HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2006-2008ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMJT'TEE MEETING MINUTES ' . , � T tirtOF VVEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2212006::, ROOM 2404-6:00 P.M. „.. MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Rainey, Aid, Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Moran,' Aid.' Tisdahl Marinn Juliar, Marty Norkett, Alice Rebechini,' Steve Samson MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Wynne PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid. Rainey, Chair --. OTHER COUNCIL ME51BERS PRESENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Judith Aiello, William Stafford,: Dennis , Marino, Morris Robinson, Mary Rodino OTHERS PRESENT: Suzanne B. Calder -League of Womeir Voters: ;; try SUMMARY OF THE MEETING I. Aid. Rainey called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 6:07 P.M :. II.- The EDC Meeting Minutes of December 79 2005 were unanimously approved.. The Joint Review Boards Meeting Summary of December 13, 2005 was introduced to the EDC for review. The JRB Boards represents the six tax increment financing districts in the City and they meet annually in the fall of each year. No action was required by the EDC. IV. BRISTOL. LLC: HOWARD STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT UPDATE Assistant City Manager Judith Aiello provided the EDC with a brief update on the Bristol LLC, Howard Street rental Residential Development Project. The firm is close to finalizing their financial arrangements and more specific details will be presented at the March 22, 2006 EDC Meeting. Also the draft redevelopment agreement is near completion and it is anticipated that the document will be presented at the March meeting also. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES-FEBRUARY 22, 2006 PAGE 2 Ald. Rainey asked if a meeting with the Chicago transit Authority had occurred. Staff member Aiello stated that she had met with the CTA officials as has Susan Guderly, the Neighborhood Planner. Staff member Marino added that Susan would also be meeting with the CTA in his stead on February 23, 2006. In addition, the EDC was advised that there will be a public hearing for vacating the alley during the first week of March. Ald. Rainey stated that she was unaware of the public hearing meeting and urged staff to keep aldermen better informed. Staff concurred_ Ald. Rainey also inquired about the effect of the tax rate on the proposed project. Judy Aiello stated that a pro -forma will be presented for discussion at the March meeting also. V. STRATEGIC PLAN DRAFT REVIEW Dennis Marino, Director of Planning joined staff member Aiello in presenting an overview of the Strategic Plan draft. Copies were included in the Economic Development Committee packets. (Copies of the draft plan can also be retrieved from the City web -site and are available at the Planning Division office, third floor room 3900 in the Civic center). Mr. Marino specifically directed the EDC's attention to page 15 which outlined the Economic Vision for the City and page 14 which dealt with Evanston's Future Image. Ms. Aiello then directed their attention to page 28 which listed the Goals and objectives, of the plan. Ald. Moran encouraged staff, in addition to communicating with established organizations such as Evmark and the Chamber of Commerce, to make the effort to communicate with other emerging groups who may have good ideas. The comments led,, to a general discussion where the EDC made several suggestions for the plan. Ald. Jean - Baptiste emphasized a need for job training and suggested that EDC and staff should take the responsibility of improving and maintaining on -going communications with the public. Member Rcbechini offered suggestions for focusing on transportation alternatives - such as IGO vehicle sharing and alternative fuels opportunities. The suggestions are compiled on the following list: • Economic development strategy should include a mechanism for on -going framework for outreach and communication with Evanston businesses,; especially small businesses and manufacturers so that, the City understand their issues • Strategy should provide for business & community members to share information and opportunities for employment (businesses) and skilled labor+ (community) Efforts should"be undertaken to encourage the ETHS to improve vocational training and awareness of employment opportunities • Encourage skilled labor job training programs for Evanston residents ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ' ' ' MINUTES-FEBRUARY 22. 2006 r , ' ' +' _ .. , ? r PAGE 4 Multi -model transportation plan should include emphasis on alternative fuels and means of transportation Staff concurred with the suggestions and will work to incorporate them into the strategic planning process. VI. NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICTS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INTRODUCTION OF APPLICATIONS Morris Robinson, Economic development Planner provided the EDC with a brief history of the Neighborhood Business Districts Improvement Program and its recent reactivation. This program has proved to be very successful in the past and the local business associations enthusiastically participate. In the past, the grants have been used for innovative marketing programs with brochures and other collateral material; sidewalk planters, holiday lights, pedestrian seating and web -sites. Funds for the program are derived from the Economic Development Budget for 2005-6. The current program grants are capped at $10,000 and the application deadline was extended to February 16, 2006 because of the holiday season. Staff introduced four neighborhood business association improvement proposals for the current grant program. The four applications are from the Evanston community Development Corporation (EDC); the Main Street Merchants Association; the Chicago/Dempster Merchants Association and the Central street Merchants Association. A Etch proposal is pending from the Dr. Hill Business Association. Ald. Jean -Baptiste requested late consideration for a sixth proposal yet to be submitted from the Southwest Business Association. The EDC will take into consideration the four applications submitted before the deadline and the two late applications will be introduced at -the March 22, 2006 EDC Meeting. Two of the submitted proposals included requests to create web -sites for their respective business districts in amounts that would consume a large portion of the grant dollars. Ald. Rainey expressed her belief that the costs associated with the creation of web -sites have dropped dramatically and may be available for free from the major system providers with a modest monthly fee for domain name selection and on -going maintenance. Ald. Rainey stated that her inclination is to decline support for funds ear marked for web -site creations that could be put to better use. Aid. Jean -Baptiste stated the City has award winning staff with significant expertise that may be able to provide guidelines and assistance. Member Rebechini concurred. Aid. Rainey further instructed staff to communicate with the associations to help guide them in their grant requests. 0 ECONuMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING. MINUTES-FEBRURAY 22, 2006 PAGE a, - Aid: Moran expressed his desire to empower the business associations to determine how they wished to use the funds as long as the proposals fall within the program guidelines. Aid. Moran then related a previous experience with the program when the Central Street Merchants Association wished to use grant funds to develop a radio advertisement for their business district. The EDC denied the request but later supported a similar request for the downtown area. Discussion ended with staff assuring the EDC that in-house web — site assistance, consultation and support will be sought for the business association participation. Additionally, staff will communicate the EDC concerns and suggestions to the particular associations seeking the creation of web -sites. VII. COMMUNICATIONS The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by the chair, Aid Rainey instructed staff to continue including pertinent articles, from the Downtown Idea Exchange and other periodicals. VIII. Because the elected officials on the EDC had to attend a special budget meeting scheduled to convene at 7:00 P.M., Aid. Rainey adjourned the EDC Meeting at approximately 6:57 P.M. The next EDC Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at 8:00 P.M. at the Civic Center, in Room 2404, second floor. Respectfully submitted, 4Mo s E. Robinson Economic Development Planner '.t: ire'•" - _ ... , , - ti ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE i SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2006 ROOM 2404-7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ald. Rainey, Ald. Jean -Baptiste, Ald. Moran; AI&Tisdahl,­i Ald. Wynne, Steven Samson MEMBERS ABSENT:, Marvin Juliar, Marty Norkett, Alice Rebechini PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Ald. Rainey, Chair OTHER COUNCIL: Ald. Wollin MEMBERS PRESENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Judith Aiello, Herbert Hill, Dennis -Marino, Morris Robinson, Elke Purze OTHERS PRESENT: 1 . ,William P atrun, G erald Sherman, D aniel S chultz: B ristol. LLC representatives; Richard Peach, Ronald Jones:" MBIWBIEBE Committee; Marty Stern: USEauities. SUMMARY OF THE MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER Ald. Rainey called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 7:42 P.M II. CONSIDERATION OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES The EDC Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2006 were unanimously approved. III. BRISTOL, LLC: 4I5 HOWARD STREET PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN THE HOWARDAUDGE T1F DISTRICT Chair Rainey advised the EDC that the purpose for the special EDC Meeting was to ress essential issues concerning the success or failure of the Howard Street' residential development project proposed by the Bristol, LLC development firm. Staff was asked to proceed with the presentation. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING OF APRIL 6, 2006 PAGE Judith Aiello, Assistant City Manager advised the EDC that there were vital issues that needed to be resolved to ensure that the development project could proceed. The EDC was previously provided with documents explaining: the background information regarding the Howard Street TTF District n5; a brief summary of the attached draft redevelopment agreement; statements concerning Evanston school districts TIF payment issues, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) issues and MWEBE issues. A copy of the original financial pro -forma was also attached. During the presentation, Ms. Aiello also distributed a letter from Mr. Daniel Schultz of Weis Builders, who is the project Manager for the proposed development. The letter was a detailed explanation of how the developers were compelled to adopt cost, saving construction bidding measures and why certain MBE waivers were requested. The letter also contained a commitment to increase the goal of minority hiring from 15% to. . 25% to mitigate the effect of the minority bidding participation waiver. Because the letter was presented at the meeting the EDC paused to read the communication. Ms. Aiello asked Mr. Robert Petrun, a principal with Bristol, to provide the EDC with a brief history of the project and to briefly describe the design of the project. Mr. Gerald Sherman, the Attorney representing the developers next provided the EDC with the particulars concerning the difficulties the developer has encountered in obtaining financing for the project during the last eighteen months. The project is in a precarious position and is now financed by a 28% equity stake by the developer and a 72% commitment by Black Rock/FNMA, an organization with a specific purpose of encouraging development in disadvantaged locations. The Bristol project has the distinction of being the first borrower. At the conclusion of the remarks by the Bristol representatives, Ms. Aiello reviewed the , pertinent aspects of the draft development agreement prior to detailing the three major issues confronting the project. Mr. Marty Stern, the consultant to the City briefly reviewed the property tax rebate program that was previously approved for the project. ISSUE I- CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY A number of issues with the CTA exist regarding the developer's ability to build to the lot line; the design of the garage space with assurance that access to CTA property from the garage is mitigated; access for emergency vehicles. All pertinent data has been submitted to the CTA and staff is awaiting the results of the CTA review. CTA staff must,... sign off on the project before the developer closing. S ECONONBC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SPECIA.1, NIEETING OF APRIL 6. 2006 PAGE 3 ,�. ISSUE 2: MWEBE The developer seeks a significant waiver from the MIVEBE Committee in the amount of S23.2 million for pre-existing design build contracts. The total project cost is estimated at S43 million. The waiver was previously denied by the MWEBE Committee. The developer also requested a second waiver in the amount of $4.3 million which was approved. The impact of the denial will have a significant negative impact on the project. ISSUE 3: TIF SCHOOL AGREEMENT The Evanston school districts are eligible to receive significant payments from TIF payments for school age children who reside in the project. Staff is conducting ongoing discussions with the school districts and the proposal to amend the agreement with the districts to increase the current allotment of S600,000 per year is under consideration. H owever, t he r esidential d evelopment a greement i s d rafted i n a in anner that will allow the developer to receive a tax rebate if there are school age children even if the City and school districts have not enacted any additional agreements. Mr. Schultz, the Project manager addressed the EDC, advising the members that as stated in the letter, the developers have committed to exceeding the 15% minority hiring goal, raising the goal to 25%. In addition, eight employment positions are reserved solely for` Evanston residents. Mr. Stem added that there are severe financial penalties for the developer if they fail to meet the goals. . Mr. Schultz was asked to quantify what 25% of the hiring force would be. Mr. Schultz stated that the entire project would require 229,230 man hours over a time line of 18 to 20 months. The 25% goal would be 56,000 labor hours. It is estimated that the 56,000 man hours will equate to approximately 80 jobs during the life of the project. Mr. Richard Peach, Chair-?NSWEBE Committee was asked if there were issues that he would like to address. Mr. Peach, who was also presented with the letter from Weis Builders, explained the reason the MWEBE objected to the waiver was because a good faith effort to meet the requirements did not appear to have been made. However the commitment to raise the goal for minority hiring from 15% to 25010 was acceptable. Mr. Peach and MWEBE member Mr. Ron Jones stated that if the developer meets the hiring objectives and if the City will provide proper monitoring of the commitment on the part of the developer, the proposal was acceptable and the MWEBE would support the project. Chair Rainey asked Mr. Peach to advise his committee of the commitment and to communicate the information to all pertinent parties. i ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMhtITFEE SPECIAL MEETING OF APRIL 6, 200G '' ' '' PAGE 4 After a brief discussion of various aspects of the data provided, Chair Rainey suggested, that a motion was in order. ACTIONS TAKEN: Ald. Rainey moved to recommend approval for the amendment ' to the development agreement to raise the minority hiring goal from 15% to 25%. Aid Wynne provided a second and the measure was approved unanimously. Aid. Wynne moved to recommend approval for the provision that eight of the Weiss Builders employment positions be reserved exclusively for Evanston residents. Aid. Jean - Baptiste provided a second and the measure received a unanimous vote for approval. Aid. Wynne moved to recommend approval for the amended redevelopment agreement to be introduced to the City Council at the April 11, 2006 Meeting and be considered for action at the City Council Meeting of April 24, 2006. The recommendation received a second and was passed with a unanimous vote. IV. EXECUTIVE SESSION Although an executive session was listed as an agenda item, the EDC determmiA that it was not necessary to enter into the session:- . �''• ' V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Aid. Rainey adjourned the meeting ;at approximately 8:45 P.M. _ The next scheduled EDC Meeting will be Wednesday, April 26, 20061;at­ 7:30 P.M. in Room 2404. Respectfully submitted, 4 Moms E., Robinson Economic Development Planner 1' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COM xt Y Y rE MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2006 ROOM 2404-7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ald. Rainey, Ald. Tisdahl, Ald. Wynne,. Marvin Juliar,- Marty Norkett, Steven Samson MEMBERS ABSENT: Ald. Jean -Baptiste, Ald. Moran, Alice Rebechini,..; PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid. W)mne, Chair OTHERCOUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Julia Carroll, Judith Aiello, Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson OTHERS PRESENT: William Stafford -School District 202, Gina Speckman-Director-CNSCVB. Randy Pluta-Corp..;.,:; Sales Manager Orrinwon Hotel, Paul Giddings-CNSCVB, ,,,1;; Board Member, Sue Walton, Henry Foch-Sign One. Dan Kelk-LuLu's SUMMARY OF THE MEETING L Chair Wynne advised staff that she would be late. Ald. Rainey, acting chair,=�.r.: called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 7:47 P.M U. The EDC Special Meeting Minutes of April, 2006 were unanimously approved. III. , FISCAL YEAR FUNDING CONSIDERATION (2006107) FOR THE CHICAGO'S NORTH SHORE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU lCNC&VBI After approving the EDC Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2006, Ald. Rainey advised the committee that the first agenda action item was consideration for funding the CNCV&VB for the new fiscal year 2006/07. Staff member Dennis Marino informed the EDC that Ms. Gina Speckman, Director,and Mr. Paul Giddings, CNSC&VB board member were present for the presentation and_that each EDC member had received supporting CNSC&VB material with,their packet. 1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 24, 2006 PAGE 2 Mr. Giddings made opening salutation remarks and introduced Ms. Speckman to the EDC. Ms. Speckman. Ms. Speckman thanked the EDC for the opportunity to review the the improved CNSC&VB financial performance and highlight the marketing initiatives, the Bureau has engaged in for the pre% ious year. Ms. Speckman advised the EDC that during the year the Bureau produced and distributed . over 20,000 Evanston VIP Passports including over seventy special offers from Evanston ' f restaurants and retailers. The 2006/07 Passport will be produced in early July 2006, just un time for the GAY Games and will have 30% more restaurants and retailers included. Continuing with the presentation, Ms. Speckman stated that over 100,000 Visitors Guides, are printed annually and that all Evanston restaurants and hotels are promoted in the Visitors Guide and bureau website. The Bureaus website receives 20,000-25,000 browsers annually. With regards to sales leads for hotel group business, there has been a 30% increase year to date. Ms. Speckman stated that during the current fiscal year a new hire was added to the Bureau staff for the dedicated purpose of concentrating solely on the tour and travel Market. The personnel addition brings the total Bureau staff headcount to five sales and marketing professionals. In addition to being included in the complete Bureau advertising program schedule which is designed to promote the entire North Shore, Advertisements specific only to Evanston attractions were placed on Chicago Tribune Metromix, Northwestern Alumni Magazine,' Gay Games Destination Guide and Gay Game Games Visitors Guide. In response to an inquiry from Ald. Rainey, Ms. Speckman advised the EDC that the prospects of gay game visitor activities is growing into what is believed to be an annual event and it is advantageous for Evanston to market to this travel segment. Other Bureau marketing efforts included: •' i "the completion of a S3,000 downtown photo shoot and the photos are available to r !."-various Evanston organizations • the production of the Northwestern Foot Ball Map & Guide • significantly increased distribution of CNSC&VB publications at NU and distributed 7,500 VIP Passports and 21,000 Visitor Guides through various NU administrative offices + Promoted Evanston Restaurants and Merchants Associations via Chicago Tribune co-operative advertising campaign. • Represented Evanston at two trade shows for downtown hotel concierges. *"'-Sponsored the Evanston Chamber of Commerce's program to welcome new residents to the City. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF Mav 24.2006 PAGE • Highlighted Evanston cultural events and hotel packages in the monthly a -news Ietter and quarterly customer/client a -news letters. • Arranged for the City to be featured for over night stays in association with direct CTA access to Cubs games, downtown visits and other north shore attractions. • Evanston summer festh als, events, beaches and farmer's market were featured in Spring/Summer advertising campaign in program guides at various North Shore venues. • Evanston was added as a stop on Grayline Chicago's tour of the North Shore. One of the Evanston stops is the Light House. Ald. Rainey and Ald. Tisdahl advised Ms. Speckman to ensure future bus tour information include the fact that the Evanston Light House is a national landmark. At the conclusion of the presentation, the EDC expressed their pleasure with the'"'. CNSC&VB activities. After a brief question and answer period, Aid. Rainey asked fora" motion : 4 ACTION: Member Marvin Juliar moved to recommend approval for the funding of the CNC&VB fiscal year, in the amount of S61,800. Member Marty Norkett provided a second and the { motion was unanimously approved. IV. CONSIDERATION OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND SCHOOL DISTRICS 202 & 65 Ald: Rainey asked for and received a motion and a second for recommending approval ` for this agenda item before entering into the discussion phase. Ald. Wynne arrived at this time and assumed the duties of the Chair. Assistant City Manager Judith Aiello advised the EDC of the draft Intergovernmental . Agreement between the City and School Districts 202 and 65. The agreement stipulates increasing the annual payments to the school districts from S600,000 to S800,000 with a 60Vo-40% distribution between 202 and 65 respectively. This arrangement is predicated on two critical conditions. The first is that construction must start for the 415 Howard Street residential development project located within the boundaries of the Howard/Ridge TIF District 05, if the agreement is approved by the, , City. The s econd condition requires t he d eveloper ( Bristol, LLC) ' and C hicago Transit" Authority, (CTA) to formalize an agreement ameliorating the "no build" and proximity/security issues the CTA has. If the development does not start in June 2006 the-, possibility of completing the project will be seriously jeopardized. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 17. 2006 Page 4 In addition to these two conditions, the schools are mandated to provide the City with annual reports indicating how the funds are used. The TIF regulations are specific as to how funds may be used, narrowly restricting usage to job training activities. Member N orkett a sked i f t here were a ny p ossibilities f or t he s chools t o use f unds for other critical needs. Member Norkett was advised that unfortunately other usage was not possible. Ald. Rainey asked Ms. Aiello for and received a clarification of the TIF stipulation that requires payments to the schools for those school age children who move. into a residential development within the TIF District boundaries, which received financial assistance for the project. Chair Wynne asked if the additional $200,000 dollars for the school districts was to be pro -rated for the first year. Ms. Aiello indicated that the additional amount would not be paid to the school districts on a pro -rated basis. Ms. Aiello advised the EDC that the Agreement has already been approved by the City School Committee. There being no further questions, Ald. Wynne called for the vote, at which time the EDC voted unanimously to recommend approval for the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and School Districts 202 and 65. V. WEST EVANSTON RFO FOR PHYSICAL PLANNING AND DESIGN SERVICES (UPDATE) Staff member Marino provided the EDC with a brief update on the status of the € West Evanston TIFF District 9 6 planning process. A Request For Qualifications (RFQ) was issued in April 2006 and four of the eleven responding design teams were determined to be qualified. A Request For Proposals (RFP) will be issued this week to these four, pre -qualified design teams, for w est Evanston physical p lanning and urban; irtfill design services. VI. COMMUNICATIONS The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by the Chair Wynne. The committee reviewed the new Retail/Commercial Vacancy list and asked staff member Morris Robinson to make contact and deletion adjustments. In general the committee appreciates the articles staff' includes in the packets and want the practice to continue. VII. . ADJOURNMENT There,being .no further business, Ald..Wynne adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:47 P.M. ' Y"i'. - _ -� .-. -r. -,7: _ -t — -. :. -�.'�:i--iYx-. "r.3_;r �S:,r � '7�}'•`�,'.ti°s.: �Fa.�{.h 9 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES PRLr 5 The next scheduled EDC Meeting will be held on 'Wednesday, June 28, 2006, at 7:30 P.M. in Room 2404. submitted, Morr s E. Rd�inson Economic Development annex ECONOMIC DEVELOPI>IENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES '� { OF THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2006 jl ROOM 2404-7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Wynne, Aid. Moran Aid. Tisdahl, Marvin Juliar, Marty Norkett, Robert Creamer INIENIBERS ABSENT: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey, Alice Rebechini, PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Ald. Wynne, Chair OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson OTHERS PRESENT: Ann Dienner Jit I MEETING SUM1hiARY I. Chair Melissa Wynne convened the Economic Development Committee Meeting OF December 14, 2006 at approximately 7:34 P.M. "r II.%- :i .The EDC Meeting Minutes of September 27, 2006 were unanimously approved. IIL =; f 2007 EDC Meetings Schedule Approved The Committee considered the 2007 EDC meeting dates and unanimously approved the 2007 meeting schedule. IV. & V. Performance Reports for the Tax Increment Financing Districts & Joint Review Board Annual Meeting Update Staff provided the EDC with an overview of the performance reports for the six Tax Increment Financing Districts. The reports were previously presented at the annual Joint Review Boards Meeting on Wednesday, December 13, 2006. The performance review was followed by a brief discussion of the actual Joint Review Boards Meeting and the identification of the various taxing bodies with representation on the boards. EDC members received copies of the annual reports in their meeting packets. The JRB Meeting Minutes will be included in the January 2007 meeting packets. No action was reauired. i ECONOI►IIC DEVELOPMENT COAMMITTEE MINUTES-DECEMBER 14. 2006 PAGE 2 VI. Evmark Special Service District Renewal Action Plan & Schedulingof the Public Hearing The EDC was ad-,ised of the Downtown Special Service District Renewal Action Plan. Evrnark administers to the downtown special service district and a new term of 12 years has been proposed. A Public Hearing is scheduled for January 22, 2007. No action was required. VIL Nest Evanston Phvsicai Planning Process and Summary Recommendations : The EDC was provided with an update of the Vest Evanston TIF District # 6 Planning Process initiatives. A review of the consultant summary recommendations fora Master Plan and form based coding were discussed. A detailed report of the recommendations was included in the EDC packets. No action was required. VIII. Downtown Planning Initiatives The EDC was provided with an overview of the Plan Commission initiatives related to revising the Downtown Plan. In addition, each member received a copy of the power point slides presented on Tuesday, December 9, 2006 at the Rotary. Issues addressed included dividing the Downtown into three districts (traditional, core and transitional); shifting the Downtown boundaries from Asbury to Ridge; retaining 'a consultant to do the form based coding pilot project on selected blocks, including all proposed traditional areas, and the consideration of recommendations from the Historic Preservation Commission. Also discussed was the range of issues in the Downtown Plan such as open space, infrastructure, retail mix, etc. which need to be addressed. Some of these issues can be addressed by the recent recommendations of the Downtown Visioning Process. EDC members expressed a desire to conclude the consulting, analytical and public input process with urgency. The EDC members also requested periodic updates of components of the revised plan so that the Planning & Development Committee is not confronted with proposals without the benefit of the Downtown Committee's most up to =date -guidance. Also, the EDC is desirous of having a joint meeting with the Plan 'Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. 'No -action was required. ECONOi4IIC DEVELOPMENT CONIAUTTEE AIINUTFD-DECENIBER 14. 2006 PAGE 3 IX. Central Street Corridor Studv The EDC was provided with an update of the Central Street Corridor planning initiative. The City has entered into an agreement with the Lakota Group to provide a comprehensive study which will include streetscape enhancements, density, zoning, development standards and parking analyses. No action was required. X. Where Workers «'ork-Evanston Emplovment Staff member Dennis Marino provided the EDC members with a document entitled "Where Workers Work 2006" which was published by the State of Illinois' Department of Employment Security. The document contained comparative data tables of people employed at multiple worksites in Cook County suburban communities over a 20 year period. The data also included comparative worker participation statistics, by community, in the various industries, i.e.: food, beverage & tobacco, textile, chemical, computer, machinery, retail, education, healthcare, etc. The EDC members found the information contained in the document to be informative and interesting, particularly when comparing Evanston's employment data with other communities. M. Develonment Protects Undate The EDC Meeting ended with a discussion on where Workers Work -Evanston Employment and current and recently completed development project updates. MI. Communications Chair Wynne acknowledged the communication items included in the packets, noting they are interesting, informative and appreciated by the members. XIII. Adiournment There being no further business, Chair Wynne adjourned the EDC Meeting at approximately 8:35 PAL The next scheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 24, 2007 at 7:30 P.M. in room 2404. fully submitted, vLc� E. Robinson _ .J V, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMhiiTTEE MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2007 ' -'-`"r'- ROOM 2404-7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ald. Wynne, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Tisdahl; Many.; Norkett, Robert Creamer r MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Moran, Aid. Rainey, Marvin Juliar, Alice Rebechini; ; PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Ald. Wynne, Chair OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Bernstein, Ald.Wollin STAFFPRESENT: Judith Aiello,. Dennis Marino;: Herbert Hif1, Morris Robinson OTHERS PRESENT: James Nash-EVMARK Board President, Dan Kelk-. EVMARK Board Member, Les Shinderlin, Lynne Hyte;; SUMMARY OF THE MEETING: I. Chair Wynne advised staff' that she would be late. Ald. Rainey, acting chair, called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 7:32 P.M II. The EDC Special Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2006. were unanimously- '- approved. III, EVMARK SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO.4 DISCUSSION Aid. Wynne advised the EDC that the next agenda item was a discussion regarding the downtown Special Service District ff 4 which is represented by EVMARK. Judith Aiello, Assistant city Manager introduced W. James Nash, THE EVMARK Board President who began the discussion. Mr. Nash advised the EDC that the EVMARK Board and the Executive Committee had taken two steps in the previous weeks regarding issues that impact on the future of the organization. The first step was to review the recommended new boundaries for the downtown and decided to include one building that had been omitted and two other buildings which were included in the boundaries to be omitted. The second measure . was to consider the impact on the EVMARK budget if the residential portion of the_ district- were excluded from the EVMARK source of funding and a motion to fix the .' problem was proposed and passed by the board members. f t }. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMM][TTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28, 2007 Pa L2, There will be a gap in funding for EVMARK if the downtown residential portion is excluded from the budget and there will be a need to consider alternative sources of funding for EVMARK to bridge the gap. AId. Jean -Baptiste asked for a clarification of the meaning of the motion. Ms. Aiello advised the EDC that the essence of the motion is to remove downtown residents as a source of funding and that the EVMARK Board would like for the City to consider bridging the funding gap resulting from the loss of the revenue stream from the downtown residents. Aid. Tisdahl asked what the gap amount is. Ms. Aiello stated that an annual gap , ; could range from approximately S103, 000 to S125,000 per year. The amounts will differ' ` each year, depending on the equalized assessed valuation (EAV) The City is being asked' to make the commitment to cover the gap and that the pledge is included in the ordinance, requiring EVMARK to appear annually before the EDC with its budget to ascertain the shortfall. Staff' anticipates that the funds to meet the gap pledge can be equally derived from the two downtown T1F districts and the Economic Development Fund. Aid. Jean -Baptiste recalled a meeting with the 3 aldermen impacted by the new downtown boundaries, EVMARK representatives and members from the community. The meeting was an attempt to resolve dissenting issues regarding residential being. included in the special service district, which arose at the last Council Meeting as well as` to discern alternatives. Given the momentum that was building by downtown residents, it was felt that renewal of the special service district could be defeated altogether. Discussions led to the possibility that the City could assist as one funding source by way of the Economic Development fund to support the EVNI LARK projected budget. Aid. Jean -Baptiste cited several buildings where the residents were nearly 100% in their opposition the special service district. Aid. Jean -Baptiste explained that the meeting was attempting to get ahead of the issues ant to ultimately have the City council approve the assistance measure, starting with the Economic development Committee. Ald. Tisdalil stated that she is reluctant to sign on to a program of funding support without knowing what an annual shortfall range will be. Ms. Aiello reiterated that the shortfall will be in the aforementioned range of S103,000 to S125,000.which satisfied Aid. Tisdahl's concern. Aid. Tisdahl was more comfortable with the thought that the cost would be borne by the entire City rather than just a small section of residents for service that benefit the entire City. There were a few concerned residents in the audience who wished to express concern' regarding the EVMARK budget. Mr. Les Shindelin stated although he was pleased: to' hear that residents of the district were removed as a funding stream for EVMARK, he was not convinced that EVMARK was spending funds wisely.' 'Y- f ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 28.2007 Page 3 Mr. Shindelin noted that with the move towards full time employees for EVMARK, earmarks for employee payroll and benefits far exceeds increases for maintenance, marketing and other expenditures. Aid. Wynne assured Mr. Shindelin that the City has reviewed the proposed budget and is comfortable with what EVMARK has presented. The organization of EVMARK has not changed since its establishment although the scope of its services has gro%irm remarkably. Ms. Lynne Hyte, who owns properties in the district was concerned that there no residential members on the EVMARK Board and in exchange for the City covering the gap, the City should demand 3 seats on the board to be filled by residents. It wag' explained to Ms. Hyte that the EVMark activities are open and every attempt is made to generate involvement from residents. Aid. Bernstein, Ald. Wollin and others expressed the need for EVMARK, and if not EVMARK some other entity to do the job that EVMARK does. Aid. Bernstein is of a mind to support the funding assistance request with some reservation. Mr. Shindelin did not disagree that EVMARK was needed, indicating that his primary concern was that it performed its duties in a fiscally responsible manner. Herbert Hill, First Assistant Corporation Council for the City presented two questions for the EDC to ponder: • Does the EDC agree with excluding residents within the special service district from paying an annual assessment? Does the EDC agree with the request for the City to cover the'funding gap caused by excluding residential in the district as a revenue stream for EVMARK? Aid. Wynne stated that in her opinion it is simply one issue. Staff member Marino F presented suggested wording to be used in an ordinance approving the request. "The Economic Development Committee recommends that the City provide funding to EVAIARK on an annual basis, subject to annual review, to finance the difference between EVMARK's annual special service district levy and EVNIARK's annual budget. This amount may not exceed 5103,000 annually. The source of funding will be a combination of the following: • The Washington national Tax Increment Financing District • The Downtown II Tax Increment Financing District • The Economic Development Fund lad+L--a•t�-:.. < <= e�- .... ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28. 2007 Pam EVbIARK will submit an annual budget and performance report to the Economic Development Committee. Also included shall be an estimate of the difference between the annual EVMARK budget and the projected special service levy for the subject year. The EDC will make a recommendation to the City council of the level and sources of City funding. Staff recommends an initial funding blend of 33% from each of the two TIF Districts and 33% from the Economic Development Fund." The EDC was assured that there would be annual audits of the EVMARK budget and the EDC concurred that residents were needed on the board. ACTION TAKEN. The EDC voted unanimously to recommend approval for the City to cover the annual +. , r.: EVMARK funding gap created from excluding residents from within the special service ; district from the annual levy, in the manner recommend by staff. IV. DOWNTOWN PLANNING INITIATIVES -DRAFT GUIDING i J.:+ PRINCIPLES DISCUSSION ; Staff member Marino provided the EDC members with a brief update of the efforts made towards developing the draft document for the downtown planning initiatives guiding principles. The document was also briefly reviewed. V. NEST EVANSTON TIF DISTRICT NO h PHYSICAL PLANNING . PROCESSES Staff member Marino again provided a brief update of the highly successful Physical Planning Processes conducted by consultants with assistance from city staff for "Sub Areas 1, 2, and 3" of the West Evanston TIF District No. Six. Community participation «•as excellent. The Mastcr Plan developed from the process was approved by the Plan Commission and has been referred to the Planning & Development Committee for recommended approval. The zoning proposals included in the Master Plan have been referred to the Zoning Committee for study, public hearings and approval recommendation. VI. CENTRAL STREET PLANNING PROCESS Once again, Staff member Marino provided the EDC members with a brief update on the Central Street Planning Process currently being conducted by consultants and assisted by city Staff, but not yet completed as of this EDC Meeting. Community participation has also exceeded expectation. t U 1. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CON MIITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28.2007 Palle 5 VII. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT UPDATES Staff member Marino advised the EDC that there were no specific project updates to report on unless the panel had any particular projects in mind. Various staff personnel fielded questions pertaining t approved projects that appear to have been stalled. VIII. COMMUNICATIONS The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by the Chair Wynne. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ald. Wynne adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:00 P.M. The next scheduled EDC Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at 7:30 P.M. in Room 2404. Respectful submitted, i 1 *14is E. Robinson Economic Development Planner sm ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONEI+ MEE MEETING MINUTES , ;r OF WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 2007 ROOM 2404-7:30 P.M. ., MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Ald. Rainey, Aid. Tisdahl, Robert Creamer, Marvin Juliar, Marty Norkett, Alice Rebechini . f MEMBERS ABSENT: Ald, Wynne -Chair, Ald. Moran PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Acting Chair OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Judith Aiello, Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson OTHERS PRESENT: Gina Speckman- Executive Director CNSC&VB, Paul Giddings -Board Member, Dan Kelch-Board Member, Sue Walton-Afeetine Planner, Russ Abell -General Ma►►aeer- '1. Hotel Orrineton, Ann Dienner SUMMARY OF THE MEETING: I.- Acting Chair Aid. Jean -Baptiste called the EDC Meeting. to ; order at approximately 7:36 P.M H.- The EDC Meeting Minutes of February 28, 2007 contained one error in the'text which referred to Aid. Rainey as present at the February 25, 2007 meeting when in fact she was not in attendance. The minutes were unanimously approved with that correction noted. IIl. CHICAGO'S NORTH SHORE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (CNSC&VB) Aid. Jean -Baptiste stated that the next agenda item was a performance presentation and request for renewed funding by Ms. Gina Speckman, Executive Director of .Chicago's North Shore Convention & Visitors Bureau (CNSC&VB). Portfolios containing program descriptions; program volume data; collateral materials; program performance results and a letter requesting 2007-8 funding in the amount of $63,654 were previously provided to the Economic Development Planner and distributed in each EDC member's meeting packet. Ms. Speckman guided the EDC through the past .year activities, highlighting the success of the CNC&VB programs. f ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 25. 2007 Pam Testimonials supporting the programs conducted by the CNSC&VB were provided by Mr. Paul Giddings, co-owner of Folk -works Gallery and CNSC&VB board member; Mr. Dan Kelch, owner of Lulu's restaurant and CNSC&VB board member, Ms. Sue Walton, a local meetings planner and Mr. Russ Abell, General manager of the Hotel Orrington. Member Rebechini commented on the unusually low cost for producing the Visitors Guide brochure. At the conclusion of the presentation, a brief discussion ensued. It appears that many of the EDC members, led by Aid. Rainey were compelled to inforni Ms. Specianan that they do not receive any of the communications or collateral material from the CNSC&VB during the year although Ms. Speckman indicated that materials are sent. Also, the EDC members were not aware of the CNSC&VB web -site. Ms. Speckman pledged to remedy the problem(s) and staff member Robinson advised the EDC that an up to date EDC contact roster would be provided to the bureau staff. The discussion ended with staff member Marino advising the EDC that City staff recommended approval of the CNSC&VB request for funding in the amount of $63,654 for the CNSC&VB 2007-8 fiscal program year from the City of Evanston. ACTION TAKEN: Acting Chair Jean -Baptiste called for a motion to recommend approval for funding as described by staff. Aid. Rainey moved approval and Aid. Tisdahl provided a second for the motion and the measure was passed with a unanimous vote. IV. NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICTS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (NBDIP) Proceeding with the meeting, Acting Chair Jean -Baptiste stated that the next item of business was the request for re -funding in the amount of S50,000 for the Neighborhood Business Districts Improvement Program (NBDIP) for the 2007-8 fiscal program year. Staff member Morris Robinson, Economic Development Planner was asked to deliver the presentation. Staff member Robinson directed the attention of the EDC members to the materials contained in their meeting packets. Enclosed were summaries of the projects and fund expenditures of the previous fiscal }ear's merchant associations grant recipients and a letter from staff requesting approval for funding the 2007-8 fiscal year program. Staff member Robinson advised the EDC that the program is one of the few tools available that the City has for direct outreach to benefit its neighborhood businesses. The EDC was also advised of efforts on the part of staff and Aldermen Jean -Baptiste and Holmes to establish two new businesslmerchants associations in west Evanston, one in the target area of Dempster Street west of Dodge and the other in the targeted area of Church and Dodge. Aid. Rainey stated that an extra ordinary effort was also needed for organizing a merchants association for Howard Street, which is also a target area. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 25.2007 Page 3 Staff member Robinson assured Aid. Rainey that extraordinary attempts will be made to have the Howard Street area participate in the program. Aid Rainey also suggested that associations which have never received funding should have precedent over those which have a history of previous funding. Concern was also expressed about how the Evanston Community Development Corporation (ECDC) handled the $10,000 grant it received the previous year especially since it has a balance of $8,500. Staff member Robinson advised the EDC that when the ECDC received the grant, that it was the only organization that came close to the definition of an business association in the Church/Dodge portion of west Evanston. Staff continues to work with the organization but recognized that a true business association was needed to make advancements in the target area. This was the main reason for the initiative to establish a new business association together with the help of Ald. Jean - Baptiste who volunteered to provide his legal assistance for incorporating the group of merchants and property owners in the ChurchlDodge area. Aid. Rainey asked if the EDC can be provided with quarterly, updates from the grant recipients. Staff member Robinson answered affirmatively. Staff member Marino recommended approval to proceed with the program which will be funded in the amount of S50,000 for the 2007-8 fiscal year. ACTION TAKEN: There being no further discussion Acting Chair Jean -Baptiste called for a motion to approve funding for the program as recommended. Ald. Rainey moved to approve and the motion was seconded by member Rebechini and or Ald. Tisdahl. The motion received a unanimous vote to recommend approval. V. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT UPDATES Staff member Marino updated the EDC of recent development projects and proposals. it appears that the redevelopment project proposed for the old Kendall College site will commence in the near future. Ald. Rainey asked about the vacant Barnes and Noble bookstore. Staff member Aiello advised the EDC of the difficulties related to leasing the property. The New York based owner only wants a single tenant and they are not interested in selling. Aid. Rainey also asked for an update on the Lee Fry development project on Oak -ton. Staff pledged to provide the update the following day. VI. COMMUNICATIONS The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by Acting Chair Jean -Baptiste. Aid. Rainey expressed her opinion in why anyone who reads the Monthly Rett and the Building & Construction Value Reports can have any doubts in how well Evanston is performing. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COrIhfITTEE MEETING MEETING OF APRIL 25.2007 PAGE 4 VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION Assistant City Manager Judith Aiello requested the EDC enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing real estate issues. Acting chair Jean -Baptiste called for a motion to enter into executive session. ACTION TAKEN: Staff member Robinson conducted an EDC member voice roll call and the EDC voted unanimously to enter into executive session. Executive session began at approximately 8:15 P.M. and adjourned at simroximately 8:30 P.M. The EDC resumed the public meeting and engaged in a general discussion for a brief period ending with Acting Chair Jean -Baptiste requesting a motion to adjourn the meeting. Aid. Rainey moved for adjournment, a second was provided and the motion passed with a unanimous vote. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Acting Chair Ald. Jean -Baptiste adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:48 P.M. The next scheduled EDC Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 23; 2007 at 7:30 P.M. in Room 2404. Respectfully submitted, Morris E. Robinson Economic Development Planner E ...•i: il.�+Y. Tti! r�.��a ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDA.Y, JULY 25, 2007 t " ROOM 2404-7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Wynne, Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Moran, Robert Creamer, Marvin Juliar, Marty Norkett, Johanna Nyden MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Rainey, Aid. Tisdahl PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid Jean -Baptiste, Acting Chair OTHER COUNCIL #' MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Holmes STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson OTHERS PRESENT: Beth Adler-Florence/Crain Bus. Assoc., Jeff Corey -Arts Council, Cathy Katona, Sam Frantzes R: Sam Johnson- `ChurchlDodee Bus. Assoc.. John Leinewebber-Dr. Hill Bits. Assoc., Cecilia Lindstrom-Chicaeo/Deinnster Bits. Assoc., Allan Price -Alain St. Aferch. Assoc., Carol Ritchie- Cen(ral St. Bits. Assoc., Diane Williams-EPAMRK SUIIIMARY OF THE MEETING: I. Chair Wynne called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 7:38 P.M. Ms. Johanna Nyden, the new Plan Commission liaison member to the EDC was introduced.' Ms. Nyden succeeds Ms. Alice Rebechini whose term has ended. Il. The EDC Meeting Minutes of April 25, 2007 were unanimously approved. III. NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT REQUESTS Chair Wynne stated the first agenda item to consider was the Neighborhood Business District Improvement Program grant requests received from eight neighborhood business associations. Representatives from the following associations were present to answer questions: 1.) Central Street Business Association; 2.) Chicago/Dempster Merchants Association; 3.) Church/Dodge Merchant Association; 4.) Evanston Arts Council; 5.) Dr. m ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 25, 2007 Poee 2 EDC members were provided %6th copies of each RFP request as well as a synopsis of each request with the recommendations from the Planning staff. Staff member Morris Robinson advised the EDC that although the eight request for funds totaled $65,400. Alter the Planning staff completed their review, the Arts. Council, $10,000 request was reduced by S4,000 for self promoting materials which were not eligible for the program. As such staff recommended approval for a total amount of S61,400 to be distributed which, coincidentally, if approved by the EDC and City Council, will leave a balance in the Economic Development fund of approximately S4,000. Aid. Jean -Baptiste suggested that each representative take a minute to present the purpose; for how the requested funds Kill be used by their respective organizations. 1.) The first to speak was Mr. Allan Price, representing the Main Street Statid& Merchants Association. His association was seeking a grant to be used as a portion of the amount needed to pay for the development of a web site; design and production of a"' ' = brochure and counter racks; cooperative advertising; new signage; bike racks and hanging planters. There were no questions from the EDC. Chair Wynne complimented Mr. Price on all of the improvements that have already been accomplished by the association and suggested that staff contact the post office and building owner located at Main and Custer, to urge there to make improvements improve their very public site. 2.) Ms. Carol Ritchie, representing the Central street Merchants Association spoke next. She informed the EDC that they were seeking S7,000 for lamppost banner design, - purchase of 62 banners to be installed on Central Street and Greenbay road. 3.) Ms. Cecilia Lindstrom, representing the Chicago/Dempster Ivierchants Association informed the EDC that they are seeking funds for holiday tree lighting, advertising in conjunction with EVMARK for the Super summer Sale, the purchase of 300 canvas shopping bags and new lamppost banners. 4.) The new, Church/Dodge merchant association was represented by Mr. Sam Frantzes. Mr. Frantzes advised the EDC that their requesting funds for marketing material for their districts' farmer's market; marketing material for the 2"d Annual national Night Out Neighborhood BBQ and Memorial; lamppost banners and signage. 5.) Mr. Jeff Corey, representing the Evanston Arts Council advised the EDC that funds' would be used to develop an on line calendar of cultural arts activities and to create, order and install lamppost banners. 1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 25, 2007 Page 3 6.) Mr. John Leinewebber, representing the Dr. Hill Business Association intends to use . the grant funds to commission, create and install a sculpture and purchase additional :. plantings for the dr. Hill Memorial Garden located in the triangle at Greenbay, Ashland and Noyes which will complete this two year project. 7.) Ms. Diane Williams, Executive Director of EVMARK advised the EDC that funds were requested for advertising the Super summer Sale in downtown Evanston in conjunction with the Chicago/Dempster Merchant Association's Super Summer Sale. 8.) Ms. Beth Adler, representing the Florence/Crain/Greenlcaf Business Association explained to the EDC that her organization was seeking funds for bike rakes that would accommodate at least 8 bikes. Her district is not included in the bike rack study which will be conducted by the Traffic Engineer. ACTION TAKEN: At the conclusion of the presentations, Chair Wynne asked if the panel had any other questions. There being none, Chair Wynne asked for a motion. Ald. Moran moved to recommend approval as recommended by staff. The motion received a second and was unanimously approved. Aid. Jean -Baptiste addressed the representatives and advised them that at least one representative from their respective associations should be present at the August 13, 2007 in the event other Council members have questions. IV. WEST EVANSTON TIF DISTRICT NO. 6 PROGRESS REPORT & DISCUSSION OF EXPANSION NEED TO ACHIEVE THE WEST EVANSTON MASTER PLAN Chair Wynne next called upon staff member Dennis Marino to present an assessment of the progress made in the West Evanston TiF district and to advise the EDC of the nest phase going forward. Staff member Marino stated that since the last EDC Meeting, substantial progress was happening in the district. Construction of The 40 unit Church Street Village town home project is progressing well and the units are 50% sold. BOOCO CAFC' opened at 1823 Church Street. Aside from offering wholesome foods and drinks for breakfast, lunch and dinner the establishment serves as the ECDC Headquarters, a culture center, dance and recording studio, classroom for various classes, martial arts training and other community activities. Staff' member Marino also informed the EDC of the 27 unit residential loft conversion project under construction by local developer Steven Yas, and of the completion and sale of the two unit affordable townhouse project constructed by George Gauthier near the corner of Church and Dodge. - Y a ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING hIFETING OF APRII. 25. 2007 PAGE 4 s With regard to the West Evanston TIF District, staff member Marino informed the EDC of the need to expand the boundary north to incorporate part of Simpson Street and part of Greenbay Road. Maps illustrating the TIF boundaries were provided and were used to indicate the proposed boundary expansion. The suggested boundary expansion is needed to achieve the development objectives of the City Council approved West Evanston Master Plan which calls for new streets, an alley extension and TIF financed capital improvements. In order to achieve the new boundaries, a new eligibility study of the area would have to be completed and staff is requesting approval from the EDC to commission a study by Kane/McKenna, the same consultants who performed the original eligibility study for the West Evanston TIF District # 6. A new eligibility study will require a rigorous: community notification process and will also amend the existing West Evanston Development PIan and Budget. Staff member Marino stated that staff was seeking, - approval to commission the boundary extension eligibility study. Aid. Jean -Baptiste expressed his agreement for the need to expand the boundary-af the" 1 TIF district but added the thought that the border should also be extended to also include the block, both north and south side on Dempster, immediately east of Dodge to Darrow. By doing so, the Bill's Finer Food store could then be aided in its attempt receive city, assistance to re -open. ,;:•. Staff member Marino explained that there are other types of assistance, such as sales tax revenue sharing, for which Bill's may be eligible. Also, there is the concern that any increment may not be sufficient enough to cover any assistance provided. Aid. Jean - Baptiste suggested that the consultant study should make that determination. .� ACTION TAKEN: There being no other discussion, Chair Wynne asked for a motion. Aid. Jean -Baptiste moved to recommend approval for conducting an eligibility study as presented by staff but to also include the one block on Dempster, both sides of the street, east of Dodge and for the study to be performed by the consulting firm of Kane/ vlcKenna. Aid. Moran provided a second and the measure was unanimously approved. EDC member Norkett ask staff to have the school districts prove the EDC with an accounting of the funds (5600,000) provided annually by the city. Staff explained that TIF regulations stipulate that the funds can be used only for vocational training and that a report from the districts will be obtained. Aid. Holmes stated that a request for the same information is on the agenda for the next meeting of the City/School Liaison Committee. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 25.2007 Page S V. DEVELOPMENT PROJECI' UPDATES Staff member Marino briefly updated the EDC of the Bristol, Roszak, Central Street Theatcr, Kendal and 1547 Maple development projects in progress and the Fountain Square project proposal. VI. COMMUNICATIONS The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by Chair Wynne. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Wynne adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:40 P.M. The next scheduled Economic Development Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center in Room 2404. Re tic ully submitted, 1Morris E. Robinson Ecoomic Development banner ' t 1 s ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2007 ROOM 1404-7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Ald. Moran, Aid. Rainey, Marvin Juliar, Marty Norkett, Johanna Nydcn MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Wynne, Aid. Tisdahl, Robert Creamer PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Chair OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson OTHERS PRESENT: None SUMMARY OF THE MEETING: I. Chair Jean -Baptiste called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 7:31 P.M. II. The EDC Meeting Minutes of July 25, 2007 were unanimously approved. III. WEST EVANSTON TIF DISTRICT NO. b PROPOSED STUDY AREA FOR POSSIBLE NORTH BORDER EXTENSION -ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION REOUESTED REGARDING POTENTIAL FOR OTHER BOUNDARY CHANGES. Chair Jean -Baptiste announced that the next agenda item concerned recommending approval for authorizing a feasibility study to extend the boundary areas for the West Evanston TIF District No. G and asked Staff member Marino to proceed. The EDC members were provided with G.I.S. (Geographic Info Systenis) full color maps of 1.) the approved West Evanston Development Plan; 2.) the original approved West Evanston TIF District illustrating the boundaries; 3.) and a two sectioned map illustrating the possible boundaries extensions north to Simpson Street; Dempster Street east of Dodge Avenue for one block and south of Greenleaf Street and west to Pitner Avenue (copies attached). In addition, staff member Marino hung a large area map which illustrated how the new boundaries for the TIF will appear if approved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2007 Pa%2 2 The original request for the eligibility study to determine the possibility of extending the north boundary of the West Evanston TIF District to Simpson Street and the one block on Dempster Street received a recommendation for approval at the EDC Meeting of July 25, 2007. However, at the City Council Meeting of August 13, then chair Ald. Wynne had the item pulled from the consent list and held until the September 10'h Council Meeting for consideration, at the behest of Ald. Jean Baptiste who wished to further discuss the boundaries. Chair Jean -Baptiste explained that the reason for the discussion to extend the boundaries in his ward was to determine how new development and revitalization can be enhanced in the south portion of the TIF District and to encourage action from Freed & Associates, a potential developer who has indicated a desire to initiate a project within the district. Staff member Marino explained to the EDC that within this particular southern area are the remnants of the City's shrinking manufacturing businesses that are well established employers and tax revenue generators and the area would best be served by not including them in any changes. Using the large hanging map, Mr. Marino illustrated the staff and consultant's suggested alternative and less sweeping attempt to extend the boundaries which would omit manufacturing and residential areas in the district. A brief general discussion ensued among the EDC members favoring the suggestion by staff. ACTION TAKEN: There being no other discussion, Chair Jean -Baptiste asked for a motion. Aid. Rainey moved to recommend approval for amending the eligibility study as presented by staff to include the extended boundaries for the north, southwest and eastern areas and for the study to be performed by the consulting firm of Kane/McKenna. The measure was unanimously approved again. IV. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT UPDATES Staff member Marino briefly updated the EDC on the Central Street theater project; Bristol's Howard street project; Prairie avenue at Central; Boocoo at Church and Dodge; The Roszack project; Commercial condos by Andy Spatz on Pitner; Fountain Square; Church Street Village; 2100 Greenwood, a project initiated with Stephen Yas as a partner, who is now no longer associated with the project and the project at the corner of Ridge and Emerson. Ald. Rainey requested staff to determine the status of the Lee Fry development project on Oakton Street across from the Home Depot shopping center. Staff concurred. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COAEVHTTEE MEETING OF JULY 25.2007 V. OTHER BUSINESS PagS3 Staff member Marino advised the EDC that the 500 Davis Street building recently sold for $21 million. Aid. Rainey informed the EDC that the Howard Street McDonald's is slated to be razed and completely rebuilt. Also the closed Dairy Queen will reopen in the near future. Aid. Rainey also expressed her pleasure in announcing that the closed CVS/OSCO store at Asbury & Oakton is currently undergoing final contract negotiation details between the leaser CVS and a highly desirable, Evanston connected grocer. VI. COMMUNICATIONS The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by Chair Jean -Baptiste. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Jean -Baptiste adjourned the meeting at approximately 8A7 P.M. The next scheduled Economic Development Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at 7:30 F.M. at the Civic Center in Room 2404. submitted, E. Robinson tic Development Planner r ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE f r r f MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, SEPTEihIBER 26, 2007 ROOM 2404-7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Moran, Aid. Rainey,- Robert Creamer, Johanna Nyden MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Wynne, Aid. Tisdahl, Marvin Juliar, Marty Norkett PRESIDING OFFICIAL: AId. Jean -Baptiste, Chair OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Judith Aiello, Dennis Marino, Morris Robinson OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Rychiieki- Katie /,11cKenna TIF Consulfitiz Louis Schriber 111-7he Glazier Corporation SUMf*IARY OF THE MEETING: 1. Chair Jean -Baptiste determined that a quorum had been reached and called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 7:36 P.M."- 11. The EDC Meeting Minutes of August 22, 2007 were unanimously approved. II1. NEST EVANSTON TIF DISTRICT NO. 6-REVIEW OF DRAFT REPORT DOCUMENTS FOR PROPOSED AMENDMENT: 1.) TIF OUALIFiCATION DESIGNATION REPORT & 2.) REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROJECT Chair Jean -Baptiste announced that the next agenda item concerned a review of the two draft TIF amendment documents included in the EDC packets: and a request that the EDC recommend approval for a public hearing. Staff member Dennis %larino Was asked to proceed. Staff member Marino directed the attention of the EDC members to a large map on display that illustrated the proposed new boundary extensions of the Nvest Evanston TIF District 0 6. The proposed boundaries extensions, which were indicated in pink, are: north to Simpson Street; Dempster Street cast of Dodge Avenue for one block and south of Greenleaf Street and west to Pitner Avenue. ECON0'IIC DEVELOPMENT CONEN11TTEE `- MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26.2007 Page 2 After staff member Marino explained the dimension`s 'of the proposed boundary extensions, Mr. Robert Rychlicki, the Kane/McKenna TIF consultant for the City was asked to review the eligibility requirements and the recommended changes to the original Redevelopment Plan and Project. Mr. Rychlicki informed the EDC that in order for the proposed expanded areas to qualify they must meet certain "Conservation" Area criteria which are outlined in the draft TIF Qualification Report which were included in the EDC packets. Specifically, "The Conservation Area Definition states that at least 50 % of the area's buildings must be 35 years of age or older and there must be 3 or more qualification factors present. Seventy-four percent (74%) of the proposed amended area's buildings are over 35 years in age and would satisfy threshold criteria relating to designation of a "conservation area". Mr. Rychlicki also briefly discussed the proposed changes to the Development Plan and Project document. Aid. Rainey asked why the study area didn't include the Fleetwood Jourdain area , and why the proposal didn't extend to the north side of Simpson Street. The consultant and staff explained that the original intent of the TIF District was to incorporate undeveloped land along the old Mayfair Railroad line as well as obsolete or under utilized commercial properties while avoiding residential areas. The presentation concluded with staff member Marino reviewing the timeline for completing ; the a amendment process. ACTION TAKEN: There being no other questions, a motion was presented for the EDC to f recommend approval to the City Council to authorize a Public Hearing as the nett phase in the amendment process, at the October 22, 2007 Council Meeting. The motion was seconded by Aid. Rainey and the measure received a unanimous vole. (if the City Council authorizes the Public Hearing, the date for the hearing will be December 10, 2007 solely for the proposed Wcst Evanston TIF District # G Boundary Expansion Amendment). IV. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS UPDATE Proceeding with agenda items, Chair Jean -Baptiste asked staff member Marino to report on the status of the various development projects occurring in the City, Staff'. , member Marino provided brief updates on the following projects: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C01NIMMEE MEETING OF SEPTE31BER 26.2007 Pa eU3, Winthrop Harbor; Church Street Village; Bristol Residential Tower complex which is now at the 16`h floor; thel S90 Maple proposal; the second phase of Roszac's 1100 Clark Residences and the Central Street "Eastwoods of Evanston" inixed use residential complex. Ald. Rainey asked staff to research the validity of allegations from developers that the permit fees assessed by the City are as much as six times higher than other similar sized communities. Assistant City Nianager Judith Aiello and staff member yNlarino stated that the last time an analysis was completed it was determined that the fees were comparable but another review will be conducted. V. OTHER BUSINESS Staff member Marino informed the EDC of the following: the Buck apartment building has been placed on the market with an asking price of S100 million. Also two other office buildings recently sold at higher prices and that a third office building is now on the market. Staff' also shared with the EDC an announcement by the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits that the United Methodist Pension and Health Agency will be relocating to Glenview where they expect to construct and occupy a new building on a 25 acre parcel within the next few years. The site will allow them to meet both short and long term expansion goals. The EDC expressed regret for the loss of this long-time Evanston based organization. Ald. Rainey expressed her thoughts on how financially viable the city is and that more of an effort by staff is needed communicate the success stories. VI. COMMUNICATIONS The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by Chair Jean -Baptiste. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Jcan-Baptiste adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:20 P.M. The next scheduled Economic Development Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 7:30 PAL at the Civic Center in Room 2404. Respectfully submitted, Morris E. Robinson Economic Development Planner ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2007 ROOM 2404-7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ald. Jean -Baptiste, Ald. Moran, Ald. Tisdahl, Ald. Wynne, Robert Creamer, Marvin Juliar, Martin Norkett MEMBERS ABSENT: Ald. Rainey, Johanna Nyden PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Ald. Jean -Baptiste, Chair OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Judith Aiello -Assistant Cin, Manaeer, Dennis Marino - Assistant Director, Morris Robinson -Economic Development Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Diane Williams -Executive Director. EVMARK, Daniel Kelch-LuLu's Restaurant SUMMARY OF THE MEETING: I. Chair Jean -Baptiste called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 7:35 P.M. (Copies of the West Evanston T1F District # 6 Joint review Board Meeting Minutes of November 8, 2007 and EVMARK FY2009 Budget overview were distributed to the EDC members.) II. The EDC Meeting Minutes of September 26, 2007 were unanimously approved. III. REVIEW OF EVMARK BUDGET & CONSIDERATION OF EVMARK REQUEST FOR FUNDING. Chair Jean -Baptiste announced that the first agenda item concerned the EVMARK budget review and Diane Williams, Executive Director of EVMARK, was asked to proceed. With the aid of a power point slide presentation (hard copies had previously been distributed) Ms. Williams first provided the EDC with an update on the revised EVMARK organization. ECONOMIC DEVELOP`fENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER I4.2007 Page Z The EVMARK by-laws and the board nomination procedures were revised on October 23, 2007. The first public meeting is scheduled for November 15, 2007 and notification of the meeting was posted on EVMARK and City websites and by email to downtown residents. Starting in October 2007, approved Board Meeting minutes are posted on the EVMARK website. Drafts of the EVMARK budget were submitted to the City on September 14, 2007 and the process of establishing EVMARK as a full-time organization is proceeding. Two downtown residents and one "at -large" representative will be added to the EVMARK Board at the February 2008.1ssues remaining include codifying the annual budget process and the expected Executive Director personnel change in 2008 ( Ms. Williams plans to resign from the position by next summer). Ms. Williams advised the EDC that the EVVIARK funding request from the City (authorized in the approved City Ordinance 67-0-07) is now only for S30,000 rather than the S104,500 originally thought to be needed to bridge the funding gap. Ms. William explained that with the Special service Assessment Tax in the amount of S445,000; annual funding in the amount of S20,000 from Northwestern University; funding in the amount of S30,000 from the City; reimbursements from three additional sources which include rising equalized assessed valuations and interest income from EVMARK's money market account should ultimately eliminate the need for future City funding. Ms.Williams then informed the EDC as to how the funds will be allocated in the budget and asked for questions. Member Juliar asked if Ms. Williams knew the identity of the nominated downtown resident Board members, which she did not. Ms. Williams was asked why she planned on leaving the position in which she replied that she will be pursuing her other job full time. ACTION TAKEN: There being no other questions, Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked for an appropriate motion. Aid. Moran moved for the EDC to recommend approval to the City Council to authorize funding EVMARK in the amount of S30,000 for the FY2009. The motion was seconded by Aid. Wynne and the measure received a unanimous approval vote. 1V. REVIEW OF THE JOINT REVIEW BOARD MEETING OF NON'. 8, 2007 AND CONSIDERATION OF THE JRB RECOMMENDATION TO EXTEND THE BOARDERS OF THE WEST EVANSTON TIF DISTRICT Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked staff member Marino to proceed with informing the EDC of the West Evanston TIF District # 6 Joint Review Board Meeting; which was held on November 8, 2007. . rti ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER IQ, 2007 Page 3 Minutes of the November 8, 2007 JRB Meeting were distributed during the EDC Meeting. Referencing these minutes, staff member Marino provided a brief update of the session and explained how the proposed boundary extensions will enhance development opportunities. The JRB voted unanimously to recommend approval for the City Council to amend the West Evanston TIF District to extend the boundaries as recommended by City staff and the Kane[McKenna consultants. Both School Districts 65 and 202 JRB members expressed their complete support for the amendment. Staff member Marino added that the next step in the process is to host a Public Hearing which is scheduled for December 10, 2007 at the Civic Center. 1t is anticipated that the City Council will consider the recommendation sometime in January 2008. One Council Meeting will be needed for introduction and another for consideration. Aid. Moran asked what percentage of the entire West Evanston TIF District area would the proposed boundary extensions constitute. Staff member Marino stated that his best guess would be between 15-20% if that much. ACTION TAKEN: There being no further questions, Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked for a motion. Aid. Moran moved to recommend approval to the City Council to amend the West Evanston TIF District # 6 to expand its boundaries as recommended by staff, the consultant and the Joint review board. Ald. Wynne provided a second and the measure was passed with a unanimous vote. V. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS UPDATE Proceeding with agenda items, Chair Jean -Baptiste asked staff member Marino to report on the status of the various development projects occurring in the City. Staff member Marino provided brief updates on various projects throughout the City which included a proposal for the Bishop Freeman site; developments on Prairie Avenue; the Central Street Movie condominium project; the Kendall College site which is now on the market; the Downtown Project PIan and the Klutznick downtown to« cr proposed project. The EDC was informed that the Klutznick development team was appearing before the Plan Commission and a packed audience at the same time as the EDC was meeting. Staff member Marino indicated that the devclopers had refined their project and was presenting the public benefit "give back" resulting from the proposed project. VI. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business for consideration. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING of November 14. 2007 VI. COMMUNICATIONS PAGE 4 The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by Chair Jean -Baptiste. Staff member Morris Robinson advised the EDC that the "EDC Meeting Dates for 2008 erroneously reflected the year 2007 at the column head but the dates were correct. ACTION TAKEN: Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked for a motion to accept the 2008 meeting dates as amended. Aid. Wynne moved approval and Aid. Tisdahl provided a second to the motion. The motion was approved with a unanimous vote. VII1. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Jean -Baptiste adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:35 P.M. The next scheduled Economic Development Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center in Room 2404. Respectfully submitted, Morris E. Robinson Economic Development Planner ��"p .ray,-�e� � -' - .' .. •, - - • g ti { ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COA-1'j I1TTEE ti -t,. MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2008 ROOM 2404-7:30 P.Ni, MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. yioran, Aid. Rainey Ald. `risdahl, Robert Creamer, Marvin Juliar, Martin Norkett, Johanna Nyden MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Wynne PRESIDING OFFICIAL: OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Chair None Judith Aiello-tlssistant Dennis Marino-,:. . .Issisiont Dirertor-, Morris Robinson-Ernuomir Develanntent Plunucr i OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Rychlicki-Katie McKenna, William Stafrord-,School t: f4 1 •�_ r j , , I Distrirl 202, Dr. Mary Brown -School District GS, Dennis - Harder & Mike Zukernaan-J.: t ri-erct &t :1,ssoriwes, James Milten-Miltr,t Rwharr, Ash Lutiara-LSL lu hislriccs, Nick i`lerik;[s-Fctr„revs lest ,ticrrkrt SU11.IAiARY OFTIIE MEETING: 1. Chair Jcan-Baptiste called the EDC ,tilectin6, to order at appra\imately 7:35 P.M. H. The EDC Meeting Minutes of November 14. 2007 were unanimously approval, 11i. PROPQ5ED PARTIAL SALE OF S3 MILLION IN BOND VOLUME CAP Chair Jean -Baptiste announced that the first agenda item concerned a proposal by staff to sell a portion of the city's Bond value cap. Staff member Dennis Marino was asked to proceed. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. COMMITTEE d' { f -•' _ 1 MEETING OF MARCH 26, 2008 Paim 2 Staff member Marino advised the EDC that the City can issue S6,421,155 in bond value cap in 2008. If the city is not likely to issue tax exempt bonds it is possible to sell the cap to other entities. Staff has met with the development firm, Village Green Companies, which operates out of the State of Michigan that has been approved by the City of Chicago to rehabilitate and convert a downtown Chicago building from office to mixed use rental residential. The building is an historic landmark -mid will include 20% affordable units. The developer has solicited bond volume cap from Evanston and other municipalities including Naperville. Ceding cap is of no risk to the city of Evanston. If approved, for the near 501.1n, $3 million, request from Evanston, a 1 fcc in the amount of S30,000 will be paid to Evanston. Staff recommends the funds be assigned to a new Evanston Historic preservation Fund designed to help rehabilitate downtown landmarks. ACTION TAKEN: Chair Jean -Baptiste asked for questions from the EDC members. Thcrc bding' none Aid. Rainey moved approval. Ald. Tisdahl provided a second and the committee voted unanimously to recommend approval for the ceding of S3 million in band volunie cap to the Village green Companies. 1V. FREED & ASSOCIATES PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ,JOINT CITWEVANSTON PLAZA SALES TAX REVENUE SIIARING AGREEMENT TO OF1rSf:T EXTRAORDINARY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH ACOUIRING AN ADDITIONAL. RETAIL ANCHOR FOR TIDE EVANSTON PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER. Chair Jean -Baptiste asked staff member ,'vlarino to proceed to the next agenda item concerning a proposal from Freed & Associates to revise the sales tax sharing proposal formula as outlined in the current joint agreement. Staff member Marino informed the EDC that the City entered into a retail sales tax sharing agreement with . Freed & Associates in 2000 to assist Freed in off setting extraordinary costs associated with the redevelopment of the Dempster Dodge Shopping Center- now known as Evanston Plaza. Freed was successful in attracting a Dominick's grocery store as an anchor in the refurbished shopping center as well as an A.J. «'right and other smaller users and restaurants. However the shopping center has and continues to experience substantial vacancies and Freed's share of the sales tax over the years leas been disappointing. In January of 2008, Freed rcprescrntatives Dennis Harder and Michael Zukerman mct with staff to advise the city that they were in the process of attracting a Steve and Barry's apparel stores a national chain, to Evanston Plaza. ' ..— •4 ,tit .etY '. 'j.`A 1,"G'wT*!7'r �'T 1?i'�ji V ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C01 MITi'EE MEETING OF MARCH 26.2008 s . � s r ' = Pale 3 Mr. Dennis Harder and Mr. Michael Zukerman continued the presentation, with; the use of visual aids, explaining to the EDC that Freed was close to leasing the closed 38,000 sq. ft. Frank's Nursery space to Steve and Barry's, and reviewed the current status of the other users of the center. Freed has presented cost and sales projection data, which was also, included in the EDC packets, to the City. Kane McKenna, tite consultant to the City, has reviewed the documents and Mr. Robert Rychlicki, a KtiiNt associate briefly summed up the data for the CDC. Freed will incur S760,000 in new extraordinary costs for preparing the former Frank's and adjacent space for the new store. Afler several meetings with Freed, staff recommends the following changes in the sales tax sharing formula which will allow Freed to recoup the S760,000 in extraordinary costs: • Increase Freed's share of the tax over the Clty's baseline of $312,880 from 75% to 100%. • Increase the maximum sales tax rebate to Freed by S760,000 for a total .of>.:ij $2,055,515. v. • Extend the expiration date of the agreement from 1/41 0 to 1/4/30. Chair Jean -Baptiste asked if there were any questions. Aid. Raincy askcd for,un'''!I explanation for extending the term by ten years and was advised that in the event the .. extra time is needed to reach the maximum rebate amount the additional ten years can accommodate file arrangement. Aid. Raincy considers the Steve and Barry's a fabulous store And supports the proposal. I . Member Jul iar asked what the length of the lease for the new store would be. Mr. Zukeiman response was that the initial lease will be for seven years. Aid. Tisdahl asked what kind of stores can or will be attracted to the shopping center. Mr. Zukennan stated that they would expect other restatrrants and apparel stores. Aid. Rainey asked about the performance A.J. Wright ltontc and apparel store and if that store would object to the new store. Mr. Zukennan stated that A..1. Weight was perfomiing well and that the new store will be complinicntary and enhance its performance. Additionally, A.J. %'fright has a contingcttcy clause ill its contract 111111 they are allowed to break their Icase and move if the shopping center does not rice[ certain occupancy levels in the shopping center. Member Juliar asked when does freed anticipate the store opening,. Mr. Zukernzan stated that if all ,goes well the store should be open by this sunlnler. Aid. Rainey askcd about the status of Dorainick's. Mr. harder advised the panel that so far Dominick's.is managing to perform although Freed has be urging theta to remodel the store since it, hasn't been refurbished since it opened. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 26, 2008 Page 4 ACTION TAKEN: There being no other questions, chair Jean -Baptiste asked for all, appropriate motion. Aid. Rainey moved approval of raising that portion of the sales tax share portion over the baseline from 75% to 100% for rebate to Freed; and to raise the . total rebate amount by $760,000 for a new total S2,055,515 and to extend the terns by ten years as recommended by staff and Kane McKenna. Member Juliar provided a second and the measure was unanimously approved. V. PROPOSED iNTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH SCHOOL DISTRICT 202 AND DISTRICT 65 CONCERNING TAX INCREL%IF.NT FINANCING DISTRICTS Chair Jean -Baptiste announced the next agenda item concerned an intergovernmental agreement between the city and the two school districts and asked staff member Marino to proceed. Staff member Marino infornied the EDC that the city and the two school districts currently have a joint agreement which obligates the city to pay a total of $800,000 in Tax incremental revenues by June 1, 2008. The cwrent agreement will expire at that time. District 202 and District 65 are now proposing a new two ),car agreement which will include tax years 200S and 2009 with payments due in June 2009 and June 2010 respectively, The agreement further proposes (flat the payments be in the amount of S820,000 for 2009 and $840,000 for 2010. Mr. William Stafford. Chicf Financial Officer for School District 202 and Dr. Mary Brown, Chief Financial Officer for District 65 were both present at the EDC Meeting and Mr. Stafford advised the EDC that if the proposal is approved, both school districts will provide a perpetual waiver of tuition payments for the Howard /Ridge TIF District as a condition of the tic«• agreement. The EDC had previously requested that the school financial officers provide the EDC with explanations as to hoer the finds were being used and written explanations were distributed at the beginning of the ntcetin��. Staff member Marino stated that the source of the revenue, the Downtown iI TIF District, fonnally expires in two years but should continue to generate sufficient incremental revenue for the remaining years. Ald. Rainey asked when the Cool; county Clerks office will provide final confirmation. Staff member Marino stated that so far the Cook County Clerk has not provided the confinmation but staff will continue in its efforts to obtain a final confirmation. Staff requested that (he EDC recommend approval of the proposed new intergovernmental agreement with the condition that the two annual payments will only be made once the City receives full payment of incremental revenues from the Downtown lI TIF District for each of the tax years, 2008 & 2009 covered in the new agreement. i ECONOMIC DEVELOPIVIENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 26. 2008 pane 5 ACTION TAKEN: There being no further questions, Chair Jean -'Baptiste asked for a, motion. Aid. Tisdahl moved approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement as . suggested by staff' and AId. Moran provided a second to the motion at which time the motion carried with a unanimous vote. VI. LSL INDUSTRIES. INC. PROPOSAL FOR CITY SUPPORT FOR CLASS 6b COOK COUNTY PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT REDUCTION TO OFFSET EXTRAORDINARY COSTS ASSOCIATED «'ITIi BUSINESS EXPANSION TO EVANSTON Chair Jean -Baptiste stated the next agenda item to be considered was a request from LSL Industries for city support in for a Cook Count Class 6b Property Tax Reduction application. The owner of the business, Mr. Ash Luthra and his assistants were . present to answer questions. Staff member Morris Robinson informed the EDC that Mr. Luthra is the president of LSL Industries, Inc., a certified minority owned company which currently employs sixty people. The company packages and sells a variety of disposable medical devices, some of which were displayed at the meeting by Mr. Luthra and his assistant. The company's headquarters is a 40,000 sq. it, facility located at 5535 N. Wolcott in Chicago . as a result of a business boom, the company needs more space and the owner is attempting to expand in Evanston. Staff member Robinson stated that Mr. Luthra has a contract with the LaSalle Bank to purchase the vacant and deteriorating conimerciat building at 2025 Dempster which is in foreclosure for S900,000. The building has been vacant for more than two years and has serious environmental issues. There are underground fact tanks outside and asbestos beneath the tiles inside. Environmental reinediation alone is expected to exceed $200,000. Staff member Marino infonned the EDC of a recent visit made by stail' to the Chicago headquarters and indicated how staff was impressed with the operation. %Ir. Luthra is seeking support for the Class 6b real estate tux abatement as a nicans of off setting some of the extraordinary costs associated with expanding tilt business into Evanston. Staff member Robinson stated that if the support measure is approved ,Mr. Luthra has committed to establishing a vocational training program in conjunction with Evanston Township High school and to give Evanston residents the first opportunity for new jobs. The last posted tax assessment for the property was $300,000. That figure has since dropped by approximately 50%. 5�- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CO;iM1TTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 26, 2008 paee 6 . Staff advised the EDC that Class 6b properties are assessed at 16% .of market value for the first ten years, 23% in the eleventh year and 30% in the twelflli year before returning to the full assessment of 36 % for industrial and 385 for commercial structures in the thirteenth year thereafter. Chair Jean -Baptiste asked for questions. Member Nyden infomicd Mr. Luthra that her business activities include dealing with Class 6b designations and that she had taken the liberty of calculating the benefit that lie would receive if the request is approved. According to her calculations, Mr. Luthra would benefit from approximaiely S75,000 and she wondered if that amount would be sufficient for him to achieve his objectives. Mr. Luthra acknowledged her comments but had no direct reply, Member Juliar mentioned to Mr. Luthra that he knew his brother and that they . served together on an organization's board in the past. Aid. Rainey asked why he was moving from a larger plant to smaller location in Evanston. Mr. Luthra clarified his position stating that he was not relocating but expanding his business in the City. Aid. Tisdahl indicated that attracting manufacturers to the city is highly desirable and that it should be highlighted when staff does so. Staff member Robinson stated that if tltc request is approved and when Mr. Luthra is established, the city public relations staffwill be provided with all of the particulars. ACTION TAKEN: There being no further questions Chair Jean -Baptiste asked for a motion. Aid. Moran move for approval to recommend supporting the request for Cook County Class 6b Real Estate Reduction on behalf of LSL industries, inc. Aid. Tisdahl provided a second and the motion passed with a unanimous vote. I'll. REOUEST TO PURSUE A SALES TAX REVENUE; SIIARING AGREOMENT wiTII FARMER'S BEST MARKET TO OFFSET EXTRAORDINARY COSTS ASSOCIATED WIT111 OPENING: A STORI-', IN EVANSTON Chair Jean -Baptiste noted that the I.i_st agenda item Was a request from staff to pursue a sales tax revenue sharing aureenicnt with the owners of Farmer's Best Market. Staff member Robinson introduced '%1r. Nick Merikas, the senior farliily ntcntber who owns the two store Farmer's best Market chain. The family is in the process of opening a third store in Evanston. Staff member Robinson passed around pictures of the current stores and explained to the EDC that the purpose for the agreement is to offset extraordinary costs associated with establishing a new grocery store in the long vacant CVSIOSCO site located at Asbury Avenue and Oakton Street. ECONOAiIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 26. 2008 7 Staff informed the EDC of the difficulties experienced by both starr and elected officials over the past few years, as they attempted to work with the brokers in attracting another grocery store to the vacant property. The Merikas brothers are currently engaged in negotiating a long terns sub lease with CVS and the revenue received from the sharing agreement will be used to orrsel cost such as new signage, landscaping, re -striping of the parking lot and other unique costs attributable to converting a former drug store into a modern grocery store. Staff inennbcr Robinson asked Mr. Merikas about the status or the sub -lease. Mr. Aicrikas infornned the EDC that his attorney had received the document today. Having been infornicd earlier in the day about the lease, Aid. Rainey expressed her disappointment in learning that, for what ever the reason, CVS has stipulated in the lease agreement that beer and wine sales will not be pennitted in the store. Mr. Merikas advised the CDC that this may not be as bib an issue as it may seem. He will attempt to have limited beer and wine sales in a small section or the store. Aber a brief discussion of the aspecls of a new store Chair Jean -Baptiste asked for a motion. ACTION TAKEN: Aid. Rainey moved to approve staffs request to allow staff and the City's consultant to negotiate a sales tax revenue sharing agreement with the owners or Farmer's Best Market and upon completion to present the proposed draft agreement to the CDC for consideration at the April 7008 mccting. Aid. Tisdahl provided rl second to the motionand the EDC passed the measure with a rmanimous vote. VI1. OTHER BUSINESS: Staff mcniber iMarirro distributed a document from Jonathan Pertnan, Excculivc Director, Evanston Chamber of ConuneIrc but thcrc was nu discussion of its content. There was no other bllsilrCSS for consideration. IN, ADJOURNME?NT: There being no further business, Chair .lean -Baptiste adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:15 PA1. The next scheduled Economic Deg elopmelit t'ommittce iINlcctilig %vill be held on Wednesday, April 30. 2008 at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center in Room 2404. I opec ) y xutrinilted, 17 �- M orris !?. ltnbitt5nn Pccmmnic Development Planner ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2008 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER-7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Lloran, Aid. Rainey Aid. Tisdahl, Aid. Wynne, Karl Gromelski, Dan Mennemyer, Johanna Nydcn MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Creamer PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Chair OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Bernstein, Ald. Holmes, Aid. Wollin STAFF PRESENT: Judith Aiello -Assistant Citv Afanaver, Dennis Marino- .elssisrarrt Dirertor, Morris Robinson -Economic Develonment Plannet- OTHERS PRESENT: Tim Andersonlhlutmick, Fislier, et al-700 Church ,Stivet. L.1_.ti', Marty Strr•n-U,S'. ranities, Robert Rychlicki-Kane AIrKenna, Dickellc Fonda-Dewev Neiehhonv, Barbara ScImire-Natures Perspertive Lanrlsranitiv. lrrr., Julic Westbrook, Fortino Lcon-Omankacion Latina (le Evanston. Jonathan Penman-F.vansion Ch mrher or Commerce, Ann Dienner SUMMARY OF THE i1II• E TING- I. Chair Jean -Baptiste called the EI)C Meeting to order at approximately 7:50 P.M. and introduced two new members to the FIX% tilr. Earl Gromelski and Mr. Dan Mennemyer. 11. The EDC Mating Minutes or March 28, 2008 were unanimously approval. III. CONSIDERATION OF 11FO#II-XI' FOR l[-,VANSTON PLAZA MITIGATION FUNDS FOR PRO110SE,,I) NrIGI1B0I11100D PROJECTS. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMIMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 30, 2008 Pare 2 Chair Jean -Baptiste announced that the third agenda item concerned a proposal for funds from the Evanston Plaza Neighborhood Improvement Fund, by residents of the Dempster/Dodge area. Staff member Morris Robinson was asked to proceed. Staff member Robinson advised the EDC that the City of Evanston enlered into a Sales Tax revenue Sharing Agreement with Freed & Associates, owner of the redeveloped Evanston Plaza in 1999. One stipulation of the agreement obligates Freed to contribute S20,000 per year, not to exceed the aggregate amount of S200.000, to a Neighborhood Improvement Fund (NIF) for the purpose of mitigating any unforeseen negative impact in the immediate community resulting from the redevelopment project. The impacted community area is defined as Lee Street to the south; Florence Avenue to the cast; Hartrey Avenue to the %vest and Lake Street to the north. Staff member Robinson explained that four neighborhood projects have been presented to the EDC for consideration and provide a brief description of each. Concluding his remarks, staff member Robinson asked if there were any questions. Aid. Rainey remarked that the four projects were very imaginative and was supportive of the proposal. Staff member Robinson than asked Nis. Dickelle Fonda to continue with the presentation. Nis. Fonda introduced herself and informed the EDC that for the past several years, the Evanston Plaza (NIF) area community groups and residents have bean trying to determine projects for which the funds can be used in a manner that benefits the majority of residents in the impacted area. Lately, the neighborhood participants have exertcd considerable outreach efforts for four propose projects. These projects met with ttcar unanimous approval from the community residents and the projects are presented to the EDC for consideration. Ms. Fonda informed the EDC that the first proposed project is to provide planting beautification gardens with a 2 year maintenance agrcentenl for 55 corners in the impacted area. Ms. Barbara Schwar/ with N'ature's Perspective landscaping, Inc, an Evanston based business which the community would like to use was present and provided the EDC with more planting details. II' approved, the total cost for the project is estimated to be S81,018. Ms. Julie Westbrook introduced herself and Mr. Fortino Lenn with the Ole community group, continued wish the presentation. The second proposal project was for establishing 2 soccer teams, purchasing uniforms and other ancillary costs. If approved the estimated cost is S10,000. Ms. Westbrook explained that the third proposed project was for funding the purchase and distribution of "ChicoBags". The shopping bags are reusable, washable, sturdy, recyclable and are available in 10 different colors. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COAiMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 30. 2008 ['age 3 The bags are made in china by a fair trade company. When the bag has reached the end of its useful life, the ChicoBag company will take them back and recycle them into some else that's useful. Of the 1,000 households in the NIF area, each can receive up to four bags. This green initiative will substantially reduce trash in the area as well as support the reduction of non biodegradable trash in the environment. If approved the estimated cost for the project is 59.900. • Ms. Westbrook stated that the fourth proposed project is an attempt to provide bicycle and tricycle riders in the NIF area, up through the age of iG with safety helmets and safety training. The project will be in conjunction the Evanston police Department which will provide the training and with the Evanston based Turin Bicycle who will provide the helmets at cost. If approved, the cost for this proposal would be $7.450. Funding for all four proposed projects will total $108.368. Chair Jean -Baptiste asked for questions. Member Raincy mad a motion to recommend approval but promptly with drew (lie motion when member Groniclski asked for discussion. Member Gromelski expressed his opinion that the finds should remain Ming, hell in reserve until such time as (lie Evanston Plaza Shopping Center is completely redeveloped and occupied. Staff member Marino remarked that the use of the funds in the manner requested was in keeping with the intent of tite mitigation account, citing other examples in the City with similar agreements. Chair Jean -Baptiste, the Afdennan of the ward explained the nine year efforts to get to this point and voiced support for the proposals, Ms. Ann Dienner, an audience member expressed her belief that [lie children should be compelled to pay something for the helmet, and suggested $1.00 so that they may better appreciate the helmet as stakeholders. Ms. Dienner also suggested that to save money, rather than using postage to inform the neighbors, volunteers should be used to go door to door. Ald. Raincy remarked that helmets «ere the law in Evanston and citizens should be reminded of that fact when they are contacted. ACTION TAKEN: Chair Jcan-Baptiste asked for a motion from the EDC members. Aid. Raincy moved to recommend the City council approve funding in the amount of SiOS,3GS for Ziff four projects. The measure received a second from Aid. Wynne. The EDC voted, 7 ayes and 1 nay and the motion passed with a majority vote. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 30. 2008 PaL a IV. CONSIDERATION OF FOCUS DEVELOPMENTIKI,UTZNiCK REOUEST FOR TIF ASSISTANCE AND REHABILITATION OF THE HAHN BUILDING. INCLUDES U.S. EOUiTIES PRESENTATION OF THE ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSAL AND FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS FOR THE HAHN AND THE PROPOSED 708 CHURCH DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Chair Jean -Baptiste stated that the next agenda item concerned a request for financial contribution by way ofTiF increment assistance, from the development team of Focus DeveiopmentlKlutznick-Fisher and asked staff member Dennis Marino to proceed. Staff member Marino infomied the EDC that the development team had approached the city with a request for financial assistance for the acquisition, renovation and re -tenanting of the historic Hahn Building. Staff engaged U.S. Equities to evaluate the viability of the proposal and the services of the firm of Kane McKenna to review the pro -forma and Tax Increment Financing projections. Staff member Marino then introduced Mr. Tint Anderson. Mr. Anderson, the president of Focus Development briefly introduced the members of his entourage which included his partner, James Klutzrlick and their attorney Mr. Steven Friedland. Tile development team operates under the title of 700 Church Street, LLC. Mr. Friedland was asked to cxplain the nature of the request. Mr. Friedland stated that the development team estimates the cost for acquiring the Hahn Building at market value and its complete restoration creates a gap in funding of approximately 55.2 million. To bridge the zap, the developers propose that the clly contribute S3 million from TIT increment funds and they would make up the difference of approximately S2 million. Mr. Friedland stated there are several benefits to the public for approving tile request and listed them as: • The entire historic landmark Hahn Building, would be preserved, not just tile fagade. • There will be an assurance that no other new development project of significant height and density will be erected on the block. • The door would be open to the city to acquire Fountain square and rehabilitate the memorial park. • The development proposal leaves in place and preserves Class B office space. + Re -tenanting of the retail space will enhance and contribute to sales tax revenues. • Renovation of the Hahn Building will allow current tenants of 708 Church to relocate into the renovated building. . I r ECONOMIC DEVELOP\iENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 30.2008 5 Mr. Marty Stern, the U.S. Equities representative was asked to present his analysis of the proposal. Mr. Stern stated that the proposal was viable and confirmed that there exists a $5 million gap as presented by the development team. However, based on the U.S. equities analysis, the conclusion was reached that the TIF increment request could be reduced significantly, from S3 million to S2 million, possibly more with additional cost reductions, particularly with the cost associated with tire purchase of the Hahn Building. Mr. Stem also questioned the appropriateness of some of the "public benefits" claimed by the developers if the proposal is approved. Over all, Ale Stern found the development project viable. Mr, Robert Rychlicki, the Kane McKenna representative commented that after reviewing the TIF assumptions, this firm too came to the conclusion that (lie assumptions for the use of the funds are accurate and that the projections are financially feasible. Mr. Rychlicki stated that the future revenue generated from the entire development project is viable because once the TIF increment is stabilized by the third year, it should reach S3 million per year afterward and sales taxes should be in the vicinity of $150,000 per year. The TIF District will expire in 2018 and will have generated ;approximately S19.5 million in real estate tax increment and approximately S 1 million in retail sales taxes. A protracted discussion of the proposal ensued with regard to various aspects of the development project, covering such issues as the new tower being Leeds certified; public benefit; preserving Class B office space and its escalating costs; preserving current tenants and compiling their input; preserving the retail nature of the entire block and providing a covenant to preserve the historic Hahn Building, not just the fagade (facadectomy") in perpetuity. EDC members tried to ascertain the actual purchase price for the building at which time Mr. Stern advised tlae panel that piece of information was confidential. Barring that fact, members of the EDC tried to get a better understanding of file extent of the renovation and the associated costs. apart from the building acquisition costs. Although the cost were not broken, the developers did clarify that the entire cost for acquisition and renovation was approximately $1 1.2 million Mr. Anderson explained that some of the Improvements the development team intends to accomplish on the Hahn Building are; fagade clean up; restructuring tiie interior walls of tine retail spaces; replacing the roof; replacing the elevator and mechanicals; new awnings and exterior lighting; asbestos removal which has the potential of increasing clean-up costs; basement rehab and so on. Members of the audience were also allowed to provide public comment on the proposal. Five citizens made comments, four of which were unfavorable. Ms. Ann Dienner commented on the Neighborhood improvement Fund proposals. Ms. Olivia Goold and another audience member each took the opportunity to register their complete dissatisfaction with the whole tower and development concept. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 30. 2008 1'nee fi Mr. John Kennedy and Mr. Jeff Smith both refuted the analysis provided by U.S. Equities and Kane McKenna and expressed their dissatisfaction with the development project. ACTION TAKEN: Some members of die EDC concluded that there was insufficient information and data to vote on the proposal. The development team was instructed to consider the input from the meeting and to provide the suggested information to the satisfaction of the EDC, especially more details about the renovation of the HAHN Building. Interest in negotiating a lower acquisition price was also expressed. U.S. Equities was also asked to analyze the Class B office market. Tile proposal will be held in committee until such time as the development team complies with the request. V. OTHER BUSINESS; No discussion. VI. COMMUNICATIONS: Aid. Rainey referenced the Available Facilities Report in Evanston, which was included in the packet, during the deliberations on Class B office space availability. VIL ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Jean -Baptiste asked for and received a motion from Ald. lyynne to adjourn adjourned the meeting, which was seconded by Aid. Tisdahl. The EDC unanimously voted to adjourn at approximately 10:30 P.M. The next scheduled Economic Development Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center in Room 2404. Re pectf4ly submitted, `x44,) Morri§ E. Robinson Economic Development Planner ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, MAY 282 2008 ROOM 2404-7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Rainey Aid. Tisdahl, Karl Gromelski, Dan Mennemcyer Johanna Nyden MEMBERS ABSENT: Aid. Moran, Aid. Wynne, Robert Creamer PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Chair OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Wollin STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino Assistant Director, Morris Robinson - Economic Development Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Martin Stem & John Lynch-U.S. Equities, Gina Speckman- CNSC&VB, Paul Giddings-CNS&CB &Chicago/Dempster Merchants Assoc., Various Evanston Hotel, Restaurant and Local Business Representatives SUMMARY OF THE MEETING: 1. Chair Jean -Baptiste called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 7:35 P.M. 11. The EDC Meeting Minutes of April 30, 2008 were unanimously approved. III. U.S. EOUITIES OFFICE MARKET STUDY Chair Jean -Baptiste announced that the first agenda item concerned an analysis of Class B office space availability prepared by Mr. Marty Stern and John Lynch with U.S. Equities, a consultant hired by the City of Evanston and asked staff to proceed. Staff member Dennis Marino informed the EDC that the analysis was prepared as a result of a request made by an EDC member at the April 30, 2008 EDC Meeting. It was explained to the EDC that the purpose of the report as presented was not meant to reopen the discussion regarding the request for TIF assistance to acquire the Hahn Building by the 700 Church Street, LLC development team (Klutznick/Andcrson). Staff member Marino then introduced Mr. Marty Stem to the Committee. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 28.2008 Pa eg_2, Mr. Stern informed the EDC that a list of available Class A, B and C spaces was compiled from various sources and that the entire list totaled 375,516 square fcet in 33 different buildings. The breakdown for the aggregate square footage was presented as part of the report as an attached graphic (Exhibit A). The consultants then reviewed a narrower list of potential relocation spaces for tenants currently leasing space in the 708 Church building in the event they had to be relocated. Based on information provided by the developers the renters are largely small space users requiring spaces under 1,000 square feet. Mr. Stem stated that Exhibit B of the report illustrate the available spaces which would be suitable relocation options for the current tenants in the 708 Church Street building. In further defining the availability of space the consultant determined that the office space in the 708 building totaled 17,922 square feet and that the square footage is classified as all Class B. Of that total, 5,035 square feet is listed as vacant which indicates that the remaining 12,887 square feet of office space is occupied and would mean relocation of the tenants if required. Additional research performed by the consultants determined that 50,072 square feet of Class B space was existed in the "fringe areas" of downtown but nevertheless constituted an availability ratio of to 1. Also identified from the research was a smaller amount of class C space totaling approximately 21,112 square feet in 22 different buildings, primarily located in the downtown area and this classification represents an additional option possibilities for relocation. As might be suspected, the availability of Class A space is much greater. It was determined that there is approximately 141,125 square feet in this category, all located in the downtown area. Mr. Stern concluded by stating that the total available space exceeded 212,000 square feet which is more than enough to absorb the tenants currently leasing spaces in the 708 Church Street building with the caveat that those tenants are flexible in trading up or down in quality of the space options. Member Nyden asked if the EDC could be provided ivith color copies of the grid map used in the analysis so that the data could be better ascertained. The consultants agreed to supply staff with the documents. Aid. Rainey asked what the rent is in the 1840 and 18 180 Oak building. Mr. Stem indicated that the rental rate for 1840 is probably around S32 per square foot while space in the 1880 building is approximately S29 per square foot. EDC Member Gromelski asked what the percentage of vacant space the City is experiencing. Staff member Marino stated the average for the region was approximately 18% and that Evanston may be slightly less. Mr. Stern and Mr. John Lynch confirmed that the rate was approximately 17.5 -18 %. EDC member Mennemeyer thanked Mr. Stern for the detailed analysis, stating that it was he who asked for the report. t ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 28. 2008 PaL3 Member Mennemeyer suggested to the U.S. Equities consultants to convey to the developers a need to show sensitivity with the relocation efforts should it come to that and that perhaps they should supply the EDC with a relocation plan at the proper time. Afterwards, a brief discussion ensued with the EDC members ending with expressing their appreciation for the thorough analysis. ACTION TAKEN: No action was required IV. CHICAGO'S NORTH SHORE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU REOUEST FOR ANNUAL FUNDING Chair Jean -Baptiste informed the committee that the next agenda item for consideration was a request for annual funding in the amount of $6S,563 from the Chicago's North Shore Convention & Visitors Bureau (CNSC&VB) A CNSC&B packet containing extensive budget and promotional material was included in the EDC Meeting Packet. Chair Jean -Baptiste asked staff members Marino and Robinson to voice their opinions of the effectiveness of the CNC&VB. Mr. Marino stated that the funding is provided by the EDC Fund which is replenished by the hotel tax revenue stream. He then provided a brief overview of the bureau and its "heads in beds" activities and Staff member Robinson suggested that a better measure of the CNC&VB effectiveness was to ask their customers, the various hoteliers, restaurant owners and local business people who have joined the CNC&VB, many of whom were in attendance. One after another gave testimony of the superlative, cost saving promotional services provided to the Evanston hospitality business community. Staff member Marino then introduced the CNSC&VB Executive Director Ms. Gina Speckman. Ms. Speckman began by explaining how important the City of Evanston is to the bureau's marketing program and expressing the need for the city's continued support. The bureau continues to expand its programs promoting Evanston as a premier destination attraction in the Chicago area. Ms. Speckman informed the EDC that the documents contained in the promotional packet showcased the marketing efforts during the last fiscal year and briefly described the bureau's activities. This information included over 20 activities from Tribune newspaper ads to festivals and function as well as a host of marketing collateral material such as Public Transportation Guides; VIP Passports and; Visitors Guide; various brochures and other paraphernalia. In addition there is a user friendly and linked web site. in addition a detailed budget and measurable success data is included in the info packet. (Interested parties may peruse the entire packet in the Planning Division of the Community Development Department at the Civic Center. Contact Morris Robinson, Economic Development Planner at (847) 866-2928 X2269 to arrange a time to review the material). ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 28.2008 PAGE 4 Ms. Speckman explained that even though the hotels experienced a slight reduction in guests during the past year, the CNSC&VB still managed to register a S30,000 increase from the State of Illinois Office of Tourism which is an indication of the quality of this bureau since many other bureaus experienced a decrease in funds for the same period. Mr. Paul Giddings, a current CNSC&VB board member and past board chairman reminded the EDC that the state funds are predicated on matching amounts from the CNSC&VB and without a matching amount, the CNSC&VB does not get the funds from the state of Illinois of Tourism. Ms. Speckman concluded her remarks stating that for the coming fiscal 2008-9 year, the bureau is requesting from the City, funding in the amount of $65, 563. After a brief discussion, with several EDC members expressing their support for the CNSC&VB, and member Gromelski indicating he would like to provide more than was requested, Chair Jean -Baptiste asked for a motion. ACTION TAKEN: Aid. Rainey moved to recommend approval to fund the CNSC&VB in the amount of $65,563 for the fiscal year 2008-09 and Aid. Tisdahl provided a second to the motion. The motion was then passed wit a unanimous decision. V. CONSIDERATION OF THE CHICAGO/DEMPSTER MERCHANT ASSOCIATION REOUEST FOR ANNUAL FUNDING Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked staff members Marino and Robinson to proceed with informing the EDC of the request by the Chicago /Dempster Merchant Association to amend a previously approved grant from the Neighborhood Business District Improvement Program (NBDIP) by increasing the amount from $7,500 to S10,000, a difference of $2,500. Staff member Robinson explained that at the July 2007 EDC Meeting the CID Merchants association requested a grant from the NBDIP and was ultimately approved for a S7,500 grant for a series of small projects. However the amount the organization requested was actually for S10,000. The difference in the amount is attributable to the way in which the proposal was completed. The association prepared several proposals that added up to 510,000 but the aggregate amount on the face page of the proposal packet erroneously did not reflect one of the projects in the amount of $2,500. The intended purpose for the funds was to be used for lamppost banner replacements in the local business district. Mr. Paul Giddings, an officer in the CID associations stood and corroborated and expounded on the circumstances as presented. i ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 28. 2008 PAGE 5 Stab member Robinson continued, stating that in most instances the NBDIP grant requests from the local business districts are made in the amount of $10,000 and in this case staff would have endorsed the amount for the Chicago/Dempster Merchants Association and certainly endorses the amendment request for the difference in the amount of S2,500. ACTION TAKEN: There being no further questions, Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked for a motion. Aid. Rainey moved to recommend approval to the City Council to approve the Chicago/Dempster Merchants Association request to amend the NBDIP grant by increasing the previously approved amount by an additional S2.500. A second was provided and the motion carried with a unanimous vote. VI. CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS UPDATE Proceeding with agenda items, Chair Jean -Baptiste asked staff member Marino to report on the status of the various development projects occurring in the City. Staff members Marino and Robinson provided brief updates on various projects throughout the City. EDC member Johanna Nyden suggested that the EDC be provided with an Excel spread sheet indicating the status of projects and in the case of residential projects a column can be added indicating the number sold. Staff member Marino indicated that the Zoning division currently prepares a similar report although without a "sold" column and added that consideration will be given to producing such a document. VII. OTHER BUSINESS Aid. Rainey asked Aid. Wollin who was seated in the audience, to share her experiences at the recent International Conference of Shopping Centers (ICSC) which was held in Las Vegas on May 18-21, 2008. Aid. Wollin stated that there were over 50,000 people in attendance and mentioned her meeting with the Trader Joe's representative and her attempt to meet with the CVS representatives. Aid. Wollin also provided staff with a copy of the conference directory. VIII. COMMUNICATIONS: The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by Chair Jean -Baptiste. IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Jean -Baptiste adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:00 P.M. _11��11 � �.. � — -s, c f �.-r �+' ,.- :'�-'•'. . - —.r:' .7 o-e,...vr"^":=.... atA,?31:a :— ' �y .� `` 'y . o.rJ.7;_�r,,j �.. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 28, 2008 PAGE 6 The next scheduled Economic Development Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center in Room 2404. Respectfully submitted, Morris'E. Robinson Economic Development Planner !!T._ -..,7 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CO`iMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2008 NIEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ROOM 2404-7:30 P.M. Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Moran, Aid. Rainey, Al& Wydne Karl Gromelski, Dan Mennemever Aid. Tisdahl, Robert Creamer, Johanna Nyden PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Chair OTHER COUNC_ MEMBERS PRE:,e_AT: Aid. Wollin STAFF PRESENT: Rolanda Russell -Interim Cit►, iWarraver, Dennis Marino - Assistant Director, Morris Robinson-F_conohtir Develonmem Planner OTHERS PRESENT Robert Rychlicki-Kane-AfrKenna cQ rt rsoriutes, Robert king -Carroll Properties, Nick hicrikas-I'ariner'x Avt SUMMARY OF THE MEETING: 1. Chair Jean -Baptiste called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 7:35 P.M. I1. The EDC Meeting Minutes of May 28. 2008 were unanimously approved. III. CONSIDERATION OF FACADE AND PLAZA ASSISTANCE FOR THE BRAVO RESTAURANT Chair Jean -Baptiste announced that the EDC would skip the next agenda item because Robert Rychlicki had not arrived and it was necessary for hire to he present, and will revisit it when he arrived. The next issue concerned a request from Bravo Restaurant for financial assistance for extraordinary cost associated with changing the awning, fagade and plaza improvements as it is converted the vacant and closed Wolfgang Puck restaurant to a new Bravo restaurant. Chair Jean -Baptiste asked Dennis Marino to proceed. Related documents were included in the EDC packet. 2 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST b. 2008 PAGE 2 Staff member Dennis Marino informed the EDC that the City was approached by the Bravo restaurant Chain (which consist of 16 eateries throughout the country) seeking TIF increment funding support for extraordinary costs for fagade, awnings and outside plaza improvements where they intend to open a new restaurant in what was the closed and vacant Wolfgang Puck restaurant. Dennis Marino also advised the EDC that TiF increment funds are also under consideration for other needed capital investments in the Downtown 11 TIF District such as sidewalk widening; enhancements of the plaza area in front of the Borders Boot: Store and enhancements of the Maple Avenue municipal garage. By doing so, the improved public space will be beneficial to the public. The intent is to complete these improvements before the Downtown 11 TIF District expires and the increment revenue stream is redistributed. Bravo is an Italian cuisine restaurant and the chain wishes to open in the early fall. Reportedly, the company has invested approximately $700,000 towards property improvements. Because of the restaurant plaza location, the site has the perception of being a public space and the assistance to the restaurant will enhance the over all public space perception. Staff recommended that the EDC consider recommending approval to the full City Council to provide matching funding to Bravo, not to exceed S25,000 for partial reimbursement for enhancements to Bravo restaurant fagade and the plaza in front of the restaurant. The source of the fiends will be accrued increment from [lie Downtown Tff District No If. Aid. Rainey so moved and Aid. Wynne provided a second. AId. Moran asked to be recognized and began by stating that he was pleased that Bravo was opening a restaurant but was reluctant to vote for providing TIF funds to assist this retail establishment to enhance its privately owned space. Aid. Moran cited past uses of TIF increment but could not think of another instance where TiF funds were used to improve private property. Aldermen Rainey and Wynne expressed their support for the recommendation and indicated their opinion was that the recommended TIF increment funding rcqutest was in compliance with TiF regulations. Member Mennemeyer asked to be recognized by the Chair and imimdiately stated that he was enthused about the prospect of Bravo openiniz a new restaurant at the site and that once open, he would be amongst the first to patronize the establishment. Having reviewed the Illinois TIF regulations, member Mennemeyer expressed his concern as to whether or not using TIF increment funding in the manner recommended met the spirit of how increment was intended to be used. Member Mennemeyer provided examples of allowable expenses that qualified for TIF increment funding such as support in attracting new business development projects. it is his opinion that In this case. Bravo is already here and even if they don't Set funding support the} %Lill proceed with the project anyway. ti ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 6.2008 PAGE 3 Member Menncmeyer stated that his research indicates the Bravo restaurant company routinely asks for financial assistance whenever a new restaurant is established and in those instances, the only times they were successful were when the sites were located in blighted areas. Chair Jean -Baptiste stated that the use of TIF funds to assist Bravo was certainly appropriate in this case and a brief discussion ensued regarding the appropriateness of using TIF funds and defining "public space" for the Bravo request. Interim City Manager Rolanda Russell advised the EDC of her support for the recommendation and confidence in use of TIF funds. The discussion culminated with Chair Jean -Baptiste requesting a clarification from Mr. Robert Rychlicki, the City's TIF consultant. Mr. Rychlicki advised the EDC that the Bravo request was eligible for TIF funding and cited other municipalities that have engaged in similar funding support. Having, debated the issuc for approximately an hour or more, Chair Jean -Baptiste alloyed For another five minutes of discussion and then called for the vote. ACTION TAKEN: The EDC vote 4 ayes to 2 nays to recommend approval to assist Bravo with matching funds not to exceed S25,000 for awning, lagade and plaza enhancements. Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Aid. Wynne. Aid. Rainey and member Gronielski voted for the measure. Aid. Moran and member Menncmever voted ai-ainst the measure. IV. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED SALES TAX REVENUE SIIARING CONCEPT FOR FARMER'S BEST MARKET AND REOUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. Chair Jean -Baptist stated that the next agenda item concerned a rccluest trom the partners of Farmer's Best Market to engage in a retail sales tax rcvenue sharing agreement to aid in off setting significant cost in converting the closed and vacant Osco Drugs at Asbury and Oakton into a fresh food grocery store and asked staff to procecd. Staff member Morris Robinson provided the EDC with a brief history of the site. Approximately three years ago. CVS acquired the Osco Drugs store and the lease \\hen that company purchased all of the free standing Osco stores. Shortly alicrn%,ards. CvS closed the Osco store and the site has been vacant since that time. The aldernien and the community were adamant in their desire for only attracting a food store to the site. Staff member Robinson reintroduced Mr. Nick Merikas; the principal partner of Farmer's Best Market to the EDC and asked him to speak. Mr. Merikas had previously been introduced to the EDC at the March 26, 2008 EDC Meeting where he inromled the EDC that lie was in the process of negotiating a sub -lease with CVS for the purpose of establishing a third Farmer's Best Market. Mr. Merikas also mentioned that he would probably make a request at the appropriate time for financial Assistance from the City. M ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 6. 2008 PAGE 4 In early July, fir. Merikas successfully negotiated a 12 year sub -lease for the site and has begun the conversion of the store. At a neighborhood meeting held within the store premises on July 9, 200S the surrounding community turned out in excess of 200 strong to meet with the Aldermen, staff and Mr. 10erikas to show support for the prospect of a new grocery store. Mr. Merikas explained how fresh his produce and meats will be and reassured the assembly that the store will be an excellent asset to the community then, and concluded his comments to the EDC by reassuring the members of the sane. Staff member Robinson then asked %-fr. Rychlicki to review the sales pro forma spreadsheet and other validation documents which were included in the EDC packets. Mr. Rychlicki advised the EDC that the data provided by the food company indicates that the Farmer's Best Markets performs better than the norm for stores of this size. Even though the partner's original request for assistance was for much more, staff is recommending funding assistance capped at S500,000 by way of a sales tax revenue sharing agreement. Although CVS has provided a rent break there remains it financial gal) and the partners are assuming great risk. The revenue sharing program will aid in mitigating the remaining gap. Mr. Rychlicki explained that based on the company's historical sales and the City's I% portion of the sales tax and the eligible fraction of the V% home rule tax that the pro -forma indicates, with a 50-50 sales tax split with the Cit},, the food store would achieve the full payout of $500,000 itil 6 or 7 years, if not less. This scenario does not include sales taxes from the sale of alcoholic beverages which %%hen addCd in improves the performance, Mr. Rvclmlicki explained that lie had consulted with other experts in tilt industry and how their responses verified the data in the pro -Comm analysis. Ali. Rainey, Aid. Wynne and Aid. Moran all expressed their enthusiasm for the new store. Aid. Rainey stated that a great dial of credit and gratitude was owed 10 CVS fnr carrying the load for keeping the store vacant for this long. "There %were many opportunities to attract non food store tenants, but CVS respected the wishes of the community. Ald. Rainey also thanked staff for the diligent effort pill forth to«ards achieving the Iood store opportunity. Staff member Marino explained that [Ile Issue hider consideration is to authorize staff to pursue a sales tax rcveixic sharing agreement between the City and I)rincipals ill' the Fanner's Best ,Market and to present [lie draft proposal for cortSidrratinii at the September 24, 2008 EDC Meeting. After a brief discussion Chair Jean-Bapilste called for a motion. Aid. Rainey moved to authorize staff to pursue a sales tax revenue sharing agreement with Farmer's Best 4larket and All. Wynne provided it second. ACTION TAKEN: Time EDC voled unaniniously to authorize Staff to pursue a. : retail sales tax revenue sharing agreement with Farmer's Best Market. . DRAFT -NOT -APPROVED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 28.2008 PACE S V. OTHER BUSINESS Proceeding with agenda items, Chair Jean -Baptiste asked staff to report on the status of the various development projects occurring in the City. Staff members Marino and Robinson provided brief updates on various projects throughout the City. Staff also advised the EDC that a process utilizing Excel or other type spread sheet will be developed as a means of providing updates on the status of projects. VI. COMMUNICATIONS: The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by Chair Jean -Baptiste. VI1. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Jean -Baptiste adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:45 PAL The next scheduled Economic Development Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 24, ZOOS at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center in Room 2404. Ily submitted, E. Robinson ' aic Development Planner ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF WEDNESDAY, SEPTE-MBER 24, 2008 R001i 2404-7:30 P.M. i =� MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Moran, Aid. Rainey. Aid. Tisdahl, Ald. Wynne Karl,'''~ Robert Creamer. Johanna Nyden MEMBERS ABSENT. Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Karl Gromelski, Dan Mennemycr PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid. Rainey, Acting Chair OTHER COUNCIL NIE51BERS PRESENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Marino -Interim CD Director, Morris Robinson' - Economic Develonment Planner. Martin Lyons, Firuitrce Director, Leslie Murphy ' OTHERS PRESENT Carolyn Dellutri- E captive Director, Evinark, Dait Kelch- Errnurk Board Chairman, Rich Braunstein-Evinar•k Treasurer., Martha Rosenberg-Evinark rrrrrrketine Director SUMMARY. OF THE MEETING: I. Chair .lean -Baptiste w,Ls unable to attend the EDC Aleeting, so Acting Chair— Rainey called the EDC Meeting to order at approximately 7:40 P.M. and asked for a motion to approve the previous meeting minutes. ll. Aid. Moran moved approval of the EDC Meeting Minutes of August G, 2008 and Aid. Tisdahl provided a second. The EDC voted unanimously to approve the minutes. 111. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED rVNIARK BUDGET AND REOV ST FOR ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION Acting Chair Rainey announced that the first agenda item concerned the annual funding request from EVNIARK. Extensive performance material: spread sheets and data from EVMARK were included in the EDC packets. Slafl' member R9arino introduced Ms: Carolyn Dellutri, the new Executive Director of EVNIARK. Ms. Dellutri introduced herself to the EDC members as she handed out a synopsis of the budget data and special service area snaps requested by Acting Chair Rainey. r . 7r-. :.a.. .' :?+'a.c17^ir',•'y, -.s,.s. "S: ii,f'wl.'•M��"^ { .'r.4 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 24, 2008 Pagg 2 Other members of the EVMARK Board of Directors were present and Ms. Dellutri also introduced them to the EDC. his. Dellutri provided the EDC with an update of EVMARK's staffing and frequency of board meetings and noted that the approved minutes are posted on the EVMARK website. An overview of the EVMARK budget` , r elements was provided and the reason for the request of S132,000 from the city to bridge the operating budget gap was explained. The amount requested is S6,000 less than (lie maximum amount authorized by the city. Ms Dellutri explained the sources for EVIA4ARK's budget. The Special Service: Area tax levy proceeds amounted to S328,439; the Economic Development fund request ' for $132,000 and 20,000 from Northwestern University are the other substantial contributions. Additional revenues are derived from reimbursements and interest income, from EVNIARK's money market account. In a similar fashion, referring to the considerable documentation included in the packets, Ms. Dellutri explained to the EDC EVMARK staff, marketing and operational expenditures in great detail. (The ' documentation is on file in the Community Development Planning Office and the City Clerk's Office and is available to the public for review). Staff member Marino explained to the EDC that in June of 2007 the City council' approved Ordinance 67-0-07 authorizing the City to provide funding to EVNIARK on an annual basis, subject to annual review, to fund the difference hetween E\'N-IARK's annual special service district levy and EVMARk's annual budget. The sources ror Funding are the Economic Development Fund; The Washington national TIF District and the Downtown II TIF District. Ms. Dellutri and Staff member Marino advised the EDC that it is anticipated that requested amounts in the future will diminish over time. particularly since the Downtown 11 TIF District is due to expire in 2009. Mr. Dan Kelch, the EVMARK Board Chairman informed (lie EDC of the difficulty the organization has experienced in getting maintenance bids. Acting Chair Rainey suggested that an EVMARK representative contact Douglas Gaynor. Director of Parks /Forestry & Recreation with the City for guidance in obtaining maintenance hid-;. . EDC member Nyden suggested that EVL1ARK direct marketing efforts to 1_ovolu University to which y1s. Dellutri agreed. Staff member Robinson advised Ilse EDC that EDC Member Menncmycr, who was not present, had a suggestion and a LluestItm he would like to have acknowledged. The inquiry was given to Ms. Dellutri were referred to Ms. Dellutri to address in the near fixture. A brief, general discussion ensued and Acting Chair Rainey asked for a motion. ACTION TAKEN: Aid. Tisdah) moved to recommend approval to fund EVMARK in the amount of $132,000 for the Fiscal year 2010 and Aid. Wynne provided a second and the EDC voted unanimously to approve the recommendation. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COi%1h1I" *EE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 24.2008 PAGE 3 IV. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED SALES TAX REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENT FOR FARMERS BEST MARKET FOR FARMER'S BEST MARKET A draft Sales Tax Revenue Sharing Agreement with Farmer's Best market was [lie next agenda item for consideration. A copy of the draft agreement was included in each EDC packet. Staff member Marino provided a brief update regarding the proposed agreement draft and explained how staff was authorized to pursue the agreement at the August G, 2008 EDC Meeting. ACTION TAKEN: After a brief discussion, Acting Chair asked for s motion. Aid. Wynne moved approval to present the document to the City Council. Ail. Tisdahl provided a second and the motion received a unanimous vote of approval. V. COMMUNICATIONS: The articles and data reports contained in the EDC packets were acknowledged by Acting Chair Rainey. Aid. Moran asked about the status of Steve and Berry's and was advised by staff that the clothing chain has filed for bankruptcy; will be closing 9 stores in the Chicago area market and that it was unlikely that no new stores will open in our area. Member Nyden asked staff ifthey had a feel for how condominium projects were doing with selling units in this struggling economy. Staff provided anecdotal examples suggesting that sales have slowed in most instances. V1. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business. Acting Chair Rainey adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:25 P.M. The next scheduled Economic Development Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center in Room 2404. fully submitted, E. Robinson z nic Development Planner I MEETING OF THE JOINT REVIEW BOARDS MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2008 ROOM 2402-9:00 A.M. CR7C CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Aid. Jean -Baptiste, Dr. Mary Brown -School District 65 Chief Financial officer, Andre Garner -Cook Counti, Dent. of Planning & Development, Bryan Rosinsky-Ridgeville Park District, William Stafford -School District 202 Chief Financial Officer. Patricia Vance -Township Sunemisor Martin Norket, Public Afember, Valerie Krechmer, Public Member, Larry Kaufman, Public Member PRESIDING OFFICIAL: Aid. Jean -Baptiste OTHER OFFICIALS: Hon, Lorraine Morton, Aid. Holmes, Robert Rychlicki- r KanelMcKenna STAFF PRESENT:; Dennis Marino -Interim Communitv Development Director, Martin Lyon -Finance Director, Steven Drazner Asst.. FinanceDirector, Morris Robinson-Econontic Development Planner, Summary of Actions: I. i Aid. Jean -Baptiste convened the Joint Review Boards meeting at 9:10 A.M. and asked each board member, officials, consultants and staff to introduce him/herself.; II. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked for a motion to approve the previous JRB summary minutes of December 13, 2007. Member Krechmer moved approval and a second was ; r provided by member Stafford. The motion was then passed with a unanimous vote. III. Aid. Jean -Baptiste asked staff member Dennis Marino to proceed at which time Mr. Marino provided the JRB with a brief explanation for the purpose of the Joint Review Boards and the annual meeting. IV. The Howard/Hartrev TIF District ##3: Staff member Marino continued the Joint Review Board, presentation with a description of the boundaries and prior land use of the Howard/Hartrey TIF District. . Mr. Marino informed the JRB that the initial, four retail establishments -in the: ; Howard/Hartrey shopping center were Target (Dayton Hudson), Best Buy Jewel/Osco, MEETING OF THE JOINT REVIEW BOARDS MINUTES-DECEMBER 11. 2008 PACE 2 Office Depot and a World Sank branch and all four are still operating out of the shopping center and appear to remain stable in this economic downturn period. Next, Mr. Martin Lyon, Director of Finance provided a brief recap of the financial performance for the Howard/Hartrey TIF District. This district was established in 1992 and will expire in 2015 with taxes collectible in 2016 due to the one year lag time. Staff member Lyon directed the attention of the JRB to page IS of the annual report, which summarizes the district's revenue and expenditures financial performance, page 25 which provides an overall recap of the status of the TIF district and page 29 which compares beginning EAV and reporting year EAV. (If specific or additional information is desired, the entire reports jar each TIF district are available to the public for review in the City Clerk's Office and in the Planning Division at the Civic Center). V. The Southwest TIF District 42: Mr. Marino explained that the Southwest TIF District ##2 was established in 1990 and with the use of a map, described the boundaries of this TIF district. The TIF District has a Sam's Club which is the most prominent use in the district and Ward Manufacturing Co., formerly located in the Research Park. Two auto junkyard parcels located in the southern portion of the district have not experienced any development. The current strategy is to continue with this TIF district with plans to use the, automobile service/junkyard portion of the district that has not experienced redevelopment activities, as a possible relocation site for auto related businesses that may have to be shifted from the West Evanston TIF District 0 6. Mr. Lyon directed the JRB to pages 18, 25, 29 of the Southwest TIF District Annual Report and provided a brief review. These pages cover public and private investments and Equalized Assessed Valuation analyses, outstanding debts and payments. The entire document is also available for review at the offices of the City Clerk and the Planning Division Iocated in the Civic Center. VI. The Downtown II/Research Park TIF District 91: Ms. Marino provided a brief history for the Downtown II TIF District. The JRB was informed that this area was formally known as the Evanston./Northwestern Research Park and that it is the oldest of the six districts, Mr. Mr. Marino gave a brief review of the development project components and stated that this TIF District has been very successful. In fact it is considered as a text book case as to how TIF districts are supposed to perform. JRB member William Stafford, Mr. Robert Rychlicki and other members all expressed their appreciation for the performance of this TIF District. Again, Mr. Lyon - referred the I" to pages 18, 25, 29 of.the Downtown II Annual Report and briefly discussed the performance'of the TIF District. xr rid 1 } IA MEETING OF THE JOINT REVIEW BOARDS MINTS-DECEMBER 11. 2008 PAGE 3 Mr. Lyon informed the JRB members that this TIF will expire in 2009 and payments to the taxing bodies will begin in 2010. As stated previously, the public may have access this report in the City Clerk and Planning Division offices located in the Civic Center. VIL The Washington National TIF District As Amended #4: The Washington national TIF District was established in early 1994 with an expiration date of 2017. With the use of maps, Mr. Marino explained the original boundaries of the district as well as the new boundaries after the district was amended in 1999. The JRB was also provided with a brief history of development in the district. Stab' member Marino also advised the JRB of the current downtown planning process effort. Mr. Lyon commented on the performance of the Washington national TIF District and referred to pages 18, 25, and 29 of the annual report. This entire report is also available for review in the Planning Division. VIII. Howard/Radge TIF District # 5: Mr. Marino briefly described the boundaries of the Howard Ridge TIF District. Ms. Aiello provided a brief update on the redevelopment project at 415 Howard Street which was constructed by the Bristol Chicago Development group. This redevelopment project is a rental residential building containing 221 units with no ground level retail. Mr. Marino and staff member Robinson also informed the JRB of other enhancements to the area on both the Evanston and Chicago sides of the street. The rental price points are at market rate. Mr. Lyon referred to the appropriate financial data pages in the annual performance report IX. West Evanston TIF District #6: Staff member Marino provided the JRB with detailed boundary descriptions and a brief history of this, the newest TIF districts, having been established in late September of 2005 and the boundaries were amended in 2007. Staff members Marino and Robinson also advised the JRB of the status of new developments and potential development projects within the district. Mr. Lyon informed the JRB that although reports were generated for the West Evanston TIF District, there is modest financial data for this reporting year. XI. Adiournment: Ald. Jean -Baptiste recognized the Mayor, the Honorable Lorraine Morton, Alderman Delores Holmes who represents the 5`h Ward and other dignitaries in the audience. Chair Jean -Baptiste asked the JRB members if there were additional questions. The JRB members expressed satisfaction with the presentations. MEETING OF THE JOINT REVIEW BOARDS MIMUTE&DECEMBER 11. 2008 PAGE Staff was commended for the preparation and execution of the meeting. There being no further business, Ald. Jean -Baptiste officially adjourned the 2007 meeting of the Joint Review Boards at apprximatelyl0:17 A.M. Respectfully submitted, 41 W MF-- E. Robinson )mic Development Planner j�