HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2001-2005Board Members Present:
"Draft— Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Fleetwood Jourdain Center, 1655 Foster St.
December 20, ?.001
Mr. Don Walton, President Air. Richard Marberry
Ms. Janet Webb, Treasurer Ms. Marion Flynn
Mr. John Lesch
Board members absent: Ms. Ann Carra, Secretary Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. David Hodgman
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Rick Marsh
Mr. Walton, on behalf of the Recreation Board, presented Mr. Marsh with a plaque acknowledging his
service to the Board and to the community.
The minutes of October 18, 2001 and November 15 Board meetings were approved. The
Treasurer's Report and Bills List was approved.
Michelle Leavin distributed program information and gave a brief overview of the youth
programs offered at Chandler. She also mentioned the programs that are currently being
developed: Fencing, Middle school volleyball, Karate and Kid Corp, which is a counselor
training program.
Ms. Carra mentioned that the ETHS Athletic Department is interested in helping to support the
department at the middle school level for volleyball. The ETHS wrestling coach is also
interesting in bringing a program to the middle school age youth and may contact the
The City has approved the request for the Chicago Football Classic game, which will be held at
Northwestern University on August 31, 2002.
The new Levy Center construction is moving along as scheduled.
Staff is still working on the budget. There %vill be a budget presentation at the January meeting.
There are about 28 positions throughout the City that will be eliminated. Several are from our
department, only one of which is currently filled. That person will retire from the fulltime
position and be rehired as a part time staff. The Fleetwood Theater program has been placed
as a proposed cut in the budget.
The department proposed two projects for CDBG funding. an elevator lift to the second floor at
Fleetwood and renovation of FIeetwood bathrooms. The CDBG committee decided to fund a
portion of the project staff to decides to move forward with. Staff decided on the elevator lift.
Pending final approval of the budget when the funds become available staff will begin working
on that project.
The summer camp brochure will be distributed in January and registration «ill begin in
Mamie Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Manager is sick and will be out of the office for a
while. Besty Jenkins will be in charge during Mamie's absence.
Southeast Evanston Recreation Building Study - Brailsford & Dunlavey, the company selected
to do a needs assessment and location study for a Southeast Recreation Building, will begin
setting up public meetings and focus groups in December. The goal is to have a report
submitted to Council in March/April 2002.
The motion to approve the amendments to the Robert Crown By-laws was seconded and
The motion to approve the appointment of Deidre J. Robinson to the Robert Crown Advisory
Board was seconded and approved.,
Ms. Flynn said commended Nfr. Marsh on his tremendous leadership. She saw the nutcracker
at Robert Crown for the first time and said it was a wonderful show. She also commended
Doug for his leadership and the ability to move towards the big picture without missing the
little details on the way. Mr. Marberry also commend Mr. Marsh on his leadership and
dedication. Mr. Walton extended season greetings to the Board and wishes everyone a safe
holiday. Mr. Carra expressed her appreciation to the staff for their hard work and attention to
detail and wished everyone a happy holiday. Ms. Webb requested to have the October Board
meeting moved from the 3'd Thursday (10/17) to the second Thursday (10110) due to teacher
conferences. The Board agreed to the change. Ms. Webb thanked the Board for all the work
they do as Board members advocating for the community.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, January 17.
at the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave, Room 2403.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board members absent:
Evanston Recreation Board
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave.
November 15, 2001
Mr. Don Walton, President
Ms. Janet Webb, Treasurer
Ms. Ann Carra, Secretary
'Mr. John Lesch
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Mr. Peter Caragher
Nis. Marion Flynn
Mr. Rick Marsh
Mr. Richard Marberry
Mr. David Hodgman
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Advisory Board President
Mr. Tom Soukup
'there was not a quorum present. The minutes of October 18, 2001 and the Treasurer's Report
and Bills List vd11 be resubmitted for approval at the December Board meeting.
Mr. Soukup expressed appreciation for the Department and Recreation Board. He apologized
for remarks made at a previous Board meeting regarding the development at James Park. He
said it's not that his remarks were invalid, but that it was unfair to make the comments without
doing research and learning more about the process and issues involved. The department has
been responsive: however, the concerns remain. The Parks Forestry staff will draft a response
to the Board regarding the response to the basket ball and tennis court construction concerns.
Mr. Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board President, reported that the Plea Market at Crown
was a great success. There are two open positions left to fill on the Advisory Board. He
invited fir. Soukup to attend the Cro%%m Advisory Board meetings. The annual Nutcracker
Ballet on Ice «ill be held December 7-9.
City Code/?ark Rules &: Regulations - Mr. Domeker reported that the city code and park rules
and regulation recommendations are still being reviewed by the Legal Department. Staff is
planning to have the recommendations submitted to the Council in January.
Levy Center Project Update - The Levy Center prof_,ct is moving along. The target date is still
March 2002 and the grand opening is tentatively scheduled for April 2002. Staff is currently
working on interior signage for the building (samples were distributed to the Board).
2002-03 Budget - The City has a shortfall in the 2002-03 budget of approximately $3.5 million.
Staff has been hard at work coming up with creative ideas to help reduce the shortfall. There
are several public hearing meetings coming up towards the end of November and the beginning
of December inyitina members of the community to discuss the budget.
Robert Cro%%m Center Building Study - At the last Council meeting. staff was asked to develop
a RFP to study the structural part of the Crown building and not do the needs assessment study
at this time. Staff is still working on this. The Board «ill receive a copy.
Southeast Evanston Recreation Building Study - Brailsford & Du ilavey. the company selected
to do a needs assessment and location study for a Southeast Recreation Building, will begin
setting up public meetings and focus groups in December. The goal is to have a report
submitted to Council in March'April 2002.
Southeast Evanston Recreation Center Focus Group .Appointment -- fir. Caragher volunteered
to be placed in a focus group as a representative of the Board. Ms. NVebb will attend when Mr.
Caragher is not available.
Robert Crown Advison• Board Bylaws Changes — The Board reviewed and discussed the
Crown Advisory Board recommended bylaw changes. his. Webb suggested that the Advisory
Board add "10 years or more" to section IV. I., which talks about honoring longtime members
by naming them as an Emeritus Advisory Board Member. The Board could not vote on the
bylaw changes because we didn't have a quorum. This item will be resubmitted to the Board in
Mr. Dorneker provided the Board with a copy of the Erickson Fund Application to review and
recommend any changes. The form hasn't been update for many years. ?sir. Dorneker noted
that on several occasions applicants who receive funding fail to report to us how the money was
actually spent. ifs. Webb suggested that staff prepare a follow up letter to the recipients
requesting information to verify how the funds were allocated. This item will be resubmitted at
the December Board meeting.
Due to increased traveling commitments with his job, Board member Rick Marsh submitted his
letter of resignation to the Board. Mr. Walton read the letter aloud to the Board.
Ms. Flynn said Rick has made a wonder contribution to the Board and the Community. He has
been a tremendous advocate of all recreation activities and he will be missed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, December
20 at the Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center, 1655 Foster Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board members absent:
"Draft -Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler- Newberger,1028 Central St.
October 18, 2001
Ms. Ann Carra, Secretary
Mr. Don Walton, President
Mr. Richard Marberry
Mr. Rick Marsh
Ms. Janet Webb, Treasurer
Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. John Lesch
Mr. Peter Caragher
Ms. Marion Flynn
Others Present: Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Advisory Board President
Mr. Tom Soukup
Mr. Kevin Wallin, Chandler Newberger Center Manager
Mr. Gene Bell, FRAM Board Member
The meeting was called to order at 7:36pm. The minutes of October 18, 2001 and the
Treasurer's Report and Bills List was approved.
Mr. Soukup said he had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Gaynor personalty prior to the
meeting therefore he will hold his comments for now until he hears back from Mr.
Mr. Seaman complemented the Parks/Forestry & Recreation staff on a jab well done
running its programs.
Mr. Seaman reported that the Robert Crown Advisory Board is updatingtrevising its
bylaws, which will be forwarded to the Recreation Board for review and consideration in
November. The Advisory Board invites the Recreation Board to attend the Flee Market
at Robert Crown on November 3`d. There are two open positions left to fill on the
Advisory Board. The Advisory Board has some concern with the choice of the architects,
regarding a whether or not there is a conflict of interest. They've have shared their
concerns with Mr. Domeker and Mr. Gaynor. The Advisory Board would like to be kept
informed of any future meetings so that a representative can be present
Mr. Bell distributed a copy- of FAAM's last year banquet booklet and gave a brief
overview of the program, which has been in for 3.3 years. in conjunction with
the Recreation Department_ Recreation Board and District 65. The league began with a
summer basketball program and then started actual league play in «inter 1968. Initially
there were four boys teams. In 1971, the league expanded to include six teams and then
eight teams in I974. F.A..A'*f now has fourteen boys teams, eight girls teams, and a
cheerleading squad. The teams and squad are comprised of approximately 350
youngsters and 70 volunteer coaches/administrators. Mr. Bell also announced that after
learning of the City's financial hardship, FAAM has decided not to accept the subsidy
funds from the City this year.
Mr. Gaynor reminded the Board that the City Council Budget Committee had established
a new schedule, process and procedure for developing, reviewing and adopting the 2002-
03 City Budget. Each department was required to submit their preliminary draft proposed
budget to the budget office by September 2001 and to Council by October. Staff Nvas
also given instruction to reflect across the board, an approximate 3% reduction in the
budget. Each department submitted their draft budget; however, it has been projected
that our current budget is going to be S3.7 million short. Each department has been asked
to re%iew the current budget and recommend cuts. We have submitted our
recommendations to the budget office and have not heard form them just yet. Mr.
Gaynor assured the Board that the cuts would not have an impact on customer service.
Staff is moving forward with the S250,000 grant received by Julie Harnos for Southeast
Evanston. Brailsford & Dunlavey, a company out of Washington DC, has been selected
to do a needs assessment and location study for a Southeast Recreation Building.
Mr. Domeker distributed samples of the building materials used to build the new Levy
Center. He mentioned that staff is currently working on the interior signage for the
building also. Approximately 105 signs labeling the rooms and giving directions. The
target completion date for the Levy Center is March 2002.
Congratulations to Oliver Gray who is the new Program Manager at Fleev ood Jourdain.
Leonard Woodson, Special Recreation Program Manager, has turned in his resignation.
He has accepted a position with School District 65. Leonard has offered to continue
working with the programs part time throughout the summer months.
Rules and Regulations - Staff provided the Board Mth a list of existing City Code and
Park rules. regulation and policies to review and make a recommendation to City Council
regarding proposed amendments. A subcommittee of the Board (Mr. Hodgman, Ms.
Flynn. Mr. Domeker and Mr. Gavnor), reviewed`discussed staffs recommendations.
The recommendations will be forwarded to the Legal Department for review before
submittinc it to Council.
Advisory Board :appointments -- Robert Crown Ad%isory Board Appointments for Kim
Pigomz , John Bleck, Ellen Montanaro, Derrick Fansler-Wald and Thomas Henniger were
all approved.
Because of the September I 1 incident in New York, Mr. Walton asked about safety
precautions at the recreation centers. Mr. Gaynor explained the current and new safety
procedures put in place. Mr. Hodgman said it is important that Evanston can compete
successfully in sports at the High School level. FA,0%1 is a good example of how
Evanston can compete although we don't have some of the resources other communities
have. He thinks our not being able to compete will be bad for the community in the end.
He again urged the department to foster or nurture other sports programs. There is a
great opportunity in the volley arena The head coach of Evanston's girls and boys
volleyball is verb- enthusiastic and would probably be w7Iling to help foster/nurture a
volleyball program with the department.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm,
November la at the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave.
Draft -- Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft -- Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown, 170I Main St.
September 20, 2001
Board Members Present: his. Marion Flynn Mr. Peter Caragher
Ms. Janet Webb, Treasurer Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Don Walton, President Mr. John Lesch
Mr. Richard Marberry
Board members absent: fir. Rack Marsh
Ms. Ann Carra, Secretary
Others Present: Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Advisory Board President
Ms. Katie.Nlartin, League of Women Voters
Mr. Tom Soukup
Mr. Gary Silkatis, Recreation ,'Maintenance Supervisor
Ms. Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist
Mr. Jim Ferrera, Lakefront/Sports Coordinator
Ms. Mamie Smith, Flectwood Jourdain Center Manager
Mr. Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager
Mr. Kevin Wallin, Chandler Newberger Center Manager
Ms. Christina Spain, Levy Center Manager
Mr. Sean Flynn, Director of Hockey Operations
Ms. Sheila Lonergan, Figure Skating Dir.
The meeting was called to order at 7:36pm. The minutes of June 21, 2001 and August
23, 2001 were approved. The Treasurer's Report and Bills List uas approved.
Mr. Soukup said he is not pleased with the improvements of the James Park tennis courts
and basketball courts. He asked why is it okay for city vehicles to drive on the fields
when they are wet, when we don't allow any sport activities to be played on the fields
when they are wet? He hopes the Board rill do a better job %ith making sure that tax
dollars are being spent on quality work in our parks. He's planning to meet with Paul
D'Agostino, Parks./Forestry Superintendent. to discuss his concerns about Jaynes Park
Mr. Seaman said the drinking fountain in LeahfLomar is still being clogged %'-ith sand
particles. He has spoken with Mr. Domeker regarding the possibility of moving the
fountain to its original location. away from the sand. The security fence between the park
and the CTA right of way has been fixed and the debris has been cleaned up from that
area. He mentioned that the Chicago Ave. Dominicks store location should be
considered in the study for a Southeast Recreation Center location. fie asked what
provisions are being made to protect participants, staff and others in the recreation centers
should something like the September I I bombing in New York occur here in Evanston.
Robert Crown Advisory Board — .\fr. Seaman introduced Sheila Lonergan who is the
Robert Croon Figure Skating Director. There are openings on Robert Crown Advisory
Board. The Advisory Board is updatingirevising its bylaws, which «711 be forwarded to
the Recreation Board for review and consideration in October. He asked for the status of
securing a consultant to do the Robert Crown feasibility study. As part of the
renovationlredevelopment of the center, the Advisory Board would like to have a fence
built to secure the Crown Skate Park.
The EYHA presentation will be rescheduled for a later date.
Each staff member reported on their responsibilities and stains of their programs. Mr.
Silkaitis reported the many small but important things he and his staff take care of: line --
the fields, shovel snow, put up basketball and tennis nets, remove graffiti, clean the park
and lakefront bathrooms, clean bike paths, deliver supplies to and from parks and centers,
set up for festivals, titter pickup, sod fields, place buoy at the lakefront, paint offices,
skim the lagoon, etc.
Ms. Logan publishes the quarterly Art Recreation magazine. She prepares all
promotional materials for the department programs (flyers, brochures, calendars, press _
releases etc.)
Ms. Spain reported that the programs are running smoothly at the Levy Center. A few
new programs are Spanish classes and aromatheropy workshop. The seniors participated
in the Fourth of July Parade and the Farmers Market. They are working on the new Levy
Center Grand Opening ceremony and activities.
Mr. Ferrera reported that we had a good summer. There w•as an increase in boat ramp _
and beach taken revenues. The adult softball leagues have also increased.
Ms. Smith reported that the Summer Youth Theater's production "Crossroads" was very
successful, v-ith more than 100 people attending each performance. Auditions for the
upcoming Evanston Children's Theater production were held September 18-20.
Fleetwood is the only center that offers a 10-week summer camp program. This summer
there were 168 campers. She's is hoping to have the Fleetwood fitness center open by
March 2002. Staffis now preparing for Black Histon• Month activities.
Ms. Longerean reported that the house hockey league is gearing up for the fall season.
Eight new classes have been added. and the popular Monday night clinics will continue.
Robert Cro%-n's Super Saturday was very well attended.
Mr. Fl}7m reported that this year's summer ice hockey program increased by
approximately 30 participants. More kids ages 3-7 are now participating in the skating
program. The House League is looking very strong.
Mr. Wallin reported that summer camp registration at Chandler increase by 7.4 percent
from last summer. Seventy-nine youth participated in the free outreach tennis lessons
given at ETHS. Eleven adult teams from the Evanston Tennis Association participated in
the Shoreline Tennis Leagues this summer.
Staff interviewed the two consultants that submitted bid proposals for the Robert Crown
Needs Assessment. Second intro iews Ail] be conducted within the next couple of weeks.
Three firms submitted a proposal for the Southeast Evanston Recreation Center Needs
Assessment Study. Two firms %kill be called back for a second interview in the next
couple of weeks.- City Council approved the consultant scr%ices for the Butler Park
improvements. The contract proposal for the Bent and James Park irrigation project will
be submitted to Council at their next meeting. The new Levy Center development is
moving along. The target completion date is spring of 2002. The department received
approval from Council to purchase a new turf tractor. The funding for this purchase %till
come from the Recreation Division's Athletic Field Usage Fund, $18,879.70.
Rules and Regulations - It has been suggested that all park related rules, regulations and
policies violations should go through the adjudication process. Staff provided the Board
with a list of existing City Code and Park rules, regulation and policies to review and
make a recommendation to City Council regarding proposed rules, regulations, policies
and City Code deletions, additions and amendments. A subcommittee of the Board (Mr.
Hodgman, Ms. Flynn, Mr. Dorneker and Mr. Gayar), will review and make
Advisory Board Appointments -- Robert Crown Ad%isory Board Appointments for Pia
Papaynnacos, Jack Edwards, Julie Barton and Mimi Peterson were all approved.
Mr. Lesch and Mr. %Valton welcomed Mr. Caragher to the Board. Ms. Flynn
congratulated Mr. Silkaitis who's son ranked number one in a national championship
The meeting adjourned at 9:10pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm,
October 18 at the Chandler Newberger Community Center, 1028 Central Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave.
August 23, 2001
Board Members Present: Ms. Marion Flynn Mr. Peter Caragher
Ms. Janet Webb, Treasurer
Board members absent: Mr. Rick Marsh Mr. Don Walton, President
Ms. Ann Carra, Secretary Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Richard Marberry Mr. John Lesch
Others Present: Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Manager
Ms. Sheila Lonergan, Figure Skating Dir.
Ms. Jessica Bullock, Management Analyst
There was not a quonzm present. Minutes of the June 21 Recreation Board meeting will
be resubmitted for approval at next Board meeting.
Mr. Lloyd introduced Ms. Sheila Lonergan who was recently hired as the Robert Crown
Figure Skating Director.
Mr. Gaynor introduced Nis. Bullock who is the department's Management Analyst.
During the seven months that Ms. Bullock has been on staff, she has successfully
obtained a $322,000 grant for the development of one of our parks. Site is currently
working on obtaining a S25,000 grant for the development of the new Levy Center
Mr. Michael Krasney of the Computer Discount Warehouse has offered to donate all of
the computer equipment for the new Levy Center. Staff provided ti1r. Krasney with a list
of the computer equipment needed for the center.
The City Council's budget committee has developed a new budget process. The new
process requires department staff to have a draft budget submitted to the Finance/Budget
office by September 1" for review before being submitted to Council Oct 10.
Departments were told to cut their budget by 3%. Staff will give a budget presentation at
the September Board meeting.
It has been suggested that all park related rules, regulations and policies violations should
go through the adjudication process. Staff provided the Board with a list of existing City
Code and Park rules. regulation and policies to review and make a recommendation to
City Council regarding proposed rules, regulations, policies and City Code deletions,
additions and amendments. There is no quorum tonight therefore this will be placed on
the September agenda.
At the September 10.2001 Council meeting, staff recommended approval of Wolff
Clements and Associates, Ltd to provide landscape architectural and engineering services
for the Butler Park redevelopment project for the cost of 566,289.00. The funding source
for this purchase is the CIP fund. Alderman Jean Baptiste pulled this item because he felt
there were better uses for this money (streets, library, etc.). Staff explained the process of
developing the strategic plan that was accepted by City Council and that this is what we
are supposed to do with this money. Staff ►►ill provide the Council with more
information and resubmit the recommendation at the September 24 Council meeting.
The Evanston Youth Hockey Association was scheduled to give a presentation at the July
2001 Board meeting, which was cancelled. They will give their presentation at the -
September Board meeting. c
The Board received a list of the scheduled Advisory Board budget presentations for
William Eason was hired to fill the Weekend/Evening Coordinator position at Fleetwood
Jourdain. Staff is still working on filling the Program Manager positions at Chandler and
Fleetwood and the Theater position at Fleetwood.
The Levy Center development is on schedule. The completion target date is March 2002.
Staff is currently intro iewing proposals for the Southeast Evanston and Robert Crown
Center studies.
Rules and Regulations will be discussed at the September Board meeting.
Advisory Board Appointments will be discussed at the September Board meeting.
Mr. Carasher said he is thankful for the opportunity to serve on the Board. He has
worked in Evanston for the past ten years and lived in Evanston for the past three years.
He oversees the aquatic program at the YNVCA. Ms. Webb welcomed Mr. Caragher to
the Board.
Discussions ended at approximately 8:40pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is
7:30pm, September 20 at the Robert Crown Community Center, 1701 Main Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Notice of Cancellation
Recreation Board Meeting
July 19, 2001
"Draft -- Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St.
June 21, 2001
Board Members Present: Ms. Marion Flynn Mr. John Lesch
Mr. Richard Alarberry Ms. Janet Webb, Treasurer
Mr. David Hodgman
Board members absent: Mr. Rick Marsh Mr. Don Walton, President
Ms. Ann Carra, Secretary
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Advisory Board President
Nis. Katie Martin, Leagues of Women Voters
Air. Kevin Wallin, Chandler Newberger Center Manger
Mr. Michael Murray, Jr., Chandler Newberger Staff
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:49pm. The minutes of the May 17 Recreation
Board meeting and the Treasurer's Report & Bills List were approved.
Dick Seaman -Mr. Seaman, a member of the Leah Lomar Park Neighbors, wanted the
Board to know that the drinking fountain in Leah Lamar Park isn't working due to sand
build up. The security fence between the park and the CTA right ofa-ay still has not
been fixed. He also suggested that the City consider having the police staff carry a
defibrillator in case of emergencies.
Crown Advisory Board — Mr. Seaman reported that the Advisory Board has made
revisions to their by-laws and advisory board application to be considered by the
Recreation Board at a future meeting. Invitations will be sent to Cro%%m users asking
them to consider serving on the advisory board. The Skate Park is doing well.
Michael Murray, Jr. was introduced. \fr. Murray is the new Weekend and Evening
Coordinator at Chandler Newberger. -
The new Levy Center construction is on schedule. Staff is finalizing the FF&E (fixture,
furniture & equipment) lis-- which will go out to bid soon. The Levy Center Fundraising
Committee has raised S125,000. fir. Levy has donated more than $500,000. The City
has also received an anonymous donation of all of the computer equipment for the Levy
The vendor that was award:.) this year's summer food service program contract, Ace
Coffee Bar, Inc. was let go due to non-compliance with the terms and condition of the
contract. Staff will recommend to Council that the contract be awarded to Open Kitchens
who was the only other bid and who had successfully provided the services in the past
Summer Drop -in Camps v6ill be in Mason, Bent. Baker and Clyde-Brummel parks. Arts
& Crafts, sport activities and some field trips,.,.ill be offered.
The lakefront is open and beach token sales are doing,.veil. A portion of Clark St beach
will be closed on Julv ;`d. The entire Clark St. beach and a third of Centennial Park will
be closed on July 4`s'for safety purposes due to the 4' i of July fireworks.
The Southeast Evanston Recreation Study meeting was held on June 14 in the St. Francis
Hospital cafeteria. Input from the meeting was added to the RFP. Some neighbors were
in favor of a recreation center and some were not. One major concern of those who were
not in favor, was a location for a recreation center. Alderman Rainey chaired the
meeting. The Robert Crown Center Feasibility Study meeting was held on May 16 at the
Crown Center. The Board will receive an updated Southeast Evanston Recreation Study
RFP and the Robert Crown Center Feasibility Study RFP.
Staff has been in contact with the Team Evanston. AYSO (soccer) and EYBA (baseball)
about James Park regarding the proposed area targeted for irrigation this fall. The Bent
Park field is also targeted for irrigation this fall. Mr. Lesch asked why Bent Park was
being targeted for irrigation if the neighbors object to using the field for soccer all of the
time. We should irrigate a field that we use all of the time. Mr. Dorneker said originally,
Bent Park wasn't going to be irrigated. It was requested by an alderman to add it to the
list for irrigation. It was decided by Council to move forward with the Bent Park
irrigation and money was added in the CIP to pa} for it. Ms. Flynn asked if the Board
has the flexibility of changing which field gets irrigated. She mentioned that the Crown
field will not be irrigated for long time and we have had a citizen attending the Board
meetings complaining about the dust that blows from the Crown field into his home. Mr.
Domeker said the Board does have the flexibility but may want to wait until after the
Crown building survey is completed. Staff is spraying the field with water in the evening
prior to the start of the games to keep some of the dust from blowing.
There is a trip scheduled for June 22 to the Botanic Gardens to learn more about enabling
gardens and to determine if a garden %%iIl be included in the plan concepts for the new
Levy Center courn•ard area. The Board is invited to attend.
Staff requested approval by Council to amend Title 7. Chapter 9&10 authorizing the City
Manager and his designees (park rangers and certain staff) to enforce rules and
regulations of the Recreation Board (parr hours. required permits, use of the grounds,
etc.). Council's approval would allow all violations of chapter 9 &. 10 to go through the
Administrative Adjudication process. Council forwarded the request back to staff and the
Board asking for a list of the Boards rules and regulations currently on the books. Staff
will prepare the list for the Boards review prior to distribution to Council in July.
Field Usage Policy — The Board reviewed staffs recommended changes to the Field
Usage Policy. Some of which were deleting the residency information form for a limited
use field permit, dividing the packet so that the limited use permit application is separate
from the extended use application. and adding language to the limited use permit so that
organized groups of I? or more are required to apply for a permit.
Mr. Lesch moved to adopt as part of the Board's policies, that groups of eleven or less
are not required to have a limited field use permit in order to play on the fields. The
motion was seconded. The Iimited use field permit policy kill read "Organized Evanston
resident groups of twelve or more individuals who would like to reserve an athletic field
for a limited amount of time are required to have a limited use permit." The motion
passed unanimously.
Ms. Flynn moved to accept staffs recommendation to eliminate the residency
information form from the limited use field permit application in order to streamline the
paperwork process. It was seconded and unanimously approved.
Ms. Flynn moved to accept the added language, which talks about unplayable field
conditions (Page 11, 97, of the extended field use permit application), to the limited field
use permit application. The motion was second unanimously approved.
The motion to approve staffs recommended changes to the extended field use policy
were unanimously approved.
Advisory Board Appointments — The recommendation of appointments for Barbara
Unruh and Marcus Casady to the Robert Crown Advisory Board was approved. The
recommendation of appointment for Gunnar Forrest to the Levy Advisory Board was
Summer Program Tour — The Board gave two possible dates for the annual
program/facility tour. The morning of July 37 or July 30.
Ms. Webb mentioned Heckv Powell's resignation from the Board. A new member will
be appointed to the Board by the Mayor.
Mr. Hodgman made mention of the news article enclosed in the Board packets regarding
a new soccer complex being built Lynwood. He intends to continue pushing this idea as
an agenda item for the Board because it is enormously important for the Evanston
community. Mr. Lesch had no comment. Ms. Flynn pointed out that her softball team is
more than 80% Evanston residents. She congratulated Richard on receiving an award
from the police department for being a volunteer. A member from her softball league
also received an award from the police department. Mr. Marberry made mention of the
letter from the Tennis Association on the completion of the Lovelace tennis courts, which
are very nice. The courts that are under renovation at James Park are really coming
along. Ms. Webb invited the Board to come see the 5-year-old kids' basketball practice
at Fleetwood on Monday. It will be fun to watch.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00prn_ The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, July
19 at the Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center, 1655 Foster Street.
Draft -- Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board members absent:
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave., Rm 2404
MaY 17, 2001
Ms. Marion Flvnn
Mr. Don Walton, President
Ms. Janet Webb, Treasurer
Air. David Hodgman
Air. Hecky Powell
Mr. John Lesch
Mr. Richard Marberry
Ms. Ann Carra, Secretary
Mr. Rick Marsh
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Park/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Advisory Board President
Ms. Mamie Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center Manger
Ms. Katie Martin, Leagues of Women Voters
Mr. Andrew Van Tii Air. Herman "Chip" Rateliff
Mr. John Nichel Air. Ton Soukup
Mr. Walton called the meeting to order at 7:34pm. The minutes of the April 19
Recreation Board meeting and the Treasurer's Report & Bills List were approved.
John Nichel - Mr. Nichel expressed concern regarding the increased number of
scheduled baseball games at Robert Crown Park- He suggested that more of the games
should be schedule on other fields throughout Evanston. He would also like to know
what the plans are to stop the dust from blowing from the field into his home? When will
irrigation be in place at Robert Crown Park? How are the fields chosen for scheduled
Tom Soukup — Expressed concern regarding the poor condition of the path in James
Park and the cutting of trees%ushes near the tennis courts. He also mentioned that since
the construction of the new Levy Activity Center, people have been parking in the No
Parking Zone of the James Part: parking lot.
Andrew VanTil — Mr. VanTiI reminded the Board that at last month's meeting he was
told that Mr. Domeker would contact him Aith other field options that would not require
a permit for him and a few of his friends to play soccer. He said Mr. Domeker provided
him with an Athletic Field Permit Policy and Application should he choose to use any of
the five designated soccer fields in James Park that require a permit (as stated in the
policy adopted by the Board). Mr. Domeker also mentioned other park they could use
that don't require a park permit.
The bid for the Noyes Cultural Arts Center renovation will go out tomorrow. The
Ecology Center will host its groundbreaking ceremony on June tad. Community input
meetings are being scheduled for Snyder and Beck Park development. Concerns from the
community input meeting regarding Bent Park irrigation w•as the intensity in use of the
park and illegal parking. The City received a S 100,000 anonymous donation toward the
new Levy Center. An intergovernmental agreement between Evanston and Skokie has
been signed and the Dog Park/Soccer field project will move forward. The targeted
completion date is 2003.
Bids for the Dempster Street Beach Office addition came in higher than expected;
therefore, this project will be put on hold. The Summer Food Service Program bid will
be awarded to Ace Food who will supply flee lunches at selected summer campsites. The
Dog Beach is open. Michael Murray was promoted from a part time position at Robert
Crown to a full time, weekend and evening Sports Coordinator at Chandler. The Cultural
Arts Program Supervisor position at Noyes has been filled.
Field Usage Policy — Ms. Flynn stated that the Board has a requirement for limited use
field permit and moved to eliminate the requirement for limited use field permit policy.
Mr. Lesch seconded. Mr. Lesch said his main concern is people trying to have a pick up
game being told that they can't play on the field without a permit. We have to somehow
make the fields available to whoever wants to play without requiring a permit and
insurance. Ms. Flynt said we want a policy that encourages people to use the parks. Mr.
Marberry said setting field usage policy is critical to this community because we have a
limited number of fields. The fields %%ill not be usable if we let anybody use them
anytime. There is nothing wTong the current policy. It doesn't restrict anyone from
playing in any park on any field.
Mr. Gaynor explained that part of the reason for the policy is to be able to rotate use of
the fields. A few people on a field having a pickup game is not a problem and they don't
need a permit. However, larger organized groups practicing and having official games
need to have a permit. AYSO and EYBA pay a fee per kid, which helps us with the
maintenance cost. He reminded the Board that the Department use to coordinate the
soccer program. There are now 550 volunteer adults coordinating the program for us.
Without the volunteers, the Department would have to hire several staff to run the
program. We try to have a balance with organized soccer programs for the youth while
providing opportunity to adults or others in the community. The Department knows what
AYSO and EYBA is doing on any field and with the permit policy will know of activity
on any other fields. Eliminating the policy of permitting, we will have no idea of what's
going on any of the other fields.
Ms. Flynn noted that the reason the field usage is being discussed is because of Mr. Van
Til's complaint at last month's meeting that the Park: Ranger asked his group (5 people)
to leave the soccer field because they didn't have a permit. However, the Department is
telling a different story. Mr. Gaynor explained that staff should not ask a group of five to
leave the field. After double-checking with staff regarding the incident, it turned out that
Mr. Van Til has an organized team and was there to practice. More members showed up.
Mr. Lesch suggested that the policy read "no permit is required for eight or fewer
people". He said it seems that we are preserving the fields solely for the benefit of
AYSO. It's a great program but why can't some of the younger kids use the smaller
fields, like Baker Park. Mr. Gaynor said AYSO and EYBA is using every available field
in the city. He will ask if they would be interested using Baker Park. They will have to
find other places to play soon due to the several fields that will be out of play for a period
of time for irrigation work. Mr. Lesch asked if any adult soccer league applied for a field
permit in the last two years. Mr. Dornker said yes. Adult teams would be very interested
in starting an adult league program, however we have coaxed out on the scheduling of
field use.
Ms. FIN -an suggested changing the policy from "NO limited use permits will be issued for
Bent and James Park fields" to "NO limited use permits will be issued for Bent or James
Park fields during the soccer season". Ms. Flynn reminded the Board that because of the
lack of space and overused fields, the spirit of the permit policy is to have a safeguard in
place to protect the fields and keep them in a safe, playable condition. The permit policy
should include a paragraph explaining the reason it was developed. The spirit of the
policy is not about keeping a few people from playing soccer on the field. She stands by
the permit policy with the suggested change and feels good about fields. Mr. Lesch said
it should also include "groups of eight or less do not need a field permit". Ms. Webb
suggested instead of listing a number, it should read "This policy is not intended to
impede people from using the field to play". The Board should convey in a paragraph in
the beginning of the hermit policy that the intent of the police is to protest the fields.
Staff will prepare a d.-aft permit policy with the Board's recommended changes for
review at the June Board meeting. Ms. Fl%mn withdrew her motion to eliminate the
requirement for limited use field permit policy. Mr. Hodgman reminded the Board of the
incredible effort they put into going to City Council to get money to fix up the fields so
we can be proud of them for everybody. V !e have to take care and maintain the fields
Robert Crown Park issues — Ms. Flynn read a memo from Mr. Dorneker in response to
the questions./issues raised by Mr. Nichel at last month's meeting. Mr. Marberry
suggested that the Department send a letter to Mr. Nichel indicating the findings in
response to Mr. tiichel's issues. According to the memo from staff, the Department is
doing what they can to alleviate some of the problems. They can't make them all go
awav but will do the best thev can to make things better.
Consider recommending a policy re: smoking on park property -- Ms. Webb moved
that. the Board not consider a policy regarding smoking on park property. Mr. Lesch
seconded. Nis. %%'ebb asked who would enforce the policy if there was one. Mr.
Hodgman said this is a matter that the Council would decide. They would have to
enforce it and he presumes that they set smoking regulations for other public areas in the
city. Ms. Carra asked if there is a milder approach like posting signs that would
encourage people to not smoke. A real smoker -would not pay attention to the sign and
there is no way that staff could enforce it. Ms. Webb amended her motion and moved
that the Board not support a policy regarding smoking on park property. It was seconded.
Mr. Hodgman -would like to report to Alderman Ann Rainey that the Board believes this
is a matter that should be determined in the sound discretion of the Council. They have
set policy, in regard to other public areas and would have to allocate the resource of
enforcement. The motion was approved.
Consider recommending amendment to Ordinance 7-10-3 (c) — Ms. Webb moved
that the Board recommend approval of the amendment to Ordinance 7-10-3 (c )
"Prohibitions On Tennis And Basketball Courts: No skateboards. bicycles or motorized
vehicles are permitted on tennis courts or basketball courts" to include no roller
blading/skating or scooters. It was seconded and approved.
Mr. Ratcliff is planning to use Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center on Saturday, June
1 be' to host the I' Annual Evanston Rh)il= and Heritage Festival at which he would
collect an admission fee of $5.00. According to the policies of the Board, a group or
organization that wishes to sale tickets or ask for donations at a city owned facility must
have the Board's consent. He is requesting approval of the Board to collect an admission
fee to gain access to a city owned facility. In 1998, the Board did approve a special event
at Chandler Newberger that had an entrance fee.',Ms. Webb made the motion to accept
the special event request. It was seconded and approved.
Mr. Lesch said the Board needs to deal with Hecky Powell's lack of attendance to the
Board meetings. Ms. Flynn appreciates the citizen's comments and interests in the
Department's activities. Mr. Marberry thanked the citizens for their comments and hope
that by following through with staff, they «ill get some resolution to their concerns. If
not, they should feel free to come back to the Board. Ms. Webb hopes the . arm weather
continues so we can have a fantastic summer at the lakefront. Ms. Carra reminded the
Board and staff of the upcoming program tour. Mr. Hodgman moved to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, June
21 at the Chandler Newberger Community Center, 1028 Central Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft —Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Community Center,1701 Main St.
April 19, 2001
Board Members Present: Ms. Marion Flynn Mr. John Lesch
Mr. Don Walton, President Mr. Richard Marberry
Ms. Janet Webb, Treasurer Ms. Ann Carra, Secretary
Mr. Rick Marsh
Board members absent: Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Heckv Powell
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Ms. Christina Spain, Levy Center Manager
Mr. Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manger
Mr. Gary Silknitis, Recreation Maintenance
Mr. Kevin Wallin, Chandler Newberger Center Manager
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Advisory Board President
Mr. John Bieck, Evanston Speed Skating Club
Katie Martin, Leagues of Women Voters
Mr. Andrew Van Tit
Mr. John Nichel
Mr. R`alton called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The minutes of the February 15
Recreation Board meeting and the Treasurer's Report & Bills List was approved.
Mr. Gaynor introduced new staff to the Board: Christina Spain, Levy Center Manager,
Harmon Greenblatt, Cultural Arts/Art Council Director, and Michelle Leavin, Chandler
Recreation Program Manager.
Andrew Van Tit —Mr. VanTil reported an incident in which he and a few friends were
playing soccer in James Part: and was told by the Park Ranger that they needed to have a
permit in order to play on the soccer field, which is S25 per hour. He feels that is it
unreasonable and unfair, as a homeowner and taxpayer, that he should have to pay to play
soccer. Mr. Domeker explained that there are five designated soccer fields in James Park
that require a permit, as stated in the policy adopted by the Board. There are no
pernaitlfees necessary for use of the non -designated fields. Mr. Lesch said he remembers
that the Board changed that policy. Mr. Domk-er said the change was to add a
classification allowing Evanston residents to utilize the soccer field three times for a total
fee of SIO. Ms. Carra added that the reason for the permit policy is that the fields were in
horrible condition with the 2.000— children using the fields on a regular basis spring and
fall. This item will placed on the May meeting agenda for further discussion. In the
meantime. \fr. Dorneker will contact \fr. Van Til regarding other field use options.
John Nichel - Mr. Nichel lives across from the Crown Park baseball fields on Lee St. He
had a concern regarding the maintenance of the field and the dust constantly blowing into
his home. %fr. Nichel read a 1995 letter from the Board regarding this issue. which
explained that we are in the process to irrigate all of the athletic fields which may several
years to complete. Since the letter, there have been several improvements to the park, but
no irrigation system. When will the irrigation system be in place? He also asked why
was the sod stripped from the field. which increased the amount of blown dust. Another
issue raised was ball players' conduct and use of bad language.
Richard Seaman — In Leah'Lomar Park there is a hole cut in the security fence between
the park and CTA right of way. The fence has been taped off for a months and debris and
garbage is collecting in that area_ Adjacent to the tot lot is a material drop site for
ComEd where they've left a massive amount of concrete. Mr. Seaman has contacted
ComEd and City staff regarding these issues. He also suggested that a policy be put in
place so that people could only barbecue in the parks that have grills installed. He was
concerned to hear about the S2 million over run cost for the Levy Center and that the had
to take out and S250,000 guarantee loan from the City to finish the Ecology renovation.
John Bieck - distributed information and gave a brief presentation on the Speedskating
club, founded by current President Sander Hicks. The club has been in existence for over
30 vears. Practices are held October through the end of March, Tuesday and Thursday
nights. Summer ice is offered June through August on Thursday nights. They currently
have about 35 members and more than half of them are under 18. Membership fees are
S35 per person, S 10 for each additional family member. They are not in the position to
offer scholarships. Families and young skaters who cannot afford the costs are asked to
participate in fundraising efforts to help cover their fee cost. Mr. Marberry asked what
could the Board do to help the club? Mr. Bieck said the club could use newer skates and
funds for outreach programs.
Robert Crown Advisory Board - Richard Seaman reported the Crown Advisory
Board's concerns regarding the safety of the Crown Skate Park. Some of their
suggestions were to include "Skate at your own risk" on the signage in the Skate Park so
the City wouldn't be liable. Publish, post and distribute the rules and safety equipment
should be mandatory. In discussions with the consultant who will be hired to evaluate
Crown, it should be suggested that if there will be a skate park, it should be placed in a
locked gate to prevent the kids from skating when the skate park is close and there is no
New Levy Center-- The project is well on its way. The compaction has started. Staff is =
working on the designs for the courtyard that will be in the center of the building and a
request for proposals for signage on the building. The Public Art Committee is working
..1+„1,,,IlnwulwNYIYIYIWINII�NNIWIINV'��IUIYIhu llll�l��Ihuiuull�iiihui
on the public art component of the building. The completion target date is 3/l2002. Mr.
Levy recently donated S500.000 toward the new Levy Center.
Noyes Cultural art Center — T-ne Noyes Center is undergoing renovation.
Approximately two years ago the City received Sl million towards the development of a
new performing arts center. Aft:r the City determined that a new performing arts center
was not feasible, the money was put toward renovation of the Noyes Cultural Arts
Park Projects — Bids will go out in a couple of months for irrigation of Bent and James
Parks. The tennis and basketball courts are being resurfaced in James Park. There will
be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion Burnham Shores Park. Alexander Park
is currenth• under construction. Lovelace tennis coups should be completed before
Memorial Day.
Gary Silkaits —Preseason beach tokens are on sale for S 18 for residents and $34 for non-
residents. The annual dredging of the Church ramp has started. Staff is preparing for the
3`d ,4t , and Sei grade softball program. Adult softball registration has ended. All the
leagues are full except for three. The Arbor Day Five race is scheduled for April 22.
Kevin Wallin — Chandler's Volley- program participation has doubled. The Counselor in
Training class has increased also with 15 teens on a waiting list. Last year 14 teens
participated. Staff is in the process of hiring summer camp staff as well as organizing
free summer tennis and golf lessons for at -risk youth. A free tennis clinic and open house
will be held May 12. The annual Center Gvmnastics Show will be held Mav 22 with
more than I50 children participating.
Robert Lloyd — Summer registration is going well at Crown. The new "M & B Sports
Nerf Football Clinic" has 14 participants. The House Hockey League ended their season
with a trophy day presentation and a family skate on March 25. The Skate Park opened
April 14 and is doing very well. The department has a new photo ID system for making
Skate Park passes. 25 passes were sold on the first day. Staff is preparing for the spring
ice show, "The Best of Broadway."
Christina Spain — The Levy Center has over 800 members. The fundraising committee
is doing very well. The Century Theaters are offering Lest/ members an opportunity to
see a first -run movie every Tuesday afternoon for free. The Levy Center Choraleers will
perform three musical shows to benefit the new building. The performances will be at
the North Shore Hotel Grand Ballroom, May 4-5.
Levy Center Construction Update — May I4 is the meeting with the Levy Center
Development Subcommittee.
Year-end budget update —The final figures have not submitted yet.
Sunshine Voelker is the new Softball Coordinator. Martha Logan. Public Information
Specialist is working on promoting ideas for the women's softball and other sports
Strategic Plan / Board Representation and meetings — Ms. Carra will attend the Beek
Park meeting at Willard school. Mr. Marberny will attend the ..May 14 Levy Advisory
Board meeting.
Levy Advisory By -Laws Change - The Levy Center Advisory Board is requesting that
the Board review and approve the amendment to the advisory board's bylaws so that the
Advisory Board may elect a person to additional terms, upon the affirmative vote of two-
thirds of the other members present.
The motioned to approve the Levy Advisory Board by -laves amendment was seconded
and approved. The motion to approve the reappointment of Kathy Gaffney to the Levy
Center Advisory Board was seconded and approved.
Mr. Lesch, Ms. Webb, Mr. Walton and Mr. Marsh had no comment. Ms. Flynn
forwarded a message from Mr. Hodgman who apologized for not attending the meeting.
Ms. Flynn recently spoke at an Evanston League of Women Voters event about the
Board/Department recent activities. She mention that players should be thrown out of the
baseball games if they are drinking and using bad language. Mr. Marberry gave kudos to
the staff for running successful programs.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, May
17 at the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave., Rm. 2403.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Notice of Cancellation
Recreation Board Meeting
March 15, 2001
Board Members Present:
Board members absent:
"Draft - Not Approved -
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler- Newberger, 1028 Central St.
February 15, 2001
.is. Marion Flynn, President
Mr. Don Walton, Treasurer
Ms. Janet Webb, Secretary
Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Heck-y Powell
Mr. John Lesch
Mr. Richard iNiarberry
Ms. Ann Carra
Mr. Rick ifarsh
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
.Nis. Christina Spain, Levy Center Manager
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Advisory Board President
Mr. Frank Sacks, Tennis Program Coordinator
Ms. Flynt called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The minutes of the January 18
Recreation Board meeting and the minutes of the February 1 Recreation Board special
meeting were approved. The Treasurer's Report R Bills List was approved.
Mr. Dorneker introduced the new Levy Center Manager. Nis. Christina Spain. to the
Tennis Program Presentation - Mr. Sacks gave a brief presentation on the history of
his tennis program and how- it has grown. He distributed a copy of the program's
youthiadult attendance participation from 1991 thru 2000. Program participation has
doubled since 1991 (from 326 to 774). Some new initiatives are the senior citizens tennis
program and a new middle school tennis league. which will be a feeder program for the
High School. He is excited about the upcoming tennis court renovations and brought the
Board's attention to the renovation needs of the Leahv and Lovelace tennis courts. which
are unsafe to play on. Mr. Marberrwould like to see additional city involvement in the
Middle Schools and feels that middle school tennis league is a step in the right direction
to achieve this. Mr. Walton takes care of the minority recruitment offering scholarships
to Eyanston's fourth graders through funds provided by the USTA. Ms. Carra asked how
are we able to support a student who is a more serious tennis player and needs to play all
year. Mr. Walton explained that there are other agencies available such as TOPS (Tennis
Opportunity Programs). Evanston is involved with TOPS in conjunction with
Northwestern in -where we have access to the university's outdoor tennis courts on
Saturdays during the summer and indoor courts on Sundays during the winter. ',Jr.
Sacks noted that we pretty much have a sufficient number of outdoor courts to run the
tennis programs during the summer. As for indoor courts. we have access to the High
School's courts but it's limited.
Richard Seaman - %Ir. Shaman confirmed with the Board that they had received a list of
issues 'recommendations from the Robert Crown Advisory Board relating to the Robert
Crown Center. The Advisory Board would like to b- informed of meetings regarding the
Crown Center study in order to give their input. He noted that in the past. the
Department's Adyison, Boards were listed on the Recreation Board monthly Agenda.
Mr. Lesch explained the Advisory Boards are alw-ays welcome to the Board meetings.
Rotation of Officers - The Recreation Board Officers for 2001 are Don Walton.
President. Janet Webb. Treasurer and Ann Cana. Secretary. Mr. Walton noted that
because of his busy schedule during the tennis season. he may be late or not available for
the April. May and June Board rneetinus.
Committee Reports -tits. Webb reported on the upcoming Black History Month
activities at the Fleetwood Jourdain Center.
Strategic Plan Document - The Board received a copy of the current strategic plan
improvement projects as approved by Council. Mr. Dorneker explained that the
Fleetwood Jourdain tennis court was not listed because that area is included in the
Fleetwood Jourdain's master plan involving the sculpture garden. The master plan has
been put on hold for now because the Foster Field is owned by the School District. The
City is in touch with the School District regarding their intentions for the field.
Staffing Update - We will begin interviewing candidates for the Youth Sports
Supervisor position at Chandler. Stan' will begin reviewing resumes for the evening -
weekend sports Coordinator position at Chandler. We are still accepting r_sumes for the
Skating Director position at Robert Crown.
Dog Beach - The fee for a resident dog beach token is increasing from S?S to S40 for the
upcoming season. Non-resident rates have also increased from S40 to $80. The fee
increase was necessary to help offset the increased staff needed for supervision of the dog
Levy Advisory Board Appointment - The Board approved the appointment of Frances
Randell as a member of the Levy Advisory Board.
Mr. Domeker advised the Board of the Neighborhood meeting to discuss the construction
of the new Levy Center.
Advisory Board Comments — The Board discussed placing the Advisory Boards on the
monthly auenda and decided not to. instead. staff will send a letter of imitation along
with the meetinu schedule. to the Adyison Boards informine them that they are welcome
to be placed on the Board agenda anytime. upon request. If they have not made a
requests to be on the agenda. they are welcome to make their comments during the
"Comments from Observers" auenda item.
Mr. Lesch thanked 1Is. Flynn for her leadership as Board President. Mr. Walton
distributed information on a community outreach program to strengthen the relationship
among the community, groups and the department and to continue dialogue with the
Evanston communities that w•e reached during the recent recreational referendum. He
presented Ms. Flynn with a plaque of appreciation on behalf of the Board for her service
as Board President. fir. Marberr• thanked Ms. Flynn for serving as Board President and
is looking forward to working with Mr. Waloon on a community outreach program. He
congratulated FARM on completing another successful year. and gave kudos to the
Commits team. Ms. Flynn asked fir. Domeker to comment on the Leahy tennis court
and the ladies softball program at the March Board meeting. She was happy to hear of
the new 3`r quarter basketball rule where the 6`h and 71h grade girls who aren't starters. get
to play the entire P quarter and she challenges the mens FARM division to do the same.
She received a complaint from a participant of the ladies softball league regarding the
league being mowed to James Park. where the field dimensions are different from the
Crowtt field.
The meeting adjourned at 9:1 Opm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm. March
15 at Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center. 1655 Foster Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board members absent:
"Draft —Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Special Meeting/Strategic Plan
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave.
February' 1, 2001
Nis. Marion Flynn, President
Mr. Don Walton, Treasurer
Nis. Janet Webb, Secretary
Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Hecky Powell
Air. John Lesch
Air. Richard Marberry
Ms. Ann Carra
Air. Rick Marsh
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Douglas Gaynor, ParhsfForestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board President
Mr. Randy Roebuck, Robert Crown Advisory Board Treasurer
Mr. Jerry Rosemond, Robert Crown Advisory Board Secretary
Ms. Ansley Block, Medill Grad Student
Nis. Laura Brown
The special meeting to discuss recommendations of parks and recreation strategic plan
improvements and a seven year CIP plan. teas called to order at 6:35pm.
Ms. Flynn said this is a tremendous commitment on the part of the City Council and she
is thrilled with the outcome. She gave special thanks to Mr. Gaynor and the
Parks/Forestr% & Recreation staff for their hard work and support. She mentioned that
Mayor Morton commented that the soccer field in Twiggs Park is not being used and
should be added to the list of useable fields.
Staff measured the Feld in Twiggs Park for possible soccer and baseball use and
contacted EYBA and AYSO. The size of the field is 30'x 80'. which isn't close to the
size of a normal soccer or baseball field. It's a neighborhood park with a smaller field.
However, should the need occur when -we start to redevelop the other fields, EYBA and
AYSO %vill consider the field in Twiggs Park.
Mr. Gaynor commended the Board on behalf of the Department for their efforts and hard
work. He suggested sending thank you letters on behalf of the Board to all of the
supporters who attended and spoke at the several meetings. Ms. Carra said the letter
should include information on where ►tie are in the process in order to keep them
Mr. Seaman named issues relating to the Crown Center: parking. condition of fields and
the structural integrity. There is also concern of possibly keeping the current Crown
center running while building the new Crown facility. Nis. Flynn noted that it would be
hard to keep the current center open while building a new facility on the grounds and
keep all the fields going.
Mr. Roebuck confirmed that there %%ilI be a study done of the Crown center before any
development/redevelopment is done. He asked when will the study of Crown take place?
If City Council approves the proposed projects at the February 3rd Budget Review
meeting, and once the City's budget is approved as of March I", staff will immediately
put out a request for proposals to bring a consultant on board to do the study.
Nis. Brown said before we get a consultant to decide what needs to be done, there needs
to be some discussion regarding the vision for the Crown center so they will have some
idea of what's needed. Ms. Flynn said she is very confident that when we get to that
point, staff will gather input and address the needs of the community and constituents of
the Crown center. She used the new Levy Center project as an example.
Mr. Lesch said we've had two engineer studies done. One report says the building could
fall down and the other says the building is still safe to use. He asked where would the
money come from to pay for the Crown center if it happens to fall apart. Mr. Gaynor
made it clear that it was never said that the building was unsafe and a timetable of when
the building may or may not fall down was never given. We have no indication from
any professional consultant of how lone the building will or will not stand. The proposed
study of Crown will be a precise study to analyze the center from the foundation to the
roof. Ms. Carra confirmed that the strategic plan consultants that studied the recreation
facilities were not structural engineers.
Mr. Carra said it seems a that Crown neighbors thought there was a proposal or decision
already in place that they were excluded from. Somehow, they need to be kept informed
of where are in the process as we move forward. She asked what has been our usual CIP
Budget in the past and how does it compare to the new one? Mr. Gaynor said since he
has been on board we've receive approximately 51.5 - S2 million in general obligation
bonds and some monies in community development block grant funds which totals about
S243 million per year. Nlr. Gaynor explained the process of receiving CIP funds and
noted that although the department has been fortunate to receive S243 million for the
past few years, this year we got less than 5500.000. What the Board and staff has
achieved, is a dedication of a minimum of SI.5 million as long as the City Council holds
true to the Resolution that was passed and adopted into the budget.
Mr. Seaman suggested that the Board'staff prepare an information fact sheet of what is
planned and hold the press accountable for reporting the correct information. He also
mentioned that there needs to be an analysis of the soil at Crown as that area was
originally a land fill.
Ms. Webb moved to approve the proposed priority list of improvement projects. Mr.
Marberry seconded. Mr. Gaynor gave a brief explanation of the projects.
Mr. Gaynor reminded the Board that we still have $235,000 to hire a consultant to do a
study to determine a location for a Southeast Recreation Center. The Board may contact
the Ridgeville Park District as a source once the study has been completed.
Mr. Lesch said the department had been receiving S1.5 - $2 million in CIP funds up until
this year when they received $500.000. It seems to him that for all of the Board's efforts.
they just climbed back up to $1.5 million. ifs. «'ebb said the difference is we no«- have
a long-term commitment of S1.5 million. In the past. there was no guarantee of an
amount and we could have Lotten much less. In addition. Cite Council is now a« -am that
the community is very concern about recreation.
.Mr. Marberry called the question to approve the proposed priority list of improvement
projects; tics. Webb seconded. The motion passed 6-0.
Mr. 1vlarberry asked that a copy of the article from the Art Recreation magazine "How
your tax dollars improve your local parks and recreation facilities", be sent to the City
Council. He mould also like to see the list of projects that are currently funded and
underway, and projects that are going to be funded with this new plan, publicized for
everyone to see and understand what they're getting for their money. He's proud of the
Board and what they have accomplished. The FAANI Pancake breakfast is February 10a'.
Mr. Walton noted that there was no mention of tennis court renovation at Fleetwood or
Mason Park. He felt stronely that there should be some cosmetic work done to those
courts if not a total renovation. Cosmetic work, filling cracks and repainting the surface,
is a minimal cost of $3,000-S5.000. The tennis program is growing and there is no place
to go in the minority community. He would like to see tennis programs return to those
two sites. He has people prepared to play at these locations but there needs to be some
type of cosmetic work done to the courts to make the useable. Ms. Carra thanked staff
for all of their hard work. \ir. Lesch noted that it is easier for him to stay late at the
meetings than to arrive early and questioned why this meeting was scheduled for 6:30pm.
With one item on the agenda. staff thought it would be a short meeting and scheduled it
for 6:30pm so members could meet right after work then go home early rather than go
home and come back out for a short meeting. Mr. Lesch said he's disappointed with the
City Council's decision and feels that they ducked their responsibility. We need more
than S1 million a year to fix the parks. his. Flynn gave special thanks to Mr. Hodgman
who has been incredibly energetic and a remarkable Ieader. fir. Hodgman is still full of
ideas on how to get the Board where it wants to go.
The special meeting adjourned at 7:50pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm,
February 15 at Chandler -Newberger Center, 1028 Central Street.
Draft -- Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft —Not Approved -
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave.
January 18, 2001
Board Members Present: Nis. Marion Flynn, President Mr. John Lesch
Mr. Don Walton, Treasurer tifr. David Hodgman
Ms. Janet Webb, Secretary Ms. Ann Carra
Mr. Richard NlarberrY Mr. Rick Marsh
Mr. Hecky Powell
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Advisory Board President
Ms. Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:40pm. The minutes of the November 2"d
Recreation Board special meeting w-as approved. The minutes of the November 1 b`s
Recreation Board meeting was approved. The minutes of the December 13't' Recreation
Board special meeting was approved. The Treasurer's Report and Bills List were
Strategic Plan — Ms. Flynn gave a brief update on what was discussed at the .January 16`h
Human Services Committee meeting regarding the strategic plan and recreation
referendum. The Committee will recommend to the City Council to except the
Parks'Forestry & Recreation Strategic Master Plan as a guide for future development and
redevelopment of the City's parks and recreation facilities. Staff was asked to prepare
financing options and a prioritized list of improvement projects for a S17 million and $21
million bond for comparison/review. Neither plan would include a multiplex, additional
basketball courts or a Southeast Recreation Center. The S21 million would include the
rebuilding of the Robert Crown Center and a kiosk at the lakefront.
Mr. Ga}'nor mentioned that he and Mr. Hodgman had discussed the possibility of a
private/public partnership for the multiplex. He said the draw back to that is the private
developer usually wants control of operation and fees. One way to get around that would
be to require subsidylscholarships as part of the deal.
Mr. Marbem• asked if more fields could be upgraded if the lakefront kiosk was removed
from the improvement projects list. Mr. Ga}•nor said Council will choose what stays and
what's removed. Mr. Marberry felt strongly that the Board should make that decision.
It's important that the Board deals with issues that have been discussed for the last five
months. including the plans developed by way of surve%ing the citizens and
organizations. If we are going to be limited to S_' 1 million he would rather not have a
kiosk on the lakefront if we can build up more fields.
Mr. Marsh noted that over the past eight years the Board has fought for a Southeast
Recreation center, a multiplex and more basketball courts. None of this will be included
in the $21 million plan however; we are enhancing our community with that S21 million.
If we want a multiplex, we may have to go through the private sector. Right now, the
Board should focus energy on working with what we have.
Ms. Carra and Mr. Hodgman suggested contacting affiliate groups to attend the next
Council meeting. It's important that Council sees the community support. It's also
important for the Board members to stay in contact with Council members.
Mr. Seaman shared his thoughts on how he felt each Alderman might vote on the
referendum. It's important that the Aldermen are educated and fully understand the
needs of the City as it relates to parks and recreation. Nir. Seaman attended the Robert
Crown Neighborhood meetings where Alderman Bernstein was also in
attendance. He said Aid. Bernstein reported that he would not support a referendum
dealing with expenditure of money based on his constituency. He sees his needs as being
greater than recreation within his ward.
Ms. Flynn urged Board members to try to attend the January 22nd Council meeting. Board
members were assigned people to invite to the Council meeting in support of the
Staffing Update — Four new staff persons started work during the last three weeks:
Christina Spain, Levy Center Manager, Jessica Bullock. Management Analyst. Harmon
Greenblatt, Cultural ArtslAns; Council Director and Chris Prichem Clerk I1. Fleetwood
Center. We are accepting resumes for a skating Director at Robert Crown and a weekend
and evening recreation assistant at the Chandler Newberger Center. The Youth Spots
Supervisor position will be posted next week.
Rotation of Officers - Current rotation for 2001-02 would be Don Walton, President;
Janet Webb. Treasurer and Ann Carra, Secretary. Rotation of offices will be discussed at
the next meeting. If approved, new officers will begin at the March meeting.
Erickson Fund - Mr. Marberry questioned why the Board only gives 5450 every year
out of the 520,000 that is available. The Board should give more money and to other
organizations. Mr. Dorneker explained that staff hasn't done a good job with publicizing
the availability of the Erickson Funds since the Evanston Sports Association turned it
over to the Recreation Board. The same groups that have used those funds over the years
are the same groups that reapply. Also, in the past, staff training was paid for from this
fund. Currently, funds for staff training comes from Human Resources.
+ Ms. Carra moved to approve funds in the amount of S450 to sponsor one team from
Evanston Youth Baseball for the 2001 season. It was seconded and approved.
hir. Seaman asked the Board to keep the Robert Crown .advisor} Board informed of all
future meetings, discussions and planning so they could be of support. He distributed a
list of concerns expressed at the January 9u' Robert Crown Community Center Advisory
Board meeting and background piston of the Crown center. He also provided fir.
Gaynor with grant information he came across while on the internet for arts cultural
education. community development and recreation.
Mr. Hodgman said this is a very exciting time for the Board and he %%ill double his efforts
and do what he can to make this happen. Mr. Powell apologized to the Board for not
attending many meeting. He will do better. He commended Mr. Hodgman on his
presentation to the Human Service Committee saying he did a great job. Nis. Webb
announced the Annual FAAhi Pancake Breakfast is February 100. fir. Walton said one
thing he learned from the Council meeting is that we need as much of the community as
possible to support us. To do this. we must meet with the people who are directly
effected by an}'
project we are working on. '*ir. Marsh noted the Anitude and Interest
Survey precipitated the program process of looking for a multipurpose center and a
Southeast recreation center, which he has been a pan of for the past seven years. It seems
as if we are approaching the finalization of the program and he feels good about that.
The Board stayed focus and was committed to seeing this through. Ms. Carra said if the
referendum passes. life as the Board knows it \%ill radically change and they had better
start sleeping now to prepare for the enormous amount of work. Ms. Flynn thanked each
Board member for their extra efforts to see this through. Members attended several
Human Services and Council meetings. some of which ran late at site. She also noted
that Mayor Morton would like to see some activity in Twiggs Park. which has a baseball
field that goes unused and has room for a soccer field. Ms. Flynn suggested advertising
this park for a potential practice field. Mr. Dorneker said that a while back EYBA felt
this baseball field was too small. He will double check to make sure EYBA is aware of
this field and will have the field measured for possible soccer use. his. Fynn said she
really believes we should have integrated summer camp program staff at all of our
facilities and we need to pay attention to the quality of camp services provided to the
south end of the city.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm,
'� February 15 at Chandler -Newberger Center, 1028 Central Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board members absent:
Evanston Recreation Board
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave.
January 17, 2002
Mr. Don Walton, President
his. Janet Webb, Treasurer
Mr. John Lesch
Ms. Ann Carra, Secretary
Mr. Richard Marberry
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Mr. David Hodgman
Ms. Marion Flynn
Mr. Peter Caragher
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board Chair
The minutes of December 20, 2001 Board meeting and the Treasurer's Report and Bills List
were approved.
Mr. Seaman shared information with the Board regarding sports rage. He recommend that it
be made mandatory for parents and coaches to sign a code of conduct contract prior to
participating in any sports program/activities. Mr. Hodgman asked if a code of conduct
contract is something ,%ve should consider. Mr. Dorneker said sport program participants are
asked to sign a %vaver. which is an agreement to where the parents are asked to respect coaches
and other parents. All of our coaches are required to attend the --- training. Our affiliate
groups are also encouraged to attend. Mr. Hodgman asked staff to report on the type of waiver
/ agreements parents are asked to sign and whether we should expand on it.
Mr. Seaman thanked the Board for their approval of the Robert Crown Advisory Board By-
laws. He also thanked staff for providing the calendar of City budget hearings. The next
Advisory Board meeting is March 12.
The Southeast Evanston Building Study in moving along as plamied. There was a good turn out
for the first public meeting. The Ridgeville Park District was in the audience and well
represented. The first set focus groups met last night at Oakton School. Board member Peter
Caragher attended the focus group representing the Recreation Board. The focus groups' task is
to help develop a survey.
The Levy Center development is also moving along as planned. We are planning to move in
the net►• building early :'April. The Grand Open will be schedule sometime in June.
Staff' is in the process of collecting bids for fitness equipment that %will be placed at the new
Levy Center and the Fleetwood Jourdain Center.
The i=AAM Pancake Breakfast is scheduled for February 16. Summer camp brochures have
been distributed and registration will begin on February 2. We have started the open gym &
s%vim program at the Hich School.
Staff is communicating with Dist 65 to ;work out an arrancement for the special recreation
programs that Nye run during the summer. Dist 65 is also working with a tight budget and ma%
have to reduce sonic of the cooperative programs they work on with our department.
Budect Update: All vacant positions have been put on hold. There are four or five positions
that are critical to the department. One of which is the Aquatic Ranger who will be responsible
for hiring and overseeing the lakefront stag. Some of the proposed budget cuts are the
elimination of the Fleetwood Jourdain Theater Program, a reduction of the Evanston Art
Council Grant funding and the elimination of the Cultural Arts Program Manager position.
Rotation ol'Officers: The current Board Officer are President Don Walton. Treasurer Janet
Webb and Secretary Ann Carra. The proposed officers for 2002-03 are President Janet Webb,
Treasurer Ann Carra and Secretary Richard Nlarberry. The Board will vote on the new officers
at the February Board meeting.
Advisor• Board Annointment: The motion to approve the appointment of Kris Starr to the
Robert Crown Advisory Board was seconded and approved.
Ms. Flynn asked that staff find a better way to publicize scholarships information so more
people knoxv about it and use our facilities and beaches. Ms. Webb reminded everyone of the
FARM Pancake Breakfast. She noted that the FRAM Program is really gro%ving and they are
thinking of possibly starting a 6`s grade boys league. In an effort to help with the City's budget.
FAA14 did not accept subsidy funds this year. However, they look forward to continue having
•. Mr. Hodgman attend the New Trier/Evanston
the use of the Fleetwood Jourdain facilit}
To%vnship game at Northwestern. which .was very swell attended. He said we have to keep in
sight the need for a large indoor sports facility that wilI accommodate the expansion of FARM
and other youth sports activities that are essential to the continued vitality of our community.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, February 21
at the Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St.
February 21, 2002
Board Members Present: Mr. Don Walton, President Mr. David Hodgman
Ms. Marion Flynn Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. John Lesch
Board members absent: Ms. Ann Carra, Secretary
Ms. Janet Webb, Treasurer
Mr. Richard Marberry
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Walton called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The minutes of January 17, 2002 Board
meeting -.vas approved with amendments. The Treasurer's Report and Bills List were
Budget Update: Mr. Doneker reported on a couple of budget issues that concerned the
department. The Fleetwood Theater program has been totally eliminated from the budget.
Several members of the community attended the last Council meeting to speak on behalf of the
theater program. There has been discussion among the Aldermen regarding leaving the adult
theater at Family Focus and moving the children's theater the new Levy Center. The theater
space at Family Focus is not ADA accessible and the City received complaints regarding this
issue. The Cite contacted Family Focus expressing its concern. Delores Holmes had an
architectural firm start an ADA accessibility study. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the funds
to move forward with renovations.
The clerical position at the Ecology Center has been eliminated. Currently, the Ecology staff
consists of one Manager, two Program Coordinators and one Office Clerk. If the clerk position
is eliminated, the building will have to be closed when staff is out conducting programs.
Treasurer Ann Carra and Secretary Richard Barberry. The motion to accept the new officers
as proposed was approved.
Mr. «'anon was presented Aith a plague on behalf of the Board, for his term served as the
Board President. fir. Walton thanked the Board for the plaque and for their support during his
term as Board President.
Mr. Hodgman thanked \.fr. Walton and complimented him on doing a great job Ieading the
Board during his term and setting a marvelous tone for the meetings. Mr. Hodgman attended
an event at i*elsh Ryan Stadium last Friday and it was a remarkable community event. He said
it is great when that many people come out to watch children of this community participate in
an event. He asked the Board to imagine if we had a facility and the programs that such a
facilir• would hold, for many other sports. He hopes the Board and staff continue to be
committed to finding a way to have a facility like that for our community so that FAAM and
other oreanizations that serve our youth, have a facility that permits them to grow. Ms. Flynn
said she wvas sorry that she missed Ms. Webb's performance in "The Native Son" at Evanston
Towwnship High School. \cs. Flynn wants staff to continue trying to do better outreach in the
minority communities for all of our programs. She noted that she saw some numbers about the
minority outreach that the YMCA is doing with their Camp Echo Sleepover Program. She
informed the Board that she received a nice thank you note from Mamie Smith, for the
flower/plant arrangement sent by the Board. Mr. Lesch thanked Mr. Walton for a job well
done as Board President. Mr. Caragher also thanked Mr. Walton. lie also mentioned that there
is a State Championship Swvim meeting this weekend at Evanston Township High School.
The meeting adjourned at 8:34pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:00pm,
February 21 at the Fleetwood Jourdain Center, 1655 Foster Street.
Draft -- Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Othen;.ise. programs «iIl have to be reorganized or canceled in order for staff to be in the
building at all times. 1%4r. Walton made the suggestion of enlisting senior citizens who could
volunteer time. on a rotating basis during prime time, to assist %vith clerical needs at the center.
CIP Uiodate: The Capital Impro%ement Plan is up for adoption at the next Council meeting.
There are no changes to the department's proposed CIP. If adopted we still receive 51.5
million a year through 2007.
Stafiine 'Undate: As of next Monday, Human Resources will move forward % ith filling vacant
positions in the department (Aquatic/Ranger, Special Recreation Program Manager, Fleetwood
Custodian. Levy Custodian. Chandler Program ;Manager, Levy Program Manager).
Le%-v Center Develonment Undate: The Levv Center development is moving along as planned.
We are planning to move in the new building early April. Staff is currently viewing furniture
for the building. The Fitness Equipment Bid for the center was awarded to Direct Fitness. The
Grand Open mill be schedule sometime in June.
Rules and Regulations Undate: The rules and regulations "ill be presented to the Human
Services Committee on March 4 and then to Council on March 11.
Southeast Evanston Studv Update: A second public meeting «ill be scheduled in mid to late
March to discuss the results of the Southeast Evanston Communitv Recreation Survey that was
sent to households in southeast Evanston. Ms. Flvnn mentioned that she sits on a
subcommittee of the Evanston United Way Board. In this position, she has noticed that there
are several outreach programs in southeast Evanston because there is no place to put a building.
Many of these groups have to transport participants from southeast Evanston and back (YMCA,
Child Care Network, etc.) Mr. Caragher mentioned that this same issue came up in the
southeast Evanston Focus group he attended. There are many organizations that want to serve
in southeast Evanston but there is no facility to do it in. Mr. Hodgman said lie is worried that
the survey %%ill not be given the weight it should get, in terms of the needs of the entire
community. He hopes if there is not a lot of interest in soccer, for example, that people won't
jump to the conclusion that the larger community isn't interested in soccer and therefore no
need for that type of facility.
Fleetwood Jourdain Sculnture Garden Undate: Staff met %%ith the Fleetwood Art Guild last
week regarding the plans. A public meeting to further discuss the Fleetwood Jourdain Black
Historic Sculpture Garden and Master Planning Project has been scheduled for March 27,
7:00pm at Fleetwood Jourdain Center.
Programmine Update: Staff completed summer camp pre -registrations. The camps are filling
fast. We have a waiting Iist for Aquatic Camp, Skateboard Camp and some of the Ecology
Camps. There are vacancies in all other camps.
FARM Pancake Breakfast was very well attended, as well as the Black History Month
Rotation of Officers: The current Hoard Officers are President Don Walton, Treasurer Janet
Webb and Secretary Ann Carra. The proposed officers for 2002-03 are President Janet Webb,
Treasurer Ann Carra and Secretary Richard Marberr•. The motion to accept the new officers
as proposed was approved.
Mr. Wahon was presented with a plaque on behalf of the Board, for his term served as the
Board President. fir. «'alton thanked the Board for the plaque and for their support during his
term as Board President.
Mr. Hodgman thanked Mr. Walton and complimented him on doing a great job leading the
Board during his term and setting a marvelous tone for the meetings. fir. Hodgman attended
an event at Welsh Ryan Stadium last Friday and it was a remarkable community event. He said
it is great when that many people come out to watch children of this community participate in
an event. He asked the Board to imagine if we had a facility and the programs that such a
facility would hold, for many other sports. He hopes the Board and staff continue to be
committed to finding a w•ay to have a facility like that for our community so that FAAIM and
other organizations that scree our }youth, have a facilit• that permits them to grow. leis. Flinn
said she was sorry that she missed Ms. Webb's performance in "The Native Son" at Evanston
Township High School. IMs. Flyrtrt wants staff to continue trying to do better outreach in the
minority communities for all of our programs. She noted that she saw some numbers about the
minority outreach that the YMCA is doing with their Camp Echo Sleepover Program. She
informed the Board that she received a nice thank you note from Mamie Smith, for the
flower/plant arrangement sent by the Board. Mr. Lesch thanked Mr. Walton for a job well
done as Board President. fir. Caragher also thanked Mr. Walton. He also mentioned that there
is a State Championship Swim meeting this weekend at Evanston Township High School.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:00pm,
February 21 at the Fleetwood Jourdain Center, 1655 Foster Street.
Draft —'got Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
IF "Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Community Center, 1655 Foster St
April 18, 2002
Board itlembers Present: Ms. Janet Webb, President Mr. David Hodgman
Ms. Ann Carra, Treasurer Ms. Marion Flynn
Mr. Richard iltarberry, Secretary Mr. John Lesch
Mr. dark Sloane
Board members absent: Mr. Don Walton
Mr. Peter Caragher
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Doug Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Richard Seaman, Rohert Crown Center Board President
Mr. John Nickel
Mr. Gary Silkatis, Recreation Maintenance Supervisor
ills. Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist
Mr. Jim Ferrera, Lakefront/Sports Coordinator
11s. Bets' Jrnl%ins, Fleetwood Jourdain Interim Center Manager
Mr. Nanci Fragassi, Robert Crown Operations Manager
Mr. Kevin Wallin, Chandler . ewbergcr Center Manager
INls. Christina Spain, Levy Center Manager
11s. Ann Rainey, 8th Ward Alderman
ills. Mimi Peterson, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Mr. Jerry Rosemond, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order. The minutes of the March 21, 2002 Board meeting was
Southeast Evanston Recreation Center Update Mr. Gaynor reported that Brailsford
Dunlavey presented the draft Southeast Evanston Recreation Building Needs Assessment and
Location Analysis Report to the Human Services Committee on April 1, 2002 and to the public
on April 2, 2002.
Based on the responses received from the Needs Assessment Survey, there is a significant need
for a recreational facility in Southeast Evanston. The consultants recommended three
alternatives for a building site. He noted that the original intent was to look into a facility that
would be the size of Chandler Newberger or Fleetwood. However. the response from the
survey, says the community wanted more than that. Based on that information. the first
recommendation xas to build a 37.000sgft facility at a cost of almost SI5 million dollars. The
down recommendation %%as cut don and the third recommendation was between 20-
25.000sgft. The three proposed locations were: air space over Skokie Svdit near
Clyde/Brummel Park. the parking lot adiacent to ClydeiBrummel Park. and a parking lot cast of
St. Francis Hospital.
The motion by the Human Services Committee was to put a halt to the study and not move
forward because there is no funding. They felt the study went way beyond its original intent
and this will be their recommendation to City Council. .
Mr. Gaynor's position as head of the department, is that it should be kept a high priority as
there is still a need for a facility in the area. not necessarily a 37,000 sqft facility. There are
other concerns the Council has to deal with such as the Crown study. Staff will be meeting
with three consultants and making a recommendation to Council in the next few weeks as to
which consultant will do the study. Staff will be looking to have a report for the Crown study
to%yard the end of the summer. .
Nis. Flynn asked what the Board could do to help in support of the presentation. GIs. Carra said
the Human Services Committee meeting was one of the most frustrating meetings she has
attended. She said Alderman Rainey was masterful: but. she was taken back by the response to
the consultants from the other two Aldermen. The Board has talked about the need for
recreation presence in Southeast Evanston and has made this a high priority for the last seven
years. To hear two AIderman rather ignore that, as if they've never heard it before. was
shocking. She said the answers in the survey were answers anyone would give. To presume
that the answers from one area would be different from any other area is patronizing. She felt
that the meeting .vas not in good faith. People were not looking at this as an opportunity. It
was more of "why should Southeast Evanston have this grand plan for a center". She would
like the Board to be proactive and set up an introduction at the Council meeting so we wouldn't
have to hear the same arguments from the Human Services Committee meeting. She said the
consultants did an excellent job and it was money well spent.
Mr. Marberry asked what could the Human Services Committee have done if everyone agreed
to accept the report. Alerdman Rainey said what she understood that happens is the proposal is
presented to the appropriate committee, the committee reads and discusses it and then it's sent
to Council where it's placed on consent agenda. NVIiat happened at the Human Services
Committee that got everyone on the %%Tong track was within moments of the presentation,
Alderman Newman moved to eliminate any further discussion on the report. Then there was
discussion on affordability. What she plans to do at the Council meeting is to ask the
remaining members of the Council to please accept the report so those who are interested in
moving on with it, searching for federal, state and county funds, can do so. Without the
blessing of the Council, this proposal is dead. Ms. Flynn said City Council approved this study
so this should not be a surprise to anyone. Agency after Agency comes before the Unity Way
and they find that they are doing outreach to this neighborhood because it's so under served.
Most of the time they have to bus the kids or send the in taxis to their facilities (YWCA,
YMCA, etc.) because there is no place to do programs in Southeast Evanston.
Mr. Gaynor said it was made clear right from the beginning that we have no funding. If the
report is accepted. we won't start digging the next day. The next step would be to find funding.
Mr. Hodgman said the Board will have to address how they will speak in an attempt to
influence this process. He believes the Recreation Board has an influence and hopes that the
Council recognizes that the Board repre-writs a view point that is not influenced by parochial
political perspectives. but influenced by a sincere interest in providing recreation to our
community and to making sure that recreation is provided fairly and in particularly. that under
served parts of our community are ser Ld better. This Board has recognized that there is a
terrible need in Southeast Evanston anc that it is under served. He thinks to provide better
recreation service to that community is wod for that community and it's good for the whole
city. If the Board is going to try to participate in this political debate, it should keep that in
mind. It is of course completely unsurprising that a survey of Southeast Evanston would
determine that those residents would lore to have a first class facility. A survey in any part of
the city would probably come up with almost the same results. Flowcver, that isn't the point.
The point is that the Board has been a«are of a crying need that provides these kinds of
services. What the survey helps us understand is a little fine tuning of what kind of services
that community wants. The Board should urge the City Council to recognize that need and
accept this study. The Board's priority is to provide a center there that serves that community.
That has always been their first priority. The Board also has to recognize that just because this
is their first priority, doesn't mean that it's the City Council's first priority. And just because
the City Council accepts the study and recognizes that need, doesn't mean they will putt it at
the top of their Iist. .
Mr. Hodgman proposed that the Board make the statement to the City Council:
Urging City Council to adopt the study, recognize that the Board views a significant
enhancement to the recreation facilities in Southeast Evanston as it's number one priority, for at
least ten years. This study confirms that and helps us understand how that facility might be put
together. But of course. we recognize that there may be higher priorities
The recommendation to make the statement to the City Council at its April 22.2002 meeting
was second and approved.
Alderman Rainey mentioned that another motion from the Human Services Committee meeting
was that staff be directed not to participate in any activity that would in any way generate any
effort to get outside funding. She is confident that we will receive funding and when we do,
staff will have to participate. ills. Webb confirmed that this motion was not final and had to be
voted on by the full Council.
Mr. Marberry asked Mr. Gaynor if there was anything else done at the Committee that put
restriction on staff. Mr. Gaynor said he took the motion to mean staff was not to proceed on
this project period, not just funding.
Ms. Webb will prepare comments to speak on behalf of the Board at the Council meeting.
She informed Board members that they are free to make comments as well.
Mr. Nike] asked that staff make the proper arrangements to keep the dust in the Crown fields
from blowing on and into his home, across from the field. He appreciates staff hosing the
fields but that tends to be a reactive approach instead of proactive. This is an issue he's been
bringing to the Board since 1988 and there is still no irrigation in the fields.
Nir. Seaman reported his concerns with Leah Lomar Park: graffiti on the play equipment;
vandalization of trees: ongoing problems with the drinking fountain. beer bottles/cans left in
and near the park. I313Q briquettes left in the park after picnics: and people using the park after
11 pm. fir. Seaman is also representing the North Shore Scirra Club who is looking for projects
to better the community. In September volunteers cleaned Lee St Beach as part of Beach
Cleanup day -with the Lake Michigan Federation. In May, River Rescue Day (Friends of
Chicago River) will clean banks of the Sanitan Canal from Green Bay to Emerson. They will
also contact local Park Districts and municipal bodies on the North Shore to offer their help.
He also asked ►whv the Chicago Ave ❑ominicks site wasn't taken by the Citv under eminent
domain for a Southeast Evanston Recreational Center and can it be taken from the developer
for public use? Mr. Gaynor said City Council has made it very clear that they don't want to
take any property off the tax rolls.
Mr. Seaman introduced Crown Advisory Board members Mimi Peterson and Jerry Rosemond.
The Advisory Board held its officer nominations at their March meeting. fir. Seaman has
invited the Crown Advisory Board to attend the May Board meeting. They are interested in
hearing about the RFP findings for the Robert Crown structural analysis. He reminded the
Board that the Advisory Board still have ongoing concerns with the Skateboard Park
(supervision and use of facility before and after posted hours).
Gary Silkaitis, Recreation Maintenance Supervisor --Preseason beach tokens arc on sale for
S18 for residents and S34 for non-residents. During May, the Dempster St Beach Office will be
open weekends only, 10am- 5pm. The office ►viIl be open daily between Memorial Day and
Labor Day. The annual dredging of the Church ramp has started. Staff is lining the soccer
fields and preparing for little league baseball. Registration for adult softball leagues continues.
The Arbor Day Five race is scheduled for April 21.
Mr. Hodgman expressed his appreciation to City Council for the funding towards the wonderful
improvements being made to the fields that thousands of youngsters use throughout the city.
fie hopes that Council will continue to show their support because it is very important to the
Betsy Jenkins, Fleetwood Jourdain Interim Center Manager — The Fleetwood Children's
Theater have completed auditions for the upcoming production in June, which ►vas ►kTitten by
participants in the Advanced Theater Workshop. The new fitness equipment has arrived and
the work out room should be open to the public by late June. The center ►will hold its first
middle school dance on April 19.
Christina Spain, Levy Center Manager — The Levy Center membership is up to 1600. Staff
is working on the new transportation schedules. Bridging Generations, a program for senior
and NU students, created through a grant from the Evanston Arts Council, performed for 70
seniors on April 12. Staff continues to plan for the impending move. The first week that the
new center is open to the public. there will be special events, giveaways and contests. The
annual IMay Gala will be held May 24.
Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist — Planning is under way for promotional
support for the grand opening ceremony at the Levy Center. Flyers and brochures have been
produced for summer programs and the upcoming Evanston Children Theater production. The
company that delivered the Arts —Recreation magazine door to door to Evanston residents has
gone out of business. The summer issue of the :arts —Recreation magazine will be mailed to
Evanston residents in mid May. featuring the new Le%-y Center on the cover.
Kevin Wallin, Chandler tie-wherger Center Manager— Sunshine Voelker has been
Promoted to the fulltime position of Program Manager at Chandler Newberger. Sunshine was
previously the part time Softball Coordinator. There is still a vacancy for the Special
Recreation Program Manager position. The 4 h and 5'�'grade girls basketball leagues played
their final games on :March 16. A total of 409 girls played on the leagues this year, compared
to 333 in 2001. A free tennis clinic for youths and adults will be held April 13 at Leahy Park.
Nanci Fragassi, Robert Crown Operations Manager- Summer registration is going well at
Crown. The Evanston Speed Skating CIub held its annual competition on March 16 & 17. The
Minor Mites will be playing spring hockey with Skokie and the Saddle & Cycle Club. All
spring ice skating* classes have begun as have rehearsals for the annual spring ice show, "One
World to be performed flay 17-19.
Rules and Regulations Update: The rules and regulations were presented to the Human
Services Committee on March a. The Committee asked for more detailed information. This
will be presented to the Committee again on May 13 before going to Council.
Fleetwood Jourdain Sculpture Garden Update: We have a consultant on board who is
proceeding with developing a site plan of Fleetwood. including a sculpture park. Mr. Gaynor
reminded everyone that the City ovens only the property on which Fleetwood sits. The School
District 65 owns Foster Field and Family Focus owns the land between FIeetwood and Family
Focus. He sent a letter to Delores Holmes. Family Focus and Hardy Murphy, School District,
asking for these properties. So far, Family Focus responded saying they will look into to it.
This request was driven by grant requirements. that we either own the land or have a long-term
lease agreement for land in order to receiving grant funding.
Robert Crown Center Update: We received seven responses to the Robert Crown Study RFP.
Staff is in the process of interviewing consultants and •.vill forward a recommendation to
A&PNV and Council as to who should be awarded the contract.
CIP Update: The capital plan is running smoothly. Tennis court renovations are in progress.
The field renovations at James and Bent Parks are ahead of schedule.
Staffine Update: Human Resources is moving forward with filling vacant positions in the
department (Aquatic/Ranger, Special Recreation Program Manager, Fleetwood Custodian,
Levy Custodian, Levy Program Manager).
"Draft — Not Approved'
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Flechvood Jourdain Community Center, 1655 Foster St
March 2I, 2002
Board Members Present: Mr. David Hodgman his. Ann Carra, Treasurer
.Nis. Marion Flynn Nis. Janet Webb, President
Mr. John Lesch Mr. Mark Sloane
Mr. Richard Marberry, Secretan•
Board members absent: Mr. Don Walton
Mr. Peter Caragher
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorncker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Doug Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order. The minutes of the February 21, 2002 Board meeting
was approved.
Pronosed Improvements for the Fleetwood Jourdain Center and Mason Park; The citizens
comments are attached.
Budaet Undatc: Mr. Gaynor reported that the Fleetwood Jourdain Theater Program; the Noyes
Cultural Fund Grant and Program Manager and the Ecology Center Clerical position were J1
restored in the budget.
CIP Undate: The capital plan is running smoothly. We are ahead on the field irrigation projects
at James and Bent Park, due to the weather conditions. We are going out to bid for Beck Park
Phase 11 renovation project.
Levv Center Development Undate: The Levy Center development is moving along as planned.
Basketball backboards %vill be installed by April 20. Computer equipment, which is being
donated, should arrive April 10. Furniture and fitness equipment has been ordered. The June
30 grand opening date ►will have to be chanced to sometime in July. The Board will be
scheduled to take a tour of the new facility.
Rules and Recuiations Update: The rules and rcuulations ► ere presented to the Human
Services Committee on March 4. The Committee asked for more detailed information. This
will be presented to the Committee again on May 13 before going to Council.
Southeast Evanston Study Undate: The results of the survey to determine the need for a
recreational facilityi'community center in Southeast Evanston will be presented at the April I
Human Services meeting. There will also be a public meeting on April 2, at Oakton School to
discuss the results of the Southeast Evanston Survey. The survey results indicate that there is a
great need. which pushes the button for the second step of finding a location. The consultant
will propose three possible locations for facility.
Fleetwood Jourdain Sculpture (Darden Undate: A public meeting to further discuss the
Fleetwood Jourdain Black Historic Sculpture Garden and 4laster Planning Project has been
scheduled for March 27. 7:00pm at Fleetwood Jourdain Center.
Mr. Gaynor introduced Mr. Sloane, the newest Recreation Board member.
Staffint; IJndate: Iluman Resources is moving forward with filling vacant positions in the
department (AquaticrRanger. Special Recreation Program Manager, Fleetwood Custodian,
Levy Custodian. Chandler Program Manager. Levy Program Manager).
Prourammine Undate: Beach tokens go on sale April 1. This year we will start a new Junior
Lifeguard Program. Staff completed summer camp pre -registrations. The camps are filling
fast. The Evanston Children's Theater is performing the " Revenge of the Space Pandas."
Mr. Marberry said he has been approached by people about forming an organization to man the
gate of the dog beach instead of City personnel. Mr. Gaynor said if there is anyone who would
like to volunteer. they should contact Mr. Dorneker. Unfortunately, there is a lot of
confrontation with manning the dos beach. There have been occasions inhere the park ranger
or the police ►was called for back up.
Ms. Carra asked if the special recreation program will run as usual. Mr. Doneker explained
there are two special recreation camps. One held at Park School and one held at Washington
School. There is no change in the program except that the school district will no longer partner
with us on the camp at Washington School due to budget problems. Therefore, our participants
will be reduced from 80 to 50.
The Board reviewed and updated the members list and meeting schedule. Revised lists «711 be
provided at the April meeting.
Le%-v Center Tour: The tour of the Levy Center %%ill be scheduled for April 3 or 4.
,Ms. Fivnn believes the beach should be free to Evanston residents and that they should show
their residenc%- at the gate. She doesn't feel that we make our scholarships accessible enough
and she is embarrassed that our budget cuts are reducing participation in our special recreation
camp. \ir. Sloane thanked the Board for having him and he's looking forward to working with
them for the next five years. Mr. Marberr welcomed fir. Sloane to the Board. ;tits. Webb
reminded the Board about the FRAM Banquet. She also thanked Mr. Walton for his graceful
leadership as the Board President last year.
The meeting adjourned at 8:24pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm,
April 18 at the Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main Street,
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved -
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave., Room 2.104
May 16, 2002
Board 'Members Present: its. Janet Webb, President 1Ir. Peter Caragher
,his. Ann Carra, Treasurer Ms. Marion Flynn
Mr. Richard Marberry, Secretary Mr. John Lesch
Mr. Bark Sloane
Board members absent: ,Mr. Don Walton
Mr. David Hodgman
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorncker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Board President
Mr. Thomas Henninger, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order. The minutes of the April 18, 2002 Board meeting was
Mr. Seaman — He has made several reports regarding ongoing concerns with Leah Lomar
Park: graffiti on the play equipment; vandaliration of trees; ongoing problems with the drinking
fountain; beer bottles/cans left in and near the park; people using the park after 11 pm; and trees
need pruning. The Chicago Ave. Dominicks site should be given more consideration for a
Southeast Evanston Recreation Center. Mr. Seaman is also representing the North Shore Scirra
Club. On Mav l l River Rescue Day (Friends of Chicago River) cleaned banks of the Sanitary
Canal from Green Bay to Bridge collecting 11 bags of trash.
Mr. Seaman —fir. Seaman distributed the Cro%Nm Advisory Board members list. The Advisory
Board is interested to hear of the RFP findings for the Robert Crown Structural Analysis. They
are still very concerned about safety at the Skate Park. People are using the park before and
after Skate Park hours and are not using proper safety equipment. When funds become
available, we should consider enclosing the park with a high fence.
Levv Center 1. ndate: The new Levy Center was broken into. The damages will not delay the
building opening date. Most of the damages have been repaired. The security system is now in
place in addition to having security staff at the center. The new computers, fitness equipment,
tables and chairs have arrived at the center. Sunday. July 21 is the date scheduled for the
building dedication ceremony. The courtyard project is coming along.
Robert Crown Center Undate: We received seven responses to the Robert Crown Structural
Analysis RFP. Staff interviewed consultants and for►varded a recommendation to the A&PW
committee. The recommendation will be presented to Council for consideration at their May
20 meeting. The study can take six to eight months.
Slaffine Undate: We are in the process of interviewing for a Special Recreation Program
Manager. Fleetwood Building Super•isoi-AVeekend Evening Supervisor. Fleetwood Custodian,
and a Levy Custodian.
Program Undate: The 27'h Annual Spring Ice Show is this weekend at the Crown Center. The
beaches will open June 1 5'h. Staff will forward a recommendation to Council to extend the
contract for the lakefront concessionaire to continue for this season. Staff is also
recommending a fitness program contract to a firm that will provide the fitness programming
and supervision for the Levy Center.
Mr. Marberry said contract proposals use to come before the Board prior to being presented to
Council. He's not sure why that slopped and would like to see the policy relating to this issue.
Mr. Dornkcr explained that since the Council has changed somewhat, they have requested that
all contracts be forwarded to them for approval. However, he will look into the policy and find
out if the contracts should come to the Board before going to Council or if it should come to the
Board as information only. Mr. Marberry said staff has an obligation to explain to the Council
that we have a process in place for reviewing contracts and bringing them to Council for
review. That has been the traditional way of doing it.
Mr. Marberry asked if staff considered extending the beach token reduced rate past June I4'h.
Mr. Domeker said not at this time. Two years ago, the deadline was extended from May I5`h to
the end of May. Ylopefully, the weather will get hotter and tokens sales will increase.
Residents received the summer issue of the Arts _ Recreation Magazine in the mail instead
door to door delivery. The company who did our door to door delivery of the magazine has
gone out of business. Staff has noticed an increase in camp and program registrations as more
people are actually receiving the magazines. Mailing the magazines was very expensive and
Future Actions of the Board: The Board will schedule a planning meeting to discuss future
actions of the Board such as the direction to take regarding Southeast Evanston. Board
members will continue to act as liaison to the Advisory Boards and attend the Ad%isory Board
Richar&Levy Adv Mark/Chandler Adv Jane tlFleetwood Adv.
Ann,FIeetwood Adv Marion Cron A& PeterlCrO%rn Adv
David Don,
The Board requested to have a clear map of all city' parks for the meetings to help members
quickly identify where the parks are located.
Mr. Lesch asked if the Board could have their June meeting at the Levy Center. Mr. Dorneker
said that would be fine.
Annual Recreation Facility/PmLram Tour — This year's recreation facility/program tour will be
in the evening. 6:00pm. prior to the July meeting.. Mr. Dorneker will also schedule a mini
daytime tour for the newer members; all members are welcome.
Mr. Marberry said the Levy Center Newsletter is wonderful. He reminded the Board of the
upcoming Special Olympics and encouraged them to attend. He also congratulated the High
School Girls' Soccer Team. The Justin Wynn annual luncheon will be this Sunday. This is the
first year two 4th grade entries from each school were accepted.
Ms. Flynn congratulated the department for a job well done on the Arts + Recreation
Magazine. She thanked Nis. Webb for taking the initiative to get a planning meeting together
to discuss the Board's future actions. She agrees with Mr. Seaman that the Skate Park needs to
be surrounded by a tall fence for safety reasons. Ms. Flynn showed the Board a copy of
Evanston United Way/Community Services five year assessment report. The Board «ill
receive a copy of the report.
Nis. Carra said the ET1IS will host 4 state playoffs (tennis. baseball. volleybalI and soccer).
'sir. Caragher apologized for coming to the meeting late. He was attending young women Is
leadership dinner recognizing young ladies in grades 6 thru 12 who demonstrate leadership in
the community.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is
7:30pm, June 20 at the Levy Center, 300 Dodge.
Draft —Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Levy Senior Center, 300 Dodge Ave.
.Tune 20, 2002
Board Members Present: Nis. Janet Webb, President
Mr. Mark Sloane
Air. Richard Marberry, Secretam
Board members absent: Mr. Don «'alton
Nis. Ann Carra, Treasurer
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Mr. Peter Caragher
Air. David Hodgman
Air. John Lesch
Nis. ,Marion Flynn
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Board President
Nis. Sunshine Voelker, Recreation Program Manager
Nis. Christina Ferrero, Levy Center Nlanager
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order. The May 16, 2002 Board meeting minutes.were
Air. Seaman — He has made several reports regarding ongoing concerns %%ith Leah Lomar
Park: beer bottles/cans being Ieft in and near the park; people using the park after I I pm; and
trees need pruning. The graffiti has been removed and the drinking fountain has been repaired.
Mr. Seaman is also representing the North Shore Seirra Club. On May 11 River Rescue Day
(Friends of Chicago River) cleaned banks of the Sanitary Canal from Green Bay to Bridge
collecting 11 bans of trash. They .%iIl also march in the 4 h of July parade
Mr. Seaman —The Cro%vn Advisory Board has adjourned for the summer. Their next meeting
%will be September 10. Mr. Seaman is looking forward to Board members Nis. Flynn and Mr.
Caragher visiting the upcoming Cron Advisory Board meetings.
Staffing Update: (Chandler Pro_ram Manager ) `1r. Dorneker introduced Sunshine Voelker
who is the new Program Manager at the Chandler Newberger center. Ms. Voelker previousl}
worked in the department as the part time softball coordinator.
Mr. Hodgman said it would be a wonderful success if middle school students were excited
about participating in leagues. anticipating the days ahead of time. And if the kids knew they
couldn't participate without performing academically. that alone would be enough of
enthusiasm to improve their academics. That is what a truly vibrant league is all about. That
should be the department's goal.
Mr. Marberry noted that at this particular time, the schools don't have the capability or funding
to under take these types of leagues. The Board would like the City to provide assistance by
getting into the middle schools to help coordinate or provide help in any way so that these types
of activities can be available to middle schools students.
Ms. Webb said that it's important that staff interact %vith the middle schools so that we are
indeed offering programs that are mutually acceptable.
(Special Recreation Program Manager) We are in the final stages of reference checks for the
Special Recreation Program Manager applicant. We hope to make an offer by next week.
Myra Gorman, who is a part time Special Recreation Program Manager. tripped going up the
stairs, broke her kneecap, and will undergo surger%.
(Levy &_ Fleetwood Custodian) We have completed interviews for the Custodian position for
both the Levy Center and Fleetnwood Jourdain Center. Unfortunately, we will have to repost
these positions because we were not able to find qualified applicants.
Levv Center Tour — Mr. Dorneker took the Board on a tour of the Levy Center.
Summer Program Undate: The beaches opened Iast Saturday. Summer Camps started on
Monday. Alost of the camps are full. There are a few openings in the Aquatics Camp. Due to
the cooler weather conditions, we didn't do as well t%ith the sale of the pre -season beach
Rules & Reculations Undate:. The park rules and regulation approved by the Board several
months ago, was approved by the Human Services Committee and forwarded to City Council
for introduction at their last meeting and will come back for action at their June 24 meeting.
Leahy Park Improvements: At the last Council meeting the department brought to the
Council's attention that we have an opportunity to seek grant funds for Leahy Park. Originally,
there was approximately S100.000 in the budget for park improvements. The grant would be
matching funds to the 5100.000 totaling $200.000. Prior to the Council meeting we had a
community meeting to find out what improvements the neighbors would like to have done in
that park. The list of improvements desired by the neighbors would have exceeded the
S200,000. Through the Alderman Engelman's efforts, he was able to convince the Council
members that they needed to put additional funds towards the Leahy Park project to increase
the match by $100,000. If everything goes well. we %will have approximately $400,000 for the
Leahy Park improvement project. Improvements would include reconstruction of the existing
playground with new playground equipment and surfacing, the redevelopment of the
softballlbaseball held and new site furnishings. This will be in addition to the seven -Fear plan
as these items were not included in the plan. NVe will be notified in January 3003 if we receive
the grant.
Review of Contract Proposals: At the last Board meeting. members questioned why they
haven't been able to review contract proposals relating to the department. Staff will bring
contract proposals to the Board on a regular basis.
Future Actions of the Board: The Board scheduled a planning meeting to discuss future actions
such as the direction to take regarding Southeast Evanston.
Annual Recreation Facility/Protram Tour: This year's tour gill be an evening tour. On July
18, Board members will meet at Fleetwood Jourdain at 6pm. The tour will end 7:30pm at
Fleetwood in time for the Board meeting.
Levv Center PmLram Undate: Staff has updated the Leiy bus route schedule to better
accommodate seniors without transportation to the center. The computer classes have started
and are going very well. The gift shop will be open soon. The game room is finished and is
used quite a bit by the seniors. The fitness program, in conjunction with the Evanston Athletic
Club, is doing very well. The Levy Center membership has increased by 104 since moving into
the new facility. which is now a total of 2.068. Once the enabling garden is complete. we will
have horticultural classes and a garden club.
Mr. Marberry congratulated staff for the tremendous amount of work that went into the new
center. Mr. Hodgman agreed and said the community deserves a facility like this.
The meeting adjoumed at 8:30pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, July 18 at
the Fleetwood Jourdain Center, 1655 Foster St.
Draft — Not approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Fleehrood .Jourdain Center, 1655 Foster
.July 18, 2002
Board Members Present: Nis. Janet Webb, President Mr. Mark Sloane
Ms. Ann Carra, Treasurer Mr. John Lesch
NIs. Marion Flynn
Board members absent: Mr. Don Walton Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. Richard Niarberry, Secretary Mr. David Hodgman
Others Present: Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Nis. Ntamic Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Manager
Nis. Betsy Jenkins, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Interim Program Manager
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The .Tune 20, 2002 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
Mr. Gaynor reminded the Board about the July 21, 2002 Levy Center Dedication Ceremony.
He also mentioned that staff is going through a process with the City Council regarding the
capital improvement program (C1P). There has been discussion regarding possibly revising the
seven-year plan and further discussion as to how to handle grant funds received by the
department. He will keep the Board informed.
Staf(ine Undate: Mr. Dorneker reported that Mamie Smith has returned to work from a
medical leave of absence. its. Smith thanked Besty Jenkins, Fleetxvood Jourdain interim
program manager, for managing the center during her absence. She also thanked staff and the
Board for the cards and flowers she received. The Department's new Special Recreation
Program Manager, Megan ?Mauer, starts on Monday.
Summer PTouram Update: The summer camps program are well attended and running
Rules R Reeulations 1_ pdate: On June 2.1.2002. Cite Council appro•.ed the Ordinance
amending various sections of Chapters 9. 10 and 11 of Title 7, which are City Codes pertaining
to the enforcement of City Park Regulations. Mr. Domeker reminded the Board that another
one of their goals is to reyie%y the policies to see if they need to be revised updated.
Arts - Recreation Maeazine Bids: Bid specifications for printing four issues of Arts
Recreation magazine «vere opened and publicly read on June 27, 2002. Six bona fide bids were
submitted, while two bidders submitted partial bids by submitting a price for only one version
of the job. Staff is recommending that the bid be awarded to the low bidder. Ripon Community
Future Actions of the Board: The Board will have a planning meeting 6:30pm. Jule 24 in titr.
Hodgman's home to discuss future actions, such as what direction to take regarding Southeast
Evanston. A follow up planning meeting will be scheduled in September. Mark Sloane %%ill
host the September meeting.
Mr. Sloane enjoyed the tour of park improvement sites. Ms. Flynn stated that the new signage
being place in different areas of Evanston to help drivers find their way around (way finding
signs), are very ineffective. The wording and arrows on the signs are too small. tilr. Lesch
enjoyed the park improvement tour and would like to do an evening tour in the future. his.
%Vcbb is looking forward to the Board's planning meeting and hope Board members will attend
the Levy dedication on Sunday. July 21.
The meeting adjourned at 8:I0pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, September
19 at Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main St.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main St
September 19, 2002
Board Members Present: 11s. Janet Webb, President
Mr. Richard Marberry, Secretary
Mr. David Hodgman
Board members absent: Mr. Don Walton
i11s. Ann Carra, Treasurer
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. John Lesch
111s. Marion Flynn
Mr. Mark Sloane
Others Present: Mr. Douglas Gaynor, ParkslForest ry & Recreation Director
Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager
Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Recreation Maintenance Supervisor
tits. Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist
Ms. Christina Ferrero, Levy Center Manager
Ms. Michelle Leavin, Chandler tiewherger Program Manager
Ms. Megan Maurer, Special Recreation Manager
Ms. Sunshine Voelker, Chandler Newberger Program Manager
Mr. Dick Seaman, Robert Crown :advisory Board Chair
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The July 18, 2002 Board meeting minutes
«rre approved_
Mr. Seaman informed the Board of his ongoing concems with Leah Lomar Park. The drinking
fountain is constantly filled with sand. Today %%-as the worst he's ever seen it, «nth
approximately 5 to 6 inches of sand pilled on top of the basins. This is an ongoing issue
because the fountain is right next to the sandbox. He suggests replacing the sand with tan bark.
People are using the park after i I pm and beer bottles/cans are left in and near the park. The
trees still need pruning and the graffiti on the bench was painted over rather than removed. \fr.
Seaman shared an article from the Evanston Express newspaper where the Leah Lomar Park
neighbors honored Ed Gold with an Honorary Street Sign. Mr. Seaman also represents the
North Shore Seirra Club. He distributed a copy of the 2002 Coastal Clean Up brochure. This
year the Club will participate in the Annual Beach Cleanup Day with the Lake Michigan
Federation. to clean two beaches (Lee St in Evanston and Glencoe beach in Glencoe).
I -lie Robert Crm vn Advisom
seeking a new advisory boar
budget presentation.
Board had their first 2002-03 meetin_l on September 10. They are
l secretary. Tlwy are also looking forward to the Recreation Dept
Mr. Silkaitis. Recreation Maintenance Supervisor — The beach season ended on labor Day.
The dog beach and boat ramp will remain open through October. hall softball started last week
at the Robert Crown Park. Staff is ready to take over the maintenance of the James and Bent
Park fields not.- that the irrigation project is complete.
Air. Domeker mentioned that the soccer fields along the canal, south of Main St.. still need a
lot of work and will not be ready until fall of 2003. '[here have been some operational
problems with the Dog Park, also at this location. P.O.O.C.1 I., the organization that was going
to manage the park. realized that it would be too much for them to manage. The Skokie Park
District will be the manager/care taker of the park.
Ms. Logan. Public Information Snecialist — The fall issue of Arts - Recreation was mailed to
Evanston residents the third Creek of August and the back to school issue of School Netts was
delivered to schools at the end ofAugust. FIvers. calendars. brochures and other promotional
materials were produced for fall programs at the community centers and senior center. Work is
under tray promoting :arts Week Evanston. including a web page, telephone hotline, press
releases and special mailings.
Ms. Ferrero. Let v Senior Center tklanauer —As of the beginning of September the Levy Center
membership was over 1.400. Membership in the Fitness Room is at about 250. With the
increasing membership. activity in the computer lab. library. game room and Iounge has
increased significantly. A ne%s' group of amateur vocalists has formed the "Shower Singers,"
led by Evelyn Binz. Lett' Choral Director. Spanish classes continue to be very popular with 20
enrolled in the continuing Conversational Spanish class. New exercise classes that began in
September include Aqua Dynamics at the Evanston Athletic Club. Combo Training. Qi Gong.
NIA and Strength R Balance. Dunne :august, all Center staff received the I ieart Saver AED
Training program, which explains how to use a defibrillator. The Center now has its own
defibrillator, donated bt' Evanston Firefighters Local 742. Dance Africa Chicago 2002 will
present " Muntu Dance Theater Inter aenerational Workshop— on Oct 4 at the Center. Room and
gym rentals have also increased.
Mr. Hodgman asked trhat's the use of the gym for youth. tits. Ferrero anstrered Tai Kwon Do
and Hap lido. no youth basketball. Staff is in the process of hiring a Program ;Manager for the
Levy Center who will be responsible for coordinating new alter school programs. tits. Flynn
mentioned that one of the reasons the have the gym is because we (the cite) needed more gym
space. Mr. Doneker said staff is not looking to transfer the FRAM basketball program to this
gym. The plan is to develop new programs for the gym (volleyball, etc.).
Ms. Leavin. Chandler \e%% beraer Prooram Manager — Chandler ran a total tit' 42 summer
41s. Maurer. S1
camps this season. Eighty -tire youth participated in free outreach tennis lessons at ETI-IS this
was held Aug.
summer. The lessons were funded by the City and a grant from the United Siates I.ennis
trips. Special I
association. The new Galt camp %was quite successful. Some of the fall programs that will
begin on Thursday include Fencing. Chess Wizard and a middle school Volle% liall League.
Ms. Mamie Sn
The Youth Indoor Garage Sale wilt be held Sept 21 and a I IaIloween Social on Oct 31.
reported that tl
ended an Aug
Ms. Voelker. Chandler Nev beruer Program Manager — Flag Football starts Saturday with 35
summer food 1
teams (500 kids) registered. There will be a Flag Football picnic scheduled where the players
Robert Crown
and parents %wili have an opportunity meet the players and parents from the other schools.
and studio floc
do two perforr
Air. Llowd, Robert Crown Center Manager — The summer mini -camp ended in August; 60 bows
Children's -p„
and girls attended. The Skate Park continues to draw large numbers of youth. Reduced fall
12. Staff is cu
hours started on Sept. 3. and the park will close for the season on Oct. 27. weather permitting.
program at the
The new event Polar Putt — a nine hole miniature golf course set up on ice — was held Aug 24
animals that Ii
and 25 with 87 people putting their golfing skills to the test while on ice skates. I louse I -Jockey
water. 'this pi
League players began their season on Sept. 1.1. Two new divisions have been added: Mighty
can learn how
Mites for 4 to 6 year olds v ho are just starting to skate and midget for 15 & 16 year olds.
up for the afte
Hockey mini classes. bridging the gap between late summer and early fall are hcing offered for
the first time this fall. All of the summer figure skating camps and classes ended in August
with a skating exhibition and party. Registrations for the upcoming "tiutcracker on Ice" show
closes Sept 30. The Center %%ill hold a costume sale on Oct 19. just in time for 1 falloween.
Mr. Domkcr I
Recreation Di
his. Flynn said she has noticed on several occasions that kids are skating in the Skate Park
when the park is closed and or skating without a helmet. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Levv Center 1
She feels strongly that the city should build a fence to keep the kids out of the Skate Park
of the Levy C
during closed hours or not have a Skate Park. She requested a report from staff as to the stens
was selected -,
that will be taken to keep kids out of the Skate Park after hours and to make sure thev are
of the Levy n
%wearinu the prover eouinment.
resident, will
options (a
Mr. Lesch asked how Chicago deals with their Skate Park. Mr. Domeker said Chicago's park
permitting, %3
is not fenced, they don't supervisor and they don't require any type of permit or tokens to use
planting by t1
the Skate Park.
seniors and 11
soon. One w
The Board may remember that several years ago when the Skate Park was put there, we were
Center", and
having a lot of problems %%ith the kids that sort of mingled into the building. At that time, it
north. This <
%%-as in the City's best interest to staff the park with a supervisor and begin charging a fee to try
process of tr;
to curtail some of the problems that were occurring. However, the skate park program became
Federal Tran
bigger and bigger. We haven't taken any action in regards to putting up a fence because this
states, to me,
was a temporary location. We had planned to wait until the Robert Crown study was done so
Illinois Depa
Nve could look at finding an alternate location. At this point. we haven't come up with an
agencies to a
alternate location and the expenditure to install a fence is currently not in the CIP program.
Staff's last estimation for fencing for the park was approx. S 10-15,000 to do it properly. Doug
Gaynor represents our department for the CIP. h-ir. Domeker will forward his. Flvnn's concern
and recommendation to Nfr. Gaynor. his. Flynn also mentioned that the plantings on the south
side of the Robert Crown building could use some maintenance.
Grant progrt
Purchase of
Mr. Domeker introduced Ms. Maurer who is the new Special Recreation Manager. She will be
in charge of special recreation programs and %will assist in the area of inclusion services for the
"Draft — Not :approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main St
September 19, 2002
Board Members Present: Nls. Janct Webb. President Mr. Peter Caragher
.Mr. Richard Marberrv, Secretary Mr. John Lesch
Mr. David Hodgman Nis. Marion Flynn
Board members absent: Mr. Don Walton Mr. Mark Sloane
.Nis. Ann Carra, Treasurer
Others Present: Mr. Douglas Gavnor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager
Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Recreation Maintenance Supervisor
Ms. Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist
Ms. Christina Ferrero, Lev%. Center Manager
41s. hlichelte Leavin, Chandler Newberger Program Manager
Ms. hlcgan Maurer, Special Recreation Manager
Ms. Sunshine Voelker, Chandler Newberger Program Manager
Mr. Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board Chair
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The July 18, 2002 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
Mr. Seaman informed the Board of his ongoing concerns with Leah Lomar Park. The drinking
fountain is constantly filled with sand. Today was the worst he's ever seen it, with
approximately 5 to 6 inches of sand pilled on top of the basins. This is an ongoing issue
because the fountain is right nest to the sandbox. He suggests replacing the sand with tan bark.
People are using the park after I 1 pm and beer bottles/cans are left in and near the park. The
trees still need pruning and the graffiti on the bench was painted over rather than removed. Nlr.
Scanlan shared an article from the Evanston Express newspaper where the Leah Lomar Park
neighbors honored Ed Gold with an Honorary Street Sign. %fr. Seaman also represents the
North Shore Seirra Club. He distributed a copy of the 2002 Coastal Clean Up brochure. This
year the Club will participate in the Annual Beach Cleanup Day with the Lake Michigan
Federation, to clean two beaches (Lee St in Evanston and Glencoe beach in Glencoe).
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main St
September 19, 2002
Board Members Present: GIs. Janet Webb. President Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. Richard Ntarberry, Secretary fir. John Lesch
Mr. David Hodgman 11s. Marion Flynn
Board members absent: Mr. Don Walton Mr. Mark Sloane
Ms. Ann Carra, Treasurer
Others Present: Mr. Douglas Gaynor, ParkstForestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager
Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Recreation Maintenance Supervisor
1is. Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist
Ms. Christina Ferrero, Levy Center Manager
Ms. Michelle Leavin, Chandler Newberger Program Manager
11s. Megan Maurer, Special Recreation Manager
Ms. Sunshine Voelker, Chandler Newhergcr Program `tanager
Mr. Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board Chair
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The July 18, 2002 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
Mr. Seaman informed the Board of his ongoing concerns with Leah Lomar Park. The drinking
fountain is constantly tilled with sand. Today was the worst he's ever seen it, with
approximately 5 to 6 inches of sand pilled on top of the basins. This is an ongoing issue
because the fountain is right next to the sandbox. He suggests replacing the sand with tan bark.
People are using the park after I 1 pm and beer bottlestcans are left in and near the park. The
trees still need pruning and the graffiti on the bench was painted over rather than removed. Mr.
Seaman shared an article from the Evanston Express newspaper where the Leah Lomar Park
neighbors honored Ed Gold with an Honorary Street Sign. 'Vlr. Seaman also represents the
North Shore Seirra Club. He distributed a copy of the 2002 Coastal CIean Up brochure. This
year the Club will participate in the Annual Beach Cleanup Day with the Lake Michigan
Federation, to clean two beaches (Lee St in Evanston and Glencoe beach in Glencoe).
The Robert Crown Advisor
seeking a new advisor} boar
budget presentation.
Beard had their first 2002-03 meeting on September 10. They are
l=ecretary. The%- are also looking forward to the Recreation Dept
Mr. Silkaitis. Recreation Maintenance Suriervisor — The beach season ended on Labor Day.
The dog beach and boat ramp %,.ill remain open through October. Fall softball started last week
at the Robert Crown Park. Staff is ready to take over the maintenance of the James and Bent
Park fields now that the irrigation project is complete.
Mr. Domeker mentioned that the soccer fields along the canal, south of Main St., still need a
lot of work and will not be ready until fall of 2003. There have been some operational
problems with the Doi Park. also at this location. P.O.O.C.1 L, the organization that was going
to manage the park, realized that it could be too much for them to manage. The Skokie Park
District kill be the manager'care taker of the park.
Ms. Logan. Public Information Srecialist, — The fall issue of Arts * Recreation was mailed to
Evanston residents the third .%eek of August and the back to school issue of School News was
delivered to schools at the end of August. Flyers. calendars, brochures and other promotional
materials were produced for fall programs at the community centers and senior center. Work is
under way promoting :arts Week Evanston, including a web page, telephone hotline, press
releases and special mailinus.
Ms. Ferrero. Levy Senior Center Manager —As of the beginning of September the Levy Center
membership was over 1.400. Membership in the Fitness Room is at about 250. With the
increasing membership. activity in the computer lab. library, game room and Iounge has
increased significantly. A new group of amateur vocalists has formed the "Shower Singers,"
led by Evelyn Bing Levy Choral Director. Spanish classes continue to be very popular with 20
enrolled in the continuing Con\ ersational Spanish class. New exercise classes that began in
September include Aqua Dynamics at the Evanston :athletic Club, Combo Training. Qi Gong,
NIA and Strength R Balance. During August. all Center staff'received the Heart Saver AED
Traininu program, which explains how to use a defibrillator. The Center now has its own
defibrillator, donated by Evanston Firefighters Local 742. Dance Africa Chicano 2002 will
present "Muntu Dance Theater Intergenerational Workshop— on Oct 4 at the Center. Room and
gym rentals have also increased.
14Ir. Hodgman asked what's the use of the gym for youth. Ms. Ferrero answered Tai Kwon Do
and Hap ludo. no youth basketball. Staff is in the process of hiring a Program Manager for the
Levy Center who will be responsible for coordinating new after school programs. Ms. Flynn
mentioned that one of the reasons we have the gym is because we (the city) needed more gym
space. Mr. Doneker said staff is not looking to transfer the FAAIM basketball program to this
gym. The plan is to develop new programs for the gym (volleyball, etc.).
his. Leavin. Chandler \e«'beruer Prouram \tanager — ChandIer ran a total of 42 summer
camps this season. Eighty-five youth participated in free outreach tennis Iessons at ETHS this
summer. The lessons were funded by the City and a grant from the United Statcs Tennis
Association. The new Golf camp was quite successful. Some of the fall programs that will
begin on Thursday include Fencing. Chess Wizard and a middle school VolleyBall League.
The Youth Indoor Garaue Sale will be held Sept 21 and a I la]loween Social on Oct 31.
Ms. Voelker. Chandler \ewberuer Prouram Manauer — Flag Football starts Saturday with 35
teams (500 kids) registered. There will be a Flau Football picnic scheduled ",here the platers
and parents will have an opportunity meet the players and parents from the other schools.
Mr. Llovd. Robert Crown Center Nianacer — The summer mini -camp ended in August; 60 boys
and girls attended. The Skate Park continues to draw large numbers of youth. Reduced fall
hours started on Sept. 3, and the park will close for the season on Oct. 27, weather permitting.
The new event Polar Putt — a nine hole miniature golf course set up on ice — was held Aug 24
and 25 with 87 people putting their golfing skills to the test ►while on ice skates. I -louse Hockey
League players began their season on Sept. 14. Two new divisions have been added: Might",
Mites for 4 to G year olds who are just starting to skate and midget for 15 & 16 year olds.
Hockey mini classes. bridging the gap between Iate summer and early fall are being offered for
the first time this fall. All of the summer figure skating camps and classes ended in August
with a skating exhibition and party. Registrations for the upcoming "Nutcracker on Ice" show
closes Sept 30. The Center will hold a costume sale on Oct 19, just in time for I lalloween.
Nis. Flynn said she has noticed on several occasions that kids are skating in the Skate Park
when the park is closed an&or skating without a helmet. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
She feels strongly that the city should build a fence to keep the kids out of the Skate Park
during closed hours or not have a Skate Park. She requested a report from staff as to the steps
that will be taken to keen kids out of the Skate Park after hours and to make sure then are,
wearing the nroner cauinment.
Mr. Lesch asked how Chicago deals with their Skate Park. Mr. Dorneker said Chicago's park
is not fenced, they don't supervisor and they don't require any type of permit or tokens to use
the Skate Park.
The Board may remember that several years ago when the Skate Park was put there, we were
having a lot of problems with the kids that sort of mingled into the building. At that time, it
was in the City's best interest to staff the park with a supervisor and begin charging a fee to try
to curtail some of the problems that were occurring. However, the skate park program became
bigger and bigger. We haven't taken any action in regards to putting up a fence because this
was a temporary location. We had planned to wait until the Robert Crown study was done so
we could look at finding an alternate location. At this point. we haven't conic up with an
alternate location and the expenditure to install a fence is currently not in the CIP program.
Stafrs last estimation for fencing for the park was approx. S 10-6000 to do it properly. Doug
Gaynor represents our department for the CIP. fir. Dorneker will forward Nis. Flvnn's concern,
and recommendation to Mr. Gavnor. his. Flynn also mentioned that the plantings on the south
side of the Robert Croton building could use some maintenance.
vir. Domcker introduced `is. ;Maurer who is the new Special Recreation Manager. She will be
in charge of special recreation programs and will assist in the area of inclusion services for the
Ms. Maurer. Special Recreation Manauer — Camp R.E.A.L. (Recreation1Ecology at LoveIacel
was held Aug. 5-16 at Lo,-elace Park. Campers tool: p-- , in a variety of activities and field
trips. Special Recreation fall programs begin the week of Sept 23.
Ms. Mamie Smith. Fleetwood Jourdain Center Manacer was unable to attend. Mr. Domcker
reported that the Center's summer camp ended in August. The Summer Basketball League
ended on Aug 17 with more than 200 players. Staff served approximately 30,000 meals in our
summer food program. The sites served this year were }Eason ['ark. ClyL,1Brummel Part:.
Robert Crown and Fleetwood Jourdain. The FRAM draft is scheduled for Sept 28. The gym
and studio floors at the center have been re -coated in preparation for the fall. DanceAfriea will
do two performances at the Center on Oct 20 at 3 & _5 pin. auditions for the Evanston
Children's Theater fall production. "Still Life with Iris." were held at the Theater on Sept 10 R
12. Staff is currently working on a proposal to possibly install a fish tank as part of new
program at the center. lads will loam about the different bodies of water and the many fish and
animals that live in them. They will also discover the difference between salt water and fresh
water. This program will include a trip to The Fish Bowl and the Shedd Aquarium so the kids
can learnt how to care for fish and maintain an aquarium. So far the Center has 65 kids signed
up for the after school program.
Mr. Dornker gave the Director's report because Ivir. Doug Gaynor. Parks/Forestry R
Recreation Director. was attending a City/School Liaison Committee meeting.
Levv Center Undate: This month we presented two pieces of public art to the Sub Committee
of the Levy Center members, that is proposed for installation at the Levy Center. The artwork
was selected and approved by the Public Art Committee and the Evanston Arts Council. Some
of the Levy members expressed concern with the artwork. The artist, who is an Evanston
resident, will attend the nest Sub Committee meeting to provide the members with other
options (artwork) to consider. Construction ofthe enabling garden started this week. Weather
permitting, we will have a lot of the infrastructure in place this fall and will be able to do some
planting by the beginning of spring next year. 'rhe goal is to have the garden open to the
seniors and the public by summer of next year. Two new signs will be installed at the Center
soon. One will be a simple sign at the south end of the park near Mulford reading "Levy Senior
Center', and possibly "James Park". The other will be a LED sign (electrical) located further
north. This sign will positioned so the north/south bound traffic can see it. Staff is in the
process of trying to become a certified service provider so we can apply to receive a bus. The
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides financial assistance, distributed through the
states. to meet the transportation needs of elderly persons and persons with disabilities. The
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) administers this program in Illinois. In order for
agencies to apply to receive a bus, the organization must first be designated as a local
"Coordinated Service Provider' for elderly persons and persons with disabilities within their
CIP / CDBG Update: Staff is submitting three projects for Community Development Block
Grant program funds: Mason Park improvements, Fleetwood Jourdain chair lift installation,
Purchase of additional trees to plant.
Fleetwood Jourdain Sculpture Carden: Last week staff met with the Art Guild to go over plans
for the sculpture garden. Thcrc as discussion on h. -2rt of the garde:t in the area that may
possibly become the new school for District 6-5_ The space between family focus and
Fleetwood Jourdain is owned b%- Family focus. In the next couple of months, the architect will
have drawn up the recommendations given by the .art Guild and staff, which will be presented
to the public for further review.
Staffinu t.'pdate: Current vacant positions in the department are FIeetw•ood Jourdain:
,Maintenance Worker. Weekend'Eyening Supervisor and three Program Managers. Robert
Crown: Program Manager and a Maintenance Worker. Levv Center: Program Manager.
Lastly. there's the Lakefront./Parks Position. Staff has started interviewing for some of the
Ms. Webb asked for an update on Southeast Evanston. We had funds in the CIP that were
budgeted for next year to redo the basketball courts in ClydefBrummel Park. In addition to
those funds, we were able to re -appropriate the remaining grant funds (approx. S130,000) from
Southeast Evanston Needs Assessment and Location Analysis Study, toward the redevelopment
of Clyde/Brummel Park. 'rherefore, we have approx. S175, 000 to work with. There was a
public meeting held on Sept 18 at the Howard Street Outpost to discuss improvements of the
Clyde/Brummel Park. The community shared that they would like to see the small playground
area improved and would like to have the basketball court redesigned into two half courts.
Staff will now develop designs incorporating the recommendations from the meeting and a
second public meeting will be scheduled. 'NIr. Hodgman asked if the trailer would still be in the
park. The community wants to keep recreational programs at the site. It that means they have
to keep the trailer, they would like to see trailer enhanced.
Board Follow- un Plannine 4leeting: The Board met on July 24 to discuss future actions, such
as what direction to take regarding Southeast Evanston. A follow un nlanninu mectinu has
been scheduled for 6:30nm. October 3 at Janet Webb's home. Ms. 1Vebb will provide the
Board with a summary of what was discussed at the first meeting.
Mr. Marberr mentioned that the Board had discussed looking into a facility in place of the 1`
trailer and the possibility of talking with private individualslarchitects. Over the summer, he
came across an architect who works in Evanston and is willing to do some pro bono work. Nfr. _-
Marberry would like to have this issue put on the neenda so the Board can continue discussing
this opportunity. The Board should take on this project.
Budget Undate: Staff is in the process of preparing their 2003-0.1 budgets. The direction from
the Budget Department is to have a flat budget. no increase. Budget reviews for the
Department starts tomorrow. The Board will be kept informed. Mr. Hodgman asked if there
was anymore conversation about the 7 year CIP. Mr. Dorneker said the Alderman could
possibly reconsider and make changes to the 7-year plan during the budget process.
Ms. Flynn. tits. Carra and '%tr. Nlarberr% attended a Ridgeville Park District Board meeting last
week. Ridgeville pretty much goes through the same capital improvement process that the
Recreation Department goes through where they pick a proiect they can afford to do every year.
However. they are working with a budget of S400.000. Ridgeville is in the process of a long-
term plan and would like to meet with the Board again after they have made some progress.
There was discussion on making the Clyde Brummel trailer a small permanent building. There
was also a suRrestlon of possibly converting the two Vacant apartment buildings in the area into
a recreation facility. The footprints of the buildings. which are right next to each other. would
allow for at least a basketball court size building.
Ms. Webb is planning to report to the Human Service Committee. at their Oct 7 meeting. the
direction the Board is planning to take as it relates to Southeast Evanston. That they are
planning to continue doing outreach and continue conversation regarding the possibility of
brick and mortar building in place of the trailer. lets. Webb welcomed the Board to join her.
Mr. Doneker distributed staff's response to Mr. Fred Poneman. who has a 5'h & 6'h grade
traveling basketball program. and is looking for gym space for the teams to playIpmctice. In
addition to gym space. Mr. Poneman also inquired about our eliminating or reducing the rental
fee. lie was informed that he would have to present his program and request to the Board.
Depending on fir. Poneman's decision, this may become a future agenda item for the Board.
Mr. Marberry commended staff on their response to the Evanston Tennis Association in getting
the tennis courts done over the summer. He made note to Mr. Domcker of tennis nets that «•ere
incorrectly installed at certain sites. Mr. Dorneker will pass this on to the Parks Division. his.
Flynn is requesting: that the Board receive the meeting minutes sooner. Particularly when there
are tasks that have to be done or dates to remember. She also would like the meeting minutes
sent to the Ridgeville Park District. Mr. Lesch informed the Board that he would have to resign
from the Board. as he will be moving to Chicago in a couple of weeks. lie thanked the Board
and staff for everything they've done and said the staff does an excellent job with all that is
asked of them. Ms. Webb announced that the FAAM draft is on Sept 28 at Fleetwood
The meeting adjourned at 8:59pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30om, October 10
at the Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
special recognition to Sea
an Ice Rink Certification
the possibility of reimbur
Market is November 2. 9;
Mr. Domker gave the Di
a meeting conflict.
Fleetwood Jourdain Scu?
the Fleetwood Jourdain '
7:00pm public meeting r
surrounding Fleetwood
changes include removil
basket ball court with a
area with a sculpture ga
on the cast side of the b
remain in tact but we w
reviewing options to se
location, without Navin
practice on the Robert t
They would like to hav
only 80yards x 50yard.,
allows them to practice
project if there is a pos
we don't have a lot of
project would have to
Guild. The City is hel
does the design renres
(in the sculpture nark
passive or are there pr
i_nterestine to see an o
Walton asked would t
community lose in re(
etc.). Ms. Webb men
been in the works for
contacted by District
there. No, but there
years. I-iowever, we
grant money to help
grant when you are n
Grant Funding- UDda
department. So far,
various capital proje
Bullock, and Mr. Gr
$277,700 grant for t
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler New•herger Center, 1028 Central St
October 10, 2002
Board Members Present: GIs. Janet Webb, President Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. Richard Marberry, Secretary Mr. Don Walton
Ms. Ann Carra, Treasurer Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Mark Sloane
Board members absent: Mr. John Lesch INIs. Marion Flynn
Others Present: llr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Kevin Wallin, Chandler Newberger Center Manager
Mr. Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board Chair
Ms. WWebb called the meeting to order at 7:40pm. The September 19, 2002 Board meeting
minutes were approved.
Mr. Seaman informed the Board that the Leah Lomar Park drinking fountain is constantly filled
with sand. I Ie commended the Park Ranger who frequently stops by the park and cleans the
sand out of the water fountain. This is an ongoing issue because the fountain is right nest to the
sandbox. He also mentioned that there is a hole developing near the park where one of the light
fixtures had been removed. Mr. Seaman said his comments are not meant to criticize but to
brine these issues to the attention of staff and the Board. He is very proud of tite work and
effort of the department. Mr. Seaman also represents the North Shore Sierra Club who
participated in the Annual Beach Clean Up Day sponsored by the Lake Michigan Federation.
Fifty-two volunteers joined the Sierra Club to clean Lee St beach collecting 116 pounds of
debris and 21 volunteers joined them to clean Glencoe beach collecting 504 pounds of debris.
Mr. Seaman said he read the Board minutes of the September meeting and shares Ms. Flynn's
concerns regarding the safety issues at the Robert Crown Skate Park. Whatever the outcome of
the Robert Crown Building Structure Study, the Robert Crown Advisory Board would like to
have money set aside in the CIP to construct a fence around the Skate Park for the safety of the
kids. He distributed skate park articles and magazines for the Board's revic►v.
The Robert Crown Advisory Board is looking forward to the Recreation Dept budget
presentation and hearing more about the Robert Crown Study. There are now two vacant
positions on the Advisory Board. %ir. Seaman commended the Robert Croton staff and gave
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Levy Senior Center, 300 Dodge Ave.
.tune 20, 2002
Board Members Present: tits. ,Janet «'ebb, President Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. Mark Sloane Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Richard Marberry, Secretary
Board members absent: Mr. Don Walton Mr. John Lesch
Ms. Ann Carra, Treasurer Ms. Marion Flynn
Others Present: Mr. Bob Derneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Center Board President
tits. Sunshine Voelker, Recreation Program Manager
4Is. Christina Ferrero, Leq Center Manager
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order. The May 16, 2002 Board meeting minutes were
Mr. Seaman -- He has made several reports regarding ongoing concerns with Leah Lomar
Park: beer bottles/cans being left in and near the park; people using the pars: after I I pm; and
trees need pruning. The graffiti has been removed and the drinking fountain has been repaired.
Mr. Seaman is also representing the North Shore Seirra Club. On May 11 River Rescue Day
(Friends of Chicago River) cleaned banks of the Sanitary Canal from Green Bay to Bridge
collecting l l bags of trash. They «ill also march in the 4'h of July parade
Mr. Seaman —The Crown Advisory Board has adjourned for the summer. Their next meeting
will be September 10. Mr. Seaman is looking forward to Board members Ms. Flynn and Mr.
Caragher visiting the upcoming Crown Advisory Board meetings.
StafFnu Undate: ( Chandler Program Manager ) Mr. Dorneker introduced Sunshine Voelker
who is the new Program Manauer at the Chandler Newberger center. `Is. Voelker previously
worked in the department as the part time softball coordinator.
Mr. Hodgman said it would be a wonderful success if middle school students were excited
about participating in leagues. anticipating the days ahead of time. And if the kids knew they
couldn't participate without performing academically, that alone would be enough of
enthusiasm to improve their academics. That is what a truly vibrant league is all about. That
should be the department's goal.
Air. Nfarberry noted that at this particular time, the schools don't have the capability or funding
to under take these types of leagues. The Board would like the City to provide assistance by
getting into the middle schools to help coordinate or provide help in any way so that these types
of activities can be available to middle schools students.
Nis. Webb said that it's important that staff interact with the middle schools so that we are
indeed offering programs that are mutually acceptable.
(Special Recreation Program Manager) We are in the final stages of reference checks for the
Special Recreation Program Manager applicant. We hope to make an offer by next week.
Myra Gorman, who is a part time Special Recreation Program Manager, tripped going up the
stairs. broke her kneecap, and will undergo surgery.
(Levy & Fleetwood Custodian) We have completed interviews for the Custodian position for
both the Levy Center and Fleetwood Jourdain Center. Unfortunately, we will have to repost
these positions because we were not able to find qualified applicants.
Levv Center Tour — Mr. Dorncker took the Board on a tour of the Levy Center.
Summer Prop -ram Undate: The beaches opened last Saturday. Summer Camps stared on
Monday. Nfost of the camps are full. There are a few openings in the Aquatics Camp. Due to
the cooler weather conditions. we didn't do as well with the sale of the pre -season beach
Rules &: Reeulations Undate: The park rules and regulation approved by the Board several
months ago, was approved by the Human Services Committee and forwarded to City Council
for introduction at their last meeting and will come back for action at their June 24 meeting.
Lcahv Park lmt)rovements: At the last Council meeting the department brought to the
Council's attention that rve have an opportunity to seek grant funds for Leahy Park. Originally,
there was approximately 5100,000 in the budget for park improvements. The grant would be
matching funds to the 5100,000 totaling 5200.000. Prior to the Council meeting we had a
community meeting to find out what improvements the neighbors would like to have done in
that park. The list of improvements desired by the neighbors would have exceeded the
S200,000. Through the Alderman Engelman's efforts, he,,vas able to convince the Council
members that they needed to put additional funds towards the Leahy Park project to increase
the match by S i 00,000. If everything goes well, we will have approximately 5400.000 for the
Leahy Park improvement project. Improvements would include reconstruction of the existing
playground with new playground equipment and surfacing, the redevelopment of the
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Fleetwood Jourdain Center, 1655 Foster
July IS, 2002
Board Members Present: Nis. Janet Webb, President Mr. Mark Sloane
Ms. Ann Carra, Treasurer fir. John Lesch
Ms. ,Nlarion Flynn
Board members absent: Mr. Don Walton Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. Richard Marberry, Secretam Mr. David Hodgman
Others Present: Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Ms. Mamie Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Manager
,Nis. Betsy Jenkins, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Interim Program Manager
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The June 20, 2002 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
Mr. Gaynor reminded the Board about the July 21, 2002 Levy Center Dedication Ceremony.
lie also mentioned that staff is going through a process with the City Council regarding the
capital improvement program (CIP). There has been discussion regarding possibly revising the
seven-year plan and further discussion as to how to handle grant funds received by the
department. He will keep the Board informed.
Staf#ine Undate: 1Ir. Dorneker reported that Mamie Smith has returned to work from a
medical leave of absence. his. Smith thanked Besty Jenkins, Fleetwood Jourdain interim
program manager, for managing the center during her absence. She also thanked staff and the
Board for the cards and flowers she received. The Department's new Special Recreation
Program Manager, illegan Mauer, starts on Monday.
Summer Proiram 1 *ndate: The summer camps program are well attended and running
Rules & Regulations Undate: On June 24. 2002. City Council approved the Ordinance
amending various sections of Chapters 9. 10 and 1 l of Title 7, which are Cite Codes pertaining
to the enforcement of City Part: Reculations. Mr. Dorneker reminded the Board that another
one of their goals is to review the policies to see if they need to be revised updated.
Arts + Recreation \lauazine Bids: Bid specifications for printing four issues of Arts f
Recreation magazine were opened and publicly read on June 27, 2002. Six bona fide bids were
submitted. while two bidders submitted partiaf bids by submitting a price for only one version
of the job. Staff is recommending that the bid be awy rded to the low bidder. Ripon Community
Future Actions of the Board: The Board will have a planning meeting 6:30pm, July 24 in Mr.
Hodgman's home to discuss future actions, such as what direction to take regarding Southeast
Evanston. A follow up planning meeting will be scheduled in September. Mark Sloane «•ill
host the September meeting.
Mr. Sloane enjoyed the tour of park improvement sites. Ms. Flynn stated that the new signage
being place in different areas of Evanston to help drivers find their way around (way finding
signs), are very ineffective. The %vording and arrows on the signs are too small. Nfr. Lesch
enjoyed the park improvement tour and would like to do an evening tour in the future. Ms.
Webb is looking forward to the Board's planning meeting and hope Board members will attend
the Levy dedication on Sunday. July 21.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm. September
19 at Robert Crown Center, 1701 \fain St.
Draft — Not Approved
Vote: minutes are not verbatim
softball' baseball field and new site furrtishings. This will be in addition to the seven -Fear plan
as these items were not included in the plan. kVc will be notified in January ''003 if we receive
the Brant.
Review of Contract Pmnosals: At the last Board meeting, members questioned why they
haven't been able to review contract proposals relating to the department. Staff gill bring
contract proposals to the Board on a regular basis.
Future Actions of the Board: The Board scheduled a planning meeting to discuss future actions
such as the direction to take regarding Southeast Evanston.
Annual Recreation Facility/Program Tour: This vear's tour will be an evening tour. On July
18. Board members will meet at Fleetwood Jourdain at Gpm. The tour %viIl end 7:30pm at
Fleetwood in time for the Board meeting.
Levv Center Pmeram Undate: Staff has updated the Levy bus route schedule to better
accommodate seniors without transportation to the center. The computer classes have started
and are going very well. The gift shop will be open soon. The game room is finished and is
used quite a bit by the seniors. The fitness program. in conjunction with the Evanston Athletic
Club, is doing very well. The Levy Center membership has increased by 104 since moving into
the new facility, which is now a total of 2.068. Once the enabling garden is complete, we will
have horticultural classes and a garden club.
Mr. Marbem, congratulated staff for the tremendous amount of work that went into the new
center. Ivir. Hodgman agreed and said the community deserves a facility line this.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, July 18 at
the Fleetwood Jourdain Center, 1655 Faster St.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
..Draft -- Not Approved..
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main St
September 19, 2002
Board Members Present: tits. Janet Webb, President Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. Richard Marberry, Secretary Mr. John Lesch
Mr. David Hodgman Ms. Marion Flynn
Board members absent: Mr. Don Walton l`Ir. Mark Sloane
Ms. Ann Carra, Treasurer
Others Present: Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry S Recreation Director
Mr. Bob Dorncker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Robert Lloyd. Robert Crown Center Manager
Mr. Gary Silkaitis. Recreation Maintenance Supervisor
,NIS. Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist
Ms. Christina Ferrero, Levy Ccnter Manager
Ais. Michelle Leavin, Chandler New•hcrgcr Program Manager
`Is. Megan :Maurer. Special Recreation ;Manager
Ms. Sunshine Voelker. Chandler Newberger Program Manager
,Mr. Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board Chair
his. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The July 18, 2002 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
Mr. Seaman informed the Board of his ongoing concerns with Leah Lamar Park. The drinking
fountain is constantly filled with sand. Today was the worst he's ever seen it, %Kith
approximately 5 to 6 inches of sand pilled on top of the basins. This is an ongoing issue
because the fountain is right next to the sandbox. Fle suggests replacing the sand with tan bark.
People are using the park after 1 I pm and beer bottles/cans are left in and near the park. The
trees still need pruning and the graffiti on the bench was painted over rather than removed. Mr.
Seaman shared an article from the Evanston Express newspaper where the Leah Lomar Park
neighbors honored Ed Gold with an Honorary Street Sign. Mr. Seaman also represents the
North Shore Seirra Club. He distributed a copy of the 2002 Coastal CIean Up brochure. This
year the Club will participate in the Annual Beach Cleanup Day with the Lake Michigan
Federation, to clean two beaches (Lee St in Evanston and Glencoe beach in GIencoe).
The Robert Crown Advisors' Board had their first 2002-03, meeting on September 10. They are
seekinu a new advisor• board secretam. They are also looking forward to the Recreation Dept
budget presentation.
Mr. SilRaitis. Recreation Maintenance Supervisor — The beach season ended on Labor Day.
The dog beach and boat ramp mill remain open through October. Fall softball started last week
at the Robert Crown Park. Staff is ready to take over the maintenance of the James and Bent
Park fields now that the irrigation project is complete.
Mr. Dorneker mentioned that the soccer fields alone the canal. south of,4fain St., still need a
lot of work and will not be ready until fall of 2003. There have been some operational
problems with the Doe Park. also at this location. P.O.O.C.1 L. the organization that was going
to manage the park. realized that it -mould be too much for them to manage. The Skokie Park
District will be the manager'care taker of the park.
Ms. Louan. Public Information Specialist— The fall issue of flits -+- Recreation was mailed to
Evanston residents the third week of Aus!ust and the back to school issue ol'School News was
delivered to schools at the end of Aueust. Flyers. calendars. brochures and ether promotional
materials were produced for fall programs at the community centers and senior center. Work is
under say promoting Arts Week Evanston. including a web page. telephone hotline, press
releases and special mailings.
Ms. Ferrero. Levv Senior Center Manager —As of the beginning of September the Levy Center
membership was over 1.400. Membership in the Fitness Room is at about 250. NVith the
increasing membership, activity in the computer lab. library. game room and lounge has
increased significantly. A new group of amateur vocalists has formed the "Shower Singers,"
led by Evelyn Bin>_ Levy Choral Director. Spanish classes continue to be very popular with 20
enrolled in the continuing Conversational Spanish class. New ewercise classes that began in
September include Aqua Dynamics at the Evanston Athletic Club. Combo Training. Qi Gong,
NIA and Strength &: Balance. During August, all Center stall received the Heart Saver AED
Training program, which explains how to use a defibrillator. The Center now has its own
defibrillator, donated by Evanston Firelighters Local 742. Dance Africa Chicago 2002 will
present "Niumu Dance Theater Intergenerational \;'orkshop" on Oct 4 at the Center. Room and
gym rentals have also increased.
Mr. Hodgman asked what's the use of the gym for youth. 'ifs. Ferrero answered Tai Kwon Do
and Hap Kido. no youth basketball. Staff is in the process of hiring a Program Manager for the
Levy Center who will be responsible for coordinating new after school programs. I4fs. Flynn
mentioned that one of the reasons we have the gyre is because we (the city) needed more gym
space. Mr. Doneker said staff is not looking to transfer the FAA114 basketball program to this
gym. The plan is to develop new programs for the gym (volleyball, etc.).
Ms. Leayin. Chandler Newhereer Prouram Manager — Chandler ran a total of 42 summer
camps this season. Eighty --five youth participated in free outreach tennis lessons at ETHS this
summer. The lessons were funded by the City and a Lrant from the United States Tennis
Association. The new Golf camp was quite successful. Some of the fall programs that %vill
begin on Thursday include Fencing. Chess Wizard and a middle school VolleyBall League.
The Youth indoor Garage Sale vyill be held Sept 21 and a Halloween Social on Oct 31.
�ls. Voelker. Chandler Ne%kberuer Program Manager — Flag Football starts Saturday with 35
teams (500 kids) registered. There will be a Flag Football picnic scheduled where the players
and parents will have an opportunity meet the players and parents from the other schools.
Mr. L1ovd. Robert Crown Center Manager — The summer mini -camp ended in August: 60 boys
and girls attended. The Skate Park continues to draw large numbers of youth. Reduced fall
hours started on Sept. 3. and the park will close for the season on Oct. 27. weather permitting.
The new event Polar Putt — a nine hole miniature golf course set up on ice — was held Aug 24
and 25 with 87 people putting their golfing skills to the test while on ice skates. House Hockey
League players began their season on Sept. 14. Two new divisions have been added: *vfight%
,Mites for 4 to G year olds who arc just starting to skate and midget for 13 & 16 year olds.
Hockey mini classes. bridging the gap between late summer and early fall are being offered for
the first time this fall. All of the summer figure skating camps and classes ended in August
with a skating exhibition and party. Registrations for the upcoming "Nutcracker on Ice" show
closes Sept 30. The Center will hold a costume sale on Oct 19. just in time for Halloween.
Ifs. Flynn said she has noticed on several occasions that kids are skating in the Skate Park
when the park is closed andor skating without a helmet. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
She feels strongly that the city should build a fence to keep the kids out of the Skate Park
durinu closed hours or not have a Skate Park. She reauested a report from staff as to the steps
that will be taken to keens kids out of the Skate Park after hours and to make sure they are.
wearing the proper equipment.
Mr. Lesch asked how Chicago deals with their Skate Park. Mr. Domeker said Chicago's park
is not fenced, they don't supervisor and they don't require any type of permit or tokens to use
the Skate Park. -
The Board may remember that several years ago when the Skate Park was put there, we were
haying a lot of problems with the kids that sort of mingled into the building. At that time, it
vms in the City's best interest to staff the park with a supervisor and begin charging a fee to try
to curtail some of the problems that were: occurring. I lowewer, the skate park program became
bigger and bigger. We haven't taken any action in regards to putting up a fence because this
was a temporary location. We had planned to wait until the Robert Crown study .was done so
we could look at finding an alternate location. At this point. we haven't come up with an
alternate location and the expenditure to install a fence is currently not in the CIP program.
Staff's last estimation for fencing for the park was approx. S10-15,000 to do it properly. Doug
Gaynor represents our department for the CIP. Mr. Dorneker will forward Ms. Flvnn's concern
and recommendation to Mr. Gaynor. Ms. Flynn also mentioned that the plantings on the south
side of the Robert Crown building could use some maintenance.
Mr. Dorneker introduced Ms. Maurer who is the new Special Recreation Manager. She will be
in charge of special recreation programs and will assist in the area of inclusion services for the
Ms. Maurer. Sneeial Recreation %Ianauer — Camp R.E.A.L. (RecreatiortiEcology at Lovelace)
was held Aug. 5-16 at Lovelace Park. Campers took part in a variety of activities and field
trips. Special Recreation fall prourams begin the week of'Sept 23.
his. Mamie Smith. Fleetwood Jourdain Center Manager was unable to attend. Mr. Dorneker
reported that the Center's summer camp ended in :august. The Summer Basketball League
ended on Aug 17 with more than 200 players. Staff served approximately 30,000 meals in our
summer Food program. The sites served this year were Mason Park. Clyde/Brummel Park.
Robert Crown and Fleetwood Jourdain. The FRAM draft is scheduled for Sept 28. The gym
and studio floors at the center have been re -coated in preparation for the fall. DanceAfrica will
do two performances at the Center on Oct 20 at 3 & 5 pm. Auditions for the Evanston
ChiIdren's Theater fall production. "Still Life with Iris." were held at the Theater on Sept 10 &
12. Staff is currently working on a proposal to possibly install a fish tank as part of a new
program at the center. Fads Nvill learn about the different bodies of water and the many fish and
animals that live in them. They will also discover the difference between salt water and fresh
water. This program will include a trip to The fish Bowl and the Shedd Aquarium so the kids
can learn how to care for fish and maintain an aquarium. So far the Center has 65 kids signed
up for the after school program.
Mr. Dornker gave the Director's report because Mr. Doug Gaynor. Parks/Forestry &
Recreation Director. was attending a City/School Liaison Committee meeting.
Levv Center Undate: This month we presented two pieces of public art to the Sub Committee
of the Levy, Center members, that is proposed for installation at the Levy Center. The artwork
was selected and approved by the Public Art Committee and the Evanston Arts Council. Some
of the Levy members expressed concern with the artwork. The artist, who is an Evanston
resident. will attend the next Sub Committee meeting to provide the members with other
options (artwork) to consider. Construction of the enabling garden started this week. Weather
permitting, we will have a lot of the infrastructure in place this fall and will be able to do some
planting by the beginning of spring next year. The goal is to have the garden open to the
seniors and the public by summer of next year. Two new signs will be installed at the Center
soon. One will be a simple sign at the south end of the park near Mulford reading -Levy Senior
Center', and possibly "James Park". The other will be a LED sign (electrical) located further
north. This sign will positioned so the north'south bound trallic can see it. Staff is in the
process of trying to become a certified service provider so we can apply, to receive a bus. The
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides financial assistance, distributed through the
states. to meet the transportation needs of elderly persons and persons with disabilities. The
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) administers this program in Illinois. In order for
agencies to apply, to receive a bus, the organization must first be designated as a local
"Coordinated Service Provider" for elderly persons and persons with disabilities within their
CIP / CDBG Undate: Staff is submitting three projects for Community Development Block
Grant program funds: ;Mason Park improvements, Fleetwood Jourdain chair lift installation,
Purchase of additional trees to plant.
Fleetwok-d Jourdain Sculnture Garden: Last week stall met with the Art Guild to go over plans
for the sculpture garden. There was discussion on the part of the garden in the area that may
possibly" hecome the new school for District 65. The space between Family Focus and
Fleetwood Jourdain is owned by Family Focus. In the next couple of months. the architect will
have drawn up the recommendations given by the An Guild and staff, which will be presented
to the public for further review.
StaflinQ 1 "rdate: Current vacant positions in the department are Fleetwood Jourdain:
Maintenance Worker, Weekend/Evening Supervisor and three Program Managers. Robert
Crown: Program Manager and a Maintenance Worker. Levy Center: Program Manager.
Lastly. there's the LakefrontfParks Position. Staff has started interviewing for some of the
NIs. Webb asked for an update on Southeast Evanston. We had funds in the CIP that were
budgeted for next year to redo the basketball courts in Clyde/Brunimel Park. in addition to
those funds. we were able to re -appropriate the remaining grant funds (approx. S130,000) from
Southeast Evanston Needs Assessment and Location :analysis Study, toward the redevelopment
of Clyde Brummel Park. Therefore, we have approx. S17D, 000 to work with. There was a
public meting held on Sept 18 at the Howard Street Outpost to discuss improvements of the
Clyde."Brummel Park. Tile community shared that they would like to see the small playground
area improved and would like to have the basketball court redesigned into two half courts.
Staff will now develop designs incorporating the recommendations from the meeting and a
second public meeting will be scheduled. Mr. Hodgman asked if the trailer would still be in the
park. The community wants to keep recreational programs at the site. It that means they have
to keep the trailer, they would like to see trailer enhanced.
Board Follow un Pianninu Metinin The Board met on July 24 to discuss future actions, such
as what direction to take regarding Southeast Evanston. A follow tin nlannine meeting►, has
been scheduled for 6:30nm. October 3 at Janet Webb's home. Ms. Webb will provide the
Board with a summary of what was discussed at the first meeting.
Mr. Marberry mentioned that the Board had discussed looking into a facility in place of the
trailer and the possibility of talking with private individuals/architects. Over the summer, he
came across an architect who works in Evanston and is willing to do some pro bono work. Mr.
Nlarberry would like to have this issue nut on the acenda so the Board can continue discussing
this opportunity. The Board should take on this project.
Budget Undate: Staff is in the process of preparing their 2003-04 budgets. The direction from
the Budget Department is to have a flat budget, no increase. Budget reviews for the
Department starts tomorrow. The Board will be kept informed. Mr. Hodgman asked if there
was anymore conversation about the 7 year CIP. Mr. Dorncker said the Alderman could
possibly reconsider and make changes to the 7-year plan during the budget process.
Ms. Flynn. tits. Carra and Ilr. `►Iarberrti- attended a Ridgeville Park District Board meeting last
week.Ridgeville pretty much goes through the same capital improvement process that the
Recreation Department goes through %%-here they pick a project they can afford to do every year.
However. the%- are working with a bud�zet of S400.000. Rideeville is in the process of a long-
term plan and would like to meet «ith the Board again after the%- have made some progress.
There was discussion on making the Cl\ de Brunimel trailer a small permanent building. There
was also a suggestion of possibly con ertine the t«-o vacant apartment buildings in the area into
a recreation facility. The footprints of the buildings. which are right next to each other. would
allow for at least a basketball court size building.
Ms. \Vebb is planning to report to the Human Service Committee. at their Oct 7 meeting, the
direction the Board is planning to take as it relates to Southeast Evanston. That they are
planning to continue doing outreach and continue conversation regarding the possibility of a
brick and mortar building in place of the trailer. Ms. Webb welcomed the Board to join her.
Mr. Doneker distributed staffs response to Mr. tied Poneman, who has a ;'� & 6,h grade
traveling basketball program. and is looking for gym space for the teams to play/practice. In
addition to gym space, 1%vlr. Poneman also inquired about our eliminating or reducing the rental
fee. lie was informed that he would have to present his program and request to the Board.
Depending on Mr. Ponentan's decision. this may become a future agenda item for the Board.
Mr. Marberry commended staff on their response to the Evanston Tennis Association in getting
the tennis courts done over the summer. He made note to Mr. Dorneker of tennis nets that were
incorrectly installed at certain sites. fir. Dorneker will pass this on to the Parks Division. Ms.
Flynn is requesting that the Board receive the meeting minutes sooner. Particularly when there
are tasks that have to be done or dates to remember. She also would like the meeting minutes
sent to the Ridgeville Park District. fir, Lesch informed the Board that he would have to resign
from the Board, as he will be moving to Chicago in a couple of weeks. He thanked the Board
and staff for evmthing they've done and said the staff does an excellent job with all that is
asked of them. 1 ls. Webb announced that the FAAM draft is on Sept 28 at Fleetwood
The meeting adjourned at 8:59pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30nm. October 10
at the Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St.
Draft -- Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St
October 10, 2002
Board Members Present: ills. Janet Webb, President Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. Richard Marberry, Secretary Mr. Don Walton
Ms. Ann Carra, Treasurer Nir. David Hodgman
Mr. Mark Sloane
Board members absent: fir. John Lesch Nfs. Marion Fh•nn
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Kevin Wallin, Chandler Newberger Center Manager
Mr. Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory- Hoard Chair
Ills. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:40pm. The September 19, 2002 Board meeting
minutes were approved.
Mr. Seaman informed the Board that the Leah Lomar Park drinking fountain is constantly filled
with sand. He commended the Park Ranger who frequently stops by the park and cleans the
sand out of the water fountain. This is an ongoing issue because the fountain is right next to the
sandbox. Ile also mentioned that there is a hole developing near the park «here one of the light
fixtures had been removed. Nlr. Seaman said his comments are not meant to criticize but to
bring these issues to the attention of staff and the Board. He is very proud of the work and
effort of the department. ;vir. Seaman also represents the North Shore Sierra Club who
participated in the Annual Beach Clean Up Day sponsored by the Lake Michigan Federation.
Fifty-two volunteers joined the Sierra Club to clean Lee St beach collecting 116 pounds of
debris and 21 volunteers joined them to clean Glencoe beach collecting 504 pounds of debris.
Mr. Seaman said he read the Board minutes of the September meeting and shares Ms. Flynn's
concerns regarding the safety issues at the Robert Crown Skate Park. Whatever the outcome of
the Robert Crown Building Structure Study. the Robert Crown Advisory Board would like to
have money set aside in the CIP to construct a fence around the Skate Park for the safety of the
kids. Fie distributed skate park articles and magazines for the Board's review.
The Robert Crown Advisory Board is looking forward to the Recreation Dept budget
presentation and hearing more about the Robert Crown Study. There are now two vacant
positions on the Advisory Board. Mr. Seaman commended the Robert Crown staff and gave
special recognition to Sean Flynn who is a part time hockey instructor. Scan recently attended
an Ice Rink Certification program, which he paid for himself. The Advisory Board is exploring
the possibility of reimbursing Scan for the cost to attend the program. Robert Crown's Flea
Market is November 2. 9am-4pm,
Mr. Dornker gave the Director's report. The Director. Mr. Gaynor was unable to attend due to
a meeting contlict.
Fleetwood Jourdain Sculpture Garden: Mr. Domeker displayed the preliminary drawings of
the Fleetwood Jourdain Sculpture Garden that wvill be discussed at the 'Thursday. October 24.
7:00pm public mectin_.: at Fleetwood Jourdain. The biggest concern at this time is that the land
surrounding Fleetwood actually belongs to Family Focus and School District 65. Proposed
changes include removing the tennis courts to provide more parking; replacing the existing
basket ball court with a circular court of three half courts. replacing the existing playground
area with a ser;pture garden: and adding a lot lot playground and playground for the older kids
on the cast side of the building near the basketball courts. The soccer and baseball fields would
remain in tact but wve %%ould lose some space on the east side of the football field. Staff is
reviewing options to see if there is a way to move the Jr. Wildkits Football program to another
location. without having too much of an impact on their program. The Jr. Wildkits use to
practice on the Robert Crown field and was moved to Fleetwood (Foster Field) four years ago.
They would like to have a 400-yard field to practice on. The field at Fleetwood (Foster Field) is
only 80vards x 50vards. The incentive to practice at Fleetwood is the lighted field. which
allows them to practice in the evening. Ms. Carra asked if we should move forward with this
project if there is a possibility of a school being place in the area. Mr. Doneker explained that
we don't have a lot of money to ntovc forward with the entire project. Uwe move forward. the
project would have to be done in phases. A portion of the funding actually belongs to the An
Guild. The City is helping with planning and designing the space. Mr. I lodLman asked how
does the design represent recreation and what tune of activities does staff anticipate will occur
fin the sculnture nark area)? Will there be no activities because the area will be completely
passive or are there programs we anticipate taking place in the area? He said it would be
interestint; to see an outline of the nroLrams that would/could take place in the area. \fr.
Walton asked would the design fulfill the recreational needs of the community. What will the
community lose in recreation with this design and what will it gain in other aspects (education,
etc.). Ms. Webb mentioned that there have been several meetings on this project. which has
been in the works for approximately eight }'ears. Mr. Mari -berry asked if the City has been
contacted by District 65 regarding Foster field and the possibility of a building being built
there. No. but there was dialogue that the City would be able to keep the field for the next ten
Fears. However. we have not received this in writing. Ms. Carra asked if staff has looked into
grant money to help pay for the project? Mr. Domeker explained that it is very hard to get a
grant when you are not the owner of the landlproperty.
Grant Fundinu Update: The Board received a progress report on grant funding for the
department. So far. we have received S1.85 million in both private and public funding for
various capital projects and programs. 'rhe Department's Management Analyst, Jessica
Bullock, and Mr. Gaynor will give a presentation in Springfield, IL Oct 23`d to receive a
$277,700 grant for the Leahy Park Rcdevelopment.
CIP I CDBG Update: The Board received a status report of CIP projects. fir. Hodgman asked
if the Robert Crown Center Feasibility Study. draft phase one report was available for the
Board's review:' Mr. Dorneker explained that there are math• changes that need to be made in
order for individuals to better understand it. Staff is concerned that if people don't have a
thorouali understandinu- of how the report is put tog ether. they may draw conclusions that are
incorrect. Staff is preparing a response to the consultants asking therm to correct and better
outline the information so everyone can better understand the report. There were also certain
pieces of the report that xvere required for the pha~--e one draft that were not included. We hope
to receive a revised copy soon. 'Members of the Board expressed their interest in reviewine the
report even if they could stop by the office to review- it. Mr. Hodgman said it would be nice if
the Board was made aware of the %vhole process and not just see the final report.
Staffine update: The Fleetwood Jourdain Maintenance Worker position has been filled and an
offer will be made on %londay for the Fleetwood Jourdain Theater Program Manager position.
Current vacant positions include Fleetwood W"kend/Evening Supervisor and two Program
Managers; Robert Crown Program 4fanaver and Maintenance Worker: Levy Center Program
Manager; and the Lakefront'l arks Position. Staff has started interviewing for some of these
Mr. ,Marberry asked if the Department has an ongoing dialogue with Family focus regarding
our month to month Theater lease. Mr. Domker said yes. We hope to have a yearly Iease in
place by the beginning of the year. Over the summer, a new Director of Family Focus was
appointed after the retirement of Delores I Iolmes. Now that the new Director. John Turner, has
settled in, we will continue neuotiations of the theater lease.
Robert Crown Skate Park Fencing: At the September Board meeting I'V1s. Flynn requested staff
to report back to the Board why a permanent fence has not been installed around the Skate
Park. Robert Crown was originally designated as a temporary site for the Skate Park until a
more permanent location could be identified. With the uncertainty of the skate park remaining a
the Robert Crown site and the current Robert Crown Center Building Study in now place, staff
has not requested funding for fencing or other improvement of the park. Once the study is
complete and if it's determined that the skate park will remain at the site, staff would
recommend improving, the site to include a permanent fence around the skate park.
At the September Board meeting. Mr. Marbern' mentioned that windscreens had been installed
incorrectly on the Ackerman and Burnham Shores tennis courts. Ile also noticed that there
was an access cost of 560.000 to change the screens from the outside to the inside. Mr.
Domeker said the cost -was more like 51.200 and the error was on the part of staff because it
was listed correctly in the specifications where to place the screens. ,Mr. Durneker will further
investigate the improper installation of the screens and have it corrected.
Budect Update: There was a special City Council meeting held last night to discuss the City's
2003-04 budget. Currently, the shortfalf seems to be about S3 million dollars. The City
Manager asked the Aldermen for a recommendation or policy as to how they want staff to
move forward. No decision was made. There «ill be another meeting in the next couple of
weeks to further discuss the budget and how staff should move forward.
Mr. Hodgman asked for an update on the youth sports program. Sunshine Voelker is just
finishing up the softball season. This ►►•inter will be her first full dedication to the overall youth
sports program for the city. She will be working on developing a school based. middle school
tennis Ieauue. CurrentIv..the middle schools don't offer tennis. %Is. Carra mentioned that a
middle school volleyball league ►%ould be another good idea. Staff will Prepare a renort of
what the Recreation Department offers versus ,%hat the School District offers. There are a
number of activities in the middle schools that we are starting to build at our centers. Sunshine
►►'ill be the focal point to get some of the larger school based activities going. %fr. Hodgman
►\-ould like to have a month)►• report on the youth sport activities.
Board Follow up Planning Meeting: Mr. Hodgman. Ms. Flynn and GIs. XN'cbb talked about how
the Board could more effectively advocate for community involvement. They thought it could
be a good idea to restructure the December (or January) Board meeting into more of a town hall
meeting. The topic would be women & girls softball. To find out what different institutions in
our community are involved in the program and how we can enhance that. The Board would
like to invite people who participate in ►\-omen & girls softball or who have an interest or
concern about the program. A large portion of the meeting would be dedicated to an open
quorum. Then throughout the year. the Board would have meetings where the topics centered
on women R girls softball. \fr. Hodgman. its. Carra and \Is. Flynn will serve on the
subcommittee to ortanize this meetine. The subcommittee and Mr. Dorneker will determine
when would he a food time to have the meeting ( December or January).
Clydc/Bnimmel Park: No update at this time.
Mr. Sloane apologized for missing that last meeting. He has been traveling every other week to
New York on business. Mr. Marberr►• mentioned that there is a magazine titled ; Irchitecture,
which featured an article on the new Levy Senior Center. Ms. Webb announced that FAAM
has 487 middle school kids participating in the program this year. The boys teams are as large
as 21 players per team and the girls are up to 17 player per team. The F.)AM Board has talked
about increasing the quarters to 18 minutes to increase playing time or possibly starting a
separate six -grade league. Ms. Webb would like to extend an invitation to the Ridgeville Board
to attend the November Board meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:43pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, November
21 at the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
`Tote: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave
November 21, 2002
Board Members Present: Nis. Janet Webb, President Ms. ;Marion Flynn
Mr. Richard Marberr•, Secretary Mr. Don Walton
Mr. David Hodgman fir. ilfark Sloane
Ms. Betsi Burns .Jacobson
Board members absent: tits. Ann Carra, Treasurer Mr. Peter Caragher
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Dick Seaman, Robert Crovi•n Advisor} Board Chair
Ms. Anne Canright, Ridgeville Park District Board Member
fir. John Lesch, Past Recreation Board Member
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The October 10, 2002 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
The Recreation Board presented Mr. John Lesch with a plaque in recognition of his eleven
years of outstanding service and dedication to the City of Evanston Recreation Board.
Mr. Seaman distributed a list of ongoing concerns regarding Leah Lomar Park. The drinking
fountain is constantly filled with sand because of its location right next to the sandbox. There
are beer bottles/cans left in the park and on the parkway. There are people in the park after
l 1:00pm. There are numerous trees and flowering that have dead limbs and need pruning.
Mr. Seaman also represents the North Shore Sierra Club who participated in the Annual Beach
Clean Up Day sponsored by the Lake Michigan Federation. Fifty-two volunteers joined the
Sierra Club to clean Lee St beach collecting 106 pounds of debris and 21 volunteers joined
them to clean Glencoe beach collecting 540 pounds of debris. May 2003 the Sierra Club trill
participate in the River Rescue Day with Friends of Chicago Riser. September 2003 they will
participate in the beach cleanup with Lake iklichigan Federation.
Ms. Canright said the Ridgeville Park District Board received a kind visit from a few
Recreation Board members at their last meeting and she is here to return the visit. The
Ridgeville Park District is working toward putting together a long-term plan of what they
envision the Ridgeville Park District should undertake.
The Robert Crown Advison- Board still has vacancies they are trying to till. This year's
Nutcracker on Ice at Robert Crown is scheduled for December 6-8. Robert Cro►vn's November
2 Flea tiarket.was a treat success.
CDBG Update: Mr. Gaynor distributed a chart listing the 2003-04 Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) Program applicants, the amounts they requested and the CDBG
committee's recommendation. The Parks/Forestry & Recreation Department submitted
applications for:
Public Improvements Requested Recommendation
Fleetwood Jourdain improvements $632.000 $232.500
Mason Park improvements $375.000 S150,000
Target Area Tree Planting $23,600 S23.000
He also distributed a copy of the monthly status report on Parks/Forestry & Recreation Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) projects.
Budget Undate: Currently, there seems to be a S3.5 to S5million dollar shortfall in revenue in
the Citv's 2003-04 budget. Staff is being; asked to make sustainable cuts without going; below a
certain standard of quality in the programs ►we offer. The priority is youth, disabled, seniors and
then adults. We are also looking at ways to generate significant revenue. Mr. Gaynor hopes to
have a draft budget to share with the Board at the December meeting.
Staffine Undate: Levy Senior Center, Program 'tanager — Staff has completed interviews
for the position. Fleetwood—.1ourdain, Weekend/Evening Supervisor — individuals were
interviewed and no qualified candidates were selected. This position wiII be posted again.
Fleet►vood-Jourdain Center, Program Managers (2) — The advertising of the job position
will occur in December and we would anticipate having at least one of the positions filled by
January. Robert Crown Center, Program Manager— Staff in the Human Resources
Department is reviewing the proposed job description and a posting for the position should
occur in the upcoming weeks. Robert Crown Center, Maintenance Worker —The job
description for the position is being reviewed by staff in our department at this time.
Robert Cro►i'n Center, Office Clerk — The position and duties arc being reviewed by staff in
our department at this time.
Youth Snort ProLrams: At the October meeting, the Board requested a report on youth sport
programs offered by the Recreation Division. The information will be presented to the Board
in a monthly report focusing on one recreation center. This month the Board received a list of
programs offered at the Chandler Newberger Center. In December, staff will provide a report
on youth sport programs offered at Robert Crown and Fleetwood centers. After that, staff will
provide a report on youth sport programs offered through outside agencies. Mr. Hodgman
asked what is staff doing differently to improve the response (participation) in the middle
school volle.-bali league? \fr. Dorneker explained that staff has been trying. unsuccessfully. to
get into the schools and visit the PE classes to talk about some of our vouch sport programs.
Staff has also provided additional flvcrs to the schools. Mr. Walton said he might be able to
assist staff N ith tryinu to Let into the schools. Mr. Walton attends the PE classes in the middle
schools to talk about the tennis program. Mr. I lodgman asked ifstaff is proposing the volley
ball programs as a school base league that would compete against other schools or is it just kids
coming in and forming teams. Mr. Dorneker said right now it's just an open play program
where staff forms the League. Eventually it could move into competitive play «here there are
actual teams. That's the goal.
Clvde/Brummel Park: No update at this time.
Pronosed I_e%-y Advisory Board Annointments: The Board unanimously approved the
appointments of Bettie Jean Thomas. Irene Ziaya. Juanita have and Irma Carter to the Levy
Advisory Board.
pro��used 200 3 Recreation Board Meetine Dates: The Board unanimously approved the
S . iiedule of 2003 Recreation Board meetinL dates.
Snecial Focus Mcetine —Softball: The special focus meeting subcommittee (Mr. Ilodgman,
Ms. Flynn and Ms. Carra) have spoken with a number of people who would be interested in
coming to the December meeting to discuss Evanston softball programs. The subcommittee
would like people to address the current status of the vvomen's softball programs ( young ages,
high school ages and adult), and if there is anything that the Board or Recreation Division can
do to help enhance participation. They have spoken with ETHS Athletic Director John Reel,
Katherine Connelly who has been very active in EYBA. and the ETHS Women's Varsity
Nis. Flynn hasn't spoken with anyone but she said she had asked Nlr. Dorneker to get the
women's softball leaders together to discuss administrative issues. She said the women's game
is a different sport and she thinks it would deter our focus on the girls and high school program
if we discuss the women's issues on the same night. She suggested having the women's group
meet at a different time. She said this is very important to the Cite and requires a lot of
attention on its otvn — if it's okay with the Board.
Ms. Webb said she wants to talk about how the Board would restructure the meeting. The
Board agreed that there would be an open forum for observers to speak from 7:OOpm to
8:OOpm. The regular Board meeting will convene at 8:00pm. During that hour (open forum),
there will be no discussion or decision making. The Board would only Iisten to comments and
suggestions. If there are any recommendations that come out of that meeting, they will not be
voted on until January.
,1r. Hodgman emphasized that this is not intended to suggest that there are any deficiencies in
what the Recreation Division is doing. It's an effort to look at a particular sport in Evanston
that is not getting enough attention and to see if there is something where the Board can take
the initiative to encourage its development.
Nis. Webb asked how the subcommittee would Let the notice out to interested parties about the
December meeting focusing on softball. fir. floduman suggested having a notice printed in the
local papers and Mr. Gaynor suggested a notice on the cable network. Mr. Hodman and Ms.
Flynn will facilitate the meetinu.
Ms. Flynn asked if there is a middle school softball program because she would be happy to
call the contact person regarding the meeting. fir. Dorneker said that program is run through
the school district and staff can send them an invitation to the meeting. Nis. Flynn and Mr.
Hodgman will make personal follow-up phone calls to those who will be invited to the meeting.
Ms. Flynn said she was glad to see Nis. Canright (Ridgeville Board member) at tonight's
meeting. his. Jacobson said she is glad to be on the Board and looks forward to being put to
work. fir. Marberry asked if there is some way the Board could help to facilitate the
Ridgeville Park District's long range plan. He's not sure if it's appropriate. l le will give them
a call to see if the Board can help some how. He also welcomed Nis. Jacobson to the Board.
The meeting adjourned at 8:43pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:00pm. December
19 at the FIeetwood Jourdain Center, 1655 Foster St.
Draft -- Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Civic Center, 2100 lodge Ave
December 19, 2002
Board Members Present: Nis. Janet Webb, President Ms. Marion Flynn
Mr. David Hodgman Nis. Ann Carra, Treasurer
Mr. dark Sloane
Board members absent: Mr. Richard tilarherry, Secretary Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. Don Walton ills. Betsi Burns .lacobson
Others Present: Mr. Bob Dorneker. Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Douglas Gaynor. Parks/Forestn• S Recreation Director
Mr. Robert Llyod, Robert Cro►sn Center Manager
,'Ms. Sunshine Voelker. Chandler Center Program Manager
Mr. Kevin Wallin, Chandler Center Manager
Ms. Mamie Smith, Fleetwood .lourdain Center ,Manager
Mr. Joe Kent, 16 Ward Alderman
Nis. Betsy Jenkins, Fleet►cood .lourdain Interim Program `tanager
XIS. Jo -el Doh•. Evanston Baseball Softball Assoc. Commissioner
,Nis. Kathr►•n Connolh., 139 Florence Ave
Mr. Ray Boyer, Evanston Baseball/Softball Assoc. Co -President
Mr. John Richle, Evanston Township Athletic Director
The Board invited Evanston Softball Coaches. and others ►rho are involved with softball programs, to
share suggestions on how the Recreation Division could increase participation in the girls softball
leagues up to the middle school and high school Ievel. The following suggestions, comments and/or
concerns were brought up in the discussion:
Sending flyers to the schools for the kids to take home isn't enough. We need to consider ways to
market the program better.
Kids respond to role models. Consider introducing the kids to successful college softball players. The
high school girls would be great role models for elementary and middle school girls.
Show kids that there is a future in the span. Let them know that there are scholarships for softball.
The Recreation department should be more specific when promoting its softball programs. With the
current promotion materials, participants sometimes confuse the city's program with the EBSA
We need to somehow introduce softball to kids at an earlier acre. Dist 65 could consider including
softball into the physical education curriculum. Currently kids are not introduced to softball until
fourth or fifth grade through the Recreation department's program.
Softball interest seems to fall off at the middle school level. At this level, kids are leaning more
toward basketball, tennis and volleyball.
The Recreation department could consider facilitating a middle school based girls 11-1'_ inch softball
league for the spring or fall season. School athletic teams generation a lot of interest (FRAM for
example). This could be a good feeder program into the high school league. Some of the high school
girls are playing for the first time.
Improving Skills:
We need some place to send the kids to build up their skills. The Recreation Dept could consider
providing softball clinics where the kids can practice throwing and catching.
Personal, professional training for the kids can be very expensive. We should consider special training
for staff and coaches so we offer even better traininz to the kids.
We need to do everything we can to make sure that our facilities (fields) are in the best condition.
The facility at ETHS, on the baseball side, has been upgraded and would be a great place for any group
running a 6a'. 7`s 8ei softball program during the summer.
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 8:30pm. The November 21, 2002 Board meeting
minutes were approved.
Staffine Update: Levy Senior Center, Program Manager— Staff has completed interviews
for the position. Fleet-syood—.lourdain, «'erkend/Evening Supervisor — Individuals were
interviewed and no qualified candidates were selected. This position will be posted again.
Fleet-wood-Jourdain Center, Program Managers (2) — The advertising of the job position
will occur in December and we would anticipate having at least one of the positions filled by
January. Robert Crown Center, Program Manager— Staff in the Human Resources
Department is reviewing the proposed job description and a posting for the position should
occur in the upcoming weeks. Robert Crown Center, Maintenance Worker — The job
description for the position is being reviewed by staff in our department at this time.
Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk — The position and duties are being reviewed by staff in
our department at this time.
Youth Snort Programs: Mr. Domeker provided the Board with a list of youth sports programs
for middle school students. coordinated by the Robert Crown Center and Fleetwood Jourdian
Center staff. Next month. staff will forward a list of middle school programs that are offered
by the school district and our affiliated organizations.
,fr. Hodgman mentioned that the programs are all great and geared toward the middle school
aged kids. but they are not middle school based. He said there is a surge of energy that you get
when you have the schools competing against each other. He recognizes that resistance from
the school district may be pan of the problem. but he would like staff to develop a school -based
program. his. Flynn gave the example of the 41h and 5`s grade basketball program. which school
based. Mr. Dorneker said staff is working towards having the tennis program become school
Budeet Undate: Staff developed a budget and submitted it to the City Manager. The City
Manager has to present a budget to City Council by Dec 31. At this point. we are not aware of
the City Manager's recommendations or changes. Staff is suggesting that the Board schedule a
speciaf budget update meeting prior to the regular January Board meeting. The Board decided
to have the budget review/update presentation at the regularl January Board meeting. We will
keep the agenda to a minimum. There will be a follow up discussion on the softball program
issue. The subcommittee (Ann. Marion. David and Bob) will do a conference call to talk about
whether there is anything the Board can do and maybe have something ready to propose at the
January meeting. Ms. Webb asked that the Board receive a copy of the proposal prior to the
mectinu for review.
Clvde!Brummel Park: No update at this time.
Nis. Flynn was presented «1th a recognition plaque acknowledge her dedicated service to the
Recreation Board. Nis. Flynn had prepared comments and read them to the Board (copy
Nis. Carra wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Nis. Flynn was told by a friend that older
people need to wort: on stability and the Levy Center needs to get an abductor machine. Nis.
Webb encouraged everyone to attend the New Trier vs Evanston basketball game at
Northwestern and Fleetwood's Black Nativity production at Family Focus.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, January 16
at the Levy Activity Center, 300 Dodge Ave.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Levy Center, 300 Dodge Ave
January 16, 2003
Board Members Present: 1Is. Janet Webb, President
Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Richard Marberrv, Secretary
GIs. Kristian Harris
Board members absent:
Others Present: None
Mr. Peter Caragher
..Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Air. Don NValton
Ms. Ann Carra, Treasurer
Mr. Bark Sloane
Ms. Betsi Burns Jacobson
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:36pm. The December 19, 2002 Board meeting
minutes were approved.
Mr. Seaman submitted his comments to the Board in writing. Copy attached (exhibit A)
Mr. Seaman submitted the Robert Crown Advisory Board report to the Board in writing. Copy
attached (exhibit B)
Mr. Domeker submitted his report to the Board in writing. Copy attached (exhibit C)
Ms. Webb asked if there a way to survey the Co Pops participants to find out how many of
them are involved in the program because they are academically ineligible to participate on the
Evanston Township High School Teams. Evanston Township is the only school that has a 2.0
grade point requirement. The Illinois High School Association only requires students to pass a
minimum of four classes. The goal of the survey would be to find out how many kids in the
Co -Pops program have 1.7 —1.99 grade point average.
Mr. Dorneker will find out from the Co Pop program coordinator if they would be interested in
participating in such a survey. If so, Ms. Webb will develop the survey for distribution.
Softball Program Follow un:
Mr. Domeker and other Recreation staff met with a few participants of the adult women's
softball leau-ue to discuss their concerns and/or suggestion as to how the department could
improve the program. Staff will meet once more to further discuss this information and prepare
a summarized report and recommendation to the Board. It was a ven• positive meeting.
Mr. Hodgman apologized for not being able to make the conference call to the softball program
subcommittee. He will be in touch with the committee soon.
The Skokie -Evanston Pooch Park:
The Skokie Evanston Pooch Park will be open this spring. Mr. Marberry said he has had a
number of requests from people who would like to have a reduction in the dog beach/park, fee
when you own more than one dog. %.4r. Garynor said that is an option for staff to look into but
he does not advocate people coming to the dog beach or park with more than one dog, for
safety reasons.
Budeet Update:
Mr. Gaynor gave a presentation on the department's proposed budget including: New Revenue
Sources, Major Fee Increase, Proposed Program Elimination and Proposed Program Reduction.
See attached (exhibit D)
Mr. Walton welcomed GIs. Harris to the Board. Mr. Hodgman also welcomed Ms. Harris to
the Board and said it was nice to have .Mr. Gaynor at the meeting as well. Xis. Carra thanked
staff for a great budget presentation. Mr. Sloane thanked staff for a great presentation and for
providing the community with amazing programs. his. Webb said she knows that it is difficult
for staff to make cuts and she appreciates their effort to stay away from cutting programs as
much as possible.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, February 20
at the Chandler Newbereer Center, 1028 Central Street.
Draft -- Not approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board members absent:
Others Present:
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St
February 20, 2003
.Is. Janet Webb, President
Ms. Betsi Burns Jacobson
Mr. dark Sloane
Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Richard Marberry, Secretary
Ms. Kristian Harris
Ms. Ann Carra, Treasurer
Mr. Peter Caragher
Mr. Don Walton
,Nis. Julian Chan, Northwestern lledill Student
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:30prn. The January 16, 2003 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
Prourams Undate: Summer Camp Registration has started and camps are filling fast. Staff has
started moving the Fleetwood Children's Theater to the Levy Center. Their first production %will
be at the Levy Center on March 21, 2003. In the near future staff will begin the move of the
Fleetwood Adult Theater program to the Fleetwood Center. The goal is to be completely out of
the Family Focus building by April 1, 2003.
Budeet Undate: The City Council will make a decision on the city's 2003-04 budget at their
February 24 meeting. There is a possibility that a few of the department's budget cut items %ill
be put back in the budget. Primarily the items are two program manager positions (Levy &
Fleetwood), the Skate Park and the closing of the South Blvd Beach during the weekdays.
Softball ProLram Follow un: Staff met with a few participants of the adult women's softball
league to discuss their concerns and'or suggestion as to how the department could improve the
program. Participant's concerns suggestions: The umpires don't work as hard as they do for
the men's softball games. The Sunday games should start later in the day. There should be a
special announcement printed in the :arts & Recreation magazine about the w•omen's softball
program. The league should be split by level of play. We should rotate the league play and
starting times. \Ve should purchase a safety base for first base. Staff has fulfilled some of the
requests and working toward the others.
StafTine Update: Levy Senior Center, Program Manager — Staff has completed interviews
for the position. Fleetwood — Jourdain, WeekendlEvening Supervisor — Individuals were
interviewed and no qualified candidates were selected. This position will be posted again.
Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Program Managers (2) — The advertising of the job position
will occur in 'March and we would anticipate having at least one of the positions filled by April.
Robert Crown Center, Program Manager — Staff in the Human Resources Department is
reviewing the proposed job description and a posting for the position should occur in the
upcoming weeks. Robert Crown Center, Maintenance Worker — The job description for the
position is being reviewed by staff in our department at this time.
Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk — The position and duties are being reviewed by staff in
our department at this time.
Rotation of Officers: The current Board Officers are President Janet Webb, Treasurer Ann
Carra and Secretary Richard Marbery. The proposed officers for 2003-04 are Ann Carm as
President, Richard .1%iarberry as Treasurer and Peter Caragher as Secretary.
Ms. Webb explained that the rotation of officers was put in place to keep members from having
to lobby other members for an office position. However, she is now concerned about the
rotation of officers becoming an "automatic" process. It's important that the officers are
members who have attended a majority of the meetings. There is a disadvantage when you miss
meetings, especially if you have to go places and represent the Board. Attendance should be a
factor tied into the rotation process. In addition, members may not want the commitment of
serving as an officer, or maybe their schedules won't allow them to serve. They should have
the option to opt out of being in office.
Ms. Harris noted that the Board By-laws state " In the event a member misses three consecutive
regularly scheduled meetings or five meetings in any one year, 1) a report to that effect shall be
sent to the Mayor, ?) the President shall request that member to resign and 3) whether or not
that member resigns, any office held by that member shall be vacated. That member shall not
thereafter hold office for six months beginning with the next regular meeting." Iris. Webb said
that Board has never tied that into the rotation process. If this is what the Board wants to do,
then they have to be more cognoscente and conscience of what's stated in the By-laws.
The motion to accept the new officers as proposed was approved.
Levv Advisory Board Nlembershita Extension Request: The levy Advisor, Board is
recommending- the approval of an additional term for Marjorie June, Kathy Gaffney and Mary
Wemette, based on their extraordinary talents and benefits to the center and membership. This
provision is allowed in the 1_e%-v Center Advisory Board Bvdaws.
The motion to approve a second term for Marjorie June. Kathy Gaffney and Mary Wemette
was approved.
Draft Pronosal of the 2003 Update of the Recover Action Program (RAP): The Board
received a copy of the draft re%ised Recovery Action Program prepared by staff. The Urban
Park and Recreation Recover• (i:PARR) program was established to provide matching grants
and technical assistance to economically distressed urban communities. The next round of
applications for UPARR will begin in the Spring, 2003. To be eligible for Rehabilitation
grants, we are required to maintain a current Recovery Action Program (RAP) plan approved
by the National Park Service. The Recovery Action Program is intended to provide an
assessment of Evanston park and recreation needs, and to provide a long-range program for
maintaining and improving park and recreation facilities. Prior to each application, the
applicant is required to send a letter acknowledging changes to the RAP. The applicant is also
required to re -certify their RAP periodically. The last RAP re -certifications in Evanston
occurred in I980 and 1991.
Robert Crown Studv: Ms. Carra asked for an update on the Robert Crown Study. Mr.
Domeker explained that staff is still woriking with the consultant on trying to format the report
so it's easier to read and understand. Staff had a number of questions and some of the
information is confusing. The report will be submitted to City Council sometime in March.
Ms. Webb said the Board should receive a copy of the report before it goes to City Council.
Mr, Domeker agreed and said the Board will received a copy before it's submitted to Council.
Mr. Sloane hopes to be able to attend the March Board meeting. His wife is due to have their
baby girl around that time. %ts. Carra thanked Ms. Webb for serving as President and said she
did a great job. Ms. Webb announced that FRAM finished their 37'h season last Saturday with
a great Pancake Day event. The FAAM Banquet is scheduled for March 22nd at Fleetwood
Jourdain. Mr. Domeker reminded the Board that the rededication for James Park is on May
10'h. Ms. Carra said we should remember to invite M. Denlow.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, March 20 at
the Fleetwood Jourdain Center, 1655 Foster Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center, 1655 Foster St
March 20, 2003
Board Members Present: Nis. Janet Webb. President Ms. Kristian Harris
Ms. Betsi Burns Jacobson Mr. Don Walton
Mr. Mark Sloane
Board members absent: Mr. Peter Caragher, Secretary Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Richard Marberry, Treasurer tits. Ann Carra, President
Others Present: Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Mr. Gene Bell. Fellowship of Afro-American mien (FARM)
Ms. Webb called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The February 20, 2003 Board meeting
minutes were approved.
Mr. Seaman met with Mr. Gaynor regarding his ongoing concerns with the maintenance of
Leah Lomar Park and the untimely responses to his requests/concerns regarding the park. In
addition, he has requested to have the garbage cans replaced in the tot lot area and at the 200
block of Wesley and additional signaee "No Alcohol" &. "Dogs on Leash" posted at the
entrance near the tot lot.
The North Shore Sierra Club will participate in the 2003 River Rescue Day with Friends of
Chicago River. May 20 they will work with the Lake Michigan Federation to clean up Lee
Street Beach.
Mr. Bell distributed a copy of FAA-Ni's last year banquet booklet and gave a brief overview of
the program, «•hich has been in existence for 35 years, in conjunction with the Recreation
Department, the Recreation Board and District 65. The league began with a summer basketball
program and then started actual league play in winter 1968. initially there were four boys
teams. in 1971, the league expanded to include six teams and then eight teams in 1974.
FAAM now has fourteen boys teams, eight girls teams, and a cheerleading squad. The teams
and squad are comprised of approximately 350 youngsters and 70 volunteer
There are currently four vacancies on the Robert Crown Advisory Board. The Advisory Board
will donate up to S250 toward the purchase of a sewing machine for the figure skating program
and up to S250 for a digital camera for the center. Proposed changes to the Advisory Board
By-laws regarding absenteeism of board members, will be presented to the Recreation Board at
a later date. The Skate Para: will be demolished by the end of March.
Staffine Update: Le%y Senior Center, Program Manager — Staff has completed the first
round of interviews. One candidate has been selected for a second interview, which is in the
process of being scheduled. Fleetwood Jourdain, Weekend/Evening Supervisor — The
position is being advertised at this time. Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Program Managers
(2) — The ad%-crtising of the job position will occur in March and we would anticipate having at
least one of the positions filled by April. Robert Crown Center, Program Manager — Staff
in the Human Resources Department is reviewing the proposed job description and a posting
for the position should occur in the upcoming weeks. Robert Crown Center, .Nlaintenance
Worker — Interviews for selected candidates for this position are being scheduled in April.
Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk — staff in our department is reviewing the duties of the
position before the position is being posted. Lakefront/Parks Position — Adam Abajian has
accepted the job offer and will begin work on Monday, March 17, 2003.
Robert Crown Studv: As Of Monday, March 17, the consultants have not finished the Robert
Crown Building Analysis Study. The report should be available for the April meeting.
Levu Center Public Art: The Board received a copy of the proposed public art to be installed at
the Levy Center.
Clvde/Bntmmel Park: Staff attended a Southeast Evanston community meeting to brief
residents on the upcoming Clyde/Brummel park improvements.
Budeet Update: The Robert Crown skate park was not funded in the budget. It will be
demolished and removed by the end of %larch. That area will be used for parking. The Levy
Center Program Manager and the Flectwood Jourdain Manager positions were put back into the
budget. The swim area of South Blvd beach will be closed Monday through Friday, during the
season and open on Saturday and Sunday only.
Mr. Sloane announced the arrival of his newborn daughter. Ms. Webb reminded the Board of
F.A-4LM's 35`h Anniversary Banquet.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, April 24 at
the Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not Verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main Street
April 10, 2003
Board ;Members Present: Ms. Janet Webb INIs. Kristian Harris
Ms. Betsi Burns Jacobson Mr. David Hodgman
Ms. Ann Carra, President Mr. Mark Sloane
Mr. Richard Nlarberrv* Treasurer
Board members absent: Mr. Peter Caragher, Secretary Mr. Don Walton
Others Present: Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown advisory Board
Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Gary Silkatis, Recreation Maintenance Supen-isor
Mr. Adam Abijan, Lakefront/Sports `Tanager
Ms. Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist
Ms. Mamie Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Center llanager
Mr. Nanci Fragassi, Robert Crown Operations :Manager
Mr. Sunshine %'oelker, Chandler Newberger Program Manager
Mr. Michelle Leaven, Chandler Newberger Program Manager
Ms. Christina Spain, Levy Center llanager
Ms. livra Gorman, Inclusion Specialist
Ms. Lois Rowade & Mr. Tim Stevens, First Night Evanston
Ms. Carra called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The March 20, 2003 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
Mr. Seaman reported that there is still graffiti on the tot lot train in Leah Lomar Park, since
February 7" and graffiti on the trash cans, which he reported on March 20"'. The trees in the
park still need to be pruned. He is recruiting people interested in being apart of Friends of the
Parks. The North Shore Sierra Club «•ill participate in the 2003 River Rescue Day with Friends
of Chicago River. May 10 they will work with the Lake :Michigan Federation to clean up Lee
Street Beach.
There are currently four vacancies on the Robert Crown Advisory Board. The Advisory Board
will donate up to S250 toward the purchase of a sewing machine for the figure skating program
and up to S250 for a camera for the center.
Robert Crown Building analysis Report:
The report was not completed in time for this meeting. Staff hopes to have it ready for the
Board's review at the Vlay meeting.
Staffing Ladate: Levy Senior Center, Program Manager —Staff has completed the first
round of interviews. One candidate has been selected for a second interview, which is in the
process of being scheduled. Fleetwood Jourdain, Weekend/Evening Supervisor — The
position is being advertised at this time. Fleet►vood-Jourdain Center, Program Managers
(2) — The advertising of the job position will occur in March and we would anticipate having at
least one of the positions filled by June. Robert Crown Center, Program Manager — Staff in
the Human Resources Department is reviewing the proposed job description and a posting for
the position should occur in the upcoming weeks. Robert Crown Center, Maintenance
Worker Charles «grin has accepted a job offer and he is scheduled to begin work for the city
on April 30. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk — staff in our department is reviewing the
duties of the position before the position is advertised. Special Recreation Program Manager
— Megan Maurer resigned from the position on Monday, April lA`h. Staff will be reviewing the
duties of this position prior to it being advertised.
William Erickson Fund Recommendation: The Board reviewed the request from the
Evanston Baseball and Softball Association to sponsor two teams from the «'iiliam Erickson
Funds for the 2003 Season. They requested S800 from the Erickson Funds.
The motion to approve the Evanston Baseball and Softball Association's request for S800 from
the W. Erickson Fund to sponsor two for the 2003 Season was second and approved.
St)onsorshit7 Recommendation: The Board reviewed a request from staff to consider
formally becoming a co-sponsor of the Evanston First Night Celebration and the Fourth of July
activities. After discussion, the Board agreed to hold this item for the May meeting where
more detailed information will be provided to assist them with making a decision.
Ms. Harris asked which of our parks are handicapped accessible, including the equipment. Mr.
Dorneker will forward this to the Parks staff.
The meeting adjourned at 9:19pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, June 4 at the
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave, Room 2403.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main Street
.Tune 4, 2003
Board Members Present: Ms. Janet Webb Nis. Kristian Harris
Nis. Ann Carra, President 31r. Mark Sloane
Mr. Richard Marberry, Treasurer
Board members absent: 'Mr. Peter Caragher, Secretary 3ir. Don Walton
'Nis. Betsi Burns Jacobson Mr. David Hodgman
Others Present: Mr. Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Mr. Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Noel Abbott, A. Epstein and Sons International, Inc.
31r. Stan Czaskowski, Environmental Svstems Design, Inc.
Mr. Keith Lkodzen, A. Epstein and Sons International, Inc.
Ms. Nanci Fragassi, Robert Crown Operations Manager
31r. Marc Casady Crown Park advisory Board
Ms. Carra called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The April 10, 2003 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
Mr. Seaman reported that there is still graffiti on the tot lot train in Leah Lomar Paris, since
February 7`h and graffiti on the trash cans, which he reported on March 20`h. The trees in the
park still need to be pruned. He is recruiting people interested in being apart of Friends of the
Parks. The North Shore Sierra Club will participate in the 2003 River Rescue Day with Friends
of Chicago River. May 10 they will work with the Lake Michigan Federation to clean up Lee
Street Beach.
There are currently four vacancies on the Robert Crown Advisory Board.
Marina Project: Staff has been directed by City Council to investigate the possibility of
having a Marina developed in the city. The City of Evanston received S100,000 for a
reconnaissance study of the Lake Michigan shoreline. The first phase of the study will include a
demand analysis, cost evaluation, a preliminary environmental review, and a recommendation
from the Army Corps of Engineers. The demand analysis will include a survey of
approximately 500-1,000 boat owners within a 30-mile radius of Evanston. The information
gathered from this survey will be utilized to evaluate the demand for a marina. It will also
contain qualitative questions, to assist with a potential site location and features of a
prospective marina along the Evanston shoreline.
An evaluation of potential environmental impacts will also be conducted, including potential
water quality issues, water circulation, parking, etc. The study will also include a barometric
survey. The environmental component of the study will be preliminary. If the study
determines the economic viability of a potential project. a more comprehensive environmental
impact study will be conducted in the second phase of the project in subsequent years.
Staffing Update: Levy Senior Center, Program Manager — Karen Hawk has accepted a job
offer and will beLin employment with the city on June 16. Fleet -wood Jourdain,
Weekend/Evening Supervisor — Staff is scheduling interviews. Fleetwood-Jourdain Center,
Program Managers (2) — The advertising of the job position %will occur in June and we
anticipate having at least one of the positions filled by July. Robert Crown Center, Program
Manager — Staff in the Human Resources Department is reviewing the proposed job
description and a posting for the position should occur in the upcoming_ weeks. Robert Crown
Center, Office Clerk — staff in our department is reviewing the duties of the position before
the position is advertised. Special Recreation Program `tanager — Megan Maurer resigned
from the position on Monday, April 141". Staff will be reviewing the duties of this position
prior to it being advertised.
Sponsorship Recommendation: Staff submitted a proposal to the Board to consider
becoming a co-sponsor of the First Night Celebration, organized by the First Night Association
and the Fourth of July activities, organized by the Fourth of July Association. A sponsorship
policy, adopted by the Board in March 1991, allows the Recreation Board to become a sponsor
of a group or organization whose activities or event provides a significant benefit to the
residents of the community. Staff believes that the activities held each year for First Night and
the 4`h of July by those associations are of significant benefit to the community.
The city has established a fee schedule in order to receive reimbursement for city services that
are provided to such events throughout Evanston. Although City events and City sponsored
events may be exempt from the fees, the city would continue to provide the same level of in -
kind services, within reason, that has been provided in prior years for these two organizations.
In addition. the City of Evanston would be listed on printed promotional material for the two
Mr. Hodgman asked if there are any published criteria used to determine if an
event/organization should be sponsored. He would like to have a sense that the Board is
approaching this in a way that they understand and permits the Board to explain, if they have
to, why some other organization/event isn't sponsored if they conclude that they won't sponsor
them. Why don't we call EBSA (baseball) or FAAM (basketball) sponsored organization?
Ms. Webb explained that EBSA and FAAM are organizations. The Board affiliates
organizations and sponsors events.
Mr. Hodgman requested that the department give more thought to criteria that ►will be used to
help the Board better understand which events should be entitled to sponsorship. In addition,
he hopes there will be more of a formal procedure and criteria established before they are asked
to consider sponsoring an event in the future.
The motion to accept the recommendation to co-sponsor the First Night Evanston Celebration
and the Fourth of July activities was approved.
Robert Crown Center & lee Rini: Complex Report: Consultants from A. Epstein and Sons
International, Inc gave a detailed overview of the Robert Crown Center Evaluation and
Infrastructure Report. It will cost approximately 56-7 million to renovate the building bringing
it up to code, and approximately S12-14 million to rebuild the building. Renovationwould
increase the life of the building for another 1 a-17 years. A new building would have a useful
life of 25-30 years.
The report will be submitted to City Council with a recommendation to forward it to the
Human Services Committee for review and recommendation. Ms. Carra will forward a Ietter to
the Human Services Committee, on behalf of the Board, expressing the Board's desire to work -
with the committee to determine a recommendation to City Council.
Tour of Recreation FacilitieslDevelonment Sites:
Tours will be scheduled individually with members who are interested in a tour of the
facilities'development projects sites.
Ms. Carra ►will send a letter to members who have not attended the Board meetings lately.
The meeting adjourned at 10:05pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, July 23 at
the Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center, 1655 Foster Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center
July 23, 2003
Board Members Present: Nis. Ann Carra, President Ms. Bets! Burns Jacobson
Mr. Richard Marberry, Treasurer Mr. Mark Sloane
.Is. Kristian Harris
Board members absent: Mr. Don Walton
Mr. David Hodgman Nis. Janet Webb
Others Present: Mimi Peterson, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Mark Metz, Evanston Baseball/Softball Association
Bob Nauert, Evanston Youth Hockey Association
Mamie Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Manager
Lee Davis, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Program Manager
Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager
Ms. Carra called the meeting to order at 7:39pm. The .tune 4, 2003 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
Mark Metz, Co -President of Evanston Baseball/Softball Association (EBSA), distributed
souvenirs from the James Parks rededication ceremony and expressed the association's
appreciation for the wonderful new baseball f elds in James Park. It's a great facility and a
huge improvement.
Mr. Gaynor reported that staff is in the process of scheduling dates for park rededication
ceremonies for C1yde/Brummel, Hinman, Beck and Butler Parks. Sunday, September 14 is the
tentatively scheduled date for the Levy Center courtyard dedication. The Levy Center has
received a lot of exposure lately. Mr. Gaynor has received calls from ABC and CBS News
wanting to use the Levy fitness center as part of a special health segment focusing on senior
Three beaches «•ere closed today due to high bacteria counts. This has not been a good year for
us with the beach closings (due high bacteria or strong currents). Mr. Gaynor said this will
affect our revenue. He's not sure to what extent at this point.
Programs i~ ndate:.NIr. Dorneker reported that the summer programs are winding down and
staff will soon begin preparing for the fall programs. The locker room renovation project at
Fleetwood is near completion and the Board will receive a tear alier the meeting.
Staffln2 Update: Fleetwood Jourdain. Weekend/Evening Supervisor — Staff is conducting
interviews. Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Program Managers (2) — The advertising of the job
position will occur in lulu and we anticipate having at least one of the positions filled by
August. Robert Crown Center. Program Manager -- Staff in the Human Resources
Department is reviewing the proposed job description and a posting for the position should
occur in the upcoming weeks. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk — staff in our department
is revieti.•ine the duties of the position before it can be advertised. Special Recreation
Program Manager — Resumes are currently being accepted for this position.
Robert Crown Center Report- Next Steps: Mr. Gaynor reported that at the last Human
Service Committee meetine, the committer received a brief presentation of the crown report.
As a result of the meeting the direction was given that they would like for the Recreation Board
to attend their August 11, ?003 meeting to further discuss the report together.
Ms. Carra remembered the Board's last discussion was regarding the possibility of doing a
feasibility study to find out the current and future programming needs of the community. Mr.
Gaynor reported that so far S70,000 has been spent on a contract for the infrastructure study
(S200,000 was appropriated for the study) so there is approximately S130,000 left that can go
back to the general capital improvement fund or be used for a feasibility study.
Mr. Marberry said he feels strongly that just renovating the existing facility would not be
adequate for our current and future demands. We could expand to create additional revenue.
What we need to do at this particular point is to do an additional study, which would
supplement what we have already to determine exactly what %ve need. We know the cost to
renovate or rebuild, but we need to know what type of activities we want to maintain in that
facility and how we might be able to, within a reasonable cost, expand to create additional
revenue. The study should not be limited to just the current needs. I Nwould like to be able to
have a state of the art facility that we can market, such as the Levy Center.
Ms. Hams said it seems that we have an opportunity to make a grand stand in Evanston by
starting over with this facility and catching up with the other facilities in surrounding
communities. The bigger we build, the more they will come. To band aid (renovate) crown
will just continue to push people away. She's not certain if a feasibility study is what we need
versus having the architectural firms come in and start bidding, and then have public meetings
to find out what the needs are.
Mr. SIoan auees that the band aid approach is not the right answer. The question is what do
we build there? Is another ice rink the right answer for that building? He thinks we may be
able use pan of the Southeast Evanston Recreation study'sun•ey information to get a crown
feasibility study going. He said we definitely need to rebuild but the accountant in him is
saying, "Hou can we afford to rebuild?" Although it's not the Board's job to help the Council
decide how to fund a new center, we need to keep in mind the cost to rebuild.
Ms. Burns -Jacobson said she doesn't think we can make an informed educated decision until
we have a feasibility study and know what the needs are. Is it too big or not big enough? What
programs are we going to have to cut? We need to Iook at all these things and see what the cost
benefits %%•ill be before we can make a decision to rebuild and what to build.
Ms. Carry asked how can we control the study so that it doesn't turn out like the Southeast
Evanston Recreation Center sur%-cy/study. Mr. Gaynor said you would have to prioritize, set
parameters and let them know you have a budget. Let them know the existing things at the
center and ask what additional things they n•ould like — if funding was available.
The Board will send a letter to the Human Services Committee accepting their invitation to
their August 11 meeting outlining the Board's discussion on a the need for a feasibility usage
Le«• Center Advisory Board appointments: The Board approved the appointments of
Bernard Miller and Kenneth E. Schaefle to the Levy Advisory Board.
William Erickson Fund Recommendation -EYHA:
The Board approved the request from the Evanston Youth Hockey Association to receive
51,000 from the William Erickson Fund.
Mr. Sloan enjoyed the Ethnic Arts Festival, but would like to see the walk space widened next
year. It was a little hard to get through with a baby carriage. Ms. Bums -Jacobson apologized
for missing the last meeting. She had just delivered a baby boy who is now eight weeks.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is
7:30pm, September 18 at the Robert Crown Community Center, 1701 Main Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved'
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Community Center
September 18, 2003
Board Members Present: Ms. Ann Carra, President Ms. Betsl Burns Jacobson
Mr. Richard Marberry, Treasurer Mr. Mark Sloane
Ms. Kristian Harris Mr. David Hodgman
Board members absent: Ms. Janet Webb
Others Present: Mr. Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Mr. Bob Domeker, Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager
Mr. Gary Silkaitis, Recreation Maintenance Supervisor
Ms. Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist
Ms. Christina Ferrero, Levy Center Manager
Ms. Michelle Leavin, Chandler Newberger Program Manager
Mr. Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board Chair
Mr. Marc Casady Robert Crown Advisory Board
Mr. Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Mr. Diedre Robinson, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Mr. Howard Francs
Mr. Walter Claris
Ms. Carra called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The July 17, 2003 Board meeting minutes
were approved.
Mr. Seaman expressed thanks for Alderman Rainey's involvement with making sure some of
the cngoing issues occurring in Leah Lomar Park were taken care of (graffiti ! garbage). This
Saturday the Sierra Club will participate in the Lake Michigan Beach Clean Day, cleaning Lee
Street Beach.
The Robert Crown Advisory Board has a vacant Secretary position. The Advisory Board
invited the Recreation Board to attend the Crown Flea Market, November 1, 2003 and the
December Nutcracker on Ice.
Mr. Silkaitis, Recreation Maintenance Supervisor— The swimming beaches and the Dempster
St. beach office officially closed for the 2003 season on Sept. 1. The Dempster carry -in boat
ramp will remain open for launching and retrieving boats until the end of October. Due to a
build up of sand at the mouth of the Church St. launch, the ramp may need to close for the
season. The dog beach is also open through October. The fall softball program began the
last week of August. Coed mushball teams compete on Monday nights. There are two men's
12" leagues, which play at Crown Park.
Ms. Logan. Public Information Snecialist — Tne fall issue of Arts + Recreation was mailed to
Evanston residents the third week of August and the Back to School issue of School News
was delivered to schools at the beginning of September. Flyers, calendars, brochures and
other promotional materials were produced for fall programs at the community centers and
senior center. Work is under way promoting Arts Week Evanston, including a web page,
phone hotline, press releases and special mailings.
Ms. Ferrero. Levv Senior Center 1'.Manaoer — On Aug. 16, during the Health Beat segment,
ABC-TV Local News aired its interview with a Levy member about the importance of fitness.
The interview was conducted at the Center, and the clip included footage of several areas of
the Center. CBS national news Channel 2 visited the Center to interview members about
being in a state-of-the-art senior center. That segment aired twice nationally on Aug. 18.
On Aug. 29, CEDA Neighbors at Work hosted a free program on breast cancer at the Center.
A "check your meds" event hosted by UIC at the Center on Aug. 15 drew 29 seniors.
Special events during August included a trip to "Mama Mia!" and a summer BBQ.
The Rothschild Courtyard Garden Dedication, which is open to the public, will be held at
4 p.m. Sunday. Sept. 14.
Ms. Leavin. Chandler Nevitaeraer Program Manacer — Mini Sports Camp was held at the
Center during August. Registration this year totaled 312, compared with 212 last year.
The new one -week chess camp had 17 youth enrolled. Eleven adult teams from the Evanston
Community Tennis Association participated in the Shoreline Tennis Leagues this summer.
Fall tennis programs begin the week of Sept. 8, while the Center's other fall programs begin
Sept. 24. A number of new classes will be offered, including youth dance and a Preschool
Book Club. On Sept. 20-21, the Center will be conducting the Chicago Junior Fencing
Festival, which features tournaments for youth and adults.
Mr. Llovd, Robert Crown Center Manaaer — Fall skating school classes have begun. In
conjunction with Arts Week Evanston, an on -ice dancing exhibition will be held Oct. 18.
Auditions for the annual Nutcracker on Ice show will be held Sept. 20. Rehearsals will start
soon after. The show will be presented Dec. 12-14. Mini session hockey classes, which bridge
the gap between summer and all classes, are almost finished. Fall hockey classes begin the
week of Sept. 15. Registrations for the Center's after -school program are strong.
The Creative Play Preschool program begins classes the week of Sept. 15.
Plans are already being made for the Center's Halloween parties.
Ms. Mamie Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Manaoer Blooming Campers held their annual
end of summer talent show, performing for more than 300 people. The summer basketball
leagues ended their seasons in mid -August, as did the karate program. The Center's after -
school program began Sept. 2. The Fleetwood-Jourdain Outreach Center along with the
Evanston Early Head Start Male Involvement Group and the Vision 20/20 Summer Youth
Program from Family Focus held a special "Spoken Word/Open Mic" performance on Aug. 29.
The Fleetwood-Jourdain Theatre held auditions for upcoming fall theatre and spoken word
performances. The Young Writer's Workshop for youth age 14-18 will debut in September.
Auditions will be held in September for the late fall Evanston Children's Theatre production.
Planning is under way for a spoken word performance featuring African American Women and
Women of Color on Oct. 17.
Staff has started preparing the department budget. Monday night staff will go before the City
Council to recommend awarding four different architects on four different park projects. The
largest project will be Leahy Park.
Staffinq Update: Fleetwood Jourdain, Weekend/Evening Supervisor — Staff is conducting
interviews. Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Program Managers (2) — Interviews for qualified
applicants have been scheduled. Robert Crown Center, Program Manager — Staff in the
Human Resources Department is reviewing the proposed job description and a posting for the
position should occur in the upcoming weeks. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk -- staff in
our department is reviewing the duties of the position before it can be advertised. Robert
Crown Center, Skating Director — Sheila Longergan, has resigned from the position of
Skating Director and the position notice will be posted in the upcoming weeks. Special
Recreation Program Manager — Resumes are currently being accepted for this position.
Robert Crown Center Report — next step: At their August 11. 2003 meeting, the Human
Services Committee directed the Recreation Board to conduct a study of the users to review
the current programming and facility needs at the Robert Crown Center. Staff provided the
Board with a draft approach to conducting such a study, including a survey, an outline of public
meeting dates, a public announcement of the meetings, and a power point presentation. The
Board reviewed the material and made modifications. Each of the public meetings will focus
on a different part of the center and its programslactivities allowing for input on how the current
facility and programs meet the needs of the community and what is needed in the future. The
survey will be mailed to all users of the center (addresses pulled from the recreation
department database) and distributed to those who attend the meetings.
Robert Crown Advisory Board Appointments: The Board approved the appointment of
Roxanne Laux to the Robert Crown Advisory Board.
Ms. Carra announced that Don Walton has resigned from the Board. Ms. Bums Jacobson
thanked the staff for their hard work putting the draft material together. Mr. Sloane gave
compliments on the Levy Center Dedication Ceremony. Mr. Marberry also gave compliments
on the dedication ceremony and encouraged the Board to stop by the center and see the
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:49pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is
7:30pm, November 20 at the Chandler Newberger Community Center, 1028 Central Street.
There will not be a regular Board meeting in October due to the scheduling of public meetings
for the Robert Crown Study.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Community Center
November 20, 2003
Board Members Present: Ms. Ann Carra, President Ms. Betsi Burns Jacobson
Mr. Richard Marberry, Treasurer Mr. Mark Sloane
Ms. Kristian Harris Mr. Mark Metz
Mr. David Hodgman
Board members absent: Ms. Janet Webb
Others Present: Robert Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Sanders Hicks, Evanston Speed Skating Club
Kim Pigozzi, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Roxanne I_aux, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Ms. Carra called the meeting to order at 7:39pm. The September meeting minutes were not
available and will be submitted for the November meeting.
Mr. Seaman reported that there is an ongoing problem with graffiti on the playground
equipment in Leah Lomar Park as well as vandalism to the trees in the park. This has been
reported to the Parks Division.
Mr. Hicks has been involved with speed skating on the local, national and international level.
In 1978 Robert Crown hosted a national championship involving about 300 skaters. Robert
Crown has not been able to attract that kind of meet because of the size of its ice rink.
Currently, national championships in North American can only be skated on 100 x 200 sheets
of ice. Evanston has hockey players and figure skaters that will compete on a national level.
Mr. Seaman, on behalf of the Robert Crown Advisory Board, expressed condolences on the
passing of Robert Lloyd's father. The Advisory Board gave special thanks to the Crown staff
for their assistance with the Flea Market, which was a great success. Mr. Seaman reported
that the Advisory Board conducted a brief survey regarding the Robert Crown Center. Copies
will be made available to the Board. Ms. Laux will also forward comments to the Board from
the figure skating group's prospective
Budget Update: Staff has submitted a draft budget to the City. There were a few minor cuts
due to the utility increases and a few programs added that were off set by revenues. The
budget is due to City Council by December 31, 2003. Budget deliberations will begin January
10, 20D4.
CIP Update: We are now into the third year of our seven year plan of park improvements. We
are in the process of creating an eighth year in order to keep a five year plan in place. Staff
attended a CDGB meeting Tuesday night to request funds to repair the leaking roof at
Fleetwood Jourdain and the building in Mason Park. The amounts requested for both projects
were reduced. The 2004-05 CIP budget has been amended to make up for this loss of the
CDGB grant so we will be able to carry out these two projects.
Grant Update: The City received notification tnat the Illinois Clean Energy Community
Foundation has approvec :r. e S26,775 grant to upgrade the fighting system at Fleetwood-
Jourdain Community Center. The Energy Efficient lighting Upgrade grant program operates
on a reimbursement basis providing an amount equal to S850.00 for each kilowatt of electricity
demand reduced as a resu. * of the project. This will save approximately S9,000 per year on
the electricity bill.
Marina Studv Update: We are waiting for results of the study, which should be completed by
the end of December 2003.
New Board Member: Mr. Gaynor introduced Mark Metz, the newest Board member. Mr.
Metz is the immediate pas: president of Evanston Youth Baseball & Softball Association.
Staffing Update: Fleetwood Jourdain, Weekend/Evening Supervisor — No qualified
applicants were selected in the first attempt to hire for this position. Staff is re -advertising the
position. Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Program Manager— We are currently accepting
resumes for this position. Robert Crown Center, Program Manager — Staff in the Human
Resources Department is reviewing the proposed job description and a posting for the position
should occur in the upcoming weeks. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk — staff in our
department is reviewing the duties of the position before it can be advertised. Robert Crown
Skating Director — We are ca:rrently accepting resumes for this position. Special Recreation
Program Manager — lntervie:vs are scheduled to take place in the 2ntl week in December
2003. Recreation Maintenance Worker — This position has recently become vacant and staff
is reviewing the job duties before requesting the vacancy posting.
Black Kats Wrestling Club: Staff received communication from the Evanston Black Kats
Wrestling Club who is requesting Affiliated Group Status from the Recreation Board for their
club. Shannyn Gillespie, Executive Director of the organization, will attend the December
2003 Board meeting in order to provide more information about the club and answer any
questions the Board might have.
Robert Crown Center Retort: Staff provided a summary of the Playground and Recreation
Board User input Study results, which included a need for an additional full ice rink surface,
additional gym space, additional multi -purpose space, two dance studios with wood floors, a
concession and a pro -shop. Staff also provided a draft regarding the report and proposed
recommendations, which included issuing an RFP for architectural services to develop
comprehensive building programs, diagrammatic and conceptual level site plans and cost
estimates for a) existing facility renovation, b) existing facility renovation with expanded
program, c) new construction v(ith no program alterations,
d) new construction with expanded program. This material was provided for discussion,
direction and decision purposes by the Board.
Mr. Hodgman noted that it is clear that the survey is not scientific and no one should expect it
to be. it is very interesting and speaks to us about the needs of the people who responded.
The information will be helpful to the Board, the Human Service Committee and Council to get
a feel from the community.
After review of the survey results and further discussion, Mr. Hodgman motioned -that the
Board adopt the recommended recommendation with the following insert which is our editorial
comment on the information that's being communicated as follows:
The Recreation Board has determined that our community is clearly underserved by the
existing Robert Crown facility. Not only because of its condition, but because it simply does
not have the facility space to provide programming that the community deserves and
demands. It is clear to the Recreation Board that in comparison to other communities near us,
we do not compare well in this kind of facility.
Evanston deserves and needs to have a first class facility and this is the time to commit to that
because either we're going to have to spend a lot of money on repair, leaving us with the
same inadequate facility, or we're going to have to be able to use that money to make a down
payment toward a new facility.
We recognize that money is important and for that reason, we think further study is necessary
as suggested in this report."
Mr. Metz felt that the editorial comment should be worded more strongly by saying we think we
need this for all the reasons as stated and we think the city aught to make it a priority and find
a way to fund it.
David Hodgman amended his motion — That we make the editorial comment as I suggested
and as Mark Metz clarified. That we then set forth the four alternatives and that we endorse
and recommend further study of b) and d).
The amended motion was approved.
Proeosed Board Meetinq Dates for 2004: The Board approved the proposed meeting dates
for 2004 with the change of the May 20 meeting, which will take place at the Ecology Center
instead of the Levy Center.
Ms. Harris apologized that she will not be available for the Board's presentation to the Human
Service Committee on December 1. 2003. Mr. Sloane welcomed Mark Metz to the Board.
Ms. Carra read a thank you note to the Board from Myra Gorman, Special Recreation Program
Manager. Ms. Burns Jacobson welcomed Mr. Metz to the Board and thanked staff for their
assistance to the Board on the Robert Crown Survey project. Mr. Marberry welcomed Mr. Metz
to the Board and thanked staff for their help with the Robert Crown Survey. Mr. Metz thanked
the Board for their warm welcome.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:10pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is
7:30pm, December 20 at the Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center, 1655 Foster Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center
December 18, 2003
Board Members Present: Ms. Ann Carra, President Mr. David Hodgman
Mr. Richard Marberry, Treasurer Mr. Mark Sloane
Ms. Janet Webb
Board members absent: Ms. Kristian Harris Mr. Mark Metz
Ms. Betsi Burns Jacobson
Others Present: Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager
Douglas Gaynor, ParkstForestry & Recreation Director
Bill Stafford, Finance Director
Allen "Bo" Price, Drum & Bugle Corps
Mamie Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Manager
Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Ms. Carra called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The September and November meeting
minutes were approved.
Robert Crown Center City Council has scheduled a special meeting 7:OOpm, January 14,
2004 at the Civic Center to review and discuss the Human Services Committee's
recommendation on the Robert Crown user input report.
Budqet Update: City Council will meet on January 10, 2004 to discuss the operating budget
and on January 24 to discuss the capital improvement budget.
CEP update: There have been no changes in the capitol improvement program since last
month's report.
Staffinq Update: Fleetwood Jourdain, Weekend/Evening Supervisor — No qualified
applicants were selected in the first attempt to hire for this position. Staff is re -advertising the
position. Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Program Manager — We are currently accepting
resumes for this position. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk — staff in our department is
reviewing the duties of the position before it can be advertised. Robert Crown Skating
Director -- We are currently accepting resumes for this position. Special Recreation
Program Manager — Staff will be scheduling a second interview with two potential candidates
after the holidays. Recreation Maintenance Worker -- The announcement for this opening
should occur by the end of the month.
The Nutcraker on Ice was a huge success with high attendance. The Summer Camp brochure
will be available in January. Summer Camp Registration will begin in February.
Robert Crown Center Report:
Finance Director Bill Stafford provided financial information for a possible Crown Center
A S10million dollar bond issue at 6% over 20 years would be about S950,000 a year. For a
taxpayer with a $5,000 tax bill, this would equal an increase of S30 a year. On a S10,000 tax
bill it would be an increase of S60 per year and for a S15,000 tax bill it would be an increase of
$90 per year.
On a S25million dollar bond issue the increase for a taxpayer with a S5,000 tax bill would be
S76 a year. On a S10,000 tax bill it would bean increase of S152 per year and for a S15,000
tax bill it would be an increase of S228 per year.
The other thing the Board should think about is will there be any revenue generation. There
are revenue generating items and amenities that can be put in a facility like this. If the building
could cover its operating cost and more, that would help toward the debt service on the bond.
If that is the case then there will have to be some key policy decisions made in terms of what
the use of the building will be and what will or won't be subsidized.
The Board will meet on Januaryl4, 2004 prior to the City Council's Special Meeting regarding
the Crown Report.
Black Kats Wrestlinq Club: Staff received communication from the Evanston Black Kats
Wrestling Club who is requesting Affiliated Group Status from the Recreation Board for their
club. Shannyn Gillespie, Executive Director of the organization, was invited to tonight's
meeting to provide more information about the club and answer any questions. Staff has not
heard from him.
Mr. Marberry asked for the status of the Marina study. Mr. Gaynor explained that there
haven't been any meetings since the Army Corps of Engineer was given the green light to do
the study. Mr. Hodgman reminded the Board of the upcoming basketball game between
Evanston Township and New Trier. Mr. Marbery announced that Don Walton has retired from
District 65 and wished him well.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:23pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is
6:30pm, January 14 at the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler Newberger Community Center
February 11, 2004
Board Members Present: Ann Carra, President David Hodgman
Mark Sloane Janet Webb
Kristian Harris Mark Metz
Board Members Absent: Betsi Burns
Richard Marberry, Treasurer
Others Present: Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager
Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Kevin Wallin, Chandler Center Manager
Richard Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Ms. Carra called the meeting to order at 7:30pm_ The December meeting minutes were
Mr. Seaman thanked the Parks staff, on behalf of the Leah Lomar Park Neighbors, for the
quick repair of the wooden bench in Leah Lomar Paris. The Sierra Club will be cleaning litter
from the canal banks near the Ecology Center on May 8th and Lee St Beach on September
Mr. Seaman reported that the Crown Advisory Board will have their elections for office next
month. They are currently working updating their By -taws, which they will share with the Rec
Board for review. There are four openings on the Crown Advisory Board.
Mr. Gaynor announced the upcoming retirement (August 2004) of City Manager Roger Crum.
Budqet Update: The Board received a copy of the department budget, which reflects a minor
increase for programs. There was a higher increase for utilities, personnel wages and health
care. City Council, at their last budget hearing meeting, added funds back into the budget to
open/staff the warming houses for outside ice skating.
CIP Update: The Board received a copy of the department's 20D4-05 CIP request summaries,
which staff believes will be approved as part of the seven year capital improvement plan. The
city received a $277,000 grant from the state for Leahy Park, which means we will no longer
have to phase Leahy Park's redevelopment.
Marina Update: The Army Corps of Engineering is working on final tabulation of the survey.
Next, they will contact Northwestern to have their transportation school run numbers on traffic
and parking impacts. There are two public meetings scheduled regarding the marina topic.
Proqrams Update: The Department is now accepting registration for summer camp
programs. We have been able to expand the Aquatics camp but we still have a waiting list.
As par, of our Black History Month celebration for the city, we will have performances by the
Children of Uganda at Levy, Noyes, Fleetwood and Evanston Township.
Staffinq Update: Fleetwood-,lourdain Center, Program Manager — We are currently
accepting resumes for this position. Robert Crown Center, Office Cleric — staff in our
department is reviewing the duties of the position before it can be advertised. Robert Crow•.
Skating Director — Interviews have been scheduled for this position. Special Recreation
Program Manager — Staff will be scheduling a second interview with two potential candidates
after the holidays. Recreation Maintenance Worker — We are currently accepting resumes
for this position.
Robert Crown Center Report: The City Council's January 14 Special Meeting to review and
discuss the Board's recommendation regarding the Robert Crown Report was cancelled. This
item will be forwarded back to the Human Services Committee at their next meeting for review
and recommendation to Council. The City Manager's budget said that because of the city's
current litigation issues and the fact that we could have S20-25 million worth of payouts on
some of the existing lawsuits, we shouldn't take on any new expensive projects until we know
where we are. Staff feels we should move forward with the recommendation of allocating
money for further study so when we do have an idea of what the lawsuit dollar liabilities are,
we can make a better decision at that time and not have to start the process in six months.
Black Kats Wrestlinq Club: Staff received communication from the Evanston Black Kats
Wrestling Club who is requesting Affiliated Group Status from the Recreation Board for their
club. Shannyn Gillespie, Executive Director of the organization, was invited to tonight's
meeting to provide more information about the club and answer any questions. Staff has not
heard from him.
Rotation of Officers: The current Board Officers are President Ann Carra and Treasurer
Richard Marberry. The Secretary position was left vacant by Peter Caragher. The proposed
officers for 2004-05 are Richard Marberry as President, Mark Sloane as Treasurer and Betsy
Bums as Secretary.
The rotation of officers was put in place to keep members from having to lobby other members
for an office position. However, it is important that the officers are members who have
attended a majority of the meetings. There is a disadvantage when you miss meetings,
especially if you have to go places and represent the Board. Attendance should be a factor
tied into the rotation process. In addition, members may not want the commitment of serving
as an officer, or maybe their schedules won't allow them to serve. They should have the
option to opt out of being in office.
The question was asked if there was a need for a Secretary and Treasurer. Ms. Webb
explained that in the past the Treasurer was more involved. They met with staff to learn more
about the operation, the budget and to review the bills list to have a better idea of what was
going on. If that is not happening any more, maybe the position should be changed to Vice
President. The Secretary position maintains the By -Laws.
The motion to accept the new officers as proposed, pending Betsy's acceptance, was
Ms. Webb noted that the FARM Annual Pancake Breakfast is scheduled for February 21. Mr.
Hodgman announced that the 41 Club is being replaced with a car dealership, which will
create a real void in the entire north shore. If the Board puts their minds into it, we could end
up with that stream of revenue here in Evanston.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is
7:30pm, March 18 at Fleetwood Jourdain.
Draft -- Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
'Draft — Not Approved'
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center
March 18, 2004
The March meeting was cancelled — no quorum.
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Community Center
April 15, 2004
Board Members Present: Richard Marberry, President Betsi Burns, Secretary
Mark Sloane, Treasurer David Hodgman
Kristian Harris Mark Metz
Board Members Absent: Ann Carra
Others Present:
Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager; Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director;
Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent; Kevin Wallin, Chandler Center Manager; Dick Seaman,
Robert Crown Advisory Board; Roxanne Laux, Crown Advisory Board; Jerry Rosemond, Robert Crown
Advisory Board; Gary Silkatis, Recreation Maintenance Supervisor; Jim Ferrera, Lakefront Sports
Coordinator; Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist; Mamie Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Center
Manager; Nanci Fragassi, Robert Crown Operations Manager; Sunshine Voelker, Chandler Newberger
Program Manager; Michelle Leaven, Chandler Newberger Program Manager; Christina Ferraro, Levy
Center Manager; Julie Solheim, Robert Crown Program Manager, Betsy Jenkins, Fleetwood Jourdain
Program Manager; Lee Davis, Fleetwood Program Manager; Donna Kent, Robert Crown Program
R. Marberry called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The February meeting minutes were
Mr. Seaman thanked the Parks staff, on behalf of the Leah Lomar Park Neighbors, for the
quick repair of the wooden bench in Leah Lomar Park. The Sierra Club will be cleaning litter
from the canal banks near the Ecology Center on May 8th and Lee St Beach on September
18 .
Mr. Seaman reported that the Crown Advisory Board is currently updating their By -Laws,
which they will share with the Rec Board for review. There are four openings on the Crown
Advisory Board. May 11 is the next scheduled Advisory Board meeting.
Mr. Wallin, Chandler -Newberger Center Manager
A free tennis clinic and open house was held on April 13 so that residents could learn about
the many tennis programs/classes offered through the City. Spring classes for youth and
adults then began the following week. The Counselor in Training program has increased its
registration to 22 teens. They'll learn about basic camp operation and safety and then
volunteer to work in one of the Recreation Division's camps this summer. Red Cross classes —
including babysitter's training, CPR and first -aid --continue to grow in popularity, with the
number of classes offered tripling since the classes first began. Staff is in the process of hiring
camp staff for the 13 programs conducted through the center. New this year is a Flag Football
Ms. Smith, Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center Manager
On April 24, the NAACP will hold a Predatory Loan workshop at the Center. The spring
Midget and Pint -Size basketball programs began in April with 42 children. Registration for the
always popular Midget, Pin; Size and Middle School summer basketball programs will be held
May 15 at the Center. During April, flowers donated by Anton Greenhouse were planted in
front of the Center by the new youth after -school -Start Something' group. This is the group
sponsored by the Tiger Wcods Foundation. Staff is finalizing plans for a variety of upcoming
special events, including -An Evening at Birdland" on May 22 and -The Way the Spirit Moves
You" on June 12. Thirty-six children have been cast for the upcoming Evanston Children's
Theatre production of -Gezundheit!" A collection of one -act plays written by Evanston youth,
the play will be presented over two weekends in June. Theatre staff is finalizing the details for
visiting artists to present music, dance, drama and crafts programs beginning in June at the
department's many summer camp programs as well as at the drop -in park locations.
Ms. Ferraro, Levy Senior Center Manager
A Garden Club informational meeting was held in early April with staff from the Chicago
Botanic Garden on hand to discuss plans for this year. In early April, Ginny Sykes presented
the mosaic tile project to Garden Club participants. Later in the month, she discussed the
project with Levy members at large, soliciting their opinions on the first stage of the designs.
The Secretary of State's Super Senior Day is scheduled for April 30. Seniors, will have the
opportunity to have photo IDs made, vision screenings, etc. A variety of special events were
held throughout April, including a free piano concert by Evelyn Binz, which attracted an
audience of 100 seniors; a trip to Potawatami Casino. and a "Spring Fling" dance and concert
at the Center.
Mr. Silkaitis, Municipal Sports, Recreation Maintenance and Lakefront Supervisor
The preseason beach token sale began April 1 and runs through June 11. Weather permitting,
beaches will open for the season on Saturday, June 12. Life guard testing takes place in early
May. The dog beach opens May 1. The Dempster St. beach office will open weekends only
starting May 1. Starting Memorial Day and continuing through the rest of the season, it will be
open seven days a week. Staff is completing the assignment of boat racks from the pre-
season mail -in registrations. Registration has been good, with the number of permits issued on
par with previous years.
Ms. Logan, Public Information Specialist
The summer issue of Arts + Recreation will be mailed to Evanston residents (60201 and
60202) the week of May 17. The final issue of School News for the school year was delivered
to local public and private schools in April. Press releases, flyers, brochures, ads, programs
and other promotional materials are being produced for the May Ice Show, Fleetwood-
Jourdain Theatre's "An Evening at Birdland," the Evanston Children's Theatre's June
production, as well as for general programs at the community centers, ecology center, senior
center and Cultural Arts Division. Work is beginning on the promotional materials for the
summer festivals and concerts (which includes web pages for the events).
Mr. Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager
The spring sessions of gymnastics, salsa dancing and ballroom dancing classes continue to
have steady enrollments. Enrollment for the Yoga evening class, in particular, has risen
significantly. Staff continues to prepare for summer camps, which begin June 14. Spring
skating classes continue through May 8. Rehearsals are under way for the Center's spring ice
show, "Skate Across America," which will be presented May 21-23. The adult broomball
season ends on May 2 with the championship game. On June 1, public skating hours w.q
change to their usual reduced summer schedule. The full schedule will resume in the fall.
Mr. Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent - Special Recreation
Spring programs began the week of April 12. All are full. The Saturday bowling/fitness combo
continues to be very popular with 42 enrolled. Seventeen Special Recreation athletes just
competed at the area Special Olympic track and field meet. There were 14 Gold Medalists, ail
of whom are now elicit!e for the Illinois Special Olympic state games to be held in June. A
total of 20 Special recreation athletes have now qualified for the state games in track & field
and swimming. Staff is currently hiring inclusion aides for approximately 53 youth who have
signed up for various summer camps offered throughout the Recreation Division. Aides
provide additional supervision and assistance to campers with special needs, adapting
programs as necessary to allow campers to participate within the least restrictive environment
possible. With assistance from Ecology Center staff, Special Recreation will be offering its
first -ever canoeing class on May 23.
CIP Update: The Board received a copy of the department's monthly project status report.
Redevelopment of Leahy Park and Eggleston Part; will begin in August. Redevelopment of
Gilbert Park will begin in May. Kelly Park redevelopment should be completed in June.
Marina Update: The Army Corps of Engineering is very close to completing the study, which
will be presented at the next City Council meeting. There will be no action taken at that time.
The City Manager has assigned our department with the responsibility of the City's advocacy
efforts, working with each department on identifying, coordinating and tracking federal, state
and local legislation and issues.
Proqrams Update: The Department is now accepting registration for summer camp
programs. We have been able to expand the Aquatics camp but we still have a waiting list.
As part of our Black History Month celebration for the city, we will have performances by the
Children of Uganda at Levy, Noyes, Fleetwood and Evanston Township.
Staffinq Update: Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Program Manager — We are currently
accepting resumes for this position. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk — staff in our
department is revievring the duties of the position before it can be advertised. Robert Crown
Skating Director — Interviews have been scheduled for this position. Special Recreation
Program Manager — Staff will be scheduling a second interview with two potential candidates
after the holidays. Recreation Maintenance Worker — We are currently accepting resumes
for this position. The Business Office is being reorganized. We are in the process of hiring a
Management Analyst who will work directly with Mr. Dorneker. Primarily, their responsibility
will be to merge the information of our RecTrac (program registration) system and the City's
new J.D. Edward Financial System.
Rotation of Officers:
The Board approved the proposed officers for 2004-05, which are Richard Marberry as
President, Mark Sloane as Treasurer and Betsy Bums as Secretary.
Park Development Proiect Tour: Staff provided the Board with a list of proposed park
development project sites to tour as part of the May 20 Board meeting. The tour will begin and
end at the Civic Center. Everyone should meet at the Civic Center at 6:30pm to board the
Robert Crown Center Report: At their April 12 committee meeting, the Human Services
Committee recommended moving forward with the Recreation Board's recommendation for
the Robert Crown Center Evaluation of Existing Facility and Infrastructure Report, with one
addition. They recommend that other potential sites be considered. There was a concern that
there might be some impact on the open space at Crovm. Softball or football fields may have
to be eliminated. Human Services' recommendation will be presented to the full Council at
their next meeting.
New Levy Advisory Board Member: The Board approved the recommendation to appoint
Tom Carlson and Kathleen Gaffney to the Levy Advisory Board.
Erickson Fund Request: The Board approved the request from the Evanston Baseball and
Softball Association to received S800 from the William N. Erickson Team Sponsorship Fund in
order to sponsor two teams.
Mr. Hodgman said someone has done a marvelous job in selecting, motivating and freeing up
the creativity and enthusiasm in the department staff. The programs are super and he doesn't
hear complaints about the parks and fields. Mr. Marberry is happy to be back in the
president's position. He participates on many Boards but the Recreation Board has his largest
interest. The FAAM Pancake Breakfast was a great success and very well attended.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:40pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is
7:30pm, May 20 at the Levy Center, 300 Dodge Ave.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Revised 9/22104 ,
Board Members Present:
Evanston Recreation Board
Fleetwood Jourdain Center
July 15, 2004
Richard Marberry, President
Mark Sloane, Treasurer
Betsi Burns, Secretary
David Hodgman
Board Members Absent: Mark Metz
"Draft — Not Approved'
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Monique Parsons
Natalie Newberger
Kristian Harris
Ann Carra
Others Present: Lee Davis, Fleetwood Jourdain Program Manager
Jean Esch, Ridgeville Park District
Mr. Marberry called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The April meeting minutes were
approved, Mr. Marberry reminded the Board that there are no meeting minutes for May
because the Board went on a site tour of parks under development and there were no minutes
taken on the tour. The June meeting was cancelled because there wasn't a quorum.
Beach Closings: The water at all of Evanston's public swimming beaches is tested daily by
the City of Evanston Health and Human Services Department. The Recreation Division
receives lest results at about 10am. If the Evanston Health Department determines that one
or more swim beaches should be closed due to a high a soli bacteria count, staff posts the
information on the City's web site (www.citvofevanston.ora) and on the Beach Office recording
(847-492-7082 ext 7). Staff has met with the Health Dept to discuss whether there is a better
testing method or testing equipment on the market. Currently they are not aware of any other
method/equipment more reliable than what they are using.
Programs Update: Mr. Domeker reported that summer camps are pretty full. The Ethnic Arts
Festival is scheduled to take place this weekend. The Kelly Park rededication ceremony is
scheduled for July 31. The Leahy Park development project is scheduled to begin August 8.
Staffina Update: Fleetwood- Jourdain Center, Program Manager - We are currently
accepting resurnes for this position. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk -- staff in our
department is rev,ewing the duties of the position before it can be advertised. Management
Analyst - ln;ervie,vs have been scheduled with qualified candidates.
Robert Crown Center Report: The Human Services Committee recommended moving
forward with the Recreation Board's recommendation for the Robert Crown Center Evaluation
of Existing Facility and Infrastructure Report, with one addition. They recommend that other
potential sites be considered. There was a concern that there might be some impact on the
open space at Crc,vn. Softball or football fields may have to be eliminated. Human Services'
recommendation will be presented to the full Council at their next meeting.
Amendment to Fishinq Ordinance: The current fishing ordinance adopted by the Board in
1984 needs to be amended in order to designate only the north and south walkways of the
Church Street Boat Ramp as the permitted location for fishing from the shore and to amend
the conflict with park hours to allow fishing from Sam to 11 pm during the months of May
through October.
Mr. Hodgeman moved that the ordinance 134-0-04 amending section 7-10-2 (B) be
recommended to City Council by the Recreation Board. The motion was unanimously
Park Development Process: Members of the Board questioned the department's park
development pro-ess where by input for development ideas are received from the
neighborhood surrounding that particular park. Members questioned whether it was
appropriate for a given location or should we extend that to include input from all users of the
park? Are we serving the whole community by only having input from a particular area?
Mr. Gaynor explained that when we redevelop a park, it's normally a neighborhood park that
serves the neighborhood. For example, James Park is a citywide park (approx. 55 acres)
Currey Park is a neighborhood park (approx. 3acres). All public meetings regarding park
redevelopment are published in the papers and open to anyone. In addition, flyers regarding
the meetings are hand delivered, door to door, within a 3 block radius north, east, west and
south of the park location. Two public meetings are held. The first meeting is to discuss the
budget for the project, review what's currently in the park and talk about development ideas.
At the second meeting the consultants provide 3 for 4 concept drawings including ideas from
the first meeting. it's usually a few people who live in the area and use the park, and the
Alderman, that attend the meetings and provide input.
The Board represents the broader community and advocates for recreation needs within
Evanston and the members feel that it is important that they have an opportunity to provide
input on the park development projects. Therefore it was suggested by the Board that the
concept drawings be presented for their review and input before final decisions are made.
Staff will schedule the park meetings to allow the Board an opportunity to review the concept
drawings. The Board will be kept informed of all park development meetings.
Mr. Marberry asked that this item on the September agenda to give Mr. Metz an opportunity to
discuss the matter.
New Lew Advisory Board Member: The Board approved the recommendation to appoint
Dorrance Halverson to the Levy Advisory Board.
Erickson Fund Request: The Board approved the request from the Evanston Youth Hockey
Association to received S1000 from the William N. Erickson Team Sponsorship Fund in order
to sponsor two teams for the 2004-05 season.
Outdoor Concert Half: The Board received a request from a citizen, forwarded by the Mayor,
to consider the possibility of Evanston having an outdoor concerttmovie hail. Currently the
only space that could accommodate a concert/movie hall is James Park. We could consider
something portable that can be taken dorm between soccer and baseball games but it could
be costly. Another concern would be parking. It was suggested that this could be project for a
youth group to organize a one time special outdoor movie/concert event. Mr. MarbenTy will
respond to the Mayor.
Board Goals: Mr. Marberry noted that his coal for this year is to push the Robert Crown
Center development. He asked other members to share any particular goals they would like
to have the Board work on. Ms. Carra said she would like for the Board have a retreat as they
have done in the past, especially since there are a few new members. Mr. Hodgman feels the
Board should be doing more to create competitive sport leagues for the junior high school
level. There has been some progress made, but he feels a lot more can be done. Mr. Sloane
would like to change the philosophy of what the Board stands for and not be just advocates of
recreation, but be the City's right arm in recommending policy and changes in parks and
recreation. Mr. Marberry asked staff to prepare a schedule for the year where each of the
affiliate groups tiv;ould attend a Board meeting to provide information to the Board.
Mr. Dorneker will provide the Board with a report on junior high school level sport programs at
the September meeting.
Ms. Carra, Mr. Hodgman and Mr. Sloane welcomed Ms. Newberger and Ms. Parsons to the
Board. Ms. Hams welcomed the new member and thanked staff for the park development
tour. Ms. Parson has a strong background in community outreach and programming for youth.
She is excited to be on the Board and is looking forward to doing great things. Ms. Newberger
also has a strong background in programming for all ages. She is glad to be on the Board.
Ms. Burns welcomed the new members and praised the Chandler Newberger camp staff for
the wonderful job they are doing. Her daughter loved the camps.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:10pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is
7:30pm, September 23 at the Robert Crown Center.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Center
September 16, 2004
Board Members Present: Richard Marberry, President
Mark Sloane, Treasurer
David Hodgman
Mark Metz
Board Members Absent: Betsi Burns, Secretary
'Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Monique Parsons
Natalie Newberger
Ann Carra
Kristian Harris
Others Present:
Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager; Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director,
Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent; Kevin Wallin, Chandler Center Manager; Dick Seaman,
Robert Crown Advisory Board; Gary Silkaitis, Recreation Maintenance Supervisor; Jim Ferrera.
Lakefront Sports Coordinator; Mamie Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Manager; Karen Hawk, Levy
Center Program Manager; Anita Patel, Management Analyst
Mr. Marberry called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The July 2004 meeting minutes were
Mr. Seaman: The Leah Lamar Park neighbors have expressed concerned with the vandalism
of trees and use of portable barbeque grills in Leah Lomar Park. There is also concern about
cars speeding through the stop sign at Ashland and Wesley. Mr. Seaman plans to share
these concerns with his Alderman. The Sierra Club participated in a clean up of Lee Street
Beach on Sept 18.
Mr. Seaman: At the September 14 Robert Crown Advisory Board meeting concerns were
raised regarding the lights and signage in the Crown Center parking lot. Mimi Peterson was
asked by the Advisory Board to contact Tom Twigg, Senior Traffic Engineer, regarding the
possibility of installing a Do Not Enter sign at the parking lot exit. Ms. Peterson also contacted
Max Rubin, Facilities Management Director, regarding the possibility of replacing two light
tower poles. The Crown Center will hold its annual flea market during the first week of
Mr. Wallin, Chandler -Newberger Center:
Mini -sports camp was held Aug. 9-27 with 325 participants. The summer chess camp, held
the last week of August, almost doubled its attendance this year. The summer fencing camp
was also popular. Eleven adult teams from the Evanston Community Tennis Association
participated in the Shoreline Tennis Leagues this summer. On Sept. 18 & 19, the Center
conducted the Chicago Junior Fencing Festival. The event included a tournament for male and
female youth and adults. Informational seminars were also offered. Fall tennis programs
began Sept. 8 and other fall programs began Sept. 22. Nine new classes will be offered this
fall, including classes for infants and presc^,00lers.
Mr. Ferreira. Municipal Sports. Recreation Maintenance and Lakefront:
All public swimming beaches closed fcr *re season on Labor Day. The cool weather
throughout the summer nas held down ane^dance overall. The dog beach and boat launch
ramp will remain open through October. vic-ather permitting. Fall softball leagues --Coed and
Men's 12"—stared the week of Aug. 30 at Robert Crown. The league runs through October.
Special Recreation: On Aug. 7, 13 atnletes participated in the area Special Olympics bowling
meet. There were six gold medalists (who have now qualified to move on to the district meet),
three silver medalists and four bronze medalists. Camp R.E.A.L., Special Recreation's all-
inclusive mini -camp, was held Aug. 9-20. Enrollment was at an all-time high with 28 campers.
Campers went on a variety of special trps. including one to Millennium Park.
Mr. Llovd. Robert Crown Center:
Summer camp ended Aug. 20. New fa:l classes, for adults and children, began the week of
Sept. 6. A summer skating exhibition was held Aug. 18 where 60 skaters performed. Pre -fall
skating clinics were held Aug. 24-27. The fall skating classes began immediately after Labor
Day. Full fall public skating hours will resume Sept. 1. The Youth Hockey classes began the
week of Sept. 6. Hockey tryouts for the house league will began in early September.
Ms. Smith. Fleetwood-Jourdain Center and Theatre:
The summer food program, coordinated by Center staff, ended in August. It served more than
700 meals per day. Besides a free lunch, participants were encouraged to stay for drop -in
programs at Mason and Clyde-Brummel Parks afterward. All summer basketball programs
have ended. Once again they were a big success with more than 400 children participating
and another 500 spectators usually in the stands on any given evening. Blooming Campers
ended their summer camp experience on Aug. 19 with an evening program for parents. The
Center is currently doing some maintenance work and is only open for the after -school
program and community meetings. Throughout the summer, the Fleetwood-Jourdain Theatre
provided staff for Arts in the Park programs held at several recreation sites. Activities ranged
from jewelry making to dancing and drumming. The "Stompin' at the Savoy" performance held
at the Center on Saturday, Sept. 18 was a huge success. Tickets for the evening included a
soul food dinner buffet. The drop -in summer camp program at Clyde-Brummel Park has
ended. Enrollment peaked at 53 children.
Ms. Hawk. Lew Senior Center:
The Center's summer computer and exercises classes are winding down. Fall classes began
after Labor Day. During August, the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy provided a
program on medication management and Community Health Screening offered a prevention
program on a variety of health -related items. The end of summer Levy BBQ was held Aug. 27
with more than 65 attending. The Ken Arlen Orchestra provided a free community concert at
the Center on Aug. 29. A public garden reception to honor the Rothschild Foundation and
view the new mosaics in the courtyard garden was held at 3 p.m. Sept. 12.
Mr. Dorneker (for Martha Logan). Public Information:
The fall issue of Arts f Recreation was mailed to Evanston residents in mid -August and the
Back to School issue of School News was delivered to schools on Aug. 26. Flyers, calendars,
brochures, newsletters and other promotional materials were produced for fall programs at the
community centers and senior center. Work is under way promoting Arts Week Evanston,
including a web page, phone hotline, press releases and special mailings.
Mr. Dorneker introduced the Department's new Management Analyst, Anita Patel, who
replaced Jessica Bullock.
The Marina study will be on the October 4, 2004 Human Services Committee Agenda. Today
was the last day of the fall Dutch Elm injection program. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but we
believe we were able to inject 85 Elms that were all 35 inches in diameter or lager. The
department is also working with the Public Art Committee and the artist commissioned to
create public artwork for Fire station #3 on Central Street.
2005-06 CIP Reauests: Mr. Gaynor reviewed with the Board, copies of the applications
submitted by the department for funding from the 2005-06 CIP for several projects. Mr.
Sloane and Mr. Hodgman questioned the application submitted for James Park hill renovation.
Mr. Gaynor explained that staff is proposing to boding an amphitheater at the foot of the hill in
the center. This project will include hill renovation, protective fencing, amphitheater/stage
development, lighting, ADA access to amphitheater, compost bin/drive development and west
parking lot modifications/renovations. The existing hill is in severe disrepair and causes
significant liability exposure to the city especially during the winter months. This project will
provide significant improvement to the hill in terms of function, aesthetics and security.
Staffing Update: Fleetwood-Jourdain Center. Prooram Manager-- We are currently
accepting resumes for this position. Fleetwood-Jourdain Theater, Proaram Manager This
position has recently become vacant and staff is reviewing the job duties before posting.
Robert Crown Center. Office Clerk — staff in our department is reviewing the duties of the
position before it can be advertised. Management Analvst — We are currently accepting
Budget U dp ate: Staff prepared the draft proposed 2005/06 Recreation Division budget, which
is currently being reviewed by the Management and Budget Department. Staff will review the
budget with the Board once it has been released by the Budget Office. The Administration
and Public Works Committee will conduct a public hearing September 27 at 6pm, in room
2404 to give consideration to the 2005-06 budget process.
Youth Sports Report: The Board had requested staff to give an update on our youth sport
programs. Program Manager Sunshine Voelker, who coordinates the sport programs, was not
available to attend tonight's meeting. She will attend the October Board meeting to provide
and update on the programs.
Affiliate Organization Presentations: Staff provided the Board with a list of affiliate
organization and a proposed schedule for those organizations to appear before the Board to
give a short presentation about their organization. The presentation will begin with Junior
Wildkit Football and Evanston Youth Hockey at the October meeting.
Robert Crown Center Report: As directed by City Council, staff is in the process of drafting
various concepts that should be completed in 3-4 weeks. The concept drawings and potential
sites will be presented to the Board once is has been competed. A subcommittee will be
formed to discuss the concepts and other potential sites as well.
Park Ordinance Chances: Staff conducted a review of Chapters 9, 10, and 11 of Title 7 of
the Evanston City Code and found that several sections needed to be updated and submitted
to the Board for review and consideration.
Mr. Hodgman stated that he doesn't believe the Board has the expertise to get into the legal
and/or constitutional issues. Other than revie Ang how specific parks are designated, he's not
sure if it would be worth the Board investing a lot of time on some of the proposed changes.
The Board approved the whole permit section (7-10-8) and recommended forwarding it to
Human Services.
After further review and discussion of the remaining document, the Board provided staff with
recommendations and questions that will be forwarded to the City's legal department for a
• Request to clarify 7-10-3 B and G- beginning hour of eight o'clock (8:00 a.m.) versus eight
thirty o'clock (8:30 a.m.). Natalie Newberger stated that some signage indicates starting times
of 8:30 a.m. for the tennis backboards.
• Request to change language in 7-10-3 A to state that, -The Athletic Field Reservation System
as adopted by the Recreation Board will govern use and conduct of the athletic fields."
Question regarding 7-10-3 K and whether or not Aviation apparatus would include model
planes. Some of the Board members considered the fact that you would have to get a permit
to fly a model plane as excessive.
• 7-11-2 Request to change the language to, "Other than at designated beaches and the dog
beach, no one is permitted in the area from the peak to the down slope of the rocks and the
water's edge."
Due the time, the Board agreed to hold the remaining portions of the proposed changes for
further review and discussion at the October meeting.
Board Goals: Mr. Marberry thanked Mr. Hodgman for developing a list of goals for the Board.
The list is a good effort toward identifying some things that are important for the Board to
discuss. He encouraged members to review the list and provide any comments, additions or
changes to be discussed at the Board Retreat once it has been scheduled.
Mr. Marberry, on behalf of the Board, presented a recognition plaque to Ms. Carra who has
been a valuable member of the Board for 10 years. Ms. Newberger congratulated Ms. Carra
and wished her luck. Ms. Parson also congratulated Ms. Carra stating those 10 years are to
be honored. Mr. Hagman said Ms. Carra has been a wonderful leader and an incredible
volunteer of her time and energy.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:55pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is
7:30pm. October 21 at the Levy Center, 300 Dodge Ave.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Levy Center, 300 Dodge Ave
October 28, 2004
Board Members Present: Richard Marberry, President
Betsi Burns, Secretary
David Hodgman
Board Members Absent: Mark Sloane, Treasurer
Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Natalie Newberger
Kristian Harris
Mark Metz
Monique Parsons
Others Present:
Kate Houlihan Medial School of Journalism; Bryan Mullan, Jr. Wildkit Football Program; Betsy Jenkins,
Fleetwood Jourdain Center Program Manager; Kevin Wallin, Chandler Newberger Center Manager;
Nancf Fragassi, Robert Crown Center Program Manager; Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board;
Douglas Gaynor, ParksTorestry & Recreation Director; Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent; Petra
Belcher, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Secretary
Mr. Marberry called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The September 2004 meeting minutes
were approved.
Mr. Seaman: The trees in Leah Lamar Park need to be pruned.
Mr. Seaman: The Robert Crown Advisory Board is in the process of revising their by-laws,
They hope to have this complete by the December meeting. There had been concerns
regarding the lights and signage in the Crown Center parking lot. The City's Senior Traffic
Engineer, Tom Twigg, recently installed a Do Not Enter sign at the parking lot exit. City staff is
working on the fighting issues. The Crown Center will hold its annual flea market on
November 6.
A couple of months ago Mr. Marberry requested that our affiliate sport groups should give a
presentation on their activities and share any comments or problems they are having. Staff
prepared a schedule for the affiliate organizations to provide information at each Board
Evanston Jr Wildkit Football:
Mr. Mullan, Chair of the Evanston Jr. Wildkit Football Fundraising Committee gave a
presentation on the football program. The Evanston Jr. Wildkit Football program is an 11 year
old non for profit program with 120 participants ranging 57' through 8"' grade. Coaches are
volunteers. The participants practice three days per week 6 — 8pm and Saturday 8-10am.
The games are played on Sundays. 52% of the participants are from low to moderate income
families, 15% are youth at risk, 25% are overweight, 1 % are girls, and 50% received some
type of scholarship. A difficulty faced by the football program is financial stability. This year
they had to turn down 30 kids because they could not financial support their needs. They
don't have a strong financial support system in place. The organization considered taking a
year off just to do fundraising for the program. They are in the process of developing a new
structural support system that will allow them to have in place the guidelines for financial
structure, creating a grant committee, fundraising committee, merchandise committee, etc.
Although it's not a 100 yard football field, they greatly appreciate being able to use Foster Field
for their practices. The participant fees for the program goes toward paying for the use of the
field lights (approx. S1,200 per season). This money could go toward purchasing more
equipment for the kids. Mr. !Hull noted that Dist 65 has out sourced its youth sport programs
and the Jr. Wildkit Football program has picked up some of those kids.
If there were a wish list, they would love to have at least one goal post placed on the field.
Staff will look into the possibility of installing a goal post.
Mr. Metz explained that the participant fee is not strictly for the lighting. All of the sport affiliate
groups pay S10 per participant to the department which is held in a fund used to provide for
the needs of the various leagues. He also mentioned that the Evanston Community
Foundation offers a workshop on how to build an organization.
Mr. Hodgman asked if the program was school based. The program is community based, not
school based.
Evanston Youth Hockev Association:
Bob Nauert, President of the Evanston Youth Hockey Association, was not able to attend
tonight's meeting due to a meeting conflict. They will provide a presentation at a future
The hlcGaw YMCA has taken on the School District 65 middle school youth sport program
activities. At last months meeting Mr. Marberry requested information from staff regarding
programs offered by the department for the middle school aged children. Staff prepared a list
of programs for the Board's review which included martial arts, basketball, karate, ice skating,
hockey, speed skating, nerf football, soccer, gymnastics, volleyball tennis, golf and more.
Robert Crown Center: The Robert Crown Center project is moving slowly primarily because
the city still waiting for a number of litigation issues to be resolved. In the meantime staff is
drafting various concept drawings and potential sites that will be presented to the Board for
review. A subcommittee will be formed to discuss the concepts and other potential sites as
Marina Studv: The City Council decided to table the marina study because we can not afford
to build Marina. The Council is now concerned with the City of Chicago's proposed plan to
extend Lakeshore Drive from Broadway to the Evanston border. Representatives from the
City of Evanston will attend the next meeting in Chicago for more information.
2005-06 Deoartment Budoet: Currently the department is right on target with its
expenditures but beimind in certain areas in revenue for this year. We didn't do well with beach
revenues due to the beach closings caused by high bacteria levels.
Capitol Improvement Program: A public meeting has been scheduled on November 23r° to
discuss the Lovelace Park redevelopment project. The department has about 5400,000 in the
current budget and has proposed 5512,000 in next year's budget for this project. The scope of
the project is to renevi the path, the lighting system, the playground equipment and to do some
work on the pond. Mr. Marberry asked how the meeting is advertised and where? A public
meeting notice is sent to the Evanston Review, the Evanston Roundtable and to the ECMC
cable channel. In the past, staff would also hand deliver a flyer to each resident within a three
block radius of the park location. This time staff mailed the meeting flyers to these residents.
The Eggleston Park and Leahy Park redevelopment projects are moving along.
Park Ordinance Chances: Staff conducted a review of Chapters 9, 10, and 11 of Title 7 of
the Evanston City Code and found that several sections needed to be updated and submitted
to the Board for review and consideration. The Board reviewed the proposed changes at their
September 16 meeting where they approved the entire permit section (7-10-8) and
recommended forwarding it to Human Services. The Board provided staff with
recommendations and questions on the remaining proposed changes that were forwarded to
the City's Legal department for a response, which are listed below:
1) Request to clarify 7-10-3 B and G- beginning hour of eight o'clock (8:00 a.m.) versus eight
thirty o'clock (8:30 a.m.). Natalie Newberger stated that some signage indicates starting
times of 8:30 a.m. for the tennis backboards.
a) The existing City Code indicates 8:00 a.m. for both B and G.
2) Request to change language in 7-10-3 A to state that, -The Athletic Field Reservation
System as adopted by the Recreation Board will govern use and conduct of the athletic
a) The Law Department stated that this language already gives the Recreation Board
authority to implement this system.
3) Question regarding 7-10-3 K and whether or not Aviation apparatus would include
model planes. Some of the Board members considered the fact that you would have to get
a permit to fly a model plan as excessive.
a) Doug mentioned that it would include model planes. He cited instances where there
could be a conflict between various types of aviation apparatus and park programming.
4) 7-11-2 Request to change the language to, "Other than at designated beaches and the dog
beach, no one is permitted in the area from the oeak to the down slope of the rocks and
the water's edge.`
a) The Law Department changed the language to: `Other than at designated beaches and
the dog beach, no one is permitted in the area between the peak of the down slope of the
rocks and the waters edge."
5) 7-10-8- The Board approved the whole section, and recommended forwarding it to Human
a) Requested that lines be added under the entire section to reflect that it is new.
i) Rather than underlining this whole section, the Law Department recommended
emphasizing the fact that it is new in the accompanying memo.
b) 7-10-8 A (iv) park designations- There were questions regarding the amplification
designations on several of the parks.
i) No Change.
The Board approved the motion to forward the proposed changes to the Human Services with
a recommendation of approval. Mr. Gaynor informed the Board that this will not be approved
right away by :ne Ciry Council, there will be more discussion. The goal is to have it approved
before the summer season starts.
Board Goals: Mr. Marberry thanked Mr. Hodgman for developing a list of goals for the Board.
The list is a good effort toward identifying some things that are important for the Board to
discuss. He encouraged members to review the list and provide any comments, additions or
changes to be discussed at the Board Retreat on December 7 at Mr. Marberry's home.
Lis. Harris apcfogized to the Board for having to bring her children to the meeting. Mr.
Hodgman said the presentation by Mr. Mull reminds him of how important the youth
organizations are. He wonders if there is something more the Board can do to help them.
Maybe encourage a global fundraising that would provide funds for all the organizations. Mr.
Metz agreed vrith Mr. Hodgman. He said maybe there is a way to find out what affiliate
groups' needs are and provide more support and some type of recognition. Possibly a
reception to recognize the leaders of all the affiliate groups for their contribution to the
community and at the same time, facilitate the announcement of an agenda of things the
Board can do to help them. For example, the Board could arrange for an expert on volunteer
organization fundraising to do a Saturday work shop. Another thing the Board can do is help
the affiliate groups get to know each other. They can !earn from each other. Ms. Burns said
her three year old daughter has been keeping a close eye on the Leahy Park redevelopment
project to make sure it's moving according to schedule and meets her standard of approval.
Her daughter is quite excited about this project and is looking forward to playing on the new
equipment. Mr. Marberry agreed with Mr. Hodgman and Mr. Metz. He also congratulated the
Evanston Girls Soccer Team who won the Suburran Championship.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:22m. The next Recreation Board meeting is
7:30pm, November 18 at the Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
'Draft — Not Approved'
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St
November 18, 2004
Board Members Present: Richard Marberry, President
Mario Sloane, Treasurer
Board Members Absent: Betsi Burns, Secretary
Natalie Newberger
David Hodgman
Mark Metz
Monique Parsons
Kristian Harris
Others Present:
Mildred Morgan -Louis, Evanston Cricket Club President; Magnus Higgins, Evanston Cricket Club
Manager; Bob Nauert, Evanston Youth Hockey Association; Paul D'Agostino, Parks/Forestry
Superintendent; Douglas Gaynor, ParkslForestry & Recreation Director; Bob Dorneker, Recreation
Superintendent; Petra Belcher, ParkslForestry & Recreation Secretary
Mr. Marberry called the meeting to order. The October 2004 meeting minutes were not
available at this time.
Evanston Cricket Club (ECC): Ms. Morgan -- Louis gave an introductory of the Evanston
Cricket Club, which has been in existence for over thirty years, and is a member of the Mid
West Cricket Conference. It's a non-profit organization primarily consisting approximately 40
adults. The ECC has a charter and is registered with the State of Illinois. Its primary function
is playing cricket and uniting individuals who may share similar social and community interest.
The -home grounds" is located at James Park. Four years ago ECC adopted a school in
Manchester, Jamaica and sponsored a student toward higher education. They have tried to
give scholarships to ETHS but to no avail. They will try again this year.
Their league matches start in May of each year. The first five games are played in
Washington Park in Chicago because the James Park fields are occupied by the soccer
organizations. They begin their league matches in James Park in June through Labor Day, on
Sundays. The Evanston community looks forward to attending the Sunday matches and
socializing with each other. Refreshments are served, which makes it like a little picnic.
The ECC also sponsors a children's Christmas party and a dinner dance and raffle. Proceeds
from the raffle go to towards helping the school in Jamaica.
They would like to be able to have all of their matches in .lames Park so they wouldn't have to
pay the fees charged for use of Chicago's park. Another obstacle they faced was finding a
facility in Evanston, besides the hotels, large enough to hold their fundraising events and
where they can serve alcohol past lam. Mr. Marberry suggested that they contact Bob
Dorneker regarcin_ the use of the Levy Center or the Ecology Center.
Evanston Youth Hockey Association: Mr. Nauert reported that the EYHA program is
growing. They are continuing with their efforts to try and diversify the sport program. They
received a $3,000 matching grant from ENHL to support this effort. The money will be used to
purchase equipment for those kids who can't normally afford it. The fees for a seven year
olds (entry level) to play is $1,200 which is a bargain compared to the other programs in the
area. It's close to S2,000 to play in Wilmette and Park Ridge. The fees go up approximately
S200 per level beyond that. 10-15% of the EYHA participants are receiving some form of
scholarship. The association has been an active part of the Robert Crown Center study and
they are eager to see it renovated or to have a new facility. Mr. Nauert thanked the
department for opening the concession stand. The company operating the concession stand
is first class and everyone is very happy.
Mr. Marberry said he hopes that people hear that we have organizations in this city that cater
to kids, sponsoring and mentohng them, offering activities and sports that make them what
they are going to be in the future. We have to have the City get on board and be able to
support these organizations. EYHA is a major organization with a full time activity that we
need to support. We need to supply them with more ice
Park Development Projects: Mr. D'Agostino displayed and described the concept drawings
for the Mason Park and Levinson Park redevelopment projects. The Mason Paris project will
include new playground equipment, renovating the field house, the basketball courts and the
tennis courts. The Levinson Tot Lot is a very small park. This project will include new
playground equipment, landscaping and a picnic table. A public meeting has been scheduled
on November 23M to discuss the Lovelace Park redevelopment project. The department has
about 5400,000 in the current budget and has proposed 5512,000 in next year's budget for
this project. The scope of the project is to renew the path, the lighting system, the playground
equipment and to do some work on the pond.
2005-06 Department Budqet: Staff was asked to put in a 50% budget cut on anything new
from the current year. The budget is still under review by the Finance/Budget Department.
Staff may not have anything further to report until the January Board meeting.
Capitol Improvement Proqram: Requests for CIP funding were submitted by various
departments totally approximately S15 million dollars. Our department requested about
$500,000 more than what we normally get. We also submitted a request for Community
Development Block Grant funding of almost 5500,000 for two projects and was approved.
Middle School Sport Proqrams: Staff provided the Board with a report on the number of
middle school age participants in the department's sport programs for an entire year.
December — February we had 121 participants; March — May we had 168 participants; June —
August we had 343; and September— November we had 114 participants. The Board will
continue to receive a monthly report on our sport programs participation.
Mr. Hodgman asked if any of the programs listed were school based programs. Mr. Dorneker
answered no. Currently our school based programs are at the V, 47 and 5"`grade level.
Hodgman asked if the department plans to migrate any of the programs listed, into a school
based league. The department hopes to be able to have a school based league for tennis.
We are currently working with ETHS for the use of their facility for our tennis program. Mr.
Hodgman urged the department to try very hard to get some school based sport programs
Staffinq Uodate: Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Proaram Manager — We are currently
intervie-wring candidates for this position. Flee Mood -Jourdain Theater. Prooram Manager Staff
is reviewing the job duties of this position at this time. Fleewood-Jourdain Weekend/Evening
Coordinator This position has recently become vacant and staff is reviewing the job
responsibilities. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk — This position is currently on hold pending
the review of staffing needs at the center. Management Analvst — We are currently reviewing
Park Ordinance Undate: The December Human Services Committee meeting was
cancelled. The park ordinance changes approved by the Board will be forwarded to the
Human Services Committee at their January meeting.
2005 Field Usaae: The department will schedule a meeting in January to meet with the
affiliate sport groups and begin receiving their requests for field usage for 2005.
Special Events: The Nutcracker on Ice will run December 10-12 at the Robert Crown Center.
Board! Goals / Retreat: Mr. Marberry will not be available to host the December 7 Board
Retreat. 1.1s. Belcher will email the Board with possible meeting dates in January.
Mr. Metz is looking forward to the Board Retreat and getting a better focus on the Board's role.
Ms. Newberger said she gets a strange but warm feeling being in the building named after her
The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, December 16 at the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge
Ave., Room 2403.
Draft -- Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board Members Absent:
Evanston Recreation Board
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave
December 16, 2004
Richard Marberry, President
Mark Sloane, Treasurer
Kristian Harris
Betsi Burns, Secretary
"Draft -- Not Approved'
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Natalie Newberger
David Hodgman
Monique Parsons
Mark Metz
Others Present:
Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director; Bob Domeker, Recreation Superintendent; Petra
Belcher, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Secretary
Mr. Marberry called the meeting to order. The October 28 and November 18, 2004 meeting
minutes were approved.
Foster Field: Staff received authorization from City Council to negotiate a long-term lease agreement
with District 65 for Foster Field. As we continue to seek grants in order to enhance Evanston's parks
and open spaces, it's important that we have a firm commitment of land use in order to meet grant
guidelines. The Foster Field site requires major improvements to the landscaping, tennis courts,
basketball courts, athletic field, and playground according to the Parks/Forestry & Recreation
Department's Twenty -Year Strategic Plan. However, a formal lease is required for the City to pursue
potential grants from the state and federal governments to make the necessary improvements to the
To demonstrate City support of a lease for Foster Field, Dr. Hardy Murphy from School District #65
has requested a formal request from City Council for a lease agreement between the City of Evanston
and School District #65 to present to the District Board.
The City is interested in making the following improvements to the function and appearance of the
• Eliminate existing parking in front of FJCC.
• Reconstruct the playground and relocate it on the east side of FJCC.
• Reconstruct the basketball court with a circular design.
• Eliminate the tennis courts, which are rarely used. Residents can use the Mason Park tennis
• Construct new parking on tre east side of FJCC.
Youth Services Review: ~,Lerman Jean -Baptiste made a reference to the Human Service
Committee to review the history of the City's role in youth services, particularly those aimed at
teens and young adults. At -ne time the reference was made Mayor Marian suggested that
recreation services be a par of that review. The Board received a copy of a memo from Jay
Terry, Health and Human Services Director, regarding the history of Youth Services, which
was to be reviewed/discussed at the December Human Services Committee meeting but it
was cancelled. The Board ~till be kept informed of this item.
Park Development Proiects: There was a consensus at the Levinson Tot Lot public meeting
to move forward with desicn =2.
Mr. Marberry attended the Lovelace Park public meeting and he would like to see the Board
support the inclusion of a gazebo structure next to the field house. It will hold 10-12 picnic
tables in an open area and support the special recreation functions held in the park during the
summer. It will also suppor people having a sheltered space when having picnics. Currently
there is little sheltered space in the park. The Board scheduled a special meeting, January 12,
to review and discuss the cc ncept drawings and provide input prior to public meeting #2,
January 13.
2005-06 Department Budget., Staff is still working with the Finance/Budget Department to
resolve issues with how the accounts are posted. Some of the budget information submitted
by staff is posted incorrectly.
The new City Manager, Julia A. Carroll, will start on January 19, 2005.
Middle School Sport Proqrams: One of the larger programs staff continues to make
progress with is tennis. Staff met with Alan Soell, President of the Evanston Community
Tennis Association to gain his support in providing instructors or on site assistance to our staff,
who would be teaching the tennis program. Mr. Soell seemed very interested and will share
this with the rest of the Tennis Association. We are also trying to get a bus program set up to
bus kids from the middle school sites to the tennis program sites throughout the year.
Staff inq Update: Fleewood-Jourdain Center. Prooram Manager — We are currently
interviewing candidates for this position. Fleetwood-Jourdain Theater. Proaram Manager Staff
is reviewing the job duties of this position at this time. Fleetwood-Jourdain Weekend/Evening
Coordinator This position has recently become vacant and staff is reviewing the job
responsibilities. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk — This position is currently on hold pending
the review of staffing needs at the center. Management Analvst — We are currently reviewing
Board Goats f Retreat: The Boar retreat was scheduled for January 25 at Richard Marberry's
house, 2107 Lincoln St.
Mr. Hodgman and Ms. Harris wished everyone happy holidays. Mr. Sloane apologized for
being late and wished everyone happy holidays. In response to Mr. Terry's memo, Ms.
Newberger noted that the Levy Center, when on Maple St., use to be a teen center but it
stayed empty. That's why it was tumed into a senior center. Before considering another teen
center we need to make sure that that is what the teens want. Mr. Marberry wished everyone
happy holidays and thanked everyone for attending the short meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. The next Recreation Board Special meeting is 7:OOpm, Jan 12 at
the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave., Room 2403.
The next Recreation Board regular meeting is 7:30pm, .fan 20 at the Levy Center, 300 Dodge Ave.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board Members Absent:
Evanston Recreation Board
Levy Center, 300 Dodge Ave
January 20, 2005
Richard Marberry, President
Mark Sloane, Treasurer
Mark Metz
David Hodgman
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Natalie Newberger
Betsi Burns, Secretary
Kristian Harris
Others Present:
Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director; Bob Domeker, Recreation Superintendent; Petra
Belcher, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Secretary
Mr. Marberry called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The December 16, 2004 meeting minutes
were approved.
Mr Sam Hicks of the Speed Skating Club was not in attendance at the meeting to provide a
presentation of the program. This item will remain on the agenda for next month's meeting.
James Park Hill: Mr. Gaynor reported that last week end there were seven ambulance calls
due to injuries that occurred while sledding down the hill in James Park. Currently,
sledding/tobogganing is strictly prohibited on the center hill because it has become extremely
dangerous. Sledding is permitted on the smaller side hill, but at the person's own risk.
People from Evanston and surrounding communities continue to sled on the hill even though
signs are posted prohibiting the activity.
Center hill sianaae - Warning! No Trespassing! Danger! This hill is not maintained for use
by the public. Users of hill are illegal trespassers. Trespassers are subject to
prosecution, penalties and fines.
Smaller side hill sianaae - Warning! Use sled hill at your own risk. Sledding is a
hazardous activity and may cause severe injury or death. No employees of the City on
Duty. Users assume full responsibility for determining if conditions are safe for sledding.
Parents are responsible for supervising their own children.
The department has been directed by City Council to come up with alternatives for making the
hill safe for sleddingitobogganing. In the mean the department will staff the hill to try to keep
people from sledding on the center hill.
2005-06 Department Budget Update: The Board received a copy of the department's
budget. The entire city ouCget is available online. Mr. Gaynor and Mr. Domeker stated that
there weren't many charges to the department's b .,dget. There was an increase in overtime
budget due to new la,.,;s that require part time/seasonal employees to be paid overtime (1.5) if
they work more than 40 hours a week. Additional camp programs were added, and there was
a 3-5% increase on some of the recreation programs fees across the board. Some of the fees
were not increased because we are starting to out pace other surrounding areas. The new
Management Analyst position that was proposed % as taken out and move to the budget office.
This person was going to work for Bob on the business side of the department.
This Saturday staff W11 provide Council with a presentation on the capital improvement
program. On the folloMng Saturday Council will receive a presentation on the Elm tree
injection program.
Capital Improvement Proqram: Eggleston Park and Leahy Park renovation projects are now
complete. The department received many compliments on both projects, especially Eggleston
Park. Mr. Metz asked if the park was purposely flooded for ice skating. Mr. Gaynor explained
that because there is no turf yet, when it rains the mud will go in and fill up the drainage pipe.
Therefore a fabric was placed over the grate of the drainage system to prevent this from
happening. The fabric vnll be removed when the turf grows in, which will reduce the amount of
Resignation from a Board member: The Board received a copy of the letter from his.
Monique Parsons who has unfortunately resigned from the Board. Recently after being
appointed to the Recreation Board, Ms. Parsons accepted a position at the McGaw YMCA as
the Vice President of Programs. She questioned whether or not it would be a conflict of
interest for her to continue serving on the Board while in this position. Staff posed the
question to the City's legal department for a response. In the meantime, Ms. Parsons
submitted her resignation as she felt it was a conflict of interest.
Middle School Sport Proqrams: Last month staff mentioned its meeting with Alan Soell,
President of the Evanston Community Tennis Association, regarding their support of providing
instructors or on site assistance to our staff. Mr. Soell seemed very interested and will share
this with the rest of the Tennis Association. Staff is waiting to hear back from Mr. Soell
Stamina Update: Fleetwood-Jourdain Center. Proaram klanager - This position is still being
advertised and resumes being accepted. Fleetwood-Jourdain Theater, Proaram Manner
Staff is reviewing the job duties of this position at this time. Robert Crown Center. Office Clerk
Staff is currently reviewng the duties of the position before the position is advertised.
Recreation Svstem Administrator - Interviews are taking place at this time.
Programs Update: Registration has begun for the 2005 summer camp programs. The 20""`
Annual Community Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday at the Fleewood Jourdain
Center was attended by approximate 100 people. In celebration of Black History Month, the
Fleetwood Jourdain Center will sponsor a liturgical dance performance "Gracing the Human
Spirit', 6:00pm, February 19 at the Levy Center.
Staff is currently reviewing proposals from the Evanston Athletic Club and the McGaw YMCA
for the fitness programs at the Levy Center and the Fleetwood Jourdain Center. Our current
contract the Evanston Athletic Club expires at the end of February.
Lovelace Park Renovation Proiect: The January 12, 2005 special meeting of the Board, to
discuss tr;e Lovelace Park renovation project and concept drawings, was cancelled. Staff
provided the Board with a hard copy of the presentation and photos of the drawings that were
shared at the January 13 public meeting #2. Public meeting #3 (final meeting) has been
scheduled for February 10`'', 7:00pm in the Lovelace Park field house to discuss the final
Board Retreat: The meeting location for the 7:00pm, January 25, Board Retreat has
changed. The Board will meet at the Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St. 2n4 Floor.
Mr. Marberry will put together discussion items for the Board. Other members are welcome to
email Mr. Marberry any items they have for discussion. Mr. Gaynor reminded Mr. Marberry
that the Board will have to provide notes from the retreat.
Ms. Newberger will be out of town during February and unable to attend any meetings. Mr.
Metz confirmed that he will attend the Board Retreat. Mr. Marberry invited the Board to attend
a men's invitational tennis meet Friday and Sunday at Northwestern. On Friday, the
University of Oklahoma will play against Northwestern and Sunday Oklahoma will play against
The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. The next Recreation Board meeting Is 7:30pm, February 17 at the
Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St
February 17, 2005
Board Members Present: Richard Marberry, President David Hodgman
Mark Sloane, Treasurer Betsl Burns, Secretary
Mark Metz
Board Members Absent: Natalie Newberger Kristian Harris
Others Present: Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Petra Belcher, Parks/Forestry S Recreation Secretary
Kevin Wallin, Chandler Newberger Center Manager
Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager
Sanders Hicks; Robert Crown Speed Skating Club
Mr. Marberry called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The January 20, 2005 meeting minutes
and the January 25, 2005 Board Retreat minutes were approved.
Mr. Sanders Hicks of the Evanston Speed Skating Club gave a presentation on the Speed
Skating Club program, which he started over 30 years ago. The season runs from September
through March with competitions just about every weekend. The program is open to kids and
adults. To help increase participation, the Club has acquired a number of skates that
participants rent for $69.00-S95.00 instead of purchasing their own, which can cost up to $400
- S500. Practices are twice a week from 6pm — 7pm. There are four national championships
during the year. Several participants of the Club have won state and/or national
championships. Three participants have made World Teams and two have made the Olympic
Team, including Shani Davis. Shani Davis joined the Evanston Speed Skating Club at age six
and has recently won his third all-around title in the U.S. long -track nationals at the Pettit
National Ice center, winning two of the four events and finishing second in the others. Mr.
Hicks invited the Board to attend a welcome home event for Shani Davis at the Robert Crown
Center on February 28 at 6:00pm.
The representative for the Coe-PopslMoms was not available to provide a presentation to the
Board. This is the night of their Championship game.
Middle School Sport Proqrams: Mr. Wallin reported that he attended a meeting with eleven
other park districts to discuss involvement in a junior got` summer travel league, where each
community would field a team of about twelve kids and take turns playing on each other's golf
course. This will be the department's first year participating in this summer league, which has
been in existence for three years. Chandler Newberger will also hold an S week in-house golf
league for middle school age kids.
The center was recently awarded with a S1,500 grant from the United States Tennis
Association. In April the center will begin a -school based' tennis league for middle school
aged kids. Participants will receive five weeks of instruction, with tennis matches on Sundays.
Staffinq Update: Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Program Manaaer — This position is still being
advertised and resumes being accepted. Fleetwood-Jourdain Theater. Proaram Manaaer
Staff is reviewing the job duties of this position at this time. Robert Crown Center. Office Cleric
Staff is currently reviewing the duties of the position before the position is advertised.
Park Ordinance Chanqe Update: The Human Services Committee will review the Board's
recommendation on park ordinance changes at their February 21, 2005 meeting.
Lovelace Park Renovation Prolect: Public meeting #3 (final meeting) was held on February
10", 7:00pm in the Lovelace Park field house to discuss the final plans. The protect vAll move
forward this Fall.
Board Retreat: Most of the comments made at the retreat revolved around a great deal of
frustration with the way the Board currently conducts business. Mr. Marberry would like the
Board to take a slightly different direction in its emphasis and responsibilities. By different
emphasis, he means he would like the Board to be more of a policy board as they are suppose
to be and take responsibility for conducting public hearings to the extent that is necessary to
get the view of the public regarding the playgrounds and recreation as they exist in Evanston
and to try and determine public desire for facilities and parks. Then present that material in a
concise and consolidated form to the Human Service and City Council. The Board should be
a real support group for promoting those recommendations to people who have contacts in
and outside of the community that would be beneficial to Evanston.
Mr. Sloane said the retreat was very positive. It was determined that the Board needs to
advocate more for recreation. The staff is doing a great job with programming, but the Board
needs to step in and be an advocate for more facilities. The community demands it and the
Board need to do what it can to be creative and figure out ways to get it funded and to find the
Mr. Hodgman agreed that the Board's job is not to monitor what the incredibly professional
and capable staff is doing. When he first came on the Board there was more focus on the
recreation programs and he doesn't think that is a very important, useful thing for the Board to
do, unless there is a need. Because the staff does such a great job, focusing on the programs
and how they are run, is not something the Board needs to do. This should be a Board that
tries to identify ways to make significant improvement in the recreational opportunities in our
community. The way the Board can best do that is to figure out a way to enhance the indoor
recreational space.
Mr. Metz was also enthusiastic after leaving the retreat. What it comes down to is the role of
the Board doesn't seem necessary in some ways. The central role of the Board ought to be to
provide the strategic vision for the community with respect to recreation and facilities. The
Board needs to think big ideas, pursue them and develop them. if we get the facilities that we
need, the programming will fill in. Evanston kids are traveling to facilities in surrounding
communities to paricipate in activities.
his. Burns wasn't able to attend the retreat but she is excited and looks forward to the Board's
development of bid ideas, getting goals in place and figuring out how to get there.
It was suggested at the retreat to use every 3'o or 4"' Board meeting as a research meeting,
going to other facilities in the Chicago area to get a census of what's out there.
Mr. Marberry will work with Mr. Gaynor and Mr. Dorneker to develop a different agenda. He
asked that the members bring to the next meeting a topic for discussion that the Board ought
to be looking at, and way to develop that idea.
Mr. Hodgman requested to have someone from the City attend the March Board meeting to
discuss the huge piece of land between James Park and McCormick and how it's being used.
Mr. Dorneker will try to arrange for staff from the respective department to attend the meeting.
Erickson Fund Request: The Board unanimously approved the Evanston Baseball and
Softball Association's request for $800 from the Erickson Fund to sponsor two teams for the
2005 season.
Mr. Metz said the Board had a good discussion on what came out of the retreat. Mr. Hodgman
agreed with Mr. Metz.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, March 24
at the Fleetwood Jourdain Center, 1655 Foster Street.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
'Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Fleetwood Jourdain, 1655 Foster St
March 24, 2005
Board Members Present: Richard Marberry, President David Hodgman
Mark Sloane, Treasurer Natalie Newberger
Board Members Absent: Kristian Harris Mark Metz
Betsi Burns, Secretary
Others Present: Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent
Jill Silverman, Noyes Center Secretary
Douglas Gaynor, Parks/Forestry & Recreation Director
Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Mr. Marberry called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The February 17. 2005 meeting minutes
were approved,
Mr. Seaman reported that there is sand build up in the drinking fountain in Leah Lomar Park,
which is an ongoing issue. He suggested that the department use tan bark instead of sand.
Trees in the park need to be pruned. It's been 2 almost 3 years since his initial request for
tree pruning. There are dead limbs on trees throughout the park. Mr. Seaman is recruiting
volunteers for the Sierra Club River Water Rescue Day clean up on May 14 at the Ecology
Center from 9:00am until noon and Lee St Beach on September 17. He invited the Board to
attend the Kiwana's Evanston Breakfast Club/ Family Focus joint annual fundraiser on May 7.
All you can eat breakfast for S6.
Mr. Marberry asked about the quality of the north canal. Seaman said there have been some
improvements made and some discussion at the IEPA level regarding the improvement of the
water quality. There was discussion about changing the flow because of the periodic
discharge of the lake. Mr. Gaynor mentioned that the Evanston Environmental Board has
spent a considerable amount of time on water quality issues and prepared a significant
presentation that can be shared with the Board. Part of their goal is not only to improve water
quality but to increase recreational opportunities along the canal. This will be placed on a
future Board agenda.
Mr. Seaman reported that there are still a few openings on the Robert Crown Advisory Board.
The Advisory Board has been working on updating its bylaws for the Board's review. Some of
the changes involve the number of members and attendance.
CIP Prolect Status: Twiggs Paris Wil be completed soon. For the last six years the focus has
been on the neighborhood parks. Staff is now focusing on a conceptual master plan for the
lakefront. A committee will be formed including members from the Board. The Mason Park
project is on hold while we wait for the notification from OSLAD regarding our request for a
S400,000 grant. Staff is still working on obtaining a long term lease agreement with School
District 65 for Foster field. City Council approved the seven year parks strategic, which is just
about complete. By the end of this year, we would have completed six years. We are now in
the process of developing a new five year plan, and will reed assistance from the Board. This
will be a future agenda item. The department applied for a dredging permit for our annual
dredging and was turned down by IEPA and told we neeced to provide additional testing
(asbestos). Each test sample is S1,000 and we were talc we had to have 24 test samples. It
cost between S25- S30,000 to do the annual dredging. This wil add another S24,000 to that
and put us in the red. This may have to come from the emergency contingency funds.
Park Ordinance Status: The park ordinance amendments were introduced at the last City
Council meeting and will be presented next Monday for action.
James Park compost area: At the February Board meeting members requested information
regarding the composting area in James Park. Mr. Gaynor provided the Board with a layout
of James Park and described the area and functions at the compost in James Park. Mr.
Hodgman asked if there was ever a study to find out if the composting and other activities in
that area could take place some where else. Mr. Gaynor was told that a study was done 3-4
years ago that showed it was more cost effective not to out source the composting. Mr.
Hodgman stated that given what's going on right now with Robert Crown, there's a need for
the City to decide what to do about replacing that facility. The Board believes there is a need
for more indoor recreational space. It would be a very good expenditure of funds and resource
of time to really explore how we can free that space up (compost area).
Staffing Update: Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Prooram Manager - This position is still being
advertised and resumes being accepted. Fleetwood-Jourdain Center. Weekend-Eveninq
Coordinator -Resumes being accepted. Fleetwood-Jourdain Theater. Program Manaqer
Staff is reviewing the job duties of this position at this time. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk
Staff is currently reviewing the duties of the position before the position is advertised.
Robert Crown Advisory Board Bylaws Chanqes: This item was tabled at this time.
Ethics Ordinance: The Board was provided with the City's revised ethics ordinance policy.
Rotation of Officers: The Board approved the proposed officers for 2005-06, which are Mark
Sloane as President, Betsy Burns as Treasurer and Kristian Harris as Secretary.
Mr. Hodgman thanked Richard Marberry for his services and was presented with a plaque by
the new Board President, Mark Sloane. Ms. Newberger thanked Mr. Marberry and
congratulated Mr. Sloane
The meeting adjourned at 9:29pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, April 21 at
the Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main Street.
Draft - Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Center, 1701 Main St
April 21, 2005
Board Members Present: Richard Marberry David Hodgman
Mark Sloane, President Natalie Newberger
Kristian Harris, Secretary Mark Metz
Board Members Absent:
Betsi Burns, Treasurer
Others Present:
Robert Lloyd, Robert Crown Center Manager; Douglas Gaynor, ParkstForestry & Recreation
Director; Bob Dorneker, Recreation Superintendent; Kevin Wallin, Chandler Center Manager;
Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board; Gary Siikatis, Recreation Maintenance
Supervisor; Jim Ferrera, Lakefront Sports Coordinator; Martha Logan, Public Information
Specialist; Mamie Smith, Fleetwood Jourdain Center Manager; Nancl Fragassi, Robert Crown
Operations Manager; Sunshine Voelker, Chandler Newberger Program Manager; Michelle
Leaven, Chandler Newberger Program Manager; Christina Ferraro, Levy Center Manager; Bill
Dinchak, Bonestroo Devery & Associates; Brian William, Christian Brammer and Terrell
Aranda, YOU Organization
Mr. Sloane called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The March W, 2005 meeting minutes were
Mr. William introduced himself and two participants (Christian and Terrell) of the Youth
Organization Umbrella (YOU) Take Charge Program. This is a program to encourage the
youth to be more involved with their community. Tonight they are observing the Board
meeting to see how ideas are discuss and decisions are made.
Mr. Seaman reported there is graffiti on the Leah Lomar Park sign. He has spoken with
ParkslForestry Superintendent Paul D'Agostino, the Police Department and Park Rangers
regarding people remaining in the park after hours, gathering in the southwest corner to drink
beer. He also invited the Board to attend the 2V annual Kiwanis Club of Evanston breakfast
Mr. Seaman reported that the Robert Crown Advisory Board is still working on updating its
bylaws for the Board's review. Their next meeting is May 10'.
Chandler -Newberger Center: A free public tennis clinic/open house was held April 17 at
ETHS to introduce residents to the many tennis offerings available through the Center as well
as to launch the new Middle School Tennis League. Staff is in the process of hiring summer
camp counselors. The Counselor in Training program (for youth age 13 & up) begins May 21,
enrollment is up 10 percent. The Indoor Youth Garage Safe will be held at the Center on May
Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center and Theatre: Students in the Center's new foreign
language Uasses who completed the semester were recognized with an informal graduation.
Spring break camp tiaras held at the Center the seconc week of April. Staff has been busy
preparing for the annual Children's Day celebration cn May 1. The state grant for the summer
Food Seriice Program has been approved. Free iuncnes will be served to youth age 2-18 at
four park sites this summer, beginning June 13, This program is offered through the Illinois
State Board of Education.
Levv Senior Center: The trip to see "Swing!" at Marnott Lincolnshire was well attended, as
was the free Fran Randall Concert held at the Center in mid -April. "Home Care," a new health
& wellness seminar, was attended by more than 40 seniors. Additional seminars will be held in
May and June. From January through April, AARP vo:unteer tax preparers completed 210 tax
returns at the Levy Center. A transportation questionnaire has been distributed to members to
help evaluate their current transportation needs/options in getting to the Center and back
home again. Member Appreciation Day will be held May 13. The Life Enrichment Committee
is sponsoring the afternoon, which includes a concert followed by a wine and cheese
Municipal Sports, Recreation Maintenance and Lakefront: The summer adult softball
season will begin the week of April 25. All games are played at Robert Crown Park. A new
softball program is being offered this year, "Senior Drag -in Softball." This program is for that
age 50 and older who want to play pick-up softball on %'dednesday mornings and/or Sunday
evenings, starting June S. If there is enough interest in this informal offering, a senior league
may be formed in the future. Starting May 7, the Dempster Street Beach Office will be open
weekends through May 29 and then daily thereafter through Labor Day. Staff is working on
the final preparation of the Dempster St. racks and lockers; boaters may put their boats on the
racks beginning May 7. Dredging has begun at the Church St. ramp. Summer Aquatic Camp
is once again full. Staff is working on hiring camp counselors and lakefront staff, including
lifeguards and gate attendants. Training for these summer employees will then begin in June.
Public Information: The Summer issue of Arts + Recreation will be mailed to Evanston
residents (60201 and 60202) the week of May 16. The final issue of School News for the
school year was delivered to local public and private schools in April. Promotional materials
and display advertising are being produced for the May ice show and preseason beach token
sale, as well as for general programs at the community centers, Ecology Center, Levy Senior
Center and Cultural Arts Division. Work is beginning cn the promotional materials for the
summer festivals and concerts (which includes web pages for the events).
Robert Crown Complex: The Center offered three spring break camps this year, including a
new football clinic for boys and girls in 5th through 8th grade. The After -School Program at the
Center continues to be very strong, with 41 students enrolled in a program that was budgeted
for 30 students. The new cardio kickboxing class is dravring well with regular weekly
attendees as well as a number of people who are taking advantage of the drop -in option.
Rehearsals continue for "Spies on Ice." The spring ice show will be presented May 20-22. The
Center's ice rinks will be closed for maintenance from May 23-31. The ice will be ready on
June 1.
Special Recreation: On April 22, ten members of the Teen Club will attend an ETHS
performance of -Nest Side Story." This was the first out -in -the -community event for members
of the new Teen Club. This club was created to address the needs of teen -alters.
Approximately 24 members of the Special Recreation Special Olympics Team will travel to
Bloomington in mid -June for the Special Olympics Summer Games. The athletes will compete
in aquatics and track and field events.
CIP Project Status: The City received a S400,000 grant from the Department of Natural
Resources for t,ie Manson Park development project. City Council approved the seven year
parks strategic, vmicn is just about complete. By the end of this year, we would have
completed six years. The department is now in the process of developing a new five year
plan, and will need assistance from the Board. Staff is preparing a capital improvement plan
presentation for the Board's May meeting. The presentation will include information regarding
Robert Crown and the James Park Hill. Staff is busy with planning upcoming programs for the
summer such as the festivals, concert series and arts week. Twiggs, Eggleston and Leahy
Parks will all be completed soon. Staff is still working on obtaining a long term lease
agreement with School District 65 for Foster field.
Staffinq Update: Flee twood-Jou rda in Center, Proqram Manager — This position is still being
advertised and resumes being accepted. Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, Weekend-Eveninq
Coordinator —Resumes being accepted. Fleetwood-Jourdain Theater, Proqram Manager
Staff is reviewing the job duties of this position at this time. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk
Staff is currently reviewing the duties of the position before the position is advertised.
Park Site ! Proaram Tour: Staff will prepare a draft fist of sites for the Board to possibly visit
in June or July.
Ms. Harris noted that she has a meeting conflict and will not be available at next month's
meeting. Mr. hiarberry welcomed Mr. Sloane as the new Board president. Mr. Metz thanked
the staff for their program updates. He is really interested in the Board turning its attention to
the big picture strategic issues.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, May 26 at
the Levy Center, 300 Dodge Ave.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
�r r
'Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Levy Center, 300 Dodge Ave
May 26, 2005
Board Members Present: Richard Marberry David Hodgman
Mark Sloane, President Natalie Newberger
Mark Metz Marcus Casady
Mary Beth Whalen
Board Members Absent:
Betsi Burns, Treasurer Kristian Harris, Secretary
Others Present:
Dick Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board
Mr. Sloane called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The April 21. 2005 meeting minutes were
Mr. Seaman reported there is graffiti on the Leah Lomar Park sign and a sand build up in the
drinking fountain. He has spoken with Parks/Forestry Superintendent Paul D'Agostino, the
Police Department and Park Rangers regarding people remaining in the park after hours,
gathering in the southwest tamer to drink beer.
Mr. Seaman reported that the Robert Crown Advisory Board will table the discussion of their
bylaws until their September meeting.
Programs Update: The preseason beach token sale will run through June 10. Beaches open
on July 11 and tokens will return to full price.
Staffing Update: Flee hvood-Jourdain Theater, Proaram Manaqer Staff is reviewing the job
duties of this position at this time. Robert Crown Center, Office Clerk Staff is currently
reviewing the duties of the position before the position is advertised.
Lakefront : Last year we had a number of swim beach closures due to high bacteria counts.
This year staff has been working closely with the Health and Human Service Department and
to the best of our knowledge, there is no new equipment on the market that will grow ecoli
bacteria any quicker than 24 hours. Therefore we will continue with the same testing method
as we've used in the past.
In honor of its 100 year anniversary, the Lighthouse Rotary Club donated the purchase and
construction of ten exercise stations along the existing lakefront pathway between
Northwestern University and Lee Street Beach. The donated exercise stations will replace the
pathway's existing exercise station system which has exceeded its useful life. This donation is
valued at between 525,000 and S50,000 and will be performed at no cost to the City of
The Rotary Club is planning to hold a grand opening ceremony 10am, May 28 in Centennial
Park to dedicate the new exercise stations.
CIP Proiect Status: ` le have just about, in six years, completed the seven year
Parks/Forestry & Recreation Strategic Plan. When the budget process begins in August staff
will focus on preparing a new five year plan. There are several components to the CiP for the
department including the Robert Crown Center, the James Park Hill and the lakefront. The
Board will received info-,oration/presentation on each component in order to have complete
information to help with prioritizing.
Robert Crown Presentation; The Board received a copy of the February 6, 2004 memo to
the Human Services Committee where one of the recommendations was for staff to issue a
request for proposals fcr architectural services to develop comprehensive building programs,
diagrammatic and conceptual level site plans and cost estimates for three options: 1) existing
facility renovation with expanded program 2) New construction with no program alterations 3)
new construction with expanded program. After discussions with some of the Aldermen and
the City Manager (Roger Crum at that time), it was determined that staff could do this in
The Board received a copy of the six potential conceptual options, prepared by staff, for the
Crown Center re nova tiorVreconstruction project, which included: 1) new expanded facility at
Crown Park; 2) new recreation facility at crown park and new ice complex at separate site; 3)
renovated existing facility with o program alterations; 4) new facility at crown park with no
alterations; 5) expanded and renovated existing facility at crown; 6) modified existing facility
and new ice complex at separate site.
The Board will receive a presentation on the James Park Hill in the near future.
Park Site / Proctram Tour: Staff will prepare a draft list of recreation programlfacility sites for
the Board to possibly visit in June or July.
Everyone welcomed new Board members Marcus Casady and Mary Beth Whalen.
The meeting adjourned at 9.25pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is (tentatively)
7:30pm, June 16 at the Ecology Center, 2024 McCormick Blvd.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
City Tour Bus
June16, 2006
Board members press= Richard Marbcrn• David Hod==
Natalie Ne%%berger Kristian Harris
SSark Metz
Other presents: Bob Domeker Douslas Ga)mor
2 page handout given for tour updates
+ Ttviggs park u iIl be done soon.
4yr battle with contractors has been settled
• Leahy park
Used for soccer and baseball
Tennis courts finished
• Ackerman Park
• Cartwright Park
' Eggleston Parr
New climbing wall
96% complete
problem with the grass now growing and looks bad
• Gilben Park
• Mason Park and field house
Basketball courts up phase one
• Fleetwood and -Foster field
Football and tennis courts
• James Park
Possible development sites
Oak -ton cast of McCormick & Greenwood and Hartrey
Bids to be Primary Transportation provider so we should be expecting some new busses soon,
used for grocery shopping and so forth get plenty of usage
Three people appointed to the Levy Advisory board:
Betty Jean Douglas, Jim Keifer, and Carol Master, Welcome!
Board Members Present:
Board Members Absent:
Others Present:
Evanston Recreation Board
Evanston Tour Bus
July 29, 2005
Richard Marberry
Mark Sloane, President
Marcus Casady
David Hodgman
Mark Metz
'Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Betsi Burns, Treasurer
Natalie Newberger
Mary Beth Whalen
Kristian Harris, Secretary
Douglas Gaynor, Bob Dorneker, Petra Belcher
Mr. Sloane called the meeting to order at 1:10pm. The June 16, 2005 meeting minutes were approved.
The Board was taken on a tour to visit Recreation Programs and facilities. The tour included:
Clyde-Brummel Drop- In Program — (lunch site)
Levy Senior Center Programs
Robert Crown Center — (Skating Camp, flay Camp, Preschool and Hockey Camps)
Fleetwood-Jourdain — (Camp Program)
Chandler NewbergerlLeahy Park — (Pre -School and Sports Camps)
Lovelace — (Tennis Camp/Ecology Camp)
Dempster Street — (Aquatics Camp)
Dog BeacfVBoat Ramp
RFP for Youth Services Assessment: The Board was reminded that the City of Evanston is in the
process of developing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Youth Services Assessment. Once the RFP
is completed, the Board will have an opportunity to review for comments/suggestions, The RFP should
be completed late July, early August.
The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm, September 15 at the Robert Crown Center,1701 Main
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board Members Absent:
Others Present:
Evanston Recreation Board
Robert Crown Center
September 22, 2005
Mark Sloane, President
Betsi Burns, Treasurer
David Hodgman
Kristian Harris, Secretary
John Heuman, Dick Seaman
$ a.
'Draft — Not Approved'
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Marcus Casady
Natalie Newberger
Richard Marberry
Mary Beth Whalen
Mark Metz
Mr. Sloane callec the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The July 2005 meeting minutes were approved. The
Board does not meet in August.
Mr. Seaman: The Alliance for the Great Lakes he'd their annual Adopt -a -Beach Cleanup event on
Saturday. September 17, 9am —12pm. There were six volunteers who participated in the Lee Street
beach clean up this year and they collected six 33 gallon bags of trash. The 2006 beach clean up is
:entalively scheduied for Saturday, Septemmber t 6.
After several requests, the trees In Leah Lomar Park have been pruned. Mr. Seaman handed Mr.
Gaynor a pocket knife found near the pruned trees, saying it may or may not belong to Ltie city staff.
He also handed Mr. Gaynor a small bag of garbage explaining that on any given day, one or two bags
of garbage is collected from the park by him or the neighbors. There continues to be vandalism to the
trees in the park. Someone is using a shovel, ax, saw or some sharp object to damage the tree at the
Wesley entrance. c:osest to the sign, at Welsey and Mulford. The neighbors have expressed concerned
regarding peop�e congregating in the 200 block of Wesley having loud conversations and drinking.
Ahhough this has become a Police matter, Mr. Seaman requested that the Park Rangers shine their
111ghts into the park when they pass by.
Mr. Seaman: The Robert Crown Advisory Board is planning to present their revised Bylaws to the
Recreation Boa: d at their October meeting. The women on the Advisory Board have expressed
concem about Lne condition of the Robert Crown Center bathrooms. They feel that the bathrooms are
rather embarrassing. There are still cases wt'ere people (cars) are exijng the Crown Center parking lot
trrough the entrance. The center will hold its annual ilea market on November 5 at 9;00am and the
Nutcracker on Ice ice show will run from December 9-11.
RFP for Youth Services Assessment The Human Services Committee. Playground and Recreation
Board, Human Re'ations Commission and staff, were given the opportunity to review the Request for
Proposals for YouthNoung Adult Services Assessments and provide feedback. The
cornmentslsuggestions received will be considered as the document is finalized. This Board will clearly
be a part of this project as a good portion of the issue is recreational activities for ages 12 to 18 and 18
Z 25.
Mr. Hodgman noticed tt"a:.-s r„--rents he emailed to staff were not listed and he will try sending them
again. In short form, he fe:- ra: about services that are provided :o other communities would
be incomplete and inact ,a:=_ j' - = c not also revie.v the facilities that are ava;�able and required to
provide tat programming. r.sc. j;nu a•e going to do a survey of services :.nat are provided to you,
you war: to look at all the se--%: es_ :-a: are providec by every c,f°erert king cf ;nsttition. Services that
are prcv+ded in other co~~--_- yes :o yo - come from park distrc:s, school c s*mcts. YMCA, youth sports
leag:;es and cnumhes. I: s this study be that corrprenersive and ::-at it also focuses on
wnat facilities permit Dose s_ .gets to oe provided.
CIP Proiect Status: The 5c_-: ',ce-ved the mont'^ly project status report. Staff, submitted a grant
request to the Illinois E^nancement Program (ITEP) for des:gn and implementation
funding a'.ong the bike ccr-, _ . ire oro;ect description is to develop a conception master plan for
lakefront properties inclucir; ~e :.ice path system, signing, beach access ccntro'.lfacilities and
boat.'vehicular access. Vie we as<..c for $1.1 million and we wall contrbLte S300,000. Grant awards
are expected to be annourc.c ':c:emner 2005.
Jure 2005 the City bided ~e Ja- es Park East Baseball field project and no bids were received. The
scope of this project is to rec, :s• �� two baseball infields including: backstop, dugouts, bleacher pads,
baseline fencing and infie!c ; c_:r, The protect was re bided with a bid cue date of Oct 11, 2005.
Bids for L'-e Fleetwood -Jo .rca Gi-n Window Wall renovation project will be opened on September 20.
The scope of this project ir.M_ces removal and reconstruction of a deteriorated w,ndow wall along the
east side of the gym.
Community meetings have ceen s,-eculed to review and discuss panned par-c improvements with staff
and alderman Hansen for E cen Par{ (9123), Monroe Tot Lot (9/14) and Sarcent Park (9/22). The
comp:etion target date for a' --ree p-ojects is by the end of June 2006.
Mr. S:oane asked Mr. Gayr.cr fx ;.-.e status on strategic planning as it relates to the lakefront master
plan. Staff has not begun t-e s:.Gte7.c plan or the capital plan program for 2005-06 and beyond.
Ms. Newberger made refere^ce to an article in the Parks & Recreation Augss, 2005 magazine titled
Boundaries Need Not Aao"+. T ne article talks about parksiplaygrounds that are built so that kids with
and without disabilities car, ;. ay. Sre wanted to know if the City has ever considered this idea for our
any of parks. AtI we would nerved is one in the city. Staff will review the article and compare what it
suggests to what we currency ,have and report to the Board at the October meeting.
The McGaw YMCA is initia'.ng a st:-z tegic plan. They want look at how they can better service the
ccmmunity in a cooperative ray x ors other agencies that have somewhat similar type of services. Mr.
Gaynor will serve on the ccrnm—. ee. Mr. Hodgeman asked how the YMCA's budget compares to the
department's budget. Mr. Cc-neke-will try to obtain a copy of the YMCA's budget.
James Park Hill: Due to t^e nurnte, of injuries, lawsuits and paramedic calls, sledding on James
Park's large hill was offcia:ly canned in January 2000. Regardless of posted bans, area residents and
non-residents continued to ze t-.e large hill during winter months. As a result, injuries continued to
occur and liability exposure ca timed to increase. January 2005 staff was directed by City Council to
monitor the large hill contir._c,_s'y .%-an snow cover was present to prevent all sledding on the large hill
-- — - --and to investigate a variety of opt.=s for hill modifications to reduce and/or a.'iminate liability exposure.
Staff provided four options::) staff controlled inner tube sledding; 2) staff controlled toboggan runs; 3)
amphitheater and two sma,! s:_= "..s; 4) hill height reduction and renovation. Staff recommended
option 3. A:though there is no f_rc ng available for the modification staff wit€ proceed in that manner. In
the meantime, staff will put o_: a b d for a security company to secure the hill during snow days until
there is funding for modifca:."c-: o` _ e hill.
Budget Process: Staff prepa-ed :re draft proposed department budget, which is currently being
reviewed by the Management anin Budget Department. Staff will review the budget with the Board once
it has been released by the B;,cget Office.
Middle School Sport Leagues: This summer s'2'7 %%-as able to develop several programs for middle
school age yo, vi: beacr volley pall League, baske=a'I at Fleetwood, ra.:rseior in training at Chandler
ana Lacrosse :- James Pa-k. C:.7en;'y the cn!y-..t_ale school bases ::-og-am. is tennis. Staff is
working toward ^aving t; is year's volley ball prcg-a'-' be middle scncoi oases. Last year the participant
level w-asn't hig,; enough.
Mr. Ja'ani Sum-ners was hired as ;he new orcg"am ma. ,ager at the Flee,.vood-Jourdain Center. Tne
FAAM Basketball League will hold its annual cra'. at Fleetwood on Septe hoer 17.
Citizen's Advisory Committee on Public Place Names: The Citizen's Advisory Committee on Public
Place Names is comprised of the Chairman of t.'-e Ptan Commission; a representative of the
Preservation Commission; a representa`.ive of 1 e Human Relations Commission and a representative
of the Playground and Recreation Board. R:c ,ard Marberry has grac:ous:y served on this committee
as the representative for the Recreation Board `or the past few years. On September 30, 2005.
Richard will have completed his two consecutive five year terms as a rrem5er of the Playground and
Recreation Board. Mr. Sloare volunteered to represent the Recreation Board and serve on the
Citizen's Adv sory Committee. There were no c:.;e4-jons by the Board.
Alternatives for Beach Access for all Evanston Residents In 2006: At tt-e July 25'" City Council
meeting, a request was made by Aldermen to consider free entry to Evanston's five public swimming
beaches on declared 'hot weather days" which .tips discussed as a;ther temperatures exceeding 90
degrees or heat advisory days during the normal srrirnming beach season.
The Board received a copy of the memo dated August 6, 2005. to the City Manager/City Council,
where the Parks/Forestry & Recreation Depammert did not support free beach days on "hot weather
day" for several reasons. The Board also received a copy of the memo dated August 15 to the City
Manager/City Council, with information regarding the number of heat advisory days this summer and
operational impacts for free beach days on'hot weather days",
At their August 15, 2005 meeting, the City Courrci3 approved staffs re^..omrnendabon to have the
Recreation Board review, develop, and propose oL`!er alternatives for making the beaches more
accessible for all Evanston residents in 2006_
Rather than have a lengthy conversation to try and resolve this issue tonight, and base on staffs
recommendation, Mr. Sloane suggested creating a sub committee of rwo or three Board members to
work with staff in deve'oping other alterna Ives. Ms. Hums and Mr. Metz volunteered to serve on the
- sub committee. The Board had no objections. Mr. Gaynor reminded tri.e Board that we need to move
quickly because any departure from what's in place now may have a budget impact. If there are any
significant changes, he will need to revise the budget.
Mr. Hodgman felt that this (fee beach days on hot weather days) was a nice idea in concept but
probably not very practical as the memo from staff suggests. He suspects it was a well intended
reaction from the Council that was prompted by the string of hot weather days we had.
Motion: Mr. Hodgman made the motion that rather than creating a sub committee, the Board should
simply adopt staffs recommendation and go on record as saying we do not endorse free beach days
on hot weather days.
Mr. Sloane noted that Council is looking for the Board to propose otner alternatives to make the
beaches more accessible. Ms. Whalen mentioned that with scholarships available up to 75% it's
practically free for those wno qualify. The subsidy is available, mayoe the citizens are not aware of the
scholarship progress and t ;seeds to be promoted more.
Mr. Gaynor exo.ai-ec tnat c.--ently there is no continuity with our scholarship program (guide!ine
levels). i nis W7: be iss::e for ;- a sub committee review. In addition, there are other reasons why
people choose to co to 4 ,e beach or not. If you can't swam or don't have transportation, you won't go to
the oeach. If you %,ant to s`t in '-' a sun, you may go to the beach. If you want shade, you won't go to
the beach. Mr. Hodg-'an sac Ts a great idea to explore how we can make the beach properly more
accessible to peop'e wno co--'t rave access for whatever reason, but he also suggests that the Board
opposes the free beac", cays or hot weather days at the same time.
Mr. Marberry clamed that .f-e notion is going to the inability to manage the request for letting people
on the beach or, hot days. 1t wosid be appropriate for a second motion or to amend the current motion,
directing the de;ar.-nert to work with the committee to find other altematives for people to have access
to the beaches.
Amended motion: Mr. Hodgman's motion to oppose free beach days on hot weather days as well as
to establish a sub committee to 'ook at other alternatives to provide greater access to beaches for
Evanston residents was approved.
Dinner with Management Staff: T xice a year the management staff is invited to have an informal
dinner with the Board prior to tie Board meeting where they provide updates on the center programs.
The past few dirners have not been well attended by the Board. Staff is asking if the Board would like
to continue with the informal dinner. Mr. Hodgman suggested eliminating the dinner and having one or
two management staff at end each Board meeting to provide their report. The Board agreed. Mr.
Domeker will deve'op a schecute of which staff will attend each meeting so the Board can prepare any
questions they may have.
Mr. Gaynor and Mr. Dorneker w.11 attend the 2005 National Recreation Parks Association Congress in
San Antonio, Texas, October 17-21. Therefore the October 20 Board meeting will be rescheduled to
Oct 27.
Mr. Hodgman gave a speech on behalf of the Board, thanking Mr. Marberry for his ten years of
dedicated service as a mernber of the Playground and Recreation Board. Mr. Marberry was presented
with a plaque in appreciation of his service on the Board.
_The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:05pm, The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm.
27 at the Ecology Center 2024 McCormick Blvd.
Draft — Not Approved
-- Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board Members Absent:
Others Present:
'Draft — Not Approved'
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Ecology Center, 2024 McCormick Blvd
October 27, 2005
Marts Sloane, President Marcus Casady
Natalie Newberger Marie Metz
David Hodgman Arnina DiMarco
Betsi Bums, Treasurer
Kristian Harris, Secretary Mary Beth Whalen
John Heuman, Dick Seaman, Sandra Farrow, KiKi Nichols, Denean Henry
Mr. Sloane called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The September 2005 meeting minutes were
Mr. Seaman: The Leah Lomar Park neighbors held a Neighborhood Fast that was very well attended.
Mr. Seaman informed the Board of the Nov 2, 2005 public hearing sponsored by the Alliance for the
Great Lakes to discuss the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
Mr. Seaman: The Robert Crown Advisory Board will hold its annual flea market fundraiser on November
5 at 9:00am; at the Robert Crown Center Approximately 70 tables are rented at S30 each. The funds
go toward the purchase of items to enhance the center that wouldn't normally be purchase by the City.
The annual Nutcracker on Ice ice show will run from December 9-11.
STAFF REPORT - Project Manager Stefanie Levine:
Soundless Parks: Ms. Levine was not able to attend tonight's meeting. She will provide a report to the
Board at its November meeting regarding handicap accessibility in the city's parks.
Parts Improvement Updates: The Board received meeting minutes for community meeting #1
regarding park renovation projects for Eiden Park. Monroe Tot Lot and Sargent Park. Community
meeting #2 has been scheduled for Nov 15 (Eiden), Nov 17 (Sargent) and Nov 29 (Monroe). Mr.
Sloane asked "rf any of the members would like to attend a meeting and report back to the Board. Ms,
DiMarco and Mr. Sloane will coordinate with each to determine which meeting they might attend. A
rededication ceremony for Levinson Tot Lot has been scheduled for November 12 at 3pm.
Budget f CIP Update: Staff prepared the draft proposed department budget, which is currently being
reviewed by the Management and Budget Department. Staff will review the budget with the Board once
it has been released by the Budget Office.
The Board received the monthly project status report. Construction at Lovelace Park is moving along
very quickly. The bid for the Fleetwood-Jourdain Gym Window Wall Renovation project was awarded to
Continental Construction. The scope of this project includes removal and reconstruction of a
deteriorated window wall along the east side of the gym.
Middle School Sport Leaques: The Chandler Newberger center has started a new volley ball program
or 2' and 3'' graders. So far they only have eight participants. This may be because kids are still in .
the soccer season. Staff is hopeful that the volley ball participant level will increase during the winter
session. The vdley program fcr middle school age started out slow with 15 participants. Again, staff is
hopeful that the participant level will increase in the winter.
Programs: A new group for middle school age girls "Evanston Girls' Club & Co." has partnered with
the Crown center staff and volunteer parents. They meet at the Robert Crown Center on Saturdays and
their mission is to help youth from all backgrounds with an emphasis on those from
disadvantaged/dysfunctional backgrounds to build their self-confidence, develop their character, and
gain the skills necessary to become productive adults in this society. The Girls Club offers programs
and services that will include money management, volunteer work, social etiquette, talent shows,
scrapbook making, gift basket des!gn, and more.
Field Usaqe: Staff has received approximately 20 letters of support for a LaCrosse program in
Evanston. Staff is currently reviewing all field use requests from sport groupslorganizations, to see if
there is any space/time available to designate an area for LaCrosse to playlpractice.
Alternatives for Beach Access for all Evanston Residents in 2006: The subcommittee (Betel Bums,
Bob Domeker, and Douglas Gaynor) met on Oct 7 and agreed that this is a very important issue that
needs to be addressed. it was decided to break it down into two issues:
1) Due to health concerns, do we want to encourage individuals to go to the beach on days when the
temperature is above 90 degrees and the heat index is probably even higher? There is no shade at the
beach. Maybe we should encourage them to go to cooling stations.
2) The more pressing issue is providing the opportunities for everyone in our community to have access
to the beaches. And to have a scholarship program that is more reflective of our community and in line
with the different scholarship programs throughout the city.
The subcommittee has requested that staff compile information on other scholarship programs in the
city (school district, etc.) in order to compare the income/scholarship levels they have in place. A
second subcommittee meeting will be scheduled as soon as the information is gathered. The Board will
receive an update at the November meeting.
Robert Crown Center: The Robert Crown Center is still a high priority for the Board. Mr. Sloane asked
the Board for their thoughts on how to get the focus back on moving forward with
renovating/redeveloping the Robert Crown Center. He mentioned that with the new TIF being
developed near the high school, maybe it made since to separate the ice rink from the center and take
advantage of the new TiF to create a piece of property that would bring people Into the area. This
would also help with the economic development within that whole area. Mr. Metz suggested that the IMP —
Board restart the process amongst themselves in order to have one clear message to follow. The
Robert Grown Center will be a main item for discussion on the November agenda. Staff will prepare a
packet of information on what has occurred thus far with the Robert Crown Center item.
Mr. Hodgman noted that there may be a large indoor facility being developed at the intersection of
Waukegan and Willow. We need an indoor facility in Evanston that is accessible to all citizens. In
particular, the children of Evanston; including those who can't afford to go a private facility or don't have the transportation, it might help the Board if staff could provide a report on what other communities
have as far as public indoor facilities. Possibly visit some faciities, take pictures and get a broader _
description of what's involved and report back to the Board.
Amended Robert Crown Advisory Board By -Laws
Mr. Hodgman moved to approve the Robert Crown Advisory Board By -Laws with the recommended
changes. The motion was seconded and approved. A revised copy of the by-laws will be distributed at
the November Board meebr,c.
Mr. Metz and Ms. DiMarco are both looking forward to the Board jump starting the Robert Crown
Center item. Mr. Casady welcomed Ms. DiMarco to the Board.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 825pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm,
November 17 at the Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central St.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Board Members Present:
Board Members Absent:
Others Present:
'Draft — Not Approved'
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Evanston Recreation Board
Chandler Newberger Center, 1028 Central Street
November 17, 2005
Mark Sloane, President Marcus Casady
Bets! Bums, Treasurer Mark Metz
Kristian Harris, Secretary Amina DlMarco
Natalie Newberger David Hodgman
Mary Beth Whalen
John Neuman, Dick Seaman, Sanders Hicks, Sydney Zwick, Kevin Wallin,
Robert Lloyd, KlKi Nichols, Michelle Tompkins, Douglas Gaynor, Bob
Mr. Sloane called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. The October 2005 meeting minutes were approved.
Mr. Zwick: Mr. Zwick has been a resident of Evanston since 1938 and has seen the Recreation
Department grow tremendously since then. Today he thinks Evanston has one of the finest recreation
programs in the country.
Mr. Zwick was not happy to learn about an arrangement that granted the Directors of Northwestern's
Learning and Retirement Program permission to use the Levy Center for 15 weekly meetings at no cost.
The program was not publicized to Levy Center members. Mr. Zwick learned about it through a
Northwestern publication he received in the mail. The cost for a Levy Center member to participate in
the program is S250 however when he asked if he could join the program, he was told it was already
Mr. Zwick feels strongly that the 24 participants of program should be required to pay the fee to become
members of the Levy Center and that half of the fees paid by the participants to Northwestern, should
be contributed to the Levy Center Life Enrichment Fund.
He also feels that the Levy Center operation should obtain closer supervision from the Playground and
Recreation Board than given in the past or maybe there should be a separate department for the senior
programs and the Levy Center that would report directly to the City Manager, with its own Board
separate and distinct from the Playground and Recreation Board.
Mr. Hicks: Mr. Hicks, a founding member of the Evanston Speed Skating Club gave a presentation on
the Speed Skating Club program, which he started over 30 years ago. The season runs from
September through March with competitions just about every weekend. The program is open to kids
and adults. There are four national championships during the year. Several participants of the Club
have won state and/or national championships. Three participants have made World Teams and two
have made the Olympic Team, including 23 year old Shani Davis. Shani Davis, who joined the
Evanston Speed Skating Club at age six, is one of the program's top speed skaters. He is currently the
world champion and world record holder for the one mile/1500 meter.
Mr. Seaman: The Robert Crown Advisory Board's annual ilea market was very well attended.
Approximately 75 tables were rented at S30 each. Funds from the flea market go toward the purchase
of items to enhance the center that wouldn't normally be purchase by the City. The annual Nutcracker
on Ice show will run from December 9.11, 2005.
STAFF REPORT — Kevin Wallin, Chandler Newberger Center Manager
Michelle Tompkins, Chandler Newberger Center Program Manager
Mr. Wallin and Ms. Tor pk;ns gave an overview of programs offered at the Chandler Center.
Budget Update: Staff prepared the draft proposed department budget, which is currently being
reviewed by the Management and Budget Department. Staff will review the budget with the Board once
it has been released by the Budget Office.
CIP Update: The Board received a copy of the monthly project status report along with public meeting
notices for Eiden Paris, Sargent Park and Monroe Tot Lot renovation projects. In the near future staff
will develop a corrim.ttee to start planning for the Lakefront Master Plan. Phase I of the Mason Park
renovation project is running a little behind. The Mason Park Phase 11 design is underway and bidding
is expected spring 2006. A ceremony will be scheduled in December to dedicate the public art installed
at the Central Street Fire Staaon. The construction contract for the Fleetwood-Jourdain gym window
wall renovation was awarder October 10, 2005 however the contactor was unable to obtain a
performance bond. As a result, this project will need to be re -bid.
Cooperative nroarams: Mr. Domeker thanked Ms. Burns for coordinating a cooperative program
whereby Northwestern allowed up to 100 kids from various department recreation programs to
participate in a Big Ten soccer clinic at the Northwestern campus at no cost. Northwestern provided
bus transportation for the participants who got to scrimmage with some of the Big Ten soccer players
and received souvenirs. The participants and staff had a wonderful time.
The American Medical Association developed a Fit Kit brochure to promote fitness and recreation. The
brochure lists the city's recreation centers and information on a number of our affiliate sport groups.
15,000 brochures will be printed and delivered to number of Doctor offices in Evanston for distribution to
their patients.
Schedule of Affiliate Sports Groups: The Board received a list of affiliate sport groups for proposed
scheduling at each of the 2006 Board meetings. It was decided that each of the groups should submit a
written report and the Board would then determined if and when the groups should be scheduled.
Alternatives for Beach Access for all Evanston Residents in 2006: The subcommittee (Betsi Bums,
Marcus Casady, Bob Dorneker, and Douglas Gaynor) met on Nov 14 to review the information compiled
by staff on other scholarship programs in the city (school district, etc.) to compare the
income/scholarship levels they have in place. At, aft memo of what was discussed was distributed to
the Board for review and comment.
General Fee Assistance Levels. The subcommittee members determined that by updating the
eligibility guideline levels, it would increase access to recreational programs for those individuals in the
community who need financial assistance.
Subcommittee Recommendation.
Income Guidelines. Several guidelines were reviewed and discussed by the subcommittee. The
United States Department of Agriculture guidelines (Attachment D) for reduced -price meals were
chosen as the ones to be recommended to the Recreation Hoard for consideration and adoption.
These recommended USDA 2005 guideline levels would be applicable to individuals seeking
assistance for beach tokens only.
Discount Level. Individuals who meet u a guidelines would be eligible for a 50%, discount.
Currently, 25°% and 75% discount opGors are also available, but they are not recommended by the
Phased Process. Scholarship gu:ce;,r,es for the other recreationa: programs also wou!C be based
on the 2005 USDA guideline amoun:s. out the scale would be adjusted for the 2006107 fiscal year so
the increase in ,ncorne levels could ne phased in over a two-year period. Again, only a 50% discount
level would be available. This plot pr;asec-in increase ,r i the scale for the general recreajonal
programs would lessen the bucgetary :rr.bact to the City and give staff an opportunity to adjust for
any program impacts while still prov,c�rg a nigher level of assistance to residents than has been
Additional Clarifications.
Staff Review of Process. Should tnese recommendations be approved by the board and the
City Council, staff will carefully r;.on;tor requests in case a policy should be developed limiting the
amount of financial assistance granted per family.
Terminology. The subcommittee would also recommend that any financial assistance being
provided for beach tokens be referreC to as `Fee Assistance" and assistance being provided for
general recreation programs be referred to as "Scholarships."
Fee Assistance for Beaches. In adc!,Lon to providing a revised fee assistance scale to aaow for
greater beach access, the subcommittee cZcussed and would recommend having free beach days (for
Evanston residents only) at Clark St. Beac`i and South Blvd. Beach on all Mondays during the beach
season --with the exception of hotAays. In prior years, only Clark Street Beach had free admission for
residents and then just on the Mondays fo:lowing the 4tof July holiday.
Budget Impact. At this time, it is not possible to reasonably estimate the impact changing the income
levels for scholarships would have on the budget. As stated previously, the City could see a 32°%
increased in demand for assistance based on every S5,000 increase in the income levers. With respect
to increasing the number of free beach days, there is no way to predict the effect that this will have on
tokenldaily pass sales.
Ms. Burns reported that the purpose of the subcommittee is to look at the income /scholarship level for
recreation programs and look at free days! access to the beaches and the fee assistant programs in
terms of beach tokens. After a couple of meetings the subcommittee came up with recommendations
for the Board's review and comment:
1. Adopt the 2005 USDA guideline levels for reduced price meals for those individuals applying for
financial assistance for beach tokens.
2. Adopt a phased -in version of the USDA scale for all other recreational programs over two years.
3. Refer to beach token assistance as -Fee Assistance."
4. Refer to other recreational program assistance a "scholarships- with exceptions.
5. Designate Mondays as free admission days for Evanston Residents at Clark St and South Blvd
beaches during the season, vran the exception of holidays.
Mr. Hodgman noted that the time people really want to use the beach is not necessan:y on Mondays,
but when the weather is really hot. He asked if the subcommittee thought about ways to make the
beaches more accessible on some other system that was related to weather rather than the day of the
week. Ms. Bums answered that logistically in terms of weather it is a lot more difficult. In addition, due
to health concerns the subcommittee didn't think it was a good idea to encourage individuals to go to
the beach on days when the temperature is above 90 degrees and the heat index is probably even
higher. Having a free day will allow access across the board.
Ms. DiMarco asked if consideration was made to have a rolling free admission where each day a
different beach would have a free day. his. Burns said logistically that would be hard to market. People
won't remember which beach is free on which day. It would also be hard to manage where staff needs
to be on any given day. It will be easier to keep it consistent for staff and so people will remember.
Mr. Sloane asked if there is enough proper transportation to the beaches, There are CTA bus routes to
the beaches. Staff can print bus routes in the Art & Recreation Magazine.
Mr. Hodgman said he has a hard time with saying that we should not have people come to the beach on
hot weather days because of health issues. Tr=e heat can be addressed with sun protection, umbrellas,
etc. The beaches are for hot weather ca}s. He asked if there was any thought to providing a certain
number of free passes on hot days to people wr.o can't afford to pay to get on the beach? If we are
really talking about people who need fina^ciai help, many of them won't be helped by discount tokens.
?As. Burns reminded Board that they have to corns+der the staff and how they can logistically make this
happen. Ms. Hams added that it becomes Cisrespectful when you begin judging people on how poor or
hot they look to determine whether or not we gve them a free pass to enter the beach. There are rules
and guidelines for the disadvantaged. Families vrho are low income understand that there is a process
for determining their financial situation anc what benefits they are entitled to as a result. She used the
school district's freelreduced lunch program and the department's scholarship program as examples.
Families who qualify will go through the process if they want to receive the discount tokens.
Mr. Sloane suggested that theBoard take time to review the draft memo from the subcommittee and be
prepared to take action at the December Board meeting. Ms. Burns and Mr. Casady encouraged
members to contact them with any questons or comments they may have prior to the December
Robert Crown Center: The Board received a packet of background material on what has occurred with
the Robert Crown Center & Ice Complex renovation /reconstruction project thus far. The information
1. Potential conceptual options far :ne Crown Center renovationlreconstruction project prepared by
staff May 2005
2. Human Services Committee April 2004 recommendation to Council regarding the Board's User
Input Report on the Robert Crown Community Center and Ice Complex,
3. Robert Crown User Input Report provided by the Board to the Human Services Committee at
their February 2004 meeting.
4. Human Services Committee meeting minutes on the Robert Crown Center (Dec, Aug and July
5. Robert Crown User input Report provided by the Board to the Human Services Committee at
their December 2003 meeting.
6. 1995 Community Attitude and Interest Survey
7. 2002 Southeast Evanston Recreation Center Survey
Mr, Gaynor explained that the Robert Crown Center project was put on hold because about two years
ago the city was facing approximately 30 mi!lion dollar potential liability in pay offs for law suits. The City
was no position to take on what to do with Robert Crown until those law suits were settled or resolved.
The law suits are now behind us and the Board asked to have this brought back on the agenda. This
project was left with a number of concepts developed by staff, based on the forensic study that was
done, to determine what should be done with the Center. There is a balance of approximately $130,000
that can be used to hire an outside consultant to refine what the Board lakes forward as a
recommendation on what to do with Robert Crown.
Mr. Gaynor noted that it has been recognized by administration and Council that both the Civic Center
- and the Robert Crown Center need to be addressed.
Mr. Metz said the Board needs to look at what's been done and think long and hard about what they are
trying to accomplish in the end. He doesn't think the Board can consider what to do with Robert Crown
without considering all of the indoor recreation needs of Evanston residents. Ms. DiMarco asked if that
information could come from the community survey that was done. Mr. Gaynor reminded her that the
survey was done in 1995. Mr. Hodgman asked for the status of the City's Youth Services RFP. Mr.
Gaynor said he will check on the status but wanted to be clear that the youth services survey is not just
a recreational piece. It has a lot to do with educationalltraining opportunities for youth who are not
going on to college.
Mr. Hodgman suggested that staff visit indoor facilities in other communities, take pictures and get a
broader description on what's involved and the population demographics and report back to the Board
at its January meeting. Ms. DiMarco volunteered to assist with visiting an indoor facility. Mr. Gaynor
said he will have a report for the Board at its January meeting. Mr, Hodgman would like for the January
meeting to be a weir publicized meeting. The status of staffs research and plans on how to publicize
the January meeting will be discuss at the December meeting.
Proposed Board Meetinq Dates for 2006
The Board approved the proposed meeting dates for 2006.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:40pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm,
December 15 at the Civic Center in Room 2403, 2100 Ridge Ave.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim
REVISED 1118106
Board Members Present:
Others Present:
Evanston Racreation Board
Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave
December 15, 2005
Mark Sloane, President
Bets! Burns, Treasurer
Kristian Harris, Secretary
Natalie Newberger
Mary Beth Whalen
"Draft — Not Approved'
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Marcus Casady
Mark Metz
Amina DiMarco
David Hodgman
Dick Seaman, Aid. Elizabeth Tisdahl, Leonard Woodson, Bob Seidenberg,
KiKi Nichols, Douglas Gaynor, Bob Dorneker
Mr. Sloane tailed tr,e r-ee:;ng to order at 7:35pm. The December 2005 meeting minutes were
Mr. Seaman: After tt:e !ast snowfall, the sidewalk/path parallel to Mulford St., along Leah/Lomar Park,
was not cleared until after the streets were cleared. Residents are required to clear the sidewalk when
there is 4 inches of snaw and he asks that the City does the same. He also suggested that the City salt
the sidewalks with salt tnat is not harmU, to animal's paws.
Mr. Gaynor resporndec at the department is responsible for clearing snow based on priority. When
there is a major snag fa l a number of tt:e department staff assist tl,e Public Works Department with
clearing the main streets, secondary streets and then they go into the ne.ghborhoods. The department
is also responsible for Gearing parking Ins and sidewalks on the perimeter of the 85 parks, but it may
take 3 or 4 days deper.cing on the snow fall.
Mr. Seaman, Robert Crown Advisory Board: At the December 13 Robert Crown Advisory Board
meeting members asKec why it is taking so long to get a decision to repair or replace Crown and they
continue to be concerned about the ice lane Issue. Mr. Seaman said he explained at that meeting that
the delay, as he unde-stands it, is one of `finding the money' to repair or replace with all of the budget
concerns of the City related to the Civic Center, Howard Street, and other Budget matters.
Several Crown Advisoy Board members involved in hockey thinks Robert Crown has the best set up to
view a hockey Came of any facility in the area. There are still concerns about women's washrooms and
locker rooms.
Light poles in the censer's parking lot had been dorm and were considered a safety hazard, The poles
have been put in place and lights are on order. Following the Dec 13 Advisory Board meeting, it was
found there was but one wooden parking lot entrance sign and no traffic signs. Parents of Washington
school students continue to exit the parking lot through the entrance. Mr. Seaman called Chief
Kaminski's office and was referred to the Traffic Division. The Traffic Division is in discussion with the
Legal department to cetermine whose jurisdiction it would be for tPe enforcement of this violation. The
Advisory Board is still waiting for decision on who has the authority to enforce Traffic matters. Mr.
Seaman met with the Asst. Principal at Washington School to make the school aware of Advisory
Board's concerns and asked if a letter could be given to Washington School parents asking them not to
exit at the entrance to Crown, but to exit at the exit
Another concern of the Advisory Board reported by Mr. Seaman ►tias why Crown doesn't have new
doors as found at botn Fleetwood - Jourdain and Chandler - Newberger. Mr. Seaman said he explained
to the Advisory Board that the City is waiting to get funding before any repairs or replacements are done
at Crown.
Mr. Woodson gave an overview of the special recreation programs offered by the department.
Budqet Update: Staff will have budget information for the Board at the January meeting.
CIP Update: The Board received a copy of the monthly project status report.
Summer Lunch Program: The department has a summer lunch program with sites at Robert Crown,
Fleetwood Jourdain, Mason Park and CiydelBrummel Park. The Clyde. Brummel site will be eliminated
because most of the kids visiting that site are from the south side of Howard St. That is not illegal
because it's a federal funded program and open to anyone but if we move the site to another location
within that general area, it will reach more of Evanston residents.
Last year at the hlarcn 10, 2005 Ridgeville Park District Board mee:ing, the department proposed
relocating its summer Lunch program from CtydelBrummel Park to Elks Park (Ridgeville Park). At that
time of discussion, the Ridgeville Park District Board didn't feel that they had enough time to evaluate
the program and survey the neighborhood for an opinion. Therefore the request was turned down.
The department resubmitted the request this year. The Park District Board has scheduled a public
hearing at their January 12 Board meeting to discuss our request. Mr. Casady will try to attend the
meeting with staff.
Middle School Soort Leaques: The winter session of volleyball and tennis programs for middle school
age begins in January. Unfortunately there has not been enough participation in these programs to
make them school based at this time. Mr. Dorneker will provide a written report on middle school sport
league programs at the January meeting.
Registration has started for the winter programs. The summer camp guide has been published and
distributed. Summer camp mail in registration begins Jan 27.
Alternatives for Beach Access for all Evanston Residents in 2006, The subcommittee (Betsi Bums,
Marcus Casady, Bob Dorneker, and Douglas Gaynor) met on Nov 14 to review and compare
information compiled by staff on other scholarship programs in the city (school district, etc.). A draft
memo of their discussion and proposed recommendation was distributed to the Board at its November
meeting for review and comment at the December meeting.
The Board had no comments or changes to the subcommittee's recommendation. Mr. Sloane opened
the floor for comments. Alderman Tisdahl reminded the Board that this is an important issue and
explained that she has received comments from several constituents asking that the City Council make
sure that something gets done. Evanston is a lakefront community and all Evanston citizens should
have equal access to the lakefront.
Mr. Sloane read a proposal from Rachel and John Heuman, who could not attend the meeting but
wanted their proposal entered into the minutes. The Proposal:
My wife and I have talked to a few Evanston residents and leaders to gather their input on
how the city can better increase the use of our #1 summer asset -the beaches.
it was felt that to promote a form of ownership of the beaches, a fee should be assessed for
all users. However, for families who are eligible for the free or reduced lunch program, a
cost of S10 per person is too expensive. Therefore we propose a fee of S5 per resident for
tnose at or below the green fine (Attachment C-existing gu,delines + S1.0.000).
Also to include lower and middle class families- those residents who pay Evanston taxes
but are excluded economically from the beaches- we propose a S10 per person token for
those families that earn at the green level +
By following our guidelines of a 75% reduction to those families eligible for the school lunch
program and a 50% reduction for those families lust above that cutoff, we hope that
Evanston's beaches will be more accessible to those who want to use them.
Since we will be out of town for the Dec. 17 meeting, please discuss our proposals and
have them entered into the rninutes. Upon our return, we will be in contact with you.
Thank you for your considerations in all this.
Rachel and John Heuman
In response to Mr. Heuman's proposal, Ms. Dimarco thought it would be better to keep it simple with
having a free beach day on Mondays (Clark & S. Blvd) and a fee reduction of 50% for qualified
residents then reassess the program after the season.
ACTION - The motion to adopt the subcommittee's proposed recommendation was unanimously
approved with the inclusion of an added recommendation to promote the free beach day and fee
assistant program.
The Board's recommendation will be presented at the January 30. 2006 Human Services Committee
Robert Crown Center— Status of Indoor facility research report: At the November Board meeting
Mr. Hodgman suggested that staff visit indoor facilities in other communities, take pictures and get a
broader description on what's involved and the population demographics and report back to the Board
at i+s January meeting. So far staff has visited a few sites a report will be provided at the January
Robert Crown Center— Publicizina the January meeting: Mr. Hodgman explained that part of the
purpose for the research and the public meeting is to try to raise the level of awareness and interest of
the community because we recognize we have to compete for the resources of the community with
other important uses such as paving the streets or rebuilding the Civic Center. We should invite interest
groups who would be interested in a facility. Ms. DiMaro will invite Alderman Bemstien. Mr. Gaynor
said all the Aldermen should be invited.
his. Whalen noted that it was very gratifying to participate in the discussion of the beach access issue
because it felt like there x%as decision making done by the Board. One of her frustrations at the Board
meetings is that although a lot of valuable information is communicated, it could be done so much more
efficiently. A lot of what the Board spends time hashing about are items that would typically be consent
agenda items. Maybe if items were prepared for the Board in a form of a report, the Board could react
to it in advance and if there were issues they would want to pull off consent it would run things a little
more efficiently. She understands that the bylaws calls for a monthly meeting but it seems if there are
no real issues that require some decision making, maybe meeting every other month or quarterly would
be a more efficient use of time. The Board should to revisit this as a bylaw issue in the future.
Ms. Bums thanked Mr. Casady for serving on the subcommittee for the beach access issue and staff for
compiling the necessary information. Mr. Sloane thinks Me Board is very actively involved in
understanding what goes on at the Levy Center. Some of the Board meetings are held at the center
and staff provides a regular report_
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:10pm. The next Recreation Board meeting is 7:30pm,
January 19 at the Levy Center, 300 Dodge.
Draft — Not Approved
Note: minutes are not verbatim