Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 21, 1986
8:00 P.M. - Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Stephen Knutson, Solomon Hirsh,
Phyllis Horton, David Gurniak, Judy Pigozzi, Harry Wolin,
Carolyn Ripley
MEMBERS ABSENT: Howard Decker, Ann Earle, Mary McWilliams
ASSOCIATES PRESENT: Bing Coney, Marilee Roberg
OTHERS PRESENT: Barbara Pasadas, Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council; Lee
Rhandava, League of Women Voters
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. Approval of minutes was deferred until a quon:m
was present.
Ms. Horton expressed the Commission's appreciation of Township Supervisor Edna Summers'
letter thanking the Commission for its ongoing efforts to preserve Evanston's historic and
architectural heritage.
Staff asked for comments on the "Guidelines for Citizens Serving on Boards, Commissions, and
Committees" distributed at the December EPC meeting - in particular, comments on how the
Commission can be more efficient or effective. Commissioners suggested that meetings start
on time and that the Commission strive for a l 0:30 P.M. adjournment.
Public Committee
Ms. Horton displayed thank you letters from Washington school 4th and Sth graders who
received the Evanston Preservation Commission's Project 65 slide lecture concentrating on
early Evanston geology, history and architecture. After sharing one child's letter, Ms. Horton
noted that approximately 30 fourth and fifth grade classrooms in School District 63 had been
served during the fall.
Legislation Committee
Commissioner Gvrniak reported on the January 7, 1986 LegIslatIon Committee meeting. The
meeting opened with a discussion of the impending sale of the Cove School property at 1140
Forest. Staff reviewed developments to date and the Commission identified preservation goals
for the property. These goals were: 1) to maintain the existence of the property's significant
original structures: main house, keeper's cottage, stable, coach house and surrounding fence, 2)
to encourage the preservation of the surrounding open space, and 3) in the ease th it
development is necessary, to encourage development sensitive to the property's architecturally
significant original structures and the surrounding National Register Historic District.
Commissioners then explored various preservation -sensitive uses for the property and identified
appropriate long and short term objectives.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - January 21, 1996
Page 2
Long term objectives included applying to the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois for an
Endangered Buildings Grant to partially fund a preservation -sensitive feasibility study for the
property. A motion directing staff to apply for said funds was unanimously approver!.
The remainder of the meeting focused on the appropriate scope of review powers over
alterations within local landmark districts. The Commission reviewed slides of various
components of landmark districts and discussed the appropriate scope of review over each. The
Commission also reviewed and discussed the 198I document, "Conservation Districts: Rationale,
Procedures" in order to tie in previous Commission efforts on the subject. The Commission
resolved to continue its study of binding review through the following series of educational
February 11 Legislation Committee Meeting - work through mock Certificate of
Appropriate reviews, using the "Secretary of Interior's Standards" to
review actual past EPC landmark permit cases.
February 18 Regular EPC meeting - State Historic Preservation Office staffer to
present "Secretary of the Interior's Standards" slide presentation and
answer Commission questions regarding binding review.
March 13 Historic Preservation Ordinance Forum - Representatives from
communities with preservation ordinances incorporating binding review
discuss the effects of binding review and answer questions.
Ms. Buchbinder-Green reported that the Preservation League of Evanston has formed a special
S member subcommittee to explore binding review. The Committee has requested copies of the
EPC Legislation Committee study materials distributed to date. The subcommittee will be
meeting informally, and hopes to present an initial report at the League's February meeting.
Staff added that the names of the members of the special League subcommittee have been
added to the Legislation Committee mailing list. Ms. Pigozzi reports that she, Ms. Horton, Ms.
McWilliams, and staff, have met, informally, with State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
Community Programs Coordinator Mike Ward to discuss binding review provisions and the
preservation ordinances of other Illinois Certified Local Governments (CLGs). An expanded
report will be forthcoming at the next Legislation Committee meeting.
A quorum being present, the minutes were reviewed. The minutes of December 17, 1983 were
unanimously approved with one correction: that on page 2, under the AS discussion of 2609
Orrington, "Remarks" be corrected to read, "Although the architect was prolific and responsible
for many houses in Evanston, this early design does not exemplify his work."
The agenda was reordered to next consider "Staff Report". Staff reported that quarterly
reports had been submitted for the Commission's two Community Development Block Grant
funded (CDBG) projects - conservation grants and the target area survey. No conservation
grants were awarded this quarter, although one promising candidate, 1319 Maple, has been
identified. The target area survey was completed within the original target area bounds and the
survey of the extended target area bounds is expected to be completed in the coming quarter.
Following completion of the entire target area survey, the Commission will begin the
designation process. Designation of Evanston Landmark -eligible structures identified through
the CD Target Area Survey is expected to be completed in the spring.
Ms. Sommers Yant reported that the Conservation Grant process had been initiated for 1319
Maple. Owners want to remove the existing artificial siding and repair/replace damaged
clapboards. Work is targeted to begin with the return of favorable weather in the spring.
,vanston ,,"teservat.on Uomms&on
Minutes - January 21, 1986
Page 3
Staff reported that the City of Evanston, Department of Parks and Recreation LAWCON (Land
and Water Conservation) Grant application, which includes proposed rehabilitation of the
Lagoon Warming House and Dempster Street Administration Building, was given a negative
recommendation at the Illinois Department of Conservation (DOC) staff level. Because the two
buildings are located in an Evanston Intensive Study Area and a National Register Historic
District, the EPC and SHPO have been involved in the review of the proposed rehabilitation
plans. Parks and Recreation Director Don Wirth will appeal the DOC staff recommendation. In
the meantime, preservation impact of the proposed rehabilitation plans continues. Additional
documentation of the two buildings requested by the SHPO has been submitted. SHPO comment
regarding the impact of the project on the Evanston Lakeshore National Register Historic
District will be forthcoming.
Commissioners Anne Earle, Barbara Buchbinder-Green, and Harry Wolin have been reappointed
to the Preservation Commission for another term. Ms. Horton expressed the Commission's
pleasure with the return of each.
SHPO staffer Mike Ward will be monitoring the February EPC meeting as part of his duties as
CLG liaison. Mr. Ward will be presenting the slide program illustrating the Secretary of the
Interior's Standards and will be available to answer Commissioner's questions regarding this and
other aspects of binding review.
The owner of 2737 Woodbine expressed interest in submitting documentation to the SHPO for a
determination as to the building's significance (on a statewide level) as a predecessor of the
1930's split level building type. Documentation has been submitted by staff. SHPO comment
will be forthcoming.
Building permits for the following addresses received staff approval since the last regular EPC
I l30 Judson replacement of composition roof in kind
1208 Judson one-story garage addition not visible from the street
1724 Chicago Ave. replacement of asphalt roof in kind
Cove School
Ms. Sommers Yant reported that on January I I th, the Cove School Board of Directors voted to
move from the present facility at 1100 Forest to the Skokie School in Winnetka, pending
approval of a leasing agreement. Staff contacted the board member in charge of sale of the
property and was informed that the school intended to sign a brokerage contract no later than
January 24th. The board member also indicated his willingness to entertain proposals from the
community before January 24th. A task force was assembled and a January 1 Sth meeting
called. At the meeting, the significance and existing condition of the property were reviewed,
the nature of the threat was explored, preservation goals were identified, various
rehabilitation/development schemes were discussed, and various preservation strategies were
offered. It was concluded that an EPC representative should contact the appropriate Cove
School Board members and: a) inform him of the preservation concerns for the property, b)
appraise him of the EPC grant application for partial funding of a preservation sensitive
feasibility study for the 1100 Forest property, and c) offer EPC and PLE assistance to both the
School and new owner toward realizing a contextually sensitive
restoration/rehabilitation/adaptive reuse scheme for the property. Staff reported that the
Board Member was contacted and that a positive response was received to the overture.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - January 21, 1986
Page 4
Commission discussion of the following ensued: sensitive rehabilitation/development schemes
for the property; purpose, use and content of the feasibility study; appropriate action should the
property be sold before the feasibility study is completed; involvement of Cove School
neighbors in the study; professional versus EPC/PLE authorship of the study; and funding for a
professional feasibility study. It was suggested that the next issue of Evanston Preservation
News focus on the Cove School problem.
The Commission concluded that a combination market/design feasibility study was needed as
soon as possible. A motion to reconvene the task force to outline the content of the feasibility
study and report the same at the next EPC meeting was unanimously approved. Staff
questioned whether the EPC and PLE Cove School task forces could be combined to work on the
study, and Ms. Buchbinder-Green added that this issue was scheduled for a vote at the upcoming
PLE Board meeting. A motion to combine the EPC and PLE Cove School task forces to work on
the feasibility study was unanimously approved. Finally, it was suggested that staff, Ms.
McWilliams, and Ms. Buchbinder- Green tour the Cove School buildings for the purpose of
ascertaining present conditions for the grant application essay. The LPCI Endangered Buildings
Fund Grant application is due at the end of January.
2771 Sheridan Road
The Commission reviewed new plans for the proposed fence at 2771 Sheridan Road, as well as
slides of the house and its environs. Discussion ensued. Commissioners found the revised plan
an improvement over the original fence design in terms of height and transparency but
remained opposed to the erection of front yard fences for the reasons outlined in its January 7,
1986 memo to the Zoning Board of Appeals concerning the original fence design. A motion to
include the above comments in a memo to ZBA was unanimously approved.
Nominating Committee
Presiding Officer Horton explained that only a preliminary vote for the 1986 EPC Chairman and
Vice-chairman could be taken at the last Commission meeting because of an Insufficient
number of voting members. The requisite number of voting members now being present, a
motion to accept the Nominating Committee's recommendation of Mary McWilliams as EPC
Chairman and Howard Decker as EPC Vice-Chairrrlan for 1986 was advanced. Seconded. The
motion was unanimously approved.
A motion to convene in closed session for the purpose of discussing the 1986 slate of EPC
Associate members was unanimously approved. Upon reconvening into open session, a motion to
accept the following slate of associates, recommended by the Nominating Committee, was
unanimously approved; Mikell Darting, Judy Fiske, Hans Friedman, Ann McGuire, Bing Coney,
Jim McWilliams, Marilee Roberg, Ellen Galland, and Joe Blake.
The meetlhg was adjou�ned at 10:20 P.M.
Staff:--t, ,
25Y 1-4
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 18, 1986
Room 2404
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Howard Decker, Ann O. Earle, David
Gurniak, Solomon Hirsh, Phytlis T. Horton, Stephen Knutson,
Mary McWilliams, Judy Pigozzi, Harry Wolin
MEMBERS ABSENT: Carolyn Ripley, William Coney
STAFF PRESENT: Gwen Sommers Yant
ASSOCIATES PRESENT: Ann McGuire, Jim McWilliams, Marilee Roberg, Ellen Galland,
Mikell Darling
OTHERS PRESENT: Aid. Juliar, Ald Thiel, Aid. Rudy, Bob Lubotsky, Stuart
9%yman, Ray Green, Drew Heindell, Mr. and Mrs. Ladwig, Mike
PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Mary McWilliams, Chairman
Review and Technical Assistance Committee (R&TA)
Ms. Buchbinder-Green reported the findings of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee
regarding the rehabilitation of the gymnasium entrance at Roycemore School, 640 Lincoln. The
rehabilitation involves alterations to the exterior gymnasium doors. Architect Drew Heindell
presented plans showing new exterior doors very similar to the original. Budgetary and
practical factors precluded exact replication of the original doors. Mr. Heindell presented a
staged program for replacement of the doors, which involved a combination of alterations to
the existing doors and eventual replacement. Ms. Buchbinder -Green noted that a permit had
not yet been applied for. RECTA recommended that staff be empowered to approve a permit for
the work if the work was identical to that here presented. A motion to accept the
recommendation of RECTA was unanimously approved. Mr. Heindell will mail a copy of the
proposed design to EPC staff. The architect mentioned that Roycemore retains a copy of the
original Tallmadge and Watson plans for the building. It was suggested that the original plans,
or a copy, be donated to the Evanston Historical Society architectural archive.
Architect Steven Knutson presented plans for 1514 Judson. He first excused himself from
membership on both the Preservation Commission and the Reyil-w and Technical Assistance
Committee. Although plans called for a major remodeling, only a small 2-foot extension on the
north facade, compatible in material and form with the original structure, is visible from the
street and thus within the Preservation Commission's jurisdiction. Ms. Buchbinder-Green
reported that R&TA recommended approval of the permit. A motion to except R&TA's
recommendation was unanimously approved, and the owners and architect commended for their
sensitivity to the original structure,
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - February 18, 1986
Page 2
Mr. Knutson and Ms. McGuire reported on the proposed removal of the slate roof at 1332 Davis
(Church of God) and its replacement with asphalt shingles. Application for a building permit
has been made. R&TA met at the church and found interior water damage and leaking at roof
intersections and junctions. Given the far greater life expectancy of slate than asphalt, R&TA
encouraged the Congregation to explore the feasibility of repairing the slate roof. R&TA was
then informed that a contract has been entered into with an asphalt roofer. Commission
discussion ensued. It was recommended that RdtTA continue to provide the Church technical
assistance with this problem and that the Church be asked to withdraw the building permit in
order to avoid conflict with the Commission's legal, 33-day advisory review period. A motion to
adopt the above recommendations was unanimously approved.
Mr. Knutson reported on the February l I th R&TA meeting in which Parks, Recreation and
Forestry Director Don Wirth reported that chances to fund lakefront rehabilitation within the
Evanston Lakeshore Historic District through a state LAWCON Grant appeared slim. The
Commission has been involved In the LAWCON Grant application process for several months.
Reduced project scope is thus contemplated and the City intends to send out Requests for
Proposals for the job in the near future. R&TA strongly urged that the Lagoon Warming House
be restored and that the restoration be guided by the extant original plans. It offered to review
the submitted proposals, and advised that the Dempster Street Administration Building had
serious structural problems which needed attention soon. R&TA thanked Messrs Wirth, Carter,
and DiCanio for calling the meeting at this early stage of the project and thus enabling R&TA
to be both helpful and involved.
Evaluation Committee
Evaluation Committee Chairman Buchbinder-Green presented the Committee and architecture;
history consultant Susan Benjamin's recommendation that 642 Sheridan Square be included In
the addendum in the "Suburban Apartment Buildings in Evanston, Illinois" 'National Register �
Thematic District. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has stated that any
amendment to the district must be a comprehensive one. Two additions to the Thematic
District - 1106-11 10 Seward - had been identified in the course of the Target Area Survey. iris
Buchbinder-Green, Ms. McWilliams and staff surveyed the unevaluated portions of the City for
other potential candidates. None of the identified potential candidates were recommended by
the Evaluation Committee.
Nis. Buchbinder-Green explained that 642 Sheridan Square had been evaluated by the
Commission for inclusion in the original Thematic Apartment nomination but was not
recommended. Subsequent to the Commission decision, however, the SHPO expressed interest
in the building as a likely Thematic District candidate. A final Commission determination on
642 Sheridan Square is thus necessary for a comprehensive amendment. Commission discussion
ensued as to whether the building meets the Suburban Apartment criteria. A motion to include
642 Sheridan Square in the addendum to the Suburban Apartment nomination failed with four
ayes, five nays, and one abstention.
Ms. Buc hbinder -Green concluded that the Evaluation Committee, at its February 4th meeting,
completed its review of CD Target Area E, and completed its review of buildings previously
held for further consideration. Both CD Target Area E and "Hold" structures will be presented
to the full Commission for its review at the March 18th EPC meeting. The Commission will
thereafter begin the designation process for Evanston Landmark eligible structures identified
through the CD Target Area Survey.
.Ms. Buchbinder-Green added that Evaluation Committee members have begun planning for the
CLG landmarks survey, having drawn up a work completion outline. The Committee thereby
hopes to complete the Landmarks Survey of the City at the close of 1986. Staff followed up
Ms. Buchbinder-Green's remarks by reporting that state approval had been received for the
Commission's CLG Grant application to fund the remainder of the city-wide landmark survey.
A $6,300 award awaits Federal approval. Staff also read a SHPO communication explaining
potential grant complications resulting from the Gramm -Rudman -Hollings Act; grant contracts
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - February 18, 1986
Page 3
Legislation Committee
Legislation Committee Chairman Decker reported on the February llth Legislation Committee
meeting. At the meeting, Committee members conducted Certificate of Appropriate Reviews,
using the Secretary of the Interior's Standards as review criteria. This exercise was conducted
in an effort to explore the effectiveness of these standards to protect significant
structures/areas, and their ability to respond to the need of modern lifestyles and technology.
The Committee found them to be a good basis for the Certificate of Appropriateness review
standards which need to be incorporated into a binding review ordinance amendment.
Cove School Update
Mr. Knutson summarized for guests the nature of the threat to the 1100 Forest property and
Commission response to date. He reported that most recently, grant applications had been
submitted to the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois (LPCI) and the National Trust for
Historic Preservation for funding assistance for a market/architectural feasibility study
outlining preservation/neighborhood sensitive, economically feasible alternatives for the
rehabilitation, adaptive reuse and/or development for the property.
Mr. Knutson stressed that the highest preservation goal for the property is maintaining the
existence of the main house, accessory complex, open space, and fence; however, a compromise
involving development is not unlikely. Given the latter and the EPC's advisory nature, such a
feasibility study is needed at the earliest possible stage of the marketing or development of
such a property in order to facilitate timely, informed preservation intervention. Neighborhood
awareness and involvement in the issue is crucial and will be encouraged. This study will also
serve as a blueprint for encouraging the sensitive rehabilitation/adaptive reuse/development of
estates in Evanston and other communities. It was announced that the LPCI grant application
had been approved for $1,000 and that approval of the National Trust Grant application seemed
likely. Mr. Knutson concluded that the Commission enjoys amicable relations with the School
and that it has been invited to assist and present its recommendations to the chosen realtor of
the property. He commended staff for the amicable relations that have been established.
Staff then reviewed the two grant applications in particular the budget sections outlining the
and content of the proposed study-. She explained that project costs were able to be held to a
manageable level because of the substantial amount of in -kind services pledged by the study
consultant, Camiros, the architectural subcontractor, A.M. Kinney Associates, and EPC and
PLE architects. Nonetheless, funds need to be raised for the study. In consultation with the
PLE, the grant proposed that the principal fund raising activity would be a housewalk in the
Cove School neighborhood. Chairman McWilliams commended staff for her work on the
Commission discussion ensued as to the study content, optimal marketing of the study, and
financial obligations to the consultants. It was reported that, as directed at the last EPC
meeting, the Cove School subcommittee was reconvened and that its recommendations for the
study's content were incorporated into the grant proposal. Members questioned the utility of
the study, should the property be sold before the study's completion. Mr. Decker responded
that the study was nonetheless useful as supporting documentation for viable alternatives to
insensitive proposals, should testimony be required, and that the study could serve to guide the
rehabilitation or development of similar endangered properties. Aid. Thiel underscored the
importance of sensitive rehab/development guidelines, noting that the prospective buyers of
such properties were sympathetic to their intent but needed specific guidelines to realize
compatible rehabilitation. She suggested that such guidelines be available for the Cove School
property as early as possible in the ;narneting process. In regard to the issue of financial
obligations to the consultants, it was ,pointed out that no commitments exist at present. A
meeting will be held with the consultants to discuss such arrangements and the proposed
arrangements presented to the Commission.
Minutes - February 18, 1986
Page 4
Committee Appointments
Chairman McWilliams appointed the following individuals to chair the 1986 EPC standing
Steve Knutson Review dt TechnIcal Assistance
Howard Decker Legislation
Phyllis Horton Public Committee
Barbara Buchbinder-Green Evaluation
Ms. McWilliams announced that the name of William (Bing) Coney had been Introduced for
appointment to the EPC at the most recent City Council meeting, and that outgoing
Commissioner Judy Pigozzi will be staying on as a Commission Associate Member.
Ms. McWilliams summarized the background of the Commission's Inception, the scope of the
EPC landmarks program, and the limited protection afforded landmarks under the advisory
review provision of the existing Preservation Ordinance. She noted that the 1981 Evanston
Preservation Plan recommended strengthening the ordinance to provide for binding review. A
special Legislation Committee has been formed to explore the issue in a cooperative effort with
interested public and private parties, and to draft an amendment, if appropriate, to the
Preservation Ordinance providing for binding review. A preservation law consultant has been
hired to advise the Committee and Delp draft the ordinance amendment. Ms. Sommers Yant
then delivered a brief overview of the binding review process.
Staff remarks were followed by a slide presentation illustrating the Secretary of the Interior's
Standards and their interpretation. The program was delivered by Mike Ward, Community
Programs Coordinator, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (SHPO). The presentation
included: a history of the development of the Standards, use of the Standards to review the
impact of alterations to structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and
mention of the fact that the Secretary of the Interior's Standards are the guidelines most
widely adopted by municipalities in Illinois and throughout the country for review of alterations
to landmarks and historic districts. He added that these Standards are strongly recommended
as the landmark review criteria for Certified Local Governments.
Mr. Ward then entertained questions about the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. Discussion
of Standard n4 _ Respective Changes to Buildings Which Have Acquired Significance in Their
Own Right _ ensued. Ald. Thiel then inquired into the effect of binding review on property
values. Mr. Ward responded that in his experience such protection enhanced property values
because of the quality control it afforded. He added that many neighborhood groups nominate
historic districts in order :o gain this protection. Ms. McWilliams noted that this issue will be
explored at the March 1 Sth Legislation Forum. The Commission then thanked Mr. Ward for his
Staff announced that: she had delivered a slide presentation illustrating the Commission's
Landmark Program at the Women's Club of Evanston, and that the owner of 1501 Lake Street
has applied for a Conservation Grant and has been determined eligible. The owner seeks to
remove the aluminum siding.
The eetirm was adjourned at 1 1:00 P.M.
23Y3-8 / I
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 18, 1986
9:00 P.M. - Room 2403
Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Howard Decker,
Anne O. Earle, David Gumiak, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton,
Steven Knutson, Mary McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin
Ann McGuire, Hans Friedman
Gwen Sommers Yant
Mayor Joan Barr, Aid. Marvin Jullar, Lee Rhandava (League of
Women Voters)
Mary McWilliams
Revie-i and Technical Assistance Committee
The agenda was shifted to first consider a building permit to remove the slate roof of 1332
Davis Street and replace it with asphalt shingles. Ms. McGuire reported that a slate roof expert
had examined the roof and found both the flashings and slates badly deteriorated. Given the
high cost of repairing the present roof and the relatively short life expectancy of the remaining
slates, R&TA recommended that the permit application be accepted. As previously
recommended by R&TA, a slate look -alike asphalt shingle will be applied. R&TA also
recommended that the decorativet cupola of which vents the structure be restored or replaced in
kind, and that the original roof be documented with photographs. Ms. McGuire noted that the
pastor of the church had been very cooperative and has appreciated the concern and effort of
the Review and Technical Assistance Committee. A motion to accept the R&TA's
recommendations was unanimously approved. In closing, Mr. Coney observed that the church
roof may very well have been topped by a decorative copper ridge.
CLG Review: Additions to National Register "Suburban Apartment Thematic" District
The agenda was again shifted to consider the addition of l 104-06 and l 109-10 Seward to the
"Suburban Apartment Buildings in Evanston, Illinois" National Register thematic historic
district. Chairman McWilliams summarized the obligation, tinder Certified Local Government
regulations, to review local nominations to the National Register of Historic Places.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - March 18, 1986
Page 2
Evaluation Committee Chair Buchbinder-Green then reviewed the substance of the original
1983 "Suburban Apartment" nomination through a slide presentation. Slides of the nominated
buildings were subsequently reviewed as was the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
comment regarding the merit of these buildings. Discussion ensued. Commission members
agreed that the buildings fit the suburban apartment type but disagreed as to their design
quality. A motion to withdraw the nomination from consideration at the June Illinois Historic
Sites Advisory Council (IHSAC) meeting failed by a vote of 3 ayes, 3 nayes and 0 abstentions.
Discussion continued as to the role of siting in the building's design significance, and the
building's importance as an example of the suburban apartment type. Mr. Coney suggested that
a wide angle shot of the complex be obtained and submitted along with the Commission's
comments in order to better illustrate the building's suburban apartment characteristics. A
motion to submit new photos of the complex and direct staff to consolidate the preceding
discussion into a statement to be reviewed at the April Commission meeting was unanimously
In response to Chairman McWilliams inquiry whether Mayor Barr had any questions, the latter
asked how important design quality is to landmark status. Mr. Coney replied that the answer
depended on the source of the entity's significance, and that in the case of this nomination the
buildings' significance rested primarily in their illustration of the development of the suburban
apartment as a building type. Chairman McWilliams thanked Mayor Barr for attending the
The regular agenda order was hereafter followed.
Approval of the minutes was deferred until the April EPC meeting.
SHPO comment regarding the significance of 2737 Woodbine was reviewed without comment.
The Commission reviewed communication from the National Trust for Historic Preservation
announcing the award of a $1,000 grant to the Evanston Preservation Commission (EPC) to
complete a market/architectural feasibility study for the Wilson Estate (Cove School) property
at 1100 Forest Avenue. Staff noted that the National Trust concurred in the selection of
Camiros and A.M. Kinney as consultants for the study and added that both firms will be
donating substantial amounts of their time. Architects from the Preservation Commission and
Preservation League of Evanston (PLE) have also volunteered considerable professional service
to the project.
Communication was reviewed from the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois (LPCI)
announcing the 1986 Statewide Preservation Conference. Chairman McWilIiams urged all
commission members to attend, particularly since the conference will be held in nearby Aurora,
Illinois this year.
The Commission reviewed communication from the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency
inviting public comment on the state preservation program. Coney, Horton, McWilliams: need
for improved monitoring of buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places, need for
timely administrative guidelines for state regulation, state staff consistently helpful and
responsive to local needs. Chairman McWilliams requested that staff consolidate Commission
comment in to a statement and that the statement be reviewed at the April EPC meeting.
Staff read a Thank You note sent by Commissioner Anne Earle.
'Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - March 18, 1996
Page 3
Review and Technical Assistance Committee (Continued)
Mr. Friedman reported that R&TA conducted a pre -application review of a building permit for a
stucco rear addition at 2819 Lincoln. The Committee found the addition well designed,
proportioned and detailed. R&TA recommended that staff be empowered to approve the permit
for the project if plans at application are identical to the plans hereby reviewed. A motion to
accept R&TA's recommendation was unanimously approved.
Public Committee
Public Committee Chairman Horton reported that the fall fourth and fifth grade component of
the Project 63 lecture series had been tremendously successful, 1,000 District 63 Students
having received the program. She announced that the spring second and third grade component,
focusing on "Shapes and Materials in Architecture", will soon be presented. A volunteer
training session will be held on Tuesday. March 23th at the Civic Center. She requested that
Commissioners help identify additional volunteers and notify them of the training session.
Finally, Ms.Horton reported that, at the request of School District 63, she and Ms. Sommers
Yant had conducted a Project 63, workshop for District 63 teachers. The $100 received for
delivering the program was deposited in the Commission's Preservation Education Fund.
Evaluation Committee
Committee Chairman Buchbinder-Green reviewed the proposed spring landmarks designation
schedule. A motion to adopt this schedule was unanimously approved.
Legislation Forum
Staff reviewed the purpose and format of the March 22nd Historic Preservation Ordinance
Forum. his. McWilliams added that informal discussion will be facilitated through the informal
lunch following the Forum's conclusion. Aid. Juliar inquired whether the public will be invited
to the Forum. Commissioners responded that the Forum was primarily a technical, fact
gathering session held in order to increase the Commission's understanding of the many complex
issues involved in amending the existing Preservation Ordinance. ,Members agreed with Aid.
Juliar that public information and comment is essential, but that thorough investigation into the
subject must first be conducted in order to lay the foundation for subsequent informed public
Preservation Week Activities
Staff reviewed the proposed Preservation Week activities to be sponsored by the EPC, PLE,
and/or Evanston Historical Society (EHS). May 11-EHS Housewalk, May 16-EHS "Victorian
Wallpaper" lecture, May 18-EPC/PLE Housewalk Fund raiser for Cove School feasibility study,
May 21-"Know Your Resources Program" highlighting the purpose, benefits and services of the
three local historical/preservation organizations.
Discussion ensued whether to participate in the "Know Your Resources Program". Members
expressed concern about the Commission's ability to execute another major event during
Preservation Week in addition to the Housewalk . A motion to participate in the "Know Your
Resources Program", only if the other two sponsoring organizations agree to participate, and
only to a very limited extend was unanimously approved.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - March 18, 1986
Page 4
Discussion of the EPC/PLE Housewalk followed. A motion to cooperate with the PLE and EHS
in the remaining preservation week activities, especially the May 18 Housewalk, was
unanimously approved. Father Gurniak questioned how the Housewalk's financial arrangements
would be handled. Ms. Mcwilliams explained that all monies are to be received by the PLE and
that because it is a 501 C3 nonprofit entity, donations are tax deductible. Ms. Buchbinder-Green
then reported that the walk will be centered around Cove School in the Evanston Lakeshore
Historic district, she outlined the number of volunteers needed for the walk, and summarized
ticket prices and general preparations needed. Staff concluded discussion with a review of
letters from PLE President Bob Lubotsky and Planning Director Dick Carter supporting the
Commission's feasibility study grant applications. Ms. Buchbinder-Green added that an
agreement between the Cove School and Winnetka School Board for lease of the Skokie School
may be near resolution.
Plan Development Zoning Regulation Amendment
Chairman McWilliams reported that she, Ms. Sommers Yant and Associate Commission member
Marilee Roberg attended the March 17th Planning and Development Committee (P&D) meeting
at which the mooning Amendment Committee addendum to the Planned Development Ordinance
was discussed. The Commission representatives answered P&D's questions as to how the
proposed Planned Development Ordinance amendment could encourage preservation of large
homes on large lots. P&D members expressed their concern for the fate of large homes
situated on large lots, especially for the fate of the Cove school property at 1100 Forest
Avenue, Ms. Mcwilliams noted that Commission was in the process of addressing the large home
problem as part of its comprehenisve study on the way zoning can encourage preservation. She
further noted that the Cove School problem was being addressed by the EPC and PLE thru a
feasibility study.
The proposed amendment was eventually passed by P&D and Aid. Brady asked the Preservation
Commission notify City Council via memo that additional amendments to the Planned
Development Ordinance, focusing on the preservation of large homes on large lots will probably
be proposed as a result of the Commission's zoning report. Given the fact that the EPC Zoning
Committee is already familiar with the provisions of the proposed amendment, having reviewed
an early draft, and because the statement requested by Aid. Brady need be submitted before the
next EPC meeting, staff recommended that she and the Zoning Committee be empowered to
draft and submit the requested statement. A motion to accept staff's recommendation was
unanimously approved.
CD Target Area Survey
The Commission reviewed slides and recommendations of the Evaluation Committee regarding
potential Evanston landmark structures in CD target area E and miscellaneous CD target area
structures held in Committee. The indicated structures received the Commission's "intend to
nominate" vote (at least six affirmative votes). Full records of votes and comments are filed in
the Planning Department.
Target Area E
A7 1120 Dobson 7-2-1 X
A7 If 21 Dobson 5-4-1
A7 1 126 Dobson 4-4-2
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - March 18, 1986
Page 3
Target Area A
H 10, H3
1016 Colfax 9-0-1
Already listed on preservation ordinance
1 126 Grant 1-8-1
2002 Maple 3-3-4
1320 Noyes 2-8-0
1013 Noyes 9-0-1
Already listed on preservation ordinance
2212-16 Ridge(l 100 Noyes) 7-1-2
2212-16 Ridge 7..2-1
2049 Ridge 10-0-0
The structure has already been voted A3
2103 Ridge 7-2-1
2236 Ridge 10-0-0
The structure has already been voted A4 and A7 criteria
2303 Ridge
A motion to not designate 2303 Ridge was unanimously
810 Simpson
Following discussion H3 was declared unprovable
and this Criteria
withdrawn. The structure has already been voted A7 and Hi 0 criteria.
819 Simpson
Slide !Hissing. Vote deterred.
2210 Wesley 3-4-3
2209 Wesley 34-3
Target Area B
1916 and 1918 Asbury 10-0-0
2046 Dodge 3-4-1
1407 Emerson 4-4-2
1749 Hartrey 4-4-2
1611 Simpson 7-1-2
1611 Simpson 8-0-2
1208 Ashland 10-0-0
2009 Dodge 7-3-0
Already listed on preservation ordinance
Target Area D
1102 Florence 10-0-0
1413-21 Main 3-2-3
1413-21 Main 5-3-2
Target Area DI
823 Oakton 6-3-1
The number of voting Commissioners was hereafter reduced to trine (9).
Evanston Preservation Commission •
Minutes - March 18, 1996
Page 6
720 Seward
Hold. Vote impossible because of obscuring pine trees
A4 11 13 Seward 8-0-1 X
A7 721 Dobson 3-3-1
A7 723 Dobson 3-4-2
A7 1306 do l 3l0 Greenwood 9-0-0 X
The number of voting Commissioners was hereafter reduced to seven (7). The Commission
subsequently reviewed slides and criteria recommended for apartments proposed for nomination
as Evanston Landmarks.
815-17 Brummel
819-21 Brummel
1400-06 Central
903-1 3 Elmwood
703 Hinman
830-56 Hinman
822-28 Judson
1 l 13-33 Maple
1303-11 Maple and
913-23 Dempster
336-410 Ridge and
l 001-1 1 Hull Terr.
437-45 Ridge and
900-10 Oak -ton Street
642 Sheridan Square
363-69 Howard and
107-11 Clyde
1916-18 and 1920-22 Maple
A4, A3
1303-09 Oak
Because of the small number of remaining Commission members voting on the above apartment
buildings, a motion to defer the final intent to nominate vote until the text regular EPC
meeting was entered. Second. The motion was unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at 1 1:00 P.M.
Staff:ffiv�L,�J rl�1t-1
r r
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 15, 1986
8:00 P.M. - Room 2403
Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Howard Decker,
Anne Earle, Steve Knutson, Mary McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley.
David Gurniak, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton
Gwen Sommers Yant
Lee Rhandava (League of Women Voters), Jack Stinger
Mary McWilliams, Chair
The Minutes of January 21, 1996 were unanimously approved with one correction, that Carolyn
Ripley be recorded as present.
The Minutes of February 1& 1986 were unanimously approved with the following corrections:
William Coney - absent, Mikell Darling - present.
The !Minutes of March 18, 1986 were approved with one abstention and one correction: that the
vote on the motion to withdraw the "Suburban Apartment" National Register Thematic
Addendum (p2) failed by the correct vote of 3 ayes and 3 nays.
Review and Technical Assistance Committee (R&TA)
The agenda was amended to consider the
Elinor Place. Mr. Ringer explained tha
were in a serious State of disrepair, that
with the design of his 1910 Prairie style
that he wished to replace the fences a
wished to insure greater privacy by ere
asked the Commission for its support in f
citizen comment/request of Mr. Ringer, owner of 1420
his front yard, and particularly his side yard fence,
he found the style of the existing fence unsympathetic
house located in the Evanston/Ridge Historic District,
ith a fence more sympathetic in design, and that he
sting a fence higher than zoning will allow; he then
vor of such a front yard fence.
Discussion ensued, including landscaping alternatives to a provide the privacy sought by
erecting the proposed fence. Finally, the Commission explained that it continued to support
Evanston's historic policy of maintaining the City's open streetscapes by discouraging the
erection of front yard fences. Ms. Buchbinder-Green further added that such a fence would be
particularly injurious to Elinor Place, whose shallow setbacks, coupled with its open
streetscape, gave it a "lane like" character, a character distinctive and rare in Evanston.
The agenda order was resumed and staff reviewed a March 31st communication from the
Chicago Transit Authority CTA) describing proposed improvements to the South Boulevard "EL"
Station, including replacement of the existing incandescent lighting fixtures with modern AC
fixtures. The CTA requested Commission comment on the project's effect on the historic
character of the facility. Discussion ensued - that the existing fixtures are an interesting
surviving feature of the station, that safety and maintenance are a major problem at the
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - April 15, 1986
Page 2
station, and that the focus of the Commission's concern 13 with the terra cotta street entrance.
A motion to thank the CTA for its request for comment, and incorporation the above into a
reply, including suggesting that rehabilitation plans for the light fixtures take into consideration
the *Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation" was unanimously approved. Ms.
Buchbinder-Green suggested that Commission comment include notice that the Central Street
rapid transit station would likely also be considered for landmark designation within the next
two years.
Review and Technical Assistance Committee
Mr. Knutson reported that R&TA met with the owners of 1411 Maple, concerning proposed
demolition of the existing circa 1930 garage and erection of a new garage. He explained that a
wider, deeper garage is needed by the owner and that replacement is far less expensive than
repair. A modern one-story stock garage design is proposed. R&TA recommended the new
design incorporate the eave and window details of the present garage, making the replacement
more in keeping with the character of the highly significant main house. The owner agreed to
explore this possibility. A motion to accept the subcommittee's recommendation was proposed
second. Discussion ensued. Decker, Buchbinder-Green - that the proposed design is not in
keeping with the character of the premiere main house. A motion to accept R&TA's
recommendation failed, 3 ayes to 4 abstentions. A motion to incorporate in Commission
comment the fact that the main house is a primary building In the Evanston Ridge National
Register Historic District, and that introduction of undistinguished buildings into the district
(particularly when such buildings are associated with structures of primary significance)
detracts from the character of the neighborhood and the Historic District was unanimously
Staff then reported on proposed alterations to 913 Monroe, including enlarging the south facade
attic window and incorporation of skylights in the gables, these alterations proposed in
conjunction with finishing of the third floor.
Discussion ensued - that the alterations are necessary to meet the building Code and that
enlargement of the third floor window is an unfortunate alteration of the original design. A
motion to recommend that the architect, Department of Building and Zoning (B&Z) and the EPC
explore alternatives to retain the original design of the south facade and that, barring feasible
alternatives, the permit be Issued by B&Z was unanimously approved. Ms. Buchbinder-Green
further recommended that EPC comment include reference to the Building Code Appeal Board.
Staff reported that R&TA met with the owner of 1024 Hinman regarding incorporation of two
skylights into the one-story rear addition. Given the limited visibility of the alteration, R&TA
recommended the permit be approved. A motion to accept R&TA's recommendation was
unanimously approved.
Staff reported discussion with the owner of 701 Forest regarding erection of a rear yard fence
similar to the unpainted cedar fence installed at 733 Forest. Discussion ensued - that the style
of the fence was not in keeping with the character of the highly significant circa 1870
Italianate style house, and that the deep set -back of the fence rendered it limited preservation
impact. A motion to offer the advisory services of R&TA to help Identify a fence design in
keeping with the character of the main house was unanimously approved, on the condition that
the permit for the proposed fence, if applied for, would not be delayed if discussion with the
owner failed.
Staff reported that R&TA met at the Evanston Art Center greenhouse (presently used as the
metal y,7ulpture studio) at the request of the scu,'ptor users, to advise on the leaking greenhouse
roof. At the meeting it was also pointed out that the entire Art Center building is beginning to
fall into serious disrepair and that the City's allocated maintenance funds were insufficient to
stem serious deterioration of the structure. This landmark is owned by the City of Evanston.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - April 13, 1986
Page 3
In regard to deterioration of the greenhouse, R&TA recommended keeping in touch with the
sculptors and, if funds could be raised, that R&TA continue to advise on appropriate
rehabilitation. In regard to the building's general deterioration, staff suggested that
rehabilitation be pursued a) through joint EPC/Art Center effort to raise the Art Center as a
priority on the Capital Improvement program, and b) that if possible, the EPC and Art Center
jointly sponsor a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application for improvements.
In response to her inquiry whether the structure could be eligible for CDBG funds given its
location outside the CD Target Area but its service to low/moderate income individuals, Aid.
Juliar replied that substantial service to low/moderate income must be substantiated and that
even a strong case may meet resistance. The Art Center staff will explore pursuing the above
options with its Board of Directors.
Discussion then turned to a proposal to consider amending the existipR Preservation Ordinance
to empower the Review and Technical Assistance Committee to approved building permits.
Wolin, Decker, Buchbinder-Green, Knutson - that Included in the language of the amendment be
a quorum requirement, the "Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation" as review
standards, that a threshold of impact be established above which cases would be referred to the
full Commission for a final decision, that R&TA, like all other committees, should report to the
full Commission for final decision, and such a process would result in greater convenience to
landmark owners. A motlen to proceed dtafting language for such an amendment and return It
to the full Commission for review and a vote was approved, 7 ayes, 1 nay, 0 abstentions.
Evaluation Committee
Ms. Buchbinder-Green explained that due to the marginal quorum at the end of the regular April
Commission meeting part of the last agenda item from that meeting (consideration of
apartments proposed for designation by the Evaluation Committee) would be reconsidered
tonight. Specifically, those apartments receiving a negative "Intent to Nominate" vote would
be reconsidered. The Commission subsequently reviewed slides and Evaluation Committee
recommendations and the indicated structures received "Intent to Nominate" votes (at least 6
affirmative votes). Full records of votes and comments are filed in the Planning Department.
intent to
1400-06 Central
903-13 Elmwood
703 Hinman
822-28 Judson
It 13-33 Maple
1303-11 Maple & 913-25 Dempster
336-410 Ridge do 1001-11 Hull Terr.
642 Sheridan Square
363-69 Howard do 107-1 1 Clyde
1916-1918 Maple
1920-22 Maple
Ms. Buchbinder-Green then reviewed the revised Spring 1986 Landmark Designation Schedule.
A motion to approve the revised Designation Schedule and hold the public hearing on May 29tfi
was unanimously approved.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - April 15, 1986
Page 4
Legislation Committee
Mr. Decker thanked Commission members for attending the March 22nd Preservation Ordinance
Forum, commenting on Its success in terms of both attendance and content. He then outlined
the new meeting/discussion format the Committee will pursue as it begins to draft the Binding
Review Amendment. He announced May 8th as the next Legislation Committee meeting date.
Mr. Knutson commended moderator Hecker and Ms. Sommers Yant for the success of the Forum.
SPRING 1986 Evanston Landmark Designation
Commissioners reviewed slides and the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee for the
designation of 819 Simpson as an Evanston Landmark under criteria A7. The "Intent to
Nominate" vote failed, 4 ayes, 3 nays, I abstention.
Z aft Committee
Staf f reviewed the Commission's statement regarding the Zoning Amendment Committee
(ZAC)'s proposed amendment to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance allowing PUDs
in residential zones. She then reported that at the April 9th Cove School Neighborhood
Meeting, planned unit development was proposed as one means to sensitively recycle the Cove
School property, and like estates. Aid. Juliar subsequently requested that Ms. Sommers Yant
and Zoning Planner Bob Ahlberg draft a memo outlining changes to ZAC's amendment making
the PUD option in residential zones more attractive and more responsive to preservation
concerns for large homes on large lots. The memo was drafted and subsequently P&D approved
delaying final consideration of ZAC's amendment until the preservation concerns are more fully
Public Committee
Staf f reported that the March 23th Project 63 volunteer training session was well attended and
that the Spring Project 63 program would be servicing 8 District 63 schools, encompassing 24
CLG Review: Additions to National Register "Suburban Apartment" Thematic District
Ms. McWilliams reviewed the Commission's CLG statement prepared by staff. Architectural
Historical Susan Benjamin was reported to concur with the statement. A motion to adopt the
statement was unanimously approved.
EPC Comment on State Historic Preservation Program
Ms. McWilliams reviewed the EPC statement prepared by staff for the National Park Service
regarding the State Historic Preservation Program. A motion to adopt the statement was
unanimously approved.
Preservation Week Activities
Staff reported that the Preservation League of Evanston (PLE) was not Interested in holding a
"Know Your Resources" Forum. The proposed joint project was, therefore, scrapped.
Cove School Feasibility Study
Ms. McWilliams reported on the April 9th Cove School Feasibility Study Neighborhood Meeting
at which neighbors were asked to identify uses for the property appropriate for their historic
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - April 13, 1986
Page 3
residential neighborhood. The meeting was well attended and neighbors' concerns focused on
retaining the existing original structures, retaining as much open space as possible, and
retaining the surrounding fence. At the meeting's conclusion, a comment form was distributed
and participants prioritized the uses they felt most appropriate. Staff will tabulate the results
and forward them to the consultants. These results will form the basis of the feasibility study.
Discussion then turned to arrangements for the May 18th Cove School Feasibility Study grant
match fundralser Housewalk. Procuring permission from the Cove School to include the
complex on the walk seems unlikely. Publicity arrangements were summarized. Members were
encouraged to sell tickets.
Staff Report
Ms. Sommers Yant reviewed the memo summarizing fiscal year 1983-86 accomplishments and
fiscal year 1996-87 proposed activities.
Preservation Tax Credits 19" Lobbying Campaign
Staff reviewed pressing Preservation tax credit retention Issues and Preservation Actions
suggested lobbying activities for preservation supporters.
Ms. Buchbinder-Green reported that the Edward Kirk Warren House at 2829-31 Sheridan Place
was listed on the National Register of Historic Places February 26, 1986.
{ Staff reported that A.M. Kinney gave a year end contribution of f.30 to the Preservation
Education fund, which was very much appreciated.
Ms. Sommers Yant announced that Common Bond, a special Lra.tis technical publication for
historic churches focusing on preventative maintenance is available. She asked Ms. Earle and
Ms. Buchbinder-Green to help assemble a list of Evanston's Landmark churches and submit it to
the appropriate agency for inclusion on the Common Bond mailing list.
Staff reported that 8 Evanston properties have been rehabilitated under the State property tax
assessment freeze program and that 2 applications for the program are pending.
Ms. Sommers Yant urged Commission members to attend the state-wide Preservation
Conference to be held in Aurora, Illinois, June 12-14, 1986.
The following permits received staff approval since the last regular Preservation Commission
1049 Michigan (replace slate roof with asphalt)
133 Dempster (rear yard dog run not visible from the street)
1041 Ridge Avenue (interior kitchen remodeling)
The meeting as adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
Staff: %Z1.1J
25Y 19-23 ('
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 20, 1996
8:00 P.M. - Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Anne Earle, David Gurniak, Steven
Knutson, and Mary McWilliams
MEMBERS ABSENT: William Coney, Howard Decker, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton,
Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin
STAFF PRESENT: Gwen Sommers Yant
PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Mary McWilliams, Chair
The meeting commenced at 8:1 i P.M. There was no quorum.
Communication from the Chicago Transit Authority (May 6, 1986) regarding rehabilitation of
the South Boulevard Station and Evanston Preservation Comm. !ssdon (EPC) response (April 24th
and May 6th, 1986) were reviewed without torment.
Review and Technical Assistance Committee (R&TA)
Staff summarized resolution of the 913 Monroe case, the Commission having expre.-sed cof-,.ern
at its last meeting over the change in dimension of the third floor front facade window. As
directed, staff worked with the Department of Building Sc Zoning and the architect, reviewing
applicable building Code provisions and exploring possible sympathetic design alternatives that
would meet the code life safety standards. Although no alternative could be found to the
dimensions of the new window, architect Ellen Galland and staff resolved to soften its impact
by incorporating a vertical muntin, thereby echoing the configuration and proportion of the
paired windows on the second story of the facade.
Mr. Knutson reported on the progress of the Conservation Grant at 1319 Maple. R&TA
members Knutson, McGuire, Galland and staff recently met with the owners and resolved on a
two-step bidding/specification process for the job. Removal of the artificial siding material
and repair of the clapboards beneath would be bid separately. Staff added that the artificial
siding material is an asbestos aggregate. The owners have been apprised of the risks involved in
proceeding with the project but have decided to proceed with the project. Ms. Sommers Yant
reported that qualified asbestos removal and disposal companies will be asked to bid on the first
phase of the project.
Evaluation Committee
Evaluation Committee Chair Buchbinder-Green reported that she, Ms. Earle and staff had
completed the windshield/color-code evaluation of the remainder of the City, this project being
funded by a matchin Certified Local Government (CLG) Grant from the State Historic
Preservation Office ?SHPO). A work schedule for the project has been drawn up with
completion targeted for late September. The first Evaluation Committee meeting for the
project will be June 9th.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - May 20, 1986
Page 2
Ms. Buchbinder-Green then reported that for various reasons, several of the buildings originally
recommended for designation Spring, 1986 were held back. They are as follows: - ttv.� barn
behind 2134 Asbury, 2103 Maple, 931 Asbury, and 825 Oakton
In the case of the barn behind 2134 Asbury, the main house had been turned down for
landmark designation because of integrity but the Commission had voted to designate
the barn built in 1909. Discussion ensued as to whether it is appropriate to designate a
secondary structure of a property whose primary structure is not also designated.
Buchbinder-Green, McWilliams, Earle that the structure carries a 19th Century design
into the 20th Century, that secondary structures are valid for consideration as
landmarks, that a study of the remaining barns in Evanston is a worthwhile endeavor,
that In the past secondary structures that have subsequently become primary residences
have been designated. The Commission resolved to take a policy vote when a quorum
was assembled.
2103 Maple: This building has been aluminum sided. Commission policy discourages the
designation of aluminum sided buildings of anything less than outstanding importance.
It was suggested that this building be placed on the Conservation Grant list.
931 Asbury: Lacks Statement of Significance.
823 Oakton: Lacks Statement of Significance.
The Commission resolved to vote on deferral of the above buildings when a quorum was
Staff reported on the progress of landmark designations. 173 landmark hearing notices were
sent to the owners of the 75 proposed landmarks. The landmark hearing will be held Thursday,
May 29th. Public response has been overwhelmingly positive. Ms. Buchbinder-Green noted that
Perkins Woods needs to be included in the next round of landmark designations.
Legislation Committee
Ms. McWilliams reported that the Committee began its consideration of the appropriate scope
of review in historic dtbtricts and that, hopefully, discussion can be completed at the
Committee's upcoming meeting. A meeting date of July 10th at 7:30 P.M. was scheduled.
Zoning Committee
Staff reported that at a May loth Zoning Committee meeting, also attended by Aid. Jullar, Ms.
McWilliams and Mr. Decker, preservation amendments to the Zoning Amendment Committee's
(ZAC) proposed comprehensive amendment to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) regulations
were considered. A consensus was reached that even with the proposed preservation
amendments, the PUD option was probably not as attractive as the less sensitive alternatives
available under the underlying zoning regulations in residential zones. It was recommended that
staff request an opinion from the Legal Department as to the legality of mandating planned unit
development for the development of large parcels that are located within National Register
Historic Districts or are designated Evanston Landmarks. The Economic Development
Committee (EDC) has been asked to review ZAC's amendment. The recommendations of EDC
and the EPC will be reviewed by the Planning and Development Committee (P&D) at its June
23rd meeting.
Evanston Preservation Commission
to Minutes - May 20, 1986
Page 3
Cove School Update
Staff called the Commission's attention to one of many articles Included In State and national
preservation publications dealing with the Cove School Feasibility Study project. Ms.
McWilliams then reported on a meeting with the Cove School Feasibility consultants, herself,
staff, Mr. Knutson, and PLE President Lubotsky held to discuss the format of the final
feasibility study report. A joint PLE/£PC meeting with the consultants will be held June 12th
to solicit input and comment prior to press. The study results and recommendations will then
be presented to the public on June 26th.
Staff reviewed EPC contractual arrangements with study consultants, Camiros Ltd., and A.M.
Kinney Associates. She then reviewed the results of the "Goals and Priority" exercise
conducted at the April 9, 19116 Cove School Neighborhood meeting. The results have been
prepared in document form by staff and will be incorporated Into the full feasibility study.
House Talk Report
Chairman McWilliams thanked all the participants of the May l 8th Cove School Feasibility
Study House Walk fundraiser for their efforts, particularly Ms. Buchbinder-Green for writing
and producing the house walk brochure and Mr. Knutson for acting as overseer on the day of the
walk. Mr. Knutson then thanked Ms. McWilliams for her yoeman efforts in organizing the event
and credited her with its success He noted that the walk highlighted the community's
preservation involvement, citing the fact that 70 people, alone, were involved in staffing the 6
houses on the walk. Ms. McWilliams reported that the walk netted over $3,000 - St,000 more
than was necessary to meet the grant matches.
CLG Review Procedures for National Register Nominations
Ms. Sommers Yant called attention to communication from the SHPO directing CLGs to
prepare and submit procedures for reviewing National Register nominations. She requested that
Ms. McWilliams and Ms. Buchbinder-Green yelp her prepare draft procedures which would,
subsequently be reviewed and approved by the `ull Commission.
CDBG "Needs Statement" - Conservation Grant
Ms. Sommers Yant explained the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application
process and the place of "Needs Statements" in the process. She reported that the Conservation
Grant program will soon be out of funds and solicited Commission opinion as to whether to
continue the program and submit a "Needs Statement". Discussion ensued. The Commission
recommended that a "Needs Statement" be submitted.
CLG Grants Seminar
Staff reported that she attended a CLG Grant Administration seminar in Peoria on May 14th,
and explained the stiffer grant documentation requirements. She also announced that the
original CLG Survey Grant allocation of $6,300 was reduced 4.3% because of Gramm-Rudman,
resulting in a new allocation of $6,030. The $270 loss will not jeopardize the project however.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - May 20, 1986
Page 4
1104-1 110 Seward National Register Nomination Update
Staff reviewed Mayor Barr's statement in support of the Preservation Commissions opinion that
1104-1110 Seward be included in the "Suburban Apartment" National Register Thematic
District. The nomination is scheduled to be heard by the Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council
(IHSAC) June 12 - 14.
CLG Annual Report to SHPO
Staff distributed copies of the annual report for Commissioners to review.
Staf f announced
- that at the Statewide Preservation Conference (June 6th through 8th, Aurora,
Illinois) she would be presenting a four minute success story on the Cove School
Feasibility Study project,
- that she delivered a lecture on "Evanston's Architectural Treasures" to the Kiwanis
Club on April 29th and
- that the May 1996 issue of Evanston Preservation News had been produced and
distributed. The issue focuses on the Cove School preservation problem and
feasibility study.
Ms. Sommers Yant reported that the following permits had received staff approval since the
last Preservation Commission meeting.
1041 Ridge: Interior remodeling, rear sunporch
636 Sheridan Square: Re -roof flat roof,
2767 Euclid Park Place: Kitchen remodeling, interior only, and
716 Michigan Avenue: Re -roof asphalt shingles with asphalt shingles.
Ms. Buchbinder-Green reported the following corrections:
February 18, 1986: Include in the announcements that PLE/EPC co-sponsorship at the
home show was cancelled because the cost was out of reach of either organization,
March 19, 1986: On page 2 paragraph l the second motion, i.e. "to submit new photos
of the complex was approved by a vote of six ayes, two nayes and three
April 13, 1986: that the spelling of Mikell Darling and Anne Earle be corrected, and
that Jack Ringer be included in "others present".
Approval of the minutes was deferred for lack of a quorum.
The meeti was adjgctdned at 9:30 P.M.
Staff: 41, K_i_
Date:' 1 �.;� %
23Y24/27 /
Special Meeting
Thursday, May 29, 1986
8:00 P.M. - Room 2402
MEMBERS PRESENT: Solomon Hirsh, William Coney, Phyllis Horton, Anne Earle, Mary
McWilliams, Howard Decker, Barbara Suchbinder-Green
MEMBERS ABSENT: David Gurniak, Steven Knutson, Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin
STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant
PRESIDING: Wary McWilliams, Chair
OTHERS PRESENTS Ernest W. Jackson, Alvin G. Brooks, Jessie Phillips, W. I and J.
M. Brannigan, Antionette Dwyer, Eleanore Rifleman, Rita
Hansen, Susan Schoffrath, Dan Lewis and Mr. & Mrs. Schreiber,
James Dahlgren, Mr. Strausser, Eric Borstin
1414 Forest Avenue Building Permit
Howard Decker, on behalf of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee, presented plans
for a kitchen remodeling at 1414 Forest Avenue involving replacement of first floor windows on
the north facade. Mr. Decker recommended that horizontal muntins be incorporated in the
proposed windows in order to echo the original double -hung windows of the building, and
suggested that the Commission send a letter to the owner in support of thr architect
undertaking this design change. Eric Borstin, representing the project architect, agreed to
speak to the owner about this matter. A motion to accept the recommendation of R&TA was
unanimously approved.
Ms. McWilliams opened the meeting by welcoming the audience. She then explained the agenda,
the process of identifying landmarks, landmark criteria, and the process of designating
landmarks. his. Sommers Yant followed with an explanation of the benefits and responsibility
of landmark designation. Evaluation Committee Chair Buchbinder-Green followed with a slide
presentation and brief explanation of the historical or architectural signficance of each
building. Legislation Committee Chair Decker then apprised the audience of the Preservation
Commission's current study of strengthening the Preservation Ordinance through binding
Commission Chair McWilliams then opened the program to questions. Discussion ensued,
audience members questioning how landmark status affects property taxes and property values,
the standards by which Certificates of Appropriateness are reviewed, opt -out provisions for
subsequent owners should binding review be incorporated into the ordinance in the future, and
how present landmark owners will be notified of and asked to comment on the incorporation of
binding review. Ms. McWilliams then asked owners wishing to defer landmark consideration of
their buildings to identify themselves. They are as follows:
Evanston Preservation Commission
Special Meeting - May 29, 1996
Page 2
Mr. Schreiber, St. John's Church, 1 136 Wesley
Mr. Strausser, 1611 Simpson
Mr. & Mrs Walter Brannigan, 2208 Asbury
Mrs. James Hansen, 2332 Bryant
Mr. Dan Lewis, 1304 Noyes
Staff submitted a letter on behalf of the Board of Directors of 716 Brummel requesting that the
building not be cony idered for Evanston Landmark designation due to major exterior alterations
scheduled for the ne it future.
A motion to table consideration of dissenting properties until property owners have had a
chance to discuss their objections with the Evaluation Committee on June 17th was unanimously
approved. A motion to nominate all sites presented tonight except those previously tabled was
unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at 9:43 P.M.
23Y29-30 ✓
Special Meeting
Thursday, June 3, 1986
8:00 A.M. - Third Floor Conference Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Steven Knutson, Anne Earle, Carolyn Ripley, Barbara
Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, David Gurniak, Mary
MEMBERS ABSENT: Howard Decker, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, and Harry Wolin
STAFF PRESENT: Gwen Sommers Yant
PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Mary McWilliams, Chair
The meeting commenced at 8:1 i A.M.
1707 Hinman Building Permit
The Commission reviewed slides of the property and Mr. Bower presented his plan3 for the
erection of a fence at 1747 Hinman. Discusslon ensued. A motion to approved the permit for
the fence was unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 A.M.
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 17, 1986
8:00 P.M. - Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT: Anne Earle, Barbara Buchbinder-Green, David Gurnlak, William
Coney, Solomon Hirsh, Mary McWilliams, Stephen Knutson,
Carolyn Ripley
MEMBERS ABSENT: Howard Decker, Phyllis Horton, Harry Wolin
STAFF; Gwen Sommers Yant, Robert AN berg
PRESIDING: Mary McWilliams, Chair
The minutes of April 13, 1986 were unanimously approved with the corrections noted at the May
20, 1986 regular EPC meeting. Correction of these minutes was deferred until the June 17,
1986 EPC meeting for lack of quorum.
-he Mav 20, 1986 minutes were unanimously approved as submitted.
The May 29, 1986 minutes were unamimously approved with the following correction, that
Harry Wolin be noted "absent".
The minutes of June 3, 1996 were unamimously approved with the following corrections, that
the meeting commenced at 8:30 A.M. and that it was adjourned at 8:45 A.M.
Zoning Committee
Ms. Sommers Yant reviewed recommended preservation amendments to the Zoning
Amendment Committee's (ZAC) proposed comprehensive amendment to the Planned Unit
Development (PUD) ordinance. Mr. Ahlberg then summarized the concept and purpose of
PVDs. Discussion ensued, including the merits of advocating mandatory PUDs for large homes
on large lots within an historic district and/or for Evanston Landmarks. A motion to
recommend to the Planning and Development Committee at its June 23 meeting, the
amendments enumerated in the April 13, 1986 "Preservation Amendments to ZACs Proposed
Comprehensive Amendment to PUD Regulations" memo was unanimously approved.
Evaluation Committee
Committee Chair Buchbinder-Green reported that the Evaluation Committee met June 9th and
completed its evaluation of CLG survey areas I and 3. The Committee also met earlier this
,vening to hear the case of landmark dissenters on an individual basis and voted to recommend
x following:
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - June 17, 1986
Page 2
716 Brummel - Withdraw landmark consideration for loss of integrity (removal of
parapet and rebuilding of 3rd floor facade)
1611 Simson - Withdraw consideration for lack of integrity (replace original
windows with glass block)
1 1 36 Wesley - Table consideration until binding review issue settled
1304 Noyes - Table consideration until binding review issue settled
P-208 Asbury - Table consideration until binding review issue settled
2332 Bryant - Table consideration until binding review issue settled
Discussion ensued. It was reported that Ms. Sommers Yant and Mr. Knutson met with the St.
John's Church 0136 Wesley) Board and that his. McWilliams and Mr. Knutson met with the St.
John's congregation to discuss landmark designation. Both meetings proved positive however,
the Congregation resolved to ask that landmark consideration be deferred until the binding
review issue was more fully explored. A motion to accept the Committee's recommendation
regarding landmark dissenters was unanimously approved.
Nis. Buchbinder-Green then reviewed the reasons for holding back several of the buildings
originally recommended for designation in Spring, 1986. (See May 20, 1986 EPC Minutes, page
2.) Discussion ensued and the Commission resolved the following:
Barn behind 2134 Asbury - A policy statement regarding designation of
secondary structures was unnecessary, and that
such structures could be most effectively
reviewed on a case by case basis. A motion to
reconsider the A7 designation was defeated by a
vote of 3 ayes and 5 nays and 0 obstentions; the
A7 determination stands and the building will be
recommended for landmark designation to City
Council at the next opportunity.
2103 Maple - A motion not to recornmend it for landmark
designation because of loss of integrity (it has
been aluminum sided) was unanimously approved.
931 Asbury do '925 Cal ton - A motion to include these buildings in the next
round of landmark designations was unanimously
Staff concluded the report with a review of the designation schedule, including a reminder that
the designation party for new landmark owners will be held on July 31 at Ebenezer A.M.E.
Church. The pastor of this Evanston Landmark Church has graciously waved the rental fee for
this event.
Public Committee
Ms. Sommers Yant announced that a Project 65 Volunteer Thank You Luncheon will be held at
the home of Project 65 Chairman Phyllis Horton on July 10th.
Review of Technical Assistance Committee(R&TA)
Committee Chair Knutson reviewed R&TA's continuing involvement to date in the
-ehabilitation of the Lagoon and Dempster Street Administration Buildings located in the
vanston Lakeshore historic district. He noted that the Committee has been involved and
welcomed in every step of the process and that it will soon be participating in the selection of
architects for the project.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - June 17, 1986
Page 3
t 104-11 10 Seward National Register Nomination
Chairman McWilliams reported that she, Ms. Earle, and his. Sommers Yant accompanied
architectural historian consultant Susan Benjamin to the Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council
meeting in Elgin, Illinois on June 13. Ms. Benjamin presented the Commission case in support of
including 1104-1110 Seward in Evanston's "Suburban Apartment" National Register Thematic
District. The Council voted in favor of inclusion and will send this recornmendation to the
Secretary of the Interior. Mrs. McWilliams also noted that Ms. Benjamin's presentation was
given rg atis.
Cove School Feasibility Study Update
Staff reported on the June 12th joint meeting between the EPC and Preservation League of
Evanston (PLE) at which feasiblity study consultants Camiros Ltd, and A.M. Kinney Associates
presented preliminary study results, and solicited comment from the PLE & EPC, as well as
from the project's two granting organizations, Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois
(LPCD and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. She reminded Commission members
that public presentation of the study would be held on June 26. 1986 in the City Council
chambers, and concluded with a review of publicity and public notice arrangements to date.
Consideration of David Galloway as EPC Associate
The Commission moved into Closed session to consider the nomination of David Galloway as an
Associate Member of the Evanston Preservation Commission. Upon resuming open session, a
motion to approve the nomination of David Galloway was offered and unanimously approved.
Statewide Preservation Conference Report
Chairman Mc'� illiams reported that she, %ffs. Sommers Yant, and Associate Members Anne
McGuire and Jim McWilliams attended the 1986 Statewide Preservation Conference in Aurora,
Illinois, June Sth through 7th. She summarized the meeting highlights, including a four minute
success story presented by staff and herself on events surrounding preservation of the Cove
School Estate (1 100 Forest) to date. She also reported discussing with State Historic
Preservation Office (SHPO) staff the possibility of Evanston's hosting a "'Nuts and Bolts of
Preservation" saturday workshop for Commission members, cosponsored by the SHPO and
Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Commissions. Commission members responded
positively and encouraged Mrs. McWilliams to follow through on her suggestion.
PLE Report
Staff called attention to the written statement of the PLE Public Affairs Committee, in
support of amending the current preservation ordinance to provide for binding review over
Evanston Landmarks. The statement has yet to be discussed and voted on by the full PLE
Board. The Public Affairs Committee's recommendations will be taken up at the July loth
Legislation Committee meeting.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - June 17. 1996
Page 4
Staff reported the following:
that she had conducted a walk-thru of qualified asbestos removal/disposal contractors for
the Commission's 1319 Maple Avenue Conservation Grant project,
that she had participated in a City sponsored video training seminar and thus the
Commission would be better equipped to document and publicize Evanston's historic and
preservation activities,
and, that the focus of preservation activity to save the investment tax credits has shifted
to the U.S. Senate. She encouraged Commissioners to review the packet fact sheet
summarizing the preservation issues involved.
Ms,. Sommers Want announced:
that an article on the Commission's March "Historic Preservation Ordinance Forum"
submitted by staff had been published in the most recent issue of the Illinois Association of
Historic Preservation Commissions newsletter,
that she will be delivering a slide presentation on "Evanston's Architectural Treasurers" to
the Evanston Association of Dentists on July loth, and
that the following permits received staff approval since the last Preservation Commission
1501 Lake Street (reroof in existing material, asphalt),
1 106 Elmwood (interior remodeling),
913 Monroe (restore porch in existing design with existing materials).
Finally, the Commission reviewed the May 19, 1986 memo "Fences in Front Yards, History,
Current Regulations and Rationale", authored by Assistant Zoning Director David Rasmussen.
his 6uchbinder-Green commented that although the memo reports prohibition of front yard
fences as a relatively recent zoning development she believes that such fences were
discouraged by muncipal legislation predating zoning (Evanston's first Zoning Ordinance was
enacted in 1921).
T:-te meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Staff: ^ .
Approved: 1�14
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 13, 1986
8:00 P.M. - Room 2403
Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Anne Earle, David Gurniak, Solomon
Hirsch, Mary McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, Steve Knutson, Phyllis
William Coney, Howard Decker, Harry Wolin
Gwen Sommers Yant, Fred Cullen
David Galloway
The meeting commenced at 8:10 P.M.
The minutes of June 17, 1996 were approved with the following corrections: consideration of
landmark significance for 931 Asbury was deferred for lack of Statement of Significance. (page
2 paragraph 2). William Coney also attended the Statewide Preservation Conference (page 3),
and correct spelling of "waived" (page 2 paragraph 3).
Staff reviewed communication from Chicago Art Deco Society (CADS) President Robert A
Sideman urging Marshall Field and Company Chairman Phillip V. Miller to apprise purchasers of
the Evanston and Oak Park stores of the buildings' architectural significance and urging new
owners to safeguard the structures' integrity. Discussion ensued. A motion directing staff to
send Mr. ,Miller a follow-up letter supporting the concepts introduced by CADS and to of ter the
Preservation Commission's assistance in pursuing a tax-deductible facade easement, was
unanimously approved.
Review and Technical Assistance Committee (R&TA)
City of Evanston Horticulturist Fred Gullen invited EPC comment at a community input
meeting, July 30. 1986, on improvement of the Evanston Landmark ,Merrick Rose Garden. Mr.
Cullen presented a brief history of the garden and a synopsis of proposed improvements. The
Commission congratulated Mr. Cullen on the sensitivity of the proposed improvements and
promised to send a member of R&TA to the July 30th public meeting to voice its support of the
project. A motion to support and provide continued technical assistance to the Merrick Rose
Garden improvement project was unanimously approved. Ms. Earle closed discussion with a
suggestion that the safety of elderly garden patrons, in particular, should receive attention
through smooth surfaced paving materials.
Committee Chairman Knutson reported that R&TA and staff participated in the consultant
election process for rehabilitation of the Lagoon Warming House and Dempster Street
Administration Building projects, and will be part of the team that will continue to monitor the
"Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - July 15, 1986
Page 2
Public Committee
Mrs. McWilliams summarized arrangements for the Commission's July 31st party for the owners
of newly designated Evanston landmarks. Staff noted that printed invitations were sent to all
landmark owners, Mayor Barr and appropriate ward aldermen, and that the amendment to the
preservation ordinance designating the 61 new landmarks was scheduled to be voted on by City
Council on July 28th. Ms. Ripley concluded with a recommendation that the new landmark
certificates be lettered in gothic script rather than typewritten.
Preservation Awards Committee
Committee member David Gurniak summarized the proposed 1996 Preservation Award
publicity and program schedule: nomination submission deadline - September 12th, jury -
September 27th. presen-:ation of awards at City Council - October 20. "resentation of Perkins
award at Arts Gala -October 26th. He then presented the Committee's proposal that the
category of "maintenance" be dropped and a new category, "additions", be added. Discussion
ensued as to the merits of the change and proposed criteria for the new category. The
Commission generally agreed that "maintenance" should be retained. A motion to refer the
final decision regarding category definitions back to the Preservation Awards Committee was
unanimously approved.
Legislation Committee
Staff reported that at the July 10th Legislation Committee meeting, following discussion of
communication from legal consultants Richard J. Roddewig and Associates, the following
motions were approved: that binding review be extended over any newly created local historic
districts, that the Highland Park preservation ordinance definition of "Historic District" be
accepted, that binding review be extended over some landmarks, and that the Highland Park
Preservation Ordinance definition of "landmark" be accepted. A motion that all landmark
structures be inrluded under binding review failed.
"iscussion ensued. A motion to accept the recommendation of the Legislation Committee
passed by a vote of 7 ayes to one nay. The Commission scheduled its next Legislation
Committee meeting for September 25th.
Old Business
Cove School Feasibility Study Presentation Report
Chairman McWilliams reported that the Cove School feasibility study presentation on June 26th
drew a near capacity crowd to the Civic Center City Council chamber, as well as the attention
of Channel 5 News, Crain's Chicago Business, the Chicagg Tribune, the Chicago Sun Times and
the Evanston Review. The meeting included supporting statements from the study's two
granting organizations -the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois and the National Trust
for Historic Preservation, as well as third ward Alderman Beth Davis.
August EPC Meeting
The Chair commented that in recent years a quorum has not been available for the "egular
August meeting. She requested Commission input as to whether the August. 1986 EPC meeting
should be cancelled. Discussion revealed that a quorum was more than likely available, and the
Commission resolved to continue with the planned August meeting.
Committee Appointment: David Galloway
Chairman McWilliams appointed architect and new associate member David Galloway to serve
on the Review and Technical Assistance Committee.
"Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - July 15, 1986
Page 3
I.A.H.P.C. Long Range Goals
The Chair requested comment on the Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Commissions
(IAHPC) "long range goals" distributed in the meeting packet. No new additions to the
document were offered.
921 Ridge Avenue Report
f ne agenda was amended to include a report by Ms. Buchbinder-Green of the results of the July
13th Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) hearing on proposed alterations to 921 Ridge Avenue.
Alterations to the exterior call for radical modernization of the first floor, and the
incorporation of large angled passive solar windows on the second floor. The structure is
situated at the Main Street/Ridge Avenue entrance to the Evanston Ridge Historic District.
Because the structure is not an individual Evanston Landmark and because the Preservation
Commission has no authority over non -Evanston Landmark structures within the City's National
Register Historic Districts, the Commission has no jurisdiction over the structure, even though
the proposed changes will virtually destroy the integrity of this highly visible historic
structure. Commissioners expressed dismay and Ms. Buchbinder-Green strongly recommended
that the Legislation Committee's investigations include providing a mechanism within the
revised Preservation Ordinance by which ZBA cases involving landmarks or historic districts
trigger review by the Preservation Commission.
Ms. Sommers Yant reported on the progress of the preservation amendments to the Planned
Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance. All the Preservation Commission's amendments and some
Economic Development Committee amendments were incorporated into the legislation by the
Planning and Development Committee (P&D) at its June 23rd meeting, at which time the
legislation was introduced at City Council. At the July 14th City Council meeting
consideration of the PUD ordinance was held over two weeks at the request of the P&D
Staff reported that the Preservation Commission's application for Community Development
Block Grant monies to refund the Conservation Grant Program had passed the staff review level
and that EPC staff would be preparing a full CDBG application proposal in time to meet the
submission deadline of August 6th.
The following permits received staff approval since the last regular EPC meeting:
101 Forest (replication of existing fence, new stockade fence not visible from
the street),
1220 l /2 Ridge Avenue (electrical service).
Ms. Sommers-Yant announced:
that the Project 65 luncheon had been cancelled,
that she delivered a slide presentation dealing with the Commission's landmark
program to the Evanston Association of Dentists on July 14,
that all Commission records dealing with the Byer Museum had been subpoenaed
for a civil law suit.
The meeting was adj
o rned at 9:50 p,m.
Regular !Meeting
Tuesday, August 19, 1986
8:00 P.M. - Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Solomon Hirsh. Mary
McWilliams, Stephen Knutson, Carolyn Ripley
MEMBERS ABSENT: Howard Decker, Anne Earle. David Gurniak, Phyllis Horton,
Harry Wolin
STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant
PRESIDING: Mary McWilliams, Chair
ASSOCIATES PRESENT: ?udy Fiske. David Galloway, Judy Pigozzi, Marilee Roberg. Anne
McGuire, Hans Freidman
OTHERS PRESENT: Karen Terry, Jean Gershuny. Pat O'Brien. Stuart Shayman,
Barbara Gardner, Peg Sabath. John Tarini, Aid. Marvin Juliar
Chairman McWilliams opened the meeting by welcoming visitors present.
The minutes of July 15, 1986 were unanimously approved with one correction: that Phyllis
Horton, Stephen Knutson and Carolyn Ripley be noted as "present".
Ms. Buchbinder-Green noted the following correction to the June 17, 1986 minutes (page 2):
that the motion in paragraph 2 read, "a motion to delete 825 Oakton Street from landmark
consideration because of highly visible. incompatible solar panels was unanimously approved%
She also reported that 931 Asbury, deferred from landmark consideration at the same meeting,
has removed part of its front porch.
Review and Technical Assistance Committee
Mr. Galloway reported on the July 30. 1986 Merrick Rose Garden Improvement Community
Input Meeting. He cited the proposed improvements and commented that the restoration plan,
proposed by the City's Department of Parks, was both thorough and sensitive. R&TA and Mr.
Galloway in particular, will continue to monitor and advise on the project.
The Commission then turned to discussion of owner Raymond Chou's conceptual plans for
redevelopment of 1100 Forest (Cove School). Discussion is in preparation for an informal
meeting later in the week, between the owner/developer and representatives of the EPC and
Preservation League of Evanston (PLE), to give preservation input in the project at a very early
stage of the design process.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - August 19, 1986
Page Two
As basis for discussion R&TA Chair Knutson briefly reviewed the design guidelines developed
for the property in the "Wilson Estate (Cove School) Feasibility Study". Ms. Sommers Yant
followed with a verbal description of the elevation and site plan concepts. Actual elevation
drawings are not yet available from the developer. Mr. Knutson commented that he is
encouraged by the proposed concept's sensitivity to the estate's existing buildings and the
surrounding Lakeshore Historic District. He further stated the hope that the preservation
intent outlined can be translated into a high quality, cohesive, site specific design, now that the
Planned Unit Development (PUD) option is available for the project. The developer has already
initiated the zoning variation process by submitting a site plan to the City for zoning analysis.
but will now attempt to realize the project through the Planned Unit Development process. Ms.
Sommers Yant then described the documentation necessary and process for Planned Unit
Development approval.
Mr. Knutson reiterated the importance of tonight's meeting for identifying and coordinating
neighborhood/preservation goals for development of the property. Ensuing
audience/Commission discussion produced the following list of neighborhood concerns as well as
documents/drawings required for preliminary review of the PUD by the Preservation
Documents/Drawings Required for Preservation Commission Review
Four elevations for each building at a minimum
Plan of existing trees of 6" caliper and larger
Fence details
Wall penetration (if any) details
Site plan at minimum state of l" equals 20 feet.
Outline specifications
scale of 1 /8" equals I foot
including landscaping
Illustrated response to each paragraph in "Design Guidelines" of Cove School Feasibility
St_ udy.
Reiteration of Neighborhood Concerns
Minimum fence cuts
Design address site as a whole
No garages facing street
Preserve maximum number of trees.
A motion to apprise Mr. Chou of the specified neighborhood concerns and forward the list of
documents required for preliminary review by the EPC as outlined in the PUD ordinance, was
unanimously approved. A motion to conduct the preliminary review of Mr. Chou's PUD proposal
at the next regularly EPC meeting. September 16, was unanimously aL rp oved. Neighbors will be
notified of the September l6th meeting in order to maximize neighborhood input into the
Staff noted that the Church/Chicago redevelopment site is proximal to the Evanston Lakeshore
Historic District. R&TA is interested in monitoring development plans for preservation
impact. R&TA Chair Knutson appointed Howard Decker to monitor the developer interviews to
be conducted by the Economic Development Committee August 27th through 28. Because the
EPC will not meet before the developer selection public hearing on September 10th, a motion
was offered to empower R&TA to determine if preservation impact existed and if it did exist,
to deliver a statement on behalf of the EPC at the September loth hearing. The motion was
Evanston Preservation Commission
s Minutes - August 19. 1986
Page Three
Mr. Knutson disassociated himself from his role as EPC/R&TA member. As private architect
he then presented plans for construction of a rear porch at 1514 Judson. A motion to accept
the permit was approved with with one abstention.
Evaluation Committee
Evaluation Committee Chair Buchbinder-Green reported that 3/4 of the CLG survey area has
been evaluated to date. Committee/consultant evaluation are projected to be complete by the
end of September.
Ms. Buchbinder-Green also reported that the owners of 2044 Sheridan Road have applied to the
Zoning Board of Appeals to install a circular drive off Sheridan Road. The house is the earliest
Evanston residence designed by Dwight Perkins (1901). It was determined eligible for Evanston
Landmark status but was not designated because of owner objection. Thus, despite its
significance, the EPC advisory review mechanism is not applicable to the property.
Public Committee
Chairman McWilliams reported that the Designation Party, held at Ebenezer AME Church for
owners of new Evanston Landmarks identified through the Community Development Block
Grant -funded Target Area Survey. was well attended. She expressed her disappointment,
however. that attendance by Commission members was small. The evening featured remarks by
Chairman McWilliams, Mayor Barr. a slide presentation by Ms. Sommers Yant and a keynote
address by prominent restoration architect Wilbert Hasbrouck, as well as light refresh-nents and
the presentation of landmark certificates.
Mrs. McWilliams also noted that the most recent issue of the EPC Newsletter Evanston
Preservation New,% featuring the result of the Cove School Feasibility Study, has been printed
and will be mailed shortly.
Preservation Awards Committee
Staff reviewed publicity completed to date for the Preservation Awards Program. Jurors for
the competition are as follows: Raymond Green (Evanston Historical Society), Devereux
Bowley (Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois), Jane Clark (Art Institute of Chicago), Judy
Fiske (PLE). and tentatively Howard Decker (EPC). Deadline for submission of nomination
forms is September 22.
Amendment to PUD Ordinance
Chairman McWilliams reported that the proposed amendment to the Planned Unit Development
ordinance, allowing PU Ds in residential zones, was passed by City Council on August I I th with
four final modifications limiting the subdivision of existing buildings and the size and type of
new residential construction.
Conservation Grant - 1319 Maple
Staff explained that the cost of safely removing and disposing of the asbestos siding on 1319
Maple will significantly exceed the $2,300 Conservation Grant program limit. She proposed: a)
that the EPC authorize exceeding the program limit and. b) that the EPC petition the Housing
and Community Development .Act Committee for funding to complete the project.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - August 19, 1986
Page Four
Discussion ensued. Members questioned whether the project, limited to the building facade,
restored enough of the building's original integrity to merit eventual landmark designation.
Others declared that leaving the shingles undisturbed presented the safest solution, and still
others concluded that the substantial cost of the project could not be justified by the results. It
was cautioned, however, that considerable time and effort had been invested in the project, not
to mention considerable client expectation. It was also suggested that the project could serve
as a demonstration project (few case studies of exterior residential asbestos removal exist.) A
motion to cancel the Conservation Grant if the owners of 1319 Maple could not bear the cost
difference above $2,500 to complete the original scope of the project, was unanimously.
Fiscal Year 1987 - U Budget Objectives
Chairman McWilliams reviewed the fiscal year 1987 through 88 budget objectives recommended
by herself and staff. A motion to adopt these objectives was unanimously approved. The
objectives are
To foster recognition of the significance of Evanston's architectural heritage by
recommending designation of structures that meet Evanston Landmark criteria in the
CLG Completion Survey area as Evanston landmarks by February, 1988.
To foster public awareness of the aesthetic and economic benefits of preservation. and
foster public participation in the protection of designated landmarks and historic
districts, by holding a community meeting to solicit input on strengthening the
Preservation Ordinance by February 1988.
CLG Grant Application
Staff explained that although the packet memo recommended applying for a Certified Local
Government (CLG) grant for preservation law consulting services to advise and aid the drafting
of a preliminary binding review amendment to the preservation ordinance. she recently received
word from the State Historic Preservation Office that the project will probably not be funded.
Discussion ensued. No other projects were recommended for application this grant cycle.
Ms. Sommers Yant reported the following permits received staff approval since the last EPC
1615 - 25 Ridge (rear fence)
703 Forest (rear I -story addition and deck)
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
23Y8/ 11
Regular Meeting
Tuesday. September 16, 1996
7:30 P.M. - Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENTS Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Howard Decker,
Anne Earle, David Gurniak, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton,
Steven Knutson, Mary McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, and Harry
Gwen Sommers Yant
Mary McWilliams, Chair
.Judy Pigozzi, Hans Freidman
OTHERS PRESENT: R. Eller. R. Sabath, R. H. Chou Company, William Friedlander.
Jean Gershuny, Judy Hirsh, Missy Pascal, Bob Lubotsky, Stuart
Shayman. Lee Randhava, Aid. Marvin Juliar.
Chairman McWilliams opened the meeting by welcoming visitors present.
The minutes of August 19, 1986 were unanimously approved with one abstention and one
correction; that on page 3, paragraph 3, 2440 Sheridan Road be changed to 2044 Sheridan Road.
Chairman McWilliams explained the purpose. procedures and significance of this preliminary
review of the Planned Development proposal for 1100 Forest. Mr. Raymond Chou, President,
R.H. Chou & Company, the developer of the property, then presented his design proposal for the
project. The proposal tails for the subdivision of the main house and accessory complex, each
Into two single-family units and the construction of five single-family residences on the open
space to the west --three single-family residences along Greenleaf, two single-family residences
along Judson. The surrounding fence will be maintained and fence cuts minimized. The existing
buildings will be rehabilitated with a minimum of alteration to the existing aesign. The
materials and details of the new single-family residences will be derived from -he existing
estate struc'ures and -he surrounding neighborhood. Covenants will minimize disruption of the
remaining open space. The design and arrangement presented reflect the comments of both the
1 100 Forest neighbors (a neighborhood meeting with the developer was held on September 4) and
the Evanston Preservation Commission, (a conceptual review of the project was conducted by
the EPC at its August 19. 1996 regular meeting and comments forwarded to the developer.)
,Mr. Chou then responded to questions from the Commission and audience. Both Commission
members and neighbors complimented Mr. Chou on his responsiveness to their concerns as
reflected In the proposal.
Evanston Preservation Commission '
Minutes - September 1 d. 19S6
Page Two
Review and Technical Assistance Committee
R&TA Chair Knutson reported that he had monitored, on behalf of R&TA. the Economic
Development Committee's August 27, and 2Eth developer interviews for the Cturch/Chlcago
development project. He described and commented on the four proposals presented at the
interviews and concluded that none presented adverse preservation Impact. A motion to accept
R&TA's recommendation of no adverse preservation impact was unanimously approved.
Mr. Knutson then reported that R&TA had been invited by the National Women's Christian
Tempaeance Union (W CTU) to advise on the restoration of the Francis Willard Rest Cottage at
1730 Chicago Avenue. R&TA members Knutson. McGuire, Galloway, Buchbinder-Green and frPC
staff met with ■CTU representatives on September 1 I th. The wCTU will be undertaking a
major fund raisin earnoaign to support a high -quality rwnoratlon. R&TA advised first
completing a restoration plan. Staff has prepared an information packet and R&TA will
continue, to monitor and advise on the project.
Mr. Decker then reviewed a permit for a proposed fence at 10" Sheridan Road. Mr. Knutson
suggested that the architect be advised to recess the fence 1.3 feet to the west, thus making a
stronger building corner. A motion to approve the permit and forward Mr. Knutson's
suggestion was unanimously approved.
Evaluation Committee
Evaluation Committee Chair Buchbinder-Green reported that the Committee completed its
review of the CLG survey area at its August 28th meeting and met on September 13th with
architectural history consultant Susan Benjamin to finalize landmark recommendations. Thus.
Committee/consultant of the CLG survey area is Complete and recommendations will be
brought to the full Commission for Its review. The Evaluation Committee will now begin
meeting to discuss Evanston Register criteria. The Committee will tentatively meet next on
October 27, 1986.
Preservation Awards Committee
Staff reported that the Preservation Award Committee met this evening to finalize plans for
the jury deliiaerarion on Saturday, September 27th. Award presentations will be made at City
Council on Monday. October 20ttu She also noted that articles announcing the awards
competition were prominently published in two successive issues of the Evanston Review.
Staff presented a proposal to award a Conservation Grant for the removal of :he asphalt siding
on the Evanston Landmark Luxemburg cottage at 1501 Lake Street. Discussion ensued, with
Commissioners commenting favorably on awarding a Conservation Grant for this rare intact
building type survivor, at a highly visible intersection. A motion to approve the Conservation
Grant was unanimously approved. Preservation Commission and Rehab Department staff will
be coordinating work for the project under their respective jurisdictions.
Ms. BuchWnder-Green registered concern over proposed alterations to the Evanston Landmark
Marshall Field store and recommended that the Commission monitor the project closely. Staff
reported that she has been in contact with both the building owner and project architect and
that all parties are eager to work together on the project. The EPC Chairman, R&TA
Chairman, and staff will be apprised of preliminary plans for the project on September 23th.
T Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - September 16, 1986
Page Three
Staff Report
Staff reported that she and Chairman McWilliams attended the Plan Commission preliminary
review of the 1100 Forest PUD proposal. The preliminary review was positive.
She also reported that the owners of 1319 Maple are not able to bear the cost difference above
the Conservation Grant Program limit of $2,300 to complete removal of the asbestos siding of
the building's facade. The Conservation Grant for 1319 Maple has, therefore, been cancelled.
Ms. Sommers Yant reported the following permits received staff approval since the last EPC
1023 Sheridan Road (reroof. no charge of material),
222 Burnham Place (replace boiler).
1141 Asbury (reroof, no change of material),
1030 Sheridan Road (side yard fence, not visible from the street),
1836 Orrington (replace plumbing)
2733 Noyes (enact replacement of picket fence)
2322 Lincoln (reroof. no change of material)
Staff announced that the Chicago Transit Authority has sent a courtesy copy of the survey
forms and documentation: compiled for its survey of Evanston CTA rapid transit stations. The
purpose of the survey is to determine which stations might be eligible for the National Register
of Historic Places. The State Historic Preservation Office is in the process of identifying which
stations may be National Register eligible.
A Preservation Tax Incentive Workshop. co -sponsored by the Highland Park Preservation
Commission and the State Historic Preservation Of five, will be held at the Highland Park City
Hall on September 23, 1986, from 7:00 - 10:00 P.M. In order that Commissioners may be free to
attend this important workshop, the Legislation Committee meeting scheduled for this date has
been cancelled.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Staff: /=.
Approved: 6�&az
Tuesday, October 21, 1986
Room 2403 - 8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara huchbinaer-Green, Howard Decker, David Gurniak,
Phyllis Horton. Stephen Knutson, Mary McWilliams
MEMBERS ABSENT: Bing Coney, Anne Earle, Sol Hirsh. Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin
STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yan:
PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Mary McWilliams, Chair
ASSOICIATES PRESENT: Ellen Galland. David Galloway, Marilee Roberg
OTHERS PRESENT: Lee Rhandava, League of Women Voters
The aaproval of minutes was deferred until such time as a quorum was assembled. A quorum
was later assembled and a motion to approve the minutes as submitted was unanimously
Ms. Buchbinder-Green reported on the Preservation Week 1987 arrangements made at a
Coordinating Council on Historic Preservation meeting she recently attended.
Staff reviewed the EPC statement regarding preservation Impact of the Church/Chicago
development proposal, and summarized subsequent ZBA activity to date.
Preservation Awards Committee
Staff reported that five winners were chosen by the Preservation Awards Jury on September 27
-- 2649 Highland (Restoration), 726 Forest (Restoration), 222 Lake Street (Restoration), 1615
Ashland (Restoration), 221 Kedzie (Rehabilitation), and 1103 Sh&man (Special Commendation
for Community Revitalization). Presentation of award Certificates was made at City Council
last night: the presentation was preceded by a reception held at the Civic Center. Ms. Sommers
Yant noted that the jury boycotted the category of maintenance, selection criteria for this
category being impossible to establish. Staff recommended that next year. the fifth year of the
awards program, PLE and EPC members who have served in the program in the past, meet to
reevaluation the Preservation Awards Program procedures and criteria. She also announced
that the art work for this year's awards reception invitation was executed by EPC
Commissioner Bing Coney.
�varis.or: Preservation :.ommissior,
1iinutes 21, ! 98F
Public Committee
Pro+er- 6` Chairman Horton reportea she had recently received a call from Palm Beach, Florida
requesting Prole.-: 65 materials. She announced that a second training session for the District
6_` fi`.t`, gram- st%•les lecture was recently neld. but that teacher requests for the lecture have
no. Deer, numerous. Two stvies lectures nave been delivered a' Millard School, interestingJ%-
enoupr, t, c,nildrer whc had receives `,ht- two Dreceamp Proiec: 6 t it:-tures in second!thcrc
pradc anc fourtr grace. respec ivel`. %tan% of these cniiaren rernernbrrel, CO(Wepts introduced
jri those lectures. Fifty, grade students. %010 suCcessful1N comDP� to the follow-ui_, architectural
s-vle< "Treasure Nun'" rn their neighborhood w•il. bE rewarded witr+ a preservation Poster. Mrs.
Horton. closes b% notrnt that staf: and. Commissivnrr Anne Earie will be helping local Girl Scout
leaaers aevelop a badge. usinri the Proles: 65 rna:erial as an information base.
EPC Conservation Grant Application Update
Mr. Gallow•a-� reported on his September 23th presentation to the Housing Commission in
support of the $5,000 EPC Conservation Grant application. The Housing Commission
recommender -nedium priority for $2,500. Ms. Sommers Yant summarized her presentation at
the next s;cr. in the Community Development Block Grant program application review process,
i.e., the October loth Housing and Community. Development Act (CD) Committee meeting. No
recommendation was made at this meeting. Some C❑ Committee members spoke in favor of
the program while others questioned the sloe- pace of program spending. The next step to the
process will occur on November 18th when the CD Committee will determine its 1987 funding
A quorum not vet present, the agenda was amended in the following order.
Review and Technical Assistance Committee
Ms. Buchbinder-Green reported on a recent meeting regarding the 1301 Lake Street
Conservation Grant. The meeting was attended by herself, Anne McGuire, Gwen Sommers Yant
and City Rehab staff William Morin (Assistant Director), and Donna EI (Rehab Construction
Specialist). The group conducted an on -site inspection and discussed how best rehab and
preservation personnel could work together to achieve an efficient and sensitive rehabilitation.
Ms. Bucbinder -Green concluded with a description of proposed improvements, including removal
of aluminum siding.
kis. Sommers Yant summarized highlights of the 1986 National Trust I& Historic Preservation
conference held in Kansas City, October 15 through 19. Highlights included preservation
education techniques, publications (example, national newsletter), and services (AIA workshops);
preservation ordinance innovations (example, Pasadena, California super landmark "treasure"
category): techniques for saving large properties like the Cove School (example, easements and
estate planning): and the thoughts of William Mertaugh, First Keeper of the National Register
of Historic Places, on what historic resources the nation is currently saving and why. Ms.
Sommers Yant suggested that techniques for large property preservation may be an appropriate
lecture topic- to include in 1987 Preservation Week activities. '-==
Staff announced the following:
That she will be attending a workshop in Springfield, Illinois on October 29-30th to learn
the new Section 106 Federal Regulations. Section 106 of the 1966 National Historic
Evanston Preservation Commission
Alinutes - October 21, 1996
Page 3
Preservation Act provides that National Register eligible or listed structures should not
t)e adversely- impacted by federal!% funded projects unless such projects are reviewed in an
effort to identify mitigating measures. Preservation Commission staff is responsible for
Section 106 review of all tlertinent Communi-N Developrent Block Grant fundea programs.
That the Legislation Committee meeting wiE be rescheduled for January, 1981. at which
time it is anticipated that a draf*. ordinance. including Evanston register criteria, will be
That the 1104-11 10 Seward addendum ti) 'he "Suburban Apartments in Evanston" National
Register Thernatic District was listed an the National Register on September 2, 1986,
That Roycemore School, 640 Lincoln, has hired architectural historian Paul Sprague to
complete a 'National Register nornination form for the building,. Ms. Buchbinder-Green
and staff recent1v met with Roycemore School Board representative Bill Davis to advise
on the listing.
Chairman hicu illiarns reported that she and .%is. Sommers `r'ant attended the September
25th "Eight Year Property Tax Assessment Freeze Workshop" in Highland Park, Illinois.
This tax benefit is available to local landmarks pending approval by the State Historic
Preservation Office. Support documentation for Evanston requires only a letter from the
Mayor to be complete. Staff added that the Eight Year Property Tax Assessment Freeze
program is available for the k ilson Estate (Cove School) project and that developer
Raymond Chou is pursuing program application.
Staff announced that the Planned Unit Development application for 1100 Forest (Cove
School) is complete, and, by the terms of the PUD Ordinance, the EPC has 30 days in
which to review the project and forward its comments to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Discussion ensued and the Commission resolved to schedule a special meeting to review
the 1 100 Forest PUD as soon as a quorum has assembled.
Review and Technical Assistance Committee
Architect Ellen Galland presented plans for a new front porch and rear addition for 1316 Davis
Street. Both designs were sympathetic with the building's exuberant Queen Anne design in size,
scale. material. and detail. Commission members congratulated Ms. Galland on the quality of
her design.
STAFF REPORT (continued)
Ms. Sommers Yant reported the following permits received staff approval since the fast EPC
meeting. e .
1 104 Michigan (restore front porch wooden details and original design and materials)
1211-15 Maple (reroof, no change in materials)
1631 Hinman (reroof garage, no change in materials)
715 Sheridan (rear chain link fence)
Staff asked for recommendations for Illinois Heritage Grant Program candidates. This
matching grant program provides "bricks and mortar" funding for National Register properties
owned by government agencies or nor -for -profit corporations. Staff noted that notice of the
program was sent to the Evanston Historical Society and National Womens' Christian
Temperance Union. No further candidate suggestions were forthcoming.
A quorum was assembled at this point in the proceedings.
V, ".;:0:. �reSC'1'a:r{i.'. �OrTI'nl551G
kevlew anc. T ecnnical Assistance Committee (continued)
Pia-:. :ne 1316 Lake prof-, .4-_rt ',1lSCU5510-! cMsueC. rno'.ior to accept the
pars` '..as unan1'r10Js)'. aacravec.. Discussia- ensues rej:aroinF the rear addition. Mr.
SJg2eSte2 ::1c' tnt pR""' a—'' GcnC•tf nt- Lntreec :c ec`lc trlose of the front porch. A
:n t:S1. _ submi:teC b•. MS. .jallanc anc forward Mr. Decker's
sugves:tor ,c felt archiTc— wag apa'ovtc one abstentlor..
Tn o rl r�:s�io•- trier review e:ti tn- rast o- 24211 Lincoln, proposec construction of a site vare
s:a.-kaae fence. RST.y mernoers Knu:sor,. anc staff met wife, the property owners on
C�-totae- 7ttl. D:srussoor: ensues, members t ommen*ins trla: tnt site is highl% visible in its
nrlg`ibo"rood: :na: the main noust is o: excecltionallv nig,. G+t-si7_ cualit% (st was oesignated
under the hit*hes: Evanston Lanc-nark criteria): via- u•hiie the wea:here: color aric the material
`. :ht stoci:aoe fence is no: inapproo7iate for the house, the shine of suer fence is critical to
its successful integration into the site: that a generous setback from the sidewalk is critical for
maintaining the quality of the existing streetscape anc to harmonize with the generous
proUortions of thti landmark structure and its surrounding lanaSI-aolnr: ant that the decrease in
fence height from the oroposed 6 feet to 4 lee; is hrghlv advisablu, << is s:-reening of the fence
structure with plantings of bulk. The following mo:ior, was offered: That the Commission
approve a c, foot fence. that such fence be recesset along the iot's western perimeter to a point _
beninr. :hc redbud tree abutting the western perimeter sidewalk at the lot's southwest corner,
tn3: tnt north (driveway perirneteri be enclosed as proposec b% the owner, that barring
a,= reement to such a plan by the owner the Commission hold the perrnit for the fuli 35 days in
order to furiner discuss the case with the owner, and that the ovine- be encouraged to screen
the western perimeter with olantin€ of bulk. Second. The motion was unanimously approved.
P i:TA Cnairman Knutson reviewed the permit rase fo: 2610 Lincoln, a new rear garage _
sheatned with Masoniie clapooaros. Discussion ensued. A motion to approve the permit but _
rr-_o-nmene to the owner that the garage be stuccoed to match the surface of the superb
Prairie-stvle Dwight Perkins main house, was approved with one abstention.
Chairman ,Xickkilliams summarized the case of 2237 Sherman Avenue. The Zoning Hoard of
Appeals (ZBA) is meeting tonight to consider a variation for the property. The owners wish to
restore the front porch. Original porch dimensions violate the house setback by a matter of
inches. The homeowner requested EPC support. Chairman McWilliams noted that the Douse is
not an Evanston landmark but suggested that such restoration activity should be supported and
encouraged by the EPC. A mo:ior, to send an EPC representative to tree ZBA meeting to testify
in support of the owner, following conclusion of the EPC meeting, was unanimously approved.
The minutes of September 16, 1996 were unanimously approved as submitted.
A rrro:•son to schedule a Legislation Committee meeting for January was unanimously approved.
A motion to hold a special EPC meeting to review the PUD application for I100 Forest was
unanimously approved. Tuesday, October 28th was recommended as date of first priority, with
Monday, October 27th as alternate.
The :fleeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
25Y 16-19
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 18, 1996
8:00 P.M. - Room 2403
Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Anne Earle, Phyllis Horton, Stephen
Knutson, Mary McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin
William Coney, Howard Decker, Solomon Hirsh
Gwen Sommers Yant, Don Wirth, Laurel Talkington
Mary McWilliams, Chair
Anne McGuire, Marilee Roberg
Dave Williams, J.N. DeStefano, Sohn Free, John Feehery,
William Ketcham, John Thorpe, Peter Nicholas, Arthur Slaven
The minutes of November 21, 1986 were unanimously approved with the following corrections:
'Page 1, "Committee Reports" change Council on Historic Preservati,�r! to Council on Landmarks
'reservation; page 1, "Preservation Awards Committee", reevaluation changed to reevaluate,
page 2, "Review and Technical Assistance Committee", change aluminum siding to asphalt
siding; page 2, "Staff Report", change MertauRh to Murta h.
Review and Technical Assistance Committee
!GIs. McGuire reported on proposed alteration to 936 Sheridan Road involving a)
replacement -in -kind of double hung wood windows on front facade, and b) on south facade
replacement of four double hung windows with four white -clad Pella -brand bays within existing
window openings. ,his. McGuire found no preservation impact with respect to the front facade
alterations but recommended dialogue with the owner to discourage proposed south facade
alterations. %ts. McGuire informed the Commission that the contractor intends to apply soon
for a oermit for the front facade work and will discuss south facade plans with the owner.
Discussion ensued, Mr. Wolin questioning whether the south facade alterations %a-erb visible from
thq street. Mr. Knutson and .Ms. Buchbinder-Green confirmed that Vie work was visible. A
-notion to preapprove the front facade alterations as presented was unanimously approved.
Review of Plans for Adaptive Reuse, Marshall Field and Company (1707 Sherman)
".ir. A illiam Ketcham, architect, Booth/Hansen and Associates, presented proposed plans for the
ada,.tive reuse of the Evanston Landmark Marshall Field and Company Store, 1700 Sherman
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - November 18, 1986
Page Two
Mr. Ketcham noted that the building owners' arrival tonight will be delayed due to adverse
flight conditions. He proceeded to distribute a packet containing project press releases and an
outline of specifications. Mr. Ketcham then summarized existing conditions, proposed program,
and .interior and exterior modifications. Following formal presentation of the project Mr.
Ketcham and building owner Arthur Slaven responded, as follows, to questions from the
Commission: the architects do have- the original plans for the building, the clock will be
R&TA Chairman Knutson then offered the following comments: that R&TA had met with the
architects on site on October 23, at which time preservation concerns with the project were
identified; all such concerns were addressed in the proposal presented tonight; an additional
entrance is an essential functional requirement of the project; the creation of such an entrance
is sensitively handled in the proposed plan. In response to a series of questions by Mr. Knutson,
Mr. Ketcham responded as follows: masonry cleaning, where necessary, will follow the
"Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation"; new air conditioning condensers will
not be visible from the street; brick will be salvaged along the north side of the building; and
the decorative ends of the double hung window sash will be incorporated in replacement
windows if economically feasible.
Mr. Ketcham explained fire code and zoning complications involved with the project. The
Commission pledged to investigate the fire code issues involved with retaining the store's
original entrance doors, and to contact the fire department regarding this. matter. The
Commission also pledged to investigate the zoning issues involved with the project. Mr.
"nutson thanked Messrs. Ketcham and Slaven for their cooperation and complimented them on
.oe quality of the rehabilitation. A motion to approve the project as submitted was approved
with one abstention. leis. Ripley asked for clarification on the phrase "appropriate colors",
which appeared in the summary specifications. Mr. Ketcham responded that he anticipated the
original color scheme would be reproduced but that investigation into the original color scheme
had not yet been undertaken. A motion to work with the owner/architect, Department of
Building and Zoning and Fire Department to retain the original entrance doors was unanimously
apo roved.
Review of Plans for Rehabilitation of Lagoon Warming House and Dempster Street
Administration Building
Mr. John Thorpe, architect, Heitzman and Thorpe Inc. presented proposed plans for the
rehabilitation of the Lagoon Warming House and Dempster Street Administration building. Mr:
horpe reviewed the present condition of the buildings, the new program for each building,
original plans, changes over time, and proposed elevations for each building. Th•_ Lagoon
..,arming House project includes restoration of the exterior as closely as possible to its original
appearance. The Dempster Street Administration Building project includes restoration of many
original details, and partial enclosure of the building's west end. In response to Commissioners'
questions regarding glazing material for the Lagoon building, fir. Thorpe reported that a
non -breakable transparent glass would be used. He solicited Commission opinion as to whether
solid or glazed doors were more appropriate for the warming house section o` the Lagoon
ouilding. Commission consensus was that the glazed doors shown on the proposed elevations
were the more appropriate choice. A -notion to approve the project as presented was
uzanimousi- atDaroved, with congratulations for design excellence. The Preservation
'-ommission pledged its support for the two projects as presented, as well as testimony as
,propriate. -
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - November 18, 1986
Page Three
Don Wirth, Director, Parks Recreation and Forestry Department then presented schematic
plans for Improvement of the power boat ramp parking lot area. Mr. Wirth reported that
Improvement would take place within existing parking lot bounds. He described the proposed
project design, funding for the project (100% state grant), and the time schedule for
construction. Mr. Wirth will bring final project plans, when available, to the Preservation
Commission for review.
Appointment of Nominating Committee.
Chairman .McWilliams reported appointment of the 1986 Nominating Committee consisting of
Commissioners Knutson, Gurniak, and Ripley. The Committee will report at the December EPC
Preservation Week
Chairman McWilliams queried whether the Commission was interested in sponsoring
Preservation Week events, possibly In cooperation with the Preservation League and Evanston
Historical Society. She reiterated the Commission's 1987-89 objective of holding a meeting to
solicit public input on an amendment to the preservation ordinance providing for binding
review. She described the need for public awareness of Evanston's rich architectural heritage
prior to this meeting.
Discussion ensued. Father Gurniak recommended discussion of the priority level of thin project
'n terms of available Commission energy and potential benefit. Mr. Knutson suggested limiting
.he scope of each organization's contribution, but at the same time coordinating each
organization's activities for maximum benefit. Mr. Wolin suggested deferring further
consideration of the project until PLE liaison Ripley can report on the level of PLE interest in
the project. The Commission determined that the latter was the best course of action.
Marshall Field Facade Easement Report
Ms. McWilliams reported on the October 27th meeting with building owners Centrum
Properties, and Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois. Chairman 'McWilliams, R&TA Chair
Knutson and Preservation Coordinator Yant represented the EPC. LPCI representatives
presented the benefits and responsibilities associated with facade easement donation. Centrurn
owners were receptive to the proposal. A potential easement donation is complicated, however,
because Evanston School District 65 owns the land. Easement donation thus must be
coordinated among Centrum, School District 65, and LPCI. The preservation benefit of a
facade easement is that rehabilitation must follow the Secretary of the Interior's Standards.
The Commission determined to continue monitoring the project and to be instrumental, as
appropriate, in encouraging donation of a facade easement.
Guidelines for Planned Unit Development Review
Staff reviewed the packet memo outlining the EPC's appropriate role in review of the 1100
Forest P'-'D in terms of p-ocess, scope and end product. R&TA Chairman Knutson emphasized
*he irr,nor;ance of recognizing the appropriate limits of Commission review. Discussion
nsued. Mrs. Horton questio-ned whether any Commissioner had strong concerns regarding the
project. 'pis. Buchbinde--3reer, voiced her concern regarding introduction of a 5rick aaoition to
;i�a I;� estcne ^oac`h house'Keeoers cuarters complex. Mr. %tolin noted that this addition ,01: he
bare!% `isi71e frorr the street:. %is. 6uc;h7incler-Creen encouraged all Com'T`,; si ne-s :D exis nint
t:te sire I- situ prior :z :o'r.orrow nights f1na: reviex of t`le li11,G Fores: a'_'D proposal. Mr.
Bolin anc %irs. Horton. expressed their satisfaction wir,h the project tc date, tilrs. Horton
.. ...,o.�'• .c ru� r%r1^r#acsary flelave rmild h*-1irnin;irJSJPq
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - November 19, 1986
Page Four
Staff reported that
She attended a workshop In Springfield October 29-30, focusing on revisions to Section 106
Historic Preservation Review procedures for federally funded programs. She will be
working with Community Development Block Grant (CD) staff and appropriate CD funded
agencies to Improve Section 106 compliance.
Tht new tax act impacts rehabilitation of historic properties. She summarized provisions
of the new 20% and 10% historic preservation investment tax credits. A written summary
of the revised historic preservation tax incentives are available from staff.
The following permits received staff approval since the last EPC meeting:
1434 Asbury (upgrade electrical service)
L503 Florence (rebuild rear shed, not visible from the street)
Finally, staff presented slides of the superb 1123 Ridge rear porch restoration. Work was
undertaken following advice of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee.
The National Womens Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) have chosen the
. chitectura€/engineering firm of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates to undertake a restoration
plan for the Willard Rest Cottage at 1730 Chicago Avenue. R&TA will continue to advise the
WCTU during the course of the project.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
Approved: Ji. , Fi
Wednesday, November 19, 1986
Parasol Room - 8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbirider -Green, William Coney, Anne Earle, David
Gurniak, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, Stephen Knutson, ?Mary
McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin
STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant
PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Mary McWilliams. Chair
ASSOCIATES PRESENT: Anne McGuire, Marilee Roberg
OTHERS PRESENT: Stuart Shayman (Preservation League of Evanston), Connie and
John Lyman (Neighbor), Raymond Chou (R. H. Chou Company),
Penny Marvikis (R.H. Chou Company), Robert Teska (Teska
Associates). Richard Wendy (Rudnik and Wolfe), Raymond J.
Green), Robert Seidenberg (Evanston Review)
Chairman McWilliams welcomed the audience, she outlined the purpose, proCess and scope of
the Preservation Commission's review of the 1100 Forest planned unit development (PUD)
proposal. She then turned the meeting over to Review and Technical Assistance Committee
Chair Stephen Knutson. Mr. Knutson expressed the Commission's pleasure that the Wilson
Estate has been saved and introduced 1 100 Forest owner/developer Raymond Chou.
Mr. Chou summarized the project's site plan, rehabilitation of existing buildings, and the design
of new construction. He stated that the site plan accommodated neighbors concerns that the
surrounding limestone/iron fence be retained, that loss of open space be rrrinimized, that fence
{guts be minimized, and that the Judson vista into the property be rninimally obscrired. He noted
that rehabilitation of existing structures would be in accordance with the "Secretary of the
Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation" and that, as encouraged by the "Standard's", new
construction would be compatible with the project's landmark context in terms of scale and
,Ir. Chou then explained hour his planned development met each of the compatibility factors
contained in the Wilson Estate Feasibility* Study "Planning and [design t;uidrlines". The
,7ompatibility factors addressed were: land use, building scale, building height. orientation,
setbacks, building relationships, vehicular access and parking, accessory structures, lot
coverage, landscaping, roof line, facade planes, facade proportions, building materials,
fenestration, color, and architectural details and themes. fir. Chou also distributed a list of the
following proposed covenant restrictions for the property:
1) Maintenance of existing perimeter fence structure by property owners,
2) Prohibition of construction of fences or other built structures between interior lot
division lines,
3) Maintenance of landscaping features,
4) Maintenance and use of shared driveways,
3) Exterior maintenance of existing structures (lot 6, 7, 8, N 9) by propertv owners in
accordance with the "Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation".
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - November 19, 1986
Page Two
Mr. Knutson noted that, with the excepticn of outline specifications, all documentation required
by the EPC for its final review (see August 19, 1986 EPC minutes) had been provided.
Discussion ensued. fir. Chou stated the following in response to Commissioner's questions: the
project's Judson set -back represents an average of the set -backs in the 1 100 Judson block; there
will be no home owners association, and home owners will share maintenance of driveways. fir.
Teska closed the presentation with a summary of the project's land/use compatibility. He
maintained that the development is compatible with the Comprehensive General Plan, with the
present zoning of the area, and the character of the area.
%Ir. Knutson then solicited questions and comments from the Commission. Ms.
Buchbinder-Green asked for clarification on the location of material in the new construction
elevations. Site also recommended that a uniform color scheme for all non -masonry components
be added to the list of covenants. In response to Ms. McGuire's question of how changes
subsequent to City Council approval of an ordinance for this PUD would be accomplished, Mr.
Knutson stated that technical recommendations concerning this and other issues had been
prepared. The recommendations are
A. All the Illustrations presented at this meeting be included in the ordinance package,
6. The Preservation Commission participate in the review of changes proposed after
ordinance passage, to involving project components in (A) above. in particular, that
minor changes be reviewed by the City Manager in consultation with the
Commission's Review and Technical Assistance Committee.
Discussion ensued, Commissioners questioning the definition of "major" and "minor" change,
others expressing concern that a minimum of "red tape" be added to PUD requirements. Mr.
Knutson explained that authority for definition of "major" and "minor" would rest with the City
;tanager and that because of R&TA's informal nature, reviews could be performed in an
efficient, effective manner. Further discussion ensued regarding the Commission role in review
of major changes to the illustrated project components.
The Commission resolved to recommend that minor changes be reviewed by the City Manager in
consultation with R&TA, and that major changes would require presentation to and review by
both the City Manager and full Preservation Commission. it was clarified that final approval
authority would rest with the City Manager, as provided in the Planned Unit Development
C. The final site plan submitted to City Council for approval clearly "how the
limestone/iron fence retained along the property's north perimeter.
The site plan submitted with the PUD application inadvertently omits this.
D. Covenants or other appropriate restrictions should protect important common
elements of the planned development such as open space, the surrounding fence, and
uniform maintenance. Covenants proposed by Mr. Chou should be included in the
ordinance package. Because final covenant language will be drawn up after EPC
review but prior to Council review of the PUD proposal, it was further recommended
that final covenant language be reviewed by the Commission's Zoning Committee, in
conjunction with the City Legal Department.
:Mr. Knutson then solicited audience comment. Mr. Shayman asked for clarification on land
grading. kir. Lyman congratulated Mr. Chou on the project and commended him for addressing
neighbor concerns. Mr. Green asked for clarification r• the finishing of fence cuts.
Evanston Preservation Commission
Minutes - November 19, 1986
Page Three
Mr. Knutson thanked Mr. Chou, Mr. Teska, and Mr. Wendy for their presentation. Commission
members congratulated Mr. Chou on a job well done and thanked him for his continued
cooperation. Mr. Coney asked Mr. Chou whether he thought his development was better for the
series of reviews conducted to date. Mr. Chou responded that the process did help refine the
project to best suit the neighborhood. A motion to transmit comments to ZBA reflecting EPC
approval, technical recommendations, and congratulations was unanimously approved.
Following a short recess, the Preservation Commission reviewed slides and recommendations of
the Evaluation Committee regarding potential Evanston Landmark structures in CLG Survey
Areas I and 3. The indicated structures received the Commission's "intent to nominate" vote
(at least six affirmative votes). Full records of votes and comments are filed in the Planning
CLG Survey Area I
1303 Washington
1713 Dobson
CLG Survey Area 3
2410 Lawndale
2410 Lawndale
2313 Ridgeway
2408 Ridgeway
3312 Noyes
2726 Payne
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Thursday, December 19, 1986
Room 2402 - 8:30 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara 1 Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Anne Earle, Mary
McWilliams, Howard Decker, Carolyn Ripley
!MEMBERS ABSENT: David Gurniak, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, Stephen Knutson,
Harry Wolin
STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant
PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Mary McWilliams, Chair
Mr. Decker summarized proposed window replacement plans for 936 Sheridan Road. Discussion
ensued. A motion to approve the permit with the following recommendation was unanimously
approved. Recommendation is to discourage the owners from replacing selected double hung
windows with single pane windows. The Commission pledged to assist the project architect and
owners in identifying manufactures or millwork companies for appropriate double hung windows.
Staff reviewed the Evanston Landmark nomination form submitted for 1020 Central Street.
Discussion easued. The Commission resolved that the building did not meet Evanston Landmark
criteria because of its severly impaired integrity.
The meeting was adjourned t 9:13 a.m.
Approved: 0 ��