HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Pest Control Servicesslat ROSE tr,") BIBB PEST SOLUTIONS ' 414 Frontage Road Northfield, IL 60093 Emu 847-441.8300 0 Fax 847441-8320 U email: okistomememiceZ@rosepestcontrol.com www.msepestcontrol.com COMMERCIAL SERVICE AGREEMENT Service Information Customer _ 1..�.ryry,•'.r .\..r.-,�_•.U�.~......C.-.r..V.j'"'[„ (Ayi./�{.-!/_Lr / T _ . . Address City _ n /'y �... St2✓Q r^��'/"/��7 ., ..`(`U 7p -�- contact {a"{nLi.- 'rJC4fj""7 Ph... Smell Fax this romaterend scrvirrl ugrcmnvnt ev n(cred into !ry and batwaw , herein rdi•rred l> as Cw orner and Ruse Pes¢ •Sohdhni,• for Pest c... wol 'rrvlce as defined and mrdrr Ili" ua'nrs set fnrdi behove SERVICE FREQUENCY. C7tsmmar well receive V _ Se/ vi<ee' /u tl,+t+anu re o'ervire��nyyddrdrn',Jiir the c'nnorn' of the fbllorcGt, peas. S ,qr.<,.r.,anuc..,r✓.,.r„r.r,.m�.,:.,.'wd,.„,,,. ,. 1111',r,.1: ,nr,., i. SERVICE INFORMATION Cor,l I dZrvC:�" kn�r ( 0 0 (j 760E S / K A0ur t'i �rri'7c0/'S' Billing Information Nam. Addross State city ..... .. . . ..... . ... „ &Zip Contact Phone Email Fax wdh the Conunereild Arbitration no" I/n%t to ,form, q/ the •41ner•icon Arbilmb..I Association. The derision of tine arbitrator will he a final and hinding rsolalioa of the disatn•enrnenL which nlpv be enrered.as a judgwem by any -court of Coollonent jurisdiction. Neither party will sue the other where the hasis of the suil ix this sun roar} other than far enfurcvuumt of the arhilrnmr's decision. In no event will either parry be babfc to the other lbr unfircel special or consequential <Gnnages nr loss nfanficiputed projila. CANCELLATION, Either party may rearm'/ (hies Aitteemenf at any !fine with thirty (30) <hry reettlen nolke, :Ill outstanding bahuo:us, for ol, wces provided, +neat be pund in Juil npoa caudellarirnh. PROGRAM FEE. )'0ar i 1 scn'ic<• J2e, lndndote all required emth"w and devices, rs: S 9, l %s o4 ,t ` Ynur;(l;"tar-prograto Joe, which starts all VYl'rYK t b.... oth GC- 'C , 3i , is S Gr / 0 C) You will be inunic rd nn rt (7 '" haarym the<+rnnun[nfti Thiv t Ji'lr7 t renIfter ,)I sit ( pro,,;earn •,vill (nnlinur !hence%ter urn n n�inIIi to nnnuh basis moil rwratllyd in urifing 1+v either parry turd is a'uhject rn price ierereasis. (I'xa rant ,i J: at,;v end srvu,nr nor n , vvlr,• rynl'unn Iva Cnmmnr nofl ire Jmrpv.l, nt tLr „iv.,,r we,hr ens J , . ell urvnarry Arvr 'n'pLv,rnrvOr andndLnnnc) PAYMENT POLICY. Our pgyrruatt laew is net 30 upon the dine nJ' hwondog. TJrur ui(t lsr a ti?,i_11011•r Ibr.rll rtkrnratl drr<d.+'. 1,nrrev r'limgra in fhe sunhat u)' 1 `%.per rent. IN3d nunualfr, well le np flied mr unpaid halaneca' Deer 3(1 Ages Al3w etq'If bod �Casdr �.' wk P�Zredv Cn'd --7- ,Y, L /cl „1 L% Iauthorize Ruse Pcu Soimions to proceedwtth this wriccprogram. LIMITS Or LtABi LI'1'Y. C'acowner understands flat Rn.a• Pr•vt Solan". bandgo W under Ibis ;Igre,nlent is hnn[ed to providing a pent curro'ol ae, vice nnlr anill era nup•, Implied or' othelse 'wwe, cc RoPest SIduriona hLblr for peraoeo/ infurir.:v w Aatlmnzed by (" , mar Uxtc ol'Aulhotizaliun dmnagr W prr:vum', prtgn,rty, hirls, nnina(4 vegetation or mn• mhtm dmnuRr'r' /a )fi P./ Z. �f %� C�•� ��„J hrkno'ueriar bo aaot ann>equeolial nut lnrideatal donalevs, are>io !i'unr des iNQV"i'J] N serrotce Rum Pon Bolullow tftlbdily is .speehficatlp (anted to the hrbor and prudrteh Catsm real mt IPlcasr P: mil !ob Ti a neress'nry to elinnnal, co", pasts. NON-PAYMENT DEFAULT. Rose Prat Solulinru may hvonman• Iills el;rornrent rood .read the 'narould ..g halunec w colleernala r ''P'o' rat er mn recen•ed within.iie8• (GO) daysjr»ra ihu Jale of service. In the evrra tefal action iv ""'essay to colket onwhy die, Rose l'cst Solutions .shall be enodad to recover frean Cuslmner all reasonable c'034 of collection, including reasonable ai nrnuv's furs anal expenses. ,I adrlinon to the outstanding balance due. ARBITRATION• Cieoloner and Rose Pest Sohaimns agree that any conn»vela'v or claim beheeen Mon arisuig mtf ofoi rehang to Ihdr .vervice kgrveplenl will he .sealed e,cheavely by ar'hm'nlion. Such arbitration will be conducted in accordance Applovedd,, (Managor, Rant Nn Swo'iionsl D,ae of Approval Quoted by Datc of Quote THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS TSmithereen Smithereen Pest Management Services, Inc Pest II//a!lageBBt�lFt Services 7400 N. Melvina Avenue • Niles, IL 60714 (847) 647-0010 - FAX (847) 647-0606 Your Partner for a Healthy Environment Email: ssseifert@smithereen.com www.smithereen.com www.smithereen.com AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES In consideration of the Client's promise to pay as hereinafter stated, Smithereen Pest Management Services, Inc agrees to furnish pest management services to the Client named hereafter for the Target Pest(s) listed below at the service address and under the conditions hereinafter stipulated. BILLING NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE CLIENT CONTACT PHONE #: Fax #: Email: Lii�3ilai�[iPi CLIENT INFORMATION NAME ADDRESS ZIP CITY EVANSTON SERVICE CONTACT PHONE # FAX # Email: WORK SITE INFORMATION CITY BLOCKS TARGET PESTS RODENT SERVICE SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS SERVICE CITY OF EVANSTON 2100 RIDGE AVE. STATE It. ZIP 60201 CARLCANEVA 847.859-7831 847.448.8134 CCANEVA@CITYOFEVANSTON.ORG FREQUENCY OF SERVICE 1 TIME PER WEEK AREAS TO BE SERVICED PER VISIT RESPONDING TO ALL RODENT REQUESTS RECEIVED THROUGH THE 311 CENTER ON A WEEKLY BASIS. FIRST SERVICE CALL IS TO BE SCHEDULED NOT LATER THAN OPEN CHECK IF GRAPH OR INSTRUCTION SHEET IS ATTACHED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS THIS IS A CONTINUOUS 6 MONTH CONTRACT FOR THE ENTIRE CITY. ..•\. i1_.i.1._ •1 INITIAL APPLICATION CHARGE $18,000 OR $3,000 PER MONTH ARE NOW DUE, BUT MAY BE PAID AS FOLLOWS: The initial charge upon completion 1. Smithereen agrees to render the service described above and as many other calls, as it deems necessary to control the Target Pests providing timely payments have been made. This agreement specifically excludes all and any pests not indicated under the Target Pests above. 2. The initial term of this Agreement is for one year from the date hereof and it shall continue in full force and effect after the initial term unless cancelled by either party upon not less than 30 days written notice. After the expiration of the initial term, Smithereen reserves the right, upon sufficient notice, to modify the cost of the services at any time 3 This Agreement is contingent upon strikes, lockouts, or other labor trouble and war, fire, flood and other contingencies beyond the control of the Smithereen. 4. It is understood by the Client that pest management services may involve the use of toxic substances and that Smithereen assumes no responsibility or control over the hazards involved in the use of these substances beyond reasonable care in their application. 5 Smithereen assumes no liability for any property damage done by any pests prior to, during or subsequent to any treatment by Smithereen. In any event, the full extent of Smithereen's liability under this Agreement shall be limited to the services charges paid under this Agreement subject to any applicable Statute of Limitations. 6 Smithereen reserves the right to modify any terms of this Agreement where performance of treatment may result in violation of Federal, State, or Local Rules and Regulations or Industrial Practices or Labeling Instructions. In witness whereof, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed by their authorized representatives, the day and year hereinafter mentioned. Smithereen Pest Management By Scoff Seifert Client Title R Corporate Account Manager By (print name) Signature Date Title/Co. `Authorized Date Signature Date (For Office Use Only) Cust. No.