HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2006A 6 PW Agenda January 9.2006 Page S of 5 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2006 5:40P,NI — 6:30PM CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE. ROO\I 2404 Members Present Alderman Hansen, Ald. Holmes, Ald. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Alderman Wollin Members Absent: none Staff Present: Judy Aiello, Kathy Brenniman, Bobbie Tolston-Brov%m, Pat Casey, Dolores Y. Cortez, Rajeev Dahl, Bob Domecker. Doug Gaynor, David Jennings, Vincent Jones, Regina Lookis, Gavin Morgan. Sat Nagar, Elke Tober- Purze, Max Rubin, Bill Stafford, Dave Stoneback, Ellen Szymanski, Gwen Veascy, Judy Witt Others Present none Presiding: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Chair 1. DECLARATION OF QUORUM With quorum present, Alderman Jcan-Baptiste tailed the meeting to order at 5:40pm II. APPROVAL OF,MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING of December 12, 2005 Unanimous approval of the minutes. III. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA (Al) City of Evanston Payroll through 12/15/05 S2,610,176.82 City of Evanston Payroll through 12l29105 S2,143,772.60 Item ,41 was discussed and unanintousty approved. (A2) City of Evanston Bills through 1110106 S7,538,551.99 Aid- Rainey raised a question beginning on page 2 of the Bills List regarding Eaton Power and what costs almost S4,000? Page 6, Cyrus Painting & Decorating; asked about the length of the project for the Police Department, Page 14, Northwestern University, S 1,480; does Northwestern reimburse the Cityl. Page 25, CEDA/ENAW, why is the City replacing two checks? Judy Page i of 5 Aiello, Assistant City Manager, explained projw scopes, services provided, and agreements and processes as appropriate, she also committed to providing a response by memo to each of the Alderman's concerns. Page 22, Brickman Group (Howard Streetscape & CaIlan Streetscape). Aid. Rainey wanted to ensure there is a contract in place for those two neighborhood streetscaping projects before August. Gaynor added when the budget is approved those neighborhoods will be added. Page 26, U.S. Equities, Aid. Rainey asked for clarity on an ambiguous line item description. Judy Aiello explained the billing cycle and services provided from U.S. Equities. Aid. Holmes had a question about the Fleetwood Jordain Theatre and why the theatre did not get charged as opposed to the program. Doug Gaynor, Director of Parks & Recreation, explained there was an error on account entry and the Iine item in question is not being sponsored by the theatre. Aid. NVollin and Aid. Rainey had inquisitions about tuition reimbursement: the number of classes, schedules. Judy Witt, Director of Human Resources, explained the understanding employees who take advantage of the tuition reimbursement program have regarding their obligation to the City of Evanston. Item A2 was discussed and unaninroush, approved. (AM) Approval of a professional services agreement from Doyle & Assoc. (800 South Wells, Suite 503 Chicago, IL) in the amount not -to -exceed S40,500 for engineering services for the Water Treatment Plant and Filter Area. Funding provided by the Depreciation, Extension & Improvement account In the Water Fund. Item A3.1 was discussed and unaninroush, approved. (A3.2) Approval of contract for Chicago Avenue Traffic Signal Design %1th Christopher Burke Engineering (9575 West HIggins Rd. Suite 600, Rosemont, Illinois) In the amount ofS48,583.45 for Project #1 funded by CIP and S83,000 for Project #2 funded. 80% by CMAQ and 20% C1P. Aid. Hansen asked about the phases and dates in particular of Phase III of the project. David Jennings explained project segments, their inner workings, and dates. Item A3.2 it -as discussed and u►raninrously approved. (A33) Approval of sole source purchase from Vermont Systems (12 Market Place, Essex Junction, ti"T ) in the amount of S36 445 for WebTrac Software program for online recreation registration. Funding provided by Recreation Department budget. Aid. Rainey asked about a fair competitive application edge to citizens who don't have access to a computer or are not computer savvy. Gaynor said yes, and explained. He mentioned the numbered amount of applications, equipment issues, and the lottery as a method of choosing. Aid_ Rainey asked about program expansion. Ald. Jean -Baptiste confirmed with Gaynor the registration process. Item A3.3 was discussed and umaninrously approved. Papa 2 of 5 (AM) Approval of Supplementary 2006 Street Improvement Projects. Funding provided by CIP. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked questions about various locations involving stretches ofsarect and was asking for a report on the streets in question. Aid. Rainey was cowerned about Dawes School and public safety during street improvement seasion. Jennings agreed to try to schedule around school hours. Aid. Rainey asked to be contacted during scheduling stages. Item A3.3 ivas discussed and unanimously appros ed. (A4.1) Approval of Change Order No. 7 for W.E. O'Neil (2751 N. Clybourn Ave. Chicago, IL) for the Sherman Plaza Project, increasing the contract amount by 595,078 from 540,439,255 to 540,534,333. Funding provided by the lWashington National TI F. AId Rainey asked for the status/progress of the project. Max Rubin, Director of Facilities Management, explained the project has been delayed due to cold weather conditions. O'Neil was unable to pour concrete. Aid. Rainey asked for a time frame. Rubin stated, "We're behind three weeks." He reminded Council that they were behind before and caught up, the April 2006 opening date still stands. Item A4.1 was discussed and unanimously approved. (A5) Resolution 1-R-06 Sheridan Road Agreement Consideration of proposed Resolution 1-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to sign a joint agreement with IDOT for Sheridan Road Roadway improvements. Ilem.IS it -as discussed and unanimously approved. (A6) Resolution 2-R-06 Ciorba Grout) Supplemental Agreement Consideration of proposed Resolution 2-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to sign a supplemental agreement with Ciorba Group, Inc (5507 - ortb Cumberland Avenue, Suite 402 Chicago, IL) for Change Order No. 1 for additional construction engineering services Increasing the contract amount by $77,847 from 5143,170 to 5221, 017 for the Asbury Avenue Bridge Project. 80% federal funding and 20% IN1FT funding. Ald. Romney stated there have been no more recorded complaints since the construc-bon, but will the sidewalks be replaced in kind? David Jennings responded yes_ Ald. Rainey resurrected verbal agreements vs-ith Com Ed promising to provide capital customer service and noted the utility company's inability to hold their end of the deal. Judy Aiello explained and shared prior experiences with the utility companies and how the City acts proactively to get the utility companies involves but to no avail. Another problem is also staff turnover. Aid. Rainey suggested another meeting with ComEd. Item A.6 was discussed and unanimously approved Page 3 of 5 W) Resolution 4-R-06- Chicago Avenue Traffic Signal Design Joint A eement Consideration of proposed Resolution 4-R-06 authorizing City Manager to sign a joint agreement with IDOT for preliminary engineering for Chicago Avenue Traffic Signal Design. Item A it -as discussed and unanimously approved. (A$) Resolution 5-11-06 Chicago Avenue Traffic Signal Design Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement Consideration of proposed Resolutions-R-06 authorizing the Cite Manager to sign an agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for preliminary engineering services for Chicago Avenue Traffic Signal Design. Item A8 it -as discussed and unanimously approved (A9) Ordinance 1-0-06— Decrease in Class C Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed Ordinance 1-0-06 amending section 3-5-6 (C) of the City Code, which decreases the number of Class C Liquor Licenses from 22 to 21 with the change In ownership for Va Pensiero (1566 Oak, Evanston, 11). Item A9 tit as discussed and unanimously approved (AIO) Ordinance 240-06 — Increase in Class C Llauor Licenses Consideration of proposed Ordinance 240-06 amending 3-5-6 (C) of the City Code, which Increases the number of Class C Liquor Licenses from 21 to 22 with the change In ownership for Va Pensiero (1566 Oak, Evanston, II). Item A10 is -as discussed and unanimously approved (Al 1) Ordinance 3-0-06 — Long Term Meter Rates Consideration of proposed Ordinance 343-06 amending 10-11-12, Schedule XII, Parking Meter zones of the Evanston City Code. Ald. Rainey mentioned a call from someone who notices that people park and leave their can all day with no restrictioru_ Caller suggested installing meters. Jennings explained it is not an area the City would meter. Thcre was some discussion amongst Council. Item AI I it -as discussed and unanimmuly approved (Al2) Ordinance 4-0-06 — Expansion of Residents Exempt Parking District "M" Consideration of proposed Ordinance 4-0-06 amending 10-11-10, Schedule X, "Limited Parking" of the Evanston City Code, 1979. David Jennings explained trial run and that it worked out well. Conducted test to ensure there was no disturbance. Item .412 was discussed and unanimously approved Page 4 of 5 IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. COMMUNICATIONS - TRANSCRIPTION VI. ADJORNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:30pm Respectfully submitted, Dolores Y. Cortez City Manager's Office Page 5 of 5 A & PW Minutes for January 23. 2006 tie t of 2 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC R'ORKS COMMITTEE INIINUTES 110\DAY, JANUARY 23, 2006 5:40P,NI -- 5:50PM CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 Members Present: Alderman Hansen. Aid. Holmes, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Ald. Rainey. Alderman WolIin Members Absent: none Staff Present: Judy Aiello. Bobbie Tolston-Brown. Pat Casey, Dolores Y. Cortez, Rnjecv Dahl, Doug Gaynor. David Jennings, Vincent Jones, Gavin Morgan. Elke Tober-Purze, Max Rubin, Bill Stafford, Dave Stoneback, Ellen Szymanski, Gwen Veasey, Judy Witt Others Present: none Presiding: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Chair I. DECLARATION OF QUORUM With quortun present, Alderman Jean -Baptiste called the meeting to order at 5:40pm IT. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR `IEETING of January 9, 2006 Unanimous approval of the minutes. III. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA (A1) * Cl*- of Evanston Pavrall through 01/19/06 52,122,553.47 Item AI liras discussedand unanirnotrsl}• approved. (A2) * City of Evanston Bills through 01/24/06 51,938,197.38 Item : i? it -as discussed and unanimouslf- approved. (A3.1) * Approval of additional funding for the McCormick Boulevard Project. Item A3.1 was discussed and unanimoush, approved. (A4.1) * Approval of Change Order No. 1 for Clauss Brothers, Inc. (360 West a A & PW Minutes for January 23, 2006 Page 2 of 2 Schaumburg Road) for the James Park East Baseball Field Renovation Project, Increasing the contract amount by S12,873.40 from $99,626.00 to S112,499A0. Funding provided by the Capital Improvement Program. Item A4.1 was discussed and unanimously approved (A5) *Ordinance 7-0-06 -- Declaration of Surnius Property Consideration of proposed Ordinance 7.0-06 recommending approval of (1) 1994 Ford Taurus, (1) 1996 Ford Crown Victoria, (1) 1988 Ingersoll Compressor, (1) 1996 Chevrolet Caprice, and miscellaneous equipment at an auction In Lake County. heat A5 + +as discussed and unanimously approved IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. COMMUNICATIONS VI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:50pm Respectfully submitted, Dolores Y. Cortez City Manager's Office A & PW Minutes for February 13. 20D6 Pape 1 of 5 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS CO1*M'MI7TEE MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2006 5:40PNI -- 6:46P'M CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 Members Present: Aldennan Hansen, Aid. Holmes, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Ald. Rainey, Alderman Wollin Members Absent: none Staff Present: Chief Berkowsky, Bobbie Tolsion-Brown, John Burke, Pat Casey, Dolores Y. Cortez, Bob Domecker, Doug Gaynor, David Jennings, Vincent Jones, Regina Lookis, EIke Tober-Purze, Cathy Radek, Mary Rodino, Bill Stafford, Dave Stoneback, Others Present: MayorMorton. Alderman Bernstein, Alderman Tisdahl Presiding: Ald. Jean -Baptiste, Chair 1. DECLARATION OF QUORUM With quorum present, Alderman Jean -Baptiste called the meeting to order at 5:40pm and asked for a consent agenda. II. APPROVAL OF'ILNUTES OF REGULAR' MEETING of January 23, 2006 Unanimous approval of the minutes. Ill. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA (AI) * City of Evanston Payroll 0I/I3/06 through 01/26/06 O1/27/06 through 02/09/06 52,121,620.94 52,047,769.82 (A2) * City of EV2nston Bills through 02/14/06 55,344,403.38 Aldermran Rainey requested item be removed from the consent agenda. She requested that staff review their responses to her inquiries. Judy Aiello, Assistant CityManager, directed the committee's attention to a memo given to each member regarding bill's list inquiries and reviewed each concern. Alderman Rainey requested an opportunity to review explanation. (A3.1) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Central Lakes A & PW Mirwus for February 13. 20D6 Page 2 of 5 Construction Co. Inc. (749 Pinecrest Drive, Prospect Heights, IL) in the amount of S24,358.00 for the Fleetwood-Jourdain Gym Window Wall Renovation. Funding provided by 2005-2006 CDBG: 575,000.00. Alderman Rainey requested item be removed from the consent agenda. Aid. Rainey commented about 75k being allocated for a 25k job. Doug Gaynor. Director of Parks & Recs, explained the bidding results. The first bidder cou33 not get acquire a bond, the second bid came in too low. Item A3.1 it -as considered! unanimously approved. (A3.2) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bids for water treatment chemicals from Polydyne (Sealy. Texas) In the amount of $23,840.00, JCI Jones (Beech Grove, Indiana) in the amount of S47,029.00, LCl Ltd (Jacksonville, Florida) in the amount or S63,600.00, Carus (Peru, Illinois) in the amount of S58,050.00 and Csalco (Baltimore, Maryland) in the amount or$59,301.00. Funding provided by the Water Fund. hem A3.3 approved by consent. (A3.3) * Approval of purchase of ten (10) Panasonic Rugged Laptops from CDS Office Technology (535 West Fifth Avenue. Naperville IL 60563) in the amount of S51,792.00 for £vanston's Fire Department. Funding provided by the Assistance to Firefighters Federal Grant Program (70%) and (30%) by the CIP Matching Grant Account. AIderman Wollin requested item be =moved from the consent agenda. Item A3.3 itas considered, unanimously approved. (AM) * Approval of contract for engineering design services with N1WH Americas (380 Interlocken Crescent, Suite 200. Broomfield, CO 80021) In an amount not -to - exceed S210,380.00 for the S82B Contract 2. Funding provided by IEPA and Sewer Reserve Fund. Alderman Rainey requested item be mmoved from the consent agenda. Item A3.4 titers considered, unanimously approved. (AM) * Approval of contract for construction engineering services with 3N1WH Americas (380 Interlocken Crescent, Suite 200, Broomfield. CO 80021) in an amount not -to - exceed S1,07I,277.00 for the S82B Contract 1. Funding provided by IEPA and Sewer Reserve Fund. Item A3.5 approved by consent. (AM) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid with Jay Dee Construction 08881 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia tiff 48150) in the amount of $10,265,103.00 for S82B Contract 1 Relief Sewer Improvement Project. Funding provided by IEPA and Sewer Reserve Fund. Item A3.6 approved by consent. (A3.7) *Approval of contract extension for CPS Parking, Inc, for the management and operation of the Church Street Self Park in the amount of $29,196.00 per month, not -to -exceed four months. Funding provided by the Parking Fund. Item A3.7 approved by consent. (A3.8) *Approval of contract extension for Standard Parking for the management and A & PW Minutes for February 13, 2006 Page 3 of 5 operation of the 1800 Maple Self Park in the amount of 591,023.00 per month sot- to -exceed four months. Funding provided by the revenues from the Maple Self Park and TIF. Item A3.8 approved by consent. (A3.9) *Approval of proposal with Cambridge Systematics (20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606) In the amount of $150,000.00 for development of the Skokie Swift Travel Market Analysis. Funding provided by RTA (80%) Evanston (10% - CIP Matching Funds) and Skokie (10%). Item 43.9 approved by consent. (A3.10)* Approval of proposal from Flood Brothers (17 NY 697 Butterfield Road Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181) for condominium refuse services for a four (a) year period In the annual amount of S418,800.00. Funding provided by the General Fund. Alderman Rainey requested item be removed from the consent agenda. Aid_ Rainey is requesting more information on who the contract holder is, their track record. the amount of the contract. Aid. Rainey requested to put this item on hold until more information is given. The Mayor asked what will happen with current dumpster(s) for recycling. Residents are complaining that the vendors aren't cleaning up around the dumpster. She also asked what the new dumpstcrs will look like. David Jennings says the City has enough to satisfy the demand of twice a week. Flood Brothers has completed their location survey and knows what needs to be supplied. JcnninFs added there will be pick up twice a w,eck and the Health Department will be involved on resolving sanitation issues. Aid. Jean -Baptiste requested a report clearing up unknowns_ Item A3.13 is -as considered, and held. (A3.11)* Approval of proposal from North Shore Towing (2527 Oakton St. Evanston, IL) towing services for a three (3) year period. Funding provided by the Snow and Ice Control Division of the General Fund. Alderman Rainey requested item be removed from the consent agenda. WiIIiam Stafford, Director of Finance, briefly- talked about the new facility location of2424 Oak -ton. across the street from current location_ Aid. Rainey asked about the charge for lockouts. how much and why. North Shore explained the process and stated S50 for lockouts. North Shore stag explained the immediate response and deferred billing method Aid. Holmes asked about a separate facility for police and other cars that should be enclosed, and will North Shore repave the roads that enter their facility. Stafford commented that they held a meeting with North Shore and Evanston Police. it was agreed and included in the contract that the roads would be repaired and the police facility mould be provided. Item A3.11 was considered. unanimously approved. (A3.12)* Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from A. Lamp Concrete Contractors Inc,, (800 West Irving Park Road, Schaumburg, IL) In the amount of 51,556,349.00 for the Water Main & Street Resurfacing Project. Funding provided by CIP & Water Funds. Item A3.12 approved by consent. (A3.13)*Approval of Amendment No.1 to the Agreement with MWH America.% Inc., A R P% Minutes for February 13. 2006 Page 4 of 5 (Broomfield Colorado), for Engineering Services during Construction of the ColfaxiBryant Storm Sewer Project. The amendment would increase the compensation amount by S16,879.00, from S198,444.00 to $215,323.00. Funding proAded by the CIP Street Paving Fund. Item A3.13 approved by consent. (A5) * Ordinance 8-0-06 — Sale of Surplus Proverty Consideration of proposed Ordinance 8-0-06 recommending approval of various vehicles as surplus property to be sold at Nationwide Auction Systems Classic Car auction In St. Louis, \10. Item A5 approved by consent. (A6) * Ordinance 11-0-06 — Decreasing the number of Class C Llauor Licenses Consideration of proposed Ordinance 11-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (C) of the City Code decreasing the number of Class C Liquor Licenses from twenty-two to twenty-one by request of the liquor licensee of New Orleans Grill dba New Orleans Grill (1601 Simpson Street, Evanston, IL). Item .46 approved by consent. (A7) * Ordinance 13-0-06 — Increasing the number of Class H Llauor Licenses Consideration of proposed Ordinance 13-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (II) of the City Code increasing the number of Class H Liquor Licenses from one to two due to the change In classification of Cost Plus Inc., dba World Market (1725 Maple Avenue, Evanston, IL) Item A approved by consent. (AS) * Ordinance 14-0-06 — Decreasing the number of Class G Llauor Licenses Consideration of proposed Ordinance 14-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (G) of the City Code decreasing the number of Class G Liquor Licenses from one to zero due to the change In classification of Cost Pius Inc., dba World Market (1725 Maple Avenue, Evanston, IL) Item .48 approved by consent. (A9) * Ordinance 21-0-06— increasing the Recvcling Collection Service Charge Consideration of proposed Ordinance 21-0-06 Increasing the recycling collection service charge from S2.86 to S3.72 per unit per month. Alderman Rainey reque>-4ed item be removed from the consent agenda. Aid. Rainey does not want to increase the cost of m-ycling. She believes everyone is not recycling and does not want to pay for people who are not doing so. She wvould like to make recycling; mandatory. Aid. Woliin asked, "Do we not pay a lesser :and fill charge because as a city we recycle?" David Jennings responded, "Yes." The City Manage- agrees with Rainy and would like the rest of this year to re-evaluate the prograrn. cover our expz :ses, fill budget, and offer alternatives. The City Manager would like to find a more sustainable way to channel our waste. Considering a larger recycling bin which trust be rentgotiated with our contractor, must p:vmote public education about recycling. Aid. Jean- 133ptiste supports the Ciry Manager's approach. Aid. Hansen and Aid. Rainey agree that the citizen should gain a tangible for extra costs such as an extra bin. Aid. Rainey commented that the eomrrtittee has no statistics on land fill. Would like a report on that. Item A it -as considered. and held. (A10) * Ordinance 22-0-06— Increasing the Senior Citizen Taxi Coupon Rate A & PW Minutes for February 13, 2006 Page 5 of 5 Consideration of proposed Ordinance 22-0-06 increasing the senior citizen taxi coupon rate from S2.00 to S2.50, Item A10 consent approval. (A11) * Ordinance 23-0-06 — Increasing the Ciarette Tax Consideration of proposed Ordinance 23-0-06 increasing the cigarette tax rate from $0.32 to $0.50 per pack. Item A11 consent approval. (Al2) * Ordinance 24-0-06 — Increasing the Late Penaltv for Various Parkin Fe ines Consideration of proposed Ordinance 24-0-06 increasing the late penalty for various parking fines. Item AI 2 consent approval. (A13) * Ordinance 25-0-06 — Loading Zone at 1813 Dempster Consideration of proposed Ordinance 25-0-06 recommending approval of a loading zone at 1813 Dempster, Pic -A -Cup Coffee Shop. Item A13 approved by consent. (A14) * Ordinance 26-0-06 — City Code%'heel Tax Consideration of proposed Ordinance 26-0-06 amending Chapter 8, Section 10 of the Cite Code Wheel Tax. Item A14 approved by consent. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. COMMUNICATIONS VI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:46pm Respectfully submitted, Dolores Y. Cortez City Manager's Office A a PW Agxfa Fetxuary 27.2000 Page t of AD;IINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS CO3[SIITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 2006 5:44PNI — 6:45P51 CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 I%Iembers Present: Alderman Hansen, Aid. Holmes, Aid. Jest -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Alderman Aid. Wollin Members Absent: none Staff Present: Judy Aiello, John Burke, Pat Casey, Dolores Y. Cortez, Bob Domecker, Herb Hill, David Jennings, Vincent Jones, Elke Tober-Purze. Tracey Roberts, Mary Rodina Max Rubin, Bill Stafford, Bobbie Tolston, Judy Win, Jim Wolinski, Brad Yatabe, Allison Zelms, Debbie (human resources) Others Present: Steve Stronach, Project Developer for Flood Bros., Aid. Steve Bernstein, Aid. Moran Presiding: Aid. Jean -Baptiste. Chair I. DECLARATION OF QUORUM With quorum present. Alderman Jean -Baptiste called the meeting to order at 5:44pm and asked for a consent agenda. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETLIG of February I3, 2006 Unanimous approwl of the minutes. III. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA* Alderman Jean -Baptiste asked far consent agenda. (Al) * city of Evanston Payroll through 02/23/06 Item AI approved bt• consent. (A2) *city of Evanston Bills through 02/28/06 52,185,776.40 51,595,094.64 Alderman Rainey requested item be reirw%ed from the consent agenda. She expressed a need to renew writtendfa+ced response from CO E staff. Ald. Rainey asked w hat HU D property do we have at 1933 Church? %i'hy is HUD paying water at a location? There was son-c confusion about whether the address was valid. At& Rainey requxsted infomvtion on the house tonight. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked that Gavin Morgan, Assistant to the City Manager. (author of the Bills list Inquiry Resaonse memo) to xerbalty review and explain responses. Galin Morgan read rre-no down to specific agenda item responses to Council. (Each committee member has a coPy of memo) Aid_ Jean -Baptiste requested that the memo responses be reviewed as the committee progressed through the agenda. Item A 2 r+as discussed and approved rev. 417/20D6 I0:36:00 AM A d PW Agenda February 27. 2CM Page 2 of t (AM) * Approval of the purchase of property Insurance from various insurance companies for the City of Evanston valued at S400,000,000. at a cost of $310,272 (including terrorism), excess general liability insurance coverage ($10,000,000 coverage In excess of $2,000,000) at a cost of S209,294, excess general liability insurance, S5,000,000 coverage in excess of 510,000,000, at a cost of S66,000, professional liability insurance at a cost of S13,997, Inland marine (fine arts) coverage at a cost S13,496, crime and fidelity coverage at a cost of S12,849, excess vtoriLer's compensation at a cost of $86,226. Total cost is S712,134. Funding provided by the Insurance Fund. Alderman Rainey requested item be removed from the conse:-: agenda. She asked Judy Aiello, Assistant City ;`Manager, for a clearer understanding. She attempted to comp.: a last year's budget but failed to gain clarity. Judy Aiello responded in detail explaining premiums and ass-cssment process. Aid. Rainey asked ifwc combine all of these into one package would there he some sa.-% ings. Aiello responded there is a 6,31; savings. The only thing that went up was the property; everything else went dower and gave examples, confirming decreases in several areas. Judy confirmed that the bottom lira will not change. Aid. Jcan-Dapliste noted that there has been a major allegation that MARSH was charging :s higher rate and asked for an update. Judy explained that was out of the tie- York office. Herb Hill, Firs- Asst_ Corp Counsel, explained the payout was less than 2.000 per year. They met last year %kith MARSH'S CzOs to gain clarity of allegations regarding MARSH. AId. Jean -Baptiste asked what other options do we Sravc other than ,MARSH. do we explore other brokers? Herb replied yes wr do explore other brokers. The tc-9 ten broker companies have all experienced the same claim as MARSH. Herr went on to explain suppord-rg !MARSH as a viable entity. Aid. Jean - Baptiste asked about coverage for employee they, s%hat's beer_ our experience? Hill responded it is a yrsrly coverage, it is Financial operatiom we handle millions of doll;L_f, we've been successful in not having problems of that nature. Stafford, Finance Director, added that %iris insurance provides bonding. Since his tenure, them were some small incidents less than by o or three t-housand dollars. Item A3.1 it -as discussed and approved. (A3.2) * Approval of proposal from Flood Brothers (17 W 697 Butterfield Road Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181) for condominium refuse services for a four (4) year period in the annual amount of S418,800.00. Funding provided by the General Fund. Item was held In Committee on February 13, 2006. Alderman Rainey requested item be remok ed from the consent uenda. Aid. Rainey said she read the Contract and didn't quite understand the scheduling program. AId.Rainey voiced that everybody should be picked up same dw. _ She mentioned contract and city holiday Calendar conflicts. She ►rants to en = that their pick up and ctr pick up is the same. David Jennings explained that the schedules canror he the same. We at.- going to put a pick up schedule. Aid. Rainey asked %hat the deal %kith switching_ out the dumpsters? !%rnmings. Director of Public Works. will work out timely removal. ONYX gave word to completely cooptmruu. Aid.Rainey a ould like to see a team of people dedicated to accomplish gaol. Jer-rrngs promised to spcanccad the effort A hick should be completed by April 2nd. Aid. Jean -Baptiste would like an upt r= every three months. Ald. Jean -Baptiste will look for a report too %necks after effors begin. Aid. Rainer. isked %►hat about the dumpsters people own? Steve Stronach, flood Brothers, the pcjle will be asked r= :icy %leant new ones, we'll have plenty in stock. Council %vas told only one of the new high rises is eligible i;rr a pick up contract. Is this condo being fully assessed'? She does not want to pay for garbage coilrnon at a tar exempt property. Aid. Hansen asked a financial question. Aid. Barney asked is there game to be communication between Flood Brothers and the Condo owners? Aid. Jean -Baptiste: stressed cer:-rmunication between contractor and condo owners. Item! A3. 2 was discussed and approved_ rev. is /21DD610.36:00 AAt A 6 PW Agenda February 27, 2006 Pape 3 of 4 (AM) * Approval of contract with Gewalt Hamilton & Associates Inc. (850 Forest Edge Drive Vernon Hills, IL,) in the amount of S192,162.12 for 2006 additional sewer repair &c street resurfacing for design and construction engineering services. Funding provided by CIP Funds. Item A3.3 approved hY consent. (A5) * Ordinance 28-0-06 Special assessment 1480 Consideration of proposed Ordinance 28-0-06 by which the City Council would authorize the paving of the alley North of CTA, East of Wesley Avenue, South of Mulford Street. Alderman Rainey requested item be removed from the consent agenda. Alderman Rainey noted that the petition had one nama on it and asked how can one person developing a condo unit sign for everyone? David Jennings (Director of Public Works) replied that at the time the petition was submitted. the owner owned 34 of the 39 units. Stafford stated full disclosure is up front. The buyer is made aware of contract stipulations. Ail lean -Baptiste asked about disclosure, Rill Stafford informed the Alderman. there no existing proof of disclosure, even without proof, ownership still stands. Jennings explained the new buyers Here awam of and basically sighed a blank check. Aid. Jean-Raptiste: would like to see the disclosure for the sake of clarity in the process. Item AS it -as discussed introduced. (A6) * Ordinance 29-0-06 Special Assessment 1482 Consideration of proposed Ordinance 29-0-06 by which the City Council would authorize the paving of the alley North of Foster Street, East of Sherman Avenue. Alderman Wallin requested item be remo►ed from the consent agenda. Aid. Wollin needed to disclose the fact that the alley is behind her house and wanted to confirm her noting rights due to the rumor that she wasn't allowed to vote on it. Item A was considered and approved. (A'n * Ordinance 30-0-06 Special Assessment 1483 Consideration of proposed Ordinance 30-0-06 by which the City Council would authorize the paying of the alley North of Cleveland Street, East of Pitner Avenue. Item A approved br consent. (A8) * Ordinance 21-0-06 - Increasing the Recvcling Collection Service Charge Consideration of proposed Ordinance 21-0-06 amending Section 8-5-13 of the Evanston City Code, 1979, increasing the Recycling Collection Service Charge from $2.86 to S3.72 per unit per month. This item was held in Committee on February 13, 2006. Alderman Rainey requested item be remo%ed from the consent agenda_ Rainey asked staff to remind the conunince of the ar ::al re%enue increase. Rat Casey. Director of Management & Budget, double checked in the budect book and confirmed _AOk annually A1d.Raincy: how rnany customerslunits are there? Stafford rrsponced there are approximately 24 and. Aid. Jean -Baptiste, "For the record, the increase is to pay for the service w-e'rc provi,::ng " Casey reminded the committee the City Manager is going to re-evaluate process. All lean -Baptiste reinforced that this is not the most attractive method due to the disparity of recycling citizens. Casey shared ideas on the to-do list. Aid. Holmes feels strongly about educating the public. Jennings reinforced education and more. Aid. Wollm siurrd her ideas about educating the public. Aid. Hansen asked if the city has tracked any recycling acti%iry? Da%id Jennings feels w e should do our own studies on that. Aid, Hansen asks the City of Evanston to request that GROOT does not allow their vehicles to run unattended and parked on citizen property. Item A it -as considered and approved a I 's . I Xe)- (AldRaine), opposed). my. .u7400610:36:00 AN1 A 6 PW Agenda Febnwry 27, 2W6 Page 4 of 4 (A20) * Ordinance 39-0-06 — Processing and Handling Char a for Exempt Transactions Consideration of proposed Ordinance 3940-06 amending Section 3-2941-1 of the Evanston City Code, increasing the processing and handling charge for exempt transactions. For Introduction and Action Item A20 approved by consent. (A21) * Ordinance 40-0-06 Amending the Building Permit Fee Ordinance Consideration of proposed Ordinance 40-0-06, amending Ordinance 46-0-99, Sec. lB, to modify the base building permit fee from S1251,000 worth of construction value to S15151,000 worth of construction value for projects over S1,000,000 In construction value. For Introduction and Action pent A21 approved by consent. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. COM1iUNICAT[ONS (APWI) Report on Taxicab Advisory Board Conrnrittee agreed to discuss at the nest scheduled A & P W meeting. VI. ADJOURNMENT rrv. 4/7r.DOb 10;36..00 AM AS PW Onutes Ma" 13. 3006 AD'.%ISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MO\DAY, MARCH 13, 2006 5:39PM — 6:50PN1 CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVE\C E, ROOK 2404 Nlembers Present: Alderman Hansen, Aid. Holmes, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Ald. Rainey, Members Absent: Alderman Wallin Page 1 of $ Staff Present: Judy Aiello, Chief Berkow ski, John Burke, Pat Casey, Dolores Y. Cortez. Paul D'Augustino, Bob Dornecker, Doug Gaynor, Paul Gottschalk, David Jennings, Vincent Jones, Gavin Morgan, Cathy Radek, Max Rubin, Mary Rodin, Debbie Sleet, David Stoneback. Bobbie Tolston, Brad Yatube, Others Present: Rarbelle Ford, NorthShore Antiwar Coalition Bill Smith. Chairman of Civil Service Commission Presiding: AI& Jean -Baptiste, Chair I. DECLARATION OF QUORUM With quorum present. Alderman Jean -Baptiste called the meeting to order at 5:39pm and asked for a consent agenda. Il. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR tiIEETING of February 27, 2006 Unanimous approval of the minutes, III. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA Chairman req-:ested a consent agenda (Al) * City of Evanston Payroll through 03/09/06 S2,128,150.05 Item AI approved by consent. (A2) * City of Evanston Bills through 03/16/06 S4,037,314.86 Item A2 approved by consent. (A3.1) * Approval of 2006 Special Events Calendar Rachelle Ford put fortis her request regarding upcoming nrsrch for Family Day in Fountain Square. Doug Gaynor. Director vj'Park.&!Recs., crplained the request was to waive fees, the Human Services Comm -tee denied request but would approve contingent upon the fees being paid Gaynor said he ,2.2n t know about the march until Tuts. am after the committee met. Ald. Jean -Baptiste: asked ji;r compromise of 5090'. Aid. Rainer asked,lls. Ford to become more aware of rules pertainirg to marching far a smootherprocess and does not support price discount for permit. Af - Ford stated the date she applied for the permit(! month ago) and explained the shortage of time before. Ald.Holmes, "Isn 't the fee SI SO? " Gaynor confirmed. Alderman Holmes canon. red. "Ijx-e do it for you, ire 71 hazv to do it jar all groups. " Rachelle t& PW Lfrwtes Marcy, 13.3005 Page 2 of 6 reiterated that the reason she came is -as to ask for the support of the committee and recognise their out-of-pocket arpenses thus asking to wai%v the S150 fee. Ald. Holmes stated that "If you're going to bare future events, you might consider listing your events as a group and then +ve could consider a price discount. Aid Jean -Baptiste asked -Would this fee have to be paid every time?" Gaynor replied, "Yes, $150. " That's a policy decision of the City Council. Ald. Delores Holmes moved that multiple events for the same organization would pay one application fee. Judy Afello let the Committee knots, that tte is-ould have to bring back art amendment. Doug Gaynor reinforced that. Our deadline is Saturday. Item A3.1 it -as discussed and approved. (A3.2) * Approval of contract amendment for Executive Partners (14 Hidden Brook Drive, Barrington, IL) In the amount of S6,825 for the Strategic Planning Project. Funding provided by the City 'Manager's FY 2005-06 budget. Item A3.2 approved by consent. (AM) * Approval of the purchase of a new audiolvideo system from United Visual (1050 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca, IL) for the'Main Public Library in the City of Evanston at a cost of $26,419.20. Funding provided by Evanston Community Foundation, Library Book Sale, and Library operating account. from A3.3 approved by consent. (AM) * Approval of purchase of a special service police vehicle, using the Suburban Purchasing Consortium bid, from Currie Motors (9423 West Lincoln Highway, Frankfort, IL) for the Evanston Police Department at a cost of S28,207. Funding provided by Fleet Service Capital Fund. Item A3.4 approved by consent. (A3.5) * Approval of purchase of eight police sedan vehicles, using the State of Illinois bid, from Landmark Ford, Inc. (2400 Prairie Crossing Drive, Springfield, IL) for the Evanston Police Department at a cost of S178,692. Funding provided by Fleet Service Capital Fund. Item A3.5 approved by consent. (A3.6) * Approval of purchase of a 2006 Ford F250 pickup truck, using the State of Illinois bid, from Dennison Corporation (I508 Morrissey Drive, Bloomington, IL) for Evanston's Park, Forestry and Recreation Department at a cost of $18,488. Funding provided by Fleet Service Capital Fund. Item A3.6 approved by consent. (.A3.7) *Approval of purchase of a 2006 Ford F20 cargo van, using the State of Illinois bid, from Dennison Corporation (1508 Morrissey Drive, Bloomington, IL) for Evanston's Facilities Management Department at a cost of SI7,888. Funding provided by Fleet Service Capital Fund. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked for clarin, regarding the condition of the ► ehicles. Cathy Radek. Public Works, erpounded on request for purchase explaining hots, the undercarriage of the vehicles it -ear out. AN. Hobnes couldn't understand the numbers. Radek erplained the application is relevant to mileage. She gave eramples such as Park Rangers and their driving habits during work. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked if this truck ivould go on the auction list and how large is theJleet? Rfa_r Rubin. Director of Facilities .Management, and Radek responded, fleet AS PW Minutes March 13, 3006 Page 3 of 6 size is 15 trucks. Afar Rubin, Director of Facilities .tlanagement, explained that trucks are equipped according to their purpose. Radek expounded and gate more examples. Aid. Jean - Baptiste asked haw much monad• the cin• gets for auctioned vehicles. Radek: she sends reports stating quota. It's a little hard to tell, depending on condition of vehicle, gave a price range. Rubin added maintenance issues. Ald. Jean -Baptiste recalled a question raised by All. Rainey — what do the do with discarded equipment? Is an auction the best wqy to get a return on our investment? The local public might be interested Radek replied she ;could be more than happy to publicize auction. Item A3.7 is approved. (A3.8) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Pederson Construction Inc. (935 Holmes Avenue, Deerfield, IL) In the amount of $263,430 for the Eiden Park Renovations Project. Funding provided by Capital Improvement Program. Item A3. S approved by consent. (A3.9) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from R & W Clark Construction (1948 97"' Avenue, Mokena, IL) in the amount of $196,000 for the Monroe Tot Lot and Sargent Park Renovations Project. Funding provided by Capital Improvement Program. Item A3.9 approved by consent. (A3.10) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Bolder Contractors (440 Lake Cook Road Deerfield, IL) In the amount of 53,866,850 b for the 2006 Water Maln Improvement Contract A. Funding provided by CIP, Server, and Water Funds. Aid. Holmes is asking for clarity on the MlIV EIBIE details of the attached tnettto. Bobbie Tolston, Purchasing Director, explained the MIW EIB/E clause in detail covering who reviews the contract and ensures compliance. Ald. Holmes is asking will this contractor have some Evanston residents, minorities? Tolsion could not give an accurate answer at that time and reiterated Ald Holmes'question. Ald. Jean -Baptiste agrees with AU flointes about finding out what gender and ethnicity was hired if any for this contract. AId. Raines- feels the memo is cotttpletely inadequate and would like to halt] it until the committee receives more information. Tolsion asked Ald. Rainey what is the council requesting? .-tld. Raina i• referred her to look at previous memos. Item A3.10 was discussed and held. (A4.1) * Approval of Change Order # 8 for the Sherman Plaza Garage to W.E. O'Neill for S119,808, increasing the contract from 540,534,333 to 540,654,141. Funding provided by the Washington National TIF. Aid. Holmes initially requested iiem to be removed from consent agenda because of a high price line item. Mat Rubin crplained in detail. Ald. Rainer asked about the plumbing line item. afar Rubin crplained in detail. Ald Raine t, asked if xr take full responsibility for that, was that a design error? Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked if the city would get a refund for design errors at the enJ of the project. .tf zr Rubin stated see will to% There ~sill be discussion. Ald Jean -Baptiste asked that as the project is coming to a close, .Slur ss•ould provide the committee with a report. Aid. Raines- is asking for schematics. Rubin stated we did not spend the mono v an that. but he will try to get her something that will help. Item A4.1 approved A& PW Mkujea Mardi 13. 3008 page 4 of 6 (A4.2) * Approval of Change Order # 1 for the HN'AC Systems for the Service Center to Central Lakes Construction Company (749 Pinecrest Drive Prospect Heights, Illinois) for S16,350, increasing the contract from $795,878 to S812,228. Funding provided by CIP funds. AU Jean -Baptiste stated "As the work is -as being done, We discos Bred that there is -as not adequate separation hetsvcen the seater line. Hou, do ive not knobs, based on the photographs?" Rubin arplained the city didn't know until ss•e started digging. Ald Jean - Baptiste asked if uve had video capability, to detect things like this. Rubin insisted that while that assumption is true, distance cannot be determined Rubin explained there is a code to separate i ater and seiwr pipes. Ald Holmes was not clear on the location. Rubin cplained the location more clearly. Ald. Jean -Baptiste mentioned the reoccurring question that comes up x•ith change -orders, makes one wonder it -hat ss•cre the original bids, what were the differentials in bids. Rubin explained it vsauld not have mattered who the contractor etas. the error would hat-e been discorcred and would 've been a surprise to whomever the contractor +vas. Item , 4.2 approved. (A5) * Ordinance 42-0-06 4 Wev Ston at Clinton Place and Orrington Avenue Consideration of proposed Ordinance 42-0-06 amending Section 10-11-5, Schedule V (D) of the City Code, to establish a Four -Way Stop at Clinton Place and Orriugton Avenue. Item A5 approved by consent. 06) * Ordinance 41-0-06 — Loading Zone at 1815 Brown Avenue Consideration of proposed Ordinance 41-0-06 amending Section 10-11-7, Schedule NII (B) of the City Code of a loading zone at 1815 Brown Avenue for the disabled. Item A 6 approved by consent. (A7) * Ordinance 43-0-06 -- Increasing the number of Class C Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed Ordinance 43-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (C) of the City Code Increasing the number of Class C Liquor Licenses from twenty-one to twenty-two due to the addition of Trattoria D.O.C., dba Trattoria D.O.C. (706 Main Street, Evanston, IL). ,old. Rainy►• asked the restaurant mvner for details of restaurant just to learn more about it. lim A was discussed and approved (A8) * Ordinance 44-0-06 — Increasing the number of Class B Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed Ordinance 44-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (B) of the City Code increasing the number of Class B Liquor Licenses from thirteen to fourteen due to the addition of YJK Corp., dba Kansaku Restaurant (1514 Sherman Avenue. Evanston, IL). Ali. Rain.-►- asked far details of restaurant and mentioned the liquor ordinances, still it be a_-ractive to student_e, had he received the BASS1r IT training. and had he ever had a liquor license before. The owner of Kansaku explained. 147n .A8 was discussed and appro►-ed. IV. IMNIS FOR DISCUSSION A6 PW LWuAta March 13. 3008 Page 5 of 8 V. COMMUNICATIONS (APW1) Report on Taxicab Advisory Board The Chairman called for someone to respond to the report. No one responded to the Alderman's request. The meeting continued (APW2) Update on Hiring Firefighters Aid. Jean -Baptiste referred to statistics regarding hiring African -Americans and asked how is the Fire Department supporting diversin• when in ,ltarrh the Ftre Department hired seven Caucasian males? The Chairman sent a request to the City Afanagerfor an explanation. Bill Smith. Chairman of Civil Service Commission says the issue is really how do we get minorities in the door? .1fr. Smith mentioned testing results statistics listed in the report. Recruiting ►s its mentioned as a viable method to increasing hiring opportunities. Ald Jean -Baptiste stated, "11%en 1 was on the Civil Service Commission, it it -as the same question, how do ive reach that demographic? " It it -as liteAlderman's understanding that a process was put in place to do that. He wonders why it is still not happening, Bill Smith guarantees the Alderman is -ill see results. Bill mentioned that another problem is people come in and pick up applications and never return them. Conversation %ith union members might encourage follow-up calls on non -returned applications. Ald. Rorer asked what are the age ranges. Chief Berkowski responded ?I. In Chicago, 19 to apply. but 21 to perform the fob. Thcy allow sign-up at 19 because the list is long in Chicago. ALL Rainey suggested providing scholars. hips for education in returnfor becoming a fireman. like the array. Ald Jean -Baptiste recalled, "In the 60's and 70's when the doors started to crien up, we had a good number of.4frican-Americans firefighters coming through the dour. I don't know what has changed. Sinceyou have identified a greater proactivity svill result in bringing more people through the door, I don't know why sve haven't been doing that. Chief Berkowski explained that the city bean an aggressive recruiting eampazgn, twelve fire fighters participated, job fain, etc., but we had a small window. It has to be a constant, on- going recruitment effort. Since 2003, we hired 1 S fire fighters, ttvenfl, perrent or three of them tie -ere African -Americans. So it hasn 't been a ten. car period and its not high as ive would like it to be, I agree. but we are making the effort and ive it -ill con-:nue to make the effort. Steve Ready. Local 742 President of the Fire Fighters Association- .:nd fire fighter (nineteen years erperience. recruitment process for sir %-ears) feels the w role process needs to be revamped and looked at. He continued to soy after the applicant t,:.ir_S the urinen and physical ability, test, and then the applicant is placed on the list in cater,: - es. From this point all the +tiuv to the Civil Service Commission is where we should tuie a look After the category list, they have what is called the panel reyienr (S person fire der crrment personnel interviewing process). Steven Ready questions the panel's interviciving.i.clls. "It's more less if l like you or I don 't like you. That cuts it down. There's also the process of the background check. which is leitimare. file revitnv. and the Civil Service v--w-view. Now with the f le review. tine don't kmo:v %t hat they rt looking for that kicks a pti-rson out. 1 sat in on one Civil Service 1ntervie-w- Vie questions seem to be fair, hill then he hive people* judging based on the questions that they're asking and the answers ihey :, c given..4 lot of times that doesn't determine it hether or not a k.n• is going to become a,r". c tighter or not. " .old. Jean -Baptiste interrupted to say. "By now the applicant has gone through almost Avo years ofprocessing. " Steve continued, "That's c_Yacdy right. You also h,:.z to remember the 2003 list +c'as thrown out. There were some qualified candidates on tit.=: list that here hired by Chicago. " The former chief hired arbitrarily before there wereslats. Aid. Rainey asked if valid African -American applicants can be removedfrom the trail :octal process and get reassurance to move through process..41d. Holmes asked about tAe list being disposed of in 2003. Ald Holmes and Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked who throws out the list? A3 PW Minutes March 13.3d06 Page 6 of 6 Aiello offered explanation av to why fire 2003 list is -as discarded. Ald. Jean -Baptiste explained that he is looking for equity and does not want to label it of rmatiVe action. The statistics suggest discrimination. Aiello said the logic behind disposal of the 2003 and an}, innuendoes of discrimination need to he clarified. He ~rent on to suggest lira/ Aiello disclose resources to encourage minority, hiring. Ald. Rains} clarified her statements. Ald. Hansen asked for clarity- because the fire ffrEfghter that Steven talked about it -as in her ward. Ald. Hansen is also interested in the categories. VI. AD.IOUIL MENT Meeting adjourned at 6:50pm Respectfully submitted, Dolores Y. Cortez. Executive Assistant City Managers office A b PW Agenda March 27, 2006 Page t of 5 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2006 5:16P.Ni-5:54PM CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROO\I 2404 Members Present: Alderman Hansen. AU Holmes, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Alderman Wollin :liembers Absent: Staff Present: Judy Aiello, Chief Borkowski, John Burke, Pat Casey, David Cook, Dolores Y. Cortez, Paul D'Augustino, Doug Ga}zlor. David Jennings, Vincent Jones, Gavin Morgan, Elko Tober-Purze, Sat Nagar, Neal Ney, Cathy Radek, Max Rubin, Donna Spicuzza, David Stoneback. Bobbie ToIston, Others Present: Alderman Tisdahl Presiding: Ald. Jean -Baptiste. Chair, arrived at 5:22pm I. DECLARATION OF QUORUM With quorum present, Alderman Rainey called the meeting to order at 5:16pm IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING of March 13, 2006 "I. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA All items approved by consent received a vote of 5 — 0. (AI) ' City of Evanston Payroll through 03/23/06 $2,179,9".67 Item AI approved by consent. (A2) • City of Evanston Bills through 03130106 $3,164,%2.02 Item A2 approved by consent. (A3.1) ; Approval of cooperative maintenance agreement with EVNIark for downtown maintenance including funding a portion of a private contractor to provide enhanced maintenance and landscaping at a cost of S70,250. Funding is provided by Downtown TIF, Washington National TIF accounts, and General Fund. Item A3.1 approved by consent. PZV I of s (A3.2) * Approval of contract for Nagle Hartray Banker Kagan McKay Penney Architects Ltd. (30 W.1lonroe Street Chicago, IL) in the amount of S230,I48 for design development and preparation of construction documents, bidding and negotiating construction contracts, and construction oversigbt for the Library remodeling project. Funding provided by Capital Improvement Plan, grant from the Illinois State Library, and private fundraising. Item .33.2 of prone d by consent. (A33) * Approval of purchase of one (I) 2006 John Deere 644 J wheel loader using the federal Government Services Administration Bid Contract from West Side Tractor Sales Co., (1560 \. Old Rand Road, NN'auconda, IL) in the amount of S225,123.75. Funding provided by the Fleet Services account. Item .43.3 aFproved br consent. WA) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Super Trucking (4501 US Highway 12 Richmond, IL) in the amount of S110,550 for the furnishing and delivery of sandstone, and debris hauling services. Funding provided by the Water, Sewer, & Street Division accounts. Item A3.4 approved by consent. (A35) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Claws Brothers Inc. (360 W. Schaumburg Rd Streamwood, IL) In the amount of S633,805 for the Mason Park Phase II Renovation Project. Funding provided by an ID\RIOSLAD Grant, Capital Improvement Program, and CDBG funds. Item A3_5 appr~d by consent. (A3.6) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Bolder Contractors (440 Lake Cook Road Deerfield, IL) In the amount of S3,866.850 for the 2006 Water Main Improvement Contract A. Funding provided by Capital Improvement Program, Sewer. and Water Funds. This item was discussed and held In committee on 03/13/06. Ald. Jean-Baptis:r asked about job training. David Stoneback of the Mater &- Serer Division. replied :acre is no job training depending upon the length of the contract. Ald. Jean -Baptiste aske for confirmation on job training being a part of this project. David Stoneback repllec.? no, Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked committee members from a policy standpoint to comvrtt to hiring and training local people. 77te Chairman would like local contracts to take or the kind of pattern the seiner projects have and asked if it is possible to incorporate that in:o these large projects. Judy Aiello, Assistant Citr.%Ianager, responded that a reference to the .4 I IEBE has to take place to see if the city can legally do that. The A11WIEBE will give the committee some guidance as it relates to the laves. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked for conftrmas:on whether or not it was the .tit VEBE Committee responsible for the job training program the cin- has in the wiser program? Judi, Aiello stated that vs -as done so Page 2 of 5 long ago. she couldn't remember what is in the policy: Bobbie Tolston. Purchasing Manager, shared that part of the reason the emplo}ment piece was associated itith the sewer projects, is because the length of the project ivas for 10 years or more. She is not sure It had an; thing to do with the committee, it may have come from the IEP.4, she 11ill check !f it pleased the council, staff yvill require more direction from council regarding specific dollar amounts or project duration. The City anticipated this project to be six to eight weeks. That's not really a lot to time for someone. Ald Delores Holmes mentioned the MINVEBE criteria yens met because Llgyd Shepard said it was okm•. She inquired what that meant and how was that met? Bobbie Tolston referred to the bills response sheet. 23.1 % and named the contractor. Ald. Ann Rainey said the key here is to get tangible individuals. Judy Aiello let the committee knots, if there is a greater interest for local employment, then A AVIEBE needs to come back to this committee with suggestions. David Sioneback confirmed for the committee's clarity the three components of the serer project and it's target audiences: AVIVIEBE. Evanston small businesses, and the job training program_ They have not been used in any other contracts. Ald. Jean -Baptiste feels we need to move in that direction, either getting Ey anston firms or other firms that hire Evanston residents. He thinks that will make everyone feel better. Aiello reiterated the need to talk to the .'ifil EBE committee prior. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked if committee can mate that reference from this committee, then he is making that reference. "11'e need Evanston :o ben.7it from that investment. " Tolston asked for clarity, asking the committee if they it -anted staff to look at projects ywith a specific dollar amount or any project that the city funds. Ald Jean -Baptiste chose any project that the city funds adding that council would like to see Ewnsion residents be employed or use Evanston businesses. Finally the Chairman is looking far response from staff in thirty days. Ald. Ann Rainer asked about job training for the garage project. Mar Rubin. Director of Facilities Management. replied the cin, did require the contractor to hire Evanston residents, they had an open house, people came with their credentials and they hired as many as the}, could. Aid. Ann Rainey asked if council ever got a real report on it. old. Jean -Baptiste recalled council rviceiv d a report on it, it -as dissatisfied because the call for the job fair criteria teas stringent or unreasonable He asked for an update on what's going on with the Sherman Avenue project as it relates to the minorin, en playrnent. Ald. Ann Rainey asked for an explanation about the disparin, between the e'ngineer's estimate and the bids. The Alderman made references to Line 88. Line 1, Line 37. _ S. Dared Stoneback offered explanation from the contractor's vantage including instead of the contractor fronting the project, he gets it as he goes along. Aid. Delores Holmes noted :he dollar amount disparity. David Stoneback noted that working in Evanston has become a signit c int factor for engineers. He doesn't believe this contractor understood that. i ►ad:.ci height also plays a part with track routing. Item A3.3 approved by consent. (A4.1) • Approval of Change order #1 for changes made to the Rescue fire truck #345 for the Fire Department to Marion Body Works, Inc, (P. O. Box 500, Marion. R'1), in the amount of 511.110. increasing the contract from 543&409.00 to 5449519.00. Funding provided by Fleet Services Account. Item A4.1 approved by consent. (A5)' Resolution 16-R-06 Appointing a Director and an Alternate to SWA\CC Consideration of proposed resolution 16-R-06 to appoint Alderman Edmund B. Moran, Jr. as the City's Director on the Board of Directors and Julia A. Carroll, City Manager, as its Alternate Director. Item A.i approved by consent. Page 3of5 (A6) * Resolution 19-R-06 Youth Organization Umbrella Grant Authorization Consideration of proposed resolution 19-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to accept the grant from the Illinois Department of Human Services for funds for the Youth Organizations Umbrella (Y.O.U.). Pat Casey. Director of tianagement & Budget, explained details of grant as hest he could without the support of the Police Department to Ald. Jean -Baptiste. ,41d. Ann Rainc t- asked if they're going to be hiring people. Pat Casey promised the Police Department ,could get all the details to the committee- It was approved last summer, the cin- just the money a couple creeks ago. Ald Anjana Hansen offered clarity from previous ~cork erperience as a jurenile officer. she also explained funding and geographic parameters. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked if maybe at the near meeting people from Y.O.U. could attend and help the committee understand how Evanston is benefiting front this. Item A6 was motioned to move and remore t ff the consent agenda. (Passed but pulled off the consent) (A7) * Resolution 20-R-06 Authorizing the Clty Manager to Sign F'Y 2006 Save America's Treasurers Grant Avnlication Consideration of proposed resolution 20-11-06 authorizing the City Manager to sign a fiscal year 2006 grant application for the Save America's Treasurers Grant for renovations to the Mo fog signal buildings at Grosse Point Lighthouse. Item .t7 approved bY consent. (AS) * Ordinance 3143-06 Snecial Assessment 1484 Consideration of proposed Ordinance 31-0-06 by which the City Council would authorize the pacing of the alley north of coifax Street, east of Pioneer Road. Aid. Jean -Baptiste directly addressed Air. Jennings as having done a wonderful job. David Jennings listed the supporting statistics on his field research: 9-7. 100% return on this. Sent an e-mail to the aldermen, thcv are in favor of the paving. The showing of neighbors supporting the paving was emphatic and impressive. Eight block residents showed up and signed the comment sign-up sheet to show support. Item AS approved !n• consent. (A9) * Ordinance 3343-06 Stxeial Assessment 1481 Consideration of proposed Ordinance 33-0-06 by which the City Council would authorize the paving of the alley north of Jenks Street, east of Broadway avenue. Item A9 approved b:- consent. (A10) * Ordinance 34-0-06 SD"ial Assessment 1485 Consideration of proposed Ordinance 34-0-06 by which the City Council would authorize the paving of the alley north of Monroe Street, east of Ridge Avenue. Ald. Jean -Bar .roied noted this was another labor of lore hti- David Jennings. Director of Public Works. Evanstonians yards were flooding when it rained David Jennings went to homes and talked with the cid:ens to get input on paring the alley. Chairman thanked Jennings for his hard work Irem .-I10 approved in- consent. Pale 4 of $ (All) * Ordinance 35-"6 SDecial Assessment 1486 Consideration of proposed Ordinance 3543-06 by which the City Council would authorize the paving of the Alley north of Dempster Street, east of Fowler Avenue. Item all approved by consent. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. COMMUNICATIONS Ald. Rain*- asked about the Tati hoard. Gavin Morgan promised to ,get as many of the members of the advisory board as possible at the r4r meeting. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked Jzuh- Aiello not to make the agenda cumbersome to allow time for discussion. VI. ADJOURtiMENT :Meeting adjourned at 5:54 pm Respecttuiy submitted. Dolores Y. Cortez City ManaWs Office Par 5 ors A 6 PW Agenda April 11, 2M Pape 1 of 6 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TMINUTES TUESDAY, April 11, 2006 5:36 PM -- 6:41 PM CIVIC CENTER, 2I00 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 Members Present: Alderman Hansen. Aid. Holmes, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Alderman Wollin Members Absent: Staff Present: Judy Aiello, John Burke, Pat Casey, Rom C. Chmara, Dolores Y. Cortez, Paul D'Augustino, Doug Gaynor, David Jennings, Chief Kaminski, Kevin Lookis, Steve O'Connor. Dennis Marina, Gavin Morgan, Elke Tober-Purze. Mary Rodin, Rom C. Chmara, \tax Rubin, David Sloneback, Bobbie Tolston, Brad Yatube Others Present.. Julia A. Carroll Presiding: 1. lI. III. (AI) Aid. Hansen, Chair DECLARATION' OF QUORUM With quorum preseat, Alderman Hansen called the meeting to order at 5:36pm APPROVAL OF'.%MUTES OF REGULAR MEETING of March 27, 2006 ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA All items approved by consent received a rote of S -- 0. City of Evanston Payroll through 04/06/06 Item AI approved In, consent. Vote of S - 0. (A2) * City of Evanston Bills through 04/11/06 Item .42 approved by cr went. 1 ote of S — 0. S2,238,875.96 S3,914,417.72 (AM) *Approval of purchase from Suburban Tree Consortium (West Central Municipal ConE 1172 South Mannheim Road, Suite 102, Westchester, IL) for Approximately S70,000 for 350 trees, and the installation by a private contractor for 100 of them. City crews will plant the remaining 250 trees. Funding provided by Parl:slForestry general fund. Item .43.1 approved by consent. Tore of S -- 0. Pi£e 1 of 6 (A3.2) * Approval of purchase from L3-Mobile Vision (90 Fanny Road, Boonton, NJ) In the amount of S122,404 for twenty in -car video camera replacements for the Evanston Police Department. Funding provided by the Community Oriented Policing Services Grant, Police FY '06-07 budget, and the current camera maintenance contract. Minor question from Aid. Jean -Baptiste to Chief Kaminski. Chief Kaminski explained the current issues and operations with the present equipment. He erplained the fitnctions of the new cameras. He erplained wh}- thtl•'re needed. Ald. Jean -Baptiste is asking jar a press release acknowledging the act of recording to make the public ai are and possibly aid in behavior control. Ald. Wollin asked if all of the cars be equipped? The Chief responded that the supervisor cars and unmarked cars it -ill not be equipped, but most ofthe patrol cars will; would eventually like to be 1001/0. This is a pilot sample. GeM,3torn. Tech guyfor the Evanston Police Department it -as introduced by the Chief. Gerry explained the fteld of vision including ti+•hatever necessary manual control br the officer in response to Ald. ttolmes ' question. Ald. Rainey asked about the mic Gerry explainedfurther in response. Ald. Rainey asked about optional us: Are the officers obligated to use the camera? Gerry explained the different mit s the camera can be initiated. Ald. Rainey asked about the microphone. liforn responded. Ald. Rainey fall- supports the camera purchase and asked the fate of the old cameras. Chief Kaminski explained the current cameras are five 3-cars old and maintenance has become an issue. AId. Raine}• is interested in a personal introduction. The Chief has obligated to give a demo to the Council. Item A3.2 apprortq by consent. Vote of S - 0. (A33) * ApproV21 of proposal from MWH Americas, Inc. (370 Interlocken Blvd, Broomfield, CO) for engineering services for the %Vater Distribution 'Modeling Analysis in an amount not -to -exceed $38,800. Funding provided by the Water Fund. Item A3.3 approved by consent. fore of 3 - 0. (A4.1) * Approval of Change Order # 2 Fire Station \o.5 project Increasing OATH Associates (2401 Main Street Evanston, IL 60202) construction management contract by S57.800.00 from $156,760.00 to S214,560.00 for LEED commissioning services to be performed by Grumman/Butkus and Associates (820 Davis Street, Suite 300 Evanston, Illinois). Funding provided by the Capital Improvement Plan, possibly reimbursed from a Illinois Clean Energy grant (July, 2006 time frame). All. Rainey wants to see a press release to reinforce Evanston 's actions of being environmental!- conscious and promote a positive image of the city including mentioning the GrummaniButkzus d Associates Firm. Item A4.1 approved by consent. Vote of S - 0. Page 2 of 6 (AS) * Resolution 22-R-06- Prevail inir Wages for Public Works Protects Consideration of proposed Resolution 22-R-06, relating to the prevailing wages for Public Works Projects required by State statute. Item AS appro%-ed by consent. Tote of .i - 0. (A6) * Resolution 23-R-06- Lease Agreement with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago for the former Permalawn nronerty Consideration of proposed resolution 23-R-06 authorizing the CIty Manager to execute a lease agreement with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago for the former Permalawn property and the adjacent property referred to as North Shore Parcel 2.12 and 2.13. Ald. Holmes requested this item he rerrot•ed front the consent agenda and questioned what it -as going to be happening in the area. She mentioned having spent some time talking to Doug Gaynor (Director of Parks & Recreation) and Judy Aiello (Assistant Cit)-.1lanager) about it -hat `s actually going to go there. The parking lot diagram does not show a parking lot. Gaynor .said rhit that hasn't been worked out yet and they now need the space far staging, .411 oj'the details trill be worked out later. Aid. Holmes would like to be informed about it to make sure tt hat kind of parking lot is going to be prat there. She feels parking spaces are needed and if then are going to be for the businesses in the area then to want to make sure there are some fines and things attached to that. Ald. Raf-cy asked if.41d. Holmes had any idea how big the panting lot is going to he. Holmes explained the parameters as described by Gaynor: 35 - 45 spaces. Gaynor responded that they have started programming pretty heavily for ballparks, concerts and it -ill he discussing prot•ision r to control parking use. Ald. I 'ollin asked for confirmation of renra! fees being $10 a year? Holmes added if we put meters there. Gaynor explained that that's standard language in all leases. Item A approt•ed by consent. 1 •ote qfS - 0. (A7) * Resolution 24-R-06 - 2006 Motor Fuel Tax Resurfacing Program Consideration of proposed Resolution 24-R-06 by which the City Council would appropriate S1,200,000 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the 2006 Street Resurfacing Project. Item A approved by consent. rote c f 5 - t)_ (CIS) * Resolution 25-R-06 - 2006 Motor Fuel Tax for General Maintenance of Streets Consideration of proposed resolution 25-R-06 by which the City Council would appropriate S650,000 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds to finance the general maintenance of streets by City- forces. Item A approved by consent. Tote afS - 0. ftL=3&6 (A9) * Resolution 28-R-06 — Authorizing the Execution of an IDOT Agreement for ]wiQPs Para: Bike Path Protect Consideration of proposed resolution 28-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to enter Into an Agreement for Federal Funding with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the TAiggs Park Bike Path Project. Funding provided by S200,000 federal and S=0,000 CIP. Ald Holmes requested this item be removed from the consent agenda. .46andA9go together. After !tent A6 %vas discussed. Ald Holmes approved !tent A9. Item A9 approved bi• consent. rote of 5 - 0. (AI0) * Ordinance 54-0-06 Vacating a Portion of the East-West Allev.North of 415 Howard to Howard Station JV. LLC Consideration of Ordinance 54-0-06 for the vacation of the alley north of 415 Howard Street and the dedication of a portion of the eastern property at 415 Howard Street for a new alley. Item A10 approved hi- cor-cent. Tote of 5 - 0. (All) * Ordinance 5740-06 Executing an Easement Agreement with Howard Station for Footings at 415 Howard Street Consideration of Ordinance 57-0-06 authorizing the City Manager to execute an easement agreement with Howard Station LLC for footings (caisson Dells) at 415 Howard Street. Item A 11 approved by consent. rote of 5 - 0. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION (APWI) Report of the Energy Commission concerning Com Ed electric service reliability and franchise compliance at the mid point of the three year franchise agreement, which expires July 2007. Rudy Holt. Chairman. Bill Steigfried. Mike Rad:iewir_ introduced themselves as representatives of Com£dd Council and staff had a copy of the report Rudy read verbatim. The report contained statistics on Cara -Ed 's performance independent/}• and in comparison to other electricin• suppliers. Ald ii'ollin showed concern about the Library and discussed protocol it -lien the electrical goes aur. Alike explained that the problem doesn 't have to he ftxed before poster can be restored Bill added that a ComEd stgtTperson has to come out to the site. Mar Rubin (Director of Facilities Management) confirmed outages at the libran• it -ere at most ns•o hours. Julia Carroll Wit) - Manager) asked whether or not ConrEd was going to make an investment in automated technoloD•. ComEd's response it -as no. The• Ci{s•.Vanager it -anted to knoss- svlty not and arplained one of the premium advantages of automated switching technology is a reduction in outage time. Mike explained the costs of automated technology vs Pegs 4 of 6 overloaded capacities - Mike talked about downtown areas and explained what happens during a failed transformer. He explained the number of communities being seri•ed, the amount of money it would cost to invest in current technology. and finally the supply reserve. Mike said that ComEd does not have the money or availability to make the switch. Julia it -as cLo concerned about loads at 90% for one-third of the Evanston system Alike clarified that statistic was at the peak of the summer. Julia war+ed to know how far in advance are they planning for Evanston 's future growth. Mike responded ComEd has a five year plan. alike reslewed ComEd 's interactive process it ith the city through Dennis Afarino. Ald. Rainey feels Evanston is much improved and gave credit to the relative committees. (Report can be provided by request). (APW2) Report from the Taxicab Advisory Board Kevin Lookis (Collecto.r's Orrice) introdhtced Mike Decker, Sant McKinnlev, and other driers both public and industry. Mike Decker touched on all the matrers being discussed with the City. 77te ordinance hasn't been reviewed in some years. Coupons were an issue. T7te ordinance needs to be more responsive to the needs of the industry. Inspection me..hods for 140 taxis are on the list of concerns, along with privatizing and rate setting. Alt A'ollin asked where would she bring complaints? Alike responded either to Kevin or Steve. He suggested talking to the company before going to city staff. Ald. Rainey questioned the =tuber of cab companies. North Shore. Best, Better, 303, and ,1tagic Cab (legal issues pending for Magic Cab). The Alderman mentioned during the past weekend two horrible crimes took place in herward and asked ifthose were Evanston cabs? Alike hasn't heard anything ofcialh-. One was Evanston, one was a Chicago cab. Howard street is also a j:rip gfcab crime. Ald. Rainey wanted to know if the industn- is taking d:R'r action. Wally explained they tire always in contact with the police department and newer technolog- is making for quicker and more discreet calls for help. (i.e. panic buttons / emergence buttons.) AId - Jcan-Baptiste asked to what axtent are the companies interacting in rrving to get constructive criticism or are they just dealing from drn er to company. Mike explained who has been having meetings. He mentioned that the MPDA tar will effect cabs, not from Eransion ,-,urfronr Chicago. Ahl Rainey is asking to know it -hen the next nhetrrng is. The next meeting is Tuesday at 6pm. Aid. Jean -Baptiste is interested in capacity, licensing, are we serving the communin,. and ss•hat _c the competition. Page 5 Qr6. V. COMMUNICATIONS VI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:41pm Respectfully submitted. Dolores Y. Cortez City Manager's Office Page 6 of 6 A 3 PW Agenda Members Present: Members Absent: Page 1 d 4 April 24, 2006 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MO\DAY, APRIL 24, 2006 5:40 PINT - 6:35 P11 CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 Alderman Hansen, AId. Holmes, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Ald. Rainey, Alderman Wollin Staff Present: Judy Aiello, Jean Baucorn, John Burke, Chief Berkowski, Pat Casey. Dolores Y. Cortez, Suzette Eggleston. Doug Gaynor, David Jennings, Keen Lookis, Gavin Morgan, Elke Purse, Cathy Radek, Max Rubin, Donna Spicuzza, Ellen Syxmanski. David Stoneback, Brad Yatube, Others Present: Alderman'risdahl' Presiding: Alderman Hansen I. DECLARATION OF QUORU1%1 With quorum present, Alderman Hansen called the meeting to order at 5:40pm II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR SIEETING of April 11, 2006 III. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA Aid. Hanscn requested a consent agenda. (AI) * City of Evanston Payroll through 04/20/06 $2,136,457.03 Item AI approved by consent. rote of 5- 0. (A2) * City of Evanston Bills through W-15,106 S3,783.839.02.4Td. Rainey kad a question regarding the April pgrment to First BaselFisher Alentorial pro- rated pcj�ymcnt. Why are lire paying April in April? Donna Spicu=a (Housing Planner) respondzd. "We start the pa►anent at the beginning of the year. That's the way the schedule was dra-wn up. " Ald. Rain; y said pa►intents should be month1v not in chunks. 5picut a responde2 that she manages the Families in Transition program and lice did it that bray last time bec&zuse thev're an agency but lice can chang: that. We do get reports from them and meet iviih the agency people monthly. " Ald. Rainer made it clear how she would like to see future m:.whlr pat"ments made Staff gairtd clarin• on providing the committee with quarterly re oris tor pai-nents made in the rogrJm_ Aid. Rainey mentioned Fleenvood Jordain CD�G. The .alderman referred to Sally Lujlin telling Fleetwood Jordain there was adel_donal cooney lets in a cd account. Fleerivathl doesn't have a cd account. The committee granted 110k to Fleet►cood Jordon. There is no slush fund for Fleencood or ant•bodi,- rise. 77 a committee needs to be aLA-ised of when there is an additional payment. Ad. Ra-hscr it -as not apprteiative of the statt-ment h.v Lulkin. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked .Sfax Rubin (Director of Facilities Management) for a little more explanation about details ivith the change-order..1lax explained lichen the change order comes lip, We ask if there are suf dfen. contin enc-y funds to corer it and ga­i�e tramples. Ald. Hansen feels that any "1eJi over monies should be returned to the committee. Ald. Jean -Baptiste scants to draft a 1 Please note a convcban on the minutes: AM. Tlsdahl was Inn ialty recorded as absent. the was in fact In attendance. t apologbe for this error. It has been corrected upon posting. Dotam I: Come., Frey A»t A 3 PW Agenda Pape 2 d 4 April 24. 2006 process to prevent further incidents. Judi .Mello (.assistant City Manager) explained sometimes time is of the essence when an unforeseen repair is discovered during construction and gaffe an example. Aid. Rainer suggests we go to the cin"s contingency funds. Aid. Holmes asked about a ss•eapons reimbursement on page S and is-ho is Fontana Leadership oat page 2? Judy .Bello explained to Aid. Holmes that Fontana is a consultant for Fire ci Police. Item A2 approved by consent Vote of S — 0. (AM) *Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from G.T. Mechanical (15729 S. Anuico Drive. Homer Glen, IL) in the =mount of $128,970 for the Civic Center fluid cooling tower. Funding prodded by the Capital Improvement Plan and Civic Center Account. Item A3.1 approved by consent Vote of S — 0. (A3.2) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Municipal Sewer Services, (1400 NN'. Carroll Avenue, Chicago, IL) In the amount of $159480 for the 2006 sewer maintenance contract. Funding provided by the Sewer Fund. Item A3.2 approved by consent. rote of 5 — 0. (A3.3) * Approval of professional services contract with Central Parking System (1 N. LaSalle, Suite 1650, Chicago, IL) to manage and operate the Sherman Plaza, Maple Avenue and Church Street parking facilities for an Initial 3-year period from May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2009 with two optional 1-year renewals, for a not -to -exceed cost of $2,:56,000 for the first year of the contract. Funding provided by TIF and the Parking Fund. Aid. Holmes is still unclear on x-hat Atll EBE contains. Monterc�' is the near security contract and represents a trust majority, of exceeded .4t{i EBE requirement. David Jennings (Director of Public 1I orks) explained the oven•iew of the contract and introduced the Regional Manager and the Manager of the Church street. and a representative named Paul. The Regional Afanager explained x-ho ,ltontert-v is_ Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked for an employee count. Paul responded there it!// be ten once the facility• is opened. There it -as a correction made of 15 — 20. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked that of them that are working. how math are Evanston residents? No one can ansiver. Aid. Jean -Baptiste Trent on to ask about the reference to "preference to Evanston residents " and asked it -hat the process is. 771e Regional Manager promised Montert-v would meet and into n-ie w and be given the opportuniti, to apphy. if everti•one could no: he retained, the open positions would first be posted localty then outside the area if there is cis rat enough response. Aldt Jean Baptiste asked it .ttonteren• ivouldgive a job fair. The Regional Manager assumed .Ilonterey wouldgive a joh fair. Aid. Jean -Baptiste would like ro he kept updated on job fair stars and points ojadvertising. Aid. Rainey asked what the qualrircations are to he a Mantereti• guard. The Regional Manager listed the qualifications and the positions are both full and part -rime. 77je Regional Manager stated that staff is unioni=ed.' and that otTers joh stabilin• throughout this transition. Item A3.3 approved bP consent { ore of 5 — 0. (A3.4) • Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from R. W. Clark Construction (19418 South 97" Avenue.11okena, IL) In the amount of S66,000 for the brick wall repair/replacement at the Municipal Service Center. Funding provided by the Capital Improvement Program. Aid. Rains}, questioned the change order and all other construction issues. Cathl• Radek (Fleet Services Superintendent) explained the construction of the it -all and the accident. She explained repair options. Jennings offered further explanation. Radek explained the snow it -as ivet and could've added iveight. .% tax Ruhin reminded the committee that sometimes accepting the lowest bidder sometimes buys us inadequate work. Judy Aiello and Uar Rubin explained the committee that there is a one Year standard warranty on construction. Aid. A a aw Agm a Page 3 of 4 April 24. 2ooa Jean -Baptiste inquired why ive are not hiring the 49.7k contractor. He asked why are ive going svith the 66k instead of the 49L Radek explained the bid from Alaster Project Inc. was non -responsive even after Bobbie Tolston (Purchasing)attcmpted to reach them. The bid was submitted, but they did not attend the mandaton, meeting. Kcwin Lookis (Revenue Manager) explained that the meetings are mandatory because otherfacts are disclosed and discussed at that time that factor into the final bid aiv rd. The criterion state if the bidder jails to appear at the meeting. the bid will be rejected. Judy Aiello explained the consequences of not staying within the RFP guidelines. Ald. Jean -Baptiste wants to know if we're losing money based on bid criteria. Judi. Aiello reminded the committee that the city has treated contractors differently and ended up in court losing law suits. Ald. Mollin noted our attempt to reach the company. Aiello offered the council a report from Bobbie Tolston on procedure. Ald. Jean - Baptiste is interested Ald. Rainer suggested a request for proposal for fire sake of leniency on cases where there are two options. Item A3.4 approved by consent. Vore of S — 0. (A4.1) * Approval of Change Order # 1 to the G.E. Riddiford Roofing Company (2333 Hamilton Road, Arlington Heights IL) contract for the Fleetwood-Jourdain Center to Improve roof drainage and unanticipated masonry repair work, Increasing the contract by $22,482. from SI10.329 to S132,811. Funding provided by CDBG. Item.44.1 was approved by consent Votr of 5-0 (A4.2) * Approval of Change Order # 1 to the G.E. Riddiford Roofing Company (2333 Hamilton Rd., Arlington Heights IL) contract for the Municipal Service Center roof project, increasing the contract by S34,319.70 from $663,619 to $697,937.70. Funding provided by the Capital Improvement Plan. Item A4.1 was approved by consent, fate of s-a (A4.3) * Approval of Change Order 0 9 to the W.E. O'Neil (2751 N. Clybourn Ave. Chicago, IL) Construction contract for the Sherman Plaza Garage for various Items, increasing the contract by $12,264 from S40,654,141 to S40,666,405. Funding provided by the NVashington National TIF. Item A4 3 was approved by consent. Vote of S-0. (AS) *Resolution 29-R-06 NIPSTA Membership Consideration of proposed resolution 29-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to enter Into an agreement Kith the Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy (NIPSTA) (2300 Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, IL) to purchase a membersbip for the Fire & Public Works Departments in the annual amount of $25,732. Funding provided by the Fire Department budget. Ald_ Holmes wondered why the Police Dept. wasn't included. Aiello spoke on the Chiefs behalf. "The Chieffeli after review that the membership is not as beneficial to them as it is to the Fire Department. - Item As was approved by consent. Vote of S-0. (A6) * Resolution 30-R-06 Lease for League of WomenVoters Consideration of proposed resolution 30-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to enter Into a lease agreement for lease of space In the Civic Center to the League of Women Voters, 2100 Ridge Avenue, Evanston Illinois, Room 1030. Off the initial consent agenda because some committee members are members of the League of Women Voter (Ald_ Chen-1 iiollin. Ald Delores Holmes, and Ald Anjana Hansen). This item Kill go to Council %ith no recommendation. A 3 PW Agenda Page 4 at 4 April 24, 2005 3 recused (Wollin Holmes and Hansen) 2 sated yes (Baptiste Rainey). (A7) * Ordinance 61-0-06 — Increase in the Number of Class B Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance 61-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (B) of the City Code increasing the number of Class B Liquor Licenses from fourteen to fifteen due to the addition of La Petit Amelia Bistro and Nine Bar L.L.C. doing business as Amelia Bistro and Wine Bar, 618 Church Street, Evanston, Illinois 60201. Aid. Rainey referred to the minutes and asked Pat Casth about the clause "inspect the storage area. " Casrn• erplained inspecting the storage area seas to prevent liquor theft. A representative of the restaurant confirmed same. Item A was approved by consent. Vote of 3-0. (AS) * Ordinance 62-0-06 — loading Zone at 127 Custer Ave Consideration of proposed ordinance 62-0-06 recommending approval of a loading zone at 127 Custer Ave, 7:00 AN1 to 6:00 Ptii, Monday through Friday, In front of the daycare facility. Item A8 was approved by consent. tote of 5--0. (A9) * Ordinance 63-0-06—Three-«'av Sion at Grant Street and Dodge Avenue Consideration of proposed ordinance 6340-06, amending the City Code to establish a three-way stop at the Intersection of Grant Street and Dodge Avenue. Item A was approved by consent. rote of 5-0. (A10) *Ordinance 64-0-06 — Permanent Four-Wav Stop at Forest Avenue and Hamilton Street Consideration of proposed ordinance 644-06, amending the City Code to establish a permanent four-way stop at the intersection of Forest Avenue and Hamilton Street. Item A10 was approved by consent. Vote of 5-0. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. CO'i11UNICATIONS VI. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Dolores Y. Cortez please note a correction an the minutes: Aid. Tisdahl was initially recorded as absent, she was In fact in attendance. l apologize for this error. It has been corrected upon posting. A a PW Agenda Pape t of 4 May &. 2006 ADMINISTRATION & PLBLIC NVORKS COM.NIITTEE MINUTES 110NDAY, MAY 8, 2006 5: 36 P31— 6:14 P51 CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 Members Present: Alderman Hansen arrived at 5:52pm, Aid. Holmes, Alderman Wollin, Aid. Jean -Baptiste. Aid- Rainey arrived at 5:46pm Members Absent: Staff Present: Chief Berkow•sky, John Burke, Dolores Cortez, Paul D'Augustino, Suzette Eggleston, Doug Cra)mor, Susan Guderly, Vincent Jones, Dennis Marino, Sat Nagar, Elke Purze, David Stonebeck, Bobbie Tolston, Brad Yatube Others Present: Aid. Tisdahl Presiding. Aid. Jean -Baptiste then Alderman Hansen 1. DECLARATION OF QUORU.%1 With quorum present. Alderman Hansen called the meeting to order at 5.36 pm it. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING of April 24, 2006 Aid. NVollin noted Tisdahl marked present, make change. III. ffEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA Aid. Jean -Baptiste requested item by item consideration until the Chairman arrives. (A1) * City of Evanston Payroll through 05/04/06 $2,144,922.91 Irim AI was approveI Tote of 3 — 0. (A2) * City of Evanston Bills through 05/09/06 S2,833,972.48 Aid- fiollin had billing questions about Erecudre Search and tuition reimbursement, JudrAiello 64sst. Citt•,kfanager) explained both. All. Wollin asked about an eight -hundred dollar mattress jar the Illinois Department of Corrections (pg. S) Aiello promised to get more concrete info. Jud}, Aiello in conjunction whh Vincent Jones responded to the SHAAIC question. Item .42 was approved. Tote of 3 — 0- (A3.1) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from DNB Construction Company (714 North Nlicbigan Avenue Villa Park, IL) for the 2006 \1FT Stint Resurfacing Project in the amount of S1,082,480.10. Funding provided by Motor Fuel Tax Funds Item -U I was approved Tote of 3 — 0. A 3 a1v Agenda Page 2 of a May 0. 2008 (A3 2) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Pedersen Construction Inc. (936 Holmes Avenue, Deerfield, IL 60015) in the amount of S38,310 for the Chandler Center entry renovation project. Funding provided by Capital Improvement Program (S50,000). Item A3.2 was approved. Vote of 3 - 0. (AM) *Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from KGI Landscaping (P.O. Box 265, Skokie IL) in the amount of S48,384 for the Green Bay Road landscape maintenance project. Funding provided by General Fund. Ald. Holmes erpressed concerned about appearance. Paul D'Augustino (Superintendent of Parks) explained there is no additional aesthetics planned, purely replacement and maintenance. Ald llolmes wants it to look like the neighborhoods north of Noyes. Doug Ga}-nor (Director of ParkslForesitylRecreation) responded it's the same snuff e-rcept for maybe the slope. Holmes has a question about quality and quantity. Jolly A promised to investigate and return with a response. Irollin asked if this is the same company that has been doing this all along? Gaynor responded yes. Judy a rplained the nerd jar a change order if an upgrade request is submitted and granted Gaynor suggested meeting with the.11dermen on site to discuss addition to maintenance agreement. Item 43.3 was approved Vote of 3 - 0. (AM) 'Approval of prequaliflcation of four (4) architectural and urban design service consultants in the West Evanston TIF area: Farr Associates (53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 650, Chicago, IL), JR, LLC (30 West Monroe, Suite 1010, Chicago, IL), Yas Architecture (1603 Orrington Avenue, Suite 1000, Evanston, IL), and the Lakota Group (212 West Kinzie Street, 3" u Floor, Chicago, IL). Ald. Jean -Baptiste noted the error of defined perimeters in the TIF area and asked about the nert phase. 77rc Assistant City Manager. Judy Aiello responded fully to Ald. Jean -Baptiste including a dale for the first meeting. Holmes noted the change in the second map that seas passed out this evening. Item A3.4 was approved rote of 3 - 0. (A4.1) * Approval of Change Order # 1 to the Joel Kennedy Constructing Corp., (40 Noll Street, Waukegan, IL) contract for the Colfax / Bryant Storm Sewer Project decreasing the contract by S60,905.32 from S2,505,461.50 to S2,444,556.18. Funding provided by the Sesser Reserve account. Patrick -McDonough. 1010 Colrar (speaker) lives on the eastern end of the block (Speaker A'arrative) The western quarter of the block. the curhs svere shaved and the blocks is -ere widened. 77te problem is the rest of the block varies in width. lVe got nessr asphalt five years ago. Council interrupted because what Patrick it -as explaining didn '1 make sense. It it -as noted ttr Davies Stoneback (Assistant Superintendent of Operations) that Patrick ma's, he referencing item 4. 2.Council made the decision to postpone speaker until the next item. Agenda hem A4.1: Ald. Raine►' asked about the chain of events that lead up to this change order. David Stoneback arplained the changes. Ald. Rainey asked if we received the credit before or after the collapse. Stoneback erplained there was no n•ay toftnd stntctural discrepancies until e-rcavaling and how it -hat it -as discovered had to be replaced on an emergency basis. Aid. Rainey asked if sre is -ere hating situations that ►ve didn't A & PW Agenda Pape 3 of i May S. 2006 home before and what kind ofotrrsight that's being provided that could've prevented this? Stoneback explained it is old construction done 100}ears ago. Ald. Jean - Baptiste asked if tine had blueprints for the old construction. Stoneback explained a sever atlas is available, no blueprints from 100 years ago. Item A4.1 has approved rote of 4 - 0. Baptiste turned over chair responsibilities to Aid. Hansen upon her arrival at 5:52pm. (A4.2) * Approval of Change Order N 2 to the Joel Kennedy Constructing Corp., (40 Noll Street, Waukegan, IL) contract for the proposed widening of Colfax Street and Grant Street from the current project limits to Ridge Avenue Increasing the contract by S125,546 from S2,444,556.18 to S2,570,152.18. Funding provided by the Capltal Improvement Program. Patrick quickly reviewed for AId. Hansen what he had spoke of during Agenda Item 4.1. He feels the cite is wasting money by making corrections. John Burke (Director of Trace Engineering) responded: recalling the presentation and measurements, referencing the Bract area the speaker it -as talking about as well. John mentioned hating worked ivith Fire Department to determine standardized, publicly safe, measurements. He explained the 600ft would be reconstructed to match other measurements. Burke clarified specifically is -hat the change order deals tivith. Ald. Rainey gave an e-rarnple where she and another alderman witnessed afire truck haying to back down a block be he couldn 't get through. She feels it is worth the mone}- for emergency vehicles to be able to navigate on a city block The Chairperson (41d. Hansen) directed Fire Chief .4lan Berkotvsky to speak to issue. Aid. Rainey asked if everyone on 1itr. McDonald s block opposes corrective street widening. Tisdahl said she received three phone calls opposing. Ald. Rainey asked the Chief to call each person. Burke gave results of survey taken in January - of the 66% return rate, 24% said no. McDonald explained his neighbor became ill and an ambulance and fire truck it -ere able to respond For the record, the measure of tolerance is so miniscule: it's a isaste of tar payers' money. Ale! Hansen asked if an had been out to measure the curbs. Dave Stoneback agreed Patrick's measurements might he accurate. AL Tsdahl supports the Chiej's position. 23'9 -is not enough. 24'- 26' is city axle. The street should be widened. Item A4.2 has approved tote of 5 - 0. (AS) * Resolution 34-R-06 - Reimbursement Resolution for 2006 GO Bonds Consideration of proposed Resolution 34-R-06 by which the City Council would authorize that any payments made relating to FY2007 CIP projects would be reimbursed by the subsequent General Obligation (G.O.) bond issuance. The issuance of the 2006 G.O. Bonds is atpected to take place in July 2006. Ald Rainey asked when are we going to get a presentation on the bonds, etc. Judy Aiello responded next Monday at 6pm. CIP tit -ill be included. Item A5 h-as approved Vote of 5 - 0. A a PW Agenda Page d or 4 May 8, 2005 IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. COM ENICATIONS VI. ADJOURN-MENT 6:I4pm Respectfully submitted. Dolores Y. Cortez A d PW AgWAB Pape 1 of 5 May 22. 2006 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS CO\1`IITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, NtAY 22, 2006 5:41 PSi — 6:30 PM CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 :Members Present: Alderman Hansen, Alderman Holmes, Alderman Wollin, Alderman Jean - Baptiste Members Absent. Alderman Rainey Staff Present: Judy Aiello, John Burke, Pat Casey, Dolores Y. Cortez, Paul D'Augustino, Michael Despres, Bob Dornecker, Doug Gaynor, David Jennings, Regina Lookis, Gavin Morgan. Sat Nagar, Commander Niellson. Mary Rodino, David Stoneback, Cathy Radek, Max Rubin. Judy Witt, Brad Yatabe Others Present: Presiding: Alderman Hansen 1. DECLARATION OF QUORUIT With quorum present, Alderman Hansen called the meeting to order at 5:41pm IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING or May 8, 2006 Aid. Hansen noted an inaccuracy in the minutes of May 8, 2006 as follows: Ald. Hansen opened the meeting. That is incorrect. Aid. Baptiste chaired until Chairman Hansen arrived. Correction was noted and minutes were unanimously approved. III. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUSCIL AGENDA Aid. Hansen asked for Consent agenda. All items approved by consent received a vote of 4 — 0. (A1) * City of Evanston Payroll through 05/18/06 S 2,165,738.36 (A2) * City of Evanston Bills through 05/23106 S 4,082,707.38 The Chairman reviewed Bills Ust. Wd. Wollin and Ald. Holmes had a question about where Mokena was referencing the Lunch program. Max Rubin reviewed his Sherman Avenue segment. Item A2 approved by consent. Vole of 4 — 0. (A3.1) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from D' Land Construction Company (600 S. County Line Road, #11N Bensen011e, IL) In the amount of S427,968.14 for the 2066 Block Curb & Sidewalk Replacement Project Including Oakton Street sidewalk and sidewalk - replacement around the schools. Funding provided by GO Bond Funds & CDBG Funds. Item A3.1 approved by consenL Vote of 4 — 0. A to PW Agenda Page 2 of 5 May 22. 2008 (A3.2) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from D' Land Construction Company (600 S. County Line Road, #IN Bensenville, IL) in the amount of S144, 036.43 for the 2006 50/50 Sidev+alk & Curb Replacement Funding provided by GO Bond Funds & Private Funds. Item A3.2 approved by consent. Vote of 4 — 0. (A3.3) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from A. Lamp Concrete Contractors (800 W. Irving Park Road, Schaumburg, IL) in the amount of S 152,207 for the 2006 ADA Ramps Program (Accessible Ramps). Funding provided by CDBG Funds. teem A3.3 approved by consent. Vote of 4 — 0. (AM) Approval of proposal from Doyle & Associates (8W S. Wells, Chicago, IL) in the amount of S184.500 for Phase Two Architectural Services for the proposed expansion of the Filter Maintenance Shop and the Administration Office area at the Water Treatment Facility. Funding provided by the Water Fund. Item A3.4 approved by consent. Vote of 4 — 0. (A3.5) * approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Lunch at Hand (19450 97th Ave. Mokena,1160448) for the 2006 Summer Food Program, in an amount not -to -exceed $73,402. Funding provided by a Federal Government reimbursement program and the balance by the General Fund. Item A3.5 approved by consent. Vote of 4 — 0. (A3.6) Approval of purchase for one (1) backhoe/loader from West Side Tractor Sales Co., (1560 N. Old Rand Road, Wauconda, IL) in the amount of S81,123.75 from the General Services Administration bid contract for the Parks/Forestry and Recreation Department, Parks/Forestry Division. Funding provided by the Fleet Services account. Item A3.6 approved by consent. Vote of 4 — 0. (A3.7) * Approval of purchase for one (1) backhoe/loader from West Side Tractor Sales Co., (1560 N. Old Rand Road, Wauconda. IL) in the amount of S98,373.75 from the General Services Administration bid contract for the Public NVorks Department, Street Division. Funding provided by the Fleet Services account. t;em A3.7 approved by consent. Vote of 4 — 0. (A3.8) * Approval of purchase of two (2) 2006 Ford F 350 trucks with utility bodies using the State of Illinois contract from Dennison Corporation (1508 Morrissey Drive. Bloomington, IL) in the amount of S76,697 from the State of Illinois bid contract for the Public Works Department, Water Meter Division. Funding provided by the Fleet Services account. Item A3.8 approved by consent. Vote of 4 — 0. A & PW Agenda Pape 3 cf 5 May 22. 2006 (A3.9) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Prairie International Trucks, Inc (401 South Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, IL) in the amount of S84,025 for a tandem axle truck with grappler for the Parks/Forestry and Recreation Department, Parks/Forestry Division. Funding provided by the Fleet Services account. Item A3.9 approved by consent. Vole of 4 -- 0. (A3.10)* Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Tyler Lane Construction (4200 West Victoria Street, Chicago, IL) In the amount of S315,232 for the Door Replacement and Window Painting Project for the Municipal Service Center. Funding provided by Capital Improvement Program. Item A3.10 approved by consent. Vote of 4 — 0. (A3.11)* Approval of a proposal from Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. (9400 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, INIO.) for engineering services not -to - exceed $26,200 for a Valuation of the Water Works Properties. Funding provided by the Water Fund. Item A3. I i approved by consent. Vote of — 0. (A3.12)* Approval of request for additional police service funds in the amount of S108,420 to address Brummel Park, Downtown Evanston. and the annual Summer Plan. Funding provided by the General Fund and Downtown TIF. Md. Jean -Baptiste asked for this item to be removed from the consent agenda. Ald. Jean - Baptiste highlighted details of the supportirg memo and addressed each segment where the additional police service funds are to be used. He wanted to know what we are doing on Dempster and Dodge, Dewey, Monroe, and Madison, and Cleveland, What are we doing on Fowler, Lake, and Church? Aid. Jean -Baptiste felt these areas are historically problematic. He wanted to know if there was a plan the council is unaware of. Deputy Chief Nilsson mentioned that there are locations nat will be addressed that are not itemized in the memo such as James Park, 1700 McDaniel. the lakefronts, the art festival, Custer Fair Street Festival. Brummel is a trouble area. Nilsson said they are reorganizing and using staff resources for community outreach and upon aldermanic requests, units are deployed based on those requests. He included bloat zJub party requests are responded to including bar sweeps and curfew sweeps. The Brumrnel Park plan will be under review the first month to measure effectiveness. The Police Department is attempting to come up with strategies through community outreach. They are conducting drug raids. The Department realizes that other areas are problematic as ine summer continues which is the reason for the request. A lot has changed over thirty ss:a years such as an increase in population and economic development The warm weather and long nights will keep the Department busy. They will be able to respond with extra cars. Deputy Chief Nilsson promised a monthly review of the program. Ald. Jean -Baptiste aaareciates the thinking and the planning, but he also thinks we need to expand the thinking. 1, lot of us are anticipating a lot of issues. If we could get the same kind of consideration a;oiied to other problem areas. The Alderman questions whether or not other areas and wards are getting the same kind of attention. He would like to broaden the thinking beyond t; w police department. The extra police will help but we need to move in a way to help minirnze the negative distractions kids can get into. He is asking Deputy Chief Nilsson to come Dark with a better more expanded plan with a greater proactive kind of planning for greater. areas. The Aldermen want something to take back to their constituents that will give there. a sense of safety. Deputy Chief Nilsson reiterated the concept of time plan, gave statstics regarding the number of police cars by the high school, mentioned the ripple effect as problems seem to travel to localized areas that A a PW Ayert" Page 4 of 5 16fay 22. 2006 they're keeping track of the movement. Evanston Police Department's plan was to get ahead of the Brummel Park issue, control it prior to the summer, set the tone and be able to use cars in other locations. Judy Aiello promised to include the Summer Plan documentation in this Friday's packet. Md. Hansen chimed in with the need for hardcopy that contains a plan and supported Ald. Baptiste's request. Aid. Holmes, part of not only in Brummel Park area, is something that's happening all over the community. The kids have no where to go and going home may not be answer. Aid. Holmes felt that something needs to be done about that Maybe that's an area that police could ask for help from the clergy, or recreation. There's not always places for them to go or things for them to do. Ald. Wollin agrees. Some of the recreation programs could be highlighted so they could have something to do. Ald. W ollin is also requesting a plan on paper. She would like to move approval on this item so we can get it started, but would also like to see the plan. Md. Holmes recalled the police department being fully staffed. Deputy Chief Nilsson clarified opened positions and why they're opened. They are technically down 1G% in sick and leave of absence. Ak#_ Jean -Baptiste asked Doug Gaynor (Director of Parks, Recreation, and Forestry) what was the plan on recreation this summer. Gaynor, responded that pretty much the city's progra:rs are down, the parks close at 11pm. Gaynor stressed that as long as the teenagers are la•.+r!ul, there's no problem with them being there. That's what the park Is for. He tried opening Crown Center from 10 -- Midnight, but nobody came out. Gaynor mentioned other recreational programs opening this summer that will be supported with police presence. Aid. Holmes asked about basketball courts that only have basketball rims and why was that? Gaynor responded that sometimes it's by community request. The Three Court design is probabty more of the city is going to see. Aid. Hansen asked how will the two additional cars be assigned? in response to the Alderman's inquiry, Deputy Chief Nilsson will come on at night at 8:15p on assignment as needed, otherwise there will be one officer per car for a total of two cars. Aid. Hansen asked about Northwestern University assistance. Deputy Chief Nilsson stated the Northwestern University police aids often and will come when called. Item A3.12 was considered and approved. Vote of 4 — 0. (A3.13)* Approval of a sole source contract with Jennifer Spaulding for ME Edwards/Oracle Support Services In an annual amount not -to -exceed $79,950. (Requires a vote of 6 alderman for passage). Funding provided by Capital Improvement Program Fund. Alderman Holmes asked for this item to be removed from the consent agenda. She questioned her (Jennifer's) nnotvation to leave Oracle. Pat Casey explained she was willing to leave Oracle to work for the city, less travel, and money are the incentives. Pat shared her willingness to came on board. He specified she's contracted with no benefits. In the long term the department is going to have to reevaluate their staffing needs at that point. Judy Aiello mentioned the Virchow Krause report and the emphasis on technology. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked how large is our Information Technolgy staff. Pat Casey replied twelve. Aid. Jean -Baptiste felt that is significant growth. Pal Casey responded it's been about eight years. We've went from four to twelve and we're straining with the twelve. We're starting to see things we can't respond to as quickly. We're doing okay but wed like to do better. A more educated staff is maximizing use of technology products and more support is needed. A:d. Hansen needed clarity on Jennifer's purpose. Pat said we're not looking solely at her_ Aid, Hansen is concerned about her leaving before her contract is up. Casey explained ana is put: ng in a bid for more assistance over the next ten years. item A3.12 was considered and approved. Voted 4-0 A & PW Age-48 Pape 5 of 5 May 22. 2006 (A5) * Resolution 33-R-06 Intergovernmental Agreement with Ridgeville Park District Consideration of proposed resolution 33-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to sign an intergovernmental agreement with Ridgeville Park District providing for the City to operate Its summer food program on Ridgeville Park District land at Elks Park, and to locate a trailer thereon for that purpose. Item A approved by consent Vote of 4 — 0. (A6) * Resolution 37-R-06 The Seventh Annual Ricky Bvrdsong Memorial 5k Race Consideration of proposed Resolution 37-R-06 authorizing the Ricky Byrdsong Foundation to close a portion of Sheridan Road from Lincoln Street to Forest Avenue for their annual 5k race on Sunda•, June 18, 2006. Item A approved by consent. Vote of 4 — 0. (A7) * Ordinance 67-0-06 - Ridge Avenue Jurisdictional Transfer Consideration of proposed Ordinance 6743-06 authorizing the transfer of jurisdiction over Ridge Avenue (from Lyons Street to Howard Street) from the Illinois Department of Transportation to the City of Evanston. Item A7 approved by consent. Vote of 4 -- 0. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. CONINIU`ICATIONS VI. ADJOURN`IEti'T at 6:30pm Respectfully submitted, Dolores Y. Cortez ' A PW Aft Page 1 of 5 June 12. 2008 1 r ADNfEgSTRATIOti' &PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2006 5:10PAi — 6:36PM CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 IJi(;i. -C/1 i'?;ltil:Erl i, 'i'- i µ iJE!i: � :'G`}-ti•. -,-,Members Present:: Alderman Hansm Aid. Holmes, Aid. Wollin,-Ald. Rainey,;;,j Md- Jean -Baptists , e Members Absent: Staff Present: John Burke, Julia Carroll, Pat Casey, David Cook, Dolores Y. Cortez, Suzette Eggleston. Doug Gaynor, Susan Guderly, Herb Hill, David Jennings, Vicxeai Jones, Regina Lookis, Gavin Morgan, Mary Morris. Leslie Murphy, Elke Purze, Cathy Radek, Mary Rodino, Max Rubin, Jean Speyer, David Stoneback, Donna Stuckert, Bobbie Tolston. James Wolinski, Brad Yatube € ;Others Present:,, i i , Mayor Mortar, Aid. B«nstcin, Aid. Tisdahl Presiding: Alderman Hans= I. DECLARATION OF QUORUM With quorum present, Aiderrna i Hansen called the'meetlrig to older at 5:10pm € `T'= r II. i i .: i =' : 'APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING of May 22; 2006 .A,"Irit'1l III. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA Aid. Hansen asked for Consent agenda. All items approved by consent received a vote of 5 — 0. (Al) * City of Evanston Payroll through 06/011N ' $2,178,603.78 (A2) * City of Evanston Bills through 06/13106 S 2,604,241.33 (A3.1)* Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Working CIass Uniforms (9525 South Cicero Avenue, Oak Lawn,1L) In the amount of $132,088.30 for work clothing. Funding provided by the Municipal Service Center Clothing account. Mayor Morton asked for an explanation of the contract amount and questioned distribution of clothing. Cathy Radek (Superintendent of Fleet Services) explained the yearly amount and that the dollar amount listed covers three years. She described clothing by item/cost. She explained the process of distribution. The Mayor asked about equipment that is left over or wom out. Radek explamed what happens to damaged clothing and noted that the Supervisor Is notified. This is the second order from this vendor and they have proved to be very effective as the current provider. The Mayor asked if uniforms met Union specifications. A ✓t< PW Agenda Page 3 a[ 5 June 12. 2005 also. Leslie explained it is 180 days (as opposed to three months). Ald. Bemstein feels the City is in a vulnerable position if Enterprise should withdraw within the contracted time frame. The Enterprise Representative explained that they are a long term tenant, normally their F;.. leases are very long. Ald. Rainey wants more of an explanation why the clause is such a benefit to the City. David Cook (Assistant Director of Facilities Management) added when the lease was negotiated, the money will be retumed In amortization. Herb Hill (First Assistant Corporation Counsel) stated that if the Council would like the City to renegotiate, then they will. He explained his understanding of the lease. Ald. Rainey would like to confer with Aid. Bernstein and more carefully review the lease. Aid. Wollin asked fellow committee members it rr for a satisfactory time frame in a five year lease? David Jennings confirmed for Ald. Jean - Baptiste that the Parking Committee was involved and did not agree to the three month opt out. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked staff what does the City perceive the loss to be and were there any other bidders? David Jennings responded. Aid. Jean -Baptiste also asked what Is the Impact if Enterprise withdraws, David Jennings (Public Works Director) explained the City would benefit from the build -out as the space is currently unimproved. Aid. Jean -Baptiste supports the negotiation but would defer to Aid. Rainey if she would like to examine the t . contract more closely. A three-month escape clause is unacceptable if the City Is not desperate to lease the space. Ald. Bernstein admitted to skimming the contract and the three- month pull-out clause stood out. Aid. Bernstein asked if for the Request For Proposals, did the City go out to see who wanted the space. David Jennings and David Cook responded explaining the bidders and their dispositions. Aid. Rainey asked who was doing the negotiation on behatf of the City. Julia Carroll responded Judy Aiello and David Cook. Aid. Rainey requested to Hold this item. Ald. Jean-Baptisle seconded it. Aid. Rainey made it clear that her goal would be to extend the pull-oW clause and to understand the contract, not defeat it Item Ai was held In Committee del Z06. (AS) * Resolution 45-R-06 Snace in the Public ParikineGarage at the Northeast Corner of Davis Street and Benson Street Consideration of resolution 45-R-06 authorizing the City Stanager to enter into a license agreement with Sherman Plea Partners, LLC for two -hundred square feet of space in the second floor of the public parking garage located on the northeast corner of Davis Street and Benson Street. AidWollin questioned what retail store would use this space. Herbert Hill explained this is for White Hen, but it Is space In the parking garage. A license that +null run concurrently with the lease, Md. Rainey will ZBA be involved. James Wolinski explained White Hen would have to meet all appropriate development requirements. Item A8 approved 5-0 (A9) * Ordinance 46-0-06 Decrease in the number of Class D Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance 46-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (D) of the City Code decreasing the number of Class D liquor licenses from twenty-four to twenty-three due to a technical correction. Item Ag approved 5-+0 '(A10)* Ordinance 5ii-0-06 Svecialt-v Wine Stores Consideration of proposed ordinance 58-0-06 adding a new section 3-5-6 (Y) of the City Code of the City of Evanston to the Alcoholic Liquor Regulations to create the Class Y liquor license class authorizing the retail sale of vine only in a specialty wine shop. Item A10 approved 5-0 A b PW Agenda Page 2 of 5 Jens 12. 2006 Radek responded, yes, some of the Union members are part of the decision making process. The Mayor then asked how many employees the City buys clothing for. Cathy Radek responded most employees that are represented by AFSCME. Item A 3.1 was considered and approved 5 - 0. (A3.2)*Approval of proposal from Farr Associates in the amount of $144,984.40, including reimbursable costs, for architectural and design services for Sub Areas I and 2 in the West Evanston TIF. Additionally, $18,000 for a market feasibility study by Valerie S. Kretchmer & Associates, subconsultant to Farr Associates, for Sub Areas 14 of this TIF area. Funding provided by the Economic Development Fund to be refunded by the West Evanston TIF when Increment is available. Ald. Hansen asked this item to be removed from the consent list. Council would like to Hold it and asked about any pending deadtires or time frames relating to the agenda item. James Wolinski (Director of Community Development) explained time frames. Item not included with the City Council packet on Friday. Item A3.2 was hold in Committee 6/1ZW. (A4) * Resolution 40-R-06 Grant Anpiicstion for Emission Reduction Program Consideration of proposed resolution 40-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to sign it grant application through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a program that reduces emissions through improved greenhouse gas management and clean energy programs. Item A4 approved 5 - 0 (AS) * Resolution 41-R-06 Adam Perry Park Renovations Consideration of proposed resolution 41-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to sign the resolution of authorization for an Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant application for renovations to Adam Perry Park. Ald Wollin would like to see the address for the parks listed on the Agenda Summary Item. Item A5 approved 5.0. (A6) *Resolution 43-R-06 Traffic Signal Nlodernization at Central Street, Ashland Avenue and Asbury Avenue Consideration of proposed resolution 43-11-06 by which the City Council would appropriate S 380,000 of hlotor Fuel Tax Funds for traffic signal improvements at Central Street 1 Ashland Avenue and Central Street 1 Asbury Avenue. Item A6 approved 5 - 0. (A7) * Resolution 44-R-06 Enterprise Car Rental Space Lease Agreement in the Manle Avenue Garage Consideration of resolution 44-R-06 authorizing the City 141anager to execute a lease with Enterprise Leasing Company for the rental of a portion of the first Poor retail and parking spaces in the 1%laple Avenue Garage. Aid. Wollin asked about the Enterprise sign, is it bright or Slashing? Enterprise Representative responded it's an internally illuminated sign, it will not be flashy or intrusive. A1d. Bernstein noted the three month drop out dause and asked why we negotiated that? Sandy Sassano from Enterprise Car Rental responded. She explained that the project Is costing Enterprise $200.000 — a large sum of money. Leslie Murphy (Consultant) responded ON • • • A 8 PW Agenda Page 3 of 5 June 12, 2006 M • also. Leslie explained it is 180 days (as opposed to three months). Aid. Bernstein feels the City is in a vulnerable position if Enterprise should withdraw within the contracted time frame. The Enterprise Representative explained that they are a long term tenant, normally their leases are very long. Ald. Rainey wants more of an explanation why the clause is such a benefit to the City. David Cook (Assistant Director of Facilities Management) added when the lease was negotiated, the money will be returned in amortization. Herb Hill (First Assistant Corporation Counsel) stated that if the Council would like the City to renegotiate, then they will. He explained his understanding of the lease. Ald. Rainey would like to confer with Md. Bernstein and more carefully review the lease. Aid. Wollin asked fellow committee members „ for a satisfactory time frame in a five year lease? David Jennings confirmed for Ald. Jean - Baptiste that the Parking Committee was involved and did not agree to the three month opt - out. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked staff what does the City perceive the loss to be and were there any other bidders? David Jennings responded. Aid. Jean -Baptiste also asked what is the Impact if Enterprise withdraws, David Jennings (Public Works Director) explained the City would benefit from the build -out as the space is currently unimproved. Ald. Jean -Baptiste supports the negotiation but would defer to Ald. Rainey if she would like to examine the .. contract more closely. A three-month escape clause is unacceptable if the City is not T desperate to lease the space. Ald. Bernstein admitted to skimming the contract and the three- month pull-out clause stood out. Ald. Bernstein asked if for the Request For Proposals, did ' c the City go out to see who wanted the space. David Jennings and David Cook responded explaining the bidders and their dispositions. Aid. Rainey asked who was doing the negotiation on behalf of the City. Julia Carroll responded Judy Aiello and David Cook. Ald. Rainey requested to Hold this item. Aid. Jean -Baptiste seconded it. Aid. Rainey made It clear that her goal would be to extend the pull-out clause and to understand the contract, not defeat it Item AT was held in Committee 6/12(0. • l{A$) *Resolution 45-11-06 Space in the Public Parking CArrae at the Northeast Corner of Davis Street and Benson Street Consideration of resolution 45-R-06 authorizing the City Asanager to enter into a license agreement with Sherman Plaza Partners, LLC for two -hundred square feet of space in the second floor of the public parking garage located on the northeast corner of Davis Street and Benson Street. Ald. Wollin questioned what retail store would use this space. Herbert Hill explained this is for White Hen, but it is space in the parking garage. A license that will run concurrently with the lease. Ald. Rainey will ZSA be involved. James Wolinski explained White Hen would have to meet al11 appropriate development requirements. Item A8 approved 5-0 (A9) * Ordinance 46-0-06 Decrease in the number of Class D Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance 46-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (D) of the City Code decreasing the number of Class D liquor licenses from twenty-four to twenty-three due to a technical correction. Item A9 approved 5-0 (A10)* Ordinance 58-0-06 Specialty Wine Stores Consideration of proposed ordinance 5&-046 adding a new section 3-5-6 (Y) of the City Code of the City of Evanston to the Alcohoflc Liquor Regulations to create the Class Y liquor license class authorizing the retail sale of wine only In . a specialty wine shop. Item A10 approved 5-0 A a Pw Agenda Page 4 or 5 Jum 12. 2000 (All) * Ordinance 66-0-06 Revise Water Rates Structures , Consideration of proposed ordinance 66-0-06 which revises the water rate structure, allocating the costs to the various users based on the user's demand on the water system and the volume of water used. Item AI I approved 5-0 (Al2) * Ordinance 70-0-06— Four-Wav Stop at Pioneer Road and Grant Street Consideration of proposed ordinance 70-0-06, by which the City Council would amend Section 10-11-5 Schedule V (D) of the City Code to establish a four-way stop at Pioneer Road and Grant Street. Item Al2 approved 5-0 (A13) * Ordinance 7I-0-06 —Three-Wav StOP at Pioneer Road and Colfax Street Consideration of proposed ordinance 71-0-06, by which the City Council would amend Section 10-11-5 Schedule V (C) of the City Code to establish a three-way stop at Pioneer Road and Colfax Street. Item A13 approved 5-0 (A14) * Ordinance 73-0-06 — Providing for the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds Consideration of proposed ordinance 73-0-06 providing for the issuance of the annual CIP bond issue, Series 2006, consisting of $10.5 million In GO bonds. . Item A14 approved 5-0 j" (A1S) * Ordinance 74-0-06 Increase in the number of Class C Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance 74-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (C) of the City Code increasing the number of Class C liquor licenses from twenty- two to twenty-three due to the addition of Addis Abeba, Inc. doing business as Addis Abeba,1322 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Aid. Rainey asked that this item be removed from consent, she would like to know why they dosed. The owners explained they couldn't afford the lease costs after the increase. They were in business for fifteen years. Ald. Jean -Baptiste complimented the restaurant's cuisine. Item A15 approved 5-0 (A16) * Ordinance 75-0-06 Regulation of Standing or Parked Idling Diesel Powered Motor Vechicies Consideration of proposed ordinance 75-0-06 limiting the idling of standing or parked diesel vehicles over 8,000 lbs. gross weight to five minutes In any sixty minute period. Ald. Rainey asked if all vehicles over 8k lbs diesel? Brad Yatube (Staff Attorney) responded that he followed the state ordinance and drafted an ordinance to get It to the committee for discussion. Md. Rainey feels it should be all vehicles idling over five minutes. Brad feels Ald. Rainey request can be met_ Ald. Rainey wanted to know if council could still Introduce this Item at the next committee meeting. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked what class of vehicles is over 8k. Brad Yatube responded, the size of buses, construction vehicles, and coach buses. Cathy A & PW Agenda Pape 5 d 5 Jurm 12.2006 Radek explained there are eight classes of vehicles detailing several classes and giving examples. Julia Carroll asked Aid. Rainey for daMy on her revisions and action request for the next committee meeting. Ald. Rainey wants a vehicle over 8k to be ticketed no matter what it is. Radek explained it's emission not the size of the vehicle and explained industry principles. Aid. Rainey wants the revised ordinance Introduced next council meeting. David Jennings would like to recommend one more change: escalating fines. Aid. Rainey asked what Gass ticket I is. David Jennings clarified the class to be a parking ticket. Aid. Rainey discussed adjudication. Brad Yatube added he had a chance to review examples and asked Council to take a closer look at it Council will Introduce tonight. Item A16 was held in Committee 6I12AX IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION (APW1) Art at the Farmer: Market Emily asked the Committee to approve a pilot program for people living In Evanston: showcasing their artwork- Aid. Holmes had a marketing question. Emily referred to mailing lists. Aid. Rainey asked the City Manager how is this being authorized. Doug Gaynor explained options for moving forward. If they would like to do an amendment we have until the fall to do so. Aid. Rainey suggested a resolution. V. COMMUNICATIONS VI. ADJOURNMENT 6:36pm • Respectfully submitted. 4b&OV.S . eA Dolores Y. Cortez 0 s A & PW Minutes Members Present: `fembers Absent:. Noe 1 of 4 June 26, 2006 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC (WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, JUKE 26, 2006 5:42PNI — 6:30PINI CIVIC CEITER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 Alderman Holmes, Aid. Wollin, Aid Hansen, Aid. Rainey, Aid. Jean - Baptiste Staff Present: John Burke, Pat Casey, Rom Chmara, David Cook, Dolores Y. Cortez, Bob Domecker, Su-n Guderly, David Jennings, Vincent Jones, Sat Nagar, Elke Purze, Cathy Radek, Mary Rodino, Max Rubin. Bobbie Tolston, James Wolinski. Brad Yatube, Others Present: Presiding: Alderman Hansen I. DECLARATION OF QUORUINI With quorum present, Alderman Hansen tailed the meeting to order at 5:42pm IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR 51EETING of June 12, 2006 Minutes were approved. Ald. Wollin suggested including speaker's coTRIete name referencing the Item fcr Discussion from committee meeting of June 12 . (Emily Guthrie — Farmers Market) III. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA Ald. Hansen asked far a Consent agenda. All items marked with an asterisk approved by Consent agenda. (A1) * City of Evanston Payroll through 06115/06 S2,205,156.21 (A2) *city of Evanston Bills through 06/27/06 S3,716,518.00 (A3.1)* Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from McCauley Mechanical (8787 S. 78th Ave_ Bridgeview, IL) in an amount not -to -exceed S14,975 for maintenance of the heating and cooling systems at the Robert Crown Community Center and Ice Rink. Funding provided by the Robert Crown Ice Rink Budget Item A3.1 was approved 5-a (A3.2)* Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Hecker & Company Inc. (250 Industrial Lane, Wheeling, IL) In an amount not -to -exceed S327,888.50 for the Traffic Signal Upgrade project at Central/Ashland Avenue & Central/Asbury Avenue. Funding provided by MFT & CIP Funds. A ✓f PIN Wmutes Page 2 of s June 26, 2006 Ald. Holmes requested removal from the Consent agenda_ Aid. Holmes is requesting clarity or more information regarding MWIEBE. Bobbie Tolston (Purchasing Director) responded by explaining the criteria and what is meant by meeting requirements, she detailed the process. Md. Holmes questioned Evanston business and resident particiaation.Why do they qualify, what makes them meet the EBE requirements? John Burke (Drector of Transportation/Engineering) referred to the memo an the back page under 'Recommendation` explaining the type of company, it is not required by the City of Evanston to learn of the ethnicity of minority firms. Tolston explained that it is illegal to make such inquiries. Ald. Rainey asked why couldn't the City of Evanston certify minority businesses? Tolston explained the City does not have enough staff to address inquiries of such nature. Ald. Rainey questioned the ambiguity in minority qualifications and feels the City would have more control if the City were given the ability to qualify minority businesses as minority businesses. Ald. Jean -Baptiste feels that the information prov-,Ced has never been enough. Md. Jean -Baptiste shared some ideas about how the company could send their information, He would like to see in additional text what the problems are of not using Evanston -based businesses. Tolston gave examples and general statistics of wtuat she has seen regarding Evanston based business participation regarding bids. Tolston explained how the City announces bids and how the City includes Evanston -based businesses. Aid. Jean -Baptiste strongly feels that the issue needs to be examined more closely. Tolston expressed how there has been an increase in Evanston's minority businesses. Ald. Rainey would like the business directory by category again. It will go in the next packet. Max Rubin (Director of Facilities Management) included that there has been aid. Elke Plume (Assistant Corporate Counsel) gave examples of the Bristol projects. After discussion, Item A3.2 was approved 5-0. (A33)* Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Texor Petroleum Company (3340 South Harlem, Riverside,1L) for a period of six months beginning July 1, 2006, on an as needed basis for an amount not -to -exceed S325,000 for gas and diesel fuel. Funding provided by Fleet Services account. Aid. Rainey requested removal from the Consent agenda. Ald. Rainey asked if there were any other inquiries. The accepted bid ([Northwest Municipal Conference) bid is higher than the average price. Cathy Radek (Superintendent of Fleet Services) explained that would be their price and delivery costs, she went further to explain logic and the seven cents difference. Ald. Rainey reiterated her question of whether or not city staff made other inquiries or did they go straight to Northwest Municipal Conference. Cathy Radek replied yes. David Jennings (Director of Public Works) explained the 'spot buying" process and compared it to tine current method. David Jennings explained that this is the City's first time and volunteered a follaw-up report on whether or not this mew od is successful. Radek explained safety measures. After discussion. Item 3.3 was approved 5-0. (A3.4)* Approval of proposal from Farr associates in the amount of S147,580, Including reimbursable costs, for architectural and design services for Sub Areas I and 2 in the %%'est Evanston TIF area. Included in this cost is S18,000 for a market feasibility study for Sub Areas 14 conducted by Valerie S. Kretchmer & Associates, sub -consultant to Farr Associates. Funding provided by the Economic Development Fund to be reimbursed by the NN'est Evanston TIF when increment is avallable. A & PW Knutes Pape 3 of 4 June 26. 2006 A1d. Jean -Baptiste requested removal from the Consent agenda. He asked for the expected time table on community participation and what was the discussion. Jim Wolinski (Director of Community Development) explained the City might not get the final report until October 2006, which would put the department past the deadline Moratorium period. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked about citizen acknowledgement and environment. Jim addressed both. Aid. Rainey asked if the product we're looking for is a road map for development for the TIF area? Jim responded the product is a master plan and detailed everything that it covers. Aid. Jean - Baptiste strongly encouraged broad community discussion. After discussion, Item 3.4 was approved 5-0. (A3.5)* Approval of proposal from JJR, LLC in the amount of S119,464, plus S12,300 In estimated reimbursable costs, for architectural and design services for Sub Area 3 in the West Evanston TIF area. Funding provided by the Economic Development. Fund to be reimbursed by the West Evanston TIF when increment Is available. Aid. Jean -Baptiste requested removal in conjunction with item A3.4. The alderman requested an amended total of S 131, 764. After discussion, Item A3,5 was approved 5-0. (A3.6)* Approval of proposal from Skidmoore, Omings, & Merrill in the amount of S25,000 for Civic Center programming ser-Oces. Funding provided by the Civic Center Projects Account. Item A3.6 was approved 5.0. (A4.1)* Approval of Change Order# 10, Increasing the W.E. O'Neil (►VEO) Sherman Plaza Garage Construction contract by $124,736 from S40,666,405 to S40,791,141 for the attached list of Ilne Items #009 through #060. Funding provided by the Washington National TIF. Item A4.1 was approved 5-0. (A5) * Resolution 31-R-06 Tiered Anoroach Corrective Action-Obiective Agreement 1 with Shell Oil Consideration of resolution 31-R-06 authorizing the City3lanager to enter a Tiered Approach Corrective Action Agreement smith Shell Oil (1201 Chicago Avenue). Aid. Rainey requested removal. Ald. Rainey wanted to know more about this. David Jennings responded and confirmed that the City is free of liability. After discussion, Item A was approved 5-0. (A6) * Resolution 47-R-06 for Pilot Art Program at the Farmer's `tarket Consideration of resolution 47-11-06 authorizing the "Homegrown Artists" Pilot Program at the Evanston Farmer's .Niarket. Item A6 was approved 5-0. (A15) * Resolution 48-R-06 - Ahatin* Property Taxes related to Series 1994 Taxable Bonds in the amount of S1.850.000 Consideration of resolution 48-R-06 abating the property taxes related to the Series 1994 taxable bond Issue. Four abatements were processed last fall (September 2005) and one was omitted. This abatement must be received by the County by June 30, 2006. Item A15 was approved 5-0. A 3 PW haufts Papa 4 of 4 June 28. 2D08 IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. COS NWNICATIO\S VI. ADJOURIINIE.\T 6:30pm Respectfully subrrutted. Dolores Y. Cortez A a PW Minutes Pape i of 3 June 28, 2006 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS CONI.%1rTTEE MINUTES MON'DAY, JU LY 10, 2006 5:46 PINI — 6:18P.N1 CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROO5I 2404 Allembers Present: Alderman Hansen, Alderman Holmes, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Aid. wollin Members Absent: Chief A. Berkowsky, Pat Casey, David Cook, Dolores Y. Cortez, Rajeev Dahal, Paul D'Augustino, Doug Gaynor, David Jennings,Vincent Jones, Gavin Morgan, Elke Purze, Sat Nagar, Mary Rodino, Bobbie Tolston Staff Present: Others Present: Presiding: Alderman Hansen I. DECLARATION OF QUORUM With quorum present. Alderman Hansen called the meeting to order at 5:46 pm H. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR AIEETING of June 26, 2006 Minutes were approved. Ill. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON"COUNCIL AGENDA Aid. Hansen asked for a Consent agenda. Ail items marked with an asterisk approved by Consent agenda. (AI) * City of Evanston Payroll through 0710&'06 S2,437,236.12 (A2) * aty or Evanston Hills through 07/11/06 S3,143,626.22 (A3.1) *Approval of professional services contract is the amount of $116,595 from Bauer Latoza Studio (2241 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois) for the Ladd Arboretum Master Plan Project. Funding provided by the City's Capital Improvement Plan. Item A3,1 was approved 5-0. (A3.2) *Approval of professional services contract from Hi -Liter Grapbics, (700 Blsckharrk Drive, Burlington, WI) In an amount not -to -exceed S60,000 for the printing and mail preparation for four issues of the Arts + Recreation Magazine. Funding provided by Parks/Forestr.v and Recreation Department's Communications and Marketing Services. Aid. Wollin asked if the vendor is using recyclable paper. Doug Gaynor (Director of Parks-Torestry g Recreation) committed to respersding tomorrow. Aid. Rainey requested staff respond to Aid. Wollin's inquiry tonight. Gaynor's response: It was not required in the contract and reminded Council if the item was not approved or held tonight, staff would have to re -bid. A a Pw Minutes Page 2 of 3 June 26. 2006 Doug added the quality of the paper wocJd not be sacrificed. Ald. Wollin wants a clause to include recycling from this point forward in printing contracts. After discussion, Item A3.2 was approved 5-0. (AM) * Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from King's Point General Cement Inc. (920 County Line Road, Bensenville, IL) In an amount not -to -exceed S1,177,656 for the 2006 Alley Paring Program. Funding provided by GO bond funds, CDBG funds and homeor+ners through the special assessment process. Item A3.3 was approved 5-0. WA) *Appmval of a contract amendment for Total Building Services (340 Bennet Road, Eli: Grove N'iliage, IL) in the amount of SI,650.00 monthly and S19,800 annually for janitorial services at the Municipal Service Center. Funding provided by the Service Center Budget. Aid. Hansen requested this item be removed from the consent agenda. Aid. Hansen wanted to know what the previous costs were with the last contractor. Vincent Jones (Assistant to the City Manager) responded with last years' cost amount. Aid. Rainey asked if there were any issues with the previous contractor. Tolston responded some were happy and some were not. David Cook listed the locations and nat they were doing a good job. After discussion, Item A3.4 was approved 5-0. (A4) * Approval of IDOT Change Order #1 increasing the Hometown Electric, Inc., Ridge Avenue Traffic Signal Project by S877,958.88 from SI,860,67I30 to S2,738,630.18 to reactivate construction. Funding provided by CMAQ (S474,317.76) and CIP (5403,641.12). Aid. Jean -Baptiste and Aid. Rainey requested this item be removed from the oonsent agenda. Aid. Rainey is confused on the language and dollar amounts as she shared what her understanding is. David Jennings (Director of Public Works) confirmed Aid. Rainey's assumptions. Aid. Baptiste asked David if that satisfies the neighbors. David confirmed yes and explained the designs, mentioned what the state standard was, gave Ald. Baptiste history on the contract (1D6 process). He continued to explain the reason for the amounts of money, with whom, and what work would be done. David announced to the committee of upcoming change orders for engineering to build. Rajeev Dahal (Traffice Engineer) explained what may occur during construction. Aid. Rainey requested a map of endangered dutch elm trees before construction begins. After discussion, Item A4 was approved 5-0. (A5) *Resolution 49-11-06 Annlication for the SAFER Fire Grant Consideration of resolution 49-R-06 acknowledging the application of the "Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency- Responses (SAFER) Grant.- The application provides for five years of funding at different levels. Ald. Wollin requested this item be removec from consent agenda. Ald. Wollin asked for an explanation of the salary. Chief Berkowsky (Fire Chief) gave salary numbers per fire fighter. Aid. Holmes asked what happens after the five years. Chief Berkowsky replied that retention must be for one year beyond the grant allocated five. After that there is no obligation. AM. Holmes is asked about union obligation. The Chief explained the authority management has to manipulate staff. Pat Casey (Director of Finance) confirmed Council's suspicions: the City is responsible for maintaining staff after the grant period. Chief Berkowsky explained that the only commitment tonight is to apply for the grant. After discussion, hem A5 was approved 5-0_ A 3 PW Minutes Pape 3 of 3 Jwa 26.2006 (A6) * Ordinance 76-0-06 increase in the number of Class D Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance amending Section 3-5-6 (D) of the City Code to increase the number of Class D Liquor Licenses from 23 to 24 due to the addition of New Sushi Arignto Japanese Restaurant, Inc. dba as New Sushi Arigato Japanese Restaurant 822 Clark Street Evanston. IL 60201. Aid. Rainey requested this item be removed from consent agenda. Aid. Rainey asked if the City can make BASSETT training a requirement to attain a liquor license. Casey responded affitmativey, and explained to the alderman how staff would have to bring it back as an ordinance. Casey added that it has been done in other places. Ald. Rainey is asking for future applicants to complete BASSETT before a license is obtained. Casey will approach council with an amendment to the ordinance. After discussion, HemA6 was approved 5-0. (A7) • Ordinance 77-"6 Increase In the number of Ctacs C Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance amending Section 3-5-6 (C) of the City Code to Increase the number of Class D Liquor Licenses from 23 to 24 due to the addition of Paya Pichai, Inc dba as S-Paragon 503 Main Street Evanston, IL 60202. Aid. Rainey requested this item be removed from consent agenda. Ald. Wollin asked if they had another restaurant was already established in Evanston and the location. One of the owners responded with the address. Ald. Rainey asked about S-Paragon having Meted BASSETT training. Casey stated when staff comes back to council, it will be determined who has competed BASSETT training. After discussion, !tern A was approved 5-0. IV. 1TENIS FOR DISCUSSION V. C ON D WN ICAT IONS VI. ADJOURNMENT 6: 18pm Respectfully submitted, Dolores Y. Cortez A 3 PW Nfnutes Page t at 4 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES \10NDAY, Ji; LY 24, 2006 5:36 P.NI — 7:00 PINI CIVIC CEN-TER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, R001I 2404 Members Present: Alderman Holmes, AId. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Aid. Wollin July 24, 2006 Members Absent: Alderman Hansen Staff Present: Judy Aiello, John Burke, Pat Casey, David Cook, Rajeev Dahl, Paul D'Augustino, Bob Dornaker. Chief Ron Gannon, Doug Gaynor, Chief Sam Hunter. David Jennings, Vincent Jones, Gavin Morgan, Sal Nagar, Neal Ney. Elke Purze, Tracey Roberts, Mary Rodino, Max Rubin, Donna Spicuzza, Bobbie Tolston, Asst. Chief %XgWen. dike Wheeler. Brad Yatube, Allison Zelms Others Present: Aid. Moran Presiding: Alderman Jean -Baptiste I. DECLARATION OF QUORUM With quorum present. Alderman Jean -Baptiste called the meeting to order at 5:36 pm It. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING of July 10, 2006 Minutes were approved. III. STAFF PRESENTATION (Doug Ga)mmor, Director of Forestry/Parks & Recreation and Mich=] Wheeler. l=inancc)WebTrae On-line Computer Registration for Parks, Forestry and Recreation IV. IT£NIS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked for a Consent agenda_ AN items marked with an asterisk apprmed by Consent agenda. (Al) * City of Evanston Payroll through 07/13/06 S 2,430,105.45 (A2) * City of Evanston Bills through 07I25M S 4,448,104.17 Ald. Rainey asked to have Item A2 removed from the consent list Aid. Rainey had quest-3ns about fine item: Evanston Westside Cit�zen. Bettye Palmer of the Evanston Westside Citizen District Council responded to Ald. Rainey's questions. There was an agreement for the committee to receive a regular report, but there have been no reports submitted. Aid. Jean -Baptiste added there has been no update or notificaticcm on work being done. The Housing and Community Development Act Committee needs to get a status report from the organization before any more CDBG funds are approved for this project (1817 Church - Btark American Heritage House.) The organization needs to provide plans and drawings for the rehab with a description of their objectives for rehab and use of the building. Ald. Jean -Baptiste and Aid. Rainey are A 3 PW lames Page 2 of 4 J4 24, 2006 suggesting a special meeting to ascertain a complete update on project in order to move forward consistent with city code and ethics. Ald. Rainey would like to approve the $8,754.52 today and hold a meeting with the City Manager about the scope and details of the program. Item A2 was approved after discussion. (AM) * Approval of bid from Global Emergency Vehicle, Inc./Pierce Manufacturing Inc. (2600 American Way, Appleton, WI), using the Northwest Municipal Conference Joint Purchasing Advisory Committee bid for a final purchase price of S470.541.00. Funding provided by the Fleet Service Capital Outlay account. Ald. Rainey asked to have Item A3.1 removed from the consent list_ Ald. Rainey had a question about the cooperative purchase not really meeting our needs. Ald. Rainey asked if we bargained could we have done just as well. Pat Casey (Director of Management and Budget) confirmed with Council that department staff would be closely analyzing and comparing conference bids in the future. Asst. Capt. Whalen (Life & Safety) further explained the reason for the conference approach and that it is likely that staff would have been unable to procure a lower price on their own. Pat Casey shared information regarding comparative bills and specifications. Casey assured Council that the best methods would be applied in the future. Item A3. f approved after discussion. (A3.2) * Approval of lowest responsive and responsible bid from A. Lamp Construction Concrete Contractors (800 W. Irving Park Road, Schaumburg, Illinois) for additional street resurfacing in the amount of 52,167,622. Funded by GO Bond Funds. Aid. Rainey asked to have Item A3.2 removed from the consent list. Ald. Rainey has spoken to David Jennings (Director of Public Works) several times saying that A. lamp does "satisfactW work. The alderman is familiar with the vendor through another project in progress in her ward. The alderman has observed several dangerous work instances such as a major disregard of safety measures and practices. Wayne Smoke is the General Manager of A tamp Construction Concrete Contractors and was present to speak on A Lamp's behalf. Wayne stated the superintendent has been replaced. Rocco, the new supervisor, has taken over. David Jennings stated there has been response to situations called to their attention such as street sweeping. Jennings mentioned the level of supervision has been increased. The new superintendent will be full time on the Evanston project Ald. Rainey asked about the City Staff commitment to supervision. David Jennings responded the necessary rotation of staff due to other projects. Ald. Holmes mentioned an instance where a change was made to prevent cement graffiti. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked if there were any Evanstonians employed on this project. Smoke responded he does believe there are several Evanston residents employed on this project and will place an ad to recruit one or rrvo more. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked for a follow-up report. Aid. Rainey asked the value of Me current A Lamp construction. David Jennings responded. Council concluded approx. "million and wants a report. Ald. Rainey is suggesting a cease work for any mistakes and will be watching this project closely. Item A3.2 apMved after discussion. (A4.1) * Approval of Change Order #1 with V3 Engineering (7325 Janes Avenue, 1ti'oodridge, IL) increasing the Rldge/Church/Davis Signal Improvement Project by S :-4,825 from S146,449 to $201,274 for construction engineering. Funding provided by NIFT. Item A4.1 approved by consent agenda A 3 PW Lk%d s Pape 3 oft July 24. 2006 (A5) * Resolution 36-R-06 FY 2007108 — 2011112 Capital Imorovement Pro ram Consideration of proposed resolution 36-R-06 Fiscal Years 2007/08 — 2011/12 Capital Improvement Program in the total amount of S273,400,772 which Includes a Fiscal Year 2007- 2008 Capital Budget in the amount of $41,765.598. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked to have Item A5 removed from the consent fist. Aid. Jean - Baptiste found the wording of agenda item cumbersome. There is a difference between the numeric content of the Agenda Item Summary sheet and the agenda. pat Casey confirmed that the Agenda Item Summary sheet is correct. Item A5 approved by consent agenda. (A6) * Resolution 44-R-06 Enternrise Car Rental Snace Lease Agreement in the Maple Avenue Garage Consideration of proposed resolution 44-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease with Enterprise Leasing Company for the rental of a portion of The first floor retail and parking spaces in the 3iaple Avenue Garage, This Item was Held in committee on 6/12/06. Aid. Rainey asked to have Item A6 removed `rpm the consent list. Ald. Rainey is confused about square footage. David Cook (Assistan: Director of Facilities Management) responded to Committee explaining the discrepancies between the first and new proposal with aesthetics and square footage with no rent for the first three months. The city would like to be left with a space that is aesthetically pleasing. Judy Aiello (Assistant City Manager) explained the perks and the reasons why the agreement was structured the way it is. Mary Rodino (Interim Finance Director) offered the committee revenue numbers in a way that was better received and understood by the committee. Item A6 was approved after discussion. (A7) *Ordinance 83-0-06 Four-Wav Stop at Dempster Street and .%iaale Avenue Consideration of proposed ordinance &V4346, by which the City Council would amend Section 10-11-5, Schedule 1' (D) of the City Code to establish a four-way stop at Dempster Street and Maple Avenue. Item A approved by consent agenda (A8) * Ordinance 84-0-06 Increase In the number of Class 1' Liauor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance 84-0-06 Amending Section 3-5-6 M of the City Code to increase the number of Class Y Liquor Licenses from 0 to 1 due to the creation of Vine Harmony, Ltd, doing business as Winestyles, located at 1714 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Aid. Holmes asked to have Item A8 removec `rom the consent list. Aid. Holmes referred to minutes from the Uquor Commission Review Board where the manager promised to be on the premises during open hours. Aid. Wollin asked the actual hours of operations. 11-8 Monday through Friday and 12 — 5 on Sunday. The location is 1741 Sherman. Please note correction on the address from the Ordinance. Item A8 was approved after discussion. V. 1TE %IS FOR DISCUSSION A b PW Minutes Pape 4 of 4 Juty 24, 2006 V1. COMMUNICATIONS (APWI) Electricity Consulting Services for Post -Regulation Energy Supply Ald. Rainey felt trie memo was very staff driven and not enough council involvement David Cook clarifed that staff by no means Intended to keep anything from Council. David explained Lne issue of timing and window of opportunity and the process of occurrence. Ald. Ramey asked about next steps. Cook explained the cost of energy is increasing, it will be deregulated, and prices will change. City staff is trying to get expertise on our she early in a cost effective method. He will bring four or five different proposa!s fro n ".,re consultant. David explained cost fluctuation versus time. AM. Rainey is rep ---,Virg a full report from the City Manager. Ald. Moran stated the long history re: Cccuncl involvement. Everything contained in David's memo runs counter to the way -ne C.:y is run. Aid. Moran feels there is an institutional knowledge that was overlooker' in C)e approach to this memo. Aid. Moran has many questions. He stated he waU, C not rote in favor of this. The bidding/consultant relationship and process is quesucrrable. Aid. Rainey would like council to engage the Energy Commission. The Carrmtee asked Aid. Moran to set up a meeting with the Energy Commission. V11. ADdOURINNIE.\T at 7puL Respectfully submitted, Dolores Y. Cortez A 3 PW Minutes Page t of 4 August 14, 2006 ADISILNISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS COMA ITTEE MINUTES `IONDAY, August 14, 2006 5:10P51— 6:101`:111 CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 51embers Present: Alderman Holmes, Ald. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Aid. Wollin Members Absent: Alderman Hansen Staff Present: Judy Aiello, John Burke, Julia A. Carroll, Dolo tV.11Cortez, Bob Dornecker, Suzene Eggleston, Doug Gaynor, DAyf '?edttings, Vince Jones, Mary Morris, Sat Nagar, Chief Dennis Nilsson,lb%0 R`odmo, titan Rubin, Debbie Sleet, David Stoneback, Elke Tober Others Present~ Presiding: Alderman Jean -Baptiste 41 I. DECLARATION OF QUORU.,'*L " •i;.,'I-Z,;,;_�t r With quorum present, Mdermiii'.ieart-Baptls%e caW the meeting to order at 5:10pm IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES,OF, REGULAR MEETING ormy 24, 2006 Minutes were approv eel, ; Ill. STAFF PRESENTAT'ION'(Dav id fenninioDirector of Public Works, John Burke. Director of TmKi 1~tsgititch fig. Sat Nagar, Traffic Engineer) 5-Year Street Improveim"O"nt'P14 _' PAIIc Works 1V. mWS 011 CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA AIdi:Ieen'-Baptiste asked fb�a Consent agenda. Aft items marked with an asterisk a�pioiied by Consent agt i a. (Al) 4Cltjr.41h-Anstam Payroll from 7114106 thru 7/I7/06 5 2,368,035.20 pty 4Eiinston Payroll from 7/28,V6 thru & 10/06 S 2,617,891.01 :IJttn ell:cjspraiwi by consent. 5.0 (A2) • Clty"vrEvaawfon Bills through 9115/06 S 4,095,W9.65 Item :42ajywai ed b►• consent. 5-0 (A3.1) • Approssl of contract %--ith Cisiitech Engineering Inc. (301. LaSalle Street, Suite 3110, Chic2fu, IL ) in the amount of S457w66 for engineering design senders for the Ridge Avenue Road"ay Improvement Project. Funding provided by the C1P. Item A t_ 1 approved br consent. 5-0 A d, PW Minutes F 39e 2 of 4 August 14. 2009 (A3.2) • Approval of contract with E-Toan Tennis (1801 Janke Drive, Northbrook 1L) to conduct the City of Evanston Tennis Program for the years 2006-2009. The budgeted amount for FY 2006-2007 is S93 i00. Aid. Holmes requested Item A3 2 be remcn-ed fr= the consent agenda for questions regarding AiLi'/EDE. Doug Gaynor (Director of Parit�sForr=y S Recreation) responded to the Alderman's question. He explained staff searched fcr vendcrs and the three listed were the three that responded. One of the applicants was a fernale Evar_=a resident. Aid. Holmes suggested including language about the city's effort in finding NMEBEE vendors- Ald. Rainey questioned the difference in cost between Frank Sacs and E-To%%m, arc we saving money this pear. Bob Domccker (Supervisor of Parks(Forestry and Recreation) responded to Aid. Rainey. He cvplained how the contract with E-Town is a better deal. Ald. Jean -Baptiste would Ac to see an 1111'/i:111: inclusion before the item is presented to Council. Item A3.2 ;vas approved after discussian. 3-0 (A33) 'Approval of contract for professional sea ices pith Tischler Bise, lhi:14701 Sangamore Road Bethesda, MD) for leapact Fee development in an iiniiiik not to exceed S60,000. Funding provided by the Water Fund and Generil ittsd".:z; i. Contingency(Studies accountj. 1s �';}� 11em A3.3 approved by consent. 5-4 � v.. • � : !;:- ��r. (A3.4) • Approval of 5-Year S[rect Improvement Plan (F1':007 do iPY 2011j., .sf P;;1 Item A3.4 approved by consent. 5-0 `� . ; •-t,y (Ai) • Approval of Change Order No. 01 to ;►lags PapgGemwd Cet eitit;-llm . County Line Road, Bensenville. IL) for the 20i1tf;Allle),Pttviag Project;hereasing the contract amount by S166,175.50 fr M$i.177AS6,A W SW43,831.50. Funding provided by GO Bonds, CDBG, and Special Assast•iettt ;Finals. ::.. t: t Item A4 approved by content. 5-0 (AS) * Aeeentance of the Judicial A • ll�_c veil. B A.b G.. Pro ram Grant Award Accept the Judicial Advisory Conseil_ 6.A-D.CM 1MWam Grant Award In the amount of S12,000 supplementing,0 )(outt Cho reach hmgram sponsored by the Evanston Police Department for F)' '05-'Ott - Ald. Rainey requrstedlte:ti A5'be tt;r:c%cd fivmn .`.e consent agenda to discuss the opinion of neighbors and the chYrixittg chrr--0&b1E•.-=tstw's vouth in comparison to the overall job that the Youth Outreach gawp daes.Thc mcrmoned there being a lack of manpower particularly in South Evanston. Aid. Rainey requested a 7=p rt provide substantive details in addition to numbers. Interim ChiefNilsson (Ponce Oepartmer- f details of the Youth Outreach Program. Ald. Jean - Baptiste %%',Mid lie ;o sr ttu c:Ttxts inr— fi:-� z --d measured. further anaiysis, measurable effort and effectivrness.' Ald. F3iney wars closer me nnonng and feels there is no indication of the success of the ani:-Aid. Wallin mentioacd :hat firms w crr c ,. for Homeland Security and wondered if when we o� money ..I d we have .arc sra . rle+rt.i�apprmrdJhu•rdiscnss:ar.. J-li (A6) • Accepts ll6c orthe Justice Asshtance Grant Award Accept theFY 105-06 Local Law Enforcement Grant In the amount of S35,418 to the Police Department supplementing the cost of the Summer Operational Plan from the Federal Government. hem A approved by consent. 5-0 A A Pw routes Page 3 of 4 August 14. 2006 (A7) *Resolution 52-R-06 Lease for Fast Apartment of the %lunlcinal Service Center.2020 Asbury Consideration of proposed resolution 52-114064 autborizing the City Manager to enter Into a one-) ear lease agreement with John Sturtevant for the east apartment In the Municipal Service Center. Ald. Holmes requested Itcn A7 be removed from the consent agenda to gain clarity about John's full time job and the uatchrt a:n description. She thought he was working two full time jobs. Judy Aiello explained in a little more 6-mil answering the Alderrr-m*s question. Item A7 approved after d" Lssion. 5-0 (A8) *Resolution 53-11-06 Authorizing the City %lan2aer to Exeente a Permit Ap-reement %Ilh T-Mobile Central at the Evanston Chic Center , Consideration of resolution 53-R-06 authorizing the City %Ianageirtoenter into a permit agreement µith T-Nlobdt Central for antenna attachment on tower and equipment the space In the attic of the Evanston Civic Center. Itch AS approved bi, content. 5-0 :. (A9) • Resolution 54-14-06 No%ts Lease Renewal Consideration of resolution 54-R-06 authorizing the City llateiiw to ex'"alt eighteen month lease agreement wlth Next Tbeatrt Comps_>Ap.tordi_uieoftiie` Noyes Cultural Arts Center Theatre. Item .49apprvuedbyconrert5-0 (AIO) * Resolution 5."-06 Authorizing the City NIMiltr t irwer�fino_iMlJjWance Agrrtment for the Sherman Plaza RedevelnornN1LtLgjeft kith 1.4#e>3lp Plan Partners and the Sherman Plaza Condowinirm A"Qlit, Consideration of resolution 55-R-06 aMlrprbbgthe City. Mtksger to enter into a maintenance agreement for the Sherrintit Plaza ftbeveloprtieat Project with Sherman Plaza Partners and the ShernmLx Plaza CondoWnium'AsotiOation for a cost not -to -exceed $150,000. Funding pro►ided by TIF funds, Parking Pond, and private funds. Aid. Rainey requested lier...A 1 g bo irmoved from the convent agenda to gain the City Manager's opinion on µ hether or not s6c should sign this agreen it due to the relationship between the Condo Association and being a rciKkrit. Is there a possible conflict of interest? Julia Carroll (City Manager) will Iet the Assistant Cite Manager sign the agreement a) relic►e any appearance of conflict. Item A10approt-ed aftcrar-s.-xssfnn. �-Q (All1) ' Ordin2n,tLj94)-06 Fs%t1MLqLAgr&ment Mth Ilnward Station JV.1_LC Considerat'$a i ofproposed ordinance 79-0-06 authorizing the City Manager to execute an easement igreement vritb Howard Station. J%'. LLC, for a Building Cnnop► at 41511oward. Jlimr f J J. aprwoved b v cons-mi. 5.0 (Al2) ' _' in 99-04)6 Vumtine a Portion of the Fast -West Allev North of 415 Howard Street to 11f6%2rd Station W. LLC Consideratlaa ofpropeecd ardluance 99-0-06 xacating a portion of the east -west alley north of 415 Nirieird Street to lic+vard Station JV, LLC, a Dela%we Limited Liability Corporation, and acceptittg.the _ dedication by Howard Station JV. LLC, of a north -south allty east of 415 lloward Street. Aid. Rainey requested 1:er- .A 12 be remoN ed from ulc consent agenda to hear the amendment. Elke Purze (Lawyer) passed oL-- .nr exact language descry_ g the amendment.. U Rainey approved changing the date and secL-.ndly adding a new scctror.. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked for approval of both amendments. Aid. Wollin Lsked a question regarding ;',-,lure alleys. Judy Aiello mentioned discussion µith CTA regarding alleys. Item Al 2 approved after Lj�incssinn. 5-0 A & PW Minutes Page 4 of 4 August 14, 2006 V. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION VI. COMMUNICATIONS VII. ADJOURINNIE.s"F at 6:10pm. Respectfully submitted, Dolores A 3 PW Minutes Page t of 2 September 25.2006 AD\II,N'ISTRATION & PUBLIC R'ORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, September 11, 2006 5:37PM — 5:51PN1 CIVIC CE\TER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 Members Present: Aid. Hansen, Aid. Holmes, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Aid. Wollin Members Absent: Staff Present: Judy Aiello, John Burke, Pat Casey, Rajeev Dahl; Doug Gaynor, David Jennings, Regina Lookis, Gavin Morgan, Max Rttb'tii,'Diirid Stoneback, Bobbie Tolston Others Present: `"s` �_ Presiding: Alderman Holmes I. DECLARATION OFQUORUM'(�`_ With quorum present, Alderman Holmes raNed'ttie meeting fa order at 5:37pm IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEKTiNG of September 11, 2006 Minutes were moved foriipp�a4 by Alta. Hansen. Od by Ald. Jean -Baptiste. III. ITEtiIS FOR COAWERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA Aid. Holmes asked for a Consent agenda. AN items marked with an asterisk approved by Consent agenda. = -_ (Al) * City, of Evanston ftyrall from 0&11106 through 08/24/06 S 2,572,716.67 City of Ev2aston Payroll from 89W.i06 through 09107/06 S 2,191,419.67 Item Al appm -ed br eonsemL t-0 . (A2) City of Evanston BMs through 0942!06 S 6,222,747.33 Ald. Rairtt y rtNues:ed tiern —\2 be Moved from the consent agenda for comments. ,6,9jrRainey expressed her cokern that stab had not made Council aware of the Restorative xt ;iiProgram. JMith Aiello st_:edthat staf;'will provide a detailed report at the next jW- k PW Meeting. Ald. R:enc s-a:ed she would like a call from Chief Nilsson regarding �:t)iialifieatiatis and practitior.ers. 11cni ill apprP%vd nlrer dis= ion. 5-0 (A3.1) Approry a contract for professional services "ith Muller & Muller Architects (700 Noah Sangamon, Chicago. IL) to provide architectural consulting services for the Evanston Police Department In an amount not-to-eiceed S46,250.93. Funding prodded by the Fl• 0&07 CIP budget. Ald. Wollin requested Item AM be remo%ed from the consent agenda for questions regarding the extreme differences betty ern csnrr=:cd firm costs. Ald. Wollin wanted to ensure nothing was omitted from the bids'proposals. N12.ti Rub:;t (Director of Facilities Management) responded that the staff normally inquires about dh pznries like this, He also stated that Muller & Muller has performed well on other projects such as Fire 5tat3a:t =5. Item A3.1 approivd after discussion- 5-0 A & link LWKAes Pape 2 or 2 September 25, 2WS (A3.2) Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bid from Home Towne Electric Incorporated (35220 R1e. 83, P.O. Box 83. Lake Villa, IL) for the Central Street 1 Crawford Avenue / Grosse Pointe Road Signal, Street and Road Lighting Improvement project In the amount of S1,131,189.40. Funding provided by CIP funds. There was an error noted in the cost of the ;rojcct. It was corrected and placed on the consent agenda. The correct bid amount is 51,131,371.40 arZ not Item A3.3 was approved after discussion. 3-0 (A4.1) Approval of Change Order #3 Nith Al ord. Burdick & Howson L.L.C. (20 N. Wacker Drive Suite 1401 Chicago, IL) for engineering services relating to the replacement of Low Lift Pump #7, increasing the not -to -exceed amount by S5,000, and the contriiiamount from S308,23233 to S313.23233. Funding provided by the Water fund. ; AId. Hansen requested Item A2 be removed from the consent agenda for-giiestians. David Stoncback, Superintendent of Water & Sea er), explained that eight months ago, Alvaid,Btitvdick & Howson L.L-C. abandoned the project. The bond coanpany stood behind the vendor acid gild the difference between the old and new total. Ald. Hansen asked if u e could pursue thi banding'conipany to cover this change order as well. Elke Purze (Legal Counsel) u7il investigate tine posiibility;Coiittcil requested a copy of the agenda item summ-L-y packet that inchwks tare not-(o=exceed ai6W. Item.44.1 isusapprovedafter discussion, S-p (A4.2)Approval of Change Order No. 3 for Phase \ — Contract a irft DIP" —..I Company (4350 DIPsolo Center Glenxien, lL) floe 1hr 1ie�ef Sites Project decreasing the contract amount by S689^08 (Uam SI0,0W21.95 to S9376,962.87 and extending the contma time forCQ!apletiri of the project by three hundred and sixty-four calendwdays or September=, 21i07. Funding provided by I.E.P.A. loans. Item .44.3 approved by consent_ 5-0 (A5) *Ordinance 92-0-06 Increase 14 4ii, umhrr o4t(3gaip l_inuor Licenses Consideration of propond.ordinaaee 92-0-M ameoding Section 3-5-6 (D) of the City Code to Increase the number,ofChm DI_igwor Ucenses from twenty-four to twenty-five due to the addition of Maki Soi; Ian: deigbusimn ax Ro%in Japanese Restaurant,1930 Central Avenue, E,,anston, l L 60201. =' Ire 45 approivd by coni;firri 5-0 V. ITEMS -FOR DISCUSSIO- -=_ VI. COWNIUNICATIONS VII. AWOMN.N ENTat55lpm. Respec&-f ly submitted, Gavin Morgan, Asst. to the City Manager Dolores Y_ Cortez, Executive Assistant A & PW Woes Page 1 of 3 September 25. 2006 i . ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. MINUTES MONDAY, September 25, 2006 5:37PAi — 5:57PAt ; CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 5` Members Present: Aid. Hansen, Aid. Holmes, Ald, Jean -Baptiste, Ald.'Rain'cy; Ald. Wollin Alembers Absent: Staff Present: Judy Aiello, Sgt. Bellino, John Burke, Pat Casey, Dolores Y. Cortex, Paul D'Augstino, Doug Gaynor, Matthew Grady III, David Jennings, Vincent Jones, Interim Chief Dennis Nilsson, Max Rubin, David Stoneback, Bobbie Tolston, Brad Yatube •: ' � . ,.: ' . sit;: � . Others Present: ,. I Presiding: ;. Alderman Holmes I :} "DECLARATION OF QUORUM vwith quorum present,'Alderrsian Holmes cared ttse'meeting to order at 5:37pm ` ` APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING of September 11, 2006 Minutes were moved for approval by Aid. Holmes, 2nd by Md. Hansen. IIL ITEMS FOR CONSIDER-kTION ON COUNCIL AGENDA Items were individually considered. (Al) :::* City of Evanston Payroll through 9121/06 S 2,267,123.83 Item Al unanimously approved, J-0. (A2) * City of Evanston Bills through 9/26/06 S 2,692,592.27 Item A2 unanimously approved, 5-0. (A3.1)p Ap 'roval of the lowest responsive proposal from RJN Group Inc. (200 West Front Street, Wheaton, IL) In the not- to -exceed -amount of $248,629 for engineering services related to the 2007 Rater Main, Sewer, and Street Improvement project. Funding provided by NVater Depreciation, Improvement, & Extension account. Item A3.1 unanimously approtitid. 5-0. (A3.3) } Approval of professional services contract in the amount of S35,800 from JJR (30 W. Aionroe Street, Suite 1010, Chicago, IL) for the Perry Park Renovation project. Funding provided by the Capital Improvement Project fund. • Aid. Wollin noticed the next three items are park projects and asked why were there three different contractors. Paul D'Agostino (Super%isor of Park/Forestry & Recreation) explained the strengths and weaknesses of each contractor. The criteria of A a Pw WwMas Page 3 of 3 September 25.2006 • (A6) * Ordinance I0243-06 — cant. Aid. Rainey asked the fire hazard capacity, the owner responded a total of 44 seats, including the bar. Aid. Wollin asked had everyone taken their BASSET training. The owner has, the manager will go through BASSETT training. Item A6 unanimously apprared, 3-a • V. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION VI. COMMUNICATIONS Restorative Justice memo: Aid. Wollin mentioned that it appeared to be very successful. interim Chief Nilsson explained that this program was initially a one time problem solving mediation the Police Department brought in. The program was used because it is something that is more community based. Aid. Wollin asked about the process. Cynthia Harris from the Evanston Police Department spoke about the Restorative Justice Program and parental involvement. Couneil would like a copy of the e-mail that C%mthia Harris sent out regarding the free training in Urbana, IL. VII. ADJOURNMENT at 5:57 pm. Respectfully submitted, bc4m-u -Y.cc�4 Dolores Y. Cortez, Executive Assistant A ti PW Mim4es Page 2 of 3 September 25. 2006 each project is appropriate and relevant to the awarded contractor. Ald. lean -Baptiste would like to see a statement clarifying the appcaringly arbitrary selection of contractors. Aid. Rainey thought that the bidders were pre-gualifed. Doug Gaynor and Paul D' Agostino explained that they are not pre -qualified and the process used was an open RFP. Item A3.2 unanimous!►• apprmrd. M. (A3.3) * Approval of professional services contract in the amount of S40,I00 from Site Design Group (888 S.1%lichigan Avenue, Chicago, IL) for the Smith Park Renovation project. Funding provided by the Capital Improvement Project fund and CDBG . - Item A3.3 irnanimoush- approved 5-0. (A3.4) * Approval of professional services contract in the amount of S33,128.40 from Thompson Dyke & Associates (213 W. Institute Place, Suite 700, Chicago, IL) for the Megowan Park Renovation project. Funding provided by the Capital Improvement Project fund, Item A3.4 unanimouslY approved, 5-0. (A4) * Resolution 56-R-06 Lease Agreement +with the llletropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago for Permalawn Consideration of resolution 56-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to sign the amendment to the lease agreement dated April 6, 2006 between the City and Aletropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago on 2.1 acres of + : real estate at 2222 Green Bay Road (formerly known as Permala%n — North Shore Parcel9 2.12 and 2.13). Items A4 ilnanimmaly approve-d 5-0. (AS) * Ordinance 101-0-06 Kendall College Property Public Allev Vacation Consideration of proposed ordinance 101-0-06 by which the City Council would vacate a city alley located north of Colfax Street, east of Sherman Avenue, south of Lincoln Street and west of Orrington Avenue. Item .A5 ummimoush• approved, 5-0. (A6) * Ordinance 102-0-06 Increase in the number of Class B Littuor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance 102-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (B) of the City Code to increase the number of Class B Liquor Licenses from fifteen to sixteen due to the addition of Bandana Entertainment, L.L.C. doing business as BAT 17,1709 Benson Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Ald. Wollin asked about a "B" license being a "3am" Iicense. Pat Casey responded it is a "2am" full license. Aid. Wollin asked about the liquor menu. The owners were present and clarified there would be wine and beer. Aid. Wollin asked what percentage of space would be bar space. The owner clarified about IVND of the bar and explained the stressors would be on the quality of food and the liquor is to attract the movie crowd, serving from 11 am — 2am. The owner clarified business hours would be Monday through Friday lam to Midnight, Saturday and Sunday until I am. Aid. Wollin showed concemed because the restaurant is in her ward. C� • • A a Pw Mnutes Page 3 of 3 September 25. 2006 (A6) * Ordinance 1 Q2-O-06 — cont. Aid. Rainey asked the fire hazard capacity, the owner responded a total of 44 seats, including the bar. Aid. Wollin asked had even -one taken their BASSET training. The owner has, the manager will go through BASSE17 training. Item Ab unanimously approt.ed, 5-0. V. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION VI. COMMUNICATIONS Restorative Justice memo: Aid. Wollin mentioned that it appeared to be very successful. Interim Chief Nilsson explained that this program was initially a one time problem solving mediation the Police Department brought in. The program was used because it is something that is more community based. Aid. Wollin asked about the process. Cynthia Hams from the Evanston Police Department spoke about the Restorative Justice Program and parental involvement. Council would like a copy of the e-mail that Cynthia Harris sent out regarding the free training in Urbana, IL. VII. ADJOURNMENT at 5:57 pm. Respectfully submitted, Dolores Y. Cortez. Executive Assistant 0 A a PW Mantes Page s of 4 October 9.200e i - ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC'WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, October 9, 2006 " 5:39PI%l — 6:19Pm CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 Members Present: Aid. Hansen, Aid. Holmes, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Ald. Rainey, Ald. Woliki Members Absent: Staff Present: Judy Aiello, John Burke, Pat Casey, Dolor'6s Y. Cortez, Paul D'Agostino, Rajcev Dahl, David Jennings, Vincent Jones, Kevin Lookis, Sat Nagar, Neal Ney, Elke Pure, Max Rubin, Carlos Ruiz; Donna Spicuzra, Bobbie Tolston, Brad Yatubc, Presiding: Alderman Holmes :iDECLARATION OF QUORUM •,t±A e, I: With quorum present. Alderman Holmes called.the,meeting to order at,5:39pm 1I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING of September 25, 2006 ,., Aid. Wollin wanted to correct the minutes re: A3.2: it was not that there were three park projects and three different objectives, the question was why the qualifications and expertise were rated differently from the same company on three different projects. Amendment and Minutes were moved for approval by Aid. Wollin, 2nd by Md. Jean -Baptiste. III. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA Items were individually considered. (M) '" * City of Evanston Payroll through I&D5106 S 2,145,547.40 - v==ltem Al unanimously approved, 4-0. (A2) *City of Evanston Bills through 10110,'06 S 3,926,676.46 Ald: Jean-8aptisle: pg. 18. S230, CDBG funds. Aid. Jean -Baptiste would like to negotiate a policy where we would not pay the schools for using their facilities for community meetings. Aid. Holmes agrees with Ald. Jean -Baptiste. Judy Aiello (Assistant City Manager) mentioned that would be a good topic for Gay -School committee. Aid. Jean -Baptiste would like to hold payment until discussions are r,eld on this issue. Ald. Rainey would like to see expenses like this paid right out of the general fund and reimbursed by TIF if the general fund wants to be reimbursed. Aid. Jean -Baptiste moved that the City hold payment until the next City -School meeting on November 1. h. Approve with amendment to withhold payment on the aforementioned line item. Item A2 unanimously approved, 4-0. A & PW Minutes Page 2 of 4 October 9. 2006 (A3.1) * Approval of a professional services contract with LaBrosse, Ltd. (3121 N. Rockwell St, Chicago, IL) for exhibit consulting and fabrication services for the Evanston Public Library in an amount not -to -exceed S499,255. Funding provided by FY 06-07 and FY 07-08 CIP budget. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked for a little more explanation on what is being done on this project. Neal Ney (Public Library Director) provided and explained mounted concept drawings to Council. AM. Jean -Baptiste was under the impression the renovation was aimed at the teen community. Neal clarified what sections are geared toward the teen community. Ald.Jean- Bapliste made sure that the children's section was renovated and the emphasis was not on the teen community. Neal Ney confirmed the Alderman's statement. Aid. Hansen asked about the total project budget. Ney responded $2.4 million dollars and the architect is about S75,000. The bigger piece will be the general contractor and there will be one more purchase for shelving. Aid. Hansen confirmed that the figures were not consultant fees only, Ald. Hansen asked about mobility. Neal Ney confirmed that the construction will not be mobile. item A3.1 unanimously approved, 4-0. (A3.2) * Approval of professional services contract with Postl-Yore & Associates (2101 S. Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, IL) in the amount of S24,800 for surveying services for the 2007 Street Improvement Program. Funding provided by Street Resurfacing CIP funds. Item A3.2 unanimously approved, 4-0. (A3.3) * Approval of professional services contract with Hitchcock Design Group (221 West Jefferson Avenue, Naperville, IL) in the amount of S49,500 for the Framework Visioning Services for the Lakefront Master Planning Project. Funding provided by the CIP. Md. Wollin mentioned there being no timetable beginning the project. Paul D'Agostino (Superintendent of Parks & Recreation) responded that the City hopes to begin as soon as possible and wilt finish In January and February. Ald. Holmes had an inquiry re: recommendation between the two consultants. She is aware of the City doing business with JJR and asked if we are not completely satisfied with JJR's services as a consultant? Paul D'Agostino replied that Hitchcock's team seemed to grasp the vision better. No reflection on JJR_ Judy Aiello added that it is a different process and that this part is really Just the visioning. Judy confirmed the City's satisfaction with JJR. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked for help understanding the process, Paul explained that all the stakeholders will be brought together to focus on what the goals of the master plan should be. There is a lot of different Ideas regarding the lakefront. Hitchcock will facilitate the process. Aid. Jean -Baptiste is expecting a report and asked about the next step. Paul replied the next step will be, using that document to start the master planning process, what should and should not be done. A whole new set of RFP's will be distributed for the master plan. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked if the plan "be reflective of the best ideas in the previous group think. Paul explained to the Council that the master plan will be the response to the opportunities and problems existing on the lakefront. D'Agostino is currently unsure of a projected cost. He explained cost is dependent upon the city's decision. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked that after the master plan is decided, we hire contractors and so what is D'Agosbno's projection if all goes according to plan to get tr a lakefront completed. D'Agostino replied five or ten years depending upon available funding. Ald. Jean -Baptiste stated on the next report the committee receives, they will deal wi;h the concerns. The alderman's next question was when does the city prioritize. Paul D'Agostino responded, the city will prioritize when we figure out what needs to be done first. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked if the city will seek grants, donations, and contributions. Paul D'Agostino said yes. Judy Aiello added clarity about the goals of the master plan. Ald. Rainey wanted to know why the concentration on the central core lakefront and nothing south of Lee Street Beach. She raised concerns about parking restrictions on the lakefront. Md. Rainey is hopeful of citywide input covering all the concems. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked A b PW KGWes Page 3 of 4 October 9, 2006 why do we stop at Lee? Why not go to the most southernmost border of the city. Ald. Hansen added that is where the park ends. Paul D'Agostino stated that south of Lee street becomes private property. Paul D'Agostino plans to take the solution of the core section and apply it to all other sections. All other sections will be included in the overall improvement process. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked if the initial citywide discussion will include the area south of Lee that belongs to the City. Paul confirmed. Ald. Holmes stated Paul would also have to include parts north of Clark. Paul replied that there is a separate group looking at the Lighthouse property. Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked Paul D'Agostino if he willl be coming back to us with an expanded proposal. It is concluded that the ideas garnered from the initial process will be implemented in the sections not included in the initial vision stages. Ald Hansen explained that there is a path that runs from Lee Street to just north of ! Clark Street Beach that is continuous. Just south of Lee Street you would have to get on the sidewalk and then there are houses on both sides. Aid. Hansen sees a disconnect between areas and doesn't think we should focus on one section of the lakefront when this is a community project. All areas are not being included In the vision process. Ald. Wollin mentioned dilapidated restrooms once better constructed can be replicated everywhere. That is one of the things she believes will come out of the vision committee. Her other concern is where we take in money referencing kiosks, once we design a good kiosk, we could replicate it. Ald. Rainey feels Evanston's beaches should be tailored to the characteristics of the community. Judy Aiello asked if Council would like staff to ask for a change order to the project to Include the entire community. Although the general ' consensus is that there should be no additional costs, Judy Aiello Is requesting guidance from Council just in case. AM. Jean -Baptiste is moving approval as amended for expansion that would include south of Lee and north of Clark Street in the lakefront master plan discussion. Item A3.3 unanimously approved, 4-0. (A3.4) * Approval of contract with T.Y. Lin, Inc. (5960 North Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL) in the amount of S89,930 for Phase Ill Construction Administration Services for the Central/CrawfordlGross Point Traffic Signal Project. Funding provided by the CIP. Item A3.4 unanimously approved, 4-0. (A4) * Approval of Change Order No. #2 to Chicago Avenue Streetscape Project with Kovilic Construction Company (3721 N. Carnation Street, Franklin Park, IL) for purchasing tree grates and frames for the strectscape improvement at the corner of Chicago Avenue and Alain Street, increasing the contract amount by $15,417.60 from $242,201.05 to $257,618.65. Funding provided by the CIP. Aid. Rainey wanted to point out that the developer on that comer contributed approximately $150.000 and should be publicly acknowledged. Ald. Jean -Baptiste and Ald.Holmes asked if there should be recognition. Ald. Holmes suggested a letter of thanks. John Burke explained the additional funding will be beneficial to the grantor and get their units opened quicker. Nd Jean -Baptiste feels public City/Council recogrition would promote duplicate behavior. David Jennings agreed to draft the letter. Item A4 unanimously approved, 4-0. (A5) * Resolution 57-11-06 Assuming Resnonsibility for the Temnorary Closing of Sheridan Road for the NU Homecoming Parade Consideration of proposed resolution 57-R-06 by which the City Council would accept liability for the temporary closure of Sheridan Road for the Annual Northwestern University Homecoming Parade on Friday, October 20, 2006. Item A5 unanimously approved, 4-0. A 8 PW Wnu m Page 4 of 4 October 9. 20M (A6)Resolution 58-R-06 Increase in Federal Particination for the RIdge Avenue Traffic Signal Project 0 Consideration of proposed resolution 58-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Local Agency Agreement with ]DOT to increase federal funding participation in the Ridge Avenue Signal Project by S474,855. This project is federally funded. Item A6 unanimously approved, 4-0. (A7) * Ordinance 103-0-06 Decrease in Class B1 Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance 103-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (131) of the City Code, to decrease the number of Class B1 Liquor Licenses from 5 to 4 ' due to the sale of 1800 Club Inc., doing business as 1800 Club 1800 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Item A7 unanimously approved, 4-0. 08) * Ordinance 104-"6 Increase in Class Bl Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance 104-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (BI) of the City Code, to increase the number of Class BI Liquor Licenses from 4 to 5 due to the addition of Chicago Outfit Entertainment, Inc. doing business as 1800 Club, 1800 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Ald. Rainey is requesting a police report on this dub, she read that there were none and asked if that was true. Pat Casey (Director of Management and Budget) promised to provide a police report on the 1800 Club. Aid. Rainey confirmed with Casey that this is a late night license. Ald_ Wollin added that she met with the potential new owners and Pal Casey; the agreement reached is to dose the patio at midnight. Noise seemed to be the biggest problem. No under -aged drinking tickets at this club. The Indoor no smoking ordinance causes outside group smoking and noise. Aid. Rainey asked Aid. Wollin if she had asked if the no smoking ordinance diminished business at all. Pat Casey added that he spoke to two business owners and they said business is better. Ald. Jean -Baptiste added IHOP said their business had improved also. Pat Casey added the two business owners were the18D0 Club and Tommy Nevins. Aid_ Rainey would like a survey of the larger restaurants regarding business since the no smsaing ordinance. i- Item A8 unanimously approved. 4-0. t. IV., I`i'Et►YS FOR DISCUSSION V. COMMUNICATIONS VI. ADJOURNMENT at 6:19pm Respectfully submitted. Dolores Y. Cortez, Executive Assistant i A 3 PW Wlutm 51embers Present: ![embers Absent: Staff Present: Paps 1 of 2 CkZbw 23. 2005 ADNIINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS CONINUTTEE MINUTES INIONDAY, October 23, 2006 5:38P,Ni — 5:47PNI CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOS12404 Aid. Hansen, Aid. Holmes, Aid. Jcan-Baptiste, Ald. Rainey, Aid. Wollin Judy Aiello, Fire Chief Alan Berkows ; ft,0a , Dolores Y. Cortez, Doug Gaynor, Paula Haynes, David J gsxNiW Ney, Interim Police Chief Dennis Nielsson..Xfax Rubin; Hrad_Yatu we z2�- Others Present: ,s.f� ;,p Presiding: Alderman Holmes 1. DECLARATION OF,QUORUtiI With quorum present,'Holmes caAW . meeting to order at 5:38 pm 11. APPROVAL OF .NIINU'IES OF REGULAR. NG or October 9, 2006 Minutes were unanimously approved: ' . III. ITEMS FOR C(ASIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA ItemaiNilre lndtWduaAy considered..' (A1) * City ofEvanstun Payroll through 10/19/06 S2,231,913.02 Item A I unanimously approved, 5-0. - (A2) �-�* aty of Es•anston Bills through 10/24/06 S3,012,953.69 I.-Nern A2 unanimously approved. 5-0. sy. (A3:1)= -''Approval of a sole source purchase from Library Furniture International, (185I Janice Drive. Northbrook., IL) of LFI Biblomodel Cantilever BtAudlovi.stHd display shelving, In the amount of S95,474 for the Library's Youth s"ce renovation project. Funding provided by FY 06-07 CIP budget. Ald. ,lean -Baptiste asked Neal Ney (Public Library Director) for a projected date of completion for the project Neal replier approximately Labor Day or a year from today. Ald. Jean -Baptiste is asking for an upcate and what is going on other libraries in the next Meeting. Ney announced Monday is Lhe program review meeting. Ald. Jean -Baptiste is pleased and will accept that. hem A3.1 approved after discussion, 5-0. (A3.2) *Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the purchase of a Dual -Simulcast Repeater Radio System upgrade for the Fire and Police Departments from Motorola Corporation (1295 E. Algonquin, Schaumburg IL) at a cost of S553,865. Funding provided by the Emergency Telephone S}item Board account. A & PW Minutes Pape 2 of 2 Cklober 23. 2005 Ald. Ann Ramsey wanted to clarify the purpose and the funding source of the purchase, the functicri of the purpose, and explained the problemisolution. Chief Berkowsky explained Me ability to reprogram without additional expense. This is a complete new infrastructure. Aid. Rainey agrees with Aid. Wollin that Northwestern is assisting in the discount. Alld. Rainey noted that Northwestern pays very little In 9-1-1 tax. Item A3.2 approved after discussion. 5-0. (A4) *Approval of Change Order No. ?' -I 1 to the Sherman Plaza Garage Construction Project with W. E. O'Neil (2751 North Clybourn, Chicago, IL) for various items Increasing the contract amount by $352,966 from $40,791,141 to $41,144,107. Funding provided by the Washington National T1F. Item A4 unanimously approved, 5-0. _7 (A5) *Resolution 63-R-06 Accentance of a Don atiotf-tai-tbjJJMfpan Relations Commission t, Consideration of resolution 62-R-06 au t h6ilz Wj the acceptance of funds from the American Legion, Post 42 to the Hutttttai Relations Comenli&u.. Paula Haynes (Director of Human Relabotts) addressed the committee; expieititng what the funds raised are used for. Currently, no 'debuyniiWtion,I= been made Wikoolicitation list, she is asking fcr ideas. Paula dosed by arinoimdria the Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser, Item A5 approved after discussion. 5-0. IV. ITE\IS FOR DISCUSSION:; V. COMMUN [CATIONS VI. ADJOUR.NN1&W1 .' .5i47pM Respectfully submitted.; : k� A .Y. Cortez. Executive Assistant `- A & PW Minutes Page 1 & 5 November 13, 2008 • 0 Men bcrs Present.• Members Absent: Staff Present: Other: Present: ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS CON51TrI'EE MINUTES AIONDAY, November 13, 2006 5:11pm — 6:25pm CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404. 'A' Ald_ Hansen, Ald. Holmes, Ald. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Aid. Wollin �f►-g!�AItiA Judy Aiello, Julia Carroll, Pat Catey, Deputy Chief Cook, Dolores Y. Cortez, Glen Crabtree, Paul D'Augustino, Suze�tc Ewca' 'Pn, Matthew Grady,IU, r a. I i. ,,, . .� David Jennings, Dennis Marino, a -iVlp�gut- j i Chief Dennis G Nilsson, Elke Pura, Carlos Rum"IV1Gax ubin,'R' "Russell, Bruce Slow•n, Donna Spicuzza, DaVkf t�oiieback, Judy �Vti,t;i!a;Yatabc, Ala. Tisdahl, Aid. Moran Presiding: Alderman Holmes L 00-2,`•- DECLARATION OF RQl tr�J •. With quorum present, ��-sA'i APPRO,Y,Ap O NIIl\'L TXS pF,i. EE'i'ING of October Minutrj �•t.� !"*, nously aopr q h the {correction by Ald. Wollin of not ✓1yy w�7"rt+''�7.:•s= - ; � ems;:-., STAFF PLt WFATION Dav Swcep Pr 'posal/omerkted by Streets & Sanitation Division '!'EM FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA H ms'were indMdualty considered. �tk&:w -A) ratted t1atk1ng to order 51 t'pm 23, 2006 5 — 0 vote, a (A1) ,Ci-yipf Evanston Payroll through 11I02106 $2,201,615.87 l alw,t1_was unanim usly appro►+ed 5 - 0. (A2) ' City of Evanston Bills through 11114/06 $3,417,700.16 (See attached. Council Agenda Inquiries) Judy Aiello (Assistant City Manager) offered to change the account distribution coding to be more explanatory. Ald. Rainey had questions about the hoard -up services. Gavin Morgan (interim Purchasing Director) Initiated response and Evanston's Police Department will complete the response by the end of the week per Judy Aiello. 11em rt1 was ernanimoush• approved S - 0. A & PW MnLdes Page 2 of 5 November 13, 2006 (A3.1) *Approval of authorization for the City Manager to execute a contract with CaremarkPCS Health, LP (2211 Sanders Road, NBT9, Northbrook, IL) and WeIINet HealthCare (4733 Bethesda Ave, Bethesda, MD) to provide pharmacy benefit management services for PPO participants In the City's health insurance program for the period December 1, 2006 - November 30, 2007. The projected annual cost for the contract is $23,040, the projected annual costs of pharmacy claim usage Is $815,106. Item A3.1 was unanimously approved 3 — 0. (A3.2) ' Approval of a professional services contract with the Lakota Group (70 West Erie Street, Chicago, IL) for Urban Design and Planning Services for the Central Street streetscape In an amount not -to -exceed $128,498. Funding provided by the Capital Improvement Project fund ($28,498) and the Economic Development Fund ($100,000): Item : t3.1 was smanimourh• approved 5 - 0 (A3.3)' Approval of purchase for 331 trees from the Suburban Trei,Consortium (STC- West Central Municipal Conference 1127 S. ManhelihAd. STt,�102 Westchester, IL) In the amount of $67,320. Approval of an additional'puichase for the contractual planting of 100 of the tress through the STC, In thearriount of $8,700, The total expenditure for the purchase of the trees and the contract for planting Is $76,020. Funding provided by General Fund. ' Item.43.3 it -as unanimously approved 5 - 0. (A3.4)• Approval of purchase for three Digital Surveillanm.System Cameras from Public Safety Communications (4•y0 West Taft Drive Soutlt HoUnd, IL) two for the Police Department, one for Evanston-Townshlp�h Sc#rOW ip a amount of $73,500 and an additional $18,000 for an �hlee+ 'aetended suYice warranty, for a total of $91,500. Funding provided by,ttfle Capital Improvement Program ($61,000) and • Evanston Township Hiah School (S10,500}. ,1, . I" ; - Pub Ald. Rainey asked tf'de Safety Co Diffi' 'ki.tions�s the some vendor that Chicago uses. De Deputy Chief metrious Cook replied lib: Dui they are the lowest and most responsive. Md. Rainey referred to a spreadsheet titled Munkss 1 Survey I Comments. Ald. Rainey looked for the comparative vendor and was wondering when the citizens will see one Installed. Deputy Chief Demetrious Cook replied 6 - 8 weeks, the units are Handmade. He explained in detail a little about the assembly. Aid. Rainey feferred to a specific area in her ward (Brummel and -,Custer). Aid. Rainey feels that nothing has happened the way it was discussed when this was Inttiatly discussed before the committee. it tools 6 months to bid. Aid. Jean -Baptiste =:L commented that the city still has not addressed the root of criminal activity. More technology, .more police, more arrested youth. Criminal statistics have not decreased. Ald. Jean -Baptiste Is voting against the camera. Aid. Rainey said that crime is already happening, and she hopes the camera is a deterrent. It has diminished activity in the Brummel and Custer area, and later added it makes people feel safe. Ald- Wollin remarked portability is an advantage. Ald. Holmes feels that n&&comers to the community will think twice about criminal activity with the presence of the cameras. Item A3.4 %w approved s — L uith .Alderman Jean -Baptiste goring Nab•. (A3.5)'Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the purchase of up to 3,780 tons of salt for the FY 200612007 snow season from North American Salt Company (9200 South Ewing Street, Chicago, IL) in the amount of $149,990.40. Funding provided by the Snow and lee Control Fund. Item A3.5 wns unanimously approved 5 - 0. r1 A A PW UnAes Page 3 of 5 November 13. 2006 (A3.6)•Approval of the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the purchase of • Cisco products for the Information Technology Department from Netrix LLC. (2801 Lakeside Drive, Bannockburn, iL) in the amount of $80,197.65 Funding provided by Information Technology Replacement (558,514.65), Water Fund Capital outlay ($18,269.30), and the balance from Water Dept Security Improvements (33,413.50). (Aid. Rainey) Does this purchase add to the fiber optic? Bruce Slown responded this purchase connects to and takes advantage of the fiber optic. Aid. Rainey wants the cameras to work with the Outpost. Item A3.6 was unanimously approved 5 - 0. (A3.7)•Approval of a proposal from the Public Works Department, Streets & Sanitation Division to eliminate night sweeping on most residential streets and cleaning during daytime hours only. Ald. Rainey is not supportive of either one of the proposals. and'believes the frequency of street cleaning should be increased. There are some neloiboitioods in her ward that need street cleaning every week. The dirtiest streets are the oi7e-side-0f-tfI street parking. If the city is going to eliminate towing on those streets and 4,#crease the finb, that does not do the neighborhood any good at all, it makes the streets dirtier than they are'nuw. Ald. Rainey is against towing but the streets must be cleaned. The problem is in the densely populated neighborhoods. Aid. Rainey used Custer as an example of how important sbmtcleaning is. Aid. Rainey feels the citizens are paying rrn and rnore faxes and receiviri6.*8 s and less services. Aid. Jean -Baptiste is in agreement with Ald. Rainey; tfte,city has to look at where the needs are. He agrees with the thrustottrying to.maximize productivity and save money. The hand street cleaners may also be able to acipornpish the objeoAv ,For quarterly cleaning, you need • to set an alarm to remind yourset #1A everytlieeemonths street cleaning. Staff may have it posted, but the notice is not effective. People we just.��okable to keep up with that kind of schedule. Why do,yod Trani to incr 'the.tirie hiVti6e orae-sided sweep areas? Is that to make u revenue? Davidd' '''`" Direct Works and Suzette Eggleston (Superintendent of Streets b Sahlfa�)responded that Una inariase in fines would be to encourage people to move. Aid. Jean -Baptiste -feels that people would like to move their car if they have effective notice. Dai+id.lenrtirtgs ermined prior melhods of notification and explained that the city saves one full time enipkiyeebY havd`to tl�e signs. Aid. Jean -Baptiste wants to eliminate towing: ir�nge3 .,, 'Alc :il dahl and Ald. *oran are in favor of the day time street sweeping and are against - '- rfoia4iirig. Alta 14olmes asked.about the business districts specifically small businesses. Another way of adirertWng street'deaning dates would be to use the media, cable, Highlights. Aid. Holmes feels the p.a. system is wonderful and the city should keep it. and the city should keep the towing., Aid. Hansen brought up an example of when her ward was having neighborhood meetings every Tuesday and Wednesday. Even though it's printed, the citizens will forget or throw it out. What more can we do? Is the recommendation to eliminate towing because it creates such a complaint volume from people who get towed? Jennings explained both angles of the complaining. The city gaired compliance by runni-ng the p.a. system to warn people to move their cars, but they got complaints by doing so. Jennings and Aid. Hansen both agreed and understood that the night workers are just going to steep in the morning. The alderman still does not feel that citizen complaints are enough reason to eliminate towing. . Aid. Woltin mentioned that for older residents that don't necessarily go out everyday, they may not see the signs. An elderly gentleman's car was towed. Why can't the city just tow cars to another location in the neighborhood instead of the pound? David Jennings explained that the A a PW Minutes Page 4 of 5 November 13, 2008 city does not have relocation towing except for snow. It's an option that can be looked at. Aid. Wollin wanted to know if people that sweep their leaves into the street are being fined? • Jennings responded only on a complaint base and added that no one Is currently monitoring that activity specifically. David added 'Highlights' is a publication that includes the street cleaning schedule. Ald. Jean -Baptiste moved that the committee approves the proposal from the standpoint of increasing productivity and reducing costs but will revisit the services that are provided to the neighborhoods to ensure that the services are adequate and appropriate. Fellow councilmen reminded the alderman that the committee was presented two choices. Aid. Jean -Baptiste understood that and asked the committee d he could suggest his motion as a third option, come back with some specific modification of the neighborhood plan. Item 3.7 Held in Committee. (A4.1) *Approval of Change Order #1 with Gewalt Hamilton Ass idates (850 Forest Edge Drive, Vernon Hills, IL) for additional engineering oboorlialtbn services on the 2006 Water Main, Sewer, and Street Improvement projecL Thichn' nW"p order amount 1s $36,500, Increasing the contract amount from $240257.76 #o $276,757.76. Funding Is provided by the Water Depreciation, Improvement & Extensiort'A_ _ccount. Item A4.1 mu unanimously approtird 5 — 0. ` (A5) ' Resolution 64-R-06 Commerical Card Aglmment Consideration of ro l` proposed resolution 64-R-06 afJtifori:tng the City Manager to sign a continuing agreement with LaSalle Bank National Association for commercial card services. Item AS it -as i4nanimowly approved S�"it. (A6) • Ordinance 10640-06 Sale of C Vehic ., ed by the City of Evanston :.' r,._ ",i • Consideration of proposed ordinary 1064D.06 authorizing the sale of City surplus fleet vehicles owned by tttrM City of Ev a i tilla i at Ow Obi rtauf Auction Service Municipal Equipment Auction; on Dfacember 2� at— the Lake County Fairgrounds in Grayslake, Illinois. Aid. Holmes had_questions that she had iven to Gavin Morgan (Interim Purchasing Director). Her major concem was the purchase price of a car vs cost of maintenance, she gave several examples and asked for an'explanation. "Pat Casey (Director of General Services) says this issue has been reviewed since July. It was the department's intent to show that the -maintenance has increased. Some cars are lemons, sometimes the city is able to take `Filmntagb of the warranty. It is the cdy's plan to be more aggressive in the city's purchases. Aid. Rainey asked is we are examining wta the city buys from? Pat responded that they are all state bids, but the city will look at different models. Casey added that staff is looking deeper into a software analysis package we have. We are looking to use the software to its fullest extent, Item A ifv'6t unai into=A• apprai•ed 5 - 4 (A7) ' Ordinance 1d9-O-06 Increase in Class C Liquor Licenses Consideration of proposed ordinance 109-0-06 amending Section 3-5-6 (C) of the city code to Increase the number of Class C Liquor Licenses from twenty-four to twenty-five due to the addition of Evanston Home, LLC doing business as Quince Restaurant, 1625 Hinman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Aid. Rainey wanted to hear from the Reynolds (owners) about the type of restaurant they were opening. Mr. Reynolds stated that Quince Restaurant would be a while tablecloth restaurant, he wanted to provide affordable, accessible dining for Evanston. He hopes to open the 2e of November or a week later. Aid. Woilin made note of the eiror in the address and asked about • the BASSETT training. The owner assured council everyone had BASSETT training. Aid. A d PW Minutes Page 5 Of 5 November 13. 2006 Rainey asked for confirmation, Pat Casey verified. Md. Woltin moved to suspend the rules to introduce and act in the same meeting. Council agreed to suspend the ndes to Introduce and Act upon Item A7. Item A was unanimously approved 5 - 0. (AS) 'Ordinance 110-O-06 2006 City of Evanston Tax Levy Consideration of proposed ordinance 110-0-06 which legally imposes the City of Evanston property tax levy for the General Fund, Police and Fire Pension Fund of $25,483,673 for FY 2006-07. A public hearing will be held on this levy at the Council meeting of 11127106. Aid. Jean -Baptiste expressed an importance that the people understand what this levy is and shared an example of a phone call from an NU student. Item A8 isus unanimously approved S — 0- (Ag) 'Ordinance 111-0-06 2006 City of Evanston Tax Levy Consideration of proposed ordinance 1114-06 which IpMy b*Wses the City of Evanston property tax levy for Evanston Township of:i.3aY„134 for FY 2006-07. A public hearing will be held on this levy at the Council meeting of 11l27106. Iran A was unanimous!~, approved 5 — 0. (A10) 'Ordinance 112-0-06 2006 SSA" City of Evanston Tax Levy Consideration of proposed ordinance 1124G.W which irgally Imposes the City of Evanston property tax levy for the Special Sewici Arai $4 of$255,000 for FY 2006-07. A public hearing will be held on this levy at tt»Coundl meeting of 11127106. Aid. Rainey offering clarity to the new aldermen explsirwg that only the people within the district are paying this tax. The taxes go kmard upkeep. ; ° . Item A10 was unanimously approved S— 0. 0 IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. COAIAIUNICATION5 .� VI. ADJOURNMENT 16:251 Respectfully submitted, Delores Y.`Cartez, Execxtiiye Assistant 0 A a Pw Mrwtn Pape 1 of 4 November 27. 2006 ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, November 27, 2006 5:34pm -- 6:Mpm n r CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOM 2404 ,Member Present: AUL Hansen, Aid. Holmes, Ald. Jean -Baptiste, Md. Rainey, AldWollin Members Absent Stahl Present: Oibers Present: Presiding: • i (A2) A • Dolores Y. Cortez, Doug Gaynor, Jennings, Vincent Jones, Kevin LL Rubin, Rotanda B. Russell Ald Bcrnstcm Ald. Alderman Holmes DECLARATION OF With quorum presenLI APPROVAL OF 1%11M Minutes were unanimous [A'r TTEM&FQR C0? S1D Herb Hill, David a, iElke i ut Max to order at 5:34pm of November 13, 2006 err+#`1Aib%indh►iduaiy consakili - ; Y . . Ej. ton P 11s 2M^120,Q0 , (, A) Knraa�asulj��ih1i� Fans:on Bites through 1=6 t}6 s 4,445,6X60 r� ioxaniiro lyapp{vved 5 - 0_ rratit0 of_a proposal from the Public Works Department, Streets 8 on Di'viisoa to eliminate night-time street cleaning on most residential and Piovhji cleaning during daytime hours only. This Item was held in Ald Rainey*r's— aini3�steadfast about dean streets as opposed to higher tines and towing. She later asiaedoj regarding one side of the street parking. the city does not require people to move their 4r to the other side of the street for street cleaning- David Jennings (Director of Public Works) explained that the issue is finding the transition time from one side to the other where you prohibit on the one side and allow it on the other. If there is an overlap, we are jeopardizing emergency vehicle clearance. Ald. Rainey believes there is a simple solution. Jennings stressed the importance of emergency vehicle clearance, explaining if the street isn't wide enough for emergency vehicles, it would have to be cleared. Aid. Rainey gave an example of a resident with a large number of tickets equaling thousands of dollars to show the effectiveness of towing_ Ali. Rainey is very adamant about public notification of street cleaning. Ald. Rainey asked how the city will respond if there is a specific request for a street cleaning. Jennings responded that Streets & Sanitation will investigate and clean up. A d PW MxAM Page 2 d 4 November 27, 2006 1 Aid. Holmes feels the hand crew is useful, Aid. Holmes asked if there was previous • discussion regarding problem streets and frequent cleaning. Md. Jean -Baptiste is against towing as it relates to the frequency of cleaning which is adversely affecting the objective of keeping the streets dean. Quarterly cleaning is not enough. He feels the city needs a different method of resolving those streets that are deaned on a quarterly basis, Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked how much of the towing fines would come to us. Jennings responded and explained that the higher fine would offset some of the expense of hand cleaning. David Jennings explained It's four times a year in the current plan on the one -skied streets. We have devised a method where we dean frve times a year insigad of four. At that time we were trying to match the proposal that we did with the two-sidW WRets. We'd be posting five dates on the sign instead of four. Jennings responded to Aidquestion about previous discussion of problem areas and explained thej toe, eve the right to tow. Aid. Hansen wanted a little more clarity on the towing oprels with one-sided parking being cleaned five times a year in the new plan. She vVrillld likik krlDirtr d there Is a way to track problem cars next year. Jennings confirnsr'i&aM explained 'fo�M.7.f Hansen the tracking processes in which there are two options i4hw�4­tieen usee � d in the delivery of a mid -season report. `•,.,. :fir , .� Rolanda Russell, Assistant City Manager, clirihedule was based on history. season, and volume of litter. David expounded. Atd:.Ralr ey would like staff to review the new proposal, she wanted to reviewJ4new matey'" . .emized and expounded upon each w_ new point: time and frequenrydrsltgef,sweeping.ti Eng, business districts and areas, date posting and schet 6k poelirp 1h printed, - eo, and audio mediums. ,yam• x'r :-.•�,•':2 K. Aid. Woliin mentioned after streeo �truc�p_rt;66c be a good time to dean. Jennings explained the cif doesn't normal " "" expla y„ ty;stt�iet ciNrf�->bti�ff lt{s:-so that the vehicles can get in there, then we will do 1L; ' Z a►Y. Cy~. !fair .43 xrss r�lj►aippno+rd S - (A4) • Resolution i -R-06 t3ebt AbaR rnent rt r ConsWeration of proposed resolu6mi 65-R-06 abating a portion of the 2006 debt aiiirioe property to y in the srrtaunt of $1,287,618.00 on Series 1997 bonds. � ,� :�AMA4 UMUsanimoi4apirot'ed S - 0. A-, Resolution GO-R-06 Debt'Abatement & lderatlon bi proposed resolution 6f-R-06 abating a portion of the 2006 debt levy le in the amount of $3,421,456.00 on Series IM bonds. '" ProPett71', . Iterrr �3 teas u»arstinoiuly approved 5 - 0. :lk (AB) • Resol07-R-06 Dent Abatement Conside kk4i-of proposed resolution 67-11-06 abating a portion of the 2006 debt service property tax levy in the amount of $7,806,600.00 on Series 2000 bonds. !rein Ad %us unanimously approved 5 - 0. (A7) • Resolution 68-R-08 Debt Abatement Consideration of proposed resolution 68-R-06 abating a portion of the 2006 debt service property tax levy In the amount of $3,260,000.00 on Series 2002 bonds. flaw A uYu unanimously apprmvd 5 - 0. A al; PW WxAw Pape 3 or, Novwnbw 27, 2008 • (A8) " Resolution 6"-06 Debt Abatement Consideration of proposed resolution 69-R-06 abating a portion of the 2006 debt service property tax levy in the amount of $443.932.00 on Series 2002c bonds. Item A8 win unanimously approved S - 0. (A9) " Resolution 70-R-06 Debt Abatement Conslderatkm of proposed resolution 70-R-06 abating a portion of the 2006 debt service property tax levy In the amount of $994,788.00 on Series 2003 bonds. Item A was unanimously approved S - 0. (A10)' Resolution 71-R-06 Debt Abatement Consideration of proposed resolution 71-R-06 abating a polikm of the 2006 debt service property tax levy in the amount of $109,450.00 0 20" bonds. Item A10 %= unanimously approved S - 0. (Al 1) " Resolution 72-R-06 Debt Abatementtft Consideration of proposed resolution 72-R46 a � )eligj(t of the 2006 debt service property tax le In the amount of i ` p levy j��,i�.00 ori�� 2005 bands. Item All war unanimously apprcnvd S -- 0. (Al2) • Resolution 73-R-06 - Debt Abatement t ;t�► Consideration of proposed resolution: 46. abat p,portion of tt* 3006 debt service property tax levy in the amount a4"FAO on Series 2006 iionds. Gerald Gordon, gave address, SprnplimentedfltR on Darrow Street, wanted to know how it was bek aid. Matthew IN (Finance Director) responded to resklent's questions explal gist Oiik abatements'A iiisted to the fiscal year 2006-2007 budget previously approveddtiili{:Wha'k- 1 • Item Al2 uns unanimously opproiOiS�- ff.=- 77. -} sac. - (A13) " Resolution 74-R-4111 %r the Purclaisd at li iGaf, pl�iwer tar the City of Evanston Consideratioe "pRvposad re sohtll,KUR-06'to Mlow the City of Evanston to enter Into an agrriiinint -061-k fiipurchas� bf Victrical power with either Sempra Energy Sol utlonprf*C&istellaWn-New En etpi►, re ..Costs and supplier ato be provided on - - NovemtArZT;dtie to volatility of the oommo 'Ity. Costs for the electricity used will be allocated to a�idf `accaiof w!tliptat any changes. Costs not to exceed $1,795,268.00. Max Rubin (Di wql4f-of FScAlles _Marsageinenl) noted that his staff added an addendum and �fk his d*wrtmeritis asking this item be held and explained the vacillating casts of energy at ,tl�s 8rr>ie: lUd. t-lolmas_aidied Max when the veto session would be over, he responded the s.-30°i of Noveraber. Rubin talked about an'opt out` clause. Staff recommended the item be r until the rres�ts of ttifl }-jtbld legislative session is determined. (A14)• Ortltnarioe_Ili Q-0 Proposing the Extension (Years) and Expansion (Area) of Specia[ SeM6*'Ar+si ($$A} No. 4 Consld rr of proposed ordinance 113-0-06 proposing the extension (years) and expansion (Aria 0) of Special Service Area No.4 for twelve additional years and providing for a public hearing and other procedures in connection therewith. Aid. Rainey inquired about non -far -profit with some exemptions and asked if 1800 Sherman was assessed before this special service district? Diane Williams responded they used to be but they were taken off the transfers. Aid. Rainey then reminded Diane that council was assured that all of the tenants paid lease hold fees. The lease holders stil show, yes. Aid. Rainey is suggesting that this building be omitted from the special service district. Aid Rainey asked how is the levy spread? Herb Hill (First Corporate Legal) responded it's based upon • the tax rate applied to that assessed value. Aid. Rainey then asked if there was a ballot or was it just the hearing? Herb Hill responded there was just the hearing. Peye 4 d 4 Plmmber TT, 200e Aid. Hansen asked what the next steps were according to the memo if everything goes forward. Herb responded. Aid. Hansen asked why doesnI any of the funds go toward these activities (on -going maintenance)? Aid. Hansen then inquired about the new boundaries. so Diane Williams will address the Alderman's question in the near future, she did not have that Information avalable and would follow up with additional information at the next Council meeting. Herb Hill promised to forward to the committee a more legible overlay map. Aid. Bernstein asked for clarification of numbers of property tax payers. Herb explained the 50150 rule. Aid. Wollin noted that the tax rate is going down. Aid. Rainey asked if someone could remind council of what the city supplements? Diane Williams explained that the biggest component is through the maintenance contract. For the next committee mee , Council Is asking for a couple examples of what this will mean for entities and condole Williams intends to give examples of each. Item Al4 %= unanimously approved 5 — 0. n: (All $) •Ordinance 116 ).-N One -Way Stop at Seward Constderation of proposed ordinance 116-0 V(A) of the City Code to establish a OneaAf Avenue, Mean A15 ens unanimously approved 5 — 0. `ti.�41.M { l III. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSI0N.,.. t - rv. COMMUNICATIONS VI. ADJOURNMENT' 6:3+Ipm /.p• Respectfully sutxnflt :- Dobres?*=C.aife,'Exearti+re/lsslstant i' amenaing se Op at Seward 4 tiq ' 1-5, Schedule �J A & PW 1Nuwtes Page 1 or 3 December 11, 2008 „ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC AVORKS COINBU I I ;- :....'r .:,,,` V , • MINUTES .l MONDAY, December 11, 2006 5:45pm - 6:24pm eon{'_::._w. ..CIVIC CENTER,Z100RIDGEAVENUE}ROObt2404;,r.: _ �,;i� 1 . C'! Y}0 i Members Present: AidJean-Baptist�, Ald Rainey, Ald. Wolin <<�„ Members Absent: Ald. Holmes Staff Present: Judith Aiello, Chief A. Berkowsky, John IiAi. Dolores Y. Cortez, Rajeev Dahl, Suzette Eggleston, Doug Gaynor, Matthew Grady III, Herb Hill, David J . nines Vincent lanes Gavin Morgan; Eike.Ptit=u, Max Rubin, Others Present: Presiding:-:­Ald. Hansen I'`'1 "`' :� DECLARATION OF QUORUM I With a quorum present: Alderman Hansen called the meeting to order at 5:45pm APPROVAL OF i►iIriEl'I'F,S OF REGULAR MEETING of November 27, 2006 Minutes were unanimously approved, 4 - 0 vote. ITEbtS FOR CONSIDERATION ON COUNCIL AGENDA, Items were individually considered. (M)" * CEty of Evanston Payroll through 11f30106 S 2,032,148.91 Iran AI was unanimously approved4 — 0 (A2) 'iCity of Evanston Bills through 12112106 $ 3,139,506.26 " s "ftnrs A2 was unanimousfy approved 4— 0. (A3.1) ' Approval of Change Order No. 1 (final) to the Phase X - Contract B Relief Sewer project with Benchmark Construction Co., Inc. (2103 West Bartlett Road, Bartlett. IL) The change order decreases the contract amount by $361,560.46. from $7,148.765.60 to $6,787,205.14. Funding provided by the Sewer Reserve, CIP, and Water Fund accounts, Item A1 I was unanimously approv-ed 4- 0. (A3,2) ' Approval of Change Order No. 2 to the 2006 Water Main Improvements - Contract A project with Bolder Contractors, Inc. (440 Lake Cook Road, Unit 313, Deerfield, IL). The change order decreases the contract amount by $1,904.21, from $3,874,952.30 to $3,873.048.09 and extends the contract completion date by 67 days, from October 2.2006 until December 8, 2006. Funding ,provided by the Water and Sewer and CIP account. = , , Item A3.2 %ns unanimously approved 4— 0. A 3 Pw WhViLes Page 2 of 3 December 11, 2006 (A3.3)' Approval of Change Order No. 3 (final) to the Colfax ! Bryant Storm Sewer project with Joel Kennedy Constructing Corp. (40 Noll Street, Waukegan, IL) The change order decreases the contract amount by $194,928.45, from $2,570,152.18 to $2,375,223.73. Funding provided by the Sewer Reserve account. Item A3.3 uvs unanimously approved 4- 0. (A4) ' Resolution 7a-R-06 for Cook County Mobile Video and Data Communication Network Participation Agreement Consideration of proposed resolution 78-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Cook County Mobile Video and Data Communication Network Participation Agreement. hcm d4 ,Kus unanimously approved 4- 0. (A5) ' Resolution 77-R-06 Studio 221 Lease Aareement Between the Citv and Artist N apie Wless Consideration of proposed resolution 77-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement between the City and current Noyes Resident Artist Item AS i4 s unanimously approved 4- 0. (A6) • Resolution 74-R-06 for the Purchase of Electrical Power for the City of Evanston Consideration of proposed resolution 74-R-06 to allow the City of Evanston to enter into an agreement for the purchase of Electrical power with either Sempra Energy Solutions or Constellation New Energy. Costs and supplier are to be provided on December 11, 2006 due to volatility of the commodity. Costs for the electricity used will be allocated to each account without any changes. Costs not to exceed $1,795,268.00. This item was held in Committee on 11127106. Council asked for a verbal summary different than what is In the package. Max Rubin (Director of Facilities Management) explained dollar amounts and choosing the vendor. David Cook (Associate Director) distributed a packet to Council and explained dollar amounts and what part was fixed. Council asked for a much dearer explanation of what was done, there was too much material in front of them for proper review at this time. Freddi Greenberg, Attorney. responded to Council's inquiry about how a vendor was chosen. Other listed vendors are being challenged (Illinois Retail Choice Law), Constellation is not included In the group currently being challenged. A motion was being made by the Acting Chairman when Max Rubin asked if the Resolution should be edited to include a cost not -to -exceed $1.806,113 per appendix B. The Acting Chairman then made a motion to include the new data Max Rubin and David Cook agreed upon. Ald. Rainey seconded the motion. Aid. Rainey asked for a presentation to getter inform the public. David Cook mentioned that someone from Constellation will be at the City Council meeting. Mare A6 nias unanLnously approved 4-- 0. (A7) ' Ordinance 119-0-06 Authorizina the Citv Manager to Execute an Easement Agreement for property at Evanston Prairie I, LI-C Consideration of proposed ordinance 119-0-06 executing an agreement with Evanston Prairie I, LLC, for a subsurface easement for wall and column footings adjacent to 2607-2617 Prairie Avenue. Item A Hns unanimoush• approved 4- 0. (AS) ' Ordinance 121-0-06 Authorizina the Issuance of Not -to -Exceed $15.000,000 General Obligation Bonds Consideration of proposed ordinance 121-0.06 authorizing the city manager to execute an Issuance in an amount not -to -exceed $15,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006B for the purpose of refunding a portion of Series 2002C and 2003E G.O. Bonds. 0 If 0 A 3 PW Mnutes Pape 3 013 December 11. 2006 Aid. Rainey opened the floor for comments from the Finance Department. Matthew Grady lilt (Finance Director) introduced John Peterson (bond salesman), asked Council to waive the reading of the first ordinance. and explained his approach, the position of the rates (high vs low), savings the city will receive over five years and explained the process of selling, and logic in bond issuance. Item A8 was unanimously approved 4— 0. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. COMMUNICATIONS (APW1) Comcast Rate hikes for 2007 Ald. Rainey had questions about the difference between packages. Max Rubin will ask the Comcast Representative to describelexplain packages in layman's terms or consumer language. Rubin reassured Council that Evanston has the lowest prices in the surrounding communities. (APW2) Options for reducing the Police and Fire Pension Funds' unfunded liability Grady introduced Ron Brumbach from the Fire Department and Tom from the Police Matthew Grady III, explained the memo and it's target audience. Explained It is 45-day tracking period. He explained the issues and the memo is an update that explains two different options and he explained each option. Matthew explained where each department is in their funding and where each department should be to be healthy. Matthew Grady responded to all of the council's questions. Aid. Rainey is asking on behalf of the Council that the Finance Department keeps Council abreast of the process as it occurs not afterwards. Grady vows not to bring a resolution to Council expecting approval without previous explanation. Aid. Wollin added that other cities and communities are suffering as well. AM. Jean -Baptiste is interested in seeing how incurring more debt will get rid of a growing 94 million dollar debt. He is very interested in the structural observation of the savings will occur. Grady explained that it is much like re -financing your house. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked for a time frame of when this topic will be revisited. Staff quoted the first quarter of 2007. late January or early February. VI. ADJOURNMENT 6:24pm Respectfully submitted, MCA Dolores Y. Cortelecutive Assistant A & PW Lfmfts Page 1 of 3 December 11. 2006 Members Present: 1lembers Absent: Staff Present: Others Present: ADMMISTRATION & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES .N10NDAY, December 11, 2006 5:45pm -- 6:24pin CIVIC CENTER, 2100 RIDGE AVENUE, ROOINI 2404 Ald. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Aid. Wallin Ald. Holmes Judith Aiello, Chief A. Berkowsky, John Burke, Dpl���;Yi"Cortez, Rajeev Dahl. Suzette Eggleston, Doug Gaynor, Maithcwy1�Icrb Hill, David Jennings,Vincent Jones, Gavin Morgan. lr, gan,1~lke Pur7oC;1 >ax Rit , , Presiding: Ald. Hansen 4 �F�. lrfbrrr �i I. DECLARATION OF QUORUM � .. �..`iL'' 3 With a quorum present, Aldel I I H6nren'ciibd QTneedng to order at 5:45pm IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING of November 27, 2006 Minute's were unanimously approved, 4 - 0 vote. III. ITEjIS FOR CONSIDERkT1ON ON COUNCIL AGENDA Items were indilridaaly considered. (Al) • City of Evanston PsiYroll through 11130106 s 2,032,148.91 Item AIway aam6mo�csl}rappruv 4-0. (A2) • City of Evenston Baia through '12112106 s 3,139,506.26 11cm A? "usnir n,C4, Opp 0. !ppraval of Chaff Order No. 1 (final) to the Phase X - Contract 8 Relief tl4werproject with !Benchmark Construction Co., Inc. (2103 West Bartlett Road, Barttlett, ILIThe change order decreases the contract amount by $361,560.46, fntien Z7,1WTWO to $6,787,205.14. Funding provided by the Sewer Reserve, CIPiiiii Weer Fund accounts. Item.43,1 un.:.:tn:cn d.v 1pproved J- 0. (A3.2) • Approval cf Change Order No. 2 to the 2006 Water Main Improvements — Contract A project with Solder Contractors, Inc. (440 Lake Cook Road, Unit 313, Deerfield, IL). The change order decreases the contract amount by $1,904.21, from $3,874,252.30 to S3,873,048.09 and extends the contract completion date by 67 days, from October 2, 2006 until December 8, 2006. Funding provided by the Water and Sewer and CIP account. Item A3.1 %= .nanimoush• approved 4- 0. A 3 PW Worm n Page 2 of 3 December 11, 2006 (A3.3)' Approval of Change Order No. 3 (final) to the Colfax 1 Bryant Storm Sewer project with .Joel Kennedy Constructing Corp. (40 Noll Street, Waukegan, IL) The change order decreases the contract amount by $194,928.46, from $2,570,152.18 to $2,375,223.73. Funding provided by the Sewer Reserve account. Item .43.3 xas unanimously approved 4- 0. (A4) ' Resolution 78-R-06 for Cook Countv Mobile Video and Data Communication Network Participation Agreement Consideration of proposed resolution 78-R-06 authorizing the City Manager to enter Into a Cook County Mobile Video and Data Communication Network Participation Agreement. z7 Item,{i Has unanimouslti- approved;- 0. (A5) ' Resolution 77-R-06 Studio 221 Lease Aareement Between the C1lii aiW Artist Mauaie Wiess " Consideration of proposed resolution 77-R-06 authorizing the City Mang to execute a lease agreement between the City and current Noyes Resident Mist Ifem .43 i4 us unanimous!- appro►rd 4- 0. (A6)Resolution 74-R-06 for the Purchase of Electrica) PowlEfor the City of Evanston Consideration of proposed resolution 74-R-06 to allow the City of Evanston to enter into an agreement for the purchase of Electrical po*wwfth' after Sempra Energy Solutions or Constellation New Eneryjr::Coslbs.and stippljer are to be provided on December 11, 2006 due to v'0Iv1 lty,of,dw commodity. Costs for the electricity used will be allocated to each accourtttMicut any changes. Costs not to exceed $1,795,268.00. This item was held In Cownittee on 1 V27106. Council asked for a verbal summary different than what is in the package. Max Rubin (Director of Facilities Management) explained dollar amounts and choosing the vendor. David Cook (Associate Director) distfib l ed a packet to Council and explained dollar amounts and what part was fixed. Council asked far. a much cleaner explanation of what was done, there was too much mateiW in front of them for proper review at this time. Freddi Greenberg, Attorney, responded to Counters inquiry about how a vendor was chosen. Other listed vendors are being challenged (iftois Retail Choice Law), Constellation is not included in the group currently being challenged. A motionwas being made by the Acting Chairman when Max Rubin asked if the Resohfion'shoiild be edited to include a cost not -to -exceed $1,806,113 per appendix S"The Acting Chairman then made a motion to include the new data ,Max Rubiri and David Cook agreed upon. Ald. Rainey seconded the motion. Aid. Rainey asked wfota presentation to better infcrm the public. David Cock mentioned that someone from CansLelfat on will be at the City Couricil meeting. 1r11;iAbx�2sunanimoustyarprove :- (l. (A7) ' Ordinance 119-OA6 Autherizina the Citv Manaaer to Execute an Easement Aareement for oroPerty at Evanston Prairie I, LLC Consideration of proposed ordinance 119-0-06 executing an agreement with Evanston Prairie I; LLC, for a subsurface easement for wall and column footings adjacent to 2607.2617 Prairie Avenue. hem.47itas imanimmuh•,spproLt:: s- 0. (AS) ' Ordinance 121-0-06 Authorizina the Issuance of Not4o-Exceed $15.000.000 General Obligation Bonds Consideration of proposed ordinance 121-0-06 authorizing the city manager to execute an issuance in an amount not -to -exceed $15,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006B for the purpose of refunding a portion of Series 2002C and 2003B G.O. Bonds. A & PW VAxdes Page 3 of 3 December 11, 2008 Ald. Rainey opened the floor for comments from the Finance Department. Matthew Grady 1111 (Finance Director) introduced John Peterson (bond salesman), asked Council to waive the reading of the first ordinance, and explained his approach, the position of the rates (high vs low), savings the city will receive over five years and explained the process of selling. and logic in bond issuance. Irem ft 8 it -as unanimously approved 4- 0. IV. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION V. COMMUNICATIONS (APW1) Comcast Rate hikes for2007 �;. Aid. Rainey had questions about the difference between ages. Max Rubin will ask the Comcast Representative to describe/explain pa,ckeg . layman's terms or consumer language. Rubin reassured Council that l=yanstorr'Wthe lowest prices in the surrounding communities. (APW7) Options for reducing the Police and Fire Pinston Funds' uWunded liability Grady introduced Ron Brumbach from die.t:ire'Department and Tom from the Police Matthew Grady 111, explained,tlte riiQnlo and it's'target Oudience. Explained it is 45-day tracking period. He expkikikl the:issues and. the memo is an update that explains two different options and fie explih*d each option. Matthew explained where each department Is in Ifieit iixwfing and where each department should be to be healthy. Matthew Grady respatded to all of the council's questions. Ald. Rainey: s asking on behalf of the Council that the Finance Department keeps Council abreast of the process as it occurs not afterwards. Grady vows not to bring 8 resolutfon to Council expecting approval without previous explanation. Aid: Wollin added that other cities and communities are suffering as.riiiiiI. Ald. Jeitin-Saptiste is interested in seeing how incurring more debt will W'dd et a growing 94.million dollar debt. He is very interested in the structuratobservaUon of.the savings will occur. Grady explained that it is much like re-#i Wcirig yaur house: Ald. Jean -Baptiste asked for a time frame of when this topie'*M be revisited. Stigiff'quoted the first quarter of 2007, late January or early � Felkuaty. VI. A 6:24pfn ' Respectfuii; ~} Dolores Y. Cortez, Executive Assistant