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March 15, 1989
Members Present: Alderman Margaret Wold, Chairman
Alderman Norris Larson
Alderman Roberta Warshaw
Alderman Beth Davis
Dr. Michael Goodkind
Members Absent: Alderman John Bleveans
Dr. Jerry Handler
Staff Present: Dave Barber, Direzior of Public Works
Jim Tonkinson, City Engineer
Ricnard J. Figurelii, Supt., 'dater & Sewers
David Stoneback, Aast. Supt./Operaticr.s
James Wo?inski, Asst. Supt./Administration
The Flood and Pollution Control Commission met on Marcn 15, 1989,
in Room 2404 at the Civic Center. The Chair called the meeting
to order at 7:55 P.M.
The Chair welcomed the new Director of Public Wcrks, Dave Barber,
and introduced him to the members of the Commission.
The Chair asked for approval cf the minutes of N vemter it, 1988.
Dr. Gocd; ind male a sorrenion tc one minutes. :n the last
paragr.apr on rpa;e one, the worn "juranion" sRvu !_ :e "fre venc.; ."
The minunes were then unanimously ._rprcved ac =_.. ___ed.
...e nex; erner c7 zLzinass was tno Long .-,gin e. ?-an. 7ne
..c.":missi:n re _e'.tiea a , rig ess report frcm Ha za Env;rinnen _a..
Service's .:! i:n cianei .._ oir K3 hat ceen stwa as _ _es, za e,
using ine czmpiner progran .WXM to mon?l one rn.._rf no ..c:::o:ned
sewer sysmen. :he ex._. _ing system has been e.a_..a_ec r: _ne
sever.severwy V _ne przolem nia .,ern :Kura=ter:w ._ r - -.. re _: _
Level _ . sac ment rJ} e * - .. ...1 ra.., N i re C V v e r a ..... 2 _ _ M1 . z. a n :... r. o
b1ccks in upper ends o: =e baVn ant ex_e.nsi:.. _. _ separa e
storm sewer system to ccllezt surfaze runoff.
Results of the field test are critical to the long term plan for
Evanston. Unless an acceptable way is found to limzt runoff from
entering the existing combined sewers, basements will be subject
to flooding before the streets. This means the test must record
the degree of street ponding experienced in the test area. In
addition, a means of limiting flow into the combined sewer must
also be found acceptable by City staff. The results of the field
test should be available by mid April.
Activities authorized in mid October 1988 for Basin E04.B04A,
B05, and 506 consisted of data collected and system
characterization with the 541MM program. Topograpnic maps were
provided by the City for the basins in January and system
characterization is complete for Basins B04 and B04A, and i0b
complete for Basins B05 and B06.
Dr. Coodkind asked if there were reasons for the results of
Harza's ;nodding of the Evanston sewer system being conservative.
Staff explained the modeling was based on CH2X Hill's study and
historical information input. Computer modes are commcnly set
up wit; available information which may not be perfectly accurate
under all circumstances and this is one of the benefits the City
receives by being able to calibrate the motel and receive
accurate forecasts.
Alderman Ada rsnaw
during overland
controlled by
damage to occur.
asked if damage to homes or propomy wcols occur
flow tests. Staff said these tests were being
using fire hydrants and we would not allow any
The Chair then moved on to the next oraer of business which Was
an update and
review of expenditures in the various
Departme: _ accounts
for the FY 1988-S9. C_scsss_or
related t3 various
account expenditures. Staff explained
monies nct _xpenwed
for the Research ?ark sewer
wouli be zarriew
over to the present budget znt izai
these Conis were
to be replaces by 7ax _n_rement . ina7=_.
; ' :"_. I
":he Z:.r:^ isz1an
tnen rev _ew-a ..r._ rropcced expo .__ _...
_s fzr FY
1959-0. in one
serer r- air , una, azccant 02:, ant
one sewer •n r
improvement find,
account 7425. in response ..
es tinns ny
Alderman Lars=
3nc _r. loodk;nd, Mr. :'or.r:_.._zn
_mprc eman s _n _-e
Fesear:n Parr: re'_ :e_ t_ an _. -
_..._ storage
atc . _ne mile
... n . -: _ .,ree ... left :n 1.1y
nnen T .. _v
yearn program is
:cmp_ _ _ 3.
At _..0 tire,
staff remewe, the Z r;t _
n_ _.. Ha. za
...n :r _. cnmen a _ e .
. l:es '. ne rA cy an agreement was n : -
ti _ _.. H rza ,
date! . tr'..ar'
E , 10EY, tc pry. _ve _n _ =:e
-• ser,. _ _s
engineer e C igns
_r p r : ... h i cn will ml n _
r a _lent SW
C t .r t e' .. v c w:.'J p
r_ O l e n s .
I Ir
The agreement for engineeing services is a "work order" type
agreement whereby there is a total not -to -exceed cost of $100,000
for the contract, but individual scopes of services for each
drainage basin will be developed for portions of the $100,000 and
be authorized by the Director of Public Works prior to work
The initial scope of services, work order No. 1, eras for the
scope of service described above to be completed for Basin B03.
This service was not to exceed $40,000.
Work order No. 2, dated October 6, 1988 to collect available data
and computer system characterization for Basins 104, B4A, 805 and
B06 was not to exceed $16,405.
Thus far we have paid Harza a total of $43,444.22.
Staff asked approval to proceed with the following:
11 A change order to the agreement dated rebrury 8, 1988,
extending this agreement which expires on March sl, 1989, for
two months or until May 31, 1989, so that Harza can continue
their current work.
2) Request Harza to submit a not -to -exceed cost to collect
available data and provide a computer system characterization
for Basins B3A, B07, B09, B10, Bll, B12 and Bl�.
This is estimated to cost approximately or the
approximate balance of the $100,000 initial agreement amount.
The sewer flow monitors will be installed on Marc'" l- to collect
actual sewer flow in basins B4A and B05. After ....tea s:1--nificant
rain events the monitors will be moved to B04 an:: ._.. BE:6. With
this .nfcrmat_on, Harza will be able to ca_ibrat. _r moael.
ty Al:ermwn
-c approve staif'..
r. - _. Fassed
Staff ann.
cunced ,.here
w.l'_ be
a S:dI*M meeting cn
A.:-- cr
cf Public
.-crks to
meet wit; Harza.
_:-_- %nU a
afire. --n-
can _..
_.:e 'Icvd
uh. rcrcl ..cr..,_-
trcus:'it _:
.ne next
s e:u'__.
^eeti^:g '°las 17.
There being no other business the Chair adjournec
9 P.M.
Respectf•-;,iy submittpr
May 17, 1989
Members Present: Alderman Margaret Wold, Chairman
Alderman Roberta Warshaw
Alderman Beth Davis
Members Absent: Alderman Richard Lanyon
Dr. Michael Goodkind
Staff Present: Dave Barber, Director of Publi- Works
Jim Tonkinson, City Engineer
Richard J. Firwrel li , Supt., Wnter A Sewers
James Wclinski , Azst . Supt . /Alminist rat ion
Greg Ramon, Pirtributicn & re:•rer Pivis:nn Chief
Others: Robert Molzahn - H3r .a Envircn:-.Fr:'al Services
John Velon - Harza Environmen' ,l Cervices
Richard Persaud - Harza Envircnn-ntal Services
Teresa Wiltz - Northwestern ''r.:.. lr-. aoie Student
The Flood and Pollution Control Ccmmis_inn met .. 17, :?89 ,
in Room 2404 at the Civic Center. The Chair caller the meeting
to order at 7:50 P.M.
The minutes of '';arch 17 , 19FO were "n lnlmously aT;rT, ed as
The next order of business was the Long- Range Fewer Flan. Mr.
p-t. r* 417n - f P rn F r-n7nr* i �- -r . ^c rl 7 rr 'rt
on fipld test resui!s nr overland fin . A vide- - `,r the
tests war shcwn to illustrate the effeztr r ^ver:an: ."_.w as it
related to prFparing a plan to mi' ig,atr' ,,-,semen' -,:F �:nd
street rlooding. her. Richard Persaud of Harza Fn _r-nment._l
Serv, sec explained various aspects of t h test ant answered
ponaing that' will -czur upstream or nt an inter:''
monitor overland flow to nee if there would be ::_-.dins _.
parkways and sidewalks.
Fanad nn prior rpp"rtr rubm'.tted to ins ' ity anj rani.. c
t he sp `'i-10 tents, Mr. Mr 1nahn prcrentPa Harzn F! % . r 7nren! :.
Services' final recommendations for Fasin PY. - - -
rrccmmended plan in er' if"mratPd it K.7 mi11inn
Minutes - FPCC, May 17, 1989
Page 2
The recommended plan consists of inlet modifications designed so
that the existing combined sewers are not overloaded during
extreme rainfalls (100 year design storm) and installation of new
storm sewers designed to collect runoff. The following
conditions are to be met:
1. In residential areas, water flowing along the curb for a 5
year storm will not significantly overtop the curb and all
water in the street will be drained within 30 minutes after
rain has stopped.
2. In commercial -areas the inlets and storm sewers will be sized
to convey runoff from a 5 year design storm.
This plan provides significant protection of basements tecause
the inlets to the combined sewer will be modified nn allow only
as much runoff ns the combined sewer can safely hantle. Excess
runoff will flow Vc the new storm sewer. Tho crii ical component
of this system it an effective, maintair.atle We! ! devi_e which
the Storm Wnter Inundation Mitigation (c.1,.I .ri. ;earn wi l l
develop and test as part of the design and implementaticn of this
basin plan.
In areas where cross streets could cause excessive uepns of flow
along the curb, either inverted siphons or swales will e
constructed tc meet the minimum drainage chiectivec_.
Residential areaf w4ere runoff is to he K ;nilr'i _ :r by f.::;
along the gutter will have runoff up to nne top V -Qry mcre
often than currently occurs. This increase in tte fregjency of
greater depth along the curb is attributed t.n relying er guttP:-
flow to convey runoff for a block or twc , t hq pr--.r- ro; s tor-
sewer inletA.
Implementation V this plan allows for fulnra r:•. xnsien _f the
storm, sewers to areas where gutter flow conveys tte runoff. T h I r
city w]d, i ci mn—r
f^ it urf' of this plor.
Alderman i•:arshnw —d to approve Harza'r rropcsei
recommender. ions an, plan fnr Basin FOY Alerr. .. : t.i..r _econw.
the t"r' ion which war approved unanimous) +s - -
to cenrider an! nprr . - the rol lowinr ra - -
r rooesn:
1 . Consider a second contract with Harm to r•or.' :- .- r.=ir w-r•.;
for a total of i On,700. Again, thr wnrr: w- — : . � -, .thor_. -;;
in phases by the Director of Public W- rkn, : . hey.
approved in the 1189.90 Rudget.. 1 f u al.pr- , _ _ - . -•y ._ _
staff will prepare the contract for r;'.misri-.
C; unr i l on June 17, 1 9PO.
Minutes - FPCC, May 17, 1989
Page 3
2. Construction of the 48" storm sewer on Poplar Avenue is
scheduled to begin this summer. Sewer work will commence at
the drainage canal and proceed northwest to Lincoln Street.
The second phase of this project is scheduled next year and
will continue northwest with the upper end of the work
terminating at Broadway Avenue and Livingston Street. The
1989 work is estimated at $400,000 and the 1990 work is
estimated at $800,000. Both projects will be designed and
supervised by City Ftaff.
3. The remaining work in Basin B03 includes $3,500,000 of work
and should proceed as one project. Funds for this work are
proposed in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) currently
under review by City staff. After City staff review and
approval by the City Manager, the CIP will be sutmitted to
City Council for final approval in June. 1•:e =r} ,_rnpozing to.
begin the desif..n in 1989 and begin construction in 1Q90.
Alderman Davis moved approval of Staff':- recommon:ati,�n to
proceed with construction in F3.:sin PO Alderman War-;.aw
seconded the motion which was unanimously approved by the
The Chair suggested Starr communicate the proposes:
recommendations and plan to the 7th 1-.ard Alderman an, ,.he
previc:J:7 Alderman John Tlle:e r.G who t:as invr)lved
inception of this plan.
Tile next meeting is scheduled for July 19, at 7:4�; P.ir. in Room
2104 of the Civic Center.
There being no further husiness, the meeting.. was ad-,,o,:rned at
P:15 P.M.
F hard J Fig relli
„-, C AFT !: I:. 1', ,'p„