HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1988EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 19, 1988 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney. David Gurniak. Solomon Hirsh, Anne McGuire. Mary McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley. ]arises Yeaman MEMBERS ABSENT: Anne Earle. Phyllis Horton. Harry Wolin STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant PRESIDING OFFICIAL: David Gurniak, Chair ASSOCIATES PRESENT: David Galloway OTHERS PRESENT: Leslie Lehner (owner. 2323 Lincoln), Richard Lehner (architect, 2323 Lincoln). Charles Gurian (owner. 1401 Davis). Michael Kelly (architect, 1401 Davis), Dr. Perkins (owner, 1583 Ashland), Ellen Galland (architect, 1583 Ashland) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Deferred until the next EPC meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS Review & Technical Assistance Committee (R&TA) Architect Richard Lehner presented plans, photographs, and a model of a proposed addition to 2323 Lincolnwood. Review & Technical Assistance Chair Anne McGuire commended the owner and architect for the compatibility of the addition's massing and materials with the main house. Discussion ensued. Commissioners complimenting both owner and architect on a job well done. A motion to approve the permit as submitted was unanimously approved. Architect Michael Kelly then presented plans for a addition. deck, and side yard fence as well as reorganization of the front entrance for the Evanston Landmark at 1401 Davis Street. New construction is compatible with the existing fabric in terms of both stvle and materials. The architect stated that some minor modifications will have to be ~-ade in order to comoly with zoning requirements and a variation may be necessary. R&TA Cha.- Ann ticGuire complimented the owner and architect on the sensitivity of the design and the on the caliber of th•- drawings. R&TA recommends iaproval of the plans as 7)i5CUS5i0r) ensued. Commission members echoing R&TA's comDliments. A motion to pre -approve the permit as long as changes mandated for compliance with zoning do not substantially alter the design here presented, was approved with one abstention. 'fir. Perkins. owner of 1583 Ashland then described the fire da —aze done to his house. He presented plans for a) replacing the second floor. fire -damaged. wircows of the south porch with new Pella casement windows sympathetic in profile. material. and configuration with the windows of the main house, b) installing casement windows on t^e-ema:nink two sides %east, south) of the east facade bay. and c) installing a Pella casement -4.-,dow to replace the w,ndow damaged by fire at the second floor stair landing on the east facade. R&TA Committee Chair Anne McGuire offered Preservation Commission sympathy to :'te Perkins for their loss, 1 Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - January 19. 1988 Page 2 complimented the owner and his architect on the sensitivity of their rehabilitation efforts and recommended that the permit be approved as submitted. A motion to accept the recommendation of R&TA was unanimously approved. NEW BUSINESS 1 100 Forest Planned Unit Development Chairman Gurniak stated because of pending litigation the Commission must retire into closed session. Before entering into closed session. staff reviewed minor changes approved to date by the City Manager. Mrs. McWiIliams moved to adjourn to closed session; second. Mr. Hirsh. Voting aye - Coney, Yeaman. McWilliams, Gurniak. McGuire, Buchbinder-Green. Ripley. Hirsh. Closed session commenced at 9:00 P.M. The Commission reconvened in open session at 9:10 P.M. Staff concluded by reporting that Mrs. Lavender, with the assistance of Sue Brady, Joel Asorooth, and herself. will call a meeting with homeowners, the 1100 Forest PUD Committee, and appropriate staff. ft is anticipated that the meeting will be held some time in early February. Discussion ensued. Commissioners expressed support for such a meeting feeling that direct communication %vith the homeowners wilt foster better understanding of the planned unit development concept. the S_ecretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. and the relative roles of the Review Committee and Preservation Commission and other City of Evanston staff. Staff stated that a letter is in the process of being drafted to the developer proposing that all minor request changes (and other correspondence between the developer and City of Evanston) be copied to the affected homeowners. Ms. McGuire added that because the developer is the only source of information for the homeowner, homeowners often do not understand the developer's action or inaction which precipitates project delay. Centennial Fountain Restoration Update Mrs. McWilliams summarized fundraising progress to date: the _Evanston Review will print 47,000 flyers promoting the fundraising efforts at a cost of $960., flyers will be distributed with the Arts and Recreation magazine to all households in Evanston. requests for proposal for the restoration of the fountain are currently being prepared. and that the restoration fund is approximately 312,000. Mrs. McWilliams concluded that the Centennial Fountain video will be previewed at a Press conference to be held Monday. January 25th, 6:30 P.M. at the Civic Center. She invited all Commission members to attend. The special Centennial Fountain Restoration Fund progress signs will also be unveiled by Mayor Barr at the press conference. Discussion ensued. Ms. Ripley suggested that in honor of the Fountain's restoration, the Fountain be depicted on the City sticker. Ms. R ip(ev will follow-up the idea with Mavor Barr. Burglary Prevention Ordinance City Council Planning and Development Committee has referred the proposed Burglary Prevention ordinance to the Preservation Commission for comment. Ordinance materials were included in last-nonth's packet. PArD has asked for a response from the C.)mmission by %lav I. Discussion ensued. Chairman Gurniak requested volunteers for a sribcom,nittee to review the ordinance and bring recommendations to the Preservation Commission. \1r. Hirsh. Mr. Galloway, Mrs. McWilliams. and Mr. Yeaman volunteered to serve on the subcommittee. House Restoration Course Series Report Staff reported that the spring restoration course series sponsored by the Preservation Commission, the Preservation League. and the City of Evanston Recreation Department is shaping up nicely. The proposed schedule and topics were reviewed. Preservation Commission and Preservation League are responsible for identifying topics and securing speakers: the Recreation Department will be responsible for publicity. Discussion ensued, Commissioners noting that the course coincided Wtr --i- N't tional Historic D-P-ervation month in %iay. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - January 19, 1988 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS 1144 Asbury Planned Unit Development Staff reviewed the Site Plan Review Committee recommendations for the 1144 Asbury project. The Commission reviewed the proposed plans for the 1 144 Asbury which were submitted, today, to the Preservation Coordinator by the R. H. Chou Company. Discussion ensued. Commission resolved that the Review & Technical Assistance Committee would meet with the R. H. Chou Company. identify potential preservation issues, and bring recommendations to the full Commission at its regular February meeting. The Preservation Commission will conduct it.. preliminary review of the 1144 Asbury PUD at the regular February meeting. it was also resolved that the Commission would notify neighbors of the February 23 by distributing leaflet:, in the neighborhood. New Commission Welcome The Commission welcomed new member James Yeaman. Mr. Yeaman was very active ii preservation in his former home of Montgomerv, Alabama. Consideration of Stephen Yas as EPC Associate Member The Commission adjourned to closed session to consider the nomination. Mr. Hirsh moved to adjourn to closed session: second Ms. Ripley. Voting ave.- Coney, Yeaman, McWilliams. Gurniak. ,McGuire, Buchbinder-Green. Riplev. Hirsh. Closed session commended at 9:15 P.M. The Commission reconvened in open session at 9:20 P.M. A motion to include Stephen Yas as an associate member of the Evanston Preservation Commission was unanimously approved. STAFF REPORT Staff reported The the Illinois Tourist Information Center has requested 100 copies of the Commission's Evanston Past and Present Map. The Tourist Center contact informed Ms. Sommers Yant that the Center gets many requests for information and maps about interesting sites/events in Evanston. She has contacted Ron K vsiak to request that the Preservation Commission be scheduled to present. to the Research Park Board, their compromise proposal for saving the Butler Building. Mr. K vsiak is investigating the matter. She will be presenting a case study of the Cove School project to the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois membership as a part of the LPCI annual ''IS3 lecture series. The oresentation will f- given Fehruary 9th at the Traders' building in T:. i.00p. From all indicitions. the "existing structures" chapter of the BOC :sic buildin) node will be adopted by the Citv of Evanston in Februarv. The: following oer•nits received staff approval since the last regula- -'PC meeting: 2142 Asbury - reroof (no change in material) The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. Staff: Date: _�_----------------`_^ -- 25Y20/22 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF: PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ASSOCIATES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Regular Meeting Tuesday. February 23, 1988 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER David Gurniak. Solomon Hirsh, Anne McGuire. Mary McWilliams. Carolyn Ripley Barbara Buchbinder-Green. William Coney. Anne Early, Phvllls Horton. Harry Wolin. Jim Yeaman Gwen Sommers Yant ❑aivd Gurniak. Chair David Galloway Carolyn Fisher (1241 Hinman). Jerry Cibulka (architect. 1241 Hinman), Aid. Evelyn Raden. Thomas do Jeanne Stafford. William do Anita Miller. Marcia Baum Chairman Gurniak opened the meeting by apologizing for the lack of a quorum. He explained that the regular February Preservation Commission meeting had been rescheduled to tonight to accommodate the R. H. Chou Company presentation of the proposed planned unit development for 1144 Asbury. Chairman Gurniak then informed those present that Mr. Chou notified the Commission on Friday (2/19/88) of his need to cancel the presentation. The Chair explained that the Commission had done its best to notifv as many neighbors as possible of the cancellation and apologized to those who had not received the notice and appeared tonight. The Preservation Commission will again inform the neighborhood. by leaflet. when .Mr. Chou reschedules his presentation. The agenda then was amended in order to consider guests' items first. REVIEW & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE (R&TA) Architect Jerry Cibulka presented plans for the installation of five skylights and the replacement of those windows on the third story of the front facade at 1241 Hinman. The skylights are of low Profile and are needed to satisfy light and ventilation requirements of the building code. The proposed replacement windows replicate the existing windows as closely as possible in material and dimension. Review 3r Technical Assistance Committee Chair, Anne .McGuire, reported the Committee's favorable recommendation of the work proposed. Chaar—an Gurniak explained that because a quorum was lacking, a vote to approve the permit could -lot be taken at this time. A vote will be taken later in the meeting if a quorum is reached. otherwise. a special meeting will be called as soon as possible in order to minimize any delay of the hermit issuance. 1144 ASBURY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT At Aid. Raden's request. staff explained the concept of a planned unit development and how it differed from development following underlying zoning requirements. while R&TA Chair,McGuirf. summarized the documents submitted by the R. H. Chou Company for the proposed planned unit develop at 1144 Asburv. In response to neighbors queries. Commissioners outlined the Preservation goals for the property: preserve the existin historic structures. maximize open space. and foster new construction (where necessary) which is compatible with the site's existing 71 p1II I� 'ill ' p��l i� I� ��i��ili fl �I9I1'I,'llll Ili l^ ' ' �I�l rp�l �IIiRI!IIII 1i �i� a�Vl t I'Ir a P "III qh, p hiq l�� i.� Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - February 23. 1988 Page 2 structures and the surrounding National Register Historic District. Neighbors voiced similar concerns and also concern for retention of existing trees. Discussion ensured as to development Potential under existing zoning and under planned unit development. The agenda order was hereafter resumed. MINUTES Approval of minutes was deferred for lack of quorum. CORRESPONDENCE Staff reviewed correspondence to Raymond Chou recommending homeowner notice when minor changes are requested. Commissioners expressed their hope that such direct communication with homeowners would foster mutual understanding. Ms. Ripley offered further hope that an information packet could be developed for the Wilson Estates owners as well all future Perspective and actual PUD owners. Staff then reviewed correspondence to Sean ,Murvhv. Assistant Executive Director. Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois, outlining Evanston's application to hold the 1989 Statewide Preservation Conference in Evanston. Staff further reported that she. Mrs. McWilliams, and a representative from the Preservation League of Evanston (tentatively PLE President Richard Lehner) will present the application to LPCI's Statewide Committee on March 11. The Statewide Committee will choose the 1989 conference site. COMMITTEE REPORTS Review & Technical Assistance Committee R&TA Chair Anne McGuire reviewed the building permit for a 2-story garage for 1462 Ridge Avenue. Per R&TA recommendations at the November 17. 1987 EPC meeting. plans for the garage were revised to include brick on all four facades. Ms. McGuire noted that the latter was not oroperly indicated on all submitted drawings, but stated that the garage, as presented, was otherwise sympathetic in style and materials with the existing main house. A motion to direct staff to approve the permit upon submission of revised drawings showing brick on all four facades was unanimously approved. Staff then reported on a February 17th R&TA meeting at the Evanston Galleria (former (Marshall Field Store, 1700 Sherman) attended by member Ellen Gallend. staff. Building and Zoning Director Reed Carlson. HVAC contractor representative Ken Krozel, and Centrum Properties. Inc.. representative William Weed. The meeting was held to discuss installation of two proposed 10-foot high intake/exhaust stacks for the LePeep Restaurant. The stacks were nr000sed to be located on the annex roof at the Church/Benson corner, and located approximately 10-feet behind the parapet wall. At the meeting it was discovered that such stacks would be hiwhly visible. Feasible alternatives were explored. A solution was reached wherebv the exhaust stack would be located at the rear of the garage; it would not be visible. The intake stack would remain in the original location but could be shortened (because it was removed from proximity of the exhaust stack) and would be little, if at all, visible from the street. Visibilitv on all accounts was ascertained by placing appropriately sized poles at proposed locations and determining visibility of such poles from the street. Follow-up on LePeep signage ensued. Staff reported that the proposed box signs for LePeep were reieped by the Sign Review Appeals Board and that signage will be restricted to the LePeep awning as presented to the Commission by Mr. Weed at its December, 1987 meeting. Evanston Preservation Commission -Minutes - February 23, 1988 Page 3 Preservation Awards Committee Committee member Carolyn Ripley reported that the Committee and staff met on February 18th. The awards work program was determined. the text of the nomination flyer was approved. Perspective iurors were identified. and the following schedule devised: nominations open. March lst, nomination deadline. March 31st: iurv. April 23rd; City Council presentation, May 9th. Ms. Ripley complimented staff on program organization. OLD BUSINESS 1100 Forest PUD Update Staff reported the following: A call from the owner of Unit #2. during the course of which it was discovered that the developer had not notified the owner of the redesign of the facade of Unit #2 whereby the front steps were incorporated into the buildable area. The owner was much distressed to learn that the building permit had been issued for the revised plans. The owner will contact the developer regarding this matter. A February 4th meeting attended by the 1100 Forest PUD Review Committee Aid. Brady. Chairman Gurniak, and Vice -chair McWilliams was held to discuss the progress of the 1100 Forest PUD and to propose solutions to problems which have arisen. A meeting of the Review Committee and Unit # 9 owners was held at the owners' home on February 10. primarily to discuss front and side doors. A compromise which meets the owners' needs and is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards was reached: a deferral period was established for the installation of wood or metal doors appropriate in configuration and in detail with the Queen Anne style coach house. Regarding the Unit #6 depressed garage. the Committee met with developer representatives on February 16. Documentation submitted regarding the garage proved inconsistent and incomplete. The developer will be submitting corrected and more fully developed drawings. Mrs. Lavender has Contacted staff and suggested that staff organize the homeowners meeting suggested in f41s. Sommers Yant's February correspondence to the Lavenders. Discussion of the homeowners meeting ensued. Commission suggested that information packets be distributed at the meeting. Invitations to the meeting will be sent by letter. Centennial Fountain Restoration Update Ms. McWilliams reported that fundraising solicitation flyers have been printed up and distributed. As a result of the fivers and solicitation information in the Evanston Review, contributions from the public are steadily coming in. The restoration fund now totals approximately 520.000: the fundraising goal is $30,000. She further reported that the fundraising progress signs are in the process of being produced. The mock-up for these sins was unveiled by Mavor Joan Barr and Fountain Restoration Committee Chairman Julia 5niderman at the January 25 Centennial Fountain Restoration press conference. %is. Ripley reported that she presented Mavor Barr with the idea of featuring the restorer' Centennial Fountain on the City sticker. She received a favorable response and the Mavor ha'. stated she will pursue the matter. I Ij11 l� 1II 11 1111t 1 1 11' II II 1 1 11 11111PIIRISII�11 Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - February 23, 1989 Page 4 House Restoration Course Update Staff noted a correction to the final course speaker list Included In the meeting packet: Anne Earle is affiliated with the Evanston Preservation Commission not the Society of Architectural Historians. A restoration course flyer is in the process of production. STAFF REPORT Staff reported the following: She delivered a presentation on Preservation Commission programs/services to the St. Paul Lutheran Church Wednesday Club on January 20. The Wednesday Club generously donated $50.00 which was deposited in the Commission's Preservation Education Fund. The Garden Council of Evanston has retained consultants to prepare a National Register Nomination for the Shakespeare Garden. Tentative Northwestern University approval has been acquired. The following permits received staff approval since the last regular Commission meeting: 1120 Washington - playground equipment (no preservation impact) 1216 Judson - boiler replacement (not visible from the street) 2749 Euclid Park Place - asphalt reroof (no change in material) The meeting was adiourned at 9:30 P.M. DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Staff: Date: 25Y25/28 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF: PR ESIDING: MINUTES MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Special Meeting Wednesday March 2, 1989 8:00 A.M. Room 3900 CIVIC CENTER Anne O. Earle, David Gurniak, Solomon Hirsh.Mary McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, Jim Yeaman Barbara Buchbinder-Green. William Coney, Phyllis Horton, Anne McGuire. Harry Wolin Gwen Sommers Yant David Gurniak. Chair The minutes of October 20. 1987. November 17, 1987. December 15, 1987. and January 19, 1988 were approved as submitted. REVIEW & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE Staff reviewed the permit for 1462 Ridge for a 2-story brick garage sympathetic with the design of the original house. A motion to approve the permit as presented was unanimously approved. The permit for a third -floor remodelling Involving the installation of 5 skylights at 1241 Hinman Avenue was reviewed. Given the low profile of the skylights and their clear need to meet life safety building code requirements, a motion to approved the hermit was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 A.M. DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Staff: Date: 25 Y 24 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 19, 1988 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Anne Earle, David Gurniak, Phyllis Horton, Mary McWilliams, Harry Wolin MEMBERS ABSENT: Solomon Hirsh, Ann McGuire STAFF PRESENT: Gwen Sommers Yant PRESIDING: David Gurniak, Chair ASSOCIATES PRESENT: David Galloway, Ellen Galland OTHERS PRESENT: Mr./Mrs. Wagner (1303 Washington), Doris Rudy (1135 Grant); Chris Keenan, Mr. McCullough (1845 Sheridan Road); Susan Amberg (2454 Pioneer Road); Ginda Rossman, ,Marion Tweedie (1308 Judson); David Woodhouse (2505 Ridge) APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of February 23, 1988 were unanimously approved as submitted. The minutes of March 2, 1988 were unanimously approved as submitted. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE (R & T.A.) :Mr. Wagner, owner, 1303 Washington, presented his plans for a rear aeci:ion which is sympathetic in material and detail with the main house. Staff reviewed slides of existing site conditions. Associate Ellen Galland, reporting on behalf of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee, recommended Commission preapproval, given fir. Wagner's presentation and the evidence of his competent craftsmanship in the rehabilitation of the main house anc construction of the new garage. A motion to accept the recommendation of R&TA was unanimously approved. The Commission commended the %Cagners on the quality of their exterior to data. Mrs. Doris Rudy, representing the Evanston Day Nursery (EDN), p­­e-!tec plans for a rear addition for 1835 Grant. She explained that the addition evenI .-:ll require special use approval. The one-story rear addition is compatible in materials the existing building. Following a brief summary of EDN's need for the expansion and his:_--. of the !andmark, %Irs. Rudv reviewed preliminary drawings of the proposed alterat..-. f)is-,fission ensued. Commissioners commenting that the addition was barely visible '-_ t`,e street. David Galloway, reporting on behalf of R&TA, explained a minor concern c` Lr,­--,ttee regarding the unsupported overhang of the proposed addition. The Con -mitt,- `:.r,: overhang an awkward transition and was concerned about the ability of the itself over time. Mrs. Rudy stated that in the course of preparing final drawings ,- ;._,. xould address R&TA's concern. Given the limited visibility of the alteration ana t"e T,ncr r -e of R&TAIS concern, a motion to preapprove the permit and send favorable comnI to the Zoning Board of Appeals was unanimously approved. I I I I 9 I II it r'l 1 1 11 I� ' �I I1 1' ' 11 ^ I , i fill i rll � r n I Ill Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - April 19, 1988 Page Two Chris Keenan, architect, and Mr. McCullough, owner, of 1145 Sheridan Road, presented plans for landscaping and a rear yard brick wall. The Commission's purview is limited to the brick wall. Mr. Keenan explained that the fence is barely visible from the street and ethos the material and detail of the existing house. The wall will be six feet high. Discussion ensued. In response to a question from Ms. Buchbinder-Green, Mr. McCullough affirmed that he does have the original plans for the house and is using them to guide restoration of the interior. A Slotion to approve the permit as presented was unanimously approved. David Galloway, in his capacity as architect for the owners of 2454 Pioneer Road, presented plans for a screen porch at the southeast corner of the residence. The porch echoes the materials and detail of the main house, including its skirting, cornice, and dentils. Ellen Galland reported R&TA's recommendation that the permit be approved, and commented on the sensitivity of the design. A motion to approve the plan as submitted was unanimously approved. Owner Ginda Rossman and architect Marion Tweedy then presented plans for a front and back porch for 1308 Judson. Following a brief synopsis of the house's history, Ms. Rossman explained that a variation is needed for the front porch and asked for the Commission's support. Discussion ensued, Commissioners commenting that both porches were sensitive to the original house in both material and detail. David Galloway reported R&TA's recommendation that the permit be approved and its commendation for the sensitivity of the design. %is. Buchbinder-Green commented that the front sleeping porch, in particular, balanced the main house. A motion to approve the plans as submitted and send a favorable comment to the Zoning Board of Appeals was unanimously approved. Ms. Rossman asked for suggestions on appropriate paint colors for the house. -The Commission suggested she attend the ,May 12 lecture entitled "Exterior Color Schemes'; this lecture is one of six offered as part of the "This Old Evanston House" restoration course series sponsored by the Preservation Commission, the Preservation League, and City of Evanston Recreation Department. Architect David Woodhouse presented plans for the enclosure of a breezeway for 2505 Ridge Avenue. Discussion ensued, Commissioners commenting that the design sensitively picks up the materials and details of the existing house. The enclosed breezeway Ai;i function as a breakfast room for the kitchen. Ellen Galland reported R&TA's analogous nrcing that the enclosure solution is an excellent and sensitive one, and that R&TA recommence approval of the plan as submitted. A motion to approve the plans as submitted was unanirnou:;: Mr. Galloway reported that he and Ms. Sommers Yant met with members of the Condo Board of the Evanston Landmark at 828 Judson on llarch 23, to assist thee' in identifying sensitive solutions to increasing the illumination in the court yard of this forrner apartment building. R&TA recommended indirect landscape lighting and retrofitting existing exterior light fixtures to provide increased illumination. R&TA will continue to work with the Fcar_ as needed. Staff reported receiving a permit for the restoration of 711 Elgin road, t'le \orthuestern University Music School. She and R&TA member fir. Galloway revie,.%e_ -,ne plans and conducted a site inspection. They found the proposed rehabilitation to be both P=tensive and to meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. There being no change of matert=_.s. the permit received a staff approval. Mr. Galloway added that the restoration is both meticu!c _s and thorough. k� Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - ApriI 19, 1988 Page Three Staff further added that in her discussion with the project architect regarding repainting of 711 Elgin Road, the architect stated that cost prohibited complete removal of the existing paint. Given the need to repaint the building, staff suggested that the architect ascertain the original brick color and color of the stone trim and that paint matching these colors be applied, a suggestion to which the project architect was amenable. Discussion ensued, Commissioners registering their delight with Northwestern's commitment to the preservation and sensitive rehabilitation of this important and early Evanston Landmark. The restoration includes the complete removal of exterior fire escapes, repair and replacement in kind of decorative metal trim, and a new roof. PRESERVATION AWARDS COMMITTEE Ms. Sommers Yant summarized publicity efforts to date and reported that the Preservation Awards jury would be meeting Saturday, April 23. The 1988 Preservation Awards jury is comprised of Jane Clarke, Art Institute of Chicago; Kathleen Roy Cummings, Society of Architectural Historian; Katherine Quinn, Quinn/Seral Architects; Richard Lehner, Preservation League of Evanston; and David Galloway, Evanston Preservation Commission. Ms. 13uchbinder-Green then took exception to an Associate member of the Preservation Commission serve as the Commission's representative on the Preservation Awards Jury. She reviewed the Preservation Award Program procedures which were written at the initiation of the program five years ago. Discussion ensued as to whether it was appropriate that a Preservation Commission Associate, rather than an appointed member of the Commission, represent the Commission on the jury. A motion to approve an EPC Associate to serve on the jury this year, and to discuss amending the Awards Program procedures at a later Commission meeting (but before the next awards program cycle begins), was approved by a vote of six yes's and one no. OLD BUSINESS) 1 100 FOREST PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) UPDATE The Commission reviewed memos approving minor changes for Units #6, 111, 02, 115, #7 and I,t8. The Chair called attention to the City Manager's note on the Unit #1 memo citing "gross developer error" and his consequent approval of the change. Staff then reported that the 1 10C, Forest PUD Committee met last Saturday with the owners of the t nit #6 at the 1100 Forest site. Following a brief orientation to the planned unit development ordinance's goals and procedures, the meeting focused on the owners upcoming needs, potential solutions, and solutions within the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. Staff then reported on the Sunday, April 17, 1988, meeting of homeo,»hers with the 1100 Forest PUD Committee, City staff, City Manager, and Ward aldermen. present at the meeting were 1 100 Forest developer Raymond Chou, EPC present Chairman P-v -d Gurnia-., and EPC past Chair Vary 11cA illiams. Mr. Michael bard of the State Historic Preservation Office titias also present and delivered a slide show explaining the Secretary of the Inter.3r's Standards. Following a brief welcome and introduction to the PUD ordinance's goals, starcards and procedures, the meeting assumed a general discussion eensued. Issued raised includec r_::st, interpretation of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards, and the relative responsibilities 'Of city, ceveloper, and owner under the PUD ordinance. Chairman Gurniak and Mrs. Mc',L ...urns su-marized ideas which came out of the meeting to improve the pud ordinance, ideas .:-ti focused on improved communication, inforn-ation, and understanding of the Secretary of v ;:,t;•rior's Standards and procedures. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - April 19, 1988 Page Four Discussion ensued as to the Importance, in the future, of identifying critical architectural features on landmarks, and the value all concerned parties meeting in and working together to solve common problems. Chairman Gurniak, Mrs. McWilliams and staff concluded with the hope that the meeting demonstrated to homeowners the City's and Preservation Commission's good faith and concern for their welfare. 1700 SHERMAN AVENUE - (EVANSTON GALLERIA) UPDATE Staff reported on R&TA review and approval of two new entrances on Church Street. Specifically, R&TA approved door #5 (original building), and door #3 (annex) identified on the Church Street elevation of the master plan agreement. Review and approval occurred at a 'March 24, 1988 site meeting attended by Centrum Representative Bill Weed, contractor Ken Kroezel, architect Ellen GalIand, Preservation Coordinator Gwen Sommers Pant and EPC Associate Hans Freidman. At the same meeting, it was found that the new Benson Avenue exit for La Peep (second existing show window north of Church Street on the Benson Avenue elevation), which was approved by the Preservation Commission 12/17/88, was found to be installed incorrectly. Following the site meeting the new exist was constructed as originally agreed. Staff underscored Centrum's cooperative attitude and timely notice of changes involving these three entrances. Staff added that the new Church Street door #3 will serve as entrance to the commercial spaces on either side of it, thus eliminating the need to install doors #2 and 04 identified on the master plan. Commissioners commented on the sensitivity and good sense demonstrated by Centrum and its architect in identifying such an efficient, cost-effective solution, which minimizes exterior alteration of this important and highly visible commercial landmark. ZONING COMMISSION REPORT Mrs. McWilliams, EPC representative on the Zoning Commission, summarized developments at the last two Zoning Commission meetings. In particular, she discussed the Commission and consultant's strong interest in incorporating preservation into the new zoning ordinance. In response to staff's quiry whether the Preservation Commissioners preferred Zoning Commission minutes/agendas sent separately or included in each month's EPC packet, the Commission preferred receiving the minutes/agendas in their regular monthly packet. CENTENNIAL FOUNTAIN RESTORATION REPORT Mrs. McWilliams reported that the Centennial Fountain has been shipped to Alabama and is in the process of being restored. Mrs. McWilliams noted that the restoration contractor, Robinson Iron Works, enjoys a superior reputation and is in possession of the original fountain molds. The fountain is scheduled to be reassembled in time for its rededication on the Fourth of July. She added that the restoration fund is still short approximately $7,000. VeAting this need will be the focus of the Major Gifts Committee which meets tomorrow. "THIS OLD EVANSTON HOUSE" RESTORATION COURSE REPORT Staff reported that the six -week "This Old Evanston House" restoration course started April 14; approximately 40 persons are registered. The April 14th session was =-'prised of two lectures, "History of Evanston: An Overvie•k-" (Mary X1clt illiams), and "Identif,..7� Evanston Architectural Styles", (Gwen Sommers Want). Sessions will be held each Thursday e%e-,^.e and until May 19. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - April 19, 1988 Page Five STATEWIDE PRESERVATION CONFERENCE SELECTION REPORT Staff reported that the Landmark Preservation Council of Illinois Statewide Committee has chosen Evanston to host the 1989 statewide Historic Preservation Conference. The conference will be held the first week in June, 1989. Mrs. McWilliams explained a potential housing problem which has recently arisen. The search will continue for affordable -ideally, dormitory -facilities for conference participants. NEW BUSINESS BURGLARY PREVENTION ORDINANCE The Commission reviewed EPC subcommittee recommendations regarding the proposed Burglary Prevention Ordinance. Discussion ensued, commissioners registering concern regarding implementation costs and the widespread changes posed to the integrity of many Evanston buildings. Commisioners suggest the following: that the simple cost effective measures mentioned in the ordinance be retained (example -peepholes and self -closing devices); that costly measures which endanger important architectural features be deleted: that burglary prevention education be augmented; that the ordinance become effective upon the reletting of any apartment; and that condominium, single-family residences and co-ops be deleted from the ordinance. A motion to transmit the above recommendations to the Planning and Development Committee was unanimously approved. APPOINTMENT OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE Chairman Gurniak announced that he has taken an appointment at a new parish in Fort Wayne, Indiana, that he will be moving out of Evanston as of June I, and thus, that there is a need to appoint a dominating Committee to choose a successor. Commissioners expressed their regret at Father Gurniak's departure and their best wishes for his happiness and success in his new community. Father Gurniak noted that his new church is a historic building and that he is looking for a home in one of the historic districts. He reappointed Solomon Hirsh, Harry Wolin and Anne McGuire as the Nominating Committee and asked them to report .t the Commission's next regular meeting. 1700 HINMA:N (BYEI: 11I�SEUM) - SCHEDULE HEARING FOR DEMOLIT10% PER.I11T Staff reported that Mr. Frank Raymond will take possession of the 17 �G Hinman Landmark on May Ist, and that lie applied for a demolition permit on March 31, 195S. The Commission thus may exercise its option to hold the demolition permit up to 90 ca•.s J.hile it searches for alternatives to demolition. Raymond Associates propose to demolish :' , ::=ing and e-ecting a 23-unit condominium building similar in to the existing style condomir,:..• s at *~ie corner Of Clark and Hinman. The Review and Technical Assistance Committee, Staff, and represent2t. es of the Preservation League of Evanston (PLE) met with representatives of Raymond Associates on %larch 2_. 1988 to apprise them of the significance of the 1700 Hinman Landmark and t.- I`f'�r their assiztance in identifying alternatives to demolition. At this meeting Mr. Raymonc s: tec that he • ould be willing to sell to someone who could preserve the landmark building. staff apprised La-cmarks Preservation Council of Illinois, (the statewide non-profit organrza:.�- :f the `_-ilding's impending demolition and Mr. Raymond's statement. LPC[ will pubiic.zff : .. ;rrrati to the public- and preservation -sensitive developers. At least two developers .-terestec �n pr: serving the building have registered their interest to date. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - April 19, 1988 Page Six Discussion ensued. Tuesday, April 26, 1988 was then Identified as the date to hold a special Commission meeting to consider the Byer Museum building demolition permit. Neighbors within a broad radius of the landmark will be apprised of the April 26th meeting by leaflet. In response to a quirt' from Mr. Wolin, Yant stated that Review and Technical Assistance, Staff, and PLE architects met with the two interested developers to apprise them of the buildings significance, its zoning, and potential preservation tax incentives. A motion to hold a special Preservation Commission meeting on April 26, 1988, was unanimously approved. CONSIDERATION OF HOWARD DECKER AS EPC ASSOCIATE A motion to adjourn into closed session was offered by Ms. Buchbinder-Green, seconded by Mrs. Earle. A motion to adjourn into closed session was unanimously approved. Commission went into closed session at 9:50 p.m. The Commission reconvened in open session at 9:55 p.m. A motion to approve Howard Decker as an Associate member of the Preservation Commission was unanimously approved. STAFF REPORT DEARBORN OBSERVATORY CONSIDER FOR NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK STATUS Staff directed Commissioners attention to their packet materials from the National Park Service regarding consideration of Dearborn Observatory for National Historic Landmark status. Northwestern University opposes such status. Discussion ensued. Staff will update the Commission on this issue as events develop PERMITS The following permits received staff approval since the last regular Commission meeting: 2423 Lincolnwood - reroof (asphalt shingles), no change in materials 906 Michigan Avenue - kitchen remodeling, not visible from the street 2040 Orrington - reroof (asphalt shingles), no change in materials 2681 North Sheridan Road - restore wall and front steps, no preservat.cr impact 640 Lincoln Street - reroof (asphalt shingles), no change in material 936 Sheridan Road - restore porch, no preservation impact Staff noted that she received a permit to day to remodel one of the storefronts (1615 Sherman) in the Evanston Landmark Hahn building. Staff and R&TA will follow-up wit!, a site visit and report at the next Commission meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Staff reported that the Lakeshore Historic District signs have been installed. Mr. A otin suggested discrepancies in the placement of some of the signs, specificall-, t'xo signs on Keeney. He also stated that it was his understanding that the Historic District s.wrns xould only be installed on Tallmadge light fixtures which were free of any other sign5. -_xplaincc that it was impossible to satisfy the criteria of locating these signs at the Df the Historic Distrirts and installing them on sign -free Tallmadge fixtures. Thus, this- installed as close as possible to the exact boundaries of the Lakeshore Historic his:-._: .,glut fi.itures as free as possible of other signs. Rvanston Preservation Commission Minutes - April 19, 1988 Page Seven She also announced that the Garden Council of Evanston has hired a consultant and has begun proceedings to nominate the Shakespeare Garden to the National Register of Historic Places, and the Womens Christian Temperance Union has applied to Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois for an Endangered Historic Buildings grant to aid in their restoration efforts. of the National Historic Landmark WCTU headquarters, located at 1730 Chicago Avenue. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. STA F : DATE: 25Y33/3( EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION f MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED SpecialMeeting Tuesday, April 26, 1988 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Anne Earle, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, Mary McWilliams, Harry Wolin, Carolyn Ripley MEMBERS ABSENT: William Coney, David Gurniak, Anne Mcguire, James Yeaman STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Mary McWilliams, Vice -Chair ASSOCIATES PRESENT: Stephen Yas, Stephen Knutson, Hans Friedman OTHERS PRESENT: Richard do Grace Lehner, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kars, Noel Hovt, Stephany Creamer, Peg Sabath, S. Byer, B. Byer, Catherine Carpenter, James Green, Irene Green, Clark V. Powers, Jeff Kuehl, G. ,Nlalkinson, M. Niazmand, Thomas R. Graham, Edward Deere, Pete Bretland, D. Pryor, Wallace L. Hart, Anne O'Hollearn, Robert D. Misch, Patrick W. McDonough, Ken 'z atson, Bea Wild, Sydelle Nelson, Elizabeth McCarthy, Ben Aeiss. 3eanette Statland, Hans Friedman Vice -Chairman McWilliams opened the meeting by welcoming visitor: to this special meeting of the Evanston Preservation Commission dealing with the proposec re rioli6on of the Evanston Landmark at 1700 Hinman Avenue. formerly the Byer Museum of tre -.rts. She summarized the significance of the building as representative of the work of an irr,t cr.?-t architect, as a primary contributing structure within the Evanston Lakeshore National Ret'.s:ar Hrstoric District and, in terms of urban design, as an important gateway flanking element :-e Church Street leading west into downtown Evanston and east into the Lakeshore Historic `.=t-!rt. She summarized the limits of the Preservation Commission's authority to protect the i.e., its authority to hold a demolition permit for up to 90 days while alternatives preserve the building are sought. Finally, she emphasized the significance of neighborhoor. .-::..t and involvement in the search for alternatives. Ms. Buchbinder-Green expanded on the s_a ,ficance of t`le building's architect. William A. Otis, who originally designed the building in for the University Club. Stephen Yas, representing the Commission's Review and Technica. ?__:stance Corr---:ittee, then summarized efforts to date to seek preservation alternative: a • eeting with representatives of Raymond associates, the Preservation League stir, any :e�x and Technical Assistance Committee to share information and cone-- a,.or!sing t7e statewide not -for -profit preservation organization -- Landmarks Preservatzc- of lllin•_-is -- of the building's endangered status in an effort to generate both public a 7a7ess and the interes[ of preservation -sensitive owners or developers for the property, disse -,:.nx rnforma:;on through the local press, meeting with developers expressing interest in prey— •.^a the build;-_ to apprise them of preservation tax incentives, and distributing leaflets �_--c�.:ncing this—,eeting to neighbors. %1r. Yas explained the property's zoning classification ;-- _=,rarized cevelopment potential under this zoning, while EPC Associate Hans Freidman si_-- cor_ition of the building's interior. Vice -Chair %IcAilliams then introduced representatives from Ray--_-:: -sso(.rates -- President Charles Happ and Attorney Allan Shultz -- and invited them to corn--e­:. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - April 23, 1988 Page Two Mr. Happ stated: that as stated in meetings with preservation representatives and reported in the press, Raymond Associates is willing to sell the property to someone willing to preserve the landmark, that his company applied for a demolition permit on March 31, 1988, that Ramond Associates proposes to erect a 23 unit condominium complex similar to the condominiums at Clark and Hinman and that the company's intent in to meet all zoning regulations; that the company has submitted project documentation to the City of Evanston for zoning analysis; that the company has commissioned an engineering report which it has made available to the Commission; and that the Raymond Associates conclude on the basis of a) this report, b) an engineering report commissioned by owner Stephen Byer, and c) on -site inspection, that it is economically unfeasible to develop the 1700 Hinman property in a way which preserves the building due to extensive damage resulting from the 1984 fire and subsequent exposure to the elements. He reiterated k1r. Frank Raymond's statement that if other developers can use the structure he would step aside. He cautioned however, that because Raymond Associates have worked for three years toward acquiring this property, he would not jeapardize Raymond .Associates closing on the building (closing is scheduled for %iay 1, 19SS) by discussing purchase price or allow interior inspection until after the closing is completed. Finally, .Mr. Happ summarized Raymond associates' long history of development in Evanston, their commitment to strong ties and positive associations with the neighbors of their projects, and their commitment to maintain the 1700 Hinman property's established zoning. Mrs. XicWilliams thanked Mr. Happ and invited comments and questions from the public. Comments and questions included: the importance of the building as a visual contributor to the neighborhood, the beauty of the building, whether an unbiased engineers report has been done, frustration that only 60 of the Preservation Commission's 90 negotiating days will be left by the time developers are allowed to see the interior of the building, concern for the proliferation of mediocre cookie -cutter architecture in both a designated historic district and in a town like Eanston which has a superior architectural heritage, whether there is an}• opportunity for review and comment on the design of a new structure which would replace the 17,0 Hinman landmark. (No), questions as to allowable height, parking spaces. and parking access_ locations of the new construction, and the size of proposed units in the ne% construction. Discussion ensued. it was posited that alternatives to demolition of the . %;ri Hinman landmark may involve zoning variations and that neighbors may be faced with dif!!­ -r:t Ald. John Rudy stated that because Hinman ,Avenue is a butler between the downtD:.n and a single family residential zone, maintaining the character of this fragile area, and, b% extension, maintaining the area's zoning was a major concern of neighbors. 41r. Rudy then summarized zoning uses and requirements allowed under the landmark parcel's R SA zoning designation. In response to a query as to what would motivate Raymond .Associates to sell the property, 117. Happ responder that motivations would become clear in the next 60 days. Other responses to visitors' questions included: Raymond and Associates will permit inspections of the buildirr -t -ricr 'In, serious anc qualified huvers, that Ra}-mond and Associates will consider postponing �... F r t^.ear ce'ro.it,on permit after the Commission's 9G day hold expires if there are offers fr - alifiec buyers, a7c that while alternative strategies are being sought by the Preservauc- Zornmission ano the Preservation League of Evanstons, that neighbors also need to be act..e. Richard Lehner. President of the Preservation League of Evanston followed with a stateTe-:[ th]t the League is deeply concerned about this demolition issue, that the League is oppose- t, demolition c; t7e 1700 Hinman Landmar;, that the net result of such demolition is to slo"k" err ce the verN fabric and character that brings buvers to Evanston and fosters the property va"_es �-e rresently er;o�. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - April 25, 1988 Page Three In response to comments as to how this crisis situation could have been avoided and how preservation alternatives could have been initiated earlier, owner 5tephen Byer stated that subsequent to the disasterous fire he had not been contacted by preservation interests, that even if he had been contacted he could not entertain queries from buyers until after the litigation surrounding the building was settled, that during his consideration of offers the impact of the landmarks sale on the neighborhood and maintaining the integrity of the landmark building were priorities, that the engineering studies he commissioned suggested that the property could not be rehabilitated in an economically feasible manner, that he received many purchase inquiries following settlement of the litigation in January, 1988, and that the choice to sell to Raymond Associates was based on the quality of both the Raymond organization and their construction. Mrs. McWilliams thanked visitors for their comments. A motion by Mr. the demolition permit and to continue seeking alternatives to preserve Landmark was seconded by Mrs. Horton. The motion was unanimously further consider the issue was tentatively set for :May 17, 1988. A Wolin, seconded by his. Earle was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Staff: Date - 25Y30/32 Wolin Wolin to continue to hold the 1700 Hinman Evanston approved. A meeting to motion to adjourn by Mr. EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 17, 1988 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Anne Earle, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, MaryMcWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin MEBERS ABSENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Anne McGuire, James Yeaman STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant PRESIDING: Mary McWilliams, Vice Chair OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Shaheen (2502 Park Place), Andrew Bart (Medill) APPROVAL. OF MINUTES Consideration of the minutes of April 19, 1988 were deferred until the next regular Preservation Commission meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE Mr. Shaheen, Architect, presented his plans for an addition to the north facade of 2502 Park Place. The addition is compatible in size, scale, material, and detail with the existing house. Discussion ensued, Commissioners congratulating Mr. Shaheen on the sensitivity of his design solution. A motion to approve the plans as presented was unanimously approved. Staff then presented plans for a new store front at 1615 Sherman Avenue. this storefront is one of approximately eight storefronts comprising the historic Hahn building. The existing storefront is one of the few which have been altered. Unfortunately the proposec nex• storefront is a very minimal improvement over the existing storefront in terms of rester.-, t`'e buildings original integrity. Staff and Review and Technical .assistance Committee me' :avid Gallo,aa` have been working with the store owner and building owner to meet both par:. _-�e^cs,'cost iirnitations in a way which also meets the secretary of the Interior standards. Th,- .arclord and tenant are still negotiating a solution to the problem however the Commission's 35 "old on the permit is about to expire. Discussion ensued. A motion to urge both landlord anc Brant to find a solution which respects the original storefront design and materials was unar..~ _ ..I; approvec. Staff added that the building owner has employed an architect to prepare for the sensitive rehabilitation of the building. In the course of site meetings with s: _'' TA, the architect stated his intention to propose the cleaning and repair of exterior ter-: ." :, uniform a%nings signage, and entrance improvements. These activities appear to men Secretary of the Interior Standards. Staff/R&T.Vs only concern was the proposed the decorative hanging light fixtures at each entrance of the building. Committee a_s._t,,,r^ was offered in finding alternatives which saved these light fixtures. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - May 17, 1988 Page Two PRESERVATION AWARDS COMMITTEE Mrs. iklcWilliams reported that presentation of the 1988 Preservation Awards took place at the May 9th City Council meeting. A reception for Preservation Award winners, the Preservation Commission, the Preservation League, City Council, and the Mayor preceded the meeting. Staff then presented before/after slides of the award winners. Winners are : Restoration - 1 123 Ridge Avenue, 1225 Michigan Avenue, 1462 Ridge Avenue, and 1228 Asbury; Rehabilitation - 2431 Pioneer Road, 704 ,Main Street, 1514 Judson; Adaptive Reuse - 630 Clinton Place; ,Maintenance - Ladd Arboretum; 4largery B. Perkins Award - St. Luke's Episcopal Church. In conclusion, firs. McWilliams stated both the reception turn -out and slide presentation to Council were excellent. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Mr. Wolin reported the Nominating Committee's recommendation of Phyllis Horton to fill the vacancy left by resigning Chairman David Gurniak. A motion to accept the recommendation of the nominating committee was unanimously approved. The Commission congratulated ,Mrs. Horton. OLD BUSINESS 1 100 FOREST PUD UPDATE Staff reported that at the April 25th Planning and Development Committee meeting (P&D) the Committee resolved to write a letter repremanding Mr. Chou for his continued violation of the City's Planned Unit Development Ordinance. Discussion ensued. Staff then reveiwed a change approved since the last Commission meeting, for Unit P2. Like the change which precipitated P&D's action, the Unit #2 change proved problematic because of the developer's ignoring building, and planed unit development, regulations. ZONING COMMISSION REPORT Mrs. ,McWilliams reported on issues reviewed and progress to date7on revising Evanston's zoning ordinance. She then responded to Commissioners questions regarding the =oning Commission schedule and relative City of Evanston staff/consultant responsibilities in the writing of the new ordinance. CENTENNIAL FOUNTAIN RESTORATION REPORT Mrs. -McWilliams reported that the Centennial Fountain rededication ceremony will take place in the :Merrick Rose Garden on the Fourth of July at I1:00. She encouraged Commissioners to attend. She added that the restoration fund is still several thousanc ^cllars short of its goal. Discussion concerning identification of potential major contributors that r.sue,. The s,wrf added that a Centennial Fountain Restoration fund raising cause was fur, -exec 111h a booth was included at the Evanston Garden Fair, held May 6th and 7th in Raymone Park. RESTORATION COURSE Staff reported that attendance at the "This Old Evanston House" rest:)raticr course `.as been good. Lectures which have occurred since the last Commission are as :ollo%%s: Researching Your House's History (Patricia Kelly), Assessing lour Pes:cra:.,n,'Pchaoihtat ion Needs (Anne McCuire), Building Code and Building Permit Basic. Ree; Carlsor�, \%ood Refinishing (Edwin Johnson), History of Interiors: 1870-1946 (Lisa Ke-, , Lesa; and -a-k Acts Aspects of Restoration/Rehabilitation (Bradford Rhite), Secretary of t e Irterior Starc_�rds for Rehabilitation (Gwen Sommers Yant), Financing Your Home Restoration;Rehab kleffrey Gardner), Exterior Color Schemes, (Anne Earle) & Landscape Preservation +Jiflia Sniderrr an). 12 Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - June 23, 1988 Page Three NEW BUSINESS EPC TRIANNIAL REVIEW Staff reviewed the purpose and procedures of the triannial review process. A Committee was then formed to work with staff to prepare the triannial review report to P&D.. The Committee consists of Mrs.McWilliams and ttiirs. Horton. 1989 STATEWIDE PRESERVATION CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION Staff announced that the first 1989 Statewide Preservation Conference organizational meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, ISay 31. Representatives of the Preservation Commission, Preservation League, Historical Society, Design Evanston, and the Junior League of Evanston have been invited; these groups have previously expressed interest in helping organize the conference. ANNOUNCEMENTS Staff reminded Commissioners that the 1988 statewide preservation conference will be held in Bloomington June 2 - 4. Nis. Sommers Yant will be moderator of the Illinois association of Historic Preservation Commissions session entitled "The Politics of Preservation". Mrs. McWilliams urged all commissioners to try to attend. A special Evanston Preservation Commission meeting will be held Tuesday, May 24, 1988 at 8:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center to consider the Byer Museum demolition issue. Staff called Commissioners attention to newspaper articles addressing this issue which have appeared in the Evanston Review, the Evanston News Voice, and the Chicago Sun Times, and are included in the EPC packet. Neighbors have been apprised of the ,May 24th meeting by leaflets which have been distributed within a wide radius of the landmark. She added that since the last special meeting Raymond Associates conducted a walk through of the Byer Museum building for developers. The walk through was held May 10, 1988. Staff reported that Mr. u illiam Storrer, author of The architecture of Frank Lloyd 'Wright; A Complete Catalog, has requested information regarding 826 ,Milburn Street in Evanston. Several years ago Mrs. Earle and staff responded to a request from the owner of the house to investigate the possibility of the house's being designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Yr. Storrer will assess the information compiled and possibly include it in the upcoming third edition of his catalog. The following permits received staff approval since the last Commission meeting: 1 143 Forest - reroof (asphalt), no change in materials 819 Church Street - interior improvements, not visible from tie street 2142 Asbury - reroof (asphalt), no change in materials 1500 Ashland - reroof (asphalt), no change in materials 1227 Leon Place - reroof (asphalt), no change in materials 1244 Forest - new garage/studio, not visible from street 2153 Central Park - screened porch and deck, not visible from street. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. STAFF: DATE: 25N 42/44 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF: PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ASSOCIATES PRESENT: EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Special Meeting Tuesday, May 24, 1988 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Anne Earle, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, llary McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley Anne XicGuire, Harry Wolin, James Yeaman Gwen Sommers Yant Phyllis Horton, Chair Stephen Knutson, Stephen Yas OTHERS PRESENT: Aid. John Rudy, Aid. Marvin Juliar, Charles Happ, Jacquelyn Taylor, Jim Podesta, Ann and Marty Norkett, Margaret Faverty, Martin Williams, ,Mitchell and Wyla Harrison, R.H. Chou Company, Vabell Hooks, Richard Laner, Richard S. Barnes, Edward Deere, Bob Brettschneider. Chairman Phyllis Horton opened this special meeting of the Preservation Commission focusing on preservation alternatives for the Evanston Landmark (f 1700 Hinman Avenue (former Byer Museum). She welcomed those present and introduced the Preservation Commission members. She then set the evening's agenda: background summary and progress report, presentation by two developers - Mr. Marty Norkett and Mr. Raymond Chou, response frorr, build:',,g owner Raymond and Associates (represented by Mr. Charles Happ), and question from from the audience. Preservation Coordinator Gwen Sommers Yant reiterated the architectural/historical significance of the 1700 Hinman Landmark, its zoning designation, and efforts to date toward preserving the building. Mr. Norkett then summarized his proposal for restoring the exterior of the existing building and rehabbing the interior to accommodate a 22-room bed and breakfast operation. Mr. Norkett summarized his rehabilitation and purchase costs, and stated that he .s ,,rt-sently investigating financing, including a bond issue. fir. Norkett stated that he has been i,, -ontact �xith Vr. Happ regarding his plans, a fact which Mr. Happ confirmed. Mr. Norkett then responded to questions from the audience. The response to these questions included: that the projected charge per room would be $115 per night, that the projected occupancy rate would be 65 % throughout the year, that the bed and breakfast would be largely be a break-even venture, that while the offering of breakfast is certain the offering of additional meals has not been deterr-ined as of this time, that in the opinion of Laventhal and Horwath there is sufficient projected ,rnarket demand to rnake the project feasible, that a use variation would be necessary, that Mr. ,.orkett lives and works in Evanston, that a bed and breakfast is a difficult thing to finance, anc :hat the pond issue plan would involve citizens buying into the project. Preservation Commission Special Meeting May 24, 1988 Page Two Raymond Chou then introduced himself and summarized the projects in which his company is currently involved in Evanston. He stated that the R. H. Chou Company had put in a purchase offer to Mr. Byer many months ago, and that a purchase offer has been submitted to the Raymond Associates. Mr. Chou then summarized his proposal to preserve the 1700 Hinman landmark: restore the exterior of the existing structure to the extent feasible, convert the interior of the existing building into nine condominiums, and build four attached townhouses, each 15 feet in width, along the Church Street frontage. The townhouses would be similar to the new houses at the Wilson Estate. Mr. Chou stated that his plan needs no zoning changes, that it is lower than the density permissible on the site, that he is able to finance the project, and his offer to Mr. Raymond is a cash one with no contingencies. Mr. Chou then responded to questions from the audience. His responses included: he hopes to get all required parking under the existing building, his plan will conform to all set backs required by the zoning ordinance, that he will subdivide the property, that the townhouses will be treated as an addition rather than as free-standing entities, that there will be condominium ownership, that the cost of the condominiums will exceed $300,000 and will be approximately 1800 square feet in size, that not much of the interior of the existing building can be saved, that the townhouses will be 2 112 stories in height with garages below ground, that the exterior of the existing building will be preserved but that minor changes are anticipated. In response to the audience question of what legal assurances neighbors had that the building would be sensitively preserved, Ms. Sommers Yant explained the limits of the Preservations Commission's advisory review, and that stronger preservation protection is available if the project is a planned unit development. Mr. Yas asked Mr. Chou what information he needed to know. ,Mr. Chou responded, purchase price and whether his offer was accepted. Ms. Buchbinder-Green then inquired whether other developers were present with preservation proposals. Staff responded that two other developers are pursuing preservation alternatives for the 1700 Hinman landmark, but were not prepared to make a presentation tonight. The Chair thanked Mr. Norkett and Mr. Chou and invited comment from Mr. Happ. Mr. Happ stated that while Raymond and associates are open to viable purchase offers, the company is simultaneously going forward with its own plan for new construction, ,r case no viable purchase offer materializes. Plans for Raymond Associates proposed 23 unit condominium have been submitted for zoning analysis and have been approved. He stated that the property was acquired with the idea of developing it and that according to the engineering reports commissioned by Raymond and associates it is not feasible to save the existing building. The Chou offer has been rejected because it did not cover the Raymond Associates costs invested up to the point of Mr. Chou's offer. Mr. Happ further commented that other interested developers and individuals have contacted him and apparently many of these individuals have not pursues :heir interest. Commissioner 'Jr. Hirsh inquired whether 11r. Happ would estabhs' : >ales price. Vr. Happ responded that he did not intend to turn the situation into an open ..sang, that the price is flexible day to day based on real estate costs, interest, taxes, insurance, architects and engineers fees. He reiterated that Raymond associates have been involved in r�i.s project for the past two to two and one-half years. He encouraged interested parties to come forward uith their best offer and that they would be considered. Mr. Hirsh then inquired ".~ Iher prospective owners would be shown the properties title policy. .Mr. Happ responded, "Yes". Preservation Commission Special Meeting May 24, 1988 Page Three Zabell Hooks, broker for Mr. Chou, reiterated that an offer is in on the property, and that she is waiting for a response. She stated that it is necessary to know what it takes to purchase the property, Mr. Chou added that he would be interested in hearing the acceptable purchase figure. In response to a question from the audience as to the status of the Norkett offer, Mr. Norkett stated that he knows ,Mr. Happs price and is waiting for financing. He has made an offer; if he can make the deal work in 90 days, Mr. Happ will sell the property to him. Nis. Buchbinder-Green then asked for comments from the audience regarding the two proposals. Southeast Evanston Neighborhood Association representative Stephen Knutson then reported on results of the Sunday, May 22, 1988 Board meeting. He reported that the Board is interested in the property's remaining residential, and that it would like to see the building saved if at all possible. Other audience comments included: that many people in the neighborhood would probably like to see the Byer Museum building turned into a bed and breakfast; that a bed and breakfast is preferable to another Wilson Estates development, a development which, in the opinion of the speaker, was "ugly" and belonged in newly developing suburbs rather than in Evanston, and finally an inquiry whether bed and breakfast were permissible from the zoning standpoint in Evanston. Mrs. McWilliams, who is the Preservation Commission representative on the Zoning Commission, stated that the Commission is investigating integrating bed -and -breakfasts into the new ordinance. Mr. Richard Lehner, President, Preservation League of Evanston, stated that the League strongly supports rehabilitation of the existing Landmark structure in a manner which follows the Secretary of the Interns Standards. He registered concern with the Chou proposal, which al tuded to exterior penetrations and the addition of townhouse units of massing and design different in character to the existing landmark. Aid. Juliar inquired whether a bed and breakfast needs a liquor license. Ald. Rudy responded that the 1700 Hinman area does not have a liquor license. Mr. Norkett stated that the bed and breakfast would attract only a high clientele. In response to Chairman Horton's request for a final comment, Mr. Lehner pointed out that the bed and breakfast concept was not very far removed from the use the landmark served from its construction in 1909 through the 1970's, i.e. a private club. Mrs. Horton asked if there was any further was determined that unless there was preservation proposals, the next (and final) demolition issue would be at its June 21, to inform the neighborhood of the meeting The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. STAFF: DATE: 25Y 39/41 comment from the Commission. There being none, it a need for additional developers to present their time the Commission would consider the Byer Museum 1988 regular meeting. Again, the Commission pledged through leaflets. L� EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 28, 1998 8:00 P.110. Room 2404 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Anne Earle, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, Mary \icWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin, James Yearnan \1E{MI)ERS ABSENT: Anne McGuire ST ArF: Gwen Sommers Yant PRESIDING: Phyllis Horton, Chair ASSOCIATES PRESENT: David Galloway OTHERS PRESENT: Ald. John Rudy, %\alt Jackson, tress %\eiss, Charles C. Flapp, Jack VcCullough, Dick Lehner, Betty Stuart Smith, Geraldine ,\lalkinson, E. Ritterman • Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming guests and announcing that the agenda would be amended to accommodate guests first. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMMITTEF \1r. lack \1cCuliotigh, owner, 1145 Sheridan Road, sulnrnari/ed his propr)s-tt for a rear addition to the property. I'll(, Commission reviewed slides of existing ;ile conditions, onstruction drawings, and the original hnllse nlanc. PNT'\ 'rerrher F)avic+ C alma t� r"1),lrt ' (-,;•' �r,itte'c•'s fil),iirlC that the addition is sympathetic to the original in materiols, detail, -cn(a s' :,lr, and recornmencied that the permit be approved. Discussion ensued. A -lsotion tr) the permit uk is 1lnanirnollsl`aphro%ed. OLD BUSINESS hf \!y`L1T1t-1% (`f 1 7c,� tff\I1 \\ €Ft_)1. \1171 Ill l I, \+I tilt 1') Chalrrlian 11.)rtc)n e\p1aint'cl that thc Presern-ttion C'omrnission's -(,:I\ Iolo ()it trlt' demolition permit for 1700 Hinman expires tomorrow, lone 29, 19,10,. �',15. lhj;; •.silk !)c' tho last time the Pre'serv,31ion (-nnunission will consider the Byer \tuseurn iss :r It rt•sperosc' to I I w Chair!nan's rrquest `,Is. 5nrnnlers lant .tncl \tr. 1.1, r,arized efforts since thr 1.3st C o'nlnission ! Ic'ettn); to preserve 1700 lhiwian sc he"1eItl ;ly=n far a rt•srdential do\I II)pII en a II II ll(It lc' pre,;r'rye the huiIding utls rie\'r1t)Ped, 1)1,11 ^111; "..;IIIt1nr fir" Carliros 1r1SIrIIIVe'It 11 III de I-)opin)• .t pro forrrl.I for thiti s,'!I(','I,IIII C� I)' IrI(' rt'`c'rl Iti0,I 1.1� I1W 11er lull)rI It I(I no I S S i ,Iry tr"st"!' .'e.'\�•Io[)e �. li I' l},Ir } Lt'1ITtor, j)rt'tif"t,rlt. ��Ct'tit'r1�1t1'111 1_t'a)'„t' )f 1 \,-1,!til 'rl, ttll'r',-`,/r•:' i r',lt' It' t'f f'rt ` •)1Or tllt' j)1�t ,1,1•Itjl tl) i)ro,vrtit• 17r,r, ItlrllrI [ I flnarII I;11 II', f11111.II I" �' t "\r'�,l�r•!G, I; . 1 ,11!ItIII .)rt', trii 'itic)n. I r I rt'ti II)n,,p 11) ( 0 1111y511)Iicr'� t j 111•�tiur r { 's� 'k'�j' ,�1t' �t Ft�lti ,le %t-1ope'r intt'retil J, t1wI Ic) Clair'. )[lilt st iI.e(I that %Ir. \,lrl.t'll ., I ;1" '+, i l,il to15"ot`1'Ir- III1.Im-t]lg in time IIId \tr. Choll was lirlwil1'.n to Ilv-rc'clst' tale )ffrl tch 11A reiectt•(i I)N httyl!u)tifI ,Incf -\s,o, iittI,,. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - June 28, 1988 Page Two Chairman Horton commented the lesson learned from this experience was that ninety days is too short a period of time in which to solve such a complex problem. She then asked Raymond and Associates President, Mr. Charles Happ, to inform the Commission of the status of the 1700 Hinman Landmark. Mr. Happ stated that Mr. Norkett appeared to be the only developer seriously pursuing an alternative project, and, in the absence of Mr. Norkett's ability to finance purchase in a timely fashion, he knew of no other serious contenders. Raymond and Associates are preceding with their original plans. The demolition permit for the building %vill be picked up at 9:00 a.m. on June 30. Mr. Happ stated he is unaware of exactly when demolition will take place thereafter, but anticipates it will not occur until after the Fourth of July weekend. In response to Its. Sommers Yant query whether Raymond and Associates will remain open to purchase offers until the time of demolition, Mr. Happ responded, "yes". Chairman Horton thanked ,Mr. Happ for Raymond and associates cooperation during the past ninety days. The agenda was hereafter resumI-(f. MINUTES The minutes of April 19, 1988 were unanimously approved with the following corrections: include Mr. Yearnan as "Present"; on page 2, paragraph 5, revise line 3 by adding "rc•nt,11" before "apartment building": correct the spelling of "exist" on page 4, paragraph 2, sentence 9; and clarify %is. Ruchbinder-Green's comments on page 3 under "Preservation Awards Cornrnittee" by striking the sentence in line 7 which begins "She reviewed..." and inserting the following: because the procedures established five tears ago stipulated that the jirr� 1w 4-ornpnsed of a Commissioner, a Preservation League hoard mernber, and three "oul5id"', experts. hhc guidelines, which were developed after thorough study, were meant to pr]vide a balance between the Commission and the League and between coninlunity representatives and "outside" experts in the fields of architecture and preservation. %Irs. Horton concurred with the reasons why the original cort imtte,., constituted the jury in this w<1y. Iir. M ilin questioned when the Cornrnission w(m](1 resolve tlic' r;i3tter of 1 holher a Preset vation Cormnission Associate ran serve on the Preservaation Awards 7ur\. Chairrr,an Horton asked staff to irwhid- thic ite— nn the 111\ as'enr+,. IIto iiiinute-+ of -�pril 2t 19,SS were unanl• ousl\ approved wilh 11tc) r orrr'f-iions: on page 2, l).tral.r,raph 1, line 1, correct the spelling of "] a\ii)otld"; and wi page ?, p.lra;'r%lj71i 2, line 7, eorreut the Spelling of "l-var]ston". Zh[` ,),Ini1tC'ti of 1,1a% 17, 198S \left' unani•I; m,,I'. vpro\ed wltil the f0111)tCirll' ' U•'Cr tions: page r, rrr' t Ih ,p-IIirip )f tlir• f 1 r , t ward in "1Ie,,,}.c•rc A!)sent"; 1):1pe 2, parai itJ 1. I;nr• 5, ; rig t, Q)iir1: 1)17•!r tvr,11)fi ], Irrif• {, a r)rrei: 513P•Ili' i. ) rr`ir,�t,e,r.. ,114(i ;�,,i?,c �• it it i r.iI i �, linl' /•, cor.'er I ,I)o irq, ,lt "1-,Ianned ltie 111iiil3(1'> 1)f ',ta\ 24, 199F wer(' unanirrlousI` _approved as submitted. COMMUNICATIONS FPC Ca`\!\tFM 'VC, INO.' VD OF PFG.•1RDl\6 2\08 PLACE. ID I h,- I), it !.et "'eEi n) reg,i rif itq, thi♦ ile,fi ',%as re i('w ed %kit Iimit 1 ,it i.t t+e rit. 0 Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - June 28, 1988 Page Three EPC TRIENNIAL REVIEW REPORT TO P&D Staff reported on the Planning and Development (P&D) Committee's favorable review of the Commission's Triennial report at last night's P&D meeting. She underscored P&D's interest in a) when the revised preservation ordinance and b) when recommendations for improvement of the planned unit development ordinance would he forthcoming to the P&D Committee. Discussion ensued. The Chairman reminded Commissioners of the I100 Forest Pt_D Committee's efforts over the past several months to draw up a list of improvement recommendations. She asked Staff to prepare a list of the draft recormendations and suggested that the Commission review at the EPC rneeting in July. She also asked Staff to summarize, in memo form, Planning Director Richard Carter's remarks regarding binding review and include them in the EPC July packet. SHP0 COMMENT REGARDING SHAKESPEARE GARDEN NOMINATION TO NATIONAL REGISTER Staff reviewed Certified Local Government (CLG) requirements for Preservation C.nrrlrilission and Mayoral review/comment on Evanston nominations to the National Register of Historic Placrs. She called attention to the Shakespeare Garden nomination form included in the• packet, as wril as the positive cornments of the State Historic Preservation Office (SH110) regarding 11W nornination. Chairman Horton stated that the Commission will conduct its CLG review at the luly EPC meeting. FPC: TO PND REGARDING 111_'RGLARl PREVENTIO\ ORDINANCE The packet correspondence was reviewed without comment. Staff reported that PS.rl has begun discussing this issue and that a special PND meeting on the subject will he held July 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS RFVIr_\\ \\D TECHNICAL \SSIST;N\C1: (:(-)\1\11TTEE titaff reported that she and RNTA member Ellen C;alland made , site visit to the Evanston 1-andrnark at 127 Ashland to advise the caw ner on repair c)f built-in ltilt tars. She then reported on todaN's site visit to 2663 Colfax by herself anc RS•T A rnernber David C,allowaN , in response to owner con•err, regarding carpenter ts, roof leaks, and paint prol)1erl-S. M"O11'k 1 F's Mrs. !Horton and Mrs. Farb, sunirnarized District 65 curriculum re,,rF , :nation :-Om 11 has taken place ;ince the Commission's Project 65 prugrar►l was established. k :._7' t of these c-hanres ant �i ne'w scho[ll superintendent, `,1rs. Horton suggested that the , - ission Aork with the Preservation Le q!tie of F%,,Ii)stoil and District 65 to asr"!•rt Iin ho>% tt t 6 Irl ilt' re'worN(-(f to hest fil I I w existing (-llrrit-tllitlii. Yie tms ;pokes tr7 PLr' r"51[.j('nt Rich,lra Lehner, c�hn will ')riil}' tht' tin1]jf'-t r11 te( rilitinr volllnte°e'rs for the Proje, :roirar, to ow Leagilt' Yie , ont liwt'rl !S\ Ct,ltilll; thl' I'[[flt,{ t f.5 pr t}'r i'r IC t' rt lilt Uu' 111st )rlr' illl ♦Ilr r t'Ctil,ll [1 w, •lrw r,-s•,r'll �I[•r .'itlltll r"1I�Inr1. It r ',.i I.r •cr\t' li Evanston Preservation Commission Alinutes - June 28, 1988 Page Four OLD BUSINESS CENTENNIAL FOUNTAIN RESTORATION UPDATE Mrs. 11cWiliams reported that the Fountain Restoration Coalition has exceeded its $30,000 fund raising goal by $1,000. The Centennial Fountain is expected to be returned from the Robinson Ironworks in Atlanta the Thursday before the Fourth of July celebration. Ms. Yant added that the Fountain's dedication ceremony, which will include representatives of the Preservation Commission and Preservation League, will take place on Monday, July 41h at 11:30 a.m. in the Merrick Rose Garden. She concluded by calling attention to .Mayor Barr's Centennial Fountain dedication proclamation, which includes a list of contributors to the fountain restoration fund. I100 FORFST 1'1'D I!PPATE The packet memo summarizing l 100 Forest Pull minor changes approved to date was approved without comment. ZONING COMMISSION REPORT Mrs. Mckt illiams summarized Zoning Commission progress over the last fnonth arid, in particular, focused on discussion at the April I Sth meeting regarding historic preservation. Discussion ensued. The Chair recommended that, in future, specific preservation -related activities of the Zoning Commission be reported at the regular EPC meeting instead of a monthly Veneral zoning report. Commissioners expressed their interest in hearing about, -Ind r ornmenting on, . preservation -related zoning matters. Mrs. Slckt illiams invited Commissioners tor -ill her between regular EPC: meetings, should they have any questions or desire further information. STAFF REPORT PRESERVAT10% 5t.'1t11E 1: 1%TI-RN Vs. Somfne•rs Yant reported that the preservation summer intern, funded bti the State Certified Loc—al Gnv­rnn'�ent f)egan a )rl hint• I . Iler na , - is Ihll� Satin, ar A III ')c u graC0,11 • strident in historic' preservation/planning in the fall. Vs. Sabin ',ti'ill be carr�mp ow the activities specified in the grant appllc-ttlon, i.e, augmenting Section 106 survel docivrentation and organizing o\isting sl,rvey records acruntulatecf during the ten years of the Preservation C-)mrnfssfons cit`-wido Llndrnark survey. I9SS $T 1 l F%k Wf- P P F'SF : � Al [0\ ('0\17VP F\c'I Staff r.ti rI,',' 11.tt 71 1"o '-S 1err-.t'r�.tnon l ht,W' t`!roUg"' - Iri �1 Ion'Lil IIr �f t, tii,e ('.t' l I l t'r (',I .t • Viim t'' `I,, t e,;s `t­r)" apprvsi ng t of if oret ` �f :he r-onr Ius.-_'I of the Cove St pool rehahilir mien project. Sf.ttt' preservationists have ')ecr, me t mfor,r)ed of t'Ii, rn.ajor preser),.itit) I) effort .It the preceding preservation conft'retic es t`r-),iph ski rcess st _.r1es or panel disr tv;sions in %Ouch ) ant has participated. She .also shared inf r" :af:r,n regarding: the Preservation Co-1m,issiran's edw ation progrartis, technical ass,st.Ince• eff. -t Cld. tiine[N -ri-s inter `'enIion :IS a )at It, Irtit jr, the "Politics of Prest rlation" track Of r-ortferenc_e. ',It's. Mr%, illi,vir s Itic!ec1 t'Iat ni,Inv people are looking for�kard to attendmn, ,ear's st,tt- ,lode prose rv.ititin ( nnfe'rence if) 1.1atiston. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - June 29, 1988 . Page Five DEDICATION OF LAGOON/DEMPSTER STREET BUILDINGS Staff announced that the dedication of the Lagoon and Dempster Street administration buildings would take place on July 5th, preceding the Starlight Concert. Preservation Commission members and staff have been active in guiding the rehabilitation of these two park buildings located in the Evanston Lakeshore National Historic District. EPC= .associate Stephen Knutson will speak at the dedication ceremony on behalf of the Commission; other speakers will be the Ist Ward aldermen and Mayor. She invited all Commissioners to attend. 1700 BLOCK OF WESLEY TAX FREEZE ,MEETING Staff reported that she received a call from a resident of the 1700 block of %Lesley, requesting a presentation on the 8 year property tax assessment freeze program to interested block residents. Residents will organize the meeting, and .Ms. Sommers Yant and ',1r. Michael %Lard of the State Historic Preservation Office, will present information about the tax freeze program, The meeting is tentatively scheduled to coincide with %1r. %lard's visit to Evanston in July. PUhLICATIC-11 OF FlZANK LLOYD %L RICHT BUILDINGS 1N E%'ANSTON Staff reported that noted architectural historian, %L illiarn Storre•r, �, ghor of The •lrchilecture of Frank Lloyd %L right: A Complete Catalog, was apprised at the° recent Societe of Architecture Historians conference in Chicago, of actual and potential undocurnented Frank Lloyd 'Aright designed structures in Evanston. These structures are: 2614 Lincojr,t.nod, Iil'a Hinman, and 826 lfiIburn. Upon request, staff sent 11r. Storrer a packet of all locally available on these structures. She thanked %Irs. Earle for her considerable- ,ssrstanc-(- in assembling this is information. Staff then shared the information contained ir, '.'r. St')rrer's recent letter sttrnrnarizing his conclusions following examination of the inforn-r,t,e,r, packet: 2614 Lincolnwood is certainly by %L right, a "Richards A i •rican Ri,ilt" structure. 'dr. Storer will include it in the soon -to -he -published third edit iej, of '115 � at flog. The 1014 Hinman remodeling, is definitely b} 'A right. Plr,r,,s r frrmtnp this were found to exist at Taliesin %l est. 1014 Ifinman will also be included ir, catalog's third edition. S26 '.Milburn, hnu'cyer, appears to he the wr)rk of a %L right ",,- te" - perhaps Fa -ry l%yrne or lohn %;rn Pergen - working in the 1[ right rdton.. It +ill nut ')e inci�ided in the catalog. ANNOUNCEMENTS Staff announced ao,preseeitatiycs fr., the State Historic Prese'rtiatl„r, -%—: -e r:., t 11 t'it' r Cafmrrission's July '„eeting, to conduct the SIHIO'� arrnu.rl i '.... .)"..;1 _1.119 tit: iolunteer recognition night is schediiled for July 19th at `,:':`. 3r;v The folio+ying perrntts received staff approval since Ili,-- .,st Pros-,•-31ion �,Xn1nissi01i meet ing 1 ICY,- 2 I`ayts - reroof (riot vt�ihlr- fr.)rr� the strec t? 1 ' Lake Strf•t•t - rernof (not from the str--t1 Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - June 28, 1988 Page Six his. Earle then brought the threatened demolition of Chicago's Granada Theater to the Commission's attention. The developer concerned is applying for federal funds to aid his plans. The "Save the Granada Theater" coalition has contacted both his. Earle and Staff. his. Earle relayed the Coalition's request for a statement supporting preservation of this important surviving theater at an upcoming UDAO hearing. Discussion ensued. A motion to send a supporting statement was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 p.m. STAFF: DATE <,,.:,, . 14 25N'46/51 • 0 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING NVednesday, July 6, 1988 9:00 a.m. - Third Floor Conference Room CIVIC CENTER \1EMBERS PRESENT: Anne Earle, Phyllis Horton, Mary \16; illiams, Anne \1cGuire, James Yeaman \1E\IBERS ABSENT: Barbara fluchbinder-Green, %; illiam Cone_ , Solomon Hirsh, Harry 1l olin FENCE PERMIT - 1745 HINMAN •Staff review slides and drawings of a rear yard fence for 1745 Hinman. %is. McGuire, reporting on behalf of the Revie%k- and Technical Assistance Committee, found the fence to be appropriate in materials and detail with the main house. A motion to approve the permit was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:1 5 a.m. STAFF: , 1) •\ FF: 0� /60 • E EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 19, 1988 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Anne Earle, David Galloway, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, Anne McGuire,Mary McWilliams MEMBERS ABSENT: Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin, James Yeaman STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant, Richard Carter PRESIDING: Phyllis Horton, Chair ASSOCIATES PRESENT: Steve Knutson OTHERS PRESENT: Joan W. Barr; Galen Ramsey, William Norris (822 Crain); Terry Staples, Beth Schroeder (Garden Club); Michael u and (Illinois Historic Preservation Agency); Mrs. Geraldine Milkinson (Southeast Evanston Association); Michael Weston (Northwestern University) MINUTES The minutes of June 28, 1988 were unanimously approved with one correction: that EPC .Associate Stephen Yas was "present". The minutes of July 6, 1988 were unanimously approved with one correct:or;: that Carolyn Ripley was "present". COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIE1t AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE ,Ann Pohc. inski, architect, 707 Forest Avenue, summarzied her proposa.:.r a rear accitic.- w hich complements the main house in detail, massing, and fenestration. 5'a tr,en states he- client would like to sheathe the addition and house in vinyl siding. She is inve_::gatrng options t_ siding however. These options include stripping the paint off the existing cla��oards and staining both the existintg and new clapboards, or replacing all existing clapboards x.t„ prestained sicmg and sheathing the new addition with prestained siding. Discussion ensued. Review and Technical Assistance Committee me—zers Anne VcGu.re and Dave Galloway reported that the l:omrnittee found the elevations of t`.e to be compatible with the existin structure. They recommended appr ,,.a. `. tr � ;�dit��� were sheathed in wood. Thee fe�t the• stripping and restaining optlor. ::e aece: table. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - July 19, 1988 Page Two The prestained siding would need to be reviewed before a determination of compatibility could be made. The Committee was not comfortable with the vinyl siding option, however. The Committee recommended that Ms. Policzinski go back to her client and discouraged them from this action, given the potentially negative impact of vinyl siding from both a visual and maintenance standpoint. Mr. Galloway also encouraged investigating new long life paints. The Commission resolved to send a letter to the owners reiterating the above comments regarding the compatibility of the addition and undesirability of vinyl siding. William Norris, owner, 822 Crain, then presented the case for a six foot stockade fence on the east side of his property and a four foot open picket fence running perpendicular from the stockade fence and abutting the house just behind the porch. Mr. Norris stated his intention to graduate the height of the picket fence from six feet to four feet where the two fences join, and perhaps, graduate up again where the picket fence adjoined the house. The fence would be unpainted. Anne McGuire reported R&TA's recommendation that the fence permit be approved but that the fence not be graduated up to six feet where it adjoined the house. Ms. S-Y reported that she and R&TA member Ellen Galland had met with Mr. Norris and Mr. Ramsey on July 5th, at which time the fence received a positive recommendation. A motion to preapprove the fence permit was unanimously approved. NEW BUSINESS CLG REVIEW OF SHAKESPEARE GARDEN NOMINATION TO THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Chairman Horton welcomed representatives of the nomination's sponsoring organization {Garden Club of Evanston}, Beth Schroeder and Terry Staples. She thanked Mayor Barr for attending and announced that Northwestern University representative Michael Westin -xould be present shortly. 11rs. Horton drew Commissioners' attention to the packet letter from Northwestern University President Arnold Weber, graciously supporting the nomination of the Shakespeare Garden to the National Register of Historic Places. Mrs. Staples then introduced herself as president of the Garden Council, summarized tonight's presentation, and introduced Beth Schroeder, Chairman, Shakespeare, Garden who delivered a slide presentation describing the Garden. Mrs. Staples followed with a presentation summarizing the significance of the Garden and its designer Jens Jenson. Following the presentationMayor Barr stated her support for the listing of the Garden on the National Register and explained the reasons for her support: that it -ret National Register Criteria A and C and Criteria Consideration F, that the Garden is a sizn.ficant part of Evanston life and history, and that it is the work of an unquestioned master. Mic�ael '1� estun, `orthwestern Gniversitv Vice -President for Legal .affairs then introducted Tse'..` anC reiterated Northwestern's enthusiastic support of the nomination. Discussio- Commissioners commenting that the National Register criteria were thorougly addres5e:.n t~p nomination, that Northwestern and the Garden Club should be applauded for their comr-.t''.ent over the years to maintaining the integrity of the Garden, and that the Garden is a un.c.e and special place in Evanston. Mrs. Horton suggested that the nomination meets Criteria A, C, and Consideration F. M5. BLIchbinder-Green added that criterian B is also appropriate. A mot,.: that the Commission submit a letter of support to the Illinois Historic Sites Advisory COL---., ;pecrfying that the nomination meets National Register Criteria A,C,B and Criteria ,r,sicerat,on F, was unanirously approved. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - 0uly 19, 1988 Page Three OLD BUSINESS BINDING REVIEW Chairman Horton stated that the recent demolition of the Byer Museum (1700 Hinman Avenue), again points out the chronic need for stronger protection for landmarks. The Chair and staff have met recently with City Manager Joel Asprooth and Planning Director Richard Carter regarding this subject. Mrs. Horton stated she invited Mr. Carter to tonight's meeting to share his ideas about binding review with the Commission. Mr. Carter opened with a historical perspective on the growth of historic preservation/the Preservation Commission and their substantial contributions to the environmental quality of Evanston since 1974, when the creation of a Preservation Commission was first included as a goal of the City's Comprehensive General Plan. Mr. Carter likened the benefits of stronger landmark protection to the benefits derived from similar, recently enacted legislation/processes, for example site plan review and the sign ordinance. Like this legislation/processes he anticipates problems stemming from negative perceptions. h hile he believes there is a decent chance of enacting binding review, the best way to go about it is in piecemeal fashion. Citing the Commission's valiant efforts but eventual helplessness to save the Byer .Museum, he stressed the need to first protect landmarks from demolition. In pursuing binding reviex• over demolition, he suggested the Commission actively listen to people's perceptions and concerns about binding review. He suggested that this be done before a revised ordinance is written and that the eventual legislation respond to these concerns. The revised ordinance should embody a clear, straightforward process with adequate safeguards. Should the Commission later pursue binding review over landmarks, he anticipates the philosophical and practical problems will be much greater. Much study will be needed to determine which landmarks should fall under binding review, for example. working in favor of binding review over landmarks however, is the very successful,if quiet, track record of the Commission's Architectural Advisory Committee (The Review and Technical Assistance Committee). The friendly, cordial, and helpful nature of R&TA has been very successful in achieving a high voluntary compliance rate and if this group continues under binding review, it seems unlikely that conflict should be greatly increased. It is unlikely that the ordinance's, goals and standaras would be different under binding review than aar,sur, re4Lew. Mr. Carter cautioned the greater authority associated with binding review ma} _reate a different review atmosphere,how•ever. Testimonials from persons who have gone throug: ,-e R!-TA/Commission review process may be helpful in building confidence for stronger protection. Discussion ensued. Mr. Coney commented that resistance to such desig , re,�ie-x may come from the design community. Mr. Galloway underscored fir. Carter's regarding actively listening to public perception/concerns. He also objected to the`:.r.cing rQ,..e%v" as imprecise and negative, and suggested a more appropriate term be Vc'.l dhams suggested that the Commission's binding review efforts and the :--emission's design review efforts may need to be coordinated. his. ,McGuire observed that rC: , cosign anc binding review needs objective guidelines and clear procedures so designers kno,x :.,, r,-,les of the game. The Chair stated her intention of creating a subcommittee to develop r___,-r,endations on how best to proceed. If pursuing binding review solely over demolition is : e C`iosen course, she anticipates it can be gotten into place relatively quickly. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - July 19, 1988 Page Four She emphasized however, that discussion must first take place with Northwestern, the business community and citizens at large. At the request- of the Chair, Staff summarized Commission consensus to date regarding binding review: under the revised ordinance, all existing Evanston Landmarks would remain Evanston Landmarks and subject to advisory review, the new ordinance would contain a procedure for designating "Evanston Register" landmarks which would be subject to binding review, and all structures in Evanston Register Historic Districts would be subject to binding review. Such new review would include new construction in historic districts. The Chair stated she brought up this issue in order to refresh Commissioners memories and to ascertain whether the Commission felt it appropriate for the Chairman to appoint a Committee to draft an ordinance calling for binding reyiew over demolitions. A motion for the chairman to appoint a committee to draft an ordinance for binding review over demolition of all Evanston Landmarks, with the understanding that this would be a first step toward stronger more comprehensive landmark protection, was unanimously approved. Mr. Hirsh suggested caution and thorough research. He suggested investigating whether the limits of binding review over demolition must be identical to the future limits of binding review over building permits. CLG GRANT ACTIVITIES REPORT Staff, Mrs. McWilliams and Mrs. Earle updated the Commission on efforts over the past month -and-a-half taken toward completing the work program of this year's Certified Local' Government Grant to the Preservation Commission. Work included updating the designation (contributing, non contributing, intrusion) of structures located in the Lakeshore and Ridge National Register Historic Districts, designating all secondary structures in these districts, and developing historical context statements for potential National Register Historic Districts in northeast and northwest Evanston. AMENDING PRESERVATION AWARDS PROCEDURES The Chair summarized existing preservation award program procedures, including the requirement that a representative from the Preservation Commission serve on the awards jury. kis. McWilliams then suggested that the procedures be amended to permit Association Members to represent the Commission on the jury, because of the Associates' excellent qualifications. ,Ms. Buchbinder-Green disagreed, citing that it was the procedures intent that professional qualifications would come from the the outside jurors, and that the pers;,e--tive of lay people was also important. She stated that if jury membership was open to EPC .Ass:dates it should also be open to the general PLE membership and that the League should also comment on this. She stated that it was the duty of Commissioners to serve on the jury. ❑is•-, ssion ensued as to the philosophical and procedural "pros" and "cons" of amending the original rz)_edures. A emotion to retain the procedures as t•stablished was approved by a vote of 6 ayes to . NEW BUSINESS REVIEW[' OF DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Staff reviewed the packet memo summarizing changes recommender the 1100 Forest PUD Committee for improving the planned unit development ordinance. The Chair asked Commissioners to send additional suggestions to staff in writing. T�ese suggestions •will be included in next month's packet and discussed at the next Commission Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - July 19, 1988 Page Five STAFF REPORT DEMOLITION OF 1700 HINMAN N Staff reviewed slides of the demolition of the Evanston Landmark at 1700 Hinman Avenue (formerly University Club, Byer ,Museum) on July I, 1988. CENTENNIAL FOUNTAIN DEDICATION Staff reviewed slides of the dedication of Centennial Fountain on July 4, 1988. Dedication was well attended and speakers at the dedicatjon included Preservation Commission member Mary McWilliams and Preservation League of Evanston president Richard Lehner. LAGOON/DEMPSTER STREET PARK BUILDINGS DEDICATION Staff reviewed slides of the July 5, 1988 dedication of the Lagoon/Dempster Street Park buildings. The Commission's Review and Technical Assistance Committee and staff served as technical advisors to the project. EPC associate Stephen Knutson was one of the dedication speakers. 1100 FOREST PUD UPDATE The packet memo was reviewed without comment. A site visit by the 1100 Forest PU❑ Committee is scheduled for Thursday,- July 21. BURGLARY PREVENTION ORDINANCE UPDATE Burglary Prevention Ordinance is still under discussion by the Planning and Development Committee. A special P&D Committee meeting to discuss the ordinance was held on July 12; no conclusion was reached. This item is on the agenda for Monday's P&D meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Statewide Conference Steering Committee will be rneetmg downtown at the office of Preservation League of Evanston President Richard Lehner on Friday, July 22, 1988.. Guest speaker will be Laurie Wallace, Coordinator for this year's statewide preservation conference in Bloomington. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. STAFF: /"✓G 4u ,, �`i v► t. DATE:�r 25Y52/56 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTE5 Special Meeting Wednesday, July 27, 1988 7:45 P.M. Room 2401 C1VI(!'CENTER ME,,MBERS PRESENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Anne Earle, David Galloway, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, Anne icGuire, Mary McWilliams, Harry Wolin, James Yeaman MEMBERS ABSENT: William Coney, Carolyn Ripley STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant PRESIDING: Phyllis Horton, Chair OTHERS PRESENT: William Norris (822 Crain) The Chair opened the meeting by announcing this was a special meeting to deal exclusively with a permit for aluminum siding for the Evanston Landmark at 822 Crain Street. Review and Technical Assistance Committee member Dave Galloway then summarized the existing conditions at the site: rotting clapboard fascia and siding; the building has not been painted in about ten years; some facades of the structure are worse than others, the worse sides being the east and .vest; mane clap!-oards are cupped: there are ,missing boards in -` e soffits and missing trim, and there are loose windows. In response to Ms. Buchbinder-Green's query as to the percentage of wood on the residence that is sound, Mr. Galloway replies' char on the east facade the majority of the wood would have to be replaced, on the south side about 30 n of the wood would have to be replaced, and on the other sides scattered pieces would have to be replaced. Mr. Norris then summarizes his proposal: to aluminum side all facades of ...e structure, as .-ell as the soffit, fascia, and trim around the windows. A lighter siding wouir _stud cn the windows. trim and fas,,:a. Mr. Norris has secured a proposal for the job .tin; .-C!uaes recuct.ons in material costs ano labor. The workman is available for the next three only. .fir. Norris summarized the economic circumstances which make in -kind replace-- ent of clapboards and subsequent painting prohibitively expensive,as well as his recent exr;e-.ses relative to a new gutter and a new roof. Staff reported that she and Mr. Galloway had met with Mr. Norris and MIr. Ramsey and explored a hierarchy of alternatives to siding, including a phased wood replacement : aint plan and a partial siding plan. The possibility of a conservation grant or a loan from the of Fvanston Rehab program was also explores. The owners fell just outside of both progra—s' ,ncome qualifications, however. Mr. Norris corrr!Urented Mr. Calloway and %Is. Sommers ',a _-n their :ourtes� and coopora tlon. Evanston Preservation Commission Special Nleeting June 27, 1988 Page Two Discussion ensued as to appropriate Commission policy regarding aluminum siding and appropriate action. A motion to approve the permit in the abpence of a policy and in view of the economic circumstances involved in this case, and for the Ciiair to appoint a committee to develop a policy on artificial siding, and that this action will not be viewed as a precedent, was approved by a vote of 4 ayes, one nay, and three abstentions. Staff then brought to the Commission's attention communication frorn firs. Marjorie Berkland regarding the July 14th letter in the Evanston Review by Paula Twilling and David Cherry concerning, among other items, the demolition of the Byer Museum. Mrs. Berkland suggested the Commission send a response letter to the Review. Discussion ensued, Commissioners commenting that the focus of concern of the Twilling/Cherry letter was the Research Park and that the Byer Museum aspects of the letter were most appropriately addressed by sending the couple copies of pertinent Commission minutes.. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. STAFF: DATE: 1 25Y57158 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT NOT APPROVED Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 16, 1988 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: William Coney, Anne Earle, David Galloway, Phyllis Horton, klary -McWilliams, James Yeaman MEMBERS ABSENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Solomon Hirsh. Anne McGuire, Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant PRESIDING: Phyllis Horton, Chair OTHERS PRESENT: kirs. Sandra Ullman (2808 Sheridan Place), Mrs. Geraldine Milkinson (Southeast Evanston Associaticrt) MINUTES The minutes of July 19, 1988 were unanimously approved as submitted. The minutes of July 27, 1988 were unanimously approved as submitted. CLG COMMENT ON 5HAKESPEARE GARDEN NATIONAL REGISTER %0VINATION The comments of Mayor Joan W. Barr and the Preservation Commission, to State Historic Preservation Cfficer Dr. %lichael Devine, were reviewed without comment. EPC TO OWNERS, 707 FOREST AVENt'E Commissioners comple rented staff on a job well done. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIEW AND TECHMCAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE Review and Technical ,assistance Committee MEMBER David Gallo« a% simmarized a : roposed rear addition and rear/side yard wall for 2808 Sheridan Place. The rear acoition is sympa:7etic in material, detail, mass, and scale with the stucco main house: the .> al' .s ::.aque, six :set high, and sheathed in drivit. The owner, Urs. Ullman, then described the fa•-...'s -teed for ar enlarged second floor, 3 first floor garage, and a fence for privacy: to screen thF :;ti from bus,. 5'teridan Road. Staff noted :hat at the request of former owners. Mr. and 11r5. he i-,�r�n .s.:on had t�� ice revie�kec ,`)e design for the proposed rear addition (four vear� and t'Ao .. _rs ago) in anticipation of a Zoning variation appeal tvanston Preservation Commission i 1inutes - August 16, 1988 Page Two In response to the Chair's request for a recommendation from R&TA, Mr. Galloway cautioned that drivit is light weight and susceptible to denting and damage, but recommended approval of both the fence and addition as submitted. He added by way of suggestion, that the owners use drivit of texture similar to the main house for the body of the new wall, and use a smooth finish for the top trim of the new wall, with wail colors to match the main house body and trim respectively. A motion to approve the recommendation of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee was unanimously approved. Mrs. Ullman thanked the Commission and informed them that project architect, Kent 1larthaller, had been in a serious accident over the weekend. The Commission resolved to send Mr. Xiarthaller a get well card. NEW BUSINESS LEGISLATION COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The Chair announced appointment of the following individuals to the revised Legislation Committee: Jim Yeaman (Chair), David Galloway, Sol Hirsh, and Harry Wolin. Mr. Yeaman then summarized the Legislation Committee's tentative schedule - September EPC meeting: discussion of purpose, powers, duties, composition; October EPC meeting: discussion of the Certificate of Appropriateness Review process: and December EPC meeting: discussion of economic hardship, appeals, fines and penalties. Staff will prepare a packet of appropriate printed materials for each Committee member. The Chair expressed her hope that she or staff would be able to attend all Committee meetings. The Chair then reminded Commission members of Mr. Hirsh's comment in the July EPC minutes regarding consistency in scope of binding review over demolition and over other building permits. At the Chair's request, staff has contacted the Commission's legal consultant, Roddewig and Associates, regarding this matter. Roddewig and associates will prepare a written response. Mrs. McWilliams then summarized the Zoning Commission's positive disposition to the concept of instituting appearance review, and concluded that the climate in Evanston appears favorable to strengthening the preservation ordinance. Building on this comment, Chairman Horton apprised the Commission of Ald. Raden's recent (Council Minutes, June 27, ;-'gS' -a11 for a position statement from the Commission on binding review. Guest, Mrs. Geraldine .1lilkinson, =oning Committee member of the Southeast Evanston Association, then commenter' that her Committee is studying design review and has recomrr.ended to the Southeast Evanston .association Board that the Board recommend that the City of Evanston institute design revieµ. The Boarc is currently discussing whether to recommending binding or advisory design review. 151r) CHI INCH '-11— Ff=T CITIZE\ RE01 I=ST Staff su 111T13rilc°d the request of %Irs. Fallard, o%ner, ! `! C`',tir,:h Street, t�at a Ridge Historic District sign be installed on a steel sign pole in front of her home. Per Preservation Co-rmisslon policy, an historic district Sign is attached to the Tallmadge fixture located on the adjoining property to the east. Discussion ensued, commissioners commenting that the original Historic District Sign policy received thorough discussion, that the sign locates on ";e adjoining property is a well placed sign, and that it would be inappropriate in this case to '.eer from the existing polio%-. A motion reaffir-ring eNisting Commission Historic District Sic- xas unanimously approved. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - August 16, 19.18 page Three OLD BUSINESS REVIEW OF DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVING PUD ORDINANCE The following additions were made to the packet memo summarizing the 1100 Forest PUD Committee's recommendations for improving the plan unit development ordinance: Goal I - Implement both "Actions"; in this way both the original and subsequent owners will be apprised of PUD ordinance regulations. Goal 2 - Delete 30 day review limit for Preservation and Plan Commission; substitute with 90 day limit. Goal 3 - Implement recommended "Action" Goal 4 - Clarify paragraph 2 to read, "Establish tiered review system based on the hierarchal review process of the existing ordinance and the phased wort: process, (such as schematic phase, design development phase, contract document phase, and construction phase) outlined in the AIA standard contract between architect and owner. Goal 5 - Implement recommended "Action" Goal 6 - Deferred discussion until the next EPC Commission when Commission lawyers are present. In closing, Commissioners registered their concern for the welfare of future Pl_C homeowners. Specifically, Commissioners hoped that the confusion and misunderstanding under the present system caused by homeowners information being brokered through the developer.) could be eliminated. They suggested instead early, direct meetings with the Preservation Commission and that the Goal 1 information packet include succinct explanations of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards, critical architectural features, and all parties rights/responsibilities. Staff also relayed Mr. Knutson's suggestion that before any construction permit is granted, review of complete construction documents, (i.e. both plans and elevations) be completed by both any future Preservation Commission review committee and the Department of Building and Zoning staff. Chairman Horton -asked staff to incorporate the above disrussi,�r into the packet memo and distribute it at the next Commission meeting. PRESERVATION TAX ASSESSMENT FREEZE PROGRAM Staff reported that she has received an abundance of calls from Evanston Landmark owners regarding the eicht year property tax assessment freeze for preserving historic properties. Recaus'• se "wral of the lancrnarks are locateri outsitic the t'.%o %ationa; Pezister `istoric Districts. the oun• rs of these builr.;ngs can not tai,e ad%antaee of this preser�at:'^ scent:.p rrozram. The prokra!„ can 5e rude a.ailable to all Cvarston Landmark owners use Cir-'s Preservation Or�inance is certified bti the Illinois Historic Preservation agency. 1 letter from, the %layor requesting such action is needed for certification. Discussion ensued -as to the economic impact on the community if the Preservation Orainance is certified. It })ein£ gener311y concluded that ?) only a small number Df lancmar-� owners could make the initial investrrc nt required by the pror;rarn (twenty-five Der rent of t"Le home's fair market value), 1)1 :ne limited economic impact of the freeze is short ter r, ii ref,.. .ears), and c) the net loniz terry, of fey — is positive (both econornicly and visuallv), _.,rnrr issirn resolved to send a me=no to r`e %ta,.Dr requesting that she consider applying for >rt,ficat., -)f the Citv's Preservation Ordinance. In response to Commissioner's queries, SId4-eportl•'_ "'61 <,nce the program's inception in :a53, only 75 properties in the State of Ills o.s ',a tie c'-a;ifiec- for the program, 1 7 of these prcee rties being located in rvanston. -Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes -August 16, 1988 Page Four STATEWIDE PRESERVATION CONFERENCE PLANNING REPORT Mrs. Horton announced that Preservation Coordinator Gwen Sommers Yant has been elected by the Conference Steering Committee as Chairman of the 1989 Preservation Conference . Its. Sommers Yant then reported on the most recent Steering Committee meeting, stating that the conference date will be Thursday, June 22, through Saturday June 24 or Sunday June 25, 1989. Steering Committee members glary McWilliams and Phyllis Horton are finalizing locations of sleeping and classroom accommodations, respectively. The next Steering Committee meeting is August 31, minutes of all Steering Committee minutes will be distributed in EPC packets. STAFF REPORT PERMITS The following permits received staff approval since the last EPC meeting: 1421 Oak - reroof (no change in material) 714 Reba - reroof (no change immaterial) 806 Ridge avenue - reroof (no change in material) 204 Lake Street - rear deck (not visible from street) SHAKESPEARE GARDEN The nomination of the Shakespeare Garden to the National Register of Historic Places will be considered by the Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council during the weekend of September 15, 1988 in Peoria, Illinois. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. S T A F F: A' 7Jz 251 64 67 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT NOT APPROVED Special ,Meeting Thursday, August 25, 1988 8:00 A.M. Third Floor Conference Room CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: James Yeaman, Anne Earle, David Galloway, Phyllis Horton, Carolyn Riplcw, Mary McWilliams <ME.MBERS ABSENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Conev, Solomon Hirsh, Anne McGuire, Harry Wolin STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yant. Richard Figurelli PRESIDING: Mary McWilliams, Vice -Chair 555 LINCOLN - FENCE PERMIT Water Department Superintendent Richard Figurelli summarized the security reasons underlying the Water Department's request for a chain link fence immediately ;est, and parallel to, the rip -rap at the beach terminus of Lincoln Street. Review and Technical Assistance Committee member David Gallo•.:ay then summarized the Committee's suggestion that security needs could be met in a less visibie manner and in a manner which preserved more of the existing park, by installing the fence immediately east of the rip -rap. Mr. Figurelli explained that winter ice would damage the fence teach near and that the portions of the park that %k'ould be lost are secluded and difficult to Discussion ensued. A motion to approve the fence as procosed xas .na,iTously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m. STAFF - APPROVED: 25Y65 • r 1 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF: PRESIDING: OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Thursday, September 22, 1988 8:00 P.M. Room 2402 CIVIC CENTER Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Anne Earle, David Galloway, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, Anne McGuire, Mary McWilliams, Harry Wolin, James Yeaman William Coney, Carolyn Ripley Gwen Sommers Yant Phyllis Horton, Chair Richard Dooley, (Owner, 207 Lake) The minutes of August 16, 1988 were approved as submitted. The minutes of August 25, 1989 were approved as submitted. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE Mr. Richard Dooley, owner, 207 Lake and staff presented plans for complete interior rehabilitation of this single family residence. Review and Technical Assistance Committee member Hans Freidman and staff met with the owner regarding the proposed rehabilitation activities on August 24, 1988. Elements of the rehabilitation which are visible from the street are as follows; north facade _ remove first floor double hung window imr; ediately west of kitchen bay, introduce true divided light crossed -hatched transom over Kitchen windows, shift eastern -most pair of double hung windows on first floor approximately eight inches; east facade - enlarge northern -most first floor entrance from a single door to a pair of french doors, enlarge southern -most double hung window to accommodate a single french door with a true divided light crossed hatch transom. Discussion ensued. A motion to approve the plans as submitted was unanimously approved. NEW BUSINESS DESIGN REVIEW Chairman Horton reviewed the August 23, 1988 memo from Housing and Property Services Director Robert Rudd transmitting the Planning and Development Committee's request for Preservation Commission comment regarding the appropriateness of a Design Review Board and the scope or role each group would be interested in assuming if such design review board were developed. A subcommittee was formed to bring recommendations regarding this issue to thc• next EPC meeting. Subcommittee members are Barbara Buchbirider -Green, Mary McWilliams, David Galloway, and Phyllis Horton. The Chair asked Ms. Buchbinder-Green to convene a meeting of the subcommittee after October 1. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - September 22, 1989 Page Two OLD BUSINESS ALUMINUM SIDING POLICY REPORT This item was deferred to the next Preservation Commission meeting. PRESERVATION ORDINANCE REVISION REPORT Legislation Committee Chair James Yeaman reported: that staff had furnished committee members with an abundance of written background material; that he, Mrs. Horton, and Ms. Sommers Yant had met to outline general strateg; and that a meeting has been scheduled with representatives from the National Trust for Historic Preservation on this issue on Friday, October 7. He anticipates bringing the first of a three-part draft of the revised ordinance document to the Commission in October or November. IMPROVING THE PUD ORDINANCE At the Chair's request Mr. Galloway reviewed his memo for improving the PUD ordinance. Discussion ensued. Consensus was reached on the following items; Goal 4 - substitute "project" for "design" in the "Action" sentence reading, "Institute an improved review system which coordinates developer project schedule with municipal review process." Goal 4 - substitute "agreement" for "contract" in "Action" sentence, "Establish tiered review system based on the hierarchical review process of the existing ordinance and the phased work process (such as schematic design phase, design development phase, contract document phase, and construction phase) outlined in the AIA Standard Agreement between architect and owner. Goal 4 - add: "Documentation shall include, but not be limited to, that outlined in the AIA agreement." In this way all review bodies reserve the right to request additional information necessary for their review. Goal I - record the Pud with the Cook County Recorder or with the Register of title if Torrens applies. Discussion of appropriate fines and penalties ensued. Mr. Galloway will contact City of Evanston Director of Building and Zoning Reed Carlson to ascertain fines and penalties for analagous violations. He will bring these recommendations to the next EPC meeting. STATEWIDE PRESERVATION CONFERENCE UPDATE The Chair called the Commission's attention to the packet memo which outlined conference structure, committee responsibilities and committee work outline. Staff added that three receptions will beheld, including one in the One Rotary Center Penthouse and one at the National Register mansion at 2829 Sheridan Place. The conference gala will more than likely be a dinner/dance cruise on Lake Michigan and the Chicago River. Theme tours of the North Shore are tentatively scheduled for the closing day of the conference. A recruiting meeting for volunteers is scheduled for Tuesday, October 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes -September 22, 1988 Page Three CORRESPONDENCE EPC TRIENNIEL REVIEW: SUMMARY OF P&D COMMENTS Commissioners noted that, in general, comment was favorable. The Chair stated the need to make Commission projects/programs more visible to P&D and the Council, and to establish closer working relationships. AGENDA AND MINUTES, EVANSTON ZONING COMMISSION The Chair asked that comments be referred to Mrs. McWilliams, the EPC representative to the Zoning Commission. STAFF REPORT PERMITS The following permits received staff approval since the last Preservation Commission meeting: 404 Lake Street - reroof (no change in material) 200 Lee - kitchen remodeling (not visible from street) 1021 Forest - rear yard fence (not visible from street) 1745 Hinman - interior remodeling (not visible from street) 1232 Forest - rear yard fence (not visible from street) 1832 Asbury - reroof (no change in material) 1606 Wesley - reroof front porch (no change in material) 607 Lake Street - reroof (no change in material or not visible or replacement in kind 222 Burnham Place - reroof (no change in material) 1459 Asbury - reroof (restore original shingle roof) 1625 Ashland - reroof (restore original shingle roof) 555 Lincoln - chain link fence (not visible from street) Meeting was journed at 9:G0 p.m. STAFF: DATE: �. 25Y69/71 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF: PRESIDING: OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Ivieeting Monday, October 24, 1988 8:00 P.M. Fourth Floor Conference Room CIVIC CENTER William Coney, Anne Earle, David Galloway, Phyllis Horton, Anne McGuire, klary .McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin, James Yeaman Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Solomon Hirsh Gwen Sommers Yant Phyllis Horton, Chair Mike McCafferty (Carpenter 802 Madison) The minutes of September 22, 1988 were unanimously approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Staff read a note from former Commission Chairman Stephen Knutson, thanking the EPC for their gift of flowers upon the recent death of his father. The Commission reviewed correspondence from Bradford J. white. Roddewig and Associates, informing the Commission that it is legal to draft a revised preservation ordinance with binding review over a premier set of landmarks. Adequate criteria to distinguish the subset must be developed, however. Discussion ensued. The Commission resolved to follow through on the recommendations of Roddewig and associates. The October 3, 1988 memo from Ann Swallow, Survey and National Register Coordinator, informing the EPC that the Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council recommended that the Shakespeare Garden be listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was reviewed without comment. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVTEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE= COMMITTEE The Commission reviewed slides of the proposed installation of a pair of french doors to replace the southern most window on the east facade of 802 Madison Street. Mike McCafferty, project carpenter, presented a drawing illustrating the french doors, a proposes transom and a small deck onto which the french doors would lead. Review and Technical Assistance Committee Chair Ann McGuire explained that she, Mr. Galloway, and Staff met with Mr. IcCafferty on October 12th to review site conditions. Discussion ensued. A motion to approve the french doors and transom and to recommend that the deck rail respond in style and proportion to the existing front porch rail was unanimously approved. 9 Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - October 24, 1988 Page Two Chairman Horton then summarized conditions surrounding proposed placement of the front steps at 1400 Wesley. Mrs. Horton, Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Ellen Galland, and Staff met with the owners of this Luxumberger Cottage on October 19th. The front steps are in very bad repair and very steep. The owners are faced with three choices - 1) replace the steps in kind, 2) seek an easement to extend the steps 13 inches into the public way in order to decrease the height of the stair risers, or 3) seek a zoning variation to move the steps to the side yard in an effort to, again, decrease the steps' rise and move them away from directly in front of the front door. Discussion ensued. A motion to encourage the owner to retain the existing historic configuration of the front porch and to suggest that the porch spindles be attached to a bottom rail instead of the porch floor was unanimously approved. Staff reported that, per the master plan agreement between the Preservation Commission and Centrum Properties Inc., a new door has been approved for 1700 Sherman (former Marshall Field Department Store) for Church Street door location #8. Per the agreement, Review and Technical Assistance Committee members Mr.Knutson, Mr. Freidmartn and Staff met with Bill weed of Centrum properties on September 27th, at which time Mr. Weed explained how, because of the subdivision of the building's interior space, access to the door #8 tenant space was not available through any existing entrance. The Review Committee members and Staff Commended Centrum for their timely notice and continued courtesy. ALUMINUM SIDING POLICY COMMITTEE REPORT Aluminum Siding Policy Subcommittee members Anne Earle and Bing Coney reported the Committee's recommendation that the Commission continue its long standing opposition to aluminum siding on both technical and aesthetic grounds. The Chair asked staff to write up the Committee recommendation for final review and vote at the next EPC meeting. Mrs. McWilliams recommended that the official policy statement refer to all artificial siding. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. .,alloway reported that the Design Review Committee had met and recommended the institution of design review in the City of Evanston. He further elaborated the Committee view that the purpose of design review is not to restrict the imagination, innovation, or variety of design, but instead to foster harmonious, compatible design and an impproved environment. The Committee recommended citing 1) that the Preservation Commission is the oldest design review body of the City of Evanston and 2) the positive results of its twelve-year interaction with the community, including on -site technical assistance, preservation of landmarks' architectural character, and the fostering of strong property values. The Committee sees the role of the Preservation Commission in design review as one focused on review of alterations to landmarks and historic districts through a revised preservation ordinance. The Chair directed staff to draft a memo containing the above for final re..e,& anc a vote at the November EPC meeting. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE IMPROVEMENT REPORT Mr. Galloway reported he contacted City of Evanston Department of Building and Zoning Director Reed Carlson regarding appropriate fines/penalties for developer infractions. Mr. Galloway recommended that a minimum fine of $100 per day per violation be assessed on the developer until the traction is rectified and that thx project be shut rlown until the problem. is rectified. In cases where correction of an infraction involves major invest"e-t .n staff or volunteer professional time, the developer should pay for this time. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - October 24, 1988 Page Three Discussion ensued. The Chair directed staff to write up the suggestions for PUD ordinance improvement advanced by the 1 100 Forest PUD REview Committee and the Commission over the past 3 months. The Commission will conduct its final review/vote on this issue at the November EPC meeting. NEW BUSINESS APPOINTMENT OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Chair appointed Barbara Buchbinder-Green, Anne Earle, and Harry Wolin to the Nominating Committee and asked them to report at the December Preservation Commission fleeting, She also asked for suggestions for potential new Commission members to replace the three Commissioners whose final terms expire in December of this year. STAFF REPORT Staff reviewed the composite recommendations for 1989 Statewide Preservation Conference content advanced by the Preservation Commission, Preservation League of Evanston, and Design Evanston. These recommendations will be presented by the Conference Steering Committee to the Statewide Committee of the Landmarks Preservation Council on %ovember 4th. Staff reported she attended the National Trust for Historic Preservation conference in Cincinnati October 20 through October 23. She summarized conference infor.-nation regarding a) insurance for historic landmarks and b) updating historic preservation ordinances, particularly issues of owner economic hardship and municipal liability. The latter subjects are recorded on a tape of the conference session which will be played at next month's meeting. She also displayed produc' literature obtained at the conference's "Rehabitat" exposition ana two new publications she purchased, Xiasonrv: How to Care for Old and Historic Brick and Stone and Fabrics for Historic Buildings. The following permits received staff approval since the last EPC meeting: 2510 Lincoln - exterior lighting (no preservation impact) 913 Ilonroe - rear deck (not visible from street) 802 Madison - replace boiler (not visible from street) 555 Lincoln - chain link fence (not visible from street) 802 'Madison - reroof (no change in material) 2103 Ridge - air conditioning unit (no preservation impact) 225 Hamilton - reroof (no change in materials) I G22 Forest Place - electrical service (not visible form street) 809 Church (Marshall Field Store) - tenant improvement (no r'iange to exterior) Staff reported the following regarding the Statewide Preservation Conference scheduled for June 1989 in Evanston: the position of chairman has been filled for all ittees exr,.pt fundraising, the funds necessary to secure the boat for the final gala has be— --sec, and-,olunteers have been solicited through press releases run in the Evanston Revie s.. 3 volunteer meeting held October 4, and an article in the upcoming issue of Highlights. Staff reviewed two new preservation publications, Traditional BuLld.rz,, and Heritage Education Ouarterlv. The meeting }yas adjoyLQed at 9:20 p.m. STAFF; r u- DATE: 25Y73/75 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Special Meeting Wednesday, November 9, 1988 3:00 P.M. Room 3900 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Anne Earle, David Galloway, Anne McGuire, Mary McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, James Yeaman ,MEMBER ABSENT: Barbara Buchbinder- Green, William Cone}, Solomon Hirsh, Phyllis Horton, Harry Wolin STAFF: Gwent Sommers Yant PRESIDING: Mary McWilliams, Vice Chairman REVIEW OF PERMIT, 1 120 DOBSON The Commission reviewed the permit for 1120 Dobson involving removal of the existing cement tile roof and its replacement by asphalt shingles in a color as close as possible to the original tiles. Staff explained that the roof has developed a bad leak and that the owner called her several months ago inquiring how the leak could be repaired and the roof saved. Review and Technical Assistance Committee Chairman Anne McGuire worked % ith the owner, and two roofers expert in concrete tile roofs were consulted. Both roofers concluded that a large section of the roof was beyond repair and that a guarantee could not be given on the repair of the remaining roof. 11s. ,McGuire confirmed that cement tile roofs have finite useful lives. R&-T member Dave Galloway also met with the owner and explained that the option of replacing the roof in kind is not economically feasible for this elderly couple. Staff presented a sample of the proposed placement shingle provided by the roofing contractor. Discuss:�n ensued. A motion to approve the permit per the sample presented was unanimously approved -;;th the recommendation that any wood that needs tJ be replaced in conjunction with the reroofir.i :e replaced in kind. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. STAFF: DATE: �►�� �g0 25Y7b EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 22, 1988 Room 2404 - 8:00 P.M. CIVIC CENTER !�tE�1tiB1=R5 PRESENT: Anne Earle, Solomon Hirsh, Ann McGuire, McWilliams, Carolyn Ripley, Harry Wolin MEMBERS ASSENT: Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Galloway, Phyllis Horton, James Yeaman STAFF: Gwen Sommers Yani, Catherine Powers PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Mary McWilliams, Vice -Chair Mary David OTHERS PRESENT: Douglas Tweedie, Richard Dooley (207 Lake Street), Geraldine Malkinson (Southeast Evanston Association) MINUTES The Minutes of October 24, 19SS were unanimjusly approved with .ire correciion, that "Soloman" be corrected to "Solomon". The minutes of November 9, 1989 were unanimously approved with the same correction as the above. CORRESPONDENCE The .No�embe� '. ; tr. I I)SS letter to the Preservation Commissior -f the Southey-t Evasion Associatior regarcing appearance review was reviewed. In res ,;nse t,t questio-,, Mrs. Geraldine Malkinson, Zoning Committee Chairman, Southeast E,-an,t,_)n Associat.on. clarified various passages. The October 17 and October 31 minutes of the Evanston Zoning (xx -mission %, e'e reviewed without comment. The November a, 1988 memo from the Southeast Evanston regardir; a Lakefront Protection Ordinance was reviewed. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - November 22, 1988 Page Two COMMITTEE REPORT REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE The Commission reviewed the permit for proposed installation of a ventilation pipe for a prefabricated fireplace at 207 Lake Street. Staff explained that she and R&TA member Hans Friedman met with owner Richard Dooley on November 18th and found that because the proposed stack will be located behind the existing chimney, it will be barely visible. R&TA recommended approval of the permit. A motion to accept the recommendation of R&TA was unanimously approved. OLD BUSINESS DESIGN REVIEW COMMENT TO P&D, The packet memo to the City Council Planning and Development Committee (P&D), incorporating the Design Review Subcommittee recommendations, as well as prior Preservation Commission discussion on the subject of instituting design review, was reviewed briefly. A motion to approve the statement and send it on to P&D was unanimously approved. ARTIFICIAL SIDING POLICY The packet memo containing the proposed EPC Artificial Siding Policy statement, which reflects the recommendation of the Aluminum Siding Policy Subcommittee and discussion at the October, 1988 EPC meeting, was reviewed. Discussion ensued. A motion to approve the Artificial Siding Policy Statement was unanimously approved. FINAL PUD ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS The packet memo incorporating EPC final discussion and comment regarding suggested revisions to the PUD ordinate was reviewed. Commissioner Ripley suggested that under Goal 1, the third "Action" statement be modified to read "... questions regarding owner responsibility should be directed to appropriate representatives of the City of Evanston or an attorney prior to execution of the contract." The Commission agreed by assent. Under Goal 4, paragraph two. the termonology from the AIA Standard agreement needs to be corrected. tits. McGuire will furnish Staff with the correct termonology. Discussion of "Action" under Goal 6 (fine/penalties) ensued. %Ir. �Volin suggested that the recommended "Action" be reviewed b� the City's Corporation Counsel to determine if fines can be levied without a court order. Commissioners further registered their -• r,rern that the L it\ would be relu _ tart to enforce ordinance provisions, citing in partic !i ,r, lac; of fo:!, %k through on P_'rD's letter to .Mr. Chou notifying him that further of the PL D ordinance would result in recommendation that his license to practice as a general contractor in Evanston be revoked. The Commission resolved to hold this item over to the December EPC meeting when a revised memo incorporating the above sugge3nons will be distributed. PRESERVATfON OPD]NACE RFV1SION:TAPE FROM NATIONAL TRH-ST CONFERENCE Thiz, item was held over to the Pecember EPC meeting Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - November 22, 1988 Page Three NEW BUSINESS CALANDER OF MEETINGS The Commission reviewed the proposed 1989 EPC meeting schedule contained in the packet memo. A motion to accept this schedule was approved with three "ayes" and two "abstentions". CLG GRANT REPORT Staff briefly summarize activity she, :Mrs. ,McWilliams, and Mrs. Earle had undertaken since the summer toward completion of the Commission's 1988 CLG Grant committments. A full report of these actiities was deferred to the December EPC meeting. 1 144 ASBUR Y SUBDIVISION Staff reviewed the proposed plat of subdivision for the 1144 Asbury development, located in the Evanston Ridge National Register Historic District. The plat is the result of discussions between developer Raymond Chou and the City of Evanston Site Plan Review Committee. Such discussion also resulted in covenants, written by the developer, for the 1144 Asbury project. These covenants have been reviewed by Preservation Staff and EPC member attorneys Wolin and Hirsh. It is anticipated that the plat of subdivision will be considered by P3 D and City Council in early December. Staff summarized the intent of the covenants: to promote compatibility of the 1144 Asbury development with surrounding development by encouraging the continuation of the traditional front yard orientation along Asbury (i.e. the formal front of the house parallel to Asbury and set back behind an open front lawn). She summarizes covenant provisions pursuant thereto. Discussion ensued, in particular regarding the danger of I144 Asbury becoming a "St. Marks Court" (with the backs of new houses facing Asbury) if the new houses are design so that interior uses such as kitchens and Tamil% rn_oms, which normally communicate with rear vards, are located facing Asbury. if such "rear yard uses" are located along Asbury, it is likely that owners will desire such amenities as patios, barbecue grills, privacy fences, etc, all of these amenities being prohibited it front yards by the Zoning Ordinate and the proposed covenants. New owner/City co^flicis would then be likely to follow. Discussion ensued. Mr. )tolin pointed out that the proposed lots 3- of -ew structures conforms wish the -Zoning Ordinance, and so the ?rr he!ng of`.e't'C gratuitously h% the developer. No vehicle in the City Code regular —e location of .es inside a single family dwelling. Mr. Hirsh offered the suggesti,�" that the pote,)tial problem in question be avoided by mandating that the fence surr--,riding the property remain. Further discussion ensued as to the negative impact such a would have from an urban design standpoint. Mr. Wolin suggested that the covena-is include language which specifies where normal backyard amendies can be located. tin. '.'cGuire added that information regarding the covenants and project intent needs to c--e io owners from sources other than the developer. The City would be a objec..,.P your-e for this information. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - November 22, 1988 Page Four Mr. Hirsh offered a motion that the covenant provision to remove the existing fence be deleted. The motion died for lack of second. fir. Wolin suggested that the covenant definition of "accessory structure" include dog runs, driveways, and storage sheds. A motion to incorporate the above discussion and recommendations in a memo for P&D and Council, was unanimously approved, with the suggestion that the memo include a commondation for the intent and offering of the covenants. NEW BUSINESS HOLIDAY PARTY" The Commission resolved to hold its Holiday Party on December 30, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. 1419 LAKE STREET CONSERVATION GRANT Staff reviewed EPC previous approval of a Conservation Grant for 1419 Lake Street. The owner also qualifies for the City's Housing Rehab program and has applied to that program. Preservation Commission and Rehab Department staffs has been working together to prepare a coordinated work program and time schedule. The total amount necessary to rehabilitate the house, however, exceeds Rehab Department guidelines by "$20,000. Ms. Sommers Yant stated that this case is tentatively scheduled to go before the Rehab Board of Appeals in early December. Given the Evanston Landmark status of the house, she queried whether the Commission desired to send a statement to the Rehab Board of Appeals. Discussion ensued following review of the proposed project work plan. Commissioners commented that the structure is a rare intact survivor of a once relatively common vernacular building type in Evanston. Catherine Powers, Director, K? usinz, Rehab and Property Maintenance Department, then joined the meeting and summarize the City's Rehab Program as it pertains to this structure. She responded to Commissioners' questions regarding the program's loan policy and the project scope of .cork. Ms. McGuire observed that much deteriorated wood remained on the exterior, the re nedy of which was not included in the proposed project wort: plan. A motion to send a letter of support to the Rehab Board of Appeals on behalf of this project was unanimousk acoro�ed with the addendum that the replacement -in -bind of deteriorated wood would be STAFF RE -PORT BURGUL AR Y PR EVENTION OR DINANCE Staff reported that the BurgularY Prevention Ordinance was reviewer at PAD Iasi night and that she commented on two minor preservation -related matters. The ordinance appears to have no adverse preservation impact. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - November 22, 1988 Page Five STATEWIDE PRESERVATION CONFERANCE UPDATE. Staff reported that: a) the final selection of conference topics was made at the November 4, 1988 LPCI Statewide Committee meeting attended by the Evanston Steering Committee; b) she and LPCI Assistant Director, SeanMurphy have met with the Northwestern University (NU) conference coordinator and visited the actual conference facilities at the Norris Center; c) 80 dorm spaces have been secured at Kendall College; d) National College of Education will know the number of available dorm rooms in mid -December; e) after cursory investigation, it appears that conference accomodations at NU fraternities or sororities is unfeasible; and f) the Junior League of Evanston and the Evanston Historical Society Board have agreed to co-sponsor the opening reception at Dawes House. M1 T-44; 1a W&Wmil k, Per the packet memo, this year's Illinois Income Tax form will contain a provision for taxpayers to contribute a portion of their tax refund to the Illinois Heritage Preservation Fund. The Fund aids statewide preservation efforts including educational programs, grant projects, special events, library materials, and other SHPO programs. Staff reviewed three new Preservation Briefs: "The Use of Substitute .materials on Historic Building Exteriors", "Architectural Character: Identifying the Visual Aspects of Historic Buildings as an Aid to Preserving Their Character", and "Rehabilitating Interiors in Historic Buildings." Staff announced that she had received two out-of-town requests for Project 55 materials, one from Iowa City, IA and the other from Springfield, Illinois. The following permits received staff approval since the last EPC meeting: 2341 Pioneer Road - new garage (replacement in kind) 2103 Ridge Avenue - air conditioner unit (not visible from st-eet) 1012 Lake Shore Blvd - reroof (no change in material) 1400 Wesley - replace stairs (in kind replacement) 901 Forest - bathroom remodeling (visible changes involve re:::acerne7t in kinc'= The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Staff: Date: c r_ e�_ l�f �`�q ✓ r � 25Y4-8 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF: PRESIDING OFFICIAL: OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, December 20, 1988 8:00 P.M. Roam 2403 CIVIC CENTER Barbara Buchbinder-Green, William Coney, Anne Earle, Soloman Hirsh, Phyllis H.;rton, Mary k1cWilliams, Harry W4'olin, James Yeaman David Galloway, Anne McGuire, Carolyn Ripley Gwen Sommers Yant Phyllis Horton, Chair Richard Stillerman, Frances Sebastian, Peter Meyer (2400 Park Place) The minutes of November 22, 1988 were unanimously approved with the following corrections: that on page 3, under "1 144 Asbury Subdivision" it be clarified that the covenants were written by the developer; correct the spelling of :Mrs. Earle's name :,n page I, Mr. 11 ,lin's name on page I and Mr. Hirsh's name on page 3, and that general typographical errors be corrected. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE Review and Technical A„istance Committee rnernber Barbara Bucti7,rC.er-Green reviewed proposed alterations to 2400 Park Place: first floor - remove two s.,uthernmost windows on east facade and ,:lose openings with siding to match existing; second fl.,,r - repace dormer windows with clad casements with snap -in montins, add skylights on either side of central dormer on main facade. Discussion ensued regarding the second floor changes. CommissiJrners encouraged the owners and arrhitect to explore means of increasing light into the aec.,nd fIVJr in a way more sensitive to the character of the primary facade than installing and also tJ consider Pj,i g true divided w.,Jr! windows. Given the comple,,�;•. .` .`..' "ase, .he suc?denness with which it has ,arisen, and the need t., s,udy the rnatter more f_... a rn:,tion to -.3:' , apecral commission rnceting after the Review and Technical Assistance C. :"e° ,,i had tirre to study the matter, was unanimously approved. Staff will contact owner R:c^ard 5t:11errnan %; schedule a meeting at the earliest possible date. Staff reported that she. %ir. Galloway, and %ir. Yas met will) %ir. George Cyrus and hi., tearn A architects designing a pr,:,pjsed townhouse project for the southwest c,,rner Jf Church Street and Ridge Avenue. The site is located in the Evanston Ridge Nati,,nal Register Historic District. \Mr. Cyrus and his architects will present the project at (lie regular Januar•. C,T-rssion meeting. r Evanston Preservati:,n Commission Minutes - December 20, 1989 Page Two NOMINATING COMIMITTEE REPORT Nominating Committee member Anne O. Earle reported the Committee's recommendation of Phyllis Horton as Chairman and James Yeaman as Vice -chair for 1989. A motion to accept the nominating committee's recommendation was unanimously approved with two abstentions. Bing Caney announced his resignation due to his moving to Chicago. CORRESPONDENCE The December 5, 1988 =aning Commission minutes were reviewed. Discussion of the many preservation related items in these minute was deferred until a subcommittee has a change to study them and prepare a response. In response to the Chair's recuest f,,r volunteers, Mrs. McWilliams, 'Jr. Yeaman, and \Irs. Horton will serve on the subcommittee and come back with recommendations for the January EPC meeting. OLD BUSINESS FINAL PUD ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATIONS The packet memo containing the final EPC recommendations for revision of the Planned Unit Development Ordinance was unanimously approved as written. 1144 ASBURY CEVELOP,MENT STATEMENT The packet memo incorporating EPC final discussion and comment regarding suggested revisions to the PUD ordinance was reviewed. A motion to approve the statement as written was unanimui-isly approved. CLG GRANT REPORT Mrs. Earle. Mrs. and 5,aff de€ivered their Final rep,,.,, ,f x. - underta'Mc-n ,,, comple,e the Commission's CLG gran; resp,,nsibilities. Mrs. .McWiiliarn.i surr^rarized the various survey methodologies and criteria used. Specifically, she explained tha- all ;:-, 'ores in the CD Target Area were surveyed f ,r age, significance, and level of integrit,., while "ie Lakeshore and Ridge National Pegister Historic Districts were surveyed to update thy• -it1,s ,f contributing and noncontributing structures, Mrs. I=arle then summarized preliminary h,=indarie; and justification for a northwest Fvans'on 'tlst.,rlc district. \Is. 5.,mrners Ydnt re,7,rt of preliminary houndarle-i and lil;tlfica:lun for a pr,,posee! northeast Eva i� In response t,, the Chair's quer}, 5taff clarified that the findings ,f ,`,: i kra pr,;e. t d,, n,,r ob)igate the preservation Commission ,,, automatically adopt b,undaries ,r justifications, or to automaticafry nominate either dist6.o the Na'.,ral Register of Historic Places. The purpose of the grant was to increase the of ticiv -c. a„r; accuracy of the Commission's Section 106 review and to c:,mplete the 1981 Preservrj,:,- Plan's g.,al ,f exploring potential historic districts in n.,rthea;t and northwest Evanston. P1?E5FPVATI0\ 0PPl\r1\C E REVISION - Tape from \ati,,nal Trilst C ^;Nrc�rN Thr, item •aas jer,'rrer{ until '.�e January EPIC notr ln�. Evanston Preservation Commission Meeting - December 20, 1988 Page Three STAFF REPORT STATEWIDE PRESERVATION CONFERENCE REPORT Staff reported that: representatives of Citicorp Savings, a major contribut;,r to this year's statewide preservation conference, met with representatives of the Evanston Steering and Printing Committees to begin discussion of a Citicorp -sponsored exhibit of Evanston history and architecture to be located in the Evanston Citicorp branch during the statewide preservation conference. She also reported that the Steering Committee has set rates for fundraising advertisements and that accommodations have been reserved at Garrett Theological Seminary, Seabury ,Cestern The.,logical Seminary, and the Orringt:,n Hotel. 1114 CHURCH STREET - FAMILY SERVICES COI,'NSELING SERVICES PROTECT Family Counseling Services had requested Preservation Commission assistance in ch,,sing a color scheme for a combination ;of paint and aluminum siding for the Family Counseling Services building. Staff explained this building is not a landmark but she feels it is one which was probably overlooked during the survey process. Because of the building's level of design, high degree of integrity, and fragile location, Staff and .Mrs. Earle consulted with FCS in ch,,;ing an historically appropriate color scheme. Mrs. Earle clarified that, unfortunately, the aluminum siding which most closely matched the :original clapboard width is of the fake grain varin'}. Staff added that the Commission's aluminum policy ha, been requested by Naperville in order to help them formulate a policy for their historic districts. PERMITS The full owing permits received staff approval since the last EPC mee'ing: 1570 Ashland - install windows (not visible from the street) ?14 Lake S'rpet - rero:,f, asphal' fn:, change in material) 2700 Euclid Park Place - rer,;of wood shingles (replacement in kind) The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. ST A F F :1.L.-- 25Y 1 311 5