HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1991EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 23, 1991 8:00 p.m. - Room 3630 Evanston Civic Center MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Berlin, Polly Hawkins Crocker, David Galloway, Dick Lehner, Doug Mohnke, Carol Qualkinbush, Marilee Roberg, Stephen Yas MEMBER ABSENT: Hal Davis ASSOCIATE PRESENT: Mary McWilliams STAFF: Holly Sabin PRESIDING: David Galloway GUESTS: Lee Lohman, Tom Clune (Decker do Kemp - 1144 Michigan Avenue), Arthur Slavin, John McLinden (Centrum Properties - 1 700 Sherman Avenue) In consideration of the guests, the Chair proceeded with Review and Technical Assistance to later come back to the minutes. I. COMMITTEE REPORT Review and Technical Assistance 1 144 Michigan Avenue Architects Tom Clune and Lee Lohman from the firm of Decker & Kemp proceeded with their proposal for the kitchen addition and garage. This landmark residence had been subject to review by the Commission with a proposed garage that although recognized for its historic character did not meet the building height restrictions. The proposal now before the Commission does not require a zoning variance. Stephen Yas reported to the Commission that Review and Technical Assistance recommended approval. Mr. Yas stated that the committee found both the kitchen addition and garage sensitive to the character ❑f the home. There had been discussion regarding the railing design of the deck. The deck will link the addition to the garage. Commissioner Yas suggested that the area under the railing be more solid. Stephen Yas made a motion to approve the proposal as submitted and to recommend the design of the deck to be further defined. Motion carried unanimously. i Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes January 23, 1991 Page Two II. 1700 Sherman Avenue/Evanston Gallerla In response to Centrum Properties' proposal to replace the doors of The House Store, David Galloway, Stephen Yas and Holly Sabin met with Arthur Slavin of Centrum. The House Store in the Evanston Gallerla has the doors that provided the primary entrance of the Marshall Field's building. As an original entrance, the doors exhibit a distinguished commercial design that Is important to preserve. The concern for The House Store was to increase the window display area. Mr. Yas reported to the Commission that R&TA suggested a solution that would satisfy the desire to enlarge the window display without replacing the two pairs of doors. The pair of doors to the right (when facing The House Store) could be replaced but could provide for the following conditions: (1) preserving the ornamental bronze mullions and trim; (2) maintaining the datum line by placing a solid brass kick plate in place of the two plates; (3) installing a thin black frame of the same material and finish as the existing door frame; (4) saving the right pair of doors in storage for future reinstallation; and (S) submitting a sketch of this solution for the Commission's records. Commissioner Yas made a motion to approve the R&TA solution for The House. Motion carried unanimously. Noyes Cultural Arts Center Ms. Sabin reported that she sat in on the interviews for architectural services for the Noyes window replacement project. Staff said that Council would probably approve that contract at its January 28 meeting. MINUTES A motion carried to approve the Minutes of December 18, 1990 pending any grammatical or typing corrections. OLD BUSINESS 1830 Sherman Avenue Staff reported that she was unable to obtain cases from the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois. However, she suggested that the Commission could still go forth with the letter. Commissioner Vacancies Ms. Sabin reported to the Commission that Derek Cottier had been introduced during the January 14 City Council meeting for appointment to the Preservation Commission It is anticipated that he would be confirmed at the January 28 meeting. Filling the other vacancy is being pursued. ivanston Preservation Commission Minutes January 23, 1991 Page Three IV. NEW BUSINESS Preservation Awards Staff stated that it was time again to think of the Preservation Awards Program. Ms. Sabin asked for two volunteers to help. Polly Hawkins Crocker and Richard Lehner volunteered. V. STAFF R EPOR T Scheduling of Endangered Building Committee Staff stated that she would like to schedule a meeting of the Endangered Building Committee. Wednesday, February 13 at 8:00 p.m. was decided upon for the date. Building Permits The following permits have recently received staff approval: 2146 Asbury Avenue - Reroof (no change in materials) 1 1 19 Michigan Avenue - Interior remodeling (not visible from street) V1. CALENDAR Tuesday, February 19 Meeting Ms. Sabin reminded commissioners that Anne Earle will be present at that meeting to give a presentation on the proposed Northwest Evanston Historic District. it is expected that the boundaries will be decided upon then. Commissioners should then become familiar with the proposed boundaries before the 19th of February. Thank you for Certificate of Appreciation Nis. Gwen Sommers Yant wrote a thank you note to the Commissioners for the Certificate of Appreciation. Proposed 1991-92 Budget The Chair directed the Commissioners to turn to the Task Time Analysis that was compiled by Holly Sabin, Gwen Sommers Yant and himself. Mr. Galloway explained that the first section involves recurring monthly tasks that exceed a monthly (40 hr. per week basis) period by I I %. Periodic projects such as budget preparation and the preservation awards program comprise 46 days or more out of the year. Special projects that are unscheduled and usually unanticipated absorb from 30-68 days out of the year. The Coordinator expends 41 %-56% above full-time to handle recurring, periodic and special projects. ' Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes January 23, 1991 Page Four The Chair informed the Commission of a letter In this week's Evanston Review, that supports the maximum budget cut to the Preservation program that maintains a full-time Coordinator. Nancy Wagner, the Statewide Programs Director for the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois wrote a letter to Acting City Manager In response to the proposed half-time staffing. Mike Ward, Local Government Services Coordinator for the SHPq will be submitting a letter to Mr. Zimmerman responding to Section 106 Review of CDBG funded projects and CLG status as It may affect the City's receiving grants and carrying out its responsibilities as it certified program. Mr. Galloway moved on to the subject of budget reduction. The Chair said that the Commission could revise the program budget by reducing the salary of thr Coordinator and eliminating the newsletter. Discussion ensued over a building permit surcharge. Some felt that such a should fee be applied to all permits because preservation benefits the entire community. The meeting was adjourned at l 1:00 p.m. Staff: Date: htA )�9a 25Y95-98 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBER ABSENT: ASSOCIATES PRESENT: STAFF: PR ESIDING: OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 19, 1991 9:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER Derek Cottier, Polly Hawkins Crocker, Hal Davis, David Galloway, Dick Lehner, Doug Mohnke, Carol Qualkinbush, Marilee R oberg, Stephen Yas Barbara Berlin Anne Earle, Ellen Galland, Mary McWilliams Holly Sabin David Galloway, Chair David Hirschman (Hirschman Architects -- 2426 Lincolnwood Drive) The Chair announced that the Commission would hear the report of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee before reviewing the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission held on January 23, 1991. I. COMMITTEE REPORT REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 2426 Lincolnwood Drive David Hirschman, the architect for 2426 Lincolnwood Drive, presented the following proposal to the Commission: (1) remove the door including the lintels and limestone head details on the north elevation (a secondary elevation, using the limestone ornament on the rear elevation; (2) brick in the door on the north elevation with brick from the west elevation (pattern to match and be flush with the wall); and (3) maintain location and size of window opening to the right of the door (replacing clear glass with opaque glass). Dick Lehner reported R&TA's recommendation for approval of Mr. Hirschman's proposal. The Chair read out loud pertinent excerpts from Guidelines for Applying the Secretary of the interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. The Guidelines discourage removing or radically changing windows and entrances that are important in defining the overall historic character of the building. Discussion ensued over the contribution of the north elevation to the overall character of the residence and the rationale for maintaining a door that no longer has a function. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - February 19, 1991 Page Three 1329 Elmwood Avenue Staff informed the Commission that a low or moderate income homeowner can receive a conservation grant to conserve, preserve or restore his/her home if it is a designated landmark or eligible for landmark. designation. She further informed the Commission that she had discovered a possible candidate for a conservation grant (1329 Elmwood Avenue) during a Section 106 review of the Evanston Housing Rehabilitation Department's proposed work program. Because 1329 Elmwood Avenue is not a designated landmark, Staff asked the Commission to determine whether 1329 Elmwood Avenue would be eligible for designation as an Evanston landmark and, thus, qualify for a conservation grant. After discussion and viewing of slides, the Commission judged the residence to meet the criteria for landmark designation in the A7 category. VI. STAFF REPORT" Adoption of 1991-92 Budget Staff informed the Commission that the City Council would be adopting the 1991-92 budget on Monday, February 23. BUILDING PERMITS Staff has recently approved the following permits: 2454 Pioneer Road --- kitchen remodeling (not visible from street) 1730 Chicago Avenue -- foundation repair (EPC approved restoration plan 11/20/90) 2340 Lincolnwood Drive -- reroof (no change in materials) VII. CALENDAR March 2, 1991 Preservation Bali -- Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois March 19, 199I Regular Commission Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11.00 p.m. STAFF: DATE: HS/mc 23Y21 /23 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: A550CIATES PRESENT: STAFF: PRESIDING: OTHERS PRESENT: I. MINUTES MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 19, 1991 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER Barbara Berlin, Derek Cattier, Polly Hawkins Crocker, David Galloway, Richard Lehner, Doug Mohnke, Carol Qualkinbush, Stephen Yas Hal Davis, Marilrc Roberg Anne Earle, Mary McWilliams Holly Sabin David Galloway, chair Ronald Saiet (landmark owner-1231 Hinman Avenue); Thomas O'Callaghan (landmark owner-1207 Maple Avenue) The minutes of February 19, 1991 were approved. II. COMMITTEE REPORTS . REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 1231 Hinman Avenue Stephen Yas spoke on behalf of the Review and Technical Assistance committee regarding the proposed side rear fence for 1231 Hinman Avenue. Mr. Yas stated that the committee recommended Commission approval for the five foot tall cedar fence at the side rear of the property. Ronald Saiet, the owner of the landmark residence, showed the Review and Technical Assistance committee members photographs and an illustration of the proposed fence. Motion carried to approve the fence. 1207 Maple Avenue Doug Mohnke spoke on behalf of the Review and Technical Assistance committee regarding the proposed front yard gate and side rear fence for 1207 Maple Avenue. Mr. Mohnke reported that the committee recommended Commission approval for the gate and fence. He remarked that a suggestion was made to Thomas O'Callaghan, the owner of the landmark residence to employ a heavier element on the bottom and a diagonal pattern on the upper portion. Within this design framework, it was recommended that the gate design pick up the datum fine of the house. Motion carried to approve the gate and side rear fence. Evanstop Preservation Commission Minutes -March 19, 1991 Page Two PRESERVATION AWARDS COMMITTEE Polly Hawkins Crocker spoke on behalf of the Awards Committee. Ms. Crocker reported that Saturday, June 1 was selected for jury deliberation. She went on to say that the committee is in the process of creating the jury and asked for a Commissioner to be a juror. Barbara Berlin was chosen to serve on the awards jury. Staff will notify the Commission of the dates when nominations open and close. Discussion ensued over distributing the nomination forms and publicity. Commissioners were encouraged to nominate projects in the four categories of restoration, rehabilitation, maintenance, and adaptive reuse. III. NEW BUSINESS PRESERVATION COORDINATOR POSITION UPDATE The Chair reported to the Commission that at the February 25 City Council meeting the coordinator position was reinstated full-time. ZONING ORDINANCE UPDATE Associate Commissioner Mary McWilliams updated the Commission on the revision of the zoning ordinance. in the revised ordinance, reference is made to historic preservation and the City's preservation ordinance. Ms. McWilliams remarked that the next step is a review of the ordinance by the Planning and Development Committee (possibly later in April) and a public hearing to follow. It was suggested that there be support for the preservation -related issues, particularly for the estate overlay district, at the hearing. There are two proposed estate overlay districts. The zoning consultants recommended "A" and "B" districts with minimum lot areas of 20,000 square feet and 10,000 square feet respectively. A site plan review would be required before the planned development process begins. DESIGN REVIEW UPDATE The Chair reported to the Commission that the issue of design review was discussed at the March 11 Planning and Development Committee meeting. Representatives from the Plan Commission appeared before the Committee to give their recommendation for a non -binding and expeditious review. It was the hope of the Plan Commission that individuals from, the fields of architecture and design could be appointed by the Mayor to volunteer their services at these site plan meetings. Mr. Galloway emphasized the importance of moving ahead on establishing specific written design criteria in order to avoid charges of capriciousness during the review process. The Chair further remarked to the Commission that Alderman Nelson suggested that the Committee consider removing the single family exemption from the ordinance and require all buildings to be reviewed. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - March 19, 1991 Page Three HOUSEWALK COMMITTEE FORMATION The Chair asked for volunteers to develop an architectural walk for this spring. Carol Qualkinbush and ,Mary McWilliams said that they would work on the project and hoped to have the assistance of other Commissioners and the Preservation League of Evanston. NEW COMMISSIONER UPDATE The Chair informed the Commission that the name of James M. Knox was introduced in the last City Council meeting for appointment to the Preservation Commission. IV. STAFF REPORT EPC PURCHASE OF PUBLICATIONS Staff reported that three new publications were added to the Commission library: All About Old Buildings, Dictionary of Architecture, and a cumulative index for Preservation Law Update BUILDING PERMITS Staff has recently approved the following permits: 1 145 Sheridan Road -- re -roof (no change in material) 225 Greenwood Street -- re -roof for a flat roof (not visible from street) 2246 Orrington Avenue -- one-story rear addition (not visible from street) 320 Greenwood Street -- replace pickets for existing picket fence (replacement in kind) 1 334 Asbury Avenue -- reconstruction of a rear porch (replacement in kind) "CELEBRATE YOUR HERITAGE" PHOTOGRAPH COMPETITION Staff informed the Commission of a photograph competition that is sponsored by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. She suggested that if the Commission were to undertake this, a committee could be formed to stage the event. Discussion ensued over the location of such a picture. Carol Qualkinbush commented that she knew of a photographer who may be interested. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - March 19, 1991 Page Four V. CALENDAR April 16, 1991 Regular Commission Meeting May 1, 1991 Deadline for Nomination for the National Preservation Honor Awards June 6-9 Statewide Preservation Conference in Rockford The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. STAFF: DATE: 25Y8-I1 ,Y. EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 16, 1991 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Derek Cottier, Hal Davis, David Galloway, James Knox, Richard Lehner, Doug Mohnke, Stephen Yas MEMBERS ABSENT: Barbara Berlin, Polly Hawkins Crocker, Carol Qualkinbush, Marilee Roberg ASSOCIATES PRESENT: Anne Earle, Mary ,McWilliams STAFF: Holly Sabin PRESIDING: David Galloway, Chair OTHERS PRESENT: Brayton Gray and Marianne Wisby (landmark owners - 1122 Judson Avenue), Debbie Warner (landmark owner - 1204 Noyes Street); Carol Ross Barney (architect - Nichols School, 800 Greenleaf Street); Elliot Dudnik (architect - Noyes Cultural Arts Center); flax Rubin (Building Operations, City of Evanston - Noyes Center). Heather Kmetz (reporter) In consideration for the guests, the Chair asked for the report of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee as the first item of business. I. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Noyes Cultural Arts Center, 927 Noyes Street Doug Mohnke spoke on behalf of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee regarding the window replacement project at the Noyes Cultural Arts Center. He reported that at this point, the Commission is offering the architect, Elliot Dudnik, guidance on an appropriate window replacement. Mr. Dudnik evaluated the condition of the existing windows and found that a high percentage of them would require replacement due to their deteriorated condition. The City intends to install energy efficient double pane windows in this building. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - April 16, 1991 Page Two Mr. Mohnke stated that the Committee reviewed the estimates for the windows in light of the building's character and the budget, and would recommend aluminum double hung frames with true divided lights. The Chair commented that the Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines would indicate replacement in kind for the windows. However, estimates for the wooden double hung windows considerably exceeded the project's budget. Mr. Mohnke commented that these aluminum windows could offer the same muntin pattern as the existing windows with slightly larger muntin width. Given the large scale of the windows, the Review and Technical Assistance Committee did not view the larger width as making an appreciable difference from the existing windows. The Committee found that neither tinted nor reflective glass would be donsistent with the character of the building. The Committee would encourage "e" glass if the bid prices made it affordable. Steven Yas made a motion to approve the Committee's recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. II. MINUTES The minutes of March 19, 1991 were approved. 1122 Judson Avenue The Review and Technical Assistance Committee determined that the proposed rear addition would not be visible from the street. I204 Noyes Street Debbie Warner, the landmark owners originally intended to put up a chain link fence and gate. However, upon the suggestion of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee, she decided on a wooden picket fence and gate. Mr. Yas made a Notion that staff be empowered to approve drawings that the owner would submit at a later date. Motion carried. 900 Greenleaf Street - Nichols School Doug Mohnke spoke on behalf of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee regarding the restoration of the clock tower. He reported that the brick was so deteriorated on the clock tower that it called for removal and replacement. The restoration project adheres to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. It involves replacement of brick in large contiguous areas with the expectation that existing brick will be used where possible. For the tuckpointing, the mortar will duplicate the original in strength, composition, color and texture as well as replicating the original mortar joints in width and profile. The limestone detailing will be reused or replaced as per existing. To maintain the visual void in the tower and prevent further water penetration, black anodized louvers will be installed at a set back from the face of the tower. T ll Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - April 16, 1991 Page Three The Committee found that the roo , as well as the tower, Is a character defining element. Carol Ross Barney, representing the architectural firm undertaking the restoration project, stated that if money Is available, the deteriorating copper roof would be replicated; or otherwise the existing roof would be maintained. The Parent Teachers, Association is trying to find the funds to recreate the clock faces. The Committee recommended that the four faces of the clock be replicated from the original design. Motion passed to approve the restoration project for the Nichols School clock tower. III. NEW BUSINESS SOUTH BOULEVARD STATION The Chair informed the Commission that the City was not awarded the restoration grant for the station. He added that according to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, the Bricks and Mortar grants may be eliminated entirely as a consequence of budget reductions in state government. IV. OLD BUSINESS PROPOSED NORTHWEST EVANSTON HISTORIC DISTRICT. After studying and touring the proposed district boundaries, a motion carried to approve the boundaries. Thanks was given to Anne Earle for conducting the district tour. PRESERVATION AWARDS COMMITTEE Polly Hawkins Crocker informed the Commission that nominations are being taken for the awards program until Monday, :.Itay 13. The jury deliberation will take place Saturday, June I. Commissioners are encouraged to prepare nominations. ENDANGERED BUILDINGS COMMITTEE Doug ,Mohnke spoke on behalf of the Committee to report that an endangered buildings list had been compiled and the report would be forthcoming. WALKING TOUR COMMITTEE A walking tour of downtown Evanston and the churches, bordering Raymond Park is proposed for the coming fall. V. CALENDAR May 21, 1991 Regular Commission Meeting June 6-9, 1991 Statewide Preservation Conference in Rockford The meeting was adjourned at 1 1:00 p.m. STAF JON /13 r ,IMEMREPS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT ASSOCIATE PRESENT: STAFF: PRESIDING: EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Tuesday. ,May 21. 1991 8.30 P.M. Poom 2403 CIVIC CENTER Derek Cottier Polly Hawkins Crocker. Hal Davis David G:.;Ioway. James Knox Doug �ltohnke Carol Gualkinbush. Alarilee Roberg Barbara Perlin. Dick Lehner, Stephen Yas �.lary McWilliams Holly Sabin David Galloway, Chair OTHERS PRESENT Don and Ruth Singer (landmark owners-2769 Sheridan Road); John Mazza (architect-2033 Sheridan Road. Lunt Hall) Larry LaRoi (architect-2121 Sheridan Poad. Garrett Seminary); Mr and Mrs. John Vanos (landmark owners-2444 Pioneer R oad) In consideration for the guests, the Chair asked for the report of the Review do Technical Assistance Committee as the first item of business. I. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 2769 Sheridan Road Polly Hawkins Crocker spoke on behalf of the Review & Technical Assistance Committee regarding the one-story rear addition for this landmark residence She reported that the proposed addition's brick will match as closely as possible in color and pattern. Ms. Crocker remarked that about two to three feet of the addition would be visible from the street and public way. essentially leaving the bay window to protrude from the addition The muntin configuration will duplicate that of the existing building Derek Cottier made a motion to approve the plans as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 0 . Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - May 21. 1991 Page Two 2033 Sheridan Road, Lunt Hall Ms. Crocker spoke again on behalf of the Review do Technical Assistance Committee regarding the installation of six window air conditioner units in the landmark building. She stated that the project Is viewed as temporary in nature and does not destroy or harm historic material. The window units will be placed on the window sill, three in front and three in the rear of Room 110 while the sashes remain in place The surrounding panel will be painted a neutral color such as putty The motion passed to approve the installation of air conditioning units according to the proposal. 2121 Sheridan Road. Garrett Theological Seminary Speaking on behalf of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee Doug Mohnke reported that the architect Larry LaRoi was proposing to install louvers for a mechanical system on the east elevation. In order to provide air conditioning for the chapel the architect tried to design a solution that would minimize damage to the existing building. The Commission agreed that this approach would have the least impact to the historic fabric of the building. The project consists of placing recessed dark louvers in the upper portion of the second story east elevation windows which would create a visual void like that of the surrounding windows. Above these windows exhaust louvers will be installed in the niche and pulled forward: they will also be painted a limestone color to blend ir,. the surrounding area. The plexiglass over the windows will also be removed. Motion carried to approve the plans. 2444 Pioneer P cad David Galloway reported as member of the Review and Technical Assistance Committee that the addition is proposed for the west elevation. The proposed project involves removing the existing mud room and closing up the rear entry The plans indicate matching existing materials and trim. Xt indows will be similar to the existing narrow windows and muntin configuration. ,lotion ap ssed unanimously to approve the plans as presented. II. r!AINUTES The minutes of April 16 were approved with the following correction on page three where "r000f" should be replaced with "roof". Ili. CORRESPONDENCE The memo to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding 207 Lake Street was approved. The Chair returned to Committee reports. .4 Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - May 21. 1991 Paste Three PRESERVATION AWARDS -COMMITTEE Polly Hawkins Crocker reported that Saturday, June Ist the jury will tour the projects and deliberate for the award selection. ENDANGERED BUILDINGS COMMITTEE Doug Mohnke informed the Commission members that the Committee has identified the properties and will then offer for each the criteria for listing. WALKING TOUR COMMITTEE This Committee report will be Riven at another time. PUBLICITY COMMITTEF The Committee will be scheduling a meeting. Various ideas were discussed for creating an awareness of the Commission's work. IV. OLD BUSINESS NOYES CULTURAL ARTS CENTEP Staff informed the Commission that she has been making requests to examine the bid drawings. NICHOLS SCHOOL The Commission found in favor of drafting a letter to the PTA in support of efforts to raise money for recreating the clock faces. ZONING ORDINANCE UPDATE Vary McWilliams reporter} to the Commission that the Planning and Development Committee decided to go chapter by chapter through the revised zoning ordinance. She alerted the Commission to the date of July 29 when the overlay districts will be discussed This should be the opportunity to re emphasize the validity and importance of the Estate Overlay Districts. DESIGN REVIEu UPDATE David Galloway stated that he and Stephen Yas repeated their support for documented standards at the Planning and Development Committee meeting earlier this month. PHOTOGRAPH COVPETITION The Commission decided that with the current on going projects they would forgo the competition. tt , Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - May 21. 1991 Pape Four V. NEW BUSINESS SOUTH BOULEVARD STATION The Commission approved the fetter for submission. NEW COl,IMISSIONEP ORIENTATION Staff suggested the orientation be scheduled for another time. V1. STAFF REPORT BUILDING PER MIT Staff announced that she would cover the permits at the next Commission meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10.15 p.m. HS/mc 2SY 19/21 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Regular ,Meeting Tuesday, June 18, 199E 8.00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRI:SE.tiT: Derek Cottier. Polly Hawkins Crocker, Hal Davis, lame, Knox, Richard Lehner, Doug M ohnke, Marilee R oberk, Stephen Yas *0E%1RERS ABSENT: Barbara Berlin, David Galloway, carol Qualkinbush ASSO(,IATE PRESENT: Kim Koehn STAF1-: Holly Sabin PRESIDING: Marilee Roberg. Chair pro tern OTHERS PRESENT: `,arl S• Indira Johnson and Ellen Galland (landmark owners and architect-1632 Wesley Avenue), lack O'Callaghan- rlandmark owner 1301-07 Judson), Jane Walchirk Qgague of Women Voters) 1. MINUTES Thv A `Aw. ?; 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS RI VIEW AND TEC.HNI( AL ASSIST A%CE=' 1246 Maple Avenue Sty 'hell 15 1t),,F.f• -,t•)r•Ihlf ,f t'If- Il(-%iI•,k <1nr1 1 f'+ IjrII. -stl ASSISt-if r r-• L_effTlrtIIIt— WA,I A) reg,,rf1mg ttrf• f,nstru�-to)n it ► gariigc for 1241, `,lapse Avemv-. %1r. Y.ts reported that I)avid iioll� Saoin end himself rnet ,pith Janet Tirac.e, the lartcEro,irk (jwner, f,)r .f 5ite me-ttng. Thv followtrq, rrf.urrrrnenclatiuns -k,-re lnade. for the design of tlre• gartge; €natch color schernf• of ttouse; use black shingles for the gable roof; have trim for the doors and windows; install double -hung windows like that of the house; it possible reuse brackets and wooden overhangs; arid, push window location on eastern elevation further apart. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - June 18. 1991 Page Two However, the Secretary of the Interior's discourages the use of artificial siding, the Committee recommended disapproval of the proposed garage but will not delay issuance of the permit. Motion carried to accept Review and Technical Assistanr., recommendation. 1632 Wesley Avenue Polly Hawkins Crocker spoke on behalf of the R&TA Committee regarding tlrr proposed one-story addition and backyard deck. %is. Crocker stated that Oil - Committee judged the addition's design to be sensitive to the existing house in terrros of its materials. proportion and vocabulary. The Committee also felt that the deck picked tip design motifs of the coach hori,t- well and that with the landscaping and berrning the deck would be successfully integrated in the site. Motion carried to approve the proposed addition and deck. 1645 Orrington Avenue Ms. Crocker spoke again on behalf of the R&TA Committee regarding the proposrrl storefront change for 1645 Orrington Avenue, David Galloway and Holly Sabin rri-I with Bruce Goodman, the building manager. Mr. Goodman is proposing to create a ri entrance door out of an existing window display for a new retail store. The [Z&TA Committee recommended that door frame be clear anodized aluminum a-� the least obtrusive material and would match with existing frames on the building;. The other suggestion was to select a paint rolor for the wood that would match Ott - limestone as closely as possible. The Committee recommended acceptance of the proposal. the proposed door does not further alter historical material. The work is limited to an already modified storefront and Serves as a temporary sohition until restoration would be undertaken. Motion carried to accept llie proposed viitrk door. 1301-07 Judson Avenue f)orii; `.1oht1ke spoke on behalf of the R2 NTA Committee regarding the construction of ne-A rr•ir StarrS .►nit hilrr)rlirs. Th,• It.', T•1 Co,rimitiet, beheve7 th'it the proposal o i% t'SS :'TIpt151'1' trlrl )re tr ,fEt' t'I'vi 13N' t'Alstln�' Lit" t'lt' l,tndiria,t. T�3r• propost•o stair, ire• 1^i [tit' )rit2,iii.t� pusitmi}, h,i[ Uldh-41 hack Irimi tit" re.1r property Isne. I[ 'A a% r e t orT.rllt'rl(It'rt to l.t' k `)'l:aII ighan. ltlt' laiidirsdrk .)wrier, to) 5tillrt lilt' wood a dark ri to iriril( h ihf• trim oo the bmlding,s. Motion carried rt) ,1p1)invr• Ow proposed ri,iirs ,tilt, to draft d tric'morditclum to the -oning Hoard of Appeals iii favor of the desigii. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - June 18, 1991 Page Three 144 Greenwood Rcsubdivision Staff reported that a resubdivision for 2 lots of record at 144 Greenwood has passed a zoning analysis. III. OLD BUSINESS PRESERVATION AWARDS Dick Lehner, it member of the Awards Committee updated the Commission regarding the awards competition. On June Ist the jury made their selections in all four categories, restoration, rehabilitation, adaptive reuse. maintenance including a recipient of the Margery R. Perkins Awards for the most outstanding project. A tiuggestion to create a new category for new construction and to encourage nominees who were unfinished at the time of the jurN deliberation to re-enter their projects. C:arnrnissioners were strongly encouraged to attend the awards reception and presentation scheduled for the following Monday, Tune 24. `ONING COM111SSION IlCARI\TG Stiff reported that the Zoning Commission held a public_ hearing regarding the revised zoning ordinance earlier in June. July 29 is the scheduled meeting date for the Planning and Development Committee to discuss the overlay districts. I11:SIGN REVIFA UPI ATF Staff informed the Commission that the City Council approved a non -binding design/appearance review to be incorporated in the existing Site Plan Review Committee meeting. At this time, there are no established guidelines or standards. IV. NEW BUSINESS I.Ld � 110'. 01' -% \1=u •1NSv�.11T1_ The Commission elected Kim Koehn for associate membership. NFtt C(_)kl%AlSSl0NrR ORIENTATION I `ie )rivril it ions tars 1)oen pnstpone ! Ill. A\\I\., -W) 11FVf I r)l",11 \T Mf I I i\v, 1 spef ial rneetirw of tilt. Pl.enillri ind t)eveloprricnt Committee uas held June 17 to review r hapter,, three and four � overing tfianned unit deveioprrients of fene•s and g,jrages. \%hen- the (_-CirllrTlittee w.is iinabde to reaCh a conSenseis, those topics 'A ill be• rr-visited .it the rind of the review meetings, fences will ire revisited. There was discussion of landscaping and se_reening funr.tion and r_olisideration of treating landscaping in same manner as fencing. 3 Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - June 18, 1991 Page Four V. STAFF REPORT BUILDING PERMITS Staff has recently approved the following permits: 607 Lake Street •-- interior remodeling (not visible from street) 1 335 Asbury Avenue -- rc-roof (no change in materials) 2400 nark Place -- rear rfcck (not visible from street) 1220 Crain Street -- A/(. condenser in rear yard (not visible troln street) 540 Judson Avenue .- r,-sr deck (not visible from street) 1241 Hinman Avenur -- rear deck (not visible from street) 141 5 Elinor Place -- re -roof (no change in material) 2230 Ridge •\venuv •V1�: condenser (not visible froin street) 2931 Sheridan Place Sine and rear yard fence (not visible from street) 1427 Church Street -- rf--roof (no change in materials) 640 Lincoln Street -- interior remodeling (not visible from street) 1 1 19 %1whigan Avenuf- -- A/C condenser (not visible from street) tune 17 Special Planning and Development Committee (P&D) Meeting to review Ch.3 Planned Unit Devr-lopments and Ch.4 - Fences and Garages of they Revise4erf ::nning Ordinancf- tune 214 Preservation Vxar s Recf-ption anrt Presentation Juiy Ih Regular El'C: %lerting July 29 Special P&D Meeting to Review Ch. 12 - Estate Overlay Districts of the Revised Zon:ng Ordinance itec't�n�; u,�, f•.inir,r•�1 •,t 'J:'�, ::.fr., STAFF:/L�d� _--------- HSIrfib EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Regular .Meeting Tuesday, July 16, 1991 8:30 p.m. - Room 2403 ► lVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Derek Cottier. Polly Hawkins Crocker, Hal Davis, Davia Galloway, Richard Lehner. Carol Qualkinbush, %iarilee Roberg, Stephen Yas MEMBERS ABSENT: Barbara Berlin, Tarries Knox, Doug `.lohnke ASSOCIATE PRESENT: Barbara Ruchbinder-+seen. Mary %Ic%illiarns STAFF: Holly Sabin PRESIDING: Davia Galloway, Chair OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Loweth (landmark owner--2231 Asbury Avenue): David %lorris (landmark owner-- 1038 Sheridan Road); Ellen Galland (architect--I317 Judson Avenue do 1101 '.laple Avenue); Tony Burba (architect--607 Lake Street; Katie Pendleton (church representative--607 Lake Street) In consideration for the guests, the Chair asked for the report of the Review Y Technical Assistance Cornml!!ef as i )e `; r5t I'P'� f 7115! F55, I. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 2231 Asbury Avenue jt ,` er€ 3s sp€;tie �,€ �r! Alf �t ! €r• E: r�i % : Technical revar:ling t;ie �r�Dosed garage aoor reDlacernenl. I{e reourted tlidt the propUsal %a5 a sensitive ;esian. The new Rarage aoor %ill De cunstr€jr_ted of woad with the sane tvoe of t�neue and ,!roove Datlei anr! _r�rr�e. ,he horizontalempha5i5 that 'he exiting hand `.d ']Or)rs 3rr11C`•N, TFir+ 13Yt-rl cenrr r)osition %111 `)e 'A 'die Sa'T-,e ma'"riai5. p1.inC and as the rjoor5. A skt�tch --)f th- virage arch its orop(35ecl daor %i11 ')v part )f 'tic, .arnmission's record. `.iotion passt-i !o appruv, the garage door design as a!nended. n Evanston Preservation Commission ! Minutes - July lb. 1991 Page Two s 1038 Sheridan Road Mr. Yas spoke again on behalf of the Committee. He remarked that the proposed brick rear addition is compatible with the, existing house in that it replicates the lights, arches, medallions and materials. The only recommendation was to raise cornice/parapet of the addition to align with existing stone band on the house.. Motion carried to approve the addition. 1317 Judson Avenue David Galloway spoke on behalf of the Review & Technical Assistance Committee regarding, the proposed rear addition. Mr. Galloway reported that the Committer made rer_ornmendations for the frame addition: (1) use double -hung windows without the skylight; (2) windows to be positioned as a trio; (3) raise the roof in order to bF. compatible with existing residence. Motion passed to approve addition as revised. 1 101 Maple Avenue Ellen Galland, architect for the project explained that she %kas attempting to introduce light into the new master bath on the second floor and into a bedroom on the third floor. After discussion on how this may be achieved. the following program was proposed: (1) creation of a window for the rear elevation on the second floor; (2) window would be the type, size and detailing of existing windows; (3) location of window would pick up on spacing of existing; windows. Notion carried to allow staff to approve plans that reflect this proposal. 607 Lake Street, First Baptist Church Tony Burba, the architect for the project, described the proposed work for the Church which involves: removal and replacement of the asphalt roof shingles: removal of paint from all exterior surfaces; repair of cement plaster surfaces and underlying masonry: repainting of all exterior surfaces; miscellaneous repair of wood trim; and repair or replacement of doors and windows as needed. For this meeting. the architect requested that the Commission make a ruling on the roof and that the n'her items :)e looked a' t•'r '`7r- ':rk t nee :.ngt. Presently. there are black asphalt shingles over a slate roof. Discussion ensued over the roof. a motion was proposed to maintain and preserve the slate roof it possible. If the slate roof is not salvageable, a replacement rooting material to the character of slate shall be used. %.lotion carried. 927 Noyes Street, Noyes Cultural Arts Center Elliot Durinrk, architect tur t'ie window reel-3rement protect presented tuo wrndox alternatives for bidding;. The first jnaow tvpo is true-dE'•ided kgi3ts. It xas no:ec that this type of window has -� Eder muntins. The second u snCow tspe ;s applied muntins, Ahich have nory ri,rrow malr7ttns. t)i5ciJ551on e"S'1r_r: 0%'er -le winQux alterna,ives. %lotion carried to accept either xindou tspes x,t` the hope that the window with applied muntins would have a heavier profile. + Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - July 16. 1991 Page Three EVALUATION COMMITTEE 1920 Wesley Avenue Carol Qualkinbush spoke on behalf of the Evaluation Committee regarding 1820 Wesley Avenue. The house is an artificial stone tour -square. Another house similar to this has already been designated a landmark. The Committee is asking the Commission to determine whether 1820 Wesley Avenue meets Evanston Landmark criteria. Discussion ensued over the technique and materials of the structure. A motion was proposed that pending formal designation, this house meets Evanston Landmark criteria in the categories of A7 and .AS. An additional motion was proposed the, the criteria of A7 be added as part of the current designation for 911 Simpson Street. Motion carried to amend 91 1 Simpson Street's criteria for designation and to declare 1820 Wesley Avenue as landmark eligible. [I. The minutes of June 18 were approved Ili. OLD BUSINESS PRESERVATION AWARD WINNERS Presentation to the Commission of the award winners will be given at a future date. IV. NEW BUSINESS PLE'S REQUEST FOR A MORATOR11-'M The Chair informed the members that the Preservation League of Evanston had requested a 90-day moratorium be placed on Subdivisions in areas designated as Estate Overlay Districts in the proposed zoning ordinance. Discussion ensued regarding the subdivisions and mechanisms to preserve estates. A motion .,as proposed '`la' 'j•isr•d (il, :he I ,f•ir'r,�_i.,ri i•3ii�b�.' �5 .f :)(jay ',incluolmg 'Js. Aiciliu's memorandum and ',Ir. hill's memorandum of Jvl� 3, 1991 and Tune 29. 1991 respectively). ;he Commission xoulri not support d mor-a:orlum. However. the Commission continues to support the prooaseo Estate Overlay District. %1o,lon Carried. Historic Preservation Coordinator Tfiie _hair Informt•r] ;Ili ornrnl5511r1 in: t'}15 xoolrl 'rr. `is. Sanin's last 'rlettin£. He said that It would be sad to see her it aye and triit he t4anteq ;o thank her for working with the Commission m the oast year. %lr. Callaway concluded his Comments b� introrluctnp, the narne -)f .::ir1cjs Rijiz who uoijla star; �1 Vigust is .--norainator. 71 5 Sheridan Road Staff reported th.i: David Galloway. Stephen Yas and herself met Ruth Moore of Cyrus Realtors and Dr. and Mrs. Joyner the interested buyers in the property. The Joyners have been told about the architectural significance of the house and the eligibility to participate in the Property Tax .assessment Freeze Program. Evanston Preservation -Commission ]'Minutes -July 16, 1991 Page Four i The Joyners have expressed no interest in the house. but solely are interested in having lakefront property. frying to identify what they were looking for in a house In terms of space requirements. layout and so forth were met without success. The potential buyers are not interested in renovating the interior to meet their needs. The Preservation Commission's rote and authority was discussed with IMS. Moore and the Joyners. If the Joyners are unable to begin construction of a new house this summer, they will no longer be interested in purchasing the property. The Commission may delay issuance of the permit to explore alternatives to demolition for 90 days. If the Commission delays the permit for 90 days, the Joyners said they will took elsewhere. Discussion ensued over alternatives to demolition and the Commission's authority. A motion was proposed that if and when staff receives notice that a demolition permit for 715 Sheridan Road is applied for, the Commission will delay the issuance for 90 days. Notion Carried. V. STAFF REPORT BUILDING PERMITS Staff has recently approved the following permits: 1742 Asbury ,AVenue - Hack yard fence (not visible from street) 1615 Lincoln Street - re -roof of flat roof (not visible from street) 1626 Orrington Avenue - interior remodeling (not visible from street) VI. CALENDAR August 20 - Regular EPC ,fleeting Moog ing was adjourned at f' 00 STAFF: ;Z•, i E: � 27 30 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Special Meeting Thursday, August 8, 1991 9:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Derek Cottier, Dick Lehner. Doug ,blohnke. Carol Qualkinbush, Marilee Roberg, Stephen Yas MEMBER ABSENT: Polly Hawkins Crocker. Hal Davis, David Galloway, James Knox STAFF: Holly Sabin PRESIDING: Marilee Roberg. Chair, Pro Tern OTHERS PRESENT: Rachel Yas, Mike Freeman (Landmark Owner -- 604 Dempster Street) I. COMMITTEE REPORTS REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 604 Dempster Street The Chair introduced Mike Freeman to the Commission and asked him to describe the project. Mr. Freeman explained that the bulkhead was deflecting outwards. and hence retained an architect and contractor to remedy the problem. Staff explained that Ann McGuire, &like Freeman, Bert Christoffel, the architect, David Stowell, the contractor and herself recently met for a site meeting. She further reported that modifications of the plans were discussed. These include: (1) the addition of a mullion (to match narrow mullion on :he right) in :he middle of ;he largrr section of Aindow ;o main:a,n :nfY rhr:7 n of fenestration, and (2) creation of a sill (a horizontal member above ;he bulkhead) to match the other storefornts of the building. This proposal respects the storefronts around the subject as well as acknowledging that it's a rehabilitation of a modifiec storefront. Carol Qualkinbush questioned whether the mullion should be wider and have detailing like the others. Discussion ensued over this. Doug %iohnku made a motion to approve ;he plans as modified at the Review and Technical Assistance Committee meeting. tIotion carried II. CORRESPONDENCE EPC MEMO TO 2BA RE: 1301-07 JUDSON AVENUE Staff requested the Commission to review the draft memorandum for the proposed rear stairs and balconies of the landmark reviewed at the Commission's June meeting. Stephen Yas made a motion to approve the contents of the memorandum. .Mution Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.1h. STAFF: DATE: EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION .MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Tuesday, August 20, 1991 8:00 P.M. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Derek Cattier, Polly Hawkins Crocker, David Galloway, Jamcs M. Knox. Richard Lehner, Doug Mohnke, Marilee Roberg, Stephen Yas MEMBER ABSENT: Barbara Berlin, Hai Davis, Carol Qualkinbush, ASSOCIATES PRESENT: Anne O. Earle, Kim Koehn, Mary McWilliams STAFF: Carlos D. Ruiz PRESIDING: David Galloway. Chair OTHERS PRESENT: Jane Walchirk (Observer, League of Women Voters) The meeting was called to order by Chair David Galloway at 8:30 p.m. He apologized for the delay and explained that the RECTA meeting was extended until that time. Mr. Galloway welcomed Mr. Kim Koehn, Associate Member. Mr. Koehn's application for his appointment to the Evanston Preservation Commission had been transmitted from the City Clerk's office to the attention of the City Mayor and City Council .Members for their review and approval. Mr. Koehn, if appointed as full time Commissioner, will fill the vacancy left by Ms. Barbara Berlin. Mr. Galloway introduced Mr. Carlos D. Ruiz to the Commissioners present as the new Preservation Coordinator. Mr. Richard Lehner asked Mr. Galloway if Mr. Ruiz was hired as a lull time Preservation Coordinator, Mr. Galloway's response was that according to the Interim Director of the Planning Department, ,tiffs. Charmain Borys, Mr. Ruiz will be working on other planning issues in addition to preservation issues, but that those will be strongly connected to preservation and the general appearance and historical character of the community. Mr. Ruiz added that during the hiring negotiations he was offered the position of full time Preservation Coordinator, but that in order to meet his saiary requirements, the Preservation Coordinator position was upgraded with the title of Senior Fanner. He was informed tnat the Preservation Coordinator will contribute in the decision making of other planning issues related preservation. urban design and architecture. Mr. Lehner expressed his satisfaction with the previous explanations, however, he %anted assurances that the Preservation Coordinator assumes his responsibilities on a full time basis. Mr. Galloway manifested his confidence that Ms. Charmain Borys and the Commission see the Preservation Coordinator position in a similar manner, and that whatever projects Mr. Ruiz will get involved in, they will be similar to projects that Ms. Sommers Yant (former full time Preservation Coordinator) was involved such as the CAP Program, the Site Review and so forth. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - August 20, 1991 Page Two Mr. Galloway and Ms. Charmain Borys share the opinion that given time the Preservation Coordinator can be seen by members of the City Council and other members of the City Government as having Input Into other areas and having validity In other planning and construction areas, It helps to extend the Importance of the position; and if the Preservation Coordinator is seen to be as valuable as he expects Mr. Ruiz would seem to be, in a few months, and if the work load continues to increase. perhaps then the Preservatlon Coordinator can get an assistant. Mr. Lehner Indicated that he did not have an objection with the benefit of having a full time Preservation Coordinator involved in other projects of City government. However, he did have objections it the Commission has a senior planner and a part time coordinator. At this time Mr. Galloway announced that Ms. Marilee Roberg will be arriving to the meeting very shortly and that he would like to have her input to approve the minutes of July 16, 1991. He moved on to the next item of the agenda correspondence. 1. CORRESPONDENCE 1432 Elmwood Mr. Galloway referred to the letter of Ann Swallow, from IHPA to Sari Shapiro of 1432 Elmwood. Mr. Galloway recalled that the Commission was asked to review the Shapiro residence for possible inclusion into the Ridge Historic District. After a brief period of review and with Anne O. Earle's valuable assistance, the Commission concluded that it could not recommend a favorable review. As a recourse, Ms. Shapiro then addressed the issue to Anne V. Swallow from IHPA. Ms. Swallow concurred with the Commission's determination. 1301-07 Judson Avenue On August 7, 1991, the Evanston Preservation Commission sent a memo to the Zoning Board of Appeals to indicate its support to the request of the landmark owner of 1301-07 Judson Avenue. The owner had applied for zoning variations for the construction of rear stairs and balconies. IL COMMITTEE REPORTS A) REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE 1022 Central Street There was not an official recommendation for the proposed awning to be installed by %,Ir. Steve Sarowitz. owner of the Ying Yang's restaurant located at 1022 Central Street. R&TA met with Mr. Sarowitz on a preliminary basis to advise him about the design of the awning and its relationship with the architecture of this landmark building. Mr, Galloway stated that since all the Commissioners present were available during the R&TA meeting. he would like to move on to the next item 1462 Ridge Avenue. 1462 Ridge Avenue Mr. Galloway asked Mr. Ruiz to give an introduction about this project. Mr. Ruiz informed the Commission that he had met the owner of 1462 Ridge Avenue, kirs. Helen O'Shaughnessy. During his site visit he discussed with the owner her plans to erect a Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - August 20, 1991 Page Three 6 foot fence along the south side yard. The dimensions of the fence are approximately 132 feet on the side and 17 feet on the front. Mr. Ruiz exhibited color slides to illustrate the location of the fence in relation to the property and building, and its visibility from Ridge Avenue. One Commissioner pointed out that at one time this property was for sale. then he asked if the current owners were new. Mr. Ruiz answered that the current owners have lived there for at least the past four years. Additional comments were made on the interior and exterior architectural significance of the building. ,Mr. Ruiz showed evidence that, although possibly visible from the street, the fence's impact would not be detrimental to the integrity of this Evanston landmark. A brochure depicting various wood fence styles was passed around to the Commissioners for their further review and comments. Mr. Ruiz indicated that the owners would appreciate it if the Commission would choose a fence from the brochure. Mr. Galloway invited Mr. Stephen Yas to present the R&TA Committee's findings and recommendations. Mr. Yas stated that R&TA did not have an objection to the 6 foot height of the fence. However, there was some concern on the articulation and color of the fence that was selected by the owner, which was the solid board -dog ear fence. Instead, R&TA recommended a fence that would be in scale in its massing and texture to be compatible with the architecture style of the house. looking at the brochure and considering the cost, R&TA found two alternatives": 1) Board/Batten style and 2) traditional style. R&TA recommended as their first choice the "Board/Batten" fence. with the straight top or an arched top. This fence has a pronounced post that articulates and brings down its scale in relation to the house. The second choice was the "traditional" fence which has similar characteristics as the Board/Batten. Those suggestions plus the recommendation that the fence be stained in a color that would match the bay window, the porch and the trim of the house completed the report of the R&TA Committee. A motion was made by ( ) to approve the R&TA recommendation as presented. The motion was seconded by ( ). Motion was carried unanimously. ,Mr., Galloway thanked all Commissioners for their input. 1820 Wesley and 120 Dempster Mr. Galloway asked Mr. Ruiz to discuss 1820 Wesley and 120 Dempster with an R&TA member or himself at a alter occasion. These were projects that had been already presented to the Commission. Mr. Ruiz had a question about 1820 Wesley and its status in connection with the Conservation Grant program. Mr. Galloway indicated that the owners were thinking of applying for the grant. At this time, Mr. Galloway reminded the Commissioners that 1022 Central Street will be back to the R&TA Committee for a formal review. B) ENDANGERED BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Galloway indicated that the Endangered Building Committee report was not available at that time. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - August 20, 1991 Page Pour III. OLD BUSINESS Proposed Lot Subdivision of 144 and 202 Greenwood Mr, Galloway referred to the overlay district and the proposed lots subdivisions of 144 and 202 Greenwood (Commissioners had received correspondence on this matter). With the assistance of Derek Cottler Mr. Galloway indicated that the Commission was able to recompose the letter that sited a number of legal cases that would warrant the City Council's delay of any action of the potential declaration of a moratorium on subdivisions; in light of the fact that the City is currently reviewing and potentially adopting a revised ordinance. Additional correspondence was mentioned. such as a letter from Judith A. Aiello siting concerns of economic development; Mr. Siegel, Corporation Counsel, written legal opinion and his verbal opinion stated during the August 12, 1991 City Council meeting. reflected the remarks of his written opinion, and essentially he substantiated everything that Derek Cottier had discovered in the time that he had spent on this case. He had found that in effect if the City Council wanted to, they had all the legal justification in delaying action on the proposed subdivisions. Mr. Galloway informed the Commission that the City Council chose to approve the subdivision of 144 Greenwood (Martin property) and that they had delayed action on 202 Greenwood, and that at that point we didn't know when this case was going to come up again to City Council. Mr, Ruiz indicated that he had spoken on the telephone with Mrs. Marsha Niazmand of 408 Greenwood. Mrs. Niazmand had indicated to him that she and other neighbors were opposed to the subdivision of landmark properties, particularly on the lake front. Mrs. Niazmand was advised by Mr. Ruiz to contact the elected City officials and inform them that there are citizens concerned with this matter, Mrs. Niazmand indicated that she will initiate a petition to be signed by neighbors. Mr. Galloway added that Mrs. Niazmand had spoken to him to indicate that she and a number of neighbors were vehemently opposed to subdivision for all the reasons anyone in preservation is, and that she had been unsuccessful in obtaining the sympathy, much less the attention, of Sue Brady. He had suggested to her to call her other Alderman Beth Boosalis Davis and also attend future Council meetings. Mr. David Rasmussen informed Mr. Galloway that a property at 228 Greenwood was in the process of applying for a Plat of Subdivision, where thereby the existing lot will be subdivided into three properties: the house. the coach house and an additional lot. which Mr. Rasmussen seemed to believe would be at the rear of the existing residence. Mr. Galloway mentioned that Alderman .art Newman was very articulate anti convincing during the last City Council meeting in presenting a case against the subdivision of 202 Greenwood. It was Alderman Newman's opinion that Mr. Martin of 144 Greenwood had initiated his subdivision request and he had taken certain steps to secure the subdivision and sale of his property, early enough that a strong legal case could not be made to warrant delaying action on his plat. There is a consensus in City Council that the existing ordinance is under active consideration and consequently, the City Council does have a legal case to delay action of further subdivisions. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - August 20, 1991 Page Five At this point, a Certificate of Appreciation for Ms. Holly Sabin was passed on to be signed by the Commissioners. Those Commissioners that were not present at the last meeting were asked to contribute $10 towards the Commission's Kilt to Ms. Holly Sabin. IV. NEW BUSINESS A) Binding Review - Legal Opinion Mr. Galloway informed the Commission that during the August 12, 1991 Council meeting. Sue Brady requested that legal counsel present an opinion regarding the Preservation Commission's binding review over demolition permits. Holly Sabin and himself placed calls to legal counsel. informing them that if they had any questions, they -ould contact the Preservation Commission. They were also informed that Mr. Ruiz is the new Preservation Coordinator and he can also be available to lend his assistance. B) Preservation Law Update - Review and Report Process Mr. Ruiz explained that the Preservation Law update is a publication that the Commission has subscribed to and that in order to cut down the paper work and facilitate the involvement of the Commission, this publication will be made available to the members of the Legislation Committee. In turn the Legislation Committee can report to the Commission any legal case that might have relevance to preservation in Ev--iston. V. STAFF REPORT Building Permits Mr. Ruiz announced that he will provide the list of approved building permits at the next meeting. VI. MINUTES The Minutes of July 16. 1991 were approved with the following corrections: on page one, the word "associate" to be changed to "associates"; on page three, on item ll. "The minutes" to be changed to "MINUTES" (as a heading). A correction was made on the August 20. 1991 agenda: "1532 Elmwood" to be changed to "1432 Elmwood." The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. STAFF: DATE: 25Y36/40 MEMBERS PRESENT: %IEMBER ABSENT: ,-%SSOCIAFES PRESEN r: STAFF: PRES1DIti%__j: EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Thursday, September 19, 1991 8:00 P.M. Room 2402 CIVIC CENTER Derek Cottier. Polio Hawkins Crocker, David Galloway, James M. Knox. Richard Lehner. Doug Mohnke, Carol Qualkinbush, Maril":e Roberg. Stephen Yas Hal Davis. Kirti Koehn Anne O. Earle. Mary W7A illiams Carlos D. Ruiz David Gallouav, Chair ..hair David Galloway called the meeting TO order at 8:10 p.m. He indicatea rtiat the i:ern: A the agenda were reevaluated and prioritized in order of importance. OVERLAY DISTRICT ,Mr. Galloway moved to Ola Business, Item A. Overlav Distnr_t. Aid. Sue Brady had asked the Zoning Amendment Committee (.SAC) to revise the proposed zoning ordinance. speciticall, the overlay district, applieaole to the large estate homes in the R-1 Single Family Reside-ftt3a1 District. She proposed to consider cier;reasing the minimum lot size from 20.000 square teMt to 14.400 square feet; the minimum lot width from 100 feet to 70 feet; and increase the maximum lot coverage from 2510, to 30 0. Aid. Brady presumably did that as a manner of gainirig a cornprornise so =AC could enact and the CITY Council r-ould incontrovertioly say thdr the zofiJnQ :;,Jri' :S ,kct: 1_.. �tCCr1:!Ufr. Jiitr•riivf f!i. �r'i�ijt!1 .: ..•l > C' Iel'lVeo. �1l '7lyrusserl :i)IrUD05.41 d: sorTie IC right atta riIrl nUI sppru%t , •1CL t'=i, :nc:• '.Fie overlay t115tri shouia reffidrn is proposed and in Their opinion the zoning urdinanc� ups aJrr�f]y under active ronsifieratiun. !Ir. 6ailovav SraTed Ind, EPC aas experreo 'o snake rep )rrrrnendations on :71s r--a"er aria itjoinit them , 'he PIan nlnil? drI❑ rnrriWe-. t1r. RI-nor(I -nntr -:skec re st'r.sr. ;r Syr rld� ]l�'rl x,i rrr Uri r rsl.t! tl (: ,t rY. r-. :rtIi .�r- apprr)vv'I r)L I',4 _.)tinr'll. aJtr1 I mi. fillrri +' :JC t'1?iCr `r IL)Ur','0• 1: l; '1C TIi11Cr LCs rather than the larger, %ts. %1ary t_-xplainea that title smaller iur „ze jiloul(i nc.t a better r-hanre. She aaderl 'hat the -onsui'a't's made 'heir rer-ornrnendation on *he ')isi5 ut 'ht± stir roundIrig territorv. `1r. dnalvzlerl hoN !.•it• Y(J!<_' !)rake r�Uu.1 On "le QUestlrAl 01 t� ' t 'tic :A(s GruUer•iv,, 'll,i: .tire dd� .tt•ll! ._.;� `t)�.lrt�ll. t .4 (}r Ventltlg 1ul�fli�iSlUlk � "reen�l,00d/approved atiri 2r,2 VrPenlLUt)Il,IclLilyd). Plannlniz 1rtcl unamrn,,usly to approve the '.4u suodivisions, Cotirt-li v(xted ten TO six dg,:inb: put:ing ''irougn 144 Greenwood. Council people outside Planning and Development votea :en to one against the lot subdivision. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - September 19. 1991 Page Two Mr. Lehner expressed that he was in favor of the large size lots, but he wanted to determine it there was a reason for EPC to recommend the small lot size. His impression was that Eljc; would like to recommend the large lot size and that was why there is an overlay district. kir. Galloway pointed out that the previous argument had merit and it justified EPC's recommendation to maintain the large lot size. If EPC were to recommend Aid. 13rady's proposal, that would send a very contusing view to the CPC's constituents. Mr. Lehner thought that since ZAC said "no" to Aid. Brady's proposal, it was important to concur with that unanimous posture which would give City Council something to go on and would support those ten people outside of Planning and Development who said "nvs." Mr. Lehner moved to submit EPC's recommendation to raintain the overlay district as proposed in the revised ordinance, Mr. Stephen Yas seconded. The motion was carried unanimously. 228 GREENWOOD -PETITION FOR REAR YARD SETBACK VARIANCE Mr. Galloway switched to Neu Business, Item C, 228 Greenwood plat application for subdivision. Currently there is a coach house in the rear. the applicants intent is to make a living unit out of the coach house and to build a new garage behind the main house. In order to do so, they legally have_ to subdivide the present property in two lots. They also need a variance for the coach house, since it will violate the required 30 toot rear vdra setback. `,ts. Polly Hawkins Crorker thought that flag lots were out of *he question. The 28 foot lot width for fife access drive shown on the site plan as opposed to the pr000sea 35 toot frontage requirement as discussed. Mr. Lehner brought back the requirement of a 30 loot rear vard setbdrk and ,questioned the location of the proposed garage. He asked why the Commission wuiild recommend in favor of the subdivision. He indicated 'hat the Commission should recommend against the subdivision. 41r. Galloway requested additional comments from the Commissioners that would reinforce EPC's recommendation. Mr. Derek C.ott.er assumed that this subdivision would be subiect to the estate overlay requirements. He argued that it was necessary to look bark to what City Council had already done. City Council had approved the subafv►sion of 144 Greenwood and had tabled 202 Greenwood. The basis in nistingufshing between the two vas that 144 Greenwood had shown substantial reliance on the existing code. prior to active consideration of the ordinance. The date of active consideration was never really established by Council. The reason behind not approving 202 Greenwood subdivision was that, they could not show any significant reliance: upon the old ordinance arior to the ante of active :on,iaerationS. Unless the Ut 21S ',re'cn —,j)oc ,_�LilQ linen care exaCtl, in file Sallle pU$itlUll a3 the owners of 202 -,,reenAoUd 'At;re. [t Lltti Louiv:il aoor:)ties 228 �reef1uo0a d(ld tjrned df)Aii 202 Greenwood, they woulr] not Ue treating people e:qualiv, and it they au mdt, evervbuar is going to have la« suits against the Citr. a,�roraing to %ir. �.Uttier there is absolutely no tooav *hat (--ity Council will grant this variance. Or. Lehner mafio' rf•f,'rer,r " *f, 'fit r.�ljLllf`_'"nPn` �)t .� t7rit 'ear VarI tr'1 'i .'hC ":Udrtl hr,(,So-. lit .11�0 Inl,lr.i'_ _ i'ia.' '-ii5 iUUi'.isiullIvt, ht nu*vf] .rim' ill. trlt* �rup�5r, subdivision plan the raarti nouse in lot U I goes not nape "ie required 35 fuot trontage. He believed that witn fir. . or.ier's explanation. aria tree redsons he areviuusl� puinted out the '-orrirnisslun -�olilrt suriFnlr a rer'olT menaatiufi agains• the ,ariancC a0pli atlurl, and slibsequent �.unoivision ut 22A �,recnv.ofid. There a f)nsensus 'mid, `.tr. Arg.lrneaft would t)e tiie ..lust :)ersuasive. [t It is dC^tptHri h� �It�r ._ourirl[. "lt,r, or`ler subdivisions Auula Ue-unsiaered only after the proposed ordinance has been adopted. T rie ivurnmission tnen _ouid auaress similar teases more etfectively. Mr. Lehner rnoved to not recommena the proposes subdivision of 228 Greenwooa for the reasons expressed by Mr. Colder. Mr. Cattier seconded. The motion was carried unanimously. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - September 19, 1991 Page Three 715 SHERIDAN ROAD -THREE LOT SUBDIVISION Mr. Galloway Introduced a new item. not listed on the Agenda. The Chair recapped the previous involvement of the Commission when a potential buyer was interested in acquiring the property located at 715 Sheridan Road. He had plans to demolish the landmark building and construct a new house. This project did not materialize. but now the Foote's (owners of this property) have applied for a plat of true lots subdivision. This property had already been under a zoning analysis in July of 1990. David Rasmussen was not aware of it and the Commission certainly was not made aware of it. The Foote's did not take. .any action until September 17. 1991, It which point they had hind an attorney, %ir. Jim %lurray. This application may go to City Courr_il September 30, 19VI for approval. Ms. .%1cWill{arris asked if the subdivision inorat7rium was still in place. %ir. Cattier believes that the petitioners of this subdivision have a strong argument and could approved. One argument to be made against this subdivision is to establish it they had abandoned their application for more than a year. This is a feasible: argument. %is. Mc`1 illiarris posed the question if the 35 foot frontage requirement could oe used. (The subdivision plat shows a 20 toot easement for egress and ingress for lots 2 aria 3). At this point the Chair made reference to a memo from ZAC to the Planning and Development Committee. This memo contains 'ZAC's recommendation for approval of 35 foot frontage for R1. R2, and R3 zones. ZAC discussed extensively the definition of the 35 foot frontage. This was a question of definition. Is it 35 feet on a street or is it 35 feet of front yard' tree definition of the 35 font trontage is on a street. The definition of a street includes a street ',r easement acf_ess. It is perceived that the City is not in favor of flag lots. %ir. Rasmussen had pointed out to ZAC mat the definition refers to a Street and it is up to City Council to determine whether they want to grant an easement under these circumstances. It had been tiir. Rasmussen's opinion that n case could be made against the subdivision based on those grounds. If it is the intent of the City to discourage flag lots by denying an easement of access to lots I and 2 they could then deny the subdivision. Mr. Ruiz reported r.hat James Wolinski, Director of building and Zoning, made an inquiry to legal counsel to determine if the City Council could deny the easement and subsequently deny the subdivision. Mr. Lehner wanted to determine when an application becomes void. He asked if there is any documentation that could indicate that the application has to be resubmitted all over again. Mr. Ruiz indicated that unless the application documentation clearly states a fixed valid period of time then it would be up to the City staff to determine when an application he—ornes, :n1r1. 11r. 1 F'`-"?' s.l£t'+'Sted S'3f �i'_.: 'tic' ,Ni l• i'{,ii ,rid jrtrf:.;in'_ i1 t'IerC :� a1C 1 a clause. It would help to 71arifv if the applrr- dI)ts exer-Isea 'heir right' %1r. ruttier .an!es to know what the zoning analysis meant, where does 1! stdnO in the prc,cess, .4hat triggers the zoning analysis, and wnct happens atter this. The tact that the Foute's most recently triers to sell the property as a single unit suggests that they might have aoandoner] the suodlvision of their property. This could be clear evidence that they had waived the rignts they previously heirs. S. .1r-ulllldms Sdir: _��1f✓C _1r"J. .i'iC'I .s rio-ri er .)t ,'"lt' _onl!,p �.C)",r1�7sSitin, �'laG frlentioned `Tian', .rrrles • : i )rierlllan sii[)p0Jr'Ilfk' 11ak joe llid not krlua di 'n,,i �l;f�C'ndi 'tie Zoninsz analysis was ::DnC=leted. She thought thdt the betitioliers dre trying to subdivide their property before the re ,isea ordinance is adobred. 'its. 1tcl1 illlarns ddded that City stdit opposes t1ag lots. 1.1r. Gallowa,. aria '1r. Ruiz had discussed e,irlier huw this arooerty aas rnarketea fur thH ')Me be,lod after 'tie coning analyses .ids runjpletery. it 'nArketerj as ., -,ing1e-fa,nily residence on a large estate, and not marketed ds being subaividatilt:' 1.1r. 6alloway asked if rhat drgurnent would have any strength of credence. \ir. ..rattier oelievea their it would. He said that it is important to determine it the Foote's abandoned the application. If they did. then it could be argued that they should not be able to relate back to that date when the zoning analysis was performed. F-vanston Preservation Commission Minutes - September 19, 1991 Page Four Jim Knox believed that a year is not a long time for this type of application. In his opinion it would be very difficult to prove that they had abandoned the application. Mr. Cottier agree:d with that observation, however, he made reference to the fart that the Foote's had marke;td the property as a single unit. Ms. ,McWilliams referred to the time when the Commission was involved with this property. It was never mentioned to be subdivided. kir. Stephen Yas recallHd that at that time the question of the creation of flag lots was posed. Their answer was "na." Jim Knox said that this kind of subdivision approval would enhance the value of the property. and that property rights would be involved. Their attorney James Murray would argue t`dt having undertaken this subdivision the property rights would be valuable to the owrvir. Therefore. trying to take away those right-, now would be the same as trying to take away their land. Mr. Lehner said that if the Foote's were trying to maximize their property value, arces if they were going to get more money for selling; three tuts, then why did they try to sell the property as a single lot:i This would indicate that they were willing to accept a lesser amount of money. Mr. Yas cornmented that it was hard to determine the: value of the property as a single lot or as three lots. Mr. Douglas %lonhke wondered if the potential buyers knew that r." property had a zoning analysis and could later sell the two additional lots themselves. `,75. McWilliams indicated that there is ample precedence about "taking rights" in preservation. Preservation "takings" have been upheld in the courts. Mr. Cottier wanted to clarify if the 35 foot frontage was part of the current zoning ordinance. Ms. .McWilliams said that 'A'.C's idea is to incorporate the 35 toot frontage in the current ordinance. aria to take effect as soon as Council passes it. blr. C.ortier stated that Mr. Knox was correct when he said that one year .*.is not long to reactivate the application under the old statue. The Foote's 'Auula neck to demonstrate that they have taken substantial steps for the subdivision of their property prior ,,o the date of active consideration. The Commission should establish the actual sequence of St+_ps that they took. Mr. Galloway said that the Commission could raise these questions in a statement and diso emphasize the detrimental effects of flag lots. Mr. Lehner suggested to submit the Commission's recommendation in the form of a letter, explaining that this is a perfect example why the overlay district should be in place. Explain uhy the Commission is opposed to -,,it subdivision of large estates, even though they might meet the zoning regulations. Indicate the flag lots, the effects on the landmark building when it is cut oii ts phvsical surroundings (which the Commission feels is a strong connection). Indicate its detriment to the neighbors. its negative effects on the nearby property values, and its detriment to the community as a %hfle. Mr. Cotnt-r also pointed osit that the letter -oulcl inni+-a'+- that the i--sty Coun^11 has •^ 7+ consistent in their treatment 4Irh property that ."uld De s{Jblecr to the overlav vistrirts. The Council should not approve sundivisions 'A it,`1uut a complete analysis of the facts upon eaerl e,rie. City Council needs a reason to delay this application, sratf and legal counsel eoula -�+r1rK together to make a full analysis of the facts, supporting or not supporting approval of these pending subdivision requests, and then report back to Council with their evaIua€ion 01 the farts and the legal consequences. City C.ounell needs to be :onsistent. the,, have alreddr Ns:aoiisr&a preeeaenee. %lr. 6dltDW11i listea the argumenrs to Dt trt'xq'- in 'he �ra�rrlssion'S 5':'ere'. , ]lie, there is a nee(, ',.) rune-t the tarts 'v aShesS AhLtt t'le Sl'ud'I-jI1 IS, —4". preservation "riterld. three, the detrimental efte+'r to the neig;noorhood and the-orrimuni:v. Mr. Lehner rnoved to adopt the arguments previously -ndat by Mr. Cottier, and hiir,seif. EPC*s statement is to not recommend 715 Sheridan subdiviston. %ls. HaAkins Crofker seeonaed 'ne ?notion. The motion was carried unanimously. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - September 19, 1991 Page five CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Galloway referred to two letters and petition submitted by Michael and Marsha Niazmand to the Commission and the City Council. The Niazmand's are opposed to subdivisions. They had called Mr. Galloway and Mr. Ruiz and they were advised to send a letter to the Commission, to put a petition together and to make sure that they make written contact with their Alderrnen. Aid. Brady was informed that there are residents opposed to the subdivisions. EPC ORIENTATION Mr. Ruiz invited the new Commissioners to attend .in orientation session to be held in October. The orientation session will rover EPC's procedures. Preservation Orainance and Preservatlon Guidelines. He also extended the Invitation to all Commissioners so they can review their knowledge- in preservation t5sue5. (New Commissioners are Derek Cottier, James Knox, Kim Koehn). It was determined that the orientation session will be held on Tuesday, October 8, 1991 at 7 p.m. 927 NOYES STREET, NOYES CULTURAL ARTS CENTER Mr. Ruiz informed the Commission That the budget for new windov.5 to be installed in the Noyes Cultural arts Center was approved by City Council. the new windows are with applied muntins as opposed to true -divided lights. City C.ourr_ii was persuaded to approve the less expensive windows to save approximateiv $12,000. PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AND ITS IMPACT ON THE CBD This item xas under New Business. Mr. Galloway informed that the Southeast Evanston Association is having an open forum on October 2. 1991 at the First Baptist Church to discuss the ramifications of the proposed zoning ordinance to Downtown Central Business District. He encouraged Commissioners to attend. Printed materials were distributed showing the location of the nine landmark buildings ioc'ated w ithin the boundaries of the CBD. 'Ar. Calloway and %ir. Ruiz had 'rtet {earlier .kith :1r. le 4sm,issen and %1a. Aoifensperker iruin the building and Zoning Department. The general impression :s rhd! the proposed ordinance '.vouid allow a 6 FAR, a 7 FAR (if a developer takes into account certain incentives sur71i as open spare. public art. sr:ulpturef and it -Quid be increased up to 8 FAR. Required parking ")thin a structure will not be r'ounted ,ts a stury of the building. Twenty-five per cent of the oarking ,s _11ocated toaarcis `.he FAIL. Der `:f'nr �A :iafrinQ riot:s ,icj, ediial <i `)11C-5'."�f� 'leignt. fr1 respe-! ',i 'he CtIS11rig rjrr7111rr1Y'r 'herr art' irS> ,. 'pit' f '\tl. i twrt- sir 'ii�rr^ 1iYentive5 1vr ]Cyr'is}pets khiu , in Dr-)%,ioe Dltryi,ig ►it:ijri 'tic >'rt� ttlrC. Tnte gar-ifig requirements are a fune-tion of the building type, only SG percent of 'he required spots would apply. P&D is scheduled to die us,, the CBD on November iS, 1991. tlr, „3llowav lndieaterf rear he 'rv*1 '.kith mernoers )t DesiRn E,.ansrr)n •.ktio xere runrerned %Ith the :BD propo5ed zoning. The general public' opinion >eerl;s '�j t)e rria; the proposed tuning will allow developers to build up to 12 story buildings. The fear is that "Downtown Evanston could become a canyon of modern arc_hrtecture." Mr. Galloway spoke with Davia Bann who told him that the dynamics of the proposed ordinance was a compromise between the developers. preservation groups and planners. The feelings vere that Some concessions needed to be mace in favor of the economic development turves. David Rasmussen recommended Mr. Galloway to speak with Mr. Scott Peters, a ZBA member who is opposes to the proposes CRD section of the proposed ordinance. Evanston Preservation Commission Mlnutds - September 19. 1991 Page Six Mr. Lehner interpreted that the CBD is all planned development. in reality every major development in the CBD is going to be subject to planned development. Mr. Lehner believes that the :BD section of the proposed ordinance is going to be approved. The economic forces of the City and the need to redevelop downtown is going to attract the interest of the developers. He suggested that if a developer w :nts to build a new building in the downtown, the developer will be allowed to do so under a planned development. Language introduced in the ordinance about the massing, the setback, the materials and the character may be as much as the Commission could possibly get. Arts, McWilliams disagreed with that opinion, she said that developers will not automatically get the City's approval. She would prefer a planned development as opposed to building in the CBI) by right. The existing infrastructure would nut support major developments. Ms. ,McWilliams said that what is being proposed is really scary to her. Mr. Galloway said the Commission has an obligation to establish the threat to landmarks and to make a statement to City Council that indicates that the Commission perceives the proposed ordinance of the CBD as a threat to the landmarks. This is why the Commission had initi itea the endangered buildings report. The Commission should be prepared to go to City Council and present a statement that would indicate the ramifications of the proposed ordinance for the CBD and list the landmark buildings that the -,:ommission feels could be threatened. In addition, binding review of the Commission is being considered by corporate counsel. Other activities should be mentioned, such as the development of a house walk that could include do+snto-An landmarks including religious buildings. %1r. Galloway said even though the Commission can not battle with the zoning ordinance, it could be used for public- aµarenesa. Mr. Douglas Ilohnke said that he could see how developers would ,vish to have unlimrtea FAJ2s. Avoiding planned development review µould save developers time and money. Large development would require assembling small lots. This activity could conceivably threaten landmarks. Mr. Lehner said that he perceived a consensus to oppose high FARs. The policy statement should indicate that the Commission had agreed with the original low FAR recommended by the zoning consultant, and that the Commission supports the Plan Commission's position for loµ FARs. Mr. Yas moved that staff prepare a policy statement to be reviewed and approved by the Commission before the P&D meting of 'November 18. 1991, .Mr. Cottier seconded. The motion was carried unanimously. REVIEW AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE 1311 Main Street Ms. Hawkins Crocker reported that Mr. Alex NavJor, oµner of 1311 `lain Street wanted to repair the front porch. R&TA approved to replace in kind rotted decking ana stairs to match, replace handrails to rrial-n, replace neµ post and add decorative piece. and repair 'olumn bases, Mr. ,=..utter 'novel to approve rR&T-'5 rt:cornrnenaatron. %ir. Knox seconaea. The motion was carried unanimously. 1022 Central Street 0 ing Yang's .%xnitig) R&T.A disapproved the prr.5entea 7s Mr. Saroµtrz (owner of Ying YdnQ's). It was agreea that there no real vuiue 'u hold the buil,itrig per,nit for ihr remaining i (lav]. '%Ir. rnvvea that statt 4rite a stdte nerit indr-.dting thLO %ir. Saroµitz had burl; the during without a building permit, that the a.%ninv 4as not designed with sensitivity to the land,ark status of the building, that the Commission is very concerned with this activity. Evanston Preservation Commission minutes - September 19. 1991 Page Seven (Mr. Galloway at this point informed the Commission that he and Mr. Ruiz made a slide presentation to Mr. James Wolinski, Director of Building and Zoning, showing good and bad examples of awnings. Mr. Wolinski seemed to be receptive to the Commission's concern and he indicated that he is willing to work with the Commission to improve this situation.) ,Mr. Lehner seconded. The motion was carried unanimously. 2122 Orrington Avenue Mr. Mohnke reported that R&TA approved the porch repairs at 2112 Orrington Avenue as presented. Mr. Lehner indicated that the owner should lee advised to work with an architect or engineer to solve the foundation sinking problem. Llr. Grottier moved to accept R&TA's recommendation, Mr. Lehner seconded. The motion carried unanimously. BUDGET REPORT 1992-93 Mr. Galloway informed the Commission that aurin;g the interim period of changing preservation coordinators, and the change of Ms. Charmain Borys froin Interim Planning Director to Planning Director, and the need to get the budget together and submit it for approval, the Commission did not have the opportunity to review the budget. :Mr. Ruiz indicated that the 1992-93 budget for the administration of EPC has been incorporatea into the general ouager of the Planning Department. This relocation will ensure funds for all ttie expenaitures that the , 3rnmiss:un plans to undertake. IHPA/RENEWAL OF MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Mr. Ruiz informed the Commission the IHPA had v151 red Evanston to monitor section 106 activities. IHPA left Evanston with a favorable review. The updated Memorandum at Agreement will be preparea to be valid for the next ten years. 1400 WESLEY (POTENTIAL DEMOLITION) Mr. Ruiz received a phone calf troin Mr. Andy Spatz who indicated that the owner of 1400 Wesley has intentions ro demolish rhis land nark and t� jil=: u 301gle iarni;y Ms. Carle expiaine:u taut 1460 Wesley xas one of 'fie br:st rrinaining example of Luxembourg farmhouse. She said that there are about three Luxeinoourg Lanarnarks in .a.iston. Tric Commission instructed staff to proceea negotiations 6ith \1r. Spatz, No otficial action taken. 2211 SHERMAN/PARKING LOT FOR 7I8-734 NOYES (EVANSTON LANDMARK) tiIr. Riji; ait,lrtrivi —ie J1 -, siirl,,rr_ ;,.irkinK :v' )ring :uiiSa;rrrC J� t'ie residents 1A )1,)-134 %over. 231 i Sherman is piannea to be nernulishea to buiit7 the par King lot. The resident ut 71,i-734 .Noves Aantea to aotain Ef ti's favorable enaursement for ;:pis ar,-)ier_t. `1r. Lehner move+i that the-omrnissiun does not have piJrvie% in this »ind ut pr,ile-t. -Lis. a)udikinnijsri The motion carried unanimously. Evanston Preservatf.on Commission ,Minutes - September 19, 1991 1<' Page Eight d EPC's BINDING REVIEW OVER DEMOLITION Mr. Galloway indicated that at the request of Aid. Sue Brady. Corporate Counsel is investigating the legality of the Commission having binding review over demolition. Mr. Yas moved to write a letter to Corporate Counsel offering our assistance. Mr. Cottier seconded. The motion was carried unanimously. CHARMAIN BORYS NEW PLANNING DIRECTOR Mr. Galloway informed the Commission Ms. Charmain Borys has been officially appointed as the Planning Director. He expressed his satisfaction of the appointment because Ms. Borys i!1 a friend of Preservation. A letter congratulating .Ms. Borys will be written and signed by 'Ar. Galloway. MINUTES Mr. Galloway offered to review the minutes with .Ms. Roberg. The minutes will be approved at the next EPC meeting. ENDANGERED BUILDINGS REPORT Mr. Mohnke informed the Commission that Ms. Holly Sabin and the Committee had already compiled a list of endangered buildings. Finalizing the report will be the next step. There are three to four categories. Mr. Lehner explained that large estates. downtown Evanston, business districts, strip developments, school district and Northwestern are all areas that contained endangered landmarks. WALKING TOUR COMMITTEE Ms. McWilliams informed the Commission that the existing information (1975) is not accurate. A partial update was eoinoleted in 1989. the brochures can be rearinted with four walking tours. Ms. Earle is interestea in completing these urvrnures ar_ruretely. Other organizations r_uuid tie contacted such as the Preservation League to develop tours of the do�;,ntowri oulloings and churches. The brochure could be readv by the spring of lyy?. Ms. McWilliams indicated many Evanston r_hurches are celebrating their centennial. Mr. Knox referred to a brochure r_alleb "Sacred Trust - University of Chicago." This is a good resource for restoration of religious builaings. STAFF REPORT South Boulevard CT A Station �Ir. Ruiz informed the %-'nmmission ne ads asked to assist tree Planning Statt to euurainate so;rhe renovation construction nt the South boulevarh CTA Station. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes » September 19, 1991 Pape Nine Storefront Improvement Program Tim Clarke. Development Analyst has asked Mr. Ruiz to review protects under the storefront improvement program. Currently there are two buildings in downtown seeking funds for far -tide renovation. CALENDAR k1r. Galloway referred to the calendar of events distributed with the monthly materials. With no further business to discuss. 4ir. Galloway aciourned the meeting at 10.45 p.m. 5 T -\FF: DATE: CDR1meb 25 Y 42-50 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBER ABSENT: STAFF: PRESIDING: EVANSTON PRESERVATION Cl3MMISSION MINUTES DRAFT - NOT APPROVED Thursday, October 17, 1991 8:P.M. Room 2402 CIVIC: CENTER Derek Cottier, Polly Hawkins Crocker, David Galloway, James 'I. Knox, Kim Koehn, Richard Lehner, Doug Ivlohnke, Carol Qualkinbush, tiIarilee Roberg, Stephen Yas Carlos D. Ruiz David Galloway, Chair The Chair welcomed all members present and called the meeting to order at 8:15 P. ,l. Mr. Galloway indicated that the Commission will review the minutes of ,august 20, 1991 and September 19, 1991, in an executive session immediately after the meeting. CORRESPONDENCE Staff informed the Commission that he received a letter from Mr. Robert A. Sideman of Glencoe, Illinois. The letter was accompanied by a list of awards made by the Evanston Arts Commission. The Illinois Bell Telephone Company building at 1520 Chicago Avenue had received a bronze tablet in March of 1931 for 'Best Architecturai E xcellcnce'. Inc!uded ., ith the letter was a copy of the Bell Telephone .Veins dated Oecember 1930 which described in detail the characteristics of this building designed by Holabird and Root. The Illinois Bell Building is not currently an Evanston Landmark. 1Ir. Galloway submitted to the staff a ropy of the Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Commissions' 1991 Membership Survey. A total of 34 Cornmrbsions responded to the survey. The survey compiled data on such characteristics of communities. Preservatiori CO-1rr-$SL]n5. as their size, powers. Staff SupporE an❑ h+rdgrt, rrurnber of landrndr�,s, etc. Tht sur .e% 4,11 be placed on file for future reference. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - October 17, 1991 Page Two COMMITTEE REPORTS A) Review and Technical Assistance Committee (R&TA) 1. 1400 Wesley Avenue demolition application) Staff informed the Commission that Nis. Katherine Week, owner of 1400 Wesley Street (Evanston landmark) had filed a demolition applic-ation on September 30, 1991. Nis. Week and her business partner, ,NIr. Andrew S. Spatz, have expressed interest in building a new structure on the site. However, they are willing to donate the existing landmark structure to the City. The existing structure built in the 1860's is one of the better preserved examples of what often has been referred to as a "Luxembourg Cottage". There are only three landmarks of this kind still standing in Evanston. Staff has made contact with four City officials to identify City owned buildable lots. Staff has also telephoned two moving companies to obtain cost estimates for relocating the landmark. The possibility of rehabilitating the house to meet the standards in the City building code through a "Rental Rehab Program" is being investigated. '-.Is. Week is willing to delay demolition until spring of 1992 to give the Commission time to find a way to save the structure. 41r. Galloway asked that R&TA and staff: continue negotiations with Ifs. Week and Mr. Spatz, determine the cost of moving the house, locate a suitable lot for the structure, and investigate other alternatives to save the building. It was agreed that this stern was still unaer R&TA's consideration. 2. 1426 Elmwood (second story addition) The owners of 1426 Elmwood proposed to build a side and rear two story addition to this landmark. ,after review of the proposed addition Mr. .Xfohnke, Chair of the R&TA, recommended the approval of the second floor addition. Mr. Lehner summarized R&TA's recommendation as follows: The design of the addition follows very closely the Secretary of Interior's Standards, in that: a. The massing of the addition is appropriate to the existing building. The design shows the distinction between the new structure and the old building_. b. Th,_ window openings attempted to replicate in size anc scale the tx►Stlnp windows. C. The aesrgn picks up sortie of the detailing in the ea-cs fine maintaining an entablature with ornamental brackets and dentils. d. The roof line while lower. still picks up the salve kow of pitches and other elements of the existing house. A motion accepting the R&TA recommendation for the second floor addition of 1426 Elmwood was unanimously approved. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes October 17, 1991 Page Three 3. 1922 Orrington (porch repair and replacement of rear yard stair) Staff reported that I-dr. Steven L. Sargent, Architect, submitted drawings for the porch repair and rear yard stair replacement at 1922 Orrington. This is a restoration project whereby the porch decking, a dilapidated rear yard stair, and missing brinks of the porch foundation will be replaced in kind. The porch handrail will be repaired and darnaged porch columns will be repaired and reinstalled. A motion approving the plans and specifications as presented was carried unanimously. 4. 2424 Lincoln (potential exterior addition) Staff informed the Commission that the owner of 2424 Lincoln had contacted him and requested information for approving exterior additions to a landmark building. No building permit application has yet been filed. Staff was asked to monitor further developments. 5, t700 Sherman/Evanston Galleria (awnings installation) Staff reported that "Jennifer Convertibles", a furniture store, has submitted for preliminary review a drawing showing two fixed black and white awnings, aria two flags to be hung from two existing flag poles of their tenant space along Church Street. The proposed awnings are completely different from the retractable green awnings that are currently installed on the other Evanston Galleria tenat spaces. Three observations were noted by the Commission: a) The proposed awnings are inappropriate in color and shape, b) The proposed flags are objectionable and unnecessary as tenant signage, ana c) Horizontal projecting signs are probably not acceptable under the signage ordinance. 11r. Galloway delegated staff and R&TA to contact Mr. Arthur Slavin from Centrum Properties, and Mr. James Wohnski, ')irector of Biiilding and :caning, to determine if his recollectiun is correct in that a "Unified Business Center Sign Plan" is part of the retail development plan agreement between the City and the developer. Staff will report back to the Commission. NEW BUSINESS A) 35 feet minimum front line requirement The hair informed Me Commission thcit the :omng Amendment -'oMmitlee (ZAkk) had recommended to the Planning and Development Committee (P&D) the minimum 35' frontage (lot width) for Ri, R2 ana R3 zones. P&D approved ZAC recommendation, and clarified the definition of frontage from "front lot line" to "lot width". The term "tot width" will be consistent throughout the zoning oruinance. The designation of an easement for access remains disr_rttionary. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - October 17, 1991 f Page Four B) 715 Sheridan Road (proposed easement for access and subdivision) The Chair explained that a significant number of Evanston residents attended the P&D meeting of October 13 to express their concerns in regard to the subdivision of 719 Sheridan. The most noticeable concern was the possibility of flooding due to the increase of paved surfaces and loss of permeable surfaces (lake front properties tend to flood during high fake water levels and storms). Other issues of concern were: safety and accessibility for fire trucks, increase of density, relocation of the easement for access from the south side to the north side of the lot, and protection of the landscaping. P&D asked City Engineering to conduct a storm drainage analysis (for that property and eight adjacent lakefront properties). P&D postponed its vote until the engineering report becornes available. Mr. Galloway also reported that Mr. Phil Scott, President of the Preservation League of Evanston communicated to him that the League will contact elected officials to make them aware of the detrimental rarnifications of subdividing lakefront lots and the potential for the development of a series of lakefront "flag lots", Mr. Cottier informed the Commission that he attended a neighborhood meeting where the issue of subdivisions was discussed. D) 229 Greenwood (variance of rear yard setback) A copy of the letter from Warren P. Landsman to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) was handed out. Mr. Landsman represents Ernest and Bernice Dorner, who had requested a continuance of their petition to November 19, 1991. E) 927 Noyes Street, Noyes Cultural Arts Center (window replacement) Three anodized color samples were exhibited, Clear No. 17, Dark Bronze No. 40 and Black No. 29. R&TA recommended anodized Black No. 29 for the following reasons: I. Anodized black finish for the window mullions is appropriate since the existing sashes are also black, and black appears to have been a color used on the windows in the past, 2. The black color works well .41th the current color of the building, 1. Anodized black finish represents savings in cost over other alternatives, and 4. The anodized finish is durable ,a motion recommending anodized Black No. 29 finish was unanimously approved i;) 607 Lake Street, First Baptist Church of Evanston (exterior restoration) I he Chair informed the Commission that 12&TA approved the color scherne and painting for the stucco surface of the church, window frames and muntins, and deteriorating stone details. A warrn grey which closely reflects the stone color of the annex building "ill oe used on all stucco surfaces and on the stone details that cannot be cleaned or restored. T'ie ,ption of cleaning or painting the terra-cotta detailing was left to the archirect's discretion, since testing was still in progress. The window frames and muntins will be c dark grey. 1 Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - October 17, 1991 Page Five G) Rescheduling EPC Orientation session The EPC orientation session was rescheduled to Monday, November 11, 1991, at 7:30 P.M. In the Civic Center. H) EPC's Policy Statement on the Central Buslness District (CBD) The Chair informed the Commission that The Southeast Evanston Association forum was held on Wednesday, October 2, 1991. The Commission's position on this issue is to support the Plan Commission's recommendation of a by -right 3.0 Floor Area Ratio (FAR); d 5.0 FAR for planned development and a 7.0 FAR for planned development with amenities. Staff reported that he attended a meeting; with the Plan Commission, where three zoning alternatives for the CBD were proposed. The first was the establishment of a Downtown Commission with broad authority over downtown zoning. The second was to return to the original proposal submitted by the consultant with a by -right 3.0 FAR and a maximum 7.0 FAR through planned development. The third option was the 'Dual Zoning Redevelopment Overlay'; (1) the Retail Core and Collar Zone with a by -right 3.0 FAR, and 5.0 FAR for planned development, and (2) the Redevelopment and Research Park Zone with a by -right 5.0 FAR, and up to 8.0 FAR through planned development. Staff stated the he would monitor the progress of the proposals and keep the Chairman informed of any developments. Commissioners expressed their concern over the potentially detrimental development of the downtown to a level beyond what the sensitive area could accommodate, either infrastructurally or aesthetically. NEW BUSINESS A) Sign Review and Appeals Board The Chair informed the Commission that the Sign Review and Appeals Board (Board) met with P&D. On that occasion the Board expressed their frustration with numerous situations where petitioners have ignored their advice and counsel. and erected signs that are insensitive to the intent of the sign ordinance. In some cases awnings have been erected in gross violation of the ordinance and allowed to remain. They requested that P&D recommend stricter enforcement of the ordinance, stricter "teeth" in it to fill existing loop holes that permit inappropriate and aesthetically offensive signs, or awrungs being used as signs. The Board also recommended that P&D establish an amurtizatron schedule for signs and the regulation on neon signs. Prepdration of a costrbenefit analysis tjr the arnortization �.t:hedule was delegatca to the arty staff and the [3ad' r,rmuers. The Commission has offered its assistance to the Board, in view of the fact that the �'__omrnission has encountered similar problems. The Chair requested that the Commissioners cooperate with and assist staff to monitor future developments and possibly prepare a presentation to the Board. %is. Qualkrnbush offered to assist on this project. A motion delegating Mr. Galloway, %is. Qualkinbush, and staff to work: with the Sign Review and Appeals Board was unanimously approved. I Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - October 17, 1991 Page Six B) Southeast Association Forum The Southeast Association Forum was discussed previously under Old Business C) Appointment of Nominating Committee for Chairman and Vice -Chairman Mr. Galloway annour:ced that he would like to step down from the chairmanship of the Commission by January 1, 1992. He said that he will contact Commissioners and Associate Members for the purpose of appointing a nominating committee. D) O'C"s 1991-92 Work Program The Chair presented the following projects for the Commission's consideration: 1. Binding Review Ordinance (continuing project), 2. Publishing EPC's News Letter, 3. Reviewing and publishing self -guided walking tour brochures, including downtown landmarks and religious buildings, 4. Completing Endangered Building Report, and S. Preparing a Signage aril ,Awning Policy Statement 1. Binding Review Ordinance: The Chair recalled that the commission had reviewed the current Preservation Ordinance, and many members had felt that binding review over demolition and alterations on specially designated or nominated landmarks would be more desirable than advisory review. While the Commission has worked on and off on a revised ordinance, there is still much work to be done. The Commission concluded at that time that the process of completing a binding review ordinance will take at least twelve additional months. The Chair suggested that this project be reactivated in January of 1992. He asked Ms. Roberg and Mr. Lehner to begin reviewing the progress made thus far, and determine what stage the revision is at, and report back to the Commission with their findings. 2. EPC's News Leiter: Some suggestions were made concerning the publication of the newsletter. %is. Qualkinoush and Mr. %lohnke volunteered to put together the newsletter for publication in the spring of 1992. 3. Updated Self -Guided Walking Tour Brochure: Nis. Qualktnbush will work with 'tits. `.1c%illiamN and `.1s. Earle to update the walking tour brochure. The brochure will contain new maps and revised text. 4. Endangered BuldinQs Report: The Chair asked fir. tfohnke to work with staff to finish the Endangered Buildings Report as time will permit. =� Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes -October 17, 1991 Page Seven 5. SIRnage and Awning Policy Statement Mr. Galloway, Ms. Qualkinbush and staff will prepare a Signage and Awning Policy Statement to be approved by the Commission. A motion adopting the 1991-92 work program as outlined was unanimously approved. STAFF REPORT Staff reported the approval of the following projects: 811 Church - interior addition 1 317 Judson - interior electrical work 2505 Orrington - replacing roof shingles 2301 Lincoln - replacing 6 foot fence 1833 Asbury - replacing roof shingles The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.10, STAFF: DATE: EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT NOT APPROVED Tuesday, November 19, 1991 8 p.m. Room 2402 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Derek Cottier, Polly Hawkins Crocker, Hal Davis, David Galloway, James M. Knox, Kim Koehn, Richard Lehner, Doug Mohnke, Carol Qualkinbush, Marilee Roberg MEMBERS ABSENT: Stephen Yas STAFF: Carlos D. Ruiz PRESIDING: David Galloway, Chair Mr. Galloway called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. 1. MINUTES The Chair said that he, Ms. Roberg, and Mr. Ruiz had revised the EPC minutes of August 8, August 20 (Special Meeting), September 19, and October 17, 1991. A motion to approve all revised minutes was unanimously approved. 1I. CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Ruiz informed the Commission that tuo thank -you letters were received by his office from two persons who had requested and received assistance from the Evanston Preservation Coordinator's office. Mr. Galloway said that ne receive;.' a e_,,py a letter from \1r. Phil Scatt, President of the Preservation League of Evanston (PLE), to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA). The letter made reference to the status of 715 Sheridan Road subdivision. The PLE requested assistance from the IHP.A to prevent the subdivision of the estate. III. COMMITTEE REPORTS �. RFVIE=+t A\D Tit'_HNI =A1. ASSIST-\`._E=_0`.1'.11TTEE (R&T,., 1. 2444 Pioneer Road - Exterior Addition Mr. %lohnke, Co -Chair of the R&TA Committee, presented to the Commission a proposed addition to 244 Pioneer Road, an Evanston Landmark. This 15 One of the three houses that were designed in 1895 by Robert Spencer, Jr. %lr. John Charles Elias, the architect of this project, has proposed to de-nolish an earlier addition to the house and build a new and larger tuo-story addition. Preservation Commission Minutes -November 19, 1991 Page Two The new addition is visible from all four elevations of the house. The addition on the north elevation is a well proportioned entry hail to the kitchen; directly above is the master bathroom. The roof of this addition is lower and pitched at the same angle as the main roof, and the two new side dormers are gently pitched at the same angle. The south elevation shows on the left side the one-story addition to the west facade of the house. This addition is recessed a few feet from the south facade to emphasize the original contour of the south elevation. The west elevation shows a one-story addition with three new windows and four new dormers joined by the gently pitched roof projecting from the main roof. The east elevation is the main facade of the house and to the north shows the recessed side of the rear addition. A new window on the first floor and a new dormer on the second floor are similar to existing openings. The new addition follows the same architectural style of the existing house; the distinction between the new and old is adequate. The window openings in the addition are similar in character to the existing windows. The new dormers are similar to the existing dormers. Mr. Mohnke moved to approve the addition as submitted based on the following criteria: I. The massing is appropriate; the addition is distinguished between the existing house and the new addition. 2. The new window openings are similar to existing openings in size and division of lights. 3. The new roof lines and pitches are the same as existing roof lines and pitches, 4. The dormers that are added to the second floor of the west elevation duplicate existing dormers. 5. The recessed addition on the south elevation restores symmetry detailing and colors replicate the existing house. The motion was approved unanimously 2. 2535-2601 Sheridan Road (Grosse Point Lighthouse addition) %is. Polly Hawkins Crocker. Co -Chair of the R&TA Committee, said that the Lighthouse Park District has submitted plans to rebuild the north uing of the Grosse Point Lighthouse building. The neN structure is the mirror Lmage of the south wing, including roof hne, building naterials. color, texture. ants d�-tails. The original dra'�kincs . err c+e%,elopeo in 197S f-,r the preservation plan ()f the iighthouse. The Lighthouse Park Distrk: t plans to submit the nomination of the Grosse Point Lighthouse to the National Register of HPsturtc Places. The Park District has received twr, itrants to complete the restoration of the structure. Preservation Commission Minutes -November 19, 1991 Page Three IV. OLD BUSINESS A. APPOINTMENT OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE FOR CHAIR AND VICE -CHAIR. The Chair Informed the Commission that Ms. Roberg, Mrs, McWilliams, and Mr. I'dohnke have been appointed as the Nominating Committee for the position of Chair and Vice -Chair of the Evanston Preservation Commission. Ms. Roberg Is the Chair of this Committee. B. BINDING REVIEW The Chair referred to the meino dated October 17, 1991, from Ellen Szymanski, Assistant Corporate Counsel, to lames Wolinski, Director of Building and Zoning, in reference to binding review by the Preservation Commission. The Chair said that his only observation was that, unfortunately, the memo did not cite affirming or positive examples of binding review as opposed to negative examples. Discussion ensued. Mr. Knox asked whether the Commission is currently seeking binding review powers. Mr. Galloway explained that in the past the EPC (after reviewing preservation ordinances from other communities) had concluded that the most viable course of action at that time was to seek binding review over demolition permits for specifically designated landmark structures. �,Is. Oualkinbush said that the Commission developed the R&TA evaluation sheet to provide consistency in the decision making process. The Commission now can provide documentation of how and why decisions are made. Mr. Koehn said that the next step would be to define the policy with respect to demolitions and to develop the criteria for designating the landmark structures for which the Commission would have binding, review over demolition permits. Mr. Ruiz said that the Planning and Development Committee (P&D) had asked that corporate legal counsel and the Preservation Commission develop standards for approving demolition permits for landmark structures. The intent of this directive is that the Commission would conduct the public hearings when a demolition permit for a landmark building is filed. The Commission then would submit a r?(_ommendatior, to Lity }unct! for its final approval. Mr. Gallowav asked staff to change the Commission's meeting minutes of October 17, 1991, on page sir under "the Chair recalled that the Commission had reviewed" to "the Chair recalled that in the oast the Commission had reviewed". This would distinguish the Commission's position in the past from its present position, kir. Gailowa� said that. •.hen asked about the Commission's position on Winding r­,.it A, 'pis respelnse :s 'rat the .`'4'*'riilSslOn has for sOtT.t-time bte-ri ini' stivijzmg, aw, k,ll ,{itlrll.*• T $:rate, hirrdiiig review powers. Cottier suggested thar staff r ont:iiue �. �r'.:,,� OF, the 'equeIt rvidoe b� PN-D, and make the necessary contacts '.i:th the corporate legal ­_)unse;. k1r. Knox and Mr. Koehn offered to Aurk oil the le•eal Est rots. %1r. i as tn;at a hinding review Coriimittee was alre.iC�, estabh5her' uito k1s. Roturg ar­, %1_ Lerner as members. Preservation Commission Minutes - November 19, 1991 Page Four C. 1400 WESLEY AVENUE - POTENTIAL DEMOLITION Ms. Hawkins Crocker informed the Commission that she had called Habitat for Humanity (a grass roots organization based in Georgia), is very interested in helping the Commission save 1400 Wesley Avenue from demolition. The rehabilitation of this historic structure may present some challenges to the Commission because the funding is limited and high quality building materials are not always available at a moderate cost. Mr. Mohnke responded that he, Mr. Lehner, and Mr. Ruiz, made a presentation to the Housing Commission. The presentation was directed to what the Housing and Preservation Commissions could do to save the landmark building, one of the few small and modest landmark buildings that still stand in Evanston. The Housing Commission made it clear that there was not funding available, but that they could offer the low interest loan and rental rehab programs. Mr. Mohnke said that Aid. Warshaw suggested to the Preservation Commission that a high profile approach could be appropriate. Putting together a package and marketing this house for a private individual to restore, or do a story about preset 'ation in the Evanston Review with a headline such as "Free House" might help the project and ultimately save the building. \ir. Ruiz obtained an estimate of $26,738 to move the house to the corner of Emerson and Wesley Avenue. He said that near that intersection there are two lots that are private property but offer the best location. The lots are relatively close to the house's current site and the route from 1400 ltesley to Emerson is free of physical obstacles. \1s. Hawkins Crocker said that the Commission should market this idea making sure that the project would not create any opposition from the residents of the area where the landmark would be moved. Nis. Hawkins Crocker said that she would contact Ald. Drummer of Ward 2, and notify him of the project. D. PdD COAlA1ITTEE MEETING ON DOWNTOWN ZONING Mr. Ruiz summarized the highlights of the P&D Committee meeting of November 4, 1991. In terms of preservation the foi;ov.ing ianiamarn ouildings -were identified within the boundaries of the CBD: 1717 Benson Avenue (Second Baptist Chu,,ch) 1604-08 Chicago Avenue 601 Davis Street (University Building) 630-40 Church Street (Carlson building) K14-86 Clark Street (St. ldr-,es lrrneniari Cll r t,) 610-12 Davis Street (Orr:hard Fruit & Flou4 - Shop, Etc-kr it 'lt ent '- 1618 Orrington Avenue (The Hahn Buiidine) 151 1 -2 l Sherman .Avenue 1578 Sherman _Avenue (\orthv.estern Mutual Life- Buildinq� 1700 Sherman (Evanston Galleriai Preservation Commission Minutes - November 19, 1991 Page Five The most threatened landmark is 601 Davis Street (University Building). The Washington National building site Immediately north of this landmark is a prime candidate for redevelopment. The entire block could conceivably be redeveloped. P&D has not made a final decision about the proposed zoning of the CBD. P&D still has other issues to consider such as the FAR's, density, public parking, traffic volume, and patterns. The Planning Department and the City Manager's Office have identified somy areas of particular character within the CBD. These areas were identified because of the presence of landmark buildings and other contributing structures, in addition to their landmark status, these buildings are prominent because of 1) their contributing presence to the urban landscape, 2) their scale and massing in terms of streetscape, and 3) their architectural design in terms of community character. Mr. Ruiz said that this is another opportunity for the Commission to bring to the attention of P&D the real importance of the landmark buildings for the downtown. P&D has the challenging task of listening to various groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, the neighborhood organizations that feel affected by the proposed zoning changes, and the office of economic development, which is seeking opportunities to improve the local economic base. The CBD has changed from being the major retail center of the North Shore to a CBD with mixed use development and specialty shops, office buildings, and some residential buildings. Mr. Galloway said that during the P&D meeting, Jacques Gourguechon of Camiros made a presentation to explain the Planning Department and the City Manager's office compromise solution and the consultant's compromise solution was. Mr. Gourguechon explained the history of the CBD Z"oning process. The Chair of the meeting, Aid. Elgelman, asked .Mr. Gourguechon to give his own opinion and recommendation as to what the City should do. All but two of the citizens who spoke at the meeting were in favor of smaller FARs, lower building height restrictions, and the retention of the quality and character so unique to Evanston. %ir. Gourguechon stated that Evanston has one of the most unique downtowns of any city in the nation. Many cities that at one time had the quality and character that Evanston has today, have long since lost it to insensitive development. P&D asked that the consultant come back with some additional information (such as potential 'Ielgtit restrictions) a,id nays ir, %khit-h the City couic encourage economic development by designating parking areas into the CBD periphery. The closing of any of the CTA stations could also have a negativt- impact on the redevelopment of the C131). Mr. Galloway said that numerous speakers, including himself and Vr. Gourguechon, '.%ere in f3%or of +rsiYeC use development i-. the doµritoun. specificalP. residential daft entertainment. i+nth uolilG iril-rl�ase th- TjX base, encourage peopIC iJ li'.'' dUwnLGwr .IIiC: PIIti,I;iA!" S'1;7,1' ,f 1', ctrafttf wit-rKiSe would be Dart of the rori.frlereidl 111d c_urpor.iti- scheme. Ttit, could be rnure livable. Aitk active peonly during the day and at night. It is also a g!uuu captive *narket for the stores and shop% in dounto%1 n. Mr. Galloua% s,iid that the last mixed use development in duv.ntowri was the Etianst,_)n Place apart'nent .),,ilciing and Karage complex. The original scheme had included some eritertairirrent iriC retail. : urrently the City is attempting to encourage nulti-tenarit developrnen;s of ,u r,e dountoun sites. Preservation Commission Minutes - November 19, 1991 Page Six E. 228 GREENWOOD STREET - PETITION FOR 30 FOOT REAR YARD SETBACK VARIANCE Mr. Ruiz said that the petitioner for the variance of the rear yard setback and the two lot subdivision of 228 Greenwood had requested a continuance. The petitioner's architect could not complete the site plan drawings with the changes that the Zoning Board of Appeal wanted to see prior to its determination. The Commission has submitted a recommendation to ZBA that it deny this petition since the proposed subdivision did not comply with the proposed overlay district requirements, and that other similar petitions should wait at least until the City Council approves the revised zoning ordinance. The Commission asked staff to find out whether the revised site plan for the subdivision of 228 Greenwood meets the requirements of the overlay districts of the proposed zoning ordinance. Mr. Galloway said that if the new subdivision conforms with the requirements of the overlay districts then the Commission could review the subdivision under the provisions of the overlay districts zoning requirements. F. 715 SHERIDAN ROAD Mr. Ruiz said that a compromise was reached between the owner of 715 Sheridan Road and their neighbors. Aid. Brady was iristrumentaf in bringing both parties together to the negotiation table. The agreement includes protecting existing landscape and providing additional landscape to screen the easement of access to the two rear lots and the adjacent property to the south. Other covenants include appropriate drainage to avoid potential floodings if the two rear lots are developed. V. NEW BUSINESS A. 1992-93 Evanston Preservation Commission Meeting Schedule The Commission confirmed that the regular monthly meetings for the 1992-93 fiscal year will be held the third Tuesday of the month at 8: p.m.. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center. B. 2024 BR01t N AVENUE Mr. Galloway said that a structure at 2024 Brown Avenue, known as the Penn House, is being researched by ,tits. Anne Earle, who has found further information about the structure and its architect. This new information could qualify this building for landmark status consideration. The structure has been neglected for many years. It is in a severe state of disrepair and has been boarded up for quite some time. A review process for designation of this building may bring some attention to the structure. C. Yf:AR I:.\D PUT 1l CK (-F-.LFF�P 1T10% Mr. Galloway announced that Mrs. `. 04 ifliams had offered to host this ,year's pot luck celebration at her home. The Commission agreed to hold this event on Friday, December 13, 1991 at 7 p.m. Preservation Commission Minutes - November 19, 1991 Page Seven, Yi. STAFF REPORT Mr. Ruiz reported that he had approved the replacement of a rear and side yard fence at 802 Clinton -Place. The next meeting of the Commission is Tuesday, December 17, 1991 at 8 p.m.in Room 2403 of the Civic Center. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. STAFF: DATE: 25Y64/69 EVANSTON PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DRAFT NOT APPROVED Tuesday, December 17, 1991 8 p.m. Room 2403 CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Derek Cottier, Hal Davis, David Galloway, James h1. Knox, Doug Mohnke, Carol Qualkinbush, Steven Yas MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Lehner, Polly Hawkins Crocker, Kim Koehn, Marilee R oberg STAFF: Carlos D. Ruiz PRESIDING: David Galloway, Chair Mr. Galloway called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. 1. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. REVIEW AND TECHNIC-\L ASSIST.ANCE COMMITTEE (R&TA) I. 1205 Hinman - A indow Replacement and Skylight Installation %ir. Mohnke, Co -Chair of R&TA, reported to the Commission concerning the replacement of two windows and a double skylight installation at 1205 Hinman. The new windows are srnnlar in design to the original windows and the skylights .V'uula be installed as a parr to emphasizes existing rhythm of the fenestration. R&TA moved to approve these alterations as pre4cnted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. 646, Lincoln Street - r uverrnare School `lr. R 1i1_ air- se•ntE'(I t` t, ar �,,t— t :raI drawings f )r th(- in5ta113tiUr: r)` i zreer-r-r):5e window nn the serond i:0ur rt t'w ,'Jea St ul thv ;Prnr-e'nore rr�r-::)lr, at 64r, Lmr-uln Street. The greenhouse atndo�A is sdlac ent and perpennir1ilar tr, t`tt- eastern service alley. %;r. sairi that the proposed greenhouse window is not ,,isible from the street. Therefore, the Commission does not have purviev, over its design and Installation, A motion to send a letter from R&TA t(, the architect, explaining the position of the Cot,.missi,in and "nrr,iraging the architect t�, cunsider an alternate solution that is more in character with the buildin€ design. -Ads unanimously approved. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - December 17, 1991 Page Two B. SELF GUIDED TOUR BROCHURE Mr. Ruiz informed the Commission that he, Ms. McWilliams, and Ms. Earle had started selecting the landmark buildings to be included in the brochure. The brochure would contain drawings of the most important landmarks and the text would appropriately describe each landmark building. The first cost estimate from Bracker Communications includes layout, typesetting, and printing for a brochure with approximately 42 pages, 30 photos, 5 illustrations, and the cover. Cost estimates range from $2,461 for 1,000 copies to $4,646 for 5,000 copies. Mr. Ruiz said that approximately $2,500 are available in the budget and that he is seeking additional funds from a special account that the Commission created a few years ago. Mr. Davis offered to assist in this project. C. SIGNAGE POLICY STATEMENT FROM THE EPC TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (P&D) Mr. Ruiz said that lets. Oualkinbush and Mr. Galloway had written the first draft of a statement that expresses the Commission's concerns regarding the proliferation of unsightly signs and awnings erected throughout Evanston. 11r. Galloway said that the current ordinance does not address awnings or back -lit awnings. Mr. James Wolinski, Director of Building and Zoning, had expressed his frustration about constant violations of the sign ordinance. Mr. Galloway said that the statement also provides recommendations for incorporating awnings in a sensitive manner. The intention of the statement is to educate the reader about the history of awnings and their appropriate use and design. The issue of enforcement was discussed. Enforcement of the ordinance is difficult because the City does not have enough inspectors. The Commission concluded that the statement should recommend that: 1) The City contact Sign and awning companies to not►f•, them about the sign regulation, and 2) The City inform prospective nry.: businesses about signage and awnings regulations. n. NOMINATING COMMITTEE FOP CHAW AND VICE -CHAIR On oehalf of the \oi,iinatiny C.or.,rrlittee, �Ir, Moc .nkc announcer, the nominations of '.is. Carol Quil'kiribush for the position of Chair and 1.1r. Derek Cottier for the position of Vire-Cha:r for the €992 I-alenoar bear. -% motion to drrept the recommendation of the \orninating Committee tiLas unanimously approved. 11. OLD BI!SINESS 1. �•�l`. ��ESLF=� 1�'Ft(_L - f'��i '.IJAL NO' Mr. Ruiz reported that he had rontartec ',Ir. r)i, � 1.1eroener �A Habitat fcr Humanity .ind updated him as to the st it .s �)f i +Cc� `.tesir� ��� nue. %tr. ',1er�ener toic %lr. Ruiz (fiat Habitat for Humanit, Aou, c be interested financing x' —,ose ano-ehaoilitation of the house. The on1'. •Arjuld be r ,e ut E,.anst`)n ;,ir the Commission provide a neu lot. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - December 17, 1991 Page Three Habitat for Humanity is a not-for-prolit organization that provides affordable housing to families with low or moderate income. Mr. Ruiz said that he is monitoring the status of the vacant lots that appeared on the Cook County tax delinquent list. The City of Evanston is attempting to obtain the title to some of those vacant lots. B. 715 SHERIDAN ROAD SUBDIVISION Mr. Galloway said that an agreement between the owners of 715 Sheridan Road and the neighbors had been reached. Mr. Ruiz said that City Council approved the subdivision. However, the owners of 715 Sheridan Road have received an offer by an individual who is interested in buying the property as a single lot. Apparently there is a contract pending and is expected to be closed in January 1992. The approved subdivision plat is yet to be recorded. C. 228 GREENWOOD STREET SUBDIVISION Mr. Ruiz informed the Cornmisslon that Mr. David Rasmussen, Assistant Director of Zoning, concluded that the proposed subdivision of 228 Greenwood Street as submitted could conceivably conform with the requirements of the (oREb) residential estate overlay district, where minimum lot size is 10,000 square feet and the minimum lot width is 50 feet. However, 228 Greenwood is within the boundaries of one of the (oREa) residential estate overlay districts that requires a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 100 feet. These requirements cannot be met by the proposed subdivision. To date, no new site plans were submitted for consideration by the Zoning Board of Appeals (--BA). D. BINDING, REVIENt FOR DEMOLITION OF LANDMARKS Mr. Galloway referred to (tit- memo from Charmain Borys, Planning Director, to Ellen Szymanski, Assistant Corporation Counsel, in reference to the P&D request to develop standards for demolition of landmarks. Mr. Galloway said that the request by P&D to the Corporation Counsel and the EPC was made with the intent to have the Commission conduct the public hearinf,s before a demolition permit is issued. The criteria, the format, and due process A.'ould be formulated by the Commission. The City Council would then determine whether a demolition permit should be used. \Is. Qualkinbush asked whether City Council would respond favorably to the Commission's initiative to obtain information from other communities that ha,.e some degree of Minding review. The Commission conceivable could develop an orcinance with t,inding .re.' .V:1 01-'f_'r r!e .,[ : ,.' I., Sl1t}err t to Z1 shx-in£ 3! —onomi- `.lr. Ruin - S�tic: that he x;li •r.eet atFh 11s. 5Z� .a�ishi ar)d %Is. s to .-Iarif•. ttte request of P3,[) regarding binding review. %ir. Gallov.av said that tree EPC needs to work with the Corporation Counsel and make sure that all of the Corr-,.r,ssion's concerns are rrplained to and understooC r b� Corpmration-ourisel befurt' e rds art Craftea and communicated to P"; D. Evanston Preservation Commission Minutes - December 17, 1991 Page Four III. NEW BUSINESS A. APPEARANCE AND DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES Mr. Ruiz presented a time table for the development of the Appearance and ❑esign Review guidelines. The guidelines will be written by a Committee composed of three members of the Plan Commission. The Planning Director and the Preservation Coordinator will assist the Committee. B. INSTALLATION OF FOUR TRAFFIC LIGHT POLES IN THE RIDGE HISTORIC DISTRICT Mr. Yas said that four new stainless steel poles for traffic lights were recently installed at the intersection of Asbury Avenue and Dempster Street and that more poles could be installed in the Ridge Historic District. He asked to put this issue on the next agenda. Mr. Galloway offerred to investigate this matter with the City's Traffic Engineer and report back to the Commissions at the next meeting. IV. ANNOUNCEMENT .Mr. Galloway said that it had been a real pleasure and privilege to serve as Chair of the Commission for over two years. He said that the Commission made significant progress and he thanked the Commissioners for their support. A motion to express the Commission's appreciation to Mr. Galloway for his work and dedication as Chair was unanimously approved. The next Commission's meeting is on Tuesday, January 21, 1992. at 8 p.m, in Room 2403 of the Civic Center. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.. STAFF: DATE: 25`r 7i 74