HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1997-1998DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING JANUARY 04, 1997 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Jane Baker, Steve Samson, Grace Halperin, Harry Mickelsen, Kathryn Hirn, Pamela Adelmann, and Dave Sutor Absent: Helen Glass, Sheldon Wagner, Ruth Jacobs, Ken Watson, and Helen Powell Guests: Sandi Johnson (North Shore Senior Center), Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters), Joan Ravenna (Alden Estates, Inc.), and Don Berry (Long Term Care) Staff: John Eckert, Jay Terry, and Joan Barott Ell. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson called the meeting to order at 9:40 A.M. and welcomed the guests. Chair Samson then asked the guests in the audience to introduce themselves. [11] . APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 07, 1996, with minor corrections. (111]. COMMITTEE REPORTS INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Pamela Adelmann reported a survey letter had been sent out to the members of the Intergenerational Committee requesting their input of monthly meeting times and dates. A January, 1997 meeting date has not been determined as yet. CoA MIN. 01/04/97... Page 1 HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg reported December 7, 1996, the Housing Committee met. Mr. Nottenburg commented in addition to what was stated in the December 7, 1996 COA Minutes, the Building Department has determined that Primm Towers does fall under their jurisdiction and a full scale inspection will be made in January, 1997. The next Housing Committee Meeting is February 01, 1997 and all members of the COA are cordially invited to attend for a discussion of assisted living issues. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor reported he had received with regret Bob Larson's resignation from the Commission and the Long Term Care Committee due to health reasons. Site visit - January 23, 1997 a site visit is planned for Alden Estates of Evanston. An Evaluation Form whereby members can compare their notes on site visits has been developed as a working aid. The Committee discussed the fact so many of the complaints cited by the Health Department dealt with food temperature. It was debated as to how significant these issues were. Mr. Sutor felt they should remain a concern of the Health Department. A special retreat evening was discussed and this would occur in Spring. Mr. Sutor suggested that each member provide a proposed project at the January 08, 1995 meeting. Mr. Eckert mentioned he was at the Presbyterian Home recently and Nightline was interviewing Dr. Levinson regarding assisted suicides. Diversity Study - December 31, 1996, three nursing facilities participated in the Diversity Study, i.e., St. Francis Extended Care, Swedish Retirement, and Wagner Health Center along with Celia Berdes, and John Eckert and members of the Long Term Care Committee. The information derived will be put together in a training manual and Mr. Eckert stated staff will meet January 7, 1997 and discuss this information from nursing homes that participated in the Diversity Study. John Eckert will be working on the first section of a training module as a result of the Diversity Study. CoA MIN 01/04/97...Page 2 Ombudsman Training - This training will be held January 11, 1997 at the Norris Center and COA members are invited to attend. The next Long Term Care Meeting will be January 08, 1997, 3:30 P.M. [IV] . CHAIR'S REPORT: Chair Samson stated Ruth Jacobs sends her best wishes for the New Year and she will return to the COA meetings in May, 1997. Mr. Samson has been in communication with the Council for Jewish Elderly and a booklet regarding safety tips for seniors was passed around. They have a limited amount of copies and asked if the COA wanted to distribute this booklet in Evanston. He would like the Committees to think about Assisted Living as it is becoming a growing issue. Charlotte Becker suggested that members of both the Housing and Long Term Care be on a separate committee. Grace Halperin suggested a separate taskforce if needed at a later time. Mr. Nottenburg stated there should be "a Committee" on Assisted Living, and get deeply involved with this and he foresees an Ordinance developing on this. Charlotte Becker commented on facilities such as Alden Estates, Mather, North Shore Retirement, and Presbyterian Home state what services are defined under their Assisted Living Services. Joan Ravenna (Alden Estates) stated that Life Services Network is considering legislation (they represent not for profit), and Health Care Association represents for profit. Mr. Samson suggested that COA go back to the committees this month and get the input and present it at the February 1, 1997 meeting. Ms. Adelmann suggested drafting graduate students from Northwestern to do background research. Chair Samson stated COA is working with the North Shore Senior Center on an Alzheimer's Forum and he suggested that the COA reach out: to senior communities as we have done in the past making a special effort to put together a list of places where seniors congregate: banks, hospitals, churches, synagogues, etc. When these forums are done, COA would have a quick access to the senior communities at large in Evanston to publicize them. CoA MIN. 01/04/97... Page 3 The next Executive Committee Meeting will be March 01, 1997, 8:30 A.M. [V] . DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Mr. Terry stated the COA had been working with the Building Department during December on the issue of Primm Towers. A determination has been made that a full City inspection can be made and this should take place in January, 1997, and the results will be made available to the COA. The Executive Committee reported that the county buildings are of concern however, the City does not have jurisdiction over these buildings and any issues regarding these buildings, i.e., Perlman and Noyes Court would have to be taken up with the management of the senior buildings. The COA has had some work with SAGE (Suburban Advocacy Group for the Elderly) and January 30, 1997 at the Suburban Area Agency in Oak Park there is a meeting. Some members of the Executive Committee indicated they would attend. All COA members are invited. The NCOA Conference will be held in Chicago in March, 1997. This could be beneficial to the COA members and monies are allocated by the City Council for training of Boards and Commissions. Mr. Terry commented he has not heard if the City Council will meet with the Board and Commissions regarding budget development. The City budget was issued on December 31, and starting every Saturday January 11 through March 1, 1997, the staff and City Council will be going over the budget. If there is anything presented about the COA budget, Mr. Terry will advise. A list of questions will be in the February packet on Assisted Living issue. It is a very complex issue and goes beyond aging. There are buildings out there which provide assistance to the physically and mentally disabled and any regulations that might be promulgated by the COA via the City Council may apply to those buildings as well. CoA MIN. 01/04/97... Page 4 Mr. Terry stated that the forum discussed by Steve Samson will be March 20, 7:00 P.M. Evanston Public Library. "Understanding Alzheimer's Disease" will be presented by Dr. Daniel Homer of Evanston Hospital Dept. Of Neurology. Both the North Shore Senior Center and the Commission on Aging are co-sponsors. Evil. NSW BUSINESS s None. COMMENTS: Charlotte Becker commented on an article in the Kiplinger's Report regarding selecting HMO's for seniors and suggestions on long term care insurance. Pamela Adelmann stated she attended the Gerontology Society Forum in November, 1996, and she brought back a number of brochures which might be of interest for future forums, i.e., cataracts, glaucoma, caregiving, older adults, and HIV, etc. Mr. Micklesen requested information about the new construction on Chicago Avenue south of Main Street. Questions were raised as to the size of the structure and whether zoning approval was needed. The meeting adjourned at 10:15. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA MIN 01/04/97...Page 5 r DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING FEBRUARY 01, 1997 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Jane Baker, Steve Samson, Helen Glass, Harry Mickelsen, Kathryn Hirn, Pamela Adelmann, Sheldon Wagner, and Dave Sutor Absent: Grace Halperin, Ruth Jacobs, and Helen Powell Guests: Dorothy Floyd (North Shore Senior Center), Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters), Don Berry (Long Term Care), Julie Boggess (Wagner Health Center), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), and Lucile Harris (Foster Senior Club) Staff: John Eckert, Jay Terry, Joan Barott and Lori Hicks, Intern [ 1 ]. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:45 A.M. and welcomed the guests. Chair Samson then asked the guests in the audience to introduce themselves. [111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 04, 1997. [111], COMMITTEE REPORTS INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Pamela Adelmann reported the results of the survey and distributed a schedule of monthly Intergenerational Committee meetings through October, 1997. CoA MIN. 02/01/97... Page 1 0. 4 1 i LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor reported, at the January Long Term Care meeting, time was spent gathering proposed projects from the members. Each member was asked for a group project suggestion which was of importance to them. A Summary of the proposals will be mailed out shortly requesting the ranking of importance. Thus far a good response has come through and this will be discussed at the next Long Term Care meeting. Mr. Sutor reported Laura Lally, is the newest member to join the Committee. At the Alden Estates of Evanston site meeting, Sharon Liebermann an Ombudsman volunteer and Steve Samson, Chair COA, joined us and he extended an invitation to all the COA members to join the LTC site visits. The Evaluation Form prepared by the members is a valuable tool to compare the thoughts of the attendees and make the administrators aware of their findings. Mr. Sutor stated the annual Charitable Aid request forms (Medicaid/Medicare residents) to be mailed this week to the facilities with a March, 1997 return deadline. Mr. Sutor will report on his findings upon the return of these forms. Chair Samson asked where flyers could be sent announcing events, etc. for older citizens and Ms. Baker suggested the calendar in the Vital Times. Mr. Samson had requested the Long Term Care Committee members discuss Assisted Living. Mr. Sutor stated to date the LTC has been unable to define "Assisted Living" and the consensus of the Committee is that it is a critically important and growing concern. Until the COA has given clarification, information and direction nothing further on Assisted Living is planned. Ken Watson has advised the COA and LTC of his resignation and a thank you letter is being prepared. The next Long Term Care Meeting will be February 12, 1997, 3:30 P.M. Site visit - February 27, 1997 Swedish Retirement Association. members to attend. CoA MIN 02/01/97... Page 2 a site visit is planned for the Chair Samson encourages all John Eckert will be attending an Ombudsman meeting sponsored by the Suburban Area Agency on Aging (Jennifer Merck) regarding Elder Abuse, Older Adult Protection Act sponsored by Attorney General James Ryan, and other issues. Benefits Eligibility Checklist - John Eckert reported that he has received responses from this mailing and a revised letter will go forward on the next mailing. The Ombuds Monitor - will be mailed by the end of February, 1997, and all Chairs of the Committees have been asked to furnish a report of their activities. John Eckert went to the Suburban Area Agency on Aging and received updated information on the Ombudsman Grant, and workshops will be conducted to further educate seniors on Medicaid/Medicare. Restraint Reduction training sessions will be held March 18, and March 19, 1997, similar to the training sessions held January, 1997. April 12, 1997, at the Levy Center a presentation by the Chicago Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association in conjunction with COA will be presented for consumers on Restraint Reduction. Diversity Study - Mr. Eckert will be preparing a final report on the Diversity Study for the COA April 5, 1997 meeting. HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg reported February 1, 1997, the Housing Committee met. Mr. Nottenburg stated an Assisted Living video was shown by an organization from Iowa which may have interest in the Evanston area. It was discussed at the Housing Committee to set up an Assisted Living committee with intentions of bringing to the Commission, as a whole, recommendations for the City of Evanston to evaluate. Mr. Nottenburg stated there are many definitions, and the need for further discussion as to whether legislation is needed on the municipal level or State level. Mr. Nottenburg has been selected the Chair of the Committee and a schedule will be worked out to firm up recommendations to COA within 90 days. CoA MIN. 02/01/97... Page 3 h i Mr. Nottenburg attended the Zoning Board meeting relative to the Dewey/Emerson property owned by the Robinson family changing from Cl to R4 and this was approved. The Ebenezer Project will be a 72 unit building with parking and it appears the neighbors are in favor of this. Mr. Terry reported citizens of the project questioned if there was documentation of a need for such a building, and how does the COA feel about this. Mr. Terry noted the difference between "need" and demand and indicated the question was "is there a waiting list from Primm or within the church itself of people who are interested in the project and evaluation of safety, location?" Older adults would decide to move into that building based on the cost, attractiveness and other factors. Primm Towers - Mr. Terry reported the City will make a full inspection of the property. The next Housing Committee Meeting is April 05, 1997. Handyman Update - Mr. Terry reported that the staff made 72 referrals to Neighbors at Work during 1996, of that 63 jobs were completed by the Handyman; another four were referred to the Minor Home Repair Program and completed by them. Ninety-three percent of the referrals to Neighbors at Work resulted in the individuals getting the service; this is an excellent success rate. Mr. Terry stated that Geneva Carey, who handles the Handyman Program, does an excellent job. Mr. Terry stated the seventy-two figure is not an unduplicated count; there are people who love this program and use it repeatedly. Most of the users of this program reside in the Community Development target area. This is a limited program which is meeting the needs of low to moderate income residents for minor repairs. Mr. Nottenburg noted the Housing Commission made a request for $15,000.00 additional Community Development funds and it has been approved at the CD Committee level, but City Council has not made the final approval. Mr. Terry distributed information about the County Treasurer Senior Citizen Real Estate Tax Deferral Program. He suggested if COA members know of anyone in need of this service to advise them. CoA MIN. 02/01/97... Page 4 Charlotte Becker commented that the Assisted Living packet which was forwarded to the COA members was very helpful. Chair Samson stated that he was contacted by a representative of the Ebenezer Church and they asked what the COA thoughts were on this development. Chair Samson agrees with Mr. Terry, they should demonstrate some existing interest in subsidized housing. Chair Samson raised questions about the conditions at Ebenezer Prim Tower and if the same people propose to build another housing development, that they should be aware of the conditions of their first project and this is something to look into. He will follow through awaiting their response. The developers have been invited to meet with the COA and Housing Committee. Charlotte Becker commented that this being a not -for -profit church, where is the money coming from to build this? Mr. Terry responded that this is federal HM money and that they have had this allocation for approximately 4 - 5 years, and it has taken Ebenezer this period of time to find an acceptable site. [IV]. CHAIR'S REPORT: Assisted Living - Chair Samson announced he is setting up a working ad hoc Committee on Assisted Living and any Commission member wanting to participate is welcomed to do so. We are looking for people who have time, energy, and interest. Bob Nottenburg will be the Chair of this Committee. Chair Samson stated there is proposed State legislation which he feels creates immediate need for this Commission to get a real handle on this issue, and to determine whether the proposed legislation is adequate and whether Evanston needs to do something in addition, or in place of it. He feels at this meeting COA members should give the staff direction to go ahead and study this issue, and he would appreciate comments. He feels this is a broad area and using the staff expertise, may be able to narrow this down to what is necessary. Mr. Nottenburg asked how far this legislation has gone and Mr. Terry replied it has not been introduced as yet. CoA MIN. 02/01/97... Page 5 Mr. Terry stated Life Services Network is an organization who has been working on the issue of Assisted Living and this is a trade association of Not -For -Profit based nursing homes in Illinois such as, The Mather Foundation and Presbyterian Homes. A draft bill has been developed calling for State promoting of Assisted Living and they are looking for a sponsor in the House of Representatives and Senate to introduce their bill. This bill, as drafted, has no quality standards for Assisted Living. All of the standards or quality measures would be left in the hands of the Director of the Illinois Department on Aging. The Illinois Department on Aging has issued a request for proposals and administrative rules on three pilot projects which they will have available in the State called Community Based Residential Facilities. This can be viewed as Assisted Living throughout the State and Mr. Terry has asked for a copy of those rules and a copy of that request for proposal. Mr. Terry felt there were three basic directions the Commission could pursue: 1) the private market in Evanston is working and we do not need any specific regulations; 2) The second would be to say the State is looking into it, and let's see what the State is going to do, maybe we do not need anything locally, or 3) we do not have a high comfort level with what the State might do that no matter what happens at the State level, we would need to pursue some local monitoring regulations in Assisted Living. Mr. Terry and Mr. Eckert will take a look at, and present some options for the ad hoc Committee within all three of these philosophical viewpoints. Chair Samson felt this is the direction which should be pursued. Ms. Adelmann reiterated what she said at the January, 1997 meeting regarding this issue in obtaining a graduate student to help research this question. Mr. Sutor questioned how this would be administered and he would like to see this in writing. Mr. Mickelsen questioned if this is a Committee that would be a part of or a function of COA Committee. Chair Samson stated this would be aA ad hoc Committee separate to study the issue. Once the Committee finds out what they are going to do with it, we can then take it up from there. CoA MIN 02/01/97... Page 6 rA Chair Samson reported he had attended the North Shore Senior Center Advisory Board meeting. They are trying to determine what the need for senior services is in the Community and who currently is providing these services. Chair Samson spoke with Police Chief Kaminski and he is very interested in co -sponsoring talks on crime and Chair Samson will meet with him to complete plans. Carla Frisch, guest, (Metropolitan Family Services) complimented the Evanston Police Department on the work they do together on elder abuse cases. Suburban Advocacy Group for the Elderly (SAGE) - Mr. Nottenburg, Ms. Becker, and Mr. Eckert attended the SAGE meeting held at the Suburban Area Agency on Aging. Mr. Nottenburg and Ms. Becker reported that the meeting focused on the Attorney General's proposed vulnerable Adults Act which attempts to provide a "seamless" system between vulnerable persons in the community and in long term care facilities. Mr. Nottenburg noted that this may be a duplication of the existing Elder Abuse and Neglect Care Act, and there was some concern on the effect this Act would have on Ombudsman access. Also discussed were legislative issues, and items of concern brought to SAGE from the Illinois Coalition on Aging. Ms. Glass distributed the Madison County Senior magazine. The next Executive Committee Meeting will be March 01, 1997, 8:30 A.M. [VI. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Mr. Terry stated there are now two vacancies on the COA. An additional two vacancies will occur due to the terms of Grace Halperin and Harry Mickelsen ending the end of March, 1997. Mr. Terry reminded the COA members of the co -sponsored North Shore Senior Center forum March 20, 7:00 P.M. Evanston Public Library. "Understanding Alzheimer's Disease" will be presented by Dr. Daniel Homer of Evanston Hospital Dept. Of Neurology. Mr. Terry passed out flyers and ask that they be posted in appropriate areas, senior buildings, churches, etc. CoA MIN 02/01/97...Page 7 Mr. Terry stated there is an ecumenical group which meets and does work with older adults and they are having a breakfast on February 22, 1997, Reba Place Activity Center for those to mix religious experience with serving older adults and the guest speaker will be C. Louise Brown, Public Health Director and a Deacon at Second Baptist Church. Mr. Terry responded to Steve Samson's comments that North Shore Senior Center is interested in doing some needs assessment, by noting there are some other assessments going on including one by the Evanston United Way and this will have an impact on how they allocate funds. Mr. Terry stated that he sits on a Steering Committee of a Major Community Wellness Needs Assessment with Evanston Hospital and he just received a report back on their focus groups which they held and they also completed a thousand household phone survey of Evanston and Wilmette and the results of that will be available in a couple of months. Hopefully, COA will have some new data to use. [VI] . NEW BUSINESS: Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), indicated they are in need of a religious leader to serve on their multi disciplinary team and asked if anyone knew of someone to act in that role in their Elder Abuse Program. COMMENTS: Ms. Becker asked for a follow up to the case of the disturbed senior living alone which staff had described at the December meeting. Mr. Terry and Ms. Floyd (social worker) gave an update, noting the limits of professional judgement and relying on neighbors' information, given the fact that a team of public safety and social worker staff made the decision to forcibly enter the woman's house, only to have her not be at home. Mr. Terry described another case which was troubling staff, that of multi -generational problems. An older adult daughter who has been the primary caregiver for her frail father has herself developed dementia preventing her from exercising good judgement in his care. Mr. Terry noted that as everyone is living longer, we can expect cases like this to become more frequent. CoA MIN 02/01/97... Page 8 f Mr. Terry and Commission members also noted the issue of aging parents who can no longer take care of their disabled children, and the role agencies such as Housing Options and Shore play in addressing that need. Mr. Mickelsen requested additional information about the new construction on Chicago Avenue south of Main Street. Mr. Terry stated zoning approval was not needed, and will ask appropriate City staff for a report for the March 1, 1997 meeting. Mr. Wagner circulated a brochure "Spotlight On Seniors" a seminar to be held at Ridgeville Park District, which might be useful to seniors on banking investments, etc. The meeting adjourned at 10:45. CoA MIN 02/01/97...Page 9 Submitted, Joan M. earott r , r • DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING MARCH 01, 1997 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Helen Glass, Pamela Adelmann, Grace Halperin, Sheldon Wagner, and Dave Sutor Absent: Ruth Jacobs, Helen Powell, Jane Baker, Harry Mickelsen, Kathryn Hirn, Guests: Sandi Johnson (North Shore Senior Center), Julie Boggess (Wagner Health Center), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services) Staff: John Eckert, Jay Terry, Joan Barott • [ 1 ] . CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:45 A.M. and welcomed the guests. Chair Samson then asked the guests in the audience to introduce themselves. Ted Anderson was then introduced as the newest members of the COA replacing Ken Watson, and Mr. Anderson gave a brief personal history. [11]. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 01, 1997. (111]. COMMITTEE REPORTS INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Pamela Adelmann reported the Intergenerational Committee met February 18, 1997 and Ms. Adelmann pointed out the Committee is following a schedule this year with alternating meetings focusing on the two issues of relationships of Schools and Invest; and the issue of "grandparents raising grandchildren's • CoA MIN. 03/01/97... Page 1 This meeting was to focus on relationships with the Schools\Invest although a number of other issues were addressed. Four topics were • discussed at the meeting: Grandparents raising grandchildren; establishing a resource center of information on this issue; discussing the participants from October 1996's Forum who were interested in sources of further information is something the Commission has put in its list of objectives for this fiscal year. Several members of the Committee are following up on this. A resource list was discussed based on many of the agencies who attended the October Forum getting information on who they are, and what services they might provide to grandparents raising grandchildren; a materials' clearing house which would have bibliography of books, pamphlets, video tapes for grandparents raising grandchildren; getting in touch with the Library to see if they are interested in putting out a handout on the materials they have in their collection that circulate to grandparents raising grandchildren. Ms. Adelmann stated there was discussed updating the two year old survey of Intergenerational programs in Evanston. This is a listing of all programs that have Intergenerational programming going and their need for volunteers and what the role of volunteers would be. The next topic discussed was the relationship with the • Schools\Invest. Invest works to link older volunteers with school related programs. The Committee discussed methods to increase participation in this program; Invest has a hard time reaching potential volunteers, and there was thought about having an Intergenerational Resource Fair. The last recruitment was in 1985 and they would like to revive this. On the Internet there is a page called Senior Net that is a source of connecting to a lot of resource information for seniors and the Evanston Intergenerational Committee is listed on this, giving information on what we do. We will have an issue of a Newsletter coming out before the end of the school year. Intergenerational Committee has scheduled meetings through October, 1997. HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg reported February 1, 1997, the Housing Committee met. Primm Towers - Mr. Nottenburg stated they discussed Primm Towers and Mr. Terry reported the City had not as yet made a full inspection of the property. • CoA MIN. 03/01/97... Page 2 • Jacob Blake Manor - Mr. Terry reported that the City Council approved the new housing project Ebenzener church wants to build on Emerson. Jacob Blake Manor is the name and with the approval of the Zoning Board, construction will begin. There were a number of things put into the zoning approval, i.e., they agreed to make a payment in lieu of taxes every year; bulletin board; agreeing to have vestibules for public transportation; agreement to have community members to work on the construction site, a fund set up build community relations; special maintenance fund to be established for maintenance of this building. Alderman Kent proposed all these conditions to be put on the property. Handyman Update - Mr. Terry reported that the City Council approved the additional $15,000. in funding for the Handyman Program. Assisted Living - Mr. Nottenburg stated the Committee on Assisted Living met February 19, 1997; the topic of discussion was "definition" of Assisted Living. The Committee decided to accept the definition issued from the Council called National Resource and Policy Center on Long Term Care. They have a twenty questions • issue addressing Assisted Living. One of the questions does not include home services. The Committee will meet March 1, 1997, directly after the COA meeting. All members are invited to attend. Mr. Nottenburg circulated a copy of Illinois Senate Bill 743 which creates an Assisted Living Establishment Act. Illinois Department of Aging is the controlling factor and they, if this bill should pass, the Department of Aging will be responsible for setting up the criteria and quality standards. The nursing homes that transfer patients, and section of the home to Assisted Living does not lose the certification of those beds. Chair Samson asked if the definition was the one COA adopted for the National Resource Policy Center on Housing and LTC is different from the one in the proposed State law. Mr. Nottenburg replied, "Less shorter and less specific". Mr. Nottenburg stated the one mistake in the State proposal is that 33 unrelated persons would be considered Assisted Living is not necessarily in a residential home. I* COA MIN. 03/01/97... Page 3 Chair Samson stated that as long as we look at the State Statute (example) if John Smith had a four flat and wanted to live in one and rent out the rest of the floors to unrelated persons, and provide the services provided in the statute, he would have to register with the State. We are looking at the difference between a professionally run facility like Mather versus someone who has a few extra rooms they would like to rent out. Mr. Samson mentioned there are exemptions under the Statute. They excluded a Community living facility under the Community Living Facility Licensing Act, exclude Community Residential Alternative, etc., and Mr. Samson suggested the Committee find out what is included and excluded. In this, Foster Care which might be a part of this, Mr. Terry stated he had never heard of a foster care for older persons in Evanston, never heard of any complaints or that one existed here in Evanston. There is a gray area of what they are Statewide. Chair Samson requested Mr. Nottenburg to read a paragraph regarding Assisted Living definition. Chair Samson stated what he found in the statute there was a total lack of specific standards that facilities have to meet which is going to be left up to Department on Aging. This is one of the things that Committee is going to take a look at if COA is going to draft an Ordinance if we want some specifics as to what they can or cannot do, these are some of the things that COA should have in the back of their minds for • discussion. Ms. Becker stated the Committee would be meeting right after the COA meeting today. The next Housing Committee Meeting is April 05, 1997. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor gave a brief history and background on the two new members, i.e., Laura Lally, and Sharon Lieberman. At the February Long Term Care meeting an impromptu discussion of Assisted Living was held. Mr. Sutor stated, the results of the LTC Site Visit Evaluation Form, were discussed. These forms were created so that the LTC members could share their reactions to the regular monthly site visits. Comments to the January site visit, i.e., Alden Estates of Evanston, as listed on the form were all very positive. Some of the members did have questions and the Administrator of Alden Estates did request copies of the forms to reply to them. The February site visit was made to the Swedish Retirement Association. COA MIN. 03/01/97... Page 4 • Mr. Sutor stated the annual Charitable Aid request forms (Medicaid/Medicare residents) was mailed to the facilities with a March, 1997 return deadline. Mr. Sutor will report on his findings upon the return of these forms. Mr. Sutor stated the LTC voted on ten project proposals for the 1997-98 year. The tenth - LTC judge the best LTC Newsletter; 9. - Learned more about the work of the Ombudsman; 8. - To investigate where home health recipients live; 7.- To investigate the facility to investigate how the LTC facilities inform the residents about their rights; 6. - To invite the Ombudsmen volunteers to the LTC meeting. 5. - Explain LTC insurance; 4. - Booklets for people to stay at home or go into LTC facilities; the top three priorities were - 3. - Seminars explaining the changes in Medicare; 2. - Was to come up with an award for the best certified assistant of the year for each nursing facility; and the 1. - Top priority was a study of the qualifications of the best CNA, this being one of the hardest jobs with low pay, hard work and the least appreciated. Mr. Sutor hopes at the next meeting the Committee can come up with some specific goals to aim for. Mr. Sutor hopes to collect information from these projects and the information will be put into a report form and then make this available to the general 0 public; that the Committee will take on a public service role in the future. The next Long Term Care Meeting will be March 12, 1997, 3:30 P.M.Uast afternoon meeting) Site visit - March 27, 1997 a site visit is planned for the Dobson Plaza 4:00 P.M. with a possibly of a change by one day and members will be advise. Chair Samson encourages all members to attend. Mr. Sutor extended an invitation to Ted Anderson, the new COA member, to join the LTC Committee. Chair Samson suggested Mr. Anderson attend at least one meeting of the various Committees and then decide which Committee would best suit him. John Eckert will be attending a Grant Management Audit Two Day Workshop. The COA grant application is due March 21, 1997 at the Area Agency. • CoA MIN. 03/01/97... Page 5 On April 12, 1997, the Alzheimer's Association, the Department of Aging, and the Ombudsman Program will be doing Restraint Reduction • Seminar for consumers at the Levy Center. Sponsored by the Alzheimer' Association and Illinois Department on Aging, they are doing three in the Chicagoland and Levy is one of the locations. The State Ombudsman Association had their meeting last week and our Ombudsman's Advisory Council Meeting and among the issues discussed, was the Vulnerable Adult Act. They have been trying to work with different service groups to make this an Act that will be user friendly for everyone but will try to provide as many services to as many people as possible. They also discussed the Assisted Living Establishment Act Bill SB 743 and the State Association will be opposing this as it stands. There are several issues that need to be included if we were ever to support this. Mr. Eckert is going to pursue it this year, Illinois is one of three states in the nation that does not receive any State funds for the Ombudsman Program, and we are asking for $840,000 to be divided among the 18 Sub State programs. A lump sum for each program and the rest will be based on the certified beds in these areas. The Illinois Citizens for Better Care has introduced legislation the State surveyors to go out on weekends and evenings to the nursing facilities because that is when the staffing ratios are lowest and a lot of the abuse and neglect incidents occur. Also, wants to . legislate for a two year limit, if anyone is working for departments of public aid/ public health, to have to wait two years before they could go work in the private sector of nursing home industry. The Ombuds Monitor came out and Mr. Eckert hopes all enjoy reading it. He complimented the Interns for helping put it out. One section which was added this time and, we wish to keep in is Committee Reports. He thanked Ms. Adelmann, Mr. Nottenburg, and Mr. Sutor for submitting reports which he hopes will spark some interest in these Committees as well. Suburban Advocacy Group for the Elderly (SAGE) - Mr. Nottenburg stated the next SAGE Meeting is March 21, 1997 1:30. Chair Samson stated the 21st of February, Mr. Terry, John Eckert and Steve Samson met with Alderman Newman, Assistant Manager, Judith Aiello, and Evmark to talk about the issues of where benches are going to be placed throughout the downtown area. CoA MIN. 03/01/97... Page 6 • One issue raised was enforcement of people sitting and sleeping too long (non seniors) and one of the solutions would be Police enforcement and partition in between two or three seater benches so no one can lay down. Evmark is going to put together a chart of the downtown area where the benches would go. Our intention is to go to some of the senior facilities around the downtown area and try to solicit comments from the residents where they think the best place is for benches and then they will get back to Alderman Newman and the rest of the group. If anyone of you have ties to different senior facilities in the downtown area we would like to have you bring that up so we can get some input from people around the area. Mr. Wagner stated that some of the members were involved in the bidding on decorated the benches, and donated them to the City. He requested a follow-up report as to installation plans. Chair Samson reported that Mr. Eckert attended, on behalf of the Commission, hearings on Needs of The Elderly by the Suburban Area Agency on Aging. COA was include in an invitation from the Mather for their Health Fair, April 9, 1997. The COA may wish to have a booth and display brochures, and we will be looking for volunteers to man it 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Ms. Halperin has brought to the COA's attention the Older Women's League has a program on May 4, • 1997, 1:30 - 4:30 P.M. entitled "Changing Images of Women" and they are open to our co-sponsorship. Mr. Samson encourages the COA to help co sponsor and publicize this. Ms. Adelmann asked what the content was of this program, and was informed that they would have speakers, i.e., Margaret Hyde, Owl President. Chair Samson, Sandi Johnson (NSSC), and the Evanston Police Department propose to put together forms on safety tips against crime and Ms. Johnson has offered the help of an Intern, to help network among the community to lay some of the ground work with the police and other organization who may host these different forms. Mr. Samson appreciates the assistance from the NSSC. Mr. Samson reminded the COA members about the Alzheimer's Forum at the Library March 20, 1997 co hosted by the COA and NSSC. Chair Samson stated Mr. Mickelsen was stricken with a serious illness and this is his last meeting as a Commission member and a card was circulated for signatures. Chair Samson, on behalf of the COA, thanked Grace Halperin, as this is her last meeting as a COA member, 40 CoA MIN 03/01/97...Page 7 April 12, 1997, at the Levy Center, a presentation by the Chicago Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association in conjunction with COA • will be presented for consumers on Restraint Reduction. [V] . DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Mr. Terry stated the City Budget was approved February 24, 1997, and the COA Budget was approved as the Commission reviewed it. The money for the Handyman Program in the Community Development Budget was approved. One minor change was staff were asked to review the expenditures in the City budget prior to the City Council meeting on February 24, 1997. Staff were asked to propose modifications to the budget in case adjustments were necessary. Adjustments became necessary as the City Council identified funds for an additional police officer. There was a small reduction in the Subsidized Taxi. Program, approximately $3,000.00. Mr. Terry was able to make this reduction based upon the review of the utilization of the Taxi Program. The usage of the Taxi Program is down and this cut should not have an impact on the program. North Shore Hotel - Mr. Terry noted the improvement in services and responsiveness at the North Shore Hotel following the change in administrators and their new relationship with VNA-North. An evacuation plan is being developed. Also, given that VNA is a part of Evanston Hospital, hospital resources have been directed to improve services at the North Shore Hotel. Ombudsman's Proposal - Mr. Terry stated this is the time the State of Illinois and Area Agency on Aging require all the services that are being funded by them to submit new proposals. In addition to our own Ombudsman Program, both the North Shore Senior Center and Metropolitan Family Services receive this funding and both will be submitting proposals. Mr. Terry reminded the Commission when Family Counseling Service went out of business, and our thinking on this was how a single point of entry for services was so important. However, we have been very pleased that both Sandi Johnson of NSSC and Carla Frisch of Metropolitan Family Services have come to all of our meetings in the last few months, and they have been good partners with us on service, whereas Family Counseling Service rarely came. Both agencies have been very active and interested in working with the COA. CoA MIN 03/01/97... Page 8 40 Adult Day Care Home - Mr. Terry stated we have just received our • first inquiry for providing adult day care in a private home. It is from someone who works in the community and is having difficulty in identifying adult day care for their parents and they are thinking about starting a home business. According to the City Zoning Ordinance this is an allowed and permitted use in a residential district but it does call for such uses to be licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services. Mr. Eckert is going to develop standards for an adult day care home. This individual is very anxious to get going so we will be under some time restraints to put those licensing standards in place. Welfare Reform - Mr. Terry was in Springfield attending a Forum regarding Welfare Reform. One of the aspects of Welfare Reform which touches upon older adults is the elimination of all the services for legal immigrants and we will be monitoring this as it affects Evanston residents. Older adults are in a vulnerable position if their benefits are cut off and are not in a position to take the citizenship test. What the impact of this will be in Evanston is too soon to tell. We may have a certain number here • in Evanston. Ms. Becker asked if there were Soviet immigrants and Mr. Terry stated most of them to his knowledgge were in the subsided housing projects. Board and Commission Review _ Mr. Terry stated the Mayor appointed a Committee to review all the Boards and Commissions in Evanston and this is a Committee that has been looking at all the enabling legislation, all the Ordinances which created all the Boards and Commissions and that Committee has decided they want to have input from each of the Boards and Commissions to see if the Ordinance matches current activity. The City Clerk sent to all staff of Boards and Commissions, a copy of the enabling Ordinance and asked each Commission to review it. We will have to devote some time at the April meeting to review this and see if there is anything we want to report back that needs to be changed. There is some out of date language which the COA might want to clean up. One of the issues which was identified at the COA Executive Committee Meeting was the language in the Ordinance about full time employees of City agencies serving the elderly, being ineligible for membership. That was the reason why Judith Herbert had to resign for the COA and that cause has denied us some other quality people. CoA MIN 03/01/97... Page 9 A conflict of interest concern generated the original language and the question would be should this language still be included in the Ordinance. Evil. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sutor stated the Evanston Review in its February 20, 1897 edition had an article on what through the Police Department, suburbs are doing to crack down on illegal parking in handicap spaces. Mr. Sutor gave examples of what other communities are doing to combat this with citizen's patrols, etc. Mr. Sutor welcomed suggestions as to whether this was something Evanston would be interested in, and suggested that Messrs: Samson, Terry to speak with the Police to see if there was an interest in this. Ms. Becker stated that residents usually receive the handicap sticker through their doctor's written note. Mr. Terry stated the plackard is designed to go with the handicapped person and not the car. Chair Samson will contact the Police Department to discuss this issue. CONSENTS s Ms. Halperin asked about the additional million dollars for the Police Department and what is it for. Mr. Terry responded that it is to support additional police officers. The City has been the recipient of a number of Federal grants that allowed us to hire police officers. The Federal money is time limited and as the funds for the officers run out, this must be picked up by Evanston local funds. Mr. Wagner stated he had occasion to deal with a funeral home and received enlightening information on the cost to die and perhaps the COA should look into this, encouraging people to find out the cost, etc. Mr. Sutor stated that the LTC Committee could include, with their research of insurance, and what facts and information that could be provided to the Community. Mr. Eckert thanked Grace Halperin for her six years of hard work and devotion to the COA. The meeting adjourned at 11:40. Submitted, Joan M. Barott • is �i DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING APRIL 05, 1997 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Grace Halperin, Bettie Jean Thomas, Sheldon Wagner, Dave Sutor and Jane Baker Absent: Ruth Jacobs, Helen Powell, Harry Mickelsen, Helen Glass, Pamela Adelmann, Kathryn Hirn, and Ted Anderson Guests: Dorothy Floyd (North Shore Senior Center), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), and Lois M. Paul (Transition Management)and former COA member Staff: John Eckert, Jay Terry, Joan Barott [1] . CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:50 A.M. and welcomed the guests. Chair Samson then asked the guests in the audience to introduce themselves. Bettie Jean Thomas (former COA member in 1980's) was then introduced as the newest member of the COA, and Ms. Thomas gave a brief personal history. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 01, 1997, with minor corrections. COMMITTEE REPORTS HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg reported April 5, 1997, the Housing Committee met. CoA MIN. 04/05/97... Page 1 6' Primm Towers - Mr. Nottenburg stated they discussed Primm Towers and Mr. Terry reported he had a preliminary report from the City inspectors. The City will be going back to see if violations have been corrected. Jacob Blake Manor - Mr. Nottenburg reported that the City Council has approved this project consisting of 56 one - two bedroom apartments. The Covenants introduced by Alderman Kent have been attached to the approval. Assisted Living - Mr. Nottenburg stated the Taskforce on Assisted Living scheduled for March 19, 1997 was canceled. Mr. Terry and Mr. Eckert will put together different materials and upon completion of this, another meeting will be scheduled. Mr. Nottenburg stated the Taskforce would not make the time period of 90 days, and they are looking for a decision in what direction the COA will go and whether we can recommend and prepare some municipal legislation or not. They have been working on definitions. Chair Samson stated Pamela Adelmann has enrolled the services of Debra Sietler, an Intern, to do research and help draft an ordinance. Mr. Terry stated Chair Samson did write to Senators Parker, Berman, and Representatives Schoenberg and Schakowsky to express concern about Illinois Senate Bill 743 asking them to keep the COA in mind as they review Assisted Living issues. Senator Parker and Schoenberg contacted Mr. Terry and they were very interested in knowing what the COA concerns were. Mr. Terry feels that this Bill may not pass this session. The next Housing Committee Meeting is June 07, 1997. INTERQEN"RATIONAL COMMITTEE - John Eckert, in Ms. Adelmann's absent, reported the Intergenerational Committee met March 19, 1997 and the focus of this meeting was "grandparents raising grandchildren". The next Intergenerational Meeting is April 15, 1997, with the issue of relationships of Schools and Invest being the topic. Mr. Eckert report his intern would be putting together a resource directory for consumers use. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor commented that four Administrators from LTC facilities were in attendance along with the newest LTC members, Laura Lally, and Sharon Lieberman. CoA MIN. 04/05/97... Page 2 At this meeting Mr. Sutor reported on the developments evolving from the last COA meeting and the Assisted Living meeting. Grace Halperin submitted her final summary report on home health services that are currently available to Evanston residents. The LTC discussed questions and comments written by its members following the site visit February 27, 1997 to the Swedish Retirement Association. The Committee's most recent site visit was March 26, 1997 to Dobson Plaza. Mr. Sutor stated at the March meeting they discussed goal setting for the Committee and had good exchange of ideas and five proposed goals. Several members requested copies of the City Ordinance which created the COA', copies of the By -Laws which govern the LTC Committee's actions and further discussions on goals has been carried over to the April 9, 1997 meeting. Charlotte Becker will draw up a definition of what is meant by the term Long Term Care for the Committee to discuss and revise, and to be included in our final decision of what we are setting for specific goals. Sharon Lieberman recommended that our meeting should, at some time in the future, be a feedback meeting of the Volunteer Certified Ombudsmen and both Sharon Liebermann and Jane Baker would work together to come up with a plan towards such a meeting in which the Ombudsmen would be asked to share their experiences. At the next meeting, Mr. Sutor stated they will continue to formulate plans around the nine project proposals agreed upon for this year. The April 9, 1997 meeting will be held at 7:00 P.M. which is the April through October timeframe. Site visit - April 24, 1997 a site visit is planned for Greenwood Care 4:00 P.M. Chair Samson encourages all members to attend. Ombudsman Grant - Mr. Eckert stated that the Ombudsman Grant for fiscal year 198 was recently submitted. Partnership Beyond Restraints - Mr. Eckert stated this is to be held at Levy Senior Center, April 12, 1997 and presented by the Illinois Department of Aging and the Alzheimer's Association. Mr. Eckert will be doing part of the training along with Carly Hellen, an expert on Alheizmers. The goal of this is to reduce restraints to the 5k level in nursing homes in Illinois. CoA MIN. 04/05/97... Page 3 Currently in Illinois it is 17%, and the short term goal is to get it to lot in Illinois. (Evanston is lower than that.) Mr. Eckert is meeting with all the Certified Volunteers at their site once a year to see face to face what they are doing in their role. Senior Living Alternatives - Mr. Eckert commented the front page of Summer/Spring issue had a picture of local residents of the Georgian. Grace Halperin reported she had spoken to the North Shore Senior Center sharing with them names of private agencies who provide home care. COA office will have a copy of this list available also. Shelley Wagner stated the Council for Jewish Elderly has a service whereby volunteers go out and assist the elderly with writing checks, etc. and this service might be of interest through the Community Care Program. Charlotte Becker questioned how would the COA know the integrity of these private agencies. Mr. Eckert responded that the COA office regularly collaborates with both Metropolitan Family Services and Evanston/Skokie Valley Senior Services in terms of coordinating services with a variety of listings and the COA office does not make recommendations for any type of services. The consumer makes their own decision. Board and Commission Review - Chair Samson stated in response to the request from the City Clerk, the COA will need to discuss any changes to our Ordinance. He noted one change which might need to be considered: removing the prohibition against "a paid staff member of any city agency serving the elderly". Clarification is needed if this is a Municipal agency or City agencies serving the elderly, being ineligible for membership. Mr. Terry suggested "a paid staff member of any agency receiving any funding for purposes of serving the elderly or any organization that is regulated by the City". Mr. Nottenburg commented that inasmuch as the COA does not have any legislative enforcement, why put a restriction on anyone who wants to serve on the Commission. Mr. Sutor referred to page 17 of the City Clerk's inquiry and feels the statement contained therein is a very positive statement as who can be on the Long Term Care Committee as opposed to who can't be. Chair Samson stated there are other people who would like to be on the Committee and can not be because it states "not limited too". CoA MIN. 4/05/97... Page 4 He believes allowing these people to be on the Committee gives us the input into the Community that otherwise we would not have if they were excluded. This is the difference of being on the Committee versus being on the Commission itself. He feels there is an outlet through our Committee structure to hear from those people who are excluded from the Commission. Mr. Sutor questioned who shouldn't be eligible for appointment to the Commission? Mr. Wagner commented that perhaps the COA should have an Advisory Committee. Ms. Becker commented what we should avoid is having people who work for agencies that may serve to gain funding. Mr. Terry stated the Board of Ethics is reviewing issues with the Energy Commission because there have been employees of Commonwealth Edison and energy consultants on the Commission. The Energy Commission controls no -funds and they have no authority but on the other hand, they have moral authority and the Board of Ethics is now reviewing where the line gets drawn. Ms. Baker stated that as long as there is an appearance of a conflict of interest then it would be better not to have a person as such on the Commission. A conflict of interest concern generated the original language and the question would be should this language still be included in the Ordinance. Mr. Sutor commented on the sentence stating that one third of the Commission is to be over 60, and he believes it is difficult at times to get people over this age to participate, and feels that it is up to the Commission to make its own rules. Chair Samson stated an ad hoc committee of Shelley Wagner, Bettie Jean Thomas, and Charlotte Becker will be formed to review possible changes to the Commission's enabling ordinance. [IV] . CHAIR'S REPORT Handicap Parking - Chair Samson met with Chief Kaminski regarding enforcement of handicap parking and enforcement. Chief Kaminski was very enthusiastic about a volunteer patrol. He would like to put together a pilot program of four volunteers to walk around the downtown area. The Police Department will train the volunteers to write tickets, be court witnesses, (will transport the volunteers to court if need be), etc. Chair Samson asked if any COA members would be interested in participating or know of seniors who would be interested. Seniors volunteering to do this would have to sign a waiver of release of liability. CoA MIN. 04/05/97... Page 5 0 Mr. Sutor complimented Ted Anderson for his concise and beautiful written draft of how this could be implemented. Chair Samson asked the COA members if they knew of persons in the independent living facilities who might be interested in participating. Chair Samson stated anti crime programs at different senior facilities are moving ahead. Chief Kaminski and Officer Conway are working with NSSC their intern Karen Negronica, and myself to contact a majority of churches and synagogues to see what interest they may have in these types of programs, and we have received favorable response. The other aspect of this, is the Life Line Program, where seniors would have this in a visible area stating people to contact, medications taken, doctors' names, etc. The Police Department would like to present this program to the COA members at the May/June meeting. Evmark - Chair Samson reported that he and John Eckert met with Terry Jenkins of Evmark regarding the placement of five benches in the downtown area. Jane Baker, John Eckert and Steve Samson surveyed the downtown area for the bench placement. Our intention is to go to the senior facilities around the downtown area and present to them this idea and solicit comments from the residents where they think the best place is for benches. Evmark is planning to place a bench at every bus stop in the downtown area. Ms. Baker commented that the bicycle signs are now placed on light posts instead of being placed on the sidewalks. Lois Paul (guest) reported her encounter with roller skaters in the downtown area. Mr. Terry showed a flyer which has been placed at Northwestern and this flyer is given to all students who check their bicycles out from University storage. Mr. Terry suggested COA contact the Police Foot Patrol Division to work on solving this problem. Ms. Paul (guest) suggested placing an ad in the Northwestern newspaper. Swedish Retirement Association - Chair Samson stated that Mr. Stuart Anderson, head of the residents council, reported that drivers have been cutting through their property due to the one way street on Colfax. The Swedish Retirement Association has been trying to resolve this problem with the City since 1992. CoA MIN. 04/05/97... Page 6 0 Mr. Samson and Mr. Anderson met with Mr. Jennings (Parking) and Alderman Ed Moran and they will come up with a resolution to the problem. Chair Samson will keep the COA abreast of the outcome. Chair Samson reported COA co -hosted on March 20, 1997 with North Shore Senior Center, an excellent Alzheimer's Forum. Mr. Eckert and Chair Samson gave a presentation. This was very well attended. Chair Samson reported that Metropolitan Family Services is looking for members for their Advisory Board, of which he is a member; he extends an invitation for other members of the COA to represent the Commission on this board. The Mather Health Fair, April 9, 1997 - Chair Samson stated the COA will have a booth at the Mather for the health fair and he would like volunteers to participate from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Ms. Halperin stated there will be approximately 25 agencies represented, and this is Mather's effort to promote wellness and prevention in health care. Ms. Halperin has a forum on May 4, 1997, 1:30 _ 4:30 P.M. at the Mather entitled "Changing Images of Women" and they are open to our co-sponsorship. Mr. Samson encourages the COA to help co sponsor and publicize this. Chair Samson presented an article in the Sun Times regarding Assisted Living. April 12, 1997, at the Levy Center, a presentation by the Chicago Chapter of Alheizmer's in conjunction with COA will be presented for consumers on Restraint Reduction. [V] . DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Mr. Terry has been working with the Levy Center on a Resource Guide which will be out next month. John Eckert is going to develop a local ordinance for Adult Day Care homes. There is someone in the Community who wishes to provide this service we need to have a licensing ordinance for Adult Day Care homes on the books.' CoA MIN 04/05/97... Page 7 Mr. Terry mentioned a letter which was received from the Suburban Area Agency on Aging. This letter stated this agency had entered into an agreement with Great Lakes Alliance and they are going to become involved in the marketing of specific products. This is really a change from what area agencies are all about. One of the missions and goals of area agencies has been advocacy for older people, and it is difficult to reconcile your advocacy role when you are going to be sponsoring specific products. One of the first arrangement that they have entered into is with Ameritech Home Security Systems. Mr. Terry understands the Suburban Area Agency reason for this, but can they be true to their mission of advocacy for older people? Who would the older person turn to if they had a problem with Ameritech Home Security? Mr. Terry stated that the COA has never endorsed one product over another. Mr. Terry is doubtful whether Metropolitan Family Services or North Shore Senior Center would do this either. Mr. Terry stated the City Council inauguration will be April 28, 1997. There may be a return to the Committee structure. Human Services Committee may be coming back and if it does, they may want a regular report from the COA. Evil. NEW BUSINESS: COMMENTS: Charlotte Becker stated the Noyes Senior building has a garbage problem and the County Housing Authority was called, and she questioned if the buildings were being maintained properly. Mr. Terry stated that the City does not have the authority to inspect this building. Ms. Becker suggested that perhaps the COA should have a meeting at one of these facilities. Chair Samson asked the COA how they felt about holding the meetings at these facilities, but a resident would have to sponsor this. Mr. Terry asked if any COA member knew of someone who lives at Noyes Court to help make the arrangements and reserve the meeting room. Dave Sutor commented that he had attended a research forum at the University of Illinois, Chicago Campus. The subject was Healthy City Living Growing Up and Growing Old. One of the findings mentioned at the meeting was that nursing homes had not found any delays in admissions because of the pre admission screenings. Very few people have been diverted away from nursing homes who have applied for admission from hospitals. CoA MIN 04/05/97...Page 8 The greatest number of people diverted away from nursing homes were those who went through the screening process from the community. Most nursing homes are going to face a 20% loss of beds to Assisted Living facilities and as a result nursing homes are going to begin offering Assisted Living components at the nursing homes. Ms. Becker read that SSI is cutting off legal immigrants. She received a questionnaire from Congressman Yates and wonder if the Evanston Russian immigrant population is affected. Mr. Terry responded "there did not appear to be any numbers here in Evanston". In the packet today was placed literature on "the impact of welfare reform on older adults". A "Welfare Reform in Evanston" forum is scheduled for April 6th at 1st Presbyterian Church. Representatives from various agencies, State Representatives, Public Aid personnel, and Mr. Terry will be speaking on the impact of Welfare Reform in Evanston. Jane Baker stated the King Home is delighted with the bicycle signs back up on the street lights in downtown Evanston. Meeting adjourned at 11:40. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA MIN 04/05/97...Page 9 r• DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING May 03, 1997 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Grace Halperin, Bettie Jean Thomas, Ruth Jacobs, Sheldon Wagner, Dave Sutor, Helen Glass, Pamela Adelmann, Kathryn Hirn, Ted Anderson, Claude Metzler, Dale Noble, and Jane Baker Absent: Helen Powell Guests: Sandi Johnson (North Shore Senior Center), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), Julie Boggess (Wagner Health Care) Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters) Don Berry (Long Term Care) Gina LaPalio (Alden Estates of Evanston) Staff: Jay Terry, Joan Barott Ill. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:45 A.M. and welcomed the guests. Chair Samson then asked the guests in the audience to introduce themselves. Claude Metzler and Dale Noble were then introduced as the newest members of the COA, and both gave a brief personal history. [11]. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 05, 1997, with minor corrections. [111]. DISCUSSION WITH EVANSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT Chair Samson commented there was some miscommunication with the Police Department as to the month in which they would be presenting their Life Line Program. It is now scheduled for the June 07, 1997 COA meeting to be held at the 2300 Noyes Court location. CoA MIN. 05/03/97... Page 1 [IV] . COMMITTEE REPORTS HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg commented April 5, 1997, the Housing Committee met last and June 07, 1997 would be the next meeting, which will be held at 2300 Noyes Court. Assisted Living - Mr. Nottenburg stated the Taskforce on Assisted Living has not met awaiting materials from John Eckert and Jay Terry. Mr. Nottenburg commented that the City Council is being reorganized and there will be a Health and Human Services Committee again, with meetings scheduled for the first Monday of each month. The makeup of the Committee as to who will be the members of the individual Committees will not be decided until the May 05, 1997 meeting. Chair Samson stated in the past a representative from the COA would be in attendance at these meetings and he is looking for volunteers. INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Pam Adelmann reported that the Intergenerational Committee met April 15, 1997. The ongoing issue coming from the Forum of October, 1996, is "grandparents raising grandchildren". Sandi Johnson, NSSC, has connected with Mattie Harmon, who has a support group called, "Stepping in as Parents". This support group which was deactivated due to a space issue is reactivated and working with NSSC. At the next meeting they will have plans as to how this is going to be publicized. Judith Treadway is quite involved with getting this support group going. Pam Adelmann reported that they had established a clearing house of information for grandparents raising grandchildren. A Bibliography of books has been put together for both grandchildren and grandparents. A resource list of Evanston Community agencies, both government and non profit, will be put together of what services are offered for grandparents raising grandchildren. A second item is updating a list of Intergenerational Programs for Evanston. The last survey update was 1995, and the past survey was simply a listing of places that offered Intergenerational programs and wanted to develop new programs. CoA MIN. 05/03/97... Page 2 This resource was for people who were organizing and running Intergenerational programs, and this should be shifted from some of the people, who have attended our meetings; the issue being there are not enough Intergenerational programs and that there are not enough older adults who are willing to volunteer to participate in these programs. They are thinking about shifting the focus of this list as a Resource for organizers to a resource of potential volunteers. We are going to try and develop this as to what are programs like, time commitment, goals for the volunteers, and perhaps profiles of people who are already volunteering in programs, to give an idea to potential volunteers as to what this is. Ms. Adelman stated periodically a Newsletter with announcements is sent out. The next meeting of the Intergenerational Committee is May 21, 1997. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor commented that they were continuing to deliberate over its proposed goals and the members requested additional time to think about this. The discussion was carried over to the May meeting. The Committee also discussed the pros and cons whether to produce an objective descriptive guide for long term care facilities in Evanston which could be publicized and made available to persons where to place their love ones. One question followed, "would this be a duplication of what information we now make available to people"? Don Berry, Grace Halperin, Kay Roberts, and Mr. Sutor will do some fact finding and report back at the May meeting. Two special forums are scheduled for the month of May; John Eckert's Certified Volunteer Ombudsmen will engage in discussion about their work, i.e., failures, successes, problems they encounter, reactions they receive from staff members at the long term care facilities. Mr. Sutor encouraged Commission members to attend both or one of these sessions. Civic Center at 10:30/11:00 A.M. May 10, 1997 will be the first meeting. The second meeting will be held May 13, 1997 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. Civic Center. Site Visit Greenwood Care - Mr. Sutor reported a site visit on March 24, 1997 was made at Greenwood Care. The next site visit will be at Wagner Health Care May 29, 1997, 4:00 P.M. May 14, 1997 is the next scheduled Long Term Care meeting. CaA MIN. 05/03/97... Page 3 Commiaaion On Aging Ordinance Review Committee - Bettie Jean Thomas reported Shelley Wagner, and Charlotte Becker met last week and Mr. Wagner stated one of their concerns is the Conflict of Interest part of the Ordinance. The Committee did come up with some type of modified sentence adding on to paragraph three, page three 2-17P of the Ordinance. "Who can work on the Commission, who can be on the Committees, would there be a Conflict of Interest if you are a consultant, etc.?" Mr. Wagner suggested the following language "In all instances, Conflict of Interest is to be avoided. Even if a presumption of Conflict of Interest should be avoided." Charlotte Becker gave examples of what might be Conflict of Interest situations. Jay Terry stated that what exists now is any paid staff member of any City agency serving the elderly, they are currently prohibited for serving on the Commission. Chair Samson suggested that the COA is doing so many other things perhaps this should be placed on hold until we hear from the new City Clerk whether this project is something she wishes to continue. Ms. Becker suggested that they make recommendations regardless of the new Clerk. Mr. Nottenburg stated that a Motion to table this revision of the Ordinance be made until such a time that it is resurrected. Motion passed with one the exception i.e., Mr. Wagner abstaining. Chair Samson stated that the new City Clerk may or may not want a revision of all of the Ordinances that lean towards the Commissions. The new City Clerk may not want to continue with this project and he would not like to see the COA members waste time and energy on a project that may no longer exist. If the new City Clerk states at a later time that this should be resurrected then we will proceed. Grace Halperin commented that the COA should look at the mandate for the Long Term Care Committee. This perhaps is a review of City Code on Commission on Aging; looking at a wider area of functioning of the Committee which would include home care and perhaps Assisted Living. She suggests that the Committee and the COA look at what the role of the Long Term Care Committee is, and what the future holds. Jane Baker stated that this will be discussed within the Long Term Committee. Dave Sutor stated that they had been discussing the possibility of adopting some specific goals and one suggestion was to provided information to individuals who are considering a long term care facility. CoA MIN. 5/03/97...Page 4 The information may include alternative living information and home health care services. The Long Term Care Committee has been working on this for two months and whether the Long Term Care Committee will adopt this we do not know. Mr. Sutor feels there is a difference between a directive and a goal. What are we attempting to do? He feels that we act as an advocate for people in long term facilities. Chair Samson suggested that they take this back to the Long Term Care Committee. Helen Glass inquired if the rumor that the Levy Center is moving has substance. She believes that something is going on in the City Council. Mr. Terry responded that this subject has come up in previous years with no action. The City has been involved during past six months with reevaluating the Research Park, i.e., how is it going, what are the alternative plans and what uses can be made for the Park. The City through its Economical Development Committee issued a request for proposals to developers to look at developing the south end of the Research Park. One of the conditions of the Research Park is to leave the Levy Center where it is or within a proposal describe, how would you develop an alternative Levy Center? Every proposal would have to include where if the Levy Center would stay as it is, or whether you would build a new one. The City has been debating this issue for several years. Ms. Glass feels the Levy location is perfect for the attendees. Mr. Wagner suggested that they get a group of people to underwrite whatever has to be done to fix the building. He further suggested perhaps through volunteers soliciting money for the Levy Center would ease the cost to the City. [IV] . CHAIR'S REPORT Chair Samson reported he had received a message from Senator Parker in response to the COA letter on Assisted Living. This Bill is in Committee this summer and she does not believe it will pass, but will keep the COA apprized. Chair Samson received a letter from Representative Schakowsky which he passed around. CoA MIN. 05/03/97... Page 5 The Mather Health Fair, April 9, 1997 - Chair Samson stated he attended the Mather Health Fair and he thanked Jane Baker, Grace Halperin, and John Eckert for their participation. He also reminded the members about attending the Older Women's League Forum on May 4, 1997, 1:30 - 4:30 P.M. at the Mather entitled "Changing Images of Women". Chair Samson also attended the North Shore Senior Center's Advisory Board meeting and this very informative, i.e., Intergenerational, etc. Downtown Benches - Chair Samson, John Eckert and anyone else who may be interested will meet at the King Home, Perlman, Noyes Court, The Mather and the Georgian and possibly the North Shore Retirement Hotel and get input from residents where the benches in the downtown area should be placed. Our idea is that benches should be placed at points where a senior coming into the downtown area either from the West, i.e., King Home or from the East, North Shore Retirement, Mather, Georgian from the North can be able to have rest stops every block or so in order that they may feel more comfortable. Benches will be designed so that they have spacing in between i.e., individual seating. The original idea that benches would be placed at every bus stop may not be the case. There will be seven benches for distribution downtown, and he is hopeful to be able to get additional benches from Evmark. Chair Samson has a drawing of where the benches are to be placed downtown, plus planters and other areas where people can sit although some are going to be eliminate because of the congregating and skate boarding problems that occur. Mr. Wagner stated that he had given a suggestion as to where the benches ought to go, one of which was the Levy Center. He has never received a reply to his letter. Mr. Terry stated that Jonathan Gloss was to have called Mr. Wagner to let him know where your benches were to go. Crime Prevention Project - Chair Samson stated his original plan to contact all the churches and synagogues in the City to try and develop a schedule of the anti crime talks by the police, was a bigger task that he originally planned. Chair Samson complimented Karen Negronica of the North Shore Senior Center for her efforts in doing an outstanding job in contacting many of the religious organizations. CoA MIN. 05/03/97... Page 6 Not to lose the enthusiasm of the Police Department, we focused in on a couple of churches in Evanston to get the Program underway. Karen Negronica contacted three of the Catholic Churches in Evanston and in trying to work up some program dates, and this is going forward. Chair Samson is hoping to have an answer by next week to complete arrangements for this program. Pam Adelmann stated there is a list sent out by Senior Connections of Reba Place. Grace Halperin stated that they have had two meetings. Kathryn Hirn stated Senior Connections are doing something and would like to collaborate and they now serve all of Evanston isolated elderly who have responded, and visit them in their homes on an individual basis. Chair Samson stated they had gone to the Evanston Review for the listing of churches and synagogues. The reason for the Catholic Churches being started with is to be able to combine operations having one presentation. However, this did not work out. Mr. Sutor questioned if the EEAC had been contacted as they would be instrumental. Handicap Parking Downtown Evanston - Chair Samson stated Chief Kaminski is all set to go on the pilot program. The Police Department will train the volunteers to walk around the downtown area, ticket the illegal parking in the handicap spaces, be court witnesses, (will transport the volunteers to court if need be), etc. Chair Samson has contacted Levy Center, North Shore Senior Center Advisory Board to seek out volunteers. Waivers of liability will have to be signed by the volunteers. Swedish Retirement Association - Chair Samson stated he is continuing to work with Stuart Anderson, head of the Residents' Council, on their issue of changing the one way street on Colfax. Mr. Jennings of the City's Traffic Department will have postcards sent to the neighbors this week to get input on the switching of Colfax from a one-way to two-way street. No Bicycle Riding - Chair Samson spoke with Chief Kaminski about enforcement of "No Bicycle Riding on Sidewalk Ordinance" in the downtown area. It was most interesting inasmuch as their initial plan was to wait until the spring/summer months where the traffic is heaviest and then come out with enforcement. CoA MIN 05/03/97...Page 7 They set up a few places where police officers were stationed and started to ticket, but Alderman Newman received a complaint stating that the police were wasting their time doing this instead of chasing drug dealers and bad guys. Chief Kaminski will step up enforcement of the ticketing. [V}. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Income Tax Service - Mr. Terry reported that the Income Tax Service provided to older adults totaled 80 persons with approximately ten turndowns. AARP has been contacted for 1998' service to add additional volunteers to help accommodate all interested older adults. The popularity of the program has increased. Area Agency on Aging - Mr. Terry passed out literature from the Area Agency on Aging which is having a series of public hearings on their area plan and that is the document by which they fund all the programs in the various communities for which they are responsible. The closest hearing to Evanston is Wheeling, Illinois. Ms. Becker commented that it is too bad the location was not closer to Evanston, Skokie, Wilmette area due to transportation. Mr. Terry explained that they are on a rotation basis and in the past Evanston has hosted these hearings. Crime Statistics - Mr. Terry reported the latest crime statistics against the elderly in Evanston and if you have any questions please present them at the June meeting with the Police Department. John Eckert is still working on the project of developing standards for in Home Adult Day Care. There is someone in the community who wishes to provide this service. We need to have a licensing ordinance for Adult Day Care homes on the books. John Eckert also met with a representative of the Department of Veterans Affairs on Clyde which is the only program for veterans on the north side of Chicago and suburbs and they are very interested in doing outreach to older veterans. They are not seeing as many vets as they would like. They would like to work with the COA to do some outreach and want to reach vets who could utilize their services. CoA MIN 05/03/97... Page 8 Mr. Terry commented that John Eckert is on the Board of Terra Nova Films and they are responsible for the Silver Images Film Festival which is a film festival involving movies about older adults. There is a major gala May 8, 1997 in Old Orchard Shopping Center and the screening of the movie is "I'm Not Rappaport." Ms. Halperin stated May 23, 1997 at the North Shore Hotel a fund raising event for the Older Women Leagues will be held. City Council has decided to reestablish the Human Services Committee and it is his understanding that they will be meeting the first Monday of each month. Mr. Terry again thanked Grace Halperin for all her service to the COA as this is her last meeting as a Commission member. Evil. NEW BUSINESS: COMMENTS: None. Meeting adjourned at 11:05. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA MIN 05/03/97... Page 9 i V* DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING (Held at Noyes Court Apartment, 2300 Noyes Court) June 07, 1997 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Bettie Jean Thomas, Ruth Jacobs, Sheldon Wagner, Dave Sutor, Helen Glass, Pamela Adelmann, Kathryn Hirn, and Claude Metzler Absent: Helen Powell, Ted Anderson, Dale Noble, and Jane Baker Guests: Dorothy Floyd (North Shore Senior Center), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), Julie Boggess (Wagner Health Care) Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters) Don Berry (Long Term Care)Lena Gilbert, Lucile Harris, Versia Davis, Meg Kerr, Mary Mims, Doria Howe, Fannie Lance, Mrs. J. Spotsville, Lille Tucker, Vista Jones, Malinda Reed, Mora Puchirsraya, and Dorothy sting (residents of 2300 Noyes Ct.) Staff: Jay Terry, John Eckert, Joan Barott Ill. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:50 A.M. and welcomed the guests and thanked them for their hospitality at 2300 Noyes Ct. Chair Samson then asked the Commission Members to introduce themselves. Chair Samson gave a brief history of the Commission on Aging and its function, i.e., as a means to advocate on behalf of the senior community, and noted its three Committees: Long Term Care Committee, Housing Committee, Intergenerational Committee. CoA MIN. 06/07/97... Page 1 10 Ell]. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 03, 1997. (111]. DISCUSSION WITH CRIME PREVENTION OFFICERS Chair Samson welcomed Patrick Conway, Crime Prevention Specialist who gave a brief personal background history. Mr. Conway then spoke on elder abuse with regard to crimes committed against senior citizens and methods of "how to" avoid and "what to" do when encountered by abusers. Mr. Conway described what the programs are for the elderly, and he gave statistics on these crimes against the seniors, such as pickpockets, con games, etc. Mr. Conway stated the Crime Prevention Department has instituted an Emergency Lifeline which gives personal history on an elderly person who are registered. When requested, the Crime Prevention Department will come out and speak at all the senior housing facilities, Levy Center, senior groups, churches, etc. Mr. Conway stated the Police are trained to assist the elderly in how to be streetwise and safe, and also are trained to recognize Alzheimer's disease. He stated that for seniors, who own their own homes, there is a Home Lock Security Program which is funded by Community Development Block Grant money yearly, whereby the police go out and put in new locks. Mr. Conway gave a demonstration with a personal security alarm device. He also gave an example, i.e., "yell fire" which acts as a deterrent. He further demonstrated the use of holding a key as a means to defend oneself. The drawback of pepper sprays is that they can be used against yourself. Mr. Conway is trained in the Elderly Service Officer Program and gave various suggestions on protecting oneself, and procedures to follow. Mr. Nottenburg questioned 911 on cell phones and Mr. Conway believes the technology is there but when this will be available, he did not know. Mr. Conway reiterated that he would be happy to speak at any function with ample notice given. His presentation was very well accepted. Time was given for a Question and Answer period. CoA MIN. 06/07/97... Page 2 i I- [IV] . COMMITTEE REPORTS HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg reported the Housing Committee met June 07, 1997. The Committee discussed Alderman Engelman's memo on Assisted Living and no action was taken by the Committee. The Committee did discuss the new guidelines for income limits for CD grant, Handyman Program. The Housing Committee may not meet again until October, 1997. INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Pam Adelmann reported that the Intergenerational Committee met May 21, 1997. The focus of the meeting was "grandparents raising grandchildren". Pam Adelmann circulated a flyer for an Open House, June 19, and June 26, 1997 at Evanston/Skokie Valley Senior Services. Mattie Harmon will be the facilitator, and she has received an award from the North Shore Senior Center at a luncheon May 30, 1997, for her "Steepen In As Parents" efforts. The next meeting of the Intergenerational Committee is June 17, 1997. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated the Long Term Care Committee met May 14, 1997 and adopted the first set of goals. The Committee discussed whether to adopt goals'over a period of three meetings. The Committee acts as a support to the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program as administered by John Eckert, and to monitor activities in Evanston at the Long Term Care facilities. The Committee agreed that the statements in the Commission rules are directives stating what the Committee is expected to do. Goals on the other hand tell the Committee members and the public what the purpose of all the activities are aimed at and hope to achieve. The goals adopted in summary state that the Committee's purpose is to advocate on behalf of Long Term Care residents in Evanston their rights and privileges. The Committee discussed the descriptive guide for long term care facilities in Evanston and it was discovered there are several directories that exist. Sharon Lieberman gave a report on a special meeting at which nine Ombudsmen attended and discussed their experiences of looking out for residents in various long term care facilities. They spoke about the problems that they face as volunteer Ombudsmen, the rewards, and dealings with Administrative staff. CoA MIN. 06/07/97...Page 3 ft John Eckert reported that three of the long term care facilities have responded to the written request as to how they plan to help people in financial need in their facility. The June Agenda will cover: (1). What exactly is the responsibility of the Committee and its members. (2). What areas are we empowered to do and what areas we be not involved in. Wagner Health Care - Mr. Sutor reported a large turnout for the site visit on May 29, 1997. He reported the facility's presentation was the best the Committee had experienced. The next site visit will be at the Presbyterian Home June 26, 1997, 4:00 P.M. June 11, 1997 is the next scheduled Long Term Care meeting. Ombudsman Report - John Eckert stated July 1- 2 the Conference on Elder Rights will be held and this program is without charge for interested volunteers. Mr. Eckert was sorry to report no State funding for the Ombudsman Program and Illinois is one of three states that has never approved this. Mr. Eckert attended the Ombudsman meeting in Springfield, Illinois and he was asked to present the Diversity' Study. The Diversity Study will be presented at the Commission on Aging July meeting. Mr. Eckert reported that the Ombudsman grant for year 1998 was approved in the amount of $1.2,900.00 giving an additional $400.00. Mr. Sutor made reference to an article appearing in the Evanston Review about a Bill sponsored by Senator Kathleen Parker that would allow for persons living in CRCC's to have the option of choosing the CRCC's on site health care for rehabilitation versus being required to do their rehabilitation at another health care facility off site. [IV] . CHAIR'S REPORT Crime Presentation - Chair Samson reported that June 19, 1997 the Commission is co sponsoring with the North Shore Senior Center at St. Athanasius parish 2:30 P.M. an anti -crime talk, and all are welcome to attend. CoA MIN. 6/07/97... Page 4 rJ Downtown Benches - Chair Samson, John Eckert, and Alderman Newman met with residents at 1900 Sherman, King Home, The Mather and Georgian facilities to talk about bench placement downtown. The Commission is having senior citizen input as to where the benches will be placed. Consensus is that no one should have to walk more than a half of block to a block before they can sit and rest. A June 13, 1997 meeting with Alderman Newman and Terry Jenkins (Evmark) to do final planning of the placement of benches is scheduled. Mr. Terry responded to a question from the audience regarding bus schedules and stated that a representative from the CTA would be attending the City Council Meeting, Monday, June 9, 1997 to speak about their most recent service/schedule reduction. Committee Members - Chair Samson commented new COA members who have not picked a Committee to serve on, need to do this as soon as possible. At present time, Committee members are needed for both Intergenerational and the Housing Committees. Audience Participation - Chair Samson invited questions and concerns from the audience. The audience confirmed the number one issue is safety within the building, as well as teenagers congregating outside. Other related concerns are people residing in the building who are not seniors and having keys to gain entrance; no physical on duty security in the form of manager/custodian. The residents must fend for themselves atmosphere. Chair Samson asked if these crimes have been reported to the police which in turn would give the statistics, enabling the COA to show that a problem exists. Ms. Becker inquired if the residents had contacted the Cook County Housing Authority. They responded they had contacted CCHA Director Floyd to no avail, and in one particular instance stated, "if you don't like it here, move! The residents do not have a Tenants Organization and they have been trying to get one but the residents are afraid and intimidated by management. There is no cooperation from management of the building and have been told, "if you don't like it", move! An incident was given of a tenant calling 911 to assist another resident and she was criticized by management for so doing. CoA. MIN. 6/07/97... Page 5 Chair Samson inquired if there was a form of recreation for the residents. The response was, once a month Bingo is available; TV has been broken for months and the lobby TV has been stolen. Chair Samson commented that the head of Cook County Housing Authority is going to be at the Perlman Building the 19th of June and the COA would like to get residents from Noyes Ct. to attend this meeting. Ms. Katherine Hirn will act as liaison between the two buildings for arrangements. Sheldon Wagner suggested a flyer giving notice and details of the meeting be posted on each Noyes Ct. resident's door. One resident would like to see a taxi program where a group of residents could ride together. About ten residents have been assigned a little plot for growing flowers, vegetables which gives them enjoyment and adds beauty to the grounds. However, there is a bush type plant which over shadows the residents plants thereby preventing growth. The management appears to object to giving assistance regarding this problem to the point the residents feel they are "against the people" and do not want to listen to their concerns, and referred them to get a plot at the City's garden center located by McCormick Blvd which is a considerable distance. ' Chair Samson stated this is a County building and the City has limited input but the COA will try with the residents' cooperation to help solve these concerns\problems. Ms. Becker pointed out that the Perlman residents do not appear to be as frightened of management. The residents responded that perhaps the management has a different feeling towards the residents there. The residents at Noyes Ct. feel, and this has been demonstrated by management, that there is no time for them or cooperation for them. One resident referred to the "notices" on the walls, which indicate do it yourselves, and do not come to me! There are no proper answers to the questions asked and the residents get "brushed off". One resident stated that all they get is a "raise" every year along with having to do "cleaning"i CoA MIN. 6/07/97... Page 6 Mr. Samson indicated he, Mr. Nottenburg, Me. Hirn, Mr. Terry and Mr. Eckert would all attend the meeting with Mr. Floyd on June 19, 1997 but he reminded the residents they needed to take action themselves to get results. EV]. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Mr. Terry reported that the City Council, Human Services Committee held their first meeting on June 02, 1997 and the next meeting will be July 07, 1997. On the agenda was the discussion of the relationship between the Human Services Committee and Boards and Commission. The Committee emphasized that they wish to reestablish a relationship with each Board and Commission with a report to the Human Service Committee twice each year. Alderman Kent and Mr. Terry will establish this schedule. Senior Service Providers Exchange - Mr. Terry stated that the quarterly Service Providers Exchange is meeting June 20, 1997 at 9:30 A.M. Mr. Terry spoke with John Lavin, of Suburban Area on Aging, and he stated the grant from them has been renewed. He also advised Mr. Terry on the funding for other senior services in Evanston i.e., North Shore Senior Center for Case Management, Case Advocacy, and Respite services; the Metropolitan Family Services has been funded for Information Assistance and Elder Abuse. In so doing this, it brings some stability to senior services in Evanston providing clarification as to which agency will be providing what service. [VI]. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Wagner commented he had been working with a number of people to gather information on hearing aids. He asked if anyone had information, i.e., costs, etc., please contact him. Ms. Becker commented that Northwestern Hearing and Communication is doing research on women between the ages of 35 - 45, 55 - 65, 75 - 85, and if you are interested, please contact them. COMMENTS: None. Meeting adjourned at 11:15. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA MIN. 6/07/97... Page 7 a iW DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING July 12, 1997 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Bettie Jean Thomas, Ruth Jacobs, Sheldon Wagner, Dave Sutor, Helen Glass, Jane Baker, Kathryn Hirn, and Claude Metzler Absent: Helen Powell, Ted Anderson, Dale Noble Guests: Dorothy Floyd (North Shore Senior Center) Staff: Jay Terry, John Eckert, Joan Barott Ill. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:45 A.M. and welcomed Dorothy Floyd (NSSC), guest. [111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 07, 1997. [ill]. COMMITTEE REPORTS HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg reported the Housing Committee met June ❑7, 1997, and a report was made on that date. Mr. Nottenburg gave a report on the ad hoc Committee on Assisted Living. The ad hoc Committee will be revitalized and will meet briefly right after the COA meeting to discuss a time, place for the next meeting, and a topic for discussion. The Housing Committee may not meet again until October, 1997. CoA MIN. 07/12/97...Page 1 01 t% INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - No report. Ms. Adelmann resigned as a member of the COA and her Chairmanship of the Intergenerational Committee. The next meeting of the Intergenerational Committee is scheduled for September 16, 1997. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated the Long Term Care Committee met June 11, and July 09, 1997. At the Committee's June meeting, a general discussion was held about the responsibilities of our members and what areas the Committee can become involved in. The consensus was, that we as monitors of the Long Term Care facilities and supporters of John Eckert's work as the Long Term Ombudsman in line with recently adopted goals, act as advocates for all the residents in the Long Term Care facilities. Dave Sutor stated as a Committee, the Long Term Care Committee is empowered to get involved in whatever areas they choose. Committee members were interested in hearing about the complaints that were registered and request for help from the residents at the 2300 Noyes Ct. building, as related to this Commission. Committee members indicated that they would like to hear more about the developments at the 2300 Noyes Ct. building and how the Commission can lend any help. Mr. Sutor stated Claude Metzler is the newest member of the Long Term Care Committee. Mr. Sutor stated that LTC indicated its desire to continue to work on its top ten projects for the year. At the July meeting, the Committee became involved with how to be of help in tracking and keeping good quality CNA's in the retirement and nursing homes. CNA's are vital in continuance of good health in Long Term Care facilities. The Committee thoroughly discussed a plan to fact find what the situation is at the Long Term Care facilities by conducting confidential interviews with the administrators and at least three CNA's from different work shifts; what is being done right as well as what improvements can be made with regard to situations the CNA's face i.e., what motivates them to stay or leave, and where the Committee can recommend ways to help insure that good CNA's come to Evanston. CoA MIN. 07/12/97... Page 2 E 0' Due to this proposal being as important and serious as it is, the Committee will meet August 13, 1997 TO discuss the proposed CNA fact finding plan. Each member will forward to Mr. Sutor any areas of concern which they feel should be discussed. Presbyterian Home - Mr. Sutor reported the June 26, 1997 visit was well worthwhile. The next site visit will be at the Georgian July 27, 1997, 4:00 P.M. Jane Baker reported at the King Home Resident Council meeting in July, 1997, the concerns presented were the bicycle signs downtown i.e., bicycle riders, skateboarders\rollerbladers on the sidewalks not adhering to the signs. Ms. Baker asked if Chair Samson could contact Chief Kaminski regarding enforcement of this, i.e., how many tickets issued, etc. so she in turn can pass this information on to the residents. Ms. Jacobs suggested that violators be publicized in the local papers. Ms. Baker commented on the "planned power outage" at the King Home last week. The Administrator of the King Home spoke to Commonwealth Edison and CE reported that this was not a planned outage, but a generator problem. This was the second generator within two weeks in a particular area which went out. Mr. Terry stated a list had been prepared at the beginning of summer listing all sites, i.e., nursing homes, long term care facilities not be subjected to planned outages. Charlotte Becker commented that she had spoken to Alderman Moran regarding the bicycle riding on Central Street and Alderman Moran stated the ordinance applies to all business districts. Mr. Terry stated it was his understanding the law applied only to downtown and Dempster Street. Mr. Eckert stated that the State Ombudsmen viewed the case files in our office. Mr. Eckert took the State Ombudsmen to Greenwood Care for a site visit due to them never having been to a long term care facility that serves a population of persons with mental illness. The Ombudsman grant FY98 was approved in the amount of $12,901. Mr. Eckert reported that Ms. Becker, Dave Sutor, and he had attended the Elder Rights Conference. Ms. Becker had the opportunity to meet the Department on Aging Director Lindley. CoA MIN. 7/12/97...Page 3 . t [IV] . CHAIR'S REPORT Committee Members - Chair Samson commented there is a problem i.e., COA members who have not picked a Committee to serve on. All of the COA have to be attached to some Committee, as this is a requirement of the COA, and at present time, Committee members are needed for both Intergenerational and the Housing Committees. One problem the COA is faced with regarding the Intergenerational Committee is Pam Adelmann has resigned leaving no COA members on the Intergenerational Committee. Chair Samson stated that unless the COA finds a member who is interested in this Committee, it may fold. Some members have stated that perhaps this Committee might be a duplication of other Committees\organizations and therefore let it fold. Chair Samson urges all to think about this. Dave Sutor suggested to Chair Samson that over the summer break, Commission members should write down what your most important issues are, what you would like to see happen and give them to either Jay Terry, John Eckert, or Steve Samson. Chair Samson will assist in any way he can and he does not want to see the Intergenerational Committee fail. Chair Samson encourages all members to attend the Human Services Committee meeting Monday of every month at 7:30 P.M., Civic Center. This Committee is taking attendance of every board and commission that is under their purview. He is requesting one volunteer present at each meeting. He will try to attend as many as he can also. Bob Nottenburg attended the last meeting. A letter was written by Alderman Joe Kent of this Committee encouraging attendance. 2300 Noyes Ct. - Chair Samson stated this issue has taken up a great deal of time this past month. Most of you are aware of the shocking and surprising meeting at 2300 Noyes Ct., i.e., primary issues of fears from residents, afraid to come out of their apartments after 8:00 P.M., ranging from people dealing drugs, some residents were allowing their children and grandchildren to live with them, and prostitutes roaming the halls. Chair Samson stated he has received an outraged phone call shortly after the COA June meeting from a resident of the Noyes Ct. area who is a member of NENA (North East Neighbors Association) who stated they found used needles in and around the grounds, increase in crime and fear in their neighborhood, and it was spreading. CoA. MIN. 7/12/97...Page 4 They are forming a taskforce on this and are going to be holding meetings in July, 1997, and they have asked what the COA is doing about it. Chair Samson stated that the residents at Noyes Ct. have been spoken to by the members of COA. Mr. Eckert reported that approximately 40 residents are interested in this and a meeting is scheduled for Monday afternoon with Ms. Spotteville and a few other residents to discuss forming a Residents' Council. Mr. Nottenburg stated he was approached by one of the Aldermen who was aghast by what was written in the minutes. Mr. Wagner asked if management were interested in doing something about being so insensitive to the terrible things that were going on. Chair Samson stated he contacted Chief Kaminski and he immediately called in "walk and talks", which means the police walk into the 2300 Noyes Ct. building and speak with residents regarding any existing problems. Officer Mulholland has been assigned to COPS Program (a problem solving unit) to find out what the specific problems are and address them. Chair Samson stated prior arrangements had been made for residents of 1900 Sherman building to meet with Sioux Turnoy, and James Floyd, Head of Cook County Housing Authority to discuss issues. They were not aware that COA was going to attend with residents of 2300 Noyes Ct. The COA in attendance spoke to both Sioux Turnoy and James Floyd regarding all the existing problems and Mr. Floyd has promised to look into this situation and correct them. A separate meeting will be scheduled with Mr. Floyd to further discuss these issues. Chair Samson stated the problem appears to center around three residents, one of which is alleged to have allowed known prostitutes to come into the building; one resident allowing grandchildren and a son to come in. These individuals are under eviction proceedings, or possibly already been evicted. Chair Samson suggested that COA speak with the Housing Authority to speed up eviction process, and to increase some type of police visibility in the area. Chair Samson believes progress has been made in clearing up these situations. Once the Residents Council is in place as well as the Police program, safety checks will be done at 1900 Sherman and 2300 Noyes Ct. buildings. Charlotte Becker inquired about the County Sheriff being involved. Chair Samson stated due to this being County property there was a different procedure which had to be followed. A suggestion was that COA go through the CDBG Committee to get funds for police hire back, however this maybe very expensive. CoA. MIN. 7/12/97... Page 5 . Chair Samson has suggested to Sioux Turnoy to have a security guard on the premises and she will not allow this because she does not believe this sort of thing would be effective. Dave Sutor complimented Chair Samson for his endeavors. It was suggested that COA meetings be held at various senior sites and COA is working on going to Primm Towers for the October, 1997 meeting. Chair Samson feels the COA should get out into the community. He would like for the COA members to make their presence known in their own local community, i.e., churches, clubs, etc. and Chair Samson has joined the Police Advisory Board and wants to get our face known throughout the community. Chair Samson has toured his area speaking with shop owners, etc. and in so doing has learned about the crime problems and other problems which these people have encountered due to Haven School. Chair Samson stated Senior Connections, the ministry of Reba Place Church, and their five year report, was distributed to the COA members. Ms. Hirn gave a brief history on Senior Connections starting with rather informal visiting of isolated elders. Eventually they received a grant and were able to hire a Director and recruit volunteers. Senior Connections has about 35 regular seniors who are visited, and there are more that receive occasional visits. This group also has luncheons and dinners enabling the seniors as a method to get out. Ms. Hirn had been invited to be on the Advisory Board of this organization. Chair Samson felt this was a great education for him to see service providers, social workers in the area, people coming together to discuss issues which face specific people in the community. How do you connect seniors with specific needs to solutions of their problems? Chair Samson was very impressed with this group. The first anti -crime talk was held a St. Athanasius parish and it was very well attended, approximately 15, plus representatives from the North Shore Senior Center. Karen Nagronica from NSSC helped a great deal to put this together, and carried most of the load. Chair Samson hopes the COA will work closely with the NSSC in the future. This was very well received as indicated from the evaluations that were turned in. CoA MIN. 7/12/97... Page 6 r Downtown Benches - Chair Samson, Alderman Newman, and John Eckert met with Terry Jenkins (Evmark). Chair Samson reported with Alderman Newman's help, we were able to move Evmark from four benches in the downtown area to nine benches. Chair Samson, John Eckert, Alderman Newman had solicited input from the King Home, Noyes Ct., and from Pearlman, from the Mather and the Georgian and found out where the senior community who live around the downtown area would like to have the benches placed. The benches should be placed within 30 days. Farmers' Market Day - Chair Samson reported that staff has put together a Farmers' Market Date for August 2, 1997, 7:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. and we are looking for volunteers to man the booth. Chair Samson passed around a booklet Charlotte Becker brought back with her "Crimes Against the Elderly". Helen Glass Resignation - Chair Samson reported that Helen Glass resigned from the COA due to relocation to Atlanta. Ms. Glass spoke of the reason for the relocation and she will be missed. [V] . DIRECTOR'S REPORT: COA and Levy Community Guides - Mr. Terry reported that the joint COA and Levy Center Community Guide is now available (this booklet was passed out to the COA members). Mr. Terry stated that his intern from the University of Chicago was greatly responsible for working with Lois Miller in compiling the information contained in this guide. In addition to this guide, NSSC just came out with their Community Resource booklet. (Dorothy Floyd of NSSC distributed to the COA members their guide). United Way Community Needs Assessment - Mr. Terry reported that the Evanston United Way has been doing a community needs assessment; a two part process consisting of questions for Community residents and a set of discussions with key informants. We will be hearing about this in the weeks to come. The top 4 - 5 community priorities which have been identified all focus on youth; gang involvement, drug involvement, inappropriate behavior, teen pregnancy, etc. CoA MIN. 7/12/97... Page 7 r Levy Center - Mr. Terry commented you are probably aware the City Council is currently considering two projects which would redevelop part of the downtown area, and they are checking into the parcel of land where the old Dominicks was located. Two proposals have been received from two developers. The City Councils Economical Development Committee has scheduled a meeting on July 23, 1997 which they will go over in depth the proposals from these developers and they have invited the COA members and others to attend this meeting. The members of the City Council are very concerned and do not want any anxiety level among the older adults that there will not be a senior center in the downtown area. What needs to be worked out is the location of the center. Because of the time element and comprehensive look at this, a 15 - 20 member staff team has been compiled that is going to be meeting weekly to take a look at this project, where are we going and what the aspect of it is, and monitoring all the meetings. The City Manager has requested that Mr. Terry take some responsibility on the Levy Center issue. It is a Recreation Department program but a brand new Parks and Recreation Director has just come on board. Both proposals currently "carve out" the current Levy Center. This maybe an opportunity for the Community to have a brand new Levy Center. Mr. Terry referred to a 1989 Program statement concerning a new senior center and this was adopted by the City Council. This was adopted after a long process involving the Recreation Board, COA and the Levy Center Advisory Committee. The COA asked for things and there was a lot of give and take but a building design was adopted and it was then placed on the shelf. Mr. Terry stated at the present time there is no one on the COA who was involved with the development of this program statement. The COA members need to revisit this document this fall inasmuch as a lot of square footage requirements which may not be valid. The process would involve the Recreation Board, COA, and Levy Center Advisory Committee getting together to discuss what is best - remodel Levy Center or a brand new building located somewhere in Evanston. Mr. Terry cautioned the COA members not to listen to rumors regarding the Levy Center. If anyone has questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Terry and he will try to answer them. CoA MIN. 7/12/97... Page 8 11 Mr. Wagner questioned "where is the money coming from if there is a new Levy Center?" Are the taxpayers going to pay? Will it come from a grant? Will there be a center in operation during construction? The location at the present time is great for transportation to and from. Ruth Jacobs commented that she is interested in helping the tax base in Evanston. It seems to her that the City Council makes so many concessions, the bigger the builder you are the more concessions. What is going to happen along the financial lines? What is it going to cost the taxpayers? Mr. Nottenburg replied that if nothing were done now it would cost a lot more in later years. Mr. Wagner further stated there is so much "TIF" downtown now. Chair Samson stated in his conversation with an Alderman, that the Levy Center is in no danger of being removed from Evanston. Jane Baker asked if the meeting were a closed meeting or if the public could attend and participate due to the concerns being raised today, or would they only be able to listen. Ms. Baker feels that the concerns being raised today should be raised at the meeting. Mr. Terry did not know, but he could not image them not allowing the public to speak. He cautioned this meeting is not designed to be a public hearing. Ms. Baker stated that Don Berry, Long Term Care Committee, was the Chair of the Levy Center Committee and suggested perhaps Mr. Terry would like to speak with him. Charlotte Becker asked if the property belong to the City and the reply was yes, and she wanted to know if the developer was going to pay for the land. Dave Sutor asked if all this discussion was pertinent and what is the role of the COA regarding all the issues in regard to this. Jane Baker responded that they will ask the COA's input. Mr. Terry stated he would keep the COA informed as to what is happening at the Levy Center. He also encouraged the COA to get involved in this issue. Chair Samson stated "lets get people involved!" Thereby when the time comes we can say what the COA's position is. Chair Samson encourages all to attend this meeting, tell them you are a member of the COA, and people will listen to what you have to say. Long Term Care Facility Cultural Diversity Study - Mr. Eckert stated he would go over in detail each page of this report with the COA members and any questions would be answered. CoA MIN. 7/12/97...Page 9 In this report sensitive issues were discussed and the information is very valuable. One point made was that while some racism and some problems in the homes surveyed were evident they are significantly limited. One problem was more isolated at one facility and shows not in the study while there are some interaction problems with non minority residents and minority CNAs in nursing homes the problem is not as great as we anticipated. Mr. Eckert felt one of the most interesting things in the study is, while there may be some issues between the residents and minority CNA9, there are a lot of issues between CNAs that are USA born and immigrant CNAs, i.e., Jamaicans, Asians, etc. A resident may say something in terminology which in today's language is unacceptable but 20- 40 years ago this was the terminology used. There is a difference between saying something hurtful and saying something due to dementia, or not being aware of what you are saying is hurtful. Mr. Eckert cited an example of being called: old expression "handicapped; today's language "A person with disabilities". There are times when a resident cannot hear or understand a CNA. Mr. Eckert stated this information would be passed on to the Long Term Care Committee. Mr. Eckert stated that volunteers noticed issues of communication between minority CNAs and non minority residents. The Suburban Area Agency on Aging funded this study. The Buehler Center on Aging at Northwestern help us with this study. The Assistant Director of Northwestern University, Celia Berdes, acted as the researcher, conducted all of the interviews. Three nursing homes agreed to participate in the study. The interviews held consisted of sixty one hour interviews. These were conducted at various times, i.e., 2:00 A.M., normal daytime hours. Mr. Eckert reviewed the Tables contained in this report. Table #1 Resident Characteristics Table #2 contained thoughts about how residents evaluate the care they receive, i.e., were staff considerate, available, etc. Table #3 Residents Comments about Race - 4 responses out of 30 interviews which is a small percentage. (Resident to CNA - used "colored" people, not meant harmful.) Some CNAs were unhappy to be around people with dementia. CoA MIN. 7/12/97... Page 10 Table #4 Other Issues and Concerns Voiced by Residents - Residents staying in their rooms - no development of relationships between staff and resident. Table #5 Researcher's Observations about the Resident Interviews - Residents very concerned about this and the terminology used i.e., "nursing home". Many residents take care of themselves and do not require the need of CNAs and were unable to identify this association, as well as the difference between CNAs, R.N.'s. Table #6 Issues for Further Exploration - Decision making for the resident and resident satisfaction. If resident has made the decision there is higher degree of satisfaction in the facility, along with residents without family. Table #7 Certified Nurses Assistants' Characteristics - Mr. Eckert felt that the age was a little higher than he expected and the range of employment ranged from one facility to 13 years, 8 months. The assigned shifts were reviewed as well as the country of origin. Table #8 Tally of Certified Nurses Assistants' Responses - This Table shows why people are motivated. Money is not listed in this category but it is listed as the worst thing about this kind of work. Ruth Jacobs commented regarding the difference between U.S. born and foreign born CNAs and Mr. Eckert stated this has to do with communication issues leading to frustrations. Table #9 CNA Responses to the Following Questions Table 10 Researcher's Observations about Interviews with CNAs This took Ms. Berdes several days to complete and it went smoothly. Due to the nature of this study it took Ms. Berdes 20 selections to get 10 interviews at one facility. The other 10 declines gave reasons i.e., "Could get me in trouble" and "Who sent you?", etc. Mr. Metzler questioned when the CNAs were initially hired what about background checks, i.e., criminal records, HIV, etc. Mr. Eckert will check into this. Mr. Eckert stated that most of the verbal abuse stemming from residents is due to ignorance, background, and dementia. Mr. Eckert stated his conclusion of the Diversity Study was this issue of race was not as big a problem as the COA thought it was. CoA MIN. 7/12/97...Page 11 Mr. Eckert stated two training modules are being proposed, i.e., residents and CNAs. These modules are to be developed by Winter, 1997 for use in the Long Term Care facilities. Mr. Eckert stated the three facilities participating in this study feelings were "it was riot as bad as they thought"1 The participating facilities are willing to assist us with gathering any additional information. Mr. Eckert was happy with the three facilities' participation in this study which enabled us to share information. Charlotte Becker stated that on site visits she noted lack of interaction with people as they do not have a choice of whom they are sharing the facility with. Ms. Becker stated that much of the R.N. staff in nursing facilities and hospitals are of Filipino origin and the Aids are black, and due to the cultural difference there is a lack of understanding. Mr. Eckert stated that we all have different backgrounds and cultures, but while you are working at the nursing facilities one must remember you are hired to take care of the residents to the best of your ability including residents who at times might not be to easy to communicate with. Mr. Sutor questioned if there would be any resistance to the module training. Mr. Eckert stated because of the good results of the study he would think not. Mr. Eckert would like to see in the packet for new residents some "training" materials in dealing with CNAs. Ms. Hirn wondered about the relationship between CNAs and the administration, as to race and culture. One of the questions was "we do not have any minority in an administrative position" to which Ms. Hirn asked the classification of Filipinos, minority or not. Ms. Becker added that the residents may perceive the Filipino as a minority. Ms. Becker stated that she believes the difficulty that people have in interacting with each other is an issue that Long Term Care Committee may want to get into due to its experience of visiting facilities. Mr. Sutor stated that this might be a project for next year of the Long Term Care's. Mr. Terry suggested that the COA send this report to the Human Relations Commission for their consideration. Mr. Sutor proposed the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Chair Samson commented that this is a wonderful piece of work and it is a credit to Mr. Eckert and Ms. Berdes, and it reflects a credit on the COA. CoA MIN. 7/12/97... Page 12 [VI]. NEW BUSINESS: COMMENTS: None. Meeting adjourned at 12:00. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA MIN. 7/12/97... Page 13 { elf DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING September 06, 1997 Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Ruth Jacobs, Dave Sutor, Jane Baker, Kathryn Hirn, Ernestine Guillebeaux, and Claude Metzler Absent: Helen Powell, Ted Anderson, Dale Noble, Bettie Jean Thomas, Sheldon Wagner, and Louis Moseley Guests: Sandi Johnson (North Shore Senior Center), Carla Fritsch (Metropolitan Family Services), Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters), Pat Kruz (CCLAF), Melanie Tornquist (Subr. Area Agency on Aging), and Judith Herbert (Former Chair COA) Staff: Jay Terry, John Eckert, Joan Barott [1] . CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:50 A.M. and welcomed the guests, and introduced one of the newest members of COA, Ernestine Guillebeaux. Ms. Guillebeaux gave a brief history of her background and her interest in working with the COA. Chair Samson then, on behalf of the COA, thanked John Eckert for all his hard work and devotion to the COA and a gift was presented. Mr. Eckert thanked the COA members as well as Mr. Terry, and spoke about his new venture with the SILC (The Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois) in Springfield, Illinois starting September 16, 1997. COA MIN. 09/06/97... Page 1 a •, Jay Terry spoke of John Eckert's achievements, i.e., Chair, Customer Service Committee, Restraints Reduction, Cultural Diversity Study, Statewide Assisted Living Taskforce involvement, Statewide leadership as head of the Ombudsmen's Association, training, forums, conferences, expansion of the Ombudsmen position in senior housing, into non license long term care situations, assisted with the heat emergency in 1996, the creation of the Ombudsmen Monitor, The Benefits Eligibility Checklist, the Intergenerational Committee, and the helping with difficult cases, being a leader for Interns, etc. [11]. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the July 12, 1997 minutes. Ull) . COMMITTEE REPORTS LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated the Long Term Care Committee met August 13, 1997. Mr. Sutor stated that committee's number one work priority for the year is to devise a plan which the LTC Committee can help the Long Term Care facilities in Evanston to find the most effective ways to attract and keep CNA's at these facilities. The Committee has agreed in dealing with this project that the CNA's are without doubt the most important people residents of the nursing homes and retirement facilities deal with on a day to day basis, and they are committed to doing whatever possible to helping maintain good quality CNA's in Evanston. Mr. Sutor stated that unfortunately Don Berry, Committee member of LTC, resigned due to health problems. Mr. Sutor stated that Shelley Wagner, Committee member, was convalescing at home from an operation. Shore Homes East - Mr. Sutor reported the next site visit will be at Shore Homes East September 25, 1997, 4:00 P.M. Mr. Sutor commented on the wonderful going away party held September 5, 1997 in honor of John Eckert. The next schedule meeting of the LTC will be September 10, 1997, 7:00 P.M. CoA MIN. 09/06/97... Page 2 J r' John Eckert reported that a Program audit by the Area Agency on Aging will be conducted this week. Celia Berdes will be speaking to the CNAs who participated in the survey in the next few weeks. John Eckert commented the Diversity Study is going national. He will be presenting on November 15, 1997 to the Gerontological Society of America to be held in Cincinnati, Ohio even though he will no longer be a Commission staff person. In March, 1998 the American Society on Aging Celia Berdes will be in San Francisco sharing the results of the Diversity Study. John Eckert stated that Norma Lara will be the Acting Ombudsman until a replacement has been found. Mr. Sutor complimented Ms. Lara on her interest in assisting in this position. Ms. Jacobs made an inquiry regarding Shore Homes East and what type of facility this is. Mr. Sutor stated the status of this home is a licensed long term care facility for the developmentally disabled. HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg reported the Housing Committee met June 07, 1997, and the Housing Committee has a tentative meeting date of October 4, 1997. Mr. Nottenburg stated when they had attended the Senate hearings on Assisted Living a comment was made about House Bill 2045 as a companion to Bill 743. The Senate Bill wants the Assisted Living Facilities Regulation Establishment Act into the Department of Aging, whereas the House Bill wants it under the Department of Public Health. The House Bill was presented and he hopes to speak with Jan Schakowsky and will get back to the COA. They will await to see what the outcome of this is with the General Assembly. Both Bills do not indicate that they are an emergency and therefore there may be no action at all in the Fall session. Mr. Nottenburg stated he felt Bill 2045 was a better bill. Mr. Terry stated that last Wednesday he spoke to Jane Volberding, former Dir. Of COA, and she is very knowledgeable on Assisted Living issues and may be interested in the Taskforce. Mr. Nottenburg then thanked John Eckert for all his hard work and endeavors. Mr. Sutor seconded Mr. Nottenburg's comments. INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - No report. Mr. Nottenburg stated Sally Mackert had contacted him regarding getting the group together for a four hour retreat session September 24, 1997 5 - 9 P.M. CoA MIN. 9/06/97... Page 3 .Y IN Chair Samson stated that Kathryn Hirn has volunteered to be the Chair of the Intergenerational Committee. Mr. Terry asked Ms. Hirn to advise if there would be a September; 1997 meeting and she will let him know. Mr. Eckert stated that the Intergenerational and the NSSC co sponsored a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren picnic at the Lighthouse Park August 10, 1997. There was a good attendance and City representatives attended. [IV). CHAIR'S REPORT Human Services Committee - Chair Samson thanked all the members who attended the Human Services Committee Meeting of September 4, 1997, which speaks well of the COA to the Committee. One outcome of this presentation was that Chair Samson was approached by Alderman Kent who expressed a strong interest in working with the COA on the Intergenerational Programming. A one on one meeting has been scheduled with Chair Samson and Alderman Kent and he will report back on the results. Mr. Nottenburg praised Chair Samson, Jay Terry, and Dave Sutor for the letter which was sent to the Human Service Committee on behalf of the COA. Economic Development Committee - Chair Samson, along with other members, attended the Economic Development Committee meeting of the downtown area and Kathryn Hirn spoke out on behalf of the Levy Center and Chair Samson reaffirmed the COA's position that we wanted a new Levy Center at or near the present location in the Research Park. Chair Samson and Jay Terry met with Doug Gaynor, the new Director of Parks and Recreation and Forestry and Ann Carra head of the Recreation Board. They feel this is a unique opportunity for expanded services and programming at the Levy Center, and will attract a broader range of the senior community. We hope to work with the Recreation Board to see what programming they would like to have. We are also working with the service providers who have been contacted i.e., NSSC, Metropolitan Family Services to see what kind of ideas or programming they have for expanded services. CoA. MIN. 9/06/97...Page 4 1 Alderman Newman spoke with Chair Samson and he suggested that there be a part time Ombudsman at the Levy Center as well as some one from the Handyman Program whereby we can have a more community outreach in addition to having programs here at the Civic Center. Chair Samson spoke with the Economic Development Committee and we hopefully will be meeting with those additional service providers and people who are interested in programming and get their ideas and present our ideas and make recommendations to the Economic Development Committee. Ms. Hirn suggested having the COA meeting sometime at Levy Center and Chair Samson thought this would be a good idea. Charlotte Becker stated Alderman Kent expressed an interest in holding a meeting at Fleetwood Jourdain. Chair Samson stated that he intends to follow up on both suggestions. Chair Samson has asked Bettie Jean Thomas and Claude Metzler to serve as COA representatives to a Levy Center planning group which will look into these issues. 2300 Noyes Ct. - Chair Samson commented it appears there is good movement at 2300 Noyes and elections were held in August 11, 1997 for the newly created Residents Council. August 25 was the first resident's council meeting and Ms. Charlotte Becker is the contact to the Resident's Council. Ms. Becker gave a brief description of the meeting which had approximately 12 residents participating, due to no announcement being posted on the bulletin board. It appears that no one wanted to be president, but the secretary is a very active person, and she will make sure signs are posted every fourth Monday at 3:00 P.M. One question from the Council is "what can we expect from the staff?' The janitor lives on the premises and what is he on call for? What are the expectations of Sioux Turnoy's position? Ms. Becker believes the "Walk and Talk program has not been carried out. There are some residents who leave their doors open so they do not have to walk around the front and no alarm goes off when this is done. Since the involvement of the COA, they feel things are a little better, but they are still afraid that they will be "kicked out". There is some fear yet about going out at night. They spoke about the buddy system but this might be somewhat down the line. Chair Samson hopes to meet with James Floyd, Director of the Housing Authority, in September, 1997, for a brief meeting. COA. MIN. 09/06/97... Page 5 Ms. Hirn, in Ms. Becker's absence, will represent the COA, at the October 27, 1997 Resident's Council meeting. Chair Samson stated that two of three residents being evicted had taken place giving a safer feeling for the residents. An Addendum to the current lease was instituted making it easier to evict residents for drug and alcohol abuse which endangers other residents. TV - Jackie Johnson, Parking Department of the City, and donated her mother's TV to Noyes Ct. residents and steps will be taken to prevent anyone trying to remove it from the premises. Chair Samson suggested the COA send a thank you letter to Ms. Johnson. Disabled Parking Patrol, - Chair Samson stated he had written a letter to the Editor of the Evanston Review requesting volunteers for this program. He has not received a large number of volunteers thus far. Senior Safety Officer - Chief Kaminski is requesting a part time retired police officer to go out into the community and speak with the seniors. Chief Kaminski is working with NSSC for funding sources and we are looking for non City funders to help contribute i.e.,$13 - $15,000. for this service, "Safety for Senior Citizens." NSSC Advisory Committee - Chair Samson attended the NSSC Advisory Committee meeting on July 30, 1997 and gave an update on the COA activities. Chair Samson thanked all who attended Senator Parker's public hearing on July 31, 1997; the more people who attend, the better we can show the interest we have. [V]. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: New Additional to COA - Mr. Terry stated that Louis Moseley had been appointed by the Mayor to the COA and Mr. Moseley had hoped to attend this meeting. Senior Service Providers Exchange - Mr. Terry stated the Providers Exchange will meet September 19, 1997, 9:30 the three presenters will be the North Shore Retirement Hotel, Alden Estates of Evanston, Inc., and CEDA/ Neighbors at Work. Ombudsman Vacancy - Mr. Terry reported he had received approximately 50+ resumes. Norma Lara, the Outreach Specialist, is will be handling some of the duties of the Ombudsman. CoA MIN. 09/06/97... Page 6 The Cook County Legal Assistance Foundation will assist if there is a problem case which requires some sort of legal intervention. As in the past, we would like to have one of the LTC members, and an Ombudsman volunteer, to serve with Mr. Terry and Ms. Haynes from Personnel on the interview panel to help review the finalists. City Budget Process - Mr. Terry reported the City Budget Process has begun. The proposed subsized Tax Program and COA Budget will be due in approximately three weeks. If there are any budget items the COA would like to request, please advise Steve Samson. Human Services Committee - Mr. Terry reported the Human Service Committee is meeting with all the Boards and Commissions and their next meeting will be September 15, 1997 at Fleetwood Jourdain, at which time they will be speaking to the Arts Council, Ladd Arboretum, and the Environment Council. Mr. Terry thanked Kathryn Hirn for accepting the Intergenerational Chairmanship. The Intergenerational Committee has been a source of stress for staff with conflicting directors from a variety of sources. Evil . NEW BUSINESS: Chair Samson stated Friday, September 12, 1997, COA and the NSSC is co sponsoring a Forum on Answers to Medicare, Medicare Supplement Insurance, at the Levy Center etc. COMMENTS: None. Meeting adjourned at 11:30. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA MIN. 09/06/97... Page 7 wa DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING October 04, 1997 Priam, Tower 1001 Emerson MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Dave Sutor, Jane Baker, Kathryn Hirn, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Bettie Jean Thomas, Louis Moseley and Claude Metzler Absent: Ruth Jacobs, Helen Powell, Ted Anderson, Dale Noble, and Sheldon Wagner Guests: Julie Boggess (Wagner Health Center), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), and Judith Herbert (Former Chair COA/NSSC) Staff: Jay Terry, Joan Barott Ill. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to•prder at 9:40 A.M. and welcomed the Primm Tower residents, guests,•and introduced one of the newest members of COA, Louis Moseley. The COA members introduced themselves to the audience. Chair Samson thanked Primm Tower for inviting the COA to their facility and the opportunity to explain what the COA offers to the community. After the meeting a questions and answer period would be held. CoA MIN. 1.0/04/97... Page 1 A One resident did have a question as to where they would be able to obtain an application for discount on the electric bill. Jay Terry will check into whether they may be obtained through Ms. Bell or CEDA? [11]. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 06, 1997, with minor changes. COMMITTEE REPORTS HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg reported the Housing Committee had not met since June 07, 1997, and the next scheduled meeting is December 06, 1997. [IV] . CHAIR'S REPORT 2300 Noyes Ct. - Chair Samson reported September 15, 1997, he and Jay Terry met with James Floyd, Director of the Housing Authority to continue an ongoing dialogue concerning the issues raised at 2300 Noyes Ct. by the residents. Some of the resident issues were that grandchildren\son\daughter had been allowed to live on the premises. In some instances, these relatives had gang involvement and drug abuse, causing a number of problems. The results of the COA investigation has lead to setting up a Residents' Council, meetings with the Police and Cook County Housing Authority personnel, and the removal of the offenders. Chair Samson reported that Charlotte Becker is the liaison for the newly formed Residents` Council. Ms. Becker reported that the Council meeting was held September 1997, and Sioux Turnoy, manager, reviewed her role and that of the janitor. The Residents' Council stated, that residents are still afraid to go out at night. The handyman -is scheduled to leave the end of September and the residents are concerned as to who will replace him. Ms. Turnoy stated all complaints are to go through her, and she stated what the procedure is to request service. Police have made visits and Ms. Turnoy will take care of the doors. Kathryn Hirn will be acting liaison at the October 27, 1997 meeting due to Ms. Becker being out of town. CoA. MIN.10/04/97... Page 2 Charlotte Becker stated she had attended the COA/NSSC Medicare Program and one of the speakers was from SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Program - Illinois Department of Insurance) and this program was very informative regarding Medicare Supplement, and the eligibility of persons for Medicaid. Chair Samson described the three committees the COA has, i.e., Housing, Long Term Care, and Intergenerational, and the subject areas which they cover. Chair Samson stated the Intergenerational Committee is reviewing the increase with grandparents raising grandchildren. Chair Samson stated" the Intergenerational Committee is always looking for interested volunteers to join the committee. On September 16,1997, a Retreat was held to reformulate this committee. Chair Samson stated that Kathryn Hirn, Chair, would be reporting today but was detained at the Senior Connections' meeting. Levy Center - Chair Samson commented on the importance of the Levy Center and the possible relocation of this center. The audience then gave their thoughts on this subject. Residents stated they no longer receive the Levy Program bulletin.' They felt that the Levy outreach had been reduced. They were unaware of current Levy programs. Chair Samson stated Bettie Jean Thomas and Claude Metzler serve as COA representatives to a Levy Center's planning group which will look into the issues of site, type of programming, and the design of the "new Levy Center". The COA has given testimony to the Economic Development Committee expressing our viewpoint that the "new Levy Center" should be built at or near the site where it is currently located. Ms. Becker commented on the dropping of CTA service and its effect on Levy and Mr. Terry will check into this. A full plan will be presented to the Economic Development Committee and the City Council. Mr. Terry asked for comment regarding the ongoing changes i.e., town homes, movie theater, hotel being built, traffic, and the potential impact on Primm Tower.". Siam Square - Chair Samson reported September 23-24, 1997, the Siam Square Restaurant donated a portion of their profits to the Handyman Program. CoA. MIN.10/04/97... Page 3 G LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated the Long Term Care Committee met September 10, 1997, and they continue to work on the committee's number one work priority for the year which is to devise a plan whereby the LTC Committee can help the Long Term Care facilities in Evanston to find the most effective ways to attract and keep CNA's at these facilities. A sub committee has been formed to prepare a questionnaire for the CNA's to complete and return to the committee. Ms. Becker, Mr. Metzler and Ms. Roberts form this committee, and will report their findings at the October, 1997 LTC meeting. Shore Homes East - Mr. Sutor reported a site visit was made at Shore Homes East September 25, 1997, 4:00 P.M. which was an enjoyable visit and the Committee hopes to revisit in early 1998. Mr. Sutor extended an invitation again to all COA members to participate in these site visits. Mr. Sutor stated that the monthly meeting time for the LTC was voted on and the meeting time for all meetings be 7:00 P.M. INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Ms. Hirn reported that the Intergenerational Committee has been somewhat reorganized and a Retreat was held September 24, 1997. The committee will continue to meet on a monthly basis, 4:30 - 600 P.M., the third Tuesday. Ms. Hirn has also met with the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Group which meets at the NSSC. Mattie Harmon is the facilitator. There is a conference of the Chicago Metropolitan Intergenerational Committee November 7, 1997. There is a meeting of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren November 6 and December 4, 1997. An attorney will be present who is knowledgeable about Welfare Reform issues which impact grandparents. and other relatives who are raising children and elder issues. She suggested that a flyer be posted in the senior housing facilities. Charlotte Becker has some literature which might be valuable to the COA and will drop it off at the office. Ms. Hirn felt the retreat was a success. COA. MIN.10/04/97... Page 4 [V] . DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Ombudsman' Program - Mr. Terry stated the federal funds which govern the Nursing Home Ombudsman Program which is operated in Evanston has a rule which states that the entity which licenses nursing homes shall not provide an Ombudsman Program. There has always been some concern by the State of Illinois, that the City of Evanston licenses nursing homes and operates a Long Term Ombudsman Program. It has always been made clear with the State of Illinois and the Area Agency on Aging that within the organization of the City of Evanston the two programs are kept pretty distinct. The State of Illinois recently choose to raise the issue. All federal aging funding for all of suburban Cook County was held up two or three days and we were informed they were not going to fund Evanston's LTC Ombudsman Program. Mr. Terry explained to the State and the Area Ageing on Aging how the relationships work. Mr. Eckert also advocated with the State on Evanston's behalf. Mr. Terry expressed his frustration that a program which has consistently been the most productive with the State would be jeopardized. He questioned the timing of this inquiry and linked it to the vacancy in the Ombudsman position. The Ombudsman Program has now received its Grant Award. Mr. Terry feels a discussion throughout the year with the State would be valuable inasmuch as we are in the last year of a three year cycle and this question maybe raised again. This program has an outstanding record. Ombudsman Replacement - Mr. Terry reported the interview process is well on its way and that we are down to three finalists. Jane Baker (COA), Mary Singh (Ombudsman Volunteer) comprise the second stage interviewing team with Mr. Terry, and hopefully by November 1, 1997 a decision will be made. North Shore Retirement Hotel - Mr. Terry reported the North Shore Retirement Hotel is having a health fair October iS, 1997 and the COA will be participating. We are looking for volunteers to represent the COA. Mr. Nottenburg has volunteered and other COA members will advise their commitment time. CoA. MIN.10/04/97... Page 5 H I Tribune Article - Mr. Terry brought to the COA's attention the front page article of the morning's Chicago Tribune 'Grandparents Raising Grandchildren" and it features Mattie Harmon of Evanston who has been active with the NSSC and the Intergenerational Committee. Human Service Directors' Washington, D.C. Meeting - Mr. Terry stated this is a meeting of all the City Human Service Directors which he attended. The subject was Welfare Reform and the concerns of it. As more and more analysis is done on the labor market as to what skills are available for people coming off welfare, people who may not have a lot of job skills, it is interesting that care for the elderly is one of the areas where they are seeing the potential for moving a lot of welfare recipients into first time employment. on the one hand everyone supports individuals getting off welfare and getting into employment opportunities. At the same time Advocates for older people want to make sure the people who do get into home care and do go into long term care positions, have the skills and enthusiasm, temperaments for caring for older people. Charlotte Hecker pointed out the two extremes of day care for children and adult care and these are areas to be watched. Senior Service Providers - Mr. Terry reported a good meeting at the Senior Service Providers Exchange and the North Shore Retirement Hotel provided a good presentation i.e., articulating their commitment to the community and they wish to do additional emergency planning and coordination among facilities. A presentation by Alden Estates of Evanston, Inc. stated they do not accept Community Medicaid placements. The only residents in their facility are those who have been there a long time and their funds have depleted. This appeared tQ be..against the spirit of some of the commitments they had made•wFien they received their zoning relief from the City a few years ago. They indioated that it met the letter of their agreement and there was'no comment on the spirit of the agreement. Mr. Terry welcomed Louis Moseley on his becoming a COA member. CoA. MIN.10/04/97... Page 6 Evil. NEW BUSINESS: Ms. Becker suggested that Mr. Terry explain to the audience what the Ombudsman Program is. He responded the main purpose is to protect the rights of the individuals who are in the nursing homes in Evanston. The program works with the Resident Councils in the nursing facilities. The Ombudsman also has a presence in other facilities which are not nursing homes, i.e., The Mather, Georgian, North Shore Retirement Hotel, Noyes Ct., Perlman Apartments, etc. Chair Samson noted that he has heard from John Eckert, and he is getting acclimated in his new endeavor. One resident from Primm Tower stated she felt Levy Center membership was down. Ms. Thomas stated she felt this was due to people now working longer and retiring perhaps at a later age. A resident letter was passed around for discussion and Mr. Terry stated that the Primm Tower is a HUD building and his interpretation of the letter was that housing assistance payments which Primm Tower has with HUD will expire September 30, 1998. When this occurs, certain residents will be eligible to -get Section 8 Certificates instead of getting this direct Grant from HUD and then residents could go to any residence that accepts Section 8 certificates and Mr. Terry will speak with Mrs. Bell for further details. Residents expressed their strong concern that Mrs. Bell has retired and they have not heard a word from the management firm or the building board as to who her replacement would be. They don't know to whom they are to direct issues, complaints, or concerns. Some residents had concerns relating to the access from the front door with outsiders being let in. Some residents who do not have access to the door as their TV is not plugged a,nto-channel S. it has been suggested that these residents move thefr-TV in order to have this access. Mr. Nottenburg suggested this being a security problem be handled by the building. One resident suggested having a security guard for the building but there is a cost factor. Chair Samson will speak with the Police Department regarding the "walk and talk" program for Primm Tower. Most residents believe the "walk and talk" program would be a good idea. CoA. MIN.10/09/97... Page 7 n 0 Also some residents had heating problems with apartments being cold, i.e. drafty windows. COMMENTS: None. Meeting adjourned at 11:00. Submitted, Joan M. Harott CoA. MIN.10/04/97... Page 8 J s We, DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING December 06, 1997 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Dave Sutor, Jane Baker, Kathryn Hirn, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Bettie Jean Thomas, Louis Moseley, Emma Harmon, Sheldon Wagner, and Claude Metzler Absent: Ruth Jacobs, Helen Powell, Ted Anderson, and Dale Noble Guests: Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), Alexander Brown (NSSC), Gina LaPalio (Alden Estates of Evanston), Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters), and Connie Bell Staff: Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott Ill. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:45 A.M. and welcomed the guests, and introduced the newest member of COA, Emma Harmon, as well as Nancy Flowers, Ombudsman. The COA members introduced themselves to the audience. Ms. Harmon and Ms. Flowers both gave a brief history of their backgrounds. Ms. Baker, (whose term with the COA ended with this meeting) bid farewell. [111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 04, 1997, with minor changes. CoA MIN. 12/06/97... Page 1 a 4� I (ill]. COMMITTEE REPORTS INTEROENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Ms. Hirn reported that the in.__rgenerat_s nal Committee ..._t tiovemb_r 13, _997 and discussed in :rear detail their intentions to update the Intergenerational Surrey and to start putting :.ut the Newsletter. Ms. Hirn, due to - the limited budget, spoke tc !fir. Terry regarding the mailing cost of such a project and Mr. Terry felt this charge would be manageable. Ms. Hirn then read the overall figures regarding this, i.e., 300 copies would be a total of $560.00; INVEST would contribute approximately $325.00. Chair Samson explained that the COA would have to approve this inasmuch as Committees do not have a budget. Chair Samson has spoken to Alderman Kent regarding this Committee. He feels the Commission should devote energy to rejuvenating it. Ms. Hirn stated the Survey would explain what Intergenerational programs exist and this information is information needed and is apart from the newsletter. The newsletter would act as an exchange among groups that have such programs to let them know what is going on, i.e., grandparents' groups, etc. Ms. Becker made a motion if there is enough money in the budget to go ahead with this project. Mr. Terry suggested that volunteers be recruited from the Intergenerational Committee to participate with this project and Ms. Hirn will present this at the December, 1997 Intergenerational Meeting, Mr. Wagner commented that both he and Mrs. Wagner had previously worked on the Intergenerational Committee but there appeared to be only planning and nothing concrete happening. He feels that a standard contribution should be made and there are marvelous opportunities to do something in this field. Ms. Hirn stated that the Intergenerational Committee has recruited two new members. Chair Samson stated that he feels "volunteers" is the main concern and Highlights would be a good source to place an announcement. Chair Samson suggested that persons on the Intergenerational Committee compile lists of those agencies who have components and send them to Ms. Hirn. Ms. Hirn attended the CMIC Conference in November, 1997 and she felc this was worthwhile and this will be discussed at the next Intergenerational Committee meeting in December. CoA. MIN.12/06/97... Page 2 Ms. Hirn cited from the conference that seniors are interested in volunteering, having abilities and resources, etc., and do not always wish to be served but want to serve. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated the Long Term Care Cc.,�mittee met October/November, 1997. At the October Meeting, the Committee welcomed a new member Hazel Bynes, resident of the Presi:yterian Homes. Discussion at the October, 1997 meeting was Mr. Terry's report on the State's question of the State's Evanston Ombudsman Program, and what kind of action the Committee can take in the future to prevent this near crisis of happening aaain. Mr. Sutor will meet January, 1998 with Mr. Terry to discuss this. At the October LTC meeting Gina LaPalio, Alden Estates of Evanston, attended and clarified Alden's policy on Medicaid supported residents. Ms. LaPalio stated Alden Estates does have available beds to those who run out of funds. The Committee received a set of questions from a Sub Committee appointed at the September meeting and their task was to submit sample questions to Certified Nursing Assistants during a study which the Committee will conduct at LTC facilities. "What attracts CNA's to work at nursing, retirement homes in Evanston, what causes them to leave, and what can and is being done to keep the CNA's working at the LTC facilities?" The Committee found the questions submitted worthwhile. At the November meeting the Committee approved the set of questions presented by the Sub Committee. A revised letter was voted upon to Nursing Homes Administrators asking for their cooperation with the CNA study. At the December meeting the letter will be approved and will look into questions proposed to the administrators. North Shore Retirement Hotel - Mr. Sutor reported a site visit was made at North Shore Retirement Hotel October, 1997 and a November site visit was made to the Council for Jewish Elderly, Adult Day Care Center. At the LTC November meeting it was voted to postpone the December site visit to St. Francis Hospital Transitional Care Unit until January, 1998. December 10, 1997 is the next LTC meeting at the Civic Center. Mr. Sutor distributed the Summary of LTC activities for the past year. Mr. Terry commented he is happy that Ms. Flowers has joined the COA staff. CoA. MIN.12/06/97... Page 3 Mr. Terry further stated that the State requires that Ms. Flowers, in order to do complaint resolutions etc. as an C:~_.: sman, she -_i :a•ie to have spec-fic training and t e State has indicated that the next training in service is March, 1998. Existing Ombudsman are qualified to do pre -service training and it is hoped Cook County Legal Assistance will provide Ms. Flowers the requisite training of the rules of the program so that she will be able to proceed. Mr. Terry stated that St. Francis Hospital is now a part of the Resurrection Health Care Community and that includes St. Frances Ex=ended Care. One of the requirements of the Ombudsman Program, when there is a change of ownership, is to increase the number of visits. Ms. Flowers will be visiting St. Francis during January and February, 1998. Diversity Study - Mr. Terry advised that Mr. Eckert reported that the poster presentation at the Gerontological Society was very well received. This study is getting some national recognition and Ms. Berdes is presenting January 17, 1998 to the American Society on Aging. HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg reported the Housing Committee met December 6, 1998, and welcomed the newest member, Bettie Jean Thomas and invited any and all COA members to join the Housing Committee. Mr. Nottenburg stated this is his last meeting as Chair of the Housing Committee. Any member interested in this position, please contact Chair Samson. Mr. Nottenburg stated with the merger of St. Frances Hospital and Resurrection Health Care the construction of a new hospital will be put on hold. Mr. Nottenburg stated the two Bills before the General Assembly, with respect to definition and regulation of Assisted Living facilities, both Bills to the best of Mr. Nottenburg's knowledge, have essentially died with the closure of the General Assembly for 1997. The Senate Bill called for regulation of Assisted Living units by the Department of Aging whereas the Bill presented to the House would have put the regulations in the Department of Health. 2300 Noyes Ct. - Mr. Terry followed up on the letter which the residents received regarding their subsidies and Section 8 Certificates, etc. CoA. MIN.12i46/97...Page 4 Mr. Terry spoke with HUD officials and they explained they did not wish to have a contractual with Primm Tower and would like to issue Section B Certificates to all the residents so they would h. s­.:bs-d,z_ng t^e ,es_der._s _ndl•r,.._�t_ly rat-er than subsi3_z-ng the residents throuch one contract. r:;D has some concerns a'---ut :he p^ysical state of Primm Tower and a number of concerns a:^out :he oversight of the Primm Tower, Inc. Board, as to whether it was a real organization. HUD reported they will increase their monitoring of Primm Tower extensively. The new Manager of Primm Tower is Rev. Robert Thomas replacing Ms. Bell who has retired. Assisted Living - Due to a Jewel Store being built in Wilmette, the Jewel Store located on Green Bay in Evanston will close and there is interest in that site becoming a very high end Assisted Living facility. It appears that more Assisted Living facilities will be coming to Evanston. Mr. Terry feels that Assisted Living Licensing is on the horizon in 1998 and he feels that Ms. Flowers' background includes useful experience in the Assisted Living issue. The next scheduled Housing meeting is February 07, 199B. 2300 Noyes Ct. - Charlotte Becker liaison for the Residents' Council, reported the number of complaints from residents have dwindled down. It appears that the Residents' Council status will be more of a social organization. one officer of the Council commented that the residents having maintenance problems should speak with Ms. Turnoy rather than coming to her for correction. At the meeting questions were presented regarding bus tours, social functions, bus provisions, and the fact the Levy Announcements were not supplied. The Levy Bulletin, as a rule, is sent to its paid members only. Chair Samson commented that perhaps the Levy bus (supplied by the Recreation Department) could expand its route for different affairs and stop at the three senior housing facilities for interested residents. Mr. Terry asked if there are in-house residents willing to assume the responsibility for in-house social activities. CoA. MIN.12/06/97...Page 5 Ms. Becker will present this to the Council. Mr. Terry commented Recreation Department's bus is generally used for children's activities. The next scheduled meeting of the Residents' Council will be Jan::ary, 1998. Ms. Hirn stated at the October 27, 1997 Residents Council Meecing, it was suggested that the Residents' Council have co chars rather than President, etc., and Ms. Turnoy will give the Council a copy of Perlman's By -Laws. Ms. Hirn stated that Melanie Amin would be interested in seeing the Levy Bulletin and other notices. Levy Center - Claude Metzler, COA representative on the Levy Planning Taskforce, reported the representatives had toured three senior facilities, Des Plaines, Highland Park and the North Shore Senior Center enabling them to get the pros and cons of their programs as well as seeing the variety of senior activities. The EDC meeting attendees shared their views and ideas, large movie screens, convention center, and this project has not been finalized. This Committee will continue to visit other sites. At the present time, the site itself has not been determined. Mr. Terry pointed out that the tour revealed every community is unique to itself. Mr. Terry stated that the EDC would make a recommendation as to which of the two developers were to be selected. They will meet again Monday, December 7, 1997. If a recommendation is made it is scheduled to be considered at the City Council at their meeting of the December 15, 1997. The Hill proposal calls for a new Levy Center just north of the current Levy Center and the Buck proposal would be in the area of Dave's Italian Kitchen. The Planning Taskforce is working on program issues. Charlotte Becker questioned if they were looking for other resources that seniors use in this area, i.e., YMCA. At one time a swimming pool was under consideration. Mr. Wagner would like to see a swimming pool included in these proposals. Mr. Wagner stated his feelings regarding the lack of decision making and the length of time it is taking for a decision. CoA. MIN.12/05/97... Page 6 Mr. Metzler stated at the last meeting of the EDC, one Alderman was for the Hill developer while the other Aldermen had to considered a lot more things. Mr. Terry commented that the invitation :o Ms. Sandi Johnson, NSS_, to participate in the planning group, gave concern to the sta,ff of the Levy Center that NSSC wanted to take over the Levy Center. These rumors have now been dealt with. Chair Samson stated that the COA should look at both the recreational and social side of the Levy Center, and he hopes that Ms. Flowers will be able to visit the Levy Center. Chair Samson has been approached by several Aldermen questioning why the did not have more social service outlets at the Levy Center. Bettie Jean Thomas commented if there are more functions at Levy Center, perhaps that would increase the membership of the Center. Mr. Wagner commented on the charges for functions at the Levy Center. [IV] . CHAIR'S REPORT Chair Samson reported he had attended the Police Advisory Board meeting last week. Chief Kaminski has located one volunteer for the Senior Volunteer Handicap Parking Enforcement; this will be up and running come Spring, 1998. Senior Services officer - Chair Samson commented this position would be filled by a part time civilian employee of the Police Department to go out and give safety speeches and inspections in homes and apartments and to address senior prime issues. The funding needed for this would be approximately $15,000.00 - $20,000.00. Chair Samson hopes for 1998 to be able to get some funding sources to cover this position. Chair Samson welcomes any suggestions on grant funding or connections in various communities that might be able to support something like this. Bicycle and Rollerblade - Chair Samson spoke with Chief Kaminski regarding this issue and the effects on the seniors walking downtown. Chief Kaminski reported on the enforcement of both; they have written 278 citations for bicycle riding laws. Chair Samson advised the COA members to let residents know of these findings. CoA. MIN.12/06/97... Page 7 Mr. Terry distributed a statistical report on Police Department enforcement of bicycle issues. Chair Samson reported he had spoken with John Eckert, who wishes ai_ the COA members sappy Holidays and a good New Year. Swedish Retirement Association - Chair Samson reported that Colfax will not be changed to a one way street. The COA will work with them to scIve the problem of people cutting through their grounds to avc'_d a one way street. Meetings Off Site - Chair Samson would like to continue offsite meetings. He would like to meet at the Swedish Retirement Home, Alden Estates, and the Presbyterian Home. Chair Samson has spoken with S. Anderson of the Swedish Retirement Association, and he would like to offer Swedish as an offsite visit, possibly February or March, 1998. Ms. Hirn suggested the Levy Center as an offsite meeting place. Chair Samson suggested that any new member who had not chosen a Committee, please go to one of their meetings which would help you see what your interests might be and get involved. [V]. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: FISH - Mr. Terry reported that the FISH (volunteer program providing medical transportation) organization has discontinued operations. National Institute of Senior Centers - This is an accreditation and more of a professional recognition of senior centers of a private project nationally to see if senior centers can be accredited. One of :he pilot projects of this is NSSC. Mr. Terry sat on a panel of participants, board members and funders to speak about their performance with the accreditation panel. City Budget Issues - Human Services Committee met to develop the Community Purchase Service budget for next year. A decision was made at their last meeting to reduce the overall budget for Community purchase services by over $90,000.00. However, no aging services were cut. This is the first time this has happened. The City -'s facing some serious budget problems for next year. CoA. MIN.12/06/97... Page 8 Senior Service Providers Exchange Meeting - December 1.2, 1997 is the next schedule meeting and speakers from the State's Attorney's office, Palliative Care of the Northshore, and North Shore Eldercare Management. Mr. Terry extended an invitation for all to come. Leaf Disposal - By not having a November meeting Mr. Terry felt the need to mention the reinstatement of the leaf bagging policy was a burden for certain older adults and we were not successful in identifying program/service for those residents. Jane Baker inquired as to the program of dumping leaves directly. Mr. Terry stated that the individual would have to -bring the leaves to the Service Center themselves. Ms. Becker suggested the leaf issue be an Intergenerational project. Mr. Terry commented the Barbara Zimmer, Community Service at ETHS and other agencies have been contacted regarding this, but are the youth interested, will the seniors pay enough, will the youth do it when needed etc? Self Neglect Case - This past week the Health and Police Departments were call to a house on Lake Street, a women in mid eighties was found in the house; she had been dead for a number of days. This is a case were the lawn was manicured and the outside clean and neat, but inside were multiple years trash and garbage. The next COA meeting is January 10, 1998 due to the Civic Center Building being closed January 3, 1998. Evil. NEW BUSINESS: Ms. Becker commented on paying Social Security to household helpers and doing the right thing to pay Social Security for these people. She found the Social Security form a very complicated procedure. Mr. Nottenburg stated salary paid must be over $1,000.00 a year. Ms. Frisch add to the conversation and the way this is handled from her own experience. CoA. MIN.12/06/97... Page 9 Mr. Wagner added that he had a copy of a Plan for Long Term Care insurance, and would giving this information to Dave Sutor, Chair of LTC Committee. The COA Committee welcomed Mr. Wagner back who had been away due to health problems. COMMENTS: None. Meeting adjourned at 11:30. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA. MIN.12/06/97... Page 10 A. N DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING January 10, 1998 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Dave Sutor, Jane Baker, Kathryn Hirn, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Bettie Jean Thomas, Louis Moseley, Emma Harmon, and Claude Metzler Absent: Ruth Jacobs, Helen Powell, Ted Anderson, Sheldon Wagner, and Dale Noble Guests: Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), Judith Herbert (NSSC) Staff: Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott Ill. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9.50 A.M. and welcomed the guests. [ill. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 06, 1997. [ill] . COMMITTEE REPORTS LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated the Long Term Care Committee met in December, 1997, and voted to approve a revised letter to be mailed to Administrators of the Long Term Care facilities regarding a study of Certified Nursing Assistants. The Survey includes questions about employee satisfaction and facility efforts towards staff retention. CoA MIN. 01/10/98...Page 1 0 The Committee found the questions submitted worthwhile. At the January 21, 1998 meeting the LTC will discuss the mechanics of how to best conduct the study within the next couple of months. Nancy Flowers, the new Ombudsman, was introduced at the December, 1997 meeting. Karen Seals, Division Chief Health Department, was questioned regarding specific incident reports to LTC facilities. Mr. Sutor commented on the Charitable Contributions letter served to all LTC facilities requesting information about facility policies related to prospective or current residents who are unable to pay for their care. In 1997 replies were received from all community facilities and these responses were summarized by Mr. Sutor. The LTC feels an annual letter on this subject should be sent. The next LTC site visit will be at St. Francis Transitional Care January 29, 1998, 4:00 P.M. January 21, 1998 is the next LTC meeting at the Civic Center. Ms. Becker commented that one reason the charitable letter was sent to facility administrators was related to a pre licensure stipulation about the number of Public Aid beds that would be available to community residents at Alden Estates, Inc. of Evanston. Mr. Sutor stated that the LTC facilities were not required to take people who are on Medicaid; this decision is up to the facilities. At the present time three out of twelve will accept persons on Medicaid. Mr. Sutor stated that Oakwood Terrace would make a decision this year as to whether they will accept residents on Medicaid which they presently do not do. HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg reported the Housing Committee will meet February 7, 1998, at 9:00 A.M., at the Presbyterian Home prior to the COA meeting at 9:30 A.M. Mr. Nottenburg stated at the Executive COA meeting this morning, they decided to revitalize the Assisted Living Taskforce and expand the current Housing Committee membership. Mr. Nottenburg stated there is a proposal that the Jewel Store property located on Green Bay Road will be sold/used as an Assisted Living facility. CoA. MIN.01/10/98... Page 2 r Mr. Nottenburg stated the two Bills before the General Assembly, with respect to definition and regulation of Assisted Living facilities have essentially died with the closure of the General Assembly for 1997. At the February Housing meeting they will discuss the future of the Housing Committee. Mr. Nottenburg asked if any member would be interested in the Chair position, as his term has long since expired. INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE _ Ms. Hirn reported that the Intergenerational Committee met December 18, 1997 at Sally Mackert's house which was a combination of a Holiday/Farewell Meeting and this meeting had almost 1001 attendance. With good attendance as such, the members decided to have off site meetings with the January 20, 1998 meeting held at the Council for Jewish Elderly. Ms. Hirn praised Mr. Simon's efforts on a short notice preparation of the Intergenerational Survey Update sent out in February, 1998 to all organizations who have or may have Intergenerational programs with a response date of March, 1998. Ms. Hirn attended a Holiday party for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren held at NSSC, Northfield Office. This party included the Family Focus choir, food, etc. Unfortunately through an oversight the COA members did not receive an invitation. Ms. Becker stated that an Intergenerational orchestra is starting up on the North Shore. Mr. Hirn stated that on January 29, 1998 an Evanston Neighborhood Conference would be held focusing on violence with a video developed by some high-school kids. The COA members will receive an invitation. Karen Chavers, the Director of ENC, can be contacted for further information. (IV]. CHAIR'S REPORT Chair Samson reported he had attended the Police Advisory Board Meeting December 3, 1997. Chair Samson stated this would be a good time to start to think about what each one of us wants to do and our goals on the COA. One question which was raised by members is "what to do about members who are not participating/not coming?" He feels we should think about what we ourselves want to accomplish within the next twelve months, and use the COA as a vehicle to do this. He stated that ideas are always welcomed. He cited an item which he has outlined of interest to himself i.e., Handicap Parking Program. CoA. MIN.01/10/98... Page 3 In Chief Kaminski has located one volunteer for the Senior Volunteer Handicap Parking Enforcement. Chair Samson believes this should be started in the Spring. Senior Services Officer - Chair Samson is seeking funds for a Senior Services Officer in the Police Department to do safety talks and inspections in homes and apartments and to address senior crime issues. The funding needed for this would be approximately $15,000.00 - $20,000.00. Levy Center - Chair Samson stated there will be more discussion regarding the Levy Center and the need for it. Mr. Metzler and B. J. Thomas have been doing a great job with the Levy Center Taskforce in having the COA voice heard at the City Council. Mr. Nottenburg commented an Alderman had asked him what is the COA's position on the Levy Center? Chair Samson stated that the COA attends these meetings and will comment as circumstances develop. Assisted Living - Chair Samson believes this subject will be coming to the forefront and he is focusing on this. Chair Samson stated if there are any members of the COA who are interested in these issues, please let him know as there is more than enough work for people to do. He would like to see more people get involved. Chair Samson wants the City to know that the COA is a viable, strong, ongoing Commission. Chair Samson has heard comments from an Alderman that the COA was not an active group. Chair Samson replied the Commission spends time and efforts trying to establish improvements in the Senior Community, working behind the scene to accomplish projects i.e., placement of benches for seniors in downtown areas, relocation of them, Handyman Program, etc. The COA has to show the City Council how much you're getting done and how important we are to the Community. Chair for Housing Committee - Chair Samson wants the COA to look to replacing Mr. Nottenburg as Chair of the Housing Committee. COA February Meeting - Arrangements have been made by Mr. Metzler to have the COA February 07, 1998 meeting at the Presbyterian Home in the Fitness Center. CoA. MIN.01/10/98... Page 4 A map will be enclosed with the February notice indicating the location of the meeting. Swedish Retirement Home - Stuart Anderson of the Swedish Retirement Home has invited the COA to hold its March/April meeting at this facility. Ruth Jacobs Resignation - Ruth Jacobs has regretfully resigned due to her husband's health, and we will miss her. Mr. Terry commented if any COA member knew of a prospective Commission members, they should be referred to the Mayor's Office. Ms. Hirn gave an example of what can happen through bonding together, i.e., speed in alley behind the Perlman Building was resolved with getting Alderman Newman involved and placement of speed bumps in alley. [V]. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Budget Hearings - Mr. Terry reported that the City Manager submitted a proposed budget for the fiscal year which begins March 1, 1998. The proposal does include a significant number of revenue increases, including property taxes, sales tax, water and sewer rates. He encouraged all members of the Commission to attend any of the budget workshops as the impact of these increases on older persons might be discussed. The Aldermen have already made a $90,000 cut in the social service agencies budget. They did not cut any aging services. Budget hearings will be held every Saturday morning in January and possibly in February. Human Service Committee - Mr. Terry reminded the Commission that the City Council Human Services Committee continue to meet on the first Monday of every month. The January meeting was devoted to child care issues, smoking by minors, and the overabundance of wildlife in Evanston. Levy - The taskforce did not meet during the holidays. A meeting will be scheduled soon. The City Council voted in December to proceed with the Arthur Hill proposal. That proposal currently calls for a new Levy Center to be built north of the existing building. CoA. MIN.01/10/98... Page 5 He noted that Commission members should be aware that certain advocates of a performing arts center feel that a new Levy Center and a performing arts center have become an either/or proposition. Arguments to that effect may be made publicly in the future. Ms. Hecker spoke about the Art Center versus the Senior Center and she believes there are several arts centers in Evanston and the residents of 2300 Noyes spoke of wanting to attend performing arts and she wonder if there could be a combined center. Mr. Terry commented that the DesPlaines Senior Center has a combination of a senior center, community center, and performing arts center all in one building. Mr. Metzler commented when there are so many individual sites of the performing arts in Evanston is there a need for another center? Mr. Terry stated most individuals appear to want a center similar to the Skokie Center. Orientation - Mr. Terry and Ms. Flowers spent a good deal of time on orientation. Ms. Flowers has visited every facility and has been to a number of Resident Council Meetings. Senior Service Providers Exchange Meeting - Mr. Terry stated December 12, 1997 was the Senior Service Providers Exchange Meeting and presentations were provided by the State's Attorney's office giving information of how elder abuse is prosecuted and the grounds for these cases; and by Palliative Care of the North Shore. Mr. Terry commented regarding hospice services, that competition among the various hospices is intense. The various hospice services are always anxious to present at the Provider's Exchange. Ms. Flowers had been working with a case this week in which a community agency was questioning whether a premature referral to hospice services had been made for one of their residents. The ability to predict the timing of death is still an inexact science. In the case in question, different doctors disagreed as to the appropriateness of hospice referral. Ms. Flowers was involved in getting a third, impartial diagnosis. The competition among hospices, including for -profit vs. Not for profit hospices raises ethical considerations which were not anticipated a few years ago. CoA. MIN.01/10/98...Page 6 Evil . NEW BUSINESS: In response to a question from Ms. Becker, Carla Frisch of Metropolitan Family Services explained their Information and Referral services, She distributed MFS new refrigerator magnets. Emma Harmon questioned whether every facility had access to the Subsidized Taxi Program. Ms. Flowers responded that certain housing buildings have a social committee which functions as a resident council. Mr. Terry explained the Subsidized Taxi Program and felt that every Evanston resident had access to the program. He noted that certain retirement homes may have their own taxi coupon program for doctor visits which is different from the City program. CONMENTS : None. Meeting adjourned at 11:00. Submitted, Joan M. Barott COA. MIN.01/10/98... Page 7 DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING February 07, 1998 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Kathryn Hirn, Ernestine Gu'llebeaux, Bettie Jean Thomas, Louis Moseley, Sheldon Wagner, Emma Harmon, and Claude Metzler Absent: Dave Sutor, Helen Powell, Ted Anderson, and Dale Noble Guests: Sharon Lieberman (Representing LTC member Dave Sutor), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), Sandi Johnson(NSSC), Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters), Helen Leister (Resident of Presbyterian Home and past member of the COA), Julie Boggess (Wagner Health Center),Pauline Dembicke, Guest. Staff: Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott Ill. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:40 A.M. and welcomed the guests. Chair Samson thanked Claude Metzler for his gracious hospitality at the Presbyterian Home. [11]. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 10, 1998 with minor changes. [ill] . COMMITTEE REPORTS HOUSING COMMITTEE - Bob Nottenburg stated he was stepping down as Chair of the Housing Committee but would remain on the Committee as an active member. Mr. Nottenburg thanked the members of the COA for the support that he has received over the past two and half years. CoA MIN. 02/07/98...Page 1 Mr. Nottenburg stated that he looks back with pride on two programs i.e., Taxi Cab Program and the Handyman Program. He stated Mr. Terry has been very instrumental in keeping the Handyman Program going forward. A block grant of $15,000.00 has been provided for this program. Mr. Nottenburg has been approached by Al Manning, member of the Taxi Board and they will meet for further discussion. The COA does not have a direct representative on this Commission. B. J. Thomas will be the new Chair of the Housing Committee. Assisted Living Taskforce was established in 1997. There are approximately 30 states that have some form of legislation and it appears that Illinois is going to have to do something. Mr. Nottenburg reiterated that the two Bills presented last year died in the General Assembly, and perhaps these Sills will be presented again in 1998. Mr. Nottenburg hopes that the AD HOC Committee on Assisted Living will be re energized and anyone who is willing to serve on it is more than welcome. Mr. Nottenburg will continue his Chair of this committee, and he anticipates that there will be quarterly meetings in 1998. Chair Samson questioned who is eligible for the Handyman Program, and Mr. Nottenburg stated that persons on Circuit Breaker and Mr. Terry stated anyone living in the Community Development target area and anyone living outside the Community Development target area who meets the income standard. This Program does not include apartment living but does include condo living. Chair Samson asked if this program could be expanded to include apartments. Mr. Terry stated the problem of including apartments is the City would be in the middle of the resident and the landlord, and the possibility of legal liability. Chair Samson would not like to see any senior who falls under the guidelines of the Handyman Program be excluded because they are not homeowners, and does this issue go to keeping Evanston seniors living in the community. Mr. Nottenburg stated that these are Federal funds the COA would have to check into this to see if these funds specify that repairs be done only to homeowner occupied buildings. Mr. Terry stated that this would increase the administrative costs in relations to the staff person i.e., getting into landlord verification, etc. Mr. Nottenburg stated that there are approximately 1400 renters over age 55 in Evanston. CoA. MIN.02/07/98... Page 2 } Mr. Terry added that Neighbors at Work, who the City sub contracts with, will not go into rental properties. B.J. Thomas expressed her thoughts that it would be not advisable to expand the Handyman Program into apartments due to the liability. Mr. Nottenburg believes the Housing Committee should look into the Handyman Program for apartments, rather than drop the matter entirely. Kathryn Hirn added as a postscript to Housing, the Perlman Apartments now has a Newsletter, which is provided by the Senior Citizen's Club. Ms. Hirn also stated that the applications for the Cook County Housing are open until February 27, 1998; call Sioux Tournoy. Ms. Hirn stated Ms. Tournoy sent letters out to various agencies regarding this. People living anywhere in Suburban Cook County can apply. Chair Samson wonder if the COA could get the word out to people interested in applying. Carla Frisch stated Metropolitan Family Service helps applicants in filling out the applications. INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Ms. Hirn reported that the Intergenerational Committee met January 20, 1998 at the CJE Adult Day Care. Ms. Hirn stated due to illness the speaker was unable to attend and Judy Holstein and Faith Block gave a wonderful presentation about Adult Day Care and their Intergenerational Program, involving children from various congregations and schools. Ms. Hirn felt that the attendees shared worthwhile ideas. Ms. Hirn stated that every Committee member has received a revised survey giving them an opportunity to comment. At the February 19, 1998 meeting, the survey mailing will be worked on and sent out. Ms. Hirn passed out pictures that were taken at the Xmas party held at the Northfield NSSC office. Shelley Wagner entered the room and Chair Samson as well as all the COA members welcomed him. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Sharon Lieberman presented the report at Dave Sutor's request due to his absence. Ms. Lieberman stated the LTC met January 21, 1998 at this meeting and Emma Harmon was welcomed as the newest Committee member. The LTC members were very vocal at this meeting regarding the next steps in conducting their planned study of CNAs in LTC facilities. For seven months the LTC Committee has been working on studying, planning and revising this study. CoA. MIN.02/07/98... Page 3 41 The purpose is to learn more about the CNA working in the Evanston facilities. The LTC will present the revised questionnaires to the COA for their review and approval, and then carry out the actual study in the immediate months ahead. The LTC Committee has worked very hard on this project and looks forward to the COA's approval. The COA then considered the Motion that the :ETC proceed with the CNA Study. Mr. Nottenburg opened the discussion and questioned "why proceed with a Survey that has been conducted several times in the past?" Ms. Lieberman explained that the prior Study was a Cultural Diversity Study involving three facilities. The LTC is trying to get into all the LTC facilities to find out what successful strategies within each facility keeps the CNAs there. Ms. Becker stated that two of the facilities attending the LTC Committee meeting appeared to be very interested in this Survey and raised questions regarding the information that had been obtained. LTC knows that not all facilities would be willing to participate but are hopeful for four or five to participate. Mr. Wagner expressed concern about the lack of input from the facility residents and questioned if the LTC has a Patient Advisory Committee, etc. for input. He feels the questions on the Survey would be of interest to the Admin_strators in helping them to keep good CNAs. Charlotte Becker stated in the process of going over seven months there have been additions and subtractions in this Survey. Mr. Nottenburg asked why these inspections these questions are not raised d•-:ring the Committee site visits. Mr. Metzler stated the LTC does ask questions at the time of site visit, but due to time factors cannot use this visit for questions only. Ms. Lieberman stressed this is not a scientific project but a Survey. Mr. Terry questioned #11 and how the cultural background of the CNAs and the accuracy of racial any incidents relate to the rest of the Survey. Would an Administrator answer this question in the af=irmative even if they have a difficult situation? He cautioned the LTC regarding this question. He further stated he did not understand the relationship to the Cultural Diversity Study. He understands the limitations to this Study, however, it is a statistically valid Study, completed by a professional researcher. Mr. Terry questioned what the LTC is doing with this Study now that it is completed. B. J. Thomas and Chair Samson questioned what the LTC plans to do with the Survey results. CoA. MIN.02/07/98... Page 4 Mr. Metzler believes they will receive some good suggestions from the facilities. Chair Samson stated this is the third Survey, i.e., Medicare, Diversity, and he questioned what the administrators will think about the LTC and the frequency and purpose of the Surveys. Will the administrators feel overburdened by another Survey? Ms. Becker believes that the Survey is very simple with the exception of #11. Ms. Lieberman stated the results of this Survey should enhance the administrators' understanding of what attracts CNA's to a particular facility. Chair Samson felt this is proprietary information and questioned how confidentiality of information would be protected. Chair Samson stated that question #6 may lead the administrator to wonder if he or she does not have a certain percentage of a particular ethnic group on staff they will be opened to a discrimination suit. Mr. Terry stated the letter addressed to the Administrators should read "City of Evanston COA LTC." Mr. Terry thanked Sharon Lieberman for representing Mr. Sutor at this meeting. The COA voted four in favor, three opposed, and three abstentions to allow the LTC to go forward with this Study. Motion carried. Ms. Lieberman indicated she would take all of the Commission concerns back to the LTC Committee. A Motion was made to reconsider the original Motion to incorporate some of the suggestions that the COA made before going ahead. Sharon Lieberman asked about the recommendations such as the resident and CNA training modules that came out of the Diversity Study done by C. Berdes. Ms. Flowers stated that Ms. Berdes did not plan to take the next step in developing the training module. Chair Samson stated the LTC should make those recommendations. A LTC site visit January 29, 1998 was made to St. Francis Transitional Care. This was the first site visit to this facility. On February 26, 1996 at 4:00 P.M., the LTC Committee will make a site visit to the Homecrest Foundation, 1430 Chicago Avenue. Training - Ms. Flowers stated that she will be in Springfield February 13 - February 15, 1998 for Ombudsman training. COA. MZN.02/07/98... Page 5 She reported she has been making regular facility visits, doing some investigations/consultations with some of the facility staff, and attending Resident Council Meetings. Ms. Flowers has been assisted by volunteers in going through the facilities identifying strengths and issues that they see. Levy Center - Mr. Metzler gave a history of the Redevelopment Levy Committee to oversee the Levy Center. The members of this Committee are: Jay Terry, Doug Gaynor, Lois Miller, and 15 others, of which 3 are members of the COA; Steve Samson, B. J. Thomas and Mr. Metzler. In December the developer, the Hill Company, was selected and approved by the City Council. On the affirmative plan specifics were to be submitted at the end of March, 1998. There are so many issues to be resolved i.e., what size of hotel or convention center, theater one or two, etc. As of the past Tuesday night meeting there were still three sites discussed for the Levy Center. The Redevelopment Committee will be meeting in another ten days. Mr. Terry stated the architect originally did a drawing of the triangle of the Research Park but now things are down to more detail and trying to make a fit. He cited the difference between the two developers and placement of the Levy Center. The McGaw YMCA is interested in having a Senior Center adjacent to their property. Mr. Terry stated that they have outlined a list of space and program needs they think the Center should have, and the Committee is reviewing a draft document of those needs right now and will engage their own architectural services to design roughly what a new Levy Center should look like. His guess is that they are still one year away from any shovels being placed in the ground. Mr. Terry stated that the Levy Center will be on non revenue generating land and the purpose of this development is to generate tax revenue. Therefore, an ongoing discussion is the location of stores versus Levy Center in prime spots. [IV]. CHAIR'S REPORT Chair Samson asked the members if they had give thought to the goals they might want to accomplish within the next twelve months. Emma Harmon commented that her concern is for residents of Evanston, having lived here most of their lives, and upon needing a nursing home go to the Chicago area to Retirement/Nursing facilities instead of staying in Evanston. CoA. MIN.02/07/98... Page 6 This is something she is interested in as a project to determine the reason for not staying in the Evanston Retirement/Nursing facilities but rather moving out of the area. The COA members made comments regarding what their thoughts are on the reasons for residents moving out, i.e., Medicaid, friends living in the Chicagoland area, and cost of the facilities. Sandi Johnson (NSSC) brought to the COA members' attention that prior to seniors entering a nursing home they have to go through a pre screening process. The pre screeners for Evanston is NSSC. The process is to make sure the seniors are knowledgeable about Community resources. There may be some resources in the Community such as home health care, companions, meals on wheels, that would enable the older person to remain at home and avoid premature nursing home placement. Ms. Johnson suggested that NSSC Nursing Supervisor, Judith Herbert (former COA Chair) meet with the COA and give a presentation on the Pre Screening Program. Mr. Wagner commented that some of the nursing facilities in Evanston, continue to keep the resident if their funds are depleted. He questioned to what period of time can the nursing homes keep residents without funds inasmuch as they are businesses and do need revenue to continue. Carla Frisch stated that $60,000.00 is the usual minimal cost to enter a nursing facility, and many times a senior will go to Chicago if they have limited funds and will require Medicaid coverage for nursing home care. Chair Samson suggested educating the community about available resources including long term care facilities. Ms. Sandi Johnson stated that at many hospitals, physicians make suggestions as to what facility the older adults should go to. Ms. Herbert will be contacted for a presentation at the March meeting. Chair Samson asked which Committee would like to take this on, and the consensus was LTC. B. J. Thomas and Bob Nottenburg suggested to have a Forum on this. [IV]. CHAIR'S REPORT Chair Samson asked the members if they had give thought to the goals they might want to accomplish within the next twelve months. Emma Harmon commented that her concern is for residents of Evanston, having lived here most of their lives, and upon needing a nursing home go to the Chicago area to Retirement/Nursing facilities instead of staying in Evanston. CoA. MIN.02/10/98... Page 7 LVj. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Law Enforcement Academy - The Cook County Sheriff's Office is having a Senior Citizen's Law Enforcement Academy at the North Shore Hotel free, and they will be covering a number of crime issues which starts Friday, February 13, 1998 and the five consecutive Fridays. All COA members are invited to attend. Community Forum - COA is co sponsoring with Wagner Health Center, a Mather Foundation Community, and the NSSC, a discussion on March 25, 1998 at the Evanston Public Library "Doing Things On Purpose: Caring for Persons with Memory Loss", and Mr. Terry encourages all COA members to attend. Senior Property Tax Assessment - Mr. Terry passed around literature received from the County Assessor regarding the Senior Property Tax Assessment freeze and property tax relief. Council for Jewish Elderly - Mr. Terry stated the CJE has notified the COA they have had an ongoing Crime Victim/Witness Program that is now available to Evanston residents. Income Tax Aid - Mr. Terry stated that the Income Tax Aid Program for Seniors is available by calling the office for appointments The NSSC is also offering this service. Budget Discussion - Mr. Terry reported that the City Budget discussions continue. Various revenue and expenditure scenarios are being discussed. The Budget must be approved by, February 28, 1998. Human Service Committee - Mr. Terry stated the City Council Human Services Committee will meet February 16, 1998, the Agenda items include a discussion with the Mental Health Board, The Human Services Committee and the Mental Health Board will try for a dialogue to work some issues out. The Committee will discuss a lakefront management plan which is something the City is developing. Vacancy - Mr. Terry stated the COA still has a vacancy. Ms. Becker suggested Kay Roberts, LTC, and Sharon Lieberman LTC who might be interested in applying for the COA Committee. CoA. MIN.02/07/98...Page 8 Shelley Wagner stated since these are non paying jobs is there something with respect to no pay incentives which might help in terms of bringing in people. Firestation - Mr. Terry stated that today at 1:00 P.M. the new Emerson Firestation was being dedicated and encouraged all COA to attend. Evil. NEW BUSINESS: COBOONTS : Ms. Hirn asked if the Income Tax Service Representatives made. home visits. Mr. Terry responded that NSSC will go to the homes. Ms. Becker stated a meeting was held at 2300 Noyes Ct, with approximately 15 persons in attendance. They hope to conduct their meetings in line with the Perlman Apartments. Ms. Becker will be doing Voter Registration on February 16, 1998 at Noyes Ct. Mr. Nottenburg stated that anyone who does not have access to a building due to a handicap, the ballot would be presented to them outside the building. Meeting adjourned at 11:40. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA. MIN.02/07/98... Page 9 r DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING March 07, 1999 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Kathryn Hirn, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Bettie Jean Thomas, Louis Moseley, Sheldon Wagner, Emma Harmon, and Claude Metzler Absent: Dave Sutor, Helen Powell, and Dale Noble Guests: Jane Punwani, Adina Romain, Judith Treadway, Sally Mackert (Intergenerational Committee), Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters), Judith Herbert (NSSC) Staff: Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott Ell. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:50 A.M. and welcomed the guests, and thanked Judith Herbert and Sally Mackert past COA Chairs for their attendance, and for their past service to the Commission. [111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 07, 1998. [1111. SPECIAL PRESENTATION - JUDITH HERBERT, NURSING HOME CHOICES BY EVANSTON RESIDENTS At the February 07, 1998 COA meeting an issue was raised concerning the choices Evanston residents make about nursing homes in keeping the residents of Evanston here and a way to educate the Community as to what their options and alternatives are. Judith Herbert of the NSSC was invited to this'meeting to describe the agency's Choices For Care Program. Chair Samson introduced Ms. Herbert. CoA MIN. 03/07/98... Page 1 a Ms. Herbert spoke about Choices For Care, a Statewide Program that NSSC administers in Evanston, and other nearby suburbs. In 1996, the State of Illinois required and anyone 60 years of age and older be prescreened to entering nursing homes. NSSC averages approximately 350 - 500 screenings per month. The Determination of Need is a tool used in the prescreening to evaluate individuals' ability to perform activities of daily living. She explained that the State of Illinois has an interest in providing options to nursing home care. The State of Illinois pays for the majority of nursing home care, through its Medicaid Program. In the hospital the social worker will give the family some guidance regarding nursing homes. Ms. Herbert believes that persons should take the time and educate themselves and look into options for long term care prior to the time it is needed. Things to consider in the nursing home selection process include type and levels of care provided, the location, whether the facility is for profit or has not profit status, the facility's religious affiliation, cost of the services. The original goal of the Choices For Care Program was to inform older adults of Community resources and avoid unnecessary nursing home placement, thereby saving Illinois' taxpayers money. Ms. Herbert stated that generally most nursing home placement are for short term rehabilitation. There is a Community Care Program which provides a homemaker in the home or adult day care for older adults. Older single adults qualify by having limited assets, i.e. under $10,000. It provides up to 3 hours a day, five days a week of help. Mr. Terry asked if the not for profit nursing facilities market as aggressively as the for profit facilities. Ms. Herbert stated they do. Ms. Herbert stated that many facilities will check that applicants have sufficient funds to cover the cost of their care for the first year. Ms. Herbert explained that persons may decline the screening, and many applicants do not wish to reveal their financial status. Mr. Metzler suggested that everyone needing this program present their previous year income tax therefore, providing the necessary information. Ms. Herbert referred to the State of Oregon who has been able to get a Medicaid Waiver Program to pay for individuals who are in Assisted Living facilities. However, in Illinois Medicaid does not pay for Assisted Living. Some of the states pay for more hours in the home than only a few hours a day. CaA. MIN.03/07/98... Page 2 J. if some one is frail and needs assistance they may require care up to 24 hours a day. It is not always cost effective. Ms. Herbert stated that some families opt to pay the Community Care Program for additional hours of care to provide a consistent caregiver to their older relative without involving a lot of different agencies. Mr. Terry stated that he wanted to clarify that one reason for today's invitation was to discuss the perception of a disproportionate number of minorities are diverted to long term care facilities outside of Evanston. Ms. Herbert's opinion is that Evanston residents are going to Chicago, Des Plaines, and Niles, due primarily to cost, and many Evanston residents have HMO's that have contracts with certain facilities. Charlotte Becker stated that on site visits the LTC should be more cognizant of who lives in each facility. Chair Samson thanked Ms. Herbert for her presentation. INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - D. Romain, Sally Mackert, Jane Punwani, Judith Treadway thanked the COA for allowing them to make the presentation. They also thanked Sally Mackert for her hard work and dedication to the Committee. The reason for the presentation is their concern that the COA members are not aware of the Committee's past accomplishments, and the future things they hope to do. Ms. Romain gave the history of the Intergenerational Committee starting with the forming of a taskforce and the ongoing activities of the Intergenerational Committee. She described the benefits of Intergenerational Programs at area elementary and middle schools and nursing homes and the Committee's role in the development of these programs. The Committee has produced a Newsletter, sponsored Forums and has presented at The Governor's Conference on Aging. Ms. Punwani and Ms. Romain described the Committee's surveys of existing Intergenerational Programs and the Forums developed, based on the results of the surveys and the interests of survey responders. The Committee's current focus is on the issue of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. Judith Treadway described the history of the Grandparents Support Group, started by Mattie Harmon and now affiliated with NSSC. She noted that there is difficulty recruiting grandparents, and getting grandparents to come out to the Grandparent Support Group. Ms. Treadway stated that the two major reasons for grandparents getting involved with caring for their grandchildren is due to divorce or abuse. CoA. MIN.03/07/98... Page 3 .g Chair Samson asked what the COA could do to help the Committee. The Intergenerational Committee requested more participation from COA members, funding for newsletters, staff assistance, etc. Me. Hirn would like to see more interest among COA members. Chair Samson inquired as to how many Intergenerational members do the actual "hands on" work. Four to five are doing the work, and others have been brought in to assist, as needed, i.e., District 65. He feels perhaps through networking with other agencies this would be beneficial for the Intergenerational Committee. Mr. Terry stated that staff support is always available for projects of the COA. The staff has been working with various projects and the projects should be identified as a priority of the COA. Chair Samson stated that there is some funding for publications; Mr. Terry stated that since this is through the Ombudsman grant, the LTC requests priority would come first. It was noted that in the past, Alderman Kent has expressed interest in the Intergenerational Committee. Chair Samson will contact Alderman Kent and see what he has in mind. The COA will assist the Intergenerational Committee in anyway possible and make a plea to all of the new COA members to look into the Intergenerational Committee. Sally Mackert thanked the personnel who had assisted her over the years and to Kathryn Hirn who has taken over as the Chair. Kathryn Hirn stated the Intergenerational Committee would be meeting next week to go over the Survey plans. III. COMMITTEE REPORTS HOUSING COMMITTEE - B. J. Thomas, the new Chair, stated the Housing Committee would not be meeting April 04, 1998. She will advise the COA as to when the next meeting will be held. Mr. Terry stated that the City Council's agenda includes a request from Ebenezer Church for an extension of their Special Use which is needed to build Jacob Blake Manor. Special Uses are only good for a one year period. Construction of Jacob Blake has not yet begun and evidentially the church needs more time to make the project a reality. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - In Dave Sutor's absence Charlotte Becker presented the LTC report. CoA. MIN.03/07/98... Page 4 On February 26, 1998 at 4:00 P.M., the LTC Committee made a site visit to the Homecrest Foundation, 1430 Chicago Avenue, which is a Christian Science Retirement Home and Assisted Living facility. The LTC Committee has made the revisions which were requested to the COA survey. A site visit is planned to the Evanston Hospital Transitional Care Unit, 2650 Ridge, Evanston, Illinois, March 26, 1998, and all COA members are invited to attend. Nancy Flowers reported that she had attended the SAGE meeting on March 4, 1998, which included a review of proposed legislation before the Cook County Board of Commissioners, and the House and Senate, at the State and Federal level; including Bills that change and expand some of the regulations pertaining to Elder Abuse in LTC facilities, changing and expanding some of the regulations, expanding the number of professionals to be mandated reporters and to increase the penalties; a bill proposing LTC facilities to display, where all can see it, the Ombudsman phone number and the name of the Ombudsman Program. A Bill proposing the development of a pilot program of Intergenerational Day Care sites in the State of Illinois. Numerous Bills to increase wages for homemakers; a bill to register Assisted Living facilities that is being supported by the Department On Aging and Life Services Network. LSN is an organization of facilities that provide long term care for older adults. The Department on Aging is supporting this very strongly. The legislation proposes the registration of Assisted Living facilities and exemption from any regulations by the Department of Public Health. The Ombudsmen Program opposes this legislation. This is Bill #0743. There was on a Federal level a spoke person from Access Living on Bill HR2020 Qualified Community Based Attendee Services. There are thirty five co sponsors, ten of which are from Illinois. One of the primary goals is to get people who want to be in the Community out of nursing homes. 2300 Noyes Ct. Ms. Flowers stated the Resident Council has requested additional assistance from Ms. Becker and Ms. Flowers. Their Resident Council is struggling with what their purpose should be. Ms. Flowers and Ms. Becker will assist in making this a more viable council for the residents. MTN.03/07/98...Page 5 Ms. Hecker commented on her visit to the Ambassador Nursing facility in Chicago which consists of mainly Korean and Spanish residents as well as the staff. Ms. Hecker feels this is something that has not been addressed in Evanston with the Latino population. Mr. Terry stated the Latino Ombudsman Program at the Evanston Human Services Office has contact with the elderly Latino population in Evanston regarding nursing homes is infrequent because the majority of Latino residents are from a particular region in Mexico and invariably return to Mexico for long term care. [IV]. CHAIR'S REPORT Chair Samson commented that the Levy Planning Group is moving forward, and asked Mr. Terry to update the Commission in his report. Disabled Parking Patrol - Chair Samson will be in contact with Chief Kaminski regarding this. Chair Samson is looking for five seniors who would be willing to participate in this with training starting in April, 1998. Anyone knowing of interested volunteers please give this information to Chair Samson. Senior Service Officer - Chair Samson stated he has been unsuccessful in getting a grant, i.e., $15,000 - $20,000 for the Police Department to hire a part time retired police officer to focus solely on senior crime issues, give safety talks, etc. Chair Samson had contacted HARP who indicated that they had no funds available and referred him to other sources to no avail. If any COA has any sources for him to contact, please let him know. Resignation Ted Anderson - Chair Samson reported that Mr. Anderson has submitted his letter of resignation from the Commission. At the present time the COA has two openings and if any COA members knows of interested persons please submit their names to the Mayor as soon as possible. [VI. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Community Forum - Mr. Terry reminded the COA about the Forum March 25, 1998 at the Evanston Public Library "Doing Things on Purpose" Caring For Persons With Memory Loss" which COA is co sponsoring with NSSC and the Wagner Health Center. CoA. MIN.03/07/98... Page 6 The Department of Health and Human Services is holding a huge Health Fair, April 8, 1998, at the Levy Center and we encourage all members to attend as well as pass out flyers. The Senior Providers Exchange - The quarterly meeting of the Senior Providers Exchange is March 13, 1998 and the speakers are: Erica Karp, North Shore Elder Care who will speak on Guardianship, Rev. Robert Thomas, Primm Tower speaking on Primm's activities, and Walter Kasamurzak, Secretary of State. Swedish Retirement Home - Mr. Terry reminded the COA the April 04, 1998 meeting will be at the Swedish Retirement Home, 2320 Pioneer. Income Tax Assistance - This service continues through April 8, 1998 for the Evanston seniors. City Council Rules Committee - This Committee met on Monday night and one proposal that is being considered is requesting of each Board and Commission that their meetings be televised and to mandate that at least one annual meeting is on TV. There is an effort to make sure the Cable stations are utilized more effectively, and keep citizens well informed. Levy Center - Mr. Terry distributed copies of a memo which had been sent to the Assistant City Manager outlining the space needs of a new senior center. The Levy Center Planning group developed this list after a number of meetings and consultations with center participants. The group is requesting a Center of 20,000 to 25,000 square feet. Rather than designate special uses for each room, an ideal Center will have a number of large multi- purpose rooms which will allow a variety of programs and give Center management the flexibility it needs into the future. It is anticipated that the City will soon retain architectural services to begin designing how this space will fit together. Regarding the location of the new Center, Mr. Terry described the challenges the developer faces in getting all of the City's needs and requests to fit in the development triangle. The, Planning group has a meeting scheduled with the developer, Mr. Hill on March 11th, at which time he will unveil the location he is currently proposing for the new Center. CoA. MIN.03/07/98...Page 7 The Planning group will discuss the program plan with the Human Services Committee at their meeting of April 8, 1998. Steve Samson indicated he was pleased with the way the process has evolved thus far and invited any Commission members with comments about the development to contact him or Mr. Terry. VI]. NEW BUSINESS: None. COM ONTS : None. Meeting adjourned at 12:00. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA. MIN.03/Q7/98... Page 8 .. Fe) 11 14_0119..10.1 !1 !j 11410i -i 9" EVANSTON CONNISSION ON AGING April 04, 1998 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Kathryn Hirn, Dave Sutor, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Bettie Jean Thomas, Louis Moseley, Emma Harmon, and Claude Metzler Absent: Sheldon Wagner, Helen Powell, and Dale Noble Guests: Stuart Anderson, Bonnie Parsegian, Ruth Halstrom, Clara Buss, Naomi Burdick, Thelma Jackson, Dottie Krumsiley, Margaret Brunselle, Gaye Fae, Winifred Bauer,(SRA), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), and Debbie Bindler, NSSC Staff: Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott Ill. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:45 A.M. and welcomed the guests, and thanked the administration and residents of Swedish Retirement Home for allowing the COA to conduct the April 04, 1998 meeting at their facility. The COA members then introduced themselves to the audience. Chair Samson encouraged the audience to feel free to ask any questions and to participate at this meeting. (111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 07, 1998. [111] . COMMITTEE REPORTS INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Emma Harmon suggested that if the Intergenerational Committee was going to have a speaker attend a future COA meeting, she would like to see Mattie Harmon being that speaker. CoA MIN. 04/04/98...Page I • f. Chair Samson commented that COA members are required to be on one Committee, i.e., LTC, Housing, or Intergenerational and he encourages in particular, new members to join one of the Committees which meets their interest, and be active on that Committee. Kathryn Hirn stated the Intergenerational Committee is a high energy Committee. Ms. Hirn welcomed Erestine Guillebeaux as its newest member. The next meeting of the Intergenerational meeting is Monday, April 20, 1998 at 3:45 P.M. At the April 20, 1998 meeting the members will be reviewing articles for the Newsletter. The Survey returns will be reviewed at this meeting also. Charlotte Becker complimented the Intergenerational Committee for their presentation at the COA March 07, 1998 meeting. She suggested that if at all possible a discussion of such be placed on the agenda in advance and a time limit for each presenter be given; Ms. Thomas and Dave Sutor concurred with this. HOUSING COMMITTEE - B. J. Thomas, Chair, reported the Housing Committee had not met and June, 1998 is the next scheduled meeting. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor reported the monthly site visit was held March 26, 1998 at Evanston Hospital Transitional Care Unit and the February 26, 1998 site visit was to the Homecrest Foundation, 1430 Chicago Avenue, which is a Christian Science Retirement Home and Assisted Living facility. The LTC Committee discussed the next step on carrying out the LTC study of the Evanston nursing facilities and retirement homes to gather information regarding CNA's. Members will go to the facilities and distribute questionnaires, collect them, and to talk to administrators. The next LTC meeting will be April 08, 1998 at the Civic Center. Nancy Flowers reported that she had met with the current Ombudsmen volunteers going into Evanston LTC facilities. CoA. MIN.04/04/98... Page 2 .r Ms. Flowers plans to schedule training meetings four times a year to address the educational needs and concerns of volunteers. Future topics include residents rights, end of life issues and caring for residents with HIV/AIDS. The next SAGE meeting is April 14, 1998. SAGE discusses legislation issues effecting older adults, etc. Ms. Flowers had received a copy of an article appearing in the New York Times "Blacks Carry The Load for Their Elderly". This speaks about the care given in the home by African American families to the elderly and indicates that African Americans provide twice as much in home care than White families. Ms. Flowers noted that she continues to receive a lot of calls requesting information on long term care options, approximately 40 a month. Ms. Flowers described the forum sponsored by Wagner Health Center, NSSC and COA on memory loss entitled "Doing Things on Purpose". A Canadian occupational therapist who specializes in working with people with Alzheimer's disease presented. Ms. Flowers recommended that this presentation be repeated due to the quality of the speaker and interest in this topic. Charlotte Becker commented how she found this Forum very interesting. Jay Terry reported that 8 - 10 residents of the Wagner Health Care toured the Civic Center, spoke with the Mayor and visited the office of Health and Human Services. Mr. Terry stated the workload of the Ombudsman Program has been heavy this past week with three different crises at St. Francis Extended Care, Albany Care, and The Georgian. After trying to track Ms. Flowers via telephone, he is actively aware of her need to be available via a beeper. S. J. Thomas asked about training of Ombudsmen. Ms. Flowers stated that she wanted to first meet with the current Ombudsmen and develop their training program prior to scheduling training of interested people in becoming Ombudsmen volunteers. CoA. MIN.04/04/98...Page 3 V. 2300 Noyes Ct. - Charlotte Becker stated that the socially active residents are trying to maintain the monthly Residents Council meetings and accomplish various tasks i.e., elimination of gang bangers there, maintenance problems, etc. At the present time there is a Vice President and Secretary. Ms. Flowers has been in contact also with the residents. Melanie Amin, Social Services Coordinator, is becoming more involved with the 2300 Noyes Ct. Residents and will have an office at this facility. Emma Harmon cited an unpleasant incident that occurred to a friend of hers living at 2300 Noyes Ct. B. J. Thomas stated she would make arrangements for the Levy bulletin to be sent out each month for distribution to the residents. Bob Nottenburg commented on Assisted Living and the Assisted Living Task Force hopes to meet soon. Mr. Terry stated that Senate Bill #743 is still alive in the legislature with significant amendments proposed for it. John Lavin, Director of Suburban Area on Aging, had referred a very knowledgeable Chicago Tribune reporter to contact Mr. Terry for an interview about Assisted Living issues. Mr. Terry . provided what the COA is looking at. When and if this article will be printed Mr. Terry did not know. Mr. Nottenburg suggested that on the next roster any COA member having an E mail address, Fax number, etc. this information should be added. Charlotte Becker commented that HARP and Microsoft are holding two computer workshops, April 17, 1998/June, 1998 at the Evanston Library. [IV] . CHAIR'S REPORT Chair Samson commented that the Levy Planning Group met March 11, 1998, with B. J. Thomas, and Claude Metzler and himself present. Disabled Parking Patrol - Chair Samson is working with Chief Kaminski regarding this. Chair Samson is looking for five seniors who would be willing to participate in this with training starting in April, 1998. CoA. MIN.04/04/98... Page 4 Senior Service Officer - Chair Samson stated thus far he has been unsuccessful in getting grant monies for this. In his endeavors to get monies, he has contacted Skokie Police, Donors Forum, and AARP without success. He also has been in contact with Chief Kaminski, Evanston Police Department, to hire a part time retired police officer. Human Services Committee Meeting - April 6, 1998 the Human Services Committee will meet, and it is important that as many COA members be present due to the discussion on the Levy Center. Ms. Becker questioned the riding of bicycles illegally in commercial areas. Chair Samson will be speaking with Chief Kaminski regarding the enforcement of this. [V] . DIRECTOR'S REPORT City Council Rules Committee - This Committee has proposed that every Board and Commission consider televising its meetings either every meeting or at a minimum once a year. This would require using the City Council Chambers which has the cameras. The comments from the COA - is there a dress code? Would this affect having meetings at off site locations? Chair Samson suggested that perhaps one meeting televised and it could be the the September meeting. Most members are not in favor of having every meeting televised. March 9th Winter Storm and Electric Outage - The Health and Human Services Department was involved with this crisis for approximately 72 hours, i.e., four LTC facilities without power, directing Evanston residents to warming shelters. Bob Nottenburg asked how residents were notified of the warming shelters. Mr. Terry noted that this was difficult due to electricity being out but the City had notified WBBM radio and informed citizens who contacted City departments. St. Francis Hospital and Robert Crown Center were the two shelters and Levy Center (which no one used). St. Francis Hospital volunteered on their own to be used as a shelter and did a wonderful job of taking care of approximately 15 residents. Department staff worked 24 hour shifts, and the staff did a great job. Word of mouth was used and as is often the case, many persons would not leave their homes. CoA. MIN.04/04/98... Page 5 Mr. Terry will host a meeting to discuss an emergency plan for senior housing and LTC facilities on April 23, 1998. All LTC administrators, Fire Department personnel, Senior Housing managers will speak about an emergency housing backup plan. June Meeting - Mr. Terry noted he is hopeful this meeting can be held at the James King Home. No meetings will be permitted at the Civic Center that Saturday, it is the site for a Household Hazardous Pickup event. Health Fair at Levy Center - Mr. Terry reminded the COA members about the Health Fair April 8, 1998 at the Levy Center. Evanston Senior Providers Exchange - The quarterly meeting was March 13, 1998, Rev. Robert Thomas of Primm Tower, made a presentation which was very informative regarding how their waiting lists are handled, how the building is administered, etc. All the senior housing providers spoke about doing a presentation at the next Senior Providers Exchange. Ebenezer Church did receive a one year zoning extension from the City Council to complete the Jacob Blake Manor project. Levy Center - Mr. Terry commented that there are three processes going on at once: which is what programs are going to be in the building, what is the building going to look like, and where is the building going to be located. The March 11, 1998 meeting was where the Planning Group met with the developer Mr. Hill. Mr. Hill came forward with a proposal that called for a new Senior Center on the ground floor and a Performing Arts on the second floor in a location approximately between the "L" station and the "Metra" station, between Church and Davis. A suggestion of a walkway which bisected the building was unacceptable and Mr. Hill has now come up with a Senior Center which is together in one place, same location. There was a joint meeting of the City Council and the Economic Development Committee. Monday evening the program plan will be discussed with the Human Services Committee, which includes a list of programs that the Planning Committee has come up with in terms of what would happen in the building. if the City Council approves this program, then staff will request the engagement of an architectural firm to actually draw what the building would look like. CoA. MTN.04/04/98... Page 6 B. J. Thomas asked why the $20.00/year charge by the Levy Center? Mr. Terry stated that the Center is supported by the City however, many programs in the Recreation Department have a revenue component to them. Mr. Terry hopes that there will be more outreach activities at the new Center. Steve Samson indicated he was pleased with the way the process has evolved thus far and invited any Commission members with comments about the development to contact him or Mr. Terry. Tour of the Swedish Retirement Home - Mr. Terry reminded the Commission that if any of the COA members are interested there is a tour of rooms and the Chapel right after the meeting. V11 . NW BUSnMSS : None. COMMMUS : Carla Frisch, Metropolitan Family Services, commented that the Health Fair will conduct a seminar on Crimes Against the Elderly. Ms. Frisch discussed the agency, Elder Care Geriatric Management service. She described some cases in which the parents live in one state and the children in another state; agency staff have been able to use the Internet and give them all the services that would be available in that community. Charlotte Becker inquired if Metropolitan Family Services still have a summer camp in Algonquin for the seniors and Ms. Frisch responded yes, and it is very reasonable. Chair Samson thanked the Swedish Retirement Home for allowing COA to present at their facility. Meeting adjourned at 12:00. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA. MIN.04/04/98... Page 7 DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING May 02, 1998 MINUTES Preaent: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Kathryn Hirn, Dave Sutor, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Bettie Jean Thomas, Sheldon Wagner, Emma Harmon, and Claude Metzler Absent: Louis Moseley, Helen Powell, and Dale Noble Guests: Julie Boggess (The Mather), Jeanne Zimmer (Evanston League of Women Voters), Gina LaPalio (Alden Estates of Evanston), and Judith Herbert, (NSSC) Staff: Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott Ell. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:50 A.M. Chair Samson welcomed the guests and asked that they introduce themselves. Charlotte Becker stated that the Mayor had reappointed her for another three term to the COA, and she had accepted. till. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 04, 1998, with minor corrections. [ill] . COMMITTEE REPORTS INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Kathryn Hirn reported that Mattie Harmon would be available in July to speak at the COA meeting on Grandparents Support Groups. Emma Harmon suggested if July was not acceptable due to the location of the July, 1998 meeting, that Mattie Harmon be extended an invitation for a future COA meeting at the Civic Center. CoA MIN. 05/02/98...Page 1 Me. Becker suggested that any COA outside speaker be held to approximately 20 - 30 minutes presentation/discussion. Mr. Sutor concurred with this. Ms. Hirn stated that the Intergenerational Committee had received numerous responses to their Survey and these will be collated and a report will be presented at the next COA meeting. The Committee is working on the Newsletter and have a number of articles for the Newsletter. The next Intergenerational meeting is May 18, 1998 and Christy Dailey, YWCA, is the guest speaker. HOUSING COMMITTEE - B. J. Thomas, Chair, reported she had attended the Senior Connections Meeting sponsored by the Reba Place Church and they discussed ways to contact commissioners and others concerning resources available in the Community. Ms. Thomas met with Reverend Robert Thomas, Primm Tower, and they are upgrading the Primm Tower building. Ms. Thomas will be meeting with Pastor Wade to talk about the Jacob Blake building. Charlotte Becker stated that some of the low income housing handicap residents are in need of transportation to be able to attend different functions in the Community. 2300 Noyes Ct. - Charlotte Becker stated that the Residents Council meetings are moving along and efforts are being made to increase the attendance of the residents, but some are still afraid of being asked to move out if they make complaints. Twenty residents attended this meeting. Two persons who were not on a lease and living at Noyes Ct. have been evicted. There is one remaining individual who is not on a lease but staying with a resident; Resident Council members are trying to find out the reason for this. One incident was cited of a resident with memory problems setting off the smoke detector and incidents of this nature should be reported to the management. Ms. Becker stated that the Robinson Bus Company supplements some rides for the residents. Emma Harmon stated her impression at this meeting was some residents are afraid to speak up and that there still is the drug factor in the building. Ms. Becker stated that Council for Jewish Elderly was interested in providing services for the Russian residents of Noyes. Ms. Flowers suggested that Melanie Amin follow up with CJE. The minutes of the last meeting have been recorded and are being typed up by one of the residents who has a tape -recorder. CoA. MIN.05/02/98... Page 2 Judith Herbert mentioned that NSSC and the City of Evanston.are co sponsoring exercise classes at Primm Tower. Ms. Flowers commented there was a $.50 cent charge per class. Ms. Flowers encouraged the COA to attend and observe these classes and Chair Samson stated that he had spoken with Alderman Kent and he was very happy to hear of the co sponsored exercise program at Primm Tower. Chair Samson stated he wondered to what extent should the City through COA provide some type of recreational program to those seniors who cannot afford to have it in their own facility. Me. Becker stated that the Noyes Ct. residents were interested in exercise classes at their facility but they had no VCR and even if they did have one, storage is a problem. Chair Samson stated that if someone did donate a VCR would there be someone there to facilitate Wellness Classes? Ms. Becker also mentioned that Melanie Amin now has an office at 2300 Noyes Ct. Ms. Becker stated the difference between -Noyes Ct. having a maintenance man, and Perlman building having a couple living on the premises who are caretakers for the building. Chair Samson stated that the COA has limited input due to this being a Cook County Housing Authority run building. Emma Harmon questioned why the maintenance individual is kept if he cannot perform his duties? Chair Samson stated that perhaps there are legal related employment issues whereby they cannot just fire this individual B. J. Thomas stated that she had mailed out to the three senior buildings the Levy Newsletter. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated the LTC did not meet in April due to lack of a quorum. However, an informal meeting was held. Committee members discussed the CNA Study which will shortly be conducted. Encouragement for this study has been received from Presbyterian Homes, Wagner Health Care and Alden Estates of Evanston. The next LTC meeting will be May 13, 1998 at the Civic Center. Mr. Sutor reported on a special meeting held at the Civic Center April 23, 1998 regarding Emergency Preparedness for LTC facilities in Evanston. Jay Terry conducted this meeting. CoA. MIN.05/02/98...Page 3 Attending this meeting were: Nancy Flowers, Al Berkowicz Fire Department, Max Rubin Facility Management, Gina LaPalio, Alden Estates, representatives from Presbyterian Homes, Oakwood Terrace, Greenwood Care, Albany Care, Dobson Plaza, Swedish Retirement, King Home, North Shore Hotel, Cook County Housing Authority, and NSSC. They reviewed the City's response to the North Shore Retirement Hotel's fire as well as the recent electrical outage this past winter. Discussed the need for facilities to do emergency planning including the development of a written plan which can be on file with the Fire Department. Mr. Terry discussed the need to coordinate information flow and the facilities expressed their strong concern due to lack of reliable information from Commonwealth Edison. Mr. Terry discussed the need for facilities who provide Assisted Living to ensure their contracted services have emergency plans as well. Agreed that a taskforce would be convened to do some planning and information sharing. Mr. Terry suggested that the taskforce could fall under the umbrella of the Evanston COA. Persons at the meeting volunteered to serve on the taskforce. Jay Terry will contact persons from the organizations who did not attend this meeting to determine their interest in taking part in this taskforce. Mr. Sutor stated all Commission members are invited to take part in this. Ms. Flowers and Mr. Terry will notify COA members when the first meeting will be held. Claude Metzler mentioned a radio program on WBEZ 91.5 FM, May 05, 1998, 10:30 A.M., "The Last Place". The subject is a retirement home in Evanston (Presbyterian Homes) whereby residents are interviewed as to their likes and dislikes of retirement home living. Mr. Metzler felt it showed the downside and negative reaction. However, if you do hear this program you will find the music delightful (music by Mr. Metzler). Ms. LaPalio, Alden Estates of Evanston, commented that a program of this type hurts everyone with its negative view. Judith Herbert commented that she felt the residents were just voicing their opinions. [IV] . CHAIR'S REPORT Senior Service Officer - Chair Samson reported he had spoken with Chief Kaminski, and the Chief has drafted up a proposal. He did go to Fel Pro, but unfortunately this company has been bought out and the new firm does not fund this type of program. CoA. MIN.05/02/98... Page 4 Chair Samson spoke with Lexis, a legal publisher_ and he will follow up with their grant representative. Disabled Parking Patrol - Chair Samson spoke with John Eckert in Springfield and the City of Springfield has a program in place and they will be forwarding a copy of their program. Chief Kaminski is most interested in this. Human Services Committee Meeting - April 6, 1998 the Human Services Committee met and a presentation was made by the Levy Group. There were many in attendance from the COA and Chair Samson was glad to see the progress made by the Levy Group. The Committee did present to the Human Service Committee which passed along to the City Council a proposal for the new Levy Center. Chair Samson spoke to several of the Aldermen and they were in favor of this. He thanked the COA and its members for participating and doing a great job. Chair Samson did attend a Evanston Chamber of Commerce City/Chamber Committee meeting where Doug Gaynor, Director, did speak about the Recreation Department and a large part of the questions coming from the Committee centered upon the Levy Center and its role in the new development. Chair Samson feels that the COA should maintain a strong advocate's voice on behalf of the Levy Center. There are some residents in the Community who do not see the importance of the Levy Center. Mr. Wagner commented that the parking at the proposed site will be inadequate and a distant walk to the Center, and he feels that some of the things mentioned that they were going to do will not come to pass. He hopes that we can keep the pressure on so that they will do what they say they are going to do. Mr. Nottenburg commented he felt that the building of the Levy Center is still too far away to be overly concerned about. Senior Connections Meeting - Chair Samson, B. J. Thomas, Kathryn Hirn and intergenerational members, attended the Senior Connections Meeting and Chair Samson felt this meeting was very informative due to the networking between synagogues/churches and other groups. With the budget crunch with the City he is happy to see that we can rely on these other services to help provide services. CoA. MIN.05/02/98...Page 5 Metropolitan Family Services quarterly Meeting - Chair Samson attended the Metropolitan Family Services Quarterly Meeting where issues about extending the network were discussed. Council. for Jewish Elderly Witness/Victim Assistance Program - Chair Samson spoke with Council for Jewish Elderly Witness and Victim Assistance Program and they have moved into Evanston and are working with the Evanston Police Department to extend their program here. Bicycle Riding - Chair Samson spoke with Chief Kaminski regarding bicycle riding on the sidewalks in downtown Evanston and he is stepping up ticketing. Community Care - Chair Samson received a call from Alexander Brown (NSSC) regarding the Community Care Program. Chair Samson asked Me. Herbert to comment on this. Ms. Herbert stated the number of hours an individual may receive depends on "Determination of Need". The maximum would be 35 - 36 hours per week, six days per week. Ms. Herbert did state in serving some of the clients living in suburbs it is difficult to get the home care worker to these areas due to transportation/time element getting there. Home care makers servicing the Chicagoland area usually have transportation available to them, (i.e.,RTA, CTA). Realistically, the individual will receive 15 - 20 hours three - five days a week. Usually, there is another person in the home who can give the other time needed. Ms. Herbert commented on the DORS Program, stating it is pretty well defunct due to trying to find workers to go out in the homes. June Meeting -- Chair Samson stated the June 06, 1998 meeting would be held at the James King Home, 1555 Oak. Mr. Metzler mentioned that there is guest parking on the north side of the home. July Meeting - Chair Samson stated the July 11, 1998 meeting would be held at the Georgian, 422 Davis. Ms. Flowers stated at the request of the COA, as well as various facilities, from time to time, meetings will be held at off site locations. CoA. MIN.05/02/98... Page 6 Mr. Nottenburg stated he hoped to have an Assisted Living Meeting June 06, 1998, and B. J. Thomas stated she hoped to have a Housing meeting July 11, 1998. Ombudsmen LTC Meetings Springfield - Ms. Flowers reported she had been attending LTC Ombudsmen meetings in Springfield April 28 - May 01, 1998. In addition to this she spent time at the State Capitol to lobby the legislators to provide funding for the Ombudsmen Program. Ms. Flowers stated the State of Illinois does not provide funding for the Ombudsmen Program. This group also made contact with several lobbyists about the Assisted Living legislation (SB743). There appears to be a growing support for this legislation and Ms. Flowers and other LTC Ombudsmen were able to speak to a group of legislators about the legislation. SB 743 has been tabled for discussion in the Fall, 1998. Ms. Flowers has been very busy with investigations; presented to a couple of family councils at Oakwood, and Alden Estates, Inc.; and has had some requests for staff training as well. [V] . DIRECTOR'S REPORT Health Fair Meeting - The Health Fair had approximately 750 people attending, and with such a good turnout, it is hoped that this will be an annual affair. We will be discussing methods to improve the fair for 1999, i.e., what worked and what did not. Evanston Symphony - Ms. Flowers stated that Mr. Terry wanted to mention the Evanston Symphony and Outreach Program with reference to Ms. Decker's interest. They have an older adult outreach program to the Community seniors and have requested our support of the program and a letter has been written to confirm this. Home Equity Conversion - The COA is co sponsoring with Levy and other groups a presentation on Home Equity Conversion May 15, 1998, 8:30 - 11:30 A.M. at the Levy Center. The subject will be FHA Reverse Mortgage Programs, Fannie Mae Home Keeping Mortgages, Deferred Tax Payment Loans, etc. COA. MIN.05/02/98... Page 7 Farmers Karket Information Table - Ms. Flowers asked if this was something the COA wanted to do again this year. After discussion is was determined to look into this. Levy Center - Ms. Flowers stated that Mr. Terry did not have any additional news on the Levy Center. The program statement has been forwarded to the development architects. They are developing preliminary analysis to determine if the program needs can accommodated, in the space allocated, with the Levy Center. Evil . NEW BUSINESS: None. COMMENTS: Charlotte Becker stated Silver Images Film is being presented at the NSSC with a donation of $3.00 and there is one at Northwestern with a charge of $6.00. The Meeting adjourned at 11:30. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA. MIN.05/02/98...Page 8 In DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING June 06, 1998 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Kathryn Hirn, Dave Sutor, Louis Moseley, Sheldon Wagner, and Claude Metzler Absent: Ernestine Guillebeaux, Bettie Jean Thomas, Helen Powell, Emma Harmon, and Dale Noble Guests: Jeanne Zimmer (Evanston League of Women Voters), Judith Herbert, (NSSC), and George Grinnell Staff: Jay W. Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott [1]. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:50 A.M. Chair Samson welcomed the guests and asked that they introduce themselves. Ill]. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 02, 1998, with manor corrections. COMMITTEE REPORTS INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Kathryn Hirn reported that this is a very busy time for the Intergenerational Committee with the preparation of the Newsletter, i.e., being proofread, pictures being assembled. The target date for distribution is June 27, 1998. Ms. Hirn reported that NSSC received a grant for child care so they will be able to expand the grandparents group, since child care will be provided enabling more grandparents to attend. Ms. Hirn attended the University of Chicago/Alumni Weekend or_ Innovations in Social Work. Senior Connections had presented its program as a focus session this past weekend at the University of Chicago. CoA MIN. 06/06/98... Page 1 Me. Hirn found it interesting that Senior Connections was one, if not the only agency, that had an aging focus. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated the LTC is continuing its preparations for the CNA LTC Study of eight nursing facilities in Evanston. The Committee approved a letter to be sent to the Administrators at the nursing facilities, a memo to the CNAs at each facility, and the assignments of each Committee member to meet with each participating administrator at the facility. A report was given about the Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting held late April, 1998 involving Evanston Nursing and Retirement home administrative staff; the Committee expects to be closely involved with the work of the taskforce which was formed at that meeting. The LTC approved a letter to area Legislators asking for their help in lobbying support of funds earmarked for the Long Term Care Ombudsmen Program in Illinois. The LTC made a site visit to Shore Homes East, May 28, 1998. The June site visit will be to St. Francis Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. The next LTC meeting will be June 10, 1998 at the Civic Center. Ombudsmen - Ms. Flowers reported the LTC Ombudsmen contacted Legislators in April and May to lobby for an additional $800,000 funding for the Ombudsmen Program. As was mentioned before, the State of Illinois is one of six states that does not provide State funding for this program. Ms. Flowers was happy to report the State did award $400,000 for this program. She thanked the COA me-noers for their calls etc., to the legislators. She will advise what dollars Evanston Ombudsmen Program will receive. May 19, 1998, Ms. Flowers presented, as part of a panel at the Annual Rush Alzheimer's Conference on Dementia, "Dementia in the Community". There were a number of other presentations, one that featured several speakers which was on special care units. The speakers were from Wagner Health Care and Presbyterian Homes. Presentation on Dementia in Assisted Living facilities, this one was of particular interest and discussion by both groups of presenters on the impact of legislation. Ms. Flowers reported that she is receiving approximately 40 - 50 calls a month on a variety of issues, i.e., planning of care, inquires, complaints, etc. CoA. MIN.06/06/98... Page 2 Assisted Living - Mr. Nottenburg stated the Assisted Living Committee met June 06, 1998, 9:00 A.M. and distributed materials pro and con on proposed State legislation. The Bill which was presented last year to the Senate has been amended called Amendment V . The change is "regulation" to "licensure" . The line up of support for this Bill is approximately 50 - 50, i.e., AARP supporting the Bill and the Illinois Citizens' For Better Care opposing it. The intent of the AD HOC Committee on Assisted Living is to see what further action can be taken by the Commission on Aging. Mr. Nottenburg mentioned that Art Berman is a co sponsor of this Bill and he will speak with him regarding this. The 25th of June, the Assisted Living Task Force will meet and he hopes that each member of the Committee will have read the proposed legislation and the reaction to it by the AARP. HOUSING COMMITTEE - There is no Housing Report. B. J. Thomas, Chair, reported she had to resign as Chair of this Committee. Chair Samson reported he had some discussions about what to do about the Housing Committee. The Housing Committee does not appear to have support for a new Chair. Chair Samson asked if there is any member who may be interested in becoming the new Chair of this Committee. Chair Samson would like the COA to temporarily suspend the Housing Committee until such time as there is renewed interest in it. Two main programs under the Housing Committee are the Taxi Program and the Handyman Program. These two programs are running pretty much on their own. These two programs can be folded into the COA as a whole. Shelley Wagner inquired if there could be an Acting Chair. Ms. Becker felt the Housing Committee would really address what is going on in housing in the Community - is there adequate housing, what do you do about low income housing. This seems to Ms. Becker that these are not issues. Ms. Becker would like clarification of what is the function of the Housing Committee. Chair Samson stated that each Committee that does not have a mandated function, depends upon the passions and interest of those who are a part of that Committee, and in particular the Chair of that Committee. CoA. MIN.06/06/98... Page 3 Therefore it is difficult to say, "this is what the Housing Committee" has jurisdiction over. Mr. Nottenburg commented, as former Chair of the Housing Committee, to get any enthusiasm going unless it pertained to the Taxi Program or Handyman Program, and he believes that since the City has a Housing Commission, some of the concerns that Ms. Becker brought up could be handled by the Housing Commission. Mr. Nottenburg feels that the COA would not suffer if the Housing Committee were disbanded and incorporate the Handyman and Taxi Program into the COA. Judith Herbert commented on the history of the Housing Committee; the Taxi Program and Handyman Program came out of identified needs. She feels the Housing Commission does not have the same interests as the COA has had. Dave Sutor commented that if there were a housing issue and it was brought before the COA, some action would be taken. Mr. Terry commented that the last 24 months of activity of the COA include meetings at Noyes Ct., Primm Tower, and monitoring of a meeting between senior housing residents and the Head of Cook County Housing Authority. Mr. Terry and Chair Samson met with the Chair of the Housing Authority and the COA has provided recreational materials to the senior buildings, arranged for donations at Noyes Ct., monitored security at Noyes Ct., arranged for special Police Department attention at Noyes Ct., and we monitored the Assisted Living issue. Mr. Terry stated that housing issues have been on the top of the COA agenda for the past eighteen months. The COA has chosen not to use the structure of the Housing Committee to channel and focus this attention to housing issues. If AD Hoc Committees are created, then there is an implied diminished responsibility for the standing Committee. You should not have to make work for a Committee to do. Judith Herbert commented that she feels strongly that older adults living in public housing are not particularly good at advocating for themselves and she hopes that their voices are heard. Chair Samson stated the COA did not need a vote to suspend the ac=ivities of the Housing Committee therefore, for the time being the activities of the Housing Committee have been suspended. [IV] . CHAIR REPORT Community Crime Specialist - Chair Samson saw an ad by the Evanston Police Department for this position. CoA. MIN.06/06/98... Page 4 This Specialist is not geared specifically toward senior issues, however it seems that the Police Department's Community Crime Specialist's Program would also include by definition seniors and senior issues. This appears to be a duplication of effort and time to pursue a separate program with separate funding sources which would cover the same jurisdiction. Chair Samson will discontinue his search for this separate funding and allow the Police Department to use their own department to cover senior issues. Mr. Wagner mentioned that the Sheriff's Department has a program of this nature having one or two persons doing this work and the State's Attorney's Office also has a department that does this. With what appears to be a duplication, Chair Samson feels that the COA should hold back on the COA program he had Looked at. He will suspend his search for funds for a crime specialist. Disabled Parking Patrol - Chair Samson spoke with John Eckert in Springfield and the City of Springfield has a program in place and he has received a copy of their program, which has been turned over to Chief Kaminski. Chief Kaminski has gone full speed ahead on and has trained seven volunteers who are out on the streets and have written tickets for illegal disabled parking. They are in the process of getting a second group of volunteers to sign up for the program. Chair Samson thanked Dave Sutor for bringing our attention to this parking situation and the City now has in place an active program. Chair Samson thanks the COA and Police Department for their efforts. 2300 Noyes Ct. - Chair Samson reported there are some issues from the 2300 Noyes Ct. residents regarding access to voting. Some residents are disabled or have difficulty getting around. They would like a polling place in their facility. Chair Samson contacted Alderman Newman. There are a number of issues that are a problem with this in that a number of precincts were reduced in the 1st Ward. Chair Samson is working with Alderman Newman and hopefully he will make contact with David Orr's office and see if we cannot add a polling place at Noyes Ct. to accommodate the residents. Mr. Nottenburg stated that approximately 69 polling places in Evanston are handicapped accessible. Chair Samson stated the COA does not having jurisdiction over the Cook County Housing Authority. CoA. MIN.06/06/98... Page 5 Charlotte Becker stated an exercise program is being developed and at Noyes Ct. Ms. Flowers stated a VCR has been ordered by building management at both Noyes Ct. and Perlman Apartments for resident use. Ms. Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters) stated at the King Home the day before election day, arrangements are made for the residents to cast their votes. Ms. Herbert commented that most people like to cast their votes the day of election rather than an alternate day. Council for Jewish Elderly Witness/Victim Assistance Program -Chair Samson met with Inez Macko, Council for Jewish Elderly Witness and Victim Assistance Program and reported that this program has moved into Evanston and is working with the Evanston Police Department to expand their contact with the NSSC and Metropolitan Family Services. Chair Samson has offered the cooperation of the COA to this program. Charlotte Becker commented that CJE's booklet contained a "Citizen Identification Program" showing an I.D. bracelet and wondered if Evanston had something along these lines. Mr. Terry responded no, but the City has a program where information can be placed on your refrigerator. Ms. Becker asked if seniors received a discount for Medical Alert. Mr. Terry did not know. Reception at Mather - Chair Samson, Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers and Dave Sutor attended a reception at The Mather to welcome Glenn Brichacek and Julie Bogess, the new administrators. Chair Samson met with John Eckert and he is doing well -and he sends his regards. Metropolitan Family Services - Chair Samson received an invitation from Metropolitan Family Services to attended their Open House on June 10, 1998, at their new offices 820 Davis Street, #450 and all COA members are invited. Farmers Market - Ms. Flowers has been receiving calls regarding the COA attendance at the Farmers Market. CoA. MIN.06/06/98... Page 6 Due to the attendance/reception in 1997, split as to whether we should participate COA members question the time and effort o it is worthwhile since the COA has so man, are looking at. The majority of the COA Market participation. EV]. DIRECTOR'S REPORT the COA appears to be this year. Some of the L their part and whether other issues that they said no to the Farmers Mr. Terry stated it has been a very busy month. The Mather has had some significant staff turnover in important administrative positions, apparently these are internal issues, and this tends to make residents uneasy. A number of phone calls have been made to the office. The Health and Human Services Department has no jurisdiction over the Mather. Ms. Flowers visits the Mather per the Mather's invitation. Ward Briefings - Mr. Terry reported the City Manager has instituted a process of Ward Briefings in which all the Department Heads of the City are meeting with the Aldermen individually and briefing the Aldermen on what is going on in their Ward. Mr. Terry reported that two of these have been given i.e., 4th Ward and the 1st Ward. The meeting with Alderman Newman dealt with a lot of senior issues i.e., Mather, North Shore Hotel, Georgian, Noyes Ct., and Perlman Apartments. Alderman Newman has a very strong interest in older adults. Alderman Newman had a concern about older adults access to the Starlight Concerts which will be starting very soon. The residents of the North Shore Hotel, the Georgian, and the Mather do not feel comfortable about crossing Sheridan Road. One of the things that has been worked out is the Recreation Department will have special crossing guards before and after the concerts and Ms. Flowers will inform the residents of these facilities of the crossing guards. Information Assistance - Mr. Terry reported one of the federally funded services in Evanston, Information Assistance, this can be viewed as the first phone number you would call if you had a question about services for older people in the Community. The contract awarded in Evanston is to Metropolitan Family Services. However, they have decided not to be the provider of this service effective October 1, 1998. There will be discussion within the Community and the Suburban Area Agency on Aging, who is the funder, as to who the future provider should be. CoA. MIN.06/06/98... Page 7 It would appear, it will be NSSC. Metropolitan Family Services will continue to stay very active in the elder abuse field. At the July, 1998 meeting, Mr. Terry will have additional information regarding this. Levy Center - Mr. Terry reported the program statement which was developed is still in the architect hands. They are still doing building design, and he will advise the COA when that is available. Some factions of Levy Center participants have spoken against moving. Senior Services Providers - Mr. Terry advised June 12, 1998 is the Service Providers Exchange Quarterly meeting. Three speakers: Sioux Turnoy - Housing Authority of Cook County; Operation Able, and the Self Help Home. Taxi Cab - Mr. Terry reported the City will have a Taxi Cab Licenses Lottery very soon as it recently recalled a number of licenses. Hopefully there will be an improvement in Taxi Cab service in the Community. Vacancies - Mr. Terry stated the COA has two vacancies. If the COA members know of persons interested in serving on the Commission, please contact the Mayor. Disabled Community - Mr. Terry reported that the City Manager, as we!'- as himself, have had meetings with delegations from the disabled community who feel that Evanston has not been as aggressive as it should be with enforcement of the Americans With Disabilities Act. The City Manager will be putting together a Citizens' Advisory Committee on this and there will be a lot more action regarding City services and accessibility for the disabled. Private Care Managers Association Meeting - Mr. Terry described the services of Private Care Managers. They act as case managers and they charge a fee. They are not necessarily connected with any agency, and they now have a national association which is meeting this fall in Chicago. They have requested the COA be a co sponsor. Mr. Terry has agreed to do this and will advise at the July, 1998 meeting further details. Charlotte Becker asked if Mr. Terry knew about their membership and its training. Mr. Terry stated he was not aware of any certification to be a care manager. CoA. MIN.06/06/98... Page 8 Mr. Wagner stated he would like to see when the COA co sponsors something, respect to standards is considered. He feels that the COA should investigate what is involved. Mr. Wagner gave an example of how the CJE deals with this. Ms. Herbert stated she had read the standards of this organization and they are unregulated. Dave Sutor asked how well are they run, even if they are well run, if the organization is not well known, this is makes a difference. Mr. Wagner suggested there may a liability problem. Chair Samson asked the COA if this co sponsorship could be placed on hold until further investigation is made. Mr. Terry indicated the request for co sponsorship came from certain very reputable local representatives of the national organization. However, if the Commission does not wish to be a co sponsor, he can certainly rescind the agreement to co sponsor. He noted that the Commission has wanted to co sponsor so many local events that he now responds to requests with an almost automatic yes. Mr. Sutor questioned the possibility of an organization taking a policy position which the Commission might be in conflict with. It was the consensus of Commission members that they did not wish to co sponsor this conference. Hot Weather Emergencies - Mr. Terry commented thus far the weather has not created any "hot" weather emergencies but a watchful eye '_a being kept. Mr. Terry thanked the King Home for their hospitality. [VI]. NEW BUSINESS: First Presbyterian Church Senior Varsity Lecture - Mr. Metzler stated Reverend Judith Watt, Associate Pastor, has invited the COA to hear "Searching for the Soul" on June 11, 1998, 10:30 A.M. This lecture has been prepared especially for adults 60 and older. CoA. MIN.06/06/98... Page 9 Mr. Nottenburg commented on the variety of materials received in the HHS office addressed to the COA and in particular from the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare. This organization has embellished the truth somewhat and he suggested mail of this nature be watched. Chair Samson stated that his Chairmanship will terminate in September, 1998. At the July meeting a Nominating Committee will have to be appointed. July Meeting - Chair Samson stated the July 11, 1998 meeting would be held at the Georgian, 422 Davis. [Vill . COMMMUS s None. The Meeting adjourned at 11:00. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA. MTN.06/06/98... Page 10 DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING July 11, 1998 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Kathryn Hirn, Bettie Jean Thomas, Dave Sutor, Sheldon Wagner, and Emma Harmon Absent: Louis Moseley, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Helen Powell, Claude Metzler, and Dale Noble Guests: Alexander Brown (NSSC), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), Kimberly Tekampe (Wagner Health Center), Lucille Harris (concerned citizen), and residents of The Georgian Staff: Jay W. Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott [1]. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 9:50 A.M. Chair Samson welcomed the guests and asked that they introduce themselves. Chair Samson thanked zhe residents of The Georgian for inviting the COA, and asked that they also introduce themselves to the COA. Chair Samson suggested if the audience had any questions to feel free to participate during the meeting. 1113. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 02, 1998, with minor corrections. [lIl] COMMITTEE REPORTS INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Kathryn Hirn reported "hot off the press" is the Intergenerational "Just Between Generations" Newsletter. This newsletter contains information on Intergenerational Committee activities. The Grandparents' picnic is Sunday, August 09, 1998 at Lighthouse Park/Pavilion. CoA MIN. 07/11/98...Page 1 All COA members are invited. Ms. Hirn spoke with Mattie Harmon and has invited her for the September COA meeting. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated that at the June LTC meeting final preparations were made for distribution of CNA Surveys to the eight LTC facilities. LTC has assigned a two person team to each facility to present to the administrators of the LTC facilities the questionnaires, surveys/boxes. These will be picked up two weeks after each team's visit. At the July LTC meeting, the comments received from the LTC administrators receiving the CNA Survey were discussed. The administrators have expressed their interest in seeing the final CNA Survey report and each administrator pledged their support and cooperation. At the July LTC meeting, at the request of the new administrator (Linda Dotson) of the Presbyterian Homes, the Committee discussed the process for a LTC facility to explain why they dispute the Evanston Health Department's findings at a LTC meeting. The LTC agreed that facility representatives may present their response to the EHD's report in person or may mail a letter to the Chair to be read at the next meeting. Grace Halperin, a long time LTC/COA member, is continuing her recovery at the Wagner Health Center. At this time, no personal visits are requested, but cards and phone calls are appreciated. The June site visit was at St. Francis Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, and the July site visit will be at Dobson Plaza. ombudsmen - Ms. Flowers reported that there will be traffic control at Church and Sheridan Road prior to (6:15 PM) and following (9:45 PM) the Starlight Concerts. This request had come from the residents of the retirement communities in the area. Ms. Flowers stated the Starlight Concerts had been conducted for several years and are open to the public. Ms. Flowers has Starlight posters and they will be posted at both Noyes and Perlman apartments. Ms. Becker stated that in addition to the concert, Saturdav aL nnon in Fountain Square there are additional programs, one of which has dancing. Ms. Flowers, along with a number of senior service agencies, and NSSC, met regarding developing some type of conference on mental health issues. They will develop some type of presentation for older adults, caregivers and professionals. CoA. MIN.a7/11/98... Page 2 Ms. Flowers reported the State will provide funding of $400,000 for the Statewide Long Term Care Ombudsman Program. There is some threat to the Ombudsman Program at the federal level, due to delay in re authorization of the Older Americans Act. The National and State LTC Ombudsman Programs and the National Ombudsman Program have some concerns about the proposed changes in the Older Americans Act. Ms. Flowers is awaiting some direction from the State Organization to find out what response is requested from local programs. Assisted Living - Mr. Nottenburg stated the Assisted Living Taskforce met to discuss strategy regarding Bill 743 known as the Senior Housing and Services Act. They discussed options available i.e., from doing nothing to proposing a City Ordinance regulating Assisted riving facilities. Each option was discussed in detail. The consensus of the group was that passage of a bill regulating or licensing Assisted Living facilities was not likely. The Ad Hoc Committee would like to see the strongest Bill possible passed to make it consistent with Evanston's current regulations of nursing homes. The material available for discussion and review analyzing the Bill was but together cv AARP, Marriott Life Services Network and ICBC. The groups requested that Wendy Meltzer, Illinois Citizens for Better Care, meat with the group to ascertain what the COA can do to effect the passage of strong legislation. The Ad Hoc Committee wil_ ask the COA tc make a motion to take further action for suppc r: of licensing. Xr. Nottenburg proposed a motion that the Ad Hoc Committee on Assisted Living be authorized by the COA to establish contact with IC -BC to explore the possibility of a relationsr-ip in support of a bill regulating Assisted Living facilities. Dave Sutor seconded the motion. Motion unanimously approved by the COA. [IV] . CHAIR REPORT Chair Samson stated his tenure as Chair ends in September, 1998. A [nominating Committee consisting of B. J. Thomas, Chair, Shelley Wagner and Charlotte Becker, has been appointed. CoA. MIN.07/11/98...Page 3 2300 Noyes Ct. Polling Place - Chair Samson stated that a number of the residents of Noyes Ct. have reported difficulty getting to the local polling place due to physical disabilities. Mr. Terry and Chair Samson will be meeting with Alderman Newman and a representative from the County Clerk's Office to see if this problem can be resolved. Ms. Becker gave a report of the Residents Council meeting. The Resident Council has revised the by-laws and will vote on the revisions July 13, 1998. Ms. Flowers noted that the Council used the Perlman Residents Council's by-laws in the development of the Noyes Court Residents Council's by-laws. Ms. Becker asked Mr. Terry about Commonwealth Edison and the "blackouts". Mr. Terry responded the City does not get updated information from CE during blackout crises, however, they do have a 14_st cf priorities to exempt from these "rolling blackouts". Included are the senior buildings and LTC facilities. [V] DIRECTOR'S REPORT Hot Weather Emergencies - Mr. Terry reported two weeks ago a "Heat Emergency" was declared due to the increase in temperature which lasted over a two - four day period, Again, St. Francis Hospital established a cooling center which is a very nice contribution to the Community. However, no one deemed it necessary to use this center. Mr. Terry stated that the fan prcgram is a loan -out program for low income persons who have no c:.her means for obtaining a fan. Approximately ten tars were loaned out during this period. The Human Services Department worked very closely with Alexander Brown (NSSC) and Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services) who checked on a number of home bound older persons, as well as Ms. Flowers doing checks. Mr. Terry delivered a fan as well, Best Taxi was available to take persons free of charge to cooling centers, virtually, no emergency room or hospital admissions occurred due to the Neat according to available information. Human Services Committee - The next meeting of the Human Services Committee will be July 20, 1998. The agenda will cover an update on the Performing Arts Center, an update on establishing an off leash dog area in the community. The Committee will be considering allocating a reserve fund of $50,000.00 to social service agencies whose funding had been reduced by the City Council in March, 1998. CoA. MIN.07/11/98... Page 4 Mr. Terry noted the Evanston United Way -had to implement a $70,000 reduction in their allocations and included in those reductions was NSSC. Mr. Terry has met with certain agency directors and what is interesting and perplexing is 'that the economy is doing so well however, charitable giving has not grown accordingly. Levy Center Plans - Mr. Terry presented a layout to the audience and COA members. The Ad Hoc Committee had given to the architects a description of the program space which would be required for the new Center, i.e., lobby, office space, multi purpose rooms, library, exercise room, dining room, storage, etc. Upon the return of this Plan the Ad Hoc Levy Taskforce Committee had one meeting to comment on this Plan. Mr. Terry demonstrated on the drawings the location, pointed to the parking, and the theater locations. The Performing Arts Center is proposed to have two theaters. Mr. Terry stated the current Levy Center is 18,500 sq. ft. The program statement which was submitted can go up to 25,000 sq. ft. The response from the Planning Taskforce meeting was the major concern was there is no arts and crafts room, and this will be presented to the architects. Mr. Terry stated that flexibility of rooms has been stressed right along. The Redevelopment Agreement with Arthur Hill will be available for the public review in late August, 1998, and the community will have two months to comment. City Council is planning a vote in October on the redevelopment agreement with Mr. Hill. Mr. Wagner asked if more consideration would be for parking and its accessibility for seniors. Mr. Terry stated that the Benson Street garage would have parking places for the new Levy Center. The developers have always been told the Levy Center must be in the Triangle Research Park so parking will always be an issue. S.J. Thomas inquired about the gift shop and Mr. Terry stated one of the offices may be converted to a gift shop. Charlotte Becker asked about retail stores for seniors. Mr. Terry responded that his understanding is the developers are looking for at lease one major retailer to come to Evanston. CoA. MIN.07/11/98...Page 5 Evil. NEW BUSINESS: [VIZ]. COMMENTS: The September COA will be September 12, 1998 at the Civic Center. The Meeting adjourned at 11:00. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA. MIN.07/11/98... Page 5 DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING September 12, 1998 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Dave Sutor, Claude Metzler, Sheldon Wagner, and Emma Harmon Absent: Louis Moseley, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Kathryp Hirn, Bettie Jean Thomas, and Dale Noble Guests: Sandi Johnson (NSSC), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), Jennifer Peterson (St. Francis Extended Care), Ruth Gockel Staff: Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott Ill. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Steve Samson, called the meeting to order at 10:000A.M. Chair Samson welcomed the guests and asked that they introduce themselves. Mr. Samson noted that since the Commission only had twelve current members, he felt seven constituted a quorum. Jennifer Peterson (St. Francis Extended Care) announced that a forum would be held October 27, 1998, (luncheon at St. Francis Hospital) inviting about 30 community and social service agency representatives to participate and provide their input about the needs of seniors in Evanston. Thereafter quarterly meetings will be held, whereby a number of agencies would form a partnership in serving the seniors. This invitation was presented at the COA's Long Term Care meeting September 9, 1998. The LTC's representative is Jane Baker, however, Dave Sutor will attend in her place for the October 27, 1998 meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of July ill 1998. CoA MIN. 09/12/98... Page 1 COMMITTEE REPORTS INTERGENERATTONAL COMMITTEE - Nancy Flowers stated (Kathryn Hirn not present) an Intergenerational Meeting was not held in August\september. The Intergenerational Committee will meet in October, and the topic of discussion will be the results and recommendations of the survey. Jay Terry stated that NSSC is having two lectures on the issue of grandparents raising grandchildren, and flyers were, passed out. Sandi Johnson (NSSC) commented on the Grandparents' picnic held Sunday, August 09, 1998 at Lighthouse Park/Pavilion, that approximately 45 grandparents and grandchildren attended and Kathryn Hirn represented the COA. A good time was had by all. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated that a special meeting was held in August to discuss the CNA Survey results. Mr. Sutor explained the procedure of the CNA Study. The LTC received a good response to the survey and he gave the various percentages to questions on the survey. Low pay and transportation appear to be two mayor problems. Most CNA's have considerable satisfaction from their work as a CNA. It appears thus far most of the CNA's reside outside of Evanston. The tabulations from this survey will be done by Laura Lally, the Committee attorney, and Nancy Flowers, Ombudsman. Mr. Sutor stated Grace Halperin, a long time LTC/COA member, would be unable, due to health reasons, to continue as a member of the LTC Committee. Also, Jane Winter, due to being inactive for past few months, is no longer a member. Ken Watson, former COA members and LTC member, passed away recently. The Homecrest, a Christian Science facility, has moved to Aurora and the building occupied by them in Evanston is for sale. At the September 9, 1998 LTC meeting it was decided to have alternate site visits to facilities '.e., every other month. The September 24, 1998 site visit will be at Oakwood Terrace, 4:00 P.M. Ombudsmen - Ms. Flowers reported the move of Homecrest to Aurora was due to 1) lack of occupancy and 2) the Evanston facility required renovation. At the Aurora facility Evanston Homecrest residents will be sharing in programs, etc. but will have their own wing of the facility. CoA. MIN.09/12/98... Page 2 A public forum will be held September 14, 1998 and is being sponsored by the North Suburban Owl, 7:30 P.M. at Evanston Hospital. A group of social service agencies have been meeting for the past few months to speak about a conference to be held in Evanston looking at the mental health needs for seniors. Approximately ten - fifteen have been attending consistently.• This Conference would have a keynote speaker and then break out sessions. These sessions would be opened to seniors, family members, and professionals, Ms. Becker stated she felt COA should support this group and Chair Samson stated he felt this was a good program and a great opportunity for the COA. Ms. Becker made the motion to co sponsor this program and Mr. Sutor seconded the motion. Assisted Living - Mr. Nottenburg stated nothing has transpired since the last Assisted Living Taskforce meeting. They will get- together with Wendy Meltzer, Illinois Citizens for Better Care to ascertain what the COA can do to effect the passage of strong legislation. Mr. Nottenburg stated the two main candidates for Governor have stated that they are in favor of Assisted Living. Chair Samson asked if Bill 743 gets passed in its current form, would the City of Evanston be able to add regulations if the need is there. Mr. Nottenburg stated there is no preemption clause in the bill. Ms. Flowers stated that a number of communities are concerned about this bill. 2300 Noyes Ct. - Charlotte Becker stated the Resident's Council has a full compliment of officers. The focus of the last Residents' Council meeting to "look after each other", i.e., having each others' phone number, etc. A number of Russian speaking residents attended this meeting. Ms. Becker asked Ms. Flowers to look into some of the emergency responses which may be available to the residents. Ms. Harmon described an incident whereby a resident had fallen and no one took notice for 24 hours. Ms. Harmon stated it appears the front desk is unoccupied on a regular basis. Ms. Becker commented that Ms. Turnoy will not attend an evening Residents' Council meeting as her office hours are until 5:00 P.M. At the present time there is no social worker at Noyes Ct., which also presents a problem. CoA. MIN.09/12/98... Page 3 M { Mr. Terry stated a couple of meetings had been scheduled and then canceled with the County Clerk's Office to see if the polling place problem could be resolved. Alderman Newman is trying to resolve this problem locally. Steve Samson will follow up with Alderman Neuman. [IVI . CHAIR REPORT Police Advisory Hoard Meeting - Chair Samson stated he attended the Police Advisory Board meeting and is happy to report on two COA projects. The Evanston Police Department was able to get funding for a senior services police officer from Joe Levy for a one year pilot program, and he has committed a car for this officer and has promised to assist the police department for the following years to continue the program. This part time officer would give talks to the community on safety, do safety checks at homes, interface with other organizations i.e., witness and Assistance Victim Program. This position has been posted and hopefully it will be filled shortly. The second item is the Disabled Parking Patrol (Dave Sutor initially recommended the development of such a program). which is up and running. To date, covering this program, there are 18 volunteers having written over 125 tickets, 8 court appearances whereby volunteers have gone to testify and 8 victories. This is a very successful program and is expanding throughout Evanston. At the present time some private parking retail merchants have expressed interest. Dave Sutor complimented Chair Samson for all his efforts and endeavors on this project. Bicycle Riding Issue - The police have done two major sweeps through the downtown area and have written more than 200 tickets for bicycle riding on the sidewalks and they have contacted Northwestern University regarding this matter. This too has been very successful. Chair Samson noted his Chairmanship was ending and thanked Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, and John Eckert (now in Springfield) for their support and encouragement, etc. Ms. Ruth Gockel entered the meeting and Jay Terry stated that she would be introduced by Mayor Morton at the City Council meeting on Monday night September 14, 1998, to be a new member of the COA. Mr. Terry asked Ms. Gockel to introduce herself and give a brief history, which she did. COA. MIN.09/12/98...Page 4 Nominating Committee - Sheldon Wagner, in the absence of Bettie J. Thomas, stated that Bob Nottenburg was recommended to be Chair, and Dave Sutor, Vice Chair, with Emma Harmon, Secretary. Steve Samson called for a motion accepting the Nominating Committee's recommendation. A motion was made and unanimously approved. CV]. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Taxi Cabs - Mr. Terry stated that there have recently been discussions in a number of settings regarding the subsidized taxi program, licensing of taxi cabs, drivers' conduct, and potential rate increase. The Taxi. Cab Advisory Board has recommended to the City Council a rate increase. This affects the subsidized Taxi Program due to increasing amount of complaints that $3.50 does not cover the cost of every ride within Evanston. If during the Fall, the City Council seriously considers a rate increase the question will come up about the subsidized Taxi Program. Does the City increase its subsidy of a taxi cab ride, a significant budget question. it has been almost 7 years since the last adjustment was made. Also the. City Manager has appointed a Citizens Advisory Committee on Compliance With The Americans With Disabilities Act. The group has met twice consisting of a number of advocates'from the disabled community. The disabled community, who are able to use the program, find many drivers rude, unwilling to handle wheelchairs, or provide assistance to persons with disabilities. One argument that the disabled have is persons, who are in a wheelchair, and who cannot transfer out of that chair, are therefore unable to use the program; the program could be in violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act. None of the taxi cab companies in Evanston have a lift equipped vehicle. Under federal law if a Program is provided, you have to provide equal access to people with disabilities. To be in compliance with this, every taxi cab company would have to provide access to a lift. The Chair on the Advisory Board has invited the COA to attend their meetings. Charlotte Becker is concerned about mandating every taxi to have the lift. Chair Samson asked if it were possible to interface with PACE? Mr. Terry stated that the Taxi Program is an Evanston funded program and we can not deflect our obligation to provide equal access. CoA. MIN.09/12/98... Page 5 0 Senior Housing Resident Preference - Mr. Terry stated Mayor Morton received a letter from Mayor Blase of Niles. The Village of Niles is concerned about their inability to get Niles residents on a preference basis into the Cook County Housing Authority buildings that are located in Niles. In past a good relationship was with the manager of the building and they were able to institute somewhat of a resident preference policy and were able to get Niles residents into the building. HiTD and Cook County Housing Authority have stepped in and stated that Niles is no different than any other city. Evanston has not had resident preference; however there were some informal agreements made when Perlman and Noyes Ct. were built. Mr. Terry stated that he believes there were some assertions made at that time. Mayor Blase has asked the 11 municipalities with senior housing if they wish to go along with the Village of Niles to have 10 set aside for the local residents of their communities. on the surface, resident preference seems lake a good idea. However, this idea might have been due to the increases of the various Russian immigrants residents in the senior buildings. The City would not like to be any part of any Anti - Russian backlash. Sandi Johnson commented that it would difficult to interchange with federal guidelines. Mayor Blase would like to change the federal guidelines. Mr. Terry stated he expressed some interest to Niles but no decision was made. Levy Center Plans - Mr. Terry informed the Commission discussions continue. The olans are not appreciably different than what was presented at the COA July meeting. A number of the Levy users did testify before the City Council and they feel three issues are outstanding. First, certain current users have examined the plans for the new center, and feel the square footage is inadequate. Second, the question of parking remains controversial. Finally, the question of whether the construction of the entire project will require the movement of the Levy programs to a temporary location is uncertain. Current City policy calls for the current center to remain in operation until its replacement is built. Petition - Leaves - Mr. Terry stated the City Manager received a petition signed by 26 older adults, including Kathryn Hirn, requesting, that senior citizens not be required to bag their leaves. This delegation may come to the Administration Public Works Meeting Monday night to discuss this. CoA. MIN.09/12/98...Page 6 Mr. Terry welcomed Ruth Gockel and stated there are still two vacancies on the COA, and suggested if anyone knows of someone who might be interested to contact the Mayor. Older Adult Directory - Mr. Terry passed out the new Older Adult Directory. At the Providers Exchange, Friday, September 18, 1998, the additional directories will be passed out. United Way - Mr. Terry commented more and more people are allowed to designate where they wish their funds to go to and again this year, an individual from Lake County, Illinois, has designated a $10.00 donation to the COA. Mr. Terry also thanked Steve Samson for all his hard work. Nil. NEW BUSINESS: Sheldon Wagner announced the Evanston Historical Society will be holding its annual flea market on September 26, 1998. The Levy Center will be holding a flea market the same day. Mr. Wagner announced that "Introduction to Investing Procedures" starting October 9, 1998 to be held at Ridgeville Park District and the charge is $25.00 [VII] • COMMENTS: The October COA will be October 03, 1998 at the Civic Center. The Meeting adjourned at 11:15. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA. MIN.09/12/98...Page 7 •r DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING October 03, 1998 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Dave Sutor, Claude Metzler, Sheldon Wagner, Emma Harmon, Louis Moseley, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Kathryn Hirn, Bettie Jean Thomas, and Ruth Gockel Absent: Dale Noble Guests: Judith Herbert (NSSC), Mary Signatur (Intern), Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters) Staff: Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott Ell. CALF, TO ORDER The Chair, Bob Nottenburg, called the meeting to order at 9:35 A.M. Chair Nottenburg thanked the members for electing him to the Chairmanship. He stated his two requests of the members are: 1) start the meeting punctually, and 2) stay on the subject. Chair Nottenburg welcomed the guests and asked that they introduce themselves. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 12, 1998. [1111. COMMITTEE REPORTS INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Kathryn Hirn stated the intergenerational Committee had not met since August, therefore, she did not have a report. The October Intergenerational meeting will be held October 19, 1998. CoA MIN. 10/03/98...Page 1 ti• Assisted Living - Chair Nottenburg stated that Nancy Flowers and he had met with Wendy Meltzer (Illinois Citizens for Better Care) and expressed to her the COA's concerns for Senate Ball 743. They discussed with her the background of the Assisted Living Bill and what the COA can do to support ICBC and other organizations who are in opposition to Bill 743 as it is presently written. Nancy Flowers attended a meeting in Springfield this past week and conveyed that the City of Evanston, as well as the COA, is concerned but not taking any action at this time. Nancy Flowers reported there were approximately 30 attendees at this meeting, many of whom, had some form of involvement in drafting Senate Bill 743. There were representatives from: HARP, Senior Housing, Life Services Network, Illinois Home Care Council, Illinois Medical Association, Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois, Nursing Home Industry Groups, IDPH, Alzheimer's Association, ICBC, Department on Aging, and several for profit Assisted Living chains, i.e., Marriott and Sunrise. All participants were able to offer input and propose alterative language. Wendy Meltzer was given a number of sections of the legislation to revise. There appeared to be resistance to limiting the type of care that people would receive in their apartment. The Home Care participants made very pointed statements that, to say someone could not receive care in their apartment, or they had to be at a certain functional level, was limiting their right to access Medicare benefits. This was challenged by a number of participants. Participants supporting this Bill, stated any kind of restrictions on patients' right to choose was inappropriate. There was discussion about assistance with transfers and mobility, Hospice Care, Antibiotic therapy, and G tube feedings. Nancy Flowers brought up questions pertaining to dementia care, (i.e., staffing, and training). This group has been split on who should regulate this, i.e., Public Health or the Department on Aging. The Illinois Medical Association had great concerns regarding this Bill, related to the provision of care by non medical professionals. Many nursing home groups are concerned about this also, i.e., unlicensed nursing homes. Independent Housing groups do not see this as any kind of care system at all. Life Services Network, and Illinois Home Care Council were very much involved with this. Charlotte Becker commented that it would be nice if both the medical and social models of care could be blended. CoA. MIN.10/03/98... Page 2 Mr. Terry stated that the City of Evanston has always regulated nursing facilities with three levels of care, sheltered care, intermediate care, and skilled care, depending upon the fragility of the individual and the amount of medical intervention being provided. Essentially, some of the discussions that Nancy Flowers has described say that in Assisted Living those destinations would simply disappear and people of any degree of frailty can live in Assisted Living. However, remember the resident is assuming that risk. The facility is not assuming that risk. Mr. Wagner inquired about North Shore Retirement Hotel and whether they are giving attention to the frailty of the residents. Ms. Flowers questioned the question of safety codes, and would the residents understand the procedures, etc. Charlotte Becker inquired as to residents who are under guardianship and is it the guardian's decision. She asked if the State's Guardian had been involved in the discussions related to the Assisted Living legislation. Chair Nottenburg stated the COA will be going forward on this. The next meeting related to Senate Bill 743 will be held on October 29, 1998, there is a meeting in Chicago. Chair Nottenburg asked if there was any representation from the City of Chicago at the meeting in Springfield. Ms. Flowers stated that there had not been. LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor stated that the LTC Committee held its site visit September 24, 1998 at Oakwood Terrace. The Committee was pleased to learn that in 1999, the facility would apply for approval to participate in the Medicaid, and Medicare Programs. The October LTC site visit will be October 29, 1998 at the Hospice of the North Shore. October 14, 1998 the LTC will meet at the Civic Center, and hopefully the vacancies of this Committee will be filled. Charlotte Becker commented regarding the Chicago Tribune's article regarding the mentally ill being placed in nursing facilities for the elderly. Nancy Flowers explained how nursing facilities are able to accept mentally ill patients i.e., if they have a medical problem. CoA. MIN.10/03/98...Page 3 2300 Noyes Ct.- Charlotte Becker asked if anything further had been done to resolved the polling place problem. Steve Samson stated Alderman Newman is still trying to resolve this problem locally. Mr. Samson promised to follow up with Alderman Newman. Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters) stated the polling place for 2300 Noyes Ct. is at the Noyes Cultural Arts Center. Ms. Zimmer described the procedure of absentee voting as well as assistance for the disabled. Chair Nottenburg described the procedure to assist disabled persons for voting. Chair Nottenburg also commented on the need for Judges and what the training and compensation is. Charlotte Becker mentioned that the disabled from Noyes Ct. could vote absentee. [IV] . CHAIR REPORT Chair Nottenburg stated that he hoped to get together with Jay Terry and Steve Samson (former Chair) to discuss the activities which Steve Samson has engaged in for the COA over the past year. Chair Nottenburg hopes to meet with Chief Kaminski and other individuals. Disabled Parking Patrol - Chair Nottenburg stated there has been quite a bit of publicity on this program via the local newspapers. Judith Herbert stated an article (Roundtable, Beth Demos) is in the works regarding NSSC and the Tai Chi classes at Primm Tower, etc. Chair Nottenburg stated Mary Gavin (Roundtable) is quite interested in COA and Mental Health issues in the City of Evanston. The Rountable is delivered free of charge to Evanston households. [V] DIRECTOR'S REPORT Senior Center/City Council - Mr. month that City Council will Redevelopment Issue. City Council a week during October, 1998. approved the Redevelopment Agreeme is scheduled for the City Counci The Human Services Committee will CoA. MIN.10/03/98... Page 4 Terry commented that this is the be dedicating itself to the meetings are approximately twice Economic Development Committee nt last week and October 19, 1998 1 vote on the downtown project. meet October 29, 1998. Mr. Terry reported to the Human Services Committee that the COA would like to come and give an update. Due to the review of the City's funding proposals from the social service agencies, a presentation before the Human Services Committee by the COA would not be feasible until December, 1996. Mr. Terry will advise as soon as COA presentation is on the agenda. Budget - Mr. Terry passed out to the COA members a rough draft of the proposed COA budget for the next fiscal year. He described the budget format and noted the difference on the budget line for contractual services is for the Tai Chi classes at Primm Tower. Salaries include Nancy Flowers salary and % of Joan Barott's salary. Chair Nottenburg suggested the COA defer consideration of the Fiscal Year 2000 COA budget until the November meeting. He encouraged COA members with budget questions or concerns to contact Jay Terry before the November meeting. , Alden Estates of Evanston - Mr. Terry stated Alden Estates of Evanston had contacted Nancy Flowers regarding an annual Halloween Party at their facility. Alden, Inc. has, throughout all of their nursing facilities, holds a large Halloween Party inviting the children from the community to go Trick and Treating at their facilities. The party provides Intergenerational and community outreach. The Evanston School District was nut receptive initially due to Alden Estates for profit status. Ms. Flowers served as the liaison between the District and Alden Estates. Ms. Flowers reported that Alden Estates is approaching each principal separately to invite the children of their school. This has not come up in other school districts where the Alden Halloween party has been held. [VI]. NEW BUSINESS: Ms. Flowers stated that Residents' Rights Wee October 4 - 9, 1998 and she had sent Evanston the Governor's Proclamation Resident Councils and suggestions for suggested if any COA members knows a celebrate the week with them. COA. MIN.10/03/98...Page 5 to each as well activit resident y k is the week of LTC facility in as a packet on programs. She in a facility to EV113 . COMMENTs s The COA meeing will be November 07, 1998 at the Civic Center. The Meeting adjourned at 10:35. Submitted, Joan M. Barott COA. MXN.10/03/98... Page 6 M N .1 DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING November 07, 1998 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Charlotte Becker, Steve Samson, Dave Sutor; Claude Metzler, Emma Harman, Louis Moseley, Kathryn Hirn, Bettie Jean Thomas, and Ruth Gockel Absent: Dale Noble, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Sheldon Wagner Guests: Judith Herbert (NSSC), Mary Signatur (Intern), Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters), Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), Jennifer Moroz (Medill School of Journalism) Staff: Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott Ell. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Bob Nottenburg, called the meeting to order at 9:40 A.M. Chair Nottenburg welcomed the guests and asked that they introduce themselves. 1111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 03, 1998. [ill]. COMMITTEE REPORTS LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor announced at the October LTC meeting that Ruth Jacobs had submitted her resignation due to personal reasons. Mr. Sutor stated that at the October meeting, the Committee discussed and agreed, LTC membership wil_ automatically be terminated if a member misses six meetings during a year withoutn good cause. At the October LTC meeting a progress report was given on the writing of a final report for the LTC CNA Study. CoA MIN. 11/07/98...Page 1 I 1 11 Mr. Sutor reported that he along with Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, Kathryn Hirn, and Chair Nottenburg had attended the first Senior Services Advisory Board meeting convened by the administration of Resurrection Health Care( the new owners of St. Francis Hospital) on October 29, 1998 at the hospital. Mr. Sutor was the LTC representative. Mr. Sutor commented that the meeting was lengthy and that discussion focused on Resurrection Health Care's managed care program. It was decided that quarterly meetings will be held in the future. Mr. Sutor stated that the LTC Committee held its October 20, 1998 site visit at the Inpatient Hospice Unit at Evanston Hospital. The LTC Committee will meet November 11, 1998 at the Civic Center. Chair Nottenburg commented that the COA was well represented at the Senior Services Advisory Board meeting, and suggested that one representative of the COA in attendance would be acceptable. Chair Noctenburg suggested that a member of the LTC Committee represent the COA at future meetings. Chair Nottenburg is not sure what the purpose of this advisory group is. Ms. Becker felt perhaps it was a "marketing" tool. Chair Nottenburg commented that this could be used as a "push" for their new ACCORD HMO, and based on future meeting attendance, it will be determined whether this is worthwhile for the COA's to continue. Ka!:hryn Hirn commented that she had attended this meeting and would not like to think that she is disqualified from attending future meetings due to her membership on the COA. Chair Nottenburg stated that nothing is to bar any member of the COA to attend future meetings of the Senior Services Advisory Board. INTERGENERATIONAL COMMITTEE - Kathryn Hirn stated the Ir.:ergenerational Committee met October 19, 1998. Ms. Hirr. reported that they no longer have funding from INVEST for a newsletter but the Committee feels the need for communication among the various Intergenerational entities, and they will develop a simpler type of informative newsletter. The November 16, 1998 meeting will be held at the Civic Center. Ms. Hirn asked if the COA was going to extend an invitation to Mattie Harmon to speak at the December COA meeting. Ms. Hirn will explore the availability of Ms. Harmon to attend a future meeting. CoA. MIN.11/07/98... Page 2 db Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services) will give a presentation on Elder Abuse at the December meeting. Assisted Living - Chair Nottenburg stated Assisted Living Taskforce has been monitoring Senate Bill 743. Chair Nottenburg stated that Art Berman is one of the sponsor of this Bill. Ms. Flowers has been attending meetings facilitated by AARP related to this Bill. If the General Assembly does nothing on this Bill between now and January, 1999, the new General Assembly will have to start from scratch. The Bill passed the Senate 51 to zero as a shell Bill. The House of Representatives now will have to come up with a Bill and once they pass it will go to the Senate and if the Senate agrees with it, it will go on. At this moment it is unclear whether the Bill will pass. The COA has some concerns related to this Bill. Nancy Flowers stated the last meeting was held on October 29. 1998 and approximately 5o people attended, most of whom had been at the previous meeting. There were representatives from: AARP, Senior Housing, Life Services Network, Illinois Home Care Council, Illinois State Medical Association, Illinois Health Care Association, IDPH, Alden Management Services, Alzheimer's Association, ICBC, Department on Aging, and several for profit Assisted Living chains, i.e., Marriott and Sunrise. Senator Faywell (Dupage County sponsor) attended this meeting. She feels that there is too much specificity going into the Bill and this could kill it. At the previous meeting, the group was told by the Democratic Legislative Aide that, if there was not additional specifics related to some of the care issues and some of the kind of people who could come into Assisted Living, the Bill would not pass in the House. Senator Faywell will support the Bill if the Department on Aging is the regulatory agency and there is no Certificate of Need Process attached to the Bill. Ms. Flowers stated there was a lot of discussion related to the care needs of residents in Assisted Living facilities and the role of staff and hired caregivers in this care. Several group members noted that regulations in other states are more flexible than what Illinois is proposing. CoA. MIN.11/07/98... Page 3 Additional discussion raised the issue of resident choice and the ability to assume risks, and the issue of residents with memory impairments and other decision making. Charlotte Becker inquired about residents who are under guardianship and the role of the guardian in decision making. She asked if the Office of the State Guardian had been involved in the discussions related to the -Assisted Living legislation. Mr. Terry commented that one of the national issues is how to make Assisted Living affordable as most of the Assisted Livings are very expensive. Chaii Nottenburg has spoken with Mr. Hardy, Administrator of the North Shore Retirement Hotel, about SB743. He noted that Mr. Hardy did not express concern about the passage of the Bill as his program currently works with Evanston Northwestern Home Care which contracts with residents to provide care. Chair Nottenburg commented the designated House sponsor, Barbara Flynn Curry, is not in favor of the Bill the way it is presently written. There is no preexemption clause in any of the drafts of SB743, and without a preexemption clause the COA has the ability to recommend the development of separate regulations for the City of Evanston. Kathryn Hirn asked about Alzheimer's care and Ms. Flowers responded that she received a draft from The Alzheimer's Association indicating what they are looking at as tar as special care areas for Dementia care. The Alzheimer Association was talking about a different level of care relative to staffing/training, etc., than what was being specified in the original Bill. Ms. Hirn asked if a person with Alzheimer is incapable of making a decision and is injured as a result, is this elder abuse issue. Ms. Flowers stated The issue of people becoming disoriented and lost within facilities are the safety risks. Chair Nottenburg noted that under SB743, if Assisted Living facilities chose to convert licensed beds to Assisted Living units, they do not have to give up their Certificate of Need for these beds. CQA. MIN.11/07/98... Page 4 [IV]. CHAIR REPORT Chair Nottenburg stated there will not be the Annual December Cookie Exchange. Mr. Terry commented that Sheldon Wagner's term ends in December, 1998 and he indicated as a farewell gesture, he would be providing refreshments for the December OS meeting. [V] . DIRECTOR'S REPORT Senior Center Mr. Terry commented that the City Council approved the redevelopment agreement with the Arthur Hill Company at the October 19th City council meeting. There has been no significant public discussion of the senior center recently. However, Mr. Terry reminded the Commission that the senior center will be sharing a building with a performing arts center, and there has been discussion about that aspect of the project. The Human Services Committee will be receiving a report from the citizens committee which is trying to initiate private fund raising for a performing arts center. A discussion was held at the Human Services Committee about a suggestion to convert the old Varsity Theater space into a performing arts center. If that were ever to occur, then a stand alone senior center would presumably then be built. City staff and City Council members are interested in developing much more precise cost estimates for both a performing arts center and a senior center. Mr. Terry also noted two related developments. First, while it is current City policy that the existing Levy Center will not close until a new one is open, construction site safety issues, and the developers needs may make that commitment difficult to keep. Second, the McGaw YMCA continues an aggressive effort to recruit new older adult members. They have created a new class of members called Prime Timers which offers reduced rates for older adults. Charlotte Becker wondered if there was Levy money involved with this project. Mr. Terry stated that Levy family subsidizes the annual membership costs of individual members. COA. MIN.11/07/98... Page 5 Ms. Becker also commented that Northwestern has a shuttle bus which takes students to the Old Orchard shopping Center, therefore taking business out of Evanston. Mr. Terry stated with the new stores perhaps this will keep the NW business in Evanston. 2300 Noyes Ct.- Mr. Terry was informed by the City Clerk that 2300 Noyes Ct. will be a Polling Place for the next election. Ms. Becker feels perhaps this was due to the effort of the Resident Council President. Mr. Terry noted Alderman Neuman had been supportive of the residents efforts. Mr. -Terry stated there are 76 precincts in Evanston of which 1.9 still have inaccessible polling places. The.ADA Committee has identified this problem to the City, and the City Clerk will meet with the ADA Committee in an effort to identify alternative locations for those 19 precincts or make these locations accessible. November 9, 1998 City Council Agenda item - Mr. Terry stated Alden Estates of Evanston, Inc. has sent to the Zoning Board of Appeals a proposal to expand their property by purchasing the adjacent property to the South and an enhanced patio area. Annual Meeting with Housing and Urban Development - Mr. Terry stated the staff held their annual meeting with the Department of Housing and Urban Development. At the meeting, Mr. Terry noted the lack of progress on Jacob Blake Manor, and HUD officials advised that this is on a HUD hold at the present time, due to a variety of problems, i.e., proposal, plans, relocation of residents, federal relocation guidelines, financing, etc. They were not optimistic these problems would be resolved soon. Taxi Cab Program - The staff are hearing more and more discrimination complaints that taxi drivers will not come to the senior buildings. The Taxi Cab Coupon Program, as perceived by the taxi cab drivers, does not cover the driver's costs, therefore the drivers are not coming to these addresses associated with senior coupon users. Mr. Terry stated the City's Taxi Cab Board and City staff are looking at amending the Taxi Cab Ordinance and the rate structure is going to get some discussion. Mr. Terry will keep the COA posted as developments occur. COA. M1N.11/07/98... Page 6 Mr. Terry had suggested that this be one of the COA's objectives for 1999. Mr. Terry commented that this is the month that the City reviews all of its funding proposals of all the agencies that they fund and thus far the Aldermen and the Mental Health Board members have been very supportive of senior issues, both very complimentary to North Shore Senior Center and Metropolitan Family Services. There is one Mental Health Board member who is very interested in increasing funding for mental health issues to older adults. Mr. Terry reported that there are two COA vacancies and there will one or two more after December, 1998. He suggests that-COA members encourage others to join the COA. Mr. Terry will advise as soon as COA presentation is on the agenda of the Human Services Committee. [VI]. NEW BUSINESS: Charlotte Becker stated that she had received a call from an agency requesting to come to her home and demonstrate an emergency response system. She asked for literature in mail (not received) and she felt that this is some type of a scam. Some other members received calls too. Ms. Flowers stated that this is not the usual way that these devices are marketed. Mr. Terry commented on the Medicare and Choice which will become available in 1999, nationally. Mr. Terry noted that seniors are beginning to receive mailings related to Medicare and Choice. Ms. Flowers stated that an informational for professionals and senior advocates will be held on November 17, 1998 sponsored by the Suburban Area Aging and which will be held at the Morton Grove Senior Center. Ms. Hirn reported that the Perlman Building has just installed accessibility doors. [VIZ]. OLD BUSINESS: Chair Nottenburg stated that the COA carried over from last month the Budget request for fiscal year 2000. He hopes that all COA members have reviewed the objectives. COA. MIN.11/07/98...Page 7 No comments or suggestions were made by COA on the Budget. Motion made and seconded to approve the Budget 1999/2000. (YIII] . COMMENTS: Mr. Nottenburg commented that Resurrection Hospital (formerly St. Francis Hospital) has decided not to allow polling places in Resurrection controlled properties. Mr. Nottenburg suggested if any COA members knows of some places who would allow polling places to contact the City Clerk's office. The COA meeting will be December 05, 1998 at the Civic Center. The Meeting adjourned at 10:4 0. Submitted, Joan M. Barott COA. MIN.11/07/98... Page 8 F a DRAFT NOT APPROVED EVANSTON COMMISSION ON AGING December 05, 1908 MINUTES Present: Bob Nottenburg, Steve Samson, Dave Sutor, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Claude Metzler, Louis Moseley, Sheldon Wagner, Ernestine Guillebeaux, Kathryn Hirn, Bettie Jean Thomas, and Ruth Gockel Absent: Dale Noble, Charlotte Becker, Emma Harmon Guests: Jeanne Zimmer (League of Women Voters), darla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services), Don Berry (former COA member) Staff: Jay Terry, Nancy Flowers, Joan Barott Ell. CALL TO ORDER The Chair, Bob Nottenburg, called the meeting to order at 9:40 A.M. Chair Nottenburg welcomed the guests and asked that they introduce themselves. Ell] . APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 03, 1998. [ill]. ELDER ABUSE REPORT - CARLA FRISCH The Elder Abuse and Neglect Act was amended January 1, 1999. Metropolitan Family Services is the local agency that responds to Elder Abuse Complaints in Evanston, Ms. Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services) Presented a report indicating the changes. The biggest change to the program is that when it was developed in 1989, discussion arose regarding whether reporting should be mandatory similar to child abuse or whether it should be voluntary or some mixture. The State in 1989 decided that the voluntary program worked the best as it respected the older adults' rights and it also allowed it to be a social service program. It has been a voluntary program since that time. CoA MIN. 12/05/98...Page 1 The change in the law requires that abuse must be reported by mandated reporters if an older adult cannot report an abuse themselves due to cognitive physical. Ms. Frisch pass out a fact sheet delineating various "Mandated Reporters". Ms. Gockel asked if this included hospital ER staff and it does. Ms. Frisch stated that an increase is expected in reporting abuse and neglect cases. This amendment makes it easier for Metropolitan Family Services and other agencies providing elder abuse services to file for guardianship while the agencies are working on cases. Shelley Wagner commented that it appears to him that it is difficult for the older adult to report abuse when an adult child is the perpetrator of the abuse. Ms. Frisch stated that most of the abuse comes from the adult children. In 1997 there were 112 cases reported. For the first six months of 1998, 75 cases of elder abuse have been reported to MFS. Ms. Frisch stated MFS is trying to obtain funding to train the staff of Banks regarding financial exploitation of older adults. Steve Samson gave an example of working with a Bank and the results. Ms. Frisch stated that employees of banks are not mandatory reporters. Ms. Frisch will be giving an extended report on the Elder Abuse and Neglect Act, Friday, December 11, 1998 at the Senior Service Providers meeting at the Civic Center 9:30 A.M., and extended an invitation to the COA members. Mr. Nottenburg thanked Ms. Frisch for her informative report. IV. COMMITTEE REPORTS LONG TERM CARE COMMITTEE - Dave Sutor announced at the November LTC meeting that Ruth Gockel, a new member, was introduced and welcomed. Mr. Sutor stated that the rough draft of the CNA Study Report was discussed at the November meeting. Mr. Sutor stated that this report will be finalized at the December 9, 1998 meeting. Mr. Sutor stated that the 1996 and 1997 Long Term Report Care had been prepared by the Health Department and distributed to the COA and LTC members. The next site visit of the LTC will be at Greenwood Care January 28, 1999. Mr. Sutor commented he was pleased to see member in attendance at the COA meeting. meet December 09, 1998 at the Civic Center CoA. MIN.12/05/98... Page 2 Don Berry (former COA The LTC Committee will INTBRGMBRATIONAL COMITTBB - Kathryn Hirn stated the Intergenerational Committee met November 16, 1998. Ms. Hirn reported that the Committee is looking for new members. She discussed the Committee's plan to develop a two page newsletter. At the November 16, 1998 meeting it was suggested that the Intergenerational Committee seek some offsite meetings places to increase attendance at meetings. The January 25, 1999 meeting will be held at the Civic Center. Ms. Hirn informed COA members of the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Holiday Party which the COA is co sponsoring at Oakwood Terrace,, December 5, 1998 (today) from 3:00 - 5:30. Ms. Hirn encouraged all COA members to attend. Assisted Living - Chair Nottenburg stated that the Assisted Living Taskforce has been monitoring Senate Bill 143. Ms. Flowers has been attending meetings facilitated by AARP related to this Bill and Ms. Flowers reported that Bill 743 did not pass out of the House of Representatives. Illinois Citizens for Better Care lobbied against the Bill and plans at the next session to provide an amended version of this Bill incorporating some of the language from the old Bill with their revisions. ICBC believes that these amendments have support, and they are lining up sponsorship now. Some agencies that were actively involved have pulled back because they wanted the Bill to be much less restrictive. Wendy Meltzer will keep in touch with the COA regarding this. Mr. Terry commented that for the last couple of weeks, AARP mounted a vigorous radio campaign portraying the Assisted Living Bill as a question of freedom of choice for older persons. He also noted American Association of Retired Persons has formally changed their name to AARP and wish to be addressed as AARP only. Chair Nottenburg stated that the Veto Session ended December 3, 199E and they will meet for a few days in January, 1999 to clean up some things before the new General Assembly takes over. CoA. MIN.12/05/98... Page 3 [V]. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Senior Providers Exchange - Mr. Terry stated that the Senior Providers Exchange is Friday, December 11, 1998 and the three speakers are: Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services) will present an Update on The Elder Abuse and Neglect Act, McGaw YMCA will present a report on their new Senior Programming Initiatives, and Alexander Brown (NSSC) will present on the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program. Senior Center - Mr. Terry reiterated the City's policy which is to build a new Senior Center in a joint venture with the Performing Arts Center on the triangle of land south of Church Street. The City Council approved and signed a Redevelopment Agreement with the Arthur Hill Company. In the course of doing this more costs have arisen for both the Performing Arts Center and the Senior Center. Mr. Terry stated, it was learned a month or so ago, that the Mather Foundation and the YMCA were seriously negotiating a joint venture to develop a Senior Center. The City Manager spoke with both the Mather Foundation and the YMCA to investigate this matter. Both the Mather Foundation and the YMCA intend to build their own private fitness recreational center, adjacent to the YMCA directly to the south or to the west of the YMCA. The Mather Foundation is very interested in being involved with community giving, and doing more charitable work. They have a number of program initiatives they are looking to develop in both Evanston and Chicago. This raises some questions. If the Mather Foundation and the McGaw Y are going to build a recreational center of 20,000 sq. ft. at the corner of Lake and Maple, should the City of Evanston build a Senior Center two blocks away? Given the cost factor and the goal of building a single center which would be accessible to all older adults in the community, it appears that there are different options emerging. Options include the development of two separate Senior Centers, giving way to a competitive environment. The Mather Foundation/Y facility would attract upper income seniors able to purchase membership and the City would have a larger subsidized population; 2) the money allocated for the City's Senior Center could be put into the Mather Foundation/Y project to develop a joint center which would be run by a collaborative Board, located at the Y location; or 3)The Mather Foundation/Y could build the center and have the City subsidize low/moderate income Evanston residents for access to this center, or the City could "buy" programs at a Mather/Y Center. CoA MIN. 12/05/98... Page 4 There are different implications to all these options. Mr. Terry was interested to know what reaction the COA had to these projects. Dave Sutor stated disapproval of the first option due to his concern that low income seniors will not be able to use The Mather/Y center. Mr. Terry noted that the Y has expressed interest in building a senior center in the past, but the City Council was not interested in that proposal. What is different is the involvement of the Mather Foundation and its considerable resources. Mr. Wagner commented that Mr. Levy has been active with raising funds for the Levy Center through the business people. Mr. Terry noted that the City has had a long standing relationship with the Levy family and would not like to see this end. Mr. Terry stated that there is a Human Services Committee meeting, Monday evening, December 07, 1998 at which the Performing Arts Center will be discussed, as well as a report on Levy Center will be given. Ruth Gockel asked about transportation to the proposed centers. Mr. Terry stated that the City can request that bus routes be changed to increase senior access to the Y/proposed Senior Center. The Mather Foundation has shuttle buses to transport its residents to the center. Claude Metzler asked what the cost figure is for the Performing Arts Center and Mr. Terry stated it was now in the neighborhood of $14 million versus the original of $3 - 5 million estimate. The City has set aside $3 million to build a Senior Center. Chair Nottenburg stated: "Does the City wish to join the Mather/Y project or stand alone?" In response to a question, Mr. Terry pointed out the Y already has swimming pools and fitness equipment. The Y has an auditorium at the Old St. Mary's School Daycare Center, that provides an additional 20,000 sq. Ft for social services, health screenings, i.e., arts and crafts. The Y and Mather have not stated what programs would be available. They feel the market will decide this. Ms. Gockel asked if there is any vacant building that could be used by the Levy Center. Mr. Terry advised that space and buildings in the Evanston area are always at a premium. COA MIN. 12/05/98... Page 5 I There is very little available. A temporary location for the it Levy Center is still unclear if that is required. Ms. Zimmer inquired as to the Civic Center being available. Mr. Terry stated that due to the monies involved for upgrading along with the location, the Civic Center would not be that desirable. Steve Samson stated that the NSSC is a competitor to the Levy Center drawing people from Evanston to Northfield. Mr. Samson questioned where the Center will be used by low income residents only? Mr. Terry stated that the importance of designing a new and different Center that will not offend the current participants, while offering programs that will attract the next generation. Mr. Terry stated that Senior Centers will become wellness centers, with fitness equipment, wellness screenings, and computers, among other offerings. Mr. Terry stated the NSSC is going to build a new facility in Northfield and has plans for a capital champaign. Taxi Cab Program - Mr. Terry stated that numerous complaints have been made regarding the Taxi Cab Service Program. Mr. Terry cited an example of a complaint whereby the taxi cab driver demanded being paid cash/fare. Some cab drivers are demanding two coupons for a one-way ride. Mr. Terry stated that the City is going to rewrite the Taxi Ordinance. In 1992 the question may arise as to what the COA wants relative to the Taxi Cab Coupon Program. Ms. Flowers reported that she has been hearing more and more complaints regarding the taxi cab service, i.e. the cabs will not pick up at the senior housing facilities. Ms. Flowers is in the process of developing a customer satisfaction form to be sent to Taxi Cab users to indicate the quality of the taxi cabs. Ms. Flowers has been speaking with facilities Resident Councils, related to the Taxi Cab Program. Mr. Wagner wondered if the taxi cab drivers were all aware of how the program works. Mr. Terry explained the coupon is purchased for $2.0o which is reimbursed for $3.50 by the drivers. The City pays the difference for a one way ride anywhere in Evanston. The tax cab drivers are asking for an increase in taxi fares due to increased cost to them. COA. MIN.12/05/98... Page 6 Ms. Flowers also stated that the "courtesy" factor has been a frequent complaint, some complaints include driver not assisting the disabled in opening doors or, helping persons to alight from the cab. Thursday night the Illinois Association of LTC Ombudsman . sponsored a public forum to look at issues of nursing home care. Approximately 20 family and active groups gave testimony on concerns about nursing home care and gave recommendations. Ms. Flowers stated that it was a very sobering evening because the families shared stories of abuse and neglect experienced in nursing homes. The perception of the families was that public agencies needed to be more actively involved in care monitoring and advocacy for nursing home residents. [VI. ] CHAIR REPORT Chair Nottenburg stated that today Shelley Wagner and Steve Samson terms as COA members had expired. On behalf of the COA he thanked them for all their devoted and faithful service. Mr. Terry also gave thanks to both Shelley Wagner and Steve Samson for their dedication and hard work. Shelley Wagner thanked the COA and stated that he wishes he could have done more but due to his health was unable to. Chair Nottenburg called attention to the COA that membership was down by four and encouraged the COA members to invite interested individuals interested to submit an application to the Mayor. Dave Sutor asked if there were anything in the By-laws suggesting that anyone who had been on the Board previously can never be on the COA again? Chair Nottenburg replied no, and he can not see any reason for a past COA member not to be able to apply. Mr. Terry reported that there are two COA vacancies and there will one/two more after December, 1998. He suggests that COA members encourage others to join the COA. COA. MIN.12/05/98... Page 7 IVIII . N= BUSINaSS: Me. Flowers stated that 10 - 15 community groups, service agencies and City staff are planning a workshop on Mental Health and Aging issues that will be offered in May, 1999. The Workshop will be open to seniors, families, professionals, and other interested persons or groups. Carla Frisch (Metropolitan Family Services) will be a speaker, Dr. Levinson (Presbyterian Homes) will be the keynote speaker. The topics will include: Sadness and depression, spirituality and how we perceive ourselves as we age. Ms. Flowers will keep the COA posted with updates. (VIII] . OLD BUSINESS: None. EXXI. COMMMUS: The COA meeting will be January 09, 1998 at the Civic Center. The Meeting adjourned at 10:40. Submitted, Joan M. Barott CoA. MIN.12/05/98...Page 8