HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1998EVANSTQ 4UNCIL Noyes Cultural Arts Center 927 Noyes St. Evanston, IL 60201 847/4914M Approved Minules of the 10 Februilry 1998 Public Art Cotmbil.tue muctill'u. MEMBLTS PRESENT: C. Curley, J. Eii.;r) mi, .1. Hausman, 1'F. Lyon, E. Ockwull, M. Robinson and ilssociate nletnl)cr (;. I.rnvr. MFIMI3E,RS ABSENT: M. Sward. STAPP: .lonal.hon (;Ins, ,Ark Council i)irector, APPROVAL OF MiNUTES- 1). Robinson moved for approval of Iflr Novvinber 1997 rninul.es. E. Ockwell seconded the lnoldon, and ipproval Was tinaulirnolls, CHAIR'S RENTR'I': .loth I';ll:lfitim welcobled everyone back afler a two -month hiotil, it Cneorlril0d everyolle to revl('ll' Ille 111ISSIoil shilvIlIcIll for Ill(' commilive il, ltlrinded IIi the proposed phis, STAFF REPORT- Jonathon (;Ills invited Ili(, cornmilicr to Noyes for lhr Hlack History Month Celebration. anchored h`' III(, (,\hdbildoll, '0 Writy M% \able'. lorlalholl idso 1110te(i illy conlillittee to lhr h I? filic arls shlndor(k rt'r1r11 Much will br ho:"icd by ill(. Arts Comicil oil 17 March for Ihr I'ilu. Arts dep,llllbrrlls ,11 1,1'11� ,uld DIslricl .:65 ,lobalhon also c'sl)Iitinr(I #h,tl the illodcl fol .I propos(>d scldpl(lru dolloliml to Ille C)h is ('nrrvIII IV in Ili., Of f is e I'm propos(d don,ll loll", .I colimlit i cc Is f ormv(i to I ('1'ic)l ::lld reromrncrtld to PAC. It wits d(,cldrd thin vitch merliber 11ould durin,I lhr br\I I11O ►lrrks, slop by Joilillhon's offdrr to look ill Ille work died lon,ithorl hill lalk. Ihr Poles '111d conlact the art isl . PUBLiC ART Pi AN RLA'lEW ioiiii I,ii�r111,1li ill\i*tc(! c4cIlolic i(1 c'\l)Ioijl ill-11011 ilicil lJol loll of 111(` 1111p,1( 1 of public ,tri. bot 1: pcl,soll,tHl '1116 oil .I (.olllrlmlilt . ,llld # he col(' of P AU Ill I,1,111>1Oil 1,:Ilot koll d("cribc'd Ih(' (olllilllttrt's rot(' ,ts HI'd of mcis!."111 olld 1cl-l~ Il,tllslll,ln ('\pNlIlI('d 111,11 Ills' r'(II1C,1#lollctl (olilpoilrlll of pllhld( ort i�" llllpotl,Illl to him ,I, 11ch its 01(. r'rrlillrill n,11 tlrc of I he ,Ill: in .I c c)rlilrlllnil l 1)I110 N,ohinsorl (dt's( rlbcd t hl, c airllll!1 #i'r s laic :ts "hi .Ili sill(c i he 1O rO . ,111(i (()1l; i1'.11( I (} !}{ (\:..I'„ .tY(;ii l,ti! i,,.. I!',, Cllrlrti silid I ll'o she h,ts sr'cll too rilm ll nllbllc ,Il t Mll(h doe's 11ol i lw l irlu'i '111 d shr' hopes Ihr commiliev i,ll1 "tvcf from H1,11 ion,liholl Gk1 :4 r\pl,mwd Ih,tt sticcussflll pilblic' ,11.1. to lllin !" 111,1t 1011(r1im", ,i (il,IlU:?.I(' 1t11h it ('i11iiOn[lit'nl. blit s1111 ('111 I11(dt'prndelItll c\('llc' lhc• llcurr loon !lc !s 1r11 (omlllillrcl to the (onvel-ocncr of Mi Ill](] cdll(, hall. ,Ind hrnt'lrs lh,jI ,Ir'. i,, !!l(' pr'!f('(t lrllllt' for #h,tt Irrrl H,i11s111,111 :,Ii(! ;li,ll !!(' . ,i!'.('I(':!('(: !i: ,Ind ?WIDWO!1 (1111 m, ('\Ilt', , ndl ,ti'. iml ... ehungvT IMPOSED 111l;1,IC ART PIrAN: Regarding the Transportathi Center, John Engman said that art u,,u (Ivwx 11-affic to the old do\sntowl) from the ne\s complex. lltilirin", the viadtfels. FIlrrtnan iso silk; that it. is ►sithill the purview of the PAC to develop its aeslllvhw for art a[ ills cnlcriall r[lent colliplex and collnsel the developer. ill Hial shl'ov. John E ligmall would aiso liko to make it hi!rller priority educat.iorl. Eror' this, he apphulds IS '911, Jerry llausimm ; oidd Ile to bcl.ler• Nnil iriae himmclf ;\Uh local ariisls, iuul stwn,,ested it slide registry. Jonathon (;Iles explajnecl i.hid ;se have it registry. but it is out of ditle. 110ililthon further explained thin he does not make it prjorily mailltainin'a Hic re-aistry because for each project. It(' disir'ibules it call for artists. .lorry also sll,sl!esled Ihilt it projeel which could move around town to different lac'iclion�z could be very exciljn,� Berry also mcnilorled 111,11 Noyes comillullRy scr►'icc may be it rvsotlree, and hi -oh school Alidcnls ;nit\' he ithlc to mic'ot<tpe projects for future use. Dino Robinson that posi ("ads ;►jilt Ilrl,wvI ; of public. ilrt still' be it terriN: promotjonid tool. John E•;llglnitn slaic?d lhai tlw plan dear'!\ is divided in t;so arcits: c'(inc'ilhocl ilnd do►illon'll programs. John asked teach inumbel. to collimit to one areit: .). E'ligirlan chair .1. iiausrnarl: edilcilliorl (particularly interested in it speakers bureau) C. Cul'Icy: edliciltiorl G. Struve educalloll E , Lyon: downtown E..Ock►sell do►►illowl. 1) Robinsoll do►sltio\sn Gail tiIrtive explajned ;hill the eo"Imillee has been discussing the d(Wopniml of a public art snap since its incepliort. tiueh ,t rnilp tnilti be it fol old ;silk h ;t pholos. (;,III offered to drift text. ,Ind develop it bwivel for #hr commillec to revrer\s It its Ilarcll mcctjn-=. SCII"Ll 'I'H?I.: MOVI'll n,... l ,,' 'w ,10 10 .:)!!'.w . ' c . ,010 :i.:m a in, (i? 1 0:TN PLO US ll ,!! �I1L;{'(1 f!1!' f;, l;, !(' •'? ('., 1 ... , 'U;O, 11C! :�;'�:. ;i; '1 ,. �} . 'f`, (;: (.r, ,..., �� f'1)'l('.)':,'.r• tSi (r(};1lllUltl( =ill, tl lJllfl lcittll '\:l!? �(rilEillilt' ai1ll )J l l)lli)il( �Iri f',Icip �(}lrtf !'\;`��!!I!= r?}(}rl!!'� �N',ttt,thlc in Hw ('cirt( ohwi fllml `2r r7 Irrr\' hollu:rniln mpj im'd "h,1! t!f' J1 ..'l ( wllplrtcll ct Ic,lc bite+_= porifoho on I'<tlrl{ I, Doll�rhlel for the E;\,trlston Irl CeWcl lott1 that 1hN I:4 ►cry bus► for mlfl !!:l 'Ind erld of %.e=lt pro)c( t� II(' till=r=c :1r(I t}rr11 Ir1�t,',1r1 of 1rlscrtln-= ,1 I)ebwoll !3Iltlrrfleld Ilro-=rtllrl In ill(' I'lll(' AI l ( Ilrr!('itlilrI', l:)? .`'ll'"['°= ly`i !:,11 %%,ml to dc'c(' op o ('viilply( !' i(' 1Clurf ;}or 1fulm fill' put ll(' 00 "hy it ('{)W w : up: 110 n m. &. i,l!lh jell \. Chir (i,f i('l c11m irli :`il Ill(` lGi 9661 Ila•11% 01 'sill;} 110111111101' rftl p,ll)tlugnS Sno111111U111l sum Ilaill,tii 'Ilogoill ap papuoaas umusilnll ki.i;)I. -u.Inoljw 0l pimoill uostllgq olll(I :NHOMY •uliailo,ld ,Sumale") sail!,} .lalsiS og1 jo .l.tnd sn `,{ malnJ ivatl paanld l.lam lit., aflgnd in[)uels(Ins I� jo Xj!pglssod ail-! ulila.leasa.l 11i1s si Illui. oad 1.111 alignd mlgjV le.tnjin,) Jo juaill1anda(I oltlaltl,) jo Ajl,;) olp jnl{l polrleldxa sill,) -1' p.iumoll 9;1.1,V I&I ICY?I, O&I ;illrlaatn Ixall ;Till oI I1o!jnIII'1ojut ;11it.ul pill[ iiuttttll 11111p.leilim oll;llv {pllr (ll!'1 jpods pplom ,)II lt!lh NlI s tiollWllal I,YIt1,l,) lioW?1�t)tisill�a,� all'j 'le I1loillo.,luld ival --allo i! i111.t1 algl"jedtuoa all loll ,Setu no!pII.1Is11o,1 xaldillo;} lllaful111?'lJ;)�u;} 1[11.1t utlltllrl ll'1ll palsa;z5ns UOSUNUM or11(l '1(= s-liq '.Ill pas.lopila Ialua,) ltoquj.IodsunjL alll .1oj pasodoml st 11.1o.11 sttl,l, Toseas jsq .Iola) jjV agl jo timid luoij atl l uo a.11l"ldplas polp.11? mmom A.lul e - l iom ;!ll lwos imull .felt s.la(jtlloill ;m-pl11tllo;) 'jnil] pat111?Idsa 110I[JOLIOf •VII!M JIM,l ;S. JVJ ,Sg >l.ta.titl.le pasnda.ld P 10 JUIIS!n 1t poin(11.11sip 11ollpnllol, -tlnj pile Soatrds ;)ggltd ;)pul Iwo ji0ml.la leaaulal{da )el{l p;l,tall;lilo;l h1in;) all{;) pile tluiusnq Dior (IggIS) Ilmqumop ul 5;aaald In ailgnd buioduial aa.111) pun] of 'lsanbaa aqj patlilaap Alltlaaa.l 4JL'I11AJ jl;Ilj palt[i?1(Ixa 110I{ILMOf '1.ie all{lnd 1u.lalua j jo juawaauN aqj paNnanoon ,Slbo js 1lamla0 inaquzHA `aw1l Asng v i{ans Rujinp Iso1{ 0'j 1Sl'1soa ao'j sum uolssnasip laund aqj Inll) papnIona sem 11 uolssnaslp 1{'jgh •aa'j'11111It100 In ailgnd loos{as-ill uu ill.loj 4 EVANSTOI WOUNCIL a s t:t�tit;Ut 1,ts�ent III Clo�►esa. Evanston, IL 60201 847/491-M Minutes of the 1 Marc i u Ic rt �ommitt a eetIng MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Curley, J. Engman, J. Hausman, N. KotIer, E. Ockwell, D. Robinson, and associate member Gail Struve MEMBERS ABSENT: E. Lyon, M. Sward STAFF: Jonathon Glus, Director, Arts Council Chair -Report: John Engman welcomed the committee and asked for approval of the February minutes. Chie Curley moved for approval. A seconded by Elizabeth Ockwell was unanimously approved. Staff Report: Jonathon Glus reported that the Artskills program is currently being developed, and lie invited any program suggestions. Jerry Hausman offered to participate in a discussion regarding program development. Jerry also discouraged making small items again this year. Jonathon then reported that the Library Board intended to hold the remaining monies from the budget for the Richard Hunt sculpture, which was a gift from the estate of Edward A. Johnson. Jonathon further explained that lie had not yet in January reconciled the expenses for the project and the Library Board questioned the use of'$5500 for administrative purposes. Nancy Kotler stated that the monies should be held for public art or public art education at tiie library, regardless of which body is caretaker of the remaining funds. Jerry Hausman suggested that both bodies have a shared commitment to public art at the Library, and that the remaining monies can be earniarked for public art. John Engman said that there are two central questions: who controls the money and who owns and maintains the public art. He suggested that he draft a letter to the Library Board explaining the PAC's commitment to art at the Library. John also commented that this dialogue may take a few months. Jonathon then presented to the members a request from Donna Zarbin Byrne of an additional $1500 for plantings at the Fire Station site. Nancy Kotler reminded the committee that the PAC had enthusiastically endorsed this artist and proposal, and that the PAC had already committed an additional $1500 beyond the original contract. Kotler said, "this is troubling, this is a precedent which Ave can and should not set." Jerry I lausman said that. "it is an issue af'professionalism and reasonable expectations oil the part of the artist." Dino Robinson said that independent contractors In other fields have to assume the loss it' they do not correctly budget during, the proposal and contract stage. Jonathon Glus stated that the project had only been altered slightly since the proposal stage - well within the boundaries of artistic discretion - and lie had been made aware of all changes. He explained that the benches originally proposed were removed for security reasons and that the walkway was poured in a slightly different form to accommodate the berIils. Dino Robinson Blade a motion that Ms. Zarbin-Byrne's request be denied and that any substantial changes be approved by the PAC. The nwtion was seconded by Jerry I iausnlan. Approval was unanimous. ,M EVANSTOT WOUNCIL oyys Cul� ral I Center 921 N yes St. I:yansjon, i1.602U1 547/�914M Sculpture Mont . onat on us erected tie committee s attention to t e revised calendar for Sculpture Month. Jonathon explained that the Butterfield fabrication process was on schedule, and the dedication details will be available at the April meeting. Chie Curley reported that a fabulous exhibition of sculpture by five artists will be installed on the interior and exterior of Noyes. Jonathon asked the committee to confirm its commitment to the Larry Paul King proposal. John Engman stated that the proposal should be held until after the construction of the entertainment complex, and that the proposed piece may be part of an inaugural project. The committee also agreed that no monies were available for downtown artwork, however staff was encouraged to place works if the cost was nominal. hI= Gail Struve explained that the public art map ad hoc committee had developed a program in which a map, slide packets of public art in Evanston and a catalog may be provided to educators in Evanston. Gail presented a slide presentation of artworks included in the packet as well as a draft map. Dino Robinson congratulated Gail, and suggested that postcards may be an inexpensive method of marketing the program while raising funds. Dino offered to check with the Historical Society regarding their method of making slides inexpensively. Nancy Kotler congratulated the hard work and stated that the map is a tremendous education tool, as well as a marketing/tourism tool. Nancy also suggested that a realty company may be a good source to sponsor printing costs. John Engman suggested that other such maps could be developed for architectural details in Evanston and stained glass in Evanston. John Engman asked Gail what was the next step. Gail said that she would make the suggested changes and bring cost estimates for printing to the April meeting. John Engman thanked the committee for hard work and a fruitful meeting. Dino Robinson moved to adjourn. Elizabeth Ockwell seconded, with unanimous approval. Respectfully Submitted, Jonathon GIus, Director 2 April 1998 N EVANSTO OUNCIL Noyes Cultural Arts Center 927 No yes St. Evanston,11 L OW 647104M DRAM' 1: IIli1'li'1'ES OP THE 11 WIL MOB MONTHLY MEE'1'IAG OP THE I'I;IILIC ART C'()I11f1'7EE: PRESENT:.1. ENGMAI. d. HAUSMAN, X. KOTLER. E. QCKWELL. 1). ROBINSON. M. Sll'ARD; ABSENT: michele. look ill) reillainitlh 111vil'lbers, hicludlig adjullet; STAFF: d. Ghis. Director. Arls Council CHAIR REPORT: I. I'a)gnlim ll'elcollicd everyone, and extended a special a'elcorn to new member Mill•ily Sword. STAFF RE'POR'1':.f. Gllrs reported Mat 1.he Arl.skills pjwrilm is now developed. Muralist Ivall Walkin nits hired to work Milli lead arlisl and prorrril coorirldalor Leah hales. Gills explined lital the artists will creole a series of prolable rllllrirls which will be inslulled ill idl nine C'l'A stations. Tll((- rllurals will be irlsirllfed for ilpproxinlately six nlolllhs, after which tirrle Illy ntut'al scrlily be placed ill Cily filcililies or possibly ill Iliv e111erlaillme:11 complex corlslruclioll silo. (;Ills explained Ihill the murid swill explore the color sp(-ctchin Appmudices will be challerlved in the lechilical rIrcii" of color. If'chr)i(Ilx, im desic!n. ,is well is reserlrch 1 Kotler comillclydcd Ili(' lhrrn(- f. IhiaSnlrin sliveslcd H1r11 he wolild odvkv Sllirly lit -ire Ilcillh who stts oil Ihc WIldc (louse Colntrlisslon oil 1:dllcatiorl in the •iris of tier piojr(t r111d Ifs collahoralke 11,011re U()11'1"I'OW\ ('�W."K(} ARTWORK 1 (;Ills broll,'hl #o #Ile ,111erlholl of the comillille(- Ills dowidown arlom.l% on-'ri'mi proposrll. Ilc cwplrliiied lh,:t Ilic omnrll prtkar— Included rnim hole and hruld i)( W.", (1ii(1 {)lrlrli('f s. ill( kidill,l till (11ifelelli Ht,callsv Ihc folvicillor Is ,In ,I!i1W I11011 IMlkill,r rdoiie ill Norilicl-11 ("111follmi. rind fabrl{'aholl bill(' is Iml, a I('dn('('d nillllh('r. of Ih('',rrll('s i1('l'(' purcllsc(l. r111d ll() moll Ilulc and hoed hot(' racers WTI-(- plirchr(scd. In iufditloll. th(- I,iosl,s ,lrlcl 1111 pole ~,►ere not pilrchsccl. Clus mplilim'd Illill he 11'rls llo) 111,1kill-r it Iecol!1111c11(ktholl iml rolHicl, brllil??Il to ille collllrllll('(- for (Ii�('lltisl(frl i ll(' Of l;!lllrll phill r113d 1 he pn( zs zihllll 1 of '11il(I lf}I'(}!I pro!rf it!ll Ihc)! lc-Zol(I ! I;,It =I1C ti '1ot p('! f(!!!.',!!1!' ,.! � i'.'ii('' �„!;, 1 .., (' ,l!' 'i . •(, �r�ti• ;f ; '+? ;l;)11' .;}'.1' ;i..lJ,, ,., ., n i;�i{'! Ifl ('o1111h111�O11 �,) 'il(' (J!!!llflrli I)!{',ur�lfr, !('l t l I lclll: rl1r111 1!1O1 ('(! 1 I1,lt rill rl(!fl,)t IU!1 l)I U !r,:I!1 !"ol be II!.,�li(II(•(1 i('I r'ti recorded 111r11 th(- PW shollld hrll(' Deco nollflvd b� hlbil( llorks llhcn III(- project IIr1s ce(illced in scope M1111 1lI,II. 1h( noilon Mils seconded Im 1) Rohinson 1pprovrll Mils ilminmlloos III l LIC 110, VAP Diem, I{olur.son plcs Kid the rc%!:�ed ptddlr ::!! '!Iop =111(' Chill !!1e pr'1nled Illo) 111i1 be r1 l l l fok! 10i(I1 5[ vd aiprllllll!j paulpap aj posodogi aqj j0 (IL'lu aql paluasa,Id Sill.-) -f :S�AOJN d,V jg3a.') Slid, 'SO1I,tO,01I0,) dlaj 1111b1 011lpmps uo alam s1i0ql'1lgsul jlIO1Il? ui-ad otll juin pandas sill') 'f :S;���VQdfI 111\011 3?lliUMS 'sjIIIjI11ad Joj sjso,l ajoldllloa JIglaalll sell a11j 01 '111 lq 01 pow5o oyg sus sngj spojja s111 IIo oulQ pojlllnjl!MoD JWU S111!jap II11ISOp S110!JUA pOSSIIOSIII r • EVANST04AA 4UNCIL Noyes Cultural Arts Center 927 Noyes St. Evanston, IL 60201 847/491-M Minutes of the 8 September 1998 meeting of Public Art Committee (PAC) Members Present: C. Curley, J. Engman, E. Ockwell, D. Robinson, M. Sward, and associate member G. Struve; Members Absent: J. Hausman, E. Lyon, N. Kotler; Stuff Present: Jonathon Glus, Evanston Arts Council Director Chair's Report: John Engman stated that his goal for the meeting was to select a project to focus on this " academic year" aside from Church St. complex. A priority is an education/ outreach project. Staff Report: Jonathon Glus reported that the Artskills program went remarkably well. The resulting murals will be installed in Evanston CTA stations in October. Pitch: Dino Robinson distributed copies of articles about the PITCH African American Historic district. Robinson explained the broad history and goals of PITCH, and explained that the resulting historic district will not have geographic boundaries such as the two existing historic architectural districts. The district will include a variety of scattered sites which are historically important to the African American community, therefore Evanston as a whole community. At the conclusion of D. Robinson's presentation, J. Engman asked how PAC can help PITCH. Robinson responded that four parks are named after prominent African Americans: Twiggs, Beck, Butler, and Perry. Robinson also suggested that PAC with the Fleetwood Jourdain (FWJD) Art Guild begin the FWJD sculpture garden. J. Glus explained that Twiggs park recently went through remodeling and the committee wants to see public art there. He also explained that the Ecology Center is being enlarged with possible upgrades to the canal bridge and the boat launch. M.Sward commented that the Twiggs Park area would be a high profile community area in which a public art work could reach a number of'diverse community groups, such as a design competition for the boat launch. P. Ockwell said that an ephemeral artwork incorporated into the community gardens could be wonderful. M. Sward also suggested a design competition for the historical markers to be used by PITCH. Fle suggested Martin Puryear may be a good candidate for a project at Twiggs. J. Glus explained that the Evanston Arts Council's Black history exhibition will be about the works of African American architects and may include mentoring and workshops. He suggested there may be a tic -in. J. Engman listed the following possible projects and actions: 1.) Meeting at FWJD with discussion with the Art Guild; 2.) M. Sward will research the address of Martin Puyeer: 3.) J. Glus will bring more information on the Black architects show to the October meeting; 4.) D. Robinson will bring the motion of a plaque design competition to PITCH; 5.) J. Glus will contact the Parks superintendent and the Ecology Center director to discuss opportunities for permanent and ephemeral public art at Twigbs, and report back in October. Finally J. Glus suggested that M.W. Burns may be an artist whose architectural art work may be an interesting link between the architectural show and the parks. Regarding the 14 JuIy minutes M. Sward asked her name be removed as present. With that correction, C. Curley moved for approval which was unanimous. Submitted by Jonathon Glus, Evanston Arts Council Director 9 September, 1998