May 20, 1987
Members Present: Alderman Margaret Wold, Chairman
Alderman John Bleveans
Alderman Roberta Warshaw
Alderman Beth Davis
Alderman Norris Larson
Dr. Michael Goodkind
Members Absent. Dr. Jerry Handler
Staff Present: Stephen T. Pudloski, Director of Public Works
Jim Tonkinson, City Engineer
Richard J. Figurelli, Supt. of Water i Sewers
David Stoneback, Asst. Supt./Operations
James wolinski, Asst. Supt./Administration
Thomas Robins, Chief, Distribution i Sewer Division
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wold at 7:00 P.M.
The minutes of September 17, 1986 were approved as submitted.
Large Diameter Sewer Inspection
Mr. Figurelli introduced Mr. William Meinholz and Mr. Gregory
Casimer from Alvord, Burdick & Howson, Consulting Engineers.
They presented a summary report of the large diameter sewer
inspection conducted by their firm for Evanston. Their scope of
work included a visual internal engineering inspection,
evaluation, recommended repairs, and associated costs. The
presentation included slides to illustrate the condition of the
sewers inspected which included Cleveland Street - Hartrey Avenue
to the North Shore Channel, Elgin Road - Central Park to the
North Shore Channel, Emerson Street - Ashland Avenue to Orrington
Avenue, Greenleaf Street - Hartrey Avenue to North Shore Channel,
Mulford Street- Hartrey to North Shore Channel, Sheridan Road -
Orrington Avenue to east of Hinman Avenue, and Green Bay Road -
Emerson Street to Simpson Street. There was a total of 10,795
feet of sewer pipe inspected, ranging in size from 48 to 72
inches in diameter. To correct the major deficiencies found and
to help prevent additional deterioration, a rehabilitation program
in the amount of $668,500 was recommended.
Lonq Range Sewer Plan
1. Status of Fact Finding Team
Mr. Pudloski went over a fact sheet showing the progress of the
Storm Water Inundation Mitigation (SWIM) team. A temporary
Minutes - FPCC, May 20, 1987
Page 2
Engineering Aide II has been hired to perform physical
inspections of the sewer system and to update the atlas drawings
with the information gathered. The inspection of the remaining
drainage basins BOB, B082, B09, and B10 has begun.
2. TV Inspection and Sewer Cleaning
Mr. Pudloski contmented on a fact sheet showing that all TV
contracts are moving along and that results of TVing the sewers
had indicated a number of places where spot repairs have to be
done. This information is also being put into a computer data
base which should be completed by October. We are generating a
tremendous amount of information that will be put into the sewer
maintenance management computer program and used to prioritize,
rank, evaluate and keep track of all the things we do in order to
set up an ongoing maintenance and repair program.
Using TV inspection information we are developing a herbicide
foam root treatment contract. The Chair asked if the root
problem was more prevalent in any one section of the City. Mr.
Stoneback said that the southwest section of the City seemed to
have the most problems related to root infestation.
Mr. Goodkind asked if the unexpended funds in the current budget
year would remain in the fund for next year. Mr. Pudloski
responded that they would remain and that this was a dedicated
fund for sewer improvements. He then explained that the
five-year financial plan was prepared to schedule these
expenditures related to the improvements.
Five -Year Financial Plan
Mr. Pudloski explained that there are two funding sources for
this plan related to sewer repair and improvements. First, there
is the sewer operating fund which is supported by the sewer
service charges and secondly, there are monies that have been set
aside from the sale of water to the Northwest Water Commission.
Mr. Pudloski explained the heading for each column and the
proposed revenues and expenses for the next five years for each
funding source. Be also noted that these amounts could change
depending on the amount which would be approved to spend from the
sewer reserves, but that basically this plan shows where the
sewer reserve money would be expended.
The Commission discussed various projects listed in the plan.
Mr. Pudloski noted that funding source is dependent upon whether
the sewer repair or replacement is a maintenance project, in
which case the service charge revenues would be used, or an
improvement, in which case revenues from the Northwest Water
Commission would be used.
Minutes - FPCC, May 20, 1987
Page 3
Staff promised to forward revised copies of the five-year
financial plan to the Commission when the figures are revised and
Other Items
Staff provided the Commission with a copy of the "Status Report
of 1986 Construction Season" as provided to the Administration
and Public Works Committee on May 18, 1987. This report
included water and sewer projects for 1986.
The Chair announced that the Council had honored Jim Wolinski and
his staff and the Downspout Disconnection Appeals Board.
Alderman Wold asked that the minutes, reflect the Flood and
Pollution Control Commission's appreciation for their work and
Alderman Larson asked if the use of herbicide for root control in
the sewers Would affect nearby trees. Mr. Pudloski said that the
herbicides presently being used stop the root growth at the point
of entry to the sewer and actually forms a mat seal of sorts
which has had no impact on the trees.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard J. Figu""rJJell
Ncvember 18, 1987
Members Present: Alderman Margaret Wold, Chairman
Aldermen Ro'Vrta Warshaw
Dr. :Michael Goodkind
Dr. Jerry 'dandier
Members Absent: Alderman John 31eveans
Alderman Beth Davis
Alderman Norris Larson
Staff Present: Stephen T. Pudlos{i, Director of Public works
Jim Tonkinson, City rnaineer
Richard J. riqurnl l i , Sript. of hater 5 Sewers
David S tn.nobac , AAnt. Supt./Operations
James Wolinski, its:;t. Sapt.jAdministratior,
Thomas Rchins, Chief, Distribution & Sewer Division
Charles Pcnlextor, EnnLnoQring Aide II
The meeting was callod `_c orS r by Chai=an Noid at 7:50 P.M.
The minutes of May 20, 1987 were approt.Qd as submitted.
Long Rance c. w r Plan
',h0a8-1992 Sewer Improvement Status ?ro.,,ram
n S ', Report
ort was opened
for discussion by the Chair. Aldcr-ran War -haw asked for a
clarification an the bond issues and funding, specifically the
6if ferentiaticn b t-.yown the two funds. Dirocnor of Public Works,
Steve Pudloski , explained that the SWIM !Storm Water Inundation
Mitiaaticr.! budget accounts 6700 and 7429 represent the funding
from the Northwest Commission water sales to be used for sewer
is pro _.', o t5. The prcpssai ..,.;j4ao SAC S _' n&, no be =XE: enjwd in
these early years on impro cments made obvious or necensary by
resurfacing, collapses, and paving improvements. When thQ long
range plan is approved, funding would be necessary for major
improvements which will require the bond issues. The budget
accounts 7405, 7415, and 7420 are funded by the sewer 9wr7ice
charge related to the q'uart=rly '.eater billing or Evanston
residents. ... os : -". pis arc Ynad for the ncrmal over-:' .�n nn
maintenance nx anses a_,_ c c_ a _oi with thn sewer systam. ^hose
budget accounts include needed Sewer replacements usually at the
same diameter, that arc not _nprovc7ents to tho overall system,
Dr. Goodkin; ask d I. tno C^1.ncil . nj-r-itcnd chat tho ci`rmissicn
Was now lcoking at a plan tKat would run fifty or sixty million
dollars. Chairman Weld said she didn't think they were aware of
the specifics and that if the status report and proposed
financial plan being reviewed is approved, it should be sent to
Minutes - FPCC, November 18, 1987
Page 2
the full c"uncil. Mr. Pudloski commented that this report had
been inclaund in the Council packet and that any action the
Commission tikan would be reported In the minutes.
The Comminnion moved to approve the report and forward it to the
Counl_il for their information. Thn Council would then have the
opportunity to raview they diraction the Commission a s taking and
to comment on the proposed plan and r of atoll =xi andi tarns . `,r.
Pudloski nd."'II'entee i that the Council shcula be aware and
understand that every dollar that is appropriated from the S�wcar
Operating Fund to the General Fund, as occarred in the one ti7e
transfer of $112,000 to the General Fund in this finwl year,
reduces the amount of money that can he Spent on nooded repairs.
This deans that sewers that have been found to btu collapsed or in
danger of collapse cannot be repaired with s,wer service charge
revenues and must to r`paairod with Lands alloccate6 for sewer
Staff qnvo the Co'"mi s s.icn a rn is-:ti7 on tho sewer herbicide
treat7ent for roQos to te usod on 1 Q, 000 e of sewers and the use
of Insituforn liming tc _ pair s-wars.
The Commission ion di sa_,...:`iod '.tilt] Eta_f ,:cif'ectn of thy_' work progra;-
invrl . in f 77 in6rac.:t_on of tho sewers. cccrdination of sewer and
water main repairs or rop: acwme nts connected, .with street
rpsurfacing or pa' in , and spot repairs of sewers accomplished in-
house. Mr. P udlaski any: Mr. Figure l li +" % lained that one ,aspect
not pr'e icusly addressed :was the additional water main work
necessitated by this nrcqraam. As se=wrrs are r 'pliced or upgraded
in si.. _, water mains are =omQtire v . V'und tG he in poor shape_ or
need to be xoe.' d tQca'use th=rc isn't enough room to install the
w w s ewors. The additicnal cost for thiswork is not included in
the sixt', zillion dollars coot mplatod tc to spent tc accomplisn
the long range_ scwer improvement plan. Examples of this occurred
on Simpson, Ha:wthorn-a Lane, and Lincoln S`_r et.
Dr. Good4vo6 as e.ca if the SWIM Team was going to consider street
ponding. Mr. Pudloski replied that he thought we would have to
take another look at it, in view of the costs, and meal with it
on what would be an acceptable level, seeing we have some street
ponaing at the present time.
The Commission discassed and approved the s7hedAv QV 'ti^C_,
d :tees in 1.53.
Mr. Pudloski expl.ainwd the reed tc procure outside engineering
services with e?xpQr,isea in sewer analysis work to holp in
developing they se_je.wer improvement program and stritE'_gics. rt
request for proposal :was sent out to a number of firers that
specialize in this work. Pesponses were screened and several
consult_nq engineering firms were interviewed. The consultants
were ranked and Hama Environmental Services were ranked number
' Minutes - FPCC, November 18, 1987
Page 3
one. Mr. Pudloski introduced Mr. Robert Molzahn from Harza who
would be the representative of that firm if a contract is agreed
upon and approved by Council.
Mr. Pudlozki said the SWIM `r-'_cim's lnt=ntion was to take one o:
the dr3inagn : sins , treat it is a model, develop different
alternativon and policies, present those policies and
alterna;ives for doc_Sions and :bon apply these_ to other basins.
The coal is tc spend a reascna;le amount of money, in a
reasonable period of time, and provide some level of protection
throughout the City and then to have a plan that wo can cxpand.
Dr. Gocdkind asked if the computer .and ;he _ . oaram would l lc-"
tilt.' SWIM Tear to do the "what i _ ' s" . Mr. Mo l ..ann rt sponded that
the intention w3s to run through th- whole nomut of altornatives
and look at all options and '_h"t th =v utgr ;T1odnin '.tiasia give
us this ..any._ _ l _`y.
There boing nc furt or business the meetinQ is adjourned.
Respect f _ ; l _ s ah . _ od ,
Richard J. Fi re ii