January 17, 2008
Present: Susan Munro, Chair, Timothy Angell, Sara Ashmore Diggs, Carol Batkeom, Eric
Beauchamp, Brooks Harding, Bruce Nelson, Joanne Zolomij
Staff. Donna Splcuzza, Housing Planner
1. Cali to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Minutes of the December 13. 2007 meeting were
approved 84 with typographical corrections as noted.
ll. Communications
Information distributed in the packet was discussed. The Affordable Housing Fund Summary
showed a balance of about S574,000. A total of $192,500 was transferred from the Mayor's
Housing Fund and included S90,000 in Demolition Fees and S40,000 in developer contributions.
Additional revenue included $40.000 in Demolition Fee revenue, S91,000 in rehab loan
repayments and $315,000 in Developer Contributions. Expenditures were approximately $64,000.
Members discussed the mechanics of the voluntary developer contributions and new
contributions resulting from the Inclusionary Housing Program, and asked to receive regular
Upcoming housing related activities were discussed and Donna Spicuzza said that staff Is
planning to provide Condominium Workshops in the spring for Evanston residents through
Lakeside Community Development Corporation, which has offered them on a regular basis in
Members discussed information on resale restrictions related to affordable ownership
developments. They received information that is distributed by the City to new purchasers which
details subsidy requirements. It explains the resale restrictions, homeowner's insurance
requirements, refinancing guidelines, and property tax appeals through the Assessors Affordable
Housing program.
if. Consideration of application from Evanston Community Development Association
to purchase and subsidize units at 829 Case condominium conversions
Susan Munro said an earlier version of this application was reviewed by the Commission in
December when ECDA was considering making a purchase offer on five condominium units In an
undisclosed seven unit completed condominium conversion. At that time they agreed that it
seemed a good idea in concept and encouraged ECDA to work on the project.
Keith Banks, executive director of ECDA, said the property is in south Evanston, east of Ridge,
two blocks south of St. Francis, and just north of the Skokie Swift in a mixed residential
neighborhood. He explained that the aNner was unable to sell the units after they were rehabbed
and now ECDA has the opportunity to sell them as affordable units. Mr. Banks said it is a
beautiful vintage building, and that the City's Housing Planner and property rehab specialist
toured it. Ms. Spicuzza commented that rehab specialist Ted Partika did not find any significant
issues and thought it appeared in good condition, although they didn't get up on roof. However,
Mr. Banks said the roof was torn off and redone about five years ago. He said it needs some
minor punch list items, but has new or refinished hardwood floors, all new kitchens with new
appliances, new baths, electrical, and washers and dryers. It has been on the market for about a
year, and the owner is now in foreclosure. He said ECDA paid market value for its first two
projects so they required more funding layers, and this is an opportunity to buy at below market
Housing Commission Minutes January 17. 2008
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Members asked if ECDA had met with the alderman. Mr. Banks said they talked to Aid. Rainey
and she has some issues about all the affordable housing being in the Eighth Ward. He said they
understand that, but feel that they have to take opportunities as they come.
Members asked about the owner's unit which is not included in the sale and were wanted to
ensure he had no additional mortgages and would not face foreclosure on his unit in the future.
Mr. Banks said when they purchase it they would pay off all the debt on the building and get five
units. The owner would keep the unit he has lived in for over 25 years. He had hoped to turn the
building into a condominium, make some profit and retire, but it didn't tum out that way. They
discussed the plans for the five units and confirmed that ECDA would sell four as affordable and
one at market price, so the building would have three unrestricted units and four affordable units
with resale restrictions.
Ms. Ashmore Dunn asked about the price of the market rate unit and Mr. Banks said it would be
S190.000, which was lower than the owner's asking price. He said the unit prices were provided
on the pro -forma, and they planned to sell the one -bedroom garden unit for $100,000 and the
two -bedroom units for S140,000 and S130,000. He clarified that the owner would provide the
warranties for the work performed. Tim Angell asked how large the pool of potential buyers was,
referred to in the application. Mr. Banks said they had about 60 applicants for the Dobson
building, and the City has a list of about 100 people who are interested In affordable housing, and
they would reach out to other organizations and churches,
Carol Balkcom asked if the Declaration of Covenants, a sample of which members received,
would apply to this condo. Mr. Banks said it would and that the units would be income and resale
restricted for 15 years for HOME funds, plus an additional rive years during which the resale price
would gradually increase to market price, for a total of 20 years. He confirmed the owner's unit
would be unrestricted.
Members discussed holding costs and Brooks Harding asked what the contingency costs would
cover. Mr. Banks said it's necessary to cover canying costs if the project goes longer than
expected. David Janzen of Reba Place Development Corporation, which Is partnering with ECDA
on the project, said it would also be used if they end up doing any of the punch list items in case
the owner doesn't do them all. In addition, there was some work recommended by the City, such
as adding a door for additional access to the heating unit which is difficult to reach because of the
placement of the water heater. He said they felt 10% of the project costs would be too high and
this Is only about 2.5% of the project Eric Beauchamp thought the utilities budget was high, but
Mr. Banks said the building had to stay heated and those costs have risen. Ms. Spicuzza noted
that while funds would be provided upfront for acquisition, the remainder would be drawn as
expenses arose, so if funds are not needed they won't be disbursed. Mr. Angel) asked if the
$72,400 developer fee was high and whether that is in the normal range. Ms. Spicuzza said it
comes to 8% of the project cost which is in the middle range, but wouldn't want to see if any
higher since ECDA is not doing any rehab. Mr. Janzen said they estimated that S40,000 would
take care of the costs for all the oversight, and that hopefully they would then have a little left over
to apply to their next project.
Mr. Angell made a motion that the Housing Commission recommend a HOME grant of $200,000
and a one year loan of up to S310,000 in Affordable Housing Funds to be retumed at resale, in
HOME funds, with the stipulation that ECDA file a complete application, seconded by Carol
Balkcom. Ms. Munro suggested that ECDA consider how to address concems about the owner
retaining his unit if that comes up. Ms. Ashmore Dunn said she did not think that should be an
issue as he has owned the building for 25 years and certainly had some equity in it. Eric
Beauchamp said he felt they should stress the positive side which was that they would be
creating a mixed Income building, which the Commission supports, and in essence they are
spending $700,000 for five move -in condition units.
Housing Commission fttinutes January 17. 2008
Page 3
Members voted 8-0 to recommend HOME grant of $200,000 for purchase price reduction,
and an Affordable Housing Fund of $140,000 for acquisition and $170,000 for operations,
for up to one year at 0%, to be returned at resale.
Members asked about the status of the Callan project which they recommended, and were
informed it was postponed until January 28 because of the number of items on the Planning and
Development Committee agenda. Joanne Zolomij said she still had a problem with the selling
price. She said she had looked up comparables for Ms. Spicuzza and there was nothing in that
location selling at or close to $285,000. Ms. Zolomij said she wondered if they will appraise out in
order for the purchasers to gel a loan. Mr. Beauchamp said he had the same feeling after the
December meeting and felt the market sale prices seemed wrong, He asked if it was possible to
look at the purchase contracts. Ms. Spicuzza said she received copies but discussed it with Ms.
Zolomij and concluded they should remain confidential but could be generalized. Mr. Beauchamp
asked about earnest money and financing. Ms. Spicuzza said there was no pre -approval letter
provided or indication of what amount they were qualified for and the earnest money deposit was
$1,000. Mr. Beauchamp noted that the Case project seemed much more appropriate with a lower
subsidy and lower selling prices.
Mr. Angell asked if they could receive a spreadsheet showing the status of recommended
projects in order to track where they were in the approval and construction processes, and what
other funds were used. Ms. Spicuzza said she had a list of the affordable projects and would
update it with a status category. Members discussed the kind of project reporting they would like
and It was agreed they will receive final written summaries with narrative information to help them
understand the challenges faced by the developers.
IV. Election of Officers for 2008
Ms. Munroe said she did not have the opportunity to recruit new officers or plan a nominating
committee. She said, however, that she was willing to continue as chair for another year and
members expressed their approval. Mr. Angell made a motion to elect Susan Munro as chair,
seconded by Bruce Nelson. Ms. Munro amended the motion to elect Eric Beauchamp as vice -
Members voted 8-0 to elect Susan Munro as Chair and Eric Beauchamp as Vice Chair for
V. Review housing section of draft One Year Action Plan for 2008.09 submitted to
HUD and Discussion of funding priorities
Before reviewing the priority housing issues identified in the Action Plan, Ms. Munro talked about
how the Housing Commission could help stimulate affordable housing in Evanston. She said she
thinks there are fewer projects coming to us and wondered if they could have the CHDOs come
and talk to the Commission about projects they might be working towards, and brainstorm
creative ways to have an impact.
Members supported the idea and discussed details. It was decided to limit this discussion to
CHDOs and ECDA, which plans to apply for CHDO status, and perhaps have a separate
conversation with other organizations that provide supportive or transitional housing. They
reviewed some questions they'd like to discuss. which ranged from technical aspects such as the
amount of subsidy per unit and acceptable developer fees, to broader issues such as whether
there's a need for more affordable rental housing, how can the Commission help them create
affordable housing, and what type of projects are they thinking about. They agreed to send out an
Invitation for the February meeting, a list of questions and a request for a summary of past
Ms. Spicuzza then went through the housing sections of the 2008-09 Action Plan which she said
was submitted to HUD that week. She explained that the Annual Action Plan is part of HUD's
Housing Commission Minuics January 17, 2008
Page 4
planning process for communities that receive CDBG, ESG, HOME and or HOPWA funds.
Entities must prepare a Five Year Consolidated Plan and subsequent one year Action Plans that
discuss how they plan to use the funds and provide other information. She said there are
prescribed guidelines for preparing the plans which sometimes makes them seem repetitive. This
is the fourth year of the City's Five Year Consolidated Plan.
She said the housing section reported on the use and plans of HOME funds which differ from
CDBG funds where the annual allocation is awarded at one time. HOME applications all accepted
throughout the year, so they don't know specific projects when writing the plan. She said in the
early years of receiving HOME funds, the City used it primarily for large multi -family rental
buildings that were in need of reinvestment and renovation. When the market changed In the last
few years, it became difficult to buy a multi -family building and operate it with affordable rents
because many developers were competing for those buildings for condo conversions and drove
prices up. The focus changed to creating home ownership opportunities. However, they noted In
the 2008-09 Action Plan that they would like to explore how to do rental projects. Ms. Spicuzza
suggested the Commission should discuss this in more detail and consider how much subsidy
might be needed and how much the City should provide.
Ms. Spicuzza referred members to page 14 which mentioned reserving the annual allocation for
use by CHDO's. HUD requires that Participating Jurisdictions reserve a minimum of 15% for use
by CHDOs, but she said that Evanston has typically used much more although only the minimum
Is reserved. Changes in HUD's calculations of commitments will make it necessary for Evanston
to reserve more. HUD requires that the annual HOME allocation be committed within two years
and disbursed within five years. Ms. Spicuzza said Evanston is on target for disbursals but faces
a shortfall in the commitment requirement. HUD used to count program income, such as loan
repayments, as meeting the commitment requirement, but will no longer do so beginning in 2008.
Evanston received a large amount of program income because some large loans were repaid,
and those funds have to be spent before drawing down entitlement funds. The shortfall is
approximately half a million dollars. She said that can be met, however, if funds are reserved for
CHDOs. The reservations don't have to be project specific, but there must be a written agreement
with the CHDO. She said she would bring information to the Commission on that next month,
A member asked if CHDOs could form a coalition to share the funds or use as necessary, and
Ms. Spicuzza said she didn't think so. Ms. Balkcom commented that with all the HOME funds that
need to be spent, she wondered if more could be provided to CHDOs for operating funds. She
said last year they all received S15,000 and asked if that amount could be raised. Ms. Munro said
that the overall amount for all CHDOs is limited to 5% of the annual entitlement, Ms. Spicuzza
said there might be some unused funds reserved for CHDO operating from previous years that
could be used, and she would detail that in a memo.
Vl. Public Comment
Suzanne Carlson invited members to come to one of the open houses in February at 2212
Washington, which is the affordable single family house rehabbed by Citizens' Lighthouse
Community Land Trust. They are scheduled every Saturday afternoon in February from 1 to 3
pm, with one on Sunday, February 17 from 1 — 5 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. The next scheduled Housing Commission meeting Is 7 p.m.
Thursday, February 21, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
February 211, 2008
Present: Susan Munro, Chair, Carol Balkcom, Eric Beauchamp, Brooks Harding, Bruce
Nelson and Joanne Zolomij
Absent: Timothy Angell, Sara Ashmore Diggs
staff: Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Minutes of the January 17.2008 meeting were
approved 6-0. with typographical corrections as noted.
If. Communications
Susan Munro said BPI sent a draft report updating the state of affordable housing in Evanston,
and will make some changes. She said she has a copy if members wanted to see it.
Ms. Munro also reported that on Wednesday, February 27, there will be a neighborhood meeting
on the proposed planned development for high end rental on Chicago Avenue. She said she will
attend and urged others to do so and discuss the possibility of affordable units. The meeting will
be at 7 pm at the Firehouse Grill.
Ms. Munro said that they had a few agenda items In addition to the Round Table discussion and
would get through as many as they could before starting the discussion at 7:15. She asked
Housing Commission members to stay after the discussion if they didn't get through all the action
items before that time.
III. Consideration of Families In Transition renewal application from Connections for
the Homeless
Ms. Spicuzza introduced Sarah Manaher from Connections for the homeless and referred
members to the renewal application and estimated FIT subsidy they received. Ms. Spicuzza said
the subsidy for one year would be approximately $5.520 based on the new rent estimate they just
received. The family's income has decreased because the mother was accepted into nursing
school and will cut back her work hours. Her income going forward is estimated at about S16,000
which is under the Income cap of S24,000 for a two person household. At that level, the most she
would pay would be S399 for rent and utilities. The estimated cost for rent and utilities is S890,
and the maximum FIT subsidy is S460 (half of contract rent plus $30 for utilities) Connections is
willing to pay the monthly balance, estimated at $31.00.
Ms. Balkcom said the mother has done great in the year she was with Connections. Mr. Harding
asked for an explanation of the program and Ms. Munro said the program offers a rent subsidy for
up to two years to a non-profit agency that sponsors a family with a transition plan for self-
sufficiency. The program was established in the 19B0's with local housing funds work and the City
has assisted about 26 families over the years.
Ms. Balkcom asked about the plan for the tenant to take over the lease and Ms. Manaher said
that Connections will worts with her before the FIT subsidy ends to renew the lease in her own
name or secure other permanent housing.
Carol Balkcom moved that the Commission recommend a second year of FIT funding,
seconded by Eric Beauchamp. The motion was approved 6-0.
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iV. Reservation of up to $500,000 in HOME funds for four Community Housing
Development Organizations for future projects in order to prevent loss of funds
Ms. Spicuzza said this will a3orir the City to meet HUD's regulation that HOME funds must be
committed within two years of their allocation. She said HUD sent a notice in the summer of 2007
that they were changing the Kay they calculate commitments and would no longer count program
income, which includes loan repayments from previously disbursed HOME funds. As a result, the
City needs to commit or spend more HOME funds to make up for more than $600,000 in program
income previously disbursed which no longer meets the commitment requirements. Ms. Spicuzza
said she has been talking about ways to meet the shortfall with the HUD field rep, and discussed
with the Commission the possibility of using Downpayment funds to meet the commitment.
However, the funds earmarked for downpayment grants can only count as a commitment if the
funds are subgranted to anoner agency, and the Council did not approve an outside
administrator for the program. Ms. Spicuzza said that because there is not an upcoming project
that would take care of the shortfall amount, the only altemative to avoid losing the funds is to
reserve them for future use by CHDOs, She said the HOME regulations require that 15% of the
entitlement be reserved for CHDOs, but in fact Evanston has used a much larger percentage on
CHDO projects. Funds reserved for CHDOs without a specific project meet HUD's commitment
definition, as long as there is a written agreement, but the City still needs to approve the specific
project before the funds can be awarded.
Ms. Munro encouraged making reservations for the City's four CHDOs of approximately $200,000
each. Ms. Spicuzza said she is still working with the data base to determine the exact number,
and wants to bring to Planning and Development Committee on March 10 because the
agreements need to be in place by March 31.
Ms. Balkcom asked if any funds can be used to provide CHDO operating funds. Ms. Spicuzza
said only 5% of the annual allocation can be used for that, which is S25,000 based on an
allocalon of approximately S500,000. Ms. Balkcom asked how that related to the HOME
regulations which state CHDO operating funds are limited to the greater of 50% of the CHDOs
operating budget or $50.000. Ms. Spicuzza said that referred to the Individual grants, but the
overall total cannot be more than 5% of the allocation. She said that last year, for example, the
City of Chicago provided about S750,000 In CHDO operating funds, with around S35,000 per
organization, because their annual allocation is close to S4 million. Ms. Balkcom asked how it was
that four CHDOs received S15,000 in operating funds last year and Ms. Spicuzza said that funds
reserved from previous years were used. She is not sure if there are any prior year reservations
remaining. Ms. Balkcom expressed disappointment that CHDOs can't expect more in operating
support. She said that the affordable housing business is so difficult, it is a shame that there's not
more money available for operating funds.
Ms. Munro asked when the decisions are made to award operating funds and Ms. Spicuzza said
there is no set time frame. Ms. Munro asked if the amount available could be on the agenda next
month. Ms. zolomij asked if there are limitations on how the program income can be spent. Ms.
Spicuzza said up to 10% can go to administration of the HOME program, which is only the City in
Evanston's case, since no other agencies administer a HOME program or activity. The rest of the
program income must go to affordable housing projects.
Members confirmed with Lis. Spicuzza that if the funds were not reserved, HUD would take back
the funds. Bruce Nelson made a motion to reserve up to $800,000 for four CHDOs,
seconded by Eric Beauchamp. The motion passed 6-0
Ms, Munro asked if the next two agenda items could be discussed after the CHDO Roundtable
was finished and members agreed.
V. Approval of up to $6,000 for Four Condominium Workshops for Evanston
Condominium Owners
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Mr. Harding suggested that instead of recommending four workshops during the year, that they
consider offering two for a cost of S3.000 maximum to the City. He said some industry people
often offer put on these types of workshops for free and he wasn't sure how many people would
come. He offered to attend one of the workshops and report an it, since he is in the property
management business. He asked for more information on the topics that would be covered.
Ms. Spicuzza said the focus would toe on condo management and board responsibilities. She
said that Lakeside Community Development Corporation offers the workshops throughout
Chicago, and get support from City of Chicago. The price includes copying the 200 page resource
booklet, and staff time. She said that sometimes they may bring in speakers, but are very specific
about the guest speakers' content.
Mr. Beauchamp asked what Lakeside's core business was and Ms. Spicuzza said advocacy and
education and some housing development, and that they are a non-profit agency. Mr.
Beauchamp said they could provide an unbiased presentation, as they don't have a vested
interest In trying to get associations' business. He said with the number of condo associations in
the City, it could be worthwhile. Mr. Brooks agreed that there was value in having them do the
workshops. He felt, however, that committing to four workshops was too much.
Ms. Spicuzza said she would ask local lenders to co-sponsor the events, so hopefully the City
wouldn't pay the full amount by itself. She said that the City had a very positive experience a few
years ago with a condo seminar which was attended by almost 100 people who had more
questions to ask and indicated a desire for more seminars. She said she had hoped to be able to
coordinate more seminars, but it just never happened.
Mr. Nelson moved that the Commission recommend spending $3,000 for Lakeside
Community Development Corporation to present two condominium workshops and It was
seconded by Joanne Zolomij. The motion passed 6-0.
Vt. Authorizing use of HOME Administrative funds for Lead Abatement
Ms. Spicuzza explained that the use of federal funds for residential projects triggers lead based
paint requirements. In order to comply and abate or mitigate any lead based paint hazards, the
developer must first determine if there is lead and if it presents hazards. She said that they have
been getting risk assessments from a company that uses XRF technology to determine the
presence of lead in the paint, which is less invasive but more expensive than taking paint chip
tests. It Is helpful to perform the risk assessment before funding is approved, because the rehab
costs can increase if lead hazards need to be addressed. She said the HOME regulations allow
HOME administrative funds to be used for meeting the lead requirements. She said the amount
used would most likely be less than $10,000.
Members commented that it was important to address lead hazards because lead poisoning Is a
threat to young children. Susan Munro moved and Joanne Zolomij seconded that the
Commission recommend authorizing up to $10,000 In HOME administrative funds to
perform lead risk assessments on proposed affordable housing projects. The motion
passed 6-0.
V. CHDO Round Table Discussion
Representatives from four CHDOs joined Commission members for a discussion about affordable
housing activities. Representatives were Betty Ester, president, and Wilfred Gadsen, director.
from Citizens' Lighthouse Community Land Trust; David Janzen, director, Reba Place
Development Corporation,, George Gauthier director, Evanston Housing Coalition, and Mary Ellen
Tamasy, director, Housing Opportunity Development Corporation. Keith Banks, director of
Housing Commission Minutes February 21, 2009
Page 4
Evanston Community Development Association, also participated at the Commission's invitation,
as ECDA has done two projects and will apply for CHDO status. A summary of the discussion is
attached at the end of the minutes.
Ms. Munro said there were some good ideas that were raised and thanked everyone for their
time. She said she would summarize the discussion from the notes written on the flip charts, and
encouraged people to send her any other ideas. Ms. Munro said she sees the Commission as
allies not adversaries, and since there`s not enough affordable housing, they all need to work
together and learn from each other. Ms. Balkcom asked the non-profit housing organizations to
inform the Commission of any issues that are raised when the organizations get together and
share information.
Vill. Public Comment
Sue Robinson commended participants on this meeting. She said she is concemed with
affordable housing, particularly young professionals who can't afford housing in Evanston.
Suzanne Carlson noted that Ms. Ester's comment on requiring a longer affordability period wasn't
written on the flip charts.
.sill Graham suggested the City maintain a closer connection to the County Treasurer's office
regarding Evanston properties about to go up for tax sale due to tax arrearages. She said if a
CHDO expressed interest in such a property in order to turn it into affordable housing, the City
could ask the Treasurer not to put it on the block but instead sign it over to the City. She said this
Is done with Chicago properties.
Keith Banks added that he hopes the project approval process could be streamlined, as It often
takes about four months and that Is difficult If you're trying to purchase a property.
Betty Ester said that it is difficult to determine the property tax calculation for the homebuyer's
scenario on the funding application because buyers will apply for the County Assessor's Incentive
but they don't know what it will be. so they would like to see a better mechanism for that.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. The next scheduled Rousing Commission meeting is 7 p.m.
Thursday, March 20, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
Housing Commission Minutes February 21, 2008
Page 5
Summary of Housing Commission Roundtable with CHOOs
February 21, 20oa
Housing Commissioners: Carol Balkeom, Eric Beauchamp, Brooks Harding, Susan Munro,
Bruce Nelson, Joanne Zolomij
Staff: Donna Spicuzza
CHDO representatives: Keith Banks, Evanston Communication Development Association
(ECDA). Wilfred Gadsen and Betty Ester, Citizens Lighthouse Community Land Trust (CLUT),
George Gauthier, Evanston Housing Coalition (EHC), David Jansen, Reba Place Development
Corporation (RPDC), Mary Ellen Tamasy, Housing Opportunities Development Corporation
What projects do you expect to propose to the commission In 2008? We are talking here
about types of projects, not specific addresses.
• CLCLT. Six projects altogether, including new construction. condo and single-family
• HODC: Rehab of 2 two -fiats for rental.
• ECDA: Rescue of 5-unit building in foreclosure; looking for opportunities for new
• Reba: Finishing units on Mulford; not anticipating new projects.
• EHC: Single-family rehab.
What would you recommend that the Housing Commission do to stimulate the
development of affordable housing In Evanston?
• Help with efforts to increase supply of qualified buyers. Potential buyers often have
credit issues that may take a couple years to resolve.
• Address the need for large units, 3 or 4 bedrooms.
• Advocate to the City Council more frequently and forcefully regarding affordable
housing Issues.
• Develop, in collaboration with the CHDOs, a long-term plan that provides for people
at different income levels and with different housing needs; Increase predictability for
CHDOs. Develop housing continuum, defining housing needs and goals for people at
50160I801100 AMI.
• Pay more attention to the need for preservation. Immediate issue: proposed Increase
in licensing fee will be a burden on low-income renters and on not -for -profits
providing low-income rental units, like HODC.
• Increase supply by developing strategy with regard to vacant housing (look at what is
done in Chicago); don't allow long-term vacant and boarded -up housing.
• Increase supply by working with Cook County to acquire propertlesliand being sold at
tax sale (as Chicago does).
Housing Commission Minutes Februmy 21. 2008
Page 6
• Be more public and vocal in the community about the need for affordable housing.
Define and educate public about what "affordable" means.
• Revisit and improve inclusionary zoning ordinance. Issues:
o require units on site
o increase the buy-out figure, which is currently at $40,000tunit—tar below the
cast of creating an affordable unit)
o put affordable units into CLCLT to preserve affordability
o include rental projects in the ordinance
• Increase demand of qualified buyers by implementing and enhancing first-time
homebuyer downpayment program.
• Streamline the process of applying and getting approval for subsidies; process takes
too long.
What strategies might we pursue to stimulate affordable housing development in
wards/neighborhoods where we have not funded projects (i.e., outside of the south and
west sides)?
• Since this involves going against market forces, increase subsidy above $100,000
per unit for development in these areas.
• Anticipate NIMBY opposition If development is more than one unit; assist in building
public will and countering opposition.
• Clarify policy regarding use of HOME or AHF funds for acquisition without rehab
(turning land over to land trust).
Most projects that have come to us recently have been for homeownership. Do you see a
need and potential for affordable rental projects?
• Tremendous need: HODC gets 50 calls a week from people looking for rentals; this
will increase with more foreclosures.
• Need for units for larger units for low-income families. Working at top edges of the
allowed income level makes it hard to fit family needs with affordable units.
• Barrier. CHDOs cannot be competitive with developers looking to turn rental buildings
into condos. Few large rental buildings left. CHDOs need help finding properties.
• Barrier. Can't make the economics work. Operating costs rising much faster than
renters' incomes. Rental development more expensive than homeowner
• Increase the subsidy to reduce the capital cost, so that CHDO-landlord carries
smaller mortgage.
• Build political will. Legacy of Darrow Comers.
• Look to other ways to build funds for rental, such as Issuing bonds.
• Consider mixed income rental (as in CHA redevelopment areas). Very challenging
because of lack of affordable land for construction of larger buildings.
Housing Commission !Minutes Febmiary 21, 2008
Page 7
What strategies might be pursued to Increase the number of qualified homebuyers for
affordable housing and to improve marketing efforts?
• Recognize and provide for long-term. one-on-one nature of homebuyer counseling.
Consider IDA-type matching savings program as incentive for potential buyers to stay
on track.
• Provide Gear, concise information to potential buyers about market conditions.
• Need a large pool of qualified buyers because of the narrow parameters of HOME -
funded projects (e.g.. family of 3 can qualify for unit pegged at an income level for a
family of a)
• Implement and enhance downpayment assistance program.
Under what circumstances would your organization be willing or likely to partner with
another CHDO or a for -profit developer on a project?
• Local CHDOs have history of partnerships. HODC has done joint ventures with for -
profit developer. You have to choose partner who understands affordable housing
and isn't just looking for the CHDO to contribute a subsidy to the project.
• Find good for -profit developers and bring them to Evanston. HODC has worked with
Brinshore on a project in Highland Park fwww.brinshore.comj. Mother possibility is
Related Development (www.Irreattv.com) in Chicago.
March 20, 2008
Present: Susan Munro. Chair, Carol Balkcom, Bruce Nelson and Joanne Zolomij
Absent: Timothy Angell. Sara Ashmore Diggs, Eric Beauchamp, Brooks Harding
Staff: Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. without a quorum present. Minor corrections to the
minutes of the February 21 meeting were noted but not approved.
II. Communications
Staff updated the Commission on the status of their recommendations to the Planning and
Development Committee. The Council approved HOME funding of $250,000 for Econ
Development Corporation's 5 unit condominium conversion at 241 Callan, the amount
recommended by the Housing Commission. The developer reduced his request from the original
S300,000. Staff noted they still had concerns about the amount of subsidy per unit and the pricing
of the affordable units. The vote was 5-4.
Evanston Community Development Association withdrew Its request for funds to purchase 5 units
at 829 Case after the developer lost the building through foreclosure. The request had been
removed from an earlier Planning and Development meeting by the City Manager who requested
that staff provide more information on the conversion costs and the owner's Investment because
of concerns about the owner retaining his unit.
The Council approved two condominium workshops as recommended by the Housing
Commission but voted to charge S15 per association rather than request support from lenders.
The Council approved reserving HOME funds of S200,000 each for two years for the City's four
Community Housing Development Organizations. Ms. Spicuzza said she would work with the
CHDOs to identify appropriate projects within a year. Ms. Balkcom asked about the per unit limit
of $100,000 for projects. Ms. Spicuzza said it was an informal policy, based on historical uses,
and a way to get more leverage out of the HOME funds. She said typically rental projects used
less subsidy per unit. Ms. Balkcom asked that the Commission discuss that policy because of the
need for large subsidies in order to make units affordable.
Ms. Spicuzza passed out the rental survey that was mailed to owners of all rental buildings with
two or more units, and described the project that is being undertaken by a Northwestern student
in the Learning Certificate program.
Members discussed the importance of having someone attend the Planning and Development
Committee, but no official liaison was named.
III. Discussion of "Preservation of Affordable Homeownership: A Continuum of
Strategies" and City of Evanston Affordability Terms, Recapture and Resale
Bruce Nelson provided a brief outline of the article by Rick Jacobus and Jeffrey Lubell and
pointed out the different strategies for preserving affordable ownership. Mr. Nelson went over the
four strategies: subsidy forgiveness which can be grants or forgivable loans, subsidy recapture at
the time of resale, shared appreciation loans where the loan Is repaid at sale, and subsidy
retention which reduces the cost to the next homebuyer.
Housing Commission Minures March 20, 2008
Page 2
Members discussed how affordable resale and recapture restrictions worked as well as second or
junior mortgages. Ms. Munro asked Ms. Spicuzza why staff did not support resale restrictions in
Ms. Spicuzza said she felt that the value of the subsidy should be limited since the investment
value is limited in terms of the improvement and the life span of a building. She said a building will
usually require additional capital improvements at some point in time. which would affect the
affordable resale price. She said it would probably require additional subsidy if it were to remain
affordable given the additional investment. The federal regulations which govern HOME do not
allow additional HOME subsidy to be added during the affordability period. She also said that the
regulations do not allow combining resale restrictions and recapture provisions, so if it were
restricted for a period of years, there could not be any shared equity recapture at the end of the
term. Members asked about the land trust home and Ms. Spicuzza said that the HOME fund
affordability period would 20 years although the land trust ground lease would still be in effect,
with its resale provisions. They asked if they could apply the concept of two separate affordability
periods to other affordable developments and Ms. Spicuzza said she would have to look into it.
Ms_ Zolomij said she favored the shared appreciation loan and the subsidy with resale restrictions
because she looks at housing as not just an investment, but a place to live. Ms. Munro noted that
the charts indicated that recapture wouldn't always provide enough return to fill the gap for future
affordable housing but that shared appreciation or subsidy retention could. She said that subsidy
forgiveness Is appropriate for small grants, but they still need to grapple with the two different
resale policies for HOME loans and for inclusionary housing projects. She said she hears the
argument presented by staff but doesn't think it is sufficiently balanced by the loss of affordable
units after 15 years. She said the owner could also get quite a windfall.
Ms. Spicuzza said the Commission discussed that issue a few years ago and referred to those
minutes which she distributed. She said that is why RPDC and ECDA have formulas for gradual
appreciation over five years after the 15 year HOME affordability period, so that between years
15 and 20 the home does not have to be sold to an income -eligible household but the resale price
is still below market value and the potential windfall profit Is reduced. Members asked what other
cities have done and if they have longer retention periods. Ms. Spicuzza said she hasn't seen a
lot of information on that but would try to find some information.
Members noted the inclusionary policy requires units to remain affordable through resale
restrictions in perpetuity or as long as allowed by law. However, there is a provision for shared
equity recapture if the Court rules against perpetual resale restrictions are challenged. Ms. Munro
noted that there has never been a challenge. Members agreed the topic needed more discussion
with all members present and more information.
VI. Discuss Recommendations for Now Fee -In -Lieu for the Incluslonary Zoning
Ms. Munro distributed a memo from BPI which outlined reasons to increase the amount of the
fee -in -lieu since it was not representative of the cost of units and thus developers subject to the
inclusionary program would choose to contribute a fee rather than create affordable units in their
developments. Members agreed that the S40,000 fee should be reconsidered, as the policy
states that the fee can be reviewed and adjusted after April 1, 2008.
Ms. Zolomij commented that BPI's cost of current units combined both single family and condos,
and she thought they should be separated. After discussion they agreed that using the lowest
quartile as an example, for a S245,000 average, seemed reasonable.
They discussed the alternatives proposed by BPI and discussed which scenarios would be most
likely to be considered by the Council. Since no developments have yet been approved that are
subject to the program, there is no experience base. However, members felt it was important to
Housing Commission Minutes March 20, 2008
Page 3
build a case for creating more affordable units in new developments by making set -aside and fee -
in -lieu options more compatible. They talked about matching the fee to the cost of building the
unit, cost of building, but felt a market based approach was more reasonable than a cost
approach. However. Ms. Spicuzza said she would see if she could get some cost information
from permit data.
Members will make a recommendation for a higher fee lin lieu in order to get developers to take a
harder look at creating affordable units on -site, and to get more funds in the Affordable Housing
Fund to assist CHDOs with development projects. Ms. Munro asked if the proposed changes in
zoning outlined in the downtown plan would Impact planned developments and the applicability of
the inclusionary ordinance. Ms. Spicuzza said her initial reading indicated that any time a
development goes above the recommended criteria there would be bonuses, so the developer
must provide some consideration to the City. She thought that including affordable units was in
the list, but she would try to get more input from staff on the effect of the proposal.
Ms. Munro said she would write a draft memo outlining their recommendations, for further
Other Business
Ms. Munro said that vacant building issue was not on the agenda but the City needs to develop a
strategy and could use the Affordable Housing Fund as a resource. Ms. Balkcom asked whds
working on vacant buildings, and Ms. Spicuzza said it Is primarily Stan Janusz, Community
Development Assistant Director, Property Standards Division. In addition, one property standards
inspector is assigned to vacant buildings, and the property standards supervisor is involved In
those inspections.
Ms. Spicuzza said she was working on the procedures for the Downpayment Assistance Program
and would have them for the Commission at the next meeting. She said three lenders are likely to
VI1. Public Comment
Eb Moran commented that it Is good the Commission Is talking about all these issues and agreed
they should consider a formal policy of per unit subsidy limits. He also said that rental housing
has to be part of the affordable housing plan.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
April 17, 2008
Present: Susan Munro, Chair, rim Angell, Eric Beauchamp, Brooks Harding, Richard
Mosley, and Joanne Zolomij
Absent: Sara Ashmore Diggs, Carol Balkcom, and Bruce Nelson
Staff: Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
I. Call to Order and Approval of February and March, 2008 Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7.00 p.m. with a quorum present. Approval of minutes was
deferred. The Chair's suggestions for a rearranged agenda and time frames were accepted.
II. Communications
New member Richard Mosley was welcomed and everyone introduced themselves
Members reviewed Affordable Housing Fund Summary and Affordable Housing Project List and
Map they received in the packet.
Information was distributed on April 30 Condominium Seminar April 30 and Downpayment
Assistance Program which will begin in May, and HUD 2008 Income tables, Mr. Harding and Ms.
Zolomij Indicated they planned to attend the Condo training.
Staff distributed funding proposals which were received but not yet reviewed by staff so they were
not on the agenda. Ms. Spicuzza said that the Citizen's Lighthouse Community Land Trust hoped
to bring their request for $15,000 in additional funding for 2212 Washington to the Planning and
Development Committee on May 12. Members agreed to try to schedule a special meeting the
week of April 28 to review a request so they could get on the agenda as they were trying to sell
the home. Housing Opportunity Development Corporation submitted a proposal for $17,000 for
home purchase counseling which members felt could be considered at the regular May meeting
Ili. Housing Commission Representation on HOME Loan Committee
Ms. Munro said that she asked the Community Development Director if a Housing Commission
member could sit on the ad loan committee that reviews development proposals, and Mr.
Wolinski said they should name a representative. She said the meetings are held at 8 or 8:30 am
during the week at the Civic Center, on a day that is most convenient to a majority of the
members. Eric Beauchamp volunteered to serve on the ad hoc loan committee
IV. BPI's April, 2008 Examination of Affordable Housing Needs in Evanston
Members discussed the paper prepared by BPI which updated the availability of affordable
housing in Evanston and the current need Ms. Munro said it could lead to a Comprehensive Plan
for Affordable Housing. She said while the City has its Strategic Plan and the Consolidated Plans
for HUD, there's not one place where all the affordable issues are located and are easy to
The BPI report provided recent median sales figures for condos, townhomes and single family
homes and demographic data from the 2006 American Community Survey. Members commented
that the facts, and the way they were presented in tables, made a strong case for the gap
between the supply and the need for affordable rental and ownership housing. They felt that
before making a recommendation for an increase in the inclusionary fee in order to encourage
affordable set -asides in new development, they should educate and inform Council members
about the need.
Housing Commission Minuies April 17, 2008
Page 2
It was suggested that a definition of household be included in the report, and a discussion of how
student households affect data and needs.
After discussion, it was agreed that they would ask to present the Information to the Planning and
Development Committee on May 27or soon thereafter.
V. Discuss Recommendations for New Fee -in -Lieu for the lnclusionary Zoning
Ms. Munro prepared a draft memo from the Housing Commission recommending an increase in
the fee in lieu -of creating affordable units in developments subject to the lnclusionary Housing
Ordinance. Members discussed the draft, debated various recommendations, and agreed on a
suggestion. They decided to bring the recommendation to the Planning and Development
Committee along with a vacant building proposal sometime this summer after they presented
Information on the need to create more affordable housing units. They will also look at an old
memo from the Law Department regarding the need to receive a bonus. It was suggested that
they rebrand time "tool box" term to something like cost offsets or developer Incentive, because of
the negative connotations the term carries for some aldermen. They also plan to meet individually
with aldermen and assigned commissioners by ward.
Vl. Vacant Building Discussion
Members reviewed the staff proposal for a vacant building program presented last summer and
discussed current data on vacant buildings and foreclosures prepared by Stan Janusz,
Community Development Department Assistant Director. They felt the previous proposal had
merits and asked Ms. Spicuzza why the Planning and Development Committee did not want to
consider it. She said there was no indication of what was unfavorable in the proposal, but some
aldermen wanted more information on the characteristics of vacant buildings, such as ownership
and sale prices. She said some information was obtained last summer but it was difficult to find
the time to do intensive follow up and investigation.
Ms. Munro said she has been looking at other cities and how they deal with the issue.
Mr. Angell said he heard about Youngstown Ohio, where the City is buying foreclosed and vacant
properties, demolishing them and making green space. Members said they would like to look at
other examples of how municipalities address this issue and continue to study various solutions.
Mr. Angell said he would contact Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago to talk to them
about their vacant building program.
VJI. Discussion on maximum subsidy per unit for HOME and Affordable Housing Funds
The decision on a formal policy was tabled, but members felt they should consider higher
amounts if a proposal requested it.
Vlll. Public Comment
George Gauthier of Evanston Housing Coalition encouraged the Commission to continue to look
at solutions for turning around vacant buildings, and said he thought the previous proposal had
merit. He said it proposed making up to 5100,000 available for an acquisition loan which would be
paid back when the unit sold, as well as a forgiveable loan or grant for rehab and purchase price
reduction. He said the timing is critical when trying to acquire foreclosed properties and it is
necessary to have funds available on short notice. He said he liked the idea of approving a
general plan from developers and providing a line of credit so they developers could investigate
properties and be prepared to act quickly.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
May 15, 2008
Present: Susan Munro, Chair. Sara Ashmore Diggs, Card Balkcom, Eric Beauchamp,
Brooks Harding Bruce Nelson, Richard Mosley, and Joanne Zolomij
Absent: Tim Angell
Staff: Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
I. Call to Order and Approval of March and April Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum present. The minutes of the
March 20 and April 17, 2008, meetings were approved 6— 0 (two members arrived late), with
minor corrections.
II. Communications
Ms. Spicuzza said that James Wolinski, Community Development Director, was unable to
attend, and he is retiring at the end of May. She said that Dennis Marina, currently the Assistant
Director of Community Development, Planning Division, has been named Interim Director.
Members said they would like to invite him to a Housing Commission meeting.
Ms. Spicuzza said the Condominium Workshop in April was a success. About 40 people
attended from 20 associations, and the City collected $300. She said that there were a number of
people from established condominiums who were new to their condo board. Many people
thanked the City on the way out for having the workshop and said how informative it was. Brooks
Harding and Joanne Zolomij also attended and said they were impressed with the presentation
and the turnout. They suggested the next seminar could be put on the City's web site, and
perhaps add a link to web site for Lake Side Community Development Corporation. Members
discussed when the next seminar should be, and thought late September would be good so that it
could be advertised in the fall Highlights issue.
Members reviewed the Affordable Housing Fund summary and had some questions
which Ms. Spicuzza answered. They asked if the names of projects could be tied to expenditures
or revenue. They asked about developer pledges and Ms. Spicuzza the developments that
haven't contributed yet are not complete, except for the Sienna. The developer wants to modify
the Planned Development to replace townhomes with a hotel, and is negotiating the contribution
In conjunction with the modification.
Ill. Consideration of Request from Citizen's Lighthouse Community Land Trust
(CLCLT) for additional $15,000 In HOME funds
CLCLT request for additional HOME funds to supplement the S99,500 in HOME funds
received in order to complete the rehab of single family property at 2212 Washington.
Betty Ester, CLCLT president, spoke to the Commission. She said the purpose of the
request is to write down the cost of the home and no: necessanly cover project costs. She said
they provided the cost breakout at staffs request.
Ms. Ester said they want to reduce the price to the purchaser to S169,000 and make it
affordable to a family of four. Since HUD guidelines increased for 80% AMI households in 2008.
the Board felt they could reach that group if the price were less than the current price of
S 180,000.
Ms. Munro asked if they have such interested families on their list if the price was
reduced and Ms. Ester said they have one family of five and two families of four who are
interested. She said they would talk about marketing the home at the CLCLT annual meeting next
Sunday and invited Commissioners to attend.
Mr. Beauchamp noted that not everything in the development budget had been
completed yet and asked about that. Ms. Ester said whether the garage will be repaired or
Housing Commission Minutes May 15, 2008
Page 2
demolished is still under discussion with City staff. She said their contractor said it couldn't be
saved as they originally planned. When he tried to raise it in order to put in new boards on the
bottom to replace the rotted ones, the top beam started to crumble. Mr. Beauchamp said it's
better to demolish it and just have a parking pad. The City's rehab specialist is going to look at
the garage in the next week to help make a decision and finalize costs.
Mr. Beauchamp asked how the S15,000 was going to be structured. Ms. Ester said it's a
loan to the CLCLT in addition to the previous 599,500, which is not repayable because the land
would never be sold. Members asked if they will market it at S165,000. Ms. Ester said no but she
didn't have the financing scenario with her so she wasn't sure. It would be marketed at $180,000
and reduced if needed, based on the buyer's income. Ms. Munro wanted to clarify if the
additional $15,000 would be added to the borrower's junior mortgage for 599,500 and Ms.
Spicuzza said yes, it would be added to the 599,500.
Members asked if they wouldn't need the additional funds if the house was sold to a
household of five. Ms. Ester said it would depend on the buyer's income and any money the
CLCLT gets would help subsidize the land trust and keeping the house. Mr. Beauchamp asked
why staff recommended 58,500 additional of the $15,000 requested. Ms. Spicuzza said they
didn't see how the 515,000 tied in to just reducing the purchase price. She said some of the extra
casts were borne by board but it looked like they needed some of extra money to pay for
uncompleted work. She said they looked at the costs for work not yet completed which the City
could cover. Ms. Ester said the board just wanted money to write down the cost, not cover the
overruns and they sent the financing scenario to show that. Staff asked for the cost breakout and
they provided that, but the original request was just for writing down the cost of the house, so a
family of four could qualify.
Many members said they were confused. Ms. Ashmore Diggs said she could see it if the
money was going to a separate fund for borrowers if needed, but was confused about how it
would be done. She asked if there was more work to do that will incur more costs. Ms. Ester said
they didn't want to ask the City for that.
Ms. Munro said they had difficulty getting clarity and if they recommended additional
funds, the Planning and Development Committee would have the same difficulty understanding
the request. Members made recommendations for presenting the information and suggested staff
discuss the request with CLCLT again. Ms. Ester said they could rewrite the request and it would
be just a request for the money to bring the cost down, with a purchase scenario. She said if the
Committee needs to know project budget, it would raise the same questions you have now. Ms.
Ester explained the steps after the purchase offer, which she said would probably take a few
Eric Beauchamp moved that the Commission recommend up to $15,000 additional funds
to reduce the purchase price from S180.000 based on purchasers income level and needs. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Nelson. Carol Balkeom and Richard Mosely recused themselves
from the vote and the motion passed 6-0.
IV. Consideration of Request from Housing Opportunity Development Corporation for
$17,000 for Home Purchase Counseling and Workshops for Evanston Residents
HODC proposes to hold 5 pre -purchase counseling workshops in Evanston and provide
individual counseling to 50 Evanston clients
Erica Page, HODC's housing counselor, presented information on their request. Ms.
Munro asked about last year's grant. Ms. Page said they received counseling funds the previous
year and received funds last year for employer assisted housing.
Ms. Page said they planned to provide structured pre -purchase seminars and individual
counseling. She passed out a copy of the seminar curriculum and the FannieMae booklets that
participants receive. She said the seminars are made up of three 2 Yz hour sessions: credit and
budget, financial aspects including grant programs, and the structure of real estate deals from
contracts to closing.
Housing Commission Minutes May 15. 3008
Page 3
She said they also intend to add a new component for post -purchase counseling. They
would reach out to people who have closed within the last 9 months for a post -purchase
workshop that would cover such things as maintaining property, tax exemptions, and what to
watch for in home equity loans
Members asked about the success rate of their seminars. Ms. Page said they receive
excellent feedback on the workshops. She said the seminars build confidence, but not
everybody is 100% ready to buy yet. She said that eight Evanston participants had bought homes
in Evanston. She says people sometimes keep in touch after the seminars, and one woman
contacted her a year after she attended a seminar to let her know she had a house under
contract. Members noted that homebuyer counseling is essential to help educate buyers and also
because all the City's assisted ownership developments require it.
Ms. Ashmore Diggs asked about other funding for housing counseling. Ms. Page and Ms.
Tamasy, Executive Director of HODC, said they get donations and have funds from HUD and
Cook County, but that tatter can't be spent in Evanston.
Members asked about the budget in the request and Ms. Page explained that the $39,000
budget was only for the Evanston portion of their services. She said the largest group of people
are from Evanston but they serve other communities which are not shown in the budget.
Mr. Beauchamp said he would like to see how many people were counseled and if any homes
were purchased, to get a sense of whether City money is being well spent. Ms. Zolomlj said it
would be helpful to even provide a sense of where they are in the process, such as working on
credit issues or building up a downpayment. She noted that even if they make an informed
decision not to buy, that would be good to know.
Bruce Nelson moved that the Commission recommend funding of $17,000 for HODC's
homeowner counseling program, seconded by Mr. Beauchamp. The motion passed 8 — 0.
V. Plan for June 9 P&D Presentation on Affordable Housing Needs
Before discussing the presentation, Ms. Munro reported that two affordable units at
Reba's Mulford condo project are closing and are getting mortgages through Evanston Housing
Coalition. Ms. Spicuzza confirmed that and said one unit had previously dosed, with another
Members then discussed the information and power point presentation for the Planning
and Development Committee meeting on June 9 where they will discuss SPI's Housing needs
analysis. Members also reported on efforts to meet with aldermen individually and discuss their
concerns or Issues about affordable housing efforts.
V1. Vacant Building Discussion
The representative from Neighborhood Housing Services was not able to attend to
discuss the NHS vacant building program, so they will reschedule. Ms. Munro said that she and
Mr. Moseley attended a foreclosure workshop through the Federal Reserve, where they provided
Information on six levels of strategies, including actions that municipalities can take an vacant
properties. One of the recommendations included a vacant building ordinance and registering
vacant buildings.
Ms. Munro pointed out that Evanston requires that vacant buildings be registered, and
the Vacant Building Ordinance also requires other actions, such as submitting plans for the
building, evidence of insurance, and posting a sign with the owner's contact information. Mr.
Beauchamp asked if the City was enforcing the ordinance. Ms. Spicuzza said yes, and that the
Property Standards Division now has an inspector dedicated to vacant buildings, and they are
stepping up enforcement of the ordinance. She said she attended Administrative Adjudication a
few weeks ago where a number of vacant building cases were scheduled, and noted there is still
sometimes a problem of finding the current owner. For instance, the taxpayer of record may be
different from the last known owner. They are working on a better system to find the owners, but
the City sends notice to all names they have to try to make sure that proper notice is served.
Members suggested that someone from Property Standards could come and discuss the Issue,
Housing Commission Minutes May 15, 2008
Page 4
and that the Commission could get a report on the status of the vacant building enforcement, and
how the ordinance is working.
Mr. Mosley talked about the seminar. and said they discussed how predatory loans were
often responsible for foreclosed and vacant properties. Municipalities shared their strategies,
some of which he felt would not work in Evanston, but they were helpful to hear. He said the
attorney who presented was very informative and she stressed the importance of having a law
and an ordinance.
Mr. Beauchamp asked how long Evanston's vacant building ordinance has been in place
and if it is working. Members said it's been about 2 years. He wondered if it is harsh enough, and
he thinks Chicago's ordinance has been effective in reducing vacant buildings because they
have taken property and tumed it over to affordable housing developers.
Ms. Spicuaa said that they need to do more analysis on the list of vacant buildings, but a
preliminary review shows that generally property taxes are being paid, so that makes it more
difficult to take property.
Members spent more time discussing the ordinance and problems of vacant buildings
and also noted that lending institutions are now more open to talking about short sales and
avoiding foreclosures. They said they would spend more time discussing a program for Evanston.
V)I. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
The meeting adjourned at 8.45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Spicuzz , Housing Planner
June 20, 2008
Present: Susan Munro, Chair, Tim Angell, Carol Batkcom, Eric Beauchamp, Richard
Mosley, Bruce Nelson, Joanne Zolomij
Absent: Sara Ashmore Diggs, Brooks Harding Tim Angell
Staff: Susan Guderley, Interim Assistant Community Development Director, Planning
Donna Spieuzza, Housing Planner
1. Call to Order, Approve Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. and the minutes of the May 15.2008 meeting were
approved with minor corrections 6.0 with one abstention
ll. Communications
- Staff updated the Commission on City Council approval of S17,000 in Affordable Housing
Funds for HODC's home purchase counseling program in Evanston and $15,000 In additional
HOME funds to CLCLT for S8.500 in rehab and S6,500 in downpayment assistance on 2212
- Staff reported that approximately S75,000 in CHDO Operating funds is available, pending:
confirmation. Funds can be used by four current CHDO's and possibly a fifth as ECDA has
applied for CHDO status. Members asked about the uses and CHDO Operating and HOME
Administrative funds
- Members reviewed the Affordable Housing Fund Report and asked that committed funds also
be listed
- Members received a copy of the Dennison Associates Technical Assistance Report and
comments on the report from CLCLT
Ill. Information on the adopted West Evanston Plan
Susan Guderley. Neighborhood Planner and Interim Community Development Assistant Director,
Planning Division, presented the approved West Evanston Plan, and discussed with members its
Impact on affordable housing issues. She noted that Aid Holmes would have like to attend and
discuss the plan with commission members but she had her regular ward meeting.
Mr. Beauchamp commented that large lots are not economically feasible for non -profits to
acquire, but they could partner with another developer. Mr. Angell suggested that the
Commission make recommendations to get affordable housing in the planning areas and be
proactive for redevelopment. Ms. Munro suggested that the Commission and staff could provide
guidance to Interested developers regarding affordable housing programs and how to use funds
for their projects.
Ms. Guderley said that she and Ms. Spicuzza talked about doing a roundtable with developers to
discuss what we could have in the planning area, and noted that they need to find the right
players. Ms. Munro noted that the Commission did a round table discussion with CHOOs recently.
Ms. Guderley said that Metropolitan Planning Council did a series of workshops on Affordable
Housing, and perhaps Evanston could have a joint program for its CHDO and other developers.
Mr. Angell said he thought developers like to know all the rules before going through the approval
process and that having elected officials at the round table might be a good idea.
Mr. Beauchamp brought up the inclusionary housing option of a fee in lieu of affordable housing
and thought it would make sense to mandate onsite affordable development in the Plan rather
than a allow a fee in -lieu. Members noted that since the Plan would have form based codes
rather than Planned Developments. the Inclusionary program would not apply. Members
Housing Commission Minutes June 20, 2008
Page 2
discussed this issue and the impact of the planning area being a Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
district. Mr. Angell felt that the provision of low/mod housing is an eligible expense in a TIF.
Members also discussed how the plan addressed problem issues such as building height. and
Ms. Guderley also talked about for} based code in more detail. She said is it very specific about
some things, but less specific about uses. It follows a rigorous process she said, and is an
innovative zoning tool that looks at design and how buildings relate to the public realm and other
buildings. She said it is very prescriptive.
After discussing aspects of the plan and the implications of form based code on Planned
Developments and the Inclusionary Housing requirement. members listed Action steps they want
to consider:
1. Convene non-profit and for -profit developers, possibly in conjunction with a meeting with
Ald. Holmes, to talk about opportunities for affordable housing partnerships that would
conform to proposed development in the Plan
2. Consider whether the Housing Commission should request that any proposed residential
developments In the TIF area should present to the Housing Commission before going to
Planning and Development Committee, so that they will include Affordable Housing
3. Promote a City policy that would require developers to provide affordable housing In
residential developments using TIF incentives.
IV. Vacant Building DIscusslon
Mr. Gardner of Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago was not present but members
discussed the Chicago program for vacant buildings and how to implement programs in Evanston
to turn around vacant buildings. Ms. Munro said that it's easier to design a program, but
someone is needed to do the research, and identify properties and go after sellers. She didn't
think CHDOSs have the capacity.
The discussion turned to ways to help owners prevent the loss of their property through
foreclosure. Members and staff talked about getting out the information on foreclosure prevention
counseling. Ms. Spicuzza said there will be an article in the City newsletter and she would look
Into getting a notice on water bills.
V, Update from Reba Place Development Corporation and Evanston Community
Development Association on Current Projects
Keith Banks of ECDA and Mary Goering of RPDC presented information on their marketing
efforts to sell the remaining affordable units in their projects at 736-738 Dobson and 602 Mulford.
VI. Comprehensive Housing Plan Discussion
Members discussed goals and the process for a task force on a comprehensive affordable
housing plan. Mr. Beauchamp recommend they keep it very focused, otherwise it would be
Members suggested they ask aldermen for recommendations for members, although Ms. Munro
noted that the Mayor would probably want to appoint the members after recommendations were
made. They talked about the stakeholders who should be part of it and additional data they will
need. Members agreed with Ms. Munro's recommendation that they need a facilitator.
VII. Public Comment
Housing Commission Minutes June 20, 2008
Page 3
Keith Banks suggested that someone in need of affordable housing, perhaps a senior or a person
with a disability, be part of the Task Force.
Priscilla Giles commented that TIF districts were presented as if it would benefit people who live
in the district but she felt it was the opposite. Mr. Angell noted that the Housing Commission did
not have anything to do with the TIF District. Ms. Giles said that people have lost their homes
because someone built luxury buildings and taxes increased with higher values. She said people
also wanted the West Side Plan to address places of employment.
Betty Ester advised Commission members to look at page 5 of the Zoning Plan.
Fran Seidman suggested the Commission look at the experience of the Inclusionary Housing
Task Force as a cautionary tale.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted.
Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
July 17, 2008
Present: Eric Beauchamp, Acting Chair, Sara Ashmore Diggs, Carol Balkcom. Brooks
Harding, Richard Mosley, Bruce Nelson, Joanne Zolomlj
Absent: Tim Angell, Susan Munro
Staff: Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
I. Call to Order, Approve Minutes
The meeting was called to order with a quorum present at 7:00 p.m. Minutes of the June 19
meeting were not available to approve.
II. Communications
-Staff presented Information on communications about Foreclosure Prevention
Resources and noted some members of the Planning and Development Committee were not
satisfied. AM. Jean -Baptiste asked the Human Relations Commission to discuss foreclosure
prevention workshops and the chair of that commission will talk to the Housing Commission chair
about involvement and roles. Members felt the Housing Commission could work on speakers and
resources and the Human Relations Commission could work on outreach.
Staff distributed information on the federal housing stimulus package and the HUD
budget and discussed their statuses
Staff reported that Aid. Tisdahl asked whether the City is reaching out to large local
employers to talk about employer assisted housing. Donna Spicuzza discussed the City's
Program and asked if any commission members were interested in doing outreach to employers.
Sara Ashmore Diggs said she would be interested In initial meetings, with help from MPC and
Ill. Request for CHDO Designation from Evanston Community Development
Members discussed ECDA's application for certification as a CHDO with the City's HOME
Program. They asked how long ECDA has been in existence and Mr. Banks, executive Director
of ECDA. said they started out In 2002 and got their 501(cx3) two years ago. Carol Balkcom
moved to recommend ECDA for CHDO certification, seconded by Bruce Nelson. The motion
passed 7-0.
IV. Status of CHDO Operating Funds and Consideration of Allocation
Members discussed the use of $81.834 in current and prior year HOME funds available for
CHDO Operating grants. Richard Moseley cautioned that the Commission's vote is only a
recommendation and not final, and members confirmed they realized that. After reviewing the
memo and information regarding funds and CHDOs, members agreed they would like to see all
the available funds divided among five CHDOs, rather than saving some funds some for
distribution next year.
Members reviewed the funding chart and asked how funds were allocated in the past. Ms.
Spicuzza said the funding since 2003104 was evenly divided among the CHDOs. They discussed
different ways to allocate funds and Mr. Harding wcndered if they wanted to base it on the
organization's expenses or other Issues. They agreed to defer voting on a recommendation until
August after the CHDOs submitted operating budgets and project updates.
V. Update on Comprehensive Housing Plan Task Force
Housing Commission Minutes July 17, 2008
Page 2
Mr. Beauchamp said that so far one alderman and one citizen have expressed an interest in
participating in the Task Force. Members will discuss the appointment process In August. They
agreed that a few members of the Commission should work with staff to propose a work plan for
the Commission to review at the August meeting.
VL Public Comment
Keith Banks and Mary Ellen Tamasy updated members on a recent meeting of affordable housing
organizations. Mr. Banks said everyone in attendance felt that turning around boarded up
buildings was a priority. Ms. Tamasy said they also discussed affordable housing funding sources
and how they have changed. She said that IHDA has less money In its Affordable Housing Trust
Fund, because less revenue is collected from transfer taxes and the governor used some funds
for other uses. She said tax credit financing has also changed since last year and investors are
paying less for the credits. Mr. Banks said that they also said those at the meeting felt it Is key to
develop qualified buyers and that they have to pay attention to rental housing needs.
The meeting adjourned at 8:DO p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
August 21, 2008
Present: Susan Munro. Chair, Tim Angell, Sara Ashmore Diggs, Carol Salkcom. Richard
Mosley. Joanne Zolomi
Absent: Eric Beauchamp, Brooks Harding, Bruce Nelson
Staff: Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
I. The chair called the meeting to order at 7:04 and declared a quorum was presenL The
The .tune 19, 2008 meeting minutes were approved 6 — 0. Approval of the July 17, 2008
meetings was tabled because there was not a quorum of commissioners who were present at the
Julye meeting.
11. Communications
• Staff will present a report on the Downpayment Program to the Planning and
Development Committee in September and will provide the Commission with a copy of
the report.
• Staff reported that there were no recent revenues into the Affordable Housing Fund.
Members asked for a written report at every meeting.
+ Susan Munro said she talked with staff from Senator Obama's office about the possibility
of meeting to learn more about the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 and
how Evanston can take advantage of the resources it will create. Members talked about
the possibility of meeting the week of September 2. Ms. Spicuzza presented information
In a staff memo to the Planning and Development Committee regarding the provisions of
the legislation.
Ill. Recommend Allocation of CHDO Operating Funds
Members discussed the allocation of $81,834.15 in current and prior year HOME funds for
Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) operating grants to the City's five
CHDOs. This item was first discussed at the July meeting and members asked for budget and
project information from the CHDOs.
Members received a spreadsheet that listed budget and project Information for the four existing
CHDOs, Housing Opportunity Development Corporation (HODC), Evanston Housing Coalition
(EHC), Reba Place Development Corporation (RPDC), and Citizens' Lighthouse Community
Land Trust (CLCLT), as well as for Evanston Community Development Association (ECDA),
which has applied for CHDO certification.
A table of all CHDO operating funds that have been reserved and awarded was also presented.
CHDO operating funds of S 15,000 each were last awarded to EHC, RPDC and HODC In 2006
and to CLCLT in 2007,
If the available funds were split evenly among five potential CHOOs, each would receive
$16,366.83, Ms. Spicuzza presented a memo that recommended allocating grants based on the
organizations' budgets, scope of housing activities and likely benefits to the City. The memo also
recommended that the grants be disbursed in two payments. The recommended grant amounts
and percent of expenses were as follows:
$18.000 HODC 4.8°%
$18,000 RPDC 6.8%
$16.000 EHC 53%
Housing Commission Minutes August 21, 2008
Page 2
$14.000 CLCLT 28%
$15.000 ECDA 25%
Members discussed splitting the amount equally among the organizations, as well as varying it by
organization. Ms. Balkcom said basing it on budget was not necessarily the best method since
sometimes actual expenses are higher due to volunteer donations. Ms. Munro said those should
be in the budget. Mr Angell said he might not vote on the item because he did not receive the
information soon enough to make an informed decision. Rev. Moseley said he felt the distribution
should be equal. Ms. Zolomij said she was not convinced about either method and remarked
about the wide range in percentages of operating expenses the grants represented.
After further discussion, members reached a consensus that the operating funds should be split
evenly among all five CHDOs, at about 516,366 each, and that they should receive their grant In
one payment, without requiring a mid -year report for the second disbursement.
Members then discussed whether they could vote on the matter at that meeting. Ms. Balkcom
and Rev. Moseley, who serve on a CHDO board, said they would recuse themselves from voting
since the matter applied to all CHDOs, and therefore there would not be a quorum. Members
agreed to table the item until they had a quorum. There was further discussion about such
members voting on development funds for other CHDOs, and Ms. Munro said she did not think
they had to recuse themselves from such votes, but asked staff to confirm.
IV. Discuss Foreclosure Situation In Evanston and Implications of federal Housing
and Economic Recovery Act of 2008
Members continued the discussion begun earlier in the meeting about using funds throughTitle III
of the Act, Emergency Assistance for the Redevelopment of Abandoned and Foreclosed Homes.
Ms. Balkcom asked If administrative funds could be used by the legal department or staff to
research housing in foreclosure or being sold by banks after foreclosure. Ms. Munro said she felt
those tasks and the administrative funds should go to a non-profit organization. Ms. Zolomij said
that now many houses that were foreclosed are being sold through the Multiple Listing Service
because of the increase in numbers, and finding properties is not as difficult or time consuming.
Members asked staff to develop a request for proposals from CHDOs or non -profits to address
vacant residential property. Ms. Spicuzza said that staff will continue to do research of Real
estate owned properties and pre -foreclosures using a data base to which the City subscribes, and
will meet with staff to discuss a plan about vacant housing.
V. Planning for Comprehensive Housing Plan Task Force
Susan Munro reported that the Mayor told her the Housing Commission could appolnl members
to the Task Force and she asked commissioners to submit names of possible participants to her
by September 8 so she can send then an information letter.
VI. Public Comment
Suzanne Carlson asked if there were City funds available to assist first time homebuyers and also
advised the Commission to consider the issues and rental strategies addressed in the Urban
Land Institute's Preservation Compact.
Keith Banks from Evanston Community Development Association said that the CHDOs felt it was
fair to split operating funds evenly because the available funds are limited.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. The next scheduled meeting is Thursday,
September 18, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Splcuzza, Housing Planner
September 18, 2008
Present: Susan Munro, Chair, Tim Angell, Sara Ashmore Diggs, Carol Balkcom, Eric
Beauchamp, Brooks Harding, Richard Mosley, Bruce Nelson, Joanne Zolomij
Staff: Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm with a quorum present. Ms. Munro said she
recommended that minutes be shortened in the future to simply include the actions taken
and a summary of discussion. The Minutes of the Julu19, 2008 and August 21, 2008
meetings were approved 8 — 0.
IL Communications
• Staff informed members that on September 29, HUD plans to release information on the
implementation of the CDBG neighborhood stabilization funds that are part of the
Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. Members received a summary of the
highlights of the legislation
• Members reviewed the Downpayment Assistance Report and asked about use of funds
on subsidized developments
• Members reviewed the Affordable Housing Fund report and Developer Contribution list
and asked for an update on status of projects where pledges have not yet been received
• The Chair informed members of an October 16 "Snapshot Evanston 2008" event
The Chair noted that Betsy I-assar was being honored that evening at the annual meeting
of Interfaith Housing Center of the Northern Suburbs and suggested that the Commission
send her a letter of congratulations. Members concurred.
Ill, Recommend Allocation of CHDO Operating Funds
Ms. Munro noted that this item was tabled at the August 21 meeting after a lengthy discussion
because two members planned to recuse themselves from the vote and there would not be a
quorum. She said she since researched Robert's Rules of Order and found that if a quorum of
members is present, a board or commission can take action even if the number of people voting
is less than a quorum.
A motion was made by Bruce Nelson and seconded by Tim Angell to divide the $81,834 In
available HOME CHDO operating funds equally among the five CHDOs. The motion
passed 7-0, with two recusals.
Another motion was made by Bruce Nelson and seconded by Sara Ashmore Diggs to disburse
the funds In one lump payment to each CHDO. The motion passed 7-0, with 2 recusals.
N. Certify Continuum of Care Applications for Consistency with Consolidated Plan
Members received a summary of the ten Supportive Housing Program applications and the
Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) program application, which are being
submitted by the Evanston Alliance on Homelessness to HUD. The applications must include
certificates that the applications are consistent with the City's 2005-2009 Consolidated Plan.
Suzanne Calder, chair of the Evanston Alliance on Homelessness, spoke about the application
Housing Commission .Minutes September 18, 2008
Page 2
Bruce Nelson moved that the Commission certify that the applications meet the strategies
and objectives in the City's 2005-2009 Consolidated Plan, and the motion was seconded
by Joanne Zolomlj. The motion passed 9-0.
V. Comprehensive Affordable Housing Plan Task Force
Ms. Munro said there were 37 people who either volunteered or were nominated for participation
on the Task Force. Three of the commissioners will review the names then divide them for all
commission members to call them up to discuss their interest
Members discussed the procedure for getting funds approved to hire a consultant to facilitate the
Task Force and help draft the Affordable Housing Plan. Mr. Angell suggested that funding should
be determined before a Request for Qualifications or for Proposals went out, and if an RFQ was
issued they could choose a firm, and then negotiate the cost Members noted that the funding
would come from the Affordable Housing Fund, and discussed what amount might be required
and about getting on the Planning and Development Committee for funding.
Members received a draft of the Request for Proposals with staff revisions, and were asked to
look it over in the next week and make any comments on the scope of work and see if it can be a
Request for Qualifications.
VI. Public Comment
Keith Banks of ECDA suggested that sensitivity was needed in considering use of the
Downpayment Assistance Program with subsidized ownership developments.
Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
October 16, 2008
Present: Susan Munro, Chair, Carol Balkcom, Eric Beauchamp, Brooks Harding, Richard
Mosley, Bruce Nelson, Joanne Zolomij
Absent: Tim Angell
Staff: Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm with a quorum present. The Minutes of
the September 18, 2008 meetings were approved 6— 0.
If. Communications
Susan Munro noted that the Mayor responded positively to her letter regarding plans to form an
Affordable Housing Comprehensive Plan Task Force.
Members discussed the proposed Green Building Ordinance and made recommendations to
submit to the Human Services Committee meeting on October 20, 2008. They voiced their
concern about the cost of requiring affordable housing projects to attain LEEDS certification, and
thought there should be an incentive for affordable housing projects. They felt attaining certain
specified standards would not always be economically feasible.
Joanne Zolomij reported the Planning and Development Committee discussion of the Housing
Commission's recommendation for CHDO operating grants. The Committee tabled the item until
October 27 because they didn't know how funds would be spent without seeing operating
budgets, and they questioned whether funds would be better spent on projects which are
currently unsaid. Members discussed Planning 8 Development's concerns. They are also
concerned about unsold units and were going to discuss that problem and the related issue of
Increased development costs due to carrying costs. They commented that they felt it is important
to ensure the CHDOs are able to keep operating and operating grants represent a way to support
the CHDOs in all their efforts. Ms, Munro said she thought they could help the organizations raise
funds in other ways and make sure they are aware of other resources and tools. Richard Mosley
said he thought the HUD guidelines required Evanston to provide 10% of funds to CHDOs. Ms.
Spicuzza said the regulations only require that 15% of funds be used for CHDO projects and
allow up to 5% to be used for CHDO operating grants but don't require it. She said she would
send the relevant section of the regulations to members. Ms. Spicuzza said that the CHDO
budgets will be included in the P&D materials for the 27"' along with a memo from the Housing
Commission regarding their recommendation for funding.
Ms. Spicuzza said there is not a report on the Affordable Housing Fund because she needed to
get more information on some expenses, but said there would be a report at the November
III. Report on Sales and Development Costs of on -going City -assisted affordable
ownership projects
Ms. Munro said that both the Commission and the Council were concerned about the affordable
units not selling and wanted to use this opportunity to discuss it rather than make any specific
recommendations about requests for additional funding at this meeting. She chair invited the
representatives of organizations which are marketing affordable ownership units to the front for a
discussion of their ongoing projects and problems related to slow sales, availability of credit, and
extended carrying casts, in order to discuss possible solutions. The group the discussed the
ownership projects which have the following carrying costs:
2212 Washington Citizen's Lighthouse Community Land Trust; $2,2761 mo. carrying costs
736-738 Washington Evanston Community Development Association; $4,450/mo.
Housing Commission %linulcs October 16, 2008
Page 2
602 Mulford Reba Place Development Corporation, S8, 2901mo.
241 Callan Econ Development Corporation; 56,947imo.
Ms. Spicuzza reported that she had reviewed materials submitted by the three CHDOs asking for
additional funds to cover carrying costs but staff needed to meet again with the organizations and
analyze their needs and possible solutions. She said they wanted to consider different scenarios
for the various situations, such as lease -to -purchase deals, use of organizations' reserves and
assets, and assistance with broader advertising through the Round Table or the Evanston
Review. She said she hadn't yet reviewed or discussed the request from Econ Development for
additional funds for overruns and making all five units affordable.
Rev. Moseley, who is on the board of the Land Trust, said their situation was different from others
because fewer lenders will make loans for a property in a land trust. He said they refer interested
buyers to two banks. He said they had one interested buyer but they decided not to purchase at
this time.
Neil Davidson of Econ Development said that the unsold units take away from his profitability,
because he is a for -profit organization. He said he had two units with contracts when the project
was approved but they couldn't get financing so no units have sold.
Ms. Munro asked the developers what they could do to turn the situation around at the end of six
months. David Janzen of Reba Place Development listed a number of Ideas.
1. He said he felt the CHDOs, the City and the banks should recognize they're in it
together and if the developments fail, it then becomes the banks' or the City's problem, which Isn't
a good solution.
2. He said he liked the idea of getting help with publicity costs; that could be very helpful.
3. He appreciated getting help from Housing Commission Eric Beauchamp, a realtor, with
getting their projects listed on the MLS without taking a listing commission, and felt that would
help bring in potential buyers.
4. He also said he feels that selling to purchasers who are not from Evanston is okay,
because while it may not be the preferred target audience, it would get a unit sold. He felt we
should welcome people who want to make Evanston their home and be part of the community.
5. He also said that they should work to change the public perception about whether now
is a good time to buy property. He said they had interested buyers who they thought would qualify
for a mortgage but didn't because lenders started to change their guidelines, so some potential
purchasers gave up. He said the organization needs to identify lenders who will make the loans,
and know their guidelines so they can help pre -qualify buyers.
Mr Janzen said that they have to figure out how to do Affordable Housing in the present climate
because the people who need the housing have not gone away. He said that previously when
they developed the Elmwood condos, they had five people interested which resulted in their two
affordable sales. With Mulford, they had 60 people interested which resulted in four sales.
Ms. Zolomij, a realtor, suggested that they might talk to some local realtors or provide fliers to
them to distribute at their Monday staff meetings, as some realtors may not be aware of the
developments and might know clients who fit the guidelines. She said right now there are about
600 condos on the market, and sales are slow. She said that there were no safes made the
previous week.
Mr. Davidson said the developers should go to banks and ask them to pre -certify their projects,
so they can refer buyers to them. He also said that he liked the idea of getting financial
assistance to pay the realtors' commissions if they sold units, and that would be very helpful for
him. He said with Interest of 56,000 a month, he needs to stop the bleeding on monthly carrying
costs. Members referred to his request for S200,000 in additional HOME funds to sell all five units
as affordable, rather than just 3 units. Members said they wouldn't consider additional funds for
more affordable units unless the existing affordable units were sold. Mr. Davidson agreed and
Housing Commission Minutes October 16, 2008
Page 3
said he would withdraw that request at this time but he still needed help with carrying costs and
cost overruns.
Keith Banks of Evanston Community Development Association said that many potential buyers
have a dream of owning a single family home, and the organizations need to work to educate
people how the economies of scale of a condominium home can be less expensive than owning a
single family house.
Members discussed the timing of sales and Mr. Beauchamp said typically the down time is
between Thanksgiving and the Super Bowl. It was noted that the affordable housing market might
not track with market rate housing, however. He also said he is concerned about the time it takes
an interested buyer, if they haven't already gone to a home purchase workshop, and the
scheduling of the workshops. Usually he said, the longer they wait, the less likely they will buy.
Ms. Spicuzza said there are other sources for homeowner counseling. She said they can refer
them to CEDA for individual counseling, do it themselves with a Fannie May booklet and then
refer them to a counselor, and use sources in Rogers Park. Mr. Beauchamp felt it is important for
the developers to be aware of timely homeownership counseling opportunities and also to sit
down with lenders who will provide financing so they can refer potential purchasers to willing
Members talked about the consequences if the lenders foreclosed on the projects and Ms.
Spicuzza said if units were not sold as affordable the City would have to pay the money back.
Members said that then the City could not only lose its investment if all the subsidy is not repaid
at a foreclosure sale, but there would still be vacant units on the market and no affordable
housing created.
Ms. Munro said she felt it would help to get information on developers' marketing efforts and how
many people have expressed interest, how many were qualified, how many could get a
mortgage. In the meantime, she would like to prepare a graphic presentation showing a timeline
and steps going from buyer -interest to getting a mortgage, so that in 60 days there can be lots of
activity, possibly resulting in 1 or 2 contracts. Mr. Beauchamp said he would meet with the
developers to help them put together a detailed marketing plan, because they need to ensure that
if they get help for carrying costs for six months, they won't be coming back in another six months
for more help.
Ms. Munro said they would discuss the requests for additional assistance again at the Housing
Commission meeting next month after staff has had a chance to review situations in detail.
1V. Update on Neighborhood Stabilization Program Funding through the Housing and
Economic Recovery Act of 2008
Ms. Spicuzza referred to the October 6 on NSP funds which was sent to Planning and
Development Committee and said the City would apply to the State and the County for funding
since Evanston did not receive a separate allocation. She said the funds must be used on
abandoned or foreclosed property and not to help people avoid foreclosure.
The entities receiving allocations must submit their plans to HUD by December 1, so staff will
learn more as the entities ask for public comment on their draft plans. She said staff is looking at
eligible uses such as funding purchase and rehab of foreclosed houses. funding multi -family
rental project, land banking, or helping homebuyers with rehab funds if they acquire a foreclosed
property. In addition to herself, Dennis Marino and Susan Guderley, the planning team includes
Jeff Murphy, Assistant Community Development Director for Property Standards and Rehab and
Sarah flax, the CDBG Grants Administrator, because the program follows CDBG guidelines,
Members asked if there are foreclosed multi -family properties. Ms. Spicuzza said that staff is
working to identify properties. Ms. Munro said that the City definitely would want to get some of
the funding and hoped they propose a range of strategies and if wondered if there was a role for
Housing Commission Minutes October 16, 2008
Page 4
CHDOs and if they could be include. She asked if the land banking use was a land trust. Ms.
Spicuzza said no, it was simply acquiring properties then determining whether should provide
rental or ownership housing and who could best develop them. Ms. Munro also asked it they
could put in some consideration to use the Citizens' Lighthouse Community land Trust an
opportunity to build in permanent affordability. Ms. Spicuzza said she would mention that to the
staff. She noted that properties also have to be purchased at below market value, and can't be
sold at a profit.
Ms. Munro asked if they can use the money to fund a staff person, for example to do purchase
negotiations. Ms. Spicuzza said that was one of many areas that was not clear and they needed
more guidance, although she said perhaps some costs could be built into the project. She said
she would provide the web address for NSP.
V. Discussion of Comprehensive Affordable Housing Plan Task Force
Ms. Munro said she put together a slate of Task Force members from the list of people who
volunteered or were nominated, and thanked the Commssion members who had interviewed the
nominees. The names are:
Aid Delores Holmes
Susan Munro
AI Hunter
Cherylette Hilton
Mary Friedl
James Ticus
Michael Corr
Rob Anthony
Judy Levey
Janet Morgan
Phil Nyden
Andrew McGonigal
Paul Seldon
Tim Nimrod
Brooks Anthony
Yvonne Dickerson
Staff: Dennis Marino or Susan Gudedey may alternate
One more Housing Commission member was needed and Richard Moseley volunteered. Bruce
Nelson made a motion to accept the slate, seconded by Eric Beauchamp. The motion passed
Members also discussed having a consultant facilitate Task Force meetings and drafting a plan,
and looked over the draft Request for Qualifications. They also reviewed the draft from Ms. Munro
to the Planning and Development Committee. Ms. Munro said that BPI offered to help the Task
Force with research but could not to facilitate the meetings or draft the plan.
VI. Public Comment
Fran Seidman urged Commission members to attend Planning and Development Committee and
Council meetings.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
November 20, 2008
Present: Susan Munro, Chair, Tim Angell, Carol Balkcom, Eric Beauchamp, Brooks
Harding, Bruce Nelson, Joanne Zolomij
Absent: Richard Mosley
Staff: Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm with a quorum present. The Minutes of
the October 16, 2008 meeting were approved 6— 0.
II. Communications
• Members received an update of foreclosure information and activity that was sent to the
Planning and Development Committee for November 24
• Members discussed information on Affordable Housing Month and plans for a
Proclamation at the December 8 Council Meeting. The chair agreed to work with staff on
a letter to the editor or a news release on affordable needs and activities. Other related
City activities were discussed in conjunction with Agenda Item III
• Members reviewed the report on Affordable Housing Fund income and expenses and
related 2009110 budget material
Ill. Consideration of Funding Needs of Affordable Ownership Projects
Citizen's Lighthouse Community Land "trust — 2212 Washington
Evanston Community Development Association — 736-738 Washington
Reba Place Development Corporation — 602 Mulford
Econ Development Corporation — 241 Callan
Members discussed a staff memo regarding HOME -assisted ownership developments with
unsold units. Staff plans to meet with developers and their lenders to discuss project status, plans
for the next six months and possible City involvement In loan modifications. Ms. Spicuzza
reported that some type of Interest subsidy is the most likely form of additional City assistance.
She also noted staff is considering paying for display advertising tied in with Open Houses for all
the developments, planning a Housing Fair in early 2009 and providing $15.000 in downpayment
assistance to purchasers if needed. Members discussed other ideas, including a bus tour of the
available developments, and developers of the affected projects discussed the difficulties
potential purchasers are facing in today's market.
Members were in favor of the City providing assistance and additional funding to help keep the
projects afloat and acknowledged that time was critical since construction loans are coming due.
Ms. Spicuzza said a recommendation would be presented to the Planning and Development
Committee and City Council at the next meeting, December 8, which is the last meeting before
the end of the year. Mr. Beauchamp also said he would continue to work with the developers on
the MLS listings and on marketing strategies.
IV. Discussion of Pending HOME Fund Request from Over the Rainbow Association
for Rehab of Hill Arboretum, 2040 Brown
Ms. Spicuzza said that the organization had applied for CDBG funds in the fall for kitchen and
heating improvements but staff determined that HOME funds would be an eligible and more
appropriate funding source. She said that the scope of rehab work expanded because all code
violations and other short term rehab needs should be addressed in this application since
additional HOME funding could not be used during the 5 year affordability period. She said the
Housing Commission Minutes November 20, 2008
Page 2
HOME application was not completed yet, but she wanted to present it to the Commission so they
could discuss the need for funding in the form of a grant rather than a loan.
Eric Huffman and Leo Kirwan from Over the Rainbow Association provided information on their
organization and apartment building at 2040 Brown, Mr. Kirwan described the need for fully
accessible and adaptable housing for people with disabilities so they can live as independently as
possible. Mr. Huffman presented information on their proposed request and their operating
budget. Additional funding would be requested for tuckpointing and an engineering study to
analyze a soil settlement problem. The total request would be 5375,575. Members asked
questions about the building and funding needs and indicated their support for their request to
receive a HOME grant for the necessary repairs. The complete application will be presented to
the Commission in December for a recommendation to the Planning and Development
V. Discussion of Comprehensive Affordable housing Plan Task Force
Members discussed the Planning and Development Committee's opposition to the Commission's
proposal to use affordable housing funds for a task force facilitator and consultant to help write
the Comprehensive Affordable Housing Plan. Ms. Munro suggested that the Commission
convene the Task Force with volunteer facilitation from one of the members. Members discussed
this and other alternatives and agreed the Task Force should start meeting.
VI. Public Comment
Suzanne Carlson commented that when the City Council recently approved the Climate Action
Plan they Indicated their satisfaction with the fact that the Plan was prepared without using a
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Spicuzza
Housing Planner
December 18, 2008
Present: Susan Munro, Chair, Tim Angell, Carol Balkcom, Eric Beauchamp, Bruce
Nelson, Richard Mosley .Joanne Zolomij
Absent: Brooks Harding
Staff: Donna Spicuzza, Housing Planner
I. Call to Order, Approve Minutes of November 20, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. It was moved by Tim Angell and seconded by
Joanne Zolomij to approve the minutes of the November 20 meeting. The motion passed 7.0.
II. Communications
• Members acknowledged receiving the 2009 Meeting Calendar.
• Donna Spicuzza spoke about the request from Hill Arboretum for HOME funds to rehab
the 33 unit rental building at 2040 Brown, which the owners discussed with the
Commission in November. They have not yet finalized their application so it will be
brought to the Commission for formal recommendation in January.
• Members received a hard copy of affordable housing sections of the City's draft Action
Plan for 200912010, which is due to HUD on January 15, 2009. Ms. Spicuzza said the
draft is available on-line and comments will be accepted through January 6. The Housing
and Community Development Committee will hold a Public Hearing on the Draft Action
Plan on December 16 and the final Plan will be presented to the City Council January 12.
• Members accepted the report of the Affordable Housing Fund as of November 30, 2008,
Ill. Funding Needs of Affordable Ownership Projects
Members discussed the staff recommendation presented to the Planning and Development
Committee (P&D) for up to S67,066 in additional HOME funds to help four developers pay
carrying costs on their completed affordable ownership projects and to pay for joint marketing
efforts. Staff recommended funding of S33,566 to cover 50% of the monthly interest payments on
the construction loans, an additional S8,000 for marketing and up to $25,500 to cover a 1%
commission for broker -assisted sates.
The proposal was presented to the P&D Committee on December 8 and at the meeting Susan
Munro and Eric Beauchamp made presentations in support of additional assistance because of
the difficulty selling units in the current housing market. The Committee voted to defer a funding
decision about marketing support until January but recommended approval of an additional
$30.000 for monthly interest payments for the three projects that were developed by CHDOs. The
Committee did not approve additional funds for the five -unit, mixed -income condominium at 241
Callan developed by Econ Development Corporation, a for -profit developer.
Members said they were disappointed that the Commission did not have an opportunity to see
the final recommendations and comment on them before the meeting and wanted a more
collaborative effort between staff and the Commission. Ms. Spicuzza said it was unfortunate there
wasn't time for Commission input on the staff recommendations after staff discussed the
individual project needs with each of the developers and their lenders. She noted that the
deadlines were very tight because there was only one P&D meeting in December instead of two
so the specific recommendations came from staff and not the Housing Commission. She said that
staff would try to work on the Commission's concern so this wouldn't happen again. Mr. Angell
said he did not think that was enough. Ms. Munro concurred and said they could have provided
comments on the recommendations by e-mail before they were finalized. Ms. Munro said she
asked the developers if the assistance recommended by staff was enough to keep their projects
afloat and some indicated that it wasn't.
Housing Commission Minutes of December 18, 2008
Pagc 2
Mr. Beauchamp presented a revised marketing plan he developed which proposed about $5,300
on joint marketing efforts and up to 525,000 for broker commissions. He recommends preparing
more marketing material and planning other activities and spending less on print advertising.
Members asked for clarification about being able to use HOME funds for commissions and Ms.
Spicuzza said it would be allowable but was checking whether project funds or administrative
funds should be used. She said the marketing proposal would be presented to P&D January 26
instead of January 12 because that agenda is already full_ Members supported the plan.
Mr. Angell said he would like the Community Development Interim Director to attend the January
Housing Commission meeting to talk about the strategy in 2009 for bringing affordable housing
recommendations to P&D. Members later agreed they would like to discuss a better way for staff
and the Commission to collaborate on affordable housing funding recommendations before going
to the P&D Committee and City Council. They would also like the Director to articulate the vision
of the Housing Commission and affordable housing overall in Evanston. Mr. Angell said he
wanted to tell staff what the Commission expects from City staff when Commission members go
to P&D on housing issues. Ms. Munro said she would extend an invitation to the Interim Director.
Members reviewed the staff memo about changing Econ Development Corporation's condo
project at 241 Callan to a rental project for a period of time, due to lack of Council support to
provide additional funding until the units can be sold. Members agreed It was necessary and
asked if they needed to take action on the change. Ms. Spicuzza said there would probably need
to be Council approval. They suggested that the developer submit a revised pro -forma and attend
the January Housing Commission meeting so they could review it. Members asked about the
number of affordable rental units and the possibility of getting Section 8 subsidy. Ms. Spicuzza
said two units would have to be affordable but she did not think a rental subsidy would help the
property's cash flow because those rents would probably not be above HUD's Fair Market Rents.
Mr. Beauchamp asked if it was correct that the City would have to repay HUD funds used for a
project that was not completed and Ms. Spicuzza confirmed it was. He said that should be
stressed when presenting the recommendation for converting the Callan project to a rental
project, so it is clear that not only would the City lose the HOME money invested because
affordable units were not provided, but that they would have to repay the investment from City
funds. He said that has tremendous ramifications.
IV. Discussion of Foreclosed and Abandoned Property and NSP funding
Members reviewed a prior memorandum to P&D updating the Committee on the federal
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). Evanston will apply for NSP funds through the State
of Illinois and Cook County.Members discussed the location of three census tracts to be targeted.
They noted that neither agency has a timeline for accepting applications and awarding funds.
Joanne Zolomij said that the loan programs of the federal legislation (of which NSP Is a part) are
not successful because lenders are not willing to write down the loans. Members commented that
the federal program doesn't do enough to help people facing foreclosure, including middle income
households. Ms. Spicuzza said the NSP funds can assist households up to 120% of Area Median
Income who rent or buy foreclosed properties.
V. Update on Comprehensive Affordable Housing Plan Task Force
Ms. Munro said that the first meeting of the Task Force would be January 14. She said she would
chair the Task Force for the time being since P&D did not approve the Commission's request for
a consultant to facilitate the meetings and help draft the Plan. She also said that she would like to
add another member to the Task Force. Jean Butzen, who is an Evanston resident and
consultant. It was moved by Tim Angell and seconded by Joanne Zolomij to accept the addition of
Jean Butzen to the Task Force. The motion passed 7-0.
VI. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Donna Spicuzza