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January 23, 1991
Jim Duncan
Ann deBrauw
Ald. Richard Lanyon
Robert Dawkins
Chief Ernest Jacobi
Manuel Isquierdo
Kate Mahoney
Karen Carlson
Harvey Saver
Bennett Johnson
J ay W . Terry
Jessica Lopez
The meeting was convened at 7:30 pm. Alderman Richard Lanyon
chaired the meeting. It was moved and passed to approve the
minutes of the November 1990 meeting as submitted.
There was a discussion of the memo Mayor Barr submitted to the
City Council members. Task Force members asked for clarification as
to their role in presenting the references at the various committees.
Using the memo Jay Terry sent to Task Force members, Alderman
Lanyon identified members who should attend the committee
meetings to elaborate on the Task Force objectives and members'
expectations of the committees. Task Force members will attend the
next scheduled committee meetings:
Human Services Committee: Alderman Lanyon
City/Schools Liaison Committee: Robert Dawkins
Police Services Committee: Chief Ernest Jacobi
City Chamber Liaison Committee: AIderman Lanyon
tilental Health Board: Ann Graff
Aid. Lanyon stated he would contact the Liaison members of the Arts
Council and the Unified Budget Task Force. Ann Graff stated that the
Mental Health Board wrote letters of support to the Mayor and
Superintendent Pollock of District 65 regarding the D.A.R.E. program.
Alderman Lanyon introduced Debra Hill who is the Curriculum
Coordinator for District 65. Ms. Hill gave a presentation on the
D.A.R.E. program. The presentation was delivered in three parts;
First was a brief overview of how School District 65 got involved
with the D.A.R.E. program. This was followed by a slide presentation
outlining the actual program content and administration. The third
part of the presentation included a question and answer period.
In the first part of the presentation, Ms Hill stated that the State of
Illinois mandates that school districts include drug education as part
of their curriculum. In the fall of 1989, District 65 met with the
Evanston Police Department and discussed the benefits of the D.A.R.E.
program and assess the feasibility of securing funds for the program.
District 65 submitted a letter to the State in November 1989 and
received notification of approval in February 1990. Ms. Hill stated
that careful consideration took place as to how to include the
program in the curriculum. It was decided to include the program in
the sciences classes. The program runs one time per week for 17
weeks. 5th and 6th graders were targeted to receive the course.
State funding was contingent upon participation in an evaluation of
D.AR.E. Therefore, Haven School was identified as the experimental
school and Nichols School as the control school.
The D.A.R.E. program content includes teaching children practical
coping skills which go beyond the "lust Say No" message. Children
engage in many self -exploratory and group learning exercises.
D.A.R.E. employs specific strategies which include peer interaction, a
multimedia approach and positive role models of police officers. Iyls.
Hill stated that an integral part of the program includes the
incentives given to children for tasks completed. The incentives
alone cost School District 65 S6,000 to S7.000 annually. A parents
night was organized to introduce them to the program and address
any concerns that they had. Parental support of the program has
been strong. Teachers have also embraced the program as they
became exposed to the D.A.R.E. curriculum and the student response.
Ann Graff asked if School District 65 has considered absorbing the
cost to retain the two officers. Ms. Hill stated it has been a topic of
concern, but budgetary constraints do not allow for the district to
support a police officer's salary. Ms. Hill added that District 65 also
funds and is involved in other drug prevention efforts. Jay Terry
asked how the School District's response was toward the program
compared to other school districts. Ms. Hill stated that
programmatically everyone is pleased with the program but perhaps
other districts have less vocal teachcrs unions who in Evanston were
upset by the disruption in the science curriculum. Aid. Lanyon asked
about the other school grades. Ms. Hill stated that there are
prevention efforts made from K through 5 as well. Kate Mahoney
asked if the Poster Contest will continue. Ms. Hill responded that
initially the Evanston Substance Abuse Prevention Council organized
it, but now they no longer will assume that responsibility and its not
clear District 65 has the staff resources to continue it.
It was suggested that School District 65 pursue other forms of
funding to continue the program. Ms. Hill stated that the School
District does not have the personnel to adequately investigate,
prepare and submit grant proposals. Aid. Lanyon asked Chief Jacobi
if money confiscated through drug -related arrests can be made
available as a funding source. Chief Jacobi responded that the money
confiscated is expended through police operations relating to drug
arrests. Also, drug money cannot be used to underwrite an existing
budget item. Manuel Isquierdo asked Ms. Hill if District 65 has
prioritized its prevention efforts. Ms. Hill stated that staff
development and programmatic issues prevail, but added that more
time has been spent on substance abuse issues over the last 5 years
than for any other issue. Harvey Saver asked what plan if any does
School District 65 have if funding is not secured. Ms. Hill stated the
School District would nonetheless fill the gap to comply with the
State mandate, but not at a 17 week level.
There was a continuation of the discussion of the Mayor's references.
Ann Graff asked who the Mental Health Board needs to be
responsible to for each of the charges. Aid. Lanyon answered that
the Task Force should be the body to whom the committees report to.
Manuel Isquierdo suggested that the committees respond in writing
how they will address each assigned task. Jay Terry stated than the
review of each committee minutes will allow members to see if the
items have been addressed. Aid. Lanyon restated that Task Force
members should attend the committee meetings to ensure that the
issues are addressed and provide any clarification. Jay Terry will
coordinate with the staff members of the various committees if
reports can be submitted identifying how they intend to respond to
their identified charges.
Kate Mahoney Announced that this Saturday "Jane Eyre" will be
performed for Theater Night as a benefit for PEER Services. Ms.
Mahoney also noted that in the Review an article was published
praising the Lighthouse for the good work they are doing and their
demonstration of community outreach.
Up -date on the "Safe School Zone" signs. Manuel Isquierdo stated the
High School sign has not been defaced or stolen. Plans are in process
to put new signs up and double -face existing ones. Bob Dawkins and
Ann deSrauw continue to work with the District 65 PTA's. It is
possible a modified sign will be posted at the middle schools. Qakton
School is still interested in the signs. The city recreation centers
should have signs in place. Task Force members will visit the centers
to ensure they are up.
Next meeting will be held March 27, 1991.
Meeting adjourned at 9;05pm.
WY 22, 1991
:;a j or Joan Barr
Jeanne F o:c
,old. Richard Lanyon
Chief Ernest Jacobi
Ann Graff
:ate Mahoney
Bennett Johnson
Jay Terry
Jessica Lopez
The weetinj wan conveyed at 7 :42 pis. lad or Barr ona? red the _eeti_ L
::ayor 2arr stated that the reason .;he called the zeetin, was to
follow-up on the references the Cast Force : adc to the varyin.1;
cotuitteen, boards or commis; icm.
There will be a rally Zeld at Uute Whool or. ::a1. 29 at 7 ps for
junior hQh sc_ ool students. A YroLrao featurin„ anti-t wL Qitz is
curr aptly in prcduction. T s projra ::wll occt:r : i. is :c_r-onLha-
and will have representazivas frc- ]"- L fiPreye nr.�, .:.;Js:..:c, C;]t:. nth==
uac_l and Sciool Vatricts 202 and 0.
late ::ahore r reported cn a acbstance abunc ioru= tali tke Fre-riouz
eveninZ in Arlington hei ta. The forums was sponzored Ze Lt.
t..eir Kac: of the scopa c: ;"e - ~oale=. :'..a a=ptZzi3 of ;, e panel
t 0cus.]lan as on preventinz. _zed :vanz:nn .A _a_ 7eslt.. _oar_ _
sUni ne:. a re,.ort whizh will be 5L,cmt on re'cc ♦orw....
_ne _vac; locator: an, ;ILa.
3ta_. : erso n.. "a aseen-z_°! -..__cn :rc 7..E
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_..`or:_c,._cn : ro:ithe._ . `n `; 2c _a_ ., _n z_._n..cc A_vi_
..1.v :21 lavish to CIS ...1.._,j Otry__. K....` Vcrv_--.. in =. _ 2ct-nt to _(mot._
_n _at2 zu. -.-_er.
in official ccn-ratula,._v..J naL eatanoa_ to noaf Vacozi an& r :_
N3i.r Un Police :rtwen r for _onr . ` .. re^cn t .' -
M or's Special Tans: Force on Substance Abuse 3
answer any questions that arise and encourage then to incorporate the
anti-druG message through artistic expression.
District 65 will begin a new program this fall for gifted children
experiencing problems. Also staff were directed to contact District
65 staff to determine the status of their part of the prevention
:sat r ix .
The new At -Risk grant proposal recently submitted by the Evanston
Coalition For 'Youth And Their Families is not Waited to dru,,
prevention. Youth serving agencies would be included in a cityvide
coordinated plan.
A sulleatio n was Zde that t.`a Task Force convene a day lonL
conference for the business coL.:-.unity, co=unity Sroups and a,encieo
to focus attention on substance abuse issues. Considerable discussion
ensued around issues such as cost, who to involve, = acL of Such a
ceeti_nL, staff resources, and format and content. Consensus was not
reached as to ::nether such a conference '.:aa preferred. : ayor _arl.
noted c quorun of the Mt Force was not presant and zujoeste?d a eJun n
seetin„ to be held to consider this idea fort :er.
', suLgestion ::as mace tc rava t.:c TazW Force request that on -coin.
progress reports to submittod by all orlar,icatiors who receive
references. Staff will d0tributa copies of ;he Auaust 19;C Tas:.
Force uinu:es in which :e...4ers as$!_ned Lca1S to npecif c ..v nnton
orSanications. .t the Next lletinL, cenbers .:ill 0cuss the futura
direction and role of the 7=4 :Force. 7he next achedule! ..entin- will
be ::edneaZ__ , vune 25, 1001.
June 26, 1991
MEMBERS Mayor Joan Barr, Alderman Joe Kent, Chief Ernest Jacobi,
PRESE Jay W. Terry, Ann Graff, Jim Duncan, Manuel Isquierdo,
Robert Dawkins, Kate Mahoney
OTHERS: Harvey Saver, Shaun Lane, Pat Beam
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. Mayor Barr introduced
Alderman Kent as a new member of the Task Force, and welcomed him as a Task
Force member.
The minutes of the meeting of May 22, 1991 were unanimously approved. The
Mayor indicated that she had concerns related to future directions of the
Task Force. She indicated that the Task Force had not solved the problem
but there were a number of programs and initiatives in place. She was
uncertain as to what the next step of the Task Force should be. At the last
meeting, Bennett Johnson had proposed a Citywide meeting or convocation to
review the Task Force report and to galvanize the community around the drug
issue. She had given it considerable thought after the meeting, and in the
ensuing month, and she felt if the Task Force was to have a meeting of that
nature, it would need a very significant agenda. Her second concern was if
that significant agenda was in fact in place, the question became who paid
for it and who arranged it. She was concerned that such a meeting should
try and reach a large group and she was uncertain as to what the interest
would be in this type of event. She thought one possibility could be a
press conference with an update as to things that have happened since the
report was issued, identifying such things as the increases in drug arrest,
new grants that have been received in the community, and the D.A.R.E.
Ann Graff noted there were a number of things that had happened in the
community while the Task Force may be could not take specific credit for,
they were things that had occurred under the Task Forces watch. She felt
that District 65's Substance Abuse Rally had been dramatically improved and
was a significant event. The development of the Prevention Matrix was
another accomplishment. She also noted the Evanston Substance Abuse
Prevention Council was having a Fall meeting and perhaps there were avenues
of coordination with the Task Force though she would not want those two
efforts to be duplicative.
Minutes of 6/26/91 . . . 2
Kate Mahoney indicated that the format for the Substance Abuse Prevention
Council meeting had not yet been determined. Chief Jacobi concurred that
progress had been made though there needed to be efforts made to measure the
progress that had been made since the report was issued.
Manuel Isquierdo felt that there needed to be more publicity and a greater
emphasis on notifying the community that the Task Force Report had been
issued. Ann Graff noted that the Evanston Mental Board had in fact,
responded very seriously to the Task Force recommendations and had produced
specific responses to those recommendations.
Mr. Terry indicated that part of the lack of response from certain groups to
whom we had made the recommendations was due to the fact that our
recommendations were not as specific as they needed to be; that everyone to
whom the report had been sent, was supportive and felt that the report was
an excellent report and encouraged the Task Force to continue its work. We
needed to identify what those specific actions we wanted institutions to
take to support the Task Force's work.
Kate Mahoney and Manuel Isquierdo articulated the need to have the report
come alive in a way to engage the members of the community to get them to
rally around and support its recommendations in a more action oriented
Members of the Task Force then engaged in a discussion as to how feasible it
would be to pull off an event of this nature and how likely meaningful
attendance would be.
Alderman Kent indicated that while interest in the problem may be waning in
certain areas, it was a very intense problem in his ward. He felt that
there were a number of great programs in place in the City. He felt the
recommendations in the report were important, that the support of the
business community was necessary, that the schools were responding, but that
the problem still remains. At the street level, there is still a
significant amount of drug activity, that youth may go to school and hear
the substance abuse lectures, but they come home to confront it on a daily
basis. One of his great concerns was a gap he had identified was effective
programs for first time offenders. He felt those in the age group of
thirteen to sixteen should be targeted. He would like to see some type of
community service program developed for those who were first time offenders
in general but particularly who had first time engagement with substance
abuse. He believed the issue could be discussed forever but the problem was
existing on the streets right now. He said that one of the problems he
faces in trying to target that age group was they could go home and there
are older siblings who are engaged in some type of substance use activity.
Minutes of 6/26/91 . . . 3
Chief Jacobi indicated there were a number of City Police Department and
other agency programs targeted at first time offenders and at high risk
youth, but there is always room for improvement in that area.
Jay Terry noted that in addition to the Police Department programs that the
social work component of the Evanston Community Defender should be consulted
because they had special relationships with many of those clients.
Manuel Isquierdo indicated that the concern would be defining what is a
first time offender. While it would be an admirable program for all first
time offenders of any crime, he was hoping that the first emphasis would bo
for drug and alcohol abuse. He indicated that the High School would be
expanding its alternatives to suspension program in the coming year. lie
again indicated that there was still a need to focus great attention on the
Task Force report and there needed to be a great amount of enthusiasm
connected with getting more members of the community involved in this effort.
Ann Graff indicated an additional need was for the Task Force to contact
those members who had not attended the last two to three meetings; there was
valuable input from certain persons who were no longer attending and that
there needed to be an attempt to revive that. Ann Graff made a motion that
a sub -committee be appointed from the Task Force with the purpose to "plan a
gathering of appropriate people to give life to the report." That motion
was passed by Task Force consensus. The Mayor asked Manuel Isquierdo to
serve as Chairman of ghat sub -committee and Ann Graff, Kate Mahoney, and Bob
Dawkins volunteered to serve as sub -committee members. Ann Graff indicated
the sub -committee would like to invite Joe Kent and Dick Lanyon to serve on
that sub -committee as they were available.
Jay Terry indicated that in terms of timing, if an event was to be
scheduled, given the fact that the report was dated November 1990, a way to
publicize whatever event we would be having, would be to say "the Task Force
Report one year later -where are we?" Mr. Isquierdo indicated there was a
need to get a report back from the institutions to whom references had been
made to secure their commitment to solving the problem. ,aim Duncan and Jay
Terry confirmed copies of the reports were available for distribution to
persons to whom the Task Force members wish copies distributed. Manuel
Isquierdo indicated that his sub -committee would work under a November
timetable, but they will come back earlier with a plan. After Task Force
discussion, it was determined that they would in fact be a Task Force
meeting at the end of July which would include a report from the event
sub -committee. The Mayor indicated that in addition, she wanted follow-up
to Alderman Kent`s concerns and she suggested Alderman Kent to lc to Chief
Jacobi and Mr. Terry to determine what are the current programs so then we
can develop recommendations providing something new.
Minutes of 6 26 91 4
Jim Duncan pointed out that in the Task Force recommendations, the Community
Action sub -group had recommended a mentoring program for first time
The Task Force then heard a presentation by Patricia Beam who had contacted
the Task Force and asked for an opportunity to speak. Ms. Beam indicated
that she had been involved with prevention efforts and substance abuse for
some time initially at Evanston Township High School, but also with the
Evanston Substance Abuse Prevention Council. She said that she was
delighted to hear the discussion; she was glad to know that there were so
many efforts in the community about combating substance abuse. She gave a
presentation which described in detail her concerns about the lack of
enforcement of the law covering alcohol consumption on City park property,
which she felt was a lack of enforcement by the Police Department. She
cited numerous instances in which she herself had called the Police
Department after having witnessed open consumption particularly in lake
front parks. The response by the police officers was mixed and not
consistent. She asked that the Task Force encourage the Police Department
to enforce this law more consistently.
Mayor Barr indicated that at the June 24, 1991 City Council meeting,
Alderman Esch had made a reference to the City Council Police Services
Committee indicating that alcohol consumption in the parks was an issue they
should be considering. The Mayor suggested that Ms. Beam contact the Police
Services Committee and raise this issue with them. This would be the
appropriate committee that would be dealing with this issue most
The Task Force had no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 9:15
Jay W. Terry
` Minutes
July 24, 1991
MEMBERS Mayor Joan Barr, Alderman Joe Kent, Alderman Dick Lanyon,
PRESEN3: Jay N. Terry, Ann Graff, Jim Duncan, Manuel Isquierdo,
Robert Dawkins, Kate Mahoney, Donald Baker
Mayor Barr called the meeting to order. The minutes of the meeting of June
26, 1991 were unanimously approved.
The Mayor called upon Manuel Isquierdo to provide a report of the
subcommittee appointed to design a special event for the Task Force to
sponsor. Mr. Isquierdo distributed an outline for an event to be held on
Thursday, November 7, 1991 from 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. at the Beardsley
Student Center at Evanston Township High School. He indicated the Task
Force had hoped to have a working session, a meeting that would be
productive to provide some tangible results rather than just another
discussion. It was incumbent upon the Task Force to identify those key
individuals who should be invited to identify the objectives of the event.
He distributed a potential agenda for the meeting which indicated there
would be a welcome from the Mayor and both School Superintendents; an update
on our current situation from the Police Department, a discussion of the
community matrix developed by the National Commission for Drug Free Schools,
the community matrix for Evanston, some history of the Mayor's Special Task
Force and its accomplishments, and then breaking up into small work groups
that would work on a set of goals and hopefully, try to identify some
tangible work products. He felt that the Task Force at this meeting needed
to 1) sign on to the idea of sponsoring this event; 2)Task Force members
should agree to serve on three subcommittees which he identified as being
necessary to have the event be successfully planned; and 3) identify which
of the Task Force objectives listed in the report could be topics for these
small group discussions. He distributed a potential list of those
objectives which had been developed by the subcommittee members as
priorities and he also distributed a list of proposed committee
The Mayor expressed her gratitude to Mr. Isquierdo for producing a
comprehensive planning document relative to the event. She indicated that
the event was now taking a much more substantive shape and it was an event
which she felt comfortable endorsing.
Minutes of 7/24/9I . . . 2
Alderman Kent emphasized a need for an event of this nature to reach members
of the community as much as possible. He identified the Presidents of the
Block Clubs as being people who need to be invited in order to insure
community input and support.
Mr. Isquierdo cautioned about space considerations for this event, that
there was a need to have representatives of every organization but not
necessarily all members of every organization. The Task Force discussed and
agreed that there could be a wide invitation list in order to insure
attendance would be appropriate. Ann Graff volunteered the resources of the
Residential Crime Prevention Committee.
Alderman Lanyon questioned why the event was happening during the week as
opposed to a weekend when there may be more community representatives. Mr.
Isquierdo indicated that there was a trade off either way but in light of
the fact that this ultimately was to be working type of session, that we
were more likely to get practitioners in the various fields to attend a week
day event, and it was determined by the subcommittee that their attendance
was of•primary importance if a trade off had to be made.
Mayor Barr asked for a motion to approve the sponsorship of this event. Ann
Graff moved that the Task Force agreed to sponsor a one-half day workshop on
developing community partnerships to combat substance abuse at Evanston
Township High School. The motion was passed unanimously.
The Task Force then reviewed Mr. Isquierdo's subcommittee list and the Mayor
asked for volunteers and those persons who would be interested. Mayor Barr
volunteered to Chair the Contact Committee. Also volunteering to serve on
this committee were Alderman Joe Kent and Kate Mahoney. It was agreed that
this committee would have the task of identifying and contacting key impact
people in the community to invite them and solicit their participation in
the event.
A Public Relations/Registration Committee was established. Bob Dawkins
volunteered to be Chair of that committee. Ann Graff volunteered to
participate as well. Mayor Barr indicated City staff needed to be involved
with this committee and indicated that Jay Terry would participate. Later
the Task Force agreed that Chief Jacobi needed to be a member of this
committee. The task of this committee will involve identification of
refreshments, publicity, reservation of the rooms, facility set up,
confirming all registration and if necessary, identification of funding
sources for materials.
The third committee was an Action Time Committee. Manuel Isquierdo agreed
to Chair this committee. Members who volunteered were Jim Duncan, Jay
Terry, Don Baker and Dick Lanyon. This committee will meet early in the
fall and work with the objectives which are identified by the Task Force and
develop a final agenda for the event, compile fact sheets, and a list of
Task Force accomplishments.
Minutes of 7/24/91 . . . 3
The Committee then reviewed the list of Task Force objectives which the
subcommittee had identified as perhaps being workable into end products. It
was agreed after some group discussion that there were four topic areas
which could most effectively utilize people's time who attend this event.
After considerable discussion, it was determined that the first sub -group or
objective would combine three goals in prevention and education: Immediate
goal number one; "to aggressively involve both students and parents working
to overcome a long standing lack of participation in the effort"; immediate
goal community action number four, "offer a service of parents to at risk
youth to meet for the purpose of mutual support. This service could be
coordinated with and become part of existing programs in churches and
agencies"; law enforcement and criminal justice short range objective number
two, "hold parents responsible for the criminal actions of their juvenile
children and refer families to appropriate support and rehabilitation
programs." The Task Force agreed that all three of those objectives should
be combined into a work group session at this event with the overall goal of
developing strategies for improving parental involvement in substance abuse
prevention and early intervention efforts.
The second objective identified by the Task Force after discussion, was a
combination of short range goal number one under Early Intervention -"train
service providers and other community members on identification of substance
abuse and encourage ongoing substance abuse education, and make sure that
people know where to refer for services"; short range goal number three,
Early Intervention, "insure that those agencies that are working with youth
and their parents are talking to each other, coordinating services and
developing the shared message." These two will be combined into a work
group session on sharing of information and coordination of service by
service providers with the emphasis on potentially developing a shared
Regarding the third work group, the Task Force agreed to combine under
community action immediate goal number two "request for each church one or
two persons who will be responsible for mentoring youth who are at risk,
first offenders, or substance abusers"; with portions of goal number three
which was "contact the Evanston Chamber of Commerce to enlist the support of
the business community to help combat substance abuse in our community."
After some discussion, it was determined that this would be combined to have
a workshop devoted to discussion of mentoring programs both in terms of
analyzing some national models but also a sharing of information of the
various local efforts which are underway by the Police Department, Evanston
Township High School, Second Baptist Church, The Youth Job Center and Kappa
Alpha Psi and Coe -Pops. It was combined with the Chamber of Commerce
objective with the hope that business community support of mentoring
programs could be solicited.
Minutes of 7/24/91 . . . a
The fourth work group objective identified by the Task Force was in•tffe area
of law enforcement and criminal justice. Long range goal number two, "after
police contact with substance abusers refer offenders to intervention or
rehabilitation programs in the community if appropriate"; long range goal
number seven, "develop a first offenders program through the Police
Department and local agencies. This would be a required program for
individuals breaking the law on a substance abuse related offense." The
Group agreed that the fourth sub group would combine these two objectives to
be a work group on alternatives for offenders with a primary emphasis on
first offenders and would be an opportunity for the attendees of the event
to draw upon the resources of the various representatives of the Police
Department that would be attending.
It was the consensus of the Task Force that those would be the four work
groups for the event on November 7, 1991.
Mr. Isquierdo also distributed copies of the matrix from the National
Commission For Drug Free Schools which the subcommittee members had felt was
one of the most comprehensive matrices on the drug issue that they had seen
and that the matrix in its entirety needed to be reproduced for examination
and distribution at the event in November.
It was agreed that the next Task Force Meeting will not be until September
25, 1991. It was agreed though that all three committees for the event
needed to have a least one, if not more, working sessions between now and
September 25, 1991 to have reports ready as to how the event planning is
going. Many of the details on he event should be well underway by that time.
Mayor Barr noted that the event may be an opportunity to bring some closure
to Task Force activities and an opportunity for the Task Force to pass on to
various leaders in the community their responsibilities relative to the
substance abuse problem, and perhaps provide an appropriate end to formal
Task Force activities.
The Task Force Committee adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Jay W. Terry