HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1999The General Meeting Minutes
Small Business Development Committee
Minority, Women & Evanston Business Enterprise
Wednesday, December S. 1999
6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Laurie Marston. Carl Davis, Richard Peach, Janice Sachen, and
Terrance Jenkin
Members Absent: Bennie Jones and Michael Sutton
Presiding Official: Laurie Marston
Staff Present: Lloyd Shepard, Morris Robinson
Laurie Marston called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
The minutes of November 10" were approved with an addition to the paragraph
discussing the CDBG application. The addition states, "The M/W/EBE Committee felt
that the Contractor Liaison position was critical to monitoring on site compliance with
M/W/EBE goals, regardless of the funding source used."
Update On Economic Development, Morris Robinson
Mr. Robinson presented general information regarding the Church Street Plaza and
Sherman Plaza projects. Fie indicated that the City is taking the necessary steps toward
getting companies to understand that Evanston favors MIW/EBE participation.
Companies that really want to do business in Evanston are making earnest attempts
to comply with the City's 25% requirement. Economic Development Committee
meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
Citv Budeet and Contractor Liaison position
Mr. Shepard reported that the SLIN'TBE program budget had been increased by S8.900
above FY 19994PO. The 1999-00 appropriation «as $100,600. The requested pos:ition-
Contractor Liaison was not approved for funding. The Administration/Planning senction
of the CDBG Budget %vas capped at S502.600. There was a budget request of S6 E 5.445
that required cuts of S 112.845. The position could not be funded from CIP funds. The
City is projecting the lay off of four personnel.
Northwestern/Cite of Evanston Vendor Fair
Mr. Shepard stated that the Northwestern/City of Evanston Vendor Fair was a suaccss
with 192 companies registered. He noted that John Marshall. Northwestern Econuunic
Opportunity Coordinator, indicated that he had not sorted the registrants by \IfW1EBE
Classifications. Sis. Sachen requested that fir. Shepard follow up with John Mamflmll to
determine if he planned to have a list and if so, to request a copy.
M/W/EBE Renort on Contract Awards
Mr. Shepard reported that the total amount for Bids/Contracts awarded November S, 1999
through December 8. 1999 was $209.445. There were no contracts awarded to minorities
or women. There was an EBE award of S 1000 for an M/W/EBE credit of 0.43%. The
above period was very slow for overall contract activity.
Old Business
Scribcor Renort i Onnortunities for Tenant Work. Interior Finishes. etc.)
Mr. Shepard mentioned that Steve Kardell of Scribcor indicated that an anchor tmmint is
in place and a contract for millwork has been awarded to a non-M/WlEBE. The m llwork
contractor had previously performed for the anchor tenant and was selected again Lo
expedite completion of the interior work. The tenant move -in date was moved back by
one and a half months due to issues with the Zoning Department regarding the tenant's
parking lot. The tenant is trying to make up for time lost. The drywall contract was
awarded to a Hispanic contractor.
Steve Kardell indicated that he would have a M/W/EBE report from Valenti by
December 15. 1999. Any additional contracting or purchasing done with M/W/EBBs
will be reflected_
ComnIetion of Vendor Database
The City is currently in the process of obtaining a new Financial Management package
and one of the requirements is that the system have the ability to track and report
M/W/FBE information on both current and prospective vendors. The Access database
will then he exported into the new financial management system.
Vendors that have done business with the City of Evanston since March 1, 1998 wm
targeted for a survey of MA EBE status. Approximately 2_3 4 surveys were sent to
businesses and 940 responded. There is a current backlog of = 50 Vendor Information
forms that need to be entered into the Access program. These include both current and
prospective vendors. The Finance clerk has begun entering the backlog into the database.
It has been anticipated that the current backlog will be eiiminawd by early January. It
will take 2 to 4 billing cycles to catch the current vendors that did no respond to the
Memo to City Council Sugstesting Chanees to the Purchasing Policv
The committee decided that a recommendation should be sent to the City Council to
change the MAW/EBE purchasing policy from 20% to 23% and to establish a 3% floor for
EBEs in City redevelopment agreements. The committee agreed that if the City requires
a 25% procurement policy for redevelopment agreements. then the City should also
require an equal percentage for its contracts. The change will also provide uniformity for
all contracts. his. Marston will compose a memo to express the committees views. It
was suggested that Mr. Shepard find out what the process is to have the requested change
brought before the A&PW Committee and subsequently the City Council for approval.
Also, to send Laurie a copy of the relevant MANVEBL specifications for review.
Church Street Plaza Garas,,e (W.E. O'Neil)
Mr. Shepard spoke with Ben Ranney and reported that Builders Ready Mir, an EBE,
would receive a contract for the Cast In Place concrete requirement of the garage
amounting to S8.538.000 which is 38.8% of total project cost of 522,000,000. O'Neill
indicated that the painting contract is another area that they are considering for EBE
participation. This contract is estimated at $I82.500.
Ben Ranney related that O'Neill will submit their first &LV EBE report December 15.
1999, reflecting O'Neil's current NI/W/EBE participation effort. He also indicated that
O'Neil could far exceed the Citv's M/W/EBE objectives.
New Business
Redevelonment Aereements and Professional Services
Mr. Robinson indicated that development companies have established relations with
professional service providers. it is common practice for developers to have their soft
requirements contracted and companies working prior to the time the developer makes
their initial redevelopment presentation to the Cite. He continued to say that at this time
the City does not have procedures for incorporating i• AVIEBE professional service
providers at the front end of redevelopment projects. There should be a committee
formed to look at hou to establish soft opportunities with developers.
Staff Evaluation on Compliance with Purchasina Policy
There was a brief discussion on this topic. Laurie Marston and Lloyd Shepard are to
follow up with the Personnel Department.
Reaonointment of Members
Due to lack of time, this item was tabled for the next meeting.
Hirine Process for Plannine Aide
Mr. Shepard is to discuss the hiring of a Planning Aide %%ith Bill Stafford and report to
theCommittee at the next meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for 1Vcdnesday, January 12, 2000 at
6:00 p.m. in Room 3650, Civic Center.
The General Meeting Minutes
Small Business Development Committee
Minority, Women & Evanston Business Enterprise
Wednesday, November 10, 1999
6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Laurie Marston. Michael Sutton, Richard Peach and Bennie Jones
Members Absent: Tetra• Jenkins, Carl Davis, and Janice Sachen
Presiding Official: Laurie Marston
Staff Present: Lloyd Shepard, Chad Walton
Laurie Marston called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
The minutes of September 8, 1999 and October 13, 1999 were approved Nvith a correction
to the September 8`' minutes. Ms. Marston incorporated the fact that the committee
unanimously thanked Michael DeVaul for his fine work as chairperson.
Northwestern Vendor Fair
It was agreed that the attendance was good at the Fair and there could have been minor
changes to facilitate the interaction between the vendors and the City. The City will be
provided with a copy of the attendance list from Northwestern.
CDBG Annlication
Mr. Shepard stated that the M WIEBE program was funded for the fiscal year 2000-2001
for S 109.400.00. which is an increase of S8800.00 above the current year's funding. He
noted that one alderman stated that the funding for the M/W/EBE program should come
from the CIP fund. lie also mentioned that Alderman Drummer indicated that he would
seek funding from the City Council.
There being no fiut$er business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December & 1999 at
6:00 p.m. in Room 3650, Civic Center.
RespecMily Submitted.
Cheryl Crabtree
The General Meeting Minutes
Small Business Development Committee
Minority, Women & Evanston Businea Enterprise
Wednesday, October 13, 1999
6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Laurie Marston, Janice Sachen
Prosnective Members: Bennie Jones. Richard Peach
Members Absent: Michael Sutton. Terry Jenkins, Carl Davis
Presiding Official: Laurie Marston
Staff Present: Lloyd Shepard. Chad Walton, Cheryl Crabtree
Laurie Marston called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
The minutes of September 8. 1999 were held in abeyance until the November 10, 1999
meeting due to lacking a quorum.
A & PW Meetine
Mr. Shepard distributed documents to the committee that were presented at the
A & PW Committee meeting. He stated that the main topics discussed at the meeting
were, the purpose of the M/WIEBE Program, the components that make up the program.
the initiative and the goals for achieving certain dollar levels, and results.
Ms. Sachen noted that everyone at the meeting including live Aldermen and the Mayor
were very receptive.
CDBG Annlication
Mr. Shepard indicated that the total dollars requested on the CDBG application were
$174,150.00, which include salary for an additional person (Contractor Liaison). This
person will assist the M/W/EBE Coordinator. The question was raised about the small
amount of money spent in ' 1999 and the amount of money requested for `2000, which is
an increase of about 570.000. \ts. Marston requested that a footnote t%, included vo the
application explaining that the ditYerence in the amount of money is du.- to the staff
Northwestern Vendor Fair
Mr. Walton and Mr. Shepard will participate in the Fair. Mr. Walton ,.»ll give thr
vendors an overview of how to do business with the Cite of Evanston.
Mr. Shepard indicated that he will know more about the Fair when he speaks to
John Marshall, who is coordinating the Vendor Fair.
Citv's Vendor Fair
Mr. Shepard stated that he had nothing to add since the last meeting. It -A-as
decided that for future Vendor Fairs, the sign -in person should be a Ciry
Comnletion of Vendor Directory
Mr. Walton stated that the target .late for the completion of the Vendor
Directory is December 1. 1999. Hic delay is due to departmental tumover and
priority being given to Y2K by the Information Systems Department.
Motor Fuel "Tax Fund Discussion
Mr. Walton noted that he will give a breakout of what the MFT project were for the last
season, and the dollars associated with it. He also mentioned that the N FT projects that
are put together by the Public WorksrrrafJic & Engineering division are substantial
dollar- wise but the goals are met on a regular basis, primarily through one hundred
percent minority contractors getting the jobs.
Staff Evaluation on Comnliance with Council's Policv
"there was a brief discussion on how to get the various departments to comply
with Council's policy. tics. Sachen stated that the concern was not the big projects. but
the departments who order the smaller items without having to go through Purchasing. It
was agreed that a formal policy would have to be established before an evaluation on
departments or staff is made. Mr. Walton stated that he would get a copy of the City of
Chicago's staff evaluation policy for the committee to review.
Determination of end of terns annointment nossibility for current members
It was decided to leave this item on the agenda for the next meeting.
Work for remainder of year
Mr. Shepard stated that Ise would give some thought to how the committee can participate
as one of the major components in the business development network.
New Members
Mr. Peach and Mr Jones were introduced to the committee. Their applications have been
submitted for membership approval.
There being no funkier business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 10, 1999 at
6:00 p.m. in Room 3650. Civic Center.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Crabtree
The General Meeting ltinutes
Minority, Women & Evanston Business Enterprise
Development Committee
Wednesday, September & 1999
6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Michael DeVaul. Laurie Marston. Janice Sachen.
Terry Jenkins. Carl Davis
Members Absent: Michael Sutton
Presiding Official: Michael DeVaul
Staff Present: Lloyd Shepard
Mike DeVaul called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
Carl Davis motioned to approve the minutes of August 12, 1999. Janice Sachen
seconded and the motion was carried with no nays.
Folio%- un on Scribcor Report
Mr. Shepard stated that as of September 2. the total contract dollars that have been spent
are S3?77.095.00 and NI/W/EBE participation is at S957,I22.00 for a total of29.21%
participation. Ile also mentioned that he has requested from Scribcor the break out on the
MBE figures so that the committee will know what communities are being impacted with
the MBE dollars. Mr. Shepard also noted that he spoke with Stephen Kardel about the
employment figures in terms of racial minority and requested that in the future there
should be more balance in regard to who is being hired.
Water Department Renort
There was a brief discussion on a report that was issued by the Water & Sewer
department. The report detailed the recruitment of Evanston, Minority and Women
contractors that have worked on the water project, and outlines what staff has done to
retain these contractors. Mr. DeVaul indicated that the committee should continue to
monitor this project and should ask Richard Figuerelli to speak with committee
concerning the successes and the failures of the project.
New Committee Members
Mr. DeVaul rriteratcd the need for new members. He also noted that Bennie Jones is a
potential candidate for memhcrship.
Vendor Fair Written Renort
Mr. Shepard stated that based on the report that was sent to him by Bovis, there were
twenty-four Minority and Women business enterprises and thirty-one Evanston business
enterprises for a total of tith-five 141/1N'IEBE'S_ He also added that these figures may not
be accurate and that he will cheek with Bovis to confirm at the figures. Mr. DeVaul
requested that this report be included in the package that will be presented to the City
Draft of AP%k' Sentember Retort
Mr. Shepard outlined the activities that would take place at the AP%N' meeting. He
distributed a draft that included projections for the upcoming year as well as the chart of
work for the year. Subjects that are going to be discussed at this meeting are, the purpose
of the M/W/EBE program, results in the areas that are impacted in terms of construction,
commodities and services, the 5% local preference, and contract compliance.
There will also be a discussion on the vendor fair and the upcoming vendor fairs. Mr.
Shepard stated that he and Mr. Walton have discussed trying to come up with innovative
ways to reach as many vendors as possible by utilizing minority business development
organizations as clearing houses for requests for quotes as well as proposals. He also
noted that this would be useful in terns of expanding the vendor base and announcing to
organizations that Evanston is serious about being a player in the metropolitan area in
terms of giving all persons an opportunity- to do business with the City.
Mr. DeVaul requested that the presentation should end with the future of the committee,
additional staffing and resources and acknowledgement of the committee.
Resignation of Committee Chairperson
Mr. DeVaul has accepted a position in Charlotte. North Carolina. He stated that this is
his last meeting and that Laurie btarsion will be the interim Chairperson until January
2000. At that time the committee will decide %vho the next Chairperson will be.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjoumed at 7:30 pan,
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. October 13. 1999, at
6:00 p.m. in Room 3650, Civic Center.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Crabtree
The General Meeting Lnutes
Minority, Women & Evanston Business Enterprise
Development Committee
Wednesday, August It. 1999
6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Michael DeVaul, Laurie Marston. Janice Sachen,
Terry Jenkins. Michael Sutton
Members Absent: Carl Davis
Presiding Official: Michael DeVaul
Staff Present: Lloyd Shepard, Chad Walton, Morris Robinson and Cheryl Crabtree
Guest Present: Jennifer Morrill — Northwestern Graduate Student
Mike DeVaul called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
Laurie Marston motioned to approve the minutes of July 14. 1999. Janice Sachen
seconded and the motion was carried with no nays_ .
Announcement of New Coordinator
Mike DeVaul introduced Lloyd Shepard as the new• M/W.TBE Program Coordinator.
Follow uo on Scribcor Revort
Mr. Shepard noted that even though the Scribcor report showed the percentage of
participation being in compliance. it is broken out by Minority. «'omen and Evanston
enterprise. l•le suggested that the racial minority composition of the numbers should be
pointed out so that there can be a better understanLing of the economic impact on the
different communities. %1r. Shepard continued to say that this is the only war to measure
economic de%elopment across the board. If it is not kno«n where the money is going
then there is no wa) of kno%%ing who is benefiting_ He will send a letter to Stephen
Kardel_ requesting_ that the changes be made.
Levalit of Proiect Comviiame on Future Develoytnents.
?► discussion tools place on dividing the 25% compliance between Minority. yeomen and
Evanston business enterprises in order to encourage participation tram Ev-anston hued
businesses. There was a concern about companies such as Scribcor meeting the a%
compliance. but not including each of the entities (MlW/E) in that percentage.
particularly Evanston businesses. Mr. DeVaul stated that as Evanston continues to do
more development. compliance will become a bigger issue. It was suggested that; the
25% compliance should not be di%ided among the three groups, but there should be a
stipulation that states no Iess than a certain percentage of the 25% be given to each group.
This would give the contractor flexibility on how to reach his 25% compliance and each
group will be represented. Mr. DeVaul noted that there is a need for further discussion.
Water Renort,
Mike DeVaul mentioned that the Water & Seiner department has been recruiting
Evanston. Minority and Women contractors to work on a water project. There is a report
that outlines what staff has done to recruit and retain these companies. Mr. DeVaul
believes that the report is worth looking at and may be available for the committee to
review at the next meeting.
Vendor Fair Report
Mr. Shepard noted that there were about 90 participants at the vendor fair and of those
participants 25 were Evanston companies. He mill request Bovis' sign in sheet to get the
breakdown of NLINKIBEs and the total amount of participants. Mr. DeVaul stated that it
is very important to capture those numbers and suggested that by the next meeting a
formal 'L%Titten report should be drafted to send to Council. The committee agreed that the
vendor fair «as a success. Mr. DeVaul also suggested that Mr. Shepard should contact
the committee members to get input and suggestions for the next vendor fair.
Mr. Walton stated that a report %%as submitted to the Council at the July 26' meeting
showing the progress of the committee. Mr. DeVaul mentioned that he has received
positi%e calls on that report from t«o aldermen NIr Walton also stated that he gill -cork
«ith Mr. Shepard and prepare a rough draft of a report for Council and bring it for the
committee to rl,1 ie%k at the ne\t meeting, The AP&W Council meeting is scheduled for
September l:. 1999.
Recruitment of Nei% Members
Mr. DeVaul reiterated the need for new members. He indicated that with the level of
acti\ itk up. this is a good time to recruit ne« members
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8, 1999, at
6:00 p.m. in Room 3650, Civic Center.
RespeStfully Submitted,
` 1 Crab ee
The General Meeting Minutes
,Minority, Women & Evanston Business Enterprise
Development Committee
Wednesday, July 14,19"
6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Michael DeVaul, Laurie Marston, Janice Sachen, Terry Jenkins,
Lloyd Shepard
Members Absent: Carl Davis, and Michael Sutton
Presiding Official: Michael DeVaul
Staff Present: Chad Walton
Guest Present: Ben Ranney ... Arthur Hill & Company
Marvin Walker
Mike DeVaul called the meeting to order at 6:12 p.m.
There -was a motion to approve the minutes of June 9. 1999. The motion %vas seconded
and it «as carried with no nays.
Follow ur3 on Scribcor Reoon - 25% Comoliance
Chad Walton distributed a report from Scribcor that has been modified to include the
dollar amounts. Mr. Walton pointed out that the numbers are encouraging as far as
Minority and Women are concerned but participation by E%'anston based Enterprises is an
issue that -.kill he dealt kith on future contracts.
,Mr. Walton also mentioned that he had met with Herbert Hill of the Legal Department to
inquire if the 25% percent goal can be redefined, for example, 15% EBE. 5% MBE, 5%
WBE-. This •could be permissible per the legal department. He continued by stating that
the goals should be included on all contracts. not just specific contracts. Mr. DeVaul
stated that further discussion was required on project compliance and monitoring.
Vendor Fair Renort
Mr. Walton noted that much progress has been made towards gttti.ng the word out about
the vendor fair. Bovis has sent out over 1000 notices and the committee has distributed
approximately 100 to 150 notices to Evanston contractors.
Mr. Walton also distributed a copy of a press release that was sent to the Evanston Round
Table and Pioneer Press. He noted that we have received assurance from them that there
will be an article on M/W/EBENendor Fair in the next edition of the Round Table and
the July 22' edition of the Pioneer Press. In addition, there will be a half page
advertisement in the Round Table and a quarter page advertisement in the Pioneer press_
Participants in the Vendor Fair will include Arthur Hill & Company, Boris Construction,
City of Evanston Parks/Forestry/Recreation Department and the Housing Rehabilitation
Department. Other participants will be Northwestern University and possibly Evanston
Hospital. The Fair will be held in the Parasol Room on the 4`° floor of the Civic Center
from 9:00 to 3:00. There will be a presentation at 10:00 and 1:30 to explain how to do
business with the City and other participants of the Fair.
Purchasinc Data Renort
Mr. Walton noted that all of the Vendor Survey Information that has been received to
date has been entered into the vendor database- He mentioned that he should be able to
give a more detailed report in the future. So far, the reports have been based on what has
actually been presented to the Council but when the data base is populated the reports
will include money that does not go to Council, such as the S 15.000 and under amounts.
Mr. Walton indicated that he %%ill add another column to the report that will include
current Year to date.
Undate on MBE Coordinator
Mr. Walton stated that prospect interviews have been concluded and preparations to make
an offer to a candidate are underway. He also noted that if things go well. the candidate
will be introduced at the vendor fair.
NIr. Dc%*aui spoke brietl% on a report that %%as given to him from the «ater department
that in%oked compliance strategies on training and job de%-elopment for B-anston
residents Ile said that Rich Ftl-lurelli or another water department emplo%ee should be
inx ited to the meeting to gi%e an update on ho« that project is progressing
Recruitment of New Members
Them are two slots open for membership. The committee should be searching to fill
those slots.
A ust APW meeting
Alderman Drummer would like to have a special APW meeting for discussing the
M/W/EBE process. Mr. DcVaul asked that the committtee start thinking about how the
presentation will be made with staff. He also mentioned that it would be a good time to
introduce the new Coordinator.
CommunicationR to Council,
Mr. DeVaul noted that the Scribcor report, the Purchasing Data Report and other data
from the committee should be sent to the City Council and the CDHG coordinator. These
reports should be sent periodically to show the progress that the committee is making and
to keep City Council informed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 11, 1999, at 6:00 p.nL
in Room 3650, Civic Center.
Respectfully Submitted.
cry 1 C bt,'re
The General Meeting Minutes
Minority, Women & Evanston Business Enterprise
Development Committee
Wednesday, Jane 9, 19"
6:00 P.Al.
Members Present: Michael DeVaul. Laurie Marston, lanice Sachen, Michael Sutton
Members Absent: Carl Davis. Lloyd Shepard and Terry Jenkins
Presiding Official: Michael DeVaul
Staff Present: Morris Robinson, Chad Walton, Cheryl Crabtree
Guest Present: Bill Hudson — COE Staff/Community Development
Nlike DeVauI called the meeting to order at 6: l2 p.m.
Laurie Marston motioned to approve the minutes of May 12. 1999. Michael Sutton
seconded and the motion was carried with no nays.
Bill Hudson. an Inspector with the City of Evanston and a General Contractor spoke with
the committee about various ways in which to offer product/service opportunities for
contracts %%ith more: Evanston based businesses. He stated that he had projects and
needed contractors to complete the projects. He is also interested in training contractors
in various fields. It was suggested that he attend the Vendor Fair.
Retort on Frade Breakouts from Bovis
Mr. Robinson indicated that there has not been any conversation with Bovis concerning
the trade breakouts. Mr. DeVaul noted that for the last couple of months Bovis has not
been able to provide: breakouts because the project had not officially started, but he will
request the breakouts for the July meeting. N1r. Walton mentioned that the trade
breakouts %%ill be a %er% important part in planning for the job fair.
Update on Coordinator hirine process
Mr. Walton stated that the interviews are mo%ing into the second round with four
candidates and hopefully one of those candidates rill be chosen by the next meeting.
Follow un on Scribcor Report — 25% Compliance
Mr. Walton distributed a report from Scribcor that shoved 44% compliance. The
committee agreed that the report should contain the dollar amount and a breakdown of
who the contractor is, the award amount, and whether it is a Minority. Women, or
Evanston based Enterprise. Mr. DeVaul also noted that even though Scribcor has 44%
compliance, a strategy should be devised to include more Evanston based businesses for
future projects.
Vendor Fair Discussion
Chad Walton. Morris Robinson. Janice Sachen and Mike Sutton met prior to the
tvf/W,`EBE meeting to discuss the Vendor fair. Mr. Walton stated that they are still
planning to have the fair in mid -July but wanted to speak with Arthur Hill to confirm that
the July date is reasonable. They also discussed other developments within the City, but
decided that since this was the first job fair and the time frame was short- they were going
to be more specific, The focus will be on the Arthur Hill development. Northwestern
University. Evanston Hospital. and the City of Evanston (Public Works. ParksfForestryl
Recreation). Nfr. Walton noted that he and fir. Robinson will begin contacting these
individuals and start setting ideas in motion. He also confirmed that the Vendor fair vrill
be held in the Parasol Room. fourth floor of the Civic Center during work hours. The
marketing of the Vendor fair was also discussed. It was suggested that Council should be
made aware of the Fair. possibly by including communication in an agenda package
announcing the Vendor Fair. The decision .%as made that for the initial Job fair the
emphasis will be on Evanston Based Enterprises.
Purchasim,, Data Report
Mr. Walton distributed theMonthly report for Biiiv,(o►itract.c .4u•ctrd-.ttati• 12. 1999 thru
.1itne 9. / 999 He stated that S2.151.624.52 has been a«arded by the Council and of that.
there %%as S978.004.50. compliance. NIBS had the highest amount with 44% compliance_
The FBF- had '° compliance and WBE had Wla. Mr. Walton noted that as of 'November
1998 about S12.000.0011 �%orth of contracts ha.e been a,-\arded. and them: has been about
5.000,000 \%orth ofcompli.snce. lie also indicated that he is %Norking (in a report to
present to the: Council
DirectorN Update
The vendor surveys are connnuousl} being input into the database on a daily basis. Over
t%%o thou;and surte%s ha%e been received and at least ..one thousand ha%e been entered
into the database. It was suggested that the database be used as a basis for the maffug list
for the vendor fair.
Mr. DeVaul mentioned that Alderman Drumma requested that the Committee attmd a
special AFW meeting, where the entire Council would be invited to dialog about the
whole M/W/EBE process. He stated that Alderman Drummer would like this meetigg to
take place in July or as soon as possible because the momentum of the Committee is high
and several seeds have been planted in the minds of the Council members. The
Committee agreed that August would be the target date for the meeting. Mr. Waltoo
stated that he will work on the content to be put into the agenda package announcing the
Vendor Fair. He will present it to the members at the next meeting for discussion.
It was suggested to invite the Evanston Review and the Evanston Roundtable to the
Vendor Fair. Also use of Evanston Cable would be beneficial to introduce the new
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at 6.00 p.m.
in Room 3650, Civic Center.
Respectfull} Submitted.
I"V \`
Mryl Crabc
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Presiding Official:
Staff Present:
Guest Present:
The General Meeting Minutes
Minority, Women die Evanston Business Enterprise
Development Committee
Wednesday, May 12,1999
6:00 P.M.
-Ir .
Michael DeVaul, Terry Jenkins, Laurie Marston, Janice Scathed
earl Davis, Lloyd Shepard and Michael Sutton
Michael DeVaul
Morris Robinson, Chad Walton, Cheryl Crabtree
Ben Ranney -- Arthur Hill and Company
Mike DeVaul called the meeting to order at 6:16 p.m.
Laurie Marston motioned to approve the minutes of April 14, 1999. Terry Jenkins
seconded and the motion was carried with no nays.
Directory Update
Chad Walton stated that there has been an overwhelming response to the surveys that
were mailed to the vendors. Data is being input to the data base on a daily basis. Once
the data input has been completed, the process of building the directory can begin. Mr.
Walton also mentioned that a printout of the data may be ready for the committee to view
by mid -July.
Update on Park Development Project
Ben Ranney of Arthur Hill & Company noted that a new round of public input will,take
place next week concerning issues that are before the City Council, which includes
amendments to the redevelopment agreement. Mr. Ranney also stated that hopefully
Arthur Hill & Company will have the land for the main pavilion conveyed to them by
June and the whole process should begin two weeks later.
Vendor Fair Di_scu_ssion
Mr. Ranney stated that a tentative date for setting up a fair and Besting bid pschpW.
out, would be mid -July. The committee agreed that the Parasol Room, located in the
Civic Center, would be the best place to hold the fair and that it shmdd take pi f;;, -
weekday. Mike DeVaul noted that he would like Janice Sachen and Michael
to meet with Chad Walton and Morris Robinson to discuss and plan the vendor fair. ..
j4xWe on Coo inator hiring proccaa s .,�••. .
The interviewing process for the coordinator position has begun and will cote ',
through the week. Mr. Walton indicated that a candidate could be chosen by -
meeting. Mr. DeVaul will be included in the final two interviews. -
Compliance Strategy op 25% Mandate on City Proiticts
There was a brief discussion on compliance strategy. Mr. DeVaul mentioned that as the
level of activity increases in the City, a compliance strategy ►will have to be impletnented
that is policy orientated and will help staff, especially in regard to monitoring outside
compliance. He also noted that a strategy should be devised that will keep Council aware
of the progress. Mr. DeVaul continued by saying that compliance should be viewed from
a policy end that %0l assist staff, and from an internal process. Nis. Sachen mentioned
that compliance should be put into the Ianguage of the contract.
CDBG Meeting Discussion Follow -Up
Mr. DeVaul noted that staff made an excellent presentation in terms of the
accomplishments and where the MCW/EBE is headed. He also mentioned that CDBG
was very receptive to the idea that the staff may be coming back to them for additional
Mr. Walton distributed the .4Monthh• report for Bids/Contracts .hard- .-April 14 thru May
12. 1999. fie stated that S 1,2 I6,722.64 has been awarded by the Council and of that,
there was S497.448.64 compliance. 21 % is EBE compliance and 19% is WBE, a total of
40% compliance. Nfr. DeVaul suggestcd that the reports be sent to Council on a quarterly
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Vl 11iF�XT� 16AAjLtG:
The next m+eeft is scheduled for Wednesday, Jane 9, 1999, at 6:00 p.m.
in Room 3650, Civic Center.
Respectfully Submitted,
C heryl ra
The General Meeting Minutes
Minority, Women .0 E-.-xnstan Business Enterprise
Development Committee
%Vednesday. April 14. 1999
6:00 P-M.
Members Present: Michael DeVaul, Terry Jenkirr, Laurie Marston. Janice Sachets,
Lloyd Shepard. and Michael Sutton
Members Absent: Carl Davis
Presiding Official: Michael DeVaul
Staff Present: Morris Robinson, Chad Walton
Guest Present: Ben Ranney -- Arthur Hill and Company
Stephen Kardel -- Scribcor
Joe Kroll -- Scribcor
Bennett Johnson -- NAACP
Mike DeVaul called the meeting to order at 6.10 p.m.
Janice Sachen motioned to approve the minutes of March 10. 1999. Laurie Marston
seconded and the motion was carried with no nays.
Land Development Deal - Scribcor
Mr. DeVaul introduced Steve Kardel. president of Scribcor and manager of 1880 Oak
LLC, and Joe Kroll, owner's representative of Kroll Construction Services. Mr. Kroll
also supervises the day to dad operations of the general contractor, Valenti Construction.
Mr. Kardel stated that Scribcor closed on the property at Emerson and Oak, and the
nature of the negotiations with the City of Evanston was that a redevelopment agreement
be signed at the closing. Pan of that agreement included the Evanston/Minority/
Women's Business participation. He also mentioned that Valenti Construction solicited
141 subcontractors. Of those. 44 were MBE. WBE or Evanston based businesses. Mr.
Kroll noted that unfortunately the response rate of the minority portion of the solicited
bids were only 50%. He also mentioned that according to the local directory that w-as
given to him. there were not many Evanston based businesses that qualified. Mr. Walton
responded by saying that the directory is in the process of being updated and more
Evanston businesses will be identified. Mr- prof] indicated that he would like to submit
reports of work hours. dollar amounts. and vendors to the committee on a montly basis
as the project progresses.
Report from Bovis on Park Development Brcakouts
Ben Ranney of Arthur Hill & Company ga%t an update on the Part: Development
Project. He distributed information about the bids that kill be used from both Bovis in
regards to the retail and cinema building and also Power Construction who is close to
being signed up to work on the residential building. Nir. Ranney noted that there are a
number of lease negotiations that are quite close. There are also equity investors who
have made substantial investments into the project and into the company that is doing the
project. He mentioned that he is hoping that the City %ill be able to convey the land by
mid May and that he will have a firm schedule by the next meeting. Ivir. DeVaul
suggested that at some point. prior to bids going out. a more descriptive view. by dollar
amount, could be given to the committee. so that a local fair could be held to help Bovis
recruit vendors. Mr. Raney indicated that a detailed breakout was not available
because the project is still in the beginning stages. but he could possibly have that
breakout available by mid May. He does plan to go out and get to know the businesses
in the community and set up training programs. fir. DeVaul reiterated that the
committee should have at least forty-five dabs to coordinate a vendor fair.
Local Purcha5ing.Ordinance Undat
The Local Purchasing Ordinance passed with a 6 - 1 vote.
CDBG Meeting Follow L'o
The Committee is on the Community Development Block Grant committee meeting
scheduled for the second Tuesday in May at 7.00 p.m. The purpose is to update the
CDBG on the progress that the committee has made. The climate of the meeting is
going to be that this is the only topic on the agenda. The request is that the City Manager
and the Assistant City Manager be at the meeting. A report will be given and the
committee will dialog as a group. The meeting will be set up as a Round Table
Coordinator Position Discussion
There have been at least twenty responses to the advertisement for the position.
Interviewing should begin soon. Mr. Robinson noted that they will strive to bring in a
Coordinator that will meet the needs of the committee and the City and keep the
momentum that is developing within the committee.
There was a discussion about whether the Coordinator position should remain in
City Manager's office or move to finance. There was a motion to move that the
committee recommend to the City Manager that the position he muffed to the Fitt3nce
Department. The motion was seconded and carried with no nays.
Vendor Information SurvevEOrm
The form was mailed out to all of the City's current and new vendors. The feedback
from this survey will be used to populate the data base and build the directory.
Purchasing Data Repgrt
Mr. Walton distributed a report that consist of Bids and RFPs that are over S 15,000. and
presented to the City Council for award. The report will be distributed to the committer
on a monthly basis. Mr. Walton noted that data on the items that are less than S 15,000-
µill be available in about two months.
Tljrf Care Greivance
Mr. DeVaul mentioned that an agreement has been worked out between the City and Turf
Care that allows Turf Care to bid on certain items. Mr DeVaul also thanked Mr.
Robinson for helping to turn the Turf Care situation around.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. May 12, 1999, at 6:00 p.m.
in Room 3650, Civic Center.
Respectfully Submitted.
dher%1 Cgbtree
General Meeting Minutes
Minority, Women & Evanston Business Enterprise
Development Committee
Wednesday. March 10, 1999
6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Carl Davis. Terry Jenkins, Laurie Manton. Janice Sachen, Lloyd Shepard.
and Michael Sutton
Members Absent: None
Presiding Official: Michael DeVaul
Staff Present: Morris Robinson. Chad Walton, Cheryl Crabtree
Guest Present: Ben Ranney --.Arthur Hill and Company
Ales «'einer -- Bovis Construction Corp.
Nike DeVaul called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
Terry Jenkins motioned to approve the minutes of February 10. 1999. Lloyd Shepard
seconded and the motion vas carried with no nays.
pirectorti 1'odate
Chad Walton indicated that he has been working with Information Systems to create a
new vendor survey form. These forms will be mailed out to existing and potential
vendors and the results of the mailing will be used to update and create a new directory
that "ill be more accurate and have current information. iklr. Walton also mentioned
that the data base will be developed as a result of the mailing. The vendor survey forms
should be mailed «ithin the next t«o weeks.
Draft rf Purchasinsz Data Re o
Mr. «'alton distribur d a report of the bids and contracts that have been presented to Citn
Council for award since November. 1998. He reviewed those bid packages that met
N1, «' EBE compliance. Since November 1998. the total spent on bids and contracts is
approximately S7.000.000. Of that $7.000.000.. there is approximately $2.000.000.
of compliance. It -,Las also decided that the open bid list should be mailed to each
committee member once a "eek.
fir. Robinson noted that a system will have to be implemented that will monitor
compliance on future projects. He stated that there has to lti a pmeess in place during the
course of the project. that will determine all commitments are being met. If
commitments are not being met. whatever action is rewired will be taken at that timer_ to
make sure that the primary contractor meets the compliance objective before complerson
of the project.
Retort from Bovis on Part: Development Breakouts
Ben Ranney of Arthur Hill introduced Alex Weiner of Boris Construction. Mr. Weir=
is the Senior Project Manager for the Church Street Project. He %will be in charge of rbe
project in its entirety. including the procurement portion of the job. Mr Weiner indicated
that he did not have the trade breakouts available for the committee. due to the fact that
they are still working with the architects and doing some minor design changes. He
continued by stating that there is not at specific tailored plan for this project in place. Ot is
still a little early. but by next month's meeting he should be able to roll out a specific
tailored plan. He also mentioned that at this time the plan is to meet or exceed the
MAV/EBE requirements for this project. NIr. Ranney indicated that they are still hoping
to break ground in June. -
Mr. DeVaul noted that he is not looking to pinpoint the around breaking date. but to
have the opportunity to «ork with Boris to help recruit potential vendors that may not be
on Boris' list, but ma} have opportunities for Evanston based businesses. He pointe-i
out that there should be enough time to give notification to vendors to attend the
opportunity fair in order to review the breakouts. He also mentioned that the committee
should have an opportunity to be involved in the recruitment process.
ljjLf Care Grievance
Mr. DeVaul indicated that Turf Care. an Evanston based. Minority owned landseapin7
compan.. submitted bids on tnti-o City projects. The Citn had nonconformance issues
with the ray Turf Care handled these projects. Mr. DeVaul also stated that he met i-:h
George L%tic. Vice President of Turf Care. in an attempt to mediate betxveen the Cir% and
Turf Care and also met .with Doug Gaynor. Director of Parks. Recreation/Forestry. a`zar
meeting %with the two gentlemen. Turf Care decided to take the matter to litigation. NL.
Walton noted that until the matter is resolved. Turf Care gill be declared a non-
responsi%e bidder.
Lod De: elorment Deal- Scribcor
The Economic De%elopmem Committee has agreed -,%sth the NI W,EBE Developmer.-
agreement %%ith Scribcor. %%hich includes a 25% Nl NV EBE goal. with a S50,000.
penalty for in the unlikely event of non compliance..
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 14. 1999. at 6:00 p.m.
in Room 3650, Civic Center.
Respectfully Submitted.
Cheryl Crabtree
General Meeting Minutes
Minorite, Women & Evanston Business Enterprises
Development Committee
Wednesday, February I0, 19"
6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Carl Davis. Terry Jenkins. Laurie Marston. Lloyd Shepard. and
Michael Sutton
Presiding Official: Michael DeVaul
Members Absent: Janice Sachen
Staff Present: Moms Robinson. Chad Walton and Judith Aiello
'Mike DeVaul called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
There was a correction made to the minutes. it ..as noted that Janice Sachen had
been listed as at -sent. but ..as actuatt% present in the Januar\ meeting.
The minutes %\ere then approved.
Council deli 3 on on M W/FYHE cut
A brief discussion took place on the VIBE cut deliberations. Ms. Judith .Mello indicated
that to the beat of her kno..ledge MBE is not under consideration for phasing out. Ntr.
DeVaul mentioned that he would give an update on the progress of the committee. at the
April Il. CDBO meeting and talk about reunifying council tin priorities. He also
mentioned that this would be a great opportunit} to reaffirm the commitment.
Ms. Aiello distributed a schedule for hire for the M B E coordinator position.
:according to the schedule. advertising* will begin in late Februar%. and the selection
should take place h% the first..eek in April.
[,_.BF, Polic. Di cussiorj
There uas a motion to aprro.e the I -BF Polic. Draft and send it--) administration and
PUN ic \Vork.. b-. March 22. 1999. the motion ••as seconded and carried with no nays.
Mr. DeVaul requested that at least t..o committee members be present with him at the
A11W meetin_= for support.
GIs Aiello nitntioned that a cover memo ..ill be drafted to accompany the ordinance
recommendation. and .. ill he distributed to the committee members. The memo will be
discussed at the March committee meeting.
S ontrrsation with Bovis & Hill
N1r DeVaul noted that Wr. Paul lames. Sr. Vice President of Bovis Construction, plans to
nicet %N ith the committee in March and provide the initial listings of trade break outs bti•
Jollar He also indicated that this is considerable progress for N NWEBE. the City and
Bo% ts ,fr. Robinson noted that Bovis is looking to the commitTz—_ to make sure that
:ibis interested in working with them are certified by one of the recognized certification
Ms. Aiello mentioned that the Economic Development Committer is going to consider a
-:development agreement with Scribcor for one and possibly two new office buildings
•%ithin the Research Park. She further stated that «ithin the rede,-rlopment agreement
.here is language for a MMEBE 25% participation goal. Since Construction may start in
April. she will ask the contractor to come in March to give the committee an update.
'pis. Aiello also stated that there is a provision that states, if the ?5°'o goal is not met there
•.gill be a penalty of $50.000.
Mr. DeVaul indicated that he is still working on new membership for the committee. and
noted that there are two vacancies.
The question was asked about the progress on the purchasing data report. Mr. Walton
responded b,. saying that currently the data base is done manuall%. but an automated
data base is being implemented. He also stated that because the old forms are
outdated. new forms that request more information should be sent out to our current
and potential vendors to create a more functional director..
There beinu no further business. the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for 'Wednesday. Nfarch 10. 1999. at 6:00 p.m.
t- Room 3650. Ci%is Center.
Resptcttsll} Submitted.
Cher -,I Cral?+tree
General \levting Minutes
Minority, Women & Evanston BusinesR Enterprises
Development Committee
Wednesday. January 13, 1999
6:00 p.m.
Present: Michael DeVaul. Chairman. Carl Davis. Terrance Jenkins,
Laurie Marston and Lloyd Shepard
Absent: Janice Suchen and Michael Sutton
staff: Morris Robinson. Chad Walton and Judy Aiello
Guest: Ben Rannev - Arthur Bill and Company
Paul James - Bovis Construction Corp.
\like DeVaul called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
There was a motion to approve the minutes of December 9, 1998. The motion ww
seconded and it was carried with no nays.
The NIBE coordinator position description was briefly discussed. Judy Aiello mentioned
that there was a possibility that the hiring freeze would be over in March and if the
committee started searching for a candidate now, then the position could be filled by
that time.
Mike DeVaul introduced Paul James of Bovis Construction and Ben Ranney of
Arthur Hill and Company. Both will be working on the plaza project. Mr. James
explained contractors' understanding of minority programs and what is commercially
done at the marketplace from a private and public point of view. He also talked
about the various ways of encouraging participation from minority and women
businesses, such as opportunity fairs, and to have outreach to the business associations
that exist.
James also discussed the various kinds of tools used to accomplish what needs to be
done on a project. lie distributed a contract document, exhibit H, which is a summary of
how the program is to be administered. He noted that the idea is to be able to give this
packet of information to all bidders, so that they understand what the policy is in terms of
the conditions under which they are made a part of the contract. He continued to say that
they have taken the more astringent entities that will certify minority businesses or
disadvantage business enterprises and weed out all of the self certifying businesses.
Regarding the project. he mentioned that all elements of the project in diversity of
opportunities, and the capability in the minority business community for providing
services, should be looked at.
The question was asked whether them will he opixirtunities in the finished protltt~t oC The
project for minorities. Rannev tesptindcd by saying that it is something to be kxlked unto,
but right now they are looking at predontitiantIy larger tenants %xith strong balattrc sheets.
He continued to say that this dues not mean that the', arc not minority, but those are 6c
criteria that they are looking at first.
Another question was raised about the opportunities for local businesses or minority amd
women businesses to be on a list for consideration, or on the invitation list for the
opportunity fair. James answered by saying that they did not claim to know everyone.
therefore they invite everyone and want to be as inclusive as possible. They are ahval-s
looking for recommendations. They just want to make sure they have contractors that are
financially capable of doing the work.
James also responded to a question concerning the time frame of the opportunity program
fair and breaking ground. He pointed out that the bidding process takes place over a sm-ty
to ninety day period. The early trades may take place around April and the major bidding
should take place in a June -July time frame. The opportunity fair will be a couple of
weeks ahead of the first issuance of a bid package which should be late spring.
early May.
James was invited back for the March meeting to provide a schedule of how the project
will be broken out.
The discussion continued from the December meeting regarding item C in the Local
Purchasing Policy, which reads, the nrajoritY of the entity's regular, fiill-time »-ork force
within the corporate boundaries of the CitY.
Janice Sachen raised the question to staff regarding the difficulty of administratively
monitoring and keeping records on item C.
Chad Walton stated that when he worked with the City of Chicago, data was relied
primarily on affidavit. noting that investigation was involved when challenged. He
also stated that administratively. it would he a balancing act to monitor item C. and
,xould involve another laver of responsibility, but it would be more manageable as far as
the size of Evanston compared with the City of Chicago.
Judy Aiello suggested that although the goal is to utilize the Evanston Business,
there should be consideration within the policy that gives staff the flexibility, that if there
is not a true Evanston business that meets the definition, then we should look to an
office depot, or the next level, before going outside of Evanston to get someone.
Lloyd Shepard indicated that he would be reluctant to vote yes on the latter statemem
stating that if you are trying to expand minority or women businesses and they do n4a
have certain capabilities, the contracts will be given to non -minority businesses that are
Evanston haled. The minority businesses «ill not be able to participate in the projects
because those capabilities do not exist in Evanston. He also stated that these businesses
desperately nerd growth and do not get the opportunities that they need. They may hind
more opportimity outside of l:%anston in terms of growth.
James commenced that he had a pnihlem with the language of item C because it cannot be
clearly defined. Ile also said that in order for a business to succeed in Evanston most of
their wort: is gr,ing to be done outside of Evanston. He continued by saying that item C
will restrict the businesses that am successful in the community-.
Morris Robinson reminded the committee that the original blueprint for the committee
was: first, minority and ssomen, If they could not do the job then it would go to Evanston
businesses and then outside the Evanston parameters.
James noted that by incorporating both items C and D. the %%indow is being narrowed on
companies that can qualify under this program.
After further discussion it was agreed to strike C from the proposed ordinance. It was
also agreed to strike D %%hich reads, air address within the Evanston corporate
hounciurie.s isslated on Fe(krai or .State income tern documents for the hushre.s.s entirv.
It was decided to start with a broad ordinance using A and 13 for a year. After a year. C
and D could be put back into the ordinance if necessary. -
DeVaul noted that now. having passed the policy, he will work with Robinson before the
next meeting to develop the goals of the EDE program and test one more time. He also
mentioned that the committee should be able to take this policy to council at the end of
February or the beginning of March.
There being no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wedncsday. February I0. 1999. at 6:00 p.m. in
Room 3650. Civic Center.