HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1989ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES Wednesday, January 25, 1989 Room 2403 - 7:45 P.M. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Nelson, Korshak, Collens, Juliar, Davis; Wayne McCoy MEMBERS ABSENT: David Mann, Greg Hummel, Al Belmonte STAFF PRESENT: Aiello, Clarke I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. II. MINUTES APPROVED By consensus of the Committee, the minutes of the October 18, 1988 meeting were approved as submitted. III. COMMUNICATIONS Aid. Nelson asked Committee members if there were any comments regarding the communications which had been transmitted to the Committee. Alderman Collens requested that the December 1, 1988 issue of the Downtown Idea Exchange be shared and distributed to members of the Administration and Public Works Committee. She indicated this issue had a good article on downtown parking meter use. 4lembers discussed the sales tax collection report. Members indicated that there appears to be a wide variation in monthly receipts from one month to the next and from the same time in the previous year, but that these fluctuations likely were caused by State reporting methods, rather than any economic forces affecting receipts. IV. SOUTHWEST INDUSTRIAL AREA TIF STUDY Alderman Nelson noted that a suggestion has been made to add an additional member to the Industrial Area Subcommittee. Aid. Korshak stated that Aid. Feldman would make a good candidate because of his interest and expertise in the area. Chairman Nelson concurred and it was noted that the committee approved of this appointment unanimalrsl.. A'd. %elson stated he would meet with the Mayor regarding this appointment, relative to Aid. Nelson asked Aid. Korshak to provide a status report on the Southwest Industrial ,area. Aid. Korshak requested that the Committee convene into executi,e session for purposes of discussing land acquisition. Committee approved, 6-0. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Committee returned to public session. Committee members discussed the location of the Evanston/Skokie borcer r.`:ch, south of %iain Street is East of the Canal. It was suggested that it would make a great ceal more sense and would assist in redevelopment of the industrial area if the boundary was roved to the middle of the canal. Members indicated that cooperation by NISD and Skokie %ould be required in changing the boundary and that this is almost certainly not going to be had. Economic Development Committee Minutes - January 25, 1988 Page Two Committee members reviewed the preliminary assessment report for a TIF district In the Industrial Area. Members reviewed the subarea map provided In the report. Concern was expressed on how subareas were delineated and it was suggested that changes In these boundaries could yield a larger eligible area, possibly including subarea I. Chairman Nelson summarized the Committee discussion by indicating that the Committee agrees with the preliminary report that the area is eligible for a TIF district and that it is the sense of the Committee to create a district which is as large as possible in order to facilitate redevelopment of the area in a cohesive manner. Chairman Nelson requested that a timeline be provided on the completion of the TIF studies and redevelopment plan. Concern was raised that without such an overall plan in place it may be difficult for the City to react to possible opportunities or obstacles to redevelopment which may arise in the area. Discussion continued on the particulars of what could be part of this redevelopment plan. Alderman Nelson suggested however, that these particulars are best left to the subcommittee to evaluate and formulate a plan for presentation to the entire Committee. Aid. Korshak agreed to have his subcommittee work on this plan. WayneMcCoy asked that the eligibility criteria being proposed be reevaluated in response to the Wheeling TIF District Court case in which the court ruled the Wheeling District as invalid. Members agreed that an analysis of the proposed criteria relative to the Wheeling case should be undertaken. V. DOWNTOWN RETAIL VACANCY Aid. Collens questioned whether there was a real vacancy problem or if the current vacancy rate was normal. Aiello agreed but indicated that some persons are perceiving a vacancy problem and that this perception may need to be addressed. She suggested that the Committee may want to meet with interested parties to discuss this issue. Committee members agreed that this perception should be investigated and it was agreed that the following persons or representatives will be invited to the Committee's next meeting: a commercial real estate professional; a small retailer; a Chamber representatives; an EVMARK representative; Ron Kysiak; and Dick Carter. It was suggested that the following questions be items of discussion: 1) are there vacancy problems; 2) what are the problems of small business downtown; 3) is there a way to attract more business downtown; and G) what can the City do to help downtown. Wayne ,McCoy suggested that the Committee may want to investigate the long term health of downtown retailing and if there is anything the City can do to change the basic economic conditions affecting downtown retailing. He noted that all the flowers in the world may not change these fundamental forces. Discussion continued on what is the role of a downtown and what, if anything, the City is currently doing to affect the market. It aas the observation of some that the level of retailing and the market for retailing has i--Zilized. but that there probably are some things a City government can do to support the rra-.<et or even to reverse retail decline. It was noted that retailing provided a very visible component of the downtown. VI. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOALS Aid. Nelson stated that the City Council has developed an economic development goal statement which has been referred to the Economic Development Committee for refinement. Aid. Nelson suggested that the Economic Development strategy appr-2,.ed in January, 1986 be reviewed as the basis to develop more specific goals. It was noted tha; the staff summary of existing reports was helpful and that much work has already been comp.e:ed. It was stated that the Committee should review these documents for the Committee to -eaffirm the Economic Development strategy. Aid. Collens stated that the recently published Downtown Land Use Report was an extremely helpful document. Economic Development Committee Minutes - January 25, 1988 Page Three Aid. Nelson stated that one way that the Committee may be able to assess the economic climate of Evanston is to compare increases In the Consumer Price Index with increases In the Equalized Assessed Value. Aid. Nelson stated that in theory, If inflation and property values rose equally the economy could be considered stable; if property values rose faster than inflation, the economy was expanding; and if property values lagged the inflation rate, the economy was in decline. Nelson stated that there could be some problems with using the CPI and EAV but he believed that it could be used as a rough measurement of the economy. Other members weren't so sure these measurements accurately portrayed the local economy. It was agreed that prior to performing this analysis the accuracy and reliability of these measurements will be investigated. It was suggested that property values might be provided by property class, such as commercial and residential, and this type of breakdown could be very helpful. VII. OTHER BUSINESS Members discussed the status of the Transportation Center Project. It was indicated that construction was still planned for fall, 1989 and that cur rently,negotiations were underway to acquire the major parcel needed for the connecting plaza. It was stated that replacmeent parking in the Sherman Avenue Garage was at the center of these negotiations, Discussion continued on the impact such parking would have on other commitments for the Sherman Avenue garage and in particular the timing needs for the parking. Ald. Davis noted that a number of construction problems were affecting the small downtown retailer and the City should be sensitive to their concerns. Aid. Nelson stated a major reason for the interim parking lots in Research Park was to relieve some of the parking crunch occurring in downtown. He suggested that this issue of downtown parking should be monitored by the Economic Development Committee. It was suggested that a report be provided the Administration and Public Works committee on Downtown Parking and the City's overall plan to deal with the need both on the short term and long term basis. Vill. ADJOURNMENT Adjournment was by consensus at 9:30 p.m. STAFF: T* M (" DATE: SY32/34 k Corrected as Approved ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES Wednesday, March 16, 1989 Room 2401 - 7:45 P.M. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Nelson, Collens, Davis; Wayne McCoy, Alex Darragh MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Korshak, Juliar; David ?Mann, Greg Hummel STAFF PRESENT: Aiello, Clarke, Adamus OTHERS PRESENT: Bruce Goodman, Evmark; Howard Sadkin, Cushman Wakefield; Alison Barkley, Evanston Chamber of Commerce; Morton Johnson, Chandlers Inc.; Howard 1'elton, Evanston Chamber of Commerce: Ruth Smalley, Evanston Chamber of Commerce; Nancy Moran, Mostly Handmade: Jane V alchirk, League of Women Voters (observer); Ira Golan, Chamber of Commerce: Ron Kysiak, Evanston Inventure. SUM htAI:Y I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. 11. MINUTES On a motion by Aid. Davis, the minutes of the January 25, 1989 meeting were approved as submitted. III. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Nelson acknowledged and accepted the various communications which had been transmitted to the Committee since its last meeting in January. 1.0 comments were made regarding these transmittals. IV. POWNTCWN PET.AIL v.aCANCY Chairman Nelson stated that a number of invited guests were present to discuss the matter of downtown retail vacancy. Aid. Nelson invited Alison Barre,., President of the Evanston Chamber of Commerce to address the Committee. Ms. 'arklev thanked the Committee for the forum tieing provided to discuss the issues facing -_-. ntovk- retailers. Vs. Parklev then introduces'. Howard Felton to speak to the issue. '.'nitrdr s:atec` that It was his opinion that. ves, retail %aranr% %las a real prohlerr f"r =.'Store ;�'antoxv n and that some of the e,Xisting s},ops are not doing as well as mit - }l._ --ted that Evanston residents spend only 58n• of their retail dollars in Evanstor a-c that tr,is number was in his opinion, low. He stated this number suggests that E%a-ston residents are shopping elsewhere and that Evanston for its population and aggrepa­r '.Dose! old income is ender retailed. fliscussion continued over how these statistics calculated and what they meant. Vr. Velton stated that this discussion over is cart of the larger Evanston problem. He stated that if one was to go to Highla— Park, the Cite can provide you with a great deal of information on the local oconom%. t E_varston can't. He stated that he felt that Evanston City government was not corm-.-- *.,j 1_s�isting in thr promotion of a strong retail sector downto,.�n. Economic Development Committee Minutes - March 16, 1989 Page Two Mr. Melton continued by stating that while Downtown Evanston will not capture a major department store, it can attract national and regional chains requiring 5-6,000 square feet. He indicated that the only real place for retail in a downtown is on the first floor and he suggested that a restriction on first floor occupancy of service oriented non retail enterprises be considered. He suggested that national and regional chains demand larger spaces than may be available currently in the Downtown. Discussion continued over the appearance of downtown and Alison Barkley indicated that the Chamber felt that the appearance of the streetscape and its maintenance was critical. Chamber representative indicated that in the last two years the maintenance and appearance of downtown has deteriorated. ft was noted that Evanston is not on an expressway, that competition for retail dollars was growing and the City needs to help keep downtown competitive. In summarizing the Chamber's perspective, :Ms. Barkley stated that parking, and the condition of the streetscape were paramount issues which need to be addressed. [truce Goodman representing Evmark indicated that ground level vacancy was at 3.510 in Downtown Evanston and that this retail vacancy rate wasn't yet a real problem. He too indicated that the appearance and maintenance of the streetscape were major concerns. He noted that parking was also a major issue and a great deterent to having a good retail base. He stated that only 8/10ths of I% of Evanston is in Town Center, yet it accounts for 14 % of all real estate taxes paid. He noted that this town has opposed even major downtown project. He indicated that he believed that organization of City government by wards has created provincial viewpoints and not a government with a community viewpoint and interested in helping downtown. Wayne 'McCoy asked X'r. Goodman if it was City officials, City staff or the will of the people of Evanston which was to fault for this anti -development viewpoint that he perceives. 1'r. Goodman stated it was the Ward system in contrast to an election at -large system which is the basis of the problem. ,Its. Barkley stated that a widespread perception within the business community is that a vocal minority strongly influences decision making in Evanston especially as it relates to zoning issues arc'. that husinessmen because the\ rrati not be vot.r;g residents are not heard by ward aldermen. She agreed with Yr. Goodman's remarks regarding the ward system. Ald. Collens objected to these implications and stated that to the Contrary, residents in the neighborhood perceive that the City is too pro -downtown and pro -business and that the Chamber has too much influence in City Hall. A!derman Collens stated that the business perception and the neighborhood perception can't both be accurate. She noted her exile rience that businessmen seem very w i!lir� to contact her oil an issue. She noted that healthy business districts are %,ery lrnportai'.t the t onir'nunity ant- t``f reivhhorhood residents. Pisci.ssion contlnuec the 1e" ,,',ts and limitations cf ward and at -large systems of government. Howard Sadkin of CushmanNakefield stated that downtown Evanston is doing increcibly well and that the downtown retail vacancy was lower than that of \arthbrool,• Court. He noted that the office vacancy rate will he at about 9'z, soon and this is a strong indicator.. He stated that he felt there wero five areas of impro%f�Tnent. These are E Il correct the per(e;ved parking problern. 2) improve the visual attracti\eness of downtown fit is less attractive than other Northshore husiness distric.ts): ?` t`,- E•.-inston builc;np. department has one of the worst reputations 'iround, that this ` as iustl\ `errs t'tlr'leC} and neo'-s ro he changed; 4) ,r�atC' zCldltlonal C(7\\'nto\\I': 'r ;c ':t' t i r \ran :`lt' Capti%v rnarkett ,ind. ?) creatlnF an orientationiAelcome prograr' ;,r r, ` F. rMes5eq tc� brink them} up to spend with \chat Evanston has to offer. Economic Development Committee Minutes - March 16, 1999 Page Three Discussion continued on the perceived need for more downtown parking and what was currently being done to resolve this situation. It was noted that a great deal of parking is actually available now on the periphery of the downtown even with the closure of the Church/Chicago lot. Chamber representatives stated that there is a great deal of shopper resistance to parking on the periphery and that even after the Church/Chicago garage is built they felt another downtown garage centrally located would be needed. Alex Darragh asked if there was a specific site in downtown they would suggest for another garage. Ms. Barkley indicated that a specific site has not yet been identified. Nancy Moran stated that she believed Downtown Evanston was in good shape. She stated that there were some specific problems which were creating the current vacancies. She noted the former ?eron space has no bathroom and this has been a real deterrent for leasing this space. Most guest agreed these difficulties ought to be remedied by the lessors of the space. Aid. Nelson thanked the invited guests for their input and thoughts on downtown Evanston. Aid. Nelson summed up the discussion by stating that three areas of improvement were identified and these were: 1) Parking, 2) Street Improvements and 3) City reputation as a cooperative partner. Chairman ,Nelson suggested that periodic meetings continue among the various downtown organizations and City government to took at solutions to downtown parking. He noted that the City is hiring an additional staff member to assist in the City's Economic Development efforts. The guests thanked the Committee for the invitation to express their viewpoints and the openness of the discussion. III. ZONING POLICY REPORT Chairman Nelson asked the Committee how it wanted to respond to the Zoning Policy Report. Wayne McCoy asked if there was an economic development perspective provided in the creation of the report. He indicated it appeared to preserve the status quo and was a closed minded approach. it was stated that both Al Belmonte and David Hann of the Economic Development Committee were on the Committee drafting the report. Committee members expressed concern that the timeframe for adoRtion of the proposed policies left little time for review and incorporation of comments which may be raised Monday evening. It was the consensus of the Committee that additional time for review was needed and that there should be a 60»day review period. Ald. Nelson stated that on behalf of the Committee he will recommend that the report be referenced for comment to all appropriate commissions for their feedback, within 60 days. IV. STRATEGIC PLAN Chairman Nelson suggested that quantitative aspects could be added to the plan to strengthen it. By consensus, further discussion of the plan was continued to the April Committee meeting. V. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Nelson stated the next Committee meeting will occur on April 26, 1989. By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. STA F F l}C DATE: 4- 19.21 lcoklkli 5-9-a9 diiy ill Irl of i ■ � � i I� iliii I i I i i rl ���I II I i Ilul II =J1I11'I �lil l I 111 II I!I!� III I1IIIII���IIIIIi I!l! I' il'Illj�llll R II jl Illlllllll II'ill'llljj II I III' I!Illllll II I1111111 I! Ipi 1IIII I IT II p III II Illlll I �, 11� �1,� III � ��1�I I� 111 �� �I��,�Pl,ll I ,R 11�1'lll III II ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES Draft Not Approved Wednesday, April 26, 1989 Room 2403 - 7:45 P.�4.1. CIVIC CENTER %'E,'IRERS PRESENT: Aid. Nelson, McCoy, Feldman, Korshak, Davis %'E:11RERS ABSENT: David 1'ann, Greg Hummel, Alex Darragh STAFF PRESENT: Clarke, Alhberg 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:55 p.m. IL MINUTES It was stated that a noteworthy typographical error appeared in the minutes on page 2 line 3 of the last paragraph which read "The office vacancy rate will be at about 95O " acid that this shorild he changee to read "about 911", It ith this change the minutes were approved as sribmitted by consensus. III. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Nelson acknowledged various communications which had I)-f-n Transmitted to the Committee. \o comments uere r iad'e reg drding? these tr_illsinittal5. r'Iisrlissinn hf-van revarding the si7.^ and f7ornposition of t'la' i1or-r ittne and the difficulty which the Committee is having: obtaining quorurrr. A -r. K :)rshak siigg;ested that the Committee be expanded to 12 or 15 rnernbers and include • 0' rbers fro-r the retail community. •old Korshak also suggested that a vice chairman of the C.,:-fr.ittee t)e designated. -NId. %'elson indicated he would discuss these matters with the ma,. ;r 'grit that he %as not incliner) to increase the size of the Committee. IV. CO!1'MITTEE WORK PROGRAM AIderr r an \eISon in,4:r—atori flat '.lit`) the e'ler tlnn ri\('r ill( d Del\ Cc), ()131_e It '.ya5 a good time° for the Committot' to establish a 2 year wort• prog;rar-. i!r' cuw,ee+steel that t'lr' Committee address 2 ke\issues and constitute' itself into 2 task f .'-e5 l) Ti'e Southwest Industrial -'<rr'a: anr!, 2) the dnwntDwn (-Fn. :lira. \r-Ison asked •\Iderr' rrha— Ira wain rh3ir the Southwest Industrial area 4,ihrommittee with Ole foll.-)%ing• as its ~ti*'r5: \!r', Felrrran, Hilmrnr-1 or his replarernent, an('. � Iex ilarrag;h. \ Id. \Msr�r) .N lr , n71\ is V. Fro hay' cliaire'c' last \ears nt,ighborhood 1)risines5 �;lhr r):n11'ltte'1', ht' •17p0: "it.' A I"e ('Izh t o•rrnittee. •old. 1)avi5 siiggeste•r'. that "\Ir;. lllli it '.Lojjlfl 3`(' ti f'St t,, ittef. . \!! lg,rf.f-0 to i:a\e 1Id. )uliar i-hair .\ ith t',r '.,,I! �u ing ,,.s: 141. r Economic Development Committee Piinutes - April 26, 1989 Page Two .Aid. Nelson then suggested that each of these groups meet, identify goals, a Z year agenda, and a timeline with significant benchmarks to obtain these Foals. Aid. Nelson indicated that the overall Committee would review subcommittee reports, continue to monitor RPI, Inventure, and ECDC as well as consider other matters as they arise. Discussion continued regarding specific work of the SubCommittees and if a narrower focus was needed for the CRT) task force. It was also indicated that we should not leave the impression that other areas of the city are being ignored. Aid. Feldman stated that we should incorporate into the Committee's overall agenda attention to the City's neighborhood business districts. 1lernhers agreed. It was suggested that the Committee provide an open invitation to the leaders of the outlying_ business leaders to discuss at a committee level any issues thev may have. it was suggested that each Committee member could he assigned as a husiness :listrict contact and iiason person \vith the Committee. \+embers agreed and ,agreed to the fMlo\iing assignments: .Aid. Nelson. Central Street: Ald. Davis, r)empster: Ald. Feldman. Fair: A!r. Korshak, Howard: and 1t ayne VcCov. Church/Dodge area. It was agreed a letter woule ssued to leaders of these areas indicating the Committee's interest in helping these .areas. A_!c. %eison stated he would like to have representatives of these business areas meet in the nf�3r f,iture with the Committee to share viewpoints, ideas, and concerns thev see ane' experience. \'.embers concurred that t`tis would be a good idea. V. ZONING POLICY REPORT Aid. Nelson stated that he found the staff report to the Committee to he a eood outline for the Committee's response to the Zoning Commission. \'embers concurrer' and Alr'. Nelson asked if they had any comments or modifications they %would like to male iI. Aid. Feldman asked staff the reasoning hehind creating a specifi, Park: Mstri,7t. Al-f. Nelson asked if the Research Park overlay District wouirt be rnor,- r)r ipss--strictive than the under!} ing 7.mmng, ftob Ahlberg rf~sponded that the nvf-rlav ronrent �, il! 1+f- —ore restrictivo in S 1ne aSpe('Is •.tnci less r*'strictivf, in Others. He t`lat iiJr� night F]e' less restrictive as it relates to the {provision of p.trl-ing ,inc' rr•latt-5 to height an(4 hulk. [lot) Alhberg Stated the overlav r'onrept .kas prr)pr)-,orl to t:� oniny R reviv%\ prn,-,'s5 ;in. r �t '•'a5trr piilf! for Ow p;-trK ! � in place. Concern ,%as raised by :lid, navis as to the rr'lationship bet,.ket=n the Vaster Plan which i5 inrorporaterf in contractual agreernerits u'ith the Jity for the C,%,,!oprner!t and the proposer! ovy rlay zoning district, and how the5n 7rerhani5ms wou!c other. f lsrtJsSinn -on tinTit•(4 on .Oiothf-r .in n7,e,rI i\ Iist ri,-t t\ n!JId, he rr - �� "; -£! l,OrShjJ� tit3t•'c t.F. �\ !+1 'iG,�. f11'Xi1)11 \a, -ant. ti i' r )n. e t hj I ..n ir) )rr) rI ').J( (I,f ���, !rfrr (7.tr[le ;1.tr i x 1\,, •t _ iwen i-nn5!!1f•r,'r', t{f' tit;:.�,'r'st�'d C'at �i'le �' nlJnr Jl '%c15 pr"-at:or 1\°' .. _ r':�.''f]'"er't, the _ Toning appno\,!i anti rr'g'Jlator\ proross should ht' shortener'. I)nS51` I', i5i, np the t\Pica ,oning prore's5 %ith imwt,diatF rolJnril .-onsirieration. Ald. s.e15.111 ­jrr 35 '. rl_O\ that the process shoi:l(4 be shortened and .alloy flvXi')ility, r)itir 'Js t.n+:�� rec�rdi�ig whether flerihilily a rs nerr'ed if the par'.,, '.\a5 StJrrecsfUl or ifctC'- the event the part, needco r•ior!ifir'ation. - Economic Development Committee l+.'lnutes - April 26, 1989 Page Three It was clarified that the underlying zoning would be applicable only if the park fails. Alderman Feldman stated that he felt the overlay concept was important, needed to be considered, but that a delicate balance of flexibility needed to be achieved in order for the overlay .to achieve City development goals, The Committee continued consideration of a response to the Zoning Commission by reviewing item # 1 of the staff report which discussed the need to elevate the importance of economic development as a City policy implemented through the zoning code. %% ayne McCoy stated that this point needed to be emphasized and expanded to communicate the importance and purpose of econoric development. He noted that a balance between regulating development and promoting development needed to be achieved or residents would be unable to pay real estate tax-S. Rob Ahlberg communicated comments from David %Iann who was unable to attend the meeting. Ahlherg stated that Yr. Mann wanted to stair' that some econoric tools can't or Shouldn't he part of zoning. Vr. Ahlberg stated that Mr. .11ann suggestee that rcnnornit- Development goals could be considered for evaluating variations, special uses and Planned 1.'nit nevelopments. The Committee concurred. niscussion continued as to '+What kind of zoning relief could achieve Economic Development. Committee mernbers indicated this could be reduced parking, reduced setback, higher density, height, etc. \ternbers continuf'rf fiscussion on the overall impression that zoning regulations deter development rather than prorrote it. Committee members then turned their attention to staff report iterr /.9 '.which addressed c?oNkrlfown floor area ratio. Committee members commented and a'zreeel that proposed r-ductions on downtown density could significantly deter er_'onornif- detelop-ent, it was noted that `lichigan avenue in Chicago was often considered a pedestrian sire-t u1th thf' hulk of the builc+ings at nine stories in height and that greater heights and density in c4.oxnto,.k'7 Evanston would not ne't'essarily erode Its pedestrian character. Cornmitte,- '-1t'rr l-o-rZ 't)nr„rrr•+ ':! at'ne \1r-Cow r-ni-mentPd That 3S the n('w Toning code i, ',%ritt,-r,. '+r' r1Pnr+ t;) �r ,D in -nlnd what we %cant F%anstnn to he like in Sri fears Ahen the next a tt'3t �r s.'�ould think of what we ttant to encourage during these intf,rvi(",,jri' c orTimIttef r1jemhers conc,lrrect with the Econmmc Dovolopmerlt !-orp }rt or) ire—s•.#2, � dminlstratM- Revie-,t Process: /1?, ',tandards For Variation; !i» ;;�e Plan I:ev - : 115 Restructuring --oning nistrir'ts: !15 Floor area Ratio Standards for nor ^e4ldential D;stricts; //Ili. Building Sethacks: Ill', Institutional uses: and, 1t16 Cornnler'-ial Ar-a Pining. ,1 �n,I"ItTr•r' .'!r-r�r?rG r'n{+clh 'r!'r} G,aff rop? rt Ito,.. ! 111;t'; '', ,3 r'! +r.. .it.. r,�,•+. �lcr' ,�f :n i,n t�•t, •)(41 T'I,11 15 A .. ��Pnt r.r t t'lr' +l• rr•r''? �,:r'.� "rr����- •,..}: [n ,i�-,-r,�• t�li� t`��. ' i?r ?`r� .1'rt'r'' pr'Jtir'f s. zonlnl? rr strl,"twits ;..)!1't :`?ese 10t:: ,lnit'ss rari.eT conflitlons Inc' land econornir s to siting .1&:t 1rinF Evanston. It etas noted T`lat ' husinessos not ahlo to find inc'ustrta! In Evanston clt' not lntlrr'ate ' 3rl.r't trends. All. Feldman ,tatcr' that thorn' etas a ; r(''s? -a! of tinder,!,lizod in-lustrial land ctlrrentk itsed for outt�oor storah(.' and that given tlir hfrt',(eYrl 1it-foor it Jrajve and r-tail Cett_'lOpMent, he post'llater' that rot id C'r'tt'}r;;r' t- .,oidd he a iroatr Wnefit To [he C itv CoriIT-tttee rt'embors states'. t')at Itst'rlillr :.t"r^di Tn ah rt'l1o? t t- I oil rT,(•fl t to (}f r'1f. s Economic Development Committee t�vinutes - April 26, 1989 Page Four Committee members then discussed Site Design guidelines and questioned if such guidelines were proposed to be mandatory standards or simply suggestions. Ald. Davis noted that thus far the Site Plan Review process has worked well, maybe too well, and has not yet been tested. Committee members asked that this area be clarified as to what kind of standards or guidelines are going to be imposed. The Committee discussed staff report item t112. k'ixed Use Transition Zones, and the problern of commercial -residential use conflicts. The Committee conciirred that certain r_ommercial and business uses in a business district, such as doctors offices and restaurants. may need to be restricted from being allowed at the edge of the business district as it abets residential areas. Tt)e Committee asked that this concern be transmitted to the Zoning Commission. The Committee than discussed staff report item (11 `, ;Appearance Revirvv. k_omwittee rnemhers concurred that some rind of Design Appearance Review process and approval nli}!ht tie good and necessary but were concerned as to how this worild be implemented and ,vhethf•r it would or even could be mandatory. !'embers commented that appearance was lip e )hsentity. that you know v.-hat it is when you see it, but it is hard to actually articulate it. Vernbers commented that they could not support an appearance review process if it .vas t,-) he a disincentive for development, It was suggested that a great deal of attention be given to crt-ation of guidelines and a process which would not unduly deter deveioprnent. V1. 5TF aTFCiC PLAN: I •PDATr tld. 'lelson suggested that in addition to the. 2 year work program disrusse•d earlier. end the strategic plan which has been developed. that the Committee estahlish a goal for economic development of increasing by 2-3'',, the real growth in the lnnim! E AV. ','ernbers poWilated that given the research Park and the southwest Industrial area, such a vnal roillcl, tie oht,itnerl . 5nme concern was expressed as towhether acrurate numbers could bt> ohtto meastlr- this goal. "',t3ff indit-at cd that previous .71'1 and F.AV r!,3ta uot,ld he givf•, itr ntt"O �t its rr•Y; r-eeting. Vill. ADJOUR\NtENT The Co- Friittee adjourned by consensus at I C:10 p.m. '-T�%rF: DATE: c)I! 14 DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Minutes of the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Meeting of May 24, 1989 Members Present: Aldermen Nelson, Davis, Feldman, Korshak, Wayne McCoy, Alex Darragh. Members Absent; Alderman Juliar, David Mann Staff Present: Judith A. Aiello, Assistant City Manager Tim Clarke, Development Analyst Presiding Official: Alderman Belson, Chairman Summary of Action: I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 7 : 5 0 p.m. II. MINUTES - The minutes of April 26, 1989 were approved as submitted. III. COMMUNICATIONS - Chairman Nelson acknowledwod various communications which had been transmitted to the C=m :ttee. T h v Committee commented on the appearance review :..`:rm.,tion and member Darragh indicated that the majority of t s i n e s s park~ today have design guidelines and that carefu_:_r created and implemented design guidelines can be a benefit to development. Chairman Nelson introduced Jack Wilson, who i s the fW71e7 of the site at Centra'. and Ridge, who intends to develop _._ ':r,rth Shore Medical Center. Chairmen Nielson indicated that Mr. ..snn wanted to provide Lht? Committee with an update of the :wn plan at Lit e w e r t.'1 .'eV SCt: design plan f, the bu:Id: nv and ndicated th,it t`:cz-_ `^ee:l n,) pre-leas:ilk; to date but he i5 Corl1 :dealt th:lt L11e l'r � t 1.11 be built lie ::',d:cated th,it f tiariclni,, was 111 place ...._ project was rradv to v built with rental rates that wou equal t~ the Co Build:::,:, and th,it he is co.11iden[ that .__-__ ,e ..__': pica; uplie d...i ed t`lat ile h.ls de.t.ln,'.. a:. :eas_. prat s.i:,, .t.., t i1 iS '.Ir_.. -11d : pie t h e H p. t a:. of:irt' space, Lh = r{ sq :t oI rk. ap_ f_r. floor, ;lnd that he must have pre-'.t?as_ng prior t= _ =:art _ construction Chairman tielson thanked `4r, k r t'h opportunity tL, see the plans and indicated that . :ere wa: anything the C1'cy could do to mnve the project a':-.2 L~.at we are wi 1 1 In g to do so Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of May 24, 1989 Page 2 IV. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE'S RESPONSE TO THE ZONING REPORT - The Committee reviewed the revised report to the Zoning Commission regarding the zoning policies. General discussion regarding the economic impact of development and the overall philosophy of the zoning policy report at this time. With minor changes and clarifications to the report, the report was approved and wiII be forwarded to the Zoning Commission. V. QUANTITATIVE MEASURES OF INFLATION AND PROPERTY VALUES - The Committee reviewed a memorandum from staff regarding some quantitative measures far property vaiue. A review of the various indicators that could be used, might include equalized assessed valuation, sales, new permits, income, etc. It is important that multiple indicators are looked at and stiff will continue to investigate other communities ways to address this issue. Alderman Davis indicated that the City's desire to enhance its tax base has been a continuous goal, but at tames our zoning policies may be looking at ways in which to control development, which obviously have a negative impact on increasing the tax base. Alderman Nelson concurred and indicated that it is a very sensitive balance that must occur. He also indicated that the Budget Policy Committee had reviewed some comparative studies of other communities that the staff may want to review. VI. TASK FORCE - At this time the Committee split up into two task farce, one being the southwest industrial area, and the other being the commercial area, and the task force held small meetings to discuss progress to date and to plan activities for the coming year. Alderman Korshak suggested that the Economic Development Committee expand the number of members citing the difficulty at times of getting a quorum. Alderman Nelson said he would discuss tl}e th ti,e `:.a.;or. A_dtrma% Feldman .sugges_e-- _,,at the Mayor needs to stress the importance f attendance a,d that we need the full membership and people who are willing t, ac.epc the responsibility and commitment to our meetings. VII. ADJOURNMENT - With n1) further business the meeting was adjourned JAA:Ir cc: Joel M. Asprooth Staff _ Assistant City Manager DRAFT - NOT APPROVFL) %% (DRAFT - NOT APPROVED) Minutes of the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CITY OF EVANSTON Wednesday, August 3, 1989 7: 45 pm Members_Present Members Absent Alderman Jon 0. Nelson, Chairman Alderman Beth Poosalls Davis Alderman Gene Feldman Mr. Alexander Darragh Alderman Marvin D. Juliar Mr. Howard W. Melton Alderman Jack; Korshal, Mr. Scott V. Peters Mr. Wayne McCoy Staff Present: Judith A. Aiello. Assistant City Manager Timothy M. Clarke. Development Analyst Craig D. Mizushima. Development Planner/Analyst Others Present: Jane Walchlrk. League of Women's Voters SUMMARY_OF_ARQU €. r_A_LL__T_O__O_R_D_E_F_ Chairman Nelson Called the meeting to order at 7:50 pm. I I . M I NOTES The Minutes of May 24. 1999 were approved as submlttec. € I I. 99009UNKAN AldermanNelson acknowledged various communications -___I.ea which had been transmitted to the Committee. InClUding 41--new ;y newsletters from the 'downtown Idea Enchange'. Ms. -.:elto stated that city staff would forward copies which pertain=j__:iICa:ly to marketing of Evanston'- downtown to Evanston ln,Ert- _ Ymn iymarE. rr :1r_rvan ilaI on 1ngu.rno -h. -,or 5" -Qst- 0,11c _= - - i91714 K, iowvo to pAr. on Evanston DrwrerLw st- nignt-, -`' = ---- Z. - former Dominict 's POWs ee 8 25,99 meoo. rgg9,&.- _on "a:_ea AL Committee Nwet Ing ' . Aid. helson also suggest c � - - t~- -It. Inv.Sst ignt_s {nor_en4i al l g Leasing ether avai lanes Cj .. .-:s -mjco mere weing und_-rov i l ized. All. Ne 1 _cry as, =o for comment_ .bout tne `.osnomIc .Ct 1 . ikivy gwor -. Qla. Nelsor :r,not•,l,_jrej the no. ---z :; _n.:. _e nr t pna r _Qt_,esned tnat t na Fepor r t _ _ naet _d _r = - to,.. "id- Nei= n _ hal 4bZuk the St-.t._ss at -,a unttea .. . -W"F ICA, No. win:10 Etat a treat V-•,..: _it. was Stl.. ?r.-•--1,'� Economic Development Committee Minutes - Meeting of August 23, 1999 Page Two of Five permits for its drive-thru facility. Mr. McCoy suggested that the Dank may have been affected by new federal standards regarding savings and loan institutions, and that that might explain the delay of the Bank moving forward in Evanston. Ald. Nelson asked that City staff investigate the delay. Ald. Feldman asked about the status of the former 'Ferry Drug Store` on Chicago Avenue. Ms. Aiello responded that the City was not aware of any pending commercial interest although the City had approached the owner about the possibility of locating the south branch of the library at the site but the owner was unwilling to subdivide the space. Aid. Feldman asked about the status of the windows in the 'kids R Us' building on Dempster/Dodge and asked that ste.ff investigate the future of the windows. Aid. Feldman asled about the avallacility of space in the Dempster/Dodge mail as well as the status of the car service developments across the street. Ms. Aiello responded that there were appronimately W , small spaces remaining in the mall and the car repair/service stations were approximatele 1•2 twll. Mr. McCo- asked about the status of the World Boat r e l cc a i l on to the One Rotary Center Building. Ms. Aiello stated tnrt the wermits for interior renovation in the Rotary were issued onir iesteranv and their relocation would be on schedule --in the midale `," JCtooer. Ald. Nelson said that he noticed siK police vehicles .at 'ne service station on the corners of Crawfcird/Gross Point/Central and asked if city staff could check on what had occurred at this time. Aid. Nelson asked the status of the Asbury/Onkton Amoco station. Ms. Aiello stated that the station :rust reopen witnin sl months since the station was a non -conforming use but toe _ompohv Sias e%ploring the possibility of opening a mini -mart c- e4en eliminating the service boos to expand the =tore portion, Olt---- _ na.e not made any final decisions. his. Aiello also states t*,at the City was awaiting for a report from an architectural firm cecause a Fire Department_ inspection indicated that there was greater tnan 50 structural damage on the facility wnich would r?+:uiris demllition. The reparL is e`pecte?d to be available Nitnin 1-2 +t5. Velto also stated that City staff hen sunge5l ad to "moco =t' in of 7r% want to ons. :Fr y alopnert a two an`ro wr per - ' ne .. _ Wi t= t._ r to 1 m c l o t h a m on,:i onea Amite -21 =._" _. Ald. Nelson asi ad tnat Staff C SEder a plan for _-e =m6_ commercial area on Greenbav Road, lust_ norLn Of __ %ra:. .-.1]. Nelson suggested that parting was crnhibit l .F in . area -nd t-e area w&=_ in leopard: ow tecominq t_ l igMtea. Alderman 101 _. i1 _ _ ate d % not f M R i i r ('AVIS 00 m f • . • a . :0er t_a'es which are villed to them =ncn ,ear pno irgU_ _ V. e to es coo he qo ken rom the leaseas at f rx Cro[:•r=r _ieS. = c. Alssy . the phone company, storage t nri l ines, et al. Ms. -Ie.in Stated ''Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of August 23, 1989 Page Three of Five that staff would check with the Mayor's Special Parking Committee to see if this was one of the issues they have addressed. Ald. Nelson acknowledged the approved Zoning Policies Report.. Mr. McCoy, Aid. Korshak, and Ald. Feldman, inquired about ECDC's current activities, and inquired as to the organisation's current activities relative to its original mission. Aid. Nelson suggested that ECDC, along with Inventure and EBIC. be invited to attend the next EDC meeting to support its program focus and actiqities. Mr. McCoy suggested staff prepare specific questions tram Committee members, which ECDC be requested to address at the meeting. All members concurred. I'J. RU_STOLEUM PPOPEPTY Ms. Aiello confirmed the rumors, which were originally reported by Lhe Evanston Review, that Patrick Daly and the Jupiter Corporation had an option to porchase the site for an intended commercial development. Subsequently, staff has learned that Jupiter has decided not to pursue the protect. Jupiter had orlglnallv executed o rant,roct which allowed them to perform due diligence on the protect prior to fully committing to the property. ConseQuently after a closer investigation by Jupiter. they have decided not to participate in the site's development. Ms. Aiello st_fted that other developers have been considering the site's develcpment Dut no new contracts have been presented to Rustoleum. Mr. McCoy asked the specific reasons why Jupiter decided not to pursue the development. Ms. Aiello stated that the real estate broker would not disclose that information to staff. bait he indicated tnat it was in part the difficulty in s•=carinq a commitment from an anchor tenant. In discussing toe cotential environmental concerns for the site, the broker how indicated that Rustoleom would be responsible for the clean-up of try site. although it was unclear if any clean-up would occur Dricr to trip actual disposition of the property or if it would L_ in Lne form of a credit to a purchaser, etc. :=old. Nel=cn suQgnsted tnat the City may want to nCra:jer OQt_InInq n ipt 1,_n t v o-ron;_e '_ne prcper tv in order to Pr _ . .70 _ ?b i ! 1'. . no t051 t- = site and GiSCGvicer ueri' . Win. r _r•r:nt ::ncerns are associated with the r'-- _.-. 20,er.-.. He sungmstea Lhot the money that the City offers .7 rct be Mt r 1 =4 bec acne 1 i the C1t1 has a contr Act on the prcc -t . =n,:� Ji`-co.mrs that the property is "clean", then the ::_r%, s -slue Al I I sutomar-lca; 1 - appr^ecista , but if the propert. ?^u.res ubstant.isI Lleso-up, then the property' s value don-__licss arc Lhe propertv Acu its bm subject to Oise untinC._',. "ts. "1e1 :o -unge�t ew *_oor- an a 1 t ernat : . , m i !ht- L•r_ - ;-I! or - assessment an Lne ri_ib t iC - ,ter i,ng t f e arwor! _ All. f=eldmar reiterated the lmpor tonco _ __v .er in7 `_pecificail'; 1+ chere is an'.' to We U-7c=OL'. as scorl Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of August 23, 1989 Page Four of Five as possible, in order to expedite a plan for its clean-up and development. Aid. Korshak inquired if there was any way to involve the State in order to force testing of the site based on the concern for the potential hazard to the community and residents. Mr. McCoy suggested that the City contract with one of the environmental consultants which were used by Jupiter or Rustoleum. to purchase those tests. He suggested that the costs would be significantly less since some level of testing has already been completed. V. TIF__S_TUUpY_FDR THE SOUTHWEST AREA Aid. Nelson--- actnc►wledged ^the TIF Study for the southwest industrial area. Ms. Aiello explained that what was presented was a draft of a "generic" TIF which was prepared by Kane/McKenna in conjunction with the City. The Flan intentionally limited the project area which was studied and did not include the Rustoleum property at this time since the property was still occupied. The Plan also did not include the redevelopment of the Freed/Main Street Commons Center development. since at this time it does not qualify for a TIF under present State statutes. The proposed Redevelopment Plan could be amended of a later date to include the Rustaleu m propsrt; after the propert', was hither vacant or demolished. The Plan assumes a commercial redevelopment with some incidental industrial development. Ms. Aiello explained that H.ane/Ncf enna =_vggsE-?ed that the Freed development could be incorporated into the reae'.eimpment project through the utiiization of a Special 'per',ice Gist-izt. but that Wr t_her study is needed. Ms. Aiello explained that time schedules will be an important part of the entire process. once a specific development project and developer is identified. Furthermore, unliie the Pesearcn Fart: TIF, the Bonds would have to be issued upfront and coull not be aeferred until after the increment has been established. -Id. Neisor� concurred Ono suggested that for this project to Le suclessial. condemnation nl the offec+ed nroperties "0010 no _±-_-_io.. Aid. Feldman inquirev wow the Freed development conic not qualify under the TIF since it was more than 0% vacant. Ns. ►l=llc' Rnplained the criteria as outlined in the Illinois 7taiwtes _.na e: of aimed tnat toe cr ltier is was more votten prvslcll oriienip AS 7ppo4ed to erwnoimiC - i t_.,r l a. 1.o. el.ortip_{gQewiei t 1t_ 1e the r.:ae4eI_'cmert_ - - _n im ort nt teen a t oe. ine sh l e t �_- ._ C' 1 r_ r7i_i d b _S = b i 1 .he d - �� - -�,r,p , one different eiement= ssEocialed with this project. Ms. -.iel _ ol:lifiad that the oroposed Redevelopment Pion ari Rr •ert AQcumefit_, Ma pI`ecer-it_eo. is mere!. a cr a! t. ana that =t of . is E=el l � JiT1 ECC areo alt. ofnrtl .n ans or sig nl' icant ] Esues 403c" - _ -eel ne an to be odressso In t ra = l an, r or the re r_ weet_ - 1 01 1 i prep or" - jr Qt „ I :il. _ jt it ener _ a Inter- • Ta a 1 ,1nen thr'_ } ne =r I_soon, & intent 13 nc! 0: woull not to Qmmi'_vaQ 12 a Wart1c'.Wr concept, _ : -_-ij we easiI • .''tconomic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of August 23, 1989 Page Five of Five revised. Recognizing the importance of proceeding in a timely manner when a project is identified, Ms. Aiello explained the necessity of initiating the TIF process because of the potential for significant land preparation at the site. Ald. Feldman asked if a marl -et study had been done to identify the development potential for the site. Ms. Aiello e.iplaxned that once a developer is identified. the City would draft a 'Letter of Understanding' which would. among other things, require a developer to Submit a market feasibility study, which would support the success of a proposed project. Ald. Nelson e:cplained that in order to continue to pursue the development of the project area and a TIF in SepLemoer, the EDC should consider a resolution adoptinq its intent tn e,!plore the establishment of a TIF and be prepared to recommenc It to the Citv Council. ')I. ADJOURNMENT With norfUrther business, the meeting was adjoUrnFI. CC., Joel M. Asprooth QStaff• Develo eneLz:? ner,'nalvst (DRAFT - NOT APPROVEED) (DRAFT - NOT APPROVED) Minutes of the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CITY OF EVANSTON Thursday, Septemner 21. 198q `': 45 prn Me__mbers__F'res_ent_ Alderman Jack E.-Korshak.^Acting Chairman Alderman Beth Boosalis Davis Mr. Alexander Darragh Alderman Gene Feldman Mr. Wayne A. McCoy Alderman Jon 0. Nelson Mr. Howard W. Melton r'tembers F,bsent Alderman Marvin D. Juliar --_--- Mr. Scott ' , Peters 'at of ( (='re=r_nt_ J"dith A. Aiello, Assistant City Nanacier TimoLhv m. ClarLe, Development onaivsL Craig D. Nizunhim 1, Develooment Planner Anallst 0t.h0 1_P_rr;_gn_t_ Robert Pret_tschneider. Evanston Review Belinda Irdy. Evanston Community Development_ Cord. (ECDC) Ronald C. hysial., Evanston Enventure Emily Marshall. ECDC Thomas E. Parl inson, Evanston Eusine5s investment I_;.,rc. K me l a A. Walter, ECDC VM_.F . ,,F :I' T � rat; Ah- 1. CALL TO CiF' Y Chairman horsha► called the meeting to order at 7:50 pm. 7ho vinut-mac o nr i ne or evisus Committee me0_t inn - - - - Mo. _f - .. er = sopro er: As _I om1 t hed. 1 l i. Wfil_"lAQU 0 A I der man I',r st-I at aC4 now ledq!=Cj , it 1Vi15 ,=Cm1Tl l.lnico' . �_ won i e,] wrilrrl had neen tronsmiltah to the Committee. jocludlr•_ ---we&L newsletters from toe 'Downtown Idea E. criange' . :oF v6m , or pl Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 21 September 1989 Page Two of Seven questioned the relevancy of committee members receiving copies of the newsletter and, thought that if other members concurred. that the committee should recommend the discontinuance of the distribution of the newsletters. After considerable dlscussic+n it wa, Wx consensus of the Committee that the publication's 'Evecutive ummary' on the front page of each issue. be distributed. fang Committee member who wished to receive the f>_ill issue could contact Alderman Forshak acknowledged the article which appeared in the Evanston Review (8/71/89) regarding the Odesta Corworation which would be leasing space in the 1890 Maple Ave. Building to the Research Part. Alderman Forshak acknowledged the receipt of the too E�snst.on Zoning Commission minutes of thy? meeting. 24 July 119K Yr. MaCov e_t ert .,bola the status of the development of the revi=ivk= for loc- o,1moline. .,,. Aiello st,tt_ea fhot !he I_it. 'AAs o ., _;- - r h:lr WWV in the iinetrime and that the r_r-,n ulnnntE. r__.r,:-n_ rD, n._,,_ submitted an e' paraded outline which discusses pal ;,q_ o the .Zrious rer-)+imendaLions--inol'.1f ing comment-_ troiT 0, 1: a -ter,' It 1e s. rt r. Aiello farther =tit_ o o t h A r_ t_ `1 e I_ o m m I = c 1 m nos , _ l I' - polir-1, s and onee t_t-i:_ t Q1 i_ie_ were ,t;r, ,,woi, t -- _ _ . . language" would be incorporated. Mr. "cno.i + ues t tan --a i i t ha Commission had given consideration to tha EDC's foroal comments regarding oversights that had been idart l t ied. vs. ••ini to responoed affirmatively. Messrs. Melton and Dar rsgh enpressen cDro orns over the original draft_ and =ncurred tneir wish tn_r_ - _7mmisslon seriously consider the comments made nv the Cl_+r_. `n. .1110 stated that We 1 omml45iCyr+ had not fat, re, iowed '_1'e __ _ -_ _ industr ial per-tLQnF a' the draft_, and was still TO. 1gWlr.Q ,- _ - _._ia--I ]yl an. -I on1.Y-r=. -. part.lonw. Mr. Melton t"-t_hyr - -r 7 - -_ofr= „-,_ C._.r Jr t_rob-.r h a A - it n ' Ke r• •Cj - a 1 r � i ­ , .1 , 0- 1 1 MOOT l imi t or perhaps e•.en inhibit EvAn =ton ' s art ion? w.el _?piTxn . The concerns included the draft's proposals to res'-.:' densities. particularly, in the downtown area. as well as tno swssible boundaries of a TlF in the southwest portion of Evenston, and tnat the plan overall, was unnecessarily restricting waient:al opt ions. AiOnrwon 4'arshof STi now 1r7el t.rie tnreo ,.rqPr-'i.'. � _ _r lc_ er..- `- r _ ju?sted no pro iAe -t ;t s r apor t 1 ni 1 +..lr --. _ .,r-.., -- 1 - C . -. - I r r-. , , e i r 4 r , P._ _, r 1 o r r 1 _ t 1 an 5 r e r .-" , .- .- I " . _ . _ M i_, 1 , -, ment "-rrwr pt 1or- }_CD 1 , _ :-_ -.r• In of no •- _- Itof-, that_ - --K jr,-up or vile : st-orT presort? ".t . -v ,r -• ..+t le?= And that '_'.-. _-t-•e"let not noel •o discuss in inn ores, :ti 1"0 ,-oaf"Ior-, noi•ch waB preflr_uslv s,nmi't_vu or tme Conmitoee _ 7-: _' _. ` Economic Development_ Committee Minutes Meeting of 21 September 1989 Page Three of Seven Evanston_Cctmrnyn i tl_D�ve ln�a+nent_Corgor �t ion Pamela Walker introduced herself as the Interim Executive Director of the Evanston COMIMUnity Development Corporation ano introduced her attending st,,aff. Ms. Walker reiterated that much of the ri�genc•/'s description and activities were included in much greater rietall in the Committee's pacl.ets. She summari-,ed that ECOC ila grown substantially over its 1C'-year history in the communit,,. Tf-Irr organization now provided technical assistance to small businesses, financial assistance through a revolvinq loan program. as well as facade renovation assistance. In regards to ECDC's future activities, she e,�plained that ECDC has been working for several years to establish a small business lr+r_ubakor that w-wid provide services consistent with the type of services being currently provided. although at an "e;;panded level". ►`1s. WrILG•er e.:plained that they have currently identified a poterltiaL t}U1ld1;-1C trD -,Oise an inct_chni_ar and th"► the•/ arf3 hopeful th..L t-he pr. ,,eCr de`.eloGed. IdF.rman t't 1!;'nPd if i��t� _ _i =t I,. 1L I _ _ l y to the 1_.1; 1, ? l 1 ] 1 b 1 e t a r g e t_ a !' _ �, i't a- 41 I i_ _ 1 -7 ! rl'��t t h ;1 the C D P G quld?11n nc0Urages if tr=rt.y tc be deit, onrnt _ .<J if, the t_;rgnt --ir'_i5 S�nrJ t. her f-Dr E� t_tie ,f13)rDr1t_ cf L-1-. l.tt_Ie's have fOCUSed orl activities within those target =if lftY.:r ilr In the west Evanston community where ECDC is located. .;r,e further e:,,plained that two of ECDC's progrims are of feral r rt �Ji+3e, the technical assi=tance to small ou=,1nesses and t_h* loan program, c,lthouC]h rEGiplents of=t5�:1st=,nf- e TsI_it7-C r. t ==i ,011St)f-�rj quicleIines. rtldt�rjitdn f= ldm n inr71_tir*?d 1f tt)a a;r _ t_='n rJ7a re,zporC 1t31c f,�r t_rir_ =t_ore ror-,t_ iainr t-j•. r,f n -3t rr.'e , M'7.. W' 1FjI . 1r,--d tt-, -t It rl` - I 'I --- - -- ,r'. 'I, or cq F, -,(n f i_'_IIsC'r yn •_,ti � 1".,�I1L.: 1 c,( _i II Ir',_t Lir-riq _ _ T,r-.i ,-:Wt=tI'Irj T,Gtit r f:.n 1. ] v _rl i �T1ri =on �1,�, E� t «? l i ,_ r, - ,. n,, Y �tr C£?t_ imrrovement v,ere 'r+fin,] Lt?o L) y' ttl• i_ t' •/' - F _fir ri �{ �rlr -,n H1JJerinrn peldman , ::F'r+55rS conrc;?rn5 Ltl+t_ Fr_ 1� -? IrS rf?� appeared to be somewhat 1 imited. Ms. Wall.c•r resr-,Dnnerc th;-,t_ in regards to facaade improvements, the three progra,T, ercDmpr;sed an area inc lt_lding 41 storefronts .along Church/Dodge an,:i L'Ddge,Emer son, ,. rl rj an aiciI k 1,Dn.ti1 .,_1 r'rr t.= al^ng �1,n(_�;rr1 -! 'r=. i•J�t1 er -,_In• r.�nl. l= _„rl !`Ur t. =r t 1,1,e �nr1 y cc1- - rlrr� t l ;I ���._! s._f-, t _•rl i 1-_rr, it '-?�,Zlr, -r .� �_ Iq,�y,� = L•J•l� =+'_ I =gt 'ir'_ - 'l l _ r _ .--, _ �t r ,,,-I jC c:l,7nlil1 1'3f tlrIQ CJr ctdver't_I Inr] ti1_• _, rjl?-., _J'=r-lfiQ l 1!i l.'•_t 1 ii ll'S? nr=+54rt• f c?r Cc sn ;no •r,. r_,1 r„� �r,r ? _i r� t c+nr itr7 iilignt- rEl:'lte tD t_ne development 'mot r_A Ic.,�n _ _ rt5 Y•trllt E'r. i)l?LI-,ed th3t_ in past y-2:.,rs sc.ine tt9Chn1,_•at -vG=:: = :'a f yr•nplj Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 21 September 1989 Page Four of Seven out" but more recently, due to budget constraints. all assistance. was provided in--hOUSe. Only ECDC's seminars ano workshops utilized outside assistance. Ms. Waltrer also explained that. CDF13 quidefl ines have chanor?d in rucFnt /C?crr zind that its main faci.ts r;?qu_rF?s assistance to create and retain jobs. Addit_ianal lv, rt=_. WE,14-er e>:plained that, with the n:.ception of its (acme progratn, ECDC's assistance is available city --wide and is not restricted t.a the west Evanston area. Ms. Aiello e>.plainecl that ECDC's �t.tivities were more limited to CDBG guidelines than to a geograpnir. area. She also e:cplained that. the City's Facade Program. being ft_ln(ned tii�j CDOG ;)location, was also available city-wide in all eligible areas. Ms. Aiel In •-Nnd Mr. Cl•ar4-r= e..plained that the two Facade Prr;rlra,ns were slightly different From each other, and that thev are administered a.s separate allocations being utilized For dit4er�nt areas of Evanston. jr"1 r ?c�,r�n P 4 I1r, 1'lr itCrr, rt'=. t,'l:,lr Pr e r 1;41neci r_ _,r t.4_i.rl. i- r,ried b tilt t ,tiC;I [t' It 1r r :t"ic.r, :tad t ht- .;rnaco FOLIndat. vor). Nr Nr_C,D, F- j.:r t t.' ,r- ECGI_' fit.,,?. wimr _ not fp+nde, h tt-.� E.�n,t"nn t � .1 „ter h:r� q• r der �,I J -rj l 5 _UCn. t '_ErL -tI:f i 1 r 1; ;,ar r tti-p i t is e 3 -t- cr in :=Fi h _,.-rnr.. n , t_ 1.-n _ r _r�'� •i 1 a'_t ; 1 _ _ t w poI I =1� s anri nr!'_,f it tas whIC:h f+_Inrj p,_,rt ICLIlar :�r _,,;r _. r'If OcCc)y asl ari If ECT_)1_ would be wi l l iog tt-3 e .P.-AnrJ i t-5 r?7:.1 s-'r,tde, of f e r i n q e':p=,riti.-r_t and add.t ion --,I services i i tt-,e '_1t te- red additional support.. Ms. Wdl4-er answered of f irmat.i w 1 •f •:nr7 discubse prnpnsr.ls �,lr?acly submit -tea to the City For 1ncre__e' t+Irtdirrq tar t.1:e de�'�lopm nt_ of new Stnal l Buaioess 0e-,I?1=i1r':? r well a`� l Fticlt'Ic.cc jnr:ubator. .4 r1..r m(�,r' i.r tl.rl -':;ISi r Ci ] , + r•= r a h�yt] L-? �r' . _ _ r _ - ., i 't W i to I= pr =t_"yr, ;•� ..ter-•t -� -,r �r fit' - r _ :,-t _ _ t I _ -' _ ..- ;n _.+=r _i a r t t r 'n a t. i- e `I 7 t -_ t_ i n q t r t a t El1: n ^�Ii L1 it ", t _t c i_ --A l l! C, rt i o Small business rtaferred k'+v EDIC, t]t_tt_ that t_htJ irk+=".: _+ t_ha d1fferr-nt organtcations wt=re? different. In respcinse tG 0r rFth, MS. Waller stated that it was a f f icult to gt_tant 1fv e _ct1•, how many Ji3bs hn:e been created from al l tvpe5 of bt_Isines.i:- slstz,r1ce, br_lt t atr, .- rr.•.� n;]tJlc irir -r._.�t_In:v ?t_ '_`' _ -•r -.�_ .r-� -,6i= - - r r�-r 1 t. f .'_41 ! r- ,_ 't - _ -'rr3 r+c _+'• CIr1.-la nF+„r•, i._ t.?r, '1' ='r ih1.I t_l.:)n = ---- ,err _ 3n.- ' .- -�. S r•,=•r'I ._t .=.:rr 1;-� 1Dr'1 t r, r3 ,- i _.,,r ?ti? . �t':'7 i t-Ii ni iQh ..+�- _-r.. _ -�r�t n .tl = t -.r -, t a �n -ntt.'ra. P+.r t .5k:;1 r1 ,- r Ev�,r.I-= 'n Iri•u-nI,rr: hC'stell 3 "ReprDr'_ t'J +r'•= l.oritmttr'tlt_r -.r ._• ._r r_rr,1C lr:. IC'nmant. t t 1t ips in E.-r+,t_nn. HCt e. pI .t rer.r-,r `ir3 stt[-rtnit'.-?d t.'_ ti"-e CcjairrilLtee act'_laI l representt= rom t_r,..+_ a Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 21 September 1969 Page Five of Seven presentation and adequately summarized what Inventure was doing as well as described other economic development activities in the communi t y. Mr. k'ysiak L—plained that Inventure brought together the five downtown Office bul lding owners and ccordin-?ted a s'rstefnatic effort not to "steal tenants" from within Evanston, but rather to develop an "ol.tts tde" mar l et ing str tLegy. Mr. k ys i ak st-at.orl that as a result. today Evanston's office vacancv rate. being 13,;, is probably the lowest in the entire CtlicAgo region. Mr. Kisirak explained that Inventure's activities in supporting the Research Karl: were not limited to ]List marketing, but also included technical help. such as assistance with administrative overhead by maintaining the book—,B. paying bills. ,ssLtr inq that leq;=il ities were .addressed, reports were made timely. and that all the necessary components were coordinated. Mr. r.ysial= acknowledged th,4t 1nventure Qet_s paid for its assistance because of the importance that the F''e=earch Park be 1 dell r uo s N r. , l a i l�_ 0 t. i— t,l"- pr l+Trc�r y # oche fir --hind t_t'•Y Incubator h'r .nr am, vit-11 I'r_t'r F'.ar:' hr.- ,�•: �71 ;11-d t1-i ::4t , on .�r Lrr � -f- r-, h =+v been wort 1 na on the J_?r r) ] ect to '.=onver t t ria L_�knr-]nr I vls+r ._{inLte to LL,rrCnrnrnQrj�r.- 1]:aCra for t.h.? nf=w (nL: 1bi,t_i?r . ItoI_- no?rj t.hct ln'.'F-nture's f'_ttl.lre prC,1.=c►-= tUi 11 t,_,1.uzi t_'rl oc.mWnt ,tin 17 ct C: 1 t i-w 1 rj.� ,n.=t S' }: t. 1 r'r] 1 ��I-1 {'11 {' 1 _I I r"'T+iT .. r t :a r] T-� _ �. t. 3 Ilf:j that Evanston had more economic development als=.i=_tance ;: Ilable to help business. then any other city in the state �f flllnUl*�, including Chicago. In response to a question f rom Alderman t orsn,,l . Nr . f ySlat: e:oIained that he is prep Arinq to prr?Snnt t-,:) the r0131m1t_t_ee. Inv-nt'_Ire's. pI�lns for a ctt•,e-wide� m.irleILinq prr_.,rm, wr.ere ►,s- ma: I, C.-,r the .i 351 =t in1_e 3f t_ne C I t_,/. Mr Me I t_r_,n n_r.>> 6g,1 h t = une7tertt-iat fC'r a st.ratt�Q1C 1-,n t+-, ! •: i''='Ct_1 c.. It mt1 t tn•��l mr,r'o #{�1?r1 :t rra a ,t 1F.. 7'•!1 ii f _..� 4 t.r'a businesses and people oEanstor,, Alderman Nelson requnstpr1 an update on thc? number -3f Iobs crG? {t ed ire the Research Fartand additionally inquired about the impact of the presence of the Institute of the 1_aarning 5r_i¢nres. Mr, f"ysiat: yt tely t_h tt 1t 6•Jas h1E LIrdf=rstandlna that the ''" = 1+_t.'t. rw h ,7 y" .. ..�,r. r, {') en t Ul 1 1 ..-r �7 + h _, t {'+ i 4• l- r' -, 1-, r - .. , i i- - , -'rLn1rJ.'in-, ],"Jlt. 'I' i f•1r r1Cl't�, Wit- yt ri t 1-.=,t. I r, eU,t,'_tr e g.-f c! i t r :++. I rl�: _7r l�'] _ _ y Wit_ ti [ r r ill' -r`i1.? _ rl i ., 'i Jr if_ fj�t •i i.��:• -,r ir .a r_Y_rz'-i c.r t L .._ 1 f ' , rr c f r5 [ r . i i ht C l._ C' . ] rl ell -I l r C} _� ter i .t_r t ' . . a�rr t_ i r f_•r,=a, lr 5 D € , r P = l rt r c f-, rti rr 5 P_ t = i . i i _� r r ,T at n I` ! 1 L1 fl i a r"r , I'1 r' t - i c, r = T. t• d t. ir+1-4rpoIQ L+=� e Cinnstruction, tiut t_r :fit f7cLts S11C'ILL Id t'e ql,; 1"C1rtJ tI)e •:•KCtinr_'/ CHt_n. t`1r f =1yF il�r:r ?':pl�lnary it'P nF.r`.F- r - t. .•_t �Cc�CIt lr_ Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 21 September 1909 Page S i v of Seven retail needs in Evanston. In response to comments from Mr. Melton regarding the status of the Perry Drum Store on Chicago Avenue, ids. Aiello e"plained that the difficulty in leasing the space is compounded by the !act that the owner is unwilling to subdivide the space and is not particularly cooperative since Perry Drug still is responsiole for its previous lease commitment and will be so for.appron imately two more years. E��anston_6u�iness_Investment_Coreordtion Mr. Parkinson distributed a status report of ESIC's activities for the year. He enplained that EBIC had inverted to 4 new businesses this year, bringing the total businesses assisted to 11. EBIC has invested a total of W45.000 in EBIC fends, le,eraging a total of 12.716,000 of additional monies, representing a ratic •mot 5.2 to 1. Or. Port inaon a;ploined that EBIC woo sees ]nCl n4qs to rAl e now im,?St_ment- cram tai . EGIC was incl"Oev in - rwTorr n, t o National Council an Urt-An ECOarr7MM __:elOpfTrt_I'rr.. .•r:_' __-c"ibea t_n-1 most innovative economic development_ crgr_jf pms jr %m '='_ntr y, Mr. 0?rvinaon 0ao ae=cr1`_ed t_hs I--yart_I nd Onritury w]`_ _ &&Twori Anicn represent_; a comp'r_rt fir mat ch inq _ er . icy or .r,t -z,er._. 1 -M-j in,ustors, nd descritel 1 Smol l err_'=1l14.ss hq.-,_c­! ._nWj ( BCC) which counsels businesses In tMe Northern Coot !-canw area. The SEDC has packaged 7 loan applications which r,ere =womitted to the SEA and the State of Illinois. and has received ar:'oroyal for 0. totaling s4eo.000. Additionally Mr. P:rl:inson =ca.ted tnv! EPIC coa.fnseled one business which was roferrno to ECDC, sunsewent1v, approved for funding. In rQnponse to ?Iderman Feldman. Mr. Pat t inson _ n1viyon nst_ toe SBPC provides '_'_ttlinns and information an thn reoYwn . =tnp, nneaeri to rCiTp let e - f "sinnys plan and reviews t_nO 00-17 ..zf 0 ­1"egr n l _.Mn submitted. Mr. Mei ton suggested that EGIC wort = In5e... with the various local Chamber of Commerces in pr_sblicisinq its services. V . OTHER n I QjS I Qf`l M-. I i t o = ._ r 0 -e % t h ;t t Me I_ i 1_ , w. _ t-, r- 0G-r . _ _ . . w or S t)lrjr:,''= t . ! r 1 1 =h R or - Mur''.- 1qc -r 10 . n = _ & L._ d .plril,m nt rt_nor=-.Si = allcoLe to {_.-OsLor e•- - _ � - --- _ t_1-. 1'.. _ - � 4n Win!-i�r�, no well 1 n all n, 1_ e C�uL,; is _'nd or 1 - - 1, _ 1, nos. rra_ cyd Tifjr'r 4 �i'if'- ._if , NO h l G ' IDU _ (aubl'r -,T1an br_'rtr '.. J .-r; r l Melton =;pr = son f. e noad t r a de -i-p._.r ' _ 'nor-: : n No. :el Ic, L 'p l r i nef1 to t_ _ Comm ] f T ae f r-rat Ono was : 1 r yd ._ ._ _ .:o _ _ ji being tjegeluned and enpeoled cCimprleli n ne? t- F^' . Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 21 September 1989 Page Seven of Seven Alderman Vorshalr explained Evanston's sister -city relationship with the Russian district of Kiev. V I . Ff:OF�SED_RESOI,UT I ON_FQR_US _QF_ 1'A X _ I I±ICREAN_F I AA I NG Alderman Korshak described the Industrial Sub -committee's and Ms. Aiello's, efforts to assist in the redevelopment of the southwest industrial portion of Evanston. The primary concern of the sub -committee had been the possibi 1 ity of environmental contamination in the ground in the targeted area. Alderman vorsha4: stated that the sub -committee was recommending the creation of a TIF district to assist in the redevelopment efforts. Ms. Aiello uummar iced the City' s ezper iences with vkr sous davelopers who were considering the site. Ms. Aiello empialned that based on a corrmisaioned con`=ultant_ study. the southwest_ lnduntrisl sr"; would to eligible for a TIF deeignation noseo on or t*=ri-i -st id i i'-ned ander I l 1 inat s LaLe .fir aLut The -no - •ins: vi he For the Citz to establi_h its intert to use W- incremant Financing. Ms. Aiello further e.'pl iineu 1-mat t_-- irk =r.t ' w,-,._ not binding. and tnat if after a Groject was ldent-1tinq _nq aelermined unleasibLe or undesirable, the Citi wCuli not, sk l i f _ - : ound tc, establish it. Ms. Aiello described the City ' s coot lfueu et t cr Ls in wort/ ing with the brol cr for the hust.olt-aum property, developer enisting property owners. and an environmental attorney. In response to Mr. Melton, Ms. Aiello e: plained that Rust_olrum was not now included in the proposed TIF area because it was still occupied. and it's current_ property tales would nobrequenti he tncludel to the TIF'__ ' base ' . Consequently. once the bu l la i na v7 nt;-,noored. too f IF vvv tie ,?menders to lnr l t_np ► t . Wlt_h no ii_Ir'tber. wiscussion, the I_oiTmit!ee otsO tC - ui c.o lt= f to thy; City Council tc estr bii ; . B 10%eno t'J use TaA Increment Financing. Ayer-i , Na*s-Nonv. The mot 1Gn was carried unanimously. '.'I1. ADJOURNMENT 41 t it no it t. n r r"c l"a ly, t ne .Fsewt. :ng w,i E wi ' . cc: loeh M. Asproot_o, City Manger kDRAFT - NOT APPROVED 4 (DRAFT - NOT APPROVED) Minutes of the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CITY OF EVANSTON Wednesday, October 25, 19139 7:45 pm Members Present Alderman Jon 0. Nelson, Chairman Alderman Beth Boosalis Davis Alderman Jack E. Korshak Alderman Gene Feldman Mr. Wayne A. McCoy Alderman Marvin D. Juliar Mr. Howard W. Melton Members Absent Mr. Alexander Darragh Mr. Scott V. Peters Staff Present Ms. Judith A. Aiello, Assistant City Manager Mr. Timothy M. Clarke, Development Analyst Mr. Craig D. Mizushima, Development Planner/Analyst Others Present Alderman Richard Lanyon, 8th Ward Mr. Albert Belmonte, Chairman, Evanston Plan Commission Mr. Richard E. Carter, Director, Evanston Planning Department Mr. Anthony Halford, Planner, Evanston Planning Department Mr. Roy Holmes, Chairman, Evanston Community Development Corp. 'ECDC) Ms. Belinda Irby, ECDC Ms. Beverly Lubin, Assoc. Director, Howard-Paulina Development Corp. Mr. Gerald Murphy, Executive Director, Evanston Cnamoer of Commerce Mr. Drew Petterson, Evanston Plan Commission Ms. Jane Walchirk, League of Women Voters Ms. Pamela A. Walker, Interim Executive Director, ECDC Mr. Christopher Yonker, CDBG Coordinator. Evanston Planning Dept. SUMMARY OF ACTION I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:5E; pm. II. MINUTES Alderman Korsnak requested that the minutes from '-e pre.:ous Committee meetinq o+ d'1 September 19B9 ❑y amendea as to..7w5: Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 25 October 1989 Page Two of Seven Page Four, Paragraph 1, Second Sentence, Evanston tax base, but rather by federal dollars." Page Four, Paragraph 2, Second Sentence, "Ms. Walker answered affirmatively stating that ECDC had in fact approved a loan referred by ESIC, ... " Page Seven, Paragraph 1, First Sentence, ...Evanston's sister -city relationship with the Russian district of Dnienrovsky in Kiev." With the aforementioned corrections, the minutes of the Committee meeting of 21 September 1999 were approved. III. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Nelson acknowledged various communications received which had been transmitted to the Committee, including executive summaries of the 'Downtown Idea Exchange' and a memo regarding Evanston's Housing Values. Chairman Nelson acknowledged a memo to the Committee, received from Alderman Richard Lanyon regarding the Howard and Chicago Ave. area of Evanston, and opened the topic for discussion. Howard/Paulina Development Corp. Chairman Nelson acknowledged Alderman Lanyon. Alderman Lanyon explained that he had been recently contacted by the Howard/Paulina Development Corporation (HPDC) who informed him that several Evanston properties located on the north side of Howard Street, east of Chicago Avenue, were now up far sale. Since the Evanston -owned parking lot located just west of Chicago Avenue on Howard Street, was also for sale, HPDC had inquired about future cians tor the site and opportunities to work together to develop the area. Chairman Nelson acknowledged Ms. Lubin, the Associate Director of the Howard/Paulina Development Corporation. Ms. Lubin explained that HPDC had already received approval for a HdDAG �Housinq Development Action Grant), a UDAG (Urban Development +action Grant,, and a Planning Grant from UMTA (Urban Mass Transit �r�inl5traLlon,. for the development or the Retail Transit Center A=t, south of Howard Street at Paulina. Ms. Lubin explained tna' Transit Center represented only a small portion o• - s gcals to revitalize Howard Street. She emphasized HPDC s gca.s -ere 'o develop a pro)ect which would minimize many negati.e =.ements in the area but would not lead to a gentrification of the Park community. Such activities included the renovatior a�istinq mixed -use builoings along Hdwaro Street and the attract:On o" new businesses whicn would better Serve the needs of t-e :-_mmunity, Ms. Lubin explained that HPDC was seekinq opportunit,,?,� -i", _seas *rpm the members ❑f the Committee and Evanston sta+i, ::eveiop Howard Street. Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 25 October 1989 Page Three of Seven Ms. Lubin explained that a TIF District had already been established and a ground -breaking ceremony for the Retail Transit Center would take place sometime next summer. Chairman Nelson inquired if a single TIF District could cross a municipality's boundaries. Ms. Aiello explained that if a joint project was identified, that Evanston would have to create a separate TIF area. Ms. Lubin explained that HPDC would work with Evanston to redevelop either the existing Evanston buildings currently for sale or a new project which might require demolition and new construction. Chairman Nelson explained to Ms. Lubin that the City of Evanston currently has no specific plans for the development of the City parking lot, but that bids from prospective developers for the site would be received in November. Chairman Nelson also explained that the City would certainly want to cooperate in a joint effort to redevelop that area in Evanston, but expressed concerns that the City would not be interested in participating if the development would only provide Support for the Retail Transit Center, such as a parking lot, etc. He explained that any project identified for the site must also contribute to Evanston's tax base. Ms. Aiello explained that the staff would continue meeting with HPDC and would provide the EDC with information on the progress for development. IV. EVANSTON PLAN COMMISSION Chairman Nelson acknowledged the Chairman of the Evanston Plan Commission, Albert Belmonte, and explained that Mr. Belmonte was here to provide a formal presentation of the Plan For Downtown Evanston'. Mr. Belmonte explained the history of the development of the Downtown Plan, how the Plan's boundaries were determined, and now the information incorporated into the Plan was identified. Mr. Belmonte explained that the Commission would like to most a Forum early in 1990, which would use the Plan to develop a consensus for development, among all interested parties in the downtown area. Alderman Feldman explained he was interested in now the Plan cc,_,id be implemented and inquired if the Commission was s�jUgesting a governmental group oe established or it the various inaependent economic development organizations and/or various b-sinesspersons would be brought together for the Plan s development. In response, Mr. Belmonte explained that the downtown lacked a single 'body or entity to coordinate the downtown s development. Mir. Retterson, of the Plan Commission, explained that all of the groups working on the development of the downtown, includinq the City, the Chamber, EVMark, etc., needed to reach a consensus as to wne-ner a single entity must be establisned; whether it is a newly As-ablished group, an existing group, or a tederatlon o+ existinq q-_uas. Chairman Nelson clari+ieo +or the Committee, that one of the uurposes o+ the proposed Porum would be to identlfy that entity. �- . Melton stated that a single entity should be identified for the Plan s Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 25 October 1989 Page Four of Seven implementation. Alderman Korshak inquired about where funding for such an entity would come from, and what role government would play. Mr. Heimonte explained that details must still be determined and that much information is expected to be identified at the Forum. In response to Alderman Davis, Mr. Petterson explained that the actual agenda for the Forum has yet to be determined although actual recommendations, including policy changes, will be part of the focus to realize the Plan's implementation. Chairman Nelson clarified that the Commission was requesting two things: 1) an endorsement to proceed with the concept of a Forum, and 2) general comments and ideas about the Plan, s❑ that they may be incorporated into establishing an agenda for the Forum. Mr. McCoy made a motion that the EDC endorse the concept of a Forum. The motion was seconded by Alderman 'Davis. With no further discussion the endorsement was approved unanimously. Chairman Nelson requested comments for any additional ideas or observations for the Plan. Mr. Melton explained tnat he felt that the issue of adequate parking was not emphasized enough in the Plan, the development of additional commercial development and uses should be explored more fully including a retail -only use for ground floor downtown space, and finally that the Forum should also address the concerns of the direction of the Zoning Commission Report regarding downtown FAR recommendations. Alderman Davis explained that the EDC was making specific recommendations to the Zoning Commission and asked if the Plan Commission had also considered making similar recommendations. Mr. Petterson explained that in addition to the Plan Commission, he also represented the Zoning Commission. HE? further explained that the Zoning Commission s Report is still only in draft form and that he felt he was able to represent the Plan Commission s position adequately on the the Zoning _-ommi5sion. Ms. Aiello explained that the Zoning Commission would meet on November bth to discuss a new draft of the Zoning Ordinance. Ms. Aiello requested volunteers from the Committee to assist staf+ in reviewinq the draft as well as provide comments to the Zoning --ommission at their November dth meeting. Mr. Melton agreeo to Alderman Feldman concurred that additional parking ..as-eeoec, in addition to more residential development and a dowr7'-:�6qn tneater or performing arts building, alderman Feldman further explained that the downtown was underutilized during the evening recurs. Alderman Feldman ekpressed the need for a unified effort toward marketing downtown Evanston in addition to its development. -s. Aiello explained tnat Evanston lnventure was now invaived a *ormal marketinq campaign and may soon be making a presenta'_:on ro the Committee. I I �I; 1I I I I"I II II I I I 1 11 l l l i t 1 1 I II lI l lit l 1' I l im II I, I"I�A I� III11 Iy �I+jI� 1 +I� �I"��� �� � IMAM � +IIIi++11pIq;++i111+q �h�i +i III III+ I Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 25 October 1969 Page Five of Seven V. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDING APPLICATIONS Chairman Nelson explained that the EDC received three CD applications for its review, consisting of two applications from ECDC and one application submitted jointly from the City Manager's Office and the Planning Department. Small Business Center/Small Business Incubator Chairman Nelson acknowledged Mr. Holmes and Ms. Walker of the Evanston Community Development Corporation (ECDC). Chairman Nelson summarized that ECDC had submitted one proposal for continued funding of its facade program and corporate administration, in the amount of $421,581, and a second application for the establishment of a Small Business Incubator, in the amount of $112,250. Ms. Walker explained that the application for $421,581, included funding requests of $224,300 for facade renovations, $22,430 to be used to secure architectural services, and the balance of $174,851, to be used for administrative expenses, which provide technical assistance to businesses. Ms. Walker explained that ECDC had already submitted formal responses to questions identified on the 'pink sheets'. Ms. Walker further explained that ECDC plans to assist more businesses when the City assumes responsibility for the 'Rehab Loan Portfolio'. Chairman Nelson requested staff to investigate why the Portfolio had not already been assumed by the City. Alderman Davis asked why ECDC appeared to not meet its target performance levels in past years. Ms. Walker ewplalned that original target levels were based on increased levels of funding at application. Since appropriated funding levels for the program were less than that submitted, ECDC had difficulty in meeting its target levels, which were based on a different level of funding. Ms. Walker and Mr. Holmes explained that the target levels were not adjusted downward even though the approved funding levels were less. Chairman Nelson suggested that the information sucT:--ec t� -"e EDC for review appeared to be inadequate and con+using ma..ing it difficult nor the Committee to properly evaluate tt+e proposals. Alderman Juliar suggested that the EDC s recommendation only consider the proposed activities and that the CD Committee was already making a more detailed audit of target level and fiscal performance. After much discussion, the Committee aareed to de*er recommendations on the proposals until more information claritving ECDC s past performance was obtained from the CD s a••. Chairman Nelson requested Ms. Walker return for the newt mee-:^o ^_n Novemoer 15tn, and apologized for the inconvenience. -1I! EI �'Ip III�'11I 1 11 ' ' TI' '1II, ,I. I ��� 11III IJII���u i�ll�' �I i11�1'II II���� �� II11 IIIII II �'1�' ��'il pl l °lilll�'" IIIII 1 , ,pal ilRll 'I ��I I I III IIIII. IIII jilj �i�ir III �I Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 25 October 1989 Page Six of Seven Industrial Area Assistance Program (IAAP) Mr. Mizushima explained that the IAAP was designed to address specific needs to assist with the renovation of Evanston industrial facilities. He explained that the Program would be used to encourage industrial users to make their facilities more attractive by allowing a rebate for 50% of the costs of facade improvements, up to a maximum rebate of $30,000. Industrial users currently have no incentive to improve the appearance of their buildings since industrial facades do not contribute to attracting customers, unlike retail stores. Mr. Mizushima explained that the need was identified by industrial real estate brokers who felt that an improved appearance of Evanston's industrial areas would assist in the marketing of vacant buildings, particularly since Evanston's real estate taxes were comparatively high. Alderman Davis requested clarification of rehabilitation and renovation identified in the proposal. Mr. Mizushima explained that the IAAP would be used either for a facade renovation or as part of an entire building's rehabilitation. He explained that the IAAP could be used in conjunction with other existing economic development programs which currently offer assistance for rehabilitation and energy conservation. Mr. Mizushima and Ms. Aiello further explained that by providing a more comprehensive economic development package, which would include otner programs as well as the IAAP, disincentives such as Evanston s real estate taxes might be indirectly addressed. Chairman Nelson asked about the magnitude of the problem and stated he was unsure if a need had been identified. Ms. Aiello explained that while there has not been any actual surveys, there existed several vacant buildings that had accumulated defe—ea maintenance and reflected poorly on the entire industrial area and community. Ms. Aiello explained that the Program would not oniv aoaress the issue of assisting in building renovations, but wou4c also improve the marketability of all industrial properties in the area as well as improve the appearance of the overall community. Mr. Melton explained that the ❑rimary problem with=.anston 9 industrial properties is the associated real estate -a-es and that the proposed Program does not aodress this issue. concurred but explained that the Program cannot di-_t_i, acCress the real estate tax problems in Evanston, but rather sees rc provide an incentive to businesses which can adequately operate an industrial facility in the City. Additionally, Ms. Aiello explainea that by combining the IAAP with other economic development .-icentives, a more attractive package could be assembled to either attract new companies or retain existing ones. Chairman Nelson suggestea that since the Committee ce discussing ECDC s CD funding next month, that revieh :-+ :^e iAAF also be de+erred. Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 25 October 1989 Page Seven of Seven V1. SOUTHWEST INDUSTRIAL AREA Alderman Korshak explained that as Chairman of the Industrial Sub -committee. he felt he was not adequately briefed on the current status of the Southwest Industrial TIF and requested that additional information be provided. Ms. Aiello apologized for the confusion and explained that no new activity has taken place, but assured a greater level of communication on the status of the Project. Ms. Aiello explained that the prospective purchaser of the Rustoleum site had withurawn its interest and that no new interest in the site has been identified. In response to Alderman Feldman, Ms. Aiello explained that the preparation of the City's intent to utilize a TIF must now be temporarily deferred until a more specific delineation of the area and its ultimate use can be identified. Mr. Melton suggested that the City should explore other uses for the site other then a commercial development, and suggested residential or a mixed --use development. VII. ZONING DISCUSSION Chairman Nelson explained that the P&D recently made a recommendation to down -zone specific properties in the Research Park from the current Manufacturing and Commercial zoning to a 84 zoning. Ms. Aiello explained that on November 1st, a copy of the Zoning Commission's policies regarding the business, commercial, and manufacturing districts, would be available for review, and a copy would be forwarded to Mr. Melton. The Report would be compared to the Committee's previous policy statement and comments would then be prepared for the Zoning Commission s meetinq on November 6th. VIII. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 pm. S t a f f: craigj D. ^^iz;,Sn:ma Deve pmerr Planner/Analyst ,J CC.* Mr. Joel M. Asprooth, City Manager �l1/10/89) (DRAFT - NOT APPROVED) (DRAFT - NOT APPROVED) Minutes of the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CITY ❑F EVANSTON Civic Center, Room 2403 Wednesday, December 20, 1989 7:45 pm Members Present Alderman Jack E. Korshak, Acting Chairman Alderman Gene Feldman Alderman Beth Boosalis-Davis Alderman Marvin D. Juliar Mr. Alexander J. Darragh Mr. Howard W. Melton Members Absent Alderman Jon O. Nelson Mr. Wayne A. McCoy Mr. Scott V. Peters Economic Development Staff Present Ms. Judith A. Aiello, Assistant City Manager Mr. Timothy M. Clarke, Development Analyst Mr. Craig D. Mizushima, Development Planner/Analyst Others Present Mr. Richard E. Carter, Director, Evanston Planning Department Ms. Lisa Fingerhut, Michael Standard, Inc. Mr. Michael Kantor, Michael Standard, Inc. Mr. Ronald C. Kysiak, Executive Director, Evanston Inventure Mr. Gerald L. Murphy, Exec. Director, Evanston Chamber of Commerce SUMMARY OF ACTION I. CALL TO ORDER Acting Chairman Korshak called the meeting to order at 7:50 pm. II. MINUTES The minutes of the last Committee meeting of 25 Octooer 1989 were approved as submitted. III. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Korshak acknowledged various communications received which had been transmitted to the Committee, including executive summaries of the 'Downtown Idea Exchange', Evanston Zoning Commission Transcripts, and a Memorandum from the City Manager-egarding the Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 20 December 1989 Page Two of Three 'No Smoking' restrictions in the public meeting areas of the Civic Center. IV. EVANSTON INVENTURE Chairman Korshak acknowledged Ronald Kysiak, the Executive Director of Evanston Inventure. Mr. Kysiak explained Inventure's plans for marketing Evanston, with the theme, ..."EVANSTON--The Smart Move!". The marketing plan is aimed at attracting new business activity in Evanston by marketing the positive business environment Evanston has to offer to high-tech companies, as well as retail and office users. Inventure's approach will be targeted to the "decision makers" in the relocation/expansion process, such as the real estate brokers, accountants, attorneys, bankers, etc. Mr. Kysiak introduced Mr. Michael Kantor and Ms. Lisa Fingerhut of the Michael Standard Company which developed the marketing plan for Evanston Inventure. Mr. Kantor explained that the campaign will be centered around the concept of "intelligence gathering", and that the comprehensive marketing campaign may include but will not be limited to, advertising on CTA buses serving downtown Chicago, advertising in print media such as the Chicago edition of the Wall Street Journal, local newspapers, professional journals, etc. Furthermore Mr. Kantor suggested that other mediums which the City could explore, in keeping with the overall theme of the marketing campaign, could include banners, posters, t-shirts, city stickers, or even city vehicles. Mr. Kysiak requested that the City consider financial support for the marketing campaign, which he expects will begin in March/April 1990. Mr. Kysiak explained that the anticipated costs would be approximately $235,000, which would include a budget of approximately $190,000 for advertising, $20,000 for development of the campaign, and approximately $25,000 for other outside expenses. Mr. Kysiak explained that he felt Evanston Inventure could raise approximately $150-200,000 in private/corporate sponsorship and would like the City to provide financial support of at least s30,000. V. HOWARD-PAULINA DEVELOPMENT CORP. UPDATE Mr. Clarke updated the Committee on the status of the Howard-Paulina Development Corp (HPDC) explaining that HPDC held a press conference two -weeks ago to celebrate its planned mixed -use development project on the CTA site, just south of Howard at Chicago Avenue. The project will include 200 apartment units and approximately 200,000 s.f. of commercial space. HPDC is projecting a Summer 1990 ground -breaking, although the project is still await_rq +anal approval for a $6.2 million federal grant. IIT11i, ' II1''i 1111111m g II 1il11�iI1III' II� 11!�,,,1I,1„11I1,Ri Ali *Economic Development Committee Minutes Meeting of 20 December 1989 Page Three of Three Mr. Clarke also explained that he has already met with HPDC to discuss Evanston's participation in developing Howard Street, but that HPDC has not yet identified any specific plans which requires Evanston's participation. Mr. Clarke explained that staff, in conjunction with HPDC, has scheduled a meeting to meet with local retailers to identify ideas for Evanston's participation. VI. OTHER BUSINESS There was general discussion which included the recent fire at the Varsity Theatre. VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:00 pm, Alderman Davis made a motion to Convene the Committee into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing land acquisition. the motion was seconded by Mr. Melton and was approved unanimously. (Executive Session Discussion) With no further discussion in the Executive Session, Alderman Juliar made a motion to reconvene the Committee meeting into its regular session. The motion was seconded by Alderman Feldman and was approved unanimously. The regular Committee meeting was reconvened at 10:05 pm. VII). SOUTHWEST INDUSTRIAL AREA Alderman Feldman made a motion to deny approval of Mr. Zera's proposed subdivision for his property located in the southwest industrial area. The motion was seconded by Mr. Melton, and was approved unanimously. IX. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 pm. Staff • i11_ Y�WM} Crai D. M' shima Dev 1 pme fanner/Analyst cc: Mr. Joel M. Asprooth, City Manager (1/31/90) (DRAFT - NOT APPROVED)