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Wednesday, December 13, 2000 / 7:00 pm.
Evanston Civic Center, Committee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT ........................ Doraine Anderson, Richard Cool:, Joseph Eatman. Sydney Gmas.
David Hart, Steve Knutson, Ron Kcb3l►i
MEMBERS ABSENT.................................................................................. John Lyman, Kenneth Roder:.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT...........................................................Sharon Feigon, Martin Norktu
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ABSENT ...................... ...,................ ...................... Ann Dienner, Nettie Johnson
STAFF PRESENT .........................................Arthur Alterson, Jay Larson, Morris Robinson, Jim Wolinski
PRESIDING.................................................................................................................Sydney Grevas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:04 p.m. A quorum was present.
The November 8 minutes were approved with corrections.
CASE ZPC 00-12-PD: An application by Coda LLC for a Planned Development. The applicant is the
contract purchaser of the property cornm only known as 1511 Monroe (Schwind's Greenhouse of Evanston.
Inc., land user and property owner), which is in the R3, Two-family Residential zoning District. The
applicant requests that the City grant a planned d+rvelopment as a form of special use permit regulating
development on the above mentioned property including such development allowances and other relief as
may be necessary to allow redevelopment of this property for six two-family dwellings (12 dwelling units).
Generally, the proposed development plan entails demolition of all existing structures and construction of
duplexes. This results in 6 principal buildings being located on the single zoning lot.
Plan Commission Chair Sydney Grevas opened the case and turned it over to Arthur Alterson, Zoning
Administrator �%ho made a few introductory remarks. Scott Krone from Coda LLC gave a brief
presentation of the project under consideration. No testimony from the audience was offered. I:ollow-ing
deliberations, Commission Member Richard Cook moved that the Plan Commission recommend approval
of the application as presented with consideration of standards for a planned development, especially
those that relate to incompatible uses. David Hart seconded the motion. The Commission voted 7 to 0 in
favor of the motion.
A verbatim transcript of the proceedings of the Plan Commission case ZPC 00 11 PD is on file with d w
Evanston Zoning Division. Fite Zoning Division is located in Room 3700 of the Evanston Civic Center_
Draft YOT App coed
EVANS1t1N Pt AN COMMISSION; [IO=m6er 13, 2000
Sydney Grevas, Chair of the Plan Commission Executive Cummim a stated that the Committee of the
Plan Commission met on November 20 to nlakr recommendations to the full Commission.
A. Election of Chair and Vice -Chair for 2001
Ms. Grevas presented the first recommendation, which %sus the nomination of John Lyman as Chair of'tfhe
Evanston Plan Commission for 2001 and of Richard Cook as Vicc-Chair. The recommendation was
accepted by a 7-0 vote.
B. Consideration of Sub -committee needs, Appointment of Committee Chairs and Committee
Membership for 2001.
Ms. Grevas presented recommendations for the Commission's sub -committee needs for 2001. Ms.
Grevas stated that the Executive Committee recommends activating the Binding Appearance Review
Committee (BARC), keeping active the Neighborhood Planning Committee and the Zoning Commimm
and putting the Transportation Committee on hiatus. The Executive Committee made following
recommendations for the chairs and membership of the committees: Binding Appearance Review --
Richard Cook, Chair; David Hart; Steve Knutson; and Sharon Feigan; Neighborhood —John Lyman,
Chair; Joseph Eatman; Steve Knutson; Ann Dicnner, Sharon Feigon. Zoning — Steve Knutson, Chair,
Doraine Anderson; Sydney Grevas; Kenneth Rodeers; Ann Dienner. Executive Committee —John
Lyman, Chair, Richard Cook; Sydney Grevas; Steve Knutson.
Ms. Anderson asked why the Executive Committee felt it was necessary to make recommendations for
committee membership when this has traditionally been done at full meetings. Ms. Grevas answered that
these are just suggestions made to see how much the Commission is able to take on. She said that final
decision on committee membership is obviously up to the full Commission and the members themselves.
Associate Member Sharon Fcigon stated that she was disappointed that no one had called her ahead of
time to discuss the situation with the Transportation Committee. She said she realized that there was not a
lot of Commission interest in the Transportntion Committee but she feels that these issues are still
important concerns for the city and should not be ignored. She suggested that many transportation issues
overlap with zoning and could be dealt with in that Committee.
Associate Member Marty NorkeM a member of the Transportation Committee, stated that he had not been
able to make many meetings because of time restraints. He said that the Commission has a full agenda
and is not able to work on every- important issue.
Commission Member Steve Knutson stated that he is not willing or able to serve on the Transportations
Committee, but he believes that transportation issues are timely and relevant.
Commission Member David Hart stated that the intention of the Executive Committee was to bring the
number of sub -committees to a manageable number. Fie said that the Binding Appearance Review
Committee will take a lot of the Commission's time in the next year.
Nis. Grevas added that the Executive Committee was also concerned that the membership of the
Transportation Committee did not include a full Plan Commission member. She stated that if the Plan
Commission is to continue with the Transportation Committee, there needs to be more interest expressc&
Draft NorApprmvd
EVANSTON PL.I\ LtiWMISSION : De=Mber 13, 2000
At the very least, she believes that the Transportation Committee should include cone, preferably two. bail
Commission members. Ms. Fcigon added that she hasn't ever seen where in the rules it i. ►►ritten tdrat t
sub -committee has to include a full Commission member. Mr. Hart responded that it is not it matsrn of
rules, it is a matter of what is proper. He believes that it is not proper to have a Phn Commission stc4i-
committee without having a Plan Commission member on it.
Ms. Feigon raised a related concern, she believes that the Plan Commission shocid have a liaison
relationship with the Regional Transportation Authority's ongoing downtown transit study. Ms. Gm -is
stated that the Commission does have a liaison ofsorts with this study. She reminded the Colurnimion
that Jay Larson, who provides staff work for the Commission, is also involved in the RTA study a=d has
reported to the Commission on its progress. his. Grevas added that there isn't anyone on the Corru= ission,
except maybe herself in her role as Evmark Chair, who has standing to serve as a liaison because d3ose
who have contributed the money to pay- for the consultant are the ones involved- ?his. Feigon respackled
that she still feels that it is important for a non -staff representative of the Commission to monitor this
The Commission approved the recommendation to put the Transportation Committta on hiatus for
consideration at some future date.
Mr. Knutson asked about the new charge of the Binding Appearance Review Committee. It was his
impression that job of writing standards would need the assistance of a consultant because the
Commission has neither the time nor the expertise to carryout the task. Mr. Altemn stated that it is his
impression that the staff will present proposed guidelines to BARC to provide a platform on which to
comment. James Wolinski, Director of Community Development, said that it is staffs feeling that Marc
Mylott will put together the initial guidelines. He didn't think that a consultant would save the
Commission a lot of time.
Mr. Knutson asked that he be dropped from BARC and remain on Zoning and Neighborhood Planning_
Ms. Feigon asked to be dropped from BARC and be placed on Zoning. Ms. Grevas asked staff to contact
those members and associate members who could not attend the meeting to confirm their committee
C. Appointment of Liaisons to Economic Development Committee, Parking Committee, P1sce
Names Committee, and Community Development Block Grant Committee for 2001
The Executive Committee recommended that Kenneth Rodgers remain the liaison with Community.
Development, that Sydney Grcvas remain the liaison with EDC, that Richard Cook remain that liaison
with parking, and that John Lyman become the liaison with Place Names,
The Commission accepted these recommendations and also appointed Doraine Anderson as the infccarai
liaison with the Planning and Development Committee.
Drxrfi A'DT.fpprivwd
£VANS IVN 1`l:W COX1%lIWO\ r Daxmber 13, 2000
D. Proposed Rule Change: Associate Members limited to thLree one-yrar terms.
Ms. Grevas introduced the following amendment to the Plan Cecnmission's Administrntive Rules snd
Procedures proposed by the Executive Committee.
Amend Article V (C) 1 to read:
Such associate members shag.
1. Serve one-year terms set from January 1 to December 31 with Og3bTsty for re•nomirsation
and re-election for up to a total of three NO terns. Those asscda'e members who ha+e
completed three or more temrs at the time that this arnerrdment to the Administrative
Rules and Procedures is adopted shall be e1pble for a single additional term, Associate
members who have been appointed In the middle of a calendar year shall serve out the
rest of the year. A partial year term shall not be coursed toward an associate membees
three -term eligibility.
Mr. Knutson stated that it might be good housekeeping to have a limit on the terms an associate member
can serve, but three years might be too short of a time. He suggested that the Commission consider six -
years, same as regular Commission members.
Mr. Hart stated that he sees value in Commission turnover. He believes that the value of associate
members is to gain experience for later service as full Commission members. It's his feeling that an
associate who has not been appointed to the Commission in three years will probably not be. Mr. Cook
agreed and stated that he has served on committees that have just continued to grow until they become
Ms. Anderson responded that new associates do not just spring up and ask to serve. She stated that not all
associate members want to be full members. Mr. Knutson also did not agree that later service as a full
Commission member was the only reason to serve as an associate. He believes that providing expertise,
institutional history and an opportunity to serve are also good reasons for the Commission to have
associate members.
Ms. Grevas asked if there was a compromise that all of the Commission could agree to. Mr. Knutson
responded that he didn't think so because he couldn't see the logic in a limitation. Ms. Anderson also
questioned why the Commission would want to restrict those with expertise to turnover with neophytes
Mr. Hart made a motion for the Commission to adopt the amendment as written. The Commission
approved the motion 5 to 2 with Commission Members his. Anderson and Mr. Knutson voting no.
E. Consideration of new Associate Member: Jeanne Lindwall
The Commission considered and approved the application for Associate Membership from Jeanne
F. Proposed Annual Retreat: January or February 2001
The Commission scheduled its 2001 retreat for January 31, at 6:00. The retreat will be held in the
aldermanic library of the Evanston Civic Center.
Draft NGr4pnnvd
G. Year 2001 Meeting Schedule
The Commission approved the following meeting schedule 2001:
January 10
May 4
February 14
June 13
October 10
March 14
July I I
November 14
April 11
Auguu 8
December 12
a Binding Appearance Re-. iew
Richard Cook, Chair of the Binding Appearance Review Committee, stated that the Planning and
Development Committee has asked the Plan Commission to suggest standards for binding appearance
review. Mr. Cook stated that the Committee had not yet started to meet.
• Neighborhood Planning
Neighborhood Planning Committee Member Steve Knutson stated that the Committee had nothing to
a Zoning
The Chair of the Zoning Committee, Doraine Anderson, stated that the Committee will meet the next
morning to with Alderman Engelman to discuss the presence of churches and non -profits in commercial
• Economic Development
Sydney Grevas, liaison to the Economic Development Committee, had nothing to report considering that
the Committee was meeting at that very moment.
a Parking
Richard Cook, liaison to the Parking Committee, stated that the Committee was also meeting that night.
He said that the Committee has been discussing the impact of the new Cook County parking tax and how
the City will deal with it. Mr. Cook reported that a memo to the Parking Committee from the Plan
Commission on off-street parking has been sent. He said the Committee would take up the issue at a later
• Planning and Development
Ms. Anderson reported that the Planning and Development Committee considered binding appearance
review at the November 16 meeting. She said that the P&D minutes from that meeting do not accurately
reflect the presentation that was made to the meeting.
Ms. Feigon passed out a report on transportation in Evanston. She stated that she would appreciate any
comments that Commission members might have on the report.
Draft NOrdpprvvrd EVA`WM PLAN COS MISSION I Deck 13, 2WO
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 8.35 p.nL The Commission's next meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 7.00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center.
Cr 4�-
Jay I�dn eneral Planner
January' 3.2001
Wednesda►, `ov-ember 8, 2000 % 7:00 p.m.
Evanston Civic Center, Commirme Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT ........................ Dorsine Anderson, Richard Cook, Joseph Eatman, Sydney Corvas,
David Hart, Steve Knutson, John Lyman, Kenneth Rodgers.
MEMBERSABSENT ................................... .............................. ..-_................... .................. ........ Ron Kobold
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT ................................... Ann Dienner, Nettie Johnson, Martin Norkett
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ABSENT ........... _.-.......................... ......_.............. ............. ..........._Sharon Feigon
STAFF PRESENT ................................................ .................... ....._........ ........... Arthur Alterson, Jay Larson
PRESIDING...............................................................................................................Sydney Grevas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:04 p.m. A quorum was present.
The October I I minutes were approved without corrections.
Case ZPC 00-10-T: Consider amendments to Chapter 16, 'Off -Street Parking and Loading; Chapter 18,
'Definitions," Chapter 3. 'Implementation and Administration,' Chapter 7, 'Zoning Districts and Map,' and
any other related sections of the Zoning Ordlx nce, to amend the parking regulations, requirements ar-4
restrictions of the Zoning Ordinance as these relate to the location of parking spaces, the number of parking
spaces required, and other regulatory matters.
Plan Commission Chair Sydney Grcvas opened the case and turned it over to Arthur Alterson, Zoning
Administrator, who made a few introductory remarks. He said that this case comes as a recommendation
of the Zoning Committee which has met three or four times to discuss it. The amendment stipulates that
required parking spaces be located in an area that is not more than 1000 feet from the structure eonmining
the generating use. Dorainc Anderson, Chair of the Zoning Committee, added that this case originar--d as
an aldermanic reference and that it only pertains to new construction.
Ms. Grevas swore in those members of the audience that wished to testify on this case. The first to arstify
was Ron Naylor, Vice President for facilities management for Northwestern University. Mr. Naylor stated
that it is not clear how this amendment would improve the parking situation in Evanston. He is conclarned
that this amendment would greatly restrict the University's ability to use innovative techniques w) meet
parking needs. Mr. Naylor also questioned how this amendment would impact the agreement than the
University has with the City concerning the proposed parking garage at Foster and Maple. Finailly. he
an�t WrIAPPAO m
suggested that it might be more productive for the University and the Plan Commission to di_z-u= the
goals of this amendment to sec if maybe there were other ways that the goals cold be rocs. Mr. 'N"-ylor
asked if Northwestern was the only landowner effected by this zoning change. Mr. Alterrm answer that
there were a number of large lots in the city that could potentially be covered by this amendment.
lean Lindwall, a board member with Northwestern Neighbors, testified that their neighborhood has
serious parking problems_ in part caused by the proximity to Northwestern Universityy, and th= this
amendment would go a long way toward addressing those problems. Commission Mernber David Hart
asked Ms. Lindwall about the-Yesidents only" restrictions in her neighborhood. Ms. Lindwall answered
that some streets are restricted to two hour parking for non-residents. She said that this has been some
help. Other residents from the neighborhoods bordering Northwestern testified to the parking problems
and spoke in favor of the amendment.
Ms. Grevas closed testimony and opened the item up for discussion by the Commission. Commission
Member David Hart asked why the Zoning Committee had chosen 1000 feet as the distance used in this
amendment. Commission Member Lyman answered that 1000 feet is the standard distance used for other
off-street parking requirements in the Zoning Ordinances.
Mr. Hart also wanted to know what exact problem the Commission was trying to solve with this
amendment. Commission Member Steve Knutson answered that, currently, the University is able to
provide required parking at a location potentially very far from a person's ultimate destination. If a person
has to walk clear across campus from a parking spot, it will be easier to park on the neighborhood streets.
He believes that this amendment will help encourage the provision of parking nearer to the destination.
Ms. Grevas stated her concern that this amendment might force landowners like Northwestern to take
down buildings that add character to the neighborhood so that they are able to provide a parking lot. Mr.
Hart stated his concern that this amendment gets the Commission involved in Northwestern bashing.
Associate Member Martin Norl:ett said that he %vas encouraged by Mr. Naylor's offer to work with the
Plan Commission to find alternatives to solve parking problems. Mr. Norkett believes that the Plan
Commission should take Northwestern up on the offer. Mr. Hart suggested that planning parking would
best be left to the Parking Committee. Other Commission members stated that it might be an idea worth
pursuing. Ms. Anderson suggested that the Commission deal with this specific issue tonight and look at a
planning process sometime in the future if that is what the Commission wants to do.
Ms. Grevas asked for a motion. Mr. Knutson made the motion that the Zoning Ordinance be changed so
that required parking be within 1000 linear feet of a new structure on a zoning lot_ Ms. Anderson
seconded the motion. Ms. Grevas called the vote. The motion passed five to three. Commission Members
Anderson, Cook, Rodgers. Knc--Lson, and Lyman voted "Aye". Commission Members Eatman, Hart, and
Grevas voted "No".
A verbatim transcript of the proceedings of the Platt Commission case ZPC 00 10 T is on file with the
Evanston Zoning Division_ The Zoning Division is located in Room 3700 of the Evanston Civic Center.
Drn)k AlurrtPPROFTD EVANSTON PLAN COAQRt WOE'« /tiaacmber9, 2OW
Case ZPC 00.11-T: Consider amendments to Chapter 15. 'Special Purpose and Oveday DisviC.` Chapter
16, 'Off -Street Parkirg and Loading,'.Chapter 18, 'Definitions,' Chapter 3, 'Implementation and
Administration,' Chapter 7, Zoning Districts and Map,' and any other related sections of the Zoning
Ordinance, to address the use status and other regulation of restaurants in the U1. University PzLrmhg
Ms. Grevas opened the case and turned it ever to Mr. Alterson for introductory remarks. He said th= LWs
comes as a recommendation of the Zoning Committee and, like the last case, originated as an manic
reference. Presently, Type 1 restaurants arc permitted as of right in Ul districts. The Caazmit: ee
considered the reference and recommended that Type I restaurants should be a special use in UE districts.
The reasoning was that UI districts have a close relationship with residential districts where restaurants
are neither permitted as a right or are as a special use.
Mr. Hart asked what problem this amendment was attempting to solve and how this change «ou5d impact
the restaurant at Kendell College. Ms. Anderson answered that it would not impact the College =kss the
college expanded their nevw- restaurant or built a new one. If the College did decide to build or epand the
restaurant, they could get a special use permit and thus trigger a public participation process.
Ms. Grevas asked for testimony on this case. James Traer, Interim President of Kendell College,
expressed his concerns that this amendment is directed specifically at Kendell College. He statr,3 that the
College has no current intention to alter their restaurant, but he wants to protect the legal right to do so in
the future. Mr. Traer mentioned that the College had recently purchased a single-family residence
adjacent to the College in the U I district. The College currently has no particular plans for the Iaouse, but
demolition would be difficult considering the house is in an historic district.
Mr. Knutson stated that the potential problem that this amendment is intended to address isn't necessarily
with Kendell College. Mr. Knutson is more concerned that a private entity would open a restaurant in the
U1 district and would not be as considerate to what is essentially a residential neighborhood.
Mr. Michael Hendershot is a neighbor of Kendell College and spoke in favor of the amendmeaL As he
sees it, making restaurants a special use would allow the neighbors to have their say if the College
proposed to move their restaurant to the newly purchased house, or made any other major changes in the
restaurant. Other neighbors also spoke in favor of the amendment. While they all said good chines about
Kendell College, they were concerned about having a voice in potential changes to their neighborhood.
Ms. Lindwall, again testifying on behalf of the Northwestern Neighbors, pointed out the Zoning
Ordinance doesn't specify restaurants in U I districts should be connected to a college or university. This
change would address some of the concerns from adjacent residential neighborhoods.
Ms. Grevas closed the testimony and opened the hearing up for discussion. Mr. Hart stated dhat he is
sympathetic to the statement than Kendell College bought this property when they had a right to open a
restaurant and they don't want that right taken away. Ms. Anderson stated that the process required to
receive special use permit would be good protection for the neighborhood.
Mr. Knutson moved that the Zoning Ordinance be amended so that Type 1 restaurants in U1 districts be
restricted to the accessory use of a college or university. The motion was seconded by Ms. Anderson. The
motion passed 8.0.
Mr. Knutson moved that the Zoning Ordinance be amended so that Type I restaurants in Ul districts be
b r rr1 t.110 T.4 PFR t) t �D
allowed as a special use instead of a permitted use. Ms. Anderson seconded Mr. Knutson Whined that
UI districts are near or in residential districts. He is concerned that a commercial establishmesrt such as a
restaurant could be disruptive to the residential nature of the surrounding neighborhood. �1x. Lyman
explained that, although he is sympathetic to the rights of the College, he believes that the pmcess works
better when there is neighborhood involvement and this involvement would be triggered throw a special
Ms. Grevas called the vote. The motion passed 6-2 with Plan Commission members Richard Cook and
David Hart voting no.
Mr. Alterson introduced a number of sections of the Comprehensive Plan that support actions the
Commission took in cases ZPC 00 10 T and ZPC 00 11 T. The Commission voted to accept the findings
as articulated by Mr. Alterson, 8-0.
A verhalim transcript of the proceedings of the Plan Commission case ZPC 00 11 T is on frk with the
Evanston Zoning Division. The Zoning Division is located in Room 3700 of the Evanston Civic Center. „! ;
Ms. Grevas directed the Commission's attention to the memo from CDBG Coordinator Sally Lufkin and
the attached program summaries. Ms. Lufkin has requested that the Commission provide feedback to the
Housing and Community Development Committee on priority CDBG funding projects. Nis. Gm -as asked
Commission Member Kenneth Rodgers, the Plan Commission liaison to the CD Committee, to make a
few comments about this process. Mr. Rodgers stated that the CD Committee has completed a series of
meetings to work through all the CDBG applications. The final Committee recommendations will be
made on November 14. Mr. Rodgers requested that the Plan Commission prioritize the projects based on
how the projects meet the goals of the Plan Commission and the Comprehensive Plan.
Members of the Plan Commission made a few comments, but overall they felt that they did not have the
time or the expertise to make good recommendations from the information at hand. Mr. Cook
recommended funding for those items that dealt with health, safety, and welfare. He specifics Y
supported the programs that will help make the City ADA compliant. Associate Member Nettie Johnson
voiced support for the new equipment requested for Fleetwood Jourdain. She also wanted to know why
curbs and streets were on this list since these projects should be taken care of by the City. Mr. Lyman
stated that the neighborhood improvement and the storefront revitalization programs are in agreement
with the priorities of the Comprehensive Plan. He also felt that the percentage of the funds spent on
Administration was quite high and should not be increased. Mr. Rodgers requested that if there were any
more comments they should be directed to him through the planning staff.
a Neighborhood Planning
John Lyman, Chair of the Neighborhood Planning Committee, said that the committee had not awt since
the last Plan Commission meeting. He stated that the Committee is waiting to meet until a time v6ben
Alderman Kent can meet with them to chart a course on the MUE study. The intention of the Committee
was to also study two B-3 areas in the city. These areas are Howard Street between Chicago Avenue and
Ridge and Main Street from the Metra tracks to Elmwood. The Committee intends to gather information
and hold meetings for neighbors and owners of the Main Street B-3. The Commirtee &I.-v intends to
discuss the situation with Alderman Bernstein.
Mr. Lyman mentioned that important meetings have been going on between the Cite- of Evanston and
developers regarding the Howard Street redevelopment. Because of these meetings, Alderman Rainy has
asked the Neighborhood Committee to wait with the B-3 reexamination until these is a greater sense of
area needs.
a Zoning
The Chair of the Zoning Committee, Doraine Anderson, stated that the Committee Kill meet the next
week. She said that the topic of this meeting will be an Aldermanic request from Engleman to look at
areas of town where non-profit development should be discouraged.
• Economic Development
Sydney Grevas, liaison to the Economic Development Committee, reported that at the last Committee
meeting Judy Aiello, Assistant City Manager, gave a report to the Committee on the various projects that
are being developed in the central business district. The Sherman Plaza/Klutznick /Scars project is still
proceeding. Negotiations are going on between the City and Stewart Handler, owner of the property were
Osco Drug is, about the purchase of this property for the Klutznick development_ The City will be going
to the state to get permission for a quick take eminent domain. Ms. Grevas also reported that the theaters
are on-line and will be open by the 16`s of November and the Parking garage will be at least half open at
time also.
• Parking
Richard Cook, liaison to the Parking Committee, stated that Committee had spent the entirety of the last
meeting discussing the new parking garage and setting fees for parking.
Planning and Development
Ms. Anderson reported that the Planning and Development Committer will take up binding appearance
review at its next meeting.
The Commission had no further business
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 10:20 p.m. The Commission's next meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, December 13, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center.
December 2, 2000
Jay Larson, General Planner
Wednesday, October 11, 2000 / 7.00 p.m.
Evanston Civic Center, Committee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT.... Doraine Anderson, Richard Cool:, Joseph Eatmaa, Sydney Gmus, David Hart,
Steve Knutson, Ron Kobold, John Lyman, Kenrwth Rodgers.
MEMBERSABSENT............................................................................................... None
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT .......... Ann Dienner, Sharon Feigon, Nettie Johnson, Martin Norkat
ASSOCIATEMEMBERS ABSENT ......................................... .._.............-_....................... ... none
STAFFPRESENT......................................................................_................-.......... Jay Larson, Mare Mylott
PRESIDING................................................................................................................Sydney Cmvas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:04 p.m. A quorum was present.
The August 9 minutes were approved with the corrections suggested during the September meeting.
September minutes were also approved with corrections.
September 13 meeting)
CASE ZPC 00-09-T Amending the Zoning Ordinance, specifically amendments to
the definitions of "YARD, REAR REQUIRED (For Review of Fences Only)" and
"YARD, STREET SIDE REQUIRED (For Review of Fences Only)" within Chapter
18, "Definitions", and any related sections of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed
amendment would adjust the language of these definitions such that they conform to
the intent of the Plan Commission and City Council during the comprehensive
amendment to the fence regulations adopted in April 1999. Also, the proposed
amendment adds language to Appendix G such that it better reflects the fence
regulations contained within Section 6. 4-6-7.
Chair Sydney Grevas opened the public hearing and asked Marc Mylott, Zoning Planner, for any
introductory remarks. Mr. Mylott explained that when the definitions for the fence ordinance were
written, the requirement for a rear yard on a corner lot overlapped the required street side yard when it
should have been the other way around. This could potentially cause confusion for some applicants for
fence permits. Mr. Mylott stated that the amendment under consideration in this public hearing would
reflect the original intent of the Plan C.nrnrnission as well as the City Council that fences not be permitted
in the required street side yards.
Since there were no public members n:- sestify, the Commission went straight to discussions- Plan
Commission member John Lyman gwmtkmed when fences are restricted to four feet. Mr. Mylott
answered that four foot fences are allclwed when they are legally within the perceived front yard or
required street side yard. Six-foot fences that are currently in street side yards are legally non -conforming
and can be legally replaced provided e'ite replacement meets the height requirements which in a frost or
street side yard would be four feet. Thiis is something that the City Council changed from the Plan
Commission recommendation. There w:as much discussion among the Plan Commission members about
whether this replacement requirement -was right or fair. Mr. Mylott reminded the Commission that this
meeting was not noticed for a discussimn of fence height so that no official action could be taken.
Plan Commission member David Hart aiaic the motion that the PIan Commission recommend the
adoption of the proposed amendment a-) Chapter 18, Definitions of the zoning Ordinance regarding
fences and the appendix as presented ao the meeting and based on the finding contained in the staff memo
to the Plan Commission dated SeptetnLhcr 8. Plan Commission Member Joseph Eatman seoanded the
motion. The motion passed 9.0.
At the suggestion of a number of Platt Commission members it was also decided that a message should be
included in the Chair's report to the Ct.tiuncil that the Commission has otherconcems about fence
regulations that should be addressed in the future.
A verbatim transcript of the proceec£-rs-s of the Plan Commission case ZPC 00-9 T is on file with the
Evanston Zoning Division. The Zoning Division is located in Room 3700 of the Evanston Civic Center.
Steve Knutson, Vice -chair of the Neighborhood Planning Committee, said that the committee had not met
since the last Plan Commission meetinal and would be meeting in the next week. He asked if there was a
need to discuss the charge of the Commince as there was concern at the last Commission meeting that the
Committee might have "bitten -off mcm than it could chew".
Ms. Grevas asked Mr. Knutson if he cciuld give a synopsis of where the Neighborhood Committee was at
given that there were many members -bo could not attend the last Commission meeting. Mr. Knutson
stated that staff is contacting and resew --thing community organizations to identify who should be
contacted and involved in a study of tie MUE planning area. The November meeting of the Plan
Commission will be arranged so that ,Uderman Kent will be able to attend. The Committee, at its meeting
in September, had invited Anne Earle :.o present a slide show on the history of the area that makes up part
of the MUE planning area on the «est side of Evanston.
Mr. Knutson also stated that at the Sepcember meeting there had been a discussion of the B-3 districts on
Howard and in the Chicago Avenue arm He stated that the B-3 issue was a continuation of the discussion
that began during the Chicago Avenue planting process where a pretty good representation of business
owners, neighbors, and even some representatives of property owners were consulted on neighborhood
concerns. Mr. Knutson remarked that citizens in this area had been pretty strong in their belief that the
building height allowed in B-3 districts is too high for their area. The September Neighborhood Planning
Committee meeting ended with an acknowledgement that there needs to be notice to the property owners
in these B-3 areas before any substantial discussion of changes takes place.
Ms. Grevas stated that the Neighborhood Committee needs to aggressively contact the property owners in
the B-3 districts before any changes are made. Both Mr. Lyman and Mr. Knutson assured her that this
will happen.
Ron KoboId stated that, as he remembers it, the B-3 on Main issue came up as an after the fact and not as
a part of the Chicago Avenue planning process. It was a reaction to a concern about a possible
development and was tacked on to the Chicago Avenue Plan. Mr. Lyman stated that there is a need for B-
3 to be studied because the different arras zoned B-3 are in no way equal or comparable.
Ms. Anderson brought up Anne Earle's membership on the Neighborhood Planning Committee which
was an issue discussed in September. She said that she had read the current Plan Commission rules and
there is nothing in there that would prohibit non -Plan Commission members from serving as members of
the sub -committees. Mr. Knutson stated that he believed that Anne Earle would be a valuable asset to the
MUE planning effort and thought that inviting her to be a member would make her feel more invested in
the process. John Lyman, Chair of the Neighborhood Planning Committee stated that he thought that noo-
Commission members should be used as often as possible as resources but not treated as committee
members. He believes that if this happened the sub -committees could potentially become removed from
the Plan Commission and become entities of their own. Ms. Anderson stated that it doesn't matter all that
much either way and that she is not suggesting over -weighing any committee with non-members or
associates, but the Plan Commission, in the absence of anything in the rules, should take advantage of any
resource available.
Associate Member Sharon Feigon, Chair of the Transportation Committee, reported the Transportation
Committee has not met since the last Commission meeting. She asked that staff give an update on the
RTA Downtown Circulation Study. Jay Larson, General PIanner, stated that the purpose of the Study is to
look at the transit, vehicle, and pedestrian circulation around the existing downtown development and in
connection with the new development. This is a multi -step process that will be completed by early next
summer. The first step in this process is a survey of transit riders, downtown parkers, and downtown
employees as a way to get public input in the process. A scope of the Study will he distributed for the
next meeting.
The Chair of the Zoning Committee, Doraine Anderson, stated that the Committee will meet the next
morning. She said that the topics of this meeting will be two Aldermanic requests. The first will be
parking in the U districts within 1,000 feet of structure generating the parking as opposed to within 1,000
feet of the zoning lot as it currently is. The other issue is restaurants in the University districts. There is a
hope that one or both of these issues will be noticed for the next Commission meeting_
Kenneth Rodgers, liaison to the Community Development Committee, reported that the process of
looking at CDBG applications will begin at the meeting coming up this Tuesday. Final CDBG decision_ s
will be made on November 15.
Sydney Grevas, liaison to the Economic Development Committee, reported that at the last Committee
meeting Judy Aiello, Assistant City Manager, gave a report to the Committee on the various projects that
are being developed in the central business district. The Sherman PlazafKIutznickfSears project is still
proceeding. Negotiations are going on between the City and Stewart Handler, owner of the property were
Osco Drug is, about the purchase of this property for the Klutznick development. Ms. Grevas also
reported that the theaters are on-line and will be open by the lb`s of November. But there was some
discussion on exactly how much of the garage will be open on that date.
Richard Cook, liaison to the Parking Committee, stated that Committee had a vocal discussion on the
alleyway bordering the Sherman Plaza development. It was decided that the alleyway should be outside
the development property as the neighbors wanted and now everyone is happy. The Committee also
approved the art that will be attached to the new parking garage.
Mr. Lyman asked what the Commission members believe should be done with the parking issues that
came out of the Chicago Avenue Study. considering that the Plan Commission is not going to have a
Parking Committee of its own. The issues, as he sees them, are an examination to assess the adequacy of
the parking standards for each of the residential zoning classifications and ways to provide incentives to
private developers to develop parking in the Chicago Avenue area. It was decided that the Commission
should consult with the Parking Committee through Richard Cook, the Commission liaison.
Ms. Anderson reported on the last Planning and Development Committee. She said that Starbucks at 519
Main was held over again due to parking and other concerns. A special use and variation %%w granted for
2142 Ashland, an extension of the live/work units that the Commission was able to examine during the
bus tour. The Committee approved a special use for a pizza place at 2122 Central. A revision to the
floodplain map was adopted. floodplains in Evanston are essentially the banks of the Canal and the
Lakefront. The Sherman Plaza planned development was introduced for discussion. There was also a
lengthy discussion concerning revisions to the residential landlord/tenant ordinance.
Commission member David Hart asked if Richard Cook had addressed the Planning and Development
Committee about binding appearance review. lair. Cook answered that he had not done this yet but that he
had given a presentation to the Chamber of Commerce on the issue. Ms. Grevas added that she has heard
that a number of people are extraordinarily upset about the binding appearance review recommendations
because they will add another step that a developer will have to go through. Mr. Knutson countered that
the developers that the Binding Appearance Review Committee had consulted with were positive about
this process as recommended. He added that the Committee had been expecting some negative reaction at
this point in the process.
The Commission had no further business
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 9:20 p.m. The Commission's next meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, November 8, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center.
0t_ --
Jay w"n Planner
October 30. 2000
Wednes&y-, September 13, 2000 / 7:00 p.m.
Evzaston Civic Center, Committee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT .......... ..M...........Doraine Anderson, Richard Cook, SydneyGrevas, Steve Knu son
MEMBERS ABSENT................Joseph Eatman, David Hart, Ron Kobold, John Liman, Kenneth Rodgers
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT .......... Ann Dienner, Sharon Feigon, Nettie Jobrtson, Martin Norkett
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS A13SENT.................................................................... ........................woe
STAFFPRESENT.................................................................................................. .............Jay Larson
PRESIDING......................... ................................................................ ................. ...._.Sydney'Grevas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:04 p.m., a quorum was found to not be present...
Corrections to the minutes were suggested. Approval of minutes was postponed to October meeting
because of a lack of quorum.
CASE ZPC 00-09-T Amending the Zoning Ordinance, specifically amendments to
the definitions of "YARD. REAR. REQUIRED (For Review of Fences Onlyr znd
"YARD, STREET SIDE REQUIRED (For Review of Fences Only)- within Charter
18, "Definitions", and any related sections of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed
amendment would Adjust the language of these definitions such that they conform to
the intent of the Plan Commission and City Council during the comprehensive
amendment to the fence regulations adopted in April 1999. Also, the proposed
amendment adds language to Appendix G such that it better reflects the fence
regulations contained within Section 6-4-6-7.
Chair Sydney Grevas opened the public hearing and then continued it for lack of a quorum
Steve Knutson, Vice -chair of the Neighborhood Planning Committee, stated that the Committee Chair
John Lyman will be back on October 18 and asked that the next Neighborhood Plarming Committee be
held on that date. He reported that the Committee met earlier that day. The first item on their agenda was
a presentation by Anne Earl on African -American history in west Evanston. Because of the topics
relationship to the MUE district, Mr. Knutson thought that this show would be a %vanderful addition to a,
future Plan Commission meeting. There was agreement from the Committee_ Mr. Knutson also thanked
staff for the wonderful packet of background information on the planning area for the NIUE district.
Commission Member Doraine Anderson asked about the boundaries of the pi-nning area. Mr. Knutson
stated that the boundaries have been decided as a triangle bounded by Emersca. Greenbay, and the c=al.
Mr. Knutson reported on a meeting of the Howard Street West Committee %he:re it was announced that
the on -again/ off -again Howard Street strectscape program looks to be off for this building season. An
RFP will go out in a week or two for work on the Chicago Avenue Streetscape•.
Finally, Mr. Knutson stated that the other major issue in front of the Committer is B3. There are five 133
districts: Main east of Chicago, Main vmst of Chicago. Hoard south of the main tracks, Howard to
Ridge, and Greenwood/Sherman. The currant plan is that the Committee discr_.ss each at the next meeting.
Ms. Grevas commented on the breadth of the Committee's agenda and asked if there were any priorities.
Associate Member Martin Norkett agreed with Ms. Grevas that the Committee seems to be taking on a
large number of tasks. Mr. Knutson ansuwered that the B3 issue is clean-up fr.,ra the Chicago Avenuc
work from earlier in the year that needs to be looked at from a Neighborhood Committee perspective
before it is passed on to the Zoning Committee. He does not see any urgency f the MUE district analysis.
Ms. Grcvas stated that she does not see any urgency in the analysis of the B3 districts either. She
suggested that a prioritization of issues be discussed at the next Plan Commission meeting in October
when John Lyman, the current chair of the Neighborhood Committee, and Rao Kobold, the immediate
past chair of the Committee, will be in attendance. Ms. Anderson did not agree that the Plan Commission
should dictate to the Neighborhood Committee on its agenda. Mr. Norken and Commission Member
Richard Cook both stated that this was not dictating but a suggestion of the Cornmission's priorities. Mr.
Knutson stated his belief that the B3 issues should not take long to complete. The Committee already
knows the concerns of the neighbors based on the work on Chicago Avenue. Sis. Grevas disagreed. She
believes that the property owners in the area need to be heard from also.
Associate Member Sharon Feigon, Chair of the Transportation Committee, reported on a meeting that had
been held the week before. She said that the Environment Board is now sendiaa a liaison to the
Committee meetings. She stated that this is a good thing because there has been difficulty getting
involvement from the Plan Commission. The Committee discussed the transp.-+rtation objectives
contained in the Evanston Comprehensive General Plan. The Committee woutd like to use their next
meeting to meet with representatives of the downtown business groups such as Evmark, the Evanston
Chamber of Commerce, Hill and Klutznick developers, and McDougal Little to discuss ways that
incentives can be used to encourage transit ridership by employees and patrons. She also mentioned that
the Committee .would like to do the same with the University. Ms. Grevas statad that Evmark has just
hired a new Executive Director who is very busy right now. She asked that the Transportation Committee
not further add to her work load right now. Mr. Norkett added that Jonathon Perman at the Chamber of
Commerce is also in his busy season and the Hill and Klutznick people are very busy with their
development. He suggested that the Committee wait until after Christmas to nz-;e this approach.
Ms. Anderson brought up two transportation concerns. The first is the provision of transportation access
to the new Levy senior center. Ms. Anderson stated that she doesn't believe that a single van will be
adequate and there should be some investigation into the possibility of opening the Dodge Avenue stop
on the Skokie Swift. The second transportation issue brought up by Ms. Anderson was the coordination of
downtown nighttime hours with bus transit.
Ms. Feigon stated that the Transportation Committee has discussed restoring streetcar service to Central
Avenue. She stated that this service used to exist past the spot where Old Orchard is now and some of the
right-of-W-ay still exists. She said that it wouldn't be hard to recreate this service and that it could be drone
for low cost. A street car service has been reopened in Kenosha, Wisconsin inexpensively using old 3=xt
cars from Toronto, Canada and used parts from the CTA. This 1.5 mile service only cost Kenosha $5
million dollars to develop.
The Chair of the Zoning Committee, Doraine Anderson, announced a Committee meeting to be held the
next morning. She said that the topics of this meeting will be tw-o Aldermanic requests: parking in the U
districts and restaurants in the U districts. Ms. Anderson mentioned that this last Aldermanic request had
not been relayed to her by staff.
Sydney Grevas, liaison to the Economic Development Committee, reported that the last Committee
meeting was held in August but no business was done because of a lack of quorum. Judy Aiello, Ass&mt
City Manager, gave a report to the Committee on the various projects that are being developed in the
central business district. Ms. Aiello reported to the Committee that the theaters are on-line and will be
open by the 17`s of November. The hotel is on schedule also. There is nothing new on the residential
tower. Ms. Anderson inquired as to how much time a developer has to break ground on a planned
development before it has to be reviewed again. She suggested that staff keep an eye on this issue as it
pertains to the residential tower in the Hill development. his. Grevas reported that there was nothing new
on the Klutznick project except that a new development has been proposed by the owner of the Osco site.
Richard Cook, liaison to the Parking Committee, stated that he had nothing to report because he was not
able to attend the last meeting.
Ms. Anderson reported that the Planning and Development Committee dealt with a number of issues. The
City garage being constructed as part of the Hill development is behind schedule due to the concrete
strike. The Ebenezer A and E Church sponsors of the Jacob Lake project on the corner of Emerson is
asking for an extension because of problems with HUD. The Committee passed a Church Street special
sign district. The Committee passed the two zoning issues that the Plan Commission had recommended at
its previous meeting. The Committee also had a discussion of the teardown and the vested rights issues.
Nothing was decided on either ofthese last two issues.
There was no other business.
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 9:45 p.m. The Commission's next meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center.
Jay Lab enera) Planner
September 27, 2000
Wednesday, August 9, :000 / 7:00 p.a-.
Evanston Chic Center, Coc-nmittee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT .................................................. Doraint Anderson, Richard Cook, S3*ey G=%ms,
Steve Knutson, Kenneth Rodgers
MEMBERS ABSENT..............................................Joseph Eatman, David Hart, Ron Kobold, John Lyman
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT ........................... ._._.......................... .... Ann Dienner, Nettie Johnson
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ABSENT..............................................Sharon Feigon, Martin Nodwd
STAFFPRESENT.......................................................................Arthur Alterson, Jay Larson, Marc Mylott
PRESIDING...................................................................._..........................................Sydney Grevas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:03 p.m., a quorum being present.
Minutes were approved without corrections
CASE ZPC 00-8 M amending the Zoning Ordinance and the zoning map of the City, specifically
amendments to Chapter 7, "Zoning Districts and Map; and any related sections of the Zoning Ordirunee,
including but not Iimited to Chapter 3, "Implemetitatioo and Administration," Chapter 4. "General
Provisions," Chapter 16, "Off -Street Parking and Loading," and Chapter 18. "Definitions" to remap 1909 to
1821 Lincoln and 2500 Green Bay from the CI Commercial District into the RS General Residential
District or other appropriate zoning district.
Chair of the Plan Commission, Sydney Grevas opened the public hearing. Zoning Administrator Ard=
Alterson introduced the case. He stated that the case originates from an aidermanic reference because it
had becomc apparent to the residents of the north side of Lincoln up to the first alley west of Green Bay
that their property was zoned C I which does not allow residential uses of any kind, not even as a special
use. Staffs opinion is that this is residentially -used properr and that a CI zoning is inappropriate.
Commission Member Doraine Anderson, Chair of the Zoning Committee, explained that the Comet
doesn't feel that commercial uses are appropriate across the street from the school, particularly gives the
traffic from the intersection of Green Bay and Lincoln. After some examination the Committee feels d=
an R6 designation would be appropriate for this property.
Ms Grevas asked if there were any comments on the rezone from the audience. Fred Babbin spoke fer
people who reside near the property in question on Prairie. He feels that development at R5 in this area
would allow too much density adding to traffic and other problems. He stated that they would feel mo,
comfortable with an R 1,2,or 3 designation.
William Siegeltuch, who owns property within the area in question, stated that he had paid a premivaa for
his property when he had bought it in 1989 because it was then zoned R6 and could be used for condo
development. He stated that it had been rezoned to C I without him knowing about it and he would 1&—c it
returned to R6 instead of the R5 under consideration. He said that this would be good for the City becwise
of the extra tax revenue that it would generate.
Walter Kihm spoke for one of the owners of property in the area. He has examined a number of
development scenarios for the property and has concluded that with an R5 or an R6 designation
development of the property is not profitable and the Land use will stay pretty much the way it is
currently. He suggests that the Commission extend the B2 district from Green Bay which would then
make development more of a possibility. tits. Andersca stated that this would also allow commercial
development to wrap around the corner from Green Bay directly across Lincoln from Haven Junior High.
Bill Stotis who represents the property owner of 2500 Green Bay and 1809 Lincoln feels that it would be
more beneficial to the property owner and would provide more encouragement to do something
economically beneficial with the property if it was rezoned as R6 instead of R5. Ms. Anderson added that
the Zoning Committee had included 2500 Green Bay to this case because it made the property appear
more buildable.
Ms. Grevas closed the comment period and asked for comments from Commission members. She asked
Mr. Alterson to explain to the Commission the difference between R5 and R6. Mr. Alterson explained
that the difference is basically height. In the R6 you can go up to 85 feet and in the R5 you can go to 50
feet. Under a B zoning the parking requirement would be one space per unit. Under an R4,115 or R6 the
requirement is one and a quarter for every unit over 700 square feet.
Ms. Anderson explained that the Zoning Committee discussed at length what would be the appropriate
height for this area. They looked at the surrounding buildings, even the commercial buildings on Green
Bay and concluded that 85 feet was not appropriate at that intersection.
Commission Member Steve Knutson asked about a situation where one of the residences in the non-
conforming area were to bum or be more than 60 perccnt destroyed, could it be rebuilt? Mr. Alterson
answered no.
Ms. Grevas asked if there was a consensus to change the zoning from C1. A consensus was apparent. She
asked if there was a consensus to change the zoning to R5. A consensus was again apparent. Commission
Member Richard Cook made the motion to change the zoning on this property from Cl to R5.
Commission Member Kenneth Rodeers seconded. Nis. Anderson offered an amendment to the motion to
provide a finding offact by citing the draft Comprehensive General Plan of 2000.
Ms. Grevas asked for a vote on the amendment to the motion. Commission members voted 5-0 to amend
the motion. Ms. Grevas then asked for a vote on the amended motion. Commission members voted 5-0 in
favor of the amended motion.
A verbatim transcript of the proceedings of the Plan Commission case ZPC 00-8 M is on file with the
Evanston Zoning Division. The Zoning Division is located in Room 3700 of the Evanston Civic Center.
CA5LZPC 00-7 \1: amending Lie Zoning Ordinmw-c and the zoning w4p of the Ciq, spccifically
amendments to Chapter 7. "Zoning Districts and \lap," and any relate%; sectic%ns of the Zoning Ordi =joe.
including but not limited to Cb.,,n:cr :. "Impletnenestion and Administaxtion." Chapter 4.'General
Provisions," Chapter lb, "Off-.t--rct NA-ing and Lcvdin ." and Chapt;s I3. 'Deiinitiorts' to remap ail
properties adjacent to the north side of Simpson, %%rst of Darrow to Tmigcs Par# fmm the BI Business
District into the R3 Two-famih Residential District or other appropriax zoning district.
Ms. Grevas opened Case ZPC 00-7 M. and asked Mr. Alterson stated to explain the case. Mr. Altawn
said that this map amendment %vas similar to the previous rase where miisth• residentially -used properW
was under current zoning nonconforming because of B classification. The consideration in the case is to
change the zoning from a B1 to an R3 which would allow single and two-family residential. Ms. Grevas
asked Ms. Anderson as Chair of the Zoning Committee for comments. his. Anderson stated that this
zoning change is consistent with the classification of the surrounding area.
Ms. Grevas asked if there were any comments from the audience on this case. Ester Dobbins spoke as a
representative of her parents who live at 1821 Simpson. She said that she has seen it go from a little
narrow, beautiful, quiet residential street to the horrible thing that it turned into. She is hoping that this
zoning change can help with this situation. She also stated that her preference would be a change to single
family rather than two family residential zoning. She believes that the arra already has too many people
living in it.
Ms. Dobbins was the only audience member who desired to testify on this case so Ms. Grevas closed
public testimony and asked Commission members for comment. Ms. Anderson stated that the Zoning
Committee studied this situation and examined the zoning of the surrounding areas. The Committee feels
that this is a largely residential area and should be zoned as such. The Committee also feels that this area
should be zoned as R3 because it would be a continuation of the surrounding area.
Mr. Cook made a motion that the zoning in the stated area be changed from B I to R3 in accordance with
the notice that was prepared by Arthur Alterson and the draft Comprehensive Plan of March 2000. Ms.
Anderson seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.
A verbatim transcript of the proceedings of the Plan Commission case ZPC 99-6-T is on file with the
Evanston Zoning Division. The Zoning Division is located in Room 3700 of the Evanston Civic Center.
Commission Member Richard Cook Chair of the Binding Appearance Review Committee, introduced
the Committee's recommendations for a City binding appearance m iew process. He stated that the
Committee's examination of the issue had begun in January by inviting participants to come in and be
able to discuss with us in a roundtable discussion regarding binding appearance. The Committee started
out with Design Evanston, then we brought in Iocal developers, the Site Planning and Appearance Review
Committee (SPARC), the Evanston business organizations and representatives from several of the
villages. The Committee is recommending that the City of Evanston enact a binding appearance review
process excluding single-family dwellings. The Committee is also recommending an Appearance Review
Board of Appeals and the hiring of an additional City staff person to administer the review process.
EVANSTON PL-kNI'a�t\ttS51t)N /.kwpw9.2000
Ms. Anderson asked about the suggestion that an additional licensed architect sit on the Site F°t= =d
Appearance Review Committee. This would assure that there were always two Keened nrchitects on the
committee. There are currently two on the Committee, Hans Friedman who is apWinted by thr Mayor
and Carolyn Smith who is the Chair of the Committee. Commission Member Steve Knutson a_�weiad
that the intention of the Committee was to assure that a second architect is appointed to SPARC. L-1 tires
when none of the City staff members are architects.
Ms. Anderson asked about the appellate process. Mr. Knutson answered that that the Comp —vision
believes that a smaller group of design professionals that could address aesthetic issues was a geed idea.
This group would review decisions made by SPARC before they went to Council.
Ms. Grevas asked about who currently votes on SPARC. Zoning Planner Marc Mylott listed the 14
members of SPARC. Ms. Grevas mentioned the frustration that some developers and architects fee] wfam
their designs are critiqued by those members of SPARC who are not experts in building design. Audit=
member Walter Kihm when asked for comment agreed with Ms. Grevas' comment. A general discussion
of the make-up and expertise of the SPARC members took place. Mr. Cook stated that these concerns
were one of the reasons that the Committee went to an appeals process of design professionals.
Ms. Anderson asked about the development of design guidelines. Mr. Cook answered that, assumiyg the
Planning and Development Committee is interested in pursuing this idea, the binding appearance review
issue would come back to the Plan Commission. He believes that the Commission should then to ask the
those Commission members who crafted this recommendation to «ork on a set of guidelines for approval.
Mr. Cook added that it is not the Committee's intention that the City become the style or design polio
He believes that the guidelines should be based on broad principles that look at how the building relates to
its community, the urban fabric, and its surroundings. Mr. Mylott added that it becomes apparent when
reading the literature that there is a set of design principles that are applicable in most cases to all styles.
Mr. Cook stated that the final consideration of the Committee was that the process be seamless and timely
so as not to add to the time and effort of those developing property. That is why the process is folded in
with SPARC and why there is a request for an additional staff person. Mr. Kihm added that from a
developer point -of -view this seems to be a very livable proposal.
Ms. Anderson made a motion that the report of the Binding Appearance Review Committee be forwarded
to the Council with such subtle massages as may be required based on the discussion held here tonight -
Mr. Rodgers seconded the motion. The motion passed on voice vote.
There was general agreement that the Plan Commission bus tour held Saturday, July 22 fulfilled the
expectations of the Commission. Mr. Alterson commented that a smaller bus would have been better.
Steve Knutson, vice -chair of the Neighborhood Planning Committee, reported that the Committee had not
Doraine Anderson, Chair of the Zoning Committee, stated that the Zoning Committee will be meeting the
following morning.
1 A\'SMN PLAN COMMISSiC�,. / � 9, 2000
Sydney Grevas, liaison with the Economic Development Committee, sLso rrp irtrd that the Cocnmi=ee
hasn't met.
Richard Cook, liaison with the Pricing Committee, also mrported that tht Committee hadn't met.
Kenneth Rodgers, liaison with the Community Development Committee rrported that that Committw&d
meet and they discussed the guidelines for applying for the CDBG pncramn.
Doraine Anderson stated that the Planning and Development Committee continues to discuss the issue of
when a development is in the "pipeline".
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 4:06 p.m. The Commission's next meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center.
September 7.2000,
Jay Larson,n Planner
Die-wr, NorArpsoma
Wednesday, June 14, 2000 / 7:00 p.m-
Evataston Civic Center, Committee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT ............. Y......... Doraine Anderson, Richard Cook, Joseph Eattman, Sydney Grevas,
David Hart, Steve Knutson, Ron Kobold, John Llawn, Kenneth Rodgers
MEMBERSABSENT.......................................................................................................................... none
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT..............................................................Ann Dienner, Sharon Feigon
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ABSENT .............................................. Nettie Johnson, Martin Norkctt
STAFF PRESIDENT .............................................................................................. Arthur Alterson, Jay Larson
PRESIDING.............................................................................................................Sydney Grevas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:04 p.m., a quorum being present.
Minutes were approved with corrections
CASE Zi]'C W-6 %1: amending the Zoning Ordinance and the zoning map orthe city, specifically amendments to
Chapter 7. "Zoning Districts =J Map," and Chapter 9. "Business Districts." and any related sections of the Zoning
Ordinaru;= including but not limited to Chapter 3, "Implementation and Administration." Chapter 4, "General
Provisior&' Chapter 16, "Off-Strect Parking and Loading," and Chapter 18, 'Definitions' to snap the following
indicated Tara from the B3 Business District into the B2 Business District or the RS General Residential District or
other apprWriate zoning distrsct. and/or to modify the limitations, allawances and restrictions of the Zoning Ordinance
as applied to the following indicated area.
Chair Sydney Grevas asked the Commission's permission to depart from the agenda and take up case
ZPC 00-6 M fim considering the large number of people in the audience who are here for this case. The
Commission agreed and Ms. Grevas opened the hearing. Zoning Administrator Arthur Alterson
introduced the rase, discussed the zoning requirements for both B3 and B2 zoning districts, and outlined
the notice requirements for cases such as this. Commission Member Domine Anderson, Chair of the
Zoning Committee explained that the Committee feels that the bulk and the density of the B3 district as
the corner of Asbury and Howard juxtaposed against the neighboring R2 is in conflict m6th the goals of
the Comprchensi%-e Plan and the purpose of the Zoning Ordinance revision. It was the Committee's
consensus that the B3 area be rezoned to B2.The maximum height of B3 is 85 feet with exceptions for
floors of parking the maximum could total 125 feet. B2 has a maximum of 45 feet with no exemptions for
Ms Grevas asked if there were any comments on the remne from the audience. Thirty-six audience
members, mostly neighbors of the B3 zoned area, spoke in favor of the rezone. Concerns with the amr=t
zoning included building shadows, parking, increased traffic. class sizes, scale of the neighborhood, aid a
proposed 8 story, multi -family development in the B3 zoned area. Commission members pointed out that
any change in zoning recommended at this meeting should not impact developments that are already in
the "pipeline".
Three audience members, in the B3 zoned area, spoke against the rezone. Comments against the rezone
reflected the belief that B3 was the `highest and best use" and that a zoning change would restrict
opportunities. !Michael Winfield, the developer of the proposed multi -family residential building in the B3
zone, expressed his belief that a zoning change could potentially hurt his development even though
several Commission members pointed out that his development should already be in the "pipeline".
Ms. Grevas asked for comments from Commission members on the rezone. John Lyman stated that he
supports this rezone because this B3 area is different than other B3 areas considering its proximity to
single-family housing. He expressed his concern that this move not be taken as anti -business. He also
wanted to stress that this action should not be interpreted as an effort to rezone all B3 as 132.
Ms. Anderson expressed her belief that this zone was an "aberration" distinct from other B3 zoned areas
and as such should be rezoned.
Rod Kobold said that for years the Commission has discussed the area of Howard and Asbury as a
gateway to Evanston and that the density that is allowed in a B3 area would not be appropriate for such a
Ms. Grevas stated that even though she is hesitant to restrict properties from what they are zoned for, she
believes that the height allowed in a B3 zoned area is not appropriate for this locale.
David Hart moved that the Plan Commission rezone the property in question at the intersection of 1 !
Howard and Asbury currently zoned B3 to B2 as is in accordance with the recently adopted
Comprehensive General Plan. Mr. Lyman seconded the motion.
The motion to rezone passed 9-0
A verhatim transcript of the proceedings of the Plan Commission case ZPC 00-6 M is on file with the
Evanston Zoning Division. The Zoning Division is located in Room 3700 of the Evanston Civic Center.
CASE 7_PC 99-6-T: amending Chapter 3, "Implementation and Administ—,tion." and any other related sections of the
Zoning Ordinance to consider those standards for %ariation µhich relate to the financial or economic situation or
desires of an applicant.
Ms. Grevas reopened Case ZPC 99-6-T that had been continued from the May l l meeting. The
Commission began consideration of the case by reviewing a memo from Zoning Administrator Arthur
Alterson, Mr. Alterson stated that this text amendment would change the standard in the zoning ordinance
which currently says that the purpose of the variation not be based exclusively on the desire to obtain
additional income from the property. The standard would be changed to an either/or situation where the
purpose of the variance either meets the earlier standard or meets a standard where it is appropriate to
Dnvt N,orAP w
F\_1.\SmV t'LAN ('0kVXtM x1 /June 14,2C*D
grant the variance because the City and the people of the city are getting; something positive out a it This
would be similar to the standards for consideration of a planned development. Consideratk-6 of the
variance would remain with the zoning board or the City Council depending on the type of varia-�
Ms. Grevas asked for discussion on this case. Mr. Hart moved that the proposal in Mr. Altetsca's memo
be adopted because it meet the objectives outlined in the Comprehensive General Plan. Ms. And=on
seconded the motion.
The motion to amend the Zoning Ordinance passed 9-0.
A verbatim transcript of the proceedings of the Plan Commission case ZPC 99-6-T is on file wL* the
Evanston Zoning Division. The Zoning Division is located in Room 3700 of the Eivrtston Civic Caster:
During the Plan Commission Retreat in May, a proposal ,%-As made that the Commission schedule a bins
tour of the city for on -site discussion of some of the issues facing the Commission. The Plan Cormission
scheduled the tour beginning at 8:00 am and lasting until noon on Saturday, July 22. This was the earliest
date for which most of the members could attend. Staff asked the Commission for ideas on what they
would like to see on the tour. Suggestions included the north and south MUE districts, the neighborhood
around Fireman's Park, all four B3 districts, and some examples of tear -down and infill projects. his
Anderson asked that a letter be sent to the Aldermen asking for further ideas on what to look at in each of
the wards. Members also asked if breakfast and bathroom breaks could be could be provided.
Richard Cook, Chair of the Binding Appearance Review Committee of the Plan Commission, reported
that the Committee met on May 17 and considered the first draft of the Committee recommendations to
the Commission. The Committee will be meeting again on June 29 to further deliberate on final
recommendations. The Committee should have a final recommendation on binding appearance review to
the Commission by the July meeting.
John Lyman, Chair of the Neighborhood Planning Committee, reported that the Committee met earlier
that day and discussed the issues that had been assigned to it at the retreat. The B3 issue grew out of the
Neighborhood Planning Committee studies of Chicago Avenue and Howard Streit where the B3 zoned
areas are found. The 133 zoning allows development potentially as high as 120 feet with parking
exemptions. Areas zoned B3 abut residential neighborhoods except on Howard near the CTA yard. !ulr.
Lyman stated that the Commission needs to decide how it wants to deal with this issue. The
Neighborhood Planning Committee could investigate it further in a neighborhood context and then puss it
on to the Zoning Committee to develop recommendations or to have the Zoning Committee carry-oui the
investigation and make the recommendations. It was the feeling of the Commission that the
Neighborhood Committee should study the each area zoned B3 as distinct areas and go through the
process that was used for the C la discussion. The issue should be passed on to the Zoning Committee for
consideration after the Neighborhood Committee completes its examination.
Mr. Lyman said the second issue that the Neighborhood Planning Committee discussed was the northern
MUE district and the surrounding areas including Greenbay Road and residential areas on both sides of
Greenbay Road. This would include the R4 zoned residential areas the are around Fireman's Park. his.
Grevas questioned the Committee's ability to examine an area this large and wondered about the issues
involved in the R4 zoned area. Mr. Lyman said that the Fireman's Park area is predominantly since
family housing but is zoned for much greater density. It is his concern that this am may be threaaty-mod
when the research park is completely built out and the University parking garage is built in the area. He
believes that this area needs to be examined before the development pressure bins. Steve Knu=rt
added that development pressure and the poor condition of the housing stock could result in unwa.med
consequences in the area. Ron Kobold stated that a planning process such as this takes a number of -.v=
and the success of the process depends on a%ailable staff time and planning alternatives. He also added
that neighborhood studies should be defined by neighborhood not by zoning district Ntr. Kobold
suggested that the Committee examine the MUTE. Greenbay Road, and the surrounding residential
neighborhoods and then establish some boundaries for the planning process. The consensus of the
Commission was that the Neighborhood Committee should discuss this situation with the alderman and
examine the issues facing this area. The exact boundaries and focus of the examination should erne as
the study progresses.
Finally, Mr. Lyman announced that he will be out of town for three months and that Steve Knutsm has
volunteered to serve as the vice -chair of the Neighborhood Planning Committee in his absence. Tbe- ne a
meeting will be on the 5t' of July which will consider how to proceed based on the input from this Plan
Commission meeting. On June 19`s from 8 am to 10 am, the Neighborhood Planning Committee v il] have
a bus tour of the MUE district and the surrounding area.
Sharon Feigon, Chair of the Transportation Committee, said that the process is underway to choose a
consultant for the downtown circulation study. The partners in this study, which include the City of
Evanston, Evanston Inventure, Evmark and the Regional Transportation Authority, have interviewed
three consulting teams and will make a final decision at the end of the month. The study should get started
in mid -August. Ms. Feigon also reported on a meeting that she attended between the CTA and Evanston
Township High School about the scheduling of the CTA service for the high school. The bus schedule
does not coincide with the school schedule and there have been disturbances between students waiting to
use the bus. The CTA has promised to improve the situation for the upcoming school year. Ms. Feigon
added that the Committee may want to look at CTA and Pace service to other major employers and
destinations in Evanston. Ms. Anderson suggested looking at reopening the stop on the CTA Skokie Swift
at Dodge to serve the new Levy senior center.
Doraine Anderson, Chair of the Zoning Committee, stated that the Zoning Committee has been tied up
with the issues of zoning variations and B3 at Howard and Asbury that were discussed in the public
hearings tonight. Ms. Anderson also reported on activities of the City Council Planning and Development
Committee. She said that they have begun discussions of what it means for a development to be "in the
Sydney Grevas, liaison with the Economic Development Committee, reported that the Commin= has
been dealing with a number of issues concerning downtown development. She said that the Shaw
Company is selling its two incubator buildings to Scribcor and is requesting to be let out of the research
park agreements that it has with the City. She said that the other big issue discussed was Sear's request
for financial support to build a store as part of the Klutznick development. The requested assistance from
the City is $1 million plus.
Jay Larson drew the Commission's attention to the memo that had been distributed outlining the
objectives in the newly adopted Comprehensive General Plan that would be implemented through the
City's Capital Improvement Plan (CIA) process. This memo has been distributed to the members of the
CIP as a starting point for long-term discussion.
I7kaJt. ADT tP�Roi7�
Ms. Anderson reported to the Commission that Alderman Newman at the April I 1 City Council g
made a reference to the Plan Commission to examine how to get desirable retail into space where rc=a is
required. Ms Anderson also asked staff if they could distribute the latest update of the Do%Nmtowt: Eacd
Use Report and if that report could be quickly updated.
The Eva.-tston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 9:45 p.m. The Commission's next me>edng is
scheduled for Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in Roam 2403 of the Civic Center.
Jay L.arso ;era Planner
July 12.2000
Thursday, May 11, 2000 / 7:00 p.m.
Evanston Chic Center, Committee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT..._ ................... Doraine Anderson, Richard Cool:, Joseph Eatman, Sydney Grevas,
David Hart, Steve Knutson, John Lyman, Kenneth Rodgers
MEMBERS ABSENT ...................................................................................... Joseph Eatman, Ron Kobold
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT..............................................................Ann Dienner, Sharon Feigon
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ABSENT .............................................. Nettie Johnson, Martin Norkett
STAFF PRESENT...................................................................Arthur Alterson, Jung Won Kim, Jay Larson
PRESIDING......................................................................................................_........Sydney Grevas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:04 p.m., a quorum being present.
John Lyman suggested that the work -surpassed" on page 2 should actually be "surprised". He also stated that the
streetscape RFP is for Chicago Avenue not Howard Street. The minutes of April 12, 2000 were approved
unanimously with corrections.
Plan Commission Chair. Sydney Grevas. introduced newly appointed Plan Commission member Kenneth Rodgers
and asked him to say a few cords about himself. He stated that he is a self-employed planning coordinator working
with engineering firms on projects all over the world. He is a previous member of the Human Relations Commission
for the City of Evanston.
CASE ZPC 99-6-T: amending Chapter 3. "Implementation and Administration," and any other related
sections of the Zonczg Ordinance to consider those standards for variation which relate to the financial or
economic situation or desires of an applicant.
Ms. Grevas reopened Case ZPC 99-6-T that had been continued from the April 12 meeting. The Commission began[
consideration of the case by reviewing a memo from Zoning Administrator Arthur Akerson. Mr. Alterson in his
memo asks three questions: 1) Should Evanston have a vehicle by which the City can grant zoning exceptiotts to a
project that makes a profit because the project also produces a public benefit? 2) In the case of an affirmative answer
to 41, should the final decision on such a grant rest with the City Council or a body, such as ZBA. before whkb the
City would hold a public hearing? 3) In the case of an affirmative answer to p I and 42. should the fact-finding body
be the ZBA or the Plan Commission?
EV&NS7 %4 PLAN C0%1lMISS10N / -May 11. 20W
After extensive discussion on question "l, the Commission decided the Zoning Ordintance needs to be rewritten so
that it more clearly states that some economic benefit is not a reason to toss out a r=quest for a variance. They also
decided that there should be a %chicle to review variance applications that are ecinnomically motivated but also
produce public good.
Mr. Akerson stated that the second question asks who should be the decision -maker" The Zoning Board is the final
decision -maker on most variances_ If there is a public benefit derived from the variation, should that decision go to
the City Council rather than the Zoning Board? Mr. Atterson suggested creating smother class of special use that
would allow situations such as this to be revie«ed by the Zoning Board as a r=ommending body to the City
Council. Mr. Alterson said that where the Zoning Committee got hung up was on the third question - sshether or not
the reviewing body should be the Plan Commission rather than the Zoning Board_ T-hr consensus of the Committee
was that the review function should stay with the ZBA.
The Commission decided that the case should go back to the Zoning Committee ofdte Plan Commission for further
consideration including the comments that hase been made by Commission membtm at this meeting. Commission
Chair Grevas continued the hearing until the next regular Plan Commission Meeting. cumntly scheduled for June
,4 verbatim transcript of the proceedings of the Plan Commission case ZPC 99-& T is on file with the Evanston
Zoning Division. The Zoning Division is located in Room 3700 of the Evanston Civic Center.
Richard Cook, Chair of the Binding Appearance Review Committee of the Plant Co=ission. reported that the
Committee hasn't met since the last Plan Commission meeting. The next Committee meeting. May 17. will be for
deliberation within the group on a recommendation. The Committee should have a timal recommendation in about
two months.
John Lyman. Chair of the Neighborhood Planning Committee reported that the Committee invited Alderman Rainey
to their last meeting to discuss B-3 zoning throughout the City. The major areas of B-3 are along Chicago Avenue
and Howard Street. The area along Howard is in Alderman Rainey's ward. One of tl�a outcomes of this meeting was
an expressed concern that a B-3 zoning change on Howard at this time might hurt ct:rrent efforts to encourage
development between the tracks and Ridge. W. Lyman stated the issue of B-3 zonir.T as a citywide issue is very
complicated and deserves a longer. more thorough examination. He added that the C:rnmission might want, in the
short term, to examine the more narrow, less complicated issue of B-3 zoning in the area of the Howard and Asbury
intersection. Many neighbors from this area attended the Neighborhood Planning Cetmmittce meeting and expressed
concern that the B-3 zoned area, %%hick allows development potentially as high as IZ1J feet, abuts a residential
neighborhood of mostly single -story bungalows. The neighbors near this area have r=cntly become concerned that a
currently proposed development, allowed as a right under a B-3 classification, wouh! be out of character with the
surrounding neighborhood. The Neighborhood Planning Committee is suggesting thee the Zoning examine possible
changes to the zoning in this specific area. The Neighborhood Planning Committee a?so recommended that the Plan
Commission hold a public hearing on this issue during its June 14 meeting. Mr. LyTrann stated that these changes are
not aimed at development that has already begun. The intention of the Zoning Comm-mce is to discuss whether
future developments of the size allovved in a B-3 district are appropriate to this area i be consensus of the
Commission was for Mr. Alterson to send out explicit notice for a public hearing to �k_- held at the June 14 Plan
Commission meeting. The hearing would be for the consideration of a map amendmtrnt for the B-3 classification in
the area of the Howard and Asbur) only.
Sharon F'eigon, Chair of the Transportation Committee, said that the Transportation Committee has been looking at
the transportation chapters of the recently adopted Comprehensive General Plar: to develop an implementation
strategy. She also reported on a RFP that has gone out from the Regional Transportation Authority looking for
consultants to do a study of pedestrian, public transit and vehicle circulation of &-r6sntosvn Evanston. Finally, she
reported on a meeting that she attended between the CTA and Evanston Township 14,3gh School about the scheduling
of the CTA bus that serves the school. The bus schedule does not coincide with the school schedule and there have
been disturbances between students waiting to use the bus. A meeting has been held between the school and the
CTA to discuss this problem and more meetings will also be held. Mr. Lyman reported that the Neighborhood
Planning Committee would like to pass the issue of bicycle lanes on Chicago Avenue to the Transportation
Committee for discussion. Also the issue of car sharing has cache up at meetings on Chicago Avencse which might
be appropriate for the Transportation Committee.
Doraine Anderson, Chair of the Zoning Committee, stated &= the Zoning Coramirtee has been tad up with the
zoning variation issues that were discussed in the public hearing tonight. Nis. Anderson also reported on activities of
the City Council Planning and Development Committee. She said that they have recommended the Kihm and
McDougal Linell projects to City Council. The Council has apMved the McDougal Liaell project
David Hart, Chair of the Comprehensive Plan Committee, repvc-.ed that the Comprehensive General Plan update was
finally passed with minor changes. Some of the changes are to update issues that have changed in the last year since
the Plan draft was written. There were also some text changes to the Historic Preservation chapter. This will be the
final report of the Comprehensive Plan Committee.
Sydney Grevas, liaison with the Economic Development Committee, reported than the Committee is dealing with a
number of issues concerning downtown development. She said that the Shaw Company is selling its two incubator
buildings to Scribcor and is requesting to be let out of the research park agreements that it has with the City. She
said that the other big issue discussed was Sear's request for financial support to build a store as part of the
KIutznick development.
The Plan Commission Retreat will be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 6 p.m. in the Aldermanic Library on the
second floor of the Evanston Civic Center.
Ms. Grevas said that there has been some confusion about the meeting times for the Playa Commission sub-
committees. Jay Larson said that he would put out a monthly announcement of meeting times for each month.
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 8:45 pm. The Commission's next meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center.
June 7, 2000
Ja ,General Planner
Wednesday, April I_'. 200017:00 p.m.
Evanston Civic Center. Committee Rooter 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT ........................ Doraine Anderson. Richard Coal-, Joseph Eatman, Sydney Gimms,
David Hart, Steve Knutson, John L!m=
MEMBERSABSENT ................................................... ........................ .,................................ Ron Kobold
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT ........... Ann Dienner, Sharon Feigon Nettie Johnson, Martin Ncdw t
STAFF PRESENT...................................................................Arthur A[tesson, Jung Won Kim, Jay Lamn
GUESTS..................................................................................Jim Nesb2 Evanston Chamber of Comrrx=
PRESIDING...........................................................................................___-_................Sydney Grevas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7.08 p.m., a quorum being present.
The minutes of March 30, 2000 were approved unanimously without changes.
CASE ZPC 99-6-T. amending Chapter 3, "Implementation and Administration;' and any other related
sections of the Zoning Ordinance to consider those standards for variation which relate to the financial or
economic situation or desires of an applicant.
Case ZPC 99-6-T had been continued from the March 8 meeting of the Plan Commission. The
Commission decided to further continue this hearing until the next regular Plan Commission Meeting,
CASE ZPC 00- S-PD - An application by Walter Kihm, property owner for a Planned Development. The
subject property is commonly known as 1004-10 Church/ 1642 Maple raid lies generally between Church
Street on the north, Railroad Avenue on the east and a line perpendicutrr to Church Street and
approximately 88 feet west of the southwest corner of Church and Railroad Avenue. The proposed plarraed
development is for a mixed -use development consisting of retail and ocbcr commercial uses; residential;
parking; and other uses permitted in the D3 District. The planned dere;►opment will contain a bank with a
drive through facility. This is a special use in the D3 District. Generally, the proposed development pla y
entails demolition of all existing structures and construction of an approximately 290,000 square foot
building with approximately 84 dwellings, approximately 18,800 square feet of retail space, and
approximately 17,400 square feet of office space. The maximum heigta of the buildings would be
approximately I70 feet; the minimum front and rear }wds of the development would be 0 feet, though the
UVANS WN Pt z%N COSt\ttWON 1 April 12, 2r1A
building would not be exclusively and unrelentingly built to the street lot lines. The requested dc►,ekVmcrn
allowances and zoning exceptions include building height; ziggurat srthsck requirement; tZaY we& rsio.
and loading in addition to a special use permit for a drive through.
Walter Kihm, the developer of the project, introduced the project and the team that has been
working with him on it over the Iasi 2 years. He stated that this project has gone through many
changes as the plans for the nearby research park have changed. He stated that he believes this is a
good project for many reasons including providing a downtown living space for those who want to
near many important destinations. Finally, he pointed out that the 164 parking spaces are 27 in
excess of the 137 that would be required for this development.
Michael Gelick, the architect for this project, presented the building design more in depth.
Highlights of the design included the entry plazas, less mass to help eliminate a "canyon effect," a
special "picture window" feature on the corner, setbacks to protect views, a three -level garage, and
a drive -through bank. Unit sizes range from over 800 to about 1700 square feet.
Doraine Anderson pointed out that this proposed building is twice as tall as is allowed in the D3
zoning district. She asked why there is no underground parking in this project, so that it would not
need to be built so high. Mr. Gclick answered that down -ramps to underground parking would have
taken away from desired first floor retail space. Also, he said excavation of underground parking
would have caused foundation problems with adjoining buildings. Ann Dienner asked about any
shadow studies that had been done for this project and possible tragic confusion between the
parking ramp entrance and the drive -through bank.
John Lyman asked if the vehicle storage capacity of the bank driveway was adequate to keep
vehicles from blocking traffic in the street. R. Gclick assured that Commission that they had
considered this and made allowances. Members asked a number of questions about parking in the
project. Mr. Lyman pointed out that the amount of parking provided for this building is similar to
that which is now required on Chicago Avenue after the recommended zoning changes were made.
Joseph Eatman asked about the price of these units. Mr. Gclick responded about $210 a square
foot. A number of members asked questions about materials and design of the building.
Neil Kenig. a transportation consultant, gave a summary of the traffic study that his firm has
prepared for this project. His study has concluded that the traffic generated by the proposed
development can be accommodated by the current street system and that the site access design is
more than adequate to serve the estimated traffic.
Mr. Lyman asked if the study took into account all the proposed development in the area. Mr.
Kenig indicated that it had. Ms. Grevas stated that she is surpassed that all the new development on
Church Street is not going to cause "horrific" traffic problems. Mr. Kenig admitted that traffic
would increase. He stated that some of the added trips attributable to the new development would
be offset by the trips no longer being generated by the former land uses. He also stated that the
transit access in this area is very good and many of the trips should go there.
Sharon Feigon asked about the target market for this development and the amount of car -ownership
among this target market. Mr. Kihm said that the target market is empty -nesters and those who
want to live in a pedestrian -oriented environment.
DK4FT xvrApf, m i:4'AN;i'1'ON t A's chi,\I\tMDM 'AP9 IZ 2000
At this point, Nis. Gm -vas; closed testimony and aAcd Co-ni tission ntetubers for ciommcnt&
Richard Cook expressed his view that the architect did a good job in planning for the site. He stated
that this is a good project and he is voting for it.
Ms. Anderson stated that the project is entirely too massive for the site and too high. She tviievrs
that the Commission will soon see a similar pmpo;al for the lot next to this development.
Ms. Feigon commented that it is great to see more residential development near transit stations.
Following the deliberations, David Hart moved thca the Plan Commission recommend approval of
the application. Richard Cook seconded the motion: The Plan Commission voted 6-1 in faivr of
the motion. Voting for the motion: Richard Cook, Joseph Eatman. Sydney Grevas, David Hart,
Steve Knutson, and John Lyman. Voting against the motion: Doraine Andersen.
Following the vote, the Commission closed the hearing. A verbatim transcript of the proceedings of
the Plan Commission case ZPC 00- 5-PD is on file in the Evanston Zoning Division. The Zoning
Division is located in Room 3700 of the Evanston Civic Center.
Richard Cook, Chair of the Binding Appearance Review Committee, reported that the Committee is
making progress toward a recommendation for the full Commission. So far, the Committee has heard
input from staff, developers, architects, community organizations, and the City's Site Plan and
Appearance Review Committee. The next Committee meeting, May 17, will be for deliberation within the
group on a recommendation. The Committee should have a final recommendation in about two months -
John Lyman. Chair of the Neighborhood Planning Committee reported that with the successful adoption
of the Chicago Avenue Corridor Recommendations Report by the City Council, the Neighborhood
Planning Committee has been discussing where it should go from here. Possible issues for consideration
• B-3 zoning districts
• Parking through -out the city
• Religious institutions as a permitted use
• Affordable Housing
Mr. Lyman also stated that the City is moving ahead with tie strectscape RFP on Howard Street.
Sharon Feigon, Chair of the Transportation Committee, said that the Transportation Committee has been
looking at employer -assisted transit card programs such as the Transit -Check or the U-Pass that can be
used to encourage greater usage of transit in the do«ntov n area. She also said that site has been contacted
by the Evanston Township High School about the scheduling of the CTA bus that serves the school The
bus schedule does not coincide with the school schedule and there have been disturbances between
students waiting to use the bus. A meeting has been held between the school and the CTA to discuss this
problem and more meetings will also be held, hopefully with a City representative. Ms. Feigon stated that
this scheduling problem might be indicative of a g=ter problem with bus routes in the city since buss
routes were set many years ago.
DR.[Fr Aormwm
EVANSTON PLAN CO1LvflSSlOIk� f April 12. 20W
Doraine Anderson, Chair of the Zoning Committee, stated that the Zoning Committee has been tits] up
with all of the activity that is prong on with the Chicago Avenue corridor. The Committee has also) very
briefly discussed the issues involved with ZPC-99-6-T, the case that has been extended again tonight- Ms
Anderson believes that there are further topics to look into concerning Chicago Avenue including the B-3
issue. Finally the Committee aright .want to look; into Transitional Manufacturing -Employment (XWE)
zoning districts in the 5's Ward.
Ms. Anderson announced that the Mayor has pat up Kenneth Rodgers for introduction as a new, Plan
Commission member.
The Plan Commission Retreat will be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 6 p.m. in the Aldetmanic Library
on the second floor of the Evanston Civic Center_ Jay Larson will arrange for a meal to be sm-ed.
Various food preferences were expressed.
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its mating at 9:10 p.m. The Commission's next meeting is
scheduled for Thursday, May I I, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center. This is a change
from the regularly scheduled Wednesday meeting.
May 3. 2000
Jay Larson, General Planner
Special Meering, Thursday, March 30, 2000 / 7:00 p.m.
E%m tston Civic Center, Committee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT .................................................. Doraine Anderson, Richard Cook, Sydney Grevas,
Rats Kobold, John L%man
MEMBERS ABSENT............................................................... Joseph Eatman, Da -.id Hart, Steve Knutson
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT .................................... Ann Dienner, Sharon Feigon Nettie Johnson,
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ABSENT.......................................................................... 1......... Martin N%xk-ett
STAFF PRESENT.................................................................Arthur Alterson, Judy Aeillo, Jung Won Kim,
Jay Larson, Marc 1`Iylott, Morris Robinson
PRESIDING............................................................................................................._..Sydney Grevas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:05 p.m., a quorum being presem
The minutes of March 8, 2000 were approved unanimously without changes.
CASE ZPC 004-PD: an application by Davis Church Office Development, LLC and the City of
Evanston for an amendment to the Church Street Plaza Planned Development (Ordinance 41-0-99)
including all relief necessary to allow the development of a 6-story office building, including
ground -floor retail, office, and+or medical office, upon Lot C within the Church Street Plaza Planned
Development and within the RP Research Park District. Lot C is generally described as that tract of
land found between Church Street on the north. Davis Street on the south, CTA railroad tracks on
the cast, and the Metra railroad tracks on the west
The Plan Commission opened the Planned Development public hearing for ZPC 004-PD at 7:10 p.m.
Sydney Grevas explained that this is an amendment to the original planted development that was
approved for Arthur Hill & Company on March 3, 1999. The original planned development was approved
with provision that the lot under consideration would be used as an entertainment center with other
general uses. The Plan Commission at that time asked that the planned development would be brought
back for consideration if the purpose of this lot were changed. The request to use the lot as an office and
medical use is enough of a change to bring this development back as an amendment.
The hearing began with a description of the project and its specifications and design by sepi nztxtives.of
Davis Church Office Development, LLC, David Reifman of Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe. He stated
that the purpose of the amendment is to reinstate the ability to use this site for office and medical uses and
to reduce the depth of the side yards.
Alice Rebechini of Mesirow-Stein gave an introduction of the McDougal Littell project and how it relates
to the Arthur Hill project She also spoke to the general site plan emphasizing how the design works to
preserve public open space and a pedestrian environment. She stated that these points are important
considering that the lot is bordered by both the Metra and CTA stations. She also outlined same of the
changes that have been made to the plan since these materials were mailed to the Commission.
Robert Bunda of OEP&P Architects, the architect for the project spoke to the general design of the
building and provided additional testimony on other aspects of the proposal.
A number of questions were asked about the design and materials of the building and pedestrian
circulation in and around the building. Concerns were also expressed by Commission members on the
impact that this building will have on the Barry El Bassani design to tie the buildings on Church and
Maple sweets together using an a continuing pavement arc and building cut-outs. This design came out of
a 1998 charrette. Commission member Doraine Anderson stated that she thought that it might be a good
idea for the building to be two floors higher and preserve this cut-out design.
George Kissel, a planner with Okrent and Associates, spoke on how the building fits into both the
physical design of the Hill planned development and into the way it responses to the civic space that is
such an important part of this development. He stated that the proposed use of the property and the
development plan are generally consistent with the original requirements of the research park
development standards, the planned development ordinance, the Comprehensive General Plan of 1986
and the April 1999 draft of the draft Comprehensive General Plan that is now under consideration.
Judy Aiello, Assistant City Manager for the City of Evanston, spoke to the history of this site within the
Hill development and the City's involvement in that history.
Members of the Commission then asked a number questions about the number and location of parking
spaces and handicapped parking spaces considering the different office, medical, or retail use options for
this development
After questions and deliberations by Commission members, that further dealt with concerns about
medical uses, parking, pedestrian accessibility, and materials used in the building, the Commission
approved the proposal by a 5-0 vote.
A verbatim transcript of the proceedings of the Plan Commission for case ZPC 00 4-PD is on file in the
Evanston Zoning Division. The Zoning Division is located in room 3700 of the Evanston Civic Center,
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 9:10 p.m. The Commission's next meeting is
scheduled for April 12, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center.
April 3.2000
Jay Larson, General Planner
V .
Meeting of Wednesday, March 8, 2000 / 7:00 p.m.
Evanston Civic Center, Committee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT ..........Doraine Anderson, Richard Cook, Joseph Eatman, Sydney Grevas,
David Hart, Steve Knutson, Ron Kobold, John L)man
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT ................................................Ann Dienner, Sharon Feigon
Nettie Johnson, Martin Norkett
STAFF PRESENT........................................................................ Arthur Alterson, Jung Won Kim,
Jay Larson, Dennis Marino, Jim Wolinski
PRESIDING..................................................................................................Sydney Grevas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:05 p.m., a quorum being present.
The minutes of February 22, 2000 were approved unanimously without changes.
CASE ZPC 00-3 M&PD: An application by Roszak/ADC for an amendment to the City of Evanston
Zoning Map and for a Planned Development. The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property
commonly known as 1210-1228 Chicago, which is in the Cl, Commercial Zoning District. The applicant
also is acting on the behalf of the City of Evanston, who is the property owner of the property commonly
known as 1234-1238 Chicago, also known as City Parking Lot #60, which is in the B2, Business Zoning
District. The applicant requests that the City amend the Zoning Map referenced at i6-7-2 of the Zoning
Ordinance to place all of the above mentioned properties within the B3, Business District. The applicant
further requests that the City grant a planned development as a form of special use permit regulating
development on the above mentioned properties including such development allowances and other relief
as may be necessary to allow redevelopment of these properties for retail/commercial; residential;
panting; and other uses permitted in the B3 District. Generally, the proposed development plan entails
that demolition of all existing structures and the construction of 4 buildings. The development would
contain approximately 157 dwelling unites and contain approximately 213 parking spaces for the uses
within the development plus an additional 35 public parking spaces.
DAFT. vorAPrxoiv) EVANSTON PLAN C't MMI."tCN / February 2Z 2"j
The Plan Commission opened the Planned Devclopmezi public hearing for ZPC 00 M&PD at
7:10 p.m. The hearing began %vith a description of the gn-iiert and its design by Tom Rosza: of
Roszak/ADC. Consultants for Roszak/ADC provided additional testimony on other sivcts of
the proposal, such as urban planning, landscape archhecture. traffic engineering, and civil
After questions and deliberations by Commission members. the Commission approved the
proposal as two separate motions:
1. The Commission voted 8-0 to approve a zoning map change of the C I Commercial District
to a B2 Business District. The Commission preferred not to follow the original developer
request of converting the C I and the existing Bz to a B3 district. This change does not affect
the project since allowances for building height and other pertinent matters can be allowed
under the Planned Development designation.
2. The Commission voted 8-0 to approve the project as a Planned Development special use,
with allowances for building height. This approval incorporated a change in the proposal to
have a 2-foot set back on Chicago Avenue for the northernmost and southernmost buildings.
Mr. Roszak stated that his consideration of the setback arose from a meeting with a group of
neighborhood residents. The setback %ill subtract one residential unit from the development;
the initially proposed number of parking spaces will be maintained by specifying a number of
spaces for compact cars.
The Commission closed the public hearing for ZPC 00-3 M&PD at approximately 9:00 p.m. A
verbatim transcript of proceedings of the Plan Commission is on file in the Evanston Zoning
Division, located in Room 3700 of the Civic Center.
CASE ZPC 99-6-T: amending Chapter 3, "Implementation and Administration," and any other related
sections of the Zoning Ordinance to consider those standards for variation which relate to the financial or
economic situation or desires of an applicant.
CASE ZPC 00-1-T: amending Chapter 10, "Commercial Districts," and any other related sections of the
Zoning Ordinance, to Amend the regulations for the Cla District. The specific modifications which the
Plan Commission will consider include, without limitation, lot requirements, building height, exclusion of
floors used for parking from various bulk limitations, yard requirements, lot coverage and Floor area ratio.
The Commission voted 8-0 to continue ZPC 99-6-T to the April 12, Plan Commission meeting.
The Commission continued ZPC 00-1-T tonight so that the Commission members who were
absent at the previous meeting could vote on the proposal to eliminate the 4 doors (40 feyt) of
building height exemptions allowed for parking in the Cla district. With a 3-3 tie carrying over
from the previous meeting, David Hart voted aye and Ron Kobold voted no, producing a 4-4 tie.
Commission members decided to find a compromise. The Commission eventually voted 5-3 to
approve the allowance of a one -floor (I 0 feet) height exemption for parking. Joseph Eatman,
MFr, \nrAPPP otw
Da�id Hart, Steve Knutson, Ron Kobold, and John Lyman voted aye. Domine Nnck 50n,
Richard Cook, and Sydney Grevas voted no.
John Lyman moved to reopen the issue of the lot area required M dwelling unit. During the
previous meeting, the Commission had approved increasing the lot area/DU ratio from 300
square feet to 325 square feet. Mr. Lyman proposed that the requirement be raised to 350 square
feet. Following some discussion on the subject, the Commission voted 8-0 to incrmse the lot
area/DU ratio from 300 square feet to 350 square feet.
Finally, the Commission also voted 8-0 to pass the Chicago Avenue Corridor Recommendations
Report to City Council.
The Commission closed the public hearing for ZPC 00-1-T at 10:15 p.m. A verbatim transcript
of proceedings of the Plan Commission is on file in the Evanston Zoning Division, located in
Room 3700 of the Civic Center.
The Commission rescheduled its meeting on March 29, 2000 to March 30, 2000. The
Commission also rescheduled its annual retreat from April 25, 2000 to May 15, 2000.
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 10:20 p.m. The Commission's next
meeting is scheduled for March 30, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center.
Jung Won Kim
Planning Associate, Planning Division
Community Development Department
March 13, 2000
Meeting of Tuesday, February 22, 2000 / 7:00 p.m.
Evanswn Civic Center, Committee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT .................................... Doraine Anderson, Richard Cook, Joseph Eatman,
Sydney Grevas, Steve Knutson, John Lyman
MEMBERS ABSENT* .............. —................... .................................... Ron Kobold, David Hart
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT ........:.............Ann Dienner, Sharon Feigon, Nettie Johnson
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ABSENT........................................................................Martin Norkett
STAFF PRESENT ........................ .......... .............. »..... ................ Arthur Alterson, Susan Guderley, .
Jung Won Kim, Jay Larson, Dennis Marino
PRESIDING...................................................................................................Sydney Grevas, Chair
* Dr. Alvin Keith resigned from the Plan Commission on February 18, because he and his family soon
plan to spend their winters in Nevada.
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:10 p.m., a quorum being present.
The minutes of February 9, 2000 were approved unanimously without changes.
CASE ZPC 00-1-T: amending Chapter 10, "Commercial Districts," and any other related
sections of the Zoning Ordinance, to amend the regulations for the Cla District. The specific
modifications which the Plan Commission v61l consider include, without limitation, lot
requirements, building height, exclusion of floors used for parking from various bulk limitations,
yard requirements, lot coverage and floor area ratio.
CASE ZPC 00-2-T: amending Chapter 16, "Off -Street Parking and Loading," and any other
related sections of the Zoning Ordinance to consider parking and loading requirements for
residential uses.
The Commission continued public hearings of ZPC 00-1-T and ZPC 00-2-T. %tihich dcal vkith
C 1 a zoning regulations and with parking requirements of residential developmerm; res--pecti-vely.
These proposed amendments are recommendations that the Commission's Zoning Commattu
formulated from some of the main ideas in the Chicago Avenue Corridor Rom.>mmenda6ans
Report. At approximately 8:00 p.m., the Commission closed testimony to deliberate on the two
The Commission first discussed ZPC 00-2-T, which is a proposal to increase parking
requirements for residential uses in non-residential districts on Chicago Avenue between Lake
Street and Calvary Cemetery. The current parking requirement of 1.0 spaces per dK-elling unit
was to be raised to: 1.25 spaces per unit with 1 bedroom or less, 1.5 spaces per unit with 2
bedrooms, and 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit with 3 bedrooms or more. The Commission
approved ZPC 00-2-T with a 6-0 vote.
Commission members decided to review and vote on the different elements of ZPC 00-1 T
separately. The Commission voted 6-0 for the following changes in the zoning regulations for
the C I a district:
• The lot area required per dwelling unit was increased to 325 square feet from 300 square feet.
• Mandatory commercial usage of the ground -floor frontage was eliminated. Sir= this change
raised the possibility of parking on the ground floor, the Commission added the following
1. No enclosed parking is allowed within 20 feet of the front or street side lot line, with the
exception of driveways.
2. This enclosed parking may not be visible from the street.
3. No devices or openings for automobile or other vehicle ventilation may be visible along
abutting streets.
a The Commission made the following changes in the yard requirements:
I. Side yard abutting a street for a building w•as changed from 5' to 0'. Side yard abutting a
street for parking remained at 5'.
2. Rear yard abutting or adiacent to a residential district for a building was reduced from 15"
to 10'. Rear yard abutting a residential district for parking remained at 10'.
3. Side yard abutting non-residential district for a building was changed from 5' to 0' to a
height of 25 feet above grade above which a 5' setback is required.
Religious institutions and category I residential care homes were moved from the list of
permitted uses to the list of special uses.
The purpose statement of the Cla district was altered as follows:
The C l a Commercial Mixed -Else District is intended to provide locations for the
development of mixed -use buildings consisting of retail -oriented and offices uses on the
ground level and offices uses and/or residential dwellings located above as well as muM-
family residential and single-famiiv attached (townhouses). A higher floor -area ratio ad
building height will be permitted in the Cla District in order to encourage this type of
NUFT. Nont o ten
The ramla at i:; e1= a —intended to previde=;��ii�#i�tltc�--��lm;c*e�—+�
afeas-md fmiftgle,e •••` The G! Dist-..,, :11 ...e,m;e_f ?;�['�F��'1lly whe
sl',�-.11 �developed t ace�e e�t�' '. N1aftoa:
The Commission voted 3-3 on the proposal to retain the 67' building height maximum and
eliminate the parking exemption of 4 floors or 40 feet for floors devoted to 75% or more parking_
Doraine Anderson, Steve Knutson, and John Lyman voted in favor of the proposal. Richard
Cook, Joseph Eatman, and Sydney Grevas voted against the proposal. The Commission
continued the hearing to its next regularly scheduled meeting on March 8, 2000 to take the votes
of the two absent members, Da --id Hart and Ron Kobold. Plan Commission rules require an
affirmative vote of at least 5 members in order for the recommendation to go through to City
A verbatim transcript of proceedings of the Plan Commission for ZPC 00-1-T and ZPC 00-2-T is
on file in the Evanston Zoning Division, located in Room 3700 of the Civic Center.
The Plan Commission tentatively rescheduled its annual retreat for Tuesday, April 25, 2000. A
meeting time was not specified.
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 11:00 p.m. The Commission's nod
meeting is scheduled for March 8, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center.
February 24, 2000
Jung Won Kim
Planning Associate, Planning Division
Community Development Department
Meeting of Wednesday, February 9, 2000 / 7:00 pain
Evanston Civic Center, Committee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT............................................................ Doraine Anderson, Sydney Gm -as,
Steve Knutson, Ron Kobold, John Lyman
MEMBERS ABSENT ....................... Richard Cook, Joseph Eatman, Dr. Alvin Keith, David Hart
ASSOCIATE (MEMBERS PRESENT ................................................Ann Dienner, Sharon Feigon
Nettie Johrxson, Martin Norkett
STAFF PRESENT ................................................... Judy Aiello, Arthur Alterson, Jung Won Kim,
Jay Larson, Dennis Marino, Jim Wolinski
PRESIDING..................................................................................................S%-dney Grevas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:05 p.m., a quorum being present.
The minutes of January 12, 2000 were approved unanimously without changes.
The Commission was introduced to Jay Larson, who recently joined the City of Evanston's
Planning Division as the new General Planner. Mr. Larson has worked with the Northc=cm
Illinois Planning Commission, researching various topics in regional grour h strategy and other
planning issues. He also worked previously with the City's Planning Di%zsion as an intem for
neighborhood planning.
Judy Aiello, the Assistant City Manager, discussed the 2000-2005 Capital Improvement Program
(CIP) and the 2000-2001 Proposed Budget. Having heard presentations from the public, the City
Council will begin deliberating on the 2000-2001 budget proposal on February 12, 2000. ,is.
Aiello stated that the CIP is presented with the budget to the City Council every year. The
Council will make a decision on the budget but not the CIP, which only serves as an approxunate
guide of the City's expenditures in the four years follo%Ong the budget year.
Ms. Aiello stated that the budget's capital expenditures of $3.5 million cover projects than City
staff believes are most critical and do not represent all the possible projects that staff feels ibould
be done. She estimated that the City would need to increase the budget to about $5 miIlion to
fulfill all of its capital needs.
In the near future, City staff will begin a comprehensive assessment of the capital nerd. For
instance, the Parks & Recreation Department %%ill conduct an inventory of all Evanston ;arks.
Other major issues include improvements for the Civic Center building and the conditions of
Evanston's streets. This comprehensive assessment «-ill be completed in the spring and szsmnter.
The City will then discuss the assessment % ith Council and the public in the fall.
CASE ZPC 99-6-T: amending Chapter 3, "Implementation and Administration," and any other
related sections of the Zoning Ordinance to consider those standards for variation which relate to
the financial or economic situation or desires of an applicant.
CASE ZPC 00-1-T: amending Chapter 10, "Commercial Districts," and any other related
sections of the Zoning Ordinance, to amend the regulations for the Cla District. The specific
modifications which the Plan Commission will consider include, without limitation, lot
requirements, building height, exclusion of floors used for parking from various bulk limitations,
yard requirements, lot coverage and floor area ratio.
CASE ZPC 00-2-T: amending Chapter 16, "Off -Street Parking and Loading," and any other
related sections of the Zoning Ordinance to consider parking and loading requirements for
residential uses.
The Plan Commission decided to continue ZPC 99-6-T to the next regularly scheduled mee'ting-
The Commission convened public hearings of ZPC 00-1-T And ZPC 00-2-T, which deal with
Cla zoning regulations and with parking requirements of residential developments respectively.
These proposed amendments are recommendations that the Commission's Zoning Committee
formulated from some of the main ideas in the Chicago Avenue Corridor Recommendations
After two hours of hearing, the Commission decided to continue the hearings of the two cases for
the follo«ing reasons:
• Four of the nine voting Commission members were not present today.
• The Commission requested Arthur Alterson to formulate some rules and guidelines for
setbacks in the C 1 a district.
• Jim Fox, who represents a Chicago Avenue property -owner seeking to redevelop some
Chicago Avenue property, stated that their development plans would not be profitable under
n+ 4m \ordPPRO;m
the proposed C I a changes. The Commission requested fir. Fox to prepare more specific data
that will show under what range of zoning conditions the plans would be economically
The Commission unanimously approved continuation of the hearings to Tuesday, Februan• 22,
2000, 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Evanston Civic Center. The Commission's retreat, which
was initially scheduled for that date, will be rescheduled at a later time.
A verbatim transcript of proceedings of the Plan Commission for ZPC 00-1-T and ZPC 00-2-T is
on file in the Evanston Zoning Division, located in Room 3700 of the Civic Center.
Since the Zoning Committee has been working on matters relating to the previous hearing,
Domine Anderson saw little need for additional commentary.
Neighborhood Planning
Considering some of the questions raised during the hearing, John Lyman felt that the
Neighborhood Committee should schedule meetings to discuss these new topics. Ron Kobold,
however, expressed the need to bring closure to the Committee's work on Chicago Avenue.
The Transportation Committee has not met since the last Plan. Commission meeting. Sharon
Feigon stated that she attended the Parking Committee meeting. She believed that the overlap
period for the construction of the Church Street Plaza and Sherman Plaza parking garages would
provide an excellent opportunity for the City to try different ideas for transportation and transit.
Sydney Grevas stated that changes in the construction timetables have reduced the overlap
period from six months to less than four months and that this period may yet change again.
Binding Appearance Review
The Binding Appearance Review Committee met last month with developers to learn about their
views on binding appearance review. Steve Knutson stated that the meeting was very productive.
The developers' major points regarding binding appearance review included the need or
preference for well-defined design criteria, a smooth and timely review process, and staff
involvement in the process. Mr. Knutson and Sharon Feigon stated that the developers were very
positive about Evanston's current review process.
DJiA! is iordPPlCiU w EVANSTON PLAN CONMOSSIlM I Fdray 9, 2000
Comprehensive General Plan
The Comprehensive General Plan remains under review with the City Council's PE=ning &
Development Committee.
Economic Development
The Economic Development Committee discussed the proposal for the McDougal Litzell office
building in Research Park. The proposal shows front access on Davis Street behind the traffic
circle and retail on the Church Street side, facing the Arthur Hill project. The balding is
expected to be six to seven stories tall.
Planning & Development
The Planning & Development Committee approved an amendment for a zoning fee ordinance.
The Committee debated at length about the Osco store located on 430 Asbury, particularly in
regard to the fencing around its parking lot and the truck noise during deliveries,
The Evanston Plan Commission adjourned its meeting at 10:05 p.m. The Commission's next
meeting is scheduled for February 22, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403 of the Civic Center.
� r
February 11, 2000
Jun&,�n Klm `
Planning Associate, PIanning Division
Community Development Department
-Meeting of Wednesday, January 12, 2000 / 7:00 p.m.
Evanston Civic Center, Committee Room 2403
MEMBERS PRESENT....................................Doraine Anderson, Richard Cool:, Joseph Eatmwi,
Sydney Grevas, David Hart, Steve Knutson, Ron Kobold, John Lyrr=
MEMBERSABSENT..............................................................................................Dr. Alvin Keith
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PRESENT ................................................Ann Dienner, Sharon Felgon
Nettie Johnson, Martin Norkett
STAFF PRESENT...............................................Arthur Alterson, Jung Won Kim, Dennis Marino
PRESIDING..................................................................................................Sydney Gr+evas, Chair
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m., a quorum being present.
The minutes of October 13, 1999 were approved unanimously with changes in Section IX
(Committee Updates and Reports). The minutes of December 8, 1999 were approved
unanimously with corrections.
Commission members made corrections on the latest version of the Members and Committee
The Commission received copies of the 2000-2005 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which
was recently presented to City Council. The Council will consider the CIP as part of its annual
budget review. A CIP representative has been invited to speak with the Commission in February.
Commission members were encouraged to read through the CIP documents ahead of time.
CASE ZPC 99-6-T: amending Chapter 3, "Implementation and Administration." and any other
related sections of the Zoning Ordinance to consider those standards for variation which relate to
the financial or economic situation or desires of an applicant.
CASE ZPC 00-1-T: amending Chapter 10, "Commercial Districts," and any other related
sections of the Zoning Ordinance, to amend the regulations for the Cla District. The specific
modifications which the Plan Commission will consider include, without limitation, lot
requirements, building height, exclusion of floors used for parking from various bulk limitations,
yard requirements, lot coverage and floor area ratio.
CASE ZPC 00-2-T: amending Chapter 16, "Off-Strect Parking and Loading," and any other
related sections of the Zoning Ordinance to consider parking and loading requirements for
residential uses.
Arthur Alterson asked the Commission to open up all three of tonight's hearings and to direct the
Zoning Committee to hold a fact-finding hearing on January 26 and 27, during which the
Committee will deal with ZPC 00-I-T and ZPC 00-2-T. The hearing vdll have a court reporter
and will solicit testimony and evidence from the general public. Notice of the hearing has been
sent using the mailing list of Chicago Avenue commercial property owners.
Mr. Alterson requested that all three hearings be continued to the next Plan Commission
Doraine Anderson asked Mr. Alterson to clarify the purpose of the January 27 meeting of the
Zoning Committee. Mr. Alterson stated that the meeting of January 27 would give the
Committee an opportunity to formulate recommendations for the next Plan Commission meeting.
However, the meeting is technically a continuation of the public hearing from January 26, and
since the hearings require 48 hours' notice, fir. Alterson has decided to include both meeting
dates on the public notice.
Ms. Anderson noted that February 2 was tentatively set in case there was a need to continue the
Zoning Committee hearing from January 26. Mr. Alterson confirmed that this was the case.
David Hart asked if another public hearing of ZPC 00-1-T and ZPC 00-2-T would be held at the
next Plan Commission meeting. Mr. Alterson replied that it would be a continuation of a hearing.
The strategy was that people who could only attend during the day would speak to the Zoning
Committee, while those who could only attend during the evening would speak to the Plan
Commission. A transcript of the Zoning Committee hearing would be provided to the Plan
Commission so that it would not have to hear redundant comments.
Mr. Hart commented that some members of the public might insist on making presentations to
the Plan Commission, especially if those people disagreed with the recommendations produced
by the Zoning Committee. In agreement with Mr. Hart, Ms. Anderson stated that it was the Plan
Commission rather than the &-fining Committee that would hold the decisive formal hearing. The
Committee felt that a steno her was needed for its hearing to avoid repeat testimonies v ben
hearing is continued to the Cc -mission.
Sharon Feigon wanted some clarification of v.-hat specific issues ZPC 00-1-T and ZPC 00-2-T
represented. Sydney Grevas =sx;•ered that these cases came from the Chicago Avenue Corridor
Recommendations Report. For ZPC 00-2-T, the proposal to change parking ratio figures, Ms.
Feigon asked hoc the zoning ordinance would be amended. fir. Alterson stated that the
recommendation of the Neir-hborhood Planning Committee %%-as to increase the parfiang
requirements of the Chicago Avenue area to a level similar to the requirements in multi -family
residential areas. He added that the descriptions of the zoning cases were stated in general terms
to reflect that the recommendations were to be considered as such and were therefore not
quantitatively specific.
The Plan Commission unanimously delegated the Zoning Committee to hold public hearings for
ZPC 00-1-T and ZPC 00-2-T on January 26 and 27. Both meetings are scheduled for 8 a.m. in
mom 3650 of the Evanston Civic Center.
The Plan Commission retreat is scheduled for February 22, 6 p.m. Commission members agreed
to hold the meeting in the Aldermanic Library.
Sydney Grevas asked if the committees had any topics that they wanted to discuss during the
retreat. Sharon Feigon suggested that all the committees should articulate their goals in writing.
She added that the committees might want to reflect on the Comprehensive General Plan as it
pertains to them, partly in order to make the Plan a more effective and meaningful document.
Doraine Anderson responded that the retreats were typically brainstorming sessions, where
members would think about and discuss a wide variety of topics. Da%id Hart mentioned the
Chicago Avenue report as a tangible result of the brainstorming activity of the 1998 retreat. Ms.
Anderson stated that the retreat provides the Commission an opportunity- to look beyond the
current issues for potential future endeavors.
Ms. Grevas requested that the different committees should still produce a list of topics to discuss
at the retreat. Richard Cook mentioned the intersection of Church and Dodge as a possible new
topic for discussion.
Doraine Anderson stated that the Zoning Committee discussed the Chicago Avenue Corridor
Recommendation Report and the scheduling of the upcoming public hearings. She received from
Debbie Hillman of Nichols Neighbors a list of all the businesses on Chicago Avenue. Ms.
Hillman had matched the businesses with the mailing list addresses. The merchant list was
photocopied and provided to cal Commission members. Ms. Anderson suggested that the data be
added to the existing mailing List.
Ms. Anderson noted that tl:,.- tax rolls and real estate transfers might not fully show the
ownership status of propertics held in land -lease arrangements. One example was Harvey's
Antiques, located south of Dempster Street on the eastern side of Chicago Avenue. She stated
that the land actually beloa.p to Northwestern University. Mr. Alterson agreed to notify
Northwestern of upcoming m=dngs about Chicago Avenue.
Sharon Feigon stated that tic Transportation Committee set its goals for the upcoming year,
reviewing relevant sections of the Comprehensive General Plan for additional ideas. Ms. Feigon
stated that she had spoken with Dr. Alson of Evanston Township High School, who is interested
in participating in mass transit matters, especially as it relates to bus routes near the school.
Ms. Feigon stated that she had attended the Planning & Development Committee meeting, which
included discussion of pedesL-ian issues for Sherman Plaza. The Committee was considering
whether or not the developer should rearrange its proposed plan to provide access through the
block between the Davis Str-,ct El station and Sherman Avenue. Richard Cook expressed
concern about any potential dclays that would close the window of opportunity for the
developer's ability to finance the project. Marty Norkett corrected Mr. Cook, stating that
financing was not the issue but that Sears had a limited time frame for opening a store.
David Hart stated that the Sherman Plaza proposal was passed unanimously by the Plan
Commission and that Ms. Feigon should not be representing the Plan Commission when she
calls for changes in the propos.-J. Doraine Anderson stated that Ms. Feigon was not speaking as a
representative of the Plan Commission. Ms. Anderson added that the Aldermen, not Ms. Feigon,
had brought up the issue.
Referring to the P&D Commince minutes, Mr. Hart stated that the three Commission members
who attended at the meeting were arguing for a pedestrian overpass. He believed that this action
gave the impression that the Commission's hearing and decision were not completely valid. Ms.
Anderson stated that the attending Commission members did not argue for an overpass. She
added that the aldermen had transcripts of the Plan Commission hearing and were aware of the
discussion. Ms. Dienner stated that the developer's initial proposal showed a walkway access
between the CTA station and the western side of the Sears building. These plans were later
changed, and people wanted an explanation of why the changes were made.
John Lyman stated that the i& ue of access was discussed at the hearing, during which Ms.
Anderson had made her case. Ms. Anderson stated that she had voted for the plan with the caveat
that the issue would be further reviewed. Mr. Lyman stated that the architects and developers
explained why they could not provide the walkway and that it was with this explanation that the
Plan Commission passed the proposal. He agreed with Mr. Hart's criticism and did not like the
risk of losing the whole project in debating over one issue.
EVAA STON P1.A.` COkL% 5,I_-- N / !natty 12.2000
Ms. Feigon stated that one of the architects had told her at the hearing that ht �-.edy had
drawings showing how to keep the walk --way in the project. According to Ms. Feigon hc said that
City staff had told him not to present the drawing. She stated that the architects and &rvelopem
did not seem to have real technical problems in adding the walkway.
Mr. Hart reiterated that the Plan Commission had adopted the Sherman Plaza prvIvsai and felt
that Ms. Feigon's actions at Planning & Development would undermine the Cocnrnission's
credibility, particularly in its future hearings.
Ms. Grevas stated that Ms. Feigon had the right to argue as a citizen, but not as a rermentative
of the Commission. Ms. Anderson remarked that Ms. Feigon presented herself as a Commission
only to place herself in context. Ms. Grevas concluded the commentary on this topi,7-
Binding Appearance Review Committee
Richard Cook mentioned the upcoming meeting vwith developers who are active in Eumnston. He
stated that the meeting with Design Evanston was positive. Mr. Alterson stated that most of the
developers responded that they would attend the upcoming meeting (subsequent c+ qc: all the
major developers were represented). Mr. Cook stated that the main purpose of the m -eting was
for BARC to hear the developers' opinions on design review. He added that Deice Evanston
once had a review procedure or board in the City of Evanston that was never staffed and
therefore did not work.
Ms. Anderson commented that in the early 1990s, the Plan Commission chair then h:hd produced
a set of recommended design guidelines. At the time, City Council determined that obey wanted
to first observe the legal track record in other North Shore communities that already had binding
appearance review.
Mr. Cook stated that BARC had received no opinion from the Law Department )•9r. Alterson
stated that there was some feedback_ Mr. Hart remarked that Evanston was one of the few
communities without design review. Mr. Cook and fir. Hart stated that BARC oak considering
the application of binding review for everything but single-family housing. Srev,e Knutson
expressed his disagreement with this exception.
Neighborhood Planning
John Lyman stated that notices of the Committee's meeting on January 14 have b= sent out.
The Committee will present the Chicago Avenue report to commercial property Downers. The
Committee will meet on January 13 to prepare for the next day's meeting. Mr. Ly-m= stated that
he had heard some concerns from merchants about streetscape renovations but non much about
Cla or parking. Dennis Marino stated that there v.-as a relatively high number oa phone calls
regarding the meeting and the issues. Mr. Marino mentioned that the Main Sa-t--et merchants
were noticed of the meeting. The City has also received and used a list of merchants on
Dempster Street.
Comprehensive General Plan
David Hart stated that the Committee remains inactive. Mr. Marino mentioned that the Plwtemg
& Development Committee has been discussing Chapter 6, "Institutions," of ante Plan. Mr, tt$art
inquired about the memo that mentioned Northwestern University representative Ron Naytor had
mentioned. Mr. Marino stated that he has not received a copy of this memo. which appa T=dy
regards university land use. Preservation issues -were also raised during the P&.D meeting~ amd
Alderman Engelman indicated a preference for a future meeting to discuss Cuter 14, "HssumQic
Economic Development
Sydney Grevas stated that the Committee had some serious debate on Chicago Aveauc.
Aldermen Wynne, Moran, and Engelman were concerned about who cornpt iced the ZAtriag
Committee and what right they had to discuss the rezoning of C I a. Although Alderman Nc,%m n
had explained why this issue was being discussed at Plan Commission, Ms_ Grevas expected
some conflicts %;,hen the Chicago Avenue report reaches City Council.
During the Committee meeting, Judy Aiello provided updates on the progress of Church Street
Plaza, Sherman Plaza, and the Dempster -Dodge project, all of which have be —en moving along.
Mr. Marino stated that the Dominick's for the Dempster -Dodge site is expected to open in ApriL
Commission members inquired about several other issues. Office Depot will open a store in the
old Crown Books space while Dave's Italian Kitchen will move into the basement. McDou=a
Littell is considering moving into Research Park once it is developed. The Osco store on
Sherman and Church will relocate to the old temporary Gap location once the Sherman Plaza
development begins. Ms. Grevas stated that Walgreen's had looked at locating in the Banc Ooe
building, but this possibility fell through for the lack of drive-thru space. The NBD Bark:
building was sold in December to a New York firm. Citibank is interested in relocating into a
smaller space within downtown, but this issue remains unsettled.
Mr. Marino also mentioned that the Site Plan and Appearance Review Committee had reviewed
the Wolfgang Puck restaurant proposal in the Hill development. The proposal will return to
SPAARC after making revisions.
The City Council approved the CDBG budget for the next fiscal year, and the City will soon
submit it to HUD. The budget proposal seeks to spend $2.6 million of federal allocation.
Planning & Development
Considering the earlier debate relating to Sherman Plaza, the Commission decided there was
nothing left to discuss for P&D.
NuFr. xdr.tp omv
Marty Norkett mentioned that he had attended a meeting regwding the prop -a al of a $25 mil35on
bond for the school district. The referendum will be on the next ballot.
The Great Banc project on the northeast corner of Main and Chicago rcceivcd Site Plan apprm-.d
with a few minor changes regarding the front entrance and the internal circulation of the parking
The City is considering several proposals for the Main Street Newsstand building.
Joseph Eatman expressed interest in joining the Neighborhood Planning Committee.
With no further business or discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. The next meeting
of the Evanston Plan Commission is scheduled for February 9, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2403
of the Civic Center.
� February 3, 2000
Plariffing Associate, Planning Division
Community Development Department