Summary of Actions:
ROOM 2404-5:00 P.M.
Aid. Feldman. Aid. Engelman. Aid. Moran, Aid. Nc%i man. Percy
Berger, Walter Clarkson,
Aid. Wynne, Sydney Grevas, Lucille Krasnow
Aid. Feldman, Chair
James Wolinskdi Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson, William Stafford
Aid. Feldman called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. The previous minutes of October 25. 2000
were unanimously approved. The communication items contained in the packet were briefly
discussed. Aid. Engelman stated that it % as important to point out that seven years into the Ho%kwd/
Hartry TIF, it is performing approximately 50% ahead of projections and how important it is to make
projections from the start. Add. Feldman concurred.
Mr. Mareno briefly commented on the Evanston Convention and Visitors Bureau (ECVB) Summary
of Accomplishments and the Chicago Area Multi -Family Housing Update packet material.
Aid. Engelman stated that with regard to the ECVB, he was under the impression that the EDC had
requested the ECVB to provide a recap of accomplishments, not merely a report of what they did.
For example, how many projects and visitors were attracted to the City based on the efforts of the
ECVB, who otherwise may not have visited Evanston. Mr. Marino advised the EDC that the ECVB
packet contained a fact sheet which presented data on sales calls, contacts and recruitment results
as well as the economic impact on the City. Mr. Marino suggested that perhaps if a narrative had
been provided with the data as a companion piece, the report might have been more helpful. Aid.
Engelman stated that he had not seen the data sheet and that might be sufficient.
The next item on the agenda %ras the pniptiosed 2001 me ting schedule for The E�vnomic
Development Committee. There were no objections to the schedule.
Dennis Marino next provided the EDC %%ith a brief update on the of the Main Street Newsstand
rehab project, which has a projected construction completion date of March 31, 2001.
Dennis Marino next advised the EDC on the status of the Proposed issuance of Industrial Revenue
Bonds to facilitate a loan to Riley and Geehr in the amount of S 1.8 million. Although it is Riley and
Geehr's desire to proceed with the transaction, they will not be able to meet all of the requirements
requested by LaSalle Bank in time for the next Council Meeting. Because if this circumstanoc, staff
is suggesting that the allocated reserve be carried forward into the year, 2001.
Proceeding with the project updates, Mr. Marino informed the EDC of the latest proposal for the
Dempster Plaza Shopping Center. Joseph Freed & Associates is proposing to develop an additional
property on the out lot of the shopping center which is currently the site where Pizza Hut and Kids
R Us are located. Under the proposal, the existing buildings would be razed and the new project
could be as large as 20,000 to 22,000 square feet of new retail space, possibly for as many as five
additional retailers.
Aid. Engelman asked if Circuit City had been contacted to determine if they had an interest in having
a presence in Evanston. Dennis Marino w-as not aware of an effort to contact Circuit City but a
general discussion ensued about the published difficulties the chain had experienced.
Aid. Feldman and Dennis Marino briefly informed the EDC on the recent activity regarding the
vacant Builders Square property located in the Main Street Commons Shopping Center. They made
reference to what are currently two tentative possibilities being pursued to re -lease or redevelop the
space as well as informing the EDC of the City's commitment to assist in the effort. Aid. Feldman
expressed guarded optimism on the future for the site. Also, more diligent preventive measures were
discussed to address illegal truck parking on the site. City staff pledged full support in this endeavor
as well as working to make improvements on some general maintenance issues at the center.
Aid. Feldman asked that we hold the TIF District Performance comparisons for last, since an
Executive Session was required and to proceed «7th the remaining three agenda items.
Dennis Marino provided the EDC with a brief update on the results of the Storefront/Fagade
Improvement Program, which he described as one of the City's primary means for assisting small
businesses in the downtown and neighborhood business districts. Over the past years, funding for
the program has been provided by Community Development Block Grunt allocations. However, for
the last two years the program has not received an allocation, even though requests were made. The
concern is that during the next fiscal year there will not be enough remaining funds to continue the
The existing fund balance for small business favade assistance is quickly being uscd. In tic event,
as it now appears, the balance should drop to a point where the pruprun is placuM in jcagurdy, staff
is suggesting that the EDC consider recommending appix val to fund the Fri:wgr= in the ;mount of
a $50,000 allocation from the Economic Development Fund.
Ald. Feldman asked what was the averm:e annual disbursement. Mr. Marina's answer was that the
process calls for matching dollar for dollar (50%), up to S 10,000 per business and a t}picJ year of
funding averages $25,000 to $35,000. A general discussion ensued regarding the histacry of the
program and some of the beneficiaries. fir. Marino also explained that the Economic Dev0Jopment
fund is itself funded by the hotel tax and that there are sufficient resources to cover an allocation for
the program in question.
Ald. Newman suggested that this request would be easier to decide if the EDC w•as able to consider
the request in relation to the overall budget prior to the budget being presented to the City manager.
The other members concurred. Mr. Marino stated that his intent at this point w-as to simply alert the
EDC to the issues so that when the entire proposed budget is distributed at the end of the month it
will be taken into consideration by the EDC. In general, the EDC members expressed thefr support
for the program and recognize it's important as a tool for small business assistance. Ald_ Feldman
asked for a history of amounts disbursed and the recipients. Staff will comply.
In a similar manner, the Neighborhood Business District Improvement Program was discussed. This
program which was completed two years ago and was funded by a Capital Improvement Program
(CIF) allocation in the amount of $70,000. Under the program, those funds were than re -allocated
to projects in eight different business districts in the City neighborhoods.
The funds were used in a variety of ways, such as for planters, banners, decorative lighting. benches,
landscape projects, marketing and in one instance the development of a %veb site. AlthouLzh this is
not a program staff recommends doing on a yearly basis, it is appropriate to conduct one perk-dically.
Staff suggests that this is another program EDC might wish to consider recommending fuc,ding for
the ensuing year. Once again, the EDC expressed their support for this program, particula.rhy for the
way it benefits those business districts most in need of support and staff provided expertise. The
EDC will take the recommendation under advisement during the budget review process.
Lastly, Mr. Marino provided the EDC «ith a brief update on tw,o recent development proposJa s. One
proposal is for an eight -unit condominium building to be constructed on Prairie between Linc:otn and
Harris streets, which was presented for concept approval just this afternoon. The other proposal is
for a multi- townhouse project to be constructed on Monroe Street on what was formerly a
greenhouse complex.
Having completed the remaining agenda items, Ald. Feldman returned to the open meeting portion
of the TIE Districts Performance Comparisons.
Staff had previously delivered the four, %vluminous TIF financial packets ky nicti~cenger to the EDC
members. William Stafford explained the analyses for each of the four TIFs %�rrr described in detail
in the Minutes of the Joint Review Boards, which %verc also contained in the EDC packetz.
After Mr. Stafford presented his review and some general clarification remarks, Aid. Feldman
requested Moms Robinson to conduct a roll -call vote to enter into Executive Session for the purpose
of reviewing financial data pertaining to individual retailers located in the TIF districts.
The EDC unanimously voted to enter into Executive Session at 9:15 P.M.
Executive Session ended at 9:35 P.M.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:37 P.M.
The next EDC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. January 24. 2001 at 8:00
P.M. in room 2404, Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
rris E. Robinson
Economic Development Planner
ROOM 2404-8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Feldman, Aid. Engelman, Aid. Wynne, Percy Berger, Walter
Clarkson, Sydney Grevas
MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Moran, Aid. Newman, Lucille Krasnow
STAFF PRESENT: Judith Aiello, James Wolinski, Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson
OTHERS PRESENT: Ann Dienner, Plan Commission
Summary of Actions:
Aid. Feldman called the meeting to order at 8:07 P.M. The previous minutes of September 27'h, were
unanimously approved. The communication items contained in the packet, particularly concerning
available office space in Evanston, were briefly discussed. Aid. Engelman asked if staff were able
to provide a preview of commercial office space, six months prior to the vacancy listings in the
publications. Dennis Marino stated that an attempt to do so would be made in the future.
Aid. Feldman requested Judith Aiello to begin the project updates presentation. Ms. Aiello began
with an update on the construction status of the Main Pavilion. She stated that the Pavilion continues
to be on track for a targeted November 16`h, 2000 opening. Century will have a grand opening in the
form o f a fundraiser on behalf of Evanston based not for profit organizations (Rotary and others) on
November 161h, and will open for the general public on November 17'h. Wolfgang Puck, Urban
Outfitters and The Art Store «ill open shortly thereafter. Other available spaces are currently being
It remains apparent that the garage construction will not be completed by November 16, but it will
be partially open, perhaps half the spaces. The anticipated garage completion date is now projected
to be by the end of November and for the first few weeks, it may be free to the general public.
Additionally, extra directional signage will be installed and police officers will be strategically
deployed to provide directional assistance to Main Pavilion patrons.
Aid. Engelman asked if Maple Street will be closed because of the continued ► mine, hotel and other
construction activities. Ms. Aiello stated tPaat the Traffic Esigincer is c%zalu:ating the possibility of
opening the street, and staff would like for this to be the case-
Aid. Wynne asked if the street -widening project at the cornets of Church and Ridge % ill be
completed by the cinema opening date. Ms. Aiello's response -.%w that the Traffic Engineer has
assured her that the work Mll be completed.
Aid. Feldman asked if the Hill Company and Century Theaters have plans to market and advertise
the opening of the Main Pavilion. Ms. Aiello stated that although she hasn't seen any plans, she is
confident that plans to do so are in progress. At this point general remarks were made by various
members of the EDC pertaining to the grand opening ceremonies. Ald. Feldman asked if an opening
ceremony was planned for the new garage. Ms. Aiello stated that as yet, no firm plans have been
made but some form of a ceremony will be taken into consideration once the construction is
Aid. Wynne asked Ms. Aiello if she had any new information as to when the viaducts, particularly
those in the down town area, are to be scheduled for refurbishing. Ms. Aiello's response %%as no,
although it is her understanding that Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky has intervened in an attempt
to move the process along with the CTA. Aid. Wynne asked if any of the Illinois First funds have
been allocated. Ms. Aiello stated that the last time she checked with the CTA, they were attempting
to recruit consultants for the project.
Aid. Wynne suggested staff obtain an update on the status for the scheduling time line and determine
the number of viaducts in the City. Ms. Aiello agreed and added that there were five viaducts in all
and the amount of $25mm is earmarked for the project based on an analysis conducted two years
Next, Ms. Aiello briefly commented on the construction status of the hotel. A September 2001
opening is still anticipated. Continuing, Lis. Aiello provided brief updates on the progress of the
Evanston/Northwestem wet lab project development which will be construction by Mesirow Stein
and the Mesirow Stein/McDougal Little office building project and groundbreaking ceremony.
Ms. Aiello also provided the EDC with a status update regarding the Chefs Station Restaurant
owner's request for financial assistance, parking relief utilizing the old Las Palmas parking lot and
special directional signage. Mr. Percy Berger commented that the Las Palmas site is an eyesore and
something needs to be done.
Ms. Aiello agreed and stated now that the site is under new ownership, with an approved plan
development project, it is anticipated that a clean up of the site «ill be forth coming.
M1N(. TFS-OCTOBER 25. 2000
Mr. James Wolinski stated that inspectors from the Community De velopanent Dcpartmew will
inspect and where appropriate, enforce the cleanup cf1brl. Mr. 1Volinski ad&-d that the principals of
the Focus Group, the new o%vners of the site are cooperative and the comp=ny has a reputation for
quality work.
The next agenda item was the Sherman Plaza Redevelopment Project update particularly regarding
Sears and property acquisition. Ms. Aiello stated that the principals of Sheri Plaza Venture, LLC
are still negotiating with Sears and they are confident that finalizing of the tams is near. Closings
on the majority of the properties are expected sometime during the first quarter of 2001. Procurement
negotiations for the two remaining properties continue.
The City Council has passed a Condemnation Ordinance for the properties occupied by Osco and
the Olive Mountain Restaurant. A meeting has been arranged with Mr. Handler, the Osco property
owner to make a final offer. Similar efforts are being arranged with the owner of the Olive Mountain
Restaurant. Staff maintains a positive outlook that the negotiations will prove to be successful. Ms.
Aiello stated that staff participation is that of facilitators in the site acquisition efforts. She also
commented that it is the Sherman Plaza Venture's responsibility to resolve any outstanding project
design issues raised by other property owners, regarding the access alley and garage. Recently a
proposed resolution for the access alley has been presented, which also preserves the design
integrity of the garage, and the proposal appears to be agreeable to all parties.
Aid. Wynne asked Ms. Aiello if she could pro%ide a reasonable estimate as to when the demolition
of the old Sherman Avenue Garage will commence. Ms. Aiello suggested that demolition might start
during the first quarter of 2001. Aid. Wynne asked a follow up question pertaining to the Sears
projected opening. Ms. Aiello response was that the developer is planning for a fall, 2002 opening
for the store.
After thanking Ms. Aiello for her presentation, Aid. Feldman updated the EDC on the status of the
vacant Builders Square property in the Main Street Commons shopping center. Aid. Feldman
advised the Committee of a recent meeting he and staff held with Mr. Stanley Phillips, Vice
President of Harding Dahm & Co. located in Indianapolis. Mr. Philips' firm represents the marketing
and management services for the owners of the property, SeIimana Enterprises. Inc., a component
of a family owned holding company located in New York City. 'fir. Phillips apprised Aid. Feldman
and staff of the marketing efforts and unresolved issues to date. noting that R !dart still holds the
lease on the property with renewal options for two more years. In addition to the Builders Square
property, the holding company also owns the adjacent land and buildings for Marshall's. Track Auto,
Radio Shack, Dot and Dollar Days.
Aid. Feldman advised Mr. Phillips of the City's significant interest in the redevelopment of the
Mr. Phillips disclosed that negotiations were underway with potential retail concerns and that K start
appears eager to be released from the contract.
Mr. Phillips asked the City for assistance with preventing fly dumping„ illegal truck and impNo m&d
vehicle parking and for staff to provide him with an information packet on Evanston and the
surrounding area. Ald. Feldman, Ms. Aiello, Mr. Wolinski agreed to insure that City staff and
personnel would make extraordinary enforcement efforts to assist where necessary. Ald. Feldman
and staff also updated Mr. Phillips on the other significant development projects taking plaac in
Mr. Phillips also asked for the opportunity to have any potential client visit staff and tour the City
if needed to secure an agreement. The answer %%as affirmative. In addition staffassured Mr_ Phfl ips
that he would receive the information packet during the follou7ng week. The EDC engaged in a brief
discussion related to Ald. Feldman's comments and the Committee expressed its agreement to the
actions taken.
Mr. Dennis Marino completed the agenda items by providing brief updates on the rehab status of the
Main Street News Stand and other recent development proposals. In addition he informed the EDC
that the date of November 9, 2000 has been set to convene the mandatory annual Meeting of the
Joint Review Boards for the four TIF Districts established in the City. He suggested that it was
appropriate for the EDC to approve a motion confirming the meeting. The motion to do so was
carried unanimously by the EDC.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:16 P.M.
The neat EDC meeting is scheduled for Wednesdav, November 15, 2000 at 8:00
P.M. in room 2404, Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
vio s E. Robinson
Economic Development Planner
ROOM 2404-8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Feldman, Ald. Engelman, Aid. Ne�%-man, Aid. Wynne, Percy
Berger, Walter Clarkson, Lucille Krasnow
MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Moran, Sydney Grevas
STAFF PRESENT: Roger Crum, Judith Aiello, Arthur Alterson, Dennis Marino, Moms
Robinson, and James Wolinski
OTHERS PRESENT: Ann Dienner, Plan Commission; Jonathan Perman, Evanston Chamber
ofCommerce; Peter Mills, Chers Station Restaurant; Bruce Reid, A.
Hill & Associates.
Summary of Actions:
Aid. Feldman called the meeting to order at 8:30 P.M. The previous minutes of August 23`d, were
unanimously approved. The single communication, Metro -Chicago Office guide contained in the
packet, regarding available office space in Evanston, was briefly discussed.
Aid. Feldman announced that the meeting tonight was essentially intended to provide the EDC
members with the latest project updates and requested Judith Aiello to begin the presentation. Ms.
Aiello began with an update on the construction status of the Main Pavilion. She stated that the
Pavilion continues to be on track for a targeted November 16`', 2000 opening. Century %ill have a
grand opening in the form of a fundraiser on behalf of Evanston based not for profit organizations
on November 16" `, and will open for the general public on November 17`h.
Unfortunately, it dose not appear that the garage construction will be completed and fully open to
the public on November 16`h. Perhaps only half the spaces will be available due to a number of
construction delaying circumstances attributed to the various utility companies.
Ald. Feldman asked when the entire garage will be open. Ms. Aiello advised the EDC that by the
end of November, 2000, the City can expect the full opening of a completed garage.
At this time, construction is running about two and a half «Decks behirsd schedule.
The Parking Committee has given tentative approval for the public art M,ixisal tuxi the Fr-4F%.1*Wwill
be presented to the City Council in November and installation will kktiur in the siring of Z001.
Ms. Aiello continued by stating that the closing for the land for the Nlcl iugul Little Ott,: r tim1ding
project is scheduled for the first week of October or shorty thereafter. At this point_ the agenda
called for the discussion of the Chef Station Restaurant request for assistance, but Aki. Feldman
requested Ms. Aiello to complete the other agenda item updates first.
Ms. Aiello continued with a brief update on the Sherman Plaza proposal. She stated that at the last
City Council meeting, the City Council approved an Condemnation Ordinance for the property on
the corner of Church and Sherman, which is currently occupied by Osco Drug ConVany. -The
property owner will receive a letter to that effect in the near future. The Klutznick team continues
to negotiate with Mr. Handler, the owner of the building, as well as with the owner of the Olive
Mountain restaurant with the objective of reaching acceptable settlements for both. All of the other
properties required for the project are under contract. She mentioned that Citibank will be relocating
in the old Marshall Field's Building on Church Street. Osco will relocate to a temporary location
next to The Gap, with the expectation that the store will move into the Sherman Plaza de%,elopment
upon its completion.
The Parking Committee, which met earlier in the evening continue to work towards resol%ing access
issues associated with the new garage and truck delivery alley within the project. A meeting has been
scheduled for Thursday, October 5 in an effort to reach final resolution. The Parking Committee also
approved parking leases for the two buildings under purchase contract by Scribcor from Shaw and
October is the anticipated month for closing on the properties.
Although they weren't on the agenda, tits. Aiello mentioned that the Hilton Hotel is proceeding as
planned and is gearing to open in the fall of 2001. The Evanston Northwestern Hospital laboratory
building project was experiencing similar difficulties with the utility companies as those with the
Church Street Plaza.
Aid. Newman commented that the City must insure that proper signage is in place prior to the
official opening of the Church Street Plaza. Proper signage is crucial to the success of the project.
Ms. Aiello and the EDC members concurred. Ms. Aiello stated that in addition, other contingency
plans were currently being explored.
Aid. Wynne asked Ms, Aiello when the traffic lights and curb widening changes will be completed
at Church and Ridge. Ms. AieIlo's response was that the work had already commenced.
Dennis Marino next provided the EDC with an update on the approved concept proposal by Optima,
for the 800 Davis Street Bank One building.
Optima has proposed building a thirteen store, one hundred and tivc unit condominium &-ve pment,
with three floors of contained parking and 8,000 square feet of wrap ammund, ground level : space
on the site. A brief discussion ensued about other Optima dcvclopmcnts on the North Shores Aid.
Feldman commented on Optima's favorable reputation.
Mr. Marino continued by advising the EDC of the plans for the D.i%.n Town Transport=.tion Study
which is primarily funded by the RTA. The goal of the study is to determine opportunities w in=mse
the quality of public transportation in certain down town areas. Tesca & Associates is the firm that
has been selected to perform the study and Pace, CTA and Mehra are all involved as co -equals. One
of the primary objectives for the study is the establishment of a Tram;& Organization, designed to
provide employers, riders the City and organizations such as Evmark with a venue to have ongoing
discourses on transportation services and quality issues.
Aid. Newman inquired about the status of the Church Street viaduct improvement_ Ms. Aiello
commented that the City is in queue for consideration for funds and that Congresswomen
Schakowski is involved. Perhaps it will be a year or more before some definitive action is taken. Aid.
Newman suggested that staff should investigate ways to speed up the process and requested a
meeting with the proper officials to lend EDC support to the effort. Ms. Aiello concurred.
Mr. Marino next informed the EDC of the requirement for a Joint Review Board meeting. which the
City is obligated to convene annually for each of the four TIF District_ Aid. Engelman commented
that at the last JRB he requested staff provide reports on projected and actual income generated from
each TIF, which would then enable the EDC to measure the success of the districts and that this
information had not been provided. Ms. Aiello stated that the reports were not due until the end of
the calendar year and she and Mr. Marino both stated that an effort %%ill be made to have the data
completed in time for the next JRB meeting. The combined four districts JRB meeting is scheduled
for Thursday, November 9, 2000 at 8:30 A.M. at the Civic Center, Room 2402. A motion for the
meeting as proposed was passed unanimously.
Mr. Marino next provided the EDC with brief status updates on the Chicago/Main Newsstand rehab,
the pending Industrial Revenue Bond request for Riley & Gheer, Inc, the approved Steal: & Shake
Restaurant and the Neighborhood Business District Improvement Program. Upon completion of
these brief updates, Aid. Feldman indicated that the EDC should now direct their attention to the
Chef s Station request for assistance.
Employing a visual aid map, Ms. Aiello began by briefing the EDC on the parameters of Parcel 18,
which is bounded by Church Street to the north, Davis Street to the south and the two sets of tracks
to the east and west. The sale of the entire parcel to Mesirow Stein is eminent. Ms. Aiello then
briefly reviewed the Mesirow Stein construction project.
Referring to the map,,Ms. Aiello indicated the exact location of Chers Station within the parameters
and she introduced the owner of the restaurant, Mr. Peter Mills who was seated in the audience. Ms.
Aiello referred to the related memorandum contained in the EDC packet and informed the EDC of
a number of construction activities surrounding the restaurant, which %till cause mess difficulties
to Mr. Mills establishment.
Aside from a 16 to IS month construction period for the Mesirow Stein office building, especially
effecting Church Sm-et. Metra is obligated by ADA regulations to begin the delayed conswudion
of ramps on either side of its tracks and the Maple Avenue sewer construction project «ill cause
Davis Street to be closed for several months. All of the simultaneous construction wnri: will severely
impact access to the only plausible entry to Mr. Mills restaurant.
The memorandum contained three requests from Mr. Mills for assistance to mitigate the perceived
access difficulties. The first request is for the City to pay for appropriate signage for approximately
$1000; secondly, canopied walkway to a new entryway for approximately $200 to S250 thousand.
The Power Construction Company quoted this amount based on the need for extraordinary shoring
up requirements and additional safety construction required to erect the walkway. The third request
is for financial assistance during the construction period.
Mr. Mills commented that he was open to any support and advice from the City, which %till enable
his business to survive during the construction activities surrounding his establishment_ He advised
the EDC that in the recent past, the City has provided fa;ade improvement funds for his restaurant
A discussion ensued by the members of the EDC and staff, ranging from who should be responsible
for shoring up costs, entryway access to include the feasibility of using an entry from the Metra
commuter tunnel, safety issues, easement responsibility, assistance precedent setting and the overall
size of the assistance request. At one point Aid. Newman suggested making a one-time payment of
$50 thousand emphasizing the point that none of the merchants on Noyes or Main Streets received
assistance during the sewer work and a few businesses had to close. Aid. Newman went on to
suggest that what is probably needed is a uniform policy decision for resolution of providing
assistance to merchants adversely affected by City sponsored construction.
AId. Engelman suggested that compensation precedent has been set with Dave's Italian Kitchen
when he was granted rent abatement when the City parking lot on Church Street was closed.
Lucille Krasnow advised the EDC that this is a unique issue because in this case all access to this
establishment will be seriously curtailed through no fault of the owner.
Ald. Feldman asked Mr. Mills if he had considered moving. Mr. Mills response was that some.
consideration had been given to that option, but considers the access difficulties to be short term and
,r .r
that the long term advantage is to remain in the location which is well positioned for the new Church
street Plaza.
After continued, lengthy discussion, Ald. Feldman stated that there were too many open questions,
particularly since there is no guarantee of the survivability of the restaurant even if the City honored
the entire request. It was the EDC consensus that there was no need for an executive session at this
time. Mr. Percy Berger also emphasized the need to consider, separately and independently, the
important issue of public safety while considering a resolution to this issue. The EDC decided to tape
no action at this meeting.
Staff was instructed to further investigate the validity of the cost for the canopy and to determine
and weigh the benefits of other options available, such as relocation expenses and the feasibility of
using the Metra tunnel. Also, Ald. Feldman requested a confidential memorandum detailing Mr.
Mills' restaurant expenses and finally, what it would be the ongoing expenses if Mr. Mills had to
shut down the restaurant during the construction period. Realizing the urgency ofthe matter, Ald.
Feldman assured Ms. Aiello that he will remain in close communication with staff and would be
willing to call a special meeting if necessary.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:30 P.M.
The next EDC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. November 15. 2000 at 8:00
P.M. in room 2404. Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Morris'E. Robinson
Economic Development Planner
r. 1
ROOM 240":00 P.M.
Aid. Feldman, Aid_ Moran, Walter Clarkson, Percy Berger, Sydney
Grevas, Lucille Krasnow
Aid. Engelman, Ald. Newman, Ald. Wynne
Summary of Actions:
Judith Aiello, Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson
Ann Dienner
Ald. Feldman called the meeting to order at 8:17 P.M. Tlie previous minutes of June 28, were
unanimously approved. The EDC did not meet during the month of July, 2000. The communication
articles, including the latest available commercial space inventory, which were enclosed in the
packets, were briefly discussed.
Aid. Feldman next requested Judith Aiello to provide the EDC with an update on the Church Street
Plaza. Ms. Aiello began with an update on the construction status of the Main Pavilion. She stated
that the Pavilion w•as on track for a targeted November 16, 2000 opening. The City has the site plans
for the Wolfgang Puck, Urban Outfitters and an unannounced retail store, and these plans are under
review. Signage for the Pavilion will be in accordance with the unified sign district and Hill has
submitted a signage packet to the Sign Review And Appeals Board ( SRAB). Ms. Aiello shared the
package with the EDC. The SRAB held a public hearing on the signage and approved the designs.
An ordinance adopting the sign package %%-ill be presented to the City Council at the September 11,
2000 meeting. What has not been approved at this time is the signage for the east elevation of the
Main Pavilion wfiich faces the commuter tracks. Ms Aiello reminded the EDC that originally it was
thought that the fagade might be used to present public art, but the Hill proposal was more akin to
advertising for various businesses. Now Hill has proposed to form a panel to review this issue and
to develop ideas for the best use of that elevation. The recommendation(s) will then be presented to
the SRAB.
Ms. Aiello then provided the EDC with a brief update on the construction status of the Municipal
Garage has a completion target date coinciding %%ith the cinemas and Main Pavilion. The major
problem experienced with the garage has been utilities related, prirnmily concerning Commonwealth
Edison. Generators have prodded power for both the garage and the Pavilion construction because
efforts to get Commonwealth Edison to insisll permanent power connections have been
unsuccessful. In addition, underground %kiring. cables or water mars for tho various utilities are not
always where they have been indicated to be.
Although meetings with Commonwealth Edison and the other utility providers have been ongoing
for more than a year, Ms. Aiello stated that the problems are indicative of the overall logistical
problems related to the myriad construction projects occurring in the metropolitan area. Sfax Ruben
serves as the City's construction liaison and he has advised that at this point the construction of the
garage should be completed on schedule. Currently the Developer is operating on a six -day
construction week schedule and Sundays have not been ruled out. Ms. Aiello advised the EDC that
November 161h was only ten Saturdays away.
The ground breaking for the Hilton Garden Hotel occurred approximately one month ago. The hotel
is targeted for a late summer or early fall, 2001 opening. The developers are currently conducting
meetings with the anticipated major users of the facility.
Ms. Aiello further advised the EDC of the status of Parcel Six. The City closed with Meserow Stein
and Evanston Hospital, and construction has begun on the wet laboratory. Construction is
proceeding well, however an environmental issue arose which resulted in Mesirow Stein incurring
an additional $25,000 expense. . ,
Because of the congestion resulting from so much construction in the area, traffic control has become
a concern, particularly on Saturdays with the Farmers Market actiN-ities. The Hospital has made the
former Whole Foods site available for parking and appropriate directional signage has been installed.
The Jewel on Howard Street has provided shopping carts and the City has engaged four high school
students to help market patrons transport their purchases. Ms. Aiello commended her assistant, lean
Spires, for her efforts to resolve customer problems related to congestion.
The Redevelopment Agreement between the City and liesirow Stein, which finalize the plan and
site issues for Parcel Eighteen, has been approved. At a recent meeting with Mesirow Stein, the
contractor and Metra, it was determined that a tower crane with a boom capable of crossing both the
Metra and CTA tracks will be used during construction. This situation will create some unique
insurance issues for Mesirow Stein. The City has not closed on the property yet, but it is anticipated
that the closing will occur shortly after Labor Day. Mesirow's lender also requested " more clarity"
with regard to the parking lease and staff is reviewing that request_
The City is also working with Chefs station restaurant to mitigate problems it may encounter g
the construction period. In addition to the Mesirow Stein construction project. Metra %tip be
constructing federally mandated ADA Access ramps on either side of its tracks. The City Will
probably provide Chefs Station with additional directional signage to help the establishment 4�g
this critical period.
Ald. Feldman asked when the ground breaking for the McDougal Little Building will occur. tiic
Aiello stated that a date has not been announced yet, but it may occur by the end of September, after
the closing of the property transaction.
Discussions are ongoing with regard to the residential site. Hill has communicated with a number
of national housing developers and it appears that Evanston real estate taxes is an issue frequently
raised. However, Hill is confident that within the next sixty to ninety days that he will be able to
effect a proposal to present to the City.
Scribcor continues to lease up and they are in the planning stages for the construction on what is now
being used as a parking lot. Scribcor is also purchasing the two Shaw buildings in the Research Park
and they are negotiating with City staff on parking lease arrangements for each of their buildings.
Mark Goodman and Associates are the new owners of the Incubator Building. They are currently
negotiating lease terms with the Technology Center and it is anticipated the Technology Center
principals will be in a position to appear before the EDC at the next meeting. Mr. Goodman is also
negotiating parking lease arrangements with the City.
Discussions are ongoing with the Klutm ick team and in turn they continue their negotiations for land
acquisition. It is anticipated that all of the land acquisition issues %%ill be resolved by yearend. Aid.
Feldman asked when will Development Agreement negotiations begin. Ms. Aiello stated a first draft
has been completed and that a completed agreement is targeted for late September or October 2000.
Sydney Grevas inquired about the status of the Osco property. Ms. Aiello stated that City staff; Mr.
Klutznick; Marty Stern and Aid. Newman have met with Mr. Handler, the owner of the property.
Although Mr. Handier has plans for the property- which are at odds with the City's desire, the lines
of communication remain open and hopefully the issue will be resolved in an acceptable manner
for all parties.
A brief but general discussion ensued regarding the foregoing at which time Ms. Aiello concluded
her presentation.
MINUTES -AUGUST 23. 2040 f ' PAGE 4'
Dcnnis Marino concluded the agenda items by providing short status updates on- reccm
development proposals presented to the City.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 P.M.
The next EDC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. October 25. 2000 at 5:00
P.M. in room 2404. Civic Center.
ROOM 2404-8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Feldman, AId. Engelman, Aid. Moran, Aid. Newman, Aid -
Wynne, Percy Berger, Sydney Grevas,
MEMBERS ABSENT: Walter Clarkson, Lucille Krasnow
STAFF PRESENT: Roger Crum, Maureen Barry, Mark Franz, Dennis Marino, Morris
OTHERS PRESENT: Prof. Donald Frey, Ron Keysiak, John Nelson -NUERP, Tim
Lavengood-TIC, Stephen Kardel, Marty Norkptt-Scribcor, Jonathan
Perman-Ev. Chamber of Commerce
Summary of Actions:
Aid. Feldman called the meeting to order at 8:17 P.M. The previous minutes of May 17`h, were
unanimously approved after Morris Robinson informed the EDC that a date correction for the last
meeting was required.
Aid. Feldman stated that the first business item on the agenda was a presentation by Ron Kysiak
regarding the Research Park Technology Innovation Center (TIC). Mr. Kysiak began by advising the
EDC that as a result of the recent sale of the 1840 Oak Incubator building, the Technology
Innovation Center will loose an important source of support and will experience a rent increase. Mr.
Kysiak expressed the concern of the NUERP (Northwestern University/Evanston Research Park)
Board that unless a dependable source for continued operating expense support can be obtained, the
risk of the TIC going out of business is apparent.
Mr. Goldman, t he new owner, of the property at 1840 Oak Street, has intentions of raising the rent
by 50% and will only consider keeping the TIC as a tenant if it can produce a payment agreement
from a fiscally sound guarantor other than the TIC. It is the desire of the NUERP Board that
commitments from the City of Evanston and Northwestern University will meet this requiremmL
MINUTES -MAY 28. 2000
Attention was directed to a detailed drag memo entitled "A I'lan For The Ntservation Of The
Technology Innovation Center", prepared by the NUERP Board during the previous week and
included in the EDC packets. Referencing this draft, Mr. Kysiak gave a brief history of the
accomplishments of the TIC, which includes more than S35 million in private investments in the
past twelve months and the creation of approximately seventy-five bill time jobs.
In addition the TIC has served as the catalyst in making the NUERP area the largest concentration
of high technology start-ups in the state of Illinois and one of the largest in the contiguous United
States. Unfortunately, the TIC is not self supporting nor has it ever been in it's fourteen year history.
In an attempt to save the TIC, a group of private investors have formed a foundation, headed by ...
Professor Donald Frey, and they are attempting to raise up to $2.5 million as an endowment for the
Center. The TIC will require financial support in the amount of $300,000 annually. The foundation
endowment will provide half of the required amount and the other half will need to be raised from
what the Board sees as the obvious partners. As such the NUERP Board is seeking pledges of
financial support from both Northwestern University and the City in the amount of $75 thousand
dollars each, per year, for a five-year subsidizing period.
At the end of five years, or less, it is the intent of the TIC to be fully endowed and it will not require
further funding support from the City or Northwestern. Mr. Nelson, Mr. Kysiak and Professor Frey
expressed their confidence that if the City commits to the financial assistance proposal, they would
be able to effect a similar commitment from the university.
Aid. Feldman noted that the assistance request articulated by Mr. Kysiak differed from that in the
written draft proposal in terms of dollar amount and time period. Mr. Kysiak confirmed the comment
and stated that a decision was made to request $75,000 for operating expenses, per year, rather than
S79,000 as written and to shorten the period from seven years to five years. The realization that the
written proposed amount was not feasible also dictated the adjustment.
Aid. Newman asked about the number of employees, possible administrative cost reduction and
the waiting list for the TIC. Tim L.avengood stated that there is now one part timer and an unfilled
manager position. Operating cost are undergoing streamlining and this process will be ongoing.
There is an average, actual waiting list of three to four businesses. A rent rate increase in the amount
of $1.50 per square foot is also being implemented to help offset expenses. The Board believes that
this pass -on rent increase will be tolerated by the tenants.
Aid. Newman wanted assurance that if the TIC receives City provided financial assistance that
periodic performance updates would be provided to the City. Mr. Nelson's response was that he
didn't for see a problem with compli ing to that request. Aid. Newman also asked why shouldn't the
university view as an opportunity, to provide the support in it's entirety. Professor Frey commented
that neither party should have the preference over the other.
MINUTES -MAY 28. 2000 PAGE 3
In addition, the university did not have the proper pem- nnel or the appropriate culture conducive
to administering to the TIC.
Aid. Feldman asked about the future reorganization of the NUERP Board membership, adding that
this is an important issue for the City Council. Mr. Kysiak reviewed the current membership and
stated that the desire is to have a member of the EDC serve on the Board as well as a member from
the university. Also it is intended to open the membership to more individuals with particular
technical expertise. Mr. Kysiak indicated that he would expect implementation by January 1, 2001.
He added that being familiar with the City's budget constraints. that the City could spread it's
financial assistance over a sir month period for each given year.
Aid. Feldman asked for and received a confirmation from Dennis Marino and Roger Crum that the
proposed support funds would be derived from the EDC budget. Roger Crum added that he
personally recommends supporting the NUERP request.
Ann Dienner, speaking from the audience stated that the incubator has been operating for fourteen
years and questioned why it has not achieved self sufficiency in all that time. Also she stated that
since City funding could be involved with the (TIC) enterprise, then the NUERP Board meetings
should be open to the public.
Considerable discussion concerning the pros and cons of open meetings for the TIC Board ensued
as a result of Ms. Dienner's comments. Mr. Nelson said the Board should open the meetings to the
public, accept when proprietary issues are concerned and that he would urge the Board to do so.
However he would not like to see the measure mandated from the City. Mr. Nelson also clarified the
issue of self sufficiency, informing the EDC that up until this time it %vas not expected for the
incubator to be self sufficient, which is indicative of such enterprises. The financial assistance
proposal before the EDC where each of the three contributing entities providing for operating
funding, allows for the best opportunity for the TIC achieving self sufficiency. Ultimately the
foundation will be expected to grow the corpus to the point where dependency on the City and the
university will be eliminated.
Responding to a question posed by Percy Berger regarding the number of companies and employees
in the Center as well as the frequency of graduations from the Center, Mr. Lavengood said that there
are approximately fifty-five companies employing approximately 220 people, but these numbers are
fluid. The average length of time a company has occupied space in the TIC is approximately three
years. In his fourteen- month tenure, Mr. Lavengood has been instrumental in attracting fourteen
companies. He has entered into relocation discussions with those existing companies which are at
a stage to move on and if the Center is rescued, and with the uncertainty removed, he would be able
to provide more of an ongoing emphasis to do so. Unfortunately the low availability rate for suitable
space in the City compounds the relocation problem. Approximately fourteen companies have
graduated from the Center and some have set up in Evanston.
M1NTITFS-MAY 28, 2000 PAGE s
These companies employ approximately four hundred MNplc and IDEO which reltwited ill tie
redeveloped Chandler Building was sited as a successful -incubator " exa mPle. It wits IDEO
which provided the impetus for the redevelopment of that building. Th: Ethnic Gmccr \vas si-,,d as
a business which relocated to Chicago due to a lack of suitable sNce in Evi nsu'sn and that City aEso
provided a financial incentive to the company to relocate.
The general discussion continued regarding open meetings , the need for formal reports concerning
the performance of the Center and the passing on of a portion (S1.50 per square foot the first y )
of the rent increases to the tenants.
Aid. Feldman requested that the TIC Board provide a revised assistance plan reflecting the
changes/corrections as discussed and Aid. NcN%man added that a detailed expense pro -forma should
also be included for City Council review. The TIC Board agreed to do so.
Aid. Newman asked if an effort can be made by the TIC, on a continuous basis, to advise owners of
Evanston office buildings of graduating tenants of the TIC. Mr.Kysiak informed the EDC of cttnm%
efforts to do so, adding that he and his volunteer staff are coordinating with City staff to improve
capitalizing on relocation opportunities in Evanston.
Aid. Feldman requested a motion recommending to the City Council to approve sponsorship of
providing the TIC with operating financial assistance in the amount of $75,000 per year for five
years. Percy Berger offered the motion, contingent on; adding the open meetings act, accept %iwn
proprietary information is discussed, as a requirement; that a formalized annual report is prepared
and made available to the public and that an economic income statement and balance sheet should
be developed rather than just a cash flow accounting report. By doing so, he added, the ability to
capture the extent of the full positive impact 200 plus people living and or wvorking in Evanston has
on the City.
A discussion ensued with regard to the advantage or lack thereof in adopting a motion based on the
open meetings act contingency. Roger Crum voiced his concern with tying the motion to the open
meetings act which could then involve City staff and legal council if a failure to follow guidelines
complaint is alleged. The EDC ultimately agreed to accept a revision of the motion by replacing the
contingency requirement with the TIC Board recommendation to draft an open meetings policy, and
if necessary, to continue refining the document until it is agreeable. The motion was then seconded
by Aid. Engelman. Aid. Feldman stated that he would call the new owner of the building and advise
him of tonight's committee actions. The vote was taken and the measure was unanimously approved -
Aid. Feldman stated that during his previous discussions with Mr. Goldman, he was advised that die
new owner has another party interested in the facility and that even with pledges of support from dte
City and the University, presening the site for the TIC is not guaranteed.
MINUTES MAY 28. 2000
Evanston Plaza (Dempster/Dodge) was the next item on the agenda. Dennis Marino advised the E MC
that the developer ( Joseph Freed & Associates) informed City staff that the completion olfam
Dominicks grocery store and the new 18,000 square foot retail space are not on schedule and they
will not be able to obtain certificates of occupancy by July 1.2000 for the facilities as called f6rzn
the Redevelopment Agreement. The new completion dates are projected to be October 1, 2000 for
Dominicks and December 15, 2000 for the new retail space. An amendment to the Redevelopm=t
Agreement, extending the certificate of occupancy dates to these new dates has been requested by
the developer and staff recommends approval.
Aid. Wynne inquired about the nature of the delay.
Dennis Marino stated that the delay of completion is attributed to the concrete strike and wet soil.
Mr. Marino also advised the EDC that the developer will have a partial glass wrap around on the
east side of the new 18,000 square foot space. A revised rendering will be submitted to the Site Plan
Committee. Aid. Newman moved to recommend approval of the amendment to the City Council
and it was seconded by Aid. Wynne. The motion passed unanimously.
Dennis Marino provided the EDC with a brief status update on the Main/Chicago Newsstand re-
opening. September, 2000 is the projected month for opening, The EDC expressed their pleasure
with the eminent closure to this project, while also expressing their disappointment in the unknown
status of the original sign which was removed by the CTA.
Roger Crum continued with the status reports. He provided a brief update on the status of the
proposed Sherman Plaza, the Church Street Plaza (work has begun on the hotel) and the Mesirow
Stein/McDougal Littell mixed use office building projects. He also briefed the EDC on the status
of the sale of the Shaw buildings in the Research Park.
Dennis Marino completed the project updates with a briefing on the Industrial Revenue Bond
transaction request for Riley & Gheer, Inc. fie concluded the agenda items with a short summary of
recent development proposals received by the City. A synopsis of the proposals was included in
the EDC packets.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
The next EDC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. Julv 26. 2000 at 8:00 PAL
in room 2404. Civic Center.
ME UTE,S-MAY 28. 2000
RespectfuDy submitted,
Morr s E- Robinson
Economic Development Planner -
ROOM 2404-8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ald. Feldman, Aid. Moran, Aid. Nev ntan, Percy Berger. Vt►';aher
Clarkson, Sydney Grevas, Lucille Krasnow
MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Engelman, Aid. Wynne
STAFF PRESENT: Roger Chun, Judith Aiello, Arthur Alterson, Maureen Barry, Mark
Franz, Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson
OTHERS PRESENT: Ron Keysiak-NUERP, James B. Klutznick- Senior Li1esMe Corti.,
John R. Terrell -The nrime GroM Inc., Brian Berg -Sherman Plaza
Group, Alice L. Rebechini-Mesirow Financial, Robert H. Goldman,
Alison N. Zim-Piper- Marburv. Rudnick c& Wolf, Dr. Leopolo
Secker-Et,./NorthwesternHealthcare, Marty Stern-U.S. Eauities .
Summary of Actions:
Aid. Feldman called the meeting to order at 8:16 P.M. The previous minutes of May 3rd, were
unanimously approved. The communication items contained in the agenda packets were briefly
Judith Aiello addressed the first item on the agenda. Ms. Aiello advised the EDC of the
redevelopment project slated for 1234 through 1238 Chicago Ave. The project will consist of four
seven -story buildings, with ground level retail and residential above. A City owned 35-space parking
lot is part of the parcel comprising the construction site. Mr. Thomas Rozak is developing the
parcel, which calls for the relocation of Duxler Tires and Enterprise Car Rental. Mr. Rozak will
incorporate the City ovmed parking lot in the new development. The City will sell the parking lot
to the developer, but will retain the rights to 35 public parking spaces.
Ms. Aiello presented the Development Agreement to the EDC and asked the Committee to approve
recommending the project to the City Council adding that it was an excellent private development
project for the City.
Aid. Feldman made a few concurring comments and asked tur input from the other EDC m=bers.
There being no further comments, the EDC voted unanimously in favor of the recommendation.
Roger Crum, City Manager, presented the second agenda item. fir. Crum L-ifornied the EDC th-t the
memo enclosed in their packet outlined the particulars tier the Ft�unh :Intendment to the
Redevelopment Agreement ,.Nith Arthur Hill and Associ.ues. Ilse anrendma—it represents s saignificant
change, which represents a compilation of several outstanding issues reUting to the Church Street
Plaza redevelopment project. Mr. Crurn summed up the amendment changes as well as the staff
recommended solutions to the outstanding issues. The first and most important issue involved
resolving Hill's commitment for the development of the south side of Church Street retail parcel.
After extensive, cooperative negotiations between the City, Hill and %it--_:arow Stein (the developer
of the parcel) Hill has agreed to cede his rights to the parcel to Mesirow Stein and the City will
reduce the land purchase price by $158.000.
The second issue concerns the mini -retail anchor, which %vas scheduled to be constructed on the old
Levy Senior Center site. This site was sold to Hill without the City's kw, wledge that the land was
encumbered with two conduits, one of .,.Nch contains the main fiber optics line from E%=Mn to
Milwaukee. The site also contains two huge underground vaults. These encumbrances do not allow
the site to be built out to the original specifications. Hill will still construct a smaller mini -anchor
and the City will reduce the land rights by $225,000.
The third issue concerns the hotel parcel. The original agreement specified that the rights to the
parcel should go entirely to Hill, the proposed change will allow the rights to the parcel to be
transferred to the new owner of the land which is the real estate investment trust (REM that will
own the hotel.
The fourth issue regards changing some language on the residential parcel to clarify exactly what will
be required to complete the construction and adds a bonus contingency which will befit the City,
tied to the size and future sale price of the completed structure. There are some other minor revisions
regarding dates, reimbursable design expenses for Hill and space and size issues.
Ald. Feldman opened the floor for questions. After some general committee discussion and design
concept clarifications, the EDC voted to recommend approval for the changes to the agzttment to
the City Council with the exception of one "No" vote by Aid. Moran.
During a brief period of general discussion, Mr. Crum advised the EDC brat the hotel has set a target
completion date to coincide,.%ith the June, 2001 Northwestern Universit` graduation commencement
Mr. Crum next provided the EDC with an update on the sale, by Shaw, of the Northwestern
University/Evanston Research Park buildings (NUERP).
MINUTES -MAY 17. 2000
Currently, negotiations are proceeding between the att► meys represcndx:;p the City. vtTERP =33 =ch
of the two buyers of the properties to determine a %vay to either havr tNe City acquire and s0l the
land to the new owners or to have NUERP do the same. Either prvp,�l %%ill allow the City to
receive a substantial amount for the land. Staff is seeking an endomm"nm from the EDC:. to J.-atmue
with the negotiations.
Aid. Feldman undersoored the point that the negotiation efforts also iadude the intent to keep all of
the properties on the tax roll with new covenants, to avoid potential C-rigation and «ill permit the
City to exit the partnership with a substantial amount of money ge==ed from the sale of the
There were no further questions or discussions regarding the prop. -sties and a motion carried
unanimously to endorse the negotiation efforts.
Ms. Aiello presented the next item on the agenda. Ms. Aiello brier3y reviewed the particulars
regarding the draft parking lease agreement for the Maple Avenue G--mge and Mesirow Stein and
this agreement is intended to be the model for future agreements with Scribcor.
The EDC had no questions regarding the proposed parking lease agreement.
Ms. Aiello then advised the EDC that Evanston Hospital had some opt= issues regarding the City's
right to take back their parking spaces, but the issues should be resolved shortly. A brief discussion
ensued to clarify when and how the City will be able to take back parking spaces from a lessee and
preserving the flexibility to do so.
Moving on to the next agenda item, Marty Stem reviewed the proposed redevelopment agreement
for Mesirow Stein. The mixed -use office building is being developed fbr McDougal Linell a major
employer in the City. Mesirow Stein sought assistance from the City to complete the project and as
a result of intense negotiations staff has been able to prepare a recom=endation. Staff proposes to
donate the land, which represents approximately $1.5 million, and pro--ide a subsidy of $1 2 million
from taxes generated in the Tlr district, to help cover the expected re= gap which will result in an
assistance package totaling $2.7 million. By providing the assistance_ the benefits derived for the
City would include real estate taxes in excess of one million per year, re^.l sales taxes, the retention
of a major employer in the City and the business generated in the do amtown area by the several
hundred employees of McDougal Littell. Staff requested that the EDC move to approve
recommending the proposed agreement and assistance package to the City Council.
Lucille Krasnow moved to approve the recommendation and Percy Berger seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously. Ground breaking for the project is expec*zd in August or September
MINUTES -MAY 17. 2000 PAGE 4 i
The status of the Sherman Plaza project was the next agenda item. Roger Crum acknowledged the
presence of the Klutznick development team and proceeded to updste the L'DC on the major issue
regarding Sears' participation as the anchor store. Sears is seeking financial assistance in the amount
of three million dollars to proceed with the project. Staff has been in%,ol%vd with discussions with
both the developer and directly with Sears to reach a %vorkable solution. The developer has been able
to bridge the gap by $500,000 leaving a difference of S2.5 million representing the City's
commitment, which would be funded through the TIF.
A sizable portion (S1.5 million) of the $2.5 million would be reimbursable to the City if store sales
exceed a minimum pro -forma. A decision to provide the assistance must be made within a short
period of time. Mr. Crum added that Sears has agreed to sign a fifteen -year operating agreement.
Ms. Aiello added that another reason the project is important for the City is that a new municipal
garage will be constructed to replace the existing deteriorating structure without raising rates or
contributing to the general obligation capital program debt.
Marty Stern commented that a Sears will be constructed downtown Chicago and that City is prepared
to provide assistance in the range of $10-12 million dollars. Mr. Uutznick stated that the actual
amount of assistance from Chicago is $13.5 million.
Aid. Newman made the point that if the City of Evanston were to approve the assistance request, it
would be performing in the same manner as other municipalities in their attempts to attract major
department stores to their cities. Mr. Stem concurred.
Ms. Aiello advised the EDC that among the TIF eligible expenditures that are being reviewed is site
preparation. Citing the Research Park as an example, she stated that the City prepared the site for
development by acquiring the properties, razing the buildings and cleaning up the site. Until now,
the City has not been asked to contribute in a like manner to the Sherman Plaza project and in fact
the developer was going to demolish the garage for the City.
Aid. Feldman added that without the project, the City would be faced with a difficult situation in
building a new garage. Mr. Crum emphasized that without the project, the City would still have to
replace the existing garage within the next five years, %ith at least a 1,000 space new garage at a cost
of S16,500 per space resulting in a minimum expense to the City of S16.5 million. Secondly, all of
the downtown development initiatives revolve around a "two municipal garage concept".
A brief, general discussion ensued amongst the EDC members regarding the merits of providing the
financial assistance requested by Sears. Aid. Moran moved to recommend approval to the City
Council and Percy Berger seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Although an Executive Session was scheduled on the agenda, it did not occur.
MINUTES -MAY 17. 1000 PAGE 5
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:37 P.M.
(After the meeting, a number of property owners in the development site expressed their concern that
the project appears to be advancing without providing an opportunity for them to impress their
concerns. The EDC members assured the owners that they would be provided Ntiith ample
Opportunity to present their concerns to the City prior to any vote taken by the City Council).
The next EDC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. June28.2000 at 8:00 P.M.
in room 2404. Chic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Jonas E. Robinson
Economic Development P
ROOM 2404-8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Feldman, .aid. Engelman. Aid. Moran, Aid. Newman,
Sydney Grevas, Lucille Isssnow
MEMBERS ABSENT: Percy Berger, Walter ClarLson, Aid. Wynne
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Bernstein, Aid. Rainey
STAFF PRESENT: Roger Crum, Judith Aiello. Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson, Mark
Franz, Maureen Barry
OTHERS PRESENT: Ron Keysiak-NUERP, James B. Klutznick- Senior Lifesn-le Corn.,
John R. Terrell -The prime Group. Inc.. Brian Berg -Sherman Plaza
Grou , Alice L. Rebechini-3fesirmv Financial, Alison N. Zirn-fter,
Marburv. Rudnick & Wolf, Thomas E. Riley, Jr.-Rilev & Geehr. Inc,
Tim Lavengood-Technolory Innovation Center, Donald Frey -
Pro essor, NU, John O. Nelson -Banner & Witcoff. LTD, Johann
George -Entertainment Decisions, Stephen Kardel-Scribcor
Summary of Actions:
Ald. Feldman called the meeting to order at 8:16 P.M_ The previous minutes of March 22 were
unanimously approved. The communication items contained in the agenda packets were brieQy
The first item on the agenda was the Main/Chicago Newsstand and Aid. Feldman asked Dennis
Marino to provide a brief status update on the property.
Mr. Marino advised the EDC that lease negotiations are proceeding with principals of City
Newsstand of Chicago and that negotiations should be completed within a month. Contractors for
City Newsstand have visited the facility to complete their rehab cost estimates and at this point no
complications are expected. A lease proposal should be presented to the City Council in June, the
contractor will probably begin rehabbing immediately thereafter and a fall opening is anticipated_
The second agenda item concerned preliminary discussion points for an imminent proposal Do issue
Industrial Revenue Bonds for Riley and Geehr, Inc.. an Evanston ba_scd manufacturing co=4-Any.
Dennis Marino advised the EDC that the City receives an annual allocation in the amount of $3.6
million, from the federal government for Industrial Revvnue Bond issuance. Over the past fe«-years,
the City has used the funds for activities such as a mortgage credit certificate program with the
Illinois Housing Development Authority and the First Time Home Buyers program conducted in a
joint venture with a few other municipalities. The issuance of revenue bonds do not present a risk
to the City since the liability of repayment lies with the beneficiary of the funds. It has been a goal
to identify Evanston based industrial fums who could make use of revenue bonds for plant expansion
or for purchasing machinery and equipment.
Riley and Geehr, Inc. submitted an application to the City for the use of revenue bonds in the amount
of S2 million for the purchase of new machinery. At the last City Council meeting, a resolution of
intent Hw passed to preserve Evanston's use of the current IRB allocation. Contained in that
resolution was staffls intent to issue $2 million in revenue bonds for the benefit of Riley & Geehr.
A considerable amount of work remains to be completed by staff, including ongoing discussions
with LaSalle National Bank, before the proposal is presented in the form of an ordinance for Council
Dennis Marino stated that the purpose of tonight's presentation is to bring the EDC up to date on
these UW activities and to provide an overview of the company, at which time he introduced Mr.
Thomas Riley, Jr., President, CEO of Riley & Geehr, Inc. to the EDC.
Mr. Riley provided the EDC with an informative oveniew of his package manufacturing company,
which uw founded in 1944. His presentation included a review of the industry and his company's
current productivity levels. The company's manufacturing focus has evolved to manufacturing
resealable, flexible pouches for various hot and cold food products. The company employs eighty
people, who operate around the clock, and additional hiring is anticipated.
Mr. Riley distributed to the EDC various samples of his products, and stated that serious advances
are being made in their use as an alternative to cans. The revenue bonds will be used to finance the
purchasing of two more manufacturing machines (which will be imparted from Germany), in
addition to the eight machines he currently operates. He advised the Council that staff had taken a
tour of the plant. He expressed his desire to work with staff' in his effort to hire additional Evanston
Ald. Feldman thanked Mr. Riley for his presentation. The EDC moved and approved staffs concept
for the use of the IRB's in the manner presented and advised staff to proceed with completing the
process for the issuance proposal.
The next item on the agenda was a presentation on the Northwestern University/Evanston Re:sceamh
Park (NUERP) Small Business Incubator. The presenters were Tim Lavcngood, Director Technology
Innovation Center, Jon O. Nelson, Attorney at Law, Banner & Witcot7; LTD. And Professor Donal
Frey, Northwestern University.
Mr. Nelson began by stating that the corporate name for the Incubator is now the Technology
Innovation Center (TIC) and that it is a not for profit 50I-C3 corporation. He proceeded to provide
the EDC with a current status report of the Center. Mr. Nelson stated that the lease for the Center
is scheduled to terminate at the end of July, however a three month extension had been executed the
previous day which provides relief until October 31.2000. The Center also leases additional space
at 906 and 910 University. Combined space for all locations is approximately 50,000 square feet
under management, with 60 tenants occupying the spaces.
Mr. Nelson advised the EDC that the Incubator building at 1840 Oak has been sold to Mark
Goodman & Associates and the closing on the sale ►rill occur within the next ten days. What is
unclear is if the new owner will allow the TIC to renew the lease at the end of October. Negotiations
are underway to obtain a lease renewal and other options are being explored.
Mr. Nelson took a moment to acknowledge Professor Frey, stating that he has worked tirelessly to
promote the goals of the Center.
Mr. Lavengood provided the EDC with a general overview of the tenants and activities ocurring
in the TIC. Mr. Lavengood stated that those companies that have graduated from the TIC have
unfortunately had to move out of the City for lack of available and appropriate lease space.
Ald. Feldman asked if there was a list of the companies occupying space in the TIC. Mr. Lavengood
answered affirmatively and stated that he would provide the EDC with the information.
Mr. Lavengood introduced two of the TIC business tenants who in turn provided the EDC with an
overview of their respective businesses and gave positive testimony for the value of the TIC in terms
of rent cost savings, peer networking environment and services support.
Professor Frey was the next presenter. He also stressed the value of the incubator to the City and
provided examples of the return on the City provided subsidy, such as real estate taxes, job creation
and businesses attracted to the City over the years. Professor Frey also informed the EDC of
Northwestern University's increased involvement with the TIC.
Mr. Nelson concluded the presentation by stating that they will do everything necessary to preserve
the TIC in its current location or a suitable replacement site in Evanston. ..
At this point the Center is not seeking assistance from the City but it cannot be ruled out that at same
future date a request for assistance will be required. Aid. Feldman thanked the presenters for the
informative overview.
Aid. Feldman next asked Judith Aiello to update the EDC on the Mesirow Financial proposal for the
development of Parcel 6. Ms. Aiello introduced Ms. Alice Rebechini, Senior Vice President for
Meserow Financial and Alison Z.im the Meserow legal consultant. The new draft of the development
agreement was distributed to the EDC, which the Parking Committee received earlier in the c%=ning.
The intent was to obtain approval for the draft agreement and parking lease from the EDC so that
the documents could be presented to the City Council and approved by resolution by the Comwil at
the May 8 meeting. These actions would then allow staff to close on Parcel 6 by the middle of May.
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare would then be able to begin construction of approximately
71,000 square feet of office, research and lab space by June 1, 2000.
Ms. Aiello asked Ms. Rebechini to provide the EDC with a review of the three story building and
its components. When Ms. Rebechini completed the description, Ms. Aiello asked Ms. Zirn to
review the minor changes made to the draft agreement. A brief, general discussion ensued v47th
regard to various aspects of the agreement such as easements, environmental issues and land
It was moved to approve the recommendation of the draft agreement and the motion carried
unanimously. With regard to the parking lease, Ms. Aiello advised the EDC that one significant
change and one minor change had been made. Corrections need to be made in the clause which
erroneously allowed the tenant to reduce the zoning required number of parking spaces. Secondly,
if additional parking is required above the mandatory number of spaces, the tenant will have the right
to lease spaces form the new municipal garage. No action was required by the EDC. The Parking
Committee approved the lease based on these modifications.
Aid. Feldman thanked the presenters and continued to the next agenda item, which was an update
on the proposed Sherman Plaza project.
Mr. James B. Klutznick and his development team expressed their pleasure for having the
opportunity to once again appear before the EDC. Mr. Klutznick explained that in addition to
apprising the EDC of the actions taken to date, his intent was to advise the EDC of two issues which
needed to be addressed. A great deal of effort has been directed toward negotiating with Sears and
the property owners located in the target area and progress has been made.
Mr. Klutznick stated that with regards to Sears, it is a full line, middle to higher income, hard and
soft goods department store and it is a major player in this market.
MINUTES -.MAY 3.2000 P:'►CF
A multi -line Sears as a part of the Sherman Plaza project together with the Church Streit Plaza
entertainment complex, would pro%ide the City with a competitive stance with the Old 0cchard
Shopping Center, which has only soft goods department stores.
Mr. Klutznick stated that early last fall, Sears had a change of strategic direction and cosidered the
project more costly than they were willing to accept. As such the original redevelopntcnt plan
presented by the Klutznick team and approved in concept by the City had to be rectinsidcred_
Fortunately both parties continued to discuss ways to proceed with the project_ Mr. Klutznick
explained how some aspects of the building design had been modified to absorb cost and that
perhaps with some assistance from the City, the cost gap with Sears could be closed.
With regards to property acquisition, Mr. Klutznick advised the EDC that approximately 90% of the
acquisition had been accomplished. However, with regard to the remaining properties, based on
appraisals performed by the City and the valuation of other parcels in the target area, Mr. Klamnick
and the owners cannot agree on the purchase price of the respective properties. Continued
negotiation efforts %till be made to acquire the properties at a reasonable cost but Mr. Klutznick
would like for the City to ultimately advise any remaining landowners that failure to accept a fair
price could lead to action from the City.
Aid. Engelman asked about the construction time frame for the project. Mr. Klutznick said that the
plan is to complete the acquisition and start the project by January 1, 2001. Mr. Klutznick added that
a meeting between the City, Sears and his team should be scheduled soon in order to discuss the gap
closure issues he presented.
A general discussion ensued regarding the footprint of Sears and other aspects of the project if a
consensus with Sears can be reached. Ald. Engelman stated that his concern is that the issues
regarding assistance with the gap and City involvement with land acquisition actions will cause angst
among the citizenry. Any issues which can be controlled by the City should be properly handled.
Ms. Aiello agreed.
Lucille Krasnow asked for an explanation of the type of Sears store anticipated. Mr. Klutznick said
that the store will be of the new format and that the prototype is scheduled for State Street in
Chicago. Basically, Sears is reconfiguring its image and their merchandizing strategy will change
to meet changing the needs of its customers.
Ald. Feldman asked for confirmation that Osco is going to be a tenant in the development and also
asked where Citicorp was relocating. Mr. Klutznick confirmed the Osco question and stated that his
team will be meeting with Citicorp on Friday of this week to sign a lease for space in the old
Marshall Field's building on Church Street. Also, the prospect is good for relocating the Thai
Sookdee restaurant in Evanston also.
Aid. Newman asked if a twenty year lease will be possible %pith the operatt r of the new building,
considering the City's parking lot commitment and the TIF Klutznick said that he cannot
answer that question at this time but his opinion is that this issue should the part of the discussion
points with Sears.
Judith Aiello stated that at this point, staff is not prepared to rzNommend an amount if any towards
closing the gap nor how assistance should be structured, but TIF eligible expenditures and other
aspects of the matter such as a sales tax rebate agreement is under re% iew by staff and consultants.
The range of the subsidy will probably be between St to $3 million.
Ms. Aiello requested that the EDC meeting of May 24 h be changed to May 17th, at which time staff
will present a recommendation. A general discussion ensued concerning the request, redesign
elements, tenant participation and other aspects of the issues raised.
Next, Judith Aiello provided the EDC with a brief status update on the Church Street Plaza project.
She stated that although the planned Brew Pub had to remove itself from the tenant list, Mr. Hill is
confident that a comparable replacement will be found. The relocation of Dave's Italian Kitchen is
also proceeding on schedule.
Ms. Aiello also provided another quick review of the status of the Mesirow Fimancial/McDougal
Littell proposed mixed use office building.
The EDC agreed to change the next meeting to May 17`h, same time same room.
At this point, after some clarification discussion as to the purpose and validity to enter into closed
session, the EDC elected to enter into an Executive Session to discuss the sale of real estate, related
proprietary information and negotiations. Morris Robinson conducted a roll call vote and the motion
carried unanimously.
The EDC entered into Executive Session at 10:45 P.M. for discussions pertaining to real estate
Executive Session ended at 11:16 P.M.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11-:25 P.M.
The next EDC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, MAY 17. 2000 at 8:00 P.M.
in room 2404. Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Morri ' E. Robinson
Economic Development
ROOM 2404-8:00 P.M.
Aid. Feldman, Aid. Engelman, Ald. Moran, Aid. Newman,
Aid. Wynne, Percy Berger. Lucille lrasnow
Walter Clarkson, Sydney Grevas
STAFF PRESENT: Roger Crum, Judith Aiello, Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson, Marie
Franz, Maureen Barry
OTHERS PRESENT: Tensley Gams, Heather Seckinger-ECVB, Paul Giddings-CDMA, Ron
Kysiak-Etianslon lmynture, Jonathan Perman-ECC, Alice Rebeehini-
Mesirow Finance, David Reynolds -Homestead, Linda Schect-Holidav
Inn, Marty Stem -US. Eauities
Summary of Actions:
Aid. Feldman called the meeting to order at 8:12 P.M. The previous minutes of March 1 were
unanimously approved. The communication items contained in the agenda packets were briefly
discussed. Dennis Marino provided the EDC with a project update list of proposed development
projects which would not ordinarily be presented at the EDC sessions and are currently at various
stages along the approval process.
The next item on the agenda was an update from the principals of the Evanston Convention and
Visitors Bureau (ECVB). Prior to the update, Tinsley Garris and her assistant, Heather Seckinger,
handed out additional documents which augmented the material contained in the EDC packets. Mr.
Paul Giddings of the Chicago/Dempster Merchants Association introduced himself and provided an
overview of the activities and successes of the ECVB and a brief review of the material. He
concluded his overview with the request for the continued funding by the City in the amount of
$50,000. Mr. Giddings further requested the City consider simplifying future funding by allowing
the ECVB to receive annually, 100/6 of the hotel tax revenue. Several other comparable communities
fund their convention bureaus either in part or totally %%ith a percentage of hotel tax revenues.
Mr. Giddings also presented the ECVB marketing plan for the 20002001 perio& He then stated that
the EDC would be apprised of the efforts to move towards determining the feasibility of the ECVB
participating with other north suburban communities in a regional approach to tourism activities. Air.
Giddings introduced Tinsley Garris, Executive Dior, ECVB and her assistant Heather Seckirger,
Linda Shect. General Manager of Holiday Inn and member of the ECVB board- and David Reynolds,
owner of the Homestead.
Both Ms. Schect and Mr. Reynolds related the benefits derived from the ECVB activities especially
for small businesses. They both expressed their con vrn for the need to continw funding the ECVB
to ensure the continued benefits to the Evanston business community and spoke appro%ingly of the
potential for the ECVB participation in a regional approach.
Aid. Feldman asked Ms. Gams to relate to the EDC the growth of the ECVB from an experimcntW
program through its transition period of becoming a beneficial organization that merits conthn3ed
Ms. Garris expounded on a number of quantifiable benefits the ECVB has produced for the City; to
include increased business, favorable public relations and advertising. She stated that there are many
things that can't be quantified by tracking or putting a dollar figure on the activity. However in just
two and a half years, she is pleased with the progress of the ECVB.
Ms. Gams continued by explaining why the request is being made to s%vitch from a relatively
complicated formula for funding to a percentage of hotel tax revenue, a method used state wide and
throughout the country. Since the ECVB has proven its value to the City, serious consideration
should be given to adopting the tax sharing revenue -funding concept. She pro,.7ded the EDC with
a chart depicting thirty-six Illinois communities -.;hich currently fund their programs in whole or
in part by with a percentage of hotel tax revenues. A brief discourse ensued «7th reheard to the
various trade magazines that has featured the City and the advertising value derived from the articles.
Ms. Garris stated that the biggest success to date is currently taking place at RlcGaw Hall where a
four day High school robotics tournament is occurring. Over 2000 students from all over the country
are present, requiring 300 room nights. The sponsors have expressed interest in a multi -year contract
if the tournament proves successful.
Aid. Feldman asked Ms. Gams opinion on what impact the new hotel and entertainment complex
will have on the ECVB activities. Ms Garris stated that they will both have a positive effect on
attracting visitors.
Lucille Krasnow suggested to Ms. Garris that because the City provides money to the ECVB that it
seems as if she sits on a "funding board" for ongoing support and as such site needs an evaluation
Ms. Krasnow acknowledged that the point has theen rwde that sonic results tire not qututlifiabk— ha,
as she has requested in the past, clearly some % av to-evaluatc the performtuuce of the ECVB c= be
determined and future funding should be contingent on an annual submission of perforrtt~tnm
evaluations. In short, Ms. Krasnow stated she nocded to know how to measure the difference im the
results, based on what would normally have occurred %�ithout an ECVB.
Ms. Garris reiterated the difficulty and cost involved with attempts to capture such data Ms.
Krasnow offered her services to meet with Ms. Garris to assist in developing a method for tracking
the effectiveness of the ECVB. Ms. Garris accepted the other. A general discussion ensued with
regard to the successes of the ECVB activities and some members provided personal anecd&zi
experiences. Ms. Sheet and Mr. Reynolds also related similar experiences.
Aid. Feldman asked Dennis Marino to confirm that the funding request is for $50,000. Mr. Marino
confirmed that the amount is for 2000/2001 and that it is his understanding that the ECVB is
comfortable with the amount based on the same formula as last year. The request to switch to a
percentage of hotel tax revenue is for 2001 /2002.
Aid. Feldman asked Ms. Gams for the total amount of funding ECVB receives from all sources,
including that from the City Ms. Gams stated that the total budget for the year is S248.000, half of
which are state provided matching funds.
A motion was moved by Ms. Krasnow and seconded by Aid. Engelman to recommend approval for
the City to provide $50,000 for ECVB funding support. The motion carried unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was the Mesirow Financ"cDougal Linell proposed mixed use office
building project. However, Judith Aiello suggested that because executive session would be required
that it would be more time efficient to cover the other agenda items first. Aid. Feldman concurred.
Ms. Aiello began by stating that there are two development concerns for which the EDC should be
made aware. The first is the preliminary proposal by Mesirow Financial to construct a lab building
at University and Maple for Evanston/North%%vstern Healthcare. The first issue is the joint ownership
of the site, the university owns two thirds of the lot and the City owns the west third. Both entities
have to agree to proceed and discussions are currently underway. The second issue is parking. T"ne
site is currently being used to meet critical parking needs until the new garage is completes.
Sensitive negotiations will have to be successfully completed in order to meet all parking
obligations. Once the parking issue is resolved, Ms. Aiello foresees the drafting of a straight forwwd
redevelopment agreement similar to the Scribcor agreement, where the City will sell the land amd
it will include the usual City requirements to include an MBEAVBE/EBE provision.
The second concern involves the three Reasearch Part: buildings owned and operated by the Charfks
Shaw Company.
Ms. Aiello asked Roger Crum, City Manager and Ron Kysiak, NUERP to present the issues to the
EDC. Mr. Crum reminded the EDC that the Research Park was winding down with its entire nus-6ua
completed on the north end. Shaw owns the three N-UERP buildings but the land belongs to the
Research Park with the provision that the lease payments will eventually re%vrt to the City be=cse
the City was the original donator of the underlying land. Using a map of the Research Park. Mr.
Crum illustrated the size and construction cost for each building. The total estimated lease income
for all three properties is $66,000 per year. There is currently deferred lease payments amounting to
$184,000, which is limited to a maximum deferred term of three years.
Mr. Crum and Mr. Kysiak explained to the EDC that Mr. Shaw would like to take down the loan be
holds on the properties by selling the buildings and the NUERP Board would like to cease being in
the real estate business. For this to happen, a process must be determined to eliminate the covenants,
which govern the joint building maintenance and operations, property tax rebate and the ban an
munitions manufacturing within their confines. The City's concerns include keeping the propertik s
on the tax roll.
To allow for the sale of the buildings, Mr. Shaw would like to reduce his substantial loan debt and
wants to negotiate with the NUERP Board and the City to reduce the land lease to S 1.00 per year.
Also he is seeking forgiveness for the deferred payment in the amount of $184,000. The remaining
team on the lease is fifty plus years.
Mr. Kysiak outlined the options available to all entities and possible litigation to remove the
covenants on the part of Shaw is not ruled out Mr. Crum suggested that a feasible solution can
probably be reached and he advised Mr. Shaw that he would present the issues to the EDC. Mr.
Shaw currently has the properties on the market for approximately $15 million.
A general discussion ensued concerning the pros and cons of Ivir. Shaw's request, the current value
of the land and buildings and the benefits to the City if the City were to comply. N%'hat appears to be
apparent is that Shaw would not make a profit on the sale, the covenants would continue to be
honored, particularly keeping the properties on the tax roll and the school districts would benefit
with regards to the availability of TIF revenues. A general agreement of the EDC was that more
information will be needed to make a recommendation decision.
At this point, the EDC elected to enter into an Executive Session to discuss real estate acquisition,
proprietary information and negotiations. Morris Robinson conducted a roll call vote and the motion
carried unanimously.
The EDC entered into Executive Session at 9:16 P.M. for discussions pertaining to real estatte
Executive Session ended at 10:25 P.M.
There being no further business, the meeting vms adjourned at 10:28 P.M.
The neat EDC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. April 26. 2000 at 8:00 Pm.
in room 2404. Civic Center.
E. Robinson
nic Development P
ROOM 2404-8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Feldman, Aid. Engelman, Aid. Newman, Aid. Wynne,
Walter Clarkson, Sydney Grevas, Lucille Krasnow
MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Moran, Percy Berger
PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid. Feldman, Chair ''
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Bernstein, Aid. Rainey
STAFF PRESENT: Judith Aiello, Dennis Marino, Moms Robson, Mark Franz,
OTHERS PRESENT: Marty Stern, U.S Eauilies
Summary of Actions:
Aid. Feldman called the meeting to order at 8:20 P.M. The previous mintnes of January 31 were
unanimously approved. The communication items contained in the agenda packets were briefly
discussed. With regard to the Kenig, Lindgren, O'Hara, Aboona, Inc. (KLOA) parking requirement
analysis included in the communications, Aid. Engeeman advised Judith Aiello that although the
data is useful, it was not what he expected. He described what he would like for Ms. Aiello to
provide is a chart or matrix which will list all of the buildings planned for the Research Park, all of
the buildings planned for the Klutznick proposal and the parking requirements for each building.
Additionally all of the lost surface parking spaces and additional parking demand as a result of full
occupancy should also be accounted for. After some general discussions by- the EDC members, Ms.
Aiello agreed to provide the information in the format requested.
Aid. Feldman decided to change the agenda order and go directly into the Chicago/Main Newsstand
update before discussing the Mesirow Financial Office Building Proposal. Mr. Dennis Marino
advised the EDC that staff had been in discussion with four potential vendors who are interested in
operating a newsstand site and he is confident that the list will be shortened to one in the near future.
More detail concerning the final selection will be provided at the next EDC meeting. Aid. Feldman
expressed his pleasure with the progress and stated that he would share the update with the others.
Judith Aiello was asked to give a brief update on the Hill pmjcct. She advised the EDC that zhert
will be a Main Pavilion topping off ceremony on Monday. March 6. 2000 at 11:00 A.M. The
municipal garage construction is proceeding on schedule and staff has been involved witlh pre -
development meetings with the contractor for the hotel. The contractor and developer for thr hotel
have submitted their water reclamation permit and are close to requesting the foundation permits. The
residential component remains in the planning stage but it is expected that at the March 22"d EDC
meeting there will be a more substantive progress update on the residential to«-er.
Lucille Krasnow asked about the progress on attracting retail tenants. Ms. Aiello said that currently
Wolfgang Puck and Urban Outfitters are committed. Negotiations with a bm% pub should be
finalized shortly and discussions are ongoing with other unnamed retailers. Ms. Aiello also slated
that she would provide the EDC with an update on the amount of space still available for le= in
the Main Pavilion.
Aid. Feldman thanked Ms. Aiello for the Hill project update and asked her to proceed with the
proposed Mesirow Financial/McDougal Littell discussion. Ms. Aiello stated that the major portion
of the real estate acquisition discussion would take place in executive session. Since the last meeting
there have been continuous discussions with Hill representatives with regard to the retail space
planned for the proposed office building, for which Hill %kill be responsible.
Because Hill desires more of a retail presence facing Church Street and McDougal Littell's desire
is to have their office presence facing Davis Street, the building design has been reconfigured to have
the retail space mirror the retail design space in the Main Pavilion across Church Street. The new
design boards will be available for review at the next EDC meeting. A general discussion ensued
regarding the retail space design changes. Ms. Aiello continued by informing the EDC that the retaH
space will have a Church Street address while the office building will have a Davis Street address.
The turn around circle has also been reconfigured to include tree plantings to ultimately provide a
canopy and other landscaping enhancements. Aid. Feldman also commented that an oppornmity
exists to create a unique entry way from Davis Street which should make an appealing and dramatic
statement and this concept should be included in the negotiation process.
Aid. Newman again reiterated the point that the parking analysis included the requirements for a
mixed use office building on the site. Ms. Aiello concurred.
Ms. Aiello brought to the attention of the EDC another proposed residential redevelopment pwjw
involving the sites of the Duxler Tire and auto service business located at 1210-1228 Chkago
Avenue and the City's surface Parking Lot #60 located at 1234-1238 Chicago Avenue. Mr. Tom
Roszak is the developer and he recently completed a multi unit residential building in the fo=teen
hundred block of Sherman and currently has another multi unit residential building cinder
construction at the old Koehler Luggage site immediately north of the completed building.
Ms. Aiello presented the building design boards to the EDC, explaining that the proposed project
will consist of four buildings and will have approximately- 157 units. It sill maintain the public
parking feature in a covered garage although it appears that a loss of about six spaces can be
expected. The Site Plan And Appearance Review Committee (SPAARC) has reviewed the plans
as part of the pre -application for planned development and the Plan Commission is scheduled to
review the plans at their next meeting on March 8t'.
Aid. Engelman suggested to staff that he believed it would be helpful if staff would provide the
EDC with a preview of all of the various projects that may be in queue. Ms Aiello concurredL
Aid. Newman stated that an important economic development concept is presented in this proposed
project since the City owned parking lot is part of the plan. The City will be paid for the lot and will
maintain income for the parking fund, the lot will be back on the mx roll, and the number of spaces
will almost be duplicated. Ald. Newman continued by saying that similar efforts should be made to
return other City owned lots to the tax roll as part of developments. Aid. Feldman stated that such
arrangements also create properties that can be developed.
Aid. Wynne commented that she had previously asked David Jennings, the City's Traffic Engineer
to research similar opportunities and a lot on South Boulevard has been identified that ]ends itself
to this kind of development. Aid. Engelman concurred, but he cautioned the EDC that when such
a project is undertaken it locks the City in an arrangement and precludes future opportunities for the
City to build it's own parking structures.
Ms. Aiello briefly mentioned one other project that has been presented to the Site Plan Committee
and is currently tabled. The proposed site for the mixed use residential building is at the southeast
corner of Main and Chicano. The owner has indicated that he would like to demolish the old
structure and build parking, retail and residential. A KLOA traffic study is scheduled and once the
study is complete Site Plan will review the whole proposal.
Aid. Feldman advised the EDC that he had spoken with an engineer who represents the Steak And
Shake Restaurant chain who is negotiating with the owner of the out lot at the Home Depot
shopping center. He informed Aid. Feldman that his organization is interested in constructing a
ninety seat restaurant. An appearance before Site Plan is imminent.
At this point, the EDC elected to enter into an Executive Session to discuss real estate acquisition
and negotiations. Morris Robinson conducted a roll call vote and the motion carried unanimously.
The EDC entered into Executive Session at 8:50 P.M.
Executive Session ended at 9:25 P.M.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
MINUTES -MARCH 1.2000 - ' ` PAGF. 4
The next EDC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. March 22. 2000 at 8:00
P.M. in room 2404. Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Morris E. Rob—inson — 1
Economic Development Planner
ROOM 2404-6.00 P.lf.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Feldman, Aid. Engelman, Aid. Moran, Ald. Newman, Aid.
Wynne, Percy Berger, Walter Clarkson, Sydney Grevas, Lucille
STAFF PRESENT: Judith Aiello, Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson, Mark Franz,
Lloyd Shepherd
OTHERS PRESENT: Mesirmv Financial Representatims: Richard Stein, Alice Rebechini,
Michael Szkatuiski, Edward Notz and Julie McGee, President-
McDouQal Littell, Marty Stem, U.S Eauities
Summary of Actions:
Aid. Feldman called the meeting to order at 6:05 P.M. The previous minutes of December 8,1999,
were unanimously approved. The communications items contained in the agenda packets were
briefly discussed. With regard to the communication item, Available Commercial Space Inventory"
list, Sydney Grevas advised the EDC that m-o of the properties listed,1504 and 1506 Sherman were
recently sold.
Aid. Feldman stated that the meeting would primarily focus upon the Mesirow Stein office building
development proposal for McDougal Littell and he asked Judith Aiello to commence with the
Judith Aiello announced to the EDC that the Mesirow Stein development team will be working
with the City to develop parcel 18 on the south side of Church Street.
The exact location comprises the current site of Dave's Italian Kitchen and the former locations for
the vacated Hertz Car Rental and the Pineyard Chinese Restaurant establishments. A demolition
contract has been finalized for the two properties and Dave's is in the process of being relocated
to 1635 Chicago Ave.
For purposes of clarification, Ms. Aiello explained that as loan of the Chur.h Street Plaza. 3-sign,
parcel 18 became Lot One and all future references to the parcel gill 1v -Lit One of the C:hurch
Street Plaza Sub -Division". Ms. Aiello gave a brief history for the otigi-.W =ixed use develau-nnent
intent for Lot One. The Hill Co, first designed the site as mixed use str::t 4n,cl retail %pith a public
use Senior Center and a privately firmnced Performing Arts as the odher :*mponents. Whim it
became apparent that the Performing Arts Center component would not be viable %ia private
financing, the City, acting on the ad%ise of the Senior Censer Sub-Con=37,,ee .sf the Human Se vices
Committee, researched the feasibility of relocating the Senior Center --4bd b would increase the
development opportunities of Lot One. Ultimately the derision teas ma& to Iccate the Senior Carter
in James Park on Oakton Street.
The proposal by Mesirow Stein allows the City to have a development pexcei xfiich bridges the gap
between both sets of tracks and connects Hill's Church Street Plaza to Klu=aick's proposed new
downtown Sherman Plana development project. Ms. Aiello stated the City- -was fortunate to have
attracted a firm like Mesirow Stein for this site, which has been w•orlung with a local, important
business concern to remain in Evanston in a new corporate headquarters office building.
Ms. Aiello advised the EDC that as the proposal presentation progresse& it is important to keep in
mind that from a design standpoint, there are still a number of business issues which must be
addressed. In particular, under the provisions of the redevelopment agr€+emem between the City and
the Hill Co., the retail development is to be completed by his team. Three -A-ay negotiations will
continence tomorrow between the City, Arthur Hill and Mesirow Stein Aith the goal of reaching an
agreement to have Hill develop and operate the retail portion and Mesirow developing the office
space for the local client. Ms. Aiello stated that after tonight's design presentaijon and question and
answer period is concluded, the EDC %►ill enter into executive session to dSCuss real estate and
proprietary financial issues.
At this point, Ms Aiello asked to have Mr. Richard Stein, Principal of hlesirox Stein, introduce the
development team.
Mr. Stein thanked the EDC for the opportunity to present the proposal. He expressed his pleasure
in representing McDougal Littell, the largest tax paying employer in Evanstocs. Mr. Stein stated that
he had a long experience record with the Research Park and in his opinion_ the proposed project
would be an improvement for the overall development and for the City. fir. S:rin advised the EDC
that his design staff has made a considerable effort to design a buliding which µ•ill blend with and
compliment the Hill retail design fronting on Church Street.
Mr. Stein introduced Ms. Julie McGee, the President of McDougal Littell who is also an Evanston
Ms. McGee provided a brief update on her company. McDougal Littell was founded in 1969 in
Evanston. During it's first year the company had four employees and %%as looted in a facility across
from the YMCA on Grove. That site is now vacant. Afterwards the company had brief locations in
other areas such as Skokie, but in the mid eighties it returned to Evanston first in the American
Hospital building and then in the Rotary International Building, where it has remained. The
company growth has been steady and fairly rapid. It currently occupies almost five full floors in the
Rotary building, and leases four and a half floors in the BankOne building at 800 Davis. The
anticipated growth over the next several prompts the company to seek a large enough space,
preferrably in Evanston, where all of the employees can be brought under one roof.
McDougal Littell is a division of a larger company, Houghton Mifflin Co., which is headquartered
in Boston. The parent company has three divisions in the Chicago area, two of which are based in
Evanston. Aside from McDougal Littell the other Evanston based division is called Cat and is
located in the Shand Morahan building. Riverside Publishing is the name of the third company and
it is located in Itasca, IL.
McDougal Littell is one of the leading publishers for secondary school edcutional material and it
publishes textbooks and media products for grades sixth through mvlve. It merged with Houghton
Mifflin in 1994 at which time it was generating revenues of approximately sixty two million dollars.
This year, revenues will be approximately two hundred and fifty million dollars.
Ms. McGee stated that the company malues the location in Evanston for several reasons. First is the
convenient access to public transportation. Of the 300 employees, only about 100 drive to work.
Secondly Evanston provides a diverse workforce pool which is important to their business. Ms.
McGee stated that she and approximately sixty other employees reside in Evanston. Another ISO
McDougal Littell employees are based in Boston.
As a division, there are approximately 750 employees, of which perhaps 265 comprise the sales force
and live all over the country. What is important for Evanston is that the sales people frequently
comes to Evanston and have used the Orrington Hotel. Nis. McGee stated that the new hotel
component of Church Street Plaza represents a positive aspect for the company. These employees
also patronize the restaurants and other Evanston product/service pro%iriders. The desire to remain in
Evanston is a result of the fore going as well as the positive experiences over the years. 3.1s. McGee
expressed her gratitude to Ald. Newman for his cooperation and concern from the beginning. She
also thanked Judith Aiello and her team for being so responsive to the company needs and to to EDC
for their willingness to change the EDC meeting date to accommodate her schedule.
Ms. Alice Rebechini, Senior V.P. for Mesirow Stein continued the presentation. With the use of a
scale model of the proposed building and elevation illustrations she informed the EDC of the
building design.
Ms. Rebechini stated that he elevations continue to be a work in progress and that the design had
been presented to the Site Plan And Appearance Review Committee (SPAARC) and suggested
enhancements are being developed.
She stated that the site is a design challenge for several reasons. The site has pedestrian traffic from
the C.T.A. station and through the Metra tunnel and a traffic circle for cabs and "kiss and ride
activities" on a daily basis. The new Maple Street Garage mill add to a very strong flow of pedestrian
traffic. With this in mind it is McDougal Littell's intent to use the south side of the new building as
the main entrance. The traffic circle will be reconfigured and pedestrian access to the rail lines will
remain. Aid. Newman asked for and received a clarification of the lot line from Judith Aiello.
There will be a one level parking garage for 61 can beneath the building. Access tunnel to the
garage will be from a ramp in the center of the traffic circle. The Church Street side which has
approximately 14,000 square feet of ground level retail, will borrow elements from the Hill designed
building across the street and the elevation will be similar in height and scale. In the architectural
design proposed, the street will have a similar retail feel on both sides. Another four thousand feet
approximately which wraps around the west corner of the building could be used for speculative
rental or McDougal Littell space, but a decision has not been made.
Current zoning requirements limit the height of the building to six stories. McDougal Littell
requirements call for a large floor plate and a typical floor will be a minimum of49,000 square feet
to meet the client's needs and comply with zoning which made the design more challenging.
The strategic plan calls for an aggressive schedule to appear before the Plan Commission for
variance considerations on March 29, 2000 and to complete the City zoning and other regulatory
processes which will enable them to appear before the City Council for approval at the April 24,
2000 session. Ms. Aiello said that the reason for the schedule is to accommodate McDougal Littell's
deadline in which they need to be in their new location and construction has to commence this
Mr. Michael Szkatulski, Managing Director, Mesirow Financial continued with the presentation,
primarily restating how Mesirow Stein came to represent the client and why the client's desire is
to remain in Evanston. Mr. Szkatulski commented on the difficulties encountered in the attempts to
locate an existing, suitable space for the client and the factors which led to the decision to develop
Lot One as the solution for McDougal Littell's needs. Mr. Szkatulski advised the EDC that part of
the reason for appearing before them was because of the unique cost structure of the proposed
project. He also stated that other options are available to his client outside of Evanston, and
Mesirow needs to determine if some City provided incentives for the project can be considered. He
believes that the project has reached a point where this consideration is warranted.
Ms. Aiello advised the EDC that Mesirow Stein has been coop=-ative in providing U.S. Equities with
pro -forma data and negotiations will proceed toward reaching an agreement with Hill and Co. in time
enough to appear before the next EDC meeting with a recorr=cnded financial package. Ms Aiello
asked the EDC members for any non financial questions they may have for the presenters before
entering into executive session.
Aid. Newman asked what other immediate negotiation issues are there aside from financial
incentives. Ms. Aiello stated that there are still some open design issues but the architects for Hill
and Mesirow arc currently addressing those issues.
Aid. Feldman asked if the tri-partite financial negotiations vmTe close to an agreement. Ms. Aiello
responded that she believes so.
Ms. Lucille Krasnow expressed her pleasure with the prospect of the arrangement, particularly with
the element of retaining a local business. She stated that this type of collaboration was the original
intention of the redevelopment initiatives. Ms. Krasztaw then asked the size of the retail spaces.
Her concern is that the past position of the EDC was not to create competition for existing retail
space of similar size.
Ms. Rebechini responded by reviewing the entire space dimensions. The total space is approximately
I2,000 square feet, and how it will be demised by future tenants remains to be determined. Ms.
Aiello stated that Hill is probably going to attempt to find one tenant for the entire space, or at most
two. Marty Stem also commented that since the downtown redevelopment projects were announced,
downtown vacancies are down and the perception is that the new spaces in the developments will
be more expensive. This particular issue is much less of a concern under these circumstances and
as such there have been no restrictions placed on Hill.
Ms. Krasnow disagreed and suggested that the issue be further reviewed at subsequent sessions. She
continued by stating that the downtown core of businesses should be advised of the impending
traffic and parking issues resulting from the staging requirements of the developments.
Ms. Krasnow asked Ms. McGee about her past and anticipated parking requirements. Ms. McGee
stated that in their present locations they have approximately $S spaces. The new facility will have
62. if the compnay growth continues as expected, they have the option to occupy the entire new
facility and they intend to lease space in one or both of the new municipal garages. Ms. Aiello further
explained that when the parking study was completed, the prospect of an office building on Lot One
was taken into consideration. In fact, total parking demand for both the Hill and K.lutznick projects
was determined to be 2,800 spaces, which will be evenly split between the two garages. Ms. Aiello
continued with a brief description of the anticipated staging and timing for street closings during
construction and Council approved valet parking.
Aid. Newman suggested that Ms. Aiello make the results of the parking study available to the public
to include information regarding daytime and nighttime usage. Ms. Aiello agreed and also offered
to make available two series of recommendations made by the Parking Committee.
Aid. Newman asked for the total square footage for the building. Ms. Rebechini stat that the zoning
square footage is approximately 200,000 square feet and if you include the underground space it is
approximately 250,000 square feet.
Aid. Engelman also expressed his pleasure with the proposed project and complemented the
developer as one that has an excellent reputation and with a good history with the City. Aid.
Engelman also expressed his concern about parking and stated that he looks forward to reviewing
the information Ms. Aiello will be providing.
Aid. Engelman asked if there were plans to create entrances from the building into the retail spaces.
Ms. Rebechini said probably not but there is a possibility an accommodation can be made depending
on who the tenant may be. Aid. Engelman then asked if the intent is to obtain an easement for the
entrance to the underground parking. Ms. Aiello said it hasn't been decided if it will be an easement
or ownership. Aid. Engelman asked how landscaping %%ill be used to minimize the visual impact of
the entrance. Ms. Aiello's response was that site plan has re%iew•ed the issue and that the matter will
be addressed in a satisfactory manner but at this point the details have not been worked out. The
entire streetscape will be compatible with the Hill streetscape.
Aid. Feldman stressed the need for a strong emphasis on appropriate signage during the staging
process. At this point, the EDC elected to enter into an Executive Session to discuss real estate
acquisition and negotiations. A roll call vote was conducted by Morris Robinson and the motion
carried unanimously.
The EDC entered into Executive Session at 7:10 P.,1L
Executive Session ended at 7:25 P.M.
Ms. Aiello gave a brief update on the status of the hotel and Dennis Marino gave a similarly brief
update on Dcmpster/Dodge project and the Downtown II IR13 meeting held this morning.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:21 P.M.
The next EDC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. March 1. 2000 at 8:00 P.M.
in room 2404, Civic Center.
E. Robinson, 4onomic Development Planner