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Minutes 1989
r , , u ill a �. +w � ■ u "Draft -- Not Approved" EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 19, 1981 Ms. Harris called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. The meeting was held at Chandler Concnunity Center, 1028 Central, Evanston, IL. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Julie Harris, President Ms. Janet Webb, Treasurer Ms. Judy DeStefano, First nice Preside= Mr. Ed Moran, Second Vice President Mr. Henry Krasnow, Secretary STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Donald Wirth, Director, Parks, Recreation & Forestry Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent of recreation Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Spor s A Fitness Mr. Kevin Wallin, Manager, Chandler Comn,nity Center Mr. Bob Dorner;er, Man3ger, Robert Crown __^plex Ms. Athy Ames, Manager, Levy Senior Center Ms. Mamie Smith, Manager, Fleetwood Joy rtain Center Ms. D-mine Toep£er, Chander Program eta^ ,er Ms. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Ms. Helen Xarxsen, Levy Center Advisory _7nittee APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ids. Webb roved to approve the minutes 15, 1988. Mr. Horan seconded the notion. 1-lotion —vied, TREASURER'S REPORT: Ms. Webb read the Treasurer's Report, shswing total disbursements of $201,126.64 as of December 31, 1988. The Superintendent introduced Denise ,r, the new Chandler Coununity Center- Program Manager, to th = Ppard. BUSINESS MAHAGER'S Ms. Shulse read the Business Nanager'E r-_74, showing that HEPORT: revonue s thr _h Facimbor 31, 1953 `- ___1 767 ,029.Q or 88.291 of the nnnual budget. Expendi'r ._ :cr• Lhe same period totalled $2,711,056.15 or 80-31; of UP . .:al budget. SUPERINTENDENT'S. Staff furnished budget projections for third quarter REPORT: of the fiscal year 88-89 and a rrrQ1W do—Illiq expected projection adjustments and sa`.'i nqs. Staff brought to the Ponrd's att nti , - -- .__.;lint' tom. purchase orders, requesting the Door,: _ . _ delaying ;. ,'chase of furniture at Fleetwood Jourdain Cen_ _ _ . FY87-83 an -- approval of purchase of ice skates buME— ._ : in F Y89-90. 0e furniture will be purchased with the a:located to ice skates in FY89--90. Staff has not yet 1- furniture that is sufficiently sturdy. Ids. DeStefano m - . ' = approve the change in purchasing. Ms. Webb sedan: 4�inn passed:. Mr. .:rasncw slogested the Board explor, - _ n; of _.._ Board's power to realloonte funds, and should Ky.. : pr __jure the end r ...2_ of each budget year to explore if there are any other options, different than those which staff has chosen to present. He presented the Board has a great deal of poker to make decisions beyond those which are presented by staff. Staff cannot give all the options. The Board, ter. Krasnow stated, has been given a great deal of discretion and should be considering a policy. Ms. Shulse asked the board for direction on further exploration of this idea, and whether the Board wished to meet with the City Manager. The Board will discuss this concept at the annual retreat. LAKEFRONT FESTIVAL Mr. Wirth shared a memo from the City Manager requesting a limit LIMITS: be set on the number of exhibitors at the Arts Festival and the Ethnic Festival. Mr. Wirth explained that the intent was to avoid over --use of the turf areas. Such use ekes it impossible for the turf to recover. Further, the thousands or festival goers in the confined area, in addition to boaters an; regular park users, over --extend available parking and traffic capacity. The cap would be 139 for the arts festival and 10D for the ethnic festival. Staff supports the idea of avoiiing over -use. The Board is able to review the proposed limit each year. Some discussion followed on the process of re•:i_•.:. Mr. Krasnow commented on the procedure of requesting al7roval for lakefront usage from the Human Services Cosmittee. "_. DeStefano moved the Board accept the cap of 139 exhibitors n d 7andors for the Arts Festival. Ms. Webb seconded. Motion paused. SOCCER FIELD Ms. DeStefano gave highlights of the ms e`.inC attended by MAINTENANCE: Mr. Wirth, Mr. Silkaitis and members of the soccer groups, which focused on maintenance, improvements needed, contacts and chain of coRnand. The idea of two soccer meting.; a year for communication purposes was approved - s::rg_ezted were one in January and one end of June. All leagues r=:verving space and Recreation Departzent staff would attent. Shia discussions on the need of a coaches clinic, and the r a� _• encouraga participation and the use of the Crh-o,l ^ _ _ _ :n's N`"w1 eiter to encourage earl_: registration followed. ideas wer0. put forth for alternate use sites wht:n a f: -1 is closed fcr maintenance. Further exploration will to d_..e on these areas. Dent Parr: was mentioned as a possible s: _. it was hcped Ridgeville Park would have space, for a .__'_d, but it hss been determined that the Parrs District Key ..__ .._:e an nr__ with minimum dimensions required. Mr. Wirth discussed the Capital imprc - ._ _gin and il, implications on thou soccer fi•'lds. In ;30,000 was identified for field improvement. Thy 1._ ant is warrently rated in the "Desirable" category, so i_ �_.':d require i higher priority rating. The existing Lovelac_- :___: is the s'_'e where the improvement would be schedul-d. Tne _nn_n , if arp- zved, would be to initiate construction 4 '-il. This ,uld moan two fields will be Available on the ,:c; of 148nvon. A follow.up meeting has been scheduled ki:_.. Fale and Arosse Pointe renresentntives to identify fur ne : LM. Ms. DeStefano will contact Rustoleum to see if soccer space is available at their facility. Staff will check to sae if the area is of sufficient size to meet minimum dimensions. '-',r. Krasnow asked that the Board's review of the Capital Improvement Plan priorities for Recreation be placed on the March ag=_nda. SOCCER POLICIES: Mr. Silkaitis requested the Board adopt the followins policy: "In order for Evanston resident soccer groups to obtair. cermits to use Evanston soccer fields, representatives must a.t=nd two meetings per year conducted by the Recreation Dep.-::-.-,lent. These meetings will discuss current soccer issu_s.11 Mr. Krasnow asked for the definition of a resident team. Current pc=i defines a resident team as a group which has 75'd Evanston residents. Currently, three groups qualify: Pumas, Pele Stars and Grosse Pointe. This measure should also aid in resolving scheduling conflicts at the beginning of a season. 11.s. Webb r-.':ems to adopt the policy, 1{r. IMoran seconded. A coaches clinic has been established and will be c.:'cliciwed in flyers and the Schoolchildren's newsletter. The rr:,l ^i so far has been to get enough parents and others interest-_: and confident enough to feel good about conchin5. The ^'_inic should help in that regard. Bruno Trouille has volunteer=.. to "� rve as liaison in this regard. Ms. DeJtefano offered }ler assistnnce, and asked how the idea of meeting was initi;:tr:d. "r. Silk:iitis said the idea grew out of the :Jovcr,lber ES)A "1s. Shulse corrnented this is a good example of how E-SA has more dynmrldc, and complimented Mr. Silkaitis arid' staff z�n follo%-.-through. Ms. Barris called the q�es :ion, ^,.`ion passed. SUPERINTENDENT'S Sharon Rohde, Program lHannger at Robert Crc..rn Cnr:r.n-.ty REPORT: Center-, ha:'. resigned. Fortunately, a large r,umb._r of applications are current from an opening; at Chandler. After re-ev3lurJt.in.r these in regards to the n2 of Crewe Center-, interviews will be conductc.-d in i �-br•uary hiring ian).2dintcly there aftor. Thy Putsiness M-in-,,r .ind _ _ C_1',)I-C. n3tor have a contarl .111d set up intervies s, t!l y will ..1. ecr. r4„cc until t}le end of Februzry. Expected hire d,lte it ...__-!'arch, •,arly April. Ms. Si,ul..e discussed the proposed revis_ _ .c in the :"i 19,01�-9Q Boar -.ind C.o^,r A st3ion Rud,,ets and 1' `^Oii>:.. _ _ .! On re:need to the City '.I:9nnii , rls bi1d;F _-_t A d _.''anges and thei., it %r was furnished to t!1r_ P Ct1".pllt .:tiOn 613,lges. :`. _ 3t significant was m_dical insurance, and i d c -:c City having,; received final quotations from the- .-Tiers c.` c: cloyce health and medical insurance. This trarf:'_ - =_s to an ov•crall reduction in costs for that line item. A redut.,"ien o` $91.,00 in the recreation 8-_-_,7 was made by the ,� "c .ola: _hip to City' ,ln�lc,_r to partial.l} r�,,tor�_ Fee I;...`_ ' :•� . Play.; •:Jlnd. iili:, will be restor ,d based r.:. ard's options aC,2e 'Al„c . On s :,.:rl r playground -..r- boy the Nu;rJan -4- The City Manager has asked the Recreation Board for the Board's recommendations on cuts of $8,590 to assist in balancing the budget. This amount changes throughout the entire budget process. Ms. DeStefano asked if the amount changed again, without the necessity for these items being cut, would the money be returned to the Recreation budget. Staff indicated that is a City Manager or Council decision. Staff recomniended a modified list of cuts which it is believed will have less impact upon Department operation and revenues for this year, although they should be reinstated in the next fiscal year to avoid long-term impact on revenues. Mr. Krasnow asked if the City Manager will accept the recor:!;-andaticn of the Board to reprioritize the necessary cuts. The human Services Committee had adopted the City Manager's recommendation, pending further discussion and with the specific reco.-Tzendations on asking for further input from Bcards. Ms. Webb rnoveJ to adopt the reprioritized list of budget adjustments. She noted: in making these budget adjustments, the quality of programs is affected. The Board can not guarantee making the projected revenue. She asked :inat consequ,tnees will follow if, because of these cuts, projected revenue is not generated. Ms. Shulse agreed that this is especially impactive on those staff members who have program planning and administrative responsibilities, but who will now be required to handle greater a7:13urits of building, supervision responsibility. Staff capabilities are already stretched and the Board understands and appreciates that fact. Mr. nrasnow seconded the motion. In the discussion following, Ms. DeStefano questioned the wisdom of using fulltime profes- sional staff for supervision. Mr. Moran agreed, but noted the urger question, and recca.mended the Board examine the entire situation of staffing. 's. csa•- -i s -s'.: ,� 'r,-� ,.,_i^t . _ :'. j f.� b:�n'r: `.h . G n raI fund this year. His. Shutf;e advised all of th- r-apir,11 budget would be spent. Ms. Webb posed the possibility of the City Courir_i1 making larger rtducti^r?S than needed initially, t,h-rn :;+ rvico could to Put- back in the bulgt�t rather than c�_ft. ",h t.}?is could F'reat it _yl of di.:F,u�:,.+iorl tilm; , for and CO^riistions. tis. Hart,is callt-d the question. tdotion t1r. r:, . _now asr.ed the Presi-dent of the Board write a letter to th2 '1,oman Services pointing out the core_=_rn of accuracy of proje:!tic'n Of revenues in light of th�•se _,,ts. t s, p5tefar;� a!Z tL t'oran will attr_n _ e budget hearings this ..ea;:. ir. Horan will s;)eak, striLnin� the necessity of increased training funds and problems inherent in fulltime staff assuming building supervision duties, with attendant possible revenue loss. All board members will attend the public hearing on the budget February G. FLEETWOOD JOURDAIN A foundation grant has been submitted, and a list of founda- ART GUILD REPORT: tions which may fund an architectural study will be given to Beverly Brirun and Bettye Palmer. The possibility of using the Martin Luther King room of the theater building has been discussed. Ms. Brimm's intent is not only a gallery, but an inducement for the public to enter the Fleetwood Jourdain Center. A gallery in the theater building would not accomplish this second geal. Staff time cannot be made available to assist in writing grants unless the foundation addressed has a history, practice or policy of considering grants for architectural studies. Ms. Webb asked for, a report as scheduled fcr auxiliary groups. VERY SPECIAL ARTS A memo for the Board's information was furnished on the FESTIVAL: current funding state of this festival for population with special needs. Funding cuts have reduced the ac.ount_ of money budgeted. A grant proposal has been submitted to up the remaining $1,820. It is expected to be resolved by '!arch 15. Ms. Harris asked if the festival could b2 combin2d with another function. Ms. Webb asL;ed that this item be pl.-ir-A on the March agenda when the corporate support que:,tion could b._ answered. BOARD OFFICE CHANGES: T"ne current slate of officers for 1989 is: Mis. Janet Webb, President Ms. Julie Harris, First Vice President Mr. Cd Moran, Second Vice President Ms. Judy DeStefano, Treasurer Mr. Henry Krasnow, S- cretary Ms. Webb moved the bylaws be amended to 5how rotation of officers from: President to First Vice President 1st Vic: Yrt;dent Lc, d '.'ice President ]nd Vice President to St-cretary Secretary to Treasur- r Treasurer to President New members will enter as first Vice ?resident so as to have the rotational period of 4 years befsre becoming cr•_-sident. '•1s. C• Staf rw --- n.i 1 k.th_ rr:2t;o�. c�._.d, "s. �nri 'r1•-rbb with ti, - .,_ . _.-~ar... sirr_. good Iuck REQUEST FOR EXCEPTION 1•1r. i'oran rtvco:;utiend-d the }30ard affir•• request fz)r OF SCHOLARSHIP POLICY. scholarship assistance b-.rsed on an instead of gr-os.; income. "s. DeStefac:o seconded the In discussion, Mr. i:rasnow su` Jested the application sec state the Boar will entertain exceptions, For, valid re:as r..., 2n indi,i:��_, basis. 1.1s. Webb asked for doc_u,rentation of +r. : -- . - r.r,= sentet. The . 1. Board has granted exceptions before, on this basis. Ms. Webb advised it is possible to amend the notion to include documentation. Mr. Moran amended his motion to affirm the request for exception of scholarship policy, based on documentation. Mr. Krasnow wished to go on record as stating that ,ranting an exception to policy is unfair unless the policy itself states that exceptions are possible, and said that the government should act in accordance with announced rules, not deal with exceptions on basis of the moment. Ms. Webb seconded the amended motion, motion carried. Ms. Shulse advised a committee is looking into fee assistance/ scholarship and will report to the Board in February. How to prove income is one of the items to be discussed. SET MEETING/RETREAT The Board's Annual Retreat is Sunday, February 5, 8 a.m. DATES: to 2 p.m. Mr. Krasnow suggested the 2oard consiaer the questions on the Triennial Review as an item of the retreat. Ms. Webb asked members to relay ideas for the agenda to her. Ms. DeStefano, Ms. Webb, Mr. Moran and Ms. Qrris will attend the Human Services Connittee meeting on the 'ultipurpozf: Center Concept. Ms. Webb will make a formal statement. The Board approved the change in the repVs r meeting date from April 20 to April 13 to avoid conflict with a holiday. STUDY DOCKET: Ms. Webb reviewed the Study Docket and cited review of the Fleetwood Jourdain Art Guild in March i 9. Mr. Moran noted use of CDDG funds for Fee assistance 03 b•_cn discussed and that item was deleted. The Task Force on Pre-anPost p rogra:n childcare meeting date will big set at ,:ie ,; x` mt?e..ing. CCO1',•iENTS FROM BOARD Ms. &S;.efnno praised the prc:1.h^tion of MEMBERS: "Yours Truly, Simple" e" w2s :ipucLacular, and ca7vented on Ms. Webb's performance. Ms. DeStefano also . ezanTended looking into a smoking area for the t.heat'_r. Mr. 1e;r2n wished a Happy New Year to the Board, Mr. Krasnow Xs. f;ar'!'ls on a job well done. Mu. Webb noted she loc forward and to a productive year. 4iiJOUaNPEZ: Mr. Krpsnow mo'. _ j to nyourn, Xs. ! - _. ...- .- - _.: motion. • eQc ing as ad i- urned at 9:37 p.m. The next re_rularly scheduled meting of :t.e Evanston Re_reation Board will be Thursday, February 16, 1029 an the Civic Z_nter. 2100 Ridge, Evanston, IL at 7:30 P.M. npra:. - ::at approve'" AS:eir/02 25 'Draft - Not Approved'' EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 16, 1989 Ms. DeStefano called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. The meeting was held at the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge, Evanston, IL. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Julie Harris, First Vice President Mr. Ed Moran, Second Vice President Ms. Judy DeStefano, Treasurer Mr. Henry Krasnow, Secretary BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness Mr. Bob Dorneker, Manager, Robert Crown Complex Ms. Paula Crismond, Arts & Special Services Supervisor Ms. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Lionel Carter, Levy Center Advisory Committee Mr. William E. Hannon, Vending & Concessions, Allen Price, Fleetwood Jourdain Advisory Committee, Beverly A. Bri:r_m, Fleetwood-Jourdain, Bettye Palmer, Fleetwood-Jourdain, Dan Engel, Nick Laatsch, David Engel, Bill Hoyer, Levy Center Advisory Committee. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Krasnow moved to approve the minutes of January 19, 1989. Ms. Harris seconded the motion. notion carried. CC21ENTS FR0;-1 Ms. Betty, Palmer advised the Fleetwood Jourdain Art Guild OBSERVERS: has achieved non-profit status in the State of _Illinois and gave a brief update on the two year project=d budget. Forthcoming m9eti ngs will discuss the 4? 1 &r7l ess agreement between the City of Evanston and the Art Guild, desiEned to delineate o:m ership and protect liability. Further meetings between the Art Guild and the Recreation Department will spell out the duties and responsibilities for all parties concerned. LEVY CENTER ADVISORY Mr. Lionel Carter voiced ongoir,_ corcerq from the saniors C007TEE: as to the future of the Levy Center an Rciri FLEEL40OD-JOURDAIN Ms. Brim,i revieund the history of the Fl _wc-.. Jourdain ADVISORY EQARD: Center and its efforts post and present to provide programming to enhance and help areg residents rejur.aless :ff financial condition. She feels the fee for S'umicr Playa ound is still out of line and is concerned that ev•?ry:n- h:_7a tn•? opportunity to partinipite. Q. Palmer said she is ,._. 01 __nr, 3S a tixpaycr to pay for recreation for p: pl = in 741nago who can afford it. tie Board's current fee structure n:n-=':::ns%on residents po y direct costs for pinyground. f � . -2- Mr. Price praised the Center staff, noting a decrease in problems over the past few years. He stated a certain amount of recreation should be free, and pointed out that there is no area school to provide after-hours play area and programming. He asked the Board to consider adding in scholarship for high risk children and concluded by stating better understanding of the problems involved is needed. TREASURER'S REPORT: his. Harris read the 'treasurer's Report, showing total disbursements of ;177,031.67 as of January 31, 1999• BUSINESS MANAGER'S The Business Manager's report will be approved at the March REPORT: Board meeting as figures are not yet available from the Finance Department. Ms. Shulse advised projections given last month are still valid. The Department is in good shape as to budget year 1988-89. SUPERINTENDENT'S Ms. Shulse announced the hiring of a Program ?i3nager for REPORT: Robert Crown Center, Dayna Miller, a graduate in Recreation Management from University of Illinois, to begin March 20. Business Manager interviews will be conducted February 23 through March 1, and Sports Coordinatcr interviews during the following week. Arts % Recreation contract analyses Will be finished soon. As Arts Councii funds are also involved, this contract trust go before the A&PW committee. The Boar: will have a special meeting on March 6 to approve the contract before it goon to the committee. FLOOR HOCKEY PROPOSAL: David Engel O th grade) presented to the Ecard a request to consider a flcor hockey orogram for the following wintor. Staff researched costs and availability of sp: and presenteJ information to the Ec;rd. Ms. DeStef _.,., moved to acne: t Mr. Engel's idea f^r a Floor Hockey progr m, an, be guide,. by staff wn, will 10 0 7 00 idea. he pr: ^a" , _> > tr conducted if sufficient registration is indicated. V. Moran secoiljed. In discussion, Mr. `:Aran asked iMr,, Shulsta the program was feasible from a staff/budget persp?ctl-:e, and was aSsursJ it was. Mr. Silkaitis noted that school facili`__z were available after hours at no chara_e. Mr. Moran asked the �o tion be amenled to "[:av2 staff exp cr_ facilities and 07e7 in make Sure z4 re is not a £i'1b -Minn cvorKp wilh the i - - . - - pro,' a:._ . MS. Destefar.o aoorc'. ed the amendment ent to t:._ inal W;^".. Mr. Moran seconded the motion as amended. Mr. Kresnc w asked that the motion be c_ s, . f ied to read "to have staff explore the idea" any, not necessir'.'y approve the program. Ms. DeStefano said the Board approves Ve concept of th^.'. program, and the program 1: It pro of fensible '.:t the needs t'_`.f Evanston residents. Mr. Wran clQ& i _ report frci'i toe staff to make sure the C'.`+ b? lshil:ant of this _ w% will not Y ad to substantKI overlap with existing prcgrz- . Mclio_n p1_voi. r -3- Staff is directed to investigate available facilities and times and surface the issue at the April Board meeting. Ms. Shulse asked if the weekend option, which involves gym rental and a substantial increase in costs per participant, should be investigated. Mr. Moran asked to include that option. LAKEFRONT/JAMES PARK Mr. Krasnow moved the contract as presented be approved. CONCESSIONAIRE CONTRACT Ms. Harris seconded the motion. Ms. Harris asked if any RENEGAL: outstanding changes from last year were included. Ms. Shulse noted the establishment of a calendar for dates of payment or any delinquent balances. Motion passed. R09ERT CROWN FOOD Mr. Hannon, of Vending and Concessions, Inc. requested waiving CONCESSIONAIRE -REQUEST rental and commission payment for the months of December 1988, FOR ADJUSTMENT: and January and February 1989 for a total of approximately $3,000 after theft of a bill changer. The changer was installed to increase sales and proved very effective, which increases the Recreation Department's revenue. Mr. Hannon fully understands the conditions of his contract which specify that the City is not responsible. However, Mr. Hannon is requesting consideration since the theft was repeated within a few months. Staff believes this is fair and recommends approval. Mr. Hannon explained his plans to replace the bill changer with a smaller unit in each machine, making removal exceedingly difficult. The four units required would be approximately $600 each. Mr. Krasnow moved the ccomisaion be waived in the amount of $2400. his. Harris seconded. The motion passed. Ms. Shulse clarified the amount be subtracted from this Fiscal Year 19g8-89. Mr. Hannon thanked the Board for their understanding in this matter. Ms. DeStefano co%nended Mr. Hannon for the excellent service he has been providing. RECO'TMENDATION ON Fir. Krasnow asked the procedure outlined will be made public. PRCCE'DURES FOR 'Is. Shulse advised t K the public wc: l_ to n1vis d that VERIFYiNG SCHOLAR- proof of income might be required. Tree ,:ill not be advised SHIPS/FEE ASSiSTANCE: of the hours stipulated. The Board earlier had asked staff to provide stricter checking of applications, and for the FY 89-90 b�l-et, fee assistance was reduced by opproximntely 10. Tte Polley his always stated that ver__ _ i-q ,'•:'• t 1. Scot checks have been made over the �'�__.. _ . .. o_ _ rha•. e mere nsed during the past year because of staff s-'.__-r:'ation of i growing number of requests that are not substant_=.nj by need. Mr. Krnsno-a voiced his concern and ask6t if " The !Walth and Human Services Committee should be f ;' _.."_T:ents, 2) the community should be asked for comments, .. - _ _ K a pu 1 _ hearing, and 3) hesitation to approve pro,;-;.-! not fully outlined. He asked that any action be c_f_; : _ : lti 1 procedures ft M �.� W 1 � . -4- are in writing so the Department is not judged as doing something arbitrarily. Ms. Shulse advised a task force is studying the problem and will make recommendations. Mr. Moran said as an interim program, the 1040 form showing family income and size is used for verification. Mr. Krasnow requested the form state the Board will entertain exceptions. Mr. Moran moved the proposal as set forth be adopted as an interim measure until the task force completes its study and staff makes a firm and permanent recommendation. This proposal will be in writing and be voted on by the Board. Mr. Moran moved a check of every 10th person be made with the exception of May and June when a check would be every 15th. If staff determine that there be certain hours in a day when all applications be checked, that that should be done as well. Ms. Harris seconded. In discussion, lack of a 1040 form was of concern in proving income. The task force is dealing with this and other questions of procedure. Motion failed to pass. Ms. Shulse asked for guidance in the meantime, as the Board has asked for a tighter rein and more checking. The Task Force recommendation will be presented at the April meeting. Mr. Krasnow asked for written interim policy to approve or disapprove in March: what is asked for, what is asked for if the first proof is not available, how long places in programs are held open, what those who do not qualify are told (if exceptions are granted) for the March agenda. Ms. Shulse will give current practice in writing to the Board at the March meeting. PRO SHOP CONTRACT - Mr. Krasnow roved the proposed contract be approved. ROBERT CROWN: Ms. DeStefano seconded. The motion passaj. STUDY DOCKET: The Board reviewed the Study Docket. Try=:re were no deletions or additions. Ci?TiENTS FROM BOARD Xr. Moran wns encouraged by the fact tha. the ;'u-mr, cervices MEMBERS: Connittee and the City Council have taken a^tion on the Levy Center and advocated that the Poa..r" c�-,nt.nuc_ t-; b•? involved in the process. bTIOUR ENT: Mr. ..rasnow m7vad to adjourn, Ms. _ _ tlne .ncti-in. Meeting was adjourned to executive .sass _ - . ni 9_ , .m. fie next regularly scheduled meeting of the Evanston Recreation Boars: will be Thursday, March 16, 1999 a. the Fleetwwod Jourdain Consunity Center, 1655 Faster, Evanston, _.. at 7:30 p.m. "Dra`_ - nct approved'' JA;: Off02-25 'Draft — Not Approved'' EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD MEETING ' MINUTES March 16, 1989 Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. The meeting was held at the Flee twood—Jcurdai n Co=unity Center, 1655 Faster, Evanston. BOARD ii :*'=RS PRESENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President Ms. Julie Harris, First Vice President Mr. :d Moran, Second Vice ?;-c5=de.^•t Mr. Henry tiresncw, Secretary BOARD AS.c.:IT: Ms. Judy DeSte ono, Treasurer ^A,^, MEMBERS E 5..... � _. __., PRESENT: �fr. .,- r Wirth, i recta ar Recreation r;, _ r, Parks, Fee_. e; ..ion & Forestry Vs Iea�Ann Shulse, Superintendent of Revecat_Cn 1s. Miriam Shaba, Business :'tanager Mr. Gary Si lkaiti s, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness '•ire Ecb Dorn•eker, Manager, Robert Crown Ccmpiex Ms. Faula Cri sm cnd, Arts6 Special Services Euper vz sc r Ids. Mania Smith, Manager, Fleetwoud4curdai n Ccmmunity Center Ms. Sandra Cola, Robert Creim rrogram Onager Mr. Dc1tscn, Rcbert Crc.vn PrcgramManaZer Ms. jGecrge Lvnna .Cr.crUtc. ins, Flee wccC-tJourdain ir`._ram i•anaEer Ms. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Olive Matthews, Robert Crown; Nathan Darditc, Jan Walsh Grosse Pointe Scccer; Bruno Trouille, Pell Stars 2cccer; Sam 'ricks, Evanston Speed S,:ating Club; Rcrzt Steinf els, Evanston Running Club. APPROVAL CF MINUTES: Ms. Farris moved to approve the minutes c` February 16, 1989 Mr. Krasncw seconded the moticn. Motion carried. RCEERT CRCYN CENTER Ms. Olive Matthews reported the addition of a new Sc_rd 002CRY ECA D: :ember tc be approved. RCEER7 CR;;':i:! ADVISOR! Ms. Harris moved to accept Emily Berendt to the Robert Crcwn EGARD ,•'.E''RER AFPR✓VA:.. Center Lay Advisory EGerd. Mr. {.resncw Ee snded one ,T,C � G n `_ . Mot0n carried. TRE..K.,_Y5 REF' .: in We absence cf the Treasurer, the Karl r-. ssl t,_ Tree= ur_r's Report, showing total disc:.. c. ends of Z2 5,4c5.SS as of February 23, 1939. E'Ja=:fESS I•PAAGERIS Ms. Shabo read the cusiness Manager's reports, showing thac REF 1R T : revenues through January 31, 1989tonal l :d C 1, 06, 5�42.9t4 or 92.70 of the annual budget. Expenditures for the same period totalled $3,013,038.57 or 89.41� of the annual budget. Revenues through February 23, 1989 totalled $1,992,U98.66 or 99.00 of the annual budget. Expenditures for the same period totalled $3,265,841.33 or 95.75' of the annual budget. Ms. Shaw noted the February figures are from the end of fiscal year interim report and adjusted figures will be available at a later date. Mr. Krasncw asked if the Board could be advised prior to the close c. the fiscal year, of under budget =•,penzes the Board would review the expenses at that time, an: 'd=:ermine whether or not that money might be spent in other areas. Mr. Kresncw teen moved that the Superintend re^cr= e Board _ �o the oar no lacer than .earl. 31 of each fiscal year as cc those budget Categories which the Superintendent belles Es will not be fall;! expended. Mr, McrEn Ee cndad the =cti cn. Ms. Shelse advised in=cr: aticn kculd have to be based on printouts red rived f rcm Finance. At the end cf Janu3ry, that would mean Nove=ber or Eecember printouts. fr..sncw said that he assumed that the Superintendent 'r :ul,� stare with the Board the inI'crmsticn then available. i:_._sn Carried. LEISURE LE nTEu 1c Harris mcv _d to establish a citizen's rr:.,fssry ccrmit tee CEA ER ADVISORY for the Leisure Learning Center. A'.otion failed for lack CCMMITTEE CHARTER: of a second. EVANS ON Ca_ Sc ' c Hicks, E� Speed Skating Club, gave a presentation i SPEED :,�Ti:ZG Mr. .,am . Evanston .. CLUB: to the War:, noting the club's 22 years in serving youth. The club is open to all boys and girls, all ages. !he club's purpose is to support am2teur skating, without regs .. to ability to pay. Mr. {rasncw invited Mr. Hicks to offer h:_ tn: ,htscn an pricingequitable methcd fcr ice l users amounts cf ice time. SUF.RINTEHC_ZIS Ms. Shu=sa anncunceM the filling of three ai:inns, Cayna REFORT. Miller at ...,tart Croan Center,as Frogram "= . ;er, Miriam Shabo as Eusineos Manager, L� o =__n I!arch 20, _.. .Center, .._.. Ferrara n Municiil Qcr:L C fcrd;..._._cr. Mr. Ferrara i! .. m Kentucky and. SUI:'ER FLA_..-; UID: This s item waz place! cn the c`_anc: t day _. ..._ , eq =_. of 5rl alit -man. Ms. .veep and It. Krasnc rl n•. t & t.._. . the EcArd' s b y1 nw:i sat cut _ prccedure for placing items cn _._ _ a;�a. his pracedure i_3 the some forcitizens citins 1...._ fi _ aldermen, 1 .1__ tiracefure dcoz n` t allcw for items to be . a. he ;gsn ... the l ._.. will to !Ziyol t__ ,., ._ Apr__ J ... . . ._ -. 47_..� . . l _ q_.. . .:. a.rmen of tots general policy. 41 SOCCER FIELD: Ms. Shulse shared an informational mpmo on the soccer field's place in the Capital Improvement Plan. "r. -!oran a 'rsd if the major reason for rebuilding the Lovelace field was because the deterioration of the site would be grester at Haven. Ms. Webb clarified that use of the improved field could be more easily controlled at Lovelace, and that school field is not used solely for soccer, but also baseball, kicl{ball, etc. A similar improvement carried out at another site only lasted two years because of constant use. Mr. Moran asked if im7roving the Lovelace site would make it possible fcr =7re sc^ccichildren to be served. Mr. Wirth concluded the original plan to re�uild the Haven site was of consistent with use g_. _n that site. Mary Walsh, President of the Grczsi . _int Z::c::z-r Clot, gave Sc" e more information on on current field coed_ ~s!tressed as One need icr a field with €cvd turf. Mr. .. _. Y _lam_, . ele Stars Soccer Club, indicated ;.ricr_t__s of _ _nci_te_ increasing the nu.=ter C. fields t. sci . _ _ zr:wing ::....... _. cf children and adults interested in the . _. Ovela.._ is - geed lacaninn, with nice surroundings. Mr. !'�_, _.. clarified tt Haven field is a multi :se field, not soccer cn 0 and improvements added there ', wind nct accomplish the Rear=== cc,. _'s goal, WhiCh is to ha'r e a first class S= _.' . field. After further discussion, ;:r. Kra-5ncw r z. to re c n. nd to the AI-.J ccmmitte_ that $30,00 allccs.at f:r iTcrot: _nint of Haven Schcol's soccer field be to Lovelace. Mr. Moran seconded t'ne r ;sti cn, motion c s.. _ _-_. FLF.ETWCOD-JOURDA!3 Ms. Shul_se reviewed the latest grant of : _rt_ and furnished ART GUILD UPDATE: a copy of the proposed liability waiver. :0. Krasncw suggested a modificaticn in wording which he was of ise_ will by reviewed by City legal staff. Efforts centime ir. de7elcpinz agretamelts. VERY SPECIAL ARTS Ms. Cris.;mcnd presented a ccmpre ensive c, __ of t"e ,...,lend FESTIVAL: Very Special Arts Festival model. T::e -, _natsn mods ". ;s teing developed. The balance of funds noels! o i.._ t_aza thispro r2m,tirere received G frcm t^e E.:: _s= scheduled Ke Festival is heli in conjunction with the school des.. _=_, which wc.._t simplify the tra -ccrtaticn problem fir P&a__cnS. Site�selecticn will tar:_ place next Y,_Q. A __.__:rcn., site, other than Centennial cr the ? gccq thal . ...___c..__. ac. _saibl , is suggested. Lin:."_, ii•.Cr.E4-._ 1 ZR a ='.:tu ezt Mr. C.;'i::+i... u to chair the cc,._.._i . _ , -__ _zz __ ty REVIEN: Nr. :Iran, Ms. Criss ;nd and i!: . Smith. expirziz- in February 1990. The task force will .:..: azree7ont b :.:-;een Family Focus and the Ec-�rd an. - regarding kitchen and changing roan are. "�. Qran askad what lead time was needed. Mo. Ehulse 4_ .=. . ir co_'.s end of PUBLIC FORTI POLICY: Mr. girth said iris Davis, City Clerk, polled the Board members to propose a change in the Pdard"s rental policy that would permit educational forums for candidates. Mr. Krasnow moved to amend the current policy by adding the following: 'City of Evanston recreation facilities will be available for educational public forums Curing election years for governmental candidates, if the following conditions are met: (1) all candidates must be invited, (2) the e7ent is sponsored by a non -partisan group and (3) the space is available without di=erupting recreation programs any: activities cr previously scheduled groups or activitie;. This uE will be without a fee.tt The .card was _dvi:el that his amend7int iiculd be In accordance with r__ent, disnas5__:ns cf the Rules C=.__ es of the City Ccuncil . The 0ard C1.°..cusse! Mr, KrasncwlS intV .v_v' than the r:_reaticnal facilities wcu_d be available Ior ed,.:cs__....al .e^ll'"s but not political rallies. It was assumed than nc:: sAisan groups ccuid be distinguished f. z= partisan E.^cups. 0. Krasnc explained that a requirement that all csnlidst__ be preseno wc.:ld, in his opinion, imprcperly allow one candica._ to prevent a forum by arbitrarily refuting to att_nd. Tine pszz__. FOTANATCM! DAY CAMP Mr. Kr asncw moved to accept the bid cf F.:zi:lean F.:s Service BUS .SERVICE: , Mcran .s.`..zcnd f . This is the cnl It -_t t er .. Staff has used Mr, this C^.. p2ny for a numter c years ant have v=_ry satisfied with the service received. Motion carr__f. FEE ASSISTAUCE AND Ms. Sruise advise the fee assistance/s_..cl_rship task force SCHOLARSHIP FOLICY: will have proposed revised procedures next m nth. Mr. tiras=4 asked that each applicant be given writL_n r..at:. „l ex^laining 3-a ng the used, i st l classes the !.. GCeGS, stating l..l forms t.: .� , ....___.. �.� n�'.Y long process, are kepi c -n, why the Ecard entertains �r�:o ��.. ane for Qat reasons, what exce tic ns are not gran. _.-. .. . .r �iznow also requasted that i nfcrmat -n now f`,-..•._...__ ' - . _: _ . _ _zany by �; s -..age s exception: an± of to in the Eu� ne s Manager a to hair .:,._.,�__.... ar.. i:� .. ,. writing so that each applicant is give.. nt. s_.. ., infcrcwtion. 'according Also, to current prcc=tune, if na proof of income is ava_l nb e, determ n t? anti are msda on c case by case basis. Mr. Krasnow feels applicants should to 1:':: � ._ : cf tte criteria upcn which is tw c r on t :_ rite of 1 ni _n shulse alvises ti:a.i will furnish a o LPtl_ .5 Cira..-n ill by the 2cholarship 1:-.Q Force and 011 1.0 pr:5 and cons of each option for the Ecird. In nd.Jiinion, inc= levels for schaiar0l •fee ...`'.•sistnnz e have in tte pint bin 1172 1 1 . U7W4 t!a i. - 7-Mint ::roved to approve income guidelines ap given in staff ° s mI dated March 17, 1939. tor. Moran seconded the notion. ,lotion carried. STUDY DOCKET/SET The Bard will finish its annual retreat April 9, 9-12:30. RETREAT DATES: The annual tour of facilities will be in May, date to be determined. Staff will furnish information on dates and items of special interest at sites. Mr. Moran will attend the :larch 27 meeting of the Human Services Committee which will be discussing Surer Playground and the Levy Center. next report on the Capital Imzrovement Program Priorities is May, ne:t report on Scholarship V.r`_fics.ien Procedures is April 19E9. Ms. Webb as:C=t icr in_:r::ati:n Ion types V of Qrms and money transfer prcc:dures for June cf 1;i '.r. Wirth ncted Alterman 0C_..ars' request was that the .,.tar.. recons_der i y1:•'ound, and re-s plcre Cis' .._.-ns r-- re,.uce the fee or increase the .subsidy for rc. _ su; _cr_. Q. Webb indicated the Ecarc has acted prior to .his pcin--, set policy and reconsidered. '. dec=_s_cn had been res:h-c. Extensive time and effort has already been spent at the request f the ..::':j.": Services Committee to review this decision and E=e changes Z-;_re made. The Scarf cannot again re-examine this ss-.e in the time fray, given. Ms, Webb stated as President, she will set the agenda, and no changes will be made after the agenda is , ;t a.'..C_� Itemsl.. addeafter this point will rbe deferred _reed tz be discuszed at the next regular meeting. Ms. Webb suggested setting forums prior to bud_et prcc_dures to encourage informed questions at public hearing° Cn the budget. This will be a long-term, educational process. Gcels are Q snare information: 1) staff provides material en process of budget decision 2) dialogue between F__rea`ic^ R�;ard and citizens and interested groups on here the tudZet is d_: elcped and opportunity for input during the tudg-t rrs__ss. Ms. Webb moved to schedule a ferum cr"-n t:) t;:_ P_;t' `pr e^.il,cation and Ccmmunic tion. Mr. Krasnc the mncticn. Af ter sc.me discusz_cn, the motion carr;_d. 7ne fsr�,-: will be scheduled Thursday, t•?ay 25, 7:00 p.m at a r,_res.._:n facility. Tc1,s item trill b, placed cn the April aEenta tc discuss is;ics to be cc._rev and location, etc. C..,•4f.lEAT . FRY c _ RD There ter e .rare nc c : ..- n is . ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Krasnaw moved to adjourn, Mr. Moran t e Meeting was adjcurned to exacu ive 5�.SJ �-.. 4`. 9��� P..... JA5 002-2.5 Ile neit regularly scheduled m_'cting of 4::e _•r..._.._n r4c��cn k� w:_, '. 'aril'_ .._ -`•_ ,April 11 Stir. - _ Ri 6s Avenue, I L at ( 30 p.m. '-- "Draft � � n �r i �� �!�`II i, � � Iq• .i �, ���. ■II�i1R^Ile rl1 ����; Ilq it �Iry' i�T !I 'IR5��1"w"w�IFy_ f � 9 I llll 'I f ''Draft - Not Approved'' EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES March 16, 1989 on, l R Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was held at the Civic Center, 2100'Ridge Ave., Evanston. BOARD MERBERS PRESENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President Ms. Julie Harris, First Vice President 'fir. Ed Moran, Second Vice President Mr. Henry Krasnaw, Secretary STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Don Wirth, Director, Parks, Recreation & Forestry Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent of Recreation Ms. Miriam Shabo, Business Manager Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness Mr. cob Dorneker, Manager, Robert Crown Complex Ms. Paula Crismend, Arts & Special Services Supervisor Ms. Mamie Smith, Manager, Fleetwood -Jourdain Cc=unity Center Ms. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Gayle Callahan, Evanston Tennis Association. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Moran moved to approve the minutes of March 16, 1989. Ms. Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried. his. Webb noted a question had been raised by tor. Krasncw regarding the recording in the minutes of the identity of dissenting votes on a motion. It had not been the practice to record negative votes in the minutes with names. Mr. Krasno::wishes to include negative votes by nave. It will become standard procedure after the April minutes to show all negative votes, =th nz:mes of those dissenting. TREASURER'S REPORT: In the absence of the Treasurer, the Board perss;:d the Treasurer's Report, showing total disbursements of $151,314.33 as of March 31, 1989. The March Business Manager's Report will be included in the May meeting as the reports from Finance are not yet available. EVANSTON TEINIS As. Gayle Callahan of the Evanston Tennis A=___aticn s7 .:e ASSCCIATICN: of their purpose; to encourage lelsur , _`y _na Organize and manage competitive tennis ..:a.-n;nnnts a4 leagues in and around Evanston, for all min_ experience levels. They have placed wind screens in Lsvoiace Farl-.- courts, and also help support the 4th cf ,.Iy. ,ts. Harris nskei if courts are marked to indicate Zon... , are reserved for tournaments. Mr. Silkaitis affirmei ant s=_.-i the ...: has made sizns fcr ench facility reservet . SUPE'R11TENDENTIS Ms. S&Ise advisod the Senior Awnoun4n7 :_ . co-ned, REPORT: because of the promotion to Eus.nes3 .' a.^.- ?"r2wnnel will be advertising she rely, and it is expFcte^ sa filled within the next three months. -2- VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION: For the fifth year, the Recreation Board will honor volunteers at a reception, to take place in conjunction with a Starlight Concert on Tuesday, July 18, 1989 from 6:45 pm to 9:00 pm. Mr. Moran and Ms. Webb will speak. FLOOR HOCKEY PROPOSAL: The Recreation Board reviewed the detailed study requested frcm staff. Mr. Moran asked if there was a demonstrable need for this program. Mr. Silkaitis indicated there is a need. Evenings are the best time for the program in a facility. Ms. Shulse affirmed to Mr. Krasnow that a pilot floor hockey program is recc.,:,:ended and is budget -neutral. Mr. Frasnow moved, to authorize a 4-5th Grade Floor Hockey program on Wednesdays and Mr. Moran seconded. The motion carried. Program will be initiated in January of 1990. SCHOLARSHIP VER?FI- Staff presented recommended changes in Scholarship Verifica- CATION PROCEDURES: tion procedures. It is recommended that all applicants be verified on all normal days. When workload does not permit verification for each applicant, every tenth application will be verified. Mr. Krasnow asked who determined the changeover to every tenth applicant. Ms. Shulse said the Data Entry Clerk or the Business 'tanager. Mr. ;Moran asked if it was possible to prioritize the list of docurnents requested for verification in order of their preference, and that was done. Ms. Webb prioritized documents proving residency as well. Mr. Krasnow asked how GA verified their information, and Ms. Smith gave details. 1•1s. Shulse advised the Board needs to decide the policy for handling exceptions, whether the next level of appeal is the Superintendent or the Board. After discussion, the Recreation Board unanimously agreed that the Superintendent should have the authority to crake exceptions. Citizens who wish to appeal the Superintendent's final decision may contact the Recreation Board with a letter. Mr. Krasnow said score public ccrr_�nent before adoption might be advised. Staff advised that would not be helpful. Mr. Moran moved to adopt the procedures as written and modified by staff recoa-anendations. 11s. Harris se_crder' the motion. Mr. Krasnow asked when the procedures could be adopted. Staff advised irlmmediately. Mr. Krasnow then as,ced for progress report and the item was placed on the S4•_ _ for Cctober. The motion carried. PUBLIC FORUM ON THE Staff presented a draft letter and age;:-_ f:- _^a pr;,fosed RECREATICH BUDGET: educational public forum on the Recre3ti_. E:dt-_.�t prceess. The Hoard recapended shortening presentaticnn to less than one hour, and presenting the agenda at the meeting. `:s. "iebb will amend 1-ti7e agenda and return to staff prior to t..: " -.;, board meeting. .Mr. i'1_rth suggested thy? Board invite t'' *-`=a^ Services Corrnittee to attend zhe forum, and meet :;,`.1 t 1 3f terwards on the Fee Assistance budget adjusrments. �at? Y is chang-_�d frcm 1'42y 25 to el Jn,�sday, '.'ay 24 frcm 7: 30 tv to allow use o: t::e Ci-y Council ch,aimbers. 'Ir. Morn a��ro. _ and send the letter of invitation as modifi= ~arisys-sconded the motion. -3- AUNUAL BOARD TOUR The annual tour of facilities was scheduled for May a, 6.30 OF FACILITIES: and will end at Robert Crown Community Center. A Special Meeting of the Recreation Board is scheduled for 9:00 p.m. following the tour. FEE ASSISTANCE/SUMMER In response to a memo from Alderman Raden to the City Council, PLAYGROUIdD: the Health and Human Services asked to approve $16,000 additional funding for the Summer Playground to return the fee to $12.75 for those participants qualifying for 75) fee assistance. This change will only affect those qualifying for maximum fee assistance. Mr. Krasnow asked that this policy be written. Mr. Krasncw moved that upon the City Council's reallocation of $16,597 to the Recreation Department budget, the scholarship program be amended so that those people who would qualify for 75p scholarship would pay only $12.75 of the $150 fee at Baker/ Nichols Playground. Ms. Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Krasnow ccm�nended the City Council cn allocating funds for this recognized need. BYLAWS AMENDMENT: Mr. Krasnow moved to amend Section III.b. j. of the Bylaws to add: "There shall be no discussion of items placed on the agenda by non -board members unless the person or representative of an organization reques."_ng such item is present at the Board meeting where such :te:n is called by the chairman of the meeting.". Ms. Webb seconded the motion, motion carried. STUDY DOCKET: The committee for Child Care Issues will s_:. in June 1989. will be June 1989. Mr. Krasncw asked if it was possible for staff to begin to study whether it coup' =::sinister a fee assistance program where the total amoun': 1�o be spent on fee assistance is capped. He noted that bud:_zing for fee assistance was difficult because the ultimate amount scent depended upon the honesty of the applican.s and the publicity given to its availability. Fudgeting fc- :ee assistance has been frustrating and he horsed that the Board nt st-iff' mirzht begin to develop score alternative procedures so _. .. the CityyCcuncil, when determining t,ne budget, would be on this issue. ADJOURIiMENT: Mr. Krasnow moved the meeting be adjourn:-J, !•!s. Webb seccnded the motion. Notion carried. Neeting was �:journed at 9:�-6 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of `n-- Fvnznston Recreation Board will be Thursday, May 13, 1989 at tn_ Robert Crown Ccaniunity Canter, 1701 Main Street, I'_ a` 7:_'C p.m. "Draft - not approv4.i" JAS:ejf/02-25 "Draft :- not approved" SPECIAL. MEETING OF THE RECREATION BOARD Monday, May 8, 1989 Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. The meeting was held at the Robert Crown Community Center, 1701 Main Street, Evanston, Il. BOARD MPMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President Ms. Julie Harris, first Vice President Mr. Ed Moran, Second Vice President Mr. Henry Krasnow, Secretary STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness 'Mr. Bob Dorneker, manager, Fcbert Crown Community Center BUSINESS OFFICE Ms. Shulse explained that the City Manager was considering STAFFING: the staff reccn.nendations. The Recreation Board confirmed its full support of the two positions outlined in the memorandum drafted earlier. ICE RENTAL FEES FOR Staff presented the need to schedule games any: practice ice SUNDAYS IN SUK-1ER: on Sundays in summer to accommodate league expansion. A reduced rate on Sunday for summer is recoaLmended to make this time more attractive, as private rentals on sur._mer &r�2.:ends has declined in recent years. The board approved the special Sunday rate of $80.00 per hour from June 18 to September 3. PRO SHOP SPACE After much discussion and research among staff, it is PROPOSAL: recommended that the pro -shop space be turned into the off -ice training room and dance studio of the facility. The necessary renovations and special room features could be paid for by a donation given to the Center last year. Ite^s usually purchased at the shop could be sold out of vending equipment at the facility, and skate sharpening s=rv__e could continue to be provided through a part-time employee in the Department. Local sports shops have indicated they would be willing to set up a display of new skating supplies c, specific dates. The board approved the proposal. ADJOUt�.'l'•17'17: Mr. Moran moved to adjourn the meeting 17 p.m. '4s. Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried. "Draft -Not approved" 02-25.6 "Draft - Not Approved" EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD MEETING. MINUTES ; May 18, 1989 Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. The meeting was held at the Robert Crown Community Center, 1701 Main Street, Evanston, 11. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President Ms. Julie Harris, First Vice President Mr. Ed Moran, Second Vice President Mr. Henry Krasnow, Secretary STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Don Wirth, Director, Parks, Recreation & Forestry Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness Mr. Bob Dorneker, Manager, Robert Crown Complex Ms. Paula Crismond, Arts & Special Services Supervisor Ms. Mamie Smith, Manager, Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center Mr. Kevin Wallin, Manager, Chandler Community Center Ms. Dayna Miller, Program Manager, Robert Crown Mr. Jim Ferrera, Sports Coordinator Ms. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Lionel Carter, Levy Center; Olive Matthews, Robert Crown Advisory; Jane Colleton, COE-POPS and COE-MOMS; Robert J. Lifton, Evanston Sailing Club; Alfred C. Tisdahl, Jr., Evanston Youth Hockey Association; Irving L. Finston, Evanston Badminton Club; John Wyandt, Lighthouse Rotary; Dennis Newton; Eettye Palmer; Beverly Brimm; Stacey Garfinkle, Northwestern. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Krasnow moved to approve the minutes of April 13, 1989, with the change of "where" to "when" in the fifth line of page three under "Bylaws Amendment". Ms. Farris seconded the [notion. Motion carried. LEVY CENTER ADVISORY Mr. Lionel Carter advised as May is Senior Citizen Month, a CO*1ITTEE: special effort is being made to contact az many seniors in Evanston as possible. The Senior News is beinE used in this efort. Calls are being made to all past an, present members to increase attendance. A new seminar group his been formed to discuss issues of aging, meeting every etKer V=!ay. A Retirement F?i, has been scheduled for No 21.V V TREASURER'S REPORT: In the absence of the Treasurer, the Ecar! nonst tKe Tran urer's Report, showing total disbursements of as of April A 1989. BUSINESS MANAGER'S Ms. Shulse read the Business Mana,er's Ref.,rt, which shc-.:ed REPORT: revenues through April 30, 1989 totaling Z"15,4?2 8, or 21.54 of the annual budget, and expenditures of ? Z ,23.67 or 11.50p of the annual bud;Qt. ROSERT CRC'. N CENTER Olive Matthews gave, the election results: . -,__!._._ w3s ADVISORY BOARD: reelected as President, Olive Matthews e _ . _ � . c_ lice F rosident and Jackie Wolf }a:; Secretary/Treasurer . i . _ . scr y ro nrd } approved the purchase of new equipmo2it for .~all, a gymnastics equipment beam cover and springytarj. %,e next meeting is June 6, 1989 at 7:30 and will inclu'll a revi of field use policy. -z- SUPERINTENDENT'S Ms. Shulse advised the Senior Accountant position has been REPORT: advertised and applicant resumes are being rated. Expected hire date is June 14. NON RESIDENT Staff furnished a memo proposing the imposition for the first VOLLEYBALL FEES: time of fees for non-resident Chandler volleyball participants in addition to those fees already being charged. Two options were presented, the first proposed a $10 fee for tea;as with a non-resident player, in the second, individual non-residents would each pay a $3 fee. Mr. Moran moved the Board accept staff's recommendation and adopt option two, with each non-resident paying an extra fee. Ms. Harris seconded the motion. Ms. Shulse asked if this motion contemplated staff's recommendation that this option be piloted this year and not implemented in full unless adopted for the next budget year. Mr. Horan concurred. In discussion, Mr. Krasnew noted that the expected result of this fee would be a reduction in revenue, because some non-residents who are already paying fees will discontinue attendance as a result of being asked to pay additional fees. He expressed concern that implementing this measure would result in a shortfall, and asked where funding to balance the shortfall could be obtained. Ms. Shulse advised that the shortfall was anticipated to be $600, and could be covered by delaying the replacement of staff. Mr. Krasnow also asked if pricing for leagues is competitive in the area and was advised that it was. Although volleyball leagues are also run at Cro-.n, the pilot program will be only at Chandler. If approved for next year, staff recommended that the program also include Robert Crcwn, to avoid non-residents merely playing at Crc•,.n. Mr. Krasnow also asked staff to explain the process by which residence would be verified. Ms. Shulse explained that all participants would now be required to produce current driver's license, voter's registration card, or a notarized letter originating free^ the personnel office of an Evanston firm, verifying that they work in Evanston, in the same manner as is done fcr softtall leagues. After further discussion, Ms. Webb called for a vote. Motion carried, Mr. Krasnow voting against the =7� 4_on. REQUEST FOR WAIVER This item was postponed to the June Recreatisn ward OF RENTAL FEE - AARF: meeting because no representative of AAR? was present, as required by the Bylaws. R07ARY/LIGHTHOUSE Xr. Wyandt, representing Lighthouse Rotary, azcv:sed the lard of REQUEST FOR IECHt;ICnL Rotary's plans for a stiecial event fundra'_ _r, �� �rr:e p�soe in ASSISTANCE/SPECIAL spring or fall of 1990. The event will set of t,.:siness EV NT: employees in a "Battle of Pusinesses" 7cll__:ball, soccer, tug-of-war, etc. are some of the areas of-cmpet'_;ion. Rotary seeks assistance from the Recreation Department s ar f in securing qualified referees, and some of t^e tcc'.-nical aspects of setting up the competition area and equi;7=nt. cta`r out;ined two possible levels of support, 1) appo=n- ..er : cf teci;;;iaal advisor and 2) staff teams, siaiilar to events as the Robert Crown Ice Show and t._ Mr. 'loran asked for more information on reuc:r � Yre n eded. Mr. Wyandt said that at this point, no time needed to be ccrrMitted. He is merely asr:'_n f::r an advisor to assist in planning. • -3- Ms. Webb asked for a motion, Mr. Moran moved to provide Lighthouse Rotary with an advisor to assist with developing their special event. The Board will revisit the question of technical assistance when more information is available. Ms. Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried. COE-MOMS AND COE-POPS Ms. Colleton explained some of the activities, which involve PRESENTATION: working with computers, dominoes, hair --styling, snacks, working on social skills, and drop -in gym. The main purpose is to work with children, establishing credibility over a long period of time. She voiced concern over the Recreation Department's use of the gym for ten weeks for basketball league play on Fridays and its impact the CO£ MOMS and COE-POPS program since they had previously used the gym during this time. Ms. Colleton explained that when the gym had been available for their usage, about eighty children played drop -in basketball, and she was concerned that these children are not likely to core now that the gym is is not available on Friday nights. The Board discussed the dichotomy of using Recreation Department facilities for Recreation programs at times when they are requested by affiliated organizations. EVANSTON SAILING CLUB Mr. Lifton gave a brief history of the club, which is open PRESENTATION: to anyone interested, with or without a boat. M.emtership is about 73a residents. Dues are $25 a family, ages range from 20's to 601s. The group has been supplying volunteer sailing instructors for the Recreation Department programs and expects to continue this year. Races are every Sunday and a regatta for the area is planned this summer. EVANSTON BADMINTON Mr. Finston, one of the original founders of the Club in CLUB PRESENTATION: 1961, acknowledged the long-standing support of the Recreation Department. The club encourages beginners and also encourages more experienced players to coach beginners. It also holds a Christmas Tournament. Players' ages range from 14-'?R. Badminton will be an Olympic sport for the first ti-e. One of the Club players has been selected for the 1992 01%7;pi=s. ine club practices at £TNS from 7-9:?0 on Zlonday anu riedn_sday nights and new members are welcome. EVAIISTO14 YOUTH HOCKEY Mr. Tisdahl spoke on the program which iS ccnductew at Rctert ASSOCIATION Crown Ice Center. EYHA is the largest renter of ice time at PRESENTATION: Crown. Its programs involve children f,-= first grade t-rough high school. The association works in ana con -unction with the Recreation Department's House tionally, approximatelyrj0 a of the cos'. _ _ .._ . t' parents, the rest raised by private doi: =: ..=, any other methods. Scholarships are provided for =:a se w--, cannot -afford fees. Participants are almost exclusives; chil-4 -en. Ms. Harris asked if girls were accepted. "r. Tisda^l said they were accepted and encouraged. TRIENNIAL REVIEW Mr. Krasnow asked when the Review was due. Staff said due OF PROCEDURES: date had not been established, and the will have several months' notice. Fermat has been streamlined an� review ty ccrTriittec eliminated. -u- CAPITAL 114PROVEMENf Staff presented a synopsis of Recreation -related projects, with PLAN: detail on each item. Ms. Shulse advised the Board that as these projects change, information will be updated. A new item is equipment replacement for major centers every year. Staff will keep the Board informed as to its progress through committee. Staff will send a letter to the A&PW committee at the appropriate time on the Board's behalf explaining the reasons for the change in soccer field improvements funding from Haver School to Lovelace. FLEETWOOD JOURDAIN ART Staff described the two projects of roof replacement and the GALLERY ARCHITECTURAL architectural study for an art gallery/passive recreation area. STUDY: The Fleetwood flat roof has been in need of repair for some time. It has reached the point that there has been some damage in the building, notably the dance floor, as a result of leakage. The roof is scheduled for replacement this year. The Department has been advised that repair is inadvisable. The architectural study has been to determine the feasibility of building an addition on the second floor over that portion of the roof that is in need of replacement. The Human Services Committee directed staff more than a year ago to find grant funding for an architectural study to deterine if it was feasible and affordable to build on the second floor. Staff worked hard on this development with Ms. Bri.mand Ms. Palmer to seek grant money and it proved not possible. Since the roof project must move forward, the Hcard was asked to consider whether it wished to seek delay in the roof construction until after an architectural study could be done. Ms. Erimn and Ms. Palmer confirmed the need for the roof work to begin immediately because of the need to avoid further damage from roof leaks, the fact that no study had yet been s�arted, and the anticipated long delay necessary in order to raise funds to do the expansion if shown to be feasible, it was considered ill -advisable to request any delay in the .. work. Ms. Webb moved to allocate in next year's t,_;�zet Sa, 0ni'J and F proceed with replacement of the flat roof this year. Ms. Harris seconded the motion. sir. Moran asked if anv consideration was given to repairing the roof. Building CYerat!ons has indicated the roof is no longer repairable and replacement is indicated. F1s. Webb called for a vote. Mr. Krasnow a-- ':r. Horan v_ted - against the motion. Motion fsiled. Mr. Moran asked why the study was necessary. .s. S:ith said the study will give the opportunity to —arket the reality of such a possibility in the cca:mmunity, an-4 to secure funding. Mr. Krasnow voiced his concerns about rea_'_c^wing funding. He asked this item be placed on next month's a_enca with so,- alternatives from staff so this funding iG allocated "in a vacuumll. Mr. Moran agreed. -5- PUBLIC FORUM WORK The Board convened after a short recess to work on presentations SESSION: for the Public Forum to take Glace May 24, 1989, 7:30 at the City Council, Chambers. STUDY DOCKET: There were no changes on the Study Docket. C0?-1MENTS FROM BOARD There were no comments from the Board. MEMBERS: ADJOUR*IENT: Ms. Harris moved the meeting be adjourned, Mr. Moran seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Evanston Recreation Board will be Thursday, June 15, 1989 at the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, IL at 7:30 p.m. "Draft -- not approved" JAS:ejf/02-25 t ''Draft -- Not Approved'' EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES June 15, 1989 Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was held at the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge, Evanston, IL. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: M5. Janet Webb, President dr. Dennis Newton, First Vice President Mr. Ed (.loran, Second Vice President M . Julie Harris, Secretary Mr. Henry Y.rasnow, Treasurer STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Don Wirth, Director, Parks, Recreation & Forestry Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness Mr. Bob Dorneker, Manager, Robert Crown Complex Ms. Paula Crismand, Arts & Special Services Supervisor Ms. Miriam Shabo, Business Manager Mr. Roche Blanchard, Manager, Leisure Learning Center Ms. Patrice Whitten, Arts Intern Ms. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: George Ammerman, Bicycle Club; Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board; Winifred E. Holland and Spurgeau W. Holland, AARP Chapter Organizers; Lionel Carter, Levy Center Advisory Committee; Andrew T. Fisher. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: In the minutes of the Special Meeting of the recreation Board on May 8, 1989, Ms. Harris asked that the line "as private rentals on sum:Der weekends has declined in recent years" be deleted from the second paragraph. This is the first year that the rink has been rented on Sundays for the summer. Mr. ;;ewv:n moved to approve the minutes as revised, Ms. Webb secsnded the motion. Motion carried. Ms. Harris moved to acsrc':= the minutes of the regular meeting on May 13 as written. Xr. New= seconded the notion. Notion carried. CC,'TMENTS FROM Mr. Seaman thanked staff for their press_n�a`i:n at Chute School OBSERVERS: concerning playground equipment at Leal: _.._. ?are:. LEVY CENTER ADVISORY Xr. Lionel Carter gave h_-hlights o: prv;rans at the Levy COMMITTEE: Center, including Cefensive Driving, sponzcref by .__.-P. The May Gala was emceed by Jean Ann .,,, ize _.._ Mr. . _r& honored rM, resen:.ata•;es frcm ench of _:-e KuH : - inEir =114=ions in the past year. ROBERT CROWN ADVISORY dr. Seaman commended the excellent work _: one Emarl an:.' BOARD: staff in the refurbishing of the main ri-.. an.. _he studi_ rink. He noted the Robert Crown Advisory Board -._ -_. _r.Y explain the soccer field manager program and what vias inappropriate behavior on nei -htcrhood gr: ,n:= •.,as not will ntte7c.ol by neQKtors. RESUEST FOR WAIVER Nr . 0' 1ind, _n irte %r�;:�rl':... ,' of �:^... ... = - -- _ _ • :r. OF REA AL FEE—AARP: for Retired _', , o.. _ns rAARP', _ _ :-Dive. orriniziT loI:. ivar ] hundr_t1 p ogle in :.._ .' .. .. . -fia z•er ha•. -2- indicated an interest in a chapter in Evanston. ifs. Webb said, as the primary function of the centers is for recreation, if the organization's primary function is recreational or cultural, there would be no problem with using facilities at no charge; and a meeting could follow this activity. Staff advised an exception had been made previously. Mr. Moran moved to waive the fee for June 19th start-up meeting, and to revisit this issue after a report on the response. Ms. Harris seconded the motion. In discussion, Mr. Krasnow reiterated the department ruling that organizations pay for non -recreational use of facilities. Motion carried. Mr. Krasnow voted against the notion. Ms. Ames will be in touch with Ms. Holland after One organizational meeting. BICYCLE CLUB Mr. Ammerman said he enjoyed the Public Forum on the Budget PRESENTATION: in May and appreciates the support of the Department in printing the newsletter and supplying a room for greetings. The club offers recreational rides, including the North Shore Century, which will have a limit this year of 500 partici- pants. This year, nine members of a USSR bicycle club will join them for a three week bicycle trip to Washington DC. In 1990, members of the Bicycle Club will journey to the USSR, for a similar trip from Moscow to Leningrad. 00. Harris asked how many members of the club were from Evanston. Mr. A nerman, said about 351, with about an equal amount from Chicago, Skckie and Glenview, and a few from suburbs further cut. it. Pamerman explained that the Bicycle Club could not exist for Evanston residents without the support and volunt_=risen, of :ion --residents. Focus of the Club is recreational, picnics and Social activities are common. He notes the many volunteers are the key to success. The Club may assist in purchase cf members' first bicycle helmet, as part of its ongoing safety program. ADJOURNMENT: The Board adjourned to attend the Human S_rvices Cc-nittee at 8:15 p.m. The Board reconvened at 8:0 p.m. TREASURER'S REPORT: In the absence of the Treasurer, the Loam nvtet the Treasurer's Report, showing total disbursements of 03?,06 91 as Of May 31, 1989. Information for the Business Mana_,r's Report is not yet available free the Finance Denar: _nt. SUPERINTENDENT IS his. Shulse advised an offer will be made .or t o Senior REPORT: Accountant position the first of next we=::. -_ol. information Specialist position interviews will be tne _... V Zone •Witt, an offer expected in early .July. An update on Rent Park soccer, funding i; available in the Capital Improvement Plan to rehab Lovela e ,.ccc_r field contingent upon approval of changing imprt.ment site fro- Haven School. This will mean relocatinp -.._ Grusn_ Pcin;_ Soccer Club for 3 season: to another site, __...t._vely Eant Parr:. A meeting o` Bent Park :.& _ re . this temporary site change his been held, -. ing ::ill , ocar in r._:.'-Jul'~. SWC re'cim—nds - - v- : 7&.rn-_`er.. Zar e will to ?—_ m.'tiar`s c: the -v! h_;- -" .. . New,on will attend. f LEISURE LEARNING CENTER Staff furnish=d a memo and charter proposing the Leisure ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Learning Center Advisory Committee, and setting forth some reasons why the center's audience differs from a neighborhood facility. Mr. Fisher spoke for the formation of the advisory committee and of his long-time participation at the Center. Ms. Harris asked if mcmentum would be sufficient to sustain a group which met only every other month. Staff explained that much of the work would be done in committee. Citizen groups can do more in the way of applying for donations and grants, than the City can. Ms. Harris moved to establish the Leisure Learning Center Advisory Committee as recommended. Mr. Newton seconded the motion. Mr. Moran asked to amend the motion to also adopt the charter statement, 14s. Harris agreed. Motion carried. SU MER STUDIO RINK Staff advised the studio rink usage on Saturdays in summer RENTAL: months between 1 and 3 has been minimal in previous years and the trend continues this year. Staff proposes as an incentive to increase studio rink rentals and skating interest, a party package on Saturdays. Package would include ice skates for 15 participants and rental for S;S.OQ per hour, with a $3 charge for additional participants. Activity would be limited to skating only. The only additional cost would be resurfacing of the ice, as staff is already on daty. Mr. Moran moved to adopt the party package rental as given. 'Ss. Harris seconded the motion. 1-lotion carried. ICE CENTER FEES: The Robert Crown Ice Center is required to brie; in $519,000 this year. One of the ways this happens is to price ice rentals, activities and classes very with area facilities. Two years ago, a 35" Erzwth in the ice skating school resulted, in part, from such attention to pricing,, structure. These fees are approved at t :s time be2auso programs begin in September, and it is budgeted rdingl. T'ne only increase in fees reco, uii_nded i- _ cir:arse f rota $.50 for skate-rental-fcr-lessons to $.75. !, Nr_-% `= asr:ed what percentage are residents, staff advised -_asses run over 5500 residents. In general , the Deportment ; r:_es fa�_l in t:-.= mid --range of area facilities. In scat~ = wi =.• ^• costs, classes are Smaller and mere cersonal a' _ _ Vr _ . _ .. After m:)ved t3 approve =- ..- Caian e given. fir. '".oran s_^_onde° the mo on. REVIE'd OF SOCCER Last year, soccer fees charged to non-res'_. ti_~e in-- ased PERMIT FEES: and the Dcard requested a report on the _..e_. .ne .-ease of fees on field usage, and a report on fie:, by non-residents has decreased. It is be i ncreaoed to $""5 next year. A new scc _ _. ',._rs _ _ _ n 3"� Jai" ?s Park, which wzll �.ei; a,._ more f dal �S •Wni in turd, reduces turf da)7. ' " . -4- M RECREATION BOARD The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet the last week FINANCE COM4ITTEE of August. Meetings will be held Tuesday, August 29 through SCHEDULE: Friday, September 1, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. Budget hearings by the Human Service Committee will be late October. The Public Hearing on the Budget will be September 7, at 7:00 p.m. STUDY DOCKET: Report on Camp Registration and Fee Policies will be incorporated in the July budget information. Ms. Webb and staff will draft Policy on Child Care for review in July. Family Focus Lease item will be reviewed in October. Report from the Business Office on money transfer forms from centers will be sent to the Recreation Board in July. Capital Improvement priorities and NARFE facility use waiver were removez, as was the Fleetwood-Jourdain Gallery. The Board will meet on Monday, June 26 to refine the policy on fee structures. CITIZEN'S ADVISORY The committee considers requests that public places be named COhR•IITTEE ON PUBLIC in memory of deceased residents, and forwards recc=_ndations PLACE NAMES: to the Planning Committee and City Council. The co.��..ittee will convene in early July, chaired by Donald J. Wirth, Director of Parks, Recreation 1, Forestry. "r. tdewtcn was asked to serve on the committee. C01%24ENTS FROM BOARD 14s. Harris welcomed Dennis Newton to the E rrd, and- said MEMBERS: she looks forward to a happy, healthy, safe summer at the lakefront. Ms. Webb reminded members "The 'e Nabod;r :mows", the first show that is student -cast, opens June 17 and- runs for two more weeks. ADJOURI-DIENT: Ms. Harris moved the meeting be adjourned, "r. Moran seconded the motion. t'ction carried. Meeting was at:curnec st 9:49 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of t e Evanstcn Recreation Board ,.-ill to i;Zursd-av, Ju'_y 2C, 1989 at _.._ .pis:. _ '_-Earning Center, 1700 Vaple, Evanston, 1L at 7:30 r.-. mote: There will be no Recreation Board ...__t.ng in ...:; ust. ":Draft - n:t aocr_. _d„ JAS:e jf102--2; '! "Draft - Not Approved" EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES July 20, 1989 Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. The meeting was held at the Leisure Learning Center, 1700 Maple, Evanston, IL. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President Mr. Dennis Newton, First Vice President Mr. Ed Moran, Second Vice President Mr. Henry Krasnow, Treasurer BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Julie Harris, Secretary STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness Mr. Bob Dorneker, Manager, Robert Crown Complex Ms. Paula Crismond, Arts & Special Services Supervisor Ms. Mamie Smith, Manager, Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center Ms. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Art Arenson, Kirby Green, Karen Yates, Diana Lyons, Evanston Sailboard Association; Lionel Carter, Levy Center; Dudley Brown, Bob Reece, Michael Perrin, Fellowship of Afro-American Men; Horst Steinfels, Evanston Running Club; Breneta Simpson, Fleetwood-Jourdain Theater. APPROVAL OF MI14UTES: Mr. Moran moved to approve the minutes of the June 15 meeting as written, Mr. Newton seconded the motion. Motion carried. COMMENTS FROM Mr. Green advised the Board of the formation of the Evanston OBSERVERS: Sailboard Association. The group wishes to discuss the operation of the beaches and lakefront area with the Board; and asked for procedural assistance. ids. Shulse suggested that association members meet with staff members to discuss concerns, and points of this discussion will be shared with the Board at future meetings. Some points may require coordination with the Safety Director. Mr. Green will contact staff soon to discuss pertinent issues. LEVY CENTER ADVISORY Mr. Lionel Carter gave highlights of prokrams at the Levy COt-R41TTEE: Center. He noted membership was up frog: 779 in June ;a88 to 812 in June 1989. Mr. Carter noted tnat donations to the Life Enrichment Fund are tax deductible, and that the Advisory Committee has decided not to purchase items that cannot go with them to the new center. The Advisory Co-ndtktee will initiate contacts with large organizations for :`undraising purposes. The Choraleers performed in the July 4th parade and the Volunteer Recognition. -2- TREASURER'S REPORT: The Board noted the Treasurer's Report, showing total disbursements of $262,049.74 as of June 30, 1989. BUSINESS MANAGER'S In the absence of the Business Manager, Ms. Shulse read REPORTS: the reports for May and June. Revenues through May 31, 1989 totaled $736,740.42 or 32.68% of the annual budget. Expenditures for the same period totalled $645,176.56, or 17.65% of the annual budget. Revenues through June 30, 1989 totaled $1,062,466.95, or 47.13% of the annual budget. Expenditures for the same period totalled $1,008,249.95, or 27.59% of the annual budget. SUPERINTENDENT'S Ms. Shulse advised the new Senior Accountant will begin the first REPORT: of next week. An offer will be made for the Public Information Specialist position next week also. FRIENDS OF THE Ms. Simpson gave a short history covering the founding of FLEETWOOD-JOURDAIN the theater in 1984 to the present. Friends of the Fleetwood - COMMUNITY THEATER Jourdain Theater was designed as a group to involve and PRESENTATION: serve the community and to expand the support base for the theater. Friends help with fund-raising, are involved in soliciting grants and sponsorships, and work in a number of "hands-on" capacities such as set construction and production assistance. The Friends are currently in the process of redefining their focus so that they and the Fleetwood Jourdain Arts Guild may both effect a closer relationship to the Fleetwood Jourdain Center. The current need is for additional promotional funding. EVANSTON RUNNING CLUB Mr. Steinfels gave information on the Club and its activities, PRESENTATION: including track workouts at £THS. He requested an update on when the running path near the lagoon would be extended, and noted that friction between bicyclists and joggers on the lakefront paths is still somewhat of a problem. FELLOWSHIP OF AFRO- Mr. Brown spoke of the continuing need for summer league AMERICAN MEN: programming, which benefits children from all areas of Evanston. His understanding is that lack of funding was the only reason this program was dropped. Mr. Krasnow asr:ed Mr. Brown to present the request for funding the summer program in the affiliated group budget request for FY 1990-91. "E. Webb noted -hat much of the funding for summer season, to increase the winter prograunjing, and that there was extensive discussion on that program decision at several previo-.:s ;meetings. Staff noted that all FRAM coaches are .nationally certified through NYSCA, and that they should be c;^amended for :.heir efforts. F.A.A.M. REQUEST FOR 14r. Reese said a second scoreboard for t::e Fleetwood-Jourdain FUNDS FOR SCOREBOARD gymnasium had been purchased for $5,00 cy FAAM in December 1988. INSTALLATION: It was assumed the City could install --ne scoreboard, since the _ first scoreboard in the gym had been in -stalled by amity workers in the early 1801s. However, Building Cperations has advised that -- ME crew skilled in installation are not currently on the City payroll, nor is equipment available to lift it into place. Mr. Reese advised quotations had been gathered for installing the board, amounting to $2000. Building Operations has completed wiring to the point where the board can be installed by a contractor. FAAM requests that the Recreation Board fund the installation of the scoreboard. After extensive discussion, Mr. Krasnow advised although funds were not available in the current year's budget, funding for installation may be placed for consideration in the upcoming FY90-91 budget deliberations. Ms. Webb moved that the Board begin to set up guidelines and procedures regarding the acceptance of gifts. fir. Newton seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ms. Webb offered the Board's support in soli^iting alternative funding for the installation. Mr. Krasnow also suggested revisiting the issue at the end of the calen,�ar year, as projected revenues become more firm. SUMMER CAMP & PLAY- Staff furnished a memo outlining reco ended changes on GROUND REGISTRATION various policies related to summer carps and playgrounds. POLICIES: No change is recommended in non-resident registration. Minor changes in wording will be made regarding transfers, deposits, babysitting, and scholarships. Staff recormends a March 15 deadline for deposit refund requests, rather than a March 1st date, to allow for closeout of the fiscal year. Mr. Krasnow asked why transfers from playgrounds to camps were allowed but not from camp to playgrounds. Staff advised staffing costs and projections are completed early in January and changes in registration for camps at a later date will seriously affect staffing. Mr. Krasnow moved to adopt ,ne policies with the recommended changes, and to adopt the recommended fees as presented. Mr. Moran seconded the mo='_cn. Y:)tion carried. ELLIOTT PARK TENNIS Mr. Krasnow authored a resolution to Po-st a staff person at COURT RULES: Elliot Park tennis courts to solve the crot'_,-m of abuse of court privileges. In discussion, Ms. Wetb z-:;Jested the position be included in FY90-91 budget delibera''_7�ns. 'fr. New -.On suggested inviting public comment on `ne 1.,:,m in ropes that community support will be generated. ;tiff -hill present three options: 1) the resolution as propos_.: by "r. {rasnc::, limiting usage to Evanston residents and 1 hoU!-'s use per 3 hour period, with a staff person present to enforc- the r._ing; 2' staff person as above, during prime use hours cni':; and 3) court use on a reserve only basis; check residency; zernaps sell ;ourt time to at least partially fund salary for attendants. EW I . . . 6 PRE AND POST -PROGRAM The Committee of Pre- and Post -Program Care Policies reiterated CARE POLICIES: the Recreation Board's mission: to provide wholesome leisure and recreation experience to Evanston residents, including children. Staff does not have the training, time or resources to assume the role of child care providers. Ms. Shulse asked that the Committee rewrite its findings in policy form, and that the Board formally adopt them at its next meeting. LAKEFRONT CONCESSION Fountain Fair Concessions was sold to Simply Ice Cream, Inc. CONTRACT REASSIGNMENT: prior to signing the lakefront concession contract for FY89-90. Fountain Fair retained the right to operate the Lagoon building this year. The Legal Department has advised that as performance is acceptable by both parties, the agreement can be allowed to stand. It is reccnnended that this be done. POLICY ON FEES AND Mr. Moran recommended the section of the Policy and Procedure CHARGES: manual dealing with policy on setting fees and charges be revised prior to the Finance Committee's budget deliberations. Ms. Webb called a Special Meeting for Sunday, August 13, at 9 am at the Leisure Learning Center, 1700 Maple. Tne revision will update rationale for specific decisions on program budgets. RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT Mr. Newton attended the public meeting of Pent Park neighbors LOCATION OF GROSSE on the proposed use of Bent Park for a temporary soccer field POINT LEAGUE GAMES: while Lovelace Park is being extensively improved. Neighborhood concerns are that use would be by non-resident teams, safety of others using the park, and inconvenience. Mr. Newton advised that the City Council will make the decision. The Board provided a resolution to the City Council urging approval of the site use. Mr. Krasnow recommended change the final paragraph to read "The Recreation Board supports the Grosse .'oint Soccer Club's efforts to provide valuable volunteerism to ycuth soccer in Evanston, and urges the City to allocate the best available park facilities so as to fulfill the Grosse Point Soccer sub's :minimum requirements to host ten days of competitive league soccer play per season." Mr. Krasnow moved to adopt the resolution as amended. Mr. Moran seconded the motion. Motion carried. STUDY DOCKET: Research into types of forms and envelopes used for money transfers from centers was removed Study Docket as completed. Mr. Krasnow asked tc _4_' d-2 v elopment of policies for accepting gifts so as to encouraze 2ocr'_nation teforehand. Staff will aid in development of ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Newton moved the meeting be adjo,_,reed, `'.r. Moran seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:49 p.m. JAS:ejf/02-25 The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Evanston Recreation Board will be Thursday, September 21, !909 at the Fleetwood Jourdain Community Theater, 2010 Dewey, Evanston, IL at 7:30 p.m. "Draft - not approved" e "Draft - Not Approved" EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES August 13, 1989 Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 9:12 a.m. The meeting was held at the Leisure Learning Center, 1700 Maple, Evanston, Il. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President Mr. Dennis Newton, First Vice President Mr. Ed Moran, Second Vice President Ms. Julie Harris, Secretary BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Henry Krasnow, Treasurer STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent of Recreation FEES AND CHARGES The Recreation Board proceeded to revise the draft of the Fees POLICY REVISION: and Charges Policy as refined by Sub-Co.mittee Members Ed Moran and Dennis Newton. The Board considered each section and made changes after discussicn of each point. The Board decided the draft Fees and Charges Policy would be studied in connection with the Finance Coinittee deliberations scheduled in the week of August 28, 1989. Drafts of the Fees and Charges Policy will be prepared during the week of August 14 and sent to Recreation Board members, who will mark further suggested changes and return to Mr. Moran by August 23, 1989. ADJOURU114EN'r: his. Harris moved the meeting be adjourned, Mr. Moran seconded the motion. notion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 11:18 a.n The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Evanston Recreation i Board will be Thursday, September 21, 1D89 at the Fleetwood Jourdain Community Treater, 2010 Dewey, Evanston, IL. at 7:30 p.m. "Draft - not approved" JAS:ejf/02-25.10 MINUTES "Draft - Not Approved" EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BUDGET September 14, 1989 Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the Fleetwood Jourdain center, 1655 Foster, Evanston, IL. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President Mr. Dennis Newton, First Vice President Mr. Ed Moran, Second Vice President Ms. Julie Harris, Secretary BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Henry Krasnow, Treasurer STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent of Recreation Ms. Miriam Shaba, Business Manager Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness Mr. Bob Dorneker, Manager, Robert Crown Complex Ms. Paula Crismond, Arts & Special Services Supervisor Ms. Mamie Smith, Manager, Fleetwood-Jourdain Comm. Center Mr. Kevin Wallin, Manager, Chandler Community Center Ms. Denise Toepfer, Program Manager, Chandler Comm. Center Ms. Barbara Zdanoviez, Senior Accountant OTHERS PRESENT: Dick Seaman, Mary Wood, Robert Crown Advisory Board; Bill Hoyer, Lionel Carter, Levy Center Advisory Committee; Allen Price, Fleetwood Jourdain Advisory Board; George Ammerman, Evanston Bicycle Club; Bettye Palmer, CHOICE. Mr. Moran introduced the Business Manager, welcomed organization members and gave highlights of the budget picture: Mr. Moran explained the importance of the new Bookkeeper position. Current volume of work is such that Business Office employees work until 2-3 a.m.. Turnover in the Business Manager seriously impacts the working of the entire Department, and competent support staff is a necessity, explained Mr. Moran. Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board: Custodial support at Robert Crown is inadequate, and the current level of custodial maintenance deters participation. Staff has made esthetic improvements inside the center, but the effect of these will be lost without adequate custodial staffing. Bill Hoyer, Levy Center Advisory Committee: Timing of meeting and availability of budget information did not allow Mr. Hoyer enough time for more than a cursory look at a the $4 million budget. He asked that the Recreation Board withdraw the $2 Levy membership increase. Mr. Hoyer asked: Although the Levy family will pick up increase, how long can we continue to depend on their graciousness? Services should be available to all senior citizens with "no hidden tax basis." Why reduce electricity allocation from Levy and reallocate for Crown's expenses? Why can't Levy use the savings (if Levy doesn't spend all of its electricity budget?) Feeling among Advisory Committee is that prices are too steep already, making it difficult for more than one person of a married couple to participate. rr -2- Allen Price, Fleetwood-Jourdain Advisory Board: Drum Corps $2000 cut is ludicrous. Program serves high risk youth and Mr. Price has a track record that no one can stand up to in Evanston. Recreation Board has defied what City Council put in place, a program for high -risk youth. "I'd like for you to come over and see the look on a child's face when he's required to pay $1 to play basketball. I'm compassionate and I'd give a dollar to the child if I could. If the family could afford these costs, I would know." Mr. Price invited the Recreation Board to go on a tour of homes: "There's always waste in management - tighten belts and let money come from the 'hill'. I'm 67, still working and should be retired, but I have three children to put through school. Young people should be taken care of. I wish you should go back and take another look at the budget. Staff could take it and do a better job." Mr. Moran assured Mr. Price that the Recreation Board took a hard look and collectively did the best they could. The Recreation Board will continue to look for ways to improve services and increase available funding. Staff has done a tremendous job; with amazing commitment and energy on this complicated budget. Mr. Price asked: "How can you do anything without money? In the early years of the Center, young scholars broke down the budget and found that Foster Center got only $150 for supplies. I was asked to come out of retirement to run the program. I think the Recreation Board is defeating its purpose. Drum & Bugle Corps is one of the most highly visible programs in Evanston." The Recreation Board needs to fight for more money. The Recreation Board has "given up" and the City does too have money. "We pay tax dollars and then we have to pay fees to participate in programs in our own building. We are double taxed and that's unjust. No one can tell me about the needs of this community; I know when I'm being shafted. I'm asking Board to restore this before going to Human Services Committee and have them restore it. I had to go to the Human Services Committee who were humane, and they restored the summer playground. Mamie Smith has been the best center director in past years and has done a fine job." Bettye Palmer, CHOICE: had questions about inequities, queried how to run a quality theater program on 19 hours a week; why a $7,500 cut in Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center. Ms. Webb advised increasing support from the _gn�unity is planned as an integral part of theater funding program. Ms. Palmer also queried magazine chargeback to Fleetwood of $11,000. Would like clarification of charges to 1704. Staff explained formula for chargeback to various elements, and advised postage rate has decreased. Mr. Moran noted prominence given the theater in the magazine. Mr. Moran thanked those present for comments and input. Meetinz was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Evanston Recreation Board will be Thursday, September 21, 1989 at the Fleetwood Jourdain Community :neater, 2010 Dewey, Evanston, IL at 7:30 p.m. "Draft - not approved" 02-26ejf EVAIISTOPI RECREATICH HOARD MEETIi G "©raft -- Not Approved" HInUTES September 21, 1989 Hs. ;ebb called the meeting to order at 7:42 p.m. T-re meeting was held at the Fleetwocd Jourdain CGm;unity Theater, 2010 Dewey, Evanston, IL. BOARD MEi•iBERS PRESEIlT: Hs. Janet .•lebb, President Mr. Dennis lleaton, First Vice President t:r. Ed Moran, Second Vice President M.r. Henry "rasnow, Treasurer Ms. Julie Farris, Secretary STAFF i•1E:iBERS PRESENT: Mr. Don 1'1irth, Director, Parks, Recreation & Forestry Xr. Gary Silka'itis, S'uzpe-rviscr of Sports & Fitness Mr. Bob Corneker, I''_naZer, Rcbert Cro,,m Ccmpiex .is. Paula Cris::.:nd, Arts x Special Services Ns. I•'yh_ :ar` .. Lcg.sn, Public Infcrmation Special.. , 1'Is. .S.ii._"o, Eus{ness l,a aS r yMiriam � /� X5. I.17.:ie Sm h, Manager, Fleete,ocd4curda n C_��.::1�_Center It. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary APPROVAL GF 1,1INUT S: Mr. Krasnc•!r roved to approve the minutes of _.._ ,iu'y 20 r eeting as written, ::. . Nle :ton .:cc-ided the motion. cFrried. Ms. Farris roved to approve the minutes of the st 13 5.e2ial _ r,Ie_ting, i`r. i:r=src:: saccnaed the motzcn. t.3--isn' carried. TREASURER'S REPORT: Mr. J.rasnorr read the the Treasurer's Repots, sh:winz total disbursements of $424aOM02 as of .July 31, 1 -, and _312,4'73.00 as of August 31, 1939. BUS ITNESS MANAGER IS Hs. Shab•o read the Eusiness 1•'nna;er's re� and REPORTS: . _z .-:r August. Fe*!enues thrcu h July 31, 1989 total__ �,,r�',c71 or 56.79% of the annual budget. Expenditures f=. .he s=e period totalled $1,429,356, or 39.12z of the annual tnrcuZ.h August 31, 1939 t.otaied $1,378,337, cr _,.14, of the annual tud;_t. ExpE-n.diturc-s for the sa-:_ cer__. te.___=d $1101,C09, cr 49.29 , cf t e annual CG..MNICATIONS UPDATE: Mr. ci l i,y - � _ . .., _ .:.Y I�r. Sili..:itis a2ti^r tint :lam=;lt, •. ':•- __ _ Cn current FEFORT. open pcsi..icns. %.: Levy S_nior s -___� t�e led r _ vMn Cne r:...nn. lie pos. inr, . f . the . -_. .� n �fil ` 'r:i_h_n t:._ neat t.:. __ tc fc;:r _.e.J. ..._ _ .- __— _... ,D_,. LEISURE LKARNI'1G CE;:-R Q. Kazis.:w mo•. 'J A ; _rcYQ Ke prq s_d cn..._:.._n f ADVI30RY CC.XH!TT :_. the Leisure L.ar7_r! G_n'.-r d%,inor-y Co._,..tt_.. _,'_ '........- Ilona r,;>. ,.. tx, �:1 i moti n, W it cnrricl. i,Ew° r FC'R EXCE'r73CNS Two for r%:['u;,'.i (-.f` c-. -� �. o c' .., I .. i�L%:11I ! L'I.l�r •r f,_r� L4r:�. !°_� _.� l _:l }uf t:._ 1•'_ _. �'. _: i:1t i. {. -t !.. • , :. -_ .�.. i_.. t In LPOW111 C, i ,....,., tI._ C!• --.,it !;•- ti:=:z._'�i is ��:!l 1;..:t"1',._�. i':r' ,_ ..---..'..{ ..... c-:,'r. -!s I'c re:-.'>: f__ .;ill t_•- 0.,..0 by '..:_ Fr4nnss Wri^_. -2_ Ms. Webb ass:ed if the languapp in the .su=rier cap trcchure was specific in stating that deposits are not ref!.:nded after 'larch 15. Mr. Silkaitis advised that staff have ,;fade changes to the brochure that should make the policy clear. FY1990-91 BUDGET Mr. Krasnow moved to approve the Recreation Board's budget APPROVAL: as set forth by the Finance Ccr_iittee. Mir. Moran seconded the motion. Motion carried. Staff advised the Evanston Sports Association ma7 be able to partially fund the Drum and Eugle Corps. This will be on the ESA Cctob_r aZenda. Mr. Xoran moved that the wcard raise the questicn of funding for Drum & Eugle Cc ,-s with the ESA. Mr. Krasrow seconded, !notion carried. CDBG FROPCSALS FOR Staff gave a short su:r.ary of the procedure in ri90-91: marking proposals. , Ii';a-year plan, now end_nE, _. _ablizhsd a guideline for ;.reject sub.:,issions. L'r. Krazn , az,:_d if the Recreaticn Board had approval on these -=als. CDEG funds have been a; -plied for public t; r-ks _nz . a^lli t? es for the =st tart. Since 1973, $350,000 in suT _ has been received at F1=et zcd Jcurda_n alone. Mr. Krasncw roved the Suer nt_ndent be instr�:ct_d at the May meeting of the REcrEaticn Eoard to report ...._ D", art entis plans for sutmissicn for CD_G funds and the recc=endaticns cf capital needs fcr naig^bcrh,:7t . a'italization that are not being re:ue_t=d to be ^;et by CL=1 Vr. ;Newton s co nd_1 the ; oticn. E tion carried. FEES AND CHARGES Tale Ezard is in the process of re•. isinz the F _ _a ant Cn:ir,- -s POLICIES: Policy. A tan at1ve craft has t,_=n circulated _.._ .. , 'rdc-Va asked for opinions cn procedure at this point. Staff .._._d the only meeting of the Human Services C=nittee before t�%: . -,dget presentation is Cctcber 10. -r. brasn, w su;�-sted a gating a tE a :e 1 - _a`- � 'nt- ti' �� _ -. _'j sciiciting citizen C';nmants Le ter_ adcptin!; a revi. d f_:_._ . r. "r. "3arcn agreedt cculd be -t t t to the Fu .n S_, G:7_-ritt_•° if ti?".? In dincuzsisr, It in: a _ . . ...`_'=1 this pz__ay is ..__._1; applied, . _11 tc assur- that all the r_..._..C_,. ohs ..D.,_ t'_on c_.,,. ej. Pis. Harris . : ested a work se i .. foll_, d - _ r_ s� e � for _ public cc ;14 in miting, A MIA S �.._^rtl ti;_ .+for Monday, ,.. 7 =J f w•,11 b_ at _.._ __.__ C�� Ater, in NZ) cr Ct.� ,. N S FROM S'..ASD Z•!r. 11'e,,. cri 1�:•i � ~ �-: t�-::e p,-esen . to 4l.tP:...1 3 1 r�W['ERY m nt (. holarohip fundraiscr) on CC:tcb]:,r 15, a- �_-. Pare. iir. [.rc"...,. C,^. _� tt: =_4" U_�] :!'( _�i ,._. ,1'.`.' 7t,ti the motion. I'�.�t 0n enr i_d. �.?�rCi a,l Jet_.. _ �rex 2':ti.`? P..i. tJ , "Draft - Not Approved" EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES October 12, 1989 Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. The meeting was held at the Robert Crown Community Center, 1701 Maple, Evanston, IL. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President Mr. Dennis newton, First Vice President Mr. Ed Moran, Second Vice President Mr. Henry Krasnow, Treasurer Ms. Julie Harris, Secretary STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent of Recreation Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness Mr. Bob Dorneker, Manager, Robert Crown Complex Ms. Paula Crismond, Arts & Special Services Supervisor Ms. Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist Ms. Miriam Shabo, Business tanager Ms. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Lionel Carter, Levy Center Advisory Cc=mittee APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Newton moved to approve the minutes of the September 21 meeting as written, Ms. Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried. LEVY CENTER ADVISORY Mr. Carter invited Board members to attend Levy Center's Open. House on October 18, from 1-3 p.m. He advised the Flea Market had netted $9,383. The Men's Club requested review of the practice of the Recreation Board's collection of 10p of gross sales at the Bazaar and Flea Market. The club believes the percentage should be tal_a fr= net sales after costs are covered. Mr. Carter z0d h" Kai attended the Public Hearing on the Budget on S_ptemser 1-, and that he didn't know how anyone would wart to s•ir•:e on the Board after attending that budget meeting. He wanted to personally commend the Board for what they were doing for the services of Evanston. TREASURER'S REFOFT: The Board read the the Treasurer's .. -_r` --n7 total disbursements of $24 1, 361 . 16 as of - _ , i •= BUSINESS MANAGER'S Ms. Shabo read the Business Manager's resort for September. REPORT: Revenues through September 30, 1989 totaled w1,30,213 or 67.27? of the annual budget. Expentiivres for the same period totalled $2,102,083, or 57.53! of t:_ annual t0 get. Staff advised the budget has been c_-pl=ted ant turned in to the City Manager on October 8. .--= Po r: office has advised of scme adjustments, ant _ ._ fun.i.ng thus released has been reallocated to office sup:pl_ T�i: ___m was cut back severely both last year and this yes.. W:;'_'_o Lhe amount will not replace all that was cut, it will r_tno th- ,1__nti& need to cover that charge from ether sources. -2- COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE: Ms. Logan apprised the Board the December/January magazine will feature the Nutcracker. As much time as possible is being spent on Fleetwood Jourdain theater PR. An ad for the Levy Center open house was in the Review this week. Staff brought the Robert Crown Ice brochure and a comparison brochure from the Franklin Park ice facility to show what other area competitors are doing. Even with current efforts, use of the magazine, features, flyers, it is difficult to compete without more funding. Attractive brochures delivered to homes is one of the most efficient and effective publicity avenues. SUPERINTEUDENT'S Ms. Shulse reviewed current staff openings. Levy Senior REPORT: Center's Clerk Typist II has been hire] and will start at the end of this month. The Recreation Coordinator testing and initial interviews have been completed and a de_isicn is expected in the next weer:. The Fleetwood-Jourdain Program Qnaser position is a professional level position and is expectei to interview in December and hire in January. SUMMER CA?9P BROCHURE Mr. Krasnow moved to approve the bid of Eccklet Publishing, BID PROPOSAL: Inc. for the Summer Camp brochure. Mr. Newt= seconded the motion. Motion carried. LAKEFRONT/JAME'S PARK Staff recommended the Board approve a contract between CONCESSIONS: the Recreation Department and Simply Ice Cream, who purchased Fountain Fair Concessions, the service provider last year for the lakefront and Janes Park. In discussion, Mr. Krasnow asked how the percentage was tabulate', and what had been received in previcus years. Staff star i that prier to two years ago, when the facilities were upgraded and rebuilt, $5,000-6,000 was generally received f._- concessions. The system changed to a flat fee of SS,C== 71us i of gross revenue collected for exclusive righiz . Mr. Krasnow moved to approve the co- .ra:t witA Simply Ice Cream for next year, Mr. Moran second_i the notion. Xotion carried. The contract may be gene et f;r three =re years at the discretion of the Ecard and tn_ ._..__.. SCHOLARSH0 VERIrICA- The Easiness XanaZer furriLshed c:.... _ ._ _ - _w. . and TION PROGRESS REPORT: past amounts allocate' for fee Staff explained variances in the amount s^-n= ._r each e,c-ent and amount of fee assistance projected fsr .. i9,--g?. _~e Business Office will furnish a breakdown by e> cf�the azival fee assistance for last year. Staff wil_ :..gin gi7e the ioard updated projections for this year. Staff has ..ne a very good job in enforcing verification procedures as by the Board. MI: In the following discussion, Mr. Krasnow asked that the Board be provided with a list of options for balancing the budget and thoughts behind each item, so the Board can offer active direction. In a previous memo, the possibility of greatly reducing the amount needed to balance the budget through administrative management, without eliminating programs was discussed. Staff advised, in review with Mr. Wirth and the the City Manager, there was a possibility the budget could be managed to help bring it into line. Mr. Krasnow then stated that, although most of the management has to do with staffing issues. he would like to have an input on any underexpending on capital items. The capital expenditures budget is approved by the Board. He very much wants to know what is planned for underexpensed capital funds. Mr. Newton asked what amount of shortfall is concerned: staff advised at the time the memo was written, about $25,000. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The board approved the following slate of officers, to be ratified in November. Current Office: Next office held: President - Janet Webb - 1st Vice President 1st V. P. - Dennis Newton - 2nd Vice President 2nd V. P. - Ed Moran - Secretary Secretary - Julie Harris - Treasurer Treasurer - Henry Krasnow - President Mr. Krasnow moved to approve the slate as given, Mr. Moran seconded the motion. Motion carried. STUDY DOCKET: Family Focus Lease and Scholarship Verification Progress Report will be discussed in November. Ms. Shulse is developing a draft policy for accepting gifts for discussion. CO'•rif£NTS FROM BOARD Ms. Webb reminded Ponrd rooters of the cc_.._. Goober 21st MEMBERS: of "Sophisticated Ladies" at Fleetwood Jour.ain theater. Mr. Newton alerted staff to the Justin Winn Summer Enrichment Scholarship Fundraiser soccer game, at James Park, October 22. Ms. Harris attended the Very Special Arts Festival and said it was very successful. 200 special needs stad'ents in District 65 profited from this cooperative venture, rtinily funded by grant frcm t.; e Evannton Community . A viientape may b� available for the next Ecard meeting. Fs.ri__.. :ro Volunteers have indicated their interest, two cf thew rii11 serve on the citizen committee which is already p'arninE next year's festival. A grant proposal for next year has beer sutmted. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. newton moved the matting be awjcarned, Yr. Qran seconded the motion. Xction carried. The next regularly scheduled meetinn of Uo -. anEtcn Recreation Board will be Thursday, November 1E, 1G t:.= Cnan filer Community Center, 1028 Central Street, Ev _..w__.., 1L at 7:30 P.M. "Draft - n:n ap_: •o7a,1 JAS:ejf/02-25 EVANSTON RECREATION HOARD MEETING "Draft -Not Approved" MINUTES November 16, 1989 Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was held at the Chandler Community Center, 1028 Central, Evanston, IL. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President Mr. Dennis Newton, First Vice President Mr. Ed Moran, Second Vice President BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Henry Krasnow, Treasurer Ms. Julie Harris, Secretary STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Don Wirth, Director, Parks, Recreation & Forestry Ms. Jean Ann Shulse, Superintendent c`. Recreation Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness Mr. Bob Dorneker, Manager, Robert Crown Complex Ms. i•Sartha Logan, Public Information Specialist Mr. Kevin Wallin, Manager, Chandler Cc :•,:unity Center Ms. Miriam Shabo, Business Manager Ms. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Lionel Carter, Levy Center Adviscry Cc=ittee, Bruno Trouille, Pele Stars; Julie C. Kundert, Grosse Point Sports Club, Emily Berendt, Peggy !Martin, nary W:sd, Rcbert Crown Advisory Board; Ronica Roth, Randi Rc-e, Northwestern University. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Moran moved to approve the minutes of the "r..s'_ic Nearing on the Budget of September 14, 19S9. Mr. Ne::tcn seconded the motion, and it passed without furlper discussion. Mr. Moran then moved to accept the minutes of the regular Board meeting of October 12, 1939 as written, Mr. New= seconded the motion. Motion carried. LEVY CENTER ADVISORY Mr. Carter reminded all present ab_..= Levy -azsa , held COMMITTEE REPORT: this week, continuing through ie__n = . He advised the previcu^ Open douse had not been well attende-. The rd• _s:. Cc:•_ intee will eliminate the open house format ant enccu av_ attendance of guests and friends, particularly at sp_.._a' evens. Health i. _ _--c.. screening, hearing and vision testing . ctober. place in late O Attendance at Veteran's Day N :�e=te. • _ •r. s yy...,, df ;win ing tot next year, advert7s.nE and prcmoti_n will te exia..u_... Mzr= pe . _e a: ,;;;;ed the prcgran at Le :qln __t -.._ __. _..1. _ a_ Fountain Square. Mr. Licr.el w_s:._ . ._ :- 7 _ = - _ Thanksgiving cry behalf of the Ad•._s= , -:n :=_--- TREASURER'S REPORT: The Board read the the Treasurer's .._ =r=, s _'^'-' g total disbursements of $231,635 S9 as of _.._ _r 115.. BUSINESS MAIAGER' S The Eusiness Manager's report for C:----ter is delayej because REPORT: the information is not yet avnilabl_. J —2— COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE: Staff relayed progress on the Summer Camp brochure - it is at the printer and should be received in about ten days - leaving time for labeling and distribution before the holidays. The brochure has been extensively rewritten/redesigned to be easier to use. Pioneer Press' marketing department co-sponsors theater prcductior - the theater gives tickets, used in promotion to increase circulation, in exchange for publicity. Three 3/4 page ads ran in the Review for Sophisticated Ladies at Fleetwood--Jourdain. 17,000 flyers were inserted in the Review on 10/26. A tally was taken to find out where patrons heard about the show. Ms. Logan then read a resolution honoring Jean Ann Shulse, who will be leaving the Recreation Department after seven years as Superintendent. SUPERINTENDENT'S Ms. Shulse reviewed current staff openings. A Registration REPORT: Coordinator has been hired. This leaves an opening for Clerk Typist II. That position is expected to be filled in the next two months. The Program Manager at Fleet;rood- Jourdain is expected to be filled in January. Over 200 applications have been received. LEISURE LEARNING Mr. Moran moved to approve the appointment of Kilip Earon CENTER ADVISORY to the Leisure Learning Center Advisory Ccmmittre. Mr. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT: Newton seconded the motion. Motion carried. YOUTH SOCCER PROGRAM Staff furnished a mezzo explaining the proposed reorganization REORGANIZATIOA (AYSO). of the Youth Soccer Program in Evan ton. In order to best serve area youth, it is recommended that a branch of the American Youth Soccer Organi;ation (AYSO) be started. Currently, there is no cne agency _�..._r:c4" »w_ _ all the house league programs. Grosse Foint, re_e ant the Re;reation Department all have programs, sz=e cf whiah cverlap....-s Hill not affect the Grosse ?oint ant Fele Stars tra', e_1_i.g. leagues. It will have a small effe2t on 02reatic : Department revenue. Mr. Moran ct°r.=d i. cort 'r:_,^_ _, prove _ barrier, _er, there was prVvisi .1 for .G.chzi r sh C fes ss:fs;.-..-_. Mr. rcuilse said the ..e_. _ntio . =j..l is veryF - -_ar jrc2efor ez is t... t the f=js 'riz..._.. be _nstru=ant no! salely competitive. Mr. Trcaille said the 0ject of tn- ,.ss....__.._on is to build a wider base of players lgra es E thus assert greater ccntinui`' . He also en l.._nef that sc= competiticn is _ns`..ructic.na , and t0t instr.___ n is the main focus of the progran. Staff is in favor of the proposed ro7rjanlz0iprovided a mechanism for soholarshir s can Lo creanel. Tte program -3- would be phased in over a two year period, so impact would be studied. Ms. Kundert said Glenview aided Skokie and Winnetka in forming chapters of AYSO: Skokie's program went from 80-400 participants in four years, Winnetka from 200 - 1100 in under ten years. The Board asked for further time to study the materials and gauge the impact on future programming. Mr. Trouille asked if a final decision could be expected at the Decemter meeting. If the program is approved, training and recruitment of volunteers should begin as soon as possible for implementation of the program in fall of 1990. COI-V4JNITY NUTRITION The Ecard acknowledged receipt of the Certificate of Insurance NETWORK: for the Community Nutrition Network, which provides congregate and hcme-delivered meals to Evanston seniors from the Fleetwood- Jcurdain Cc munity Center. MANAGE' -CENT OF FY89-90 Staff supplied a memo detailing scze beans of dealing BUDGET: administratively with the substantial beach revenue shortfall. The Board had no further questions. ROBERT CROWN CUSTODIAL Ms. Berendt read a statement to the Pere=_i=n __ard detailing SUPPORT: problems with the current level or custcdia_ so,port at Crown. The Advisory Ecard asked to strongly csnsider hiring of a full time custodian with supervisory sZlls, _.._ budgeting enough hours for part time staff so that a ws_c;._n _a present anytime the building is open. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The board elected the following officers for 190: Janet Webb - 2nd Vice ?res_ts t Dennis Newton - Secretary Ed Xoran - ': rea.... _. Henry .:r.s nc:: - Fr..__..._ _nncm ng =r Is. .___ .._s_tent Ms. Harris __ will n _ t= seeking � s==t __.- _n _ne '__. =at 4 �n_ .1 Board. Mr. IIewnzn moved to apprzve _.._ Officers, Mr. Moran c.o seconded the ['z=_..rl. Motion Cam. __.. 1990 MEETIN., KHED`.LE: Mr. '1ewcn m2vec to approve the I:, meeting schedule. Fir. Mcran senonjel the mcnicn. Motion -_ -_, There willbe Go__ed in the Civic Center, _.... . ..__;-__ f-:7 ine _- . Clerk's C::i__. F_EETh__..- D? RDAI`3 Staff s:'.s. _.. with the E_a= a dr_.: -- s -_ __ `hs_ THEE R LEASE: FamilyFccus representatives, .,core_-:=.. s:___ and he 1.__. s�_i_n ., -arcr.. et in Dezemter to discuss :: _ .._.._s _: the lease, inclwf irg use C. the kitchen and _ _ _ _.. _ re _rz:ms, cue,.'_`.._.._ and Vilding maintenance,secure`' an! ...__sing accessibility. Mr. Mo-3n moved to approve the dry`` , Mr. New._.. seconded the motion. 'lotion carried. GIFT ACCEPTANCE The Recreation Board asked staff to develop a policy on POLICY: gift acceptance. A first draft, fairly inclusive of comments and thoughts on the part of the Board and staff, has been completed. Mr. Moran asked that the Board scrutinize it carefully in light of experience until satisfied that it meets the needs of various situations. The draft will be placed on the Study Docket for review in January. STUDY DOCKET: Additional comparative information was available for the Scholarship Verification Progress Report. It was completed and removed from the study docket. The Gift Acceptance policy will be discussed in January, as will the Family Focus Lease. Mr. Ferrera is liaison to the Rotary/Lighthouse and plans for their special event are going forward - probably next September. They are not yet prepared to approach the Board for assistance other than advice. COMMENTS FROM BOARD Ms. Shulse, asking to speak; thanked the Recreation Board, ME14BERS: on behalf of herself and staff for support. Mr. Moran put in his two cents worth, and thanked the Superintendent for all the help given to the Board and to Evanston, and her tireless, skillful, and able effort fir Reoreation programming in Evanston. Mr. Newton echoed his statement. Ms. Webb congratulated Ms. Shulse on her le3ierzhip in moving the Department from where it has been to where it in now. Ms. Webb also thanked the Board memters and Shuls-- fcr their appearance at the budge„ hearings. Ms. Webb said "Sophisticatei Ladies" was a splendid performance and she was sorry for anyone who hisser it. She complimented Ms. Logan on the publicity. ADJOURNME'17: Mr. Newton move the ... ing adjoarned, Mr. 'loran seconded the motion. Potion c=.._cam. Meeting ws. adjournedat OF p.m. The next regularly sche.ulet meeting .: tnE Evanston Recreation Hard will be Thursday, e2e:nte. 1-, at the Leisare Learning Center, 1 700 Maple, l- at 7 -J p.m. _. - not approved" 1-111EREAS, ,lean Ann Shrt1-#e, has st,rvr.cl weII and ably as Strnerint:endent of the Evan,,t:ntt RecrvaLEon llel+artutent: sinr.r 1911E ; and WHEREAS, .1c,in Ann Slt+r l sr liar enr i chod our ,yoti t h and adults by providing eclitcar.ionaI, rrr.rea1.i€►naI, and personal (irnwth onporLunit:ies; and WHEREAS), ,1r.-rn Ann Shui ;r, liar dnvrif.-o l Uiese year; of tireless effort on behalf of the r.it.i,enc of t:van:t.mt; and WHERUS, 1.ltrnnni her -,ervire has imps-Live€1 gate duality of life for residents of Evan;ton ; and WHEREAS, Jean Anti Sim I,;(,, in providing I.-Imse Services, has male them available to all rr;idenl.: tit- Ll+e r_nrtrmuniLy, reqnrdless of economic st:rlLinn; 1101.1 TIIrPrl-ORI: 13F IT RE5.0I.Vrn t.}taI. giro [vans ton Rr.rrcaLion Rnard, in behalf of t:hr Ci t.y of I'Vansl.nn and I:he Recre,+t,ion Deparl'ment., rommr.nd .lean Ann Shul,e nil 1wr m;my r(nl.ril,ut:inn; t:n Lhr City or l:vanst.nn. BE IT F)IRTIEi R Rl')OI Vr1) thal. a ropy of I:i+i ; resolution br_r.nme a Evart of the rt,Sular mintil.v, nr lAw Ivan,�On Recrea1.,ion Hoard and tha,l. conies he forwarded to n►r.n+hrr; of Iltr+ Cit-y i ounril and 1.11a1. addi l.innal r,npiis be made available to vlllnmev€+t• €+I ;p ttt,iy I+€t rr+nr,rrtivd. ►yr.7 Y"�j ra.r ..r• �.�! Pa55€'rt: tlnvnsz hC,t 16 1 �111rI ,t,i+ v I Wobl+, Prr. s i den 1. l:v,111st:nn RcrrCal:lnn Eioard ts ji�l l in I(arri�, SerrPLary 1��Zn ; t.nn 11%er.r€,,11, i nn Board 0 I� "Draft - Not Approved" EVANSTON RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES December 14, 1989 Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. The meeting was held at the Leisure Learning Center, 1700 Maple, Evanston, IL. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Janet Webb, President Mr. Dennis Newton, First Vice President Mr. Ed Moran, Second Vice President BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Henry Krasnow, Treasurer Ms. Julie Harris, Secretary STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Don Wirth, Director, Parks, Recreation & Forestry Mr. Joel Asprooth, City Manager Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Supervisor of Sports & Fitness Mr. Bob Dorneker, Manager, Robert Crown Complex Ids. Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist Ms. Paula Crismond, Supervisor, Arts & Special Services Ms. Miriaa Shabo, Business Manager Ms. Elaine Ferris, Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Lionel Carter, Levy Center Advisory Committee, Bruno Trouille, Pele Stars; Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board; Arnold Winfield, Jeannette Carson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Moran moved to accept the minutes of the regular Board meeting of November 16, 1989 as written, Mr. 1de won seconded the motion. Motion carried. DISCUSSION OF SELECTION Mr. Asprooth, City Manager, explained the selection process PROCESS: for the Superintendent of Recreation. The Recreation Board will participate in interviews after the initial winnc-4ing of candidates. The posting closes January 15, 1990. LEVY CENTER ADVISORY The Advisory and Life Enrichment Cc mittees hosted a breakfast COS �•1ITTEE REPORT: for the Cc—issien on Aging, to allow the boards to become better acquainted. Mr. Carter expressed the Advisory Committee and Levy membership's concern over lack of information on a new site for the Levy Center. He also indicated this concern is refle2ted by, and has a negative effect on, Levy membership. The r.d::sory Committee passed a motion to present this problem t:� tne^_!'=3tiGr3 Board with a request that they pressure the City -e definite information as to what target is being ride. The date for site selection was to be Au;,.st 19Sz9. There is also a concern the Levy Center will be torn do�-n before a new building is completed. Although the rdvis:ry Ccm-mittee believes neither Northwestern nor the City will do such a thing, a letter to that effect will alle•:iate some anxiety on the part of the Levy membership. The Ad•:isc. Cc=ittee voted to refuse temporary quarters in any case, as trey tend to become permanent. He ended by wishing Happy Holi�:3 = b.:-II o` the Advisory Corrmi ttee. -2- Mr. Asprooth, City Manager, said he would be happy to write such a letter. He also said he did not think there was any question that the City Council does not intend to allow this building to be demolished until there's a replacement facility. The Council has discussed this matter, and because the question of land acquisition is involved, will be discussing this with the Recreation Board and other authorities. Mr. Asprooth will carry the Advisory Committee's concerns back to the City Council and will arrange to talk to the Board and the Advisory Committee early in the first part of the year. He assured Mr. Carter the Council has the concerns of the Committee and membership at heart and does not want to put the Levy Center in a place that would be inappropriate. ROBERT CROWN CENTER Mr. Seaman reported that over 3400 people attended the Ice ADVISORY BOARD REPORT: Show. The Flea Market rented 102 tables for a successful day, despite road work in front of the center. Some progress has been made on the custodial service issue, and Mr. Seaman thanked Mr. Wirth and the Recreation Board for their assistance in obtaining additional custodial staff. He also cc=ended Crown staff and Mr. Dorneker for their efforts in obtaining a new floor sealer and ended by reiterating the Advisory Board's reco=-r endation that custodial staff be present whenever the building is open. TREASURER'S REPORT: The Board read the the Treasurer's Report, showing total disbursements of $268,921.08 as of November 30, 1989. BUSINESS MANAGER'S The Business Manager read the reports for October and November, REPORT: showing revenues as of October 31, 1989, of $1,601,930.88 or 71.06100 of the annual budget, and expenditures of $2,351,660.82 or 64.36% of the annual budget. Revenues as of November 30, 1989 were $1,717,591.94 or 76.191, of the annual `budget. Expenditures for the same period were $2,611,601.28 or 71.481P of the annual budget. COM14UNICATIONS UPDATE: The Summer Camp and Playground brochure is being distributed. There are already 43 registrants for the popular Aquatic Camp. The February/March issue of Arts & Recreation is at the printer and will be distributed January 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S Mr. Wirth reviewed current staff openings. Re.ruitment REPORT: is proceeding for the Clerk Typist II position. Interviews for the Program Manager at Flee twood--Jourdain are expected to take place in January. Mr. Krasnow has resigned from the Recreation Board. Mr. Wirth noted that practice has been for Board members to serve until a replacement-, is apzo nted. Staff has done a walk-through of the Flee tk ood-.?curdain theater in the Family Focus building, in preparation for discussing the renewal of the lease. Family Focus and Recreation Board representatives will meet to discuss the lease and some related concerns on January 9, 1990 at 7 p.m. Mr. Wirth gave an update on budget projection:. Staff continues to take measures to alleviate the shortfall in beach revenue. Natural Ice rinks will open early this year, or. uecemter 2;. # 3 Mr. Wirth asked for direction from the Recreation Board on the acceptance of verification procedures used by Police Department volunteers in enrolling youth in summer leisure activities. For a number of years, the police have assisted in identifying youngsters between the age of 5-12 who might not otherwise be enrolled in a leisure activity in the summer. Volunteers visit each home, explain the playground program, and if the family is interested, explain the fee assistance process. Families are cautioned that scholarship is contingent upon income eligibility and verification. Officer Cook said that this is their standard practice. However, he relieves the registration process would stop at that point if the family had to travel to the Civic Center to verify income, a: outlined in the Board's policy. Currently, the staff liasion, Ms. Mills -Palmer, accepts registrations on behalf of the Police Dept. lip to one hundred applications are received together. Police officers collect funds to cover the remaining cost to the participant. It is unlikely the Police Department could assume any more responsibility for income verification than they do already. The dilemma is that the children would in fact arrive the day of the program's opening whether registered or not. Ms. Webb said the Department has, in past years, accepted the police report that participants qualify for fee assistance, and registrations were taken on that basis. The question is, to continue past practice, or to require formal verification as set forth in the current policy. If verification of income at the Civic Center is required, in essence, what will happen is a decrease in service to those children, because their parents will not follow through in coming in. The Board's policy for other eligible progra::s in the department states fee assistance/scholarship is available at 759, 500 or 250P. For the playground program an exception was made so that the maximum fee assistance is 851. If an exception to the verification policy is made, it will again to the only such exception. Ms. Webb stated the Board would follow past procedures this summer. Assistance from the Police Department in identifying young people who may not be in an environment "here they're able to know about the program any other way is very valuable. If we have to adopt an exception to the policy tc continue past practice, I think it's wortnw'..: Mr. Xorr:n concluded. Officer Cook, a Police Depart:~~: representative, will be working with the Recreation Board in resolving any remaining questions of procedure. Ms. Webb moved to follow past practice this y_ar, and investigate possible alternatives for next year. Mr. N_w;on seconded the motion, which carried. Ms. Webb requested t�:e Pee Assistance/ Scholarship verification procedures for Su=-_-r Playground be put on the agenda in I -lay 1990, and asked notes be kept of any probleals, comments, and frustrations f.:�n this year. -N- 9 Wr ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Moran moved to approve the appointment of Stuart Bradskey APPOINTMENTS: to the Leisure Learning Center Advisory Committee; and Mary Wemette and Suzanne Dorburg to the Levy Center Advisory Committee. Mr. Newton seconded the motion. Motion carried. YOUTH SOCCER PROGRAM The Board has discussed the issue of reorganization of youth REORGANIZATION (AYSO): soccer in Evanston. In order to best serve area youth, it is recommended that a branch of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) be started. Mr. Moran addressed his concerns that the program not be priced out of reach of potential participants, and that scholarship/ fee assistance be available. Mr. Trouille advised a fee assistance program is included in plans, modeled after that of the Recreation Department. Mr. Newton moved to adopt the proposed reorganization, Mr. Moran seconded the motion. In discussion, staff recommended the motion be amended to include five conditions: 1) that details for fee assistance be worked out, 2) that formal agreement be made between AYSO and the Recreation Board defining parameters of the program, 3) that a Recreation staff person be appointed as liaison, 4) that the Board encourage AYSO coaches to qualify through the National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA) program; and 5) that the plan be phased in over two years. Mr. Newton amended his motion. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR EXCEPTION Mr. Winfield requested a reduction of rental fee for a Black TO RENTAL POLICY: Collectibles Show at the Leisure Learning Center, April 6-8, 1990. Staff recommends the normal rental fee of $6,800 be reduced because of the importance of the show to the community and because admission fees would be waived for Levy and neighborhood senior clubs on Saturday. Rental fee then assessed to Mr. Winfield would be $3,536. Mr. Newton moved to approve the request, Mr. Moran seconded. Motion carried: STUDY DOCKET: Ms. Webb added the Police Fee Assistance liaison to the study docket for May. Fees and Charges Policy revision was added to the docket for January. COMMENTS FROM BOARD Mr. Newton thanked the Pele and Grosse Pointe boards for their MEMBERS: work in putting together the AYSO proposal. He also thanked Mr. Wirth for his memorandum to the Human Services Committee concerning certain budget questions. Mr. Moran said Ms. Shulse's absence would be felt strongly. Ms. Webb said this is the last meeting as Chairman, and looks forward to ".r. Moran's year as President. She also thanked Ms. Harris in absentia for her service on the Ecard over the last five years. Retiring Board members, Julie Harris and Henry Krasnow, will be honored at a brief reception at the January Recreation Board meeting, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Refresh.Tents will be served. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Moran moved the meeting be adjourned, Mr. newton seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Evanston Recreation Board will be Thursday, January 18, 1989 at the Chandler Community Center, 1028 Central, Evanston, IL at 7:30 p.m. "Draft - not approved" JAS:ejf/02-25