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January 11, 2005
Room 2404 — 7:15 a.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joel Freeman, Arlene Haas, Del Leppke, Paul
Morse, Rudy Wolfson
STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino
'The meeting was convened at 7:19 a.m. The minutes of December 2004 were not acted
upon due to the absence of a quorum.
A Highlights article is being drafted by Joel Freeman for inclusion in the Spring issue to
inform Evanston residents about energy conservation and the role of the Energy
Commission. Members encouraged this activity. Other issues to be addressed in the
future include natural gas pricing and renewable power. Members also discussed the
possibility of state grants and Clean Energy Foundation grants for new LED traffic
signals which would save energy. Dennis Marino agreed to discuss this issue with David
Arlene Haas indicated that the new legislative session will start soon and there is an
ongoing need to monitor potential legislative action within the Senate Environment and
Energy Committee. It was reported that Illinois Power was ordered by the ICC to do time
of day pricing as a condition of Commission approval of the development of a site. There
was discussion of the appointment of a new Illinois Commerce Commissioner from the
staff of the Center for Neighborhood Technology (Bob Lieberman) and the desire to
encourage him to speak to the Energy Commission in the future.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — January 11, 2005 Palze Two
Rudy Wolfson reported that the Technical Review Group will meet with Com Ed once
the quarterly report of performance and the six month outage report have been received.
This is expected to happen during February.
Members agreed to focus on this issue in the summer of 2005 to begin planning for the
expiration of the franchise with Cam Ed in July 2007 which is also the time of planned
deregulation in Illinois. Members discussed the need to brief the new City Council.
Rudy Wolfson discussed the upcoming Greening the Heartland Symposium. Several
members were interested in sharing a registration to attend. Funding of the registration
was requested and Dennis Marino indicated that funding was available. Members next
discussed relations between the Energy Commission and the Environment Board. It was
agreed that a discussion about common interests would occur between the Chairs of these
two Commissions and the Chair of the Plan Commission. Del Leppke also requested that
the two bodies exchange minutes. Arlene Haas asked when the Commission should issue
a report of activities and future priorities. Del Leppke indicated that this could be done at
any time, but it may be most strategic to do with A & PW in May or June.
Members next discussed priority interests for the next year. These included: the franchise
(new franchise or continual multiple year extensions, e.g. three years), energy
conservation, expansion of time of day pricing (modifying peak loads and peak demand),
renewable energy and renewable energy certificates, communication about energy
conservation and work of the Commission, investigation of residential amendment to the
energy code and assessment of natural gas franchise and reliability issues.
Members discussed the vacant positions on the Commission and the need for them to
encourage colleagues and residents to apply for nomination to the Commission. The
Commission until today has been able to maintain a quorum for the past several months.
Paul Morse agreed to make contacts at Northwestern University for possible applicants.
Dennis Marino reported on a recent outage in the Oak Street Corridor which led to Com
Ed replacing a transformer. The cause of the problem was the conversion of an apartment
building from gas to electric heat. Members discussed the need for the TRG to review
this case study to determine how the outage could have b een averted. Dennis Marino
reported that he, Corn Ed and the City's electrical inspectors worked together to address
this situation and have discussed how permit data, especially loading analysis, could be
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — January 11. 2005
Page Three
An article from Public Power Magazine was included which debated the benefits of
electric deregulation, especially the achievement of the goal of generating more retail
competition in electric markets.
The Meeting was adjourned at 8:48 a.m.
% a zL
Dennis Marino
Assistant Director for Planning
Director — Planning Division
Friday, February 11, 2005
Civic Center, Roam 2404 at 7:15A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joel Freeman, Arlene Haas, Del Leppke, Stefano Mereu,
Paul Morse, William Siegfriedt, Rudy Wolfson
STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino, James Wolinski, Mary Baaske,
OTHER PRESENT: Dave Grumman, Developers of 1800 Ridge Avenue
Rudy Wolfson called the meeting to order at 7:16 a.m., a quorurn being present.
Del Leppke moved approval of the December 10, 2004 minutes. Motion seconded by
Stefano Mereu. Motion passed unanimously
Del Leppke moved approval of the January 11, 2005 minutes. Motion seconded by Joel
Freeman. After a minor correction from Paul Morse, the motion passed unanimously.
A. Energy Supply, Conservation & Alternative Energy Sources
Joel Freeman drew the Commission's attention to the ProLiance article he had
distributed earlier. He said that, partly because of the milder winter weather and
partly because of the ample storage, gas prices did not spike as expected and
remained relatively high and stable.
Mr. Freeman pointed out the ICC Final Report to the Governor about the progress
of deregulation that was also included in the members' packet. This report was
initiated by the Legislature in 1997 and implemented by the ICC. The transition
phase of the deregulation process terminates in 2006. Highlights of the ICUs self
evaluation of progress in Illinois since 1997 include improvements in service
reliability, lower electric rates, increased competition for non residential
customers, and increased generation capacity. The report also acknowledges that
competition for residential customers has not increased and needs to be addressed.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — February 11.2005
Paste Two
In addition, future renewable power supply portfolios to be offered by utilities are
recommended. The report is available on the ICC Web Site "Final Report of the
ICC's Post-2006 initiative."
B. Governmental Policy and LegislativelRegulatory Actions
Arlene Haas reported that Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan is appointing
a special committee to address the setting of new power rates and determine if the
legislature should be more involved. She said that previously Del Leppke
mentioned that Illinois Power would be rewired to have real time pricing for its
customers. Ms. Haas stated that as part of the purchase of Illinois Power by
AMERON in September 2004, the ICC required a real time pricing structure. The
Community Energy Cooperative became heavily involved and offered the need
for real time pricing, so that became part of the settlement as well. Community
Energy Cooperative is involved in helping AMERON structure the real time
pricing and one of the benefits of this is that even though it's not documented in
the settlement, AMERON wants to oiler it to all of downstate. AMERON owns
several other utilities in southern Illinois and they want to offer real time pricing
in 2007. Details are still being worked out. Community Energy Cooperative is
also trying to get ComEd to offer Real Time Pricing more extensively. Ms. Haas
said that it would be helpful to have Anthony Star attend an Energy Commission
meeting in a few months.
Until now, the utilities have been required to pay a program share up to $3 million
into a fund that is used to promote energy efficiency programs throughout the
state; a new legislative bill proposes that this be raised to up to $45 million.
C. Oversight, Monitoring & Inspection Actions
Dennis Marino reported that the next meeting of the Technical Review Group
(TRG) is tentatively set for March 10 or 11. He explained that usually the TRG
meets on the same day as the Energy Commission meeting. After discussion the
Commission members voted to change the Energy Commission meeting to March
10 with the TRG to start after the Energy Commission meeting.
D. Distribution Systems Franchise Agreements
No report.
E. Chairman's Report
Rudy Wolfson reported that an early morning meeting where the chairs of the
three commissions would get together (Plan Commission, Energy Board and the
Energy Commission) is tentatively scheduled for February 18, 2005. He asked
for input on the goals to be discussed.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — February 11.2005 Page Three
Dennis Marino stated that there are funds for one joint registration for the
Greening the Heartland Symposium. Mr. Wolfson said that members would
decide at the May meeting who would attend the seminar in June, with a different
member attending each of the three days.
Members deferred discussion of this report to the March 10I' meeting of the Commission
and the Technical Review Group. The six month outage report from ComEd is due
February 15`s and will be discussed at the March meeting.
The developers of 1800 Ridge Avenue presented their proposal for LEED Certification of
their project. They stressed the many ways in which their development project
emphasizes green, environmentally benign building materials and construction processes.
They also stressed the ability of the development to conserve energy and enhance the
quality of resident life. LEED Certification is a program of the U.S. Green Building
James Wolinski, Community Development Director, reported that the State mandated
Energy Code has been adopted by the Legislature. Guidelines from the State should be
available in late spring or in early summer. From everything that has been heard so far, it
is assumed that it is going to mirror a lot of the same type of requirements as the Internal
Code Energy Code. While it applies to all commercial and industrial, it does not apply to
single family or multi -family under four stories. Any residential properties over four
stories will have to follow the Energy Code. He added that enforcement of this Code will
probably start in the fall of 2005. Mr. Wolinski said that he hopes to go to Council with
the building codes, NEC, mechanical and electrical, etc., on February 28, 2005.
Mr. Wolinski said that he has asked for an additional S 10,000 in his budget for a
consultant to help with the Energy Code. The consultant will help with plan review and
inspections. As soon as the guidelines are received they will be given to the building and
architectural community. He asked for the Commission's support for the State Energy
No outages that have tripped feeders have been reported.
Dennis Marino commented on the communications included in the energy packets.
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Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — February 11. 2005 Page Four
Rudy Wolfson said that he would like "Organizing Goals for 2005 on the March agenda.
There being no funther business before the Commission, it adjourned at 9:05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Baaske
Planning Division
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Civic Curter, Room 2404 at 7a5 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joel Freernan, Arlene Haas, Del Leppke, Stefano Menu,
Paul Morse, Rudy Wolfson
MEMBERS ABSENT: William Siegfriedt
STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino, Mary Baaske
OTHER PRESENT: Dave Metz, Consultant
Rudy Wolfson called the meeting to order at 7:16 a.m., a quorum being present.
Paul Morse moved approval of the minutes of February 11, 2005. Motion seconded by
Del Leppke. Mr. Morse stated that the term "Internal Energy Code" in the first paragraph
of page three should read "International Energy Conservation Code." Motion passed
A. Energy Supply, Conservation & Alternative Energy Sources
Rudy Wolfson mentioned that an article submitted by the Energy Commission
was put in the City's Spring Highlights magazine. Joel Freeman said that Donna
Stuckert (Community Information Coordinator) suggested also placing these
articles on the City's website.
At the end of February, the Natural Gas Storage Report was that the amount of
gas in storage is nearly 30% greater than the five year average. In the past, the
price of gas would have gone down; however the prices are staying the same.
Mr. Freeman mentioned that Governor Blagojevich is requiring that at least 75%
of renewable energy was to be generated by wind resources.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — March 10.2005
Page Two
On March 30, 2005, members of the Environment Board will make a presentation
to the Civic Center Committee about green building practices and green building
rating systems.
Mr. Freeman reported that people who are involved with the network for
Evanston's future are doing another Earth Month. The Earth Month theme is food
and there will be two events — Sunday at I p.m., April 3, 2005 and Tuesday, April
12, 2005 in the evening.
The Environment Board is asking whether the Energy Commission could be listed
as one of the sponsors these events. After some discussion, the Commission
tabled this item.
B. Governmental Policy and Legislative/Regulatory Actions
Arlene Haas reported that as part of Governor Blagojevich's State of the State
speech in February he announced that he has a plan to require Illinois utilities to
provide 2% of renewable energy as part of their overall power by 2006. By 2012
that figure increases to 8%. Included in the packet is a letter to the Illinois
Congress Commission (ICC) discussing this plan.
Ms. Haas stated that State Senate 1198 bill was recently proposed that has some
provisions that would require the ICC to set standards for repairing certain electric
generation facilities, electric transmission or distribution facilities and also require
safety standards and reliability standards for some electric generation facilities as
well as transmission and distribution facilities. In the same bill are standards that
would require non emergency vegetation management on four year cycles.
C. Oversight, Monitoring & Inspection Actions
(Addressed as Items VI and Vll.)
D. Distribution Systems Franchise Agreements
Del Leppke said that there are 13 municipalities whose franchise will expire
between 2007 and 2017. He asked if the Northwest Municipal Conference had
given any thought to the fact that another group of municipalities are coming up
to expiration of franchises and is it time to get some feed back as to how the
municipalities that are operating under the current franchise feel about it. Dennis
Marino replied that he was not aware of any initiative on the part of the NWMC
to address that issue, but he will check on that. He said he would be surprised if
they are because the majority of their membership adopted the 35 year Northwest
Model Franchise Agreement which Evanston elected not to adopt in the early
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — March 10, 2005
Pane Three
E. Chairman's Report
Rudy Wolfson said that Quarterly reports from ComEd would be discussed later.
He said that there was a meeting with the Chairmen of the Plan Commission and
the Environmental Board. The priorities of all three Commissions were
Dennis Marino reported that the other chairs were Derek Supple of the
Environment Board and Larry Widmeyer of the Plan Commission.
The Plan Commission focus was on planned developments with I7 night
meetings in the past year dealing with 11 planned developments with 8 more in
process at this point. What emerged from the meeting for the Plan Commission
was they felt that they should ask more questions as part of their review as it
relates to electric service issues and other utility issues. In addition to that they
felt that issues such as feeder loading are something they would like to give more
attention. Mr. Widmeyer commented that there are issues embedded in those
design review guidelines discussions that might be related to energy.
Rudy Wolfson added that Mr. Widmeyer was very interested in demand side
controls and distributed generation.
Mr. Marino said that Mr. Supple spoke of past work in terms of the incinerator at
Evanston Hospital, work on the Dutch Elm Disease, proposed marina, and
working with the Energy Commission to promote the International Energy Code.
In addition, the Environment Board stated its concern about hazardous waste
collection, a clean school bus program - a gas fuel program, improved utilization
of the upper North Shore channel, postal zone management issues.
Upcoming work for the Environment Board was described as green buildings,
LEED certification, promoting the use of LEED traffic signals. They are also
interested in the City's Building Department forming a green team to review
green buildings and offer incentives for green buildings. Waste removal in terms
of how condominiums pay double for waste removal.
Rudy Wolfson asked the Commission to discuss their priorities. The last time the
Commission discussed priorities, it discussed reliability, franchise input and agreement,
conservation, support for alternative energy sources and distributed generation, and
possibly developing a liaison with Nicor. He said that if these issues were set out in
broad terms the Commission could add detail to them later.
Paul Morse suggested that both franchises (electric and gas) should be discussed. He
added that there would have to be some research regarding the gas franchise.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes -- March 10, 2005
Page Four
Stefano Mereu suggested that besides putting an article in the City's Highlights
magazine, articles could be put in the Roundtable, etc. Also, the Commission could put
together some material to be given out with City permits.
Mr. Marino said there were brochures at the permit desk and that additional educational
material could be displayed at the permit desk.
Mr. Mereu asked about Real Time Pricing. Mr. Wolfson said that permanent time of day
pricing was listed as a sub item under franchise negotiations and conservation.
Mr. Wolfson summarized the Energy Commission goals as follows:
1, Improved reliability for both ComEd and Nicor
2. Develop a new franchise agreement with ComEd and analyze the existing
franchise with N1COR
3. Conservation, publicizing in both the Highlights and other newspapers and
possibly material to be put at the permit desk, and green building initiatives.
4. Support for alternative energy sources and distributed generation.
Del Leppke moved to adopt the Energy Commission goals as listed. Motion seconded by
Joel Freeman. Motion passed unanimously.
Dennis Marino reported that the date the Building Code Updates is scheduled to be heard
at the Planning and Development Committee is March 28, 2005. Material for the
meeting will available the Thursday before the meeting.
Rudy Wolfson stated that this report will be discussed at the TRG meeting and asked for
input from the Commission. Del Leppke said that both the tree and weather causes of
outages have not changed in the last three years in spite of good weather. Joel Freeman
mentioned that malfunction and underground failure have gone down in the last 3 years.
Mr. Leppke mentioned that the substation DCC61 has 99% load on the substation that
serving the Orrington Hotel. He said that that this substation is getting very heavily
loaded and that it warrants discussion by the Commission.
Dave Metz said that he has reviewed the report and has some questions regarding animal
interruption for ComEd. In the Year 2000 ComEd stated that they would install animal
guards throughout the entire area and interruptions have not gone down.
VII. OUTAGE REPORT (8/1/94 THRU 1/21/05)
Dennis Marino reported this report was delivered to members of the Technical Review
Group and would be given to the other member after the meeting.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — March 10.2005
Paae Five
Dennis Marino reported that there were I or 2 minor outages that occurred downtown.
He suggested that they be discussed with Mike Radziewicz at the TRG meeting.
Dennis Marino reported that he has shared that there are still four openings on the Energy
Commission with the Mayor. Paul Morse said he has contacted some people at
Northwestern and received a positive response. Dennis Marino said that they could get
the form online.
Communications were accepted into the record
There being no fiuther business before the Commission, it adjourned at 8:31 am.
Respectfully submitted,
A e eel
Mary ke
Plannf ig Division
/Date: ;, // 7/ fs
Friday, April 1, 2005
Civic Center, Room 2404 at 7:15 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joel Freeman, Arlene Haas, Rudy Wolfson
MEMBERS ABSENT: Del Leppke, Stefano Mereu, Paul Morse, William Siegfriedt
STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino, Mary Baaske
The meeting started at 7:24, no quorum was present.
Due to the lack of a quorum at today's meeting, the minutes of March 10, 2005 will be
considered at the May 3, 2005 meeting.
A. Energy Supply, Conservation & Alternative Energy Sources
Joel Freeman reported that he had attended a session given by ProLiance Energy
which happens to be the gas supplier for the City of Evanston. The company
presented numerous factors which will be affecting natural gas supply prices in
the future. Until new supplies are brought into the market place, which is not
anticipated for another five or ten years, the forecast for natural gas demand is
going to outrun the supplies that are available. Gas, supplies in Canada and Alaska
seem to be the way to match supply and demand. The United States produces
85% of what it uses with the remaining 15% being bought from Canada
Mr. Freeman said he received an email about a proposed rule for the energy
conservation code that the Capital Development Board (CDB) has crafted and is
now out for public comment. He said he has heard that there are some groups that
are opposing it. It has already been enacted and Mr. Freeman said he didn't know
what these groups were opposing.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — April 10, 2005
Pap-e Two
B. Governmental Policy and Legislative/Regulatory Actions
Arlene Haas recalled that the Energy Commission, at a previous meeting, had
spoken about the letter Governor Blagojevich had sent to the ICC concerting
energy conservation. She said she has been trying to find out what action the ICC
had taken in response House Bill 3744 was proposed which included some of the
Sustainable Energy plan; she believed it was the part that requires having a certain
percentage of supplies come from renewable sources, 2% in 2006 increasing to
10% by 2014.
Ms. Haas stated that she had called Representative Scully's office and they spoke
about the fact that Speaker Madigan was making electricity pricing his priority
and had set up a special committee. So far there has not been any legislation that
has come out of that committee.
In reply to a question from Joel Freeman, Ms. Haas said that Representative Art
Turner was sponsoring House Bill 3744.
Joel Freeman asked if the Renewable Energy Bill requires only the utilities or any
and all suppliers. Ms. Haas said that it required any and all suppliers (the bill
states each electric utility or alternate electric supplier.)
C. Oversight, Monitoring & Inspection Actions
Postponed until the May meeting.
Rudy Wolfson reported that there was a Technical Review Group meeting and
that Paul Morse had sent him notes on that meeting. Mr. Morse was going to
make the report at the meeting today; however, he was not able to attend. The
report was postponed until the next Energy Commission meeting in May.
Mr. Wolfson said that they discussed reliability goals and outages, repeated that
we wanted to work toward an average duration of less than 60 minutes — the
ComEd goal was 100 minutes. He said that Dave Metz has always indicated that
when it comes to adverse effects of outages, storms should be excluded so that we
really get indices of real failures instead of storm failures which really are part of
the norm. Dennis Marino mentioned that ComEd always includes storm data.
Mr. Wolfson added that the reliability indices for 2002, 2003, and 2004 were
discussed. It was noted that underground failure in equipment malfunctions was
going down, but tree interruptions remain high. The tree cycle trimming was
discussed as was wild life protectors. It was mentioned that since the numbers of
wildlife interruptions have not changed, ComEd must not be installing sufficiently
wildlife protectors.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes —April 10, 2005
Page Three
Dennis Marino said that as a result of the outage on Oak Street in December 2004,
there is now improved information about feeder loading which is shared between
the City's Building Division and Com Ed. The other issue discussed by the TRG
was major new city developments, most of which were already familiar to ComEd
staff that was present. They were given a two page document of projects that
were in the pipeline or concept at this point and attention was called to the
proposed TIF district on the west side which is not likely to generate high density
development but hopefully will generate low density development on currently
vacant land near the old railroad right of way.
Laura lee Wittington, planner for ComEd shared information about what ComEd
is doing now and brought in a map of the entire transmission system of the north
shore (which will be brought to the next meeting). She discussed her
methodology in planning for load growth over a five year period.
Rudy Wolfson stated he wanted more members in attendance before the 2005
priorities were discussed.
Dennis Marino reported that there is an internal City team that is meeting with
Nicor to discuss a variety of issues. Those issues revolve around digging
problems as contractors have been piercing gas lines — not often, but occasionally.
Related to that is more accurate mapping of where the lines are and response time
when digging occurs. He said that this is being worked on actively by the
Committee composed of the Office of the City Manager, Public Works, Fire
Department, Facilities Management and he has also been invited to be part of the
process now. Mr. Marino said he would keep the Energy Commission informed
on the issues as they emerge — particular those issues that could use the expertise
of the Energy Commission. He added that the City does receive cash equivalency
instead of free gas from Nicor.
Dennis Marino reported that he had checked with Max Rubin's office to see if any
faxes had come in from ComEd and there had not. The last outages reported were
on February 15 and February 28, 2005. Outages can be viewed on the City's
No new report.
Communications were commented on and accepted into the record.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes —April 10. 2005
Pace Four
Them being no further business before the Commission, it adjoumed at 8:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary B e
Plannin 'vision
Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Civic Center, Room 1404 at 7.15 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joel Freeman, Arlene Haas, Stefano Mereu, Paul Morse,
William Siegfriedt, Rudy Wolfson
STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino, Mary Baaske
OTHERS PRESENT: Irwin Levinson, Andy Dickerson, Ronald Robert
Chair Rudy Wolfson called the meeting to order at 7:13 a quorum being present.
Paul Morse moved to approve the minutes of March 10, 2005, seconded by Joel Freeman.
After some minor editorial changes, motion passed unanimously.
Joel Freeman moved to approve the minutes of April 1, 2005, seconded by Arlene Haas.
Motion approved — 3 ayes 3 abstentions.
A. Energy Supply, Conservation & Alternative Energy Sources
Joel Freeman stated that the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) issued its report
on deregulation and he had a copy for anyone wanting to see it. He drew attention
to several points of interest including the existing bundled rate freeze will expire
and bundled rates will Iikely begin to reflect wholesale prices; but probably will be
higher. In the transition the ICC is trying to develop competition so that there is
somewhat of a competitive market place. Mr. Freeman stated that in the report it
states that there is not any competition for serving residential customers. It is hoped
that there will be additional suppliers entering the market place so there will be a
broader mix.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes -- Mav 3, 2005
Paec Two
There was a brief discussion of the natural gas franchise concluding with a request
for more information.
Mr. Freeman next discussed the proposed regulations for implementing the new
State Energy Conservation Code. All commercial facilities that require a building
permit must comply and the minimum level of compliance (although determined by
the local authority having jurisdiction) shall be demonstrated by forms published
under ASHRAE 90.1 or compliance certificates generated as part of software
assimilation program by the Department of Energy.
Bill Siegfriedt moved to indicate to the City that the Energy Commission is ready to
participate in review of the proposed regulations if requested. Paul Morse seconded
the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Governmental Policy and Legislative/Regulatory Actions
Arlene Haas reported that she had spoken to several people regarding the
Governor's stable energy plan and why that went to the Illinois Commerce
Commission (ICC), what the ICC's authority is in implementing. The ICC held
several workshops to get comments from the general public. Those workshops
have ended and the utilities as well as public interest groups have been submitting
comments on the specific plan and also there are some legal issues. The major legal
issue is not whether the ICC does oversee the public utilities but whether they really
have the authority to regulate the alternative retail suppliers. Somewhere near the
end of May or the beginning of June the ICC will submit an order discussing their
authority and how they will implement a sustainable energy plan. The major issues
for ComEd are that they be on an equal playing field with the alternative retail
suppliers and also whether they will be able to recoup the cost of using renewable
energy sources. Another issue is whether there are renewable energy sources right
now in the State; they will have to increase the quality of the wind energy that is
generated. She said it was questionable that they will reach a 2% reduction for
renewable resources by 2006.
Ms. Haas stated that Bill 1998 deals with requiring the utilities to create a
vegetation management schedule as well as requiring the ICC to set safety and
reliability standards is still in the Senate.
Ms. Haas mentioned that she had read that the CTA wants to remove the express to
Evanston, and it seemed to her that it was an Environmental/Energy issue at a time
when more public transportation is being promoted. She asked Mr. Marino to speak
to the Mayor and inform her of the Committee's concerns.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — May 3, 2005
Page Three
C. Oversight, Monitoring & Inspection Actions
Rudy Wolfson said he gave an overview of Paul Morse's report at the last Energy
Commission meeting and asked Mr. Morse to give further details on the March
10, 2005 TRG meeting. Mr. Morse highlighted the following points:
1. Regarding Sherman Plaza, ComEd is going to use an existing feeder and
completely unload it of its existing load and run anew feeder to Evanston
2. Mr. Morse said that animal related interruptions were also discussed including
if wild life protectors are being installed and the state of their application and
whether they were used as a matter of policy. Mr. Marino said that ComEd's
response was that they are used when they were changing out an existing part
of the distribution system. We are waiting to hear whether or not it is installed
more universally than that.
3. Mr. Morse said that additional information had been requested concerning
outage discrepancies that specifically outage underground failures show up in
2004 bar graph but there are none in the outage list.
4. Mr. Morse asked if ComEd had submitted additional information concerning
overlays of the Evanston Northbrook reliability index graphs are not possible.
Cables were requested with side by side numbers with different me and outage
D. Distribution Systems Franchise Agreements
It was suggested that the subcommittee get together with Del Leppke.
E. Chairman's Report
The Solarbration at Haven School was discussed, including the fact that the solar
photovoltaic system was funded by three different grants. The schools paid for
the labor to install the system. Joel Freeman gave the Commission an overview
of the events at the Solarbration.
Andy Dickerson, with Constellation NewEnergy stated that Constellation NewEnergy is
a large utility based in Baltimore, and added that it is very similar to Exelon. As a result
of deregulation in Illinois, customers - mostly large industrial and commercial customers
- have a choice of providers. ComEd will always be the transmission and distribution of
power into the grid for those customers, but large end users have the choice of the power
supplier. Mr. Dickerson said that his company works with large end users and structures
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes -- Mav 3.2005
Page Four
products and supplies power. He said that his company competes against ComEd's rates
— for the most part they compete against the bundled tariff rate.
Mr. Dickerson said that Illinois deregulated in 1997 for a ten year period and with that
agreement that ComEd would deregulate, there were a couple other stipulations that
ComEd negotiated. One of the major components of that ten year period is that ComEd
was able to fix transmission distribution rates for ten years and open up its energy portion
to the competition. ComEd's argument was as customers leave ComEd it would lose
revenue so they were allowed to charge departing end users for stranded costs when they
left the systems. Starting January 1, 2007 that stranded cost ends. Each year ComEd sets
a new rate — a bundled tariff rate and creates a bundled rate for large end users and that is
Constellation's rate to go into the market and try to beat this PPO purchase option.
Mr. Dickerson said that the Energy Commission's side of energy is really the demand
side of energy, while his side is more the trading and purchasing side and scheduling it
into the grid. He said that Evanston Township High School participates in third party
supply. Mr. Wolfson asked if Northwestern University was a customer of Constellation
NewEnergy. Mr. Dickerson replied that they were not; they have a long term agreement
with Exelon.
Arlene Haas asked if Constellation offers real time pricing as an option to their
customers. Mr. Dickerson said that they do and real time pricing is not just a time of day
thing, it's also market price. He pointed out on a map of Constellation's service area he
had provided that all the blue dots were existing offices, and all those states are
deregulated — plus Toronto, and Calgary. Louisville and Tulsa are the gas hubs for the
company. The most vibrant markets today are the Illinois Market, Texas, New York,
California. He drew the Commission's attention to the last page of his handout which
was a wholesale cost of power price chart.
Mr. Dickerson said that Evanston High School was one of his customers. He said that
were a pretty sophisticated end user of power, that they have on site generation. Last
year at this time they did a one year fixed price deal spending about $30,000 per month.
He said that his company saved ETHS about $200,000 last year. With the cost of power
being higher their savings would be a lot less.
Mr. Dickerson explained that as a sales guide for Constellation, he puts together the data
to see what a customer would have paid and then goes into the market - whether it be
short term or long term scenarios - and see if it is worthwhile for a customer to move
from ComEd to a third party supplier. He said that they do offer terms as long as ten
years but the average term is two years.
Dennis Marino asked for the price formula on the 3 year or 5 year contracts and is it fixed
price, or variable. Mr. Dickerson replied that pre 2007 the tariff rates are frozen, the
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — May 3, 2005
Page Five
transmission distribution components are all frozen, the only two moving components are
the CTC component, the stranded cost and the cost of power. In a long term deal, the
piece that Constellation would impact would be the commodity piece for 1, 2, or 3 years.
The other components are known costs because they are fixed by the Illinois Commerce
Paul Morse asked the break point for the bundled rate for residential in the size of the
customer. Mr. Dickerson said he thought that would be approximately 100 kW.
Dennis Marino asked if Constellation had the capacity to meet the requirements of those
kinds of municipal utilities such as Naperville and Winnetka. Mr. Dickerson said his
company did not compete against municipal utilities. Mr. Marino said that those two
municipalities did not provide their power, they had to buy power from a wholesaler. Mr.
Morse asked if Mr. Dickerson was a possible seller of that power to them. Mr. Dickerson
said that Constellation Supply could, however he is on the retail side and it is not
something he would do. Bill Siegfriedt asked how many competitors his company had in
Illinois. Mr. Dickerson said that the primary competitors are Exelon and Meridian.
Mr. Dickerson said that he could not compete with franchise agreements but there are a
Iot of buildings that could benefit from third party supply.
Rudy Wolfson thanked Mr. Dickerson for his enlightening presentation.
1. Improved reliability for both ComEd and Nicor
Rudy Wolfson said that there is a continuing priority through the Technical
Review Group.
2. Develop a new franchise agreement with ComEd and analyze the existing
franchise with NICOR.
Mr. Wolfson said he would like the Franchise Committee consisting of Paul
Morse, Arlene Haas and Del Leppke to get together and get an outline of where
we might come up with some ideas for the Committee of the whole. He invited
anyone interested to attend that meeting.
Conservation, publicizing in both the Highlights and other newspapers and
possibly material to be put at the permit desk, and green building initiatives.
Mr. Wolfson asked for input. Stefano Mereu said he had to leave at this point but
would provide something in writing for the Committee.
4. Support for alternative energy sources and distributed generation.
Paul Morse said that it was his opinion that this topic will not go anywhere unless
there is a demonstration project. Joel Freeman said that if there is a new Civic
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — May 3, 2005 Paste Six
Center that is going to be constructed it would be an opportunity to integrate more along
those lines. The possibility of a new Crown Center was discussed.
Dennis Marino said that at the last meeting he reported there had not been any recent
outages the previous 30 days. Since the April meeting there have been two outages, one
was a three hour outage on April 17 Circuit C4718 in the evening caused by tree contact,
the areas affected were Payne to Church and Asbury to Lamar. The other outage was a
one minute outage on April 28. The Circuit affected was C475 caused by underground
failure — first section.
Rudy Wolfson said he was going to meet with the Mayor regarding membership.
Dennis Marino drew the Commission's attention to the communications included in their
No other business.
There being no further business before the Commission it adjourned at 9:05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted
M aaske
Planning Division
Wednesda3•, June 8, 2005
Civic Center, Room 2404 at 7. I5 A.M.
Joel Freeman, Del Leppke, Stefano Mereu,
Paul Morse, William Siegfriedt, Rudy Wolfson
Arlene Haas
Dennis Marino
Rudy Wolfson
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of May 3, 2005. After minor
corrections, minutes were approved 5 ayes I abstention.
A. Energy Supply, Conservation & Alternative Energy Sources
Joel Freeman provided an overview of a short term energy outlook report for the
B. Governmental Policy and Legislative/Regulatory Actions
No report.
C. Oversight, Monitoring & Inspection Actions
Dennis Marino reported that there will be a meeting of the Technical Review
Group on July 1, 2005 at 8:30 a.m. following the regular scheduled Energy
Commission meeting.
D. Distribution Systems Franchise Agreements
No report.
E. Chairman's Report
Rudy Wolfson reported that he, Stefano Mereu and Joel Freeman each attended
one day of the Greening of the Heartland Conference. They gave overviews of
each of the days they attended the conference.
Dennis Marino mentioned that the purpose today is to give the Commission a quick
exposure to these documents leading to a more detailed discussion of the Energy
Commission meeting of July 1, followed by the TRG Meeting
Dennis Marino drew the Commission attention to the Corn Ed Annual Report Data He
said that last year during Franchise Negotiations, Corn Ed provided a template of what an
Annual Report would look like which we encouraged. However, we indicated that we
also needed periodic reports as well as the Annual Report. Also included in this report is
the list of circuits and boundaries, and a map of the distribution system.
The 2004 Franchise Interruption Report provides an inventory of outages and this should
be the cumulative of everything that is in the periodic reports.
It also provides a report of Evanston Capacity Improvement projects, Vegetation
Management, New Businesses, Public Relocation and a cumulative summary of what
happened in 2004 and also what is planned for 2005.
The Report also includes a listing of all City facilities receiving free electricity.
Max Rubin reported on recent outages including one on June 7, 2005 at 2:04 p.m. to 5:04
p.m.caused by an underground failure cable fault on Circuit C202. He added that an
Alderman had called and informed him that Lincoln School was out of power all day
yesterday, June 7, 2005
Detailed information on outages can be found on the City's web page.
Rudy Wolfson said he would call or email Paul Morse regarding someone from
Northwestern University applying for membership. Bill Siegfriedt volunteered to speak
to a friend who is a former employee of ComEd for membership to the Energy
Commission. Mr. Wolfson mentioned that application forms are on the website.
Dennis Marino said that everything had been discussed previously during this meeting.
There being no further business before the Commission it adjourned at 8:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary B ke/Planning Division
Friday, July 1, 2005
Civic Center, Room 2404 at 7:1 S A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joel Freeman. Del Leppke, Stefano Mereu,
Paul Morse, William Siegfriedt, Rudy Wolfson
STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino
CONSULTANT PRESENT: Dave Metz, Stanley Associates
OTHERS PRESENT: Irwin Levinson
Chair Wolfson called the meeting to order at 7:17 a.m.
Del Leppke made a motion to approve the minutes of June 8, 2005, seconded by Joel
Freeman. Rudy Wolfson asked that the June 8 minutes be changed to reflect that Paul
Morse was in attendance at that meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
A. Energy Supply, Conservation & Alternative Energy Sources
Joel Freeman reported that there was not much new to report since the
Commission meeting three weeks ago. He mentioned that people that had signed
up for Real Time Pricing, which is now about 12 cents an hour, have noticed that
the price of electricity which used to go down on the weekends with the exception
of the wee hours of the morning are %irtually the same as the week day.
B. Governmental Policy and Legislative/Regulatory Actions
Del Leppke reported that there is a United States Energy Policy bill that the
House and Senate are working on. Dennis Marino mentioned that there is
information regarding this in the members' packet communications.
Dennis Marino reported that there will be 9 P&D members. The schedule is set
that at every Council meeting night all aldermen can attend all meetings.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — July 1, 2005
Page Two
C. Oversight, Monitoring & Inspection Actions
Rudy Wolfson stated that there is a Technical and Review Group meeting at 8:30 a.m
D. Distribution Systems Franchise Agreements
No report.
E. Chairman's Report
Rudy Wolfson said that he would like the priorities that were listed in the May
minutes to be discussed at every meeting to see what is being accomplished.
Improved reliability will be discussed with regard to the TRG.
He asked Stefano Mereu his opinions regarding conservation. Mr. Mereu
mentioned looking at where the loads are higher and lower and seeing what can
be done in that area to reduce the energy consumption on some commercial
buildings, if possible through a grant. He mentioned giving information on basic
energy consumption to people when permits were given out. Joel Freeman said
that if the proposal is crafted in the right way there is a possibility of getting a
grant from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
Before Mr. Mereu and Mr. Freeman continue with this idea, Mr. Wolfson asked
them to put together a report and run it though the staff process before submitting
it to the Commission. Various options of programs were discussed.
In response to a question, Dennis Marino mentioned that the Zoning Ordinance
has a Planned Development section and any development that needs zoning relief
that elects to go though our Planned Development process through the Plan
Commission has to indicate, in addition to number of units, tax revenue, etc what
are the other public benefits that this development will bring to the City. There is
an example list of benefits listed in the ordinance that suggests the kinds of things
the City is looking for. At the last Economic Development Committee meeting a
reference was made that the Commission take a look at that public benefit list
specifically to look at whether or not green buildings should be added to that list.
Mr. Wolfson said that he felt there was a need to clarify the criteria for green
buildings here and thought that it needed more discussion than the Commission
had time for today. Discussion occurred about the economic feasibility of green
buildings. Mr. Wolfson suggested holding some meetings to discuss this further.
Del Leppke added that the Commission should not overlook the possibility of
using City buildings as a model. Mr. Wolfson asked Mr. Freeman and Mr.
Mereu to research the possibility of grants for homeowners.
Dennis Marino mentioned that there will be two members absent at the August meeting.
Paul Morse made a motion to cancel the August meeting. Motion seconded by Joel
Freeman. Motion passed unanimously
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — July 1, 2005
Pace Three
Dennis Marino reported on an outage June 25, 2005 starting at 4:49 and restored at 5:30.
The reported cause was vandalism — young people dropping fireworks into a manhole
cover. An outage reported on June 7 at 2:04 p.m. was restored at 5:09 p.m. 724
customers affected in Evanston 43 in Wilmette, cause camas underground failure.
Detailed information on outages can be found on the City's web page.
Dennis Marino drew the Commission's attention to the communications included in
their July Packet.
Mr. Marino listed the issues — Technical Review Group
- Review the most recent periodic and annual report from ComEd which was
distributed last time.
- Go over the most recent outage reports and the overall hot weather performance
of ComEd.
- The overall adequacy of power supply this summer.
- Discussion of major outage in Chicago last weekend -- a fire in a fairly large
transformer and implications, if any, for the ComEd system.
- Substation loading and capacity
- Targeted feeders
- Renewed discussion of Sherman Plaza feeder loading
- Construction planning and construction projects schedule
- Updating new major city development projects
There being no further business before the Commission it adjourned at 8:25 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Baas a ing Division
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July 17, 2006
TO: Civia Dunn
City Clerk's Office
FROM: ary Baaske
arming Division
SUBJECT: 2005 Energy Commission August Minutes
The August 2005 meeting of the Evanston Energy Commission was canceled. If you
require any further information, please feel free to contact me.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Civic Center, Roam 2404 at 7:1S a.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe! Freeman, Arlene Haas, Del Lep*e, Paul
Morse, Rudy Wolfson
MEMBERS ABSENT: Stefano Mereu, William Siegfdedt
STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino
Chair Wolfson called the meeting to order at 7: I5 a.m.
Approval of the minutes was deferred due to lack of quorum.
A. Energy Supply, Conservation & Alternative Energy Sources
Mr. Freeman brought up that the new Fire Station is going to be a LEER
certified building. Mr. Freeman suggested that if there is any way for the
Energy Commission to participate in facilitating any grants that this may
be a worthwhile endeavor.
Mr. Wolfson pointed out that the Commission has received several reports
from Tracy NorEleet via email on the issue of the RFP's for the Fire
Station being LEED certified. He discussed the other reports from Ms.
Nortleet regarding the overlays of the businesses on the 10% worst
performing circuits that the Commission discussed previously. He hoped
that Com.Ed will be able to present information about which large users
are located on these circuits. He asked Mr. Marino if it would be possible
to discuss or meet with those businesses regarding this issue and grant
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — Sevtember 13.2005
Page 2
Mr. Marino reported that he has not yet had a chance to speak with Mr.
Len Sciarra on attending a Energy Commission meeting but he will
discuss this with Ms. Linda Lutz. Mr. Freeman noted that Mr. Sciarra
indicated that he would be available for the October meeting.
Mr. Wolfson gave credit to Mr. Freeman for trying tie put together both
reliability and conservation. This report will be discussed further at the
upcoming TRG meeting that is anticipated to be scheduled in October. He
brought to attention the report dated July 12, 2005 on energy conservation,
which covered such topics as reducing load on the distribution system to
help alleviate stress on components, options for other municipal
compensation approaches in kilowatt usage for ComEd, etc, promote
compliance with energy conservation code activities and assist the City
with reducing energy operations, etc.
Mr. Freeman referred to the New York Times article that he passed out
earlier which highlights a debate about the oil supply and natural gas cost.
He talked about natural gas being at an all time. He noted that there is the.
potential for gas prices to go down but currently the market is driven by
Mr. Freeman gave an update on the ICC report on ComEd's application
for new rates. He commented on several of the articles submitted in the
Commission's packet, specifically pointed out the topics regarding the
Exelon News Releases. The Commissioners found the article interesting
from the Crain Chicago Business regarding the "Rate dispute may trigger
ComEd sale" and discussed in fiuther detail. Mr. Leppke asked for a.
report about how the City collects municipal utility tax. Is it collected on
the basis of kilowatt hour sales or gross receipts? Mr. Leppke said that if
the City had switched over to kilowatt hour sales it would be helpful and
an indirect way of finding out whether the electricity use in Evanston is
going up or down by looking at tax collections; this is not possible with
gross receipts. He would also like to see the amount spent by ComEd to
improve and maintain the system and how much is applied to Evanston.
This issue should be pushed in TRG. A member of the audience brought
attention to other factors not mentioned by Mr. Freeman in the article from
the New York Times.
D. Governmental Policy and Legislative/Regulatory Actions.
Ms. Arlcae Haas reported that there has been an ongoing saga between the
ICC and ComEd which started back in July when the ICC adopted the
Governor's Sustainable Energy Plan. She explained that there are two
parts to it: one part is the renewable portfolio standard which recommends
(not requires) that 2% of the electricity will come from renewable sources
by 2006 and increase by 1 % every year until 8% is obtained in 2012. The
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — September 13.2005
Page 3
second component is the energy efficiency portfolio standard where utility
companies will create programs which will hopefully reduce by 10% the
rising demand of electricity by 2007 and the goal is to not only obtain 25%
reduction by 2015. Ms. Haas went over the pros and cons of this plan.
She noted that this is a recommendation and is not enforceable by the ICC.
The utilities would enter into an agreement to meet these requirements. If
they enter into this agreement it is being argued that the ICC can then
enforce it but have no authority to actually require the utilities to meet
these goals. She said that ComEd entered into two proceedings, one was
in order to increase in 2007 they want to enter into an auction process.
The Attorney General's Office and Cook County filed suits or proceedings
under the ICC to oppose this because they say the auction process doesn't
really work where you don't have a competitive market. Since there is no
competitive market for residential and small businesses then ComEd
should not be allowed to enter into this auction process. Ms. Haas said the
other component which Mr. Freeman mentioned, is that ComEd is also in
proceedings to increase the distribution rate
Ms. Haas informed that she recently spoke with Anthony Starr who
predicted that this was going to be a big issue. She said that he would be
happy to come in and discuss this matter with the Energy Commission
about the whole auction process. Mr. Leppke said that he would also be
interested in more information on the reverse auction process as well. Mr.
Freeman pointed out that there are two market places — the wholesale
maricet and retail market. As homeowners and small business owners in
the retail market place, they actually don't have a choice of who to buy
from and this creates an absence of competition.
Ms. Haas recalled that earlier in the year she mentioned the Senate Bill
1998 that she was personally excited about because it described creating
reliability standards for both the transmission and generation facilities.
This requires the utilities to come up with their own vegetative
management plan. She noted that there was an amendment to this Bill
which basically took out all the substance of that bill which she found very
disappointing. However there is a similar bill in the House but it has not
moved anywhere at this time.
C. Qver sight, Monitoring & Inspection Actions
Mr. Morse gave a report on the last Technical dt Review Group meeting
held on July 1�, 2005. His overall read on the TRG meeting was basically
non -controversial. Many compliments were given to ComEd about the
data reporting and how it has improved over the years. With regard to the
report the Commission reviewed, one of the items he noted was that all of
the 2005 projects were substantially done. Mr. Morse reminded that the
focus of the TRG and these meetings with ComEd is reliability. He noted
that the 2006 planning by ComEd is underway but projects have not yet
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — Sentember 13.2005
Pace 4
been identified and may not be until January. He would like to see this
accelerated if possible and is hopeful that this information will be
provided by the next meeting.
Mr. Morse said there are a number of specific questions that were
presented to ComEd regarding recurring problems with certain feeders
causing outages, which ComEd's response was that they would look into it
and report back to the group. He said that TRG is attempting to add
substations to its discussions on usage and circuits. Mr. Morse reported on
the Sherman Plaza development regarding off -sight work by ComEd to
install a new feeder next summer, which had no controversial discussion.
He said the situation of the outage at the main public library in June was
brought up for discussion and was resolved as a network problem that
ComEd is still investigating the actual cause.
Mr. Morse reiterated that the TRG meeting was overall non -controversial
and stated that ComEd needs to respond to the audience questions and
concerns raised that require follow-up report.
D. Distribution Systems Franchise Agreements
This matter is covered under Item V. Mr. Marino informed the Energy
Commission members of the new schedule for Council where
Administration & Public Works Committee meets before Planning &
Development Committee since all 9 Council are members. In response to a
question, he indicated that the Energy Commission would make a report to
the A&PW Committee on this issue and the performance of ComEd
during the first year of the franchise extension.
E. Chairman's Report
No Report
Mr. Leppke raised several concerns he observed in the 6-month outage report
from ComEd. Specifically he pointed out that there are too many equipment
failures noted. Mr. Morse noted that he also has raised this issue to ComEd at the
TRG meeting. Others noted that the extreme heat did not appear to generate
significant outage.
Ms. Haas raised a concern with resolving many outages with temporary
switching. She questioned what action is actually taken beyond this point to
rectify the temporary status and would like to see this information added from
ComEd. Mr. Leppke suggested meeting with the maintenance personnel of
ComEd for more detailed information.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — Seotember 13.2005
Paize 5
Mr. Leppke gave his overview of the relationship with ComEd on this first year
evaluation and that he feels there has been a good relationship thus far with the
on -going dialogue and response from them. He noted that ComEd's response has
not been as comprehensive on specific projects as desired but in all they have
provided some good insights. He agrees with Mr. Morse on directing more
information on the substation operations versus circuit information. Mr. Leppke
stated that the idea to provide a one year performance report to A&PW is a good
idea suggested by staff, along with a plan for developing the fixture franchise
agreement after July 2007. The report should be presented to the A&PW
Committee before the end of the year. Mr. Marino suggested that one of the two
meetings in November should be considered since there is only one meeting in
Mr. Freeman asked Mr. Marino if there is any way for the Energy Commission to
get involved and contribute to the Strategic Planning review that is currently
underway. Mr. Marino described the process and encouraged Commission
members to participate. He added that he would share information with the
Commission on the subject and report on opportunities to participate.
This topic was covered under Item V regarding the Energy Commission reporting
to A&PW on the evaluation of the First Year of the 3-Year Franchise Extension.
Mr. Rubin gave an overview of recent outages going back to the beginning of
June. He listed 8 outages in the Evanston area.
Mr. Wolfson suggested that Mr. Dave Grumman be considered and Mr. Morse
said that he is considering asking one of the director's at Northwestern that he
thought would be a good addition to the Energy Commission Mr. Leppke
reminded the Chair that his term has been up for some time now and he is anxious
to retire his membership.
Mr. Marino briefly went through all the articles that were not covered in earlier
discussion. He also noted throe additional reports included from Mr. Rubin.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 am.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — Seatember 13.2405
Respectfully submitted,
1 'I'KBrownlee
Pace 6
i [I:
r•.-•-1 Iff1
f'i, r.'i , -r•ki
1 '
i •
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Civic Center, Room 2404 at 7.15 am.
Joel Freeman, Arlene Haas, Paul
Morse, William Siegfriedt, Rudy Wolfson
Del Leppke, Stefano Mereu,
Dennis Marino
Rudy Wolfson
Chair Wolfson called the meeting to order at 7:16 am.
Approval of the minutes was deferred due to lack of quorum.
Mr. Sciarra informed the Commission that this is the same presentation that he
presented with Mr. Derek Supple for the Civic Center Committee several months
ago. He noted staff that was present at that meeting included Julia Carroll, City
Manager, James Wolinski, Director of Community Development, and Dave Cook,
Asst. Director of Facilities Management.. He gave a detailed slide -by -slide
presentation. In summary, Mr. Sciarra covered the global perspective for Green
Buildings, What is integrated and sustainable design, Setting standards regarding
the LEED" Rating System, Cost and Benefit Analysis for obtaining Green
Buildings, What other Communities are doing, Grants available for Green
Building, and in conclusion, Potential steps Evanston can take to obtain Green
Building status for new construction a major rehabilitation to existing buildings.
(A copy of this slide presentation is obtainable from the City of Evanston
Planning Division Office.)
In Mr. Sciarra's presentation, he noted that LEED is the abbreviation for
"Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design." He explained the ANCI
Accreditation & Certification levels under the setting standards for qualification
to be considered: certified, Silver, Gold, or Platinum Status. He pointed out in
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — October 5. 2005
Pane 2
detail the cost and benefits over a buildings lifespan noting the most important
being improved productivity and health for employees, utility savings, operation
and maintenance savings and increased property values. However, he also noted
the realization of the estimated increase in initial cost to construct a LEED
compliant building. He specified that making a green building is not difficult to
qualify for LEED certification with the proper inclusion in the initial design of the
building. However to obtain platinum level is more difficult to achieve.
Mr. Sciarra presented a list of other Cities and Counties that have adopted LEED-
based standards for new public building construction and showed several slides of
examples; specifically buildings throughout Illinois. He gave a list of four
agencies that can provide grants available for funding Green buildings in Illinois:
Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, Illinois
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency.
Mr. Sciarra's conclusion to his presentation covered the potential next steps fnr--
the Cit of Evanston. Mainly to incorporate Omen Design Strategies into
upcoming municipal new construction projects such as the Central Street Fine
Station, Civic Center (if the City so chooses) and the Robert Crown Center
renovation. He stressed the importance of developing a City Building Policy
based on the LEED Rating System for new construction and major renovation
projects. He also pointed out the realization that the incorporation of this policy
should be included at the Site Plan Review Process and included in the design
criteria considered by the Plan Commission. He also recommends inclusion of
using the Environment Board and Energy Commission as a resource in
developing requests for qualifications or grant applications.
Discussion and questions between the Energy Commission members, Mr. Sciarra,
and staff followed the conclusion of the presentation. In review of the slides
regarding incorporation of the "Green Design" in the project review process, Ms.
Haas noted that there is no inclusion of an interior designer on the design team.
She recommended that this position should be added to the design team, Mr.
Sciarra agreed. He stressed that the key to integration of this green building
design is essential at the early building planning process. Lengthy discussion
followed regarding the integration of new residential construction but it was noted
that LEED projects are mainly geared on new high -mid -rise residential buildings
with office and commercial inclusion versus single-family new construction being
very scarce at this time.
Mr. Sciarra, Mr. Marino, and the Energy Commission members were in
consensus that a joint meeting should be scheduled between the Plan
Commission, Energy Commission, and members of the Environment Board
possibly before the end of the calendar year. Mr. Marino said that he would
attempt to coordinate this meeting.
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes - October 5.2005
iVJJ 91116r1 a1 N- 02,IA lei"
Page 3
A. Energy Supply, Conservation do Alternative Energy Sources
Mr. Freeman reported on the upcoming proposals for the renovation of the
Fire House design and his discussion with Dave Cook and Bob Rumble on
possible grants for the inclusion of green house design. He brought
attention to the articles he included in the packet from the Chicago
Tribune's Real Estate section regarding urban development near
Bloomington, IL on the Arrowsmith Wind Farm. Mr. Freeman pointed
out the huge offering for as much as 400 megawatts of affordable,
pollution free energy generating capacity; enough to cover approximately
20,000 acres and 120,000 homes with a projected cost of $500,000,000.
Mr. Freeman pointed out the recent NICOR Gas cost history column of
numbers for the commodity cost He noted the October gas costs is $1.17
per therm compared to 2004, the increase has approximately doubled He
also brought attention to the pro -license web page regarding the future
price estimation that January 2006 gas prices to be around $1.50 per
therm. He said that these cost ultimately will affect the electrical prices .
and cost as well. Ms. Haas read a press release from the Governor's
Office pertaining similarly pertaining to the same matter. Mr. Wolfson
pointed out a column in the Round Table of the September 21"issue. it
has been referenced that Lutheran General Hospital is going "green" with
their future renovation plans.
B. Governmental Policy and Legislative/Regulatory Actions
Ms. Haas brought attention to an article regarding the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission proposing rules to make reliability standards
mandatory. Mr. Freeman informed the Commission that he will be
attending a meeting with Dave Cook and will give a report back.
C. Oversight, Monitoring & Inspection Actions
TRG meeting will be later in the month. Mr. Marino gave a list of others
from ComEd who will be involved-
D. Distribution Systems Franchise Agreements
There was discussion regarding meeting with the Franchise Team in the
near future. Date to be decided.
E. Chairman's Report
Mr. Wolfson talked about his concerns with energy supply conservation.
The Commission members pointed out the number of continual repeat number of
outages in the same locations. This matter will be brought up at the next TRG
Evanston Energy Commission
Minutes — October 5.2005 Page 4 -
meeting. Mr. Morse stated that he has never found this ComEd report very
satisfactory and made several points of concern. He also would like to talk about
this report itself at the next TRG meeting. The Commission would also like to see
next years report or some type of summarized report at the next meeting.
Mr.Wolfson pointed out two feeders that seem to have the most outages in
Southeast Evanston. He would like to see fiffthcr information on the results of
these outages.
The Commission is still waiting for information that staff - is looking into
regarding the recent outage at the Library. W. Rubin should be able to give them
information in the near future.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jacquelin E. Hlrownlee
Thursday, November 3, 2005
Civic Curter, Room 2404 at 7.15 a. nz
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joel Freeman, Stefano Mereu, William Siegfriedt,
Rudy Wolfson
Arlene Haas, Del Leppke, Paul Morse
Dennis Marino, Jackie Brownlee
Rudy Wolfson
Chair Wolfson called the meeting to order at 7:19 a.m. Members of the audience
were recognized: Ms. Jennifer Sudick journalism student from Medill School of
Journalism and Mr. Ciaran McEvoy, writer covering City Government.
Approval of the minutes was deferred due to lack of quorum.
A. Energy Supply, Conservation & Alternative Energy Sources
Mr. Freeman reported that the metro gas prices are still high as a result of
the aftermath of the hurricane, which will assuredly effect the cost for heat
this winter. He noted the continuing turmoil down in Springfield for
concluding the electricity deregulation transition. In relation to this, he
brought attention to Mr. Marino's inclusion in the Commission's packet,
the Exelon News Room Announcement with the recent earnings that
Exelon is reporting. He noted that this report hardly encourages much
sympathy for ComEd's claim of need for rate increase for their delivery
services. Mr. Freeman stated that the reported net earnings are
substantially up from last year. Mr. Siegfreidt commented that Exelon's
earnings are not relevant but ComEd's earnings are.
Mr. Wolfson stated that the overall energy conservation is receiving more
publicity and attention. He recalled a program that was aired on WTrW
last night that really set out a tremendously well documented case for
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environmental concerns and global warning. Mr. Wolfson also recognized
another program aired in Chicago regarding sales made in China,
economics being questionable, that are really catching on all over the
United States. His opinion is that they really need to put a little more
effort into examining the cost effectiveness of the use and solutions for
reducing our use of energy. He noted that it was indicated that the
majority of our power could be performed by wind -power; however he
questions this as a solution. Mr. Siegfreidt agreed and noted that the U.S.
is doing a remarkable job in trying several different solutions to conserve
energy. He noted that using more energy equates to a better way of life
and standard of living. In particular, you see now with Chinese affluence
there has been a huge growth in energy use. The Chinese already have
many green buildings and are moving faster towards incorporating these
buildings. Mr. Stefano stated that this situation will remain a priority topic
of discussion as long as the price of fuel is so high.
Mr. Freeman reported that he had a recent discussion with the Purchasing
Agent at ETHS is going to give a presentation to his Board outlining the
budgets that he has had for the last couple of }ears and how much of a
difference natural gas expense is going to be. He continued that the
School Board needs to be more interested in the energy use for the high
school because the cost are going to be such that it could start to cut into
educational programs. Mr. Freeman informed that the high school as a
building has an annual budget for electricity and gas of approximately
$1.2 million this year compared to 2-years ago with an approximate
budget of S900,000. Mr. Siegfreidt noted that there was discussion at the
last meeting regarding what to do about gas consumption in Evanston and
he noticed over the last month the City of Chicago has energy saving kits
available for qualified consumers. He stressed that Evanston needs to
proceed with something similar to offer our residents to help people
reduce consumption of energy use and aid in the cost. He noted that
society is now much more aware of the energy crisis resulting in being
more conscientious of usage. Therefore, timing is critical in brining forth
any program or plans for energy conservation. Further discussion
followed. Mr. Marino asked the Commission if they should invite
representatives of NICOR in to give an overview of what their doing this
winter and explain their position on consumer bill payments, expectations
and presumable penalties. The consensus of the Committee supported this
idea and for staff to go forward with setting up that meeting.
B. Governmental Policy and Legislative/Regulatory Actions
No report.
C. Oversight, Monitoring & Inspection Actions
Chair Wolfson stated that issues under this topic can be considered under
Item VI. Regarding scheduling of the TRG Meeting. He explained his
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reasoning because he has a few ideas about substations that he would like
to include in discussion with the TRG Meeting.
D. Distribution Systems Franchise Agreements
Chair Wolfson asked Mr. Marino for an update on the status of the
Franchise Agreement. He recalled discussion at the last meeting regarding
the need to meet with ComEd through the Technical Review Group
process to then do an assessment of the initial 1.5 years. Upon this
review, then to follow up with a report to the A&PW Committee about
that performance. He said that performance would then transition to a
process that address preparation for the new franchise. Mr. Marino
informed that the current franchise expires in July 2007.
E. Chairman's Report
No report.
Chair Wolfson reported that from discussion with representatives of the
TRG, that tentative scheduling for this meeting has been set for this
coming Tuesday, November 8, 2005 at 8:30 a.m. Mr. Marino said that he
would follow-up with confirmation of all members being able to make this
date before final confirmation of the meeting. Chair Wolfson stated that
he would like to cover some of his concern at this meeting regarding the
10% feeders and to bring up Mr. Freeman's idea that maybe if they could
find out from ComEd how much loading they would need to reduce on
each of those feeders and then proceed with what the sub -committee has
discussed previously on mapping out the large users on those feeders and
discussing with ComEd possible ways that they might reduce their load.
Chair Wolfson also expressed his concern regarding the importance of
redundancy with substations. The Commission's consensus agreed with
this concern. Mr. Marino suggested that a follow-up meeting with ComEd
would be helpful within the next three weeks with Laura Lee's group
included. He said at that point they will have rounded out what our need
is to engage in due diligence and receive sufficient data to do an
appropriate evaluation of the first year.
The Energy Commission reviewed the report. Mr. Marino informed the
Commission that they have not received any report from Max Rubin's
office on recent outages of any significance.
Mr. Freeman stated that he was fortunate to get Dave Cook from Facilities
Management and Bob Romo, Program Officer for the Clean Energy
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Foundation, together regarding the New Fire House construction. This
Foundation is interested in providing grants for clean electric energy that
covers quite a spectrum and they are very interested in funding green
building design. He said the Foundation will provide grant money to have
the Fire House building designed with additional green features to become
LEED Certified. Mr. Cook was interested with what the Clean Energy
Foundation had to offer and said that he would talk with City staff who
expertise in grant writing. Mr. Marino informed the Commission of an
excellent website by the Green Buildings Council that he and Tracy
Norfleet found while researching for LEED Certification. He said that
they were searching for examples of residential new construction
properties that had been certified. However, they found that most of the
certified buildings are institutional and some office buildings, but very few
residential. Ms. Norfleet contacted the Green Building Council directly
and they forwarded a list of currently registered residential properties that
are seeking to be certified and actually certified properties. He said there
were 5 properties that they thought were independently private sector
oriented developments. Staff is working with the Green Building Council
to do a profile on each of the 5 properties. Mr. Marino explained the
reason they are doing this is because staff has been looking at whether
Evanston should have some type of requirement or public benefit type
clause in the Planned Development Ordinance for LEED certified green
Chair Wolfson noted that membership status is becoming critical at this
point. He asked if there has been any discussion about reducing the
mandated number of members for the Commission. Mr. Marino reported
that the Rules Committee has not reached that level of discussion yet. He
will follow up with the Mayor's Office regarding applicants for
membership. Chair Wolfson urged the other members of the Commission
for recommendations that might be interested in applying for membership.
Mr. Marino went over the communications, noting the Exelon News
Room Announcement mentioned by Mr. Freeman earlier. He pointed out
two other articles of interest from Public Power Weekly.
Mr. Marino gave an update on Mary Bawke's retirement so far and that
she was doing very well. He thanked Ms. Brownlee for temporarily
helping out at the meeting since Mary's departure. He acknowledged Ms.
Bushe Jones who is temporarily working as Mary's replacement in the
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Mr. Marino recalled discussion at the last meeting about pursuing the
former ICC Chair to come and talk with the Energy Commission about his
emergency plan for the gas issue. He asked the Commission members
about inviting a representative from NICOR to be present at the same
meeting, which was agreed to.
There was discussion regarding the planning for the 2006 meeting
schedule. Tbc Commission members and staff agreed with having no
problem with meeting on Friday mornings if needed
The meeting was Aoiuned at 8:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jacq Tine ft. Brownlee
Friday, December 2, 2005
Civic Carter, Room 2404 at 7.15 &xL
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joel Freeman, Arlene Haas, Del Leppke, Stefano
Mereu, Paul Morse, William Siegfriedt, Rudy
Dennis Marino, Jackie Brownlee
Rudy Wolfson
Chair Wolfson called the meeting to order at 7:15 a.m.
Mr. Morse moved approval of all four sets of minutes subject to clarification or
editorial changes by members. Mr. Lepke seconded the motion and the vote was
7-0 in favor of the motion.
A. Energy Supply, Conservation & Alternative Energy Sources
Mr. Freeman
B. Governmental Policy and Legislative/Regulatory Actions
Ms. Haas
C. Oversight, Monitoring & Inspections Actions
D. Distribution Systems Franchise Agreements
Mr. Marino reported that no action has been taken since the last meeting.
E. Chairman's Report
No report.
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Mr. Morse gave a synopsis of the November meeting discussion.
Mr. Morse believes the focus of this last year in the TGR meetings was to get
some information about the substations in Evanston. However, before they
moved forward discussing this item, they talked about conservation as a means to
improve liability. It seems that they are in a catch-22 situation here. The idea is
to relieve heavily loaded circuits by conservation, thereby improve reliability. He
said that CotnEd was quite frank in pointing out that they invest where the loads
are large to increase revenue. He said the group wanted to know where and who
are the large users in particular on heavily loaded circuits and this exact
information, according to ComEd, is not available. ComEd did, however, offer
that they can give us a list of customers with demands greater than 1,000 kw. Mr.
Morse said they might be able to use that list to attempt to match it with circuits
that are underperforming. He said they discussed what ComEd would do with
this and see what else they might be able to come up with. Mr. Wolfson recalled
that they did set a deadline for some answers to several questions that were raised
and they are arranging a special meeting of the Technical Review Group to get
those answers. Mr. Marino said at this point, they are targeting reconvening the
TRG within the next two weeks; date specific pending on Ms. Laura Let's
schedule. At this meeting the group will have follow-up discussion on the items
discussed in November regarding the feeder issues and finding out where the
customers with the largest usage are locate
Mr. Morse said that the ComEd representative present was the Head of their
maintenance for substations for the north region, Mr. Calvin Owens. He gave an
overview of how they maintain the substations. He noted that there are 10
substations in Evanston, but according to staffs map, there are 12 Iocations. Mr.
Marino said that the map was done by the City's GIS Department directed to
highlight all properties that show ComEd ownership, therefore the additional two
locations may be have some other use. He said that Mr. Owens stated there is a
regular maintenance program for substations, which is a 3 to 5 years cycle. There
is very frequent diagnostic testing and his understanding is that ComEd takes oil
samples every 4 weeks. He assumed this was a high number for such a test,
agreed also by Mr. Lepke. Mr. Morse said they are looking for evidence of what
they call "events" and they can relate certain properties of the oil to the kinds of
events that may have occurred and then act accordingly. He said there is another
group other than Mr. Owens, that conducts hotspot detections and faults are
detected by the systems in place. He said there is just one substation that is
loaded over 90% in Evanston and that one is DCC61 Garnett. This substation's
serves the downtown area, but the irony is that it consists of only one transformer
and one circuit, which is circuit C16. He said the reoccurring problems are with
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wildlife and security are a couple of the issues that they are constantly dealing
with. He said ComEd stated as a matter of policy that they apply control
measures for wildlife control. As far as security, all the substations are fenced,
locked, barb wired, however people still get into the property and it appears the
motive is usually theft. Mr. Morse has notice that ComEd does store materials
and items that appear tempting that they may be worth some value.
Mr. Morse said there was discussion about substation #DCC54 located at Church
and Brown, which is a small substation that there is interest in either removing or
relocating. Mr. Marino informed the Commission that this substation is located
within the Tax Increment Financing District that was recently created this year,
which is designed to be an economical development tool to stimulate new
development or rehab in the district. He said that this substation is located at the
western edge of that district so there is interest on the part of an adjoining
property owner and potential developers for that land to be included. This
substation has also been a problem for the neighboring properties because of its
visibility and close proximity particularly to the properties on Brown Avenue.
Mr. Morse noted that ComEd threw out a price range of $500,000 to $1 million
for the property either to eliminate the substation entirely or to relocate it.
Mr. Morse said the group discussed arranging to have Ms. Laura Lee Wittington
to give a presentation on the distribution planning in our area. She is scheduled to
appear at their neat meeting and will talk about ComEd's long term planning and
other planning issue aspects.
There were no significant outages reported.
1. State of Illinois
Mr. Marino gave an update on the State of Illinois representation for NICOR. He
announced that Jan Schakowsky's office and the City of Evanston will be hosting
an Energy Savings Workshop here in Evanston. The workshop will provide in-
depth information regarding access to financial assistance for gas payments and
how to conserve energy in numerous ways and methods. He listed some of the
options that will be highlighted in the workshop.
Mr. Freeman pointed out that it is interesting that NICOR offers ways to pay for
utility service with financial assistance but offer no solutions for conserving
energy. The Committee reviewed a press release dated October 21, 2005 from
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Governor Blagojevich's Office regarding energy conservation plans and
federally -funded energy assistance programs (LIHEAP). This article also lists
several ways and ideals on saving energy. Mr. Marino mentioned that there are
also available some City sponsored programs for low income homeowners in the
Housing Rehab Division.
The Commission membership capacity is for 11 and they currently have 6 full
time members. Mr. Lepke reiterated his desire to finally retire from the Energy
Commission after serving two full terms. Mr. Morse made a recommendation for
a Mr. Mike Smith and that he would forward contact information to staff.
Mr. Marino called attention to the "Keep Warm Illinois" article that gives
information on their website that is available. They list four Energy Assistance
Programs for Families and Individuals: Low -Income Home Energy Assistance
Program (LIHEAP), Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP),
Homelessness Prevention, and Illinois Department on Aging.
Other Business
Ms. Hass suggested to her fellow Commissioners to try and visit the Children's
Museum that is now located in "The Glen" out in Glenview. She noted that it is a
beautiful example of a Green Building and that she was very impressed with the
design. Mr. Marino also suggested that the members try and visit the Ford
Building on Northwestern's campus which is also a green building. Mr. Wolfson
asked Mr. Marino if he could set it up with the University to give a tour of the
Ford Building for the Energy Commission members.
Mr. Lepke noted that there is always emphasis on low-income households to
conserve energy due to limited financial ability to afford the monthly bill
payments. He said on the contrary that there should be some incentives for the
wealthy households and businesses who can afford to pay and even use energy in
access to help aid in energy conservation. He suggested that this be a topic of
discussion at the next TRG meeting. The Commissioner's all agreed to this.
There was a proposal for moving all meeting to the first Friday of each month
except for January and April, when the meetings would occur on the second
Friday. After discussion, there was a consensus by the Commission in acceptance
of this proposal. First meeting in 2006 will be on Thursday, January 12u'.
Mr. Lepke moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Mereu. The vote was unanimous.
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Respectfully submitted,
Jacqueline E. Brownlee