HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2001MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: PRESIDING OFFICIAL: STAFF PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER a.m. EVANSTON ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Friday - January 12, 2001 Room 2404 — 7:15 a.m. CIVIC CENTER David Gr un ran, Jackie Brown, Ray Doolin, Del Leppke, Kerry McKenna, Rudy Wolfson Ronald Naylcr David Grumman, Chair Dennis Marino, Max Rubin, Mary Baaske David Grumman, Chair of the Energy Commission, called the meeting to order at 7:25 MEMBERSHIP Dennis Marino said that the new Energy Commission members had received a packet containing the Stanley Report, a letter from ComEd to the City Council, the ComEd quarterly report dated October 31, 2000, Ordinance 1340-57 authorizing ComEd to construct, operate and maintain an electric light and power system in Evanston, and three maps of Evanston's electric circuits. SCHEDULE FOR COMED REPORTS Dennis Marino stated that, under an agreement with ComEd, it is obligated to provide the City with a report listing their progress on improvements on a quarterly basis, with the next report due January 31, 2001. The next report on outages (six-month report) is due April 15, 2001. He thought that until the April report is received the Commission will not have enough information to make the comprehensive report it periodically gives to A&PW. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - January 12.2001 Pace Two ACTIVITIES OF REGIONAL COUNCILS OF GOVERNMENT & CITY OF CHICAGO Dennis Marino reported that the City of Chicago and the Northwest Municipal Conference have narrowed the field to three respondents to their RFP for purchase of power for aggregated municipal and government loads. However, they have not published their decision. He thought there was also some activity going on with the Northwest Municipal Conference to reduce the threshold when fines can be levied against ComEd for outages. The current threshold is approximately 25,000 customers, but there is an effort to get that number changed. RECENT OUTAGES Max Rubin reported that the police station and surrounding area had an outage for a short time. He added that there were two or three short outages in the City in the last quarter. Del Leppke mentioned that ComEd has been asked to add a column in their report, dealing with exactly what they did to fix the outages. COMMUNICATIONS WITH STEVE THOMAS Dennis Marino said that Mr. Thomas was unable to attend the Energy Commission meeting in either November or December. However, he is still interested in attending a meeting and Mr. Marino said he would keep in touch with him to arrange a meeting in the future. ROY WARMINGTON'S DRAFT MEMORANDUM Dennis Marino said he has changed the title of this memorandum to be "History of the Energy Commission and Energy Alternatives Task Force 1989-1997". He explained that it was written by Roy Warmington at the request of former chair Bud Nesvig. Mr. Marino explained that he had written two new paragraphs at the beginning of the memorandum and lightly edited the rest of the memorandum. Del Leppke felt that this article should be extended through December 2000. DISCUSSION OF FUTURE FRANCHISE ISSUES Dennis Marino said that the franchise that was signed in July of 1999 expires July of 2002, with two additional options of one year each. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - January 12. 2001 Page Three In response to a question from Jackie Brown, Mr. Marino said that most of the municipalities in the region, with the exception of Evanston and Chicago, are part of the Northwest Municipal Franchise Agreement. Chicago has its own franchise agreement with ComEd, and it has provisions and benefits to Chicago that most other franchise agreements do not have. He said that the Commission should review Chicago's franchise agreement to see if Evanston wants to include some of the provisions in our agreement that Chicago has in its agreement. Chair Grumman suggested that a critique of the Northwest Municipal Conference franchise written by a law firm intem for a former member of the Commission also be given to new members for their information. Members suggested that studies done by Giordano and a critique done by the Energy Alternatives Task Force on the Northwest Municipal Conference agreement be distributed and reviewed. Kerry McKenna said that he has been thinking about the situation that the City is in. First of alt, he thought that the Commission should consider what is happening in the marketplace so that it can put the Evanston situation in perspective. Mr. McKenna recommended that the Commission determine what the actual base load is in Evanston. When the Commission meets with ComEd, it should discuss a 50 megawatt supply agreement for a negotiated charge per kilowatt hour for however many years ComEd is willing to contract (basically, contracting for supply of electricity, for a fixed price and for a fixed period of time, that covers the base load). He suggested the Commission take a look at a city -owned peaking plant. The peaking plant should be a standard aero -derivative jet engine that would be ten-minutc-up/ten-minute- down, connected to the grid, which would cost about S250 a kilowatt. A 30-megawatt plant would cost about $71/2 million, with $1.5 million for a new substation, for a total of approximately $9 million. This device would meet Evanston's peak power requirements. If the City does not need the power, it could be sold back to ComEd. He said that ComEd should be told that the City does not want to pay to use their grid, and the grid is the City's to use for the peaking distribution. Mr. McKenna felt that this is what is needed to be done in order to protect Evanston. Mr. McKenna said that, if the City does not aggregate their demand, that is the end of effective negotiations. Del Leppke asked what needs to be done now to develop aggregation. He thought that the City would have to form a corporation, cooperative or something on which they can aggregate, and then get the agreement of all residents to participate in that aggregation. Ray Doolin asked what could be done about businesses that already have their own contract with ComEd. Mr. McKenna said that, if you cannot aggregate, your negotiating leverage is minimal. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - lanuary 12.2001 Paee Four Del Leppke asked what legal steps would be necessary for the City to aggregate all the residents into one municipal company. He added that if something were not done now, the City would have to help all the low-income people in the City with their utility bills, which will impact the City's budget. Mr. McKenna asked if the Commission had access to an attorney knowledgeable in this subject. Mr. Marino replied that a former Energy Commission member (Janet Hoffman) is knowledgeable in this case. David Grumman said that virtually all of the questions raised in this meeting required legal advice. The Commission asked Dennis Marino to invite Janet Hoffman to the February 7, 2001 meeting. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 1, 2000 Del Lcppke moved approval of the December 1, 2000 minutes. Motion seconded by Ray Doolin. Minutes passed with minor corrections - 5 ayes and one abstention (Rudy Wolfson). COMMUNICATIONS David Grumman brought a few newspaper articles about California's power supply problems. Communications were discussed and accepted into the record. OTHER BUSINESS David Grumman said Mardi Klevs, Environmental Board member, has asked that a member of the Energy Commission come to their next meeting. Del Leppke said that, in his conversation with Ms. Klevs, she stated that the Environmental Board wanted certain environmental requirements written into the energy franchise. Dave Grumman and Del Leppke stated they would be willing to meet with the Environment Board sometime, but both had conflicts on the date of the next Board meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 9:06 a.m. Respectfully submitted, M7. aaske EVANSTON ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Friday - February 7, 200I Room 2404 -- 7:15 a.m. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: David Grumman, Ray Doolin, Del Leppke, Arlene Haas, Rudy Wolfson MEMBERS ABSENT: Jackie Broom, Kerry McKenna, Ronald Nayler PRESIDING OFFICIAL: David Grumman, Chair STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino, Mary Baaske OTHERS PRESENT: Bud Nesvig, (Former Energy Chair); Paul Morse; Jenny Saranow, Northwestern Student CALL TO ORDER David Grumman, Chair of the Energy Commission, called the meeting to order at 7:20 a.m. WELCOME NEW MEMBER David Grumman welcomed Arlene Haas to the Commission and asked her to give the Commission a summary of her background. Ms. Haas said that she has lived in Evanston for five years and is an environmental lawyer, currently a stay-at-home mom. She said she graduated from Northwestern Law School and has worked for the United States Environmental Protection Agency. CONSIDERATION OF JANUARY 12, 2001 MINUTES Del Leppke mentioned that the numbers that Kerry McKenna introduced as the cost of a standard cycle peaking plant may not include everything. He thought that those numbers were for equipment only and not for site and site development, fuel supply, etc. Due to lack of a quorum, the minutes could not be voted on. RECENT OUTAGES Dennis Marino reported that he had checked with Max Rubin and there had not been any significant outages since the last Energy Commission meeting. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - February 7, 2001 Page Two Paul Morse (audience member) said that two to three blocks in his area experienced a two -three-hour outage in January. ACTIVITIES OF REGIONAL COUNCILS OF GOVERNMENT AND CITY OF CHICAGO Dennis Marino reported that there are two items ongoing: one, the solicitation last year of power supply bids by the City of Chicago in a consortium with a number of members of the Northwest Municipal Conference; second, the Northwest Municipal Conference is in the process of developing a legislative agenda for the spring session. COMED REPORTS For the benefit of Ms. Haas, Dave Grumman gave a brief history of the franchise with ComEd, the attached Letter of Agreement, and the consultants hired to advise the Energy Commission. He added that ComEd is required to give quarterly reports of its progress and six- month reports of outages in Evanston. Del Leppke said he was disappointed ComEd did not include the Year 2000 loadings on the various circuits in its latest report. He recommended that Dennis Marino inform ComEd that the Commission is still looking for an update on all the circuits, including the circuits on which ComEd reported they had improved capacity by adding additional circuits in the south part of Evanston. Mr. Leppke felt that the Commission should receive that information before the TRG's next meeting with ComEd. He said that ComEd still owed the Commission its criteria of how it determine the percentage loading. Dennis Marino stated that there would be a meeting of the Technical Review Group (TRG) followed by a meeting of the TRG with ComEd. He hoped to schedule these meetings the first week of March. Dennis Marino called the Commission's attention to the charts containing the distinction between the duration and the frequency of outages. Action Item Dave Grumman asked Dennis Marino to send an agenda to the TRG that would include a list of items ComEd was asked to do at the last TRGIComEd meeting. OTHER BUSINESS Action Item Dave Grumman asked Dennis Marino to call Janet Hoffman and confirm her attendance at the next Energy Commission meeting in March. Dave Grumman informed the Commission that Irwin Levinson would be a liaison to the Energy Commission from the Environment Board. He asked that Mr. Levinson be put on the Energy Commission mailing list. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - February 7. 2001 Paee 'Three DISCUSSION OF FUTURE FRANCHISE ISSUES Del Leppke had many legal questions regarding what could be put in a future franchise with ComEd. Arlene Haas said that, while she would be happy to look at the rules, this matter was not in her legal background. Commission members discussed questions they had regarding what could be included in a future franchise. Commission members reviewed the franchise articles included in their packet. Del Leppkc stated that the real issue is how the City cominces the power supplier to build in capacity for contingency. He added that, when the City goes go to a competitive marketplace there is no incentive for generation suppliers. Dennis Marino commented that the City's focus has been reliability capacity in the distribution system, not regional power supply concerns. He asked Mr. Leppke if he was now saying that them was another dimension to this, which is regional power supply, and that both those issues need to be addressed with ComEd as we move forward. Mr. Leppke replied that they were different issues but have the same underlying principle: namely, who provides the excess capacity to take care of the contingency and who pays for it. CALIFORNIA ENERGY CRISIS Dennis Marino stated that staff is trying to make sure the Commission is aware of some of the best articles that are being written related to this subject. He added that this material is for the Commission's consideration as they go forward, thinking about where the City should position itself and what is needed to look out for as the City goes doom the road. MEMBERSHIP Dennis Marino mentioned that Ron Nayler has not attended a meeting for some time. He also told the Commission that, while Jackie Brown has changed jobs, she still lives in Evanston, and will remain on the Commission. Del Leppke asked what action is taken when a member has not attended a meeting in approximately one year. Dennis Marino said that it would be interaction between the Commission Chair and the individual and the Commission Chair and the Mayor. Action Item Dave Grumman will speak to Ron Nayler and the Mayor regarding rules of attendance. Dennis Marino said that, while staff makes calls to Commission members most of the time, it would be a great help if the members would call when they knew they could not attend a meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 9:17 a.m. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - February 7, 200I Respectfully submitted, Mary aaske Exec ve Secretary Planning Division Community Development Department Page Four n'. EVANSTON ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, March S, 2001 Room 2404 — 7:15 a.m. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: .................. Jackie Brown, Ray Doolin, David Grumman, Arlene Haas, Del Leppke, Rudy Wolfson MEMBERS ABSENT: ..................... Kerry McKenna, Ronald Nayler PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ................ David Grumman, Chair STAFF PRESENT:..........................Dennis Marino, Max Rubin, Mary Baaske OTHERS PRESENT: ...................... Bud Nesvig, (Former Energy Commission Chair); Janet Hoffman, David Kraft, (Former Energy Commission Members); Irwin Levinson, David Schreier, Environment Board members; Paul Morse CALL TO ORDER David Grumman, Chair of the Energy Commission, called the meeting to order at 7:21 a.m. REPORT OF TECHNICAL REVIEW GROUP MEETING WITH COMED For the benefit of the audience and new members of the Energy Commission, Mr. Grumman explained that there is a Technical Review Group (TRG) (consisting of Del Leppke, Rudy Wolfson, Dennis Marino, Consultants Jerry Hoppe and Dave Metz) that meets with ComEd. ComEd submits a quarterly report, the Commission reviews it, and the TRG meets with ComEd to discuss what has been done and what needs to be done. The last meeting of the TRG and ComEd occurred on March 2, 2001. Dennis Marino reported that there was a good representation from ComEd at the March 2 meeting. He called attention to the supplementary information received from ComEd that deals with CAIDI and SAIFI issues related to duration and frequency of outages. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - March 8. 2001 Paee Two Del Leppke stated that the Letter of Agreement contained 13 projects that ComEd reports on each time in their quarterly report. Of those 13 projects, essentially most of them are completed with the exception of Project 1, (the installation of supervisory control and data control acquisition) Project 3, (a project in the southeastern part of Evanston where there were 12 kv feeders and 4 kv feeders) and Project 4 (review of all circuits that are over 90% loaded). He reported on the discussion at the meeting w7th ComEd. Dennis Marino summarized a quarterly report that was prepared by the City, listing all of the real estate development projects under construction as well as any projects in the development pipeline. The development completed in the past year -and -a -half is the most development Evanston has seen since the 1950's. He said that it's fair to say that ComEd's staff was impressed at the aggregate scale of all the development. ComEd's engineering staff commented that, although this is cn increased load, they had already considered many of these projects. Mr. Marino said that, for the lint time, the TRG had raised the issue of regional power supply standards and projections with ComEd. In light of the California situation, every state in the country is raising concerns about what happened in California and wondering if it could happen in their state. In response to that issue, ComEd distributed a press release that states that there are four important differences between California and Illinois. One, ComEd operates in a large regional market for energy that gives ComEd tremendous flexibility to purchase power. Two, ComEd has long time agreements in place to purchase energy with locked -in prices. Three, new suppliers of energy are entering Illinois. Four, the Illinois restructuring law created a transitional period to reduce disruptions. The Illinois restructuring law was described by ComEd as including protections for customers, including the fact that all nonresidential customers are already free to choose their electric supplier, and participation and choice to date has been "robust". Dennis Marino added that this report did not include new construction proposed at Northwestern University. RECENT OUTAGES Dennis Marino said that approximately a week ago there were multiple outages in Evanston that were attributed to high wind. He stated that one of the comments made by ComEd staff at the TRG meeting on the subject of outages concerned contractors operating in Evanston. ComEd has asked staff to investigate contractors that are allegedly intentionally cutting their lines as part of a major construction project to speed up production. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - March 8, 2001 Paee Three ACTIVITIES OF REGIONAL COUNCILS OF GOVERNMENT AND CITY OF CHICAGO Dennis Marino said that the City of Chicago and a number of related governmental entities combined together to issue an RFP for power supply that had a component of green power included within it. Some members of the Northwest Municipal Conference also signed on to that consortium, not as full members, but as participants who will be able to get discounted power should that program come to pass. Three responses were received, and by early Spring, the City of Chicago and Northwest Municipal Conference will be ready to announce what they have decided. Del Leppke said that it was his understanding that this power would be for city facilities or other governmental facilities. Mr. Marino called the Commission's attention to a report received yesterday from the Environmental Law and Policy Center entitled "Repowering the Midwest, the Clean Energy Plan for the Heartland." CONSIDERATION OF JANUARY 129 2001 AND FEBRUARY 79 2001 MINUTES The minutes of January 12, 2001 and February 7, 2001 were approved with minor corrections. KEY ISSUES FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION David Grumman stated that there should be some serious discussions regarding aggregation and how the City of Evanston should position itself to participate. Action Item Dennis Marino to identify speakers who have experienced in putting aggregation agreernenls together. Mr. Grumman also said that there should be discussion on the Energy Policy at a future meeting. DISCUSSION OF FUTURE FRANCHISE ISSUES David Gnunman asked Janet Hoffman, who had been specifically invited to this meeting to share her expertise on franchise matters, to tell the Commission of her professional background. Ms. Hoffman explained that she is an attorney, and her expertise on energy is not so much on the regulatory side but on the arrangements that cities, counties, and states make with each other. She added that she was a member of the Energy Commission for seven years, was a member of the negotiating team for the extension of the Commonwealth Edison h uchise, and also was a member of the Franchise Taskforce. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - March 8, 2001 Page Four Janet Hoffman said that, so everyone is working from the same base of knowledge, she would spend a few minutes talking about what a franchise is. She said she would then answer questions. Ms. Hoffman mentioned that she pulled the files she kept on the franchises and loaned her master copies to the planning division for Commission members to review. Ms. Hoffman stated that, in general, franchises are a form of contract that a municipal corporation makes with another entity about providing some kind of utility services or some other kind of contractual services. She explained that, when electricity became something that could commercially be made available to people, there was a lot of competition among different providers within cities to provide electricity to different areas. To move the electricity from the generation facility to people or businesses that wanted it, frequently there was a need to put in transmission lines and distribution facilities across public rights -of- way which effectively belonged to a city or municipality. Rather than just allowing anyone to do that in any way they wanted to, cities learned that it was much wiser for them to make contractual arrangements so that they could supervise how that was done through franchises. About ten or fifteen years ago, the regulatory climate started changing drastically. Illinois will soon be allowing retail wheeling, and customers will be able to pick and choose whom they get their power from. This is forcing changes on contractual arrangements that people want to make with the electric utilities. Ms. Hoffman commented that the Franchise Extension addressed Evanston's concerns about reliability through a contractual means (letter of agreement), and she is pleased that there has been progress in addressing these issues. Ms. Hoffman offered to help in whatever way she can. MEMBERSHIP Dennis Marino reported that Alan Kistler had been introduce at the last Council Meeting and will be up for confirmation this coming Monday night. COMMUNICATIONS Communications were accepted into the record. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, it adjourned at 9:20 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary E. ke, Executive Secretary .. < .. .. .. , fir. .�y • +..,.4,rr}• ,{�.+.i�.f+����: :.0 �.�'=a r r'}t�:,�n,r.. �.. .,r EVANSTON ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Friday, April 6, 2001 Room 2404 — 7:15 a.m. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: ................. Jackie Brown, David Grumman, Arlene Haas, Alan Kistler, Del Leppke, Kerry McKenna, MEMBERS ABSENT......................Ray Doolin, Rudy Wolfson PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ..... . ........ David Grumman, Chair STAFF PRESENT: .......................... Dennis Marino, Mary Baaske OTHERS PRESENT: ...................... Bud Nesvig, (Former Energy Commission Chair) ............................................................Paul Morse CALL TO ORDER David Gnumman, Chair of the Energy Commission, called the meeting to order at 7:20 a.m. WELCOME NEW MEMBER David Grumman welcomed Alan Kistler to the Commission and asked him to give the Commission a summary of his professional background. Mr. Kistler said that that he was trained as an aerodynamicist and worked for Northrop 3PL and worked on space and military problems. For the last thirty years, he was a professor of mechanical engineering at Northwestern. CONSIDERATION OF MARCH 8, 2001 MINUTES Del Leppke made a motion to approve the March 8, 2001 minutes. Arlene Haas seconded the motion. With minor corrections, the minutes were unanimously approved. I0�.1 Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - April 6. 2001 Page Two MEMBERSHIP Dennis Marino reported that Ron Nayler has resigned from the Energy Commission. This leaves a vacancy of 3 positions. David Grumman mentioned that his term expires in October 2001. He suggested that an election occur sometime this summer to elect officers for the Energy Commission. RECENT OUTAGES Dennis Marino reported that he had spoken with Max Rubin this week. He said that last month continued the trend of fewer outages and shorter duration and outages. Mr. Marino stated that feeder 8528 was an exception which experienced four outages due to various reasons, e.g., squirrels, insulation issue, etc. Action Item Max Rubin to continue talking to ComEd regarding feeder 8528. Action Item Keep feeder 8528 on the agenda jar the next meeting with ComEd. ACTIVITIES OF REGIONAL COUNCILS OF GOVERNMENT AND CITY OF CHICAGO Dennis Marino said he understands that the City of Chicago is in the final stages of power supply negotiations. With regard to our own interest, Evanston has been told by the Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC) that there may be an opening to Evanston participation in the future. What NWMC hasn't distinguished is if there would be a different class of membership for people that were in the power supply consortium from day one versus others who night want to get involved later. He said he would continue to monitor the situation and report back to the Commission. Mr. Marino stated that NWMC had a bill introduced in the Illinois Legislature or attached to another bill that tries to change the threshold of the number of customers who experience outages at one time that would trigger a compensation. There has not been success yet, but by next month he will report on the outcome. Consideration was made for discussion about pursuing further discussions with Chicago in relation to their activity. Action Item Distribute RFF and attached documents in Mays packet. I==� I III ■ - ., _ � � �i � .� Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - Anril 6, 2001 DISCUSSION OF FUTURE FRANCHISE ISSUES Page Three David Grumman stated that the current franchise extension is scheduled to run out in July 2002, and the City has two options to extend it for one year. He raised the importance of beginning to discuss the franchise negotiation process and issues to be addressed. The difference between the franchise that has existed since 1957 and what was done several years ago is that a letter of agreement was negotiated. This Letter of Agreement was attached to the franchise agreement, and it spelled out certain provisions obligating ComEd to take some action with respect to the distribution system in Evanston. These items were deemed to be specific to Evanston. Mr. Grumman said that there exists a favored nations clause that is in ComEd's agreement with the other communities that signed their standard Northwest Municipal Conference Franchise. This means that any particular thing granted to one community may have to be granted to every community. However, he said that there is a way to get around the favored nations clause by calling for things that are particular to a specific community. He said that issues would be coming up with regard to franchise discussions. The following questions should be discussed with A&PW and among Commission members: When do we form a negotiating team? Who's going to be on it? Do we seek an extension of the existing franchise agreement or try to negotiate a new one in 2002? If there is a new franchise or Letter of Agreement, what are some of the things we would be looking for in that agreement? Arlene Haas said that the importance of energy policy items and should Evanston be the leader in aggregation be included among the items listed. She asked if the Commission is going to set deadlines for itself. Dennis Marino stated that the Commission would soon be receiving another quarterly report from ComEd and thought that the Commission would want to meet with A&PW in June. Action Item Max Rubin to inform the A&PW Committee that the Energy Commission would life a meeting with them to discuss the franchise issues, importance of energypolicy item and whether Evanston should take the lead in aggravating. Dennis Marino thought there was a need to have someone who is actively involved with franchise negotiations on a national basis share what is going on over the past year or so with the Commission. He explained that previously, the Energy Commission had Cathy Fogel, (attorney with Washington Law Firm) speak at a previous Energy Commission meeting about changes that Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - Avril 6, 2001 Pace Four were occurring at FERC with regard to rule 8088 and other significant matters. He said he understands that she has experience in franchise issues as well. Mr. Marino said that if the Commission would like her to speak at a future meeting, he would be willing to contact her to ascertain her availability. Action Item Dennis Marino to call Cathy Fogel and report at the next meeting ENERGY POLICY David Grumman said that the Environment Board was interested in revisiting the Energy Policy and coming up with an action plan. He added that the Environment Hoard was interested in working with the Energy Commission. Del Leppke said he thought there was not enough emphasis on reliability. He said that, the way he understands the Energy Policy, it's all about decreasing energy use, improving the efficiency, and being more environmentally clean, but it does not emphasize the need for improved reliability. David Grumman thought that this subject should be discussed at the next Energy Commission meeting. Dennis Marino said that he had a copy of a memo he wrote dated December 7, 2000, which was a summary of a previous discussion (including Del Leppke's points). Action Item Dennis Marino to send the memo he wrote dated December 7, 2000 to Energy Commission members, Del Leppke mentioned that a robot was being used to install conduit and TV cable in the sewer system. He said he wondered if the electric system could gain some reliability by being installed in our new sewer system -- and could this robot do it. He said he would be following the technology and how it works. Mr. Leppke said that he had the opportunity to meet with a representative from Stonewater, which is a manufacturing equipment and software company that has products to monitor components of a distribution system. Action Item Del Leppke to speak with the Stonewater representative and invite him to a future meeting. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - Anril 6.2001 Pane Five COMMUNICATIONS Dennis Marino drew the Commission Members' attention to the copies of documents from the Illinois Commerce Commission's website that deals with deregulation law. Communications were discussed and accepted into the record. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, it adjourned at 9:15 a.nL Respectfully submitted, Mary E Bc Executiv Secretal Planning Division EVANSTON ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, May 1, 2001 Room 2404 -- 7:15 am. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: ................. Jackie Brown, David Grumman, Arlene Haas, Alan. Kistler, Del Leppke, Rudy Wolfson MEMBERS ABSENT: ..................... Ray Doolin, Kerry McKenna PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ................ David Grumman, Chair STAFF PRESENT: .......................... Dennis Marino, Max Rubin, Mary Baaske OTHERS PRESENT: ...................... Bud Nesvig, (Former Energy Commission Chair); ': 3 Leonard Sclarra, Environment Board; Paul Morse CALL TO ORDER . : 1,1 David Gtvmman called the meeting to order at 7:15 a.m. MEMBERSHIP Dennis Marino stated that there were still three openings on the Energy Commission. He asked Commission Members to encourage people to submit their applications to the mayor's office for membership. Mr. Marino informed the Commission that applications for membership are on the City's website. David Grumman mentioned that Janet Hoffman told him that her law firm was expecting some law student interns for the summer and asked if the Energy Commission had any particular projects it would like to have worked on by these law students. Mr. Grumman said he suggested three possibilities: one concerns the matter of aggregation, who has done this, what is involved, what are the legal implications; secondly issues related to energy policy development implementation; and three, questions regarding franchise Action Item Dennis to submit possible project descriptions to Janet Hoffman and she ►vill see if there is an project appropriate to give to one of her interns. Dennis Marino suggested the Commission ask Ms. Hoffman to consider having an intern do a survey of cities across the country that are currently, or soon will be, involved in franchise negotiations and take a look at what kind of preparations and issues they have encountered. The Commission has found that, in the past, that has been very helpful. Del Leppke suggested that the Commission look at those cities that have just completed negotiations of a franchise and see what they have been able to include in a franchise. ; COMMUNICATION WITH A&PW COMMITTEE it '�i �'Ii/ i;i Dennis Marino stated that Max Rubin was staff to the A&PW Committee. At the Iast A&PW meeting Mr. Rubin raised the issue of an Energy Commission meeting with A&PW in , the near future. After discussion among the Commission, it was agreed to meet with A&PW at their June 11 meeting. Mr. Rubin agreed to arrange this. ; CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 2001 ""'( I if ; Del Leppke moved approval of the minutes of April 6, 2001 minutes. Jackie Brown seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. With minor connections, motion passed 5 ayes, 0 nays, and I abstention (Rudy Wolfson). RECENT OUTAGES i t Commission Members discussed the recent reliability data from ComEd distributed by Max Rubin that he had sorted by date, line/circuit, voltage, number of customers affected, duration, cause, and action taken. Dennis Marino suggested that it was time for the Technical. Review Group to investigate when the cause for outage is animal -related with ComEd. Action Item Dennis Marino to put animal caused -outages on the agenda for discussion. Action Item Dennis Marino to ask Dave Metz to find an e"rt source on whether rodents eat lead cable. Dennis Marino said he would get something in the mail to Dave Metz, but that Metz will be will be out of the country until the first week of June. He said that he hopes to have Mr. Metz at the June Energy Commission meeting. E Dennis Marino said that he is expecting the quarterly report from ComEd, which is a report of construction projects to upgrade Evanston's distribution system. David Grumman asked 'tax Rubin for his overall assessment of ComEd's progress. Max Rubin said that, in general, he was satisfied; however, he was unhappy with the inconsistency of ComEd's reporting of outages. Del Leppke made note that the Commission has been watching C4713 and C4716 circuits because of the number of outages on them, and they are still among the highest circuits in outage frequency. Two additional circuits, C8428 and C907, are also beginning to experience an extensive number of outages. Action Item Max Rubin said he would pull together a spreadsheet of the outages far the last three years and sort them by feeders. APRIL 6 ACTION LIST Max Rubin to continue talking to ComEd regardingfeeder 8528. Max has been talking to ComEd and will continue. (Carry forward action item). Dennis Marino to keep feeder 8528 on the agenda for the next meeting with ComEd (Carry forward action item) Dennis Marino to distribute RFP (Chicago's) and attached documents in May's packet. Mr. Marino said he had not received the full packet as of yet, but will distribute it when he receives the packet in full. (Carry forward action item.) Max Rubin to inform the A&PW Committee that the Energy Commission would like a meeting with then to discuss franchise issues. Max Rubin said that this action item was accomplished. Dennis Marino to call Cathy Fogel and report at the next meeting. (Carry forward action item.) Dennis ,Marino to send the memo (summary of a previous discussion including Del Leppke's points) he wrote dated December 7. 2000 to Energy Commission. Dennis Marino stated that that memo was in the Commission Members' May packets. Del Leppke to speak with the Stonewater representative and invite him to a future meeting. Mr. Leppke said that he wanted to defer that until after the Technical Review Group meets with ComEd. (Carry Forward) Action Item Dennis Marino - Send all members available circuit maps Commission Members discussed the possibility of one of the Commission Members attending every A&PW meeting. It was mentioned that Max Rubin attends every A&PW meeting. After discussion it was decided that one or more Commission Members would go to A&PW meetings as needed for specific discussions. ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL, REGIONAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND COGS Dennis Marino said that the Northwest Municipal Conference has not made a decision regarding their RFP. DISCUSSION OF KEY ISSUES FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION AGGREGATION Del Leppke expressed concern that the bigger customers in Evanston might already be signing up with ComEd. David Grumman asked Dennis Marino to call Jonathan Pernm to see if the Chamber of Commerce surveys its members and if they would allow the Energy Commission to include a survey regarding their electric power suppliers. Dennis Marino said that it would also be possible for the Energy Commission to send a brief questionnaire to the top ten largest industrial firms. ENERGY POLICY Dennis Marino said that the December ? memo written by him (included in the Commission Members` packet) highlighted issues where there was consensus regarding changes in the Energy Policy. Changes/additions to Resolution 33-R-95 were discussed. David Grumman suggested that a subcommittee be formed to review the changes to Resolution 33-R-95. He asked Del Leppke, Rudy Wolfson, and Arlene Haas to be on the subcommittee. Mr. Grumman recommended that the subcommittee solidify the improvements/changes that the Commission wants changed/added, approve it as a commission and then approach other boards (i.e. the Environment Board) and ask for their comments. Leonard Sclarra offered to help the Energy Commission with their revision to the Energy Resolution. Del Leppke said that he would keep in touch with Mr. Sclarra. FRANCHISE RENEWAL David Grumman said that he and Del Leppke would be attending the A&PW meeting on June 11, 2001 and invited other Commission members to join them. Leonard Sclarm asked the purpose of the Commission members attending the A&f W meeting. Mr. Grumman replied that the Commission wants to make sure that the franchise agreement issues being addressed by the Commission is in line with what the City Council wants. He added that the Commission would 4 also like to know if the Council thinks that the Energy Policy is appropriate for Evanston, and how they feel about the matter of aggregation. Del Leppke stated that he had the follouing ideas regarding the franchise: Don't think in terms of just a franchise, but think in terms of a distribution franchise and a power supply contract Consider the definition of an acceptable quality and capacity distribution system Define acceptable maintenance and upgrading of the system Establish a methodology for correcting conditions that do not meet acceptable standards, including penalties Establish a methodology for review and updating of franchise conditions `i Establish City role in overview of the management and objectives of the system The franchise should state how the city would interact with the management and operation of the system. Perhaps, establish City interaction and monitoring with the distribution system owner David Grumman said he would like to see these items on the discussion list with A&PW on June 11. Bud Nesvig said the Commission may want to include the transmission system because, if you're going to aggregate, you may want to get your power somewhere else, and ComEd will tell you that their distribution system is not capable of bringing in that power. Del Leppke said he thought the transmission system would be part of the power supply contract, and if the City is going to negotiate for a power supply separate from a ComEd contract, some arrangement for transmission should be included. After discussion, the Commission decided to consider possibly moving the July meeting from July 12 to duly 17. COMMUNICATIONS Dennis Marino brought the newspaper article distributed earlier to the Commission Members' attention. Dave Grumman commented on newspaper articles he brought to the meeting. After discussion, the communications were accepted into the record. 5 OTHER BUSINESS Jackie Brown offered her assistance to the Technical Review Group. Del Leppke explained that the Technical Review Group was not a subcommittee of the Energy Commission, but a group appointed by the City. The meetings are open to the public; however, the next meeting of the Technical Review Group is intended to be held on either June 6 or June 7. FiV)-VF1Dj The meeting adjourned at 9:30 am. Respectfully submitted, Mary E aaske Facevr Secretary Planning Division 6 Draft Not Approve, EVANSTON ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Wednesday, June 6, 2001 Room 2404 — 7:I 5 a.m. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: .................. Jackie Brown, Ray Doolin, David Grumman, Arlene Haas, Alan Kistler, Del Leppke, Kerry McKenna MEMBERS ABSENT: ..................... Rudy Wolfson PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ................ David Grumman, Chair STAFF PRESENT: ....Dennis Marino, Max Rubin, Mary Baaske OTHERS PRESENT: ...................... Bud Nesvig, (Former Energy Commission Chair); Leonard Sciarra, Irwin Levinson, Environment Board 1. CALL TO ORDER David Gmmman called the meeting to order at 7:20 a.m. 1I. ACTION LIST REVIEW Dennis Marino to research the previous minutes where the Commission discussed the franchise' issue. Make a list of those questions, and send them to Janet RoB'mmr and she will see if there it a project appropriate to give to one of her interns. Mr. Marino reported that he had sent a memo to Janet Hoffman highlighting two possible projects for summer interns within her firm. One project dealt with aggregation and the other project dealt with franchise issues. He said that he spoke to Ms. Hoffman on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 and she said that they seemed like two very good projects and after she met her interns she would be in contact with him Dennis Marino to put animal caused outages an the agenda for discussion for the next meeting with ComEd. Mr. Marino said Stanley Metz was out of the country and upon his return a meeting would be set up with ComEd. (Carry forward action item) Dennis Marino to ask Dave Metz to find an expert source on whether indents eat lead cable. ' (Carry forward action item) Max Rubin to carrtinue talking to ComEd regardingfeeder 8528. (Carry tbrward actson,iteni) r Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - June d, 2001 Paee Two Dennis .Marino to keep feeder 8528 on the agenda for the nest meeting it -ills ComEd. (Carry forward action item) Dennis Marino to distribute RFP (Chicago's) and attached documents. Mr. Marino said he had not received the full packet, but will distribute it when he receives the packet in full. He drew the Commission's attention to two articles handed out today concerning the selection of ComEd as the supplier of Green Power to Northeast Chicago Power Alliance. This alliance includes a number of northwest suburbs, which does not include Evanston. The articles in the Sun Times and Tribune' highlight the fact that it starts with 10% Green Power and that the source of the Green Power is methane gas from a landfill on the south of Chicago. Leonard Sciarra (member of the Environment Board) mentioned that he had been ia�' contact with David Reynolds and Steve Walters, who work for the City of Chicago in the Environment Department. They indicated they were willing to come to an Energy Cortimission meeting and speak to the Commission members on the RFP. Dennis Mario to follow up with David Reynolds regarding attending a future, meetiT the Energy Commission. ' ' ' ' ' Dennis Marino to call Cathy Fogel and report at the next meeting. Mr. Marino said he had spoken to Ms. Fogel and that she was willing to speak with the Energy Commission, but the price is steep. He said that he would like to keep this possibility on hold until the City and the Commission are firmer about the exact topics that would like to hear her speak about. (Carry forward Action Item) Del Leppke to speak with the StoneKater representatives and invite them to a future meeting. Mr. Leppke said that he wanted to defer inviting the Stonewater representative until after the Technical Review committee meets with ComEd. He added he is still waiting for a Technical Review Group meeting with ComEd. (Carry Forward) New Action Item Dennis Marino to contact Jonathan Perman to see if the Chamber of Commerce surveys its members and if they would allow the Energy Commission to include a survey regarding their electric power suppliers. Irwin Levinson said he was aware of several businesses having their own generators with jet engines and thought that this would be quite a noise pollution problem. Dennis Marino said that there was a noise ordinance that would be enforced by the Community Development Department. Mr. Sciarra stated that he has been in contact with a group called the interfaith Sustainability Circle (ISC), a group of multi -religious individuals that promote sustainability and livability issues. They are also concerned with energy and a group called the Center for Neighborhood Technology which is a not for profit enviornmental group. The ISC wants to Bold an event in Evanston about energy. They have asked the Environmental Board to cosponsor this event because they are concerned with environmental issues and thought that they would also Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - June 6, 200) Pnee Three like the Energy Commission to cosponsor a public outreach. Date Grumman suggested Mr. Sciarra contact Dennis Marino when the final plans are made. Del Leppke thought that someone on the Energy Commission should be involved with the planning. Mr. Sciarra said that most of the meetings would be by email. III. CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 9, 2001 Del Leppke made a motion to approve the minutes of May 9, 2001. Motion seconded by Jackie Brown. With minor corrections, the minutes were approved unanimously. I IV. DISCUSSION WITH A&PW COMMITTEE SCHEDULED JUNE 11, 2001 Max Rubin reported that.A&PW meets from 7:00 p.m. to 8:20 p.m., and City Council starts at 8:30 p.m. He said that while the Energy Commission is on the agenda for the'June l l IA&PW meeting, this was a very busy agenda and suggested that the Energy Commission would want to meet with A&PW at a later date. Max Rubin suggested that the Energy Commission ask A&PW for a special meeting. Dave Grumman suggested that the Energy Commission stay on the' current A&PW meeting agenda for now, and he would call Ald. Moran to discuss a special meeting with A&PW. Del Leppke suggested that a subcommittee be formed to plan their participation in a special meeting with A&PW. Arlene Haas, Del Leppke, and Dave Grumman volunteered to be on that subcommittee. Dave Grumman said he would ask Rudy Wolfson to also be on that subcommittee. V. RECENT OUTAGES Max Rubin reported that all recent reported outages were planned outages so that ComEd could work on the system. ' '' % I s i l ' , , it/ VI. COMED REPORTING Commission members discussed the quarterly report dated April 20, 2001 submitted from, ComEd. VH. ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL, REGIONAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND COGS Dennis Marino drew attention to the article he distributed earlier in the meeting about the' Chicago Northwest Green Power initiative. He said he would keep the Commission posted should other information become available. Mr. Marino said he would ask a speaker to come before the Commission to speak about this initiative. VIII. ENERGY POLICY Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - June 6, 2001 Pa¢e Four Del Leppke reported that the Energy Subcommittee has had two meetings and has discussed the revisions to the energy policy. He said they have decided to draft a new energy policy. With one more meeting. Mr. Leppke said that the Energy Policy should be ready for the Commission's review. Action Item Del Leppke to make a presentation of the new Energy Policy. IX. MEMBERSHIP r; Dennis Marino said that currently there were three vacancies on the Energy Commission.. X . RESCHEDULING OF COMBINED JULYIAUGUST MEETING Currently, the Energy Commission meeting in July is scheduled for the I2"; Dave Grumman asked if the meeting could be scheduled later in the month and cancel the August meeting. . . rt, The Commission decided to cancel the August meeting and the July meeting date would be decided later. X1. COMMUNICATIONS Dennis Marino drew the Commission's attention to the various articles included in their packet. Dave Grumman brought additional newspaper articles to the meeting and asked that they be distributed in the next packet. XII. OTHER BUSINESS A discussion occurred about overall power supply in the United Stales. Del Leppke stated that there was much fuel to be had, for example nuclear fuel could be degraded so that it is not weapons material, but is still adequate for power production. Overlooking politics, and looking at it strictly from an engineering position, there is a lot of fuel. Dennis Marino said it was not clear from newspaper articles, but it was his understanding that there are wholesale power supply caps in California, and it is related to a narrow margin in total supply. Dave Grumman said it was his understanding that there are caps in California, but they are so high they would never be reached. Kerry McKenna said there are caps and an inability to enter long-term purchase agreements. He said there is no shortage of natural gas in the Pacific Ocean, but they can't find markets on commercially acceptable terms - presto energy shortage. Other members suggested that if the caps that exist in California are superficial the price would float up pretty high before they get triggered and the kind of economic disruption � YI❑ Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - June 6, 2001 Pace Five that has already occurred in California isn't going to change that much based on these so-called caps. XIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the commission, it adjourned at 9:19. Respectfully submitted, Mary E. ice Executi Secretary Planning Division Vr r, � y 1 1 1 �� i•��/ EVANSTON ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Wednesday, July 18, 2001 Room 2404 — 7:15 a.m. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: .................. David Grumman, Arlene Haas, Alan Kistler, Del Leppke, ............................................................Rudy Wolfson MEMBERS ABSENT: ...................... Jackie Brown, Ray Doolin, Kerry McKenna, Paul Morse, ............................................................Hans Detweiler PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ................ David Grumman, Chair STAFF PRESENT:..........................Dennis Marino, Max Rubin, Mary Baaske OTHERS PRESENT: ...................... Bud Nesvig, (Former Energy Commission Chair); Leonard Sciarra, Irwin Levinson, Environment Board I. CALL TO ORDER David Grumman called the meeting to order at 7:20 a.m. II. ACTION LIST REVIEW Dennis Marina Put antural caused outages on the agenda for discussion for the ream meeting with ComEd Mr. Marino said that at the last Tcchnical Review Group meting, Stanley Mctz stated that animals could cause off. Dennis Marino Ask Dave Metz to find an expert source on whether rodents eat lead cable. Mr. Metz said that this was a possibiiity. Max Rubin Continue talking to ComEd regarding feeder 8J28. ' (Carry forward actifln item) Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - July 18, 2001 Paee Two Dennis Marino Keep feeder 8528 on the agenda for the next meeting with ComEd. Carry forward action item) Dennis Mario Follow up with David Reynolds of the City of Chicago regarding attending a future meeting of the Energy Commission. Mr. Marino said he is working on setting up a meeting with a representative from the Department of Environment for the September or October meeting to discuss the Chicago Power Alliance. Dennis Marino Call Cathy Fogel and report at the next meeting. He said that he would like to keep this possibility an hold until the City and the Commission are fi,"eri about. the exact topics that would like to hear her speak about. (Carry forward Action item) Del Leppke To speak with the Stonewater representatives and invite them to a f nure meeting. Mr. Leppke said that he wanted to defer inviting'thc `f 1, 111" 1 i Stonewater representative until after the Technical Review committee meets with ComEd (Carry Forward) Dennis Marino To contact Jonathan Perman to see if the Chamber of Commerce surveys its members and if they would allow the Energy Commission.' to include a survey regarding (heir electric power suppliers. Dennis Marino stated that he spoke with Jonathan Perman regarding the survey, and they Mr. Perman is supportive of the survey being emailed to his membership; however, he has no immediate plans for sending out a survey. Dennis Mario Draft a survey for the September meeting that can be sent out to the Chamber of Commerce mailing list. I: 'I-) i t j /. MEETING WITH A&PW Dave Grumman reported that Del Leppke, Arlene Haas, Dennis Marino and he met with A&PW. He said that while the meeting lasted less than an hour, there was a wide-ranging discussion. Arlene Haas mentioned that at the end of the meeting that the Aldermen said they were looking to the Energy Commission for direction. TECHNICAL REVIEW GROUP REPORT Dave Grumman said that the Technical Review Group had a meeting with ComEd., Del Leppke reported that one of the significant items learned at the meeting was that Conatd. has divided their system into seven regions and has a designated person in charge of each region. This person is an operations director covering engineering, construction, and maintenance of that Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - July 18, 2001 Page Three segment of the distribution system. The person designated for the Evanston region is Dan Brea. The transmission operations are under another division that now has the Edison system divided into three regions and the transmission substation reliability is under the control of Jack O'Toole for Evanston's region. Mr. Leppke added that the discussion dealt with construction projects #2, #5 and #12, projects that are not 1001/6 complete. He said that the annual frequency of outages has been reduced to 1.2 outages per customer, and the annual average duration of outages has been reduced to 148 minutes per outage. There was much discussion on the capacity of circuits and the criteria of how the planning for loading on circuits is developed. He added that the Technical Review Group (TRG) will visit the dispatch center in Joliet on Friday (July 20) to observe the performance of the SCATA system and observe the operations of the dispatch center. Dennis Marino stated that David Metz would be joining members of the TRG when they, visit Joliet on Friday. ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL, REGIONAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND COGS This will be discussed in the September Energy meeting. ENERGY POLICY Del Leppke stated that Rudy Wolfson, Arlene Haas and he had been meeting to update the existing energy policy. They came to the conclusion that it would require more than just an updating of the energy policy, so they chose to completely rewrite the policy. He stated that in 1995, (when the resolution was written) the country was in an energy crisis and the issue in most people's minds was that of conservation. Today, there is a different set of circumstances where continuing service and reliability is of the most concern. Mr. Leppke said that because of these facts and also that the regulatory law and the industry is changing, it was felt that the energy policy should be completely rewritten. He explained that the draft energy policy is primarily focused on energy and asked Commission members if the policy should be broader. But, if the policy were broader, would that take it beyond the scope of the Energy Commission. Dennis Marino commented that Ray Wannington's (former Energy Commission member) concern about the Energy Policy is that much of it could be filled with very positive altruistic goals that don't get achieved, and his greatest concern about the current energy policy is that he thought much of it wasn't achievable. His advice, as we revise the energy policy, is that we be realistic. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - Ju1v 18. 2001 Pace Four Del Leppke suggested that two statements be drafted. one that implies a heavy amount of monitoring, and another that implies supervisory monitoring. Both these draft statements could be brought to the September Energy Commission meeting and the Commission could decide which one to use. David Grumman suggested that if any Commission member has suggestions on the revision of the energy policy, they e-mail those suggestions to Del Leppke. Commission members discussed ideas concerning the new Energy Policy. RECENT OUTAGES Max Rubin reported that he has been getting only planned outages from ComEcl. Therc have been several outages in Evanston in the last month that ComEd had not reported to him. Dennis Marino said that it appeared that ComEd's trucks were seen repairing the problem within a reasonable period of time. The thought is that there may be a lack of communication within, ComEd itself. ADJOURNMENT i r. There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 9:05. Respectfully submitted, Mary E. B e Executive ecretary Planning Division Community Development Department EVANSTON ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday. September 20, 2001 Room 2404 — 7:13 a.m. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: .................. Jackie Brown, David Grumman, Arlene Baas, Alan Kistler, ............................................................Del Leppkc, Paul Morse, Rudy Wolfson MEMBERS ABSENT: ..................... Hans Detweiler, Ray Doolin, Kerry McKenna PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ................ David Grumman, Chair STAFF PRESENT: .......................... Dennis Marino, Max Rubin, Mary Baaske OTHERS PRESENT: ........................ Bud Nesvig, Leonard Sciarra, Irwin Levinson I. CALL TO ORDER David Grumman called the meeting to order at 7:15 a.m. H. APPROVAL OF ENERGY MINUTES OF JUNE 6, 2001 AND JULY 18, 2001 Jackie Brown moved approval of the minutes of June 9, 2001. Del Leppke seconded the motion. Discussion ensued, With minor corrections, motion passed 7 ayes, 0 nays. Del Leppkc moved approval of the minutes of July 18, 2001. Alan Kistler seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. With minor corrections, motion passed 7 ayes, 0 nays. Ili. ACTION LIST REVIEW Dennis Marino Keep feeder 8528 on the agenda for the next meeting with ComFd. Carry forward action item) Dennis Marino Distribute RFP (Chicago's) and attached documents, Mr. Marino said he has been in contact with the Northwest Municipal Conference several times. He said he would keep in contact with them. Dennis Marino Call Cathy Fogel and report at the next meeting. He has been in touch with Ms. Fogel and he is monitoring where she is speaking. She is holding a seminar in Washington D.C. and Mr. Marino said he would try to secure a tape fan this seminar for the Commission. (Carry forward Action Itesn) Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - September 20, 2001 Paste Two Del Leppke To speak with the Stonewater representatives and invi(e (hem to a future meeting. Mr. Leppke said after he toured the operation center for ComEd. he thought ComEd could give the same information without having to purchase and install additional equipment from Sionewater. (Carry Forward) Dennis Marino Draft a sur vey for the September meeting that can be sent out to the Chamber of Commerce mailing list. Mr. Marino passed out a survey he had drafted and asked the Commission members for their input. In response to a question from Dave Grumman, Mr. Marino said that the first cut is focused on companies, but it would be easy to adapt the survey to send to a sample number of residents. Alter discussion by Commission members and members of the audience it was decided to make revisions' and bring the survey back to the Commission's October meeting for Mill ;1� finalization. Dennis Marino/ Pursue with ComEd what precautions they are taking against rodentsk" Max Rubin eating cables. CaM Forward TECHNICAL REVIEW GROUP REPORT AND MEETING WITH A&PW Del Leppke reported that Ald. Rainey suggested an overlay be used in the Energy Commission's next presentation. She thought this would be effective in getting a better visual impression of where the outages are occurring. Ald. Rainey thought that the Energy Commission could make a geographic presentation of where the feeders are and the outages occurring. Max Rubin stated that he was posting outage information on the Evanston web site. Dennis Marino said he would work with Mark Varner of the City's Geographic Information Systems Department to make a geographic map of outages. Action Item ; t III Dennis Marino To pursue geographic representation of where outages have occurred over tine. Del Leppke said that Aid. Feldman asked if the Energy Commission was still looking for alternate distribution systems. He said he told Ald. Feldman that no private enterprise was willing to come forward and fund it and he didn't think that the Energy Commission should ask the City for more money for this purpose. Dennis Marino drew the Commission's attention to the duly 31, 2001 ConnEd quarterly report. By September 30, 2001 the City will be receiving a six-month outage report plus another Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - September 20, 2001 PaRe Three quarterly report will be due the end of October. He said that the Technical Review Group (TRG) will meet in October and then meet with ComEd thereafter. DISCUSSION OF REQUEST TO CO-SPONSOR ELECTRIC FORUM (HANS DETWEILER) Dave Grumman informed the Commission that Hans Detweiler sent an agenda for the forum and asked if the Energy Commission wanted to sponsor some kind of electric forum to take place sometime in October. After conferring with Dennis Marino, Mr. Grumman said that. the Energy Commission usually doesn't co-sponsor forums when they it was not involved in the agenda. RECENT OUTAGES Mr. Rubin said that for approximately two months he did not receive any data from ComEd. Somehow his fax number got deleted from ComEd's list. It is now reinstated and he_;;; should be receiving faxes about feeder outages. WELCOME NEW MEMBER Dave Grumman welcomed Mr. Paul Morse to the Energy Commission and asked him to give an overview of his background. Mr. Morse said he is an engineer by education and has worked in consulting and design engineering his entire career. Since 1970 most of the time has been working for consulting firms. He is more familiar with the generation aspect, but has learned more about transmission and distribution in the last few years. He added that Northwestern University is one of his clients, and he has worked mostly with facilities management on the central utility plants. Dennis Marino mentioned that the Commission now has ten members and needs only one more member for a complete Commission. Dave Grumman said that his term expires next month (October) and the Commission should be prepared to hold an election for a new chair and vice -chair, ENERGY POLICY Ii 1' Del Leppke said that this draft is the result from the comments received at the last Energy Commission meeting. The most significant change is that the words "electric energy" have been changed to "energy". He said that there are two versions, one that deals with auditing, and one that deals with monitoring. Mr. Leppke said that they have added Section 2 where it was felt it was appropriate that energy policy gives rise to an Energy Commission, which was not in the previous policy. He -,. said that if this policy is accepted, the Energy Commission enabling ordinance would have to be Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - September 20, 2001 i'aee Four rewritten. Section 3 was added to commit the City to include a line item in the annual budget to include the cost of the energy police. Dave Grumman asked what was meant by audit and systematically monitor. Mr. Leppke replied that his understanding was that an audit would be to periodically look deeply into the operation maintenance of the City's energy supply whereas systematically monitoring would be to not look as deeply or as intensive. Dennis Marino said that, while he agreed with the intent of Section 3 to make sure there are resources there, he thought that perhaps Section 3 could state that the City of Evanston shall provide sufficient resources annually to cover the cost of implementing an energy policy. Del Leppke thought that if the Commission adopted an Energy Policy, the City would set aside funds to achieve the end result. Dave Grumman asked if the Commission wanted la or Ib? The Commission discussed the cost of implementing 1 a, "auditing ComEd operation, maintenance and upgrading of the City's energy supply and distribution system..." Dennis Marino said that the Ordinance that established the Energy Commission was established in 1993. He thought Section 2 should read "The City of Evanston shall maintain an Energy Commission..." Leonard Sciarra and Irwin Levinson thought that the environmental needs should be further in the front of the Resolution. Mr. Grumman said that the order or issues did not dictate importance. Del Leppke moved deletion of 1. Lb and the substitution of the word "maintain" for establish and in Section 3 replace "include a line item in its annual budget" with "they shall provide sufficient resources annually. Rudy Wolfson seconded the motion. Motion 6 ayes and 1 abstention (Jackie Brown). Mr. Grumman asked Dennis Marino to draft a memo to the Environment Board to accompany the revised Energy Resolution. ILLINOIS CLEAN ENERGY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Dennis Marino stated that the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation has a trust fund to allocate for programs that increase energy efficiency, enhance the environment, develop or increase renewable energy sources. Hans Detweiler is encouraging the Commission and the City to consider proposing something for funding in the area of energy conservation, particularly related to his interest in seeing us retrofitting existing buildings. This Commission has also discussed a whole wide. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - September 20, 2001 Pave Five range of issues that it would like to see the City engaged in, but financial issues are an issue for achieving them. Mr. Marino stated that fuel cells, distributed generation and aggregation were some issues that might be of interest to this funding source. Mr. Marino asked if one or two Commission members would like to work with Jeff Burdick, and him to see if there are some key issues that we would like to include as a potential proposal to go to this fund under the government partnership program. Dave Grumman suggested that Hans Detweiler and Arlene Haas would be good candidates to join Dennis Marino and Jeff Burdick in a subcommittee. ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL, REGIONAL, AND STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND COGS Dennis Marino said that the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission has started a!' - process to rewrite the Comprehensive Plan for the region. Planning staff will be involved in this process. One of staffs contributions to that will be issues related to electrical energy and some of the Commission's concerns regarding growing distribution, etc. COMMUNICATIONS Dennis Marino commented on several communications contained in the packet. David Grumman asked reprints be ordered for an article "Out of the Darkness" in the Wall Street Journal. OTHER BUSINESS Dave Grumman pointed out that October is his last month on the Energy Commission. He suggested that a chair and vice -chair be elected in that meeting. Bud Nesvig mentioned that he had attended a meeting in London of the International Electric Tentacle Association of fuel cells. Representatives of Japan, Germany, Canada, the United States, Denmark, and Italy also attended this meeting. Large automobile manufactures are all interested in fuel cells and in 2004-2005 they will be marketing cars using fuel cells. Dave Grumman said that the problem right now is that it would be very expensive. Paul Morse mentioned that the ICC has a subgroup called "Aggregation Consumer Issue Subgroup". He said he had a copy of the agenda of a meeting held last fall. All of the questions that they were going to address he has heard asked at the Energy Commission meetings. Mr. Morse suggested that staff contact ICC and ask for a set of minutes from that meeting. Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - Sentember 20. 2001 Pave Six Action Item Dennis Marino - Follows -up on contacting the ICC regarding the Aggregation Consumer Issue Subgroup's meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, it adjourned at,9:10 a.m. Respoctfully submitted, , Mary E.S e Executive Secretary Planning Division EVANSTON ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Wednesday October 3.2001 Room 2404 — 7:1 5 a.m. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: .................. Jackie Brawn, Hans Detweiler, David Grumman, ............................................................Arlene Haas, Alan Kistler, Del Leppke, Paul Morse, ............................................................Rudy Wolfson < . ,;,. " MEMBERS ABSENT: ..................... Ray Doolin, Kerry McKenna PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ................ David Grumman, Chair STAFF PRESENT: .......................... Dennis Marino, Mary Baaske OTHERS PRESENT: ...................... Bud Nesvig, Leonard Sciarra I. CALL TO ORDER David Grumman called the meeting to order at 7:15 a.m. ! r II. APPROVAL OF ENERGY MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 Del Leppke moved approval of the September 20, 2001 minutes. Paul Morse seconded - the motion. Discussion ensued. With minor corrections, the minutes passed unanimously. (9, ayes 0 nays) >> III. WELCOME NEW ENERGY COMMISSION MEMBER Dave Grumman welcomed Hans Detweiler to the Energy Commission and asked him to-. give the Commission an overview of his background. Mr. Detweiler said he is a policy advocate at the Environmental Law and Policy Center in Chicago where he works on energy issues, global warming, and sustainable energy. He said he hoped that power reliability and environmental consequences of the current energy consumption would be a high priority to the Commission. IV. AMON LIST REVIEW Dennis Marino Keep feeder 8528 on the agenda far the nears meeting with ComEd.— Cary forward action item) } Dennis Marino Distribute RFF (Chicago s) and attached documents. Mr. Marino !: f �11 Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - October 3.2001 Paue Two said he has been in contact Aith the Northwest Municipal Conference several times. He said he would keep in contact with them. Dennis Marino To pursue geographic representation of where outages have occurred over time. Mr. Marino reported that he asked the GIS staff to be involved, and they have agreed. However, it will be a few weeks before they will be able to start on this project. . ! ' i i Dennis Marino Follow-up on contacting the ICC regarding the Aggregation Consumer Issue Subgroup's meeting. Mr. Marino said he did look on the Illinois Commerce website and was unable to find anything labeled the f Aggregation Consumer Issue Subgroup. He said he did find a number of things related to residential delivery service implementation plans, and a' } number of rate cases and issues related to rate service and delivery. Paul Morse suggested that someone call the ICC. Mr. Marino said he wotild' ,-. make the call. �1:ilst) V. COMED OUTAGE REPORT MARCH - JULY 20011 Continued to November meeting. VI. TECHNICAL REVIEW GROUP SCHEDULE Dennis Marino said that on Friday, October 19, 2001 from 9 a.m. to i I a.m., there would be a Technical Review Group (TRG) meeting with ComEd. He suggested that the TRG meet at 8 a.m. For the new Energy Commission members, Mr. Marino explained that the Technical Review Group is a City body that includes members of the Energy Commission, several consultants and City staff. TRG meets quarterly with ComEd to discuss performance issues related to liability and outages, significant issues related to construction schedules, and progresst on items that ComEd committed to when ComEd and the City signed the last franchise extension. VII. ENERGY POLICY Dennis Marino stated that the Commission approved the Energy Policy at the September meeting. The Energy Policy will be sent to the Environment Board for their next packet. Del Leppke mentioned that he looked at the establishment of the Commission, and he felt that them is a section that is completely out of date. He suggested that a subcommittee (Ordinance Revision Subcommittee) be appointed to review Section 2-14.5 Powers and Duties } of the City Code included in Ordinance 49-0-93 establishing an Energy Commission. After discussion, Dave Grumman appointed Paul Morse and Alan Kistler to that subcommittee. � � � , , - '° Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - October 3.2001 Action Item Mary Baarke to e-mail Leonard Sciarra a copy of the Energy Policy. VIII. ILLINOIS CLEAN ENERGY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Paite Three Dennis Marino said that the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation has a very significant capital source of grant giving capacity. focusing on energy conscrvation, environmental protection and lowering the cost of energy services in Illinois. Staff is investigating what ties there would be for existing or new activities in Evanston to be funded by the Foundation. Secondly, the City is very interested in aggregation, and that could be a significant way to reduce cost. Thirdly, there has been much discussion on staff level and the commission about some of the exciting prospects there are for distributed sources of,.. energy as a way to deal both with reliability and cost issues. Mr. Marino said that he hoped to talk with Mr. Fan, a resource person suggested by Hand Detweiler sometime in die future and perhaps he could give the Commission some guidance. Dave Grumman said that Chicago had just adopted an energy code. The Illinois Chapter of ASHRAE (The American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers) is holding a seminar to discuss the provisions of this new code. He thought this might be a sample of what is feasible with a big municipality. IX. ELECTRIC ENERGY SURVEY Rudy Wolfson moved approval of the Electric Energy Survey. Del Leppke seconded the motion. With minor corrections, the motion passed unanimously. (8-0) X. ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL, REGIONAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND COGS Dennis Marino reported that there was an article in the August Northwest Municipal - . Conference newsletter indicating that the program with Enron and ComEd would move forward in October, but as of yet that has not been confirmed. The Northeast Illinois Planning Commission is updating the regional Comprehensive General Plan . There is a meeting October 27 on that subject in Rosemont. . XI. MEMBERSHIP/ELECTION OF OFFICERS Dave Grumman opened the floor to nominations for Chair and Vice -Chair. He explained that, by law, this would be conducted in an open meeting. Arlene Haas nominated Del Leppke' for Chair of the Energy Commission. Because of Mr. Leppke's many commitments in the Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - October 3.2001 Page Four upcoming months, Dave Grumman agreed to continue as Chair for the next three months with Mr. Leppke taking the responsibilities of Chair in February 2002. Paul Morse made a motion to elect Del Leppke as Chair of the Energy Commission to take effect February 2002. Motion seconded by Jackie Brown. Motion passed 7-ayes, 0 nays, l abstention (Del Leppke). Del Leppke made a motion to elect Rudy Wolfson as Vice -Chair of the Energy Commission. Arlene Haas seconded the motion. Motion passed 7 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention (Rudy Wolfson). Jackie Brown nominated Paul Morse as Secretary of the Energy Commission, Paul Morse nominated Arlene Haas. Ms. Haas declined. Jackie Brown made a motion to elect Paul Morse Secretary of the Energy Commission. Motion seconded by Del Leppke. Motion passed 7 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention (Paul Morse). XI1. COMMUNICATIONS Dennis Marino drew the Commission's attention to the communications included in their packets. XIIL OTHER BUSINESS Hans Detweiler mentioned that the American Solar Energy Society annual tour of solar homes occurs on October 13, 2001. There is an Evanston tour, and 12 of the 13 homes on the f F tour. aresolar. On October 13 maps will be available at 1550 Asbury between 10 a.m. and noon. He said that all of the various tours can be found on the American Solar Energy web site which is www.ases.org. On November 27, 2001 in Lisle, Illinois, the USDOE is sponsoring a one -day workshop on wind energy. They recently released a new wind energy resource map for the state of Illinois. Mr. Detweiler said energy could be generated from wind for approximately S.05 per hour. Dave Grumman asked if there was any information on how the S.05 an hour was arrived at. Del Leppke asked Bud Nesvig to tell the Commission of his meeting in London. Mr. Nesvig explained that it was a meeting about fuel cells with representatives from many countries. He said that there are many demonstration cars with fuel cells in them at the present time. The thought that in time it will be more efficient and less polluting than the gas currently being used. Mr. Nesvig said that many auto companies are considering selling fuel cells to homeowners in the future. i, , j Del Leppke gave staff the following articles, one from International Fuel Cells entitled "Fuel Cell Provides Premium Power To Internet Gateway For 52 Schools," and an article laami the Monday, October 01, 2001 Associated Press entitled "Siemens will put $122 million fuel cell Evanston EnmW- Commission Minutes - October 3, 2001 Page Five plant near Pittsburgh." He asked that these two articles be inc!uded in the November Energy packet. Mr. Leppke said that United Technologies has a web site www.internationalfuelcells.com where they have a calculation program to enter the amount of energy you need, the amount of outages you currently have and then computes a payback time. Dave Grumman told the Committee of a book entitled National Caoitalism that describes things that could happen in the next 25 - 50 years regarding home and car fuel cells. XIV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Commission adjourned at 8:55 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary E. Planning ENERGY CO.%L% ISSION MINUTES Thursday. November 1.2001 Room 2404 — 7:15 a.m. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: .................. Hans Detweiler, David Grumman. Arlene Haas, ............................................................Del Leppke, Paul Morse, Rudy Wolfson MEMBERS ABSENT: ..................... Jackie Brown, Ray Doolin, Alan Kistler, Kerry McKee PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ................ David Grumman, Chair STAFF PRESENT: .......................... Dennis Marino, Mary Baaske OTHERS PRESENT: ...................... Bud Nesvig, Leonard Sciarra I. CALL TO ORDER David Grumman called the meeting to order at 7:18 am.. a quorum being present. 11. APPROVAL OF ENERGY MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1, 2001 Del Leppke made a motion to approve the minutes of October 3, 2001, Arlene Haas seconded the motion. With minor corrections, the minutes of October 3, 2001 were approved 6. 0. III. ACTION LIST REVIEW Dennis Marino To pursue geographic representation of where outages have occurred over time. Mr. Marino said that he had contacted the Geographic Information Systems Department (GIS) and would work with them to secure maps displaying outage data. Dennis Marino To call the Illinois Commerce Commission /ICQ regarding their activities in relation to aggregation. IV. TECHNICAL REVIEW GROUP SCHEDULE Lf ,It orris - Rudy Wolfson said that it was a very productive meeting. he felt that ComEd was very responsive to the TRG's requests. Dennis Marino said that Bob Fomey, who is the supervisor of the north region distribution planing, was very forthcoming and sharing of the information he Evanston Energy Commission November 1. 2001 Pace 2 had available. He said that William Dennis (DIC) was also present and very familiar with the Evanston distribution system. These two ComEd staff were present at a TRG meeting for the first time in response to a long standing request of Del Leppke Special attention was given to certain feeders where multiple outages were evident. The ComEd representatives did make commitments to get back to the TRG concerning those feeders after they took a closer look at those feeders. The TRG group asked for a sharing of the analysis ComEd does annually, based on the peak load in the summer. Del Leppke reported that he asked Bob Forney the criteria that ComEd uses for sizing the alternate feeders that can pick up a load should other feeders go down. Mr. Leppke said that Mr: Forney replied that ComEd's criterion is that any one feeder should be able to be picked up by three adjacent feeders. Mr. Leppke said that there was an extended discussion along the fact that Dave Metz (the City's consultant) would like ComEd to have as its criteria, that adjacent feeders could pick up the down feeders within 100% of rated capacity of the alternative. ComEd does not agree with this standard and permits emergency operation for a period of time up to 140% of rated capacity. Mr. Leppke stated that the curve on the frequency of interruptions in the last quarterly report shows a pretty strong turn -up in the last six months. Feeder 8528 is an example of increased interruptions. While ComEd was constructing some lines to add capacity in that area, they had extended this feeder to serve 4000 customers and it Kent out. There were two other outages while they were in a temporary arrangement with that feeder because of the large number of customers effected has a strong influence on the System Average Frequency of Interruption (SAFI) index. Dennis Marino mentioned that one of the things that came out of the meeting was that certain developers are calling ComEd for a temporary hookup and stating that they would need permanent hookup not too far in the future which sends ComEd scrambling trying to supply that need. He said that perhaps future planned development checklists given to potential developers would indicate that the applicant had checked in with the utilities. In response to a question from Arlene Haas, Dennis Marino replied that the TRG would be reporting the results of TRG's meeting with ComEd to City Council in December, but that the discussion will highlight those feeders with higher than average interruptions on which ComEd has agreed to provide more information. Action Item Dennis Marino lfComEd has not responded to TRG's request for information about. . certain feeders by the week of November 12, Mr. Marino is to contact them and remind them of the Commission's request. it Evanston Energy Commission November 1, 2001 Page 3 Dennis Marino To inform .flax Rubin that the TRG will it -ant to meet Kith A&PW on December 3. 2001. Del Leppke asked if the TRG should be prepared to speak to the full Council after they meet with A&PW. Dennis Marino said that would be up to the A&PW Committee, but TRG should be prepared to speak during Council's citizen comment. Mr. Marino mentioned that the three construction projects that were still outstanding from the Letter of Agreement attached to the franchise extension were discussed. He said that construction should be done by the end of the calendar year. This affects a small area in southeast Evanston, but it is a significant project that the City would like to see done. These projects affect circuits 435, 658 and 659. Mr. Marino reported that the TRG also discussed that the duration of outages had dropped dramatically. Dave Grumman said that, with a meeting tentatively being scheduled with A&PW December 3, 2001, the Commission needed to hear from ComEd by November 9. He asked that they be pressed the following week for the answers to issues raised by the TRG. V. RECENT OUTAGES VI. ENERGY POLICY Dennis Marino suggested that some time be set aside in the December 7 Energy Commission meeting for some time when a representative or members of the Environment Board can share its perspective of the Energy Policy with the Energy Commission. David Grumman asked if the Energy Commission and the Environment Board would submit a joint Energy Policy. Mr. Marino said that the Ordinance creating the Energy Commission specifies that the Energy Commission will submit an energy policy in conjunction with the Environment Board to the City Council. V11. ILLINOIS CLEAN ENERGY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION (ICECF) Dennis Marino said that he and another staff person had a good conversation with Doug Farr and found him very helpful. Mr. Farr is an architect in Chicago who has worsted on energy issues including ones that have been funded by this foundation. Because the proposal would affect other staff/departments, we have to make sure that everyone is on board with this proposal before it is submitted to the ICECF. Evanston Energy Commission November 1.2001 Paste 4 Mr. Marino said that the City would be looking to receive a grant to fund activities ranging from conservation to efficiency to aggregation. Mr. Marino stated that many communities are adopting an energy code. He added that he has requested a copy of Chicago's Energy Code. in response to a question from Dave Grumman, Mr. Marino said that while Evanston had adopted the 1996 building BOCA Code, his understanding was that the energy amendment was not adopted. Del Leppke said that he had spoken with Gladys Bryer, Chair of the Environment Board, and she suggested that the Chairs of the Plan Commission, Energy Commission and Environment Board schedule a quarterly or semi-annual meeting. Mr. Leppke strongly suggested that the three chair people have such a meeting. Dave Grumman felt that there should also be one or two Aldermen at this meeting. After discussion, Del Leppke moved that the Chair of the Energy Commission write to the Chairs of the Plan Commission and the Environment Board suggesting that there be an informal meeting every six months. Arlene Haas seconded the motion. Len Sciarm said that the Environment Board has a series of goals they want to accomplish in the next few years, the Energy Commission has goals they want to accomplish, and he was sure the Plan Commission also had goals they wanted to accomplish. He through that perhaps this meeting could be a comparison of all of these goals. Mr. Sciarra said that he would send a copy of the Environment Board's list of goals for the next year to the Energy Commission. Paul Morse amended Del Leppke's original motion to "the Chair of the Energy Commission communicate with the Chairs of the Plan Commission and Environment Board for one coordination meeting to discover whether there are areas of mutual interest. Del Leppke accepted that "friendly" amendment to his original motion, as did the seconder. Motion passed unanimously. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS Dave Grumman reported that he, Arlene Haas, and Del Leppke met with A&PW in June. He gave the Commission a summary of that meeting and said that the memo presented to A&PW would be sent to the whole Commission in their next packet. Del Leppke thought that a franchise should be in place in three years from the date of the last extension, not five years, and now is the time to start working on that. Mr. Leppke suggested that in the Commission's report to A&PW this issue be raised and that we ask that they appoint someone to take the lead. Dennis Marino mentioned that the focus of the City Council right now is the City's budget. After much discussion Mr. Marino suggested that the current Letter of Agreement be evaluated and judged on how effective it has been. Mr. Leppke said that one of the things he would want in the franchise and in the extension is continuation of the quarterly meetings with ComEd. Evanston Energy Commission November 1.2001 Paae 5 Hans Det,%veiler reported that the Environment Board held a public meeting on what sort of energy goals the citizens in Evanston are interested in right now, and there is a follow up to that meeting to be held on November 20, 2001 at 7 p.m. at the Public Library. Mr. Leppke thought that there needs to be clarification on what can be done within a franchise because there is expectation by the public that more can be done than is really possible; that needs to be brought out clearly in the November meeting. IX. RECENT OUTAGES Max Rubin distributed new ComEd quarterly reports to the Commission. Dave Grumman asked Mr. Rubin to do a sort by customer -hours outages (outage length of minutes by number of customers). Mr. Rubin said he would. Mr. Rubin said that the outage report he receives from ComEd is put on the City web the same day he receives it. The Commission discussed the outages shown on the report. X. ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL, REGIONAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND COGS Dennis Marino reported that there is nothing new, only that the power purchase by the Northwest Municipal Conference is very slow moving. He said he has not had much success contacting them by phone. Len Sciarra said he had a list of mayors and staff members involved in this, and he would share that information with the Commission. XI. COMMUNICATIONS Dennis Marino drew the Commission's attention to the articles included in their packet. Communications were accepted into the record. XII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, it adjourned at 9:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary E ke Planning Division r ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Friday. December 7.2001 Room 2404 — 7:15 a.m. CIVIC CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: .................. Jackie Brown, Hans Detweiler, David Grumman, ............................................................Arlene Haas, Alan Kistler, Del Leppke, Kerry-McKenna,! ............................................................Paul Morse, Rudy Wolfson MEMBERS ABSENT: ..................... Ray Doolin PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ................ David Grumman, Chair STAFF PRESENT: .......................... Dennis Marino, Mary Baaske OTHERS PRESENT: ...................... Bud Nesvig, Leonard Sciarm, : 1. CALL TO ORDER David Grumman called the meeting to order at 7:18 a.m., a quorum being present. II. APPROVAL OF ENERGY MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 2001 ' Del Leppke moved approval of the December 7, 2001 minutes. Jackie Brown seconded the motion. After minor changes the minutes were approved unanimously. III. ACTION LIST REVIEW Dennis Marino To pursue geographic representation of where outages have occurred over time. Mr. Marina said that he had contacted the Geographic Information Systems Department (GIS) and it is on their list to be done sometime in December. Dennis Marino To call the Illinois Commerce Commission (!CC) regarding their activities In relation to aggregation. Dennis Marino 1fComEd has not responded to TRG's request for information about certain feeders by the week of November 12, Mr. Marino is to contact them and remind them of the Commission's request. t Evanston Energy Commissions Minutes - December 7, 2001 Paee Two Dennis Marino To inform .1lar Rubin that the TRG will it -ant to meet with A&PIV on December 3. 2001. This item has been postponed because the information has not vet been received from ComEd. David Grumman If'rite to the Chairs of the Plan Commission and the Environment Board suggesting that there be an information meeting every six months. Mr. Grumman said he would do that in the near future. IV. TECHNICAL REVIEW GROUP PROCESS Dennis Marino reported that, because information requested was not received in time, the meeting the TRG had originally scheduled with A&PW on December 3, 2001 was postponed unlit December 17, 2001. He added that information had been received and TRG would be able to meet with A&PW on December 17, 2001. That information was distributed to Commission members at the beginning of the meeting. V. RECENT OUTAGES Max Rubin reported that there had been only one outage last month and that was due to maintenance. VI. ENERGY POLICY David Grumman stated that the Energy Commission has revised and approved its recommended Energy Policy and sent it to the Environment Board for their input. According to the ordinance the Energy Policy is to be developed by both the Energy Commission and the Environment Board. r , . ; Irwin Levinson said that the Environment Board has a subcommittee to review the policy sent to them by the Energy Commission. The Chair of the Environment Board has reviewed the Energy Policy and prepared a draft report, this draft report is currently under review by the subcommittee. Mr. Levinson said that the Environment Board believes that energy addressed by the Energy Commission should be more than electric energy. He said that the Energy Policy should address all energy i.e., gas, electrical, power by fuels, wind, etc. Mr. Levinson said that the Environment Board wishes to be present when the Energy Commission drafts its final policy. Energy Commission members expressed their intention that the Energy Policy be a broad document that encompassed all energy, they felt that when a document is so specific as to name the kinds of energy, that document is limited. VII. FRANCHISE ISSUES lil Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - December 7, 2001 Paee Three Dennis Marino drew the Commission's attention to the documents related to past franchise discussions and issues he included in their packet. Del Leppke said that during the experience of the Commission the last ten years, the Commission does not want to put a document in place that has a 35 year lag. there needs to be a document in place that provides opportunity to make adjustments as needed. He added the previous franchise (1957) did not have that type of accommodation within it. Dave Grumman pointed out that ComEd has been reporting every quarter. Looking at the Letter of Agreement, the last report is scheduled for April 15, 2002. He questioned if this Letter of Agreement is extended a year would it apply to the reports as well. Mr. Grumman thought the Commission would need a legal opinion. After much discussion, the Commission formed a Franchise Renewal Subcommittee consisting of Hans Detweiler, Kerry McKenna, and Alan Kistler. Mr. Gnmunan asked Hans Detweiler to chair the Subcommittee. Mr. Detweiler agreed to be chair. Mr. Detweiler suggested that the Subcommittee review the Proposed Franchise Negotiation Goals recommended by the Energy Alternatives Talk Force in 1992. Mr. Grumman suggested that the Subcommittee consider asking the City Council for funds for legal advice. ; I Del Leppke thought that the Subcommittee should also review a study that was done by Giordano which had some suggestions on legal documents. Kerry McKenna stated that there is a body of information that deals with how to deal with ComEd and what ComEd demands of a supplier. VIII. APPROVAL OF THE YEAR 2002 MEETING DATES Hans Detweiler made a motion to adopt the Year 2002 Meeting Dates as submitted. Del Leppke seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. IX, REQUEST FOR CITY FACILITIES ELECTRIC USAGE Dennis Marino reported that Hans Detweiler has requested that the City review its electric usage and city facilities. He said that Max Rubin and he had discussed this request. Mr. Marino said that they would focus in on some of the major electric users rather than all facilities. The most critical facilities would include: the Civic Center, Robert Crown Center, pumping station, Police Station and pick one Fire Station. Paul Morse asked for what purpose this information was needed. Hans Detweiler replied that the information was needed to determine the number of kilowatt-hours a year is used by the City. If the Commission wants to do energy efficiency to reduce the energy load by a certain amount, or if the City wants to use green power to constitute a certain percentage of energy the City is purchasing, that information w7ll be needed. Len Sciarra stated that when the Commission starts negotiating with ComEd, it would be negotiating the amount of electricity the City will be demanding. Dennis Marino stated that throughout the history of the Energy Commission and the Energy Alternatives Task Force, the issue of City subsidized electricity for Evanston Energy Commission Minutes - December 7, 2001 gage Four City facilities has been a topic and Hans is now taking that another step in terms of saying - what is our usage pattern at our most significant facilities and is there anything we can do about that. Max Rubin was concerned about the financial implications. X. COMMUNICATIONS Communications were accepted into the record. XI. OTHER BUSINESS r Del Leppke asked that a worts plan be discussed for next year. -Dave G uhriiad Wd dw it should be put on the agenda for the nexi meeting: XIL ADJOURNMENT I There being no further business before the Commission, it adjourned at 9:00 irri Respectfully submitted Mary E. ke Planni Division