HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2002-2005TAXICAB ADVISORY BOARD
November 7, 2002
Board Members Present: Heather Crabtree, Marie Figaro, Tamara Lee Heller, Stina Hirsch
Samuel McKinley Jr., Alan Miller
Board Members Absent: Albert Bowie
City Staff Present: William Stafford, Director of Finance, Kevin Lookis, Revenue Manager
Stephen O'Sullivan, License and Measures Inspector
Others Present: Jean Esch, Nicolas Figaro
Meeting called to order by Samuel McKinley Jr. at 6:03 p.m.
William Stafford suggests that Board members introduce themselves since there are several new members
since the last Board meeting.
Sam McKinley notes that there is a quorum Requests nominations for Chair. None offered. Volunteers for
Chair requested. Heather Crabtree volunteers, seconded by Alan Miller. Crabtree approved by a vote of the
Crabtree refers to Item III of Board agenda to establish a quarterly meeting schedule for 2003 - 2nd Tusk
of the months of January, April, ,July, and October suggested Stafford notes the importance of having a set
meeting schedule. Kevin Lookis explains that these meeting could be rescheduled if conflicts occur.
Alan Miller requests a confirmation on the meeting time and if 6:00 p.m. is convenient for other Board
members. Consensus of Board agrees to time and 2003 meeting schedule as follows: The second Tuesday in
1anuary+ April, July and October.
Crabtree recognizes Stafford for a staff update to the Board.
Stafford explains that enforcement comes via the City Manager or their designee. Stafford noted that he is
the designee along with the day to day responsibilities that are handled by Kevin Lookis and Stephen
O'Sullivan. Stafford began with an update of the current ordinance change being voted on at the next
meeting of the City Council. This is a change to the current ordinance that would allow the use of
GPS/Computer based dispatching from outside of the City limits and to aligr: with companies that provide
this service. He explained that we have had requests for this type of change from two associations.
Stafford noted that a year ago changes were made to the meter rates and the value of cab coupons for seniors
and those with disabilities. Those changes have led to a decrease in complaints overall and staff has seen an
increase in participation in the program. He mentioned changes that are being considered include privatizing
the taxiab inspections noting this he would prefer the License and Measures Inspector be involved with
enforcement rather than inspecting cabs. The privatization plan would involve designating a number of
Evanston service / gasoline stations to conductthe inspections for a fee.
Other items Stafford wishes to change is an increase in the number of available cab stands, however, he
pointed out that in order to get this accomplished he is going to request broader enforcement powers. He
maintained that this trade off is the only wry he would be able to convince City Council to agree to discuss
the increase of cabstands. Stafford further noted that he would provide drafts to the Board prior to bringing
these items before Council for input.
Stafford reported that Magic Cab his asked to change their colors and align with American Tanta Dispatch,
Inc. He pointed out that currently this is the type of change that can be approved administratively as long as
the color is distinctive from other Evanston Associations. He was reporting this to the Board so that they are
completely apprised of the possibility for this change. Stina Hirsch asked why are cab colors an issue here in
Evanston since there aren't an excessive number of associations. Stafford noted that it was for identification
with the affiliated association.
Marie Figaro asked if the License and Measures Inspector would cease to do all inspections?
Stafford stated that the change to inspection process that is under consideration would allow the License and
Measures Inspector the latitude to conduct surprise spot inspections on the street. Figaro added that persons
within the taxi industry could provide input on how an inspection form should be constructed and what
should be recorded in the course of an inspection. Miller reported that the inspection process that Skokie
employs is similar to what Stafford has described He said that Skokie has a process that is coordinated with
the Ciry and that it has proven to be effective.
Stafford states he has addressed everything he had prepared for the Board He then asked Lookis to review
the complaints that have been received by the Coll+ector's Office.
Lookis noted that we have seen a noticeable decrease in complaints received and he attributed this to the
ordinance changes that made meter rates and coupon acceptance more lucrative. Lookis noted that we have
also received compliments as well as complaints and the form has been changed to encourage the reporting
of both Miller added that the individual companies get complaints that the City would not have knowledge
of. Lookis agreed and added that the staff would prefer that a complaint to the City be the last resort when a
passenger has a problem. Contacting the company should be the first step towards resolution. Lookis directs
Stephen O'Sullivan to summarize the complaints received for the current 1~rscal Year.
O'Sullivan summarizes complaints (4 total).
Figaro suggested that the owner and company be notified when the City receives a complaint. This is the
case by staff at this time.
The committee next had a discussion on cab age and condition and the positive ramifications of suicw
enforcement regarding this issue.
A general discussion regarding the use of cab coupons and their potential misuse ensued and Stafford
Mated that the usage had doubled since the increases enacted in September 2001. Stafford also noted that
the relationship between the community and the cab companies has improved He cited the work Nancy
Flowers did with the Senior Citizen Community and the cooperation with the taxi companies as the reason
for the improvements overall. Miller agreed and noted that the dialogue between the City and the cab
industry has never been as active and productive as it has been over the last year and he hoped that would
Frgaro added that the drivers should be refreshed from time to time in order to maimain their knowledge of
the rules and regulations and what is expected of them. Staff agreed
Stafford pointed out that the issue of cabstands is a topic that needs to be addressed and we want continued
input as to where stands would be most valuable. McKinley asked if there is any dialogue with the Cityof
Chicago regarding Howard Street. Stafford stated that there is seems to be little possibility that any dialogue
would take place with Chicago regarding the use of Howard Street with Evanston taxis. Stafford has seen
cabs being stopped by Chicago Police and hopefully we can get additional cabstands for Evanston cabs in the
necessary areas. McKinley asked if any progress could be made contacting Chicago Alderman Joe Moore.
Lookis noted that it is more an issue with Caroline Schoenberger, head of Chicago's Cosnsurner affairs than
the Alderman. Figaro indicated that the perceptions that the cabdrivers are to blame for the problems on
Howard Street are erroneous. Stafford reminded the Board that it would be necessary to increase
enforcement and maintain stria controls to convince Council that increased cabstands space is worthwhk
Miller agreed and added that the loss of cabstands hurt the industry overall and that serving St Francis and
the southern part of Evanston is diffkvIL McKinley argued that the City cabs don% bother with the north
side of Chicago and that from Devon A%vmw north toward Howard are serviced by suburban cabs. Miller
added that not one case against a suburban cab making a pick up with in the Chicago City limits has ever
been beaten. The Chicago ordinance is uxigh and for these situations there is an automatic S 1000.00 in firm.
Crabtree reads a suggestion from Tamara Hefler, an annual award for outstanding cab drivers. Miller agrees
that that would be a wonderful ides. Looiris added that it would be a good incentive for drivers. Stafford
agreed and felt that it is something that could be added to the e�dsturg ordinance. Crabtree relays from
Hiller: "I would be willing to compose a form for an award program, I also have a number of drivers in
Stafford reminds the board that this is a team effort and he thanks everyone for coming.
Lookis announced that the minutes sbould be out to the board within a week to ten days.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:50 P.M.
Mel i=i
April 23, 2003
Board Members Present: Albert Bowie, Heather Crabtree, Marie Figaro, Tamara Lee Heller,
Stina Hirsch, Samuel McKinley Jr.. Alan Miller,
Board Members Absent:
City Staff Present: William Stafford, Director of Finance, Kevin L,00kis, Revenue Manager
Stephen O'Sullivan, License and Measures Inspector
Others Present: Nicolas Figaro, Yakov Grinshpun, ]ay Kleeman,
Meeting called to order by Heather Crabtree at 6:06 p.m.
Ms. Crabtree moves for approval of the previous meetings minutes. Seconded by Mr. McKinley.
Ms. Crabtree requests report from Staff.
Mr. Stafford notified the board that at the next scheduled meeting of the Taxicab Advisory Board, a
working draft of the new ordinance will be ready and available for resew. Mr. Stafford also noted
that the request for cabstands is another item he expects movement on in the coming months..
Specifically, a cabstand near the Hilton Hotel and a location in the south end of Evanston. Stafford
brought the board up to date on the Sherman Avenue project stating that the new development is
slated to begin construction in the coming months. Stafford suggested that this might be a good
Spot for a cabstand.
Nis. Crabtree requests a report on complaints received since the last board meeting.
Mr. O'Sullivan summarizes complaints.
Alan Miller asked for clarification on whether or not many seniors reported difficulty with
redeeming coupons. Mr. Miller also reported that he had attended the last chauffeur training class
and found that customer service and the coupon program were extensively covered.
Tamara Lee Heller noted that disabled persons should be included with seniors.
Mr. Stafford agreed with his. Heller and asked the board to reschedule the next meeting due to
scheduling conflicts. Mr. Stafford suggested the following week on Wednesday July 16, 2003. He
reminded the board that there would be touch to consider and will take more time than previous
meetings. Mr. Stafford reminded the board that they should be prepared to review the draft of the
new ordinance and suggest changes. Nfr. Stafford explained that this new ordinance will address the
need for more cabstands and increase the enforcement powers over the existing licenses and most
importantly cabs entering Evanston from the outside the city.
Mr. Miller asked if a draft has been submitted to the police.
Mr. Stafford confirmed the police will be reviewing the draft and offering suggestions.
Manic Figaro suggested a meeting with the drivers with regard to the ordinance changes.
Kevin Loofas agreed and thought a meeting to educate the drivers on the proposed changes would
be in order similar to the meetings that were conducted in the summer of 2001 to educate drivers on
the need to accept sen-ice animals.
Air. Stafford agreed and stated that we want to include all of the concerned parties.
Air. Miller suggested an earlier start time to give enough time towards reviewing the ordinance draft
Nis. Crabtree confirmed the rescheduled date July 16, 2003 at 5:00 p.m.
With regard to the new ordinance Samuel McKinley Jr. repeated the need for cabstands even a
temporary area near Howard Street Air. McKinley further noted that many cabs are floating around
the Howard area and many have begun to sit on Western south of Howard. This will cause
Chicago's police to come down on the Evanston drivers since they have no place to go to service
this pan of Evanston.
Miller agreed and explained how different areas became "unofficial" cabstands in the past, the
former Dominick's at Chicago Avenue & South Blv& is an example.
Albert Bowie stated an increasing number of senior citizens who are taking cabs that in his opinion
should have another person along to assist them or employ transportation that would address their
special needs. He fuuther noted that you feel responsible for their well being when you drop them
Nis. Crabtree moved to adjourn.
Ms. Heller requested that a contact sheet be created with all of the Board Members ntrr>es,
addresses, and/or email.
Nis. Crabtree moved to adjourn. Seconded by McKinley.
Meeting Adjoumed at 6:40 P.M.
October 15, 2003
Board Members Present: Albert Bowie, Heather Crabtree, Tamara lee Heller.
Samuel McKinley Jr.. Alan Miller,
Board Members Absent: Marie Figaro. Stina Hirsch
City Staff Present: William Stafford, Director of Finance, Kevin Lookis, Revenue Manager
Stephen O'Sullivan, License and Measures Inspector
Ot>bers Present: Nicolas Figaro,
Meeting eaUed to order by Heather Crabtree at 6:04 p.m.
Nis. Crabtree moves for approval of the previous meetings minutes. Seconded by Mr. McKinley.
Nis. Crabtree requests the staff report on cab complaints complaints.
Stephen O'Sullivan summarizes the complaints received since the last meeting. He notes that there
has been a significant decrease in the number of formal complaints received. Mr. O'Sullivan
announces the next inspection will take place October 21 and 22, 2003.
Kevin Lookis explained the change that has been made to the inspection process. Lookis stated that
the City uill inspect by license number and not by cab company. He expressed the ease in looking at
specific numbers and as a result an entire fleet of a particular cab company is not required to come
off the street. Lookis addressed one of the complaints that the City has received regarding Livery
cabs. He explained per the city's ordinance they arc similar to cabs with distinct differences. The
police has requested that the city examine the livery cabs in use. Lookis further noted that a separate
inspection will take place of the vehicle registered with the city.
Lookis referred to the new cab stand near the Hilton Hotel. He noted that it has been approved,
however, the establishment of the stand was part of a larger project that will include new parking
meters and street striping.
Stafford added that the estimate for the completion of these installations should be within the
Alan Miller stated that he and Samuel McKinley Jr. had surveyed areas that they believe would be
ideal locations for new stands. He added that he attempted to solicit input from Wally Wolff of
Norshore cab but his messages went unreturned. Mr Miller added that he also asked for input from
the drivers and will have a list ready for the next meeting.
William Stafford announced a development that will include a twelve story building on Howard near
the existing cabstand.
Alan Miller volunteere his assistance with the pains for this development with regards to a cabstand.
Mr. Miller identified 1000 Central as a development that could have benifiteed from input from the
cab industry.
Air. Lookis suggested that any proposed locations be brought before the Board for review prior to
sending them to the City Council.
Mr. Stafford agreed and expressed his desire to present all of the proposed stands all at once.
Nis. Heller reminded the Board of her desire to have a driver of the year award.
Air. Lookis suggested rewarding the driver by waiving the chauffeur renewal fee.
Air. Stafford recommended getting the City's Communication Coordinator involved to promote the
nomination of a driver. Air. Stafford notified the Board of the continued success of the Taxi
Coupon program. He noted the usage numbers are huge.
Samuel McKinley noted that he has seem a steep MUMSC in putieipation.
Mr. Miller reported his impression of the emphasis placed on serving senior citizens and the disabled
coupon users within the program.
Mr. Lookis reported that coupon complaints are down as a result of the class.
Ms. Heller asked when would American Taxi be printed on the coupons.
Mr. Lookis explained that a massive order was placed prior to American's arrival in Evanatom When
the current supply is exhausted the new order will feature all of the taxi companies that serve
Mr. Stafford trade reference to the status of the revised ordinance and hoped a final draft would be
prepared within the next several weeks certainly for the next meeting of the Board. He also noted he
wants the board to review and make suggestions before it is presented to the City Council.
Mr. Stafford mentioned the City's website to view the current ordinance as well as the other features
that the site offers.
Ms. Crabtree motions for adjournment. Seconded by Air. Miller
Meeting adjourns at 6:31 p.m.
--'bUd vi up,
July 13, 2004
Board Members Present: Albert Bowie, Heather Crabtree, Tamara Lee Heller,
Samuel McKinley Jr., Alan Miller. Marie Figaro
Hoard Members Absent: Stina Hirsch
City Staff Preseet: William Stafford, Director of Finance, Kevin Lookis, Revenue Manager
Stephen O'Sullivan, License and Measures Inspector
Others Present: Mike Decker, Nicolas Figam, Saleem Ghaffar,
Meeting called to order by Heather Crabtree at 6:07 p.m.
Ms. Crabtree moves for approval of the previous meetings minutes. Seconded by Air. McKinley.
Ms. Crabtree requests the staff report on cab complaints.
Stephen O'Sullivan summarizes the complaints received since the last meeting. O'Sullivan noted
that there were two significant complaints recently. The first complaint concerned the refusal of
service to a customer n a wheelchair. The driver claimed that he was told he was not requited to
accept individuals in wheelchairs, claiming this directive came from the City of Evanston.The
customer in this complaint was capable of entering the cab without assistance. The only assistance
required was folding the chair and placing it in the trunk. Upon further investigation it was found
that the driver had not renewed his license for the current year. The driver is now prohibited iiom
operating as a chauffeur in the City of Evanston.
The second complaint involved a complaint against a driver's ability to operate a cab safely.
According to the complaint, the driver was nearly involved in several accidents en route to O'Hare
airport. The complaining party found it necessary to assist this driver in helping him navigate the
tollway to the airpom
Crabtree requested the information on the next agenda item.
O'Sullivan referred to the earlier complaint regarding the taxi cab and stressed the importance of the
companies, the owners, and the drivers being fully aware of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Kevin Lookis stated that the city held meetings in February over the course of several days to
educate the drivers and the owners about the Americans with Disabilities Act. Lookis reminded
those attending that violating this act devastated a cab company on the West coast.
William Stafford added that the complaints are down and based on the feedback he has received,
compliance is up. Coupon use is up and he felt this shows that coupon users feel more secure in
using the program.
O'Sullivan passed out copies of the updated Driver of the Year Award' nomination form and
explained the changes to the form since the last meeting.
Tamara Heller (via Crabtree) suggested changes to the recent update.
Alan Miller asked what would the winner receive for winning.
Lookis felt that a license renewal at no cost would be the annual award. Lookis suggested that we
have a monthly nominee.
Heller (via Crabtree) noted that this is an annual award.
Lookis clarified that the monthly winners would be used to determine the annual winner.
O'Sullivan presented a draft of a redesigned rate card that all Evanston taxicabs must display.
Miller had concerns that additional information might confuse some riders.
Lookis stated that many of the cabs are either without a rate card or using outdated or non
standardized means for informing the public. The new rate card is larger and it provides far more
information that the index -sized card that had been used in the past. It would provide clear
information as to the cab number and information for repotting compliments as well as complaints.
The new card will provide another opportunity for a rider to identify a cab. We often find the
complaints cannot be investigated without that critical piece of information. Lookis invited the
board to review the new card and offer any suggestions for changes.
Lookis informed the Board that due to the condition of some of the liverys that are operating within
the city, plans are being finalized to inspect the twenty-five Evanston licensed liverys. He noted that
a number of complaints have come in regarding a livery vehicle that appears to be operating in
Evanston exclusively. It is unknown if this individual is operating under one of the twenty-five
Evanston Livery numbers.
Lookis announced that there will be a change in policy regarding new Chauffeues. licenses. Lookis
explained that applicants will be requited to have their Illinois drivers license for at least one year
prior to attending the class. This change will hopefiilly eliminate complaints of drivers not being
experienced enough to safely operate a vehicle.
O'Sullivan announced that the taxi re -inspection will take place July 20, 2M4 between 1:00 p.m. --
3:00 p.m. at the Fleet service center. Any cab that was absent firm the regular inspection on Jute 22
& 23, 2004 should make sure to be inspected at the re -inspection.
Stafford updated the Board on the progress of the Ordinance changes.
Samuel McKinley Jr. asked what significant changes should be expected.
Stafford stated that there are specific items he wished to address with the ordinance change such as
privatizing the inspections so the City inspector can actually be out on the street to make spot
checks of delinquent vehicles.
Miller asked if there is any hope of addressing the lack of cab stand space with the rewrite.
Stafford acknowledged the need for cab stand space and that every effort was being made to identify
areas where 2 stand wound work.
Mr. Al Bowie asked if the license fees Would be going up.
Stafford explained that every element of the ordinance will be reviewed. The ordinance that is in
effect currently doesn't have the depth that Chicago's ordinate has. The City of Evanston should
have the ability to penalize a Chicago cab for the same type of infractions that Chicago uses with the
suburban cabs. He also wanted to strengthen areas of accountability with the drivers and owners of
Evanston cabs. Stafford assured the Board that they would see the ordinance before it went to the
City Council.
Ms. Crabtree motions for adjournment Seconded by Air. Miller
Meeting adjoumns at 6:44 p.m.
September Li, 2005
Board Members Present: Tamara Lee Heller. Samuel McKinley Jr., Alan Miller, Marie Figaro,
Mike Decker, Heather Crabtree
Board :Members Absent: Stina Hirsch
City Staff Present: William Stafford, Director of Finance, Stephen O'Sullivan, License and
Measures Inspector
Meeting called to order by Alan Miller at 6:U p.m.
Miller moves for approval of the previous meetings minutes. Seconded by fir. McKinley.
Bill Stafford thanked all in attendance and noted over the last few weeks the City has been contacted
by several members of the Taxi industry with requests for a review of the rates due to the massive
gas price increases. He hoped that this meeting he could get suggestions for rate changes that could
be presented for consideration.
Several drivers are in attendance and those who wish to speak were asked to sign in and
they will be recognized in the order they signed in.
Clifton Muir driver, claimed that the problem with the rates is the flat rate to the airports that cause
the drivers to lose money. The rate that the City has established are high enough — the flat rates
should be regulated.
Bill Stafford reminded him that the City of Evanston has never been involved in regulating flat rates.
Muir acknowledged that he was aware of this but felt that this "price competition" only hurts the
drivers. If the Meter is run from Evanston to O'Hare airport the charge will be $32.00.
Meo Gibson driver — noted that a meter to O'Hare would be closer to $35.00.
Alan Milder asked if their 'estimates' were from the same location in Evanston.
Clifton Muir says he is basing it from the Orrington Hotel.
Sam McKinley added that it is 16 — 17 miles to O'Hare, at $1.90 per mile $32.00 seemed like a more
accurate estimate_
Syed Ali, driver noted that the fiat rate should be increased and regulated a meter to the airport is
Alain Zeb, driver wants the rates increased to Midway ; the tastes to O'Hare are fine.
Bill Stafford asked what the rates to Midway are.
Zeb reports the rate to Midway is $42.00 and you return to the area empty.
Walter Wolff Tres of Norshore Cab Co. — noted that the prices are established based on
competition. When we raise our flat rates we don't think the City should be involved. Since they
haven't been in the past.
Mohamed Quershi, driver — all companies should have the same rate.
Jim Antanouli 303 Cab — flat rates are necessary and they should be less than a metered rate.
Rana Rind driver, Flat rate to Ohare should be S32 and the Rate rate to Midway should be $50 and
the meter rates should be increased.
Magdi Bashir, driver returning to Evanston empty after a small flat rate is hard.
Laforest Labosirre, driver asked why not charge a meter and to go to distant towns the airport
should be included in the meter and'/2.
Nicolas Figaro driver/owner, the flat rate should be raised but only minimally - $24 or $26 at the
Gibson added a flat rate to the loop would be good.
Stafford asks what is a flat rate to the Loop.
Gibson answered $25.00
Mike Decker — what pan of the Loop are we talking about? The North end of the Loop that price
makes sense — the Loop is a massive destination — during rush hour a meter to the Loop could be as
high as $32.00.
Homaida Alfaki driver, I have been driving for three years and costs have gone up.
McKinley — every company has a different price and different policies that the way it has been and
should be.
Bazelais Augustin the meter rates should be increased to $2.10 per mile or $2.20 per mile.
Miller reminded everyone that this rate was raised from $1.40 per mile to a max of $1.90 three years
ago if gas goes down will you give back the increase?
Nicolas Figaro we must make these changes reasonable we do not want to drive away customers.
Stafford noted that this would have to be drafted and then reviewed by the Board before it went to
the City Coiuncil.
Milner added that this will be a process and reminded the drivers that many things can happen in the
process that might seem good today but not so great in the future. He suggested that the drivers
start talking to the passengers that they take to the airports to see what they think an informal poll
would give everyone more information.
Figaro moves to adjourn — seconded by Alan Miller. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.