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The General .Sleeting Minutes
Small Business Development Committee
Minority, Women, and Evanston Business Enterprises
January 9, 2001
Members Present: Laurie Marston, Janice Sachen, . Richard Peach, and Michael Sutton
Members Absent: Carl Davis, Bennie Jones
Staff Present: Chad Walton
Staff Absent: Lloyd W. Shepard
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Ms Laurie Marston at 6-05 p m.
11. Annroval of Last Minutes
It was agreed that the minutes of May IWh. June 14`h, August 9`h, September 13`h and
December 6'h require minor revisions. These changes were discussed and approved. All
the above minutes were then moved to be approved by Mr Richard Peach and Ms. Janice
Sachen was the seconder. The motion carried The minutes of July 121h will be sent to
the members for approval at the Feb. 7'h meeting.
II1. Old Business
Vendor Fair November S. 2000
SIT. Lloyd Shepard received a list of vendors attending the Northwestern University/ City
of Evanston Vendor Fair from Mr. John Marshall, Economic Opportunity Coordinator,
Northwestern University. One hundred twenty vendors attended of which thirty-three
were Evanston businesses.
Proaosed Definition of EBE
Mr. Shepard collaborated with Attorney Herb Hill, Legal Department, regarding the
MWEBE Committee's recommended changes to the definition of an EBE.
MUMBE Committee Meeting
January 9. 2001
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The new EBE definition will include some of the following provisions.
(1) An EBE shall mean an entity located in the City for a minimum of one year
(2) An EBE performs a commercially useful function
(3) The vendor pays property and/or sales taxes in Evanston
(4) The business entity's address or the address given on the Federal and/or State income
tax return is within Evanston.
(5) The date of issuance of an Evanston Business License.
The one-year requirement may be waived at the City's discretion provided the entity
provides proof of a substantial Evanston commitment Businesses that maintain a
distribution warehouse or manufacture in Evanston will receive EBE credit of 60% and
100% respectively. Those that do not maintain a distribution warehouse or manufacture
but have an office in Evanston will be considered a broker and receive a 5% credit.
Eligibility will be periodically reviewed and can be revoked at anytime if the entity no
longer meets the above requirements.
Ms. Sachen moved that the new definition of EBE be approved in its current state.
Mr. Peach was the seconder and the motion carried unanimously. The definition will be
submitted to the Legal Department for an ordinance to be drafted and forwarded to the
A&PW Committee for its recommendation to City Council for approval.
IV. New Business
The Lead Paint Abatement Program
Mr.Bill Hudson, Rehabilitation Specialist, Housing Rehab Division, City of Evanston,
made a presentation to the Suburban Black Contractors Association December 21, 2000,
about the City's Lead Abatement Program that is funded by the Illinois Department of
Public Health's Environmental Lead Program Mr Hudson is fostering the effort to
include minority owned companies in this program The program offers many jobs that
are tailored in size for small businesses to participate
Facade lmnrovement Program
This program is funded by the Evanston Storefront Program (ESP). Mr. Shepard will
evaluate this program to determine how it can benefit both small construction companies
and businesses that need assistance in improving their storefronts.
MWEBE Development Committee
January 9. 2001
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Future Redevelopment Aureement
Mr. Shepard is working with Mrs Judy Aiello, Assistant City Manager and Mr. Herb
Hill, Legal Department, on editing the language in redevelopment agreements to prevent
similar problems. such as with Evanston Fuel, that could arise in the future.
Clerical Support
Ms. Marston discussed with Mr. Bill Stafford the Committee's disappointment with not
having clerical support staff. Mr Stafford related that he would have someone to attend
Committee meetings, take notes and prepare minutes Mr. Stafford indicated that he had
filled one of the three (3) Finance Department positions and was interviewing for another.
He hoped to interview for the Clerk's position in late January.
There were three (3) reports submitted to the committee by Mr. Chad Walton.
1), Total Paid to MWEBE Business
a. Since the last meeting
MBE $11,700.37
WBE $15.491.08
EBE S1,074,299.79
b. Fiscal Year to Date
:CBE $52,98169
WBE $ l 98,752.94
EBE $5,235,233.84
2). Contracts awarded by the City Council since the last meeting
12/06100 through 01 /09/01
MBE $0 (0%)
WBE $0 (0%)
EBE $210,250.00 (41.9%)
Total Awarded $501.885 00
Evanston Hospital Proiect
Clarke Construction Group has submitted all MWEBE Schedules that are required for the
Mesirow Stein/Evanston Northwestern Lab Building. However, the MWEBE Monthly
Participation report needs to be reformatted to reflect the three categories (MWEBE) of
participation on the same page
MWEBE Development Committee
January 9, 2001
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McDou¢al Litteil Project
Power Construction is the general contractor for this project. Power has not submitted
the required MWEBE schedules needed to demonstrate their compliance with the
redevelopment agreement MWEBE requirements. Mr Shepard is following up with the
appropriate person to ensure that all required schedules are submitted.
Re¢ents Partner
Mr. Shepard addressed a letter to Mr. Craig MacKenzie, Senior Project Manager, Regent
Partners to ascertain when Regent Partners would have their general contractor Weiss
Builders submit the required MWEBE schedules. To -date, neither Regent Partners nor
Weiss Builders has responded. Miss Janice Sachen requested that the staff contact the
City of Atlanta to inquire if Regent Partners has an affirmative track record in the Atlanta
area. Mr. Dick Peach will mention the potential compliance problem at the APW
Committee meeting.
V. Other Business
All future meetings will be held the first Wednesday of the month.
VI. Adiournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m
DRAFT The General Meeting Minutes DRAFT
Small Business Development Committee
Minority, Women and Evanston Business Enterprises
February 7, 2001
Members Present: Dick Peach. Janice Sachen and Horace Payne
Members Absent: Carl Davis, Bennie Jones and Michael Sutton
Staff Present: Chad Walton and Lloyd W Shepard
I. Cali to Order
Mr. Dick Peach opened the meeting without a quorum at 6:17 p.m.
II. Welcome New Member, Mr. Horace Payne
Mr. Peach welcomed Mr. Payne to the meeting and introduced him to Ms. Janice
Sachen and staff
III. Aaproval of Juiv 12. Oct 18 and January 9 Minutes
Due to not having a quoru the above minutes were not approved.
IV. Staff" Report
Evanston Hospital. Mesirow Stern
The format of Clark Construction Group's, Monthly MWEBE Participation
Summary, Report fl, was discussed. Mr. Shepard is to have Clark eliminate
references to contracts for MWEBE credit designated as To Be Determined
(TBD), contracts that have not been executed, and to change the heading above
the first column of the report from Subcontractor to Prime Contractor. Mr.
Shepard indicated that he is pleased with Clark's overall reporting effort given
that Clark has submitted Schedules. "Letter of Intent to Perform" and "Affidavit
of MWEBE Status" with MWBE Certification Letters, for all subcontractors that
Clark has taken MWEBE credit.
Bovis Lem] Luse d W. E. O 'Neil
Mr. Shepard reported that he is in process of reconciling both Bovis' and O'Neil's
MWEBE compliance documents. Bovis has reported total MWEBE participation
for the Pavilion at 20.20%. O'Neil has reported total MWEBE participation for
the Garage at 13.39%. however, O'Neil uses a total Garage cost of S 14,133,645
and the Garage's actual total cost is $20,891,041. For an MWEBE participation
percentage of 9.06%. The combined Bovis and O'Neil MWEBE participation
percentage is 13 67%.
MWEBE Development Committee
February 7, 2001
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MWEBE Report on Contracts Awarded
Mr. Chad Walton gave a summary of the total contracts awarded to MWEBEs
as follows
Total Awarded by Council from 03/0I/00 thr 01/15/01 $12.066,511
EBE Participation S 941,125 (07.8%)
MBE Participation S2,727,175 (22.90/6)
WBE Participation S 462.649 (03.6%)
Total MWEBE Participation 03-01-00 thr 01-15-01 S 4.170,949 (34.6°/s)
V. Old Business
Proposed Definition of EBE -- APW Meeting on February 12
The new definition of an EBE was discussed extensively and it was agreed that
the Ianguage used to define EBE in the new Ordinance 8-0-01 will strengthen the
MWEBE Utilization Specification and in particular the City's redevelopment
agreements. The A&PW Committee will review Ordinance 8-0-01, Monday
02-12-01, for the subsequent approval of the City Council. The Ordinance will
not be changed unless at some future time circumstances require it's revision.
VI. New Business
Language in Future Redevelopment Agreements Scribcor, Klutznick)
Not discussed
VI. Adiournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6.50 p.m.
DRAFT The General Meeting Minutes DRAFT
Small Business Development Committee
Minority. Women and Evanston Business Enterprise
April 4. 2001
Members Present: Janice Sachen. rune Marston. Dick Peach, Horace Payne. Bennie Jones.
Mitchel Tacks. tiltchael Sutton and Carl Davis.
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Chad Walton and Lloyd Shepard
Guest Present: Alice Rebechu i. Sr Vice President. Mcsirow Stein and Mr. John Hibbett.
Evanston citizen
1. Call to Order
Ms. Lauric Marston opened the mecung at 6:05 p.m.
11. Welcome New Member
Ms. Mauston welcomed Mr Mitchel lacks to the meeting and introduced him to the committee
Ill. Approval of July 12, Januar. 9 and February 7 Minutes
The minutes of July' January and Fcbnian Aere approved with one change to the January
minutes. In Section If.. the reference to the "October 18'h minutes' should be deleted as the
meeting was cancelled due to lack of a quorum.
IV. Staff Report
Church Street Plaza
Mr. Shepard reported the 1f%%EBE participation for the Hilton Garden Inn that is being
constructed by Weiss Builders The reported total contract value of the hotel is Sl 1.208.727 The
total dollar amount of contracts awarded as of January 31. 200I is $9.641.258. The dollar amount
of contracts awarded to MBEs is S 1.083.539 or 11.2%; WBEs is S 141,960 or 1.5% and EBEs is
S104.531 or 1.1%. The total dollar amount of contracts aAurded to MWEBEs against all contracts
let is S 1.330.030 or 1 4% The total percentage of contracts to MWEBES against the reported total
value of the hotel is 12%
Mr. Shepard reported that Weiss Builders had not submitted the required schedules for verifying
MBE and WBE participation l:nul such schedules are received Weis' reports for MWEBE credit
cannot be venfied. The Comrrunee discussed Weis' non submission of required schedules with its
MWEBE report and instructed Shepard to write Regent Partners to apprise that MWEBE credit
will not be approved until such documentation is received and to remind them of the financial
penalty for non-compliance
Church Street Plaza Audit
Mr. Shepard indicated that a recowhation of dollars credited for MWEBE participation on the
Church Street Plaza Pavilion and the City Parking Garage is approximately 60% complete. He
projected that the reconciliation will be completed in approximately 5 to 10 working days.
Shepard was asked if the reconciliation would be sent to the City Council. He related that it would
first be reviewed internally by appropriate personal then passed on to this Committee for review
before it would be sent to the Cm Council.
MWEBE Committee Meeting
April 4. 2001
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ENH Research Buildinz%icstro%% Stein
Mr Shepard related that he had a discussion %kith George Hochl. Clark Construction Group.
regarding re%ismg the amount of credit that can be taken for distributors tt r") on the MWEBE
participation summan Shepard stated that %fr Hoch] made the requesied rc%isions, which are
reflected. in the second report from Clark.
The total contract %alue of the ENH Research Building is Sl 1.115.0041 Thc total %aluc of
contracts awarded to -date is 5".525.000. Total project to -date (PTDt SIBE participation is
5865.422 or 11 5°-o Total PTD %VBE participation is S 1.520,784 or 20 2%, Total PTD ERE
participation is 5225.4r - or 3 0% Combined PM MWEBE participation is 35 0°N0. MWEBE
participation against the total contract value is 24.0%.
McDougal LittI&NIesirou Stein
Mr. Shepard indicated that Porker Construction Company is constructing the McDougal Littlel
office building Shepard met utth Wayne Ziemer. Project Executise. Pacer Construction
Company April 2. UN)1. to discuss %INVEBE reporting requirements Po%%er has submitted the
"The Lcttcr of Intent to Comph %kith the City of Evanston's MWEBE Polin
Power's MWEBE participation is predicated an non- "eluded contracts of S8.803.405. PTD MBE
is 5471.725 or 5 4° & PTD WBE is S L 184.n75 or 13.5"/0. PTD EBE is 5388.2 l0 or 4A%.
Combined MWEBE is S2.044.0 10 or 23.3%
MWEBE Rctaort on Contracts A%karded
Chad Walton presented the %car -to -date (tiTD) and month -to -date I%rM) %i«'EBE for the
Purchasing Department Combined YTD MWEBE dollars spent $6.101,297 Breakout b%
category- MBE dollars spent S61.484 or l tt°/o. %VBE dollars spent S261 u46 or 4 3% ERE
dollars spent S5."'B.-6- or 94 7°'0. Combined hiTD MWEBE dollars spent 5212.657. Breakout
by categon NSBE dollars spent $6.545 or 3.1%. %VBE dollars spent 512.598 or S.9%. ERE
dollars spent S 193.5 14 or 91 o a.
Ms. Marston requested that a summary of the above MWEBE purchasing activity be sent to the
City Council Str Walton indicated that he %kould gencrtte the report and present it to the
MWEBE Comrrutice at the next meeting for revieu and approval
V. Old Business
Definition of ESE - Ordinance 9-0-01
Ms. Marston related that Ordinance 8-0-0I that redefines the deftrution of an ERE %%°as adopted by
the Cih Council Starch 3. 2tNi 1. The Ordinance makes certain that EBEs are performing a
commeretalf% useful function and not just an extra participant.
Progress Rcnort on Staff Evaluation %kith Purchasine. Compliance
Mr. Shepard indicated that he and Mr. Walton could prepare a presentation for the Depastmou
Heads. Shepard is completing a new- MWEBE specification on which the presentation can be
predicated. Addinonalh. Shepard would like to have a new ERE Dtreetorti. completed prior to the
Vl. New Business
Laneuaec in Future Redecelonment Agreements (Gicnlake CavitaMutmick)
The Committee discussed the fact that developers to often have their professional service
a providers in place before presenting redc%elopment proposals to the Cin The Committer is
MWEBE Committee Meeting
April 4. 2001
Page 3 or 3
concerned that at minimum 25% of professional service contracts should be expected for
MNVEBES and a certain percentage of that is expected for EBEs. Since the redevelopment
agreement refers to 'construction and service contracts" it was suggested that expectations could
be addressed by ha%ing a bullet list of professional scnice prodders. e.g., architects, engineers.
surveyors, landscape architects and interior designers. Additionally. a Buyer Seller mixer
sponsored by the Mayor ,,.w suggested to bring prospective parties together
Discussion of Letter to Mavor & Manaeer Resardine Clerical Suovort
The Committee agreed to have Horace Paync. also a member of the CDBG Committee, inquire
about the status of CDBG funding for the MWEBE Clerk position not being utilized and what can
be done to move the hiring forward
VIL Other Business
Consideration to Chancing Future Meetinr:s to a later Time
It was the general consensus of the Committee to convene meetings at 6:00 p.m.
VUL Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
DRAFT The General Meeting Minutes DRAFT
Small Business Deaelopment Committee
For Minority, Womcn and Ev anston Business Enterprise
June 6. 20111
Members Present: Laune Marston. Dick Peach. Janice Sachen. Horace Panne. Michael lacks and
Carl Davis
Members Absent: Bennie Jones and Mike Sunon
Staff Present: Chad Walton. Llo%d Shepard and Moms Robinson (Guest Speaker)
Guest Present: Alderman Lionel Jean-Bapuste
L Call to Order
Ms. Laurie Marston announced a quorum and opened the meeting at 616 p.m.
IL Approval of April 4 Minutes
The minutes of April 2001 were approved nithout revision.
III. Staff Report
UDdatc on Current Economic Dcveloamcni Activity — Moms Robinson
Mr, Morris Robinson. Economic Development Planner. was invited to the meeting to provide the
M/W/EBE Committee an overview of present and planned economic development activity for the
City of Evanston Mr. Robinson estimated that alter all projects are completed there would be
approximately S500 million in construction activity. Mr. Robinson opened with the Arthur Hill &
Company development and emphasized that the residential component of that development was
the "last hang-up" to be resolved. Hill & Company have found a developer in their own back
yard, Optima Development Comp.mt . to build the residential tower component of Church Street
Plaza. Every unit will have a view of the lake The building concept has been approved and
approval of building materials is now being negotiated.
The McDougal Littell Building being constructed on Church Street is also part of the Hill
Development. The retail space in the building facing Church Street has been acquired by Hill and
is Hill's responsibility to lease. It is an opportunity for bd/WIEBE retailers and job opportunities.
Just west of McDougal Littell is the Focus Group Project which is not a part of the City T.I.F.
area. This project is a private development called Church Street Station
The next major area the Cite is invoh-cd is Sherman Plaza. an area bounded b► Sherman Avenue.
Davis Street. Benson Avenue and Church Street. Scars is no longer a pan of the project. The
three stones 1200)0 sq. ft. building planned for Scars is now proposed for another use. There
will be an additional 107.000 sq. ft. of retail space in another facility Up until a few months ago
the project momentum had slowed because the owner of the Cisco Drug building decided to
independently redevelop that property. That situation is now resolved. Klutntick should have
control of all properties by July 16. 2001. in order for the project to continue. The project will
include a I,400 vehicle garage and an 18 ston upscale retirement community. The project
completion date is estimated to be 2003 or 2(KM.
M%'EBE Committee Meeting
June 6. 2001
Page 2 of 4
`tr Robinson indicated that there is an increase in condominium development that is being
supported by both yuppies and older muzens. Man% of the older citizens arc empty nesters that
ha%e downsizcd It is projected that Evanston's population could increase by up to 4.(H)n to 5.000
citizens at the conclusion of the condominium construction
Mr Robinson indicated that Evanston Plaza Shopping Center at Dempster Street and Dodge
Avenue %%ill add 19.5M sq. ft of retail space %%ith a ne%i structure. This new structure Ail] replace
the demolished Pizri Hut facility and the rids R Us clothing store.
Mr Robinson indicated that there are negotiations undcmay for the space vacated by Builders
Square at the Main Street Shopping Center. Kman is the current lessee for the property. There
are negotiations between the propem manager and a department store chain and also Kmart and a
department store chain. Both retailers are looking for a subsidy from the City to locate in the
Mr Robinson indicated that the owner of the Evanston heater is negotiating with Light Opera
Works and Dance Center Evanston to develop that space as a performing arts center.
Representatives of all parties appeared before the Economic Development Committee to request a
S56.000 grant for a fea_sibilit, study. If the study proves favorable the center could serve as an
anchor for Central Street. Both groups have contacts that are willing to help raise funds to finance
the rehabilitation needed for the thmater. The tab could run to S3.000,000.
NfWEBE Contracts Awarded and Rcoon to Citv Council
%tr Chad Walton presented a NVW/EBE Purchasing Summary for FY March 1. 2000 to March I,
2(x)1 The report -A-as composed of three sections that were aggregated to determine the Total
Economic Impact.
Item IA. NVW/EBE Participation for Contracts Awarded by the City Council in excess of S 15.000.
'focal Awarded
EBE Participation
MBE Participation
WBE Participation
Total M/W/EBE Participation
$l 2.828.507.00
S 969,294,00 ( 7.6%)
2.750.067.00 (21.4%)
647.118.00 ( 5.0%)
S 4.366.479.00 (34.0%)
Mr. Walton indicated that 34% is a good number but added there is still room to improve.
IterrtlB. Total Amount Paid to %VWIEBEs
Total Amount Paid to All Vendors
Amount Paid Directly to EBEs
Amount Paid Directly to MBEs
Amount Paid Directly to WBEs
S 5.529.122.00 ( 8.650/6)
59.526.00 (<1.00/a )
228.707.00 (<1,00/o )
Total Amount Paid Direct])- to %IfW/EBEs S 5.817.355.00 ( 9.1% )
MWEBE Committee Meetine
June 6, 2001
Page 3 of 4
Note- These figures represent all of the Ctt%'s actual paymcnts made during the fiscal year. These
figures include payments for which the M/W/EBE program does not have the opportunity to make
an impact Oc . salaries, healthcare premiums, reimbursements to employees for travel, tuition
reimbursement- utility bills. pa}mcrits/transiers to other go%ernmental agencies, ctc ..)
Also, these figures do not reflect payments to M/W/EBEs when they are subcontractors to
majority -owned businesses on Cit. projects. Additionally. there is a time lag between the time
that when Council appro%cs a contract. and when payrnent(s) is made to a contractor. The length
of time vanes by project
Item IIA. 4VW/EBE Participation. Redevelopment Agreement Summary
Total Contract Total
Value M/W/EBE
Church Street Plaza 571,496,586.00 $12.835.143.00 (I g.0%)
Silo Redevelopment S 595.111.00 S 191.195.00 (32.1%)
Total M/W/EBE $22M .jL 1 W 044a$Lw tUL-Mg)
Itcm Ill. Total Economic Impact
Total Dollars (Items 1. 11 & I11) $148.795.076.00
MBE 8.841.694.00 { 6.(r)
EBE 7,621,702.00 ( 5.1%)
WBE 6.706.776.00 { 4.6%)
Total M/W/EBE S UIz3M72AN 050YO
Note. Tout Economic tmpa 1 includes arcaa with whetanttal value for which the M WIEN program don have the
opportunity to Impact.
Mr. Walton indicated the redevelopment agreement su nium- is a summary of projects that are
ongoing so the numbers arc fluid. The definition of EBE uas further clarified to mean all
Evanston owned companies regardless to race and/or gender.
Mr Walton added that all contracts o%er S15,000 could be placed on Municipal Net (MN). MN
was selected because a municipality can go on-line for free. MN will eliminate errors of omitting
vendors when vendors are solicited. This system will replacc the bidders' list. Notification of the
new system has been sent to approximately 2,500 businesses.
Mr. Horace Payne Payne related that there is some concern about what is being done by this
committee. He bclic%es it is a good idea for M. W/EBE staff to make a presentation to the CDBG
Committee. The CDBG is looking for a mid -year report from all funded recipients. The CDBG
Committee wants to make certain that funds arc being utilized.
Alderman Lionel Jean -Baptiste suggested that the M/W/EBE staff and M/W/EBE Committee
promote the program not onh to the council but to the overall community.
Mr. Cart Davis suggested haying independent MIW/EBE community meetings and meetings
combined with other organizations to publicize what the NM/EBE program is charged and has
MWEBE Committee Meeting
June 6, 2(x)t
Page d of a
Sts. Marston suggested a community meeting with the Evanston Neighborhood Conference. Mr.
Shepard is to contact Mrs. Karen Chavers. Director. ENC. regarding such a meeting
IV. Other Business
School District 65 Purchasing for Neu• Building
Mr. Dick Peach indicated that the Chamber of Commerce. Small Business Committee. Krill hold a
series of meetings over the next few weeks with Dr. Hardy Murphy regarding the participation of
Evanston businesses in the constriction of the Evanston/Skokie School District 65 Administration
& Early Childhood Facility. The Small Business Committee will approach D65 with a win/win
perspective. i.e.. D65 benefits from positive publicity with the business and overall community.
Mr. Peach will suggest that D65 utilize the City's vendor database for identifying Evanston
companies. A long-term partnership with D65 is the ultimate goal of the Chamber for the
Evanston business community.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
DRAFT The General ;►feeling Minutes DRAFT
Small Business Dc%elopment Committee
For Minoriq. µomen and Evanston Business Enterprise
Jul) 11.200t
Members Present: Laune Marston. Dick Peach. Bennie Jones and Brian dams
Members Absent: Jamcc Sachem Carl Davis. ,%like Sutton. Horace Payne and Mitchell Zacks
Staff Present: Chad Walton and Lloyd Shepard
L Call to Order
Ms. Laurie Marston announced a quorum and called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m.
IL Approval of June 6 Minutes
The minutes of June 6.2001 were approved without revision.
UL Staff Report
Evanston Hosnital/MesiroA Stern
Mr. Shepard summarized the SVIVIEBE participation for the ENH Laboratory Building under
construction by Clark Construction Group. The total project amount is S l 1.115.000. The
M/WIEBE participation is MBEs $865.422 or 7.78%. WBEs S 1.520.784 or 13.68°/a: and EBEs
S225.407 or 2.03% Total %i1WTBE is S2.611.613 or 23.5%.
McDoueal Litiell/Mesiron Stein
The McDougal Litiell Building under construction by Power Construction NIAVIEBE participation
is base on estimated contracts against an aggregation of non•cxcluded construction contracts
totaling S8.803.405. NW/EBE participation is MBEs S466.985 or 5.3%: WBEs S915.005 or
104%: and EBEs $232.926 or 2 66a Total ht/WIEBE is $1.614.916 or 18.3%. Excluded
contracts total S 10.146.595
Mr. Shepard is to call Power Construction to ascertain what subcontracts are fully executed rather
than estintaies Mr Shepard further indicated that he ►gill monitor construction sites to ascertain
the level of employment of E%anston residents.
Mr. Shepard indicated that Evanston Fuel constituted 100% of the EBE participation for both the
EN'H and McDougal Lincll
Church Street Plaza -Regent Paruners Noncomniiance
Mr Shepard reported that the Regent PantictslHilion Garden lnrt/Weis Builders presents a
compliance issue because there is very little documentation to verify M/W/EBE ownership of
companies given such credit. Ntr Shepard pointed out that Regent Partners seems to believe that
self certification is appropnaic Thamforc. Regent Partners will need to be audited very closely.
tiir. Shepard will submit the audit to the M/W/EBE Committee for resolution. Ms. Marston
suggested sending a letter to titr Arthur Hill. Mr. Dick Peach suggested turning the audit to the
City Counci, to apprise of the type of cooperation the M/W/EBE Committee and staff have
received from Regent Partners despite several letters from staff to Hill and Regent. Ms. Marston
indicated the other issue is how to prevent this from happening in the future.
MWEBE Committee Nteeting
July 11.2001
Page 2 of 4
Church Street Plaza Audit
Mr. Chad Walton suggested that the audit report and other business of the Committee could be
placed on the Cm Council as a special item
Mr. Bennie Jones expressed that the press and commtuuty need to be informed about M/W/EBE
activities and hou these activities arc being addressed by the City Mr. Walton related that he
«ould inform the Commtttcc of the August Cit% Council date.
Mr. Shepard discussed the Church Street Plaza Audit Report for the Maple Street Parking Garage
and the Pavilion. M%%TBE participation for the Maple Street Garage is 7.25%and the Pavilion is
21%. The combined percentage (Garage and Pavilion) is 14%. There are three companies given
MAVBE credit for the Garage that have not submitted letters certif}ing M/WBE oAmership. The
companies are JEA Concrete Pumping. Wilrrnt Equipment and Royal Crane Company. Ms.
Marston suggested that the audit report be sent to Ben Raney, Arthur Hill & Company and a
copy be sent to RGMA Consultants. Mr. Shepard is to inform Arthur Hill & Company that the
report sill be presented to Cin Council. In the letter he %kill give them time to respond to the
audit findings
Mr. Jones indicated that future redevelopers and contractors would recognize the MWEBE
program has %%idespread community support for compliance predicated on the City Council
MWEBE Contracts Awardcd and Reoon to Cm Council
Mr. Chad Walton summarized M1kTBE contracts awarded and indicated the numbers presented
arc subject to change predicated on changes to the Church Street Plaza Audit report.
Mr Walton indicated that the summan report is composed of three sections: Section IA., 1$..
Section 1I. Redevelopment Summary and Section Ill.. Total Economic Impact
Section IA. summarizes MWEBE participation for contracts in excess of $15.000 against total
awards of S 12.828.107 from 03/01/00 through 03101/01.
MBE Participation 52.750,067 or 21.4 %
EBE Participation 969,294 or 7.6 %
WBE 647.118 or 5.0 %
Total MWEBE Participation S4,366.479 or 34%
Section IB. summarizes the total amount paid to MWEBEs based on payments made to all
vendors minus payments to vendors where no possible economic impact could be made. such as
utilities and other governmental bodies
Total Amount Paid to All Vendors 563.864.873
Minus: Non MWEBE Economic Impact Payments 29.252.164
Net Amount Paid Directiy to All Vendors 51411 W
MWEBE Committee Meeting
Jule 11.2001
Page 3of4
Net Amount Paid Dirccth. to All Vendors 534.612.709
ESE Participation
55.529.122 or 16.0%
WBE Participation
228.707 or 0.6%
MBE Participation
59.326 or 0.2%
Total Amount Paid to MAVEBES
$,%U7,JU or 16.8%
Section 11. Redevelopment Agreement Summary is composed of the MWEBE participation for
Church Street Plaza, the Research Park and Silo Redevelopment against the total project to date
costs of 572.091.697.
Total Project To -ate Costs 572.091.697
MBE Participation
$1 032.101 or 8.4%
WBE Participation
5.890.951 or 8.2%
EBE Participation
1.123.287 or 1.6a/a
Total MWEBE Participation
LL1,046 M or 18.2%
Section Ill. Total Economic Impact is an aggregation of all categories outlined above.
Total Projects To -date Costs
MBE Participation
S 8.841.694 or 7.4%
WBE Participation
6.766.776 or 5.7%
EBE Participation
7.621.702 or 6.4%
Total MWEBE Participation
_S231ZJWZ or 19.5%
Mr. Walton indicated that the figures reported would be presented to both Qte City Council and the
CDBG Committee.
IV. Old Business
Revised Soecifcation for Citv's Purchasing
Mr. Walton informed the Committee that he had c-mailed the Legal Department to inform if Legal
had not approved the revised MWEBE Specification by July 13. 2001. the Purchasing Department
would proceed µith its implcmentation. Mr. Walton related that the resised spec was already
being used in the Sherman Plaza Redc%elopmcnt Agreement.
V. New Business
Future Redevelopment Agrcements-Summan of Our Reautremcnis for Devel0ocrs
Mr. Shepard gave an over0civ of the %M EBE Specification that is incorporated in the Sherman
Plaza Redevelopment Agreement and indicated that a number of pros7sions from the revised City
specification were used. Mr. Shepard added that in the future the language used in the Sherman
Plaza Agreement could be used as the template for all future agreements. This template eliminates
any confusion as to what the contractor should do to ensure MWEBE participation. Mr. Shepard
pointed out that the specification also adopts by reference (Ordinance 8-" 1) the new definition
of an EBE.
. WEBE Committer Meeting
July 11.2001
Page 4 of J
VL Other Business
Chamber %feeling wiith School District 65 about Purchasing for New Building
Mr Dick Peach indicated there is a meeting scheduled with School District 65 for Tuesday.
August 21. 2001. in the am. A specific lime had not bean established. The meeting may be held
in the Rotary Club Auditorium, the Hilton or Hohdar Inn. Mr. Peach added that the solicitation to
bid sent to general contractors for the new building lacked a specification requiring MWEBE
participation. This omission raises concerns because the Evanston business community waists to
receive a return on their takes and have the opporturut% to compete for the school's business.
Mr. Peach added that School District 202 (D202) is presently a very difficult problem in reaching
someone to discuss the concerns of the Evanston small business community. The concern is lack
of participation in the day to day purchasing business of D202. Mr. Shepard will assist Mr. Peach
in pursuing a meeting with District 202.
Communitv Forum and Other Publicitv to Educate Public about our Activities
Mr. Shepard indicated that Mr. Walton and he had met with Lou Reiner. W.E. O'Neil, to impart
that the City ►,rants a pre -bid conference held for the Sherman Plaza Redevelopment Project. Mr.
Reiner utdicated that as of our meeting he was onl% certain that O'Neil would build the garage and
would be willing to hold a prc-bid conference for that component of the project. He suggested that
we follow up with him around September d`h to star planning for a pre -bid conference to be held
around November 1 d"'. Mr. Reiner suggested that Danicl Coffcy. Architect, and Tom Haunula.
Walker Parking Garage Engineers. either give an overvie%k or be available to answer questions at
the prc-bid conference.
VIL Adjournment
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
DRAFT The General Metting Minutes DRAFT
Small Business Development Committer
For Minority. "'omen and E►anston Business Enterprise
August 1. 21M I
Members Present: Laune Marston. Dick Panch. Carl Da► is. Janice Saclien. Brims Jones and Brian
Members Absent: Mike Sutton. Horace Paine and Mitchell Zacks
Staff Present: Chad Walton and Lloyd Shepard
I. Call to Order
Ms. Lattne Marston announced a quorum and called the meeting to order at 6 If) p.m.
II. Approval of July I I :Minutes
The Minutes of Jule 11. 2001 were accepted without revision
UL Staff Report
Church Street Plaza — Regent Partners Noncomahance
Ms. Marston opened the discussion regarding the noncompliance issue with Regent Partners'
failure to submit certification letters for the minonn and female owned companies subcontracted
for the Hilton Garden inn project. Mr. Shcpard directed the Committee's attention to the
appropriate language on pages 34. 37 and 38 of the Church Street Plaza Redevelopment agreement
that applies to the position the SIWEBE Committer has taken regarding requiring the submission
of M/WBE certification letters There was discussion spectlically regarding Regent Partners
consistently submitting Designers 11 as female owned without the proper certification
documentation Sir Walton added that the City of E►anston has noted that some of the M1WBE
subcontractors are certified but Regent Pariners[Wms Construction has not submitted the
paperwork. 515. Marston indicated that the latter raises two possibilities One. those firms that are
not certified or two. Regent Partners position that their frnrs are certified but that they do not have
to submit the papcnvork. The major issue is that there is no proof of contracts being awarded
without the paperwork rcquired by the redevelopment agreement. Ms Marston added that the
Rcgcnt Partners' component of the Church Street Plana Audit Report should reflect Regent's lack
of cooperation and rewtsions to the City's contract compliance documents
Mr. Dick Peach questioned where should the Committee go with this issue.' Mr Peach suggested
that it should be turned over to the Cite Council Sir Peach added that the City Council nerds to
rc%imv the Audit report so that they can imderstand what the M/W/EBE Program does and pro►ide
feedback to the Committee regarding how they view our activities and if they support the
Committee's compliance clTorts
Discussion continued regarding the likelihood that Arthur Hill & Company abrogated its
responsibility to emphasize to Regent Partners the importance of fulfilling the reporting
requirement. Str Carl Dasis and Mr. Peach agreed that the City Council once apprised should act
to assist the Commiuce with compliance issues Str Dais indicated that the Committee should
lobby the Cih Council on a more frequent basis Ms. Jamce Sachen suggested that developers
should have to deposit the amount of the total fine into an escrow account to cower any partial or
total noncompliance on the project. Such money would be released over ume as compliance is
demonstrated. This would add substantial leverage to the compliance requirement for
subcontracting and reporting.
August 1. I001
Page 2 of 4
Evanston Hosviial/Mesirov Stein Clark Construction Grouv Project
Mr. Shepard indicated that E`'H Laboraion Building achic%cd a 23 S 9a MWEBE participation
and should be closed All documentation required Itas been submitted. It should be noted the
ENH laboratory Building is not a component of the Church Strict Plana Project.
McDougal LittelUMesirou Stein Protect
%fr. Shepard related that the McDougal Littell Building is still a %%ork in progress. The Power
Construction personnel responsible for compiling and submitting the project's compliance
documentation are cooperating The one area that is lacking MWEBE participation is in the
excluded list of trades tits Marston injected that the Redmclopmcnl Agreement allows certain
trades and services to be excluded up front Usualh these are soft areas. i.e., architecture.
insurance, finance, etc., areas that ha,6e to be included from the out set. Ms. Marston indicated
that her review of the excluded items. appro%ed b} the Cit% Manager's office. for the McDougal
Littell Building listed items such as plumbing. HVAC. electrical and fire protection among the
excluded items. Ms. Marston added that hard exclusions need to be addressed for future projects
Over half of the Iota] contract amount is excluded and not subject to MWEBE participation The
total hard trade exclusions Acre approximate!} S6 h million
The Committee agreed that the latter issue should be reported in the presentation to the City
Church Street Plaza Audit
The Audit now consists of the two of the three completed buildings in the Church Street Plaza
Project, the Parking Garage. the Pavilion and the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel. The Garage and
Pavilion portion of the Audit is complete. the Hilton is nearing completion. Predicated on the lack
of certification letters to support the credit taken for MI BE participation, the Audit report for the
Hilton Hotel will reflect a high percentage of.' -MBEs held in suspensc. The McDougaI Littell
Building is still under construction. The Audit will reflect the exclusions in hard trades that were
approved for this building The condominium towcr is protected to begin in November 2001
Both buildings will be audited later
MWEBE Contracts Awarded and RCDort to Cm. Council
Mr. Chad Walton indicated that the MWEBE Committee is on the CDBG Committee's agenda for
August id. 2001. Mr. Walton related that he dc%clopcd an outline for presenting an overview of
MWEBE activities to the CDBG Commi[tee. The dollars for MWEBE activities Ail] be reported
by utilizing transparencies %fr Walton added that Purchasing is developing a web site to post
con,+s�truction projects and purchasing needs Also that a pre -bid conference will be held with W.
U E. 'Neil for the Garage component of the Sherman Plaza Development Project.
Additionall%. Mr. Walton indicated that the MWEBE Business Development Office and the
Purchasing Department have contracted A-ith Divcrsiii Quest. a company with a national database
of 100.(M M/WBEs Their database will be used to augment the City's and to pro►ide faster
turnaround in responding to request for MWEBE capabilities.
Mr. Walton gave an overview of hf WEBE dollar actAih and related the City Council numbers are
static while the other reports are fluid The Committee suggested that comparative figures from
last vear are needed.
August 1.2001
Page 3 of 4
t in �'oancil.l(li'F.J>ff':�uarcl+'
Total Amount A%%added S 12.828.50- 00
Total MWEBE Participation S 4.366.479 (X) 134%)
Total EBE S 969.294.00 ( 7 6%)
Total MBE S2.750.067.00 (21.4%)
Total WBE S 647.118.00 ( 5.0%)
Amounts Paid Direcrh• to Atil'F.'BF_q'
Purchasing Department —
Total Amount Paid to All Vendors S34.612.709.00
Total NWEBE Participation S 5.817.355 00
Total EBE S5.529,122.00 (16.0%)
Total MBE S 59.526.00 ( 0.2%)
Total WBE S 228.707.00 ( 0.6%)
Redetvinpment.4greementAggregation (Numbers are F7rrid)
Total Value of Contracts
Total MWEBE Participation $13.026.338 (18 2%)
Total EBE S { 1.6%)
Total MBE S6.032.101.00 ( 8.4%)
Total WBE S5.890.951.00 { 8.2%)
Total Econamic Impact
Total of All Contracts A%,mrdcd S119.532.913,00
Total MWEBE Participation S (19.5%)
Total EBE S7.621.702.00 ( 6.4%)
Total MBE S7.621.702.00 { 7.4%)
Total WBE S6.766.776.00 { 5.79/.)
IV. Other Business
Chamber MectinQ with School District 65 about Purchasing for New Building
Commumt% Forum and other Publicitv to Educate Public about our Activities
Mr. Peach indicated that he has had approximately five meetings with Dr. Murphy, District 65.
about establishing a partnership between District 65 and the local business community. As a
result of these meeting. Dr. Murphy suggested that Mr. Peach address the District 65 School
Board and Mr. Peach did so July 30. 2001. Mr. Peach recommended to the D65 Board to
promulgate a policy statement that reflects D65 will be doing business with Evanston businesses.
Also, that then could utilize the City of Evanston MWEBE guidelines as the predicate for their
MWEBE program Mr. Peach added that the contract for the new Administratiowl arly Childcare
August 1, 2001
Page 4 of 4
Building was awarded to F H. Paschen Construcuon Compam Paschen claims that a 250/-30%
MWEBE participation will be met but Paschen's specification does not reflect that level of
MWEBE participation. tier. Peach speculated that Evanston businesses would not be involved.
Paschen and D65 arc discussing a 1% set -aside for Evanston businesses. The set -aside under
consideration will be discussed at the August 2 V meeting at the Rotary Building between D65
and Evanston businesses. Evanston Township High School District 262 will also participate in the
August 2 1 " meeting. Mr. Peach indicated the Chamber of Commerce would continue working
with D65 on behalf of local companies.
V. Adjournment
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m_
DRAFT The General Meeting Minutes DRAFT
Small Business Development Committee
For Minority, Women and Evanston Business Enterprise
September S. 2001
Members Present: Laurie Marston, Dick Peach. Brian Hams. Bennie Jones. Carl Davis, Janice
Members Absent: Hike Sutton. Mitchel Zacks. Horace Payne
Staff Present: Lloyd Shepard
1. Call to Order
Ms. Laurie Marston announced a quorum and called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m.
11. Approval of August 1. 2001 Minutes
It was moved by Miss Janice Sachen and seconded by Mr Dick Peach that the Minutes of
:august I. 2001 be accepted with the following revisions. Miss Sachen requested that the
exclusions for the McDougal Lincli Building amounting to $6.6 mullion were approved by the
City Manager's office and should be reflected in the minutes. Additionally. the exclusions
approved by the City Manager's office should be documented in the Church Street Plaza Audit
component for the McDougal Lttteli Building with the acknowledgement that the MWEBE
Committee requested an explanation for the exclusions but have not received a response to -date.
The Committee understands the rationale for some of the total 510 million in exclusions, but %vas
puzzled by the 56 6 million of excluded hard costs.
M. Staff Report
McDotwil Littell Mesirow Stein Protect- exclusions annrosrd by City Manager's Office
Mr. Peach made a motion that a memo be addressed to Mr Roger Crumb and Mrs. Judy Aiello
requesting clarification of the non -response of Mrs. Mello to the %IWEBE Committee's initial
request for an explanation of the $6.6 million of excluded hard costs for the McDougal Littell
Miss Marston suggested that another memo. predicated on the initial. be sent to Mr. Crum and
Mrs. Aiello Indicating the MWEBE Committee would like to have an explanation for the
exclusions and does not want a recurrence of hard costs beinu excluded in future contracts.
Church Street Plaza - Regent Partners \oncomnliance
.%Jr. Lloyd Shepard indicated that of the 23 companies Recent is claiming credit as MWEBEs,
there are only six that could be credited. Fivc of the six or either MBEs or WBEs and one
company is an EBE. Builders Ready Mix. There are seventeen remaining companies Regent
claims for credit that do not have supporting MICEBE documentation. \It. Shepard indicated that
he would attempt to have the Regent Partners Audit Report completed by the next MWEBE
meetine if time allows.
MWEDE Contracts Awarded
MWEBE contracts awarded were not presented. Mr. Chad Walion Indicated that a summary
would be given at the next meeting.
September ;. 2001
Page 2 of 3
Re%ised Snectrications for Citw's Purchasms:
The revised City of Evanston Specification for MWEBE Participation is completed. Mr. Shepard
related that the ne►% specification provides additional details for reporting MWEBE participation
and credit and references the new EBE definition.
1N'. Old Business
Reran on Slectinu with CDBG Committee
Miss Marston recapped the August 14. 2001 presentation given to the CDBG Committee on behalf
of the MWEBE program by Mr. Shepard. Miss Marston indicated that the CDBG Committee
members expressed their support for the MWEBE program. The CDBG Committee indicated
their concern with the MWEBE program working with the Small Business Development Center.
They were informed that a referral relationship had been established. Also, the CDBG questioned
whether the Yk� local preference policy was sufficient" Miss Marston responded by relating that it
seemed sufficient for now but probably should be reviewed in the future. The CDBG asked about
residents looking for work and indicated they would like to see more done in that area. Alderman
Rainey discussed opportunities for lawn maintenance contracts with the Parks and Recreation
Department as perhaps an avenue for job creation. Miss Marston responded by indicating that Mr.
Shepard had been notifying contractors doing business directly with the City and indirectly
through the Church Street Plaza Redevelopment Project of Evanston residents that need work,
Upon reporting the latter to the MWEBE Committee. it was the consensus of the Committee that
the MWEBE Program's scope of work does not include a component for assisting Evanston
residents with employment. The Committee agrees that assisting residents with employment is
important but can better be accomplished by the Towrnhip or other City staff via requirements in
Cm contracts, such as sc%ver work,
The CDBG Committee was adamant about having the clerical position filled that had been funded.
\1r Shepard indicated the finance department will have two administrative assistant positions
filled and the MWEBE program will share one assistant part time. This person would attend
MWEBE Committee meetings. do minutes, and perform duties as assigned. The position is to be
filled within 30 - 60 days from the week of August 21.2001.
V. New Business
Clerical Position
The Clerical position was discussed in the above CDBG overview.
NT Other Business
Undate on Chamber Meet inu with Districts 65 and 202
Mr Dick Peach indicated that the meeting at the Rotary Club building. August 21. 2001 was well
attended. The Roundtable and Evanston Review were there to report on the meeting. The meeting
maintained a positive tune between the School Districts and vendors. Mr. Jeff Taggart, District
202 conveyed that he is working with Mr, Bill Stafford. City of Evanston, on methodology to
implement some purchasing procedures and some MWEBE policies utilized by the City of
Evanston. Dr. Murphy, District 65 indicated District 65 would make an effort to talk with Messrs:
Bill Stafford and Chad Walton, Mr. Peach pointed out to both Districts 65 and 202 that
discretionary spending must be directed to local businesses. Further significant issues of the
meeting focussed on the import of the Districts doing business with local firms. The upcoming
City of Evanston Vendor Fair, September 25, 2001 was announced. Ms. Marston said that she had
invited the local businesses who were present at the meeting to attend the monthly MWEBE
meetings and to discuss their experience with doing business with the City and or Lloyd Shepard
September 5.2001
Page 3 of 3
for information or assistance
Vendor Fair - September 2;
Mr. Shepard indicated that flyers and a press release have been cornposed to publicizc the Vendor
Fair. Vendor Fair ads will be run in the Roundtable. Evanston Review, Tribune and the Chicago
Defender. Mr. Scott Fountaine. Evanston Chamber of Commerce. was sent a flyer to transmit the
infomution via email to the Chamber's membership. Additionally, the mailing list of the Chicago
Minonty Business Development Council and the Women's Business Development Center were
unlized to distribute flyers. Mr. Shepard related that vendors have called that were interested in
attending the fair and setting up booths. Based on such responses. it is feasible that the fair could
probably be expanded to include vendor booths and a fee charged. Mr. Shepard projected good
attendance if 10°c of invitees respond.
Miss Sachen asked if this fair would address construction. "It. Shepard indicated that
construction would be addressed through pre -bid conferences on a project to project basis. This
was being done to separate contractors from vendors that provide commodities and services. This
procedure allows for a greater focus and impact on targeted groups.
Mr. Peach reported that there would be a citywide job fair at ETHS October 25 and 26. Also,
Northwestern University will sponsor a Vendor FairNovember 8, 2001.
VII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
DRAFT The General Meeting Notes DRAFT
Small Business Development Committee
For Minority. "'omen and Esanston Business Enterprise
November 7.20111
\Memhen Prcwnt: Launc Marston. Janice Sachcn and Brian Hams
4Mcmhen Abwnt: Carl Dais. Bennie Jones. Horace Payne. Dick Peach, Mitch Zacks and Michael Sutton
Staff Present: Lloyd W Shcpard
Staff Ahwnt: Chad Walton
Guest Present: Ameba Gnreb:r. Sdedill School of Journalism and Stasia Z►►isler (Guest Speaker) B2G
Summrn of tifecting
7"he niceting opened at 6 15 p ni
Mr Llo►d Shepard suinnuinicd the MWEBE panicipation for the McDougal Littel Constuction project at
Ili I ° io
Mr. Shepard conic) cd that fie is ►►orking ►►ith Optima's Mat Cisno to de►clop MWEBE sources for the
Optima Vicus condominium project.
Ms Launc Starsion indicated that Mr Dick Peach is ►►orking on getting a response on the McDougal
Lincil exclusions The cominnicc lids been ►►ailing for sc►cral months far a response from die Citr
Manager's office
Mr. Shepard rct ic►►ed the prehinman draft of the Hilton Garden Inn audit Ms Janice Sachcn suggested
that the report be sent to Regent Partners for their rm iew, Ms. Siarslon indicate! 1he audit should go to the
City Counctt and lluit Regent Partners should be informed of that action
Mr. Shepard con►eycd that lie had a conference call ►►ith Messrs Mari: Klutrnick Shennan Plana
Development L I. C' and Lou Reiner, W E O' `ed It ►%as established that Sir Reiner would conduct a
prc-bid conference for the Sherman Plaza. Parking Garage ►►ilhin an adequate time frainc. 'I'lic existing
garage ►►ill be raised after the holidays and ►►ill take three to four month to demolish. The ne►►• garage
construction ►►ill start late Sprint; or early Summer
Mr. Shepard indicated that the Vendor fair uas a success. There ►►crc 160 registered vendorslaticndees.
Of the I611 ►cndors. za ►+crc E%anstan companies To -date only mo ►endors had followed up. Mr. Walton
will provide ►endor follo►► up infonnalion ►►lien fie reports next month Companies attending ►sere St.
Francis. Districts f,s and 2112. City of Chicago, `ortl►►►estern Um►crsn% and Di►ersity Quest.
Mr. Shepard indicated that the Clcncal position ►►as promised 30 - 411 days from die week follc%ing our
presentation to the CDBG Committee. August 14. 2iiril Since then there has been a reduction in rin-enue
and a hiring frccic The mo positions pre►lousl% cannarked for Finance base been frozen. Ms. Marston
suggested revisiting the disposition of the cienud position tarty next year to determine if sales tax receipts
have increased enough to help to unpro►c City finances
Ms. Marston requested that Mr Shepard check auh Mr. Walton about arranging a meeting for the
MWEBE Committee to make a prescrtlation before the City Council The monthly report from Chad -was
not available. but Mr Shepard c%pccicd it could be mailablc next month
The General Meeting Notes
November 7. 20411
Page 2 of 2
Mr. Shepard reported on the presentation to the CDBG Committee for funding rc►ic►► and the City of
Evanston's Vendor Fair September 25. 2001. He said that Aldcrntan Jean-Baplistc rcqucstcd that future
reports on MBE show figures by racial categories. Additionally. Mr. Shepard conveyed that the Cite of
Evanston could participate in Northwestern University's Vendor Fair. November R, 2tK12.
Mr. Shepard indicated that Miss Ann McDonald, Information Systems is ►►orking on the %Vcb Page for the
MWEBE program. The Committee also discussed the new MWEBE brochure.
The guest speaker. Stasia Z►►islcr gave an overview of her business 13213 Partners. The company targets
businesses that ha►c Iess than 500 employees and desire to do business with federal. state and local
government agencies. Mr. Harris suggested having her firm present a workshop in Evanston.
Discussion followed regarding Sherman Plaza Development and Mr. Shepard suggested that the Committee
meet to deliberate on what M%VEBE expectations arc for the project. The Committee suggested mating
with W.E. O'Neil after the game plan is established.
Mr. Shepard is to contact Mr. Reiner to dclermine when specifications and drawings will be available for
the nc►% garage
The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.
DRAFT The General Meeting Minutes DRAFT
Small Business Devclnpment Committee
For Minority, Women and Evanston Business Enterprise
December 5.2001
Members Present: Laurie Marston. Dick Peach. Brian Hams. Bennie !ones and Horace Pa►•nc
Members Absent: Carl Dais. Janice Sachem Mike Sutton and Mitch Zacks
Staff Prrscnt: Llo%d W Shcpard
1. Call to Order
Ms. Laune !Marston announced a quorum and called the meeting to order at 0:15 p.m.
H. Approval of September 5 Minutes
The Minutes of Scpsembcr 5. 2001 %%ere approved without revisions
Ill. Staff Report
Church Street Plaza-Rcaent Partners Audit
%fr. Lloyd Shepard summanzed the intent of the Hilton Carden inn Audit. The audit takes
exception to Regent Partners revising the City of Evanston's MWEBE schedules required for
reporting MWEBE participation and minority and women business ownership certification. Also.
the audit report takes exception to fourteen subcontractors that do not have certification letters to
verify legitimate otirncrship Mr Shepard added that the MWEBE participation schedules used by
the City of E%anston are uni►crsally used by federal, state and local governmental agencies and
did not require rc%ismns
Church Street Plaza - Optima
tilr. Shepard indicated that he is assisting Optima with identifying MWEBE sources for
subcontracting opportunities Mr Shepard sent Optitna a list of Evanston companies involved in
the construction industry. i c . electrical. plumbing. HVAC. concrete. et. al.. plus the construction
trade directories of Black Contractors United. the Federation of Women Contractors and the
Hispanic Amcncan Construction Industry Association Companies referred directly were Hopkins
Illinois Elctiator. Municipal Elc►aior Service. TVS Mechanical Piping, Continental Painting and
the Stonc dk Tilc Gallery The elc%ator companies are fcnsale owned and the other companies arc
minority owned
Status of Klutznick Proiect
Mr. Shepard talked io Mr Lou Reiner. W.E. O'Neil, who indicated that the drawings for the
garage could not be ready until soniciimc in laic Januan or early Fcbmmn- The garage
demolition will begin in January and will take 3 to 4 months. The new garage construction will
start talc spring or early summer
MWEBE Contracts awarded
Sir. Shepard summarized MWEBE purchases as fellows.
YTD Purchases. Starch l ° to Dec 41"
Total Paid to titWEBEs S3.378.773
EBE Purchases S3 07.11136
MBE Purchases 76.131
WBE Purchases 228.6t)G
Deccmher S. 20411
Page 2 of 3
MWEBE Contra_ts .Awarded Cont
MWEBE Purchases for October and `o%etnber
Total Paid to Ml�'EBEs S 718.784
EBE Purchases S 604.586
VIBE Purchases 921
WBE Purchases 57,27"
The Committee requested that next month's report also include the total amount of the City's
purchases. Since the Cny is in a budget crisis. es cn department should be making a concerted
effort to purchase local)% to suppon the businesses that pay taxes and empios local,residents.
IV. Old Business
Report on Noscmber R Vendor Fair at Northwestern
Mr. Shepard stated that 312 scndors attended the fair. Font'-iliree scndors %%crc Evanston
companies. Fifteen orgamiauons were represented.
Budect as Aooro%ed at CDBG ;sleeting
Mr. Shepard indicated that the initial request for 2t>st2 - 2tu13 funding %%as S91.5t9t. The budget
was reduced b% 5 {.50(1 due to general CDBG budgeting constraints The SIWEBE Program %%,m
funded for S80 w 01
Discussion of Clerical Position
There was a general discussion of (tic clerical position not being filled in light of the fact that it has
been funded consistent)% for the past mo %cars The Committee members believe there is no
reason for the position not to be filled since funds lime been approved. The question now is %►ith
whom does the Committee address the issue of Pilling the position. For the program to be
effective. t)te Committee agreed that full-time clerical assistance was necessan Mr. Shepard
informed the members that die Cit% is cutrentiN ad%enising for Chad's position
V. New Business
Scltcdulc for Meeting with the Ctts Council
Ms. U-turic Marston stated that the Committee needs to meet with die Cits Council. Mr. Chad
Walton was supposed to schedule [lie meeting for Septeniber but was unable to do so because of
budget hearings, his tiiarslon suggested that if the Committee cannot get a date fora presentation
to the Cite Council perhaps the Committee should to to get scheduled for an appeamnrc before
the A&PW Committee that could in turn lead to a presentation before the Ctt% Council,
Ms. Marston indicated that the Comnrittce needs to address the Mesirow Stctn exclusions. Hilton
Garden inn Audit and Lite Clerical position with the Cin Council. Further. Nis Marston stated
that the Committee must conve+ to the Cit} Council that the Committee and/or the Business
Derelopment Coordinator must has c some input into the exclusions apprm cd for future projects.
Additionally. the Committee directed )sir. Shepard to send a letter to Arthur Hill K Company- to
address the MWEBE parucipation audits for the Garage. the Pavilion and the Hilton Garden Inn
and the aver. gc NINVEBE participation percentage of 13.1% Given this low a%crage percentage. it
could be appreciated if Arthur Hill & Compan+ would encourage Optima to meet or exceed the
MWEBE participation goal of 25%
December 5. 2W 1
Pale 3 of 3
Mr Dick Peach indicated that since the Cotmnincc has the audit infonuation clearl} indicating
noncompliance by the general contractors. the Committee needs to commumattc that to the City
Council so the Council can decide on ►+,liat action to take as a reined►.
Sir Briars Harris suggested that Committcc members that know Aldcnnen should contact them to
arrange for presentations either before the A&PW Comnuuee or the City Council. Additionally. it
might be advisable to in►itc Alderntcn io Conimince meetings from tiine to time Mr. Horace
Payne suggested that the Committee consider reporting the contract compliance issues the
Committee is faced will to the local newspapers.
Nfr Dick Peach is to contact Alderman Moran and Mr Pa, ne will contact Alderman Rainer to
request that the Committee be placed on the agenda for the A&PW Contmince meeting. 'ihc
members ulio are absent tonight will be encouraged to contact the other members of the A&PW
Scacr Proicct — Januar% 4 Bid Oncning
Mr. Shepard reported on the Scwer Relief Project. Please VI. Contract C. Mr Shepard indicated
that the NINVEBE Participation percentage reported by tite three to►►est bidders or their request for
an MWEBE Participation Waiver could be rcvic►►cd b. a number of p tides ►►ithin the City in
addition to himself. The participating panics ►%ould probably be the Engineering Department.
Water Department and Legal Departincnt.
Mr. Shepard stated that he talked at length to Mr Elliott Ailcn. Illinois Environmental Protection
Agenc% (IEPA) regarding the criteria for the contract ai►ard when factoring in MWEBE
utilii,3uon Sir. Allen indicated that the award does not lia►e to be made on cost alone. Since the
funds are being borro►►ed. the City does not have to a►+ard the contract to the io►%cst bidder. The
City could base its a►rard on the bidders' response eness to :►f1' EBE participation and the
qualifications of the bidders'
VI. Other Business
Uv&itc on School Districts 65 and 202
Mr Peach ►►ill be meeting again soon ►rith both School Districts to discuss their purchasing
VI1. Adjournment
The meeting %%as ad)ourned at 7 20 p m