HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCES-1989-023-O-8923-0-89
is annoyinq, harmful-, and
dangerous to human
and a.
hazard to puhlic health; and
WHEREAS, breat.hinq second-hand smoke is a. sj.(-Tni.f_icar)t
health hazard and a source of di -,comfort; and
WHEREAS, the City Council believes that both Smokers
and non-smokers prefer restrict.ions on smoking in public places
and in the workplace; and
WHEREAS, THE City Council in -tends to strike a
reasonable balance between the needs of persons who smoke aDcl
the needs of non-smokers to breathe smoke -free ?j-r! and
WHEREAS, the CJ.ty Council deems it E-9174sable -For the
well-being and comfort of person!-, within '.-Aie City's borders to
prohibit smoking in publ-ic places except in des-ionated s7inkina
areas and to regulate smoking in places of emplovment,
SECTION: I That: section 8-21-1. of the Indoor Clean
Ordinance of the Ci..+-.v Code of the Ci.-tv of
Evanston, 1979, as amencle.d, (City Code) be amendod as followq:
8-21-1: Definitions - The followinq words and
phrases, when used in t:hi-.c; ordi.nance, shall he
construed as defined in this section -
BAR AREA: An area which -is devoted- to the
serving of alcohoiic- be-,.rera.aes for coDsi_immption
by guests on the premises and in which the
serving of food is only incidental. to !--.])-e
consumption of such beveraaes. Althouah a
restaurant may contain a bar area, the term "bar
area" shal 1 not include the res-1-auraDt di.Dinq
BUSINESS: A sole proprietorshin, partnership, ' ;o nt
venture, corporation or r othebusiness entity
• formed for prof j. t-making purposes, including
retail establishments where cToods or services
are sold as well as professional. corporations
and other entities where. legal, modica I., dental
engineering, arc.bitectural or other professional
services are del.ivered.
Any enclosed area containinq a counter or table
i -
upon which meals are served.
Any person who is employed by any eTTiplover
in the consideration for direct or indi-rect
monetary wages or ' profit., and any person who
volunteers his or. her services for a non-profit
Any person, partnership, corr)oration, including
a municipal. corporation, or non-profi.t entity,
who employs the services of one or more
All space between a floor and ceiling which is
enclosed on all. sides by solid walls or windows
(exclusive of door or passage ways.) which extend
from the floor to the ceiling, including all
space therein screened by partitions which do
not extend to the cej-lj-ng or a.re not solid,
office landscapincj" or similar structures.
Any theater enga.ged in the business of
exh.ibitinq notion pictures.
Any corporation, unincorporated association
or other entity created for charitable,
philanthropic, educational., cha-acter building,
political., socia.l. or other similar purposes, the
net proceeds from the operations of which are
corunitted to the promotion of the ob * lects or
purposes of the organization and not to private
financial qa.in. A public auenc ' y is not a
"non-profit entity" witbi-n the meaning of this
EMPLOYMENT: Any enclosed area under the control of a
public or private employer which employees
normally frequent during the course of
employment, including, bur not limited to, work
areas, employee lounges and restrooms,
conference and class rooms, emplovee cafeterias
and hallways.
a. A private residence is not a "Place of
employment" unless it is used as a, child
day care home.
b. The dining area of a restaurant is not a
"place of employment".
PUBLIC PLACE: Any enclosed area to which the public Js irvited
or in which the iDubli - c is permitted, including
but not lirnited to, banks, educational
facilities, health facilities, public
transportation facilities, reception areas,
• restaurants, retail food production and
marketing establishment.s., retail service
establishments, retail stores, theatres and
waiting rooms. A private residence i_s not a
"public pl_ace."
RESTAURANT: An estab.li.shment or portion of an establishment
(I open to the general public in which the
p.r_incipa.l. use is the service of prepared food
�I and/or beverages for consumption on and/or off
H the premises.
STORE: A retail store utilized primarily for
I the sale of tobai:co products and accessories and
in which the sale of other products is merely
SERVICE LINE: Any in.d.00r line at which one (1.) or more persons
are waiting for or rece.ivina service of any
kind, whether_ or not such service involves the
exchange of money.
SMOKING: Tnhaling, exhal.in.a, bur.nina or carrying any
lighted cigar, cigarette, weed, plant, or o'-her
combustible substance in any manner. or in any
I' SPORTS ARENA: Sports pavilions, gymnasiums, health spas,
boxing arenas, swi_mm.i.ncl pools, roller and. i.c(-
I� rinks, bc)wl. i_na alle�7s and other simi-lar places
I where members of the general. public assemble
either to engage in physica.l. exercise,
I� participate in athletic competi.t.ion, or witness
sports events.
i SECTION 2: Fxi_stinq section R-21-2 shall he
renumbered as section 8-21-4 and a new
section 8-2.1-2 added., reading as follows:
j 8-21-2: City-Owned./Opera.ted Facilities: All enclosed
facilities owned or operated by the City shall be subject to
the provisions of this Chapter.
!� SECTION 3: Existing section 8-21-3 shall. be
' deleted and a. new sec-tion 8-2.1-3
added, reading as follows:
A. Smokina_ shall be pr_ohi.hi_ted in all enclosed public places
within the City, i_ncludi.ng, but not limited to, the
following places, and with the f0l.l0wi_11q exceptions:
1. Elevators.
2. 'Picket, boarding, and waiting areas of public transit
depots; provided, however, that this prohi.hi.tton does
not prevent (a) the establishment of separate waiting
areas of equal size for smokers and nonsmokers, or
�i (b) the establishment of a maximum of fifty percent
II (50°) of a given waiting room as a smoking area.
3. Restrooms.
4. Any service line in any establishment or portion
5. Retail stores, except areas in sa�_d stores not open
to the public and except all. areas within retail
tobacco stores.
6. All areas available -to, and customarily used bv, the
general public -in all, businesses and non-profit
• entities patroni.zec' by the public including but not
limited to, attornev's' offices and other off IJ. -ces,
banks, hotels, and. motels.
7. Public areas of galieries, li-braries, and museums
when open to the public; provided, however, that this
prohibiti - on does not prevent the designation of a
separate room .for_ smoking in such area.s.
8. Any building not open to the sky which is primarily
used for, or designed for the primary purPose of,
exhibiting any motion picture, stare Play, drama,
lecture, musical reci.1--al, or other similar
Performance, except when smoking is part of a s-11-a(Te
production; provided, however, that this prohibition
does not prevent the designation of a contiguous area
containing a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of any
area commonly called a lobby as a smoking area.
9. Sports arenas and convention halls, except in
designated smoking areas.
to. Every room, chamber, place of rrieetinq or T)uhlic
assembly, including those in school bui-Idi-nas, and
including public iTieet-inqs of boards, committees, or
agencies of the City or political subdivisions of the
State, during such ti-J.1110. as a. Public meeting is in
• ; it. Waiting rooms, hallways, wards and semiprivate
rooms of health facilities, including, but no+ -
limited to, hospitals, clinics, physical therapy
facilities, doctors' offices, ' ices, and. dentists' offices.
In bed -space areas of health facilities jise(q For two
or more patients, smoking shall be proh-ibit-ed. unless
all patients within the room are s,.iiolkers and request
in writing at the time of admissions to he placed in
a room where smoking is permitted. A health -facility
may designate a separate waiting room for srnokers.
For purposes of this Chapter, a facility licensed as
a long term care facility shall riot be considered a
health facility.
12. Polling places.
13. Waiting rooms, hallways, and other areas of
governmental buildings where -It-.be public is in-171ted,
has access to, or must v.jSj_t in order to conduct
business or to part ' ii - ..cpate in programs or services
offered ther.i en, except in a separate area in such
building, designated as a smokinct area..
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, any
owner, operator, manager or other person who controls any
establishment or facility described in this section ;nay i
declare that entire establishment or facility as a
. I nonsmoking establishment.
SECTION 4: That renumbered section 8-21-4 be
revised by deleting subsection 8-21-4(F):
I(A) Smoking shall be permitted in restaurants seating forty
I(40) or more persons only if the requirements of subsections
,A M and (3) or AM and (3) are met.
• 1. A non-smoking area shall be designated, the size
and location of which shall be determined by the
restaurant management, based on the needs and
requests of the restaurant's customers, but in no
case shall the non-smoking section represent less
than 200 of the seating capacity. Existing physical
barriers, ventilation systems and other physical
elements of the premises shall be utilized to
minimize the intrusion of smoke into areas where
smoking is not permitted. The size of the smoking
area may fluctuate based on requests of customers, as
long as it is no less than 200 of the seating
2. Separate rooms may be provided for smokers and
non-smokers, so long as the room(s) designated for
non-smoking contain no less than twenty (20) per cent
of the seating capacity of the restaurant.
3. In all restaurants seating forty or more
persons, each customer shall be asked his preference
of seating in a smoking or a non-smoking section. In
restaurants where patrons seat themselves, the
non-smoking section must be clearly identified.
(B) Regardless of restaurant size, cigar smoking is permitted
only in separate rooms designated for smoking.
• (C) Smoking shall be permitted in the bar area of a
(D) Smoking shall be permitted in a separate room while it is
being used for private functions, except when the person in
charge of such private function declares the room to be a
non-smoking area for the duration of the private function.
(When a room is being used for a private function, the number of
remaining seats in the restaurant shall be used to ascertain
(compliance with section 8-21-4(A)l and 2 above.
(E) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, any
owner, operator, manager, or other person in control of a
restaurant may prohibit smoking in the entire facility.
SECTION 5: That a new Section 8-21-5 be added,
reading as follows:
4. Provision and. maintenance of separate and contiquous
nonsmoking areas of not less than fifty percent. (50o) of
the seating capacity and floor space in cafeterias, !
lunchrooms and employee lounaes or provision and
maintenance of separate and equal-s.i.zed cafeterias, �
lunchrooms and employee loun(aes for smokers and
• 5. In any dispute arising under_ the smoking policy, the
health concerns of the nonsmoker shall be ai_ven
C. The smoking policy .sha.11 he contmuni^,a+ed to al.l eniplovees
within three (3) weeks of its adoption. i
D. All employers shall. supply a written copy of the smoking
policy upon request to any existing or prospective employee.
E. Notwithstanding any other provi-sion of this section, every
employer shall have the r. i qht to desi.gna'-e any place of
employment, or any
y portion thereof, as a nonsmoking area.
SECTION 7: 'That a new section 8-21-7 be
added, reading as follows:
A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter to the l
contrary, the following areas shall not be subject to the
smoking restrictions of this Chapter: j
1. gars.
2. Private residences, except when used as a child day
care home.
3. Hotel and motel rooms rented to guests.
4. Retail tobacco stores.
5. Restaurants, hotel_ and motel conference or meeting i
rooms and. private assembly r_oorns while these places are
being used for private .functions.
6. A private enclosed office wo-rkplace occupied
exclusively by smokers, even though such an office
workplace may be vis:it_ed by nonsmokers.
7. Establishments which devote all or part of their
space on a .full or part-time basis to meetings or
activities the primary purpose of which is therar)v for
alcoholism, other types of substance abuse, and the
like, during such time and in that: portion of the
premises where such meetings or activities are being i
conducted.. I
8. hong term care :facilities.
9. Restaurants which seat fewer then forty (40) persons.
B. Notwithstanding a.nv other provision of this section, any
owner, operator, manager, or other person who control.- a.nv
establishment described in this section may declare that
establishment as a non-smoking establishment.
SECTION 8: That a new section 8-21-8 be
added, reading as follows:
A. Any owner, operator or manager of a business or other
establishment subject to this chapter may apply in writing to
the City Manager for an exemption or modification to any
provision of this Chapter due to unusual circumstances or
B. Such exemption shall be granted only if the City Manager
or his/her designee finds from,the evidence presented by the
applicant for examption that unusual circumstances or
conditions make it impracticable for the applicant to comply
with this Chapter.
SECTION 9: Existing section 8-21-4,
renumbered as section 3-21.-9, and
otherwise unchanged, reads as follows:
i 8-21-4:
(A) The City of Evanston Health Deparmtent shall enforce this
(B) Any citizen who desires to register a complaint under this
chapter may initiate enforcement with the Health Department.
(C) Any owner, manager, operator., or employee of any
restaurant subject to this chapter, may inform persons
violating this article of the appropriate provision thereof.
(D) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a.
private citizen may bring legal action to enforce this chapter..
(.E) The Evanston Health Department shall require, while a
restaurant is undergoing otherwise -mandated inspections, a
written statement from the owner_, manager, operator, or other'
person having control of such restaurant, that all applicable
requirements of this chapter_ have been complied with. A
material false statement made in the statement or a re('usal to
provide the statement may subject the maker or person refusing
to provide such statement to revocation or denial of any
license or permit issued by the City for the premises in
SECTION 10: Existing section 8-21-5
renumbered as section 8-21.-10,
and otherwise unchanged, .reads as follows:
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, operates, or
otherwise controls any premises subject to regulation under �
this chapter to fail to comply with any of .its provisions.
(B) It shall be unlawful f_or any person to smoke in any area
where smoking is prohibited by the provisions of this chapter.
(C) Any person who violates any provision of this chapter
shall be guilty of an infraction, punished by:
1. A fine not exceeding one hundred dollars
($100.00) for a first violation.
2. A fine not exceeding two hundred dollars
($200.00) for a second violation of this chapter in
one year.
3. A fine not exceeding five hundred dollars
($500.00) for each additional violation of this
article within one (1) year.
That a new section 8-21-11 be
added, reading as follows:
No person or employer shall discharge, refuse to hire, or in
any manner retaliate against any employee or applicant for
employment because such employee or applicant exercises any
rights afforded by this Chapter.
SECTION 12: That existing section 8-21-6,
renumbered as section 8-21-12 and
otherwise unchanged, reads as follows:
8-21-12: OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS: This Ordinance shall not
be interpreted or construed to permit smoking
where it is other wise restricted by other applicable
provisions of the City Code.
SECTION 13: That existing section 8-21-7,
renumbered as section 8-21-13
and otherwise unchanged, reads as follows:
8-21-7: SEVERABILITY: If any provision, clause,
sentence or paragraph of this
chapter or the application thereof to any person or
circumstances shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not
affect other provisions of this chapter which can be given
effect without the invalid provision or application, and to
this end the provisions of this chapter are declared to be
are hereby repealed.
All ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith
This ordinance shall be in full
force and effect sixty days from
and after its passage, approval, and publication in the manner
provided by law, with exception of sections 8-21-6 and 8-21-11,
which shall become effective ninety days after said passage,
approval, and publication.
Introduced: 1989
Adopted: �,rf :::�f)� 1989
\ y'
City Clerk
Appr v. d as to f 6.1
Corporation Counsel