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Evanston Police Pt-insion
Board of Trustees N9rctin_e
10/2 l 194
This meeting was called to order at 4:05PM. Preser i were Trustees Axelrood. Wciberg.
Schoolmaster and Fleytow. Also present were Bill Stafford. the Fund's Treasurer =d
Dave Wall. the Fund's financial consultant.
Heyto%v moved to read and accept the minutes of th4 regular fleeting of V30/99. Tine
motion %%as seconded by Schoolmaster and passed u...nanimousiy. He}'tow gave the
following Secretary's Report. The payroll for Jul,. A -as S255,854.82, for August it vas
$255.854.82 and for September it was $272,337.54
Hey -tow reported the payment of the following bills. To Sklodowski. Puchalski and
Reimer. S218.00 for professional legal services billed on invoice 42105. To MI-TI
Record Services. $80.00 far copies of Kent Kuhlman's Worker's compensation case
billed on invoice 9515003. To Bank One Illinois, NA.. $931.51 for asset management
fees for the period of 5/1-7/31/99. To Sklodo«ski. Puchalski & Reimer, $1.907.66 for
legal services billed on invoice #2145. To IPPFA. 5+,50 for annual membership dues
8/1/99-7 31 '00. To IPPFA, $200 for registration fee` to the 1999 training conference for
Hey -tow and Schoolmaster. To Tepfer Consulting GN-wp, S J .475.00 for professional
actuarial services billed on invoice I 1 1 I2. To North-t estern Orthopaedic Associates
$540.00 for the physical examination of Kent Kuhlman on 9/20/99. Tow Wall &
Associates. S3.402.68 for the professional financial consulting services for the Yd quarter
of 1999. To the Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic. Inc.. $300 for the physical examination
of Larry Choel%vin on 9'27/99. To Southwest IndustraJ Care. Ltd., S970 for the physical
examination of Kim Grossman on 10 5 99. To North-•+estern Orthopaedic Assoc., $970
for the physical examination of Kim Grossman on I0 1 '99. To William C. '4falik. MD>.
$300 for the physical examination of lent Kuhlman on 92 3,99. To Timothy
Schoolmaster. $417.00 for reimbursement of expensc_ for the 1999 IPPFA training
conference in Collinsville, IL. To Robert Heyto%%. S363.34 for reimbursement of
expenses for the 1999 IPPFA "Draining Conference in Collinsville. IL.
Schoolmaster moved to accept the application !'or membership in the fund received from
Officer hfichael Roche who was appointed on 9128 99 The motion was seconded by
Heyto%% and passed unanimously.
Fleytow reported that legislation was passed and sign: into law that increased the
minimum pension for widows and police officers front S400 to 5600 effective 1/l/99.
The bill also increases the minimum pension to $900 e-Tectiv e 1 f 1 /2000 and to $1.000
effective 1 I '2001.
Heytow reported the resignations of the following officers. Carlos Guerrero resigned oa
8/l/99 after 8 months of service and was given a refund of his contributions in the
amount of S2.735.96. Andre%v Taira resigned on 9!3/99 after 7 months of service And no
request for the refund of his contributions has been received as yet. David Stern resigned
on 8113/99 after 7 months of service and was given a refund of his contributions in the
amount of $2.141.11.
Bill Stafford reported that the cash flow forecast for the Fund looks good. The Board
decided to sell the Putnam Voyager Fund and put the proceeds in the Vanguard Index
Trust 500 Account. and to Sell the :alliance Global Fund and keep the proceeds in cash.
Schoolmaster reported that the New Treir Credit Union has invited the trustees to join
their credit union.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:38PM. i�
Evarmon Police Pension
Board of Trustees Regular Nfeeting
This meeting was called to order at 3.15PM. All trustees were present except Harry Hynds.
Also present were Bill Stafford, the Fund's treasurer. Dave Wall, the Board's financial
consultant and Paul Rapponatti and And% Holtgreiv of Rockwood Capital advisors.
Heytow gave the following Secretary's report. The payroll for April was S250,161.16, for
May it was $254.109.18 and for June it was S257,977.81. Heytow moved to pay the
following bills. To In Photo, $5,400 for invoices 102164, 102063 and 102121. To James W.
Ryan. NID, $200 for the medical examination of Gail Bednar Keefe. To William C. Malik.
MD. S800 for the medical examination of Gail Bednar Keefe. "ro North%�estern Orthopedic
Associates, $700 for the medical examination of Gail Bednar Keefe. To Bank One. Illinois.
$939.29 for professional asset management. To Director of Insurance, $2.806.33 for FY
2000 compliance fee. To James W. Ryan, MD, $1,166.00 for the medical examination of
Gail Bednar Keefe. To Sklodowski. Puchalski $ Reimer, $825 for professional legal services
billed on invoice 2028. To Sklodowski. Puchalski & Reimer, $2,347.00 for professional
legal services billed on invoice 1989. To Wail $ Associates, $3A 19.27 for professional
financial consulting services in the 2"`' quarter of 1999. To TSS Consulting Group, S50 for
professional research services. To Rockwood Capital Advisors, $6,896.05 for professional
asset management in the 2"`i quarter of 1999. Schoolmaster seconded the motion, which
passed unanimousl%.
Heytow moved to accept the following recent hirees into the Fund. Lance Lopez, appointed
5/5/99, Cedric Neloms, appointed 6/28/99, Christopher Knysch, appointed 6/28199. Jason
Kohl, appointed 7/I/99. The motion was seconded by Mr. Axelrood and passed
Heytow presented an application for regular retirement from Ofc. Gerald Kirkham who
retired on 5/29/99 after 32 years and 7 months of service. He will receive a monthly pension
of 53.292.56. The checks to Widow Dorothy Andrews have been returned to the bank un
cahsed. An attempt by Heytow to locate and contact her was unsuccessful. It is assumed that
she has passed without notification to the Board, so the checks were stopped.
Bill Stafford reported that the cash flo%A of the Fund is fine. Dave Wall reported that that the
Fund"s stock exposure is currently 34%. The Fund could have a stock exposure of up to 10%
more b% statute. The GAM Fund manager has left the company. The Board decided to hold
the investment. but «arch it for a chile. Wall also said that the expense ratio of the Fund's
investment in the PCN1 Voyager fund is high, and %tie should look into moving those funds to
Vanguard. The representatives of Rockwood Capital Advisors gave a short presentation to
the Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45PNI.
`f InuIe-
E.•anston Police Pcr,%:.,n 1 and
Board of Tr.:- :.
Special tit:tink
6 2.5 qI;
This meeting was done via telephom from the office Of I ruslee Ilevtou Present «ere Tr.Laees
Schoolmaster and Heyto%%. Trusters Weisberg and Awlrklod %%err Contacted % is telethon:
Heptow moved to purchase S1.000.000 of FULB Notes. «ith a 7.875°a coupon and Jul\ 14. 1999
settlement %%ith final settlement on Jul} 14. 2015, at par. The purchase %sill be made from fir.
Bob Costello. First Tennessee Bank. 500 W. Madison. Suite 2940. Chicago. 11. 60661. The
motion %vas seconded bs- Schoolmaster and carried unanimouslv. 141r. Costello was notified of
the Board's decision and he will contact the Fund's Treasurer, Mr. Stafford. for deli%em
Evanston Police P mswn,
Board of Trustees Revat us McctinQ
4-27 99
This meeting was called to order at 4.05PNI by President Schoolmaster in the Police Department
first floor conference room. Prestirit were Trustees Axelroodf. Weisberc. Schoolmaster and
Heytow. Also present was Bill Stafford, the Funds Treasurer
Heytow gave the following Secretary's report. The Payroll for January was S248.989.79, for
February it was S251.509.56 and for March it was S250.560.16. Heytow moved to pay the
following bills. To Sklodowski. Puchalski & Reimer. S853.00 and S599 25 for professional legal
services. To Bank One, Illinois. S892.10 for professional financial management. To Wall &
Associates, S3.319.32 for professional financial consulting services for the first quarter of 1999.
To In Photo, S1.800.00 for invoices 98905 and 92788. The motion was seconded by Axelrood
and carried unanimously.
Heytow moved to accept the applications for membership from the following newly appointed
police officers. Ofe's Eileen Flynn. Kevin Haran and Ryan Lambeseder. all appointed on 4/1!99.
The motion was seconded by Schoolmaster and carried unanimously.
An application for regular pension was received from retiring Ofc. John Birkenheier who retired
after 30 years of service. His pension will start on 4/24.99 and will be in the amount of
$3,201.10. 1-1cyto-w moved to approve the pension. The motion ►vas seconded by Weisberg and
carried unanimous]y.
Heyno%%- also Iepored receiving applications for disability pensions from Ofc. Kim Grossman and
Ofc. Kent Kuhlman. Hearings will be scheduled when all information and medical records have
been received by the Board or its attorne►.
I leyto►► reported on the deaths of the following beneficiaries. Dorothy Boulanger died on
1,'] 1 '99 leaving no beneficiaries and ending her S400 monthly pension. Wilhelmina lanson died
on 122/99 leaving no beneficiaries and ending her S400 monthly pension. Nlae Tinton died on
318!99 leaving no beneficiaries and ending her $850.17 monthly pension.
The Board was adoised that the Fund had approximately S5 million to invest. After a discussion
of the mutual funds considered b,6 the Board. Axelrood made the following motion. Purchase
S 1.3 million of OAM International Fund shares and S 1.5 million of Lord Abbot Fund shares from
Alice Valentine and Tucker Sheehan of Heil & Heil. Evanston. and purchase S1.5 million of
FAM Value Fund shares through a Schwab account to be opened in the Fund's name by Dave
Wall. The motion, .gas seconded b\ Heytow and carried unanimously.
There being no further business. this meeting was adjourned by President Schoolmaster at
Evanston Police Pension Fund
Board of Trustees
Regular Nleetine of Januar 29. 1994
This meetine was called to order at 4:10 PN1 by President Schoolmaster. Present were trustees
Weisberg. Axelrood. He%iow and Schoolmaster. Hesto« mtv%ed to read and approve the minutes
of the regular meeting of October 28. 1998. The motion %%as seconded b% Axelrood and carried
He%'to%% ga%e the following secretary's report. The pa%roll for October %%is 52--.762.72. for
Nt)vcmbrr it %%as 5244.264.69 and for December it uas S244.26.1.69 He%io%% moved to pay the
following bills. To Sklodouski. Puchalski and Reimer. S1.500 for professional legal services. to
Wall and associates. �3,190.95 for professional financial consulting sen ices. to InPhoto, S I.050
for invoice =98292 and $750 for invoice 498433 and to Rockwood Capital Ad%ssors, S6.926.1 1
for professional financial management. The motion %%as seconded b% Schxilm:aster and carried
unanimous[%. Heytow moved to accept the folio%%Ing ne%% police officers into the Fund. Carlos
Guerrero. appointed on 1 1!() '98. John Roe. appointed on 11 9 98. Scan Ser% iss. appointed on
11 30/98. Da%id Stern. appointed on 1 `6'99, 6io%onna Long. appointed on 1 b �49 and Andre%%
Taira. appointed on 1 22 99. the motion ►%as seconded b% Schoolmaster and ca.-ried
unanimous[% The following officers resigned from the Police Department. Ofc. Eduard
Donovan resigned on 1 I/20'98 after 3 years and 6 months of service. He %%as ,ls%en a refund of
his contributions in the amount of S 13.800.71. Ofc. Adam Orlov resigned on 1 _ 29. 98 after 3
}ears and 8 months of service and has received a refund of S 14.456.25. The following retired
police officers died. Retired Lt. Albert Swanson died on I 1 13!98 leaving a widow. Hilda. who
%%ill recei%e a %%idow's pension of 8.895.43 per month. Retired Sgt. Jerome DrGross died on
11/17/98 lea%ing no beneficiaries. Disabled Ofc. Ralph Gluffreda died on I 1 21) 98 leaving a
%0dow. `ell. who will receive a %%ido%%'s pension of S2 24 3.62 per month
Dave Wall s!a%e the following financial report. The Fund has approxsmatcl_. S-3 million in cash
and suggests that the Fund should in%est appruximstel% 2 its assets in sneer .attonal [finds
and 59-a in small cap funds. It %%as agreed that a special meeting %%ill be held to discuss the
The meeting %%as adjourned at 5:15P\1.
Evanston Police Pension Fund
Board of Trustees
Special Meeting of 2'23/99
This meeting was called to order by Trustee He}to%v at 4:05PNI. Present were trustees Axelrood.
Weisberg and Heytow. Also present was Dave ►wall, the Board's financial consultant.
The Board discussed if we should hire a asset manager or use index or managed mutual funds.
Dave Wall thought that a manager could add value in the area of small cap investments. The
relative advantages of managers vs. managed and index mutual funds were discussed.
Heytow moved to put small cap and international money into managed mutual funds. The
motion was seconded by Axelrood and carried unanimously. After Dave Wall presented the
results of his mutual fund screens. it was decided to get prospects from Lord Abbot, Robertson
Stehpens and FAM Value Funds for the small cap investments and BT Investments, Harbor
International, Scudder/Kemper and T.Roe Price Funds for our interntaional investments.
The meeting %vas adjourned at 5:55PM.
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