one option at a be based on oon5xdrhg need and fivoratle market condi6oro whph in Ere best hnterest d the Cgy. The Agnenhent shag not renew aubrhha Agreement renew solsly at Vandora option. teary nor shag the 1.3 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE: The City may Imaj ale tie Agreement, in whole or in pK Im medately upon noticce to Vendor ff. (a) Itte City determines that the actions or inactions of Vendor have caused, a reasonably mould cause, jeopardy b health, safety, or property, or (b) Vendor has n0dd the City brat It Is unable or unwgling to pwfwm to Agreement II Vendor fart to perform b 00 GO Satisfaction any material requlrerrhent of this Agreement, or Is in vkhtion of a maawW provision of this Agrsemersl, the Gry shag provide w7111en notice to Vendwb an the problem idemtgled within the period of lime specified In the Cblys w bm notice. 0 rot aced by that dale, the Cfiy may either. (a) hnWWAS" Wr inals the Apreemerit WNW adff=W written noYee of (b) enforce the leans and corX%= of the Agreement. For Istminabon due to any of the causes waWned in ties Section, the Cky retains its riglbs to seek any available bpi or equitable remedies and damages. 1.4 TERMINATION FOR CONIAMENCE The Cfiy may, for kS eonventence SO with 7 days prior wrilbn rhotice to Vendor. terminals this Apreement In whole or in part and willmt pahPMI of any penally or incurrkig any 4ardner obligation to Vendor. Vendor shah be entitled to cwnpensstion 4vn sum of invoices and proof of dakm fur suppges end servkes provided In oomplfa m wilh this Agreement up to and IncludkV ft dab of 2. NWRIPTION OF SERVM 2.1 Description of Service required: 0190119 classes fOr heafth and wrellneas of men and women. 2.2 WHIME SERVICES ARE TO BE PERFORMED: 1JrhlM otherwise spedtied In this section a6 Services shall be performed in the City of Evanston, Igkofs. Vendor shag disclose the bcelions where the services required Shag be performed and the known or sn kd eted value of Iine sendces to be p rkm*d at sad location.kta location wham services will be partarrred Robert Crown Community Center, 1801 Main Street, Evanston Location where services will be MbnW Lary Center Of Fleetwood Jaurdrdn in Summer 2024, depending on availability Any sup*slnmlari * or other tarots hems Id on city property by Vendor is done at Vendors W. Vendor agrees to told hernalesa the Oily► tar nhage any daor foss to Vendor suppges, Materials or property on City property. 2.3 SCHEDULE OF WORK: Any work performed on City premhea shell be dare during tine hours dealpnated by the City and pedomhed Ins manner Thal does root Inlefte with the City and Its personnel. 2A REPORTING, STATUS AND MONITORING spEC FUTIDNS., 2A.1 Vendor Shag immedfdely notify the City of tray sysM that may have a rnateriat Impact on Vendors abfRy to perkmn the Agreement 2.5 ASSIGNMENTAND SUBCONTRACTING: 2.5.1 This Agreement may not be assigned. transferred in while or in pat by Vendor WNW the prior wrten consent of the city. Revised 111=22 Papa 2 of 0 2.6.2 For purposes of lids section, sutxontractors are those spedcagy hired 10 perlbrm al apart of the work covered by the Agreement. WOO wboontrecmra be udzed? S Yea ❑ No 2.5.3 Vendor shall describe bekwv We name: and addresses of all auttrorizsd suhcontradors to be utilized by Vendor In the perfonnanm d this Agreement, topllw with a dascr kn d the work to be performed by the aubcw& tot and the an5**d arsounl of money that each subcantracWl# expected to reed" pursuant to this Agreement. Vendor shag provide a oepy of any wbcmhck whin 20 days of exeeutton d Ihia Agreement for gpproW by the City. Vendor shag be responsible For Ere aoarracy and quatigr of any rwbcantra*b G perfofnrance. Subcor hcW Nana Or. Larry Staler, Ph.D. Add 9003 Sleeping Bear Road, Skokie. 60076 Subcontractor (Jame ARPA lo be paid toe% of test 6n cobcwd for NO erase huA Dew"on of work Teach Qdgong programs. Amount to be paid DesaWon otwork U4 Vendor shah obtain approval hm the City prior to Nft any additional or wbsMute subconlradon during the term of Gt Agreement. Vendor may, upon request of the City, "Wde to the i".ily a dralt 3ub0w*ador agreement for review and approval Adar to the exevAon of the xlboontract. &dmlradar egnaenrenls Shan Provide dWl Iervloes to be perknued under the aubm*acft agreereent shag not be subiet, sold. transferred, 83sipned or Oftrwiae disposed of b another entity Of person wfhhout the City's prior written consent. 2.5.5 All subeordracts must fndude Are same eertiIMUOna Met Vendor must make as a MOW of lids Agreement. 3. ENW AND PAYMEE 3A METHOD AND RATE OF COMPENSATiOM: The City WS comperwale Vendor for Bra kft term as fop m- ❑ " ❑ Manffiy ❑ Amer* M prdAd Paid ofEsr each ProDrWn AGlSkadn dmm. Ina Wn* nwmw as is posalblS. ❑ Item (show tint of measure and rate) Cl 50% Vend0rf60% City of Evanston to Include the follmAng provided by the City of Evanston: • AV set up Room set up and break down • Registraft nwmgwnent • Madw ft of cissdprogram to include promotion in program guide, when schedule permits, "asts, @It • use of ex 9*V equipment owned by the city of Evanston as desafbed as blows: 0 O 0 O ' RD. Storage space proNded, as avagabte, by the Parks and Reprsation Department, specifically desalbed as fdkrvm- 0 ❑ 60% Vendor140% City of EVerteton to Include the following provided by the City of Evanston: • "set up • Room eat up and break down • Regatratlon management • MarkObg of dasslprogram la inckrde promotion in Program gulde. when schedule permits, a.blasts, etc. Ran+iaed f f/f ON22 Page 3 of 9 One of the following options (phase aaiect one opllon ontyr ❑ UN d GAft oWkArrtertl owned by the City of Evmdon as desaibed as bibws : MR ❑ Stooge $Peke Provided, as available, by the Parka and Reaealion bepamnsK apedticaly do - P. a , es tolk": J 70% VandodM Chy of Evanston to Include the follotir n pmWdad by the City of Evanston: • AVset up • Room eel up and break down • Repstrallon management • Marketing of daseiprogram to In&* promotion In program guide, when schedule pemrits, e4 ", etc. 3.2 TYPE OF PRICK& Is*ft under this Agroement b FkM WOWS WRY Q*%, d wssM. W mrnules, S23 R, SM NR ❑ Es6rneted;"'¢°b°'r�+r�wa•�..Kw-1 4W@dM6.om*%.%nmb"MAR 3.3 RENEWAL. COMPENSATION. If this Agreement is renewed, the price shall be at Bra same rate as for the inilhl teen unle33 a different m"Oert Won of formate for deterndnhrg 00 rerrewel wmpertsation Is stated In this section. 3A TAX: Payment will be made h W wifhwl loc ei, stela. or federal tack watldreld. 34 PAYMENT TERMS AND CONDRION8: 3.5.1 Payments, waft be paid h e000rdance with ON applicable Iowa and ruhs of the Cary of Evanston and the Stale of glinoh. Remedies provided for Ommin dull be Vendors solo remedy for late payments by the Cly. Payment hm>s contained on Vandora hwdm sltal hive no Berke and effea 3.5.2 The City wig not pay for supplies provided or services tendered. inducting roisted expenses, maned prior to the execution of this Agreement by the Partles even If the eMve date of the Agreement is prior to axe*". 4.1 AVAWIB0.TTY OF APPROPRIATION: This Agreenrortt Is confergent upon and subject to the avabb1y of funds. The City. at b sale opgon, Wray lwmku" or suspend We Apreernent, In whale or In Put, %*K d Penalty nr fixther payment bektg rsq sd, 8 a mdaCom in hydnq is necessary oraduisable based upon schjel or projected budgetary oorrsidamb's. Vendor w0l be rgtilbfad in writing of the m of a rhUpno of a mdu*n or decr�esse. PProA 41 BACKGROUND CHECK AND DRUG TESTfNG: Whenever the Cry dooms it reasonably necessary for $a=* masons, the Cby may conduct at its asperse. aha W background cheds of Vendor, t dUft Dgerptfp arrd 0CFS won A ye Vendor may be su**d to dnrg tip. Vendor shag reassign immediately any such Individual who. In the opinion of ft City. does not pass The background check or tails the dng teft. 43 POLICY MANUAL: AMhoujt Vendor b not an empbyee, Vendor agrees to todow the poklee w Ained In Carapter VI Of the City of Evsnstort Employee Martuaf Oft outtnes Ethics Rtft Wbd* m Hemssrn d poky on and Alcohol pal*Peraonaf Appearance; Workplace Violence; and Wespone,Free Wak bm. 4A THE 0 OF THE ESSENCE: Thus Is of the essence wtth raped to Vendors perfomtance of This *"NW. Vendor shop conatnue to Worm hs obl gakns while arty► dupers oorrcendng the Agreement is being resolved, wWm otherwise dheCted by the City. Revised ima/2022 Page 4 of 0 4.3 NO WAIVER OF RIGHTS: Except as apedllraty waived In writing, tailum by a Party to exercise or entbmae a right does not waive that Partly: right to exercise or eatorce that or other rots In the future. 4A FORCE AWEURE: Failure by e8ther Paltjt to perform tie dukes and cbAgatlorn YM be excused by udorowenble oicrnhstarroas bepand lb reasonnotb Control and not due 10 Its negilpa h Ju ft ads of nettle, ace of to o ton rich, labs hiispute% tyre, flood, en#oO n, and gorretnmental prohibition. The nondedarbhg Party rimy cancel the Agreement without penally 9 performance does not resume wwoh 30 days of be dederation. e.7 COWIDENTW. IINFOR11tATIONIF01A: Each Party, b No Agree rnent may have or gain mess to awMential data or ihnionnadon owned or maintained by the cinch Party in the course of carrying out Its rosponsnties under ails Agreement Vendor shell presurm d Woanation received front the City or to W ft 0 pins emu pARwd to this Agreement is eon&%ifiat Vendor irYormsmion. unless dearly marked as comdidendel and exempt from dlsdooum under the 11 irds; Frsedoah of JntomMon Act (TOIAJ, 6 ILCS 14W et. seq., shag be considered pubot No conlidenTsi data collected, molniatned, or used in the wane of performance of the Agreement shall be disseminated except as autwired by law and with the whiten consent of the disdaft Party, *Mach during the period of the Agreement or dwrosbr. The receiving Party must rekmm any and all data w1beled, maintained, created or used In the course of the pertonrw= of the Agreement In whalever lone it is maintained, prorvl* at the end of the Agreement, or settler al tiw mpost of the disdoskV Party, ornery the disclosing Party in writing of its deslnustion. Upon notlilcadw by the Cily that it has received a Freedom of Irdw malion Act request 00 calls for records Wit the Vendors control. The Vendor st o promptly provide all rem records to the City so that the CRY may com* with Me request wllhtn the limited statutory timehmee required by Fow Vendor shall Indemnity and defend the City from and against all d*u arising from the Cllys exceptions to disclosing certain records which Vendor may designate as proprietary or confidential. Corrapi wu by the City with an opinion or a directive from the tlhhols public Access Counselor or the Adomey General under FOIA, or with a decision or order of Court with )xls"orh over the City, shall not be a violation of this Section. 4.$ USE AND OWNERSHIP: AN work performed or awlies created by vendor under Ada Ilpresment. whether whiten dowm 6 or data, goods or doWerables of any kK shsil be deemed work -for -hire under copyright lair and all Intellectual property and other lawn. and the City is granted sole and exclusive ownanhhlp to all such wank, wfta oftmilse agreed In wilting. Venda hereby assigns to the City all right title, and interest in end to such work inciuding any related Intellectual property rights, andicr waives any and all dukes that Vendor may have to such work induft sny so-called "moral rigfhla' In corwedion with the work. Vendor admowledges the City may use the work product for any purpose. Confidential date or information contained In such worth shall be subject to cw&dw*ft provisions of this Agreement. This paragraph does not apply to work or supplies created by vendor prior to this Agreement and provided to the City during the lemh of this Agreement. 4.8 INDEfTt+ MA71ON AND LIlI UTY: Vendor shall defend, tndermify and hold hanrdese the City and its dlfoera, elected and oppo W ofliciela, agents. and employees from any and all IiablRy, losses, or dswgm as a result of Bairns. dennanda, suits, a*m. or pnooeedings of any Mad or nature. including but not Mad to wsis, and tees, hwk ding attorneys fees, judgawts or settlements, revikhg from or erisheg oat of any negligent or Wilful ad or omission on the part of vendor. Such Indm lfiraTon sinag not be limited by reason of the enumeration of any Insurance coverage heroin provided. 7th provision chat survive completion. exoratlork or Iermin t of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein :hail be condruod as prohfbitiag the City, ails cheers, agents, or employees, from defending Through Ina wleclion and use of their own slants, adorn, and experts, ply claims, actions or suits brought agW t them. Vendor shell be Heide for The costs, teen, and expenses Incurred in the defense of any such dal as, actions, or sulb. Nothing herein shag be Construed as a ilrnilston or waiver of defenses walisble to the City and employees and agents, Including ing but nol limited to the It mis gonad Goverrnehtal and GovetrananW 6nployees Tort l Art, 745 ILCS 1011-101 of seq. At the City C.orporadon Counsafs option, Vendor rust defend al suits brought upon all a mh Losses and muss pay all costs and expenses h►cidentsl to thane. but the Cky has the right, at Its option, to participate, al Tor own Cost in the defense of any salt, wIdW ralieving Vendor of any of lis obligstions under Cgs Agreement. Any sedleawl of any claim or suft heisted to Ads Agreement by Vendor must be made ordy with the prior written consent of the City Corporation Cou nset, ff the settlernent room any ectian on The part of the City. To the extern permissible by law. Vendor waives any ernb to the m wuml of its obilgaft-a to indemnify, defend, or corhtributo to arty on due under any Losses. hnduft any claima that may be subject to the Hinois Workers Compensation Ad. 820ILCS 30511 of seq. or any other related low or jurrNcW decision. Mduedbhg but not ImAed to, lcofedri v. Cyidbps WA+ek%V Corporation W R 2d 156 (1991). The City. however, does not waive any Citation II may have on Its AabDty under the gfmois tiyorim Compensation Act, the Illinois Pension Coda or any other statute. Venda shalt be resperoble kv any (oases and Cosh to repok or remedy work performed under this Agreement resrdtirmg tram or arising out of any ad or omission, negted, or misem" in to performance of Mather Work. Acceptance of the work by the City v A not rolove Vendor of the responsibility for su bsequerd correction of any such error, omissions andfa rtgopnt ads or of Its Ilablity for loss or damage raw" therelie>Arn. AN Drovisfaru of This Section 4.8 shall survive complatim woretim, or lern inatioa of 06 Agreement. dA INSURANCE: Vendor strap, at its own expanse, secure and maintain in affect Tveughout the duration of this eonbmcf. Iracuance against clams for inpries to parsons or damages to properly which may ales from or in connection with the perbmnance of the services and work hereunder by Venda. If Venda cannot secure km wrwn , Vendor hereby agrees to fndemnRy and hold harmless the City m accordance with Section 4.8 forany deems arising directly out of Vendors Work. Vendor expressly agrees le wahre is rights, benefits and entitiamenh under the `OTher lnsuuance" douse of any general gabolly insurance poky as respects the City. Page 8 of>p Rerdssd fi/iLtM2 4.10 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: Venda Shag ad w an independent Vendor and not an agent or amp"" of. or ldr d vahtos with the City. AN payments by the City &had be made an that basis. 4.11 COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW: Vendor MA comply wish all 4PACrcable federal, state, and local lows, rules, ordWaffloes, regulations, onion, fadersd drprlera and all Bosnia and perm0 regukements in the performwa of this llgreernent. Venda that{ be in comphnw WM M*�g* lax roghrlraments rend shall be currerd in payment ol such taxes. Venda shad obtain at Ss own expense, all licenses and permissions necessary far da Pertarmarce of tNs Agreema ntt. Ire states AAP LO LAWNENUE This Apromner,t shag be oanshW In Soo dMM xdh Oro b mo to the law: Vrd rules ofihe Cod EvarAon and Depar6nentof N+rrun RIgWOppartunBy +r+4r (44 adm Code 7q are incorporeW byreferenoe, The CMY shag not ender Into binding arbitredon to resolve any dispute ree lelad to this Agreement. The CRy does not >Aeatve sort imnhunily by erhlerinto this Agreanwnl in WI& dhe i wis and fkWai �, da avis Hunan Act, the U. S. CMI Rights Act, and S6WDn W4 of the federal vane action d d j lama and rules, the City does not untaMr * &aMrdnate in employment, oanhada. or Bury oftw� &*Aly. Agreement shag be in Cook Cou*. Knois. 4.13 ANTI-TRUST ASSIGNMUT., 0 Vendor does not pursue any datm or cause or selm l has arising under anjoust taws stating to clue wbjed matter of Iha Agreement, limn upon request of the Cefs Corporation Counsel, Vendored assign b ere Clyrights., tide and Interest In and to the claim or cause of wirer. 4.14 CONTRACTUAL AUTHORITY; The DepwWwt that signs for IN City shall be the only City anlitye responsible for perlamance and P$YW under the Agreement When the dly'i arrlhortzed designee signs in aedidah to an bapertment, trey do so as aFPMVlrg oftica and aw have no WHY to Vendor US NOTICES: Nodose end allw oorrwrw rdcatims provided or herein shag be given In wiling by registered or cadged map, rekan receipt % quashed, trend deltwy, by ooXW {UPS, Federal Express or other similar and miiabb carderj, by saran, or by fax 90 tnp I* date Or wWwM teceipl. Notices shin be sent to the kWMduats who signed the Agreement using the contact information fa wAV tiro signatures. Each such notice shag be deemed to have been provided at the rums H is actually received. By oft noyoe. eldher Party msy change Me centred hhfarmation. 4.16 MODIFICATIONS AND SURVIVAL: Ammhdmeels, madiifcodorrs w d yr86M must be in *We and signed by authaaed represwisMs of Me Parties. My PrOvWon of tits Agreernerd ofil * declared arid, wwdrxhxabie, or against pule p *W, snag be Owed and Me remaining provisiorhs AW be bterpnited. as far as poaabla, to ghee affect b due Pads:• inland, Ati prc*km that by flair nature would be @*acted to surviva. shred wrvhre Wmhtadon. b the event of a conlid between the Ckft arrd Vender's stems, conditions and attachments, des CWs berms, conditions and attaclowps SW prevail. 4.17 PERFORMANCE RECORD f SUSPENSmON: Upon request of the City. Vendor Stall meet to discuss performance or provide conirad pafomw= updates to help ensuro proper pertbrmance of Wa Agreement The City Tray consider Vendors p , .„, .: Under this Agreement and oompsanoe with law and Tula to determine whether to amfte the Agreement, suspend Venda from doing (oboe business wltr due City for a spedfled period of time. or to determine whether Vendor can be aonaWered raspwdga an specific Mure conired oppor6unines. 4.18 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT: Tide Agreement and all related pudic records mabrtained by, provided to or squired to be provided to due CBy aresu*d f o V* 11nois Freedom of Inkmatia► Act MM tratmrdinp any provision la da contrary that may bye fowhd in the t. 4.t8 NOR WAMM OF RK HM, No failure d either party io exercNa Amy power given to d hereunder or b irwist Upon strict compBance by the Oder poly with its obilgatlors hereunder, and no cuslom or pradloe of the parries at valance weh the terms hereof, nor any payment under Us Agreement shall consiitu be a wehrer of either party's right to demand end cornpfanae with the terms hereof. 410 SEVMMIUTY. Except as otherwise provided herein, the WvMft or unanbroeabiity of any paft&pvAgon. or pert dareof, of dhls Apreernetd shall not affect die Other provisions, and this AWwmeM shag continue in all respects ore U such kwaid a uranforc�eable not been oontalned herein. � had 4,11 COUNTERPARTS: For conve*nce, this Agreement may be axecuted in any mmtar of counterparb, each of which Shad be deemed to be an original. 412 &AVXGS CLAUSE: 0 any proftw of this Agreemeni, or the appkatlon of such provision, shag be rendered or declared invaid by a Court Of remain in M force and MWMM, or by reason or Its requllrrp any steps, acYans, Or res^ the remaining garb or Portions of this Agreement shaft S. ffAffQARD CERTII WATIONS Rehired iVIO2022 Pap l of Vendor adarovMedpes and agrees thal DWRPllsrKU wkh this secflon and eadr wbsection for the lerrn of Me Agreement and any renewab is a sr�ibsadfort andis ubN f t! an eoo � of this Agreement By executing this Agreement, Vendor Cerbitfea wmP sm with cum aectian and each rug obligation to refrain In ocmpTlauca and report my nom mrp�mm This section, and each subsection, apples to stbcantne*m used an " Agreement In any Vendor shall 4xdlyde these Standard Certllcalahs suboontrect used in the Wormerrce of the Agreamm�l, IF this Agmawl extends over mUlllge +fecal years bhchc%V to WN term and sl renewals, Vendor and Its .wbcontracton shin oonfrM compiianee will Ede wApd in the a+snner end format deter &W by the City by the date Vsdf ed by the City and in no event later than ,fanuary 1 d eaDh yea that this Agreement remains in offad. d the Parties determine that any cwff katlorr h this section is not appkable tv 6rfs Agreement, l fray be stricken winroat anfecting the remaining subsections. 5-1 As part of each oer6bc0110n, Venda edmowledges and agrees 60 should Vendor or its wbm*wtors provide false lni mallon, or lall to be Or ranain In comm"with the Sander& Cer6lcatkm requirww ta, one or more Of the W wbiQ sanctions will ap*. • lire Agreement may be void by oparaft of low. and ' the Cly may void The Agreemea ldenOfyhug a sandfon or Taft b identify a sanclion In relation io any of the sPecinc oar*alons does fat waive anpOSOM of other W-C6ons or Pfedude aPPk4m Of sanctions not Wdlcaly idenlKed. 5.2 Vendor oera" it and Tts enpbyees w comply with appiuObb Prp&tons of he U.S. CivilRights Acl, Section 504 of Me Federal RehrblRatlon Act, the Americans with Disabif5ies Ad (42 U.S.C. 112101 at seq.) and appiicabfe ndes in part vwm under this Agreer wk 5.3 Vendor cort "That persons baring contact wo anywhm*b Population (any nrirarunder Ere age of 111, a person who Is to years of age a oftvAth a dlsablrkily or any person who Is 00 years of aye or oMo must pertly Mat they are mandated reporters by vomp Wq the CANTS 22 Form aid oamplele the mandated reporter treirriny Prior io dWkwy of servlves under this aynseinenk The mandated mporlar DCFS Knols lush" can be found of Not_ 92hU rfno.om. Vender must provide Prooiof adcnordedpnwrd and treininy Io the ply on dww4. U If Venda, or any offker, &rector, Partner, or other managerial spent of Vendor, has been caw3cied of a blonyunder pv of 2002, or a the 3 or Gels Z tdany under Ore llkrois Secufts law of 1TI A Vendor verifies at least lve � Act mmkOm- Venda f g&w air ft l* k is noI bared from being awarded a oorrtrad arrd adm ea teat th1+� have are throe the date of The 6rt ear6lcatlon Is few (30ILCS 500f lo.5). e City shelf declare the Agreement void d S.5 Vendor Derb7ies tluat N and ils s ere rot deinquent in the payrrrerd d wWkes, fines, damages, ordet b to the CRY. 5.1 Vendor Garbles n complies wkh the Se dion 1-12.6 of the COY of Evanston Code and ON U&wb DePe*nW of F4rrnen Rights Act and nks apoceble to point Wnb%t;, hdudeg 9001 employment VPorW*, rekWnbV from u*ydul disakninetion, and having wftn sexual harassment policies (775It.CS W 105), b.7 Vendor collies Met ii shall wV yr only Persons (Judy licensed by rue We Of Illinois to pwiomr prdes brW services under this Agreement for wHoh applicable llnois law re*ft a !+Dense, subject to prbr appmvsl of Ere Clty. 6.0 RZQQ3WM AND CONFLM. O F SOCtlen 1: Conflot of Whreat Pmhibkod Vendor street not any puble a private interest and shell not ao pedorrrrrwrce underer tl6s /lpreement *" directly er h direcW any such interest which cvrrAicts In any menner with its Section 2: tHbannOMAAgsl Prm0ding Dtedoame (N Vendom raw! coqpfeh"SecWq, Vendor must identify any of the foj%ft that ocmared for k or any Nits atkcers or &recbrs WWn the previous 10 yam: Debamrerd from COnhe ng w h any povammemtel entity Yes ❑ No Pmkukmul lcermwe discipline Yes f ] No Bamllwdes Yes 8 NO Adverse dd 1m*w1s and adnilnlstrativr Imbp Yes No DimI*rrycanvkftm Yes ❑ No inai Rehraed 11110022 Papa 7 of 0 9 any of the abava Is dmdwd yes. please fdentIIy with desa0v informatbn the Mbre of the ddMmmt end legal proceeding. The City reserves the right b regrwst more Int+on VUK Should the ✓rtfonrrelion need WAher darilation. NOTE THAT ALL AWW S"UARE WSWOe[ -WSW THE FOW W!LL NDTA=ff ADDMWW CHECK-0at WwK& No UICAL PROCEEougs EXOT NOW OR EM ' 7. SUM MENTAL PRM9A TJ Chy SWPII "w Pmbsbns ❑ t)emons ❑ RNOW Federal Clauses. Cwtikattona and Assur iam ❑ ARM Regndnamenls (American Reo mry and ReinveslmoM Ad of 2009) ❑ Fmvaft Wage (W ILCS 13011 at seq.) ❑ MNVIEBE Subcorrya*g PAW sments 011W (deserve) CAMS 22 Atmched Chepler W of the City of Evanston Employea Me" (EWM Rule:. Wo fthce Hmswmt PoAry, I]rug and Alcohol Poltcy. Personal Appearance, Vkfttscs Vbolwm, end Weepons.Free VAAphce). 7.2 Vendor auppf ww W Provh w Rood ifIJ=22 Page a Of 9 TAXPAM N1ENTFUTION NUMBER r eery mar I. TM rsrnberslim on Ihis loon Is MY oCrred Myer idenvbca9on number(or jam wailing fora number to be issued hr me). and 2. 1 am not "ad to backup W44ding because: (a) I am exempt from bad4 wdhholdiV. or (b) I here not been notified by the Intemal Revenue Swvke QRS) that 1 am eublW b backup withhcWV ae a (SUM of a labs to report of interest a divlderxi�, a (C) the IRS has WOW nne that I am no lonW subW to backup withholding, and 3. l mn a U.S. person Mduding a RI.S. fuMent alien). • lfyno ane art rhdriidrral, enlerym name and SSN MR appears on ym So W $may Card • d you are a Sole pro d br, venter ft arrners tome on dha name kW krRoxed by dhe name or the bualneas and the wmar's SSN orElN • llyau ore a *01#�LLC "is dlaneganibd at an a* sepwate boor Rt om , enter the owners name onr& name *M and the &M on the buSkress nameAre and &*rthe owWS SSN cr ElN • K Me LLC is a cwporadon or parfrrerdr(p, war fhe ar*,$ bettnesY Hama aad L and nbr dRS s=gpdarroe WW(ICP2Qf or CP277). Wit, atlech • ForalloMerarrRtles, Order' Me name ofthe e118ty as utedrb 00Whe errrify's EONand the EIN. ".: Jennifer T. Merdinger (Jenny Merdinger) Businaea blame: Tuming Point Qi LLC Taxpayer ldendficWon Number; Social sorority Number EmprW �Wkedon Number 87-1785079 Iaga1 Statue (dieck Sue): 0 Indiridual 0 sole Proprietor ❑ Parbrership ❑ I.agalswces Corporation 0 Tax-exempt ❑ Copporaiion mviding or hieing medical andlor heft care services ❑ Corporation NOT providing or Uft medical emit health care sembea 0 Gavernm ntal 0 NorweslderM even ❑ Eslele or tout 0 ftnw ry (Non-com.) 0 Ptnarm"Fwwm Fto "Wnetery (rap.) ®llmiled liebiwtY Company (selectappra;able tax clasaMcetion) I} o disregarded entity C = corporation P= perEnastdp slgrutun: Jennifer T. Merdinger =l$Yfir► Date: 1.16.24 Ra*ad 1VIN022 Page 9 0f 6 lliinois Deparhnent of DCFS Children & Famil Services ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MANDATED REPORTER STATUS Jennifer T. Merdinger I, , understand that when I am employed as a (Employee Name) Vendor, City of Evanston, Qigong Instructor at Robert Crown Community Center 1 will become a mandated reporter under the (Type of Employment) Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act [325 ILCS 5/4]. This means that I am required to report or cause a report to be made to the child abuse and neglect Hotline number at 1-800-25-ABUSE (1-800-252-2873) whenever I have reasonable cause to believe that a child known to me in my professional or official capacity may be abused or neglected. I understand that there is no charge when calling the Hotline number and that the Hotline operates 24-hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. I understand that in an effort to help mandated reporters understand their critical role in protecting children by recognizing and reporting child abuse/neglect, DCFS administers an online training course entitled Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Training for Mandated Reporters, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I further understand that the privileged quality of communication between me and my patient or client is not grounds for failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect, I know that if I willfully fail to report suspected child abuse or neglect, I may be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. This does not apply to physicians who will be referred to the Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Board for action. I also understand that if I am subject to licensing under, but not limited to, the following acts: the Illinois Nursing Act of 1987, the Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Illinois Dental Practice Act, the School Code, the Acupuncture Practice Act, the Illinois Optometric Practice Act of 1987, the Illinois Physical Therapy Act, the Physician Assistants Practice Act of 1987, the Podiatric Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act, the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act, the Illinois Athletic Trainers Practice Act, the Dietetic and Nutrition Services Practice Act, the Marriage and Family Therapy Act, the Naprapathic Practice Act, the Respiratory Care Practice Act, the Professional Counselor and Clinical Professional Counselor Licensing Act, the Illinois Speech -Language Pathology and Audiology Practice Act, I may be subject to license suspension or revocation if I willfully fail to report suspected child abuse or neglect. I affirm that I have read this statement and have knowledge and understanding of the reporting requirements, which apply to me under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, CANTS 22 Rev. S/2019 Jennifer T. Merdinger Signature of Applicant/Employee 1.17.24 Date Office of the Director 406 E. Monroe Street • Springfield, Illinois 62701 www.DCFS.illinois.gov