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Environmental Control Board
January 18, 1990
Members Present: Gallup, Griffin, Hoyer, Hriljaa, Klosterman, Miller
Members Absent: Frank, Ryan, Zelewsky
Staff Present: Dennis Ceplecha, Municipal Arborist
Nancy Burhop, Curbside Recycling Coordinator
Mdni� �Q: The minutes of the December 1.4, 1989 meeting were corrected to reflect on page 3 in
the fifth paragraph that Ms. Cristin should have been Pis. Gallup. The minutes were approved
as corrected.
f jrhSide n_ling P2roar m - Nancy Burhop, Coordinator of the Curbside Recycling Program, was
present to discuss with the Board the success of the Curbside program. Volumes of paper,
cans and glass were provided along with the earlier projected amounts. Materials collected
are in all cases almost twice as mach as the initial projections. A memorandum providing
additional figures on costs and a narrative will be provided to Staff so each member can have
a copy for their closer review.
Discussion continued with Mrs. Burhop regarding the new Illinois law pertaining to landscape
wastes that goes into effect on July 1, 1990. Specific items of discussion were the
implications and ramifications of the program, how the collection of these materials might be
handled, possible schemes for routes for picking up these materials, why only the degradable
paper bags would be considered, how leaf composting differs from grass composting, problems
associated with each type of composting, where and how grass clippings would be taken, the
need for education and its extreme importance and the timing of the program.
Mrs. Burhop described a concept of a possible refuse disposal program in Evanstnn that would:
1. make 7,,--ople pay for the garbage they dispose of by requiring specific type bags to be
used, 2. fixrnish free recycling bins, and 3. pickup of yard when placed in special
bags purchased for such material. A proposed fee increase from $1.00 to $1.10 per month for
the existing curbside program is currently being proposed. The expansion of the existing
program is expected this sunnier and would include condominiums. There are known firms
interested in becoming involved in the condominium program. At this time the request for
proposal (RFP) is completed and is tied in with the City's refuse collection program for
condominiu.Tz .
Additional questions and answers followed pertaining to the roles of the schools in education
regarding these programs, marketing of materials and problems with our current contractor who
is doing the processing/marketing. Concern was expressed about how Spanish-speaking lawn
care companies were being informed about the new regulations and how multi -family units will
deal with their grass clippings/yard wastes.
Earth v - Mrs. Burhop commented on various groups such as Keep Evanston Beautiful, 'Evanston
Environmental Association and Northeastern Illinois Planning Corrmission and their plans for
activities on or around Earth Day (April 21, 1990). The Board took no action on this item
but appreciated the information provided by Mrs. Burhop.
FnyirnnMWta1 f3,�in�j - Mr. Hoyer advised the Board that it was the Environmental Ordinance
Committee's hope that this proposed ordinance as presented by Barton Aschman would be
completed by May 30, 1990. The next meeting is scheduled for January 23, 1990 to work
further on section four of this ordinance. It is antic1pated that a lot of work is needed on
this section before it is ready :for acceptance.
Northwenj&—rn J ni,,rPrai tv Lagccn - Mr. Hoyer advised the Board that he still hasn't received a
written statement frcm Northwestern University or their consultant, Alvord, Burdick and
Howson regarding the Committee's concerns about Lake Michigan water and Clark Street beach
despite his continuing dialogue with Mr. Richardson of Alvord, Burdick, and Howson. Mr.
Richardson recently indicated that his company wanted to tall: to the City K ui+�?er or other
City Staff regarding this problem. The Board expressed concern that many or all of the
Board's concerns would not be a part of such discussions. The Board asked Staff to write a
memorandum to the City Manager expressing concern and the Fact that the Board or members of
the Committee be a part of any discussions.
Noise Ordinance - No report. Staff was asked to get a status report on this item and a
tentative timetable.
F1=trc gn,-ti_c Fields - Mr. Miller called the Board's attention to a recent article in
nig�ver Maganine on this subject. Although the article didn't have any absolute findings it
did cover the subject well. It was agreed that a copy of the article should be sent to Mr.
Joel Erkenswick who first brought this matter to the Board. The Board agreed to continue to
watch this area for results on studies being conducted in this area.
Road Salt ll-e - Ms. Gallup presented to the Board material she had gathered from the
Northwestern University Transportation Library.. A review of the various materials used to
control ice were discussed and their good and bad points identified. She agreed to continue
to look into this matter and find out more about calcium chloride use in the City. Questions
were raised as to when it is used in the City and under what weather and temperature
The next meeting of the Environmental Control Board is Februarz 15, 1990.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Staff Representative L
Dennis W. Cep ha
16 ,
,Y , . t
Environmental Control Board
February 15, 1990
Members Present: Frank, Gallup, Hoyer, Hril,iac, Ryan, ZelpW&
Members Absent: Griffin, Klosterman, Miller
Staff Prjsent: Dennis Coplecha, Municipal Arborist
Others Pre5erst: Leslie Joseph, WWI School of Ja.0 nalism
M•szy Mulvaney, L._-aa_.ze of Worr,-n Voters
Minutes: A correction was made in the January 18, 1990 minutes in the section on
electromagnetic fields to show that Mr. Griffin was the person who brought in the magasine.
article, rrr_ntion--d. We to a lack of an available copy of the article it was agreed that
st&ff would mail the refere c_ to Mr. Erhenswich. Mr. Hoyer rrx:)ved approval of the rainu to s 9s
corrected. Motion pass?d.
zavli=tL'`Mr. ly_-ad the cover rrn-nrr�l'idixn of sorry-_ r at-eri_el receive--d
earlier in the day from Par on-Asc}moan Associates (B.A. ) regarding their continuing work on
the ntw eavioi.Yjrf-,ntal ordinance. ChairrzTi HrilJac disv.rssed ae letter to be sent to F-Irtors
AscYan n which was authored by Brice Ziurr)--na n, Assistant City Manager, stating concerns and
short -comings of the work they are doing on this ordinance. The Cclrmritte-:- is scheduling a
meeting with a vxiker of involved Department Heads truard the end of the u nth to farther
discuss the material presented.
Mr. Hoyer disaisserd the problem of not, getting action or of
getting answers. There 1s an apparent need for defining son, of the terms vich as what is an
emergency, what r onstitutes an "algae bloom". Mr. Hoyer and Dr. Frank sua,stxd a meting
With Porthwestern University's consultant, Alvord, Dirdick and Howsen, marl the City Mannaer
to review the areas of concern expresses! in UP earlier r-•rrorandhim by Staff to th,� City ==
Mannyor reForiling thi: issue. A rr:-=;ti"nr in latter Ma.zrh will tr,, t�� Yw' arnanged.
Air -Duality: The Board asked staff for an update on the status of Hecl,"'s Barbecue with
regard to the earlier srrrikF problem. Staff will loot, into this and provide a written report.
Won: Ur. Frank indicated the ur,t.rZrd pit tr.aethOr a p'tcl:sae of r =VANS frOM the
earlier testing and a� recr,rrrrr-_nd4t.if-n as V,) hr.a inforT,."ttion sh,::uld kx�- aTtd t<a whom
this anti--rial �fhould go.
Staff RIPQN : M.r . Cl plecha presented a: on the voluve of payer ollecten at the
Unitarian Cttt"L—_h and indicated F letter had teen sent to the rhtirwh tharlin Otm for the use
of the lot.
A rnuvrandwn on the ten year volurrtcs (1950-1989) for glass and parr recycling in Evanstrn
th c gh the dropoff program was provided to the Boned.
i :�~!i M W PF. C'rCLEO PelPER = " _
A rerr,z-, orc the Illinois Frivirt)nmental Protection Agenr.y (IEPA) Household HazF-LrdfJtL-s Waste:
C',olle-ctian program was given. Although Evanston wasn't selected as a site• for such a program
this spring, the IEPA will consider Evanston's application in future sites selections. A
rf�uIrdtt r of the of Worrr•n Vot,Frs hyW adViwf•d. staff of their desire to were: with the
Rard on this pmgr rn. .
An of�or r.',.rrrplaint, ,, noise complaint, and a cartrxn rrrxoxide prrjblern at a local factory were
descrit�-1 for the Dxavl,s edification.
A rrpc,-t wi,Z Pr*vod-.d describina the vflrures of plfistic; that have been r_ollFcte-d and
recycled since tf,:! progr crn t-e-gan in Vovemhxer, 1988. A statFas report on the plastic
granulator and the three phase wiring was provided as well as the changing picture• on plastic
raarlete and the e—.pariding list of pla tics that axe- being? accepted. 'An article for the
"Highlights" iz schc-Juled for the March -April issFaF to hdvise people of the fact that
two-lit/•-r EeAa bottles can now bw recycled at the Recycling Center.
A rwe-quest, was made ray staff for and ,one. knowing of piles of to --,,re than 50 old tires to call or
writes to the iM.rd. IT.,e IEPA has a free pmLram tr+ rid corrm.mities of such an acr_urralation
of tiro--. This rrsaterial caru� frr rn the• Ev.�rstr.,n Health Ue�rtue;nt and the program is aimed at
cr,ntrollinR the tigF r rrr)squito,
The next rrrs�-ting of t}t e EnvimrurYntal Conttryl7 Por_a-rl is M :,rch 15, 1990.
The En-irofury-untal Control &vard adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Et-aff Pepresentative . _ _--
Pennis W. Cepl
Environmental . Control Board
March 15, 1990
Mernbers Present: Frank, Griffin, Hoye_, Hriljac, Klosterman, Miller, FTYan
Members Absent: Gallup, Zelews1w
Others Present: Mary Mulvaney, League of Women Voters
Staff Frozent: F+Onnis CYplccFfx, t urticipal Asborist
Linda Lutc, EcOogy Center Coordinator
hxilJac, i•`1i27rYYn
ttrti�: A typ?cr-aphi.cal error on page two, third paragraph, fourth Ford resulted in the
word "provided" being Mr. Koyer m--)ved that the minutes be approved as
correate-d . Seconded by Dr. Frard, , Eotion passed,
L;,jixp Orlin "nna: 71, Board was advised that the Feral Departrri=nt had made their
changes/corrections to the proposed noise ordinance. This ordinance will to tyrod into the
draft form, submitted to all Board members for their carruents, and put cn the agenda for the
April meeting for approval. It ;aas envisioned that the ordinance would then be referred to
the Administration and Public Work.:, Committee for their consideration and/or action.
Fn'ri—nowntal Mr. Hoyrr c_mmented on the latest meeting tY _ 0--.T.-nittee had with
City staff Mr. Wolinzlhi, Vx. hubin. and Fire Chief Brooks regarding rarticns of th!:�
_Ut F:'t�' ri)J:;alr-,::, chongez that are nrAe! in this arli.nince. A
llar•rh 20, 1920 meeting with Barton -Ashman is scheAuled ;::.nl the his rienifically
azked that the concultants' envirousentxl attorney be present at that r:reti_ ?. 1- r. Zirr:.rr mz%n
will be providing the Human Services with a status report on this ordinance and the
wort: of Barton-A.scr•+:_.x in April.
:'t_, �1•�cz•}uti7r TIn�,�rr +t.J �:'-r�f,j1: Disnizzion centerei on the contin :inn %rvi for a t_e-Und
with City Manar-^r Jowl Aspr nOh and Er. t+illi_r, Pich-ardz-n of Elver:, ?Ariich. and Howson,
Northwestern University's consul c s projent. lie E• ��continues t: Eeek _: zwers to
k-;:rat � this �. �'�.
y«•_stions raised earlier drfiniticn of and specific areas of concern rvEardirg
Cl ax : Street Beach.
LMr. Ceplecha advised the Y`rd that he hod a videoeo t"Pn of A. s
program Nightline with Ted Koppel, dealing with fields.
p.� : Dr. Frank reviewed her work on this subject and gathered a nisker of iteuz of missing
information from Ford members. A, report will be presented to the Bs rd at a Ditttre rn_eting.
P. mlan� frr,,;" j: 11r. Klosta<r.nan p�reeented the Board with a copy of (Clty of Chicago)
Alderman aarke*s proposed recycling ordinance. !Ir. Klosterman felt the Board should review
this item because if the City of Cl icagr) approved this ordin•_,ncG a3 prop nerd it would have a
z r ious i. pa Lct on the Cit, of Evanuon' s r enyclinp program. An article from A?'linlic 0 n
magazine was discussed that pertained to garbage, landfills, and the disposition of
landfilled Ir> t rixl.. Mir. {�r_r1P^}:r4 Cc..:rr_::rr! Crt the c'cntinuing in V i� r -��•,
ol. ►tr:.� �f
glass and plastic with each q)a ter yr. .r.
lit•. K1 ;s.r*�::_�:.tF.? _ yawd :: ,rt•. r=� =rt l3i'e,�tr=r c=i �.i,lio �! rY� vied _ Da
Baxter had sent to the City C:+.',ncil . T.._ yard waste report followed very clot ly the Board's
original sragrgestions. lie. Griffin supparn d these r•ctr:rents but reco:myn -ndtd a zt_-terrrJnt to be
u:ed on p:ablicity/liter:;ta.:re/e uc<<,tional n terial that encouraged rezidenttr to either leave
their yard rites on the lawns (rn.Ylr:>ir:a j or to 3:e,p such itr_ms r.=n their prop- rty
(corrposting) rather th�4.n pl`,c'c such coat frr the Cit_r to pick-up. The FoatYd supported
this idea. Discussion followed eg rain: once a wee? garbage c oc f ' r�
2 _ 't : r:cam E-- . g = �11 ti �, t , collection s of
garbngs during ti weeh with one leEal hajidvy its it, Nltertating years of gtitr��.r pick-up on
the first or second piC%-tap Casing_ the e::, picking up all garbage on the first pick-up in
F.ar`h yew., in all area; how is Active Zer-itsgain; Q handle cniTfririU-•, gT�rl'ge-- picl:-up, if
the Kraft paper bags cvald be made with recycled paper, what hap: _ns to brash matHrial, what
material Lana and Laken will and will n n take, if the Ecology Center rlight sell the begs for
the composting promm, and how ruche ntz might react to selling b.--ors in the it stores.
14r. Foyer roved to accept the report hot .:ith tin pr:,vi ;icn to inquire about Motion � a.,...the possibility
of collecting the garbage the firct d-y of the week. Mr. Miller seconded. I.o t szed.
Mr. Kloster; an agreed to pit together _ s atemen t on heh•alf of the Board to be presented at
the special m=etinj of the AcLminiztra ti n and Aablic Works Committee on April 2, 1990. All
Board members were enr_r_tirag<_-d to attend that meeting.
The next meting of the Environmental Control Board will be April 19, 1990.
tlr. Ktilottr_nn n caved that the rnetinp be Ojou_rned. R. Hoyer seconded. Motion passed. The
Envirr,rtrrr-_rttal Untrol Board adjourned at o: 45 p.m..
Staff Pepresentative '0��
lannis W41-P
lf _ha
''DrAft - Not Approved"
Environrrr-_-ntsl Cn-ritxY,l Bow•a
April 19, 1990
:rank, Gallup, Griffin, Hover, Hxiljac; Klosterman, Ryan, Zelews1w
Y ant: Miller
Pre-z-nt Poland al=cn, Uorthwestern Riverzity
Dr. Michael Lynn, Northwestern University
William Fic and on, A1vord, Wrii& ani Howson
Vaiy Mul•r ney, Leaga•_ of Vr)t,�!r•s
:_ ff : r e _ _nt Ennnis Cep i i_ -.._.,
'R, 1 e moved Kit the;:._nat 'f _..= I.'_.xrh 15, 1990 Tr.-��t?riEr b- arvxrle-d as
CT..,. +t-1.."�'�.f:� C.ho1-I"fon Hril,i,'._ Z:;t?'G'dL: ed Mr. Fa1a. d Olson of Vorthpostern
University CM J f u _ made Man _ intr'_ l a l-Z :.._ .=:1tU ='n- In f 1177,1 ;.: t': ,ti 1 c__nd thn, T robl*_T.^.Ss the
UniverEim7 hoc had with the use of tin 1 E an and their air_' conditioning ystem. R-
insrolannO Fr. Willie_.. Rich_.. isan of the c=.:sw tir,_. firm of Alv:rd, W:.`.Ww o
7-rom_n __u a rAz ar'• and of t::-;:]1.:fiJ?'�i...� a rl A
asi:% has
oon the moisr problem.
of tin noel ?: W!& sa-M Was providod. or. hi h :ryazn a ddv ed
�•,=_r - rm, c'.:'I0rin I:�tt: _.... KE- it won his Lalief t:.yt t ._ $3,000,000
_r-' :=_ __i reLnln int;i _ - �-.*• n,i_'-lip^ .
2.` . . • -- C :,.'ent'! Cri h! _ Y= vic i nvo v=. "at with this h'^: .-•� ;. �::'3 C",It his
C `.. _.-.._ wink 1. ' - _. _., frny, tin l- _ -.:. _ it `_.='":',er tanporatury dlffer nce!=
i_r. _ - :1 rn: , ...K, tti':::t. in I':"T,•-Fr,ds t1 ewl,form tot riacrin n would Le adi7^_'`..l t4 t&
Anzor -_._ wKr vniny_ Ilri Le done. A [.^. or 00rovo: `_nt wath:: of-Yor-itir:�n tr.,
Ono n r. water. 1' - = f_' yI%jnvj t.hot. the dradat . pDils were inert nnt•_r 1 in that wa r
-."'._ `-''ec.! out I . h cc tin bottom o the lagoon. The Ir:12'r;rl_tl t=_'i:_:i ��:T(I th" lake for
y: is • i•:'-l1 ..'_ icu o th ; rain W:_•.tor line was place! Loch KbD the tre ncl, aftt-r t-t: _ WT_it,�-r lin,} was
in;--!:V. !1 full d_2a?'1 .7r:1 t3l Von r_f(.•=r lt.+l l:".zi pr°:;."iJ'::f1 i:'.l It W,:ir;
:.. th%L if ;..._... 6::..., Ear• -11 i,..__ in ton or t.' nt; y ---r4 tt '.i. t;l ._: G tI]`? 1'.' .I lc,t.
fl•,r n
. r
Pr Fra,-1: corar►--ntied th,-at she felt better aix'ut the project after bearing soap new things
Vnight. Ear concern was corz='ic_atiars in th.,:-. futl.Lre and how they would h_ndled in ttii,:-
f,.tL lr� .in tk._ event of a prof]*"-rn. It c: tivi- B-ia d ;ld rl�::n that h,-2 kr.,..z? d
the Gil'_ �t contact from. NU n Mr. Cr �l_ h "':7 ; d t to Staff ,stir -t _. `.F
and .. •. _ r ., t�1•_i t+t_ F _ _ � = i S .:t C•i'rr= to the _ � o._._
al_ L,;.:,i ll, i Sthe din b City contact ' :'rE � i 1 rr, .�y. ne follow '}' i c• i +._ i
_ � ��rT _. T_ ... L'_L'. C�_� _ 1: _ _ � t�: �.J_� L'T_J f�[1 a_� _ . -:i: T-:
writing.An and -of -the vnetinq it, '=t s n d `r•st rtsylia sla"Id to conni4orti
a .�•. L~1 .'3' �'.1.:: �J11 fa.lil:f: '1.1. i t:.e it_..._ diirns4wd, Zt1 `:pia., agreed to, andr.:..- '-.i .. '1 to t.F: _'
�.-'-�••.no �_'.'s _'/ti;O f:i �1 in r.._,,,,..:SL :.; t..(�i�l�. 1h, Lnza—ta t:l'; lli:..'1 �:r 7tI1 Mr. hinhorOnN and W. ONf:!n
for their attendance.
{T1r:_.__... s t-01 _ QvjOd 7 - - Fr. 'N 7�* _ 1l_ y�.L_,',;1
r_ _ _ :::1':. _ ..:) . These cc n _ =•r. , c "t,_ re! . - - an tin . " • . l Onforcoman, o nwite COMPIWInts,t ,,u
t-'f7on a yo_ n coal o linhotod, L•'- _t'.__•. :0 to f : _ 1` 5�;'.0.._ �-"' or .. _- 1•'�__, and the l•`_ci-
o 1E ..:i��U" 1 -%lic e 1''_ ;"Y.,;r�ti n W r's_'r _ in filed led w 1 th hTTF
1: t' -frovo [.oL•'_ note! in UR noise (:.•(.11:L='.3:c:_ as ''1i--_ _mot- di � w tfj
carr_ t l. A d scu,-a on followed cn the PlunninT and ra,. _lrr::r'::t; o.,. iN-N canwiG•sr tion
of pozzibly 'tllf v71::/_-', Constr ='ticn work cn Qturdny znd K•• this couldaffect this ordinance.
it wnu . i?., 1 rut th-tt the Paf7 o of tho [ r E1:-:._. _ T":ow! to Le nvmlerel.
ti. 1-iL• {' �,. �y. r..-Sr.-.r * _ +. r,•;.-.. .r'ilr;_ ,1 �� 7 - 1.. ;r
_ Ii. ':1. .=s'. , _. i. :'L'r.,_ ��_ 1•- p?',. J2 `t 2: is,It,
mwo s .'r,r_, with ?'3 YI. ", On Ci•_ ._bl lowelc were Otarmined, r:'.".': t:t:
�:_,,.-nnt. • T1. S•.: - `}' _ -�. L'. . N ._ -`.i:.'. W �_+"1 7..!.« i!i .'y`,U_.r. A ;• F 4 -
Dr, a motion to pots the proposed 2':''.. _ +1;.'din5 t ': az suanOod t%.:ii171l on tQ f.W
Y_..._:L_tr n DIN! _ t __. _ r`_;L`,,.1-T- 1:_ HY)-;er .==.cl:!'__l, a DO= _ ___sA. Mrs, Rya -VI
f r nrt on Ayr:] ] 2G , f - tho �:_� .iro t• _ i _ , .�_. _ y , its -
. � ...'!�' -1 1 :�t� �t'� i.l ... I:fF�:i ; �l {I-'C��Ti�v. � = tt. /;.: l-
._ _ t,i. _ ......, a rl`i vFr..a:. He r,-v _ I- _ rf'(_ C'n
DO - - 7 % y•_.r., Wor tln: ,_rl ir. •1l. pi-nned.
r,: - _ tl ,. 1 t s r::'t::, r -- - _. - if,
am._ t:.. _ . IND j- - r _Y- -._ :1 -n f .._'- Id ?'-- T.,__ on s.r�= - Gl-:Y:: _ {.:.if. t, of -
fin is . < ..... .. = '3 ,..0 --i_i of 0 tin r,• . .. rI _ - _ t..l Y
-'--'- W Dwr rood a janinowd 1•_ _ _ r to t'r._. £'_ '.r ? =`._ 1'..- -=..y r Post I'_.._tar
d' ti: t.:,. pr orer 1 -r f•',' 1 i.r YI t - 't' „(} A .. 1. �1 r:•_ _.t S� _ _.. +-� .. -''1 --'L' � Irls �" � _t'.�•_L' �'.'__ __.. .. �._+' ._ :St' •-- of
17J , - ., I f:-_.. '.. fs. ,r;d 1C1`f,.:L13: :?! ]<K tt.le''i.`, tti: :1?''. not. Icing yr -_ly dispDowd of _nj
t.. . . I Ks• . t-1:= w:nvir >ll,..NO.. 1..= Board _ 3 1,-hit'. ..:I,1rl a nLI,--r - .'rWi•-`W+_ l•_s
Mrs. Ryan infollu--d tllnt the Goveraor candidates are forming anvirorurr-rttal tvsitio= as a part
of their carnraiErs. One C,-tndidat_- has suozested F.jiirinaticn of ri nr_Lrr;oer of State Agencies
£IsiC� ti: ��Jr, ry_:ti<_ n f__CIrr;r^ r%.Yi[,•S �, F' f, + i71 TJ� have •r cS 'Lt i c• .
tt _ i rl C T n l•_.s'� �� .l n it T1IIen �._t.. gr _ .1 hav If,_t �' „ •Ig_ tion
W t et f':l:f idates, W. Tr rrr •r i ., As [' i :'1' a. ` ,r+Y'� ,-. r' i x-. j
r- �ssi in_ii e1 i� r_�:z:i t:'. r��-1� sI .it'!t �e..�x• t•a s.ilc� 1. .� ii.uef}�
concept and if the ��rJsLYC;�would be intore. ..mod in E::pvwusing this to these candidates. T. -L-
cai:z n`'U' woo thnt this :1ould to 1isa&! and that this Would 1d1 +: } Z'.`!'r'-;. 11L'.`_;. PJr:I will r1raw
Cr Jlech_; Y•'_p':}rnA that darinE l•Tler'.& 19519 1% of 1.7 2 had
teen g{. .:3 a nium ofTheL'_.'y:?ir, - .'Jr. This wv; n 17;i'.i5nall:' �'--._- ..: Ti}_{s+ =-.}:L tl:_ 20th
rjf Earth Da C:'.3�Jlicity i:_t a�✓_'•:1 P W. of lii?'s: L'i �:�t, ir3^Y•.'.Y..r.l
report &N the c'...tku.'•l ji ::1y:�; �_•r�Y'�-_"' '..�-�rif' f'i.' i'r?_- ��!'`i iiY'.1 t�r^��t':.:� l'_`+`ei:'ed 5•t t1:_.
drop-off c"wer son Presented. A Mist corginint rnairding 1002 Davin Street wis al=,
The t: L j:._ stung of the ._n ir:nnanit l ('._..�_ �'��r-3 �7 990
it .:,v i I,sr r>`:ltyl f'r'rtr o]. Ecard I_r_:: _! an em P,M.
Staff Peprezentativ': e T�'��l
• �1r . yr11 �.r° � . CF't7�.E � hi
'Draft Not Approved'
Environmental Control Board
Mav 17, 1190
Members. Present: Frank, Gallup . Hdyer. Hriliac. Klosterman, Miller, Ryan, Schmidt
Members Absent: Griffin. Zelewbky
Stars cresent: Dennis W. Ceplocnct, ;'Ltnicioal Arbarist
Othe-s Present: Mary hilvanev. k_r_nQue or' Women Voters
John G:ozv. Madill School of Journalism
R-esiding cNicial: Donna Hriljac, Chairman
rhair7nn Hril5ac welr_ccrec Ms. Diane Schmidt as the new member to the Eoard. Ms. Schmidt gave
a bacPy ound sketch of herself and each of the Board members did the same. Other individuals
also _n.trounced themselves.
Minutes: "r. Haver nnved that the minutes of the April 19. 1990 tL- approves with correction
of Vve errmrs he pointed out. Dr. Frank seconded the notion. Mr. Klosterman
waiter `.! e record to sho" that his cats in the minutes regarding the cdor of competing
grass clippings shouldn't be taker, negatively because when properly ccmccsted the odor isn't
objertional. Swelling corrections consisted of correcting the word coliferm, making the ward
"scoils" singalar. cnangino the word "item" to "report" and croperly welling the name
Aschmam. Nation cassr=o.
Dr. .-ran,, as to the status of the imnrecer disacsal V rubber rands. ter. rover read
a letter ai-esDonwy 4-on the Postmaster assurirq the Foard that the necessary action Will to
take- 01 V— Rastni authorities to correct this V tors -mil rre a r
problem. � c�n� _ : a�Yd woo had
odser ed this oroblem will match to see of this problem is corrected and will report back to
the Wart.
Bnvirmn enral Ordinance: Mr. Hoyer reviewed the changes made by the Committee at their last
meets,^, in rEmort 4 wnicr is tre hart of the Entire report. the Committee expressed concern
about their verception that Barton--Aschman Was pnoceening very slowly on their work on this
rry crt. ^"r. Sruce Zimmerman is Running on rewriting a version of report 4 for the Committee
anc h. oii1 sunmit it to the Committee in the near future. 1t is expected to be less than 12 �_
panes :n length.
Wr tfi-won tern 11n ivers i tv L ancon ; Mr. Hoyer read a l E + t ter received from Mr. Goland a 1 sr_,n .
t;orV-we.stern University ([U), regardinq the information that he and Mr. Ricoardson of Alvord,
PurdicP ,and Howson presented to the Board last month. Dr. Frank indicated thAt it will be of
great interest to the Committee to see how this SyGtem works this �:ivaffer and to rr_view the
data that will be collected. After additional discussion it was the concen5us of the Board
that the Committee should write back to NJ and confirm the fact that Dennis Ceplecha,
Municipal Arborist and Staff Representative to the Environmental Control Board. will to the
Citv's contact nor}an and confirm the Board's understanding that Mr. Olson will to tU's
rernesentative. Ms. Gallup strongly rocommended t"A the Committee formally refauest
discharge monitoring report data from NU under the Froedon of Information Art and that carbon
copies nt the request Ke cent to the Illinois Rnvlrcnmental Protection Avena`f ! IEPA) and the
U-+it&d State_, Environmental Protection Agency (U EPA) . The board concurred in this
rrcoam ndat.ion.
ReeV01inn; Mr. Klosterman reported o'1 his corresDondonce with AU on campus rr-�cycling
progrnms "nd the favorable response received from Mr. �_ee Ellis about �.U's recycling
ef4crt5. It was noted that recycled computer paper can now be %und at less coat than virgin
paper. t"r. k1csterman smoke of his presenting 3 recycling talk to many school children in
_annanni n Faith t=.jrtn Day. Dr. Crane cG( mentod on tt-,e'! succL'SCi -�hv has Vad with an Offict?
g rncvc inorcir.am at he- ntzice. jhn hog2S to r,t,ltiStjcs at the n.?v � i
t R�?E.t_nq.
The Utv'K Yard V"5te Program was described and the implementation plans revi�c_�d. Topics
cover-n vure total number of pick-uas per vsek; tho total anticipated cost ,r the program;
how the twn net., refuse trucks fit into this program: availability. cast. and "e of the kraft
bans: publicity and public meting Schedule, and how the anticipatcd la volume of yard
wastes will add to the other volume of landfill material avoidance.
Pastizide Committee: Dr. Frank presented a toxicology report ;rocs a meeting she had
attended. She pointed cut various problems around thy varld. new technologies, concern about
metals in the lakes, chemicals used in the manufacture of clothing, and the need for proper
controls in the future.
Wise Commit`__e: Mr. Eeolech,3 presented a report on staff concerns about the proposed noise
ordinance by Mr. Robert Rudd. Director c= "ousing and Property Standards, Vr. David Earber.
Direr =trr c:t Public 1&-�rks and Mr. Ernest Jaccol. Police Chief. 74e ^oars :+iscu%;sue (-ow ti ay
`_ol, ved ate ordinance addressed the problems that had teen brought to tle Eoard by residents
and Aldermen. It was agreed that deleting the section dealing with construction on Saturdays
would rot present a orcblem as liana as it "as uddressea else"Nare :n the code. Additional
clarif:caticn about the exemption of the City Public Works tvpe operations wCAjld be
considered. The Eeard discussed the concern of the Police Chief and after considerable
discussicn regarding enforcement, need for the ordinance. and concern expressed by numerous
citizens and Aldermen over the years agreed that the ordinance should be sent on to the
Administration and Public Works Committee with an appropriate cover memcransum explaining the
Stall %Dcrt : Mr. Ceplewha reported that l7 individuals had toured the Pecyr l ing Center
during_, the cast month. He presented two talus to eO students at Loyola :cadamy in Wilmette
on Recvrling on Arbor Day. A review of the volumes of recycled material brought to the
Roe;-:c1inq Center was provided and the Board was encouraged to the continuing increase in
volumes teinq experienced. Recent publicity about Earth Day was helpful in involving more
pccaole in recycling.
The next Environmantal Control Hoard meeting will to on June 21, 1990.
The ?card adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Staff Popresentative 44"
nis W.
Envirmmentnl Cbntral Eoarri
M inu tes
Jun". 21. 1990
`Idswcors r-esent: l-ank. Hover. KiCSterman. ;,'van. Zelewsw.v
N awn rs .:tc,ent: bal lug. uri f f in. I;rii lac. Olken ScOnidt
staiz xfon-nt.: imennis w. l_ftiplecha. rAinicip.0 Arborist
ItrF.-_ snas nt: 'Mary +livnnEv. :_*ague rr4 tvxr.r:-n Voters
0-011=;nn . `icnal: ir. ^.^rimy, . • nt.no c ]lroln
"j7"rC s: "r. nsterm5n moveu nrzrnval 0; WO minutes. iIr^. r-avpr q-con ed.
_rr._r rn t.wrrfTltir�: ^r. r:it..�tLrman orr?senteci aan articles *rrxm W-Asto Aae ilapaZ:nP regarding
Ow4n iel 70;car --d Wrovided a i 1 st:ng ni comnanies that can crcvLafa -ucn U"amer.
- -C'-+ - :i11 =17Wj cuc an Wrlcle in the line 1. 1590 isswe r= rho hicaao Tribune that
wain :ii in, v:r;n azzic_e" ov 1 Tout CAW and a descry his use cL t4es'e oulbs in his
nulin_rs aurnwn c4 vese 'tulbs os wenticnr_, in too article "3ro --n/ L_chtina Gallery and
y--ryt-w al near•- t•rs EvIld
Wasto flanagefrc-fit w,.ietter tt-e Uptown T
�rj atsalt Chilu ac hotel ;,-iitiatlnn a Z�rsaram within
-? - -^- 72_ W . - :rrrnrr nn maven t"It ip cc f?avljl `n ,ra-c n . -rmi sicn to
_ - ntr i- now ._ Q tsem Nitt a =m=y of IMP 't.____ . _na :.it_.'' 3 letter
no '_n _ l_ _ - ::`7 t-rryc .:.'nW orccrLm. &-. ,ve- r. _rr' 'ot,_on cassed.
"loom - . . _-r. - an ' ` . .l-licatoo that nhe is in the p-ocass v4 Drrenar?ra a map of
r 1n -.-_.=.. - _ . . _ .'-CW nrO rr tS" lovely a-werienced at var aws •_not _ites lost vear. his
%ot = j. . . _ _ .yr-_--a_'• f'' _. .?,l '-•skv ;cr nor use in Dattion tometrer some material for
�mljsltni.= r:J. Pvan reviewed the -attar at tre FoarU uOnIr 007 a Statement
-� _- Onr 7al j __ca: =>`_io _ y_l:_ . -"at Yov c :nswt_. King a stand
_. n _ c-.niw ❑lit_ of clank their views an variL:us environmental issues. The
_sari -_ _ - -'-at u"is r"Dulc ;Le desirable anti suggested :sues tc be mWrs-saed might be
-!-,nono.:. - ..lama, "notes. _^C1reraticn. recycling markets. rind notification of we ticide
;i[-'-1_caj=. _o. on lawns cr mosmuito anatement crogrims. "-s. Rvan will bring this back to
r` -_c-s-n at 1 ru=Lire frc-et'.mri.
-_'ar---iT'''Cr':r.c = elcs: :olewwkv cmmmentrd on some recent articles a, electromagnetic
colds Ara nisir p=4s= cn rAxnan real th. It appears that there is some evidence of negative
etOatc cn hwaltn associateo with those kelds but there isn't sufficient rvidence at this
'Tam In i3ve amv Fiction. This will to an area about which rho ena3r❑ will want to kee❑
tr,.Is v:umject 7 culd to brought t❑ tie Marc's attention. ���
"nvirr--iiro_n- :I- Ordinance: Mr. Hover reported that the Cn mittee, now has 3 reports in hand
rm 1,r- ? crn•_ul tans. mO. Zimmerman. gnsi5tant City Manager. continues to orovide assistance
�c _gin f;,nnit_tee. final renort r!1 i nolicv frr r.t-� City is yet to Me 4ubmitted but it is
r a 4 . I i 1 ❑} d1ne wori- Cn this i ton wi, 1 1 Le ccm-oieten by the end a; t.` e 'J ar.
1•:2=cc'd C.001L"h (If tfe EurFau Cif Inc.
._ . _. _nR�'{sl f:n�ch ��'�d nVlrars!r�?!�t_ I'�•(3Grr7?r•' .`at werH teinC Grovid d on on introductory
h�x51�. .. 7van C; mmenT;m an fhave "julicatriono. i ur regular revie" a4 `_`nse tocu iC'nts, and
her -nvi&w of LKe Illinois Psaiai.yr ono toe Fol iuticn Control Board min"tps and stated she
'.XDU,� _:? i- .-I position to !-'rep r"? 25&rd nlyrf-d to now Issues. i'ther ice-d Rp-ters stated
_, W "?'/. =^. '07U10r1v -can warisuv DunliC_itions anti v)culd .t` ity„Teiv _=51:� l;efore the
. 0. a . 3Qrewd "•n; '`'r, =oiv" �-i nand d write W tie Eurvauan ''_owsral 0 0alrs, Inc.
. _._. _- -: -0non' 07'll..:��sc G, `^ateri- :s _. --n rTt^ so May. 1990
Arm 71'..-_O._=90 -"D -'?15_ i_0T91iI_r;s -P r.,mdlea :;ihirg Vqv.
Tade avai labiQ in any _ tor.^. -ram niters "no didn't
.p:: _ . _ ^p �t ` r _r C - the Cr7t :age r -3rMi "c' }', Yard Waste
Yrw'Q on "ns :ointad Cot.
00 0dicurnel. -rs. _2 'ration. The
Z nt-nl ._ward 7eetimq adlrur-en st a.m.
.'r.. .0 „/lrrr -'r '_ul ��Qf'rtrrI �7arr� '`C.c'tih, ✓ii.� �`.� _c july iq. . % n_ y
�t:afiDennis A. CaDi kt'a
Environm-intal Control Board
July 19. 1990
Members Present: Frank, Gallup, Griffin, Hoyer, Hriliac, Klosterman, Miller, Schmidt,
Members Absent: Ryan
Staff Present: Dennis W. Ceplecha, Municipal Arborist
Others Present: Mary Mulvaney, League of Women Voters
Presiding Official: Dr. Patricia Frank until Ms. HrilJac arrived.
Uni-m.-za: t1r. Hoyer moved that the minutes b: approved as submitted. Q. tiller seconded.
Moticn passed.
Envir-amontal Edusatinn rarrai t_10 • Mr. Griffin corarriented that the Unitarian Church is
working cin •s Pxcorarr, for this uintr-r car: -cling with-nvir:::m=-ntal rnattere. They are in
particular need of topics for school aged children.
PF•r+ve,l 1 na: t�i•, ;?n5terma; reported that he h 5d sent letters ru_Lntl t _� t t,
- - Y -he local it= ��1�
encc:uraging there to develop ro;ycling procra.*ram within their gptraticns , too res_prinsr
tow received.
has yet
Discussion followed on Jewel Food stores handing out printed literature on recyclable
Plastics. P;ention was made of _ rrz r r ,.,,,, st�7res taking 1;ac4: plant ir_ t Lags fc 'r+_ ling
cykCZi _v cent ieJi�ti��LD o, wtig�F `r� st_,rLW iti("t.arr>aibuld
tirna fathers'
two waste reducing programs for grocery tags: , _ t y J cent dise^urlt :even for each paper 1
brought in to reuse for bagging groceries and :a 2 -cent refund for each plastic bag; and (2 )
colle�ct.inu plastic bags at the - rr,ry for r.roy .i CI into ar
Mr- C ple�rla r 'pfJrrf.'s:l, that ��'_'i..'L1.", Paper �v.^,.r. r�7 problem _... hut r.-. ...�/ -
_ li. ro..:em u C f c:C •_Lltr_r ^_! J .l _. t�,. iV!
mixing of "other papers with newsprint in the ins. Temparary signs are in place asking
that Only newspaper be recycled or else the rew;rii:-g of .^.t-wrra3r,.wr will have to t-:-
discantinue-u. Permanent signs will be established. Caper volumes new average i f tons � ag,. per
A total _a �5 st Tents had toured she :._. c Center 1 i h s ' Jays
'-'� Fecycling irg n,.rr cur r:r� the previous .,0 � Two
truck loads Of plastic were recently hauled to Chicago Fecycling {Works and the weight of the
platsnic was 9,460 rounds. A n- �f A2.6 Wns of plastic have now been recycled within the
past 13 mnths. 10 plastic - ~nu.lator is operational and i s being us a re 1-
-� _ .g ed n ��, _gulch .e.,,....
Ms. �ehmidt questioned if it would be pozoible to begin a glass i� crlii rr�*ram k r " y �4 p _ o
businesses in Evanston. It was explained that such a program was a 13 priority in the
Board's Solid Waste Policy Plan .and that 92 priorities Of cOmpcsting yard wastes and
condorainium recycling are now ring initiated. finesses should to encs raFred to recycle
ti.]t tl,M City inn-t able to assist or develop a program at this brae. This is .5 pr:,,gr,an
Board wants to zea the City initiate at the appropriate time.
Mrs. Zelewsky commented on the decision of I,oyol:t Univorsity not tr,
pro,—.] with :t landfill to expand their Chicago Campus. A part of that decision was baseYl rrl
a Vuit Yil-i I,y the Lake Michigan Federation. Mention was also made of the Lake E'or--st, 11.,
bre.nkwn f.-rs 0!iusing sand to drift causing a variety of problems for those; south --f that
=-j"J n 1 T-V -
:A.r�.1 . M:3 . Gallup reported t,ri her continuing efforts to gather rr*rF_- dat•R on the _Iq�._ict
of -,.ef salt- :rY t environment •end if there rare alternatives V.., control road ic��. hc! ire,;
tin is, 'Yr nt:lct with the State of 1111nais Highway Depu_ trrrent , various H» l t di5trituCc&!2 , :1n.1
the ;=--II }. Institute bat hasn't gott.--h rrny favorable answers Piz of yet.
�^ *•^t,t:r, t�*.q� nrii:1F,r�ce r<orrrnf t. F� : Mr. Hoyer reported that tljf: corrmittF+» is t,
rrr-�t. rig•/t w:-ek txo discuss with Rartr,n - Aschraan Associates Ire:. (B-A) rNrrirt liumter a. It
•sFpe5.rz that the Corlslittee is now almrmt ready to start worl'.ing with the l..r,w Department to
put -ham MaV--vial for this ordinance lntr., the legal fora.
�; �� r �•f; •�,�nrr•: Yr. Ceplecha relt:_trl:ed about the Housing Fnd Property Services
Ad.ri_n_s'.ration Li_partment submitting an ordinance to the City Council dealing with
cccn4.rr;f.ion on S.3turdays and how this might conflict with the Board's proposed noise
orci_�:arr= The F,--ard a,gto drop that section from the proposed noise ordinance, and
pr. V) submit the ordinance despite opposition by sorer_ and leave it up to the
r?drrin_ztr:ation and Public Works Connittee or the City Council to determine if the ordinance:
..--nr-,nriate -ind if Vo who should cnfozc-- it.
i7o=h--: Dr. Frank reported receipt of a letter from Northwestern
Univerci'.f (IM assuring her that discharge rmnitoring reports would to provided to the Fr,_tLi'i
at `. L-rd of the su.:raer. Mr. Hoyer asked if it would be possible to get the daily water
qua.=ty ..,! st results from the Health Depptt a ent at the end of the sea -son. Stiff will •arr�urfi��,
to get, +hc-se for the P.Y`�.
Hzi_--�-!d H?n„,- !)i - Mr. Ceplecha read a letter from the Illinois Environmental
Prvtracticr: Agency advising the City that Evanston was not _elf_- c_ as :zne of the Fall, 1990
Home:: ld Ha:as_1f_qas Waste (1-2i'vi) collection sits. The City's .application will t-_� kept in
their __lF- F:,Lr f�.ltjixx_ :nsideratdon. Ti,e weird was disappointed to learn thtiat Ev.�isr,:n tarts
:�,Dt - ivy'+ L ec 1 se- i .. i� he s e ri .-, a •� -, _� s i. v. + it oc- ss T r
_ _.. -:� t .� ?<+�ar'? - t lief that i-in i .� _ �u. nvir . mere-ri �_ i....�; _ ._h._:
a vtc--d ^." 1_71--arl +h_:t r- :- !-.ad unsuccesff:1-a _*1 :;!tairdng -any il"f'0 iroati,.-n
irrr. an '-he F= r_m r:.f Inforrr•.ation fact regarding NTT' . C ii-rdstrr T,-atoratory y+rnl
Z'1Cr �1 W r hfit ma", r,r Pr sent nr regularly uze-3 .
r'• � -.nr-. ,. 9,;*y;_ ,l A q�iezzion was raised as to if the Ek�a_rd --till the
y ... �...� C� �;• cv .t i-iticn _c_ t to :,e r-p nvanztern Pam. ut ful _ rogr=i. 3taf,. -)ill
irF^:sir-� '?:e P udzet Officer a-- T.n h,:,r thi-- should l.Y handled and procee-i ::cc^rdingly.
--I' - .. ft :,,P t�nq :_ = , nvir�'rrr,errtal Contr~,1 '�? I•C! 1� UChed'al}--1 f. r Aug.1st - ), ? qt} Trt
Budget. is e 2oazd that this meeting wouldn't b- necessary in light of the.
fact _= at _ e ?public ,-corks Lu?artzryant will apparently be budgeting for the operation of the
Recy^__,ng `>_nter for 1991-92 and the Bird's Budget Request would be a one ling item to rover
the antic i_ated activities. Staff was advised that this meeting could be cancelled.
The next r. thug of whe Envir_nmen+al Cc-ntrol Foard is eptemb_r 13, 1990 - the send
T} rs ay ,f the wnth rather than the third Thursday as normally scheduled due to Rosh
Has h3nah .
The E^.vi ror*aeztal control ?curd ad-iourned at 8: 35 p.m /Jf
Sta�f �'.cpr?St.*1t4tl.ve
L6_nnis Ceplech�
"Draft- Not Approved..
Environmental Control Board
October 18, 1990
Members Present: Gallup, Hoyer, Hriljac, Klosterman, Miller, Ryan, Schmidt
Members Absent: Frank, Griffin, Zelewsky
Staff Present: Dennis W. Ceplecha. Municipal Arborist
Others Present: Mary Mulvaney, League of Women Voters
Ron Freund. Interested Citizen
Cameron Ellis, Interested Citizen
Minutes: Ms. Gallup pointed out on the July 19, 1990 minutes that on page two under the
topic of road salt that she isn't looking for an alternative for road salt but a practical
relationship between road salt and calcium chloride or other chemicals. Mr. Hoyer moved that
the minutes be approved as corrected. Mr. Klosterman seconded. The motion passed.
Chairman Hriljac called attention to the minutes of September 13, 1990 but didn't need any
action to approve since there was no meeting and this document was only to serve as a future
U i--P ()rri;i==: The existing Skokie noise ordinance and the proposed Wilmette noise
ordinance was passed out to the Board. Chairman Hriljac reviewed the actions of the
Administration and Public Works Committee (A & Pit) on the proposed noise ordinance. At their
meeting of October 8, 1990 that Committee referred this ordinance back to the Board. It was
the A & PW comrmittee's philosophy that the City should deal with noise on a "reasonableness" _
approach rather than through decibel levels and a noise meter. It was the Committee's belief
that such an approach is too subjective and that the use of a noise rater and an ordinance
based on decibel levels is better. Discussion followed and covered Alderman Paden's concern
about cumulative noise and how to regulate such noise; how to justify why the decibel levels
in ha ordinance ware selec ed; not only "people noise" is a concern but so are machinery
noises such as leaf blowers; how New Jersey communities use noise meters to regulate noise,
how their officers are trained, and ass9;tance that is available to the hoard; how the Board
which is advisory can enact new legislation such as a noise ordinance; if the Police
Department would enforce such an ordinance if it were passed; and the need for community
support to achieve passage of such an ordinance.
The Board agreed that Alderman Feldman, the Board's City Council liaison, should be asked for
his advise on how to get such an ordinance to the City Council if the A & FW Committee will
not endorse the proposed ordinance since the Board felt it has merit. Staff will follow
through and make an inquiry. The Board would like to see the Noise Committee consisting of
Dr. Frank, Mrs. Floyd, Dr. Wilbur, Mr. Freund, and Ms. Gallup continue to pursue this item.
PMNTO oN ntw yOLED p p.=R _
! . u
F.ny ronr__1 nrri i r,�r`� : Mr. Hoyer advised the Board that the next meeting with
Barton-Aschmn is schc-duled for October 24, 1990. The Committee still wants to sea an
Executive Summary, less redundancy, and elimination of the same old problems that Persist.
It is the desire of the Committee to get the various sections already submitted reduced in
size and developed into a useable and meaningful ordinance. Mr. Klosterman inquired about
the 4th section and if hir. Zimmerman had rewritten it. A concern of the committee is the
length of the sections nubmitted and the need to reduce the size.
Fl ertrommane .i c �'i�;. fir. Miller explained that there is an extensive amount of research
going on in this area but it is too early to say if there are any hazards or what the risks
might by because these ztudles aren't completf-d. Future reports will be provided,
Rado: A discussion of recent television and newspaper articles covered questions of the
accuracy of the reporting or the numbers of cases of death attributed to radon. Information
provided the Board earlier didn't suggest that radon was that significant in the Chicago area
and the findings in Evanston were that all test locations were well below the accepted danger
Staff reported that the recycling of 6-pack and 12-pack plastic "carriers" was
being added to the plastic dropoff recycling program. Publicity is being planned and an
appropriate container for this plastic is being provided. Mr. Klosteiman questioned the
volumes of plastic being recycled without being granulated versus the amount granulated.
Granulated volumes are down because it has been ne'ressary for the attendant to spend most of
his time in the p'faptir bin to assure that orsly newsprint is being recycled. Staff is to look
into ways to achieve greater volumes of granulated plastic if a study shows such processing
to be an econotaic advantage. The possibility of including plastics on the curbside program
was raised and staff advised the Board of the problem associated with this process and the
plans and progress made to include plastics at an early future date.
Ms. Schmidt inquired about on -going publicity for the drop-off and curbside programs. The
Board felt this was an important area but not their responsibility. Ms. Schmidt was directed
to Sally Roethle who would appreciate technical advise and assistance.
Ms. Schmidt also raised a question about businesses doing recycling. Staff reviewed the
priorities of the Solid Waste Recycling Plan developed by the Board. Mr. Klosterman
indicated that the Chamber of Ccrarurcr can direct business owners to recycling firms who can
set up such programs for local businesses.
The Board was pleased to see recent commercials by AMOCO regarding waste oil recycling to be
p`rforr,,�%l at par Ucipating ee Lions. The AVOW station at Ridge Avenue and Clark street is
one such station in Evanston.
-_ N rt'hwentern UnivFrnityLagoon: A question was raised as to the Health Department's test
results of the water at Clark Street Beach and what criteria is used to close a beach. Staff
will .inquire and report back to the Board. It was apparent by looking at the test results
that the daily levels of contaminates fluctuated considerably from day to day, that it might
be hard to compare because it was a wet Sumner and that it might be of value to look at a 5
year record of -such tests.
• Air Cry 1i y: Ms. Gallup questioned the status of Heckey's Bar-B-ie and their smoke
emissions. tir. C.eplecha stated that there is an old memorandum that deals with this matter
and gives names and phone numbers of individuals to call if there are additional problems. A
copy of the memorandum will be provided in the next packet of material.
Envyro min sal Education Cnmaditec: A. Ryan asked that the Board pursue the idea of a letter
to the candidates for Governor to determine their positions on items such as recycling,
Application of pesticides for lawn care, household hazardous wastes, funding for
environmental monitoring ;and other environmental issues. The Board supported the idea and
discussed how to proceed. Due to the lateness of such a letter it was anticipated that a
response might not be received in time but that it would be useful to get an answer. It was
thought that perhaps an early response could be made available to the press.
The next meting of the Environmental Control Board is November 15, 1990.
It. Klosterman moved that the meeting
adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Staff Representative
L The meeting
'M ww'
"Dravt-Plot Approved"
Environmental Control Board
November 15, 1990
Members Present: Frank, Gallup, Griffin, Hoyer, Hriljac, Schmidt, Zelewsky
Members Absent: Klosterman, Miller, Ryan
Staff Present: Dennis W. Ceplecha, Municipal Arborist
Others Present: Mary Mulvaney, league of Women Voters
Ron Freund, Interested Citizen
Minutes: Mr. Griffin pointed out that the committee referred to in line six
of the section dealing with the Eloise Ordinance should have been identified as
the Noise Ordinance Committee because the way it reads it sounds like it refers
to the Administration and Public Works Committee. Mr. Hoyer moved that the
minutes be approved as corrected. 19s. Gallup seconded, Motion passed.
Chairman Hriljac reviewed the staff memorandum regarding the meeting dates
for 1991. There were no apparent conflicts and the proposed dates are acceptable.
PIS. Gallup moved that the meeting dates as proposed be approved as submitted.
Seconded by Mr. Griffin. Motion passed.
Environmental Ordinance: Mr. Hoyer recapped the action of the Committee at their
October 24, 1990 meeting with Acting City Manager Bruce Zimmerman (he was still
Assistant to the City Manager at the time of the meeting) and representatives of
Barton/Aschman (BA). The Committee felt that the material provided to date wasn't
what was expected and wasn't acceptable. The Committee believed that the con-
tract with BA should be terminated in as much as it appeared that BA couldn't pro-
vide this material, that deadlines haven't been met, and the personnel from BA
originally presented to work on this project were no longer with the firm or
weren't :forking on this item. 71r. Zimmerman indicated he would pursue this matter.
The Committee believed that new members that have joined this committee within the
past year have the technical knowledge to rewrite what has been presented and with
the assistance of Mr. David Ramsay, an Evanston resident and one of those who
originally bid on this work, that this ordinance work can be completed before
next summier. Mr. Ramsay has expressed his willingness to assist the Committee.
Mr. Zimmerman will advise the Committee of his progress.
Noise Ordinance: Mr. Ron Freund expressed his hopes that the Board would continue
to work on a new noise ordinance and he commented on his discussions with two
Aldermen as to their observations about such an ordinance. The fact that the
Police Department seemed to be against the ordinance, the apparent lack of strong
Board support, and the lack of strong community support over the past three years
were major observations as to why this ordinance didn't receive Administration
and Public Works Committee (A % PW) support. The Board discussed these observa-
tions and possible actions that could be taken in support of a noise ordinance which
included a position paper, determining who our "Audience" is, finding a better
way to control noise that is different from how it is done now or as proposed, how
the Board should respond and not campaign, talk to the Police Chief to get his
J �'
input, write to A A p41 about noise concerns and work through the liaison
person. The Noise Committee decided to meet on Wednesday, Plovember 21.
1990 at S:00 P.M. to further discuss these options and determine the best
approach to be followed.
The Board continued to discuss the needs for better communications with the
various City Council committees and the City Council. Chairman Hriljac in-
dicated she would call Alderman Feldman and discuss this with him and ask
for his recommendations.
Electromagnetic Fields: Dr. Frank described to the Board a lifetime study using
primates to determine the health hazards associated with electromagnetic fields.
This study is two years old and will take at least another six years to complete.
At this time it is too early to report any findings but things appear to be normal.
She will keep the Board aware of any progress reports issued.
Northwestern University Lagoon: The Board asked if it would be possible to meet
with representatives of Northwestern University (NU) now that the air conditioning
season is past so that a report on the data collected by NU can be reviewed and
a discussion held to determine how the lagoon project worked during the summer.
Staff was asked to set up this meeting for December or January.
Air Quality: Fir. Ceplecha passed out a memorandum outlining the names and phone
numbers to be used by citizens with complaints about any air pollution complaints
from Hecky's Bar-B-n.
Recycling: 14s. Schmidt reported on her efforts to find companies who would assist
business offices in a paper recycling program. Active Service Corporation was of
some assistance but the only other company name provided by the Chamber of Commerce
wasn't any help.
Ms. Schmidt commented on her inquiry into doing more publicity for Recycling. She
was pleased at the level and types of publicity currently provided. There might
be good use of press releases for future publicity and coordination of material
between Linda Lutz at the Ecology Center (Evanston Environmental Association),
Nancy Burhop at the Curbside Recycling Program (and Keep Evanston Beautiful) and
Sally Roethle in the City Manager's office (who publishes "}Highlights"). There
are avenues for more press if it is needed.
The next meeting of the Environmental Control Board is December 13, 1990 (the
second Thursday rather than the normal third Thursday).
Dr. Frank moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Gallup. The meeting
adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Staff Representative `
Dennis W/ Ceplecha
Environmental Control Board
December 13, 1990
Members Present: Gallup, Griffin, Royer, Klosterman, Miller, Schmidt
Members Absent: Frank, flriljac, Ryan, Zelewsky
Staff Present: Dennis W. Ceplecha, Municipal Arborist
In the absence of Chairman liriljac and since no acting chairman had been
appointed, Mr. Hoyer volunteered to be Chairman for the meeting.
Minutes: It was pointed out that the work "DRAFT at the top of the page was
misspelled. On page two in the second paragraph it was noted that first
sentence should end with the word liaison. Me. Klosterman moved that the
minutes be approved as corrected. Ms. Gallup seconded. Motion passed.
Environmental Ordinance: Hr. floyer recapped the actions of the Committee as
reported in the minutes. He reported that Barton-Aschman had a subsequent
meeting with Hr. Zimmerman, Acting City Manager, and that Barton-Aschman
expressed their desire to fullfill their contract and complete their task.
No final decision had been received from Mr. Zimmerman. The Board was
advised that Mrs. Ryan was working on revising the ordinance and the
material presented by Barton-Aschman. The Committee is still of the opinion
that the contract with Barton-Aschman should be terminated. It is the
belief of the Committee that they could complete this task on their own
prior to July, 1991.
Recyclinr,: Mr. Klosterman passed out some printed material on Recycling,
made some observations about the City's Recycling program that is still
following the Board's Recommendations, and commented on the success of the
Radon: Mr. Ceplecha passed out a draft information sheet submitted by Dr.
Frank for use as an informational item for residents about radon. It was
agreed that this was the type of material that should be presented but that
additionally it should include the fact that alpha particle detectors Were
used, that they were placed in dwellings in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions, explain (spell out) what pCil1 are, and make
mention of the fact that all monitor readings were below the 4 pCi/1 which
is the threshold level set by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency. Staff will submit the revised copy at the January, 1991 meeting.
Mr. Klosterman called the Board's attention to this Illinois Pollution
Control Board's minutes and the many communities experiencing drinking water
problems throughout the State due to radiation in their water supplies.
Noise Ordinance: Ms. Gallup presented some information she obtained through
her research work on noise. Much of this information will be useful in the
future and it comes in a noise control handbook. Ms. Schmidt thought that
the "highlights" publication might be useful in letting the citizens know
more about noise problems. She will pursue this matter wiLh Ms. Sally
Roethle in the City Manager's office who handles this publication.
Mr. Ceplecha presented a draft memorandum to the Administration and Public
Works Committee for the Board's approval as submitted by Dr. Frank on behalf
of the Noise Committee. Discussion followed on the wording of various
portions of the memorandum. After the discussion it was agreed as to how
the memorandum wording should be changed and a copy of the proposed
ordinance is to be attached to the memorandum.
Northwestern University Lagoon: Inquiry was made as to the status of the
meeting with Northwestern University representatives in regards to the use
of the lagoon as a cooling pound and the data that was collected. Hr.
Ceplecha indicated that he had written a letter suggesting tonight's meeting
or the January 17, 1991 meeting as possible dates. No respond has been
received. The Board asks that staff once again contact Northwestern
University officials to set up this meeting.
Hs. Gallup moved that the Environmental Control Board express a big thank
you to Hr. Ceplecha for all of his work and extra effort on keeping the
members informed and up to date. Seconded by Hs. Schmidt. Motion passed
The next meeting of the Environmental Control Board is January 17, 1991.
Mr. Klosterman moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr.
Hiller. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Staff Representative am
Dennis W. Ceple a 'I