HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Alley Paving Project�_ _® vcryoto Evanston EXHIBIT N CONTRACTOR SERVICES AGREEMENT The psties refereoeed hoo in du ire to enter into an agrccment for professimial seavices for RID 12-146 2012 PAVING OF VARIOUS ALLEYS THIS AGREEMENT' (hereivaRet infected to as the "Agreement") entered mho the, _ day of 2012, between the City of Evanston, an 11harde municipal corporation with OEM locabc) at 2100 Ridge Aeceuq Evanston ihaois 60201(hereetafter teferod to as the"Cft,"), and Aeure Inc., with offices located at 556 County Sine Road, Bensenville, Ilbnoia 60106, (hereinafter tefcucd to to the "Contratot') Cnmpcnsation Eto "Cmrmrnsatiori') for all basic aerviecs pen,idol by the Contractor pum t to the terns of this Agtccme d shall not encced 5592,lH2.50. CONTRACTOR SERVICE AGREEMENT Rovisioa October 2011 '1'ABLE OF CONCF,NTS 1 Strcv and Duties of the Contactor ... .. .. .. ....................... ....... _..... _.3 2 Standard aaihoaboas.._................... .............._..... ... ... ....... ._.. _.__........6 3 Mrbtional ScrviccdChange Orders ........................ ..........._.......... .__...........9 4 Bonds...... ...... ]1 5 Liquidated Damages in the Rvcnt Contractor Pmis m Go540e the Work... .. .. ._12 6 The Qty's RvrPonsblhticc.............................................. .......... 12 7 Pmod ofSo Mw.-........_.............._.........................._........................ _... 12 8 Paymort for Services and Reimbursements_ .......................... .._..............13 9 Not=and OodTemnnxtion....... ............._. .........._........__..................... 14 10 insurance .................. _.............. ... . _....................,................. 15 11 lndoraaifi. tMn..... .. ......... ... ...._.............. ....... . _. A7 12 Dxavnngs and Documemts....... .. .. .................. .... ...... ..... ...... .... is 13 Succcssommid Assigns........ ._........... ..__._..................._............ 18 14 Force Majcum........ ... _................ ...._.... ...... ... .......... ..... .. ..... IS 15 Amenlments and rslodifications.. ......... ...... ...... ... ..... ...... ....... .......... ....... 19 16 Standard ofCarc A Warranty ......... __............... ......... .. ...... _............,19 19 Savings Cla1ssC................... _................ ................................... .....20 18 Non-Wawuof Rigbts. __ _.._......... ._ ..............._........ ........ ... _. _..20 19 Eatuc Agrceccmit .................................. ................ _.............. 21 20 Govcming Law ... _..._.........._ _. _................_ _..............................,. .21 21 Ovmeabip of Contract Documents .......... ... .... _................. ..... ..... ...._.. 21 22 Nonce ._............ .._................. .........._............... ... _.. ......21 23 Scverability,. ._. ....... ... ....__............. .... .. .. ............... 22 24 SxsemboaofAgr«m at ..... _...................... __..................................... '22 25 Covarcr7arts.......... .. __.............. __...._...... ..,....... ......... ..... ... 22 26 Autbodsabons... ..................... ......................... .._.. ............. 22 27 TnneofEmeace ..__ _. ... . v 22 CONTRACTOR SGRVICF. AOREEMENT RECITALS WY.BRLAS, and expericared contadw for the following BID12-10 2012 PAVING OPVARIOUS ALLEYS WHEREAS, (his Agreement shall amludcths fielowhrgdo sun nh whichare atlachodhnuo a) CityofGvanston Bid#12-146 Atacbat as Ecbtbtt A. b) Conhadoi s response to B1D # 12-14! atwcficd as Exhibit 8. c) Any subcouhactm subruntracts related to 0us Apecmem, attached as L'IdAtC d) Ptolnet per Schedule and hourly rates, attached as Exhibit D hy'alpro,alloa ) NOW, THEREFORE, m cons,doessou of the mutual wymants beremafln set forth, the panic agrcr as follows. 1 Somers and Duties oftlec Contactor 1 J The Cornrador'lall perform proliess ns! ""a.$ and ""eh, octripnoW (the "Work") m accordarsewith Uslava A, A, C =1 D. The Cownseor rctom the right to controtthe newer of upse of the services powided for in the, Apecnknt and a ao md,.dcut conttactor and not agent or an (anployes of the City. Ali empAyces and sdenothactors of the Contractor shall Ido wise not be swullcrad to be employees of the City Cnnlmaor is solely responsible for thcmcans and mrtlmds ufall work performed under the term eftha Agreement fir this Project ('Yhe Prodcef') Contmclormanmdepcadmt Contractot mid isschelymsponasbleforall taxes, withholdings, anal other statutory m conhadual obbgabons of any son, including hot not limited to, Workn s Core emotion Insuanco. Nsthing in lbu Apecmcat accords any, thhd-party beneficiary ngbts whatsoever to any unn-party to ties Agteement that airy non-party may seek to enforce Contactor acknowledge' and specs that should Contractor obits subnmlaclors provide false informavory or fail to be or amain m compha se with this Agrecrrrq the City may void this Apccmcnt 1 2 The Conladm warrants and states that a has read the Contras Documents, and agrees to be bound thereby, mcluds, all perfonnaws gea,sAl,s as respro(' Contractor's work and allmdcmnityandmsurnan," ro.w.lxtilContractor furthtl aRvms that ttbaz vrsrfcd fbelSodtttsrtr. and Work d Aoblharwrtb all do,th castors Many,endaes, will, salbeet to the➢perAmt Bo Work ad its full ubone under th» Agreement in acwrdaacc with told sublcct to the Cornact Uomnrents to the full extent that each such proviswn s applicable to the Work ifAPplrcahlc: Concession shall take necessary precautions to properly protest the Work of ofhers, dany,@omdamagccaescd by opcati w under this AgrccmcnL In addition,(enacts, shall protect the Work durmg normal or adverse wcathn eandNons until the Brunel rs ono lete and arceptat by the City or until Contractor has fully rompleteli es work order th,a Agreement CONTRACTOR SERVICE AGRUMIENT accepted by the Cityorunttl Covnaaorhas Cullrcompbtwl ite workvnder iWs Agreement contractors obgations include, but are not tinned to, placing and adinav ely maintaining at or about UK site, sufficient gvazds, barricades, lights, and caelosmes to protect the work 1.3 The CoutractorsheMnot have any pvblicnrpmazcurterestami ahxli not aojuircdssect�vox iebroully any such interest which comiets in any mariner with the Performance of its smices Under this Agreement, 1.4 The Contractor stall dcsisadc, inwnarto a person to net as its Project Manager for the work to be performed order tins Allotment, Stich peso t shalt have complete authority to iraratrmt agrsutioes, receive information, iderprUaud tool Scanlon; whhrespcU to the work covered by this Agreement 15 The CONracto= shall emploYody persons dulYliceaecd by the State efMhOK to Perform ihcpro{ ssmal services required under tlas Agroamont for whch apphcublc Illinois law rumors ahaare% subject to prior approval of the Cry. The Contractor sba4 employ only well qualified persons to perform any of the remaming sources ralustxl under ibis AV cement also.subjea to prior approval of the City, The Crtyrur es the right to require replaccmert ofCoutractor, subwotractnr, orsuPPherperwmacl lit my reason Contx xor will replace the unacceptable personnel at no charge to the fifty For all solicitations or vivertisemarts yl byoronbehalfofContrWor for cvryloywe for this Pmjcet itwill late the the Contractor is an Fgvnl Opportunity Fuiployor. 1.6 pursuant to he lily gave av FreNom of Snfotm Act, 5 emm 1al br3), records m the by the Act ofothcmwhom the come scommand withinperformagovcmm (5) function days with by the Act and world to disclosure within moiled statutory ti UK City (five asnKiveworking days with a possible five Art Oogrnrstrgdayc-twamor Uponnot5can Itfromthe Citythatitoral rthe�vMaNnedomor Worptlyno Aa nlrequ that calls for records within the City mayws plyconwith the he e nst withhor in promptly Unovidee, The krand(heCtard records tothc(.lrysothattarn Citymaywith remodsiwt wnbintto he requiredmOa:midwhoe Clr tondthe Comruaorshallcodisclosuemanato to Ofoxb rasoowhat recerdamesrvol, e suchngle, Centimeter shag ofnotany and usamonst to City from against ail beor partng frontier rontier apphcacar Contractor shalt indemnify and de£ ud the n C from and against ail chins arising from the Citys carnations oral pl daceby th City with an which t a duccli may designate as proprietary or wn5delor o C Attorney by cis major with an or with or a encaivo from the Il . h Atbac Access Counselor or the Attorney Crucial under FOIA, or wrth»dcrosien or order ofCovrtwnaluriNiUion over the City, shall not be a violation of Gas Section iT Jhu Cnniraaor shallObtain Pilot appmvtiman ihe City Pilot to subrontrecliny, with any rnmy or person to pMbnn the City work rrgmrW voila this Agreement The ct and apparent r may, upor ro{the ofthexrom City,f such to the Qm nt aftA ypwviously agreementsifrCwror tho a ndmoreatalprioe to the d as Ieddl nt such en agrecme¢r Any previously y of (b into intlic" to be per agrecmruderfifs) are Agreem as the oult i If tltc Connnetnr subcontracts any of rbe .services to i e pre rmcd ruder this Agreement, tall ton be agreement shall prov:dc that the services to be perfofto a undar anyusing agreement vo shall not be sublet, sold, tmtrsfrsxcd, ale Coin or or stwrsc disposailne"iwi onto anoint enmy or persouwifhuvt the Ciiy's pnorwnttcnronscnt The Comractorshtll hcrespombic for the actuary»nil CONfRACTOA SERVICE AGAEBMLNT be resp rasblc for the accuracy a¢d quality of any submmractor's work. L8 The Contractor shall woprraty fully with the City, other City contrucfors, other manicip ili ies and local government o$csals, public utifity cumpirsam and Slane, as maybe directed by Ure City This shall mcludc attendance atmeetings, dvsausrons and hearings as malowned leytbe Csty.This cooperation sball good to any invectigam m h amatips or meetings careened or uumutd by OSHA relathwur this Project, as necessary. Conmactox shall woperatemtlrtbc Citysuschaluimganhperfomdvg its Work to awadrinflict, dclaymiu marf rnca with the work ofofde,ifany, at the Project. L9 The Contractor ackmowlalam that ¢shall enforce and comply with ail apphcabic Compational Safety and licalih ArlmmiatTaLonslandaNs (OSI/A) forthis Project metfect as o£ibcdatc of The exerahon of ties Agnancnt, or as otherwise perewigatwl by OSHA is the mane taking cffxt Boring the pendency oftias Pmlca Contractor ebaU eeSorcc all such standards and cmwro eompliana Tarnow as to its own agents and ariplmame and as to the agents and employees ofany subcontractor thmugliout tlrccomsc oftbrs Project. Coutammrss s91c1Y racponsbtc for rnfrrcingawlmmplymEwithall applicable safety standards avid rrgsmrmcnts on Rhs Pmh ct, and is solely rrsponsble br wonting any practices orproc lures Much do not comply with the applicable safety standards tMrcqu'vevcnts forthis Project. Specific safety requirements applicable 19 this Project arc ad brN as stems harder below [rf appropriate] Addnronally, suchsafctyrcgnucmrnL sfiailbemadc aparto£any snbrontrxctor»grcearnt (Alf protect City a c Gent requir u whsch nave should n the we an vidisr, rind annual, said laments the City and Conte tot for this P Ject should 1 rence on atwched protect manual, said manual being designated as F hint _ to this Agreamant 110 TUc Covuactor sfiallsvbmitto the Cityxpmgress report each monlhtlus Agrccmrnf ism effea. The report shall salads the following items: a) Asummarynftbc Contmctor'.rpmlect artivvha, and any suhcnntr:ulorprvjcaartinncstiv,t fiavc taken place during the invoice period; b) Asmmarang the wait anel, a�iwilics and;my suhw¢hart9ryrolect actirit a, that»all take plant during the na+ u: period, c) Alsst ofou{staystivg items due to or fromthe Car. Anil d) Astatvs ofihe Prolu:t«lsdulc t 11 Tlrc Contianor shall purf rm the work raryvrd uvricr rho Agrtcmcnl pvnvavi N high quahtyindustrystandacds capcced bythe Crty'Chc ContmctoxshaU upP1Y f rvsd rttcivc allappxopnatr permits before pa formsng .my work rn the Cn y.'f h9 Cnntraclor shall also prowls the appr9 pna[r perm Cdriatywwiniglls»fsosrrA the Contractor twowithhhr obtainunnpn, the e appeope,atel uildimnand criogbhht-of-wayypthemPrnsjpA Tlu 7.1I. Tht Cnntractoc shall prov:dc dcawinbs oFrccord,mthe folivwsng3 clatmnio formals for allaml by wls SecquipmW has Auto Cad Vcamd/otw7, "View And PDFed Tiwcicslcnmc finnats rcgmrcrl by this Section 1 1) arc Auto Cad Vasiov J.00'J, ArlVscw and PDF CON'I1t ACTOR S�RV ICE. A(iRF.EMC1Sf 1.13 Contractor xccopAisvw (tut proper cicauvp avd rcrvoval of mrutrvdinn dcbrs is an hnpnrtant safety oval of all camitrantion Tbc Conhaaorshall accordance Cicfor proved nshvchmrsaclama Cl>mmp and xcmoval of all spersiblefor iderdclati in aand unmet With Cis oxmirovcd disposal praUices. and wdo shall besolelyxcsponrate firidentifywg and rcmovmg stirs expense allhazazdnvs rrrazmsl and wactr which rt tees and generates. I lA To Ure e✓aent that thmc is any wnfliG betwecv a provision sIt iv thus Atgermenf, with a pociwoon specified m any of the other Contract Dreumeri a, as defined in position 1.15, this Agrecmmd shay control. The Cityand the Contractormay amend this Section 1.16 as pro'oiby Srmov 15 hcrcin below The GOnllACIOr aclmowlM&es and agwrs that the C1ty has no rUamcd control over ayy of the Work donopursnon[ to this Alpeemumt, and that the Cny is expressly exrmpt from the rMainW control exrcption as drefinW in the Restatement of Torts, Sccoml, Section 414, Tbmc provision shall sorava rnmplehon tomb pion, nr taimmatioa of this AM ocment 115 The Conhatt Documcmis for tivs Prolcct wncist of a) This AWs U, M: b) Themodi emmnsiQ.»M theplans, spaa6cafrons, general wndilions,dwwinge addct:da and moidoiam7srespons c) 'be Othrmdnibtvr'srscbrmcto the RFp/RFQBid: d) Other schWamhaa Documed ents, Zmis Agrccmcut; c) Amrndmevts m Other Contract re AUc uts, d any, and 1) Amcndmevts/Modrfications to thus Agrccmrnt rrsucd after execution iherrn£ 1 IG Asa condition of reeeiviog pages w Contractor must (a) be m es ofpr vice with the. Agreement,clupay its ic wroyccsimarnilivg omegas wvalowben ars][ bywashing, law(8xamat Mofprovmlingwsgc ogdmiricr seMecpubhcworhs,pccsc lcrvitnrial,wn:doomand foog,bmldoa).Cnroundris mspmaaile tochninan uatmalru+nmcesor21s,secvritywhNaudfodscry tes). Contmctorsrespmsstblc for Casaleacnitainning 00mpli lles is with oading �l'/-'1smunimahtii), (m) w sr nt to sasNcnartmcnl/doUmdcxiitm rnmeterms with prespectgwogs mmi,a d(w)povi pay ate svppliert e subuistropwat according to the toxins ofthcirtcspcciwcwvtracts,aud(rvlpmvidc hcnwaivcrsto the Cttyuponrcgnot 7. Standard CcrtiScafions Covnactoracimowicdgcs aMagrccs that compbanctwithfhs scciionacd cacirsubsca+ou for the rm emthe Craftsman s i ins c m mq ce witht and women of this Agrmmcnt. 4y executing this AV ccmrnt, Contractor certifies wmplianccwiih8us srntonaod mach subn�dion and sundcvnwntircvmg obligation to remain in nomplizat" and report any non comphanee Tbs svcimn, avd each subsecfio0. appba to sohusnimetors used on thisAgeemevt Contractor shall include these Stadard Cerm;e ons in any swinimpact used in the porformame of the Agrroment CONTRA(:70IZ SL'RViCF. AGRRL1v1RN P the Agreement If Ibis Agreement e#cnds over multiple fiscal yoam, Contractor and iw subwntarkors shall the Coy and to an event farar Jihemznver aml format ad tbiaineibydie remains in a tided by the C5ty and m no cvrni lain than January 1 o£caeb year bad Ibis Agreement ranaias in effrct Sfthc CAtY determines that anycertificatinn iv Ibis section is not appl cabicto thus Agradi ll may he stricken, subject to approval by the City, without affcaiog the remaining.sibsodm rt. 2.1 As part ofmch certificatmn, Contactor acknowledges and risers that should Contractor or its svbcontractnzs provide file 3a5xmatioq or fail to be or remain in c arpli.meo with the Standard Codification ream ucmords, one of more of rise following sanctions will apply • the Agrcuarnl may be vod by opaaliou of law, • the City may void flip Agreement, and • Contractor nod its subemtracton maybe subject to one or more of the, following woponswn, debarment, denW ofpaymont, evil fide, or madnal paialty. 22 9y simur; this Agrruvicnt, the Conlmulor Yxedfles that it has not becnbaaN from bang warded a aamaet with awat of Slate or local Government as a result of bid ngghig or bid rotating or tender off rsF not has it made any admission of wall of such conduel that is a matter ofpunhe record. (720 ILCS 5133 L-3, r, 4) 23 To the eventofthc Contactoes nnnmmpliancewithanyproNsronofSabon 1-125ofihe Evanston City Code, the Illinois Ruwar Rrgbfs Ad or any other apply ablclaw, the Consuiwat may be declared aomcsporaddlernd thcc Sorciuchgfblcforfuhuc contracts or wbcontracts with the Cry, and am wntraa may be cancelled nrvoidal in whole or it pan, and sect®r nihcr sawdams or penalties maybe nnposcrt or ranediuss invokul is provided bystam(c or regulation. 29 Dimng the farm offsAgrccmoart, the Contractor egrets as Wllowa a) That it will not drsa'iruh tcagamstanyavploywor appiicar,t Aremploymcntbccauscof color, rrhgioq sex, sexual orie¢whoq mazrcat status, nafionaloripn or anu:stry, nr age or physical or Formal dewi•ihtics that do not unpav ahifity to work and fonhcr that it will cs.vmnc all job dassifrca kee; to Mammon if minority persons or women are rmdrrutiLud and will take applopnate affirmative Yellow to rectify any swb imderebinalion C nsuitaof stroll wmply with a0 i cquvcmaits ofCity of Evanston Code Section 1,12-5. b) That, in all sohalalions or advertisements foxemployecs placed by it on its bcholf, it will statclapplicanmwill be atfixdc-0ryvai opportunity without discrinvnation because nfrace,rewlor, rebtnon, sex, scxvatnnrn[ation, maritai status, va4oval origi¢, ancestry, or disability CONTRACTOR SERVICE A(iREE?✓iRNT 2.5 The Contractor certifies p+muant to the Minnie Hnmaa Rights Act (775 MC:S 52105 At sag), that it bas a written sexual ba assmcnt policy that aeludcs, at a minimum, the following �rfomatinq a) The fell ofocxual bamssmrmt b) The definition ofse;oud baasss gnat under State law; e) A description ofsrsral barassmcat oilismg examples; d) The Contraetor's internal wmplort Process including pena7Ges; c) Legal rocoursc, investigation and compLamt process available thrcougb the Illives nenmtnems; ofxwraa [lights and the Ihwar Rights Commission. and directions on bow to contact both, and t) Protection against tUalulioa as plendded to the Department of1herran Rights. 2.6 to accordance with the SteelProducts ProcurcmcetAct(30 ILCS 565), Contractorwarfihcs reel products mtW or suppled mthep procreation ofa contract forpubhe works shall be manufactured or proctorial an Cho U.S unless the City limits an c naption. . 2..7 Contractor torches; that it is pridemlyfonncd and existing legal entity and is a Ierablrbas obtained an ssaumW name certificate fromthc appropriate andairry, or has registered to coWvabwmvss in Illinois and is in goad standing with the Phnoia Serrconfe ofMAO 28 3 f Contractor, or anyoidan, tureens), pointer, or other nvnagcrialag®tofCnrhaaor. has been convuhed of tclowicel t the Sarbaars-0olcy Act of 2002, or a Class or Class fclonywder the Illinois Soinim ics Law of 1951, Cuntmctor certifies at least five years have passed since the date oftbc conviction. 2.9 Covtraeme candles tbat£morc favorablo wrote are greeted by Coutmctm to any sitar governmental costly in any state in aront mporanenus agreement let ander the same or o larfancial tenere and cncirmatanws for sompzrabls supplies or servrces, the more favorable trims will be apphorldc under this Agreemerel. 2.10 Contractor condfirs that it as not delm9umt in the payment of any fines, fiansc damages, or debts to the City ofEvareton. 2.1) 'Phe Contractor ccrtibes that all Design Prof sionds pefinnning the work Order this Agreement will ensure that the Project shalt be dcengned an wnformanrs with the Americans with DisalObbcs Act of 1990, 42 U S.C. Section 12,101, rfseq, and all regulations promulgated hawrdsr. Design Profsmnal mcaos aus individual, snicprnpriclorslup, Arq PaM .bip,lointvmtwc,cmporatioq profsional corporation, or olber Cntity0ut oftrs services rmdec tlne lfovs Architecture pradim Act of 1989 (225 RCS 305n7 1heProfsloral Lngmecrwg Piactwo Actof J 989 (2.251LCS 3250, theft rucmral Bvglnning Licensing Act of 1989(225 ILLS 3400, or the Motor Aofvssional Land Surveyor A of 1989 (225 hLCS MI) 2.12 1'he Contractor shall comply with all Worth, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, roles, regulators, orders or other legal regmr mints now in force, or which naybe m force during the CONTRACTOR SrRVICr AGRCEWNT 8 t'nofthi Ayeemcnt TheGAtranorxballwmplyw'ahtl+elilmn RumaaRiyh45A,775p.CS511- 101 ct..req, Title VIT of the Civil Rrghts Act of 1964, and die Illinois Prevailing Wagc Ad, 820 ILCS t3 AUI ar srq. 3 Additional Services/Change Orders 3 l Ifthc represcntatrvcofihe Crtyresporublc £oxthe Project vnbaUyramc+tsthe CovtMcfor to perfem, additional an,Pra, the Contract., strait confirm in wxhue that Ube s r loss base boor xnAcdod and tbatnrch sdvmA no addnienal scracus. FaRemoftbe City to resexal to the (Aontractor's wnfirestion of said services vshbal thirty (30) Wendar days ofreenpt ofthe ndbee shall be darned a rejection of, and mind to pay fix the additlond smdc,s Contactor sbad not red.. any additional tba Citty until Canned, bAN fi approvalolaire areonalservices iv writi.g Jfautbor¢edmwritiogby wb City,theepaidor shall Cityas,ox And,ifrom.for9otmaAgoos,sloes of the following types, which shall be paid for bythc City as sot forth m Swt:on 9 ,fibs Amwmeot: A) Additional Scrncv due to siprdessi t cbangas in swpc of the 0.3,, or As d,,ago m.:hud;ng, but not hmital to, Along, As size, compoolve.rcharattcroPwrafruction, er Lima delays for wmpled.a of -ark be. snob delays axe bcyord the earlml o£ the Covtralrre h) Foromn. of previvvsly appmved shnliee. reports, dodge d.dArents, drawiogs or spedHcatronn A) PecteravonofdctadM rerd'ings,exhibits or scale models for the protest; d) Invarehati.n avolving dreaded wmrd'atiou oforcmnons,roduxenance aM overhead axprmces for the p otnedwnof dell atules, carvings and ca,PAA,,,,ddd,, fcasbrbty Sudles, appraisals and vanstaoss, detailed gv.,ty son," of material and later, and material audns of irveateds, "'Pond for c Irmd on of to, "'sent cnwtruction performed by the City, e) Services not othervise ptovidod for m this AgssonAd 3 2 no Cny may, upon sailor, n.hcy and wrthent invalidating this Agrw amo, rcque, dungas mashing in 0m mmson or abandonmcet of work already reef anal by the Conn don, or reasons otled al ones ofthc w0ds%A ongwaUy wntemplat dAndfor winch idll eampensanon n not provided in anyP.Nonofthis Ast onfout. Any addilionals,,a , aband,.f,ofsrnuawtichwttc au a izw by the City, or rI n,, s in scrviocs denied by the City wbwh,,sadt in the revision oftlee swpc ofarraAr promdrrl for or F,xhbn A, A, C, and U that was, the total Con nonseon Are C dtaactnr under re, Agrcomcnt to exccd;.2t1,000 or Morn, or mcrwse or drooresn fhr eadvact duration byrrrom lhan30 days am Valsod to approval by the Evanston City Conned. These actions moat beadrhrscd eltha in a written 01-11, Ord' or In awnn- ameadand to this Agreement appM d[ by both parties, 3 3 Content, aclmowlcdgcs and ngrws that the Public Worts O A t.,A A Chang, Order Act, 5011,CS 52511 at Aq shall applyte all Change Orders for the Project it is expresalynans oodn, agrmdh In by Contractor that it shall not be se"orl it, any damages or Compensation free nn illy on aununt ofdclay or susprnciono£ail or any pat ofthc Work Conracnr aclmowlcdgs that delays arc CONTRACTOR SEMCE A£itiRFMENT xrknnwlcdg,that decays arcirlw t.weirsensioo projects and ConlraGoowasealtharnisk xad folly anelada3 thatokasscs reMitWn:trwntractsumspm5ed in Its Acslomcto the CiIYRJrPW'Q/➢al for this Project lb, City shall not wmpeosate Contractor for ,it that is more di6mrlt thantbn contract sum spocifie t inita Rcspou=c would ra leat Delays to wmorportionvoftbcNworkwMaotbeeligtblef r eztcostonsoftime. Delays to the traph, Caosalb ial, fa meta, on a wbs i, will not be esnole for an rcleta po of Project, or involving trades not aRec[wg the Pmjwt as a whole will not be eligible for an cxtcvsion of how This City will not grant on worrion of time for a may by the Coutta sion's wabdity to obtain maicrixt wlestbe Contractorfvst firmishe to the Ctity dowmcntazyproof. Thcpmofmusnhepmwiled in x timely manrnT in accomdzow with the se pence of the Cootmotnr's operations and au:epted wratruction sebW.Ir In addition to any other ,bore, nagn oted by City (as dcstabed m Scetroe 3 1 and 3 2), the Company ,ball be rntatlal to rrquest (and the Cllymay grant) Chnnge Orders with respert to (a) the Chy�,usadl dclayw; (b) Change ja Law; (c) Force Majcure Events The foregoing events shall entitle the Contraaorto acbaagc br the C ropenlattnn6r thaw Pro)r*x, iflheContrpd rdconespet,thatttwn)unavoidably incur reasonable wins as aroot tharatfand the Contractor provide wasonablc aM detadal docurncnterysnpport with respat to anysueb Piro, impact Tbc parties agreo to nessonibly000ppor rcgardiag any such dicpntes with re➢cct to the vswuanw of's Chan, Order. Any payment for wmycnsablc delay will only be based upon zonal casts sncludwg, without nootion, what damages,,fany, the Contractor maylaverepti nahly avoidol Thc(bntarxor unda<ti n is that that is flaprob, basis for neovcrbrg delay damages and axphcitly waives any dgha to oalwlate daily damages for office ovishcad, profit, or otiur pnrportai loss, All Contractor Change Orders anthorva) under this Becton 3 shall be mado in wooing In romutmg a Change Order, the Contractor must hint show in writing that (a) The work was outside tho wipe offlus Agnownevl, (b) ncocat. work was not made nrcassary dun to any Galt ofContratlo,, (c) 11c rnrwmstarces said to nee,phate, the charge m prrformme, were not reasonably fonea.,blc at the tine the Agcoment was stgnat, (it) The cboo ow germave to the original Alwasent; it (c) Tbc Change Order iw in the best interest ofthe City and authonzel by law COr`1TRACTOR SERVICE AGREEME14T 10 AayP«sonwho fails to fi.tobtrmthc Chy'swriltwauthotizatoa fora CbavgoOrd«u�utsa Clase4felnny The writlw d«rnrdnafionavd0samttw CTangc Ord«re Wtiug fmmtbatdetnm"ntation shall be Preserved in the n rdradsfile ebich shall be opw to the Petits, for inspection. The Cityreserves allrisMsand on us or ofacllov, @ffiwor aluity, to seektokovs egaha4 endues or persons wbo violato the no shcnem, of tbie Section 3. By fiir-ling below, C -tract. hereby ackoowlalges that it is bound by tlJs^�Sterna 3. Cnmaeomsbutialn: 34 The Gonlraote, is equirtil to Bmtode the City OfEtualmras a reference wbuuvo end whatmontheC oftmkm provudes oderwocs for sms projeels for a period ofono(1) year 6omthedate offing Acuptwce by the Cityofthe Work for this Prolog. 4 Bonds 4,1 Before theSbehdod Coushaeton Cn®e umwt Date, IN, Counselor in re, wed to fiunLsb unwndatonnl perkmeeme add payment funds in the som ura of I Io% offbe Compwsazion m a«urity fort he buthtl performance and cto drtionofalltheCmdarfor's obl(Sations eMwthe Contract INmoru, and oovaiogthe paymw[ofell mataeielsused or the pMmmmcc ofthsApyanneN sad fix all labor and eavices urbatend .he Sea Agmemwi M Bonds shall he issued on a formm-Ttable tm the aty. The bonds meet be for the nob. I. oftbe AgeememL Fa oar, to pmvidc tbae bowls sbnll constGute abtench ofCoNmetox's obligerm, undo due Agrvanwt. EachamelypmWdmglhe Bonds must bavc a Best's rating not less than A+and be burled m Ehwis and shalt be named is the cunmrc hst of ,re,o, ies Holding Cett6ontn, of Authority as Acceptable Snuck,, on Eed«ai Bonds and as Acceptable Reineuriog Companies" as pub6shol utaneash r570. pubheb,d Inthe Pod«al Register and avnilabl, on the wubsdo of the, V.S. Department ofthe Treasury, tuna mat Management Semee, at www.6ns All Bonds aagaM by m agent most be accomenwui by acerl5al spy ofbes other authority, to sal. It sballbe the dulyofthc 3entm tOrto advise the sureyoxmrethe of vs, Choage Odors that moult be se maease to the Compwsatmw-1 to «utae that the arrmunts ofthe Bonds me opened to m6wt and aver my sualr mrreaus throughout the crusteftheProje The east Of mob Bonds shall be wcludal within tu+Compcwaton. 4,2 1Ite soraybehind anyBonl fumiabod bythe Cmor aoris d«land bmknoptorbuvms insolvent or ns right to do business in terminated in the State or it ceases b muse any of the squimmeots of this Caotaa, the Conlraaor shalt, within N days thereafter, substitute another Boad afsquuvalwt talon andsmety,bag, ofwbich mustbex.,table to the Cly. In oldown, noharbor pmgcsspxymwis under the Agreement edh be made by the City until the CoNramm umphcl with the provisions ofthis A,,,,mut. The Cn,m m aba 6aninh W fl, Uy pumfof.W rcqutnd booms and pmofofrop ted inmemw as one ofthe undnim, president to payment undo the Agreement Upon the, rquast ofany person or tatity appeurn,e to be a potential bumficauy of bonds wv«mg payrra t or pwtormaoce of obligations answg under the, Contaa, the 0antroom sboll promptly famish a copy of the bonds or m,borize a ropy to he Inn isbed All'surety Bonds provided for in this Section sbatl incorporate by rofereme this Agreemnt, and xnylanguage that maybe is my rub samety1fond whist, waf➢cts mithom CONTRACTOR SERVICE AGRIIEIW T be in any sucb surety Bond wbiob conflicts with the provisioes of this AV remain that define the scope of the surctyl's) drnybac) stallbe of no force and cffut, 5 Liquidated Darnagrei to the L'yent Contractor Fails to Complete Eau Work 5.1 The partvs Wee that failnxc o£Gnhattor to Umcly complete the Work required by this Agcecmevt wnstimtes a default The Paribas agree that dris dcfaruh will remit in damage and jury to City The parties further agree, however, that actual damages inaurecd by City as result ofsuch def r4f t havontif�fd=ithave toned tarn foilhah esiboace day fer stynren nothe Accordiagto, ontrartior end (cgotiatod and tavcagrrch deft for chat Contractor win npay written as and rdcatubdo to Contractor and Covtmcter fart to rrucsuchdcfeult.lhnt CovnacJorwil7pay Chy, u andfrrliyuidatM damages, and Awasx. Cerra actor umoYd'oYd S y fo UcdetcrmFaed in; and fie hmaludra nftue Cityhefurc Award).Cees), if y, paidby thetheCityfor all costs,expenses andfens ecreed'my way, Container orneys' fees), re any. paid by the ParaCny ri mnnutha sort such tior Sc cites demand by City. (:order the stipWafes end agtocs that fhc rams payebk by C'oahac in under this kin 51i arc rca eardede onar any xm artragsexistingase recoverable byrt Citysdawdt the Thispmoes f51isnot in(ade the Work t ducat damages that rwy hcmwverabichy Cityrnlated to the Compazrys failure 4+wmplrxethe Work to ccordancc with tors Aomplabrn ate he he at carob aimpkhai Wnus if the Woe's re cumpktcd before }br, svbstamia] cramplchon date The City, at its option, may withheld 1:9nMatcd damages fiom progras pa}nncnk payabtc fo ConnactortcPore dhc substantial wmplctiov date 6 The City's ResPonsihihves 6.1 The City mayevrhande the Conrcactor.> and any subounnectiaesperfnrmanra(mrarrel and &at). Timeliness at muting the Prujecl schmido and the overall ielabernhip ent7r the Contractor uc factors tbat will be wn ieli ned in tide Comractor's performance rating, An uvtevot able performncc tabng tray he a factor when Sunni. a.,xy�mcufs arebeivg wnddured. G.l The 4lty makes uo reprusecntabon or+vanantyofanynabuewtnL Davis asto theawaacy by than birdies doeumrntazron provtdr tby thcl'ttyto the ConUanorwhichwercgcnumlW orprovidol by ttvd panics 7 Pcdod of Service 71 fire Contractor shall wmmenu work on the Project after supplying, Ure City with the Contractor's perfonnancc and payment bonds and ;ill r bun ul mtoonirc docwmnts before starting its Wrrk on ihu Proten Tht Citystall determine when the Qmtractot has corr ieletM the Work rcqu¢cd purraant to this Agrecmco andsball determimthe data ofFinal Acceptance. Contractor m(eg¢iew tune s oCthe cssenu rcgazdtng ita pMO>manu on ihxi Project Contractor abed narha c to pieform its obligalwns whilranydis7ut<cawxninp, the Ayrecrnrni u'hcang resolvwj, untass nthmvxscdaxtcd Iryllic CAy 72 lia<S Phase ofthe pmJrzt start) be completed in accordance with the acovities eatlraM in the Cny%BID N LZ - 146P;dubn A Pro7cct phnsc's mcindc CON'i'tL1CiOR SERVt(;F.AGRLEINN.1."P 1) ]2.1 As Spenfud�rkng Dnys +n SpeciulPrvvuians 8 Paymcw for Services and Reimbursements 81 Widuv the that flw (5) buylnss days ofcach month, lee Contractor shall invoice the City for Work wmphool during the pronous month The C vtractnr dead pmvidc a detailed invoice OW relayeabooiced aeres to the Contractor'sxespouseto Aid lZ - 1446 inbnihyvanUty slid wvtrast Any ducreparoi es in Urc oesid dyinvomc shall be prcmPdYbrorrgbt to the adrnton oftbe Connector by the CityProject Mariagcr lad efforts shall be made to promptly rasolvc said disanpevciesiMween tee City and Coratraotew lathe event the City land Counseor cannot resolve fiventil acpancia, does in degree will be rcmowd from the invoke and the CSty abet( aPProvc the reminder offlre invoice Payment willbe madr ac soon as possibfr 0llowing the CYIY Covvc9 meeting in wbmb the item appeared w [6ebills bat and in accon3xnce with all applecable laws lard rule: of the City of Evanston and the State of illmois. 8.2 In the event oftttmmatiov by fie CSty oftivs Agrcrnrcnt pvrivvant to paragraph 9 1 after wmpkbovof anypbascofificbasicsw+ccs, firs; duethc Contractor f rsrniccs rcudrswl through such phase sball wrvatiirtc Sralpaymart for svefi services, a¢d ro thrtfitt fres sballbedvrlo fhv Cntmpor.ln finevertofsrch Tenderedonfarben; of this eop Phxsn ofthebas+c completed the Contract or shwa be pad for scevirux renderat on the base of rile proportion of work rgmptAnd on the plane to data of lamination 8.3 The Citysbeabrland rigMtowHhholdpaymcntto for Covwithirdve to the quaiayofa portion or all oftkcwork p+zthrmod her is d e which to not m accorduwowillrthr rcymrcanents ofti+s Agreement, orw hereunder. uvsatisfaaory, orisdue to the Cotal caner cfailurenr sponfii to perform any*( rnd will not 6namdrr. Compwsstionw+ oftlis spcc+bulmthis ABrecmcnt wallnot befthis Aunlaslusfrbwtmthe Ciryfs hyar dgmcntandaatborvcde Cora cor is fieur Section 3 of this Agrecmcat Cmprnsatiov for improptt paformanu,iy t'ne Contractor is disallow3 84 Upon compL:von ofthc Work performcdby the Connxclnr, prior to ilres+armissionofa rrgvcrt for 4aa1 payment, tlm Cityand Cnhaaor shall perform a final acrcpfancc tat and rcviewofthc Work Perfoxmwl and/or oyuipmrrrt installed problem to the Agreement Ap+mch lust ofauns nutstacdivg will be jointly developed by the City and Contractor ]n addrtioq the ConimUm xiall n+brrnt d+aw+ngs of ccord fir the Played forthe City to approve The Controller shall promptly resolve all punchist items to the satisfaction ofthc Cay, and shall hansmit to (hc City inwriting wnfirmavontbat all foremast inters have bcem resolved. The Cliywdtrcaacw,and the Convector shill vurA to lhcsatisfulionofthc Cay Punchbtems and drawings mofoxdcifyor,t most belappeoveddleybe soy City prior to tile, Contractor inter ting its find inverse for payerrrt 85 The Covnaotordallsubwtan AffidavitaM afinatwaiverofikliw, and as Snaf waives ofiicrzs ofanysubwnnaanrs, supphcrs, avdvb�svbwntractors, ifaPPt;cablc,wah its5rslinvorcc. stafin8 CONTRACTOR SERVICE AGItEEtdENT uivin"i statiagthat all obligations incunai mpeMvatanwofthc profcssionxi serviczabavebernpaid m full- The Affidavit will also include a statement stating that the prof¢ttouat services was peefirmal m compliance with than terms of the Agreement. The AH3daW and all Seal lien waivers <W be on a form acceptable to the City. 8.6 All Project urvoiens shall be said to City of Pa nation: Engmeefing 2100 Ridge Avenvc Evanston lllmois 602,01 with a copy to: City ofUbansmn(Anyone else as rpLmbleJ 2100 Ridge Avranc Evanston, lilinois 00201 9 Notice and Cure/Tetttination 9.1 do Snthrraow ofContinued; 's Work on title Product, the City and the Comrrtor agree the the h1lowingNonoc and Clue provmo ain thus Smbon 9A shall applyduring the dumtionofContrectoc s work ono this Pmlcct, fit addition to tho rescrvvsd rights of the City rnumerated m flops Agrcesnrut as follows: 51 Liquidated Dmaithho 86. City'snghCs duty tboldpayrnent, 16.2 Contractor s duty to revue and wityt ermm: and I6.3 Contractor's dutyto respond to Clty's nohcc of crocus avdomiuinns The Citymxynotity Contrar nundice to Coto tr minatcthi: Agrecn:etwitldn('1) seven melon ardays of inum<cby lLc CnyofwritCitystice to Coca ysucsproject Managnrcgazdmbdcf mote Project or Contractor's Work. The r rips s Snietion 9.1. Cochncnco�l have the opor portunity in the Project in its notice to Contractor mtdrt Ws S+.tion 9.1. Contractor will have tfic oppnnvnRy to cure the nory such ounmg Wprkwi op (Ibcvca poiliu azdaysd completer no the Citicnnotioeussrcd N the sty. All such of 91 s work done shall br p� anal and completed to the s in S rtion coon Nothing in this Scclwp 9) shall otherwise aSin the Qty'.a ri jtt to exarisc its rights m Section 9,2, 9.2 The Cvy shall have fhc rip,7rt to tcmunatc this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days wdttmt nohcc for anyrcason Maihngofach notice shay be gnrvsicnt to persnnalnoticc and sbapbcdccmN to have hasp given at the time Of Variant. Payments made IV the City pumunt to Iles Abrcemrast azc subject to suthcicnt appropriations made by tlm City ofEvanston City Capped. In thecvmt oftetmination rrsullwg fromnon-appropriation or msrffnest appropriation by the City Council, the C5ty's obligations hereunder shall case and there CONt'liACTOR SF.RVICEAGREEMEIPT 14 cease and them shablic Do peiiahy or further paymevt required. 93 Within aunty (30) days oftcmunahonoftivsAgrcamenS the Commctorcball lumover to the Crtyany documents, drafts, mdmatesials, rucladiugbnt not limited to, outsandingworkproduch dais, studies, teal moulm, smug: doamimis, ADDCad Version 2 C7, ArtView, PDF, Word, Lzcetsperadshrats, tccbniralspccibcations and calculations, ardanyothersoch AcrossP rcaltyidcnnhn3 bytbe Cityrvtated to the Work herein. Upon missed of said items, the Contractor shad be paid for labor and genres other tf cheoparty is miasprovided inSection frkral TansArt of consume ttoaasmuariwby performing party rf prove party k icstraime by a state or tremor conu e cbittmD o Thejurparow t from perfommog thepmvisione theye Ageemwt.Upon andoft obeyealion, the IiahOitres of the panicsg this Agccmcvt shellceasF limsb y begoiltb ffie Coeni ofthe dup to event ofabommationo this tWovghibc <latcoftemimation. No lirnshallhcfOcd by the Cnntradoi sfor event ofaferminxtionofff,is Agrammt by the City 9.4 I( beoausc of death or any other occurrence, including, but not limited to, (bnfartor biwariang uno went, it becomes impossible for any principal or principals offbo Contractor to render the services; set forth cartels AapccmcnS neither the Contractor, nor ifssvrviving princepak sbadberchcved of their obiip hose to complete the prof siovai snort. However, in the event of such an occrerence, the City at its own option roay memrnatc this Agescussult ,f it ,s not t enshcd uvidDrce that comtocknt prof sional services Distant] be furnished as schedshot 9.5 in the seem ofaa cmcigcncy or threat to the hie, safetyor welfarn of the, citizens of the City, the City shill havethe night to tsmato this Agecureatwitboul prior wrinon notice 10 Inentalcc 10.1 no Contractor shall, at its own cxpcmwc secure and domain in Chad throughout the duration oftbis contract, unucance agamel chi = for wIDINS to pcmovs ordamagct to proptttywbid may mzse itom or m conncuvon with the Performance of Ihe. Work beaeundorby the Contractor, its agrnts, rcptacntmives, resployw» or subconbractors Contractor acknowledges and agrees that if it fails to comply with all r {nnemrnta of this Section 10, the City may void tie Agreement The battered car a must give to arc mly tboiftcs oft before c tdeirnfying ehc onds to tin o Additional t to City tar all Work doncpursvvni to tvs Agreement before City stah'rcrnmmandsawmd of il be city in cto Cltyeti with sections that conflict on Ore Cerlid this Sennett I"hall have City in wurydanu:with ttis Section that cnntlicl With the provis,ovs of this Sccnon 10 shall have no face and Died. After award o f llrc CovKncx to Contactor, the Contractor shall gyve the City a rerti tied u,py (ice) hunted onomemehcy(ics)broliceingihoaichica setmCrtY Section ttiOnandsisted ofifieArkdoarm murcralcndorsemcattosuchpolicy oat Which Hamafhe lily acan Additional Insisted for alAWorkdone p�rsuant to this Agreement befire to provisioor n oesthat any Work covens eaffordendent to this A theleb . Co ill not e ceni5ratcoEiasuranwshall utthway(30)d ysiontiat the cove,ag(hand affordedcodes or medsoo(s) w,dnothe canrdniorr luck without thirty(30) days prior wnttrnnoticc (hnntldrlivc,nd or rcP,isler� ma,dlo the CONTRAC 1'Oti SF,RV ICL A G12lEMEEiJT delivered or reQsstered Rapid to the City. ntraaor.eballpromPtb focwatdveweerl5rate(s)ofinsurawc evrdeirmF the eaverego(s) required bercm upon annual renewal o£tho subject policies Thepoboics and the Additional Insured endorsement must bcdelivemd to theOtywitiriv two (2) wccks of the ra)uest All insurance politics strait be written with iosurems mmpamc; licensed or autboriud to dolainum'es mthe StaleofIllmois and havingaratmg ofaot lessthan A-Vli msnAingto the A.M. Best Company. Sbonld any oftLc insmavice policies be canmled before the expiration date, on issising company will aril thirty (30) days written notice to the City The Conuredor shall require and v er* that all submun¢eto s r Bargain insurance mcetmg all of the requirements stated herein. Any dnlvntytcs urrelf-insured retentions must »edeclered to and appin by the City. At the option ofthe Cily, eWamrtbc ionocrsha imicuccor ohminatcsuchdMudbles or self i¢smcdretuNinwas respcars the City, its offsn,;' o%cads, employees and volunmm; or the Cou taMor shall provide, x bvasnaly srantecsatufaGery to firs Cnyguvanteninyp.ryanrvt of losses audiefind mvcstysatons,claim xdmimstrxnon and defense expenses )02 GxMrsnorsbsll carry ardmainlaiu,iota own maS wilh.surLsovy>amcsuucrcxsonably mescplablc to City allnxcssaryhabdttymsuravcc (wbichsbd mclude as an6nimpmthctryuv<mentssct fosuriagootactorSgrest ofttis Whichme¢t,Sr not goscausaloromcneina eer Conhactor, or msurvyg contractor agrurst claims Which may axisc otxt oleo rc5vk Gum Conixadpr's perf rmae>cr, or faobuc to performthc Smiccs hrxumda A) worker's mmprnsatiov higarromy limits and euipbeeires bit»dityiamranm in the amanvt ofat least five bundmd thousand dollars (5500,000); b) Conatimboodw gcncral lignity mvoiagc which deogsipac the City as an additional insured formal las than threcnvlbon doitars t$i,NtJ,000) u+mbisedsngie ivxutfoe bodriymjury, death and proporty damage, per montages; u) Comptehcnsive antioni hahility i esmanec civermS ownetl, nonawned, and Imed vehickn fir not loss man ono million do Ilars (S t,000, 000) enrasp eA single bmtt for bodily mjary, death, or property damage, per occmrmee, and Contractor midcnIands that the acrn:ptance of Certi6cvtrs of insurance, pohdes, and any other docvmcats by the City in no way rsbases the Cnntmcm and its suhmntraumsfrom arc rommeareg sot forthhermn Conimctor axpressty airs to wgvc its lights, bcncfibi and estwemcnis under the "Other insurance' claims of its commercial general liability issuance Policy as respects the Oty. in the oveat Contractor fails to purchase or pmeurc iosmanee as requirod above, the patties expressly atime that ibnfxacorr shall be or defatilt,wlcr this Agreement, and that the r ty may rcrrever all losses, ettomcy's fees and costs expended in p1mming a remedy. or rearinncomm, at law or in o+luity, agmnst Coilvicon CONTRACTOR S1:12VICE A ,REEMI^Yf )( I I hrdcnwification 11.1 The Contrartorsbulldefrnd, iudclmity and hold harmlcssthe Cityavlasofficers, cicctM and appointed offreaals, agents, and ctployocs from any and all habBily, losses, or damages as aresult of claims, demands, seas, abiens, or proceNings of any kind or naturo, including but not limited to costs, and fees, wclndng attomey'sf ,judgmcmt or schlewcnt, Feuding from or Front; out ofanynegtigan[ or willful act or omission onthc pan Fifths Contractor or Contractor'ssubcoWradors, cwployaa, agents r suhwniractois during theperformavcc ofthis Agreement. Such iudcmnifiestion shallnot be limited by yonanto of the enumeration of any insurance coverage hermv provided. This prevision shall survive courplrbon, c yuation, or hrrvmauon of thu Agreement. 17ns Nolhwgeringtcdhweaveselbeionandwacprohtown the Clty,orrtso&end imports, r cwaims, a, from deferring thmuggainto the t three and rose ofthcir own agrnts, foraftt e corand experts, any claims, actions or suit bmupjrt against them Tha Cnnhactor sballhr. liable for the w.vt, ices, and cxpcnxcs norrr d m the dcherea ofanyble to the City is ip suits and agoinermn ullbc utnot hip as alimitatFonorwaiverofde£ es available to the C]tyandemployw.s and agents, includingbut uotlwrdcd to the Illienic Local Govrmmentaland GoverrmevW F,niplvyevs Ton Imu�vNy Act,'l45ILCS 10/t-t01 o seq At the City Cotpomton Counrcl's siphon, Contractor must defend all suit brought upon all such Losses and msst pay all costs and expenses incidental to them, but the City tom the right at alto option to pnnbupatc, at its own cost, in the dcfrnse ofany suit, without relieving Contractor 0fsryofits obbgations rider this Agrecmart. Any scuff] ment of any claFm or suit related to this Rrojcct by Contaesti mist be Finds only with the prior written annstt ofthe CrY Corporation Counsel, if the sNilrmvnt nopores any action on the pan of the City. Tithe extent contribte to anw,Conbartchr any urges, intothe ammniofas obligationsto ofCon ea d r that or wnfnbute too the Was dac vndrr any Lasses, inc7udidssit a food 11, nby 5/1 iu rew or any o1errelthat may be subjecttorsues, nis Workers Comp ranted toAd,orkec clop et.regnr any other related law or judicial) The inhowev but not hmtW ht, KnFeekr v. Cyciopr housing Corporation, the Illo W55 a9ot)The CM1y,howcvet,docsnotpensiony lhrtita Tanytherearetworievconns liabihty under the I7livms Workers Compensation Act, the IIItnFs Pension Code or any other statute. 1 ii 3 The is Ag our slnll he rospovsihle r are any losses and vests to Fepwr or rem«ty work phTfnnucd under this A;rrcmwt is Work from or ansivII o ut any act hi omicsien vgl,lcc4 0 conill n m thevv file of its Work or its s holityrfor subsequent work tc correction ofthe work error, r, City will not relieve the Contractor of the rely for loos o for rrege rucoi correere fi of any such error, omasaFnnv indoor negligent was or of its liability for Ions or damage molting Fliers from 114 Allprovis;ovs o£tNS Sccltn 11 shall survive wtripiclinn. uxprralion, ortcmvvahonofduas Agreement CONTRACTOR gLAV(CE AGREF.MLNT 12 Drawings and Docutncuts 12.1 Any dmwrngs, survey data reports, stadia, .aponificanorf estimates, imps, plans, omputatwvs, and other documents creaked to be prepares by the Contractor for the Project shall be mnsidmcd Rrmirs for Hoo and the sole property ofthc City. 122 The tbvtxactoraw3 its surCA tolorshall maintain£oramuvmumoFtbrec(3)ycaoa after the completion ofthe Alocconn4 or for Ibrec(3) years after the tormandioa o£tbis Afarecr utwldclova ess Iata, adequatetooks, records and supportingdommrcnisto vrtify the amounts, recipiwt amuses croudisbm onsporsof doaoeews related the Agwiththetop be aait.The Agreementand allbygre cords and sapportmgdocvmrnto dated to the A and! thocvt Stop be availarl t00000piawaod au&tbytny City and tac federal Boding and t rf appbcaf full avd tho 0 radon agrca to nto tocaW follywbo any aura[ conducted by the (.lty and to provide fall access to ail materials. Failures eptatam the books, ecords aesevcportingfoods aedby hedbytluserfleo hosonunt foswbapresumpoonofavorofthc City frrccovcry, ofany finds paid rY tav (ltye to support rt th mpur f r purported dotaunnoaiebnnks, mcords, and supporting documevreoou arc not available m wppnrt ehgr purportwl de:bmsemc¢t li Successors and Assigns 13.1 and truant to thContraclormcfi hindencrom:adtorran parecrs, ucawcsors,cxcmitors, administrators, and assigns to the of erpart in Apect to vt and to etts offla.5 rocarent Ne bent e administrators, nodctoi sla of svebother parry in suspect to all oventhee ofthis ent without Ncilfi ri the City nor thr. Contractor thud assign harlot ornwrao Weatherits encamp in this Agcr.mcn iwithout the t written hero[thetofeNotlwg bocci, shall which any boadassavor, aoypemonaoo occoityonthc partofany ngbto or anent ofany Porto body, whihethan t a CAY awlcto, not shall it Too o,sovmi as givwg any ngrt or benefits bcavndsT to anyone other than the Pty and tie Confmntor 4 Porcc M jenre 141 Vllunwaapcnodofttuc is proufilmlf rmtbss Ayrecmcnt fnrltc Contradnrorthc CSty to doorperfornianyactorotU gat inn.acithcT party shnllbe table foranydciays or inarietytcore rm if such delay is due to a cause beyond as control and without its fault or actfiguace mcludiag, without Imitation a) Acts ofnanirc; b) Acts or falbvc to act on the part of any governmental authority other than the City or C'ovtmctor, including, but rest booted to, coactmeat of laws, riles, reguluious, rodes or ordenances subssclowt to the, daze of this Atoron , c) Acts or war; d) Acts ofcivd or military authority; c) ldmbargouK; f) Work stoppages, strikes, ioekoats, or labor dispates; g) Public disorders, civd violenco, or desobahenu.: to Riots, blockades, sabotage, inaroccoboa or rcbubion, CONTRACTOR SLRVICa AGIiEPMfNT i) Epidemics of pavlmrae ; j) Toarormt acts; k) hues or explosions; I) Nuclear aoDseim; m) EaNrquokes, floods, hunicmes, tornadoes, or other similar cabunriics; n) Moor mwovmmtal dvsNrbances, or o) Vandalism If a d clay ie caused by any o f the forcrz rwj¢ur¢ cacnmsrauces st fortL above, the time period slvU be c escrol d for only the actual amount ofthno said party is so delayer. nvthcr, cutler parry claiming a delay duo to au ovmt offo+ce ocurc sbaU give the other party written notice ofxuch event within dame (3) business days of its occunener or it shall be deemed to be waived 15 Amendments and Modifications 15.1 Except as odwrwwe provided herein, the natty r, and swpe e£ Work .apecifiW m this improved tyboth ybcmoTles byermenmay bDr Orden,ora wnhenamendment to thins pnoodet, howoved that troth parries. TNs Agreement may be maU lice or ammdcd from time to time provided, how ee,that such ythemvntormovetoocovsshall of the inns nrdrxs reduced to writing and duty authn �eM sigacd by tM autlwr'undreprusmtafivesefthepart+ns- 16 Standard of Care & Warranty 161 The Cnntntorshall performab oftbn provisions ofth+.s Agrccmmt to thcsat+sfaction of the City. Tho City sbadbas i its determination ofrhe Contra tor's fulf+lWmt oftheswpc ofthcwoik in acconiamon with gmcraUY acx : tod prop nal (Inseit pi rocr sot male Wnguagej standards The Commob r shall perform all of the provuions of this Ag+ccnaent with that dogs, of cart and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same professmn cwrmtlypon tremg wider similar mwbtione 16.2 The Contractor shall be rosponsible for the acevracy nfita prolloomaal services under his Agrccm<nt and shall pwmptty makc'rnvisions or wrrmium resulting from no mom, omissions, or noghgent acts without additional compensation The City's acreptiace of any of the C nbaroofs professional snrvrccs sball not ma vcanysuch s Ifa Contractor has-ponnded the City withspeciGcatvons for this Proleet which are dctomonod to he inwrrmt or which r<gwre r wNsiv during the, sohcita6on lxowny (including but not heated to Requcsis for Proposals, Requests for Qualifiealioas, or bids), the C ntracror shall rnako such rrcchons or revisions to the specifications at no mot to the City. FurdoC noon mcopt of an mvoiw Rom the City, the Contractor s7W1 promptly rmmbursa the. City for the masonabic w.sis associated with the prepacabon and dissemination ofsa i rum lioru or revisions to approtidatcparties, including but not Bunted to fisminanon of the wnccter or revoiet docunrrnh, and burning and dustnbution costa. 16.3 Dunng[hcPcndrncyof+U Workovthis ProJat, the Comvator shall mspnrd tothr. Clys notice of any errors or omissions within to by -four (24) hours. The Cootactor shall Le ruluirat to promptly visit the Prolnot ism(s) ifducciM to by the City CONTRACTOR SGRVICE A4REEME7\T ' 19 16.A The Contractor sball comply adth an Wild, state, and locats[amtcs, mgvlannnc, rules, ordmances, paboial dccmwer, and admioishaWc rulings applicable to its performanrs under tivs Agrccmcut 16.5 Conr dor guazantecs and waaanls to the aty tbat: a) All mateasls and aiummcut fiuvishW coder ths Agrcemced stwllbGofgood do lyral ors, odes otberwscrequuW or pennittW by the Contact Documents, b) SbcWorkofttss AgmemnntaMll be freefomdnf,cts wt+ehareenni wtmentmtbegr+atty monad; and e) The Work sball comply with the xequircnrrnts set forth m the Coutract Donations, This wasomy and yuaantec shall be for a Penod afonc(1)year from the mar of completion and Pen al Accenanw ofthe Work by the Ory, or as otherwise prorddW m the Contract Documents, If wrlem the one ycarwari antyperiod, after the Contractor Sans receivW a finalpaymait order this Agreement any ofthe Work is found to be not be oraccordavcc with the regervorr nts ofthvsA amcnl r wburc dcfrds in materials or workmanship may appear, or be he Derxl afrepair, the Contractor stall rral nou,confrmong and/or defective work or materials promptly of or rcccipt 0fw iderrpotmc from the City. Contractor ball immediately at its own expanse repair, replace, reslorc, or rchuild any snob Work This monody s in addition to any othei legal or tgnaable it modios the City may bavc under this Agecmcnt or the law. Tntguaranteeand tights die vet or other grmrwrmo or aroadirlatentdefectse emptied, m addition to the City's rights +mdci the law o+ other gumamces or wa+rzn a, rxpress or myrliW. Ili 6 Muse. unynrher servs euyreemenrn, ma+nlew+meuysecrnensr, ere, rk+rmay PplyScreJ 76.7 Thcprnvssronsof Slue Snelion f8 shallsurvivethe wmptetinn, <xPiraUnnorlennrinahonof this Agreement 17 Sevings Clause 171 Many provision ofilus Agrccmcnt,orthe application ofsucbprovicmn dwllberemdttal or doclomd molds] by a now ofwmpctcntj+ursdrerton, or by+casoo ofits requiring any steps, actions, or rvsulls, the remaining pans Or portmns of this Agccmcnt shall remain in fall learn and offaot 18 Non-WalverofRights 16.1 No fadmcorrtclaybythc atyto oxe�;earanypowergivento+t htteamlcr orto msst upon ,etrict wmplia¢ce by CODimetor with ns obligations terevndvr, our any pxymrnr made by ilre Citywder CONTRACTOR SERVICE AGREENSNC 20 thy under firs AIIcsusl shall coria tmoa waiver of the Cily's righr to demand most compliance with the terms hereof unless mob waiver is in writing and spand by 9m City 19 Entim Agreement 19.1 Ttis Agrcemcn(sns forth allihc covenmts, rgmlilions and pmmuec brtween theparties with regard to the subject matter so forth Immur There arc on revenuers, pourers, monomers, conditiowo{vndastandivgs betwcca the parties, tuber oral orwri um, other Visa those containW in this Agreement Tlris Agreement has been ncgoti4mci and entered into by each party with the opponuvny to mnsvlt will its counsel mgardurg the terms thcrcia No portion of the Agreement shall be amstrucd agamser a party dim to the fact that one party drafted that particular portion as the role of Comm p.oj.rrn+ere sbau not apply. 20 Govarrang Leta, 201 Tfiic Agrccment sha]llw wnNruM maccovdancrwith and subject to thelaw. andmlu-xof the City of Evanston and the State of Illinois both as to interpretation and perfimance. Varvc for any anion arising out ofor due to the Agreement shall be in Cook County, Illinois 'Ihc City shall tut enter into binding arbilenee to rnsolve any depute related to the Agreement. Tbn City dons not wive ton immunity by cotcringtnto this AgmeaanrL 21 Ownership of Contract Doctancots 21.1 Contractor is mcclikoy prohibited fromusmgm any form or nuclear the name orLgo of the City forpubbc advornmer M, unloss expressly gxannil vinteaprnmssronby the (ley. Submissionor distribution ofdoawews to meet official moorladay rodulmarems or for aanilar purposes in connection with this Project is not to be xnshucd as polobrabon in demgabon ofem CjWs sneered rights. 22 Notice 2nd n 1w node: rcgvired to be gwca by themad, orsby per l be dscew muff Tent rt'm and writing, and Bart by cerbfiM mad, ichun receipt rcqu¢{W, or by personal sevirq to the persons and writing parmeart to belowvilssuchtbs'suftcsscs as a[hcrpartylcrnn alallnntify lleothMpartyofin renting pvr+vant to the provisions ofihis S»bscn,on City of Evanston Prolrn Manager Bid Z-J 46 Form Ridge Arie F.vancton, Illinoiss 6020I if to the Contractor: sl CpuNry LW( Karin _B.qo1SE?JYIUC- ,T1. 601106 222 Maiingofsreb nobcc as and whenprovided above shall be wnivalent to pursues]notice CONTRACTOR SERV f CF AGREEMEN'i nefioc and shall be deemed to have bma given at the tune Of Pooling. 23 Severability 2, o Except f oftles se provided hcxem, fhc hoot ox wcuewo, and d s A particular provision, orpvrt thcxcof, ofthis Agxccmcut sfiallnot affect lhco[htt pxovisioan, and this Agrwnent sssall coutivur, in allxcspcefs.ss ifsucb mvabd or wwfoxcrablc }novuionfied srotbcen wn[ained hacw. 24 fixecutioa of Agreement 21.1 'ruts Agreement sbellbesiyned as by the City Manager. The GityMalisga shall a.�xthe damonwWchh/she semis this Aamena cmt on Page l heron( which date,cball be the eff nvc date of this Agreement 25 Counterparts 23A For mee, this Agreement maybe cerembedis any numbesofe000turpartq each of wWcb sfiallbc dcc�ned to be an original 26 Authorizations 2.61 The Contractors autboxivAl representatives wbo bave executed this Agrecrnmt warrant Agrees em anic bubabEuTim may Mas gor afContractor's hoallslas mHors orarthylews to cxoePm this A gscswrnt an its b chat f. The Cry M apagrt affirms chat hdshc has been IawfullY authoiusd to crswtc tivs Agreement. The C ntraetox avd the flty shall dclrvcs nponrcqucst to cachothcr copes ofall articles o£ nco:po:at;on,bvlawa, resohmons, orsaaanrs, of omttaowmontawi>�aheu,aencetW,xlegapawhnarym execute tins Aprccment on betulfnftbcn sespertrve Parties 27 Tune ofToscacc 2].1 Tuseisofthu cssenccwith scspcct to each pxovuxon bttmfW which timcisaf tor. iN WI'tNF,SS WHEREOF, the pMres hac[o bave carissvl this Agreement fo be ssynW by the¢ CGNTRACTOR SERV1'CE AGRELM73NT 22 tberd*aotbor tcpmsmtativew on the dayaad date fast umttmm the first page above. MYOFEVANSTON CONTRACCOR By.I/V��C/)¢� BY �},m Name GJRL�Y lax hiQEw�cL Name: bOMEYICO DICIOIA W. CZ' W4v)Al.ak . Its. pp MI DENT Appcovqcd galelJto�f(orm BY Y i 12�� Name: w. rl u. J-- Fay Us: C d (ez, mk1�6 m.. a ftehsion Ortober 2011 CONTRACTOR SEAV ICE AGRGE;JA+NT