HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Water Main Replacement and Capital Improvement Fund Street Resurfacing Projectc ty of
The Panic refietee ll hermn dcsuc to cete, into an eUeerncnt to, profi5cional services fm
BID NUMBER: 12-126
MS AGREEMENT (hemmaftcr refcrzM e, as the "Agrccmrnf7 entned mto this day of
2012, butwecn the Cily of $vaaston, an Nuwis mumripa7 corporation with
officesbaledcaled e21U0Ridgc Avcnuo,F.vanstonlllutois oU2U t lncroioa4crr W10,to asthe"Gty'),
and /Imer! Cvnrra el xumc MreJ, whh office !Dented ee the Carna<tor slfelt .Lore,
(hcrelnaffer ideli bd to as tha erpu,lcbr'). Comyussatron (the "Compeneatinn'") for all nje,
scrv¢cs Providedbytbc CDnhacbrpursuant to the tenncoflhrs Agreement slmltrot exceed S/Inserr
far, herd.
ReviNion, Odobor 2011
Services and Duties ofthe Contractor. ....... .... . .. . .
Standard Cmificrtaaa, . .. ... ........ .. .. .......... ....
Arldnional 0, data ..............
Ronda-- .--
Liquidated Damages . the Flant Ccalbactro F-11, to CractrInte the \Vclk
Tho Qll's Rrl..bjhtRV ..... ....... ........... .. ....................
Pc,.d afScr,m.. ..... . ............... .
ft,,rracot f r Scrvmes and Rainanarcroarns ............................
Not. acdCn,,�P.matjc, ..... . .. ..
.... .. .. 14
Dlovarga and D.cannarts,
Sorcr, and Magus ...................................
For. Mjc, . - -- ... ... ...
A.od.,ar.ndMad,fiwko,,. . ........... ..
.......................................... ... .
Nrar-Wtoar ofR,8htl .. ...... .. . .......... . .. .. . ....................
Botiva A,.ant..— .......... ... ..
Govaming Ucv,
(),,actal'iorcona'artDocracan't, ...... .... ...
Soccarbility .. .... .. .. ... .._.........,-22
Eaactioo of Agreement . ...... ...
.... .. ....
Titan, of Essence.,..,...
WHEREAS, the City intends to retain the services ofa qualified ant calumba ced contractor
for the following
W f IERF. AS, this ASS cement sfia11 include the following documGrts which are at[acfiN hcrao'
a) Cityof Evanston Bidif12-126acached as Exhibit A.
b) Contractor's response to BID N 12-126 attached as Exhibit B
c) Any suhcnvtretor snbconc acts related to this Ayrccmcnt, alor hod as Exhibit C
d) Project Fee Schodulo and lmuriy late$, attached as ExlAnt D ofeppt (prrute).
NOW, THRREFURii, m consideration of the mutual envrnants hemnaRa eel f r1fi, the
prices alocc as f Mows'
I Services and Duties of the Contractor
1.1 The ixt with Ex shall perf em id D Tile Contractor
for mtd Pmvdi egmpontr (the
"Workmccmdancet of ExhibitsA. erR,o andp Tor Contractormwms the rightto iacomrolthe
Manor, of performance of the services e: of t ed for in lfifs Aloyees at end a mr mof the
contactor and not agent or an employee: of the e cy. All employees andContractor
subcontractors of l he
shape mines
not et conods ofared to he employees under
the City. (Ellis girr s solely
the project for lbc means and Contractor
is im work performed under the terms ofths Agrccm for
times, witliblidags,Ehr i") her statutory nn mitbactcal Contractor ands cmdl resluding but all
taxes, withlworlece and other statutory or co Nothing
t in the Age emery sort, including th but not
limitedaar Worker's Csoccur t oan insurance Nothing in flu$ At that an accords any may
C rights whatsoever to any itagrees to [his Agreemar should
that any non-party may seek de
enforce. Contactor aclmo be or remain
in compliance with
h (his Agreement;
m cssubc CuYurom Provide
False mfonnatinn, or fail to be or remain in compliance with I}ne Agreement; the CYtymay void this
12 The Contractor warrants and status that it has read the Contract Documents, and
agrees to be bound thereby, including all patfrmamos gvaracccs as rupects Cnntactor's wort. and
all indemnity mid insurance requucmolts Contractor Either alfirms(bat It firs visccd the Poject site
and has becomcfamiliar with all speddl mndmms, if any, at the Project site Comrator shntlpaf rm
the Work said its obligations under fife Agtci robot in accardance with and subject to the Contract
Documents to the full robot that each such provision is applicable to the Work
If Applicable. Contractor still take necessary preeaunons to Property protect the Work of
others, ifany, from damage caused by operations under this Agreement. In addition, Conti actor shall
protect the Work during aimed or arerse weather condttons until the Project is complete and
accepted by the City to until Contractor has fully completed its workinn ict tb+s Ayreemmm. Contractor's
obligations include, but are not traded to, placurg and adequately maintaining at or about the site,
suffimcnt guards, b inicaden fights, and enclosures to protect the Work,
1.3 1 he Contractor shall not have any public or prwam taboost and shall not action e directly or
both eetly my such interest which conflicts in any manner- with the pormrmanm o£as scivicess oaten this
14 The Contractor shall designate, in writing, a person to act as its Podect Manager par ibe
work to be performed under ins Agreement, Such person shall have complain authority to nansmn
instmeborn, twelve automation; interpret and define the Commences policies and densions with riep ore
to the work covered by this Agreement
1,5 Thu Comragor shalt employ only perc+ns duly licensed by the State of Illinois to put form
the professional srniees ralnired undet this Agmemcnt for which applicable I llurois law requires a least
subject to prior approval oftho City Thu Contractor shall employ only well qualified persons to perform
any of the tormenting services required order this Agreement, also subted to pram approval ofthe City.
The City Occrvca the right to require replacement of Comment, suheonb actor, re supplier persunnel for
any reason. Contractor will mutate the unacceptable personnel at no cbmgo to the City, her all
solicitations or adviclawmanits placed byor on belydlrofCOmeticdor fur employees Ir this piojent it will
state that the Contractor is an Equal Opportunity Employer
1 b Pursuant to the ityhars h uract of Intonation Act, S ernm ntal Station
rn air
ir covered
m the
possession and subject
Sate amitopertmragovcunne(5)flmcnon arcswith
by thin Act and subject to aymacuru within Started statutory C om the Gieseurnes at it line
working days wish a
5)worlong Aaye danatn) Upon s within
the Ccntmcbmt s wanted, the iComiatrcdnmof
Iromptl p Act rvyuasl that calk for records we that
the Chy he ors ply wit, the Contractor shall
promptly idc r The City and the Con the City be Ihal the C]ty maywnticwh tmrsortlin qucst Winters to
ecru"nod space inrc The ex ornd the y mornector sh toall thecomcrate In dctcmuncwbat rcO rPan thelmil, lcct to
such airspace Contractor t rd whether or not any mid d fendons to the d Remand again t all cla, or partngften are
applicable Coistshalt hrdwnmfy azrd defend the City from and against all clauiiit,Ping Rom the
confiCjty�ntial. recaptures Compliance
disclosing City remits which Contractor may o the are itsof p ubles Across
Confidential. Compliance by the Cry with an opinion or ci directive from the Ilimma Public Acmes
Counselor or the Attorney General urdtr FOIA, or with adecision oioNcrofCourt wrchjunsdictionever
the City, shall not be a viclam et of this Section
17 The Connector shall obtain prior approval from the City prior to subconnacong with any
cnnty or person to pertme any of the work required under this Agreement The Contractor may, upon
request of the City, submit to the City adra@sebeontractor agrctnncnt for City review and approval prior
to the cxccut of such err agreement Any previously ordered men subcontractor agrecmcnl(s) am
attached as Eximat C, If the Contractor subcontracts any of the services to be performed under thus
Agreement, the subcontractor ngrectneut shall pros hk that the sovacce to be performed under any such
agreement shall not be sublet, sold, trans£ ed, assng+ul or otherwise disposed of to anot1wr entity or
person webour the CkCs prior written consent The Contractorshall heresponmblc Irtheaceirecyand
be responsible for the accuracy and quality of a nysubconstersw's work.
1 8 The Contractor shall coopciato fully with the City, other City contractors, ofircr
miapahhus and local government officials, public utility companies, and others, as maybe drectedby
the City, Trotting include attendinecat meetings, discussions wad hearings asicqucsid by the City Tiiis
coopendion shall comild to :my itrvcshgation, hearings or mocfmgs convcnul or instituted by OSHA
relazive [o ftw Aoject, as necccsary Coutiactorshall cooperate with the City in scheduling and performing
its Work to avoid comport, delay in mtetf rnec with theworkofothsrm, rfany, at the Project.
7 n The ConhaUor so lost that h shall enforce and comply with all applicable
Occupational Safety and Health Admoistrahon standards (OSHA) for this Pur*1 in c1fcU asoffhcdatc
of the exossinu n of this Agtcancnt, oral otherwise promulgatal by OSHA in the future taking effect
during the pendency of this Pmjmd Contractor shall enterer all .such standads and rosin comphown
thunts as to its own agents and employees, and as to the agents and employers of any subronllactor
throughout the vourmoftlus Project Contractor IS sobilyres sticale for mrforemg and wmpiyingwithall
applicable safety standards and requirements on this Project, and is solely responsible for correcting any
practices or procedmcs which do mot cornplywith the applicable safctystandards and raryrremcuts for this
Project. Spceific safety requirements applicable to this Project are sa forth as items larval below [If
appropriate] Additionally, such safetyregmremaltssliali be made a part of anysdlwntraclor agreanasar
(Alf renjnhe ape car Conti
revue n s Photo have beers the uro o t a(d hird Pon end negoti d
beraeen the QM and Cnnvacta fmathts Pnlecr should r foenre on eitrsched FrroJecr monuaiaiv d
moment fining davalumn d or Fshssl _ to this sigrcmnern
1.10 The Contractor shell subnut to thcClty npmgrcus report cacti month thie Agreement ism
ctli. The report shall include the following items
a) Asummary ofthe Cons,10014s project activities, and any subcontractor project aulateasibat have
Ishtar liters during the invoice pound;
b) A smnmaryoftlae Contractor's pioneer activities and any subcontractor project soothes, that shall
take place during ills mot invoice listed.
c) A hst ofoututandmg hems due to or from the City, and
d) Aaamaermr rrojca aenala!e
1.1 l The Contactor shall Perform the work rcnmral omdas rlis Agreement pumuani tai hr to
cted byworld the City. The Conttractor hallapply Ger oalie recthe ive all appropriate
pawar before perfiamuug any work ss the City The Contractor shall also provide the by the riate ct ] dra)to
City IUardBouldiths
Connectrts tobc issuWfor the Project, Relouldpermits
ng.aidobirgntedby the Project 71ic
City will asmst tire Coniractoc with obtaining the appropriate buiiding.md dghvof--way paints.
112 The Cumracim shaliprovide drawingsofrewed, in thu foilowrng3eicetronie forniatsfr
all limb by this SicqurpmI I areAuto CadVeannZ007,rkhasbm and
TOP.cd. 'Cho cl ironic Rnna4s
raivue+3 by this Svatwn 11:! are Auto Cad Version )00'/, ArlVrcw uid I'DC.
1.13 Contractor rewgnr>ca that proper cleanup and removal of wnrtrucnon debtor is an
important safety wruidetntion. The Contractor shallbcsolclyrerp noble for dailywnrirnetinusitclarea
cleanup and removal of all construction debris in accordance with City�approved disposal practices,
Conn actor shall be solely responsfft, for identifying and removmg at its expense all hazardous material
and waste which it uses and generates
1.14 To the extent drat there is city contact bctwwn a provision spcer ied in Jag Agreement,
with a provision specified in any of the other Contract Doaancnns, as defined in Section 1.15, this
Agreement sball control The City and the Co rositermay amend this Section 1.16 as providcdby Section
15 hcrombclow
'Inc ennnact to this Afore gcs aryl agrees that the Cny has ly rctahre from
the over any of [he
Work done purr ea this Ay cem end that the City u cape cssly exerryn from the ramnad control
exception as defined m the Restatemwt of tons, Sewnd, Swhnn 41 A Thas provision shall sui vivo
wmp4vron, espiration, nr tcnninvtion ofihis Agrecmrnt
1.15 The (:onhact Domuncnts frr tbu Project wnsst of
a) 7'h�s Agr cement;
b) The City's RFP/RII and the plans, spcenhabons, grncmt consultants drawings addmdd,
and modifications parent,
c) 'fhc ConrracNr's resporzxc to the RFP/RFgBs1
d) Other eshhht and sehedi lu, If any, listed in this Agtccment;
e) Nncndmems or Other Contract Documents, if any; and
tl to this Agmnrwrt coined after cerecution rlrcrwi
t no AS rendition of fierce g payment, Contractor must (i) be p es orpl var with the
Agreement, dopey ihs iscaus works, printing, janitorial,
wages when rr washo by Iaw (Examples ofPrcvaihng wage
atbnwocs service,de attend
drecsoreaamg,jrs,securiwindow washing, bw!dmg andgroundsis site
twhnirrcirservices, vawmlresourwsmiws, swuritygumdand food services) Connector is responsible
for on III the l Man Is Dept ofLatror 217-782-b206, unit1_vctab �V 4DsTinjIPsallm' hadea.hun
to enslurc, ompliancc with prevadmg wage sWn'vcmwrs), (iii) pay its suppliers and subconnaetorr
accord ngto pre terms nfthcnrcapeMrvcwntrdets, and Irv) prnvrdc hen waivers to fhc Cityupnn requctt.
2 Standmd CcttiScanorm
aclmorel«3gus and agrees tfiatwmpbanccmth ihtsscction and cacti subscu+nnforfhe
term of the Pyrtncm material rcgmr and wndition of tbs Agrwm t By rs tmg this
Agrccv no Contractor cutifics ceand nportmy is room a'caclrsuhscamnandrsundcr continuing
obligation to rcmam m compliance and repot any rwn-wmphcirre
This section, and eachsubsection, applies to subwnnanors used on this Agiacment. Contractor
shall include thrse Standard Certifications in anysabwntmct used or the performance. of the Agreement
fire AgmemcnI
If this Agoareant cnmads over mnhiple local years, Connector and rts subeennactors shall
widle, orphso,c with this section in deconnner and founat determined by the Oty by thedawatemi5al
by the City mid m no event later than January I of, aeb year that this Ag, ecment treaties in cflbct,
Iftec City detemrines that any rectification in ties ninon rs not applicable to this Agrwment, It
maybe stricken, subject to approval by the City, without affect6g the rcmaureaf snbatttlon3
23 As pan ofcach cadification,Caratactor aclmowleddl- and agrees that should Conti actor
or its sularcroarwat provide false information, or fail to be or remain in compliance with the stmndatd
Canfication requiremnate, ins, or more ofthe fopowmg sanctions will apply:
• the Agreement may he coal by operation of law,
• the City may, coal the Agreement, and
• Contractor and Its subwntracre. may, be subject to one to more offal foliewmg: sosprnsiou,
debarment, demal of payment, civil fine, or cummal penalty.
2.2 6y signing this Agmchi the Cont.tor ccnffiw that it has not been banal from been,
nwardad a venterrt with a unit of State or )oral Oovcmmcnt as a recuft of bid eggitui or bid retain& or
aumlar offers, in, has it made any alhnleare fdrat ofauch aradret that 1s o matter ofpuble, record
(TIO ILCS 5/33 E-s, F,4),
2.3 In the event ofthe Connector s nnnwcaphance with any pmviamn of section 1-12-5 oftho
Fveneton City Code, the Illinois Human Ragbts Act of any other applicable law, the Consultant maybe
declvul noonxpon.W and fhcrcfoac mchgitrle for fiitmcconhaare or auboaderchwith (be City, andthe
contract may be caxallcd or voided) of wbnlc or in pail, and such other sanctions or penalties may he
arfaced or remedies invoked a3 III ovaded by statuto or regulation
2 4 During the temr eftins Agreement, the Conti actor apices as fnllow3�
a) That it wfllaot disemnanate agmost any employee or applicant for cnq+loyared because of
wlo5 rchgres, sex, srwual or¢ntotion, marital status, national origin rev ancestry, or
age or physical or mental bleabdrtics ilia, do not Impair ability to work, and farther tbat A
will ocaaune all job classlfieatinn3 to detamurc If baborny persons or --a me
rmderdtlotod and will take appropriate affirmative action to rectify any sneb
underutilecation C rwilhaat shall ronaplywith allrepunemenLs ofCityofGvanaton Code
barren 1-12-5.
b) That, in all solicitations or advainfia rents for careployees placed by it on its behalf, it will
state led all applicants will be afforded equal opportunity without dtc emanation because
ofrace,wlor,"Ideas,see, tossed mlentatinn, manual crates, national organ, enmshy, or
2,5 The Comtiactm corm cv pui Aa.f to the Illinois He.. Rights Act (]95 ILCS 512105
rs aey), that it has a written scaual be ...... I policy that includes at a nrmunrm, the following
A) The b1cgalityofsexual harassment,
b) The definition ofseamil harassment rude, State law;
e) Adescri➢tion cfawual harassment utdvmg--'PI-;
d) The Contractor's internal complaint pmcus mdudmg penalties;
c) Legal r.., imvestigatan, and complaint process avadabic through the ilhn--
Dcpartmcmt of Human Rights and the Han in Rights Commicsinv, and drectieas on how
to contact both; and
0 Pmtccton against retabntiin as pnwided to the Ucpanmcnt efHsanan Rigbt.
2.6 hhnw>rdancc with the Steel Produis Provincrunt Act (301LC5565), Contractor carries
steel products used or supplied an the pcndural ace ofa coati act flit public works abaci be manufactured or
Produced in the U S. unless the City gwnrs am exemption
29 Contractor ecIDrfies that it is properly formed and caning legal scaty and ns applicable has
obtained An ac umed name cendiexse from the appropriate authority, or has registered to conduct business
in bl nals and is in good standing with the Illinois Sm.retaryofStau.
2.8 1fComtm,mi, or any ot6ce, director, pattam, or other managerial agent ofConiactoghas
born convicted ofa mucyrnder the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of2002, or a Class 3 of Class 2 felonyuuder th,
liken, Sc<mifios Law of 1953, Comm,rar certifies at least five years have passed sm e the date ofthe
29 Conracton certifies tiafifmoro favmablcun ara,s nted by Confraetorto anysimdar
govemmornw ratty m any 'Wo m a cominnpmammms agreement IQ under threame m similar financial
terns gird ermimatames for eomWambland phcs m,mees, the more favorable corms wilibe applicable
under this Agreement
2.10 CAmractottcmfics that it is not dclarrarnt in the payment ofaay fees, lines, damages, or
debts to the Oay of Evarstoa
211 The Contractor cetbfics that all Durigm Professionals petimmig the Work under this
A,o.ant will rnsme that the Prop i shall be designed in conformance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U S.C. Section 12101, ra,,, and air regaled oav promulgated hmeandcr
DcsrgnRofcssromalmeans amyrndimdiui, snlepropriewrsfip,fur, pamsmsbrp,joiat venture, corporation,
profesional mgsoratimt a othcrcnfity thml nffcrsscrvma wdcrthoillvosa Architcoture Pmcticc Actof
1999 (2251LCS 305�, the Prrfcssrnnal Enymeming Pea lice Adof 1989 (2251LCS 325/), tlse StmcmwI
Fngineaing Licensing All of 1989 (2251LCS 3401), or the illarm, Pwfessinnal Land Smvcyer Act of
1989(225 ILCS 530Q.
2,12 the Contractor shall comply with all fed rah atatc aid local laws, statutes, ordmance,
rules, regulations, orders or otbcr legal r tumor eats now in force or which may be in force during the
turbot this Agreement The Cantranovirsaiall complywrththe Macau; Hmnan Rights Act, 7751LCS5/1-
101 ct..r.y, TRIG Vli of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Mimes Troweling Wage Act, 820 ILCS
130/0.01 of suq
3 Additional Serviccs/Change Oidera
3 1 Ifnet representative office City responsible for the Probes veballyrequeslsdle Contractor
to perform additional services, tine Contractor shall reunion in writing that the services have been
requcsled and that such senates t eaddifional sensors Palma ofthc City to respond tothe Conlractives
confnmation of said services within burly (30) calendar days of towage of the pares shall be denied a
r )anion of, and refusal to pay for tine additional interfaces Contractor that not perform any additional
until Cay has confirmed approval ofsaid additional services in writing, Ifamistra ed in wriangby
the City, the Contractor shall fun, or obtain from cancer, additional services of the following fypces.
which shall be paid for by the City as set frth in Section 9 of this Agreement:
a) AddmonN but
duo to chaigeam cbangcs in scope of nee &cacti oe its deign,
britrotluvitaito, changes when, well
r ofucnebuctrof he
Irene delays for unrgeletimm of work when sue6 delays ace beyond the covtrot of the
b) Revisions of pleviously approved studies, repn:hq dersgn documents. drawings of
r) Prcpamuon ofdctarled renderings, esfibrts or scale models for the Ptmate;
d) [nvaetigaumrs mvoiv,og dclailal comsrdcraton ofoperaenns, mahrtcnannc.vrd ovNrcad
tworeccs for the preparation ofrate acbedulos, cammgs and expeas+.statements, f :bilny
studies, appraisals and valuations, detailed quantity surreys of material and 1&a2 .Ind
reason audits or mvartemies raduncd for anificanon of force aanunl construction
Performed by the City,
c) Sevtun not othcrwres provided Slr:n that Agraumnf
32 The City may, upon written aotree, and without uwandamg this AgreamwR, roduhc
changes resulting in the revision or abandonment ofivmk aheady Combined Who Contractor, invaders
other cknants ofthe work not ongmally con(cmplatal and for which full communalism is not provided in
aryporthenoidus Agreement Any additional scrv:us, abandonmuR ofscreces which were author nod] by
the City, or changes nl ouvices duetted by nee City which result in the reunion of the scope ofsecviw�
provided for In Fslribits A 737 C, and O that cause the total Compensation due Contractor under this
Agr<cmcnt to accord$20,O00 or more, oramerec: or theories the contract duration byname than 30 days
c subject to approval by the pension City Covnerl. These count must be addraesed tither ma written
Charnel Order or in a written amendment to title Agreement approved by both panics
3.3 Contraclnr ackeowlatges and agrees that the Pubhc Work Corwtmeuon Change Order
Act, SOILCS 52511 ciseq shall apply to all Change Orders fnrti;e Prolcct. Htcxpresslyunde#nodand
agree l to by Contractor that it shall not be entitled to any damages or Compensation from the City on
account ofdclay or ausprnaon of all or any Part of rho Work. Contractor acknowledges tic delays rime
nclmowlW,cs that delays arcudreent in constmetionmojects and Contractor asessed that riskand fully
included that jec assessment within its contract sumspecifiWar its Response to am city RPP4iFQ/Idd for
this Possum, The Cay shall not waromm de Contractor for cork that IS more difficult than the contract
sumspordied in its Rcspoescwou!d reflect Delays to mmorportions ofthc work fin➢nnthcehgible for
Delays to the project caused bylahordispvtcs orstnkun invnivingtrades rmt d'ucciYrela[td to LLm
Pio3cct, or involving trades not aBectivg the Projwt as a ahnlc will not be ehgihle for an eatarsron of
The City will not giant an emmerion of time for a delay by the Contmctot's muldla y to obtain
matmnah, unless the Conti actor that furnishes to the City documentary proof The p refrnnttbepouvded
is a timely manm r in accenlam.e with the se nomen, of the Contractor's operations and accepted
smotmctinn schedul,
hr addition to any other, changes requested by city Ise described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2), the
Company shall be entitled to request (and the C,E m.Y grant) Chary;, Orders with Iaspect to
(a) The CRY-mmmddolays,
oil Change iii
(a) Fora Malvern Evcats
The pencils., cveutn shaiicntitle the Contractor to .change in the Compens num, for this pmjM,
if the Contractor demonstrates that it will unavoidably in= maeonable costs as a result thencofand the
CmRractor provides reasonable and headed dournamtary support with respect to any such price impact.
The parties agcc to reaonably confer regarding any such disputes with rcspcct to the .as, aft,
Change Order
Any payment for compensable delay will only he ba ed upon actual costs excluding, witlemt
lunitatma, what damages, finny, the Cion actermay have reasminlily avoidli. The Coretwo.aunalmo ands
that this is the sob, basis fro rccovcruan delay dmnagee and e,kitly waives any right to cclo tan, daily
damages for liice overhead, profit, or other purported in..
All Contractor Change Orden authorized .,.do, this Saw an 3.I.Ilbcmado .waiting In remitting
a Chan, cad , the Contractor must first show in emp, that.
(a) The work was outado the wapc ofih Agamtem,
(b) The extra work was not made neeeasary due to any fault of Contractor,
(c) The enemies. sad to ncoesa ude the charge ha perfomiance were not reasonably
foreteenble, at the time the Agreement was stgaal;
(d) The (hang, is germane to the original Agccormnt, and
no) The Change Order is in the best interest of the City and inthonzcd by law.
Any person who fads to tint obtahnthc City's writtwautbonzatum for a Change Order commhsa
Class fbiony. Thewritten detcnnanahonand thewnttcn Change Ordcrmsultmg from that determination
shall be preserved no the contracts file which shall be open to the public for Minuet ton.
The City remrvesall rights and cauwsofacuon, at law or utility, to sech ratressagamstcnhtiesor
persons who violate the requirements of rose Section 3 By mitiaimg below, Contacor hereby
aarlowledScs that it is bound by this Section 3.
Conlraetor's initiate:
34 The Contractor is raduirat to mcludc the Coy ofEvaraston as n reference whcvcvex nerd
wherever the Contractor provides references But smalar projects for a period of One yea firm the dale
of Final Acceptance by the City of the Weds for lire Project
4 Bonds
4m Bcforc the &hareac mid
h C s in the mutual
Dale, the Contractor ss regained to
fnnush for IN faonal per penance
cord payment bnnde a the onowr of 1 h O% tithe Compensation d
nrhy for fiefaithfulpmforranee and complerialofall the in hepractor's obligations Teem the Conran
Dncummts seslaermgthe paymrthisAerairmt. now)rold"hll be mmusionvic
onaf ran Agreement forah
labor aide bonds performed under inns Agreement All Bonds chair be mil Loon rr form heric bonds stall
Cry The bonds must oc for the entire tion of the this Agree Fadurc toterraria
pr ileac bonds shall
constitute a breachofContra sortsa A+lead undm Ore Agreement Each surety providing the Bolds
most havemrjca t.s ratwg not less thanof and he licensed cepta le and shall be rimmed in the currant Tut
of "Cmnpanima 1goWmg Companies"
a of Authority as Acceptable Surche in Federal Bonds term as
Companies"as publDepartment
m Of
r 570 Or Trewur,Blamed the Fcdmailteglvice,ter t
ismov give
on the wcbmtc of the U S. lll Bonds
b Treasury, out b rat Management Smut, at
www fits tress 6 Authority
l art fi All Bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a cedrfrcd
any Charge
ace a thorityto act. n shall be le tote ompe Qantracation sm to advise tiresue y or amounts ftof
any Bonds
are u dated Owe result in mr Lowe to the Compensation and he resume that the amounts T e cost
6oMs are updated to reflect vest Oliveru anywe6 increases throughout fat course ofthe Project The cost
ofarch Bmxis shall be anointed wither the Compensation.
4) i£Ibc suctyhehind anyBond Cvmish�oytlm Centiasnr re drelarmlban}.ruptnrbaomes
realvcnt or its right to do bucincse is tcrninatcd m the State m n cezees to cots any otlhc rcquucmenca
Of this Contract, file Contractor shall, within [5] days thin caftcr, substitute another Bond of equivalent
value andswtty,bothofolmh mustbe acceptable to the City laaddthon,anfurtherprogrs paymcnts
under the Agreement will be made by the City until the Contractor creative with the provisions ofilds
Agreement The Contactor shall fumtsh to the City proofof any icquirai bonds and pmofofiegvne i
insulation se one of the conditions precWm: to payment under the Agreement Upon the me uast ofany
Farm, or enity appearing to he a potential beneficially of bonds covering Payment or per@rmaucc Of
obligations arismg under the Contras, the Contractor shall promptly fiumsh a copy of the bonds or
authoruc a copy to he firmsirN All surety Bonds provided for an this Section shop incorporate by
reference this Agreement, ad any language that maybe in any such surety Bond which conflicts with the
be in any such surely Bond which conthets with the provtaons offhrs Agreement that define the scope of
the soot yps) dmy(caq shall bu of no force and cR t
5 Liquidated Damages in the Lvmg Conmicten Pails to Complete the Work
.di The Poulos agree lien ill c ofConiraelor to timely complec the Woek ialuna36y this
Agreement constitutes a default The panics offer that this default will result in damage and injury to
City The parties further spree, however, that actual damages mounted by City as result ofatch default re
duReult rfrmt impossible to abecoam with any debtor ofcenanty or aceuracy. Accordingly, the panic.
have negotiated and have agreed that for each calendar day after w) Rtca notice is dolivued to Contractor
acid Conn actor falls to cure such default, that Contractor will pay City, as,and for liquidated damages, and
not s spatially, Ihcsmnof [To be determined in the sate dearetion of the City before
Award) Contractor shallydmburse the City for all costs, expenses and has medading, without lmurafon,
attorney. fees), if wry, paid by the City in comratroa with such "trial demand by City C leveltm
stipulates aid agrees that tic sons payable by Contractor under this Sax has am masnnablc tender the
an wnstanws existing as ofthe oore ion ofthis Agreement. This Section 5A ra not intended to lint any
doett damages that may be mruverable by City related W the Compares failure to complete the Work in
cwrdsncc with this Amexamevt. There shall be no early w mplcnon bonus if the Work is completed
before the substantial completion date The City, at its optimt may withhold hyuidatei demonize firm
progress payments payable to C ,nractor before the eubsaarnul completmn date
6 7'hc Ctryas Rcsponsibilifws
fi.l The City may evaluate the Cunmcctor's and any subeontm(tor's performance(mtcrnmand
furaB. Timeliness as mccbng the Project schedule and the overall rclatronlim with the Conferral are
factors that will be considered in the Connector's Performance rating An unfawrable perfornrnnecrrting
maybe a factor when £alum ass&nnentc arc being considered
6.2 The Cuymakcsno rcprescmm�onor vvanantyofarynatwe wbatsoevice alto dreacewncy
of automation or documinaton le evened by pan City to the Connector which were malarial orPrevdal
by third parties.
T Period of sesame
ZI The Contractor shall wmmcnco work oar the Project aver supplying the City will, the
Contractor's performance and Farmers bonds and all rryuir J axsurance documents before starting its
Work on this Project The City shall dcrarmmo when rho Contractor has complctwl she Work requirW
pamuerrt to this Agreement, cord shall dcleroxim the date ofPmal Al ocumneu. Connector re nderous tm,r
s of the essence regarding its performance on this Project. Contractor shall continue to program its
obhnan eswlide any dispute concemrdy the Assortment
its being imolval) unless ocriche decidedbyline
7.2 Bach phase of the project shall be completed in aocordancc with the activities outlined in
tux Clty's Bll)#_-_BxiubtA Aojwt Plascs Include
"! 21 As specified twin ling nayr in special Provisions
8 Payment for Services and Reimbursements
SA Within the met five (5) business days of cash month, the Cntrator shall henna the
Crty for Works nll))etcd dnrhtgtilc prevtous month The Cntractorin all provide a dolaihod invoke
that relatan invaccd itself to the C ntractor's vniensc to Bid 12-126 m bothquantityandwt cost
Any discrepancies in the monthly scene shall be promptly biougbt to the attention ofthe Carl armr
bythe City Project Manager and dban; shall he made to pmmptlyresodvesad discmpsnciwbctwecn
the City and Contractor In the went the City and Contractor cannot resolve invoice discrepancies,
acres in dispute will be removed fiom the material and the City (hall approve the remainder of the
knows. Payment will be made as soon as acerbic following the City Council meeting at which the
n appeared] on the bills list, and in accordance with all applicable laws and rules of the City of
Evanston and the State of Illinois
R2 In theeventoftof thebasi bythe Cityofthin tare Cocntctrfor n-pazagraph 9.1
aftercornplhpaseany planeofthebasicrcent for such
due tire Connectorfor
loss on -vices ll andcredt
through echphaa the evcttafri if harrpayment5rrsnobncrains,andno furtherflaniscrivedueto
the Cntractor.Ine a event scrido ; raid anon it the
offing ro phaseoffhcbas:cscrw:as, the
the ha ve to
shall he pad for soilless rendcrai on file basis of file proportion of work wmpieted on
the phase to date oftcrinmanon
R.3 Thetho wiaU harrmallgiitrowithhodpaymenin food
oo Contractor due timuraatrs
ofapomon crallofloreward. is unsatisfactory,
hmcundor which unote ascottempwiththe t f leaned to
pe ills e raw f rv. or which is ncorrecto Composition or sdue ro the tes oCanafthe t sal co or refusal to
Perfovn any of its oAtionarcirt w lnot bee a owed st cxccss the
total contract ent and
specified m Ibtd vane as r will not be allowed uofth lusucco in the mpen solen for almoner
.trepi led in advance as provided for in Section 3 of thin Agecmrnr Compensation for improper
perfomraiicc by tho Conuactor a disshtowcd.
8A Upon completion oflbe Work preferred bertha Contractor, prior to the submss llof
a regular for final paynern, the City and Contractor shall perforin a final acceptance and review
of the Work performed and/or egmpment installed mad ent to file Agroenncnt. A punch art ofitein
outstandrn6 will be jointly devcliand by the City and Contractor. in addition, the Contractor shall
sulanut dram mgs of ressid for the Project for nce City to approve file Cnhactor shall promptly
resolve all punch hat items to ibc sahsf than ofihr Crty, and shall trenxinit to the City in writing
confrrmminn that all punch list horn halo been learned. The City will review. and the Contractor
drall readily, as isrooerry, any drawings of cleared to the satisfaction ofthe City. Punch list hems and
drawings ofrecord most be approved by the City prior to file Cntractor Instance; its final invoice
for payment
8 5 The Contractor shall suimut an Affnava and a final waiver rafts lion, slut all final
warvers ofhens of anYsibcomractors, suppliers, and sub -subunit actors, ifapphabie, wrtb hs Beal
(lce, sudingthat all obligations mcimed in pert nnanccofthe professional scrviccs have been paid in
l.The Affidavit will also airline a statement string that the parefiesional sciviws wcxe performed in
compliance with the terms of(he Agreement. The Affidavit mid all final hen waivers shall be on a train
acceptable to the City.
8 6 All project invoices shall be sent to;
Ity0 iralsTon, Engmceruis
2100 Ridge Avenue
Evanston, Iilmoss 602.01
with a copy to
City of Evanston /Anyone else as apseheable]
2100 Ridge Avenue
Evanston. On ois 60201
9 Notice and CurelCmmina[ion
91 In furtherance of Conductor's Work on ties Project, ties City and the Contractor agreeflad
the following Notice mad Cure provision in this Sa nit 9.1 shall apply during the duration of Conhaetots
work on this Prolwt, in addition to the reserved rights of the City enumerated in this Agreement as
f lleavo
5 1 Cignidat 7 Damages;
8 3 Conny 8 Concedes
a duty to
ld revise nd i
16.2 Connector's duty to viespo d t wirat covers, and
163 Connector's dutymicsyond to City's notice of costs and omiss:mis
The Clfy the
City ofWanan ofs to Cototerminate Ibistermentwithin(]) sevencalcndanot of
assmace fhc Week. The
Cit noticesshall
to Contractors say sus ch nomestproject inning regarding defect$tine project or
n Connector's Work. The r City Se Lion 9,Ly ondraool will nmg the k oropportunity
noha to Conhactor under this Section 9.1. Conhactoa wall have the opportunity to cure the nnnll
o mb cammg Workkd nn (]) seven performed
co receipt to
til iv iten notice issued bythi g in Ins -
such cnr9 1 s work done shaft be pa ity's r ght oompletad to the s in s Section
satisfaction Nothing in (his
Section 9 1 shall othmwrse affect the Crty's right to csamtt its nights m Scrnon 9.2.
9.2 The CrtY sbnll hove the right w tenninate thu Agramcirt upon fifteen (15) days wnttcn
notice fir miy reason. Mmbng ofsuch nobccshallbc cquwalcnt to pusonaliwiice and shallbcdrnmvl to
have been given at The tuns of consist
Payments nwdc by the City pmsamnt to this Agreement me sables[ to sufficient appropriations
made bythc t appropriation
Evanson Crty City C. In the event yhs obligations hens ing Rom norvapprop there
or insufficient appmpriahon by the City Council, the City's obligations hmcundtt shall ceaec and there
cwsr And there sloth be rm penalry or fn ba, nit o t required
9.3 Witbia thirty(30) days of termnianon elders Agreement, the Contactor shall hum over to
the City airy dournonts, it, afts, add materials, including but not linuted to, old dmtdith wok pmduq, data,
studies, test results,.onon doOnessi s, AutoCad Version 2007, ArtVvw, ME, Nord, Exe 1SooadEnji,
trolmied sfeedficanmts and calcubt tons, ned any other arch earns specfically identified by the City, latod
to the Work brten. Upon Iaeolt of mid items, the Contractor shalt be paid her labor oral expenses
mcutral to the date oftcnnioation as provided in Section U. Elio Aymanentvssublecttorermmatmnby
either party if antra party ,s redmmil by a state or fcdeml wuvl of competent yvdcdo m farm
perfineding file posibion, ofthis Agnmoold Upon ouch lanrotation, the liabilities rfihe parties to if,,,
Agtecmxnt shall cast, hot they Atli not be relieved oftbe duty to perform thcd obligations througb the
date ettemwedion No Jim sball be film by the Contact,n the evall old a,,hration oftbis Agrceorert
by the City
9.4 If, because of death or any other oceorenw, including, but oar nodded to, Corditio n
bcemrnng insolvent, it becomes impomible for any principal orpigedpd, oftbe Contrarian to reactor the
scrvmessd forthin this 4greement, nitro, the Cnntrartor, rorirssurvivingpnncipal shy)) *c>ciirved of
their obligations to wrldide the Professional services Howoon, in the overt o£sudr an oocuncnce, the
City at Its own rallied may temrinate this Agtoemmnl if it is not fuimsbwl evidence that mmpeto,t
prof ollowlscrvtoes can still be hatishN as schadi
95 to the event ofan amcrgcaey or threat to tic life, safrly or wolfarc of the city is ordn
City', the City shall hoe� the riglR to ley moat, this Agreemend wol, at prior orktat noficr
10 Insurance
10.1 The Cen radon shall, A its ream cxpensc, swore and maintain an effect tlnoughout the
dura len of this contract, nine ran. a,wr,t dahns for b or. to persons ei damages to pmpW, vo mch
may arise from or on wddcrolien with the porfbrmanec off. Wink hereunder by the Crntrretrdne agent"
repmseentlees, coployees or suberntmeton. Cridne, n aoEonwWgo, and og,,. That if it fills to
comply wRh all rcyuitemenis offles Section 10, the City may void the Agteeocnt
the Contr edor must give to the City Certificate, of berio nee identifying the City to be an
Adrhtmnal messiest fin all Work done pai W this Agrnsdent heroic Citysl affrccrrnmmds mvard of
the wmtact to City Cnuncit. My lnmwtioo,ormodlfications on the Ccrbfioatc(s) ofiusuumccissued to
the Cityincc earth t6,sSwoon that conflst with the pmvs,ons offhs Sadion lU shall lave no
force and cffile!lfrcl
Offer ..,it ofthe Contract to Contractor, the Condition, shall give the city certified copy field
oftbe ioanrance policy ('es) evAnmmg the amouul, set frith at Scctinn 10 2, and copies ofthc Addinonal
Insured eadorierneat to such pohoy tics) wluchname the City as an Additional Invaded for all wotkdona
pwsuant to the Agrccmcnt before Contractor does any Work per and to this Agreement. Connector's
wrtifioate ofmsmanw Sisi contain aprovtcion slat thewvenge afforded under the polrcy(s) wiiinot be
canccicdo, reduced without thirty(3U)daysprioi wvnwrmticr(Iraml dchverwl nr repislnrd mad)to tlm
delivered or rcguawdmad) to the City. Connanorshnl promptly f ratud new ccttific,ae(s)ofiiuvrancc
evtdencmg the wvnagc(s) resound herein upon annual renewal ofew subject policies.
The policies and the Additional lnsurai endorsement must be dchvecd to the(itywaluntwo f2)
weeks of the request All tosumnec polmea shalt be written wall moosom companrcs hennaed or
authoumd to do business in the State oflilmoin and having aratingofaot less thaI scomdarglo the
A.Al. Best COrnpaly should any of the r earnance polices be canceled before the expmalion date, the
suing wmpaoy will mall thirty (30) days written notice to the City. The Contractor shall resume and
verify that all suncontmearne maintahr insurance rnecnng all of the requucments stated hetcin
Any deductibles or sclfnnsurasl rMenttons to he declared h aid sppmvcd by the My. Al the
option ofaw Cay, idther themsurersh llreduccor olimmatesnch deductibles or scl6msured w(colonsas
respects the City, ns olfiuxs, officials, employees and volarears, of the Contractor shall provide a
thousand gvaranla sanstactory to the City gu arareccing p.laneat of losse, and rc letcd urvesngminns, claim
administration and defense expenses
10.2 Carriacou shahcu,y and maintain at its own cost wdb wchusmpmay as a masonably
acceptable to City allnorterary liability twut'anee (svhichsball include as amirmm�nthe requiretnenissce
pith below) during the term of Agiccment, per damages caused or contributed to by Connacht, and
arsounal; Contractor against clams which may arise oat of or result from Conhachr's pet fonnaaee or
failure to pa(orm flue Sconces hereundor
a) Worl.ctIs cnnrpeisalion in statutory brute tied employer is hahility insurance in t6uanmunt
of at least five hundred thousand dullars ($500.000)',
b) Comprchcasive gimp at liability cavorago which designates the Cayas an additional usive7
for not less dean three mihmn dollars (S30000,000) combined single Oat for bodily inNry,
doelh anal property damage, pia oaourrence;
c) Comprehensive automadido liability inanimate covning owned, non -owned. not laved
vehiclet, fir cot less than ono indent dollars (51,000,000) combewd surge ]unit for bodily
ugwy, death, or property damage, per occurrcncr, and
Contractor ardersmmde that the aceepinei of CertiScata Ofbaeuranec, politics, and any other
documents by are Caym no way releases tire Contractor and its sunwnlmc[ors Sors the requirements act
girth bcrcm
Contractor expressly agrees to waive its rights, basctits and aaithin ae under 11rc "Other
insurance clause of its conamcrcead &renal liability natimu e policy as velonts ills City in the event
Connector fads to purchase or procure h aurnuc as requied above, the parties expressly agree that
Continuer shall be in default under this Afrar nl, and that the City may Pointer all losses, attoamy's
hex and costs expanded in pursuing a remedy, or rcimbmsemcnt, at law or in crude, against Connaroor.
I1 Indemnification
11.1 The Conhactorsball defend, inshi y andlsold harmless the City and it"flicers,elected
and appeared officials, agents, and employees from any and all Lability, losses, or damages as a result of
elainvq dnnands, snits, actions, or proceedings of any kind or action, Including but net limited to costs,
and fees, Inclodmg accuracy sf , judgments or settlements, resulting four erarising out ofany negligent
or willful act oromtssiorsmtthepan ofthe Conufletm'or Contractor's subwntiactors, anpfyees, seems
rsubwniractors dung the prr frmancc of thr. Agrcanmt, Such Indemnification dull not be limited by
mrsen of the enumeration of any Insurance coverage harem provelod, This provision shall survive
Completion, expiration, or termination ofthis Agreement,
1L2 Nothing contained hacm shall be eonstrucel as prolnbiting the City, or itsoffiwra, agents,
or employes, from dofnmding through the selafron and use ofthmrown agents, annrneys, and experts,
any cleans, actions or suits brought against them, The Contractor shell be liable for the Costs, fees, and
expenses rmmrs d in the defense of any such claims, actions, or suits Nothing herein shall be constravd as
x 7imitatinnor waiver otdafenscs available to the City and coployces and agents, mcludmg but net tined
to thelllinovs Local Cnvemnsartaland Covernmanal Hmployces Ton Immunity Act, 745ILCS Ian-101
At the City Corporation Concert's option, Contractor must (eased attains bought upon all such
Losses and most pay all costs and expenses incidertal to them, but the City has the tight, at its option, to
participate, at its own won. in the dcfeuse ofany suit, without rcheving Contractor ofany of its obligations
under this Agreo nenl. Any settlement of any claim or suit rclatal to this Project by Contractor most be
made only with the prior wnttse consent of tic City Cotpamten (Armael, If tile settlement rc(mres any
action ou the pan of the City
To the extent pcnmsslrlc bylaw, Contractor maw<v any limits to the amount of its obligations to
indemnify, defend, orwnlnbute to anysums duo under.my Lnssvc, includregany claim by myemployco
of Contractor that maybe subject to the illinoix Workers Compas atlon Act, 8201LCS 305/1 rrseq or
any other IclatW law or judicial decision, mclushm but not limited to, Kolacki r, Cyclops mebang
Corporation, 146Ib2d155(1991), The City,however, does not waive any lumblesis it may have on its
liability under the Illinois Workers Compemuntinn Act, the Illmo,s person Code or any other statute
11 3 The Contractor shall he nsponvbk for wry losses and u�sln to roPav or omedy wort.
performed under this Agrccmcnt resuIImg Rom or ansmg out of any act or omtssonI ncylcct or
conduct or the perforremar ofrts Work or its submnhacrors' walk Acceptance of the work by the
City will not relieve the Contractor of the soponslbdity for subsequent correction of my such error,
omissions and/or negligent acts or of Its liability for loss or damage resulting thac Rom
114 All provissurs ofthis Saxton l l shall survive Completion, expiation, or termination ofthis
12 Drawings and Documents
12.1 Any drawings, survey data, reports, etudes, specifications, estimates, maps, plans,
computations, and other docmncats mquncd to be prepmrd by the Contractor for the Project shall be
considered Works fin line and the sole pwperty of the City
122 The Contractor and its subwntraetorsled] maintain for a oundommofflare(3)ywr rotten
tlecompleionoftlus Agrccmeagm for drove(3)years after the tenniaatrnn option Agrcemort, whahmen
wincelalegadcgwtebooks,mmrdsandsupportogdocmnentstoverifytll amounts,recipientsanduses
efell diaurscoranta offends passmg in mnjuncnon and, the Agrcemrnt. The Agecmcut and all books,
rwurds and supporting devoca L related to the A,nemnent shall be available foucmcw and audit by the
City and the fcdm at fund,., enmity, ifa,brable, and the Contractor agrees to couperalc felt, with ariy
audit conducted by the City and to provide full access to all malevals. Fadarc to maintnin the books,
.,it, and supporting dowmeMsrcgmred by this Subseolion shall establish upon anptionm fuverofthc
City for mwvcry of miy finds paid by the City under the Agrcccout formhich udcquate books, tcwuds.
and supporting decunventation are not available to support their purported disbursement.
13 Successors and Assigns
13.1 The City and the Contractor each bird tbemsclres mid their partoem, aseac aurn, executors,
adirmiftmtom, and assigns to the other party ofthc Agreement and to the partners, successors, executors,
admintsteators, and assigrw o[snch other party in respect to all wvenanis oftlus Aguccment Ncitherthe
City nor the Contractor shall assign, sublet, m transfer its interest m this Agucmeof without thcwriurn
on tofilroothm Finforgimrcin shall be construed as encoring anypusonxl liandityonthepart ofany
other or agent ofany body, tchmaybc party hereto, nor shall it be corvstmal as giving any
right or benefits hcrcumder dm to to anyonee other than the City and the Contractor
14 Force Majeure
IM Whcncvcra p.cd oftimc is provided far in firsAgem.mcol for the Connactor or the City
to do orp dorm any act or obhgaton, miltn party shall be liable to, any delays on mabbtyto pedomr if
such delay is due to a wuw beyond its control and rvif font ns fault of teglipe,e including, without
a) Ads of I.I.
b) Acts or failure to act no the part of any gevemmcntal authority other than the City or
Contractor, mcluding, but not limited to, emcnnent of Incas, rules, regulxnens, codes of
ordmanecs mispooucnt to the date of this Agrocmum;
or Acts or war;
d) Acts ofolvil or mdrtary..from,
e) Embargoes,
f) Work smppaguc, tenkcs. lockouts, or labor dtsputcs.
g) Pubic dirohms, civil v:olenw, or 11sobudicnca,
h) Riots, blockades, sabotage, mwnection, v orbdbmr,
Q Lpidemos or pandemics;
j) Tcnorist met,
k) Fucs or-xplosiom;
I) Nord. accidents:
m) Faribquakes, floods, hmrim.w tornadoes, orother snob, alum,.;
R) Major cvvironmcvtal dennubanccs, or
tfedelayis lesson by any ofthcfinevm mvm r u vmstenccs set forib above, the bmopenodaball
be intended for only the actual amount oftere said party is so delayed. Fortici, aura party eleient, a
delay due to an event offwce m✓ikro, shelgive the otbcr party vrkma once ofameb it widt. three
(3) business day, ofas Oomen. in it shell be deroed to be waival
]5 AncndmeMs and Modifications
tit Esccpt as Mhenvisc povided helm, the men. ,it swpe of Work specified in this
Agremneul may only bacodniod bye wnle, Champ, in a written m),mmicul ID thu Agmecmcoi,
approved by both parties. This Agrocmmat may be readifiai of sounded from tam• to time provided,
ho,veva, that nosuch mosdmaitorrwdifrralimisshaRbceRectivcuNcss royalist to ,ntmgwm<mjy
andsonaod and signs) by the autiaeined rcprescmalncs ofthe pertme.
16 Standard of Cal e & Warranty
16.1 "[be Cnntmda sbellperfomra0 of[hc provisions -fills Agrccmrnt to the safisfacLnv of
the City 'I he City, shall base its determmetion-file Contractor's folR@ncnt oftboamil e fthe oak to
accordance with bellhop
accepted professoval tle, At memos syccrr. ,i. s e. star The
shall perform act of the es Me -Pa of this Agiccmart with that dcgicc of care aiM skill
ordmarity exercised by members vftic smite professmn currently practicing uudct similar mndmovs
16.2 The Commotot shall be responsible for the accuracy -fits prolessionalmmean• vndcr this
Alrzeensvt mid shell Promptly make newtons Or cortetim mein rg froth its visors, onlmears, or
negilgait ads without additional compensation The o'ty's acceptmuv of any Of the Contractor's
proflssoours vues slralCotmon, ea,mvbadoreC it lith sporifi losubsvr-ims ycooer, which
own downtrend
to be is If a Common, Or Mrob or has provided the City with andust atioas for this Finkle whut art
ddited to to be Is for Pi o th, R queststomator Qla yenta nc� sohmtathe pmccss pis ledmg but not
lunacy to Requests for to the "t, Requests for. east in
the of bads), ill Contractor shall make such
corzcthe CiVorsty,
or he Comeop to the s➢llpromptly at no cost he the City he reaso neon reeapt of an ed yoll
from the Crty, the Contractor spell promptly sullenly,
or the City for thempriate pa rests associated wrest
theped to Preereatioation and nOfffic eometed OTreli dthrrrcvasiovstoapting leteistribuionosngbutmt
limited to preparation -fell wrtveted or rcrvisM dncumevts, and printing aiM distribution costs.
IG} omnonc�prable within
Worhon this projcdurs TheCntort R respond tothcw it,
notice of visit errors j anills) I within twmry the city, loos The Contactor shalt be requucd m
promptly visit the project sitc(s) Rdrtttted to by the city,
164 The Contractor shall comply with all @ale,n, state, and local statutes, regulations, rules,
notion., pdroal decuimw, and administrative rulings applicable to its ornbon w. uadm des
16.5 Contractor guarantees srd wimants to the City that:
a) All mateials and equlpmerrt famished undo" "I s Agreement shall be o'Sood quality and
now, unless otherwise requu cd or tmumncd by the Contract Documents,
b) The Work ofthis Almotoran shall be moo ame. defccls which are not inlmrent in tbequady
required; and
c) The Work shall comply with the requirements set forte in the Contract Documents.
'flits wamanty and guarantee shall be for x pond from (1) year 6omthc date ofcvmpienwa aril
Foal Asw W. ofthc Work by the City or us otherwise prowd,d m flee Cornact Docun ems.
If, within tbcrosycar wanantypuiod, aflerthe Contactor has received afuralpaymentundarlids
Agacmenl, any.fnw Work is faun] to boambe in doeadwrcewrtb thorequhmnents ofthis Agreoncat,
in whore defects in materials or workmansbrp may appeaq or be an need ofernan, the Connie orsliall
correct rmn-conforming andlordefenrve work or maerials promptlyffi4ca receipt ofe rime naieo tram
the City Contactor shall mama handy at r6 own axporer. mpau, neplaoo, restore, or rebuild any mach
Week. This remedy is m a]d. ion to any other legal or egmtahle remedies the City may have miler this
Agreement or the law.
This guarantee and warranty shall not iobeve Contractor oflrabibly let latent defixts, and shall he
in addmon to it. City s rights wider the law or othin guarantees no warranties, eepress or implied
166 (Inserranyarhosern¢a rza/
16,7 The provsioris ofihrs Scnion lft shall survivcthe compldion. espnation nr terminationof
tbis Agreement
17 Savings Clausc
171 Ifamyproruionofthis Agresmcni, or ihcappliwbon nfauchprovieion, shallberader�or
disdained mvand by a coon of eemonlent imaidetion, or by moon ofatc requiring any stops, anions, or
results, the aanaining pans or portions ofthis Agremnent shall remain in full horn, and effect.
18 Non -Waiver of Rights
181 No fdwc or delayby the City to exorcise any powcr given to it hereunder or insist upon
strict nemplome, by Conlmder with its obhgaism hereandci, nor,mypsymou made by the City wider
City mrdcr this Agroement, shall constitute a waiver ofthe City's tghl to demand strict wmplaince
with the tours henry unless such waiver is at writing and srgncd by the City
19 I ntire Apiscment
191 This Agrec rigid sets forth all the covenants, conditions and promises between the
parties with regard to the subject matter set forth herein. There are no covenants, promises,
agreements, wndrhonsorundem andargs between the parties, either and or written, otha Brul rlwse
mnlmncd inthis Agreement This Agreementhas lawarrgobated and e tined unobyeechpartywrh
shcoppotorem to against
part' he to
tl efardmg one
parl tulle. that
portionoRhc Agreement
shall be carrstruN against a party due to the fact that one party Jtaitalrhat particular Imrtwnas the
Me ofoono a p7oferentcm shall not apply,
20 Governing Law
201 This Agreement shall be ceiustrued in accordance with and .subject to the laws and
rules of the City of Cvarston and the State of Ilhmois both as to Interpretation and Reformer,
Venue for any action arising out ofor due to this Agreement shall been Cook County, Mini, The
CoyshaU not enter into holding arbitration to resolveanydhspulc rdalsd to this APJcement Thenty
does not waive toff iminupityley entering Into tim Agreement.
21 Ownership of Contract Documents thename or
the City
adveesomely,ingotsNftomusmgmanyfrnnormerbwn, by the City
logo is the Cry for pubic aof dweemcnt, wrias.� er{acccly granted ry requirements
permission by r s Crry.
Submission co nection on o£ documents to meet official regulatory publication
requiro n dca or for sundae
proposes in connection wah this project u not to be count tied as pubiimbon N derogation of tire
City c reserved rights
22 Notice
22.1 Anymbec reputed to be given by this Agreement shallbedccriied sufficient rfmadc
mrmgws sentbycenilw mad, returnreceiptregacsas cor bypersonals$Ihall,tothepersons
mid oddruws indicatN below or to suchothcr addresses na cit'ncr pant hereto shall notify thootfier
parry nt in wr tin6 piri rant to the prov,srnns ofthre Subsection.
City ofEvanslon Project Manager, Rid Number 12 1Pii
2100 Ridge Avenue
Evanston Illinois 60201
if to the Contractor:
22,2 Mailing of such nonce as mxl where pmvidW above shall be equrvalvmt to personal
nobec mid shall be deemed to have been given at the time o£maihng
23 Sevetability
23.1 Except as otherwiseprovided honer, the mvandrty of neenforccabihty ofarrypobcobt
pmrnsion, or pan thersef, oftlue Agcemoot shall not affect the other Emulators, ,it this Ageement shall
continue he all mspcets as tfsuch invalid of mcnfoncable provision had not been oentared horror.
24 Execution ofApsentient
24.1 7 his Agmemcnt sball be signM last by the City Manager, The City Manager shall affix the
date on which be/shc signs this Agreement on Pap I Iretcof, which date dollbo the oRdo edate ofthas
25 Counterpart,
251 For convenience, this Agrccmont maybe exwmed in say, number oOonnterparts, each of
which shall be dccmrsl to be an ougral
26 Authorizations
26 1 The Contractor's outhen/A represcanahvcs who have executed this Agmcmcnt warrant
that they have been lawfully autlron<ed bythe Cnetutrun's board nfdircetots m its bylaws to esccutethis
Aterenvnt on its behalf Tire City ManageatEams that he/she has boon lawfully authornod to owentctli,
Apocsnttat. The Contractor and the City shall deliver upon request to each other wpms ofall anmlea of
mcortomt.r, by].,, oisolatters, ordinances, or other do.1ts which erndoncc then legal anthodo, to
execute thin Aterommt on bchaifot their msper nve Pofi s.
27 Time of Essence
27.1 Tamers ofthe revenue withtcsped to each provision toonefln wbich lime is a factot
IN WITNESS MMEREOF, the partms hereto have caused this Attention to be amol by then
their duly suthor'ucd tcpresmotatrves on the day and date fort written on the fuss page above
U�W � Name's /��z,.✓�JB'�«�
Its -Luy}Ar Its _ ✓/ter 0 tw'
Approved as to form:
By. Approved as to form
It, Corporation Counsel
Rev.smn October 2011
Ori&aal Ac„rcement Date
Bid No, (if applicable):
Owner. City of Evanston, Dwors
Convaci6r.___ .__.
Change to Contract Price:
The following change is hereby made to the connact brti tlm panics
Price of new work=
Ongina) Convact Price=
Rmv cdConlsaclPrue
................ .......
Change to Contract Time:
Not Apphcablc
R...ndcd by Date
Approved by (0wncr) Date
Acceptedby(Convactml Date
City of Evanston
Pre — stage, one week prior to commencement of construction work on each roadway segment
Post"No Parking Anylime'Signs. Place all required construction zone advance warning signs
Erect temporary fence and bee trunk protection. Exploration trench work for water main shall he
performed. Saw tufting of pavement and root pruning performed.
CONSTRUCTION (GROUP'. Plume. Bradley. Nathaniel and McDaniel)
Underground work on Pitner Avenue between Main Street and Nathaniel Place will be the
firsttostart. Underground work on Bradley Place between FoMorAvenue and Pitner Avenue
along with underground work on Nathaniel Place between McDaniel Avenue and Pitner
Avenue will start following the completion of the underground work on Pitner Avenue.
Underground work on McDaniel Avenue between Lee Street and Dead End North of Cram
Street will start following the completion of the underground work on Nathaniel Avenue.
All Group #1 streets that are a part of this contract shall have water main installation, flushing,
chlorination, water service transfers, Jetting and compaction testing of trench, final trench
patching, sewer improvements and all concrete work be completed.
Substantial completion shall consist of completion of all paving related work including milling
the existing surface, all necessary structure adjustments of reconstructs, placement of leveling
binder and surface courses and permanent roadway striping
Should the Contractor not complete the work as specified for substantial completion by July
27, 2012 the Contractor shall be liable to the City of Evanston double the amount specified in
Section 108 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction from January,
2012 for each day of over -run until such time as interim completion as defined is completed.
NSTRUCTION (GROUP 2 —Greenleaf. Elmwood. Oak and Ashlandl
Underground work on the following streets; Greenleaf Street between Grey Avenue and
Dodge Avenue and Elmwood Avenue between Carton Street and South Boulevard and Oak
Avenue between Dempster Street and Dead End south will not start before June 11, 2012,
Ashland Avenue between Lincoln Street and Central Street will start on July 5, 2012 The
Contractor will be required to acquire an IDOT permit for Ashland Avenue and Central Street
intersection work The Contracts Is also required to submit a Traffic Control Plan for Ashland
Avenue and Elmwood Avenue two weeks prior to starting the work.
All Group #2 streets that are a part of this contract shall have water main installation, flushing,
chlorination, water semce transfers, jetting and compaction testing of trench, final trench
patching, sewer improvements and all concrete work be completed
Substantial completion shall consist of completion of all paving related work including milling
the existing surface, all necessary structure adjustments or reconstructs, placement of leveling
binder and surface courses, permanent roadway striping, detector loops, top sods and
sodding Should the Contractor not complete the work as specified for substantial completion
by August 1V, 2012 the Contractor shall be liable to the City of Evanston double the amount
specified in Section 108 ofthe Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction from
January, 2012 for each day of ovearun until such time as mtenm completion as defined is
CONSTRUCTION (GROUP 3— Pros nact. Isabella and Lvonel
Underground we,% on the following guests; Prospect Avenue between Grant Street and
Colfax Street and Isabella Street between I-awndale Avenue and Central Park Avenue and
restoration work on Lynne Street between Dalm's, Avenue to Fast Dead End will start
following the substantial completion of Group #I,
All Group #3 streetsthat are a part ofthis contract shall have watermain Installation, flushing,
chlainabon, water service transfers, jetting and compaction testing of trench, Final trench
patching, sewer Improvements and all concrete work be completed.
Substantial completion shall consist of completion of all paving related work Including milling
the existing surface, all necessary structure adjustments orreconstmcts, placement of leveling
binder and surface courses, permanent roadway striping and parkway restoration
Should the Contractor not complete the work as specified for substantial completion by
September 14, 2012 the Contractor shall be liable, to the City of Evanston double the amount
specified in Section 108 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction from
January, 2012 for each day of over -run until such time as interim completion as defined Is
The Contractor must complete all the work as specified by September 21, 2011Z
lJ��, t3%oAraen'
readand Il comply with this Special Provisions forthe above refeence Tgrolect.
company: _ GONCREJE INC. _
1350 N. Old Rand Road
Wauconda, Ilfinols 60084
As of Illmoie Deportment of 7kanspottazimt McMenndwn dated NoWelber 26, i99fi from Robert 14,
Nihon, the following, indwiduals mul connemoes were suspendal by the Fedexal Highway
Adrmvisha4on on November 2l, 1996.
Mr Sobmt enlumho Mr. Daniel
me Sebastian Palumbo Mr. Daniel Andethi
Mr.lieca43shR ecvy W.1:ethAAbahC
Q Bolt Recycle LP. Mnnazclr Asphalt Company
Palumbo I3retlurs, Iumrpuratat
Lrimmthe terms r ber swepeniom s de Bed b lbe end uolet, and
arc ptohtuot b from rued conbac in
whmazy or lower her ro al of
O defined ar otert t rvles, and they cannot be also
which tegvuc the approval ye the Itlinors Department of traost natiov. 'fhcy alm caruiot entry into
.aubrnnhacts on or Fc rn+ployedby firms awazded such wnhaas
0p y, March la, 1998 the FHA suspension bay been rrnJfRW N etbw Oran„ Ctush Recycle L.P.
io supply aeequipmen materials toy and roots and sera in t e sirs, and author Th Palumbo Brothers,
Inc to lcacc equipment to contractors and Warner
on hRv'Wmpr the state of Illinois. She suspended parties
may still not participate in any ntbcr m ucr on higJrwaY Prot tv and wrtl not be pro-qualifiW with the
]Jbnou Departmcvt ofTranspnrtanon an vcd
Theteiorc, the caded patties will trot br nas aw r to his pnnjra vs cenhallor, or suhmnhnc[ors,
twSagcd az conwltantc or be employed Ny fumy awazdcd such contracts.
corpnrahnnNanre 135ON,Oid Rand Roarl
-----Waueanl"mais 60084
comnu.ar� we r.hmro�
i. The CbntracCod , which X rs caLed to the hours
permute is section construction
of Ybe
of is section Code, a revi scguor this
the hours permitted for the constrnctinn activities.
This section has been revised for rhis project.
Contractor wilt he Mon to perform any ay. C n trac or rent between the hours of
at le AM W 4:00 PYf, Monday advance
R Contractor must get written permission
at any meaty -foes hums is advance from the City EVTjnrer and/nr Senior Engineer
for any Saturday wmk.
2 The Contractor ContrActor
f Ron' iDOT recommended Hss their
fn SSRIons and
In d / or ri the inimAsion will be i e etty-f to discos their operations and get verbal
and / or written petnJsxion at least hventy-four (2A) hours 4a advance In order to warlc
on the fallen ivg data:
Friday, April 6, 2012 Gootl Friday
Saturday, April 14, 2012 Last Day of Passover
Wednesday. July 4, 2012 Independence Day
Monday, September 17, 2012 Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, September 26,2012 Yom Kippur
1350 N. Old Rand Road
ebrpnrahmt Name. Wau6onda, Illinois 60084
ssga yr_ ,„l-�CJsile%txi
City of Evanston
DESCRR'SIIONThs w.rk shall consist efmactmg IEPA rcquuamants for the disposal
efcxeavatod mar.nal inrludutg, bat rot beritrrl to c1. w ntorenon or demolition debts
(CCDD), unwataminatal soil, aseUor asntaminated soil
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. The eentmetor will be rrspoosible to provide
CCDD and sod fill site operators with all urferimbon and fees se oxieb d by the IEPA
and fill sit. operate.. The Car will sot provide c Rtifsesr. as an owner or operator of
the site of origin presuming that excavated soil is unwntamireated This will require the
Cesilmetor to provide fill site operators with IEPA form /PC-603'TTnerntaminatcd Seel
Ccrlifiwtion by Lracusrd Professional Engineer". It will be the Contractors sole
tesporrobility to dispose A excavated rnaterial generated as apart ofthis wntact.
BASIS OF PAYMENT: This week will not be ressouted or paid for sop riaely, but shall
he considered as included m file centract an¢ pncr for the various items g.neratmg
excavated .stand.
1 _._LY.T 3� (�JAPiJ&'tl have not and midcrstood the above
statement, and will wmpiy with this special provision for this project.
CONCld RandC. "�,)
I�.0 f Oid$and Road
Naucontla, Illinois 60084 Name/Srgaamro Company
When requested by the resident evgener the monomer shall provide street sweeping or a water tanker
truck within 4 boors ofbeing, efucsted and by 3 P.M. each day roauesbd to, the street Inertias, To has
Dwsiousiy worked aadlor tbo locations as directel by the resident aitipmer. Tbrs work wdi be paid for
a die contract nun Inim far each street sweeping, which price shall include all labor, material &
equipments necessary to wnrplute the work. Ifthe oontradoi fails to mwt thwc iNurzemeNs a penalty
of$ Soo.00 per omaromm shall be applied.
All mrb it gutter removed shall be permit winno 2 working days of removal, New club and gutter
shall be pawed witluv 1 working day of bill, formed. The lbrms than be remove{ within 1 working
day after the once we pour aid the rc u radco, behind the new curb shall he done with 24 hams after
,mr.ml of ne, Porno. All low areas shall be filled in to match the smroondmg gales wdbin 92 hours of
then verb being poured.
All the work W 01 be paid for at the contract unit price per foot £or concrete curb or oambmaiion curb &
grinner of the type .specified wbrah price sball include all material,, excavation, diepoaal, backfiit and
famishing. installing a1llomts as inquiet and confam to Sectiov 606 ofd:e Sfandazd Specifications for
Road and Bridge CnrtstnGion.
I j,nsryi-\7oP )hi`iT' base road and und.A..d
the above statement, aid will canny withtbis spccialpowiaion for the above refbeoared project.
Accepted by
11"A N,.W Rand Road—
Cmn➢ say Nlauconda, Illinois SOB84 Name/Signa e
City of Evanston
The Contractors project Superiutendwt m mt of crnd the required Weckly nasonction
ry'ogress rnccfing
The weekiy mating scfiedule and location will he fin%,d at the Pre-consto dw.
meeting for thcpmject
1 ! � �L.3a�N� of �rje.viii.,m5.fi __✓'H`t^�=`—<rc.:E4�
howread and will comply with this Special Provisions for the aWly refrsencW poi t.
Dntc Sl•L )L
PW — RS -1202
AESCHIPITTON: Thre work shall consist of the City providing enpinecrivg ew,,wa for the
urspalien.f ad w raftedicawneatwns.
MSPUCTION fin thw contract Monday through Rdday hetween the hours of lam to 4pm,
herein defined .,ownre workmR hours', uw,ct on legal holidays, ne defined by Article 107,09
of the latest corwn of no SSRBC, Saterdays, and on Sundays. If the Contractor dects to
..duct any canstraetion activities outside of the mortal workwg howl, the Coy shall be
will voice
for the Contr CONSTRUCTION each
ww hfor A. a rate per Pont'. Thr
City will vonnrlethe Contactor at the rvd of each mouth for CONSTRUCTION theiewdre.INSPECTION
prrvpms outside the cormal working layme Failure to pay the invoice may result in the
suPensinn of impwrding partial or final payments
METHOD OP MEASUUlNT: The or of mcaswe is in hours the Contractor spends
wxkmg outsidc',n wj working bows' mended to Broom groweet half -how mcrwnont.
BASIS OP PAY1yBTThis work will aoc be haul for separately, bill sball be .nsidwat as
wcfuded in the contract wilt price for the various contract ]toms.
I 1....-.. 1�v.enit it have read and
redwshrod the above statRncnt( and will comply with Site special powmew fi)r the above
referenced p eject.
1350 N. OldRand Road
company Naficmlda, Illinois$0@8ffs,a^eln� o—""?
City of Evanston
All permancnt Lot mix asphalt mi,hrzs for binder and surEw eevrses sban be pmehmed by the
contractor from an IDOT approvrd aspbait plant Aim the materials must meet the s redleatiele
LWioatul nr tine bid documents and IDOT Standard Spcoific te. for Road and Bridge
Cooetrodion adopted )emrary 1, 2012
1350 N. Old Rand Road
ireuwuud' nlil101S bUUKQ
Lave read and malecstood the above statemem, and will mply wab this special provision for the
above oJer- ed Projcd.
I/.z I—
DETECTABLE WAIttMNGS shall be installed at cmb "are as erosional by Section 424 of the
Standard Spmrficatimts and at locations as slrownon the plans or as duectcl by rho Enpnea
Tbc Product used for mstalinig deteetable warnings shall be the following:
(a) Prefabricated Casa[n-Platt Detectable Warning panels (2 mimmmn partner)
Bob Color —Red
(e) Anchor System—Romovable Steel Conacte Anchor Bolts (5 Miniboom Per panel)
Manufactured by one fthe following:
(a) Access Products, Joe (988-659-4022)1 Soppha (630-689-2524)
(b) Aracceist Predures CumpanY(818.982-3600)
to) DM rosano Wmwng Systems, on, (866499 9452)
N) Or approval equal
Submittals ce requacd by Standard Spcctficothce:
(a) Ma ufaaura's certification stating the product is Billy compliant with the ADAAG
(b) Marefactumx's 61c ycu warranty
(c)Manufactorcr's spcafteatioo stating the rcgnired materials, egmpmcew, mid installation
Additional installation tall-Blonenh: Panels must be cut m a neat and workman like manner per
manufacturers requircmave to match the entire curb tamp width with a mitummn of 5 pros pa panel
cast into crop se x.T. On panel one and mMbod, as shown on the Curb Sense detail, used for
iaemlling detectable wamnws shall be approved by the Engineer Prior to installation
Basis or payment: amenable warmnya will be paw for at the glEpggRq j}(l"rTJM foot an,
I SP-. 1350 NN."i.r �O-lld�� Rand Road
have read mad ui%trod the above statement, and will cnmpl 1Pi tnlsspLtP u i n for the
above tefetcnced project
Date. 4j,Z)•1�-- �.
City of Evanston
1350 N. Old Rand Road
I -> &,aez — Wai conda, Illinois 60084
have read and urdersmod Rm xLove slateman, sc@ rvill comply With 9tis spaial provision for the
above rcfrrenced pro)at
Data Ii'-L,
Illinois Department asraama ornvaaaon�ry
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�F�, FICIALS L cam n nnInRET€INS. Ali KARNATFNUTA nae i?5�1I QJ
canm�ssron�vaEsuuxu� Wa rn�Aa
Local Agency
@�,/ IlNaois oepartment Proposal B(d Bond
��f oR TransporCaBon
Ca ty Cook
RETURN WITH Bib Looi Aowne CKNOIvaaAan
Sawl PY-Al
vie Glenbrook Cxcavatine s Concrete. Inv. on PRINOIPAL,
and Libortv Nutuat in. e o mSUREPI.
areIanxyp Comm Into ma Call mom weoN �an-NOI ravl to date mM1uaralcr p atMay) Malo Towhee.m%Nitahom awoww n in9aea
Moral towel humocal and nower,nlnlypaY omoconotom a late wonammt.
wHERFA5 That CONDITION OFTHE FOReGO NO OetIGATION s ugHrelMaSNOI:NGIGAh 10:u>m'.kno a warn rvoanw to Mn IA
acrelthmal Mal emadly,o,Me cmwu al mot drotmol o: moahwo arum.
Napropxd w womew aA a carom axadow IothoFRlNompt by Me I All moo motal mal, tm red ImPRMCIPN
TmeraIalralwaWn Nen(ts aof waxmd mera we armhMI eM "s naar6 o"wthe nestall wldwUma(rrReM MadRepo Coeroamewlm acce
�ipeplmntMa Spmfnvllcna, Teat we thromlmnulemmo rod. Owl It Naa,omwn In FORM0end News -
IN nm a
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Tile mmonENT00 hm aw to Manohmoh'aP haarwm"Mary owal palm to willmmeal mu Uw ncover tenth paw vmm.w oh vehem It,he
call horaemvMiNs Mara mta he coo by ode
wa«a�mxEwEo3rd ova ea th,w2012
Wovbrook Cxaael, nc.lawwathat
Dowel (owwomaAma)
IaFRwemtlleawlmto mor rahmom.Mee and ate nwa� CMaedl
Liberty Nucval lnnotomAc Conmavv vBY ___ 1� 7rart pI, A
t mnoasvmr, Aabart � eta kt Attor c ie-fact
CO; htryWILL
rAcielaCashes . a Nolery panto m and for Bald wuntY,
I I I� m n l al I I I i l
ate de namcod IOwWagro�ddw Namcl
cv (spnmao nndrroI o
eu+tuCopvcv 1ro�
This Ai affinity Hardy led aide h^IryPYaw InhamAne'
Ali Iranian Voted
PG aR ortivol
KNOW ALL rvimrcwnPany�,awascaa.onvasaraams:.ra:wwmPvny. NSeBy THElay day reE9F.vq orIndeahemlwncra<tLLOr THE CYO Malffina:t:nraSTATE
Or nppomtlE$ cenN
aalmb o0iwnpc'�na In ua land wrAM in ed use rStah g
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ONEFRADniotnaar niiIANANDaacva, any and oetneanavapy bonas.rtropnbavonsnnomr ra 1
noons,AWIMAEAM3 am Offer
npurottnR6 Pro.ran,avoo•to Ib•yanb••••••••••• ancn,anxne
��vQn Of such urtforeal t a PamvanwoluewrtP ster.nbo'ibnannuamnaovntrccomaany
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Plains mnCmmyenYana Nn wre"loi cwlcimterry ad:
ems m v a. been npaa;ncrclommrmo:.m lion y. Pao�iNwalvNmrd.ymlNa_aoYa „nr«+. Pon < LIBERTYMUTUAL NCE COMPANY 3AS
tiC y)PobalYU cewry r m
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Ads auw EN
IN At $R�mynanwvna tmvaa myad+rmsnP at Piymou:h Meen.PrnsNvama,rn;nn lay anayear v-m )mancroad
amRTyyaNal'n..m,a mP, rlaanorce.aa�ym
oilwtray al
P �'odan l by ileAlwnPnnr F'^:l era ^ ;mwmUAmyfad �^ASo� lasxn;
Wall at andBewasofUa Musun,In.amlCarody listener pay
Ant mbr�.a uAZ Of do AM Dal
Pays Of e amofdharyomat�derywinafs���c� a 0A�,s40;w.aamhold an,rtREdayOffi,R�r, oa..;Y
reary R any prover wam,<rroend<Eacurnal
tA"Oy ales by tar 5�� rPAZonwaed Andy aA„hnna,.PhilbeValidAnaNrnedair edAAdam WE:tne
N April NY EGF012,a away rwnmhea Any Plane bad r<a ma wmArmm a Very of ion Para company 3ra v of
Nines Department
of Transportation Contract
1, THIS AGREEMENT. made and botkWded the day of spun am rear
retransmits Orl of PVanOren
acYnp by and Ihiowih its known as the earn of the first part, and
olenecri% ecavaons a cono-txe iM, hasllbert extWtors. admaustaton. successors or assigns.
known as me mmbl of Me second part.
2. wMassah That for and in considaatien of the payments and agreements menhcned in,flu Proposal hereto affaeced,
to bo made and performed by the party of the first par[ and according to the terms ve pressed In the Bond regamung to rose
presents, the party of the second part agrees with read party of the Mt part at hahaver own proper beat and expense to do aft
the work, famish ail materials and all labor necessary to complete the work In a000Mance whir the plans and spaW fciii
horemafter densities, and in full compLance enih ad of to terms of this agreement and me requirements of the Engineer under
t 3, And Hs fast understood and agreed that be Highs heConUacfora, Special Proves ons, Proposal and ControUBond
hereto number and the Plans for Section Par RS-1202
in the(evnf Evancinn aproved bV bra OepadmenlcfTansgorfation ofNo
state of 111 was .are essential documents of this crmi and am a pan homof.
C. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The send parties have moname UUf���es��e//pesents on the date above mentanes.
Alto The Coly�
Y Ciefx av (VAk.'e�1 of6
lsrab city
Manager G11�
/�II (Ile Germination)
AAPPISved as to tandSmarom Neme lystely ft fC,...,..+e �.
Corporation Counsel
orporal nCounsel pauyermesr<:,m fan
(Ira Ge PeMended
Attest' — ^�/��,.,�(y/�
Tsrwrary"-- — -
Perfnersdoinq Business untlerfhc brm name of
eras mmwduw)
xiR lazotR,. nos
Illinois Department
of Transportation Contract Bond
i-oaal Agency
Cull Evanston
fier) ❑ Individual ❑ On -partnership ❑ Corporation organized under too laws of the State of
R held and Fifty bound unto the above Local AGency (hereafter refe:ratl M as-W) in the penal sum of
Twn Millmn Nma H,:Mmd N,nety Swan Thrv:oeptl FM1v prva antl fiF/IDp—._.
Ddlars ( $2,997,04566 ), lawful money of the
United States, well and truly to be paid unto sad LA, for the payment of which we boner ourselves, our Years, onewhas,
administrators, successors. fund, to pay to the IA this sum undo, the stronger of Pis mstroment
Miller renumber with the LA acing Ihla:gh Its awaidm, authority for the confirmation of work on the above sedwo, admah
[: enhat.s hereby mefenetl to and made A Iran h:al as R vnllan tannin at le:ath, and whamby the sold Procter has
promised and agreed to perform old work in a000alanm wu91 the terms of sold seems I. and has promised to pay all sums of
money due for any labor, matelots, app.rwhy Umber or mlowniy furnished to such Purepal for the warms of performing
such work and has further agreed to pay all direct and indirect damages to any pe5on, firm, company or combustion suffered
or sustained on account of the performanm of such work dung the time thereof and until sucb work o sampleted and
accepted, and has fudher agreed that this bond shall Inure to the benefit of any person, firm, company or rerp ,alien to whom
any be, may be due from the Phrasal, sutdoomear or odear e. for any such labor, materials, apparatus, (¢lures or
mawri for tarnished and that sit may be matr amed on war bond by any rush person, firm, company or mrporatwn far
romvery of any such money
NOW THEREFORE, if Its Soler Purupal shall well and "iy perform said work In wasedwo, own the terns of sad contract,
and shall pay all sums of money due or to cemme due far any late,, materials, apparatus, f ,tyros or react -Ter, Narrated to
ham far the pulpose of ashwucWlg such work, and shell commnesse ar aomplate the work within the lime prescribed in said
canned, and shall Pay and discharge all damages, beer and Indeed. Pat may Its suffered or sustained on aamunt of such
work drum, the free of the performance thereof and unto the suer work shall have been manager, and shall too fee LA antl
its award:rg authority harmty. on aR ught of any such damage, ar single all respects fully antl faithfully oompy wvO all
the pmvisors, coed ions am requirements of field contract, then this obligation to be void, othe.. to ,marble In full form
and effect
,,a l d) 11.4B9-0r>P a,A "Al lRw .1,
PmIMa Vernal 11.1 aPM
IMCNTWNEREOF, the said PRINCIPA:. and his caused
SURETY have used INS twmunt to be
arrived by hear Resented cidthm this A _
Corrnpanv rlamel
(VamP namvt
Pnoname a hear
NI to)
(S�Npturua rmv)
(If PRINCIPAL 68 tent vanmre or:wo or me:o contractors,
life compary mail and aulhonied slgrod o: Oathseentraeir must oe
,a Netary Arms In and for load county, do hereby earthy NA
am to names
Botha Same morts nedrt wiltoadby signed
and :naueredso
on Lsnalr
of PRINCIPAL,appearedrdvariably eG forwnues end w�Posoa Mere:nwall foEti Ir. m.r mar asnea and aaLverca sea
radearme ftermy best free added star lna day Of A 0_
My carrxntsslc expand
rvolery Psbi< (SEAL)
STATE OF ILLINgSramd ots eet W,n ore mnnemcym (SEAL)
I, , a Tell Pubic In and for did county, do hereby assay net
roor n meso :narvmuoc srymaq ea wxai�or aVRerxt to
orc9o'rg Inawment on behalf
s.hoaeeaas porrfreeynd mawomeac be
mews $And r novonal,O flames
eset farm�ihal they sl9ned and dc4vorW nmtl
Soo wet asi "nomad volonl seacirror Yro usst and purpayO ma:e:n set IOM
Soon ueaa. my M1and antl notarial sea] m.s day or Ao, _
y commadlim settled Nm ry Pubsc (SEAL)
approved this Afro day of fall q 0 Unz
Atlnst City Count
carer 1 ( : m)
Cterk - -ng who::
Approved to forth: ry Manager r n
Obseal on sister a sses Am W. Grant Farrar
Corporation counsel