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Minutes of the
Public Arts Committee
November 14. 2000
Ms. Laura Saviano, Co -Chair
Mr. Jerry Hausman
Ms. Elizabeth Ockwell
Ms. Dorothy Laudati
Ms. Cheryl Wolin
Mr. Ron Kysiak
Ms. Buche Jones
Ms. Cease Giddings
Ms. Barbara Goldsmith
"Draft — Not Appromed"
Note minutes are not verbatim
Mr. Tony Kelly, Co-CWtr
Mr. Morris Robinson
Ms. Cbie Curley
Ms. Nancy Sharp
Ms. Marilyn Sward
Mr. Douglas J. Gaynor, Director, Parks/Forestry & Recreation
Ms. Kathy Whyte, Clerk Typist II
Others Present: Mr. Jim Parks, Mural Presentation
Ms. Louise Cutler, Mural Presentation
Mr. Michael Montenegro, Mural Presentation
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m.
Minutes of the October 10'h Public Arts Committee were approved with amendments.
New members introduced themselves to current members.
Church Street Garage Undate — The garage and the Cinema will open on November 15. The
restaurant will open that weekend. Parking in the garage will be free for the first week. A party
is scheduled for November 15 by invitation only.
Murals Undate — Ms. Cutler submitted a public art application for the "Art in the Rail Garden",
Gallery garden, from Greenleaf to Crain. Ms. Cutler submitted sketches of plans to reform the
landscape and pictures of how the Gallery Garden has looked for the past two years. New
artwork is installed into the gallery every year and remains from June through November. Ms.
Cutler has also submitted a public art application, and was approved by PAC, to mount a mural
on the north CTA and Metra viaduct -,valls at Greenleaf St. Ms. Goldsmith asked how the
artwork is protected? All of the artwork- is done in enamel on wood; everything is coated in a
Ms. Saviano asked, Ms. Cutler if she received an Arts Council grant? She received an Arts
Council Grant for the mural, which %%ill cover Ixt t of the cost. There «•as a discussion about
having volunteers help with the garden. 'Ms. Cutler is hoping to bring out more community
awareness. A barricade has been created vdtlt the m-es that Ms. Cutler has taken down. Ms.
OckweIl applauded the effort. The committee % ill discuss Ms. Cutler's application and then
apply to Metra for permission to continue the garden in. There %vas a discussion about planting
to close to the tracks. Ms. Cutler said that even -thing is planted at least thirty feet away from the
Jim Parks briefly reviewed what had been discussed at the September meeting regarding his
mural for the new members. The mural will be installed in the spring., if approved by Union
Pacific (Metra).
Mr. Parks said the mural is now being brought under the umbrella of the Custer Street Fair. This
will give him not for profit status, which will help him raise money and help him with insurance.
There has been discussion regarding expanding the mural, which is at about 6.000 square feet.
Mr. Parks presented it to the CTA as an expandable project, he said that they liked the idea_ He
said under the CTA's adopt -a -station program something could be done along the CTA walls, as
well. Mr. Parks would like to put up a sketch on one wall as an announcement to the
neighborhood. He asked a two-part question to the committee: ( 1) Does anyone on the Public
Art committee see a reason not to do the announcement? (?) Does he have permission from
Metra in writing? The announcement would be on the south side of the street facing Main. Mr.
Gaynor will call Mr. Parks on whether or not he can put up the announcement.
Ms. Curley asked if it was decided that this mural would take place between April and the end
of October, because the paint would not adhere well when it is cold. A member agreed that it
had been discussed. Mr. Parks said that there is a paint available that works with temperatures
less than fifty degrees. Ms. Sharp asked Mr. Parks what he normally painted with? Mr. Parks
said, in the past he has used latex. 'vlr. Kelly stated that the main body would get started in the
spring? The question was asked if the artwork could be done on a panel? Mr. Parks said it could
be put on a panel.
Mr. Parks would like to raise some money then paint some, raise more money and paint more
until the project is complete. Mr. Kelly asked how he was planning to raise money? Mr. Parks
will begin with corporations in Evanston and hopefully get enough interest down state so the
Governor would write a check, also private donations.
Linda Dean resubmitted an application on behalf of the Graliiti mural. Ms. Ock►►ell like~ thtt
mural and doesn't want it painted out. Mr. Kelly suggested sending a letter to CTA for appttvval.
Motion to approve the graffiti mural was seconded and approved.
There was a discussion about the rules and regulations in regards to mural projects. if the mural
site were on CTA or Mara property, the decision would be left up to them Lis the o►vner& It %was
suggested that if there were a problem, the committee would try to negotiate with them. ,fr.
Gaynor stated that Metra had contact the City letting them know that Ms. Cutler's garden is mot
supposed to be there. Metra has not approved it. Mr. Gay nor said basal on the direction of d e:
committee, if they liked the idea and wanted to pursue it, he would send a letter gh ing a
summary of the presentation and the proposal and ask for approval. He also let the committ—
know that his office is now keeping a file on each proposal submitted. A motion for Louise
Cutler's proposal was seconded and approved.
Michael Montencgro distributed photos of the proposed mural site on Church St. There -ams• a
discussion about the ownership of the wall. Mr. Gaynor said that he would work on finding curt
who the owner is.
Mr. Montenegro shared several designs with the committee. He also discussed the approach thm
he would like to take with this surface. \fr. KeIly asked if there where two walls facing each
other and if he was going; to do just one of them? \fr. Montenegro said his mural would be on
the wall facing north on the south side of the street. Mr. Kellywanted to know Mr.
Montenegro's guess of the life span of the mural? Mr. Montenegro said it is hard to say. There
was discussion about the mural being painted directly on the surface. Mr. Kelly asked if at
sometime Mr. Montenegro would like to do the opposing; wall? Mr. Montenegro said yes if the
first wall was very successful and people like it, he would love to.
Mr. Montenergro spoke about raising money from the community to pay for the mural. He
would possibly approach Dominick's, Target, Home Depot and Hines Lumber.
Mr. Hausman stated to Mr. Montenegro that now that the committee has his marquettes they
could be photographed to start and effort to get funding for these type of projects. Mr. Kelly
spoke about the fact that there were three new committee members with experience in
fundraising. He suggested having a list of the kinds of specific projects that the committee
needed funding for. Mr. Montenegro was looking for about $ I0,000 for one mural. Mr. Kelly
asked if Mr. Montenegro had plans to ask Hines or some place specifically to see if they would
fund the project? Mr. Montenegro said no that he had asked Ms. Ockwell is it was okay to
mention it to the Roundtable. They said that they would like to do an article, this was his first
step in the whole process of trying* to find money.
There was a discussion about the property being for sale and the possibly of the new owner
wanting; to take the mural down. Mr. Kelly moved that the project be approved pending Mr.
Montenegro AN to find money and annroval of the wall. The recommendation was second
and approved. Mr. Montenegro was asked to make slides of the margtiettes the money would
come from the committee's petty fund.
There was a discussion about Jim Parks' mural project and whether or not he should be able to
put murals all over Main St. Mr. Parks has created a budget for the projw. that is aNnit
S 160,000 for painting two sides of the viaduct. Mr. Parks' first mural proposal nas approNvd.
Also discussed were the walls that were going to be painted and the ones that wauld he left
unpainted. There is a church that got approval from Nletm to put architectural elements in Mr.
Parks' mural. The church has yet to come before the committee with a proposal for their mural.
Mr. Kelly suggested requesting a proposal from the church group or from Mr. Parks for the
church group.
Ms. Sharp wanted to know why the committee does not have a line of communication N%ith
Metra? Mr. Gaynor suggested trying to get Metra and CTA to agree that they wouldn't give
approval on mural projects until the city gave approval, without giving away their rights. Mr.
Gaynor briefly explained the City's insurance and liability regulations to the committee.
Mr. Kelly asked Mr. Gaynor to get a verbal agreement with CTA and Tetra stating that if
someone requests to put up a mural that their response would be, with the approval of the City
you may. Mr. Gaynor stated that the letter may be more influential if it came from the Public Art
Committee signed by the Co -Chair. Mr. Gaynor would sign his name as the City staff person
backing the request.
Mr. Kelly stated that the committee has an excellent contact on a very high level at CTA, Beth
White. She is in charge of personnel at CTA. Mr. Gaynor will write a letter to Tetra and CTA
requesting the courtesy to send any mural requests to the Public Art Committee first.
New Initiatives — There is a meeting setup with Alec Browell of the Main St. Merchants
Wednesday, November 22 at 8:00 a.m. at the Lucky Platter to discuss activities around the Main
Street area
Chicago Avenue Corridor Plan has requested proposals from land planners to look at the entire
structure. They have received sixteen proposals and will be evaluating those proposals. When
that is completed they %-.ill be looking to the committee for input as far as incorporation of public
Church Street GaraEe — The agreement drafted between Lincoln Schatz and the City of
Evanston is currently in the City Attorney's Office for review. The Parking Committee
requested structural information regarding wind, fading of the material and other structural
issues. Once the agreement is completed it will be forwarded back to the Parking Committee for
review. The Parking Committee has not approved Lincoln Schatz sculpture.
There was a discussion about the artwork that would be represented on each floor of the garage.
Retreat Discussion — Mr. Hausman spoke briefly about what needed to be accomplished in
order to prepare for a Retreat. Mr. Hausman also stated that they needed more that Ms. Sward
and himself. A larger team of people is needed in order to plan for the Retreat. The committee
has exceeded their Retreat budget by $500.
Ms. Saviano suggested forming a taskforce with Mr. Hau_ssnim As, Sward mid iulyone else
interested. Mr. Kelly suggests getting members of the Arts Council involved. Mr. I lausman
stated that four focus groups would be organized: Public Art City and Community Planning.
in Public Spaces; Public Art Education and Public Art Performances and Events. Thera would
be a focus group leader for each of these groups who would meet informally with snutll groups,
to prepare material for the retreat. The four reports would serve as background infontmtion fur
an invited Cih-%%ide Retreat. Those who serve on focus groups along with other citizens will Ee
invited to attend. This will be a half -day affair hoping to have between 50 and 70 people
involved. Following the retreat a document will be put together which will be a five -Fear plan`
Mr. Kelly suggested including this proposal in the packet for the Arts Council. Members wouSd
also receive a copy of the packeL There was a discussion about making the process of preparing
for the Retreat a little less ambitious. There was a brief discussion about the Arts Council
Retreat. Ms. Saviano suggested setting up a separate meeting to discuss the Retreat.
Director's Search — Mr. Kelly asked Mr. Gaynor when he thought we would have a director'?
Mr. Gaynor stated the interviews had been setup with five qualified applicants. A letter was
hand delivered to Mr. Mickenberg asking him to reappoint two members to the committee for the
interview process. Mr. Gaynor is hoping to have a new director by January. Mr. Kelly said he
would talk to fir. Nlickenberg because someone from the Public Art Committee should be on the
committee for inten-iew7ng the applicants. Mr. Kelly agreed to serve on the committee but
request that someone else serve as an alternate. Ms. Curley suggested that Gail Struve serve on
the committee for the interviewing process.
Senior Center — Nis. Ockwell gave an update for the Senior Center Committee. The committee
has met twice with the architect to go over the plans for the building. She briefly discussed the
different possibilities regarding artwork for the center. Carol Ross Barney is the building
Elizabeth Ockwell (Public Art Committee), George Seoka (Artist), Mary Poshe (Community
Representative), Jack Lerman (Senior Committee), Virginia Roeder (Arts Council) and Carol
Ross Barney (Architect) all serve as the Senior Center Committee.
Ground breaking for the Senior Center will be December 3 at 2:00 p.m.
Art D-Base — There w-as a meeting in October to select the slides. All of the slides were not
made available, therefore a decision could not be reached. Ms. Saviano gave Mr. Robinson
changes from Gail Struve.
Mr. Robinson is looking into digital printing which is cheaper than four sided off set. He will get
quotes on printing of 10.000 pieces. Laura Saviano is going to have Gail Struve's slides scanned
onto a CD and w111 need to be reimbursed.
Mr. Kelly will contact Nancy Flannery to have her images printed out to see if they will be
useable. Ms. Saviano would like to know what her purpose is? Mr. Kelly stated that she was
producing twelve shorts on ECMC. Those shorts could be added to the collection of public art
and go to schools. The Chamber of Commerce could edit thir�K into a film for themselves.
There are endless possibilities.
Ms. Saviano asked if anyone on the committee hid any other imagr of E%mnston art" Mr. Kelly
stated that he had a few images. :fir. Robinson said he had the �sparence of the Doughnut
Sculpture. Ms. Saviano requested that those be gi%ea to her x• that they, could l+e put onto a CID.
E-Site Uadate — Mr. Gaynor has a meeting with Mr. Bowe Otm-fiber 15 at S: ►0 a.m. at the new,
gallery on Dempster. This is the site where he is proposing to dace the sculpture. \fr. Gaynor
briefly updated the members. The address of the Gallery is 810 Dempster. Ms. Savaiano \ranged
to know what was the cost to the artist and the busiru ss owner'. Mr. Hausman stated that there is
no cost to the City. She also asked who holds the insurance? \fir. Hausman said that the
proprietor would be the one to hold the insurance. There %v s a discussion about advertising for
the different sites.
Mr. Gaynor would like to have a list of the different taskforces and the committee members
assigned to these taskforces. Mr. Hausman stated that there was a provision made for having
non -committee members serving on the taskforce. Mr. Gaynor stated that organizationally, what
will help this meeting is if a week in advance of the meeting we get a report from each of the
chairs of the taskforce.
Mr. Kelly asked for volunteers to work on the E-Site taskforcO Mr. Hausman, Ms. Goldsmith
and Ms. Lupel will serve on the E-Site taskforce.
Mr. Gaynor suggested putting out a memo to the membership of the committee asking them to
sign up for one or two taskforces that they feel they would like to be involved with. There needs
to be an appointed person who will set up the meetings.
Ms. Saviano had a talk with Sue Gutterly from the Planning st. fi for City. Shewanted the
committee's input on what to do with the vacant storefront. They are specifically speaking of a
couple of spaces on Howard in the Old Howard Theatre.
Mr. Hausman suggested a storefront Art Education Resource Center for people who are
interested in ideas in education or teaching materials. fie also suggested a short term Artist
Residence in the storefronts. Ms. Curley suggests having an agreement with the owner for a
temporary place where artist could create that wouldn't involve messing up the walls or the
Mr. Kelly asked who was going to organize this? tics. Saviano said she would leave that up to
City Planning.
Mr. Gaynor suggested that as part of the budget we are responsible to provide objectives for the
following year; how we arc going to spend money. And with the Arts Council we placed as one
of the primary objectives to develop a 501 C3 for the Arts Council. The Public Art Committee
should have a 5010. Mr. Gaynor briefly explained 50IC3 to the committee members. Ms.
Wollin will call Jay Lytle about 5010 information.
The meeting was adjoumed at 9:10 p.m.
The next scheduled meeting of the Public Art Committee is
Tuesday, January 9, 2001
Noyes Cultural Arts Center, Studio 106
6:00 p.m.
"Draft — Not Approute d"
Note minutes are not ,%vrbumm
Minutes of the
Public Arts Committee
October 10. 2000
Members Present: Ms. Laura Saviano, Co -Chair Mr. Tony Kelly, Co -Chair
Mr. Jerry Hausman Ms. Cease Giddings
Ms. Elizabeth Ockwe3l Ms. Chie Curley
Nis. Buche .Tones Ms. Nancy Sharp
NI.s. Dorothy Laudati
Associate Members: Gail Struve
Staff Present: Martha Logan, Public Information Specialist
Nis. Kathy Whyte, Clerk Typist II
Nis. Oneks Davis, Secretary II
Others Present: Tom White
Max Rubin
The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m.
Minutes of the July 10 and September 12'' Public Arts Committee were approved with
Church St. Garage Ilndate (Tom White) — The selection of the artwork for the different floors
in the garage have been completed. The signage is sti11 at the manufacture they are having
problems and right they are unsure of how long it will sake before it is corrected. Each artist will
receive $500.00 for the artwork they have displayed. A list of the artist's who amvork will be on
display will be sent so that the Recreation Department may pay them. accordingly. Mr. White,
did he get all the information on the Artist's? All that is going to go an it is the name of the
Artist and the scene. Mr. White, I though he was going to make something a little more
descriptive of the scene. Ms. Curley, the Artist and whzi are being depicted because of their
edemas and productions or intuitions. An official list of'the artist being use in the garage was
requested. Ms. Curley, was the sixth image supposed to be something of cinema or had it
reverted to cinema?
Ms. CurIe`, I got a call from Melissa Penny the photographer that is going to be represented on
the interior and she wanted the names of everybody on the selection committee she could dusnk
them. The opening of the garage will be on November 15.2000. Maple Avenue, Theatre and
Wolfgang Puck Restaurant will also open can November 15, 2000. There is an eight -story office
building will be built where Dave's Kitchen used to be.
Everyone was very impressed with Lincoln's model the lights where set up. he named it
Nembus. John Hammersload asked how much they weighted; he was given the response of two
and a half tuns each. He requested that Lincoln get a second opinion from a structural engineer
on wind shear and stress. The Parking Committee met on October 4 and decided the garage will
open when all of the artwork is in place. Park Committee has approved the design; it will go to
Human Services before it goes to City Council for final approval.
They when around the room where new and current member introduced themselves.
Mural Presentations — Michael Montenegro a painter and sculpture in Evanston presented a
proposal for the on church Street across from Hines Lumber. Distributed several designs the
artwork would be done using Latex on fiberboard and the boards would be applied to the wall
using anchor bolts. Mr. Montenegro would paint alone, all of the artwork would be done onsite
and it would take about two weeks. Mr. Kelly stated that when submitting his application,
supply a sketch of the artwork. Ms. Curley- suggested fundraising as a means to cover the mural
cost. Mr. Hausman was pleased that he has come forth. The life of the mural could be anywhere
from one to two years depending on the materials used.
Mr. Struve asked who owns the wall, because their approval is needed to place bolts in the wall.
Community should been involved in the selection process of the artwork. Ms. Jones suggested
that three versions be distributed and have the community select one. Ms. Gidding asked that
cost to put the panels up. Getting sponsors to donate materials for the mural was suggested. Ms.
Giddings will ask Evanston Lumber to donate the lumber needed. Ms. Saviano said the first
thing was to fill out an application. Mr. Montenegro will get together the cost of lumber, the
sketch's of mural and take a picture.
Jim Parks dropped off an application and sketches of murals. Mr. Kelly will set up a meeting
with the Main Street Merchants and PAC. Ms. Ockwell said it would take about two years to get
it up. Ms. Jones asked if PAC had a fundraising branch and/or a newsletter. She feel that artist
should not have to come up with money for murals. Mr. Kelly will check out Iegal issues, is it a
conflict of interest or should it be raised separately. Motion to approve Jim Park's mural was
seconded and approved.
Retreat — fir. Hausman read the Retreat Proposal. The question was raised about getting a
website for the Public Art Committee. Free Web pages will be available through E-Tropolis
once it is designed. Members of PAC need to work with Jerry and Marilyn. A motion for a
joint PAC/EAC Retreat was seconded and approved. Focus -Group February and March, Retreat
in May. Joint retreat with the Arts Council.
Budget Undate — The budget for this year is the same as last year. Ms_ Saviano read memo of
last year's budget. Sculpture contact has a harmless clause added by Xir Gaynor, artists don't
want to sign new contract.
Ms. Gidding's asked that all materials be brought to the next meeting, pua together and submii to
Convention's Bureau. Appoint Mr. Robinson, Ms. Struve, Mr. Kelly, and Nis. Saviano to
discuss public art in Evanston and out on c.d.'s. On Tuesday. October 24- 2000 at 5:00 p.m. as
the Noyes Cultural Arts Center. Ms. Saviano will call Ms. Robinson to icing map to October,
24`h meeting. The meeting will be at Noyes in Studio 212 or Noyes Center Office.
Jin Soo Kim called Chic after Iast meeting, people who came on her behalf -who stated that she
never received a letter. She didn't receive the letter until two days laten she feels that she %%as
not represented properly.
Butterfield Sculnture — The sculpture has been cleaned. Chic proposed Barry Tinsley clean
sculpture the same time, every year and assign someone on the committee to make sure it
happens. Chic volunteered to make sure it is cleaned. Look in budget to make sure money is
available to clean all sculptures. It was suggest that a line be put in budget for all Artwork to be
Process/Procedures/Rules and Regulations for Public Art Proiects — Committee to take a
look at the procedures.
Senior Center Art Proicet — Committee is set up, a call was put out. Propose putting together a
call for integration of art in Senior Building. $50,000 - $60,000 for project Ms. Saviano will
confirm with Mr. Gaynor. Ms. Saviano and Ms. OckwelI will discuss the Selection Committee
for Senior Art. The committee members consist of Elizabeth Ockwell, George Suyeoka, Mary
Plauche, Jack Lerman, Carol Ross Barney and Virginia Roeder. PAC should approve the
process in which to proceed. Give Selection Committee ideas on what types of artwork to be
used. Selection Committee put something together and has a representative from Selection
Committee to meet with PAC.
The meeting adjournment at 8.55 p.m.
The next scheduled meeting of the Public Art Committee is
Tuesday, November 14, 2000
Evanston Civic Center, Room 2403
6:00 p.m.
Minutes of the
Public Arts Committee
September 12, 2000
Members Present: Ms. Laura Saviano, Co -Chair
Mr. Jerry Hausman
Ms. Cease Giddings
Ms. Chic Curley
Ms. Buehe Jones
Associate Members: Barbara Goldsmith
Gail Struve
"Draft -- Not Approved"
Note minutes are not verbatim
Mr. Tory Kelly, Co -Chair
Mr. Morris Robinson
Ms. EIrmbeth Ockwell
Ms. Marilyn Sward
Staff Present: Douglas J. Gaynor, Director of Parks/Forestry & Recreation
Ms. Kathy Whyte, Clerk Typist II
Ms. Oneka Davis, Secretary H
Others Present: Jim Parks
Linda Dean
Boo Kim
The meeting was called to order at 6:1 U p.m.
Minutes of the July 11'h Public Ail Committee will be resubmitted at the October 9't'
meeting due to time constraints.
Church St. Garage Update — Ms. Boo Kim read a letter she wrote and then spoke on
behalf of Jim Soo Kim's maquette, which was one of the finalists for the Church St. Plaza
garage, but was not the final selection. She also asked if there was any way Ms. Kim
could schedule another presentation to answer any additional questions that may not have
been asked previously. PAC members apologized to Ms. Kim and explained that the
final selection already had been made and will be presented to the City Council in
October for final approval.
Parking Garacc Interior Art Selection - Because of time constraints, this item was
held over until the October PAC meeting.
Fall Retreat — Because of time constraints, this item will also be held over until the
October PAC meeting.
Mural Proposals - Mr. Gaynor distributed a list of murals currently lutinted cm
Greenleaf and Chicago Ave. that were approved by PAC and MetralCTA. One mudnd
painted by the Graffiti Artists was not approved. Ms. Dean, who presented the mural as
the April 11, 2000. PAC meeting. explained she thought the neural had been approve -
After further discussion, it was determined that its. Dean did prL-sent the mural proposaD
to PAC, and PAC members asked that a formal presentation be presented by the Graffiti
Artists, which was never done. Therefore, the Graffiti Artists mural was painted «ithoun
proper authorization and should not be painted over. Ms. Ockw-ell \\ill invite the Graffiti
Artists to submit a formal proposal at the October PAC meeting.
Mr. Jim Parks presented a mural proposal for Main and Chicago Ave. His proposal is for
the east (CTA) and west (Union Paciiic/Metra) walls and stairways along Main St. After
reviewing Mr. Park's proposal, PAC members felt the mural proposal was very nice bm
several technical issues may arise. Mr. Parks, Mr. Hausman and Ms. Ockwell will
discuss those issues at a separate meeting. Several questions about financing and upkeep
of the murals were also discussed. Mr. Parks stated that fundraising will be needed W
finance the project and an account will be established for up -keep. Mr. Parks will submit
a written proposal for the mural in the next couple of weeks.
Senior Center Public Art - Because of time constraints, this item was held over until the
October PAC meeting.
E-Site Sculpture - Several PAC members that drove by the sculpture are disappointed
with the final product, especially the base. Some members think the base is too small
and doesn't look right. Mr. Hausman will contact the artist to see if the base can be re-
developed. PAC members will review the current policies and procedure guidelines for
sculptures to determine if all aspects (base, size, color, dimensions, etc.) are explained in
depth to avoid this happening again.
Other Public Art and Public Art Education Initiatives - Because of time constraints,
this item was held over until the October PAC meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
The next scheduled meeting of the Public Art Committee is
Tuesday, October 10, 2000
Noyes Cultural Arts Center, Studio 106
6:00 p.m.
"Draft — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Minutes of the
Public Art Committee
July 11, 2000
Members Present: Ms. Laura Saviano, Co -Chair Mr. Tony Kelly, Co -Chair
Mr. Jerry Hausman Mr. Morris Robinson
Ms. Cease Giddings Ms. Elizabeth Ockwell
Members Absent: Ms. Chic Curley
Ms. Marilyn Sward
Associate Members: Barbara Goldsmith
Gail Struve
Staff Present: Douglas J. Gaynor, Director of Parks/Forestry & Recreation
Ms. Kathy Whyte, Clerk Typist 11
Others Present: Ms. Peggy Tarr, Nichols Neighbors
Ms. Betty Jean Rayburn, Nichols Neighbors
Ms. Louise Cutler, Mural Applicant
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.
Minutes of the June 13, 2000, Public Art Committee were approved and seconded.
Undate of Artist Selection of Parking Garaee —Five finalists have been selected and will
provide maquettes of their projects on July 24. The maquettes will be on display Tuesday and
Wednesday, July 25'h and 26 h- at the Civic Center or Evanston Public Library. Public display of
the maquettes will gather publicity and engage public comments/discussion. A letter from PAC
will be sent out to EAC, the Site PIanning Committee and the Parking Committee inviting them
to review the maquettes and submit their comments/suggestions. These comments/suggestions
will be used for informational purpose only, and will not affect the final decision. The EAC will
review the maquettes July 24 — August 30. The final selection will be presented to the City
Council in September along with the other four finalists. The artists %611 be paid $1,000 each for
the maquettes. The maquettes will belong to the City of Evanston for six months, after which
they will picked up by the artists.
A letter from PAC was sent to Mayor Morton volunteering to form a nominating committee to
help her with selection of committee members. The N layor responded that a nominating
committee is not needed, but she %vill :accept recommendations. Mr. Kelly stated he
recommended someone for PAC, but hasn't heard anything. ;fir. Gaynor mentioned that new
members for PAC and EAC were approved by the City Council.
Members of PAC met at Ms. Curley's house to discuss the interior artwork for the garage, I..r+rge
color photographs were selected for each floor. The photographers w711 represent each of the
"Arts" (Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts and Photography). The funding for the interior
artwork will be provided by Arthur Hill's signage budget. Evanston artist Melissa Penna was
selected by PAC and Arthur Hill to work on the project.
Murals Update — Ms. Louise Cutler attended the meeting to express her disappointment of the
way her mural proposal was treated. his. Cutler felt she was represented poorly by the City and
a representative from PAC should have informed her about the status of her proposal. Ms. Cutler
explained that she also attended the City Council meeting the previous evening to express her
objections about the agreement, which stated that she cannot drill holes into the concrete to
secure her mural. Ms. Cutler stated she submitted her proposal to PAC in May and they were
aware of her design. She also submitted two packets that were forwarded to Metm and the CTA.
When she didn't hear anything about her proposal_ Ms. Cutlter contacted Mr. Gaynor's secretary,
Ms. Belcher. Ms. Belcher then contacted Metra and CTA on her behalf. After discussing the
situation with Metra, Ms. Belcher determined that Ms. Cutler's proposal was held up because
Metra and CTA were concerned about the way the mural was to be installed. Ms. Belcher then
contacted Ms. Cutler and explained their concerns to her and also asked Metra to reconsider her
proposal. Ms. Cutler also contacted the CTA herself and spoke with Jennifer Martinez who
informed her that she was waiting for Metra's response before she proceeds. Her proposal was
reconsidered by Metra and a new agreement %vill be sent to Mr. Ga)mor's office. fir. Gaynor
assured Ms. Cutler when the new agreement is received, he will fax a copy of it to Ms. Martinez
at CTA for her approval. If Ms. Martinez approves the proposal, PAC will move forward with
Ms. Cutler's proposal.
Ms. Peggy Tarr, Chairman of Nichols Neighbors, also expressed her concerns about the way Ms.
Cutler's proposal was handled. Ms. Tarr questioned Mr. Gaynor about an agenda item submitted
at the City Council meeting. Ms. Tarr felt Mr. Gaynor should have shared this file with PAC
members. She also feels if he would have given there a copy, the problem with drilling holes
into the concrete may have been caught. Mr. Gaynor stated that from now on before anything
goes before the City Council regarding PAC, the chairperson(s) will receive a copy. Mr. Gaynor
apologized to Ms. Cutler and told her the substitute agreement would be submitted at the next
City Council meeting.
In the future, all mural proposal applicants will receive a letter from PAC stating that even
though their proposal has been approved by PAC, there are still several steps (approval from
Metra/CTA, City Council, etc.) that need to be taken before the mural is formally approved. A
second letter will be sent to inform the artist when final approval is granted.
All PAC Associates members will receive the full packet along with regular members.
SVring Retreat- Ms. Sward and Mr. Hausman mill «od, on putting* the retreat together. T:=
vows a brief discussion about how long the retreat should be (half -day. full -day. two days. erz-).
A mission statement for the retreat needs to be developed to dmcrminc what results arc e.nic-crid.
The goal of the retreat is to have four focus groups discuss the folloN%ing in relation to pubh---
Public Art and City/Community Planning
Art in Public Spaces
:- Public Art Education
:- Public Art Performance and Events
Each focus group will have a leader that «•ho %till prepare inm-Muctory remarks reganfing the
current status of Evanston public art actiNities. Each group discussion %%ill focus on ideals and
purposes for further development. The full report Kill serve as a background for a City «ide
retreat on public art in Evanston. A keynote speaker will be invited to put this all together and
make comments about the focus group reports and help project further planning and prioritizing
the work of the Public Art Committee. Because additional work: is needed to define the
goals/objectives and identify which Evanston groups would be interested, the retreat Hill be put
off until Spring 2001.
Other Business
There is currently no August meeting scheduled for PAC. After further discussion, it was
determined that most PAC members would not be in town. A meeting was scheduled for August
8ei for members that would be available to attend.
IA motion to change the PAC meetings from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. was approved and seconded. I
Levv Senior Center Artwork - Several names were submitted to serve on the new Levy
Senior Center project. Mary Plauche, who works for the YMCA and is a docent for the An
Institute of Chicago and well known among artists and art community, was nominated to serve
on the selection panel as the community representative. Ms. Ockwell will serve on the selection
panel as the PAC representative. George Suyeoka, an Evanston resident, sculptor and author of
children's books, was also nominated to serve as an artist representative. Ms. Saviano
suggested that a representative from the Senior Center serve on the panel. Mr. Gaynor %-*ill
supple her with a list of names. The architect for the building should also serve on the
committee. The budget for this project is S60.000. S50.000 for the artwork and S10.000 for
miscellaneous expenses.
Ms. Saviano will contact the developer for the new condominium currently being developed on
Chicago Ave. across from Blockbuster's regarding public art.
Mr. Hausman will contact the Botti Studio to find out the status of the E-Site Sculpture, which
has already been approved.
The City Clerk's office will be notified of the time change for PAC meetings.
Public Art Man - Mr. Robinson is currently working on a map of all public art projects in
Evanston. Mr. Robinson will meet with Nancy Flannery who is currently filming public art in
The meting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
*%Dmti — Not Approved"
Note. minutes tut rn,4 verbatim
Minutes of the
Public Art Committee
June 13, 2000
Members Present: Ms. Laura Saviano, Co -Chair Mr. Tony Kelh, Co -Chair
Ms. Marilyn Sward Mr. Morris Robinson
Ms. Chie Curley
Members Absent: Ms. Cease Giddings
Mr. Jerry Hausman
Associate Members: Barbara Goldsmith
Staff Present: Douglas J. Gaynor, Director of Parks/Forestry & Recreation
Ms. Kathy Whyte, Clerk Typist II
Others Present: Ms. Peggy Tarr, Nichols Neighbors
Ms. Betty Jean Rayburn, Nichols Neighbors
Mr. Tom White, Arthur Hill & Co.
Mr. Ben Ranney, Arthur Hill & Co.
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.
Minutes of the May 9, 2000, Public Art Committee meeting were approved with amendments.
Update of Artist Selection of Parking Gara e — The Selection Committee selected five finalist
for the Church St. Plaza garage. They are: An Soo Kim; Hubertus von der Goltz; Thomas Scarff;
Lincoln Schatz; and John Henry. Ms. Kim and Mr. Henry are Evanston artists. Ms. i:im's
design is a large flat green piece with 200 street signs in various sizes. Mr. Henry's design is an
aluminum piece etched in neon. Hubertus von der Goltz's piece has black metal cut-outs of
people on tight ropes. Tom Scarff is a neon artist, and Lincoln Schatz's design is acrylic oval
shapes. Ms. Curley telephoned each finalist and a letter will be sent out confirming their
selection. Mr. Gaynor distributed the draft letters for review; changes/recommendations will be
incorporated in the final letter.
The next step for the artists is to develop the maquettes. Some artists asked for an additional
week to develop their maquettes. The time frame previously set to review the maquenes was
July 16 —August 30.
After further discussion, the deadline to review the maquettes w:>~• changed t+* July 24 — August
3t}ei. The Selection Committee will convene the first w-,vl; in September it) nuii:r their final
selection; which then will be presented to the City Court6l on September 11.
Nis. Curley spoke Mth one of the finalists. It tr, von der Groltz, \+ho is out of town. but is prep
to come to Evanston on June 21, 22*' or 23" i tier a \+slk-through of the site and po-,..ibly sped►,
with the architect_ Someone from Arthur Etill &- Co. ++ill be mailable to speak with Mr. von der
Goltz. Ms. Sa+iano asked for clarification of how paynunts will N, Houle to the artists.
Payments for the m,aquettes will not be made until after cach ninquette is rt%vived.
Arthur Hill & Co. is looking for artwork f'or the interior of carts flo-or at the Church St. Plaza
garage next to the elevators. A photograph of the kinds of art-,vi)rk that could t-c uscd N%its
re,iewed. The artwork should be the same size on each flier, must be frameable, and will be
placed next to a plaque to identify each floor. The theme for each floor is "The Arts *' The
names for each floor are: Theatre, Music, Dance, Visual :arts turd Photography. Each boor will
be color -coded:
Second Level, Theatre -- Red
y Third Level, Music — Green
"r Fourth Level, Dance — Orange
Fifth Level, Visual Arts —Blue
Sixth Level, Photography - Yellow
There was a discussion regarding the use of local artists for each floor. No money has been
allocated for this project yet, but Arthur Hill has a PAC to develop a budget. The artwork
doesn't have to be completed when the garage opens, but it would be nice to have it included as
part of the opening celebration.
Murals - Pictures of several murals were distributed. A couple of murals have been put up
without approval. I'vfr. Gaynor's office is trying to determine which murals are legal, and which
ones are not. One mural from the Response Center is currently pending. Erik Friedman, who
presented the proposal, was supposed to submit a color drawing, which was never received.
Peggy Tarr, Chairman. and Mary Jean Rayburn, Vice -Chair of Nichols Neighbors, spoke about
complaints from citizens regarding the mural at Greenleaf and Chicago Ave. They received calls
from neighbors regarding the way the artist represented some of the people on the mural. After
further discussion. it was determined that when reviewing mural proposals, more sensitivity
should be used when people of different ethnicity are portrayed. The artist will be asked to
attend a PAC meeting to hear the concerns about the mural at Greenleaf and Chicago Ave. The
artist may be asked to make modifications to the mural. The PAC appreciates that Isis. Tarr and
Ms. Rayburn attended the meeting to make them aware of these concerns. It was suggested that
a paragraph be included in the mural application that an artist should be careful when portraying
people of different ethnic backgrounds. It was also suggested that approval of a mural should
only occur after review of a color drawing, instead of a penciled one. tits. Ockwell and Mr.
Kelly will follow-up on this point.
Debra Butterfield Sculpture — This sculpture needs to be cleaned. It has turned green from
pigeon droppings and acid. Mr. Gaynor will contact Mr. Barry Tinsley regarding the restoration
work on the Butterfield Sculpture. Two additional names were submitted that also specialize in
restorations. Those individuals will be asked by committee members to contact Mr. Gaynor.
Iris. Saviano suggested that PAC develop a clearinghouse datatuse on each pictic of artwork in
Evanston (location, condition, etc.). Mr. Kelly mentioncxl that Nancy Flattnery m cived a _O=t
to videotape public art in the City of Evanston which will then lti broadcast in 12 consecutNt
fifteen -minute pieces on cable tt:levision. There is also a gtc;up of work-study students who are
documenting/photographing the public art in Evanston this sumnier. 'These tvw, items can be
used to help develop the database. Mr. Kelly will set up a tneeting with Ms. lIumery,
Mr. Gaynor reported that Thursday night June 15a' at the Civic Center at 6.00 p.m, there will be a
presentation by an architectural firm on the exterior concepts of the new Levy C cIven $60,000
has been allocated for public art at the center. The new Levy Senior Center is a gla.s building
with a 9,000 Square Foot atrium inside and space outside for sculptures. Thettibre, someone
from PAC could attend this meeting to get information in advance about the building and its
dimensions. The whole building is 25,000 square feet.
Public Sculpture -- A request to place a sculpture in front of a new gallery on Dempster was
received. A picture of the proposed sculpture was passed out for review. A public art packet
%ill be sent to the gallery. The location must be reviewed by City staff to determine if it will
interfere with utility wire/poles,
One million dollars has been allocated by the Union Pacific/Government to refurbish the old
station house between the CTA and Metra stations on Chicago Ave. and Main St. This building
will have space for performing arts. This will also be a nice location for a sculpture. Mr. Kelly
took pictures of this area and along Chicago Ave. and Main St. where new condominiums are
being developed. The owner will be contacted to see if he would consider putting a sculpture in
front of his building.
New Members - There is an application on file in the Mayor's office from Ms. Busche-Jones
for membership on the Public Art Committee. A letter %vill be written to the editor at the
Evanston Review, thanking them for their recent article on the arts and informing them that PAC
is looking for new members. Ms. Sv-ard and Ms. Saviano will draft the letter to the editor.
A motion to increase the Public Art Committee from 9 to 15 members were approved and
Mr. Gaynor «-ill prepare the necessary paperwork to propose the membership increase to the
City Council.
F211 Retreat — There was a discussion about extending the retreat to a full day workshop instead
of a half day. Several activities will be conducted simultaneously. After further discussion, it
was determined that the morning will have small group sessions and in the afternoon the groups
will come together as a whole. The workshop could be planned for 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with a
continental breakfast starting at 8:15 p.m. More planning and outside help from organizations
such as the Chamber of Commerce would be helpful. The focus of the workshop is to create
awareness of public art in Evanston. The date is not yet determined, but will probably be in late
October or early November.
Reorreanization of Minutes - Ms. Smiano made a railms d to have a draft of the minutes
submitted to PAC members within a -,xvek after the mectine to make comments or changes. This
will reduce the time spent on reviewing the minutes during the meeting.
Director's Search - The candidate that the selection committee felt was the strongest withd=w
her application. Therefore, the search for a new director mill start over. The Evanston Arts
Council has recommended that this process not resume until after the July I Id Human Servr"ces
meeting to discuss the reorganization of Arts Council within the City.
The meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m.
Minutes of the
Public Art Committee
May 9, 2000
Members Present: Ms. Chie Curley, Co -Chair
Ms. Elizabeth Ockwell
Mr. Tony Kelly
Ms. Marilyn Sward
Members Absent: Mr. Morris Robinson
Ms. Esther Williams -Hays
Associate Members: Gail Struve
"Drain — Not Approved"
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Mr. Jerry Hausman, Co-Chsiw
Ms. Laura SaAano
Ms. Cease Giddings
Staff Present: Douglas J. Gaynor, Director of Parks/Forestry & Recreation
Ms. Kathy Whyte, Clerk Typist II
Others Present: Girl Scout Troop #156, Mural Proposal
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.
Minutes of the March 14 and April 11, 2000 Public Art Committee meetings were approved with
Mural Proposal - Mr. Gaynor passed out a letter regarding a mural proposal preciously turned
down at Tallmadge Park from Girl Scout Troop # 156. This letter was an appeal to paint a mural
at Tallmadge Park just right of the sculpture or at an alternate location at Lake St. and Sherman
A computerized image of the mural was passed out. Joe Taylor, the artist, will supervise the
project, buy the supplies, keep the wall clean and repaint it for two years. Each person shown on
the computer printout represents one of the Girl Scout members. The PAC suspended the
meeting for five minutes to take a look at the proposed site at Tallmadge. After looking at the
proposed site the meeting reconvened and it was determined that the Lake St. location was a
better site. The mural request was approved. Ms. Ockwell will contact Ms. l:ederer, the Girl
Scout Leader and inform her of PAC's decision.
Ms. Ockwell presented a mural proposal from the Y Girl's Club/Justin Wynn Leadership
Academy. Their proposal concept is the lakefront in Evanston at all times of day.
She requested the mural be approved %Atli the site unsecii since the am -sings ►%v= nAt a%-ja blc
at the PAC meeting but would be availabic the nc_xl da+. The prupti�sl ie that the ta.ir31 %could be
painted in June over the old mural that is peeling off w the bake St. _—xi Shemian A-vc. Mr.
Gaynor stated that a packet must be sent to the CTA for approval of all murals. Th'=f0 G. Nis.
Ockwell will need to get the information from the Y Girl's Club in ccdcr for him to :.end it to the
CTA for approval. He wasn't sure if this would be appro%ed beh�rc dhe proposed dwo of June
10. Ms. Ockwell said she would bring all the information and verification supplied b+` J.'nct
Alder, an art teacher at District 465 who is working on the project, to ,tr. Gayn or's office_
A motion to approve the Y Girl's Club'Justin W ten Leadership Academy mur-il at%-:
verification of the drawing by Ms. Ockwell approved and seconded
It was announced that the graffiti group has broken up and the graffiti artist mural is not going to
be painted.
Mr. Gaynor distributed three letters submitted to the CTA, Union Pacific and Metra regarding
Louise Cutler's mural request.
Mr. Kelly reported that he made an arrangement for the Summer Youth Project (ArtSkiils), to
use the dark rooms at Northwestern. Students will take and develop photographic documentation
of Evanston. The Art Center is putting on a similar program this summer with the yotrth using
disposable cameras.
Election of New Committee Chair— Laura Saviano and Tony Kelly %v= appointed new co-
chairs for the Public Art Committee.
Staff Report — Mr. Gaynor distributed a memo which stated PAC Members' terms of office and
their expiration dates.
Ms. Sa-iano asked for clarification of the statement that reads "A member of the Arts Council
shall be appointed as one of the nine (9) committee members by the Mayor to serve as chair of
the Committee." Mr. Hausman mentioned that this statement was also brought up preciously.
Mr. Gaynor will get clarification on this sentence.
Esther Williams -Hays resigned from the Public Art Committee. Ms. Williams -Hays will be sent
a letter from PAC thanking her for her service.
The Mayor will appoint a new member to replace Ms. Williams -Hays. Mr. Gaynor suggested
that if any of the members have someone in mind who may want to serve on PAC, those
individuals should write a letter to the Mayor and fill out the appropriate form. The committee
has to meet all diversity and discipline requirements.
Two appointments were made to the Evanston Arts Council by the Mayor.
Director's Search — There are several interviews scheduled for the next two weeks. The
interviews have been difficult to complete because of schedule differences. Ms. Saviano asked
for a brief description of the background of the candidates. Mr. Gaynor stated that all candidates
have art backgrounds; some are from the private sector and one was an Arts Council Director.
Several candidates backed out for different reasons. The new director could possibility have a
management background, budgets and grant writing experience.
Parking Garage Report - A selection committee is in placvc� Ock-well is the PAC
representative; Ben Ranney and Tom White will represent Arthur Hill & Company: 1 mid
Mickenberg is the representative from the Arts Council: Paul Giddings is the Parking Garag-:
representative; Gail Struve is the Artist Community representati\t mid Lorelic McClum is
Community Art Large representative. A letter will be sent rut to all representatives and a
for everyone to meet rill be established after the May 15`s initial proposal deadline. lour
proposals have been received so far. They will be logged in at Mr, Ga%mor's office. 77te
Selection Committee «ill select its oN,%m chair. Ms. Curley and Mr, Hausman skill atirnd the first
meeting. The Selection Committee will make the final selection and make their reconimend3tion
to the City Council.
There were two site -visits conducted at the garage. At the first meeting four artists attended_
Tom NNrhite and Ben Ranney attended to answer technical questions. At the second meeting.
three artists attended and were interested in putting proposals together, but seemed concerned
that the timeframe for the project is too short. It -,vas explained to them that if the deadline for
the initial proposal was later, there would be less time for a formal proposal.
There was a proposal from an artist in India who would like to e-mail his initial proposal
The E-SITE sculpture %,.ill be approved by the City Council.
Fall Retreat — Mr. Hausman prepared a Proposal for Public Art Retreat draft which will be
distributed at the June meeting.
New Senior Citizen's Building - Mr, Gaynor would like PAC to work on the proposal for
artwork at the new Levy Center that is scheduled to open in 2001. The majority of the building
will be made of glass. The exterior will consist of teakwood shutters. This item will be put on
the agenda for June.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Minutes of the
Public Art Committee
April 11, 2000
Members Present: Ms. Chie Curley, Co -Chair
Ms. Elizabeth Ockwell
Mr. Tony Kelly
Members Absent: Ms. Marilyn Sward
Mr. Morris Robinson
Ms. Cease Giddings
Ms. Esther Williams -Hays
Staff Present: Ms. Kathy Whyte, Clerk Typist II
Others Present: Erik Friedman, Mural Proposal
Linda Dean, Mural Proposal
Louise Cutler, Mural Proposal
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.
"Draft — Not Approved -
Note: minutes are not verbatim
Mr. Jerry Hausman, Co -Chair
Ms. Laura Saviano
Minutes of the March 14, 2000, Public Art Committee meeting were approved with amendments.
Citizen Presentations — Four mural proposals were presented by Erik Friedman, Linda Dean (2)
and Louise Cutler. Mural presentations were done in 15-minute intervals. Mr. Friedman works
for Response Center, a non-profit agency in Skokie. He is in charge of a peer education program
called TeenAIDs Awareness. He is proposing a mural at the underpass on Green Bay and
Central Streets (south side of the street). Mr. Friedman submitted a sketch of two bodies joined
together inside a ribbon and one drawing of five kids holding hands with the Response Center's
TeenAIDS logo coming down the middle. These m-o drawings represent people from all races
and walks of life. The space needed to complete the mural is the three middle grids under the
train tracts. Ms. Rita O`Hara, a social worker at Response Center, will help with scaling and
finalizing the project. After the scaling is completed, the painting will begin. Ms. Ockwell
suggested the use of a latex primer or acrylic paint. This will be easier for children to use
instead of oil -based paint. Mr. Friedman will oversee the entire project with help from Ms.
O'Hara. Ms. Ockwell questioned if there are resources available to wash the wall down and put
the primer on, before the artwork is put in place. Mr. Friedman responded that the money is
available. Mr. Friedman asked how much money is needed for the maintenance escrow account-
The exact amount %%ill be stated in the contract. Mr. Freidman will submit a better quality color
sketch \,.ithin 2 weeks.
Linda [dean submitted Two proposals. one proposal Kill be done in conjunction %ith the Nichols
community named "The Millennium." The south wall of the underpass at Greenleaf and
Chicago Avc. is the site selected for the mural. his. Dean passed out a sketch of the mural
,;zhich %\ill be 9 feet tali and 67 feet wide. The scaling "ill be done in advance. The painting will
br done ovcr the Memorial Day weekend. Ms. Dean and Mr. Paris (the artist) gill oversee the
entire pn11ect. Ms. Curely questioned how the money is being raised to fund the project_
Financing %vill be donated by area businesses. Mr. Don Woods. a painter, will donate his time.
but Ms. Dean %gill purchase his materials. No one under 10 years of age will work on the mural.
'rhc second proposal submitted by Linda Dean was a preliminary sketch by a group called
G7affin Artists. The site proposed for this mural is the east side of the underpass at Chicago
Ave. and Greenleaf. Lisa Rodriquez, an employee at the Evanston Police Department. Mll
oN rrsee the project. The artwork will be 75 feet long and 12-1/P2 feet high. The sketching will be
pr--pared in advance and the painting will begin May 27 h. Ms. Rodriquez will be irn•ited to
submit a formal proposal at the May PAC meeting.
TIC final mural proposal, submitted by Louise Cutler, was a computerized image of a mural
euiitled "Natural Harmony." The mural will be placed on the north %all of the Metra underpass
at Greenleaf and Chicago Ave. The mural will be stored on 22,4 x 8 plywood panels with an
en=nel coating. The artwork is being placed on plywood because the underpass may be
rehabbed soon and could get damaged. Ms. Cutler's mural request is for June, 2001. This will
allow her time to prepare the mural, have it painted and placed on the panels. The plywood will
have bolts to be nailed into the concrete for placement_ CTA and/or Metra should be contacted
to sere if this will cause damage to the wall.
Public Arts Committee's Comments/Recommendations
Mural #1 Erik Friedman — Mr. Friedman should submit a better color sketch of the mural.
There was a brief discussion regarding the Response Center's location (it is located in Skokie).
Mr. Friedman will also be informed that Central and Green Bay is a high -profile area and this
mural may be inappropriate for this area. The decision on this request will be put off until an
updated sketch is received.
Mural #2 Linda Dean — A finished color sketch of this mural will also be requested. This neural
seeress to be a difficult one to accomplish in 3 days. The length of the artwork (9 feet) could also
be a problem. Ms. Dean will also need to open an escrow account for removal and maintettartce
of the: mural. Approval is contingent on the artist preparing the detailed work in the timeframe
listen above.
Mural #3 Graffiti Artist by Linda Dean — The Graffiti Artist (Jonathan Stephens) will be
invimd to attend the May PAC meeting to make a formal presentation. It also must be
determined if financing is available for the project.
Mural #4 Louise Cutler — This proposal was a well -prepared and PAC thinks it is great Her
mural is contingent on her raising money and getting a ,grant to fund the project. Metra will also
have to be contacted to determine if bolts can be drilled into the concrete. Ms. Cutler also needs
to submit an application. No escrow account is needed
Ms. Qckwell will inform all individuals about PAC's comments/recommendations.
Ms. Ockwell will serve as the PAC representatiiv on the section pwlel. Paul Gettings will
represent the Parking Committee, and Tom )Xhite uill represent Arthur Ilill. Mr. Iliusmar. will
contact Mr. Mickenberger to determine the represeatstive from the Evanston Arts Council.
Indira Johnson, Peter Gordon, and Fred Nagelbaum's names were submitted to represent the
Community at Large. Lucille Krassrtow, Sally Devonsintis. Ron Kczkhack. Lorelei McClure,
Karen Chavers, and Lam• Okrent's names were also mentioned. The nominating ciommiee` Rill
consist of 6 members. Of the names listed above, some names \vere selected to sear on the
committee, other names were selected as alternates. The Selection Committee needs to be
formed as soon as possible because the deadline for submissions is May 1 'h.
All perspective candidates will receive a phone call to see if they are interested in serving.
Those that accept will receive a confirmation letter. Ms. Ocl.-well will be out of town (May 16 —
June 13) and will not be able to attend the first meeting. Mr. Hausman or Ms. Curley uill am and
the first meeting in her absence. There was a brief discussion about changing the deadline date
for submissions.
IA motion to Keep the current deadlrues was seconaea ana approved.
Ms. Curley spoke with Jim Maladore who deals with Pier Walk artists at Navy Pier. He offered
to work with PAC on what types of artwork could be used at the Church St. site. He represents a
gallery and can get good quality artists. If he recommends someone for the Church St. project,
he would get a commission from the artist or PAC. Mr. Hausman doesn't think it is a good ides
to use Mr. Maladore since a selection committee is already being formed to select the artist.
After further discussion, it was determined that the process currently in place is a good one, bw
this is another option.
PAC Budget — The PAC Retreat has a budget of S4,000. This amount includes the cost of
speakers, public art publications, videos, etc. The retreat should be scheduled for this fall. This
item will be placed on the May agenda.
Minutes from previous meetings will be reviewed to identify members that were absent from
three consecutive meetings. The Mayor will be notified about these members, and she will be
asked to send these individuals a letter stating that this is a working committee and their
expertise is needed. Mr. Hausman and Ms. Curley will speak with the Mayor about absent
members and how to proceed in their replacement. At the May PAC meeting, a new chair will
be selected. Ms. Saviano likes the co-chair concept and hopes this process continues.
Ms. Nancy Flannery of WPA Channel 30 TV is applying for a Cultural Grant to record
Evanston's Public Art.
The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.
Minutes of the
Public Art Committee
March 14, 2000
Members Present: Ms. Chie Curley, Co -Chair
Nis. EIizabeth Ocltr►ell
Mr. Tony Kelly
Members Absent: Ms. Marilyn Sward
Mr. Morris Robinson
Ms. Cease Giddings
Ms. Esther Williams -Hays
Staff Present: Mr. Douglas J. Gaynor
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m.
"Drail - Nxx Appmved-
Note: Minutes art not \=batim
Mr. Jerry Hausman, Co -Chair
Nis. Laura Saviono
Minutes of the February 8, 2000 Public Art Committee meeting were approved.
Guidelines and Procedures - Copies will be mailed out to everyone. Mr. Hausman's
comments will be incorporated in the draft and a final copy will be submitted for approval. After
approval, applications will be sent out with a cover memo. The artists will be asked to submit
sketches and a description of their artwork at a PAC meeting. The artist meetings will be set up
in I5-minute intervals. Delegations will be done after each interval. The artist will be notified
of PAC's decision within a couple of days.
E-Site Undate - Mr. Gaynor passed out a copy of the draft agreement between the City of
Evanston and Botti Studio of Architectural Arts, Inc. for installation and maintenance of an
outdoor sculpture.
Mr. Gaynor reported Petra Belcher (his secretary's) sister died in North Carolina. Flowers from
the PAC will be sent to her.
Ms. Curley passed out a picture of artwork submitted by Judy Robbins. Ms. Robbins would like
her piece to be considered for a site in Evanston. The PAC will look for a sponsor to cover Ms.
Robbin's insurance costs. The artwork is valued at S20,000. Her piece has to be placed on a
level foundation. Mr. Kelly suggested it could possibly be placed at Church and Maple. Ms.
Curley will inform Ms. Robbins that PAC is interested in her piece, but a final decision will be
put off until late spring (May/June). This will give PAC time to look at other pieces as well.
Ms. Curley mentioned that the Cite of Evanston does not insure public an. Busin&scs maw
have riders placed on their liability insurance to insure thrna. Nts. Saviano quest:ioncd who
insures sculptures. The City of Evanston insures sculptures. but they are not as valuable. Of the
two other applications subrnitted, one piece doesn't seem ;appropriate for downtown E\-anstmi. it
is too large. Ms. Curley will let the artist know about PAC's decision. Mr. Kelly asked if there
was another location for this piece. It was determined that a public location may L-1- more
appropriate. The slides will be returned. but the postcard «ill be kept. Tlie third pz�cee subrrtiued
by Martin Kerinski, is very nice but needs to be placed in a secure area. The PAC doesn't %%ant
to take on this responsibility. His slides also will be send back, but his piece will be kept under
consideration. Ms. Curley questioned what should be done for artists that need
financial/placement assistance.
Chair Renort — City Council approved S 180.000 (550,000 from Arthur Hill) for the Church
Street Plaza garage project. The budget for the project is up to S 175,000 (later in the meeting,
the amount was changed to 5170,000). The other SI0,000 will be used for honorariums, mailing
expenses and maquettes. The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2000. Revisions were made
to the proposal and approved by committee members. The committee will meet with Arthur Hill
to get a clear description/sketch of the facade for the prospectus. The call for artists will be
geared toward individual artists in local newspapers and on the Internet. The first step for the
artist will be to submit slides, their resume and proposal statement. Once the call for artist
proposals has gone out, the packets need to be developed.
Laura and Jerry will develop the packets. The packets will consist of:
Table of Contents
Y Design Intent
Colored Rendering, with a whited out section for the artwork
Drawings of the Site
Jerry will set up a meeting with Ben Rainey regarding the items listed above. The PAC will
serve as advisors on the interior artwork in the garage. The artist will be informed about the type
of art being used. The PAC gill also ask Arthur Hill for the technical guidelines of the site
(weight, height, etc.). All costs and construction (installation) of the artwork is included in the
S 170,000. A schedule for money disbursement needs to be developed. Most of the money will
be issued when the artwork is partially installed. A selection committee will be formed to judge
art submissions. The committee members will be selected from Public Art and Parking
Committees, Arthur Hill & Co, Evanston Arts Council and the art community. Ms. Cutely will
put together a short list of names from the community.
Ms. Curley and Mr. Hausman will extend invitations from the Public Art Committee to serve on
the selection committee. The selection committee will review all presentations and select a
finalist. The PAC, EAC and Parking Committee will review each finalist proposal. The
selection committee will also be asked to attend this meeting to answer questions. The selection
committee will make their recommendation to the City Council.
The selection of committee members will be discussed at the next PAC meeting in April. Ms.
Saviano will create a list of names for the prospectus. Mr. Gaynor's office will enter these
names into a database for labels. The PAC will submit a written report to the City Council on
each of their projects. This information will be put in the City Council packets.
Artwork Commission fnr Cineplex - Ms. Curie• relxNrtcd that this pnc lcct is off. Century
Theatres commissioned their own artist for this project, Public Art Canntittee is it3tcrestcd in
cataloging public art in the City of Evanston (wit is the project, who the artist is, etc.).
YMCA Mural - Ms. Ockwell and Mr. Hausman met with the YMCA regarding their mural
request. It was decided that the PAC is \\ illing to help % ith the project, but doesn't \vant to make
the lead. The project is a difficult one and is pruhabh• not going to happen.
CTA Viaduct — Mr. Kelly spoke with Beth 1\'hite, Chief of Staff. Chicago Transit Authority-_
regarding the beautification program in Evanston. She was very excited and wm= to know what
plans PAC has in this area. A couple of the underpasses in Evanston %,.ill be rebuilt around the
Main St. area Mr. Kelly passed out copies of wall murals currently placed in CTA stations
around Chicago. Mr. Gaynor suggested that PAC develop a calendar of events and priorities
their projects. Mr. Kelly will set up a meeting with PAC and Ms. White.
Director*R Search — There is a committee of six people, three from the Arts Council and three
selected by Mr. Gaynor. This committee w711 keep Mr. Gaynor informed of its progress.
Public Art Retreat — There is money currently available in the budget for a Public Art retreat,
This item will be placed on the PAC agenda in the near future.
PAC Membershin - The was a discussion about Marilyn Sward's attendance at PAC meetings.
Ms. Curley and Mr. Hausman %rill send her a letter explaining the rules of absenteeism. This
letter will also be sent to other members of the committee not currently attending meetings.
Two requests for public art have been received from Sidney Zwick. One piece is in disrepair and
is not acceptable, Ms. Ockwell will send him a letter.
Dunna, the Debra Butterfield sculpture, has corrosion. There is S200,000 in an escrow account
for its upkeep. It should be cleaned every year, but it hasn't been. Therefore acid from pigeon
dropping is eating into the sculpture. Ms. Curley will call Mr. Tinsley to put the cleaning project
on his schedule. Ms. Curley will also give Mr. Gaynor the cleaning schedule.
The PAC budget will be discussed at the next meeting. Other items to be discussed are:
:- Retreat
:- Communication
The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Others Present:
"Draft —Not Apprcmed -
Note: Minutes~ are not verbatim
Minutes of the
Public Art Committee
February 8, 2000
Ms. Chie Curley, Co -Chair Mr. Jerry Hausman. Co-chair
Ms. Elizabeth Ockwell Ms. Esther WBliams-Hays
Mr. Tony Kelly Ms. Laura Saviano
Ms. Cease Giddings
Ms. Marilyn Sward
Mr. Morris Robinson
Mr. Douglas J. Gaynor
Mr. Tom White
Mr. Ben Ranney
Ms. Judith Aiello
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
Minutes of the January 11, 2000 Public Art Committee meeting was seconded and approved.
Fountain Square - Ms. Judith Aiello reported there are currently no funds a,.ailable in the
2000/0I budget for repairs at Fountain Square. As part of the TIF plan to rebuild the Sherman
Ave. garage and the expansion of the Buck development with TIF, there may be additional
revenue included to redevelop Fountain Square. Ms. Aiello expressed the importance of the War
Memorial at Fountain Square. In the redevelopment of Fountain Square, it could be determined
that the War Memorial should remain or be relocated.
Public Art/New Garage - The latest design of the Church St. Plaza garage was distributed.
Because of this project, Maple Ave. has been closed to traffic. Mr. White, from Arthur Hill,
gave a brief update on the status of the Church St. garage. The target date for completion is
November I". The PAC art project and the opening of the garage could be tied together. Ms.
Curely asked if the PAC could save money if an artist was determined before the grillwork is put
in place. Mr. White explained that depending on the proposal, them could be some savings. Nis.
Aiello explained that the call for artist guidelines/ procedures should be finalized and presented
to the Parking Committee at their meeting on February 23.
The proposal must also be presented to the Human Services Committee and City Council at
their March meetings. If everything is approved at these meetings, the call for artists can go
out by the end of March. Ms. Curley passed out samples of call for artists' from different
It was determined that the call for artist shouldn't go out until an amount is clarified by the City 4k
Council. Ms. Saviano asked when would Council approve the funding, M& Aiello said the
funding should be approved on March 13'h. Ms. Aiello clarified that the council could gram up
to I % funding. It should not be assumed that the full amount %vould be approved. Ms. Saniano
asked Mr. White if there is a line item amount in the budget for the grilh%xtrk. Mr. White
responded that there was, he would have to check on the amot.It. fir. Kelly v6ll take pict=s of
the site on Clark Street and give everyone a copy.
Selection Process for Parking Garage -All items should be stamped "Drat}." The process -Ail)
be put off until approval from the City Council. There was a discussion of ho%v to proceed with
the process of call for artists. Ms. Curley call of artists packets from Mike Lash's office, Percent
for Art Bureau, City of Chicago. A packet and cover letter will be gi%�en out at the Parking
Committee meeting. A short slide presentation of parking garages that have public art will be
presented at the meeting. Mr. Gaynor will have the PAC presentation placed on the Parking
Committee agenda on February 23`d. The PAC will ask the City Council for S230,000. 14lr_
Hausman suggested getting a drawing from Mr. Ranney (of the fagade,) make copies and white
out the area where the sculpture will be placed. This will help the PAC show some examples of
the kinds of things that can be used there. Ms. Williams -Hayes suggested showing the slides
and submits a blank picture of the fagade without the grill.
There was a discussion regarding the call for artists' proposal and proposed procedures; several
changes were made, Mr. Hausman will prepare a draft cover letter, and other members of the
PAC will submit input. It was suggested that one person from Arthur Hill and the City sit on the
Parking Committee. Ms. Curley ,.;till put packets together, sent a copy to all committee members
by for revisions/approval. When everything is finalized, it will be submitted to Mr. Gaynor's
office by February 19'h. Mr. Kelly will put together the slide selection and Ms.Gidding will run
the projector during the presentation.
Public Art Conservation - Ms. Ockwell spoke with Liz Ceaton. expert on WPA prints, she is
somewhat interested in working with PAC. A sub -committee was formed for conservation
murals; Gail Struve and Dino Robinson's names were submitted. Mr. Kelly also expressed his
interest in helping out. Ms. Ockwell also spoke with YMCA; they are very interested in
updating their mural on Dempster Street. They are looking for an artist to work with them. It
doesn't have to be a member of the PAC, but maybe a Noyes Resident artist who has public
service obligations. Ms. Ockwell will attend the first meeting, but is unable to work with them
on a mural. Carla Kenny Philips, Art Director for Nichols School. may be interested in working
with the YMCA. Mr. Hausman will be glad to attend a meeting after he returns from vacation.
Mr. Gaynor is still receiving requests to paint murals; maybe one of those parties will work with
the YMCA. Ms. Curley gave suggestions on which materials could be used.
Mr. Gaynor asked if there is a possibility of getting a sponsor to buy materials needed for the
mural, such as (Starbucks, Montgomery Wards, Target, etc.) It was confirmed that Starbucks
and Target have funds available for community projects. The PAC will not fund this project.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Minutes of the
Public Arts Committee
January 11, 2000
Members Present: Ms. Chie Curley, Co -Chair
Ms. Elizabeth OckweIl
Mr. Tony Kelly
Members Absent: Ms. Marilyn Sward
Morris Robinson
Staff Present: Mr. Doug Gaynor
Others Present: Mr. Fred Nagelbach
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.
"Draft — Not Apprrncd"
Note: Minutes are not verbatim
Mr. Jerry Hausman, Co -Chair
Ms. Esther Williams -Hays
Ms. Laura Saviano
Mr. Cease Giddings
Minutes of the November 9 and December 14 Public Arts Committee meetings were both
Chair Report - Mr. Hausman reported that Ms. Judy Aiello and Mr. Jim Gamble, whom wrre
invited to the meeting, could not attend. Another invitation will be extended to both of them for
the February 8's meeting.
Public Art/N ew Garage - Ms. Ockwell expressed her concern regarding the I % (S 180.000). to
be allocated for public art as part of the Church Street Plaza project. Mr. Gaynor explained that
the money has been allocated for the PAC to decide on a public art project. Mr. Hausman
suggested that the PAC should work with the Arthur Hill developers to come up with a public art
project for the new garage. The PAC will put out a call for artists ad in the local papers
(Evanston Review, Roundtable, etc.) for this project. The artists will be asked to submit
slides/photos of their work. From these slides/photos, a list will also be developed for future
projects. Mr. Kelly will call the papers to find out the deadlines for placing ads. The Public Art
Committee will determine which project would be placed at the garage site in conjunction Kith
Arthur Hill whom may also submit additional funds for the project.
Ms. Curley suggested setting up an informal meeting with Jim Gamble, who was very invoked
with the call for artists for the Public Library projects. The meeting should be set up before the
next Public Art Committee meeting on February 8th. The dates discussed were, January 25 or
26. The purpose of the meeting is to develop guidelines and procedures that the PAC can
institute for artists interested in the garage/public art project.