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made the following appointments of names previously introduced: -
Alexander R. McNaughton, Special Police - six months
` Evald Carlson, rr rr rr it
Cornelius Sullivan,
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried. `
Mayor, Ingraham wished all a Happy New Year.
Upon motion duly seconded,and carried, the
Council adjourned at 11:11 P.M.
.City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
January 3, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held January 30 1944, convening
at 1150 P.M.
PRESENT: (16) Alderman Bersbach
rr Hemenway
n Merrick s
" Platt
• " Bi.mbark
" Mob'g
i� Brandt t
�r Emery
• - " Corcoran
" Harwood
n Thoma r .. .
Mayor Ingraham presiding. '
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held December 27, 1943, be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and 'carried. {
City Clerk Edward W. Bell,• presented'the following:
Communication from North End Mothers' Club requesting an
increased allotment for recreational facilities in the budget. Alder-
man Mogg moved same be referred to the Park Committee. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Aimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE intro-
duced An Ordinance Making Appropriations for Corporate Purposes for
the -Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1944 and ending December 318 1944.
Alderman Hemenway for the HEALTH COMMITTEE informed
the Council that Dr. Winston H. Tucker, Commissioner of Health arrived
home from the hospital New Year's eve, and was doing nicely.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. and consent to stay in
session beyond period of 10-30 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE read
memorandum from the Commissioner of Public Works advising that they
are proceeding with an inspection on condition of the cells in the
Police Station, as requested by Mayor'Ingraham.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report .from the Commissioner of Public. Works recommending that
contract with Neptune Meter Company be renewed for the purchase of
water meters, as per terms and discounts quoted in their proposal
dated December 23, 1943. This arrangement is agreeable to the Water
and Purchasing Committees, and accordingly so moved. Motion seconded
by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15)s Voting nay.'none (0),
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization•in amount of $698.66 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15); Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE made the
following remarks:
"I wish on behalf of the Street Committee to express to the
Mayor, the Chairman of the Finance Committee and all the aldermen
my appreciation for the consideration they gave with respect to
the increase in pay of the helpers and drivers in the Street and
Garbage Department.
This budget as presented tonight contemplates -an increase
of $20 per month making the proposed wage $160 and $170 respectively.
I think this is a step forward towards equity and I appreciate
very much the action of the Mayor and the Council."
UNDER CALL OF WARDS; Alderman Thoma of the Eighth
Ward stated that some time ago there was considered matter of Stop
lights at Custer Avenue and Howard Street. During the coming year
restrictions on materials needed to complete that job should be
lifted and moved a reference to the Commissioner of Public Works and
the Mayor to. check into the matter. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman James of the Fourth Ward made the following
"I have had a good many complaints with respect to the
filthy condition of the business streets, particularly Main Street
on Sunday mornings. Alderman MacSteven directed my attention to
it and I walked on.Main Street from Ridge Avenue to Hinman Avenue
and the.situation there then has been existing for a long time.
I have made references to it on the floor of the Council
many times and the aldermen have likewise. The newspaper men and
particularly a fellow on Chicago Avenue by name of Mr. Rose has
little regard for cleanliness of our streets and certainly con-
tributes to the uncleanly condition, as when papers are taken off
the train in large bundles they tear off the outer paper and throw
it into the street. That is a condition that should not be endured.
Alderman Hungerford also called my attention to it.
I should like to make a joint reference to the Mayor and
Chief of Police to have this situation remedied. I know it can be
done and it seems if we have to take drastic action to do it that
is the thing to be done, as the people on their way to church seeing
such a'f ilthy condition does not leave a.good impression. In my
opinion one agent is largely responsible for that condition and
same should be corrected."
Duly seconded and carried.
.Alderman James stated that the Commissioner of
Public Works informed him that there is a special paper drive pick-
up next Saturday, January 8th,.and asked for volunteers. Any aldermen,
policemen or firemen who .will respond he would appreciate it very much.
Alderman Kimbark of the Third Ward personally
thanked the aldermen for their interest and cooperation in connection
with the budget, and expressed his thanks to the Mayor for his excel-
lent and quick work in the preparation and careful thought given to it.
introduced the following names for confirmation at next meeting of the
City Council:
Boston Ephraim, Special Police - six months
Jackson Tolbert, +r rr rr rr
John Borre, " " (Dog Warden) 6 months
Mayor Ingraham announced that he had appointed
Mr. Lawrence J. Knapp as a member of the Board of ;Trustees of the
Firements Annuity and Benefit Fund of Evanston to serve in his place
as a member of said Board as provided by law.
For Council records Chief Ekman has announced that
the probationary period of patrolmen Ivan Rubin and Laurence J. Borre,
Jr. has been extended another 60 days.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 12:03 A.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
January 10, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held January 10, 1944, convening
at 9:20 P.M.
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach
it Hemenway
" Platt
" Kimbark
" Mogg
" MacSteven
" James
" Jourdain (present during part of proceedings)
" Rubin
" Brandt
R " Harwood
ABSENT: (1) " Merrick
Mayor Ingraham presiding. '
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held January 3, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded.
and carried.,
City Clerk Edward W..Bell, presented the following:
Communication State of Illinois, C.H. Apple, District Engineer
requesting.that each municipality prepare a four or five year program,
based upon its anticipated allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the
-construction-and maintenance of arterial streets and.State highways.
Alderman Mogg moved same be referred to the Street Committee and the
Commissioner of Public Works. Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven
and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented'
ENDING DECEMBER 310 1944. Motion seconded by Alderman Emery..
Alderman Kimbark made the following remarks:
. i
"This ordinance provides for an increase in salaries for all
city employees and an increase in the city's firemen's and Police-
men.I ss pension fund up to the full limit • of one-half mill. This
increase in salaries and other expenses were made possible by the
fine administration during the last year, enabling the city to
save money which we have carried over and which makes us feel
we can operate on a better basis for the coming year. We have
anticipated revenue from other sources and taxation.
We can take pride in the fact that we are the first municipality
to have their ordinance ready for presentation the second meeting
in January.. I want to thank the Mayor and Aldermen and the Finance
Committee for their fine cooperation and the speed with which we
worked on this ordinance."
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
James, -Rubin, Brandt,'Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford
(14) Voting nay none (0).
Alderman James made the following remarks:
"-I had something to say of the Street Committees interest in
the budget last week, and in voting aye for the budget tonight, I
do so with the distinct feeling that an excellent job has-been done
in its preparation and consideration on the part of the council,
but I do..want to say however, that there are one or two instances
where I think inequity exists and that it would be well to have a
survey.made during the coming year to determine whether or not the
salary spread could be a little more equitable."
Alderman Kimbark moved that the Commissioner of
Public Works arrange for the printing of 500.printed pamphlets of
the Appropriation Ordinance. Duly seconded and carried.
. Alderman-Kimbark submitted a report from the Caamnis-
sioner of Public Works advising that the balance on hand in the Special
Salvage Account as of July 31,,1943 is $1,851.41, which money as of
that date belongs to the Civilian Defense. By agreement<, the Civilian
Defense agreed to purchase coats for the volunteers in the Street and
other departments, and also agreed to purchase a rifle for the cadet
corps of the Evanston High School. It is recommended that the balance
of $725.27 be turned over to the Civilian Defense. The balance of the
money now on hand, less the $725.27 will belong to the City., Alderman
Kimbark moved that this sum of $725.27 be paid to the Civilian Defense
and charged to the Special Salvage Account. Motion seconded by
Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Rlatt,
Kimbark,'Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thom and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted itemized list of bills
as of December 31, 1943, which were authorized by resolution to be
paid, the total amount being $14,615.32. Moved the approval of pay-
ment of these bills. Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford
(14): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M.-- Duly,seconded and
I '
. 1
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Chief -of Police relative to Alderman James' reference
on the filthy condition of Main Street, particularly on Sunday morn-
ings, and,.advising that Mr. Rose of the Evanston.News Company, 910
Chicago Avenue was contacted and acquainted with the facts and ad-
vised that drastic action would result'should conditions not be remedied,
The Police.Department has been instructed to give special attention to
other newspaper distributing agencies throughout the city.
Alderman MacSteven submitted the following report
from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"Attached find analysis of the (cost of police car maintenance
for the .year 1943. You will notice that, based on the proposals
of 6 3/8 cents per mils, which was submitted by the low bidder in
December of 1942, we are saving $4,505'.53. This is based on a
two year depreciation with trade-in allowance of $300 at the end
of two years, which I believe is very conservative.
Our actual cost of operation, exclusive of depreciation in
1943 was $6',546.99. It appears that there will not be any new
cars on the market until the middle of 1945. I believe it w ould
be well to impress our Police Department with the necessity of
conserving .our cars because of this fact."
Alderman MacSteven introduced An Ordinance Amending
Section 122 entitled "Schedule 'Et giunday Prohibited Zones" of an
Ordinance,_adopted February 2, 1942, entitled "Traffic Regulations
of the City "8f Evanston" by adding thereto the following item:
Central Park Avenue - east side - Harrison Street to
north property line of the North
minster Presbyterian Church
Alderman Mogg for tlie' RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills 'of the Reiief Organization in amount of $1,463.95 `and moved
that the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills.`
Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven: Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James,, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13)s Voting nay none (0).
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
the following report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
Von -';Saturday., January 8, '1944 our waste paper collection
was made. The following is a record of the waste paper collected:
Ward Waste Paper collected Per Capita
1 12,400 2.05
2 100990 1.54
3 11,100 1.40
4 16.010 2.04
5 9,400 .91 '
6 46,790 4.49
7 38,140 + 4,54
8 121180 I 1.68
The collection in the Sixth and Seventh Wards demonstrates the result
of organized effort in the matter of collection of salvage. The
workers and organizers up there should certainly be congratulated."
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted
a report of the committee relative to communication received from
the Zoning Board of Appeals recommending the denial of a petition
from the Bowman Dairy Company affecting the property at 537 Custer
Avenue. The petition requested permission to sell the property at
that address, which is zoned for Class "Grr •Coimmercial Use, to a
purchaser who would use it for the manufacture and wholesale dis-
tribution of ice cream. Since the public hearing, the Zoning Com-
mittee has received a letter from the Bowman Dairy Company stating
that additional information not presented at the hearing has been
assembled and requesting a second hearing. In view of these facts,
your Committee on Zoning recommends that this matter be re -referred
to 'the Zoning Board of Appeals for further consideration. -Alderman
Bersbach so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
that he was very pleased that the.budget passed and thanked all.the
aldermen for.,their cooperation and for the time and work put in on it.
Mayor Ingraham made the following appointments of
names previously introduced:
John Borre,-(Dog Warden)
Jackson Tolbert,
Boston Ephraim,
Special Police - six months
n rr n rr
rr n u rr
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:
Maude Kirby, Special Police - six months
William Hesketh, n if it a
John `A. Nelson, rr rr rr rr
Eric A. Soderberg, rr rr n it
Charles Searles, rr rr rr r►
For Council records, Chief Ekman has announced that
the probationary period for patrolman Stanley Gross has been extended
for another 60,-day period.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
' 'January 17, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held January 17, 1944, convening
at ft45 P.M.
PRESENT; i (14) Alderman Bersbach
" Merrick
" Platt
" Kimbark
'! Mogg }
r " MacSteven
" Rubin -
'_' Brandt
" Emery
Corcoran ,
Harwood ! '
" Thoma
t' Hungerf ord {
ABSENTS (2) " James
rr Jourdain
Mayor Ingraham presiding. I
yAlderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held January 10, 1944, be approved without reading.. Duly seconded
and carried.,,
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following;.
Communication from Chief Highway Engineer stating that
the resolution adopted by the City Council on December 20, 1943,
appropriating, $5,600..00 from the motor fuel tax fund for the mainten-
ance of State -aid routes 55 and 57 and Arterial Streets 3 and 5 from
January 10 1944 to December 31, 1944 was approved:
Alderman Emery of the BUILDING COMMITTEE submitted
application received from H.B. Cowap requesting permission to erect a .
one story frame building about 10 ft. by 15 ft. in area on.the.property
at,.the southwest corner of Chicago Avenue and Greenleaf Street to serve
as an office for.the.conduct of a used car sales lot. The Committee on
Buildings -recommends that this application be granted provided .that'. -,the
applicant will pp post the some of one hundred dollars ($100.00) in cash
with the City Collector or will file with. the Building Commissioner"''a
bond or insurance policy of equal amount so drawn as to insure the
removal of the building from the premises at the end of the applicant's
lease, and so moved. Motion duly seconded and carried.
-Alderman Kimbark of the FINANCE COMMITTEE moved that
the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to solicit bids for tax
anticipation warrants based on the Ordinance for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1944. Duly seconded andkcarried.
Alderman Kimbark presented a communication from
the City Collector stating that C.G. Nelson of 2212 Ridge Avenue pur-
chased vehicle license #996 intending to use the car going to and
from his church west of Waukegan.. The Evanston Ration Board has ruled
that he cannot have the necessary gasoline but they will give him only
enough to travel from the Railroad Station at Waukegan to the church.
He, therefore, is transferring the car to Waukegan and asking for a
refund of $5.00 from Evanston. This has the approval of the Finance
-Committee, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach
. (14) : Voting nay none (0) .
Alderman Kimbark also presented another.commun-
ication from the City Collector requesting a refund of $10.00 to the
Ward Baking Company of Chicago. They were billed and paid for three
trucks, the same as last year, but have since discovered that only
two trucks are used in Evanston, The third license and sticker #135
has been returned. This has the.approval of the Finance Committee,
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. .Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and.Bersbach,(14):
.Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark presented a communication from the
Commissioner of Public Works stating as follows:
"For the past two years employees of the Street Department
paid on the supplemental payrolls have received payment semi-monthly
on the 9th and 23rd of each month at wages computed on a monthly
basis. The variation in the number of working days per semi-monthly
pay period has introduced fluctuations in the hourly rates of com-
pensation used.in cost accounting, resulting in unnecessary complexity
in the records.. In order to simplify the record work as much as
possible, it is recommended that the Commissioner of Public Works,
be authorized to prepare payrolls for the Street Department employees
paid on supplemental payrolls at rates computed on an annual basis
with payment to be made every two weeks."
This has the approval of the Finance Committee, and so moved., Duly
seconded and carried. ,
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the followingbills, and that the proper charges and transfers be author-
City Collector's Office $35.00
Civil Service Commission 27.00
Public Playgrounds Department 855.28
Public Works'Department
Police Department
Building Department
Public Works Department
Water Department
Small Parks Department
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
Water Mains Dept. (paid on
regular Jan. 15th payroll)
Public Works - Sewer (paid on
regular Jan. 15th payroll)
Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen;Hungerford.,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none.
< ;Alderman Kimbark presented a communication from
the City Treasurer stating that in accordance with authority conferred
upon them at a regular meeting of the City.Council held December 27th,
the Mayor, the City Treasurer and the City Comptroller paid the follow-
ing payrolls, and moved approval be granted:
Small Parks Department
Street.& Bridge Repair
Civil Service Commission
Police Department
Civil Service Commission
Public Playgrounds Dept.
Sewer- Public Works Dept.,
Water Department
Small Parks Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. .Voting aye Alderman Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, MacSteven, Nogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none_.
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
the Council convene as of.9:00 otclock P.M. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE moved
introduced at the last Council Meeting January 10,. 1944. Motion
seconded by Alderman Emery.. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood. -Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, MacSteven,•Mogg, Kimbark,'
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
stated as follows:
We are in receipt of a report of a survey made by the
sub -committee of the Post -War Planning Committee which was asked
at the Council meeting of December 13, 1943 to recommend within
sixty days a proposed site.f.or a new police and fire station.
The committee added to its membership four additional
members whose experience and talents especially fitted them for the
duties required. These members were Mr. Christian J. Golee, Mr.
Ward T. Huston, Mr. Lenox Lohr, and Mr. L.M. Nelson. In addition,
the Committee. availed itself of the specialized services of Mr.
Nels Hokanson and Mr. George Dalgety, who together with Mr. G.G.
Golee, made the appraisal of certain of the sites considered as
hereinafter set forth. These men together with the Executive Com-
mittee of the Citizen's Advisory Committee, namely, Mr. Harry L.
Wells, Mr, George C. Williams, Mayor Ingraham, and Mr. C.A. Hemphill,
comprised the group, all of whom gave direct and personal attention
to the matter and whose report thereon, as now submitted to the Council,
was unanimously approved by the entire body of the Citizen's' Advisory
Committee. ,
This report is the most thorough I have ever seen. They
have made a wide survey through -out the city and have studied num-
erous sights. I want to thank this.Committee for their splendid
work and to say that we will.certainly give their fine report a very
thorough study."
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount. of $11112.42 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
.UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Harwood of the Seventh
Ward stated thathe has talked with the Chairman of the Public Utilities
Committee regarding the elevated service since the subway was installed.
"I notice that most'of the cars that go through the subway are of steel
construction and stop at Howard Street in the mornings' and evenings, but
no trains stop before Howard Street despite the fact that some of these
cars apparently run dead -head from Isabella Street to Howard. The
matter.was called to my attention and to the attention of a director
of the Elevated System who happens to be a resident of the Seventh Ward.
I would.liketo make a reference to the Mayor and ask him to send a
letter to the elevated officials to see if these trains can be made to
stop in Evanston."
Alderman Brandt -of the Sixth Ward announced that
there is going to be a joint meeting of the North End Men's Club and
the North End Mothers Club at Lincolnwood School this Thursday evening,
'January 20th. Judge Corcoran will speak on Juvenille Delinquency. All
aldermen are invited to attend this meeting which promises to be very
Alderman Kimbark of the Third Ward stated that his
attention had been called to the filthy condition of Davis Street on
Sunday mornings. This is along the remarks made by Alderman James on
the condition of Main Street and referred the matter to the Commissioner
of Public Works to investigate.
the following appointments of names previously -introduced:
Charles Searles, Special Police - six months renewal
Eric A. Soderberg, it it It
John A. Nelson,
William Hesketh,
Maude Korby, n rr n n n
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed,, 'Duly
seconded and carried. i
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at the next meeting of the City Council:
Clinton Baldwin,
Guy Caselberry,
Joseph C. Lee,
Charles King, -
Robert Jones,
E Joseph W. Schoos, Jr.
Fred A. Hertwig,
Albert�J. Davidson,
Special Police - six months renewal
Mayor Ingraham read an invitation from the Chief of.
,Police to attend a party at the Elk's Club on Tuesday evening. The
Evanston Police Department is acting as host to the North Shore Division
• of the Illinois Police Association.
Mayor Ingraham read his Annual Report which follows:
It becomes my duty under the law to submit, at this time,
an annual report to the Council. Reports from various departments
will be submitted in due time which will give detailed information
as to the activities of the respective departments.
= The calendar year of 1943 marked -our second year in the
war. Numerous departures of service men from the Elk's Club at
early morning hours attended by memebers of their families, friends
and by representatives of the City and other organizations were a
regular occurence throughout the year. The temporary plaque bearing
the names of our dead and missing and the service flag presented to
the City by the Lions Club during the past year are physical evidence
of the City's part in this war.
Inability to secure various materials, -increased prices,
shortage of labor and desire on the part of the City to cooperate
with the government's request for conservation has -curtailed some
of our contemplated activities, particularly in the matter of street,
alley and sidewalk improvements. Efforts have been concentrated .
upon preserving our existing improvements to guard against deterior-
Provision for the disposal of dry refuse has been an
annual problem for the Council in the past. Prior to 1942 dumping
contracts had been on a cubic yard basis at -an average cost of about
$14,000 per year to the City. Branches from trees and -leaves are
often burned separately at an additional labor cost. During the
years of 1942 and 1943 the City contracted for unlimited dry refuse
disposal at a flat cost of $100000 per gear and with a shorter mileage
haul. Arrangements were completed during the past year whereby the
City is insured the same facilities for dumping rubbish for the next
ten years at the same cost and in addition the City has secured title
to the premises so that when the excavation is filled the dump site
will provide a tract of over 50 acres for municipal use. This was
a great step forward.
Legal procedure relative to purchase of the strip of land
in Lincolnwood Drive between Central and Harrison Streets was com-
pleted during the past year. While permanent improvements cannot
be made until after the war, steps have already been taken to provide
temporary improvement and to rid Evanston of a very unsightly con-
dition. A strip of land a block long and 25 feet wide adjoining the
south side of Bent Park was acquired in this same transaction.
High lake levels and rough water have caused considerable
change at the lake front. Fortunately our Engineering Department
had anticipated this condition and had taken advance precautions
which limited the damage. The Department of Public Works and the
Street and Park Departments are continuing in their efforts to com-
bat this situation which is expected to continue during 1944.
Our Park Department was unable to secure many trees and
shrubs which were needed for planting during the year but in spite
of that fact and the shortage.of skilled labor, has managed to keep
the City parks in good condition and complete some improvements.
Delay in securing repair parts for power driven mowers greatly handi-
capped the weed abatement program during the early part of the year.
Local consumption of water during the past year declined
somewhat due to the large amount of rainfall but our sale of water
was very materially helped by furnishing water to Skokie. It is
hoped that plans and legal details can be completed at an early date
this year whereby the amount of water available for sale to Skokie
can -be materially increased thus enabling Evanston to make full use
of its pumping facilities. This is one of the most important con-
siderations facing the Council at this time.
On several occasions during the past two years City
officials have contacted the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific
Railroad and the Elevated lines relative to their agreement for con-
struction of subways and permanent stations in connection with the
elevated tracts north of Church Street. It appears that these efforts
are now bearing fruit and while scarcity of materials may delay the
construction of stations, the railroad has requested -permission to
present proposals to the Council at this time relative to subways.
Citizen Committees on Post -War Planning and on the Evanston
War Memorial have been appointed and have already held many meetings.
They expect to present definite and specific recommendations to the
Council within the next few months.
No report could be complete without some mention being
made of Evanston Civilian Defense activities. This applies to the
participation by Evanston citizens as well as municipal officials,
aldermen, and employees. Hundreds of citizens devoted many hours
of time in preparation for service through the various O.C.D. divis-
ions. The police and fire auxiliary units were particularly active
and received national mention for their organizations. Salvage work
has gone on throughout the year with most Evanston citizens cooper-
ating in a wholehearted fashion. City employees have given liberally
of their time, also aldermen and officials. The City has furnished
quarters for the Rationing Board in our new Municipal Building and
the members of the Rationing Board, as'well as dozens of volunteer
workers., -have spent much time there in the service of the government,
all without compensation.
In conclusion I wish to thank the Council for its splendid
cooperation throughout the year and to extend to the department heads
and all employees my appreciation for their work in behalf of the
City of Evanston. tr
Respectfully submitted,
S.G. Ingraham, Mayor
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10;10 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
City Hall, • -
.. - January 24, , 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held January 242 19442 convening
at 9:45 P.M.
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway
rr Merrick
l 'r Platt
rr Kimbark
it Mogg
" MacSteven
n James .
n Rubin
" Brandt
" Emery
" Corcoran
" Harwood
i' Thoma
" Hungerford
ABSENT: (1) " Jourdain
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that the -Minutes of Meeting
held January 17, 1944,,be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and carried.
City,Clerk Edward+W: Bell, presented the following:.
Communication from the General Manager for the Trustees of
the Chicago.Rapid'Trangit Company -regarding elevated service through
the Subway for Evanston residents and --stating that because ;of the
many requests they have decided to,'afford Evanston passengers this.
convenience. The,program,will become jeffective about the middle of
February. Alderman Harwood moved that the -letter be referred to the
Public Utilities Committee and continued, 'rI--wish to thank the Mayor
and the Corporation Counsel for their assistance in the matter. I
- r
also wish to express my appreciation of the consideration on the part
of the officials of the Chicago Rapid ,Transit Company for ,this improve-
ment in`.service.to Evanston patrons."! Duly seconded and carried.
.Notice -State of Illinois; iDivision .of Highways .advising
that our allotment of Motor Fuel Tax for the month of -December., 1943
is $7,602.86. Alderman.Rubin moved that same be referred to the Com-
missioner of Public Works. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Ki.mbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bill, same to be charged to the
proper account:
Contingent Fund175;00
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,.MacSteven, James, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting
nay none (0)...
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following requests
for refunds;
Dan Poulos, Custer Dairy and Delicatessen, 609 Custer Avenue
Purchased cigarette license #57 for $50.00. Because of objections of
landlord he -is discontinuing the sale of cigarettes.
Peter R. Carr, 1311 Chicago Avenue purchased license #2136
on January 10 for $5.00, He has been transferred to Pennsylvania.
The Finance -Committee approves a refund of eleven-twelvths (11/12ths)
$50.00 to•Dan Poulos and a refund of:$4.50 to:Peter Carr, and so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Corco-ran,-lHarwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none, (0).
Alderman Kimbark presented a communication from the
American Red Cross requesting the granting -of a street opening permit
free•so that they can repair a leak:in the sewer in:the.alley just west
of their new Evanston Branch headquarters at 615-617 Davis Street. The
Finance Committee approved the granting of a free permit.and so moved.
Alderman Platt seconded the motion. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Noting
nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark presented a communication from the
City Treasurer requesting permission to pay the payroll for the last half
of the month on the day before the last day of the month in order to
do away with a long list of outstanding checks each month. The Finance
Committee approves the payment of these payrolls one or two days before
the end of the month, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,,Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark introduced An Ordinance Levying
Taxes in the City of Evanston, in the County of Cook and State of
Illinois for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1944, and ending
December 31, 1944, for action of�the Council at the next meeting.
Alderman Kimbark presented a communication from the
Commissioner of Public Works stating that in accordance with author-
ization granted by the City Council on January 172 1944, proposals for
the purchase of approximately $398,000.00 1944' Tax Anticipation Warrants
will be received and opened at 7:30 P.M. January 31, 1944.
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment
of the following Supplemental Payroll, same to be charged to the
proper account;
City Clerkts Office $38.25
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Janes, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15); Voting
nay none (0).
t Alderman Kimbark presented the following bill and
moved same be charged to the proper account;,
Special Salvage Fund ' $58.18
Motion seconded by Aldeunan MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick,, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15); Voting
,nay none (0).
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that;the Council convene as of 9;00;ot_clock P.M. Duly seconded and
stated "I have a number of,copies of the recent report of the Sub -
Committee of the Citizents Advisory Committee on their recommendations
for the new'site for the Police and Fire Departments. They have selec-
ted from the standpoint of adequate space, accessability for the Fire
Department, central location, finances and general zoning laws Site
No. 10 among fourteen sites examined. The one selected is very con-
venient, being,at the northwest corner of Elmwood Avenue and Lake Street
I want again to thank. -this committee for their splendid work in inves-
tigating all the sites and to ask that the aldermen consider the report
very thoroughly. Personally I think the site they have selected has
splendid possibilities and after the report has been considered by the
committees in meetings with the chiefs of the Police and Fire Depart-
ments, I am sure we will refer back to that site,
Alderman Brandt stated that the new plans for the
new City Hall Building are completed and can now be seen in.the office
of the Commissioner of Public Works. "We have made all the changes
that have been recommended by the aldermen, the heads of departments
and the Mayor. I believe we have the ideal arrangement of space of
rooms and that you will be well.satisfied. We have asked the archi-
teats to come here next Monday evening so that you can ask any questions."
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE'sub-
mitted a�oommunication from the Commissioner of Public Works stating
that the Park Department is in need of mechanical equipment for culti-
vating the parks and other areas under its care. The Chicago Fence
and Equipment Company proposes to furnish a C-5-3 Rototiller with 28
inch cut, complete with standard equipment for the stun of $816.00.'
Since no other equipment comparable with the Rototiller is available
it is recommended that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized
to purchase one C-5-3 Rototiller, complete with standard equipment for
the sum of $816,00 to be charged to item No. 491. This.has the approval
of the Purchasing Committee, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
Corcoran: Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt; Emery, Corcoran, Harwood
Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood submitted communication from the
Commissioner -of Public Works stating that the expiration date for fire,
liability and property damage insurance on city owned and operated
automotive equipment is'February 25, 1944 and requesting authority to
solicit sealed proposals for the continuation of said insurance. This
has the approval'of the Purchasing Committee, and so moved. Alderman
Mogg seconded the motion. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway;
Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma'and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills and payrolls amounting to $942.04 of the Relief Organization and
moved that the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills.
Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mbgg, MacSteven, James, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman James for, the STREET COMMITTEE stated:
"I wish to present two reports; one from the Evanston
Citizents Advisory Committee on Post -War Planning and one from the
Evanston War Memorial Committee both of which I wish to be made a
part of the minutes of this meeting. I move that the reports be
accepted - the plan for the treatment of Fountain Square and the
erection of the memorial'- for approval in their -general form as
presented. I further move that the Mayor be requested to so advise
the chairmen of these committees and in the letter to'express the
gratitude of the City Council and the administration to the members
of the committees for the amount of time and effort they gave and
the excellent job which is much appreciated on behalf of the people
of the City of Evanston." Motion duly seconded and carried.
Evanston, Illinois
January 20, 1944
To the Honorable Mayor
and Members of the.City Council
On June 28,.1943, Alderman Merrick made an appeal in
Council Meeting for the appointment of a War Memorial Committee
and on September 27th the Mayor announced that he had asked the
following five men to serve on such a Committee.
Mr. Owen L. Coon
Mr. Clinton Merrick,
Mr, Ross.D. Siragusa
Mr, George H. Tomlinson
Mr. Vernon Ward
Mr. E.M. .Goodman, Building Commissioner, was later added to the
Committee as Secretary.
Immediately thereafter the Committee held its first meeting
with the.Mayor and all members present. The Mayor reviewed previous
discussions regarding a Memorial after World War l', pointing out the
inability of various individuals and groups to agree on a suitable
plan. Consequently no permanent municipal recognition was ever
given to the men and women of Evanston who served their Country in
that War. He further stated that it•was now incumbent on us to
provide an appropriate Memorial to the honored dead of both wars.
At the very outset it became clear that the work of the
Committee would center around two problems, one, type of Memorial;
two, location of same. In reviewing the`plans proposed in previous
years, it was found that the same objections which were earlier
urged against a public hall or auditorium still prevailed. The
sentiment of the members of the committee rather quickly centered
upon a Memorial of the monumental type. Soon followed the con-
clusion that the location of such a Memorial should be as central
as possible and Fountain Square seemed to be the natural site. _ '
Mr. Hubert Burnham, architect, a member of the Post -War
Planning"Committee was'then invited to submit sketches. After
consultation with Traffic. Officer Faulkner, Mr. Burnham presented -a
sketch which at once engaged the deep interest of all members of
the committee. In subsequent meetings, the plan as submitted, pro-
vided for the extension south of the curb line of Orrington`Avenue
and Sherman -Avenue, with the monument to be erected in this extended
area. Sketches showing different types of monument were also presen-
ted but it was felt that the basic location should be submitted to
your body for consideration and approval at as early a date as possible.
Before proceeding further, however, the Committee felt that
its plan should be'presented to the'Post-War Planning Committee for
suggestion.and advice. Later at two joint meetings of both Committees,
the approval of. the Post -War Planning Committee as to location was
given. There seemed to be unanimous opinion that the cost of the
monument, say $50,000 should be raised by popular subscription and
that this could be done easily.
'The following procedure was. then` agreed` upon:. 1. Let
the tracing be checked by the proper officers in the City Hall to
show accurately curb lines and othor locations in the Square'with
3 t
width of streets and other measurements added; 2. Secure the ten-
tative approval of property owners facing the Square; also any
other individuals or -groups which might have an interest. 3. Then
present the plan to the City Council for consideration and approval.
Meanwhile as above stated, corrections were indicated,
approval of property interests secured, and at a joint meeting of the
War Memorial Committee with the Post -War Planning Committee held
December 12, 1943, a revised sketch was formally approved. On behalf
of the War Memorial Committee, it is now my pleasure to present to
you, photostatic copy of the approved plan for a War Memorial in
Fountain Square without recommendation as to the type of the monument
which must,be.presented at a later date.
Yours very truly,
By George H. Tomlinson, Chairman
REPORT No. 1 - Evanston Citizensf Advisory Committee on
Post -War Planning.
To the Mayor and Council of the City of Evanston:
Subject: Rearrangement and repaving of Fountain Square.
The Mayor recently appointed an Evanston War Memorial
Committee to select a site and suggest a War Memorial for Evanston.
That Committee is now transmitting to the Mayor and the City Council
its suggestions and recommendations in this regard. Since the site
selected is Fountain Square, and since the.plan evolved contemplates
the removal .of the present fountain and a rearrangement of the streets
leading into Fountain Square, which is a project to which the Evanston
Post -War Planning Committee has been -giving consideration as a post
war imeasure,.the two Committees have jointly considered the matter
at several meetings.
The Post War Planning Committee has unanimously and enthus-
iastically endorsed and approved the rearrangement of Fountain Square
as set forth in the plan now transmitted to the Mayor and the City
Council by the War Memorial Committee.
In their deliberations regarding the proposed plan and the
placing of the memorial, the two committees have had the benefit of
the aid and advice of the City Traffic Engineer, Mr. Faulkner, and
of the Commissioner of Public Works, Mr. Rose, who is also.a member
of the Post War Planning Committee, The Committees have also sought
and have received the advice and suggestions of Alderman James, Chair-
man of the Street Committee.
The disadvantages of the present arrangement of Fountain
Square, many of which are so self-evident, and the advantages of the
rearrangement of the Square as now proposed, are briefly summarized
as follows;
a. Complexity; The route a driver is supposed to
take is not readily apparent as he approaches
the Square.. This is particularly confusing to
out of town drivers.
b. Traffic Movements: Certain traffic movements are
very difficult under the present Fountain Square
t c. Long Signal Clearance Periods: Traffic entering
the Square has a great distance to travel as its
signal turns red to get out of the Square and out
of the way of other traffic. This necessitates
long signal -clearance periods with accompanying
handicaps to pedestrians and motorists.
d. Pedestrians Lack Maximum Safeguards: The length
of pedestrian path from curb to curb is great.
Though islands may be provided in the middle of
Davis Street and Sherman Avenue, the pedestrian
still has a great distance to travel from one
corner to the other. Also buses now load and
unload in the center of Sherman Avenue, which
constitutes a pedestrian hazard.
a. This plan makes possible an efficient three phase
.traffic signal system, one in which Davis Street,
Sherman Avenue, and Orrington Avenue traffic moves
on a separate signal interval. Such timing is
necessary to segregate the turning movements which
predominate at Fountain Square. Segregation in this
manner will handle Fountain Square traffic under
peak conditions now and in the future. It likewise
makes more possible any plans for special pedestrian
control that may b'e required in the future.
b. This plan is simple and not confusing. The layout
will be readily understood by strangers entering
Fountain -Square. '
c. Superfluous intersection area is eliminated, re-
ducing the possibilities of -conflicts and confusion.
d. Under this plan, all turning movements except "U".
turns will be permitted. If future traffic growth
demands it, special signalization to accommodate
turns is possible.
e. This plan shortens pedestrian paths permitting
• crossing from corner to corner or island quickly
and with a minimum of traffic interference. -
f. It provides essential pedestrian refuge.
g. It shortens the distance that the last car which
enters the intersection before the stop -and -go
signals change from green to red, must travel to
leave the intersection clear for cross traffic to
move. This permits short clearance periods in
the traffic signal timing, thus allowing a short
signal cycle to be used. The short cycle is essen-
tial to avoid traffic accumulating and to afford
.pedestrians frequent period for crossing streets.
h'._ Provisions are made for safe loading and unloading
of buses, that daily carry an excess of 30,000
1. Existing curb -parking practices are affected very
little under this plan so far as number of spaces
is concerned.
The Committees have taken ,up with all of .the property owners
fronting on or abutting on Fountain Square the matter of the proposed
rearrangement, and without exception all have approved of the proposed
' With regard to the disposition of the present Fountain the
Committees have the following alternative recommendations to make:
1. That the Fountain be moved intact to a suitable
location in Evanston such as one of the East side
parks, such location to be subject to the approval
of the Evanston Historical Society, and there' to be
re -erected complete with a suitable bronze plaque
reciting its history.
2. That a large bronze plaque several feet in length,
depicting in relief a sketch of the original
Fountain Square, be placed on the Memorial if this
is found feasible, or otherwise placed suitably in
one of the parkway spaces now shown on the plan for
the rearrangement of the Square. This arrangement
has been suggested by Dr. Dwight F. Clark, President
of the Evanston Historical Society.
With regard to the financing of the rearrangement of the
Square and the paving of it, we understand that funds are, or will be,
available -from the allotment of gasoline tax funds. The memorial itself,
as the Memorial Committee has set forth in its report, will be financed
entirely by public subscription. It is the committees' understanding
and recommendation that all other expense, including the re -paving of
the Square, the planting of the lawns in the park area, the necessary
landscaping,.the planting of the trees indicated on.the plan, and the
disposition of the present fountain, be 'borne .by the City.
As to the time of carrying out the improvement, the Post
War Planning -Committee is of the unanimous opinion that this project
should be No. 1 on the Cityts list of post war ventures. It is not
certain at this time as to just when necessary materials and man power
will be available to carry out a work of this sort. The Committee
feels, however, that there is a possibility this could be done after
the next few months. In any event the Committee recommends that if
the Council agrees with the joint Committee recommendation, the necessary
engineering work be. done as soon as practically possible by the Engin-
eering Department and the Office of the Commissioner of Public Works.
with a view to getting the approval of the State and County as soon as
possible. With the necessary approvals gotten and the plans completed,
the work could be carried forward beginning immediately after materials
and men are available.
The matter of .the rearrangement of Fountain Square and the
disposition of the present Fountain, are matters.that have confronted
this City for a good many years past. It is unfortunate that the matter
has been so controversial that to date nothing has been accomplished
regarding it. From the reactions -of. -the individual members of the two
Committees themselves, and also of those of all other interested parties
to whom the plan has been submitted, the Committees believe that the
plan as now proposed will not entail any controversy whatsoever.
.It is seldom indeed that a practical solution of a trying
problem can be combined with 'an esthetic treatment that will allow for
a great improvement and beautification of the surroundings involved.
In this case we have this solution.
The Committees feel that the present plan is a happy
solution of this problem of long standing, and that it cannot help
but redound to the great advantage of Evanston..
Respectfully submitted
By (signed) C.A. Hemphill, Chairman
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted a communication from the Zoning Board of Appeals recommending
that permission be granted to the Orrington Hotel to alter the pent
house so that it may be used as living quarters for not more than one
family. The Committee on Zoning approves this recommendation, and so
moved. Motion duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Bersbach'submitted another communication
from the Zoning Board of Appeals recommending the denial of an appeal
made by the Roseman Tractor Mower Company for permission to add to the
building occupied by the company at 2610 Ridge Road. The Committee
on Zoning recommends that the City Council concur in the recommenda-
tion of the Board of Appeals and deny this appeal, and so moved. Motion
duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt submitted a communication from
the Commissioner of Public Works recommending that the Oak Crest be,,
allowed to buy the -gas heated drier now in the new municipal building
at a price of 415.00 f.o.b. and the amount credited to-r►New Municipal
Building" fund. This has the approval' of the Public Buildings Com-
mittee, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting
aye -Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Fmerg, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford. (15): Voting nay'none (0) .
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Clinton Baldwin Special Police - 6 months renewal
Guy Caselberry, . I n it itrr rr
Joseph C. Lee Ir ►r n " rr
Charles King n rr n n n
Robert Jones, r► if -. r► ,rr rr -
Joseph ' W. Schoos � Jr. !► rr, rr r► rr
Fred A. Hertwig rr rr rr rr rr
Albert ,J. Davidson It It rr rr
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:
Willard B. T.ulloch Special Police - 6 months renewal
License Enforcing Officer'
Theresa Munger Special Police - 6 months renewal
Robert J. Howat it r► It it ►r
rr ►r rr r► a
• George Cunneen _ .
Carl Caldeen rr rr ►r rr it
Mayor Ingraham reminded the Council of the Police
party at the Elks Club on Tuesday evening, January 25, 1944.
Upon.,motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
e t
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
January 31, 1944
of the
City Council
held January 31, 1944:, convening,
at 10:30 P.M.
-PRESENT.-, (15) Alderman Bersbach
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that -the Minutes of Meeting
held January 24, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and carried. o
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following;
Communication from the Evanston Junior.Chamber of Commerce
thanking the City Council for their "generous.cooperation in making
our annual Christmas sing a success."- Alderman Rubin moved that it
be received and placed on file. Duly seconded and carried.
City Treasurer's Financial Statement as of December 31,
1943. Alderman Kimbark moved same be referred to the Mayor, the
Auditor and the Finance Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
At='thi s' Apo nt -Alclerinah'�' MacSte,v6 C was• --excused from
:further attendance by the Mayor.
Alderman Merrick for the BUILDING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted an application from -the Mid -City Sign Company requesting per-
mission to erect�a projecting electric sign over the alley entrance
tow`the public garage-at`1725 Sherman Avenue. The Committee on
Buildings recommends this application be granted, and so moved. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman Merrick submitted an -application from
Kelley Car Company requesting permission to erect a wooden sign four
by five feet in area projecting over the .sidewalk in front of the
building at 1212 Chicago Avenue. Alderman Merrick explained that the
reason for bringing this to the Council is that the ordinance provides
for a metal sign -only but because it is impossible to get the metal for
signs, it is necessary to make this one of wood until such time as
metal signs ^are available. The Committee on Buildings recommends -that
this application be granted, and so moved. Duly seconded•and•carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE* sub-
mitted the following bills and moved same be paid and charged to the,
proper accounts 1
Miscellaneous Fund $20.00
Salaries of City Officers ` 27.00
Contingent Fund 9.72
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach '(14); Voting nay none '(0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following Supple-
mentary Payrolls and moved same be paid and charged to the proper
accounts; i
Civil Service Commission ; $40.50
Public Playgrounds Dept. 786.65
Building Department 34.44
Police Department 4 576.45
Police Department 81.75
Public Playgrounds Dept. 5.20
Public.Works Department' .I _ 299.59
Water Department ! 230.93
Small Parks Department F 1,307.16
Street & Bridge Repair Dept. 51945.•45
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.. -Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma,,_::Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick,.Hemenway and Bersbach f(14); Voting nay none (0);
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the adoption
of .a Resolution designating bank depositories for the funds of Thomas
F. Airth, City Treasurer, as follows: !
State Bank & Trust Company, Evanston, Illinois
First National Bank & Trust Co. Evanston, Illinois
Evanston Trust & Savings Bank Evanston, Illinois
-Continental Illinois National Bank
and Trust Company of .Chicago Chicago, Illinois
Harris Trust & Savings Bank Chicago,. Illinois
City National Bank & Trust�Company Chicago, Illinois
Northern,Trust Company Chicago, Illinois
Duly seconded and carried. I .
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the passage of
19442 AND ENDING DECEMBER 310 1944. Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma.
Voting aye Aldermen Hur_gerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14):
Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark stated that on January 17, 1944 on
order of the City Council, the Commissioner of Public Works solicited
informal bids for the.purchase of 1944 Tax Anticipation Warrants amounting
to $398,000. Two bids were received and opened this evening at 7:30 P.M.
One bid was from the State Bank and Trust Company on behalf of themselves,
the First National Bank & Trust Company of Evanston and the Evanston
Trust & Savings Bank, to pay par for all warrants up to the stated
amount bearing interest at the rate of 14% per annum. The other bid
was from Enyart, Van Camp & Co. together with Scott & Wyandt, Inc. both
of Chicago. Their bid was for par plus a total premium of $1.00 at
7/8% interest. This is the best bid and moved that the joint bid of
Enyart, Van Camp & Company, Inc. and Scott & Wyandt, Inc. be accepted
and that the Corporation Counsel be authorized to prepare ordinance for
the issuance of these Tax Anticipation Warrants. Motion seconded by
Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway
and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
In commenting on this bid Alderman Kimbark said he
believed this is the lowest bid received in Cook County and that the
Mayor is to be congratulated for making it possible for the City of
Evanston to receive such an excellent bid. Mayor Ingraham said he
believed the Aldermen should be congratulated.
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
stated that his committee has examined very carefully the new plans for
the New Municipal Building and that there were no objections to the draft.
He moved the acceptance of same and the payment of the remaining balance
of $250 due the architects. Alderman James seconded the motion. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin,..James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach
(14); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE re-
ported that three bids had been received for printing 150 sets of City
Treasurer's Financial Statements. The Purchasing Committee recommends
that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to accept the low
bid of $225.00 from Mumm Print Shop, to be charged to item No. 244,
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman James. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14); Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $453.00 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman James. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,.
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg presented and moved the adoption of
a Resolution designating bank depositories for the funds of the Town
of the City of Evanston as follows; ,
State Bank & Trust Company Evanston, Illinois
Dontinental Illinois'National Bank
and Trust Company of Chicago Chicago, Illinois
Evanston Trust & Savings. Bank Evanston, Illinois
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman James for the STREET'COMMITTEE submitted
a Resolution appropriating Motor Fuel Tax funds in the amount of
$21,554.00 for maintaining various arterial streets and state aid
highways for the period January 1, 1944 to December 31, 1944, The
Street Committee recommends the passage of.this resolution and that
the two certified copies of this resolution be sent to the Illinois
Division of Highways for their approval. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman James submitted a report of the monthly
collection of the tin and salvage collected Saturday, January 29, 1944
Pounds Per
Capita .Paper
27.05 tons
32.575 tons 4::9 tons
Alderman James congratulated the Third. Ward for winning the trophy
for the highest amount -of salvage collected per capita this month.
Alderman James stated; "I desire to advise that
the City of Evanston is going to lose one of its most competent
officers within a few days and the United States Navy will gain
an engineer of experience at a low price when they acquire Jim
Moring our City Engineer. Those who have been in Council for a
few years realize that Mr. Moring has been with us since he grad-
uated from Northwestern University, first as an Assistant City
Engineer, then, between the time of Wesley W.. Polk and the
appointment of our very efficient Commissioner of Public Works,
Joseph L. Rose, Mr. Moring served very efficiently as acting
Commissioner of Public Works. Since that time has been City
Engineer. I am sure I speak for all the members of the Council
and particularly the Street Committee who have had more personal
contact with him, when I say that we regret -his -going because we
will need him in the department, but we wish him God speed in the
-discharge of his patriotic duty and look forward to his coming
back soon."
Mayor Ingraham added his remarks saying, "We all
appreciate It is necessary for Mr. Moring to leave at this time.
He has been a fine engineer and we hate to see him go. We know
that -he will be able to use much of the -experience he will receive
in the Navy when he comes back and we hope that will be soon."
UNDER CALL OF WARDS; Alderman Hungerford of the
Eighth Ward stated that there were a number of complaints on the'ex-
cessive speed of the Howard -Ridge buses down Ridge Avenue, and moved
a 'reference to the Chief of Police to check this speed before there
is a serious accident. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran of the Seventh Ward stated, "I
have been informed that the Police Department performed a very efficient
piece of work today. I am informed that a woman was assulted and robbed
in one of the streets in the Seventh Ward. Within one-half hour of the
report of the robbery, two of our new police officers, Laurence Borre, Jr.
and Francis Flood arrested the culprit, obtained a confession and re-
covered the property. This arrest made it possible to clear up 20
similar crimes in recent months. The arresting officers were two of
the.younger and newer members of the police force. It is encouraging
to know that the newer members of the force are efficient and combined
with the older members of the force it insures us that Evanston will be
a safe place to live in. I am sure you all join with me in extending
out:: thanks and appreciation to the department and particularly these
two officers for a job well done."
Mayor Ingraham added to the above by saying that he
rode to the Elks Club that morning with these same two officers and
they didntt mention their experience which had happened a short time
before. When he saw them later he asked why they hadnrt mentioned it
before and they said that they didn't think they had done anything so
extraordinary. That,was their job."
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward moved a reference
to the Superintendent of Parks and the Commissioner of Public Works to
see if Independence Park could be cleared of gravel lhus giving a much
needed playground without waiting too long, and so moved. Duly seconded
and carried. r
Alderman Platt of the Second Ward stated, "Some time
ago over one protest, by myself, the ordinance acquiring the new
Municipal Building was passed. Tonight I move we designate the part
which was acquired with the acquisition of the property on which the
building stands as "Merrick Park" in honor of my colleague, Alderman
Clinton Merrick who has served on the Council so faithfully for 18
years, and that the Corporation Counsel be directed to draw up a
resolution designating same. Motion duly seconded and carried.
To this Alderman Merrick answered: "I am very much
surprised and overcome by this honor. I think it has been well said
that a man .cannot determine his success until after he has gone. Per-
haps it would be better to wait until my term is run out. However, it
pleases me very much that the Council and Mayor have seen fit to do
this for me , rr
z '
the following appointments
of names previously introduced:
.Willard B. Tulloch,
Police - 6 months
Enforcing Officer
Robert J. Howat
Police - 6 months
Theresa Munzer
rr rr "
George Cunneen,
rr rr rr
Carl Caldeen,
tr rr rr
Alderman Rubin moved that these names be confirmed. Duly seconded
and carried.
Mayor Ingraham submitted the following list of 233
citizens of Evanston for appointment a•s Special Police. All of the
men are members of the Auxiliary Police Unit of the Office of Civilian
Defense commonly known as the Evanston Emergency Police., headed by
Captain H.L. Wessling.
to them the appointments
H.L. Wessling
Eagle Freshwater
John R. Menary
Albert J. Davidson
Paul W. Lange
Charles E.`Roberts
Wellington W."Brothers
George R. Bent
Henry G. Carlisle
Richard E. Freeman
William S. Morrison
Harold A. Bina
Warred A. Daniels
Robert E. Goss
Ernest Jones
Howard E. Mankin
Paul A. McHugh
A.K. Rieger
Robert Whitelaw
Harry C. Daniels
Charles C. Bronson
Eric N. Kardell
Frank E..Loughrey
Emil W. Neukranz
Philip W. Steitz
Leonard W. Wilson
Rank M. Callahan
Herbert J. Moos
Harold V. Parkhill
Robert H. Parry, Jr.
John F. Partridge
Charles H. Pinkham II
William C. Williams
Robert L. Jones
Cyrus P. Barnum
Robert M. Bodkin
Edgar C. Chase
French L. Eason
Osborne G. Hjelte
George L. Holm
Charles Lange
Ivon S. Pieters
Benjamin F. Troxell Jr.
John T. Zatteau
Robert M. Woods
Willard J. Buntain
Cyrus L. Garnett
Robert B. Jamieson
Clyde F. Resseguie
Lewis B. Walton
Samuel K. Workman
Carl A. Otto
J. Stewart.Bo.swell
Thor J. Broten
Roy R. Brown .
J. Joseph Miller
Carl A. Stanley
H.A. Dahl
Howard C. Chandler
Hugh W. Croxton
Thomas A. Garrett
John A. Kalmthout
John Krawetz
Fernand E. Mercier
Paul Teeter
Hume S. Dice
Kaj H. Aagaard
Most of them are already Special Police and
are in reality renewals;
John B. Finch
John R. Menary
William O.-Campbell
Vincent J. Clark
Oliver H. Nichols
Kearney D. Roane
James G. Barber
Charles T. Haight
Louis Arns, Sr.
Harry S. Bailey
Clark Bridgman
Walder D. Burr, Jr
Ti Dickerson Cooke
Vernon J. Euler
DuRelle Gage, Jr.
Joseph S. Kearney
Laurence 0. Roberts
Alphonse V. Roche
E.H. Russell
Richard T.. Sidley
Albert F. Weise
Alex R. McNaughton
Melvin C. Anderson
Elmer U. Buxton
Joyce V. Fort
Paul E. Gamron
George W. Glennie
Walter W. Kelly
John K. Kluefer
Reno E. McCauley
Edwin D. Shanks
Charles H. Warner Jr
Paul Bennett
Edward C. Dapples
Carl R. Johnson
Oliver P.H. Kaut
Otto H. Knecht
Walter S. Lovelace'
Charles H. Markel
Wayne B. Mitten
Thomas H. Mullen
Aldo E. Nessler
Maurice A. Perrenot
Benson Sanders
John Hendley
Alfred Crawford
Robert J. Howatt
Thomas R. King
Arthur H. Kuhn
Thomas G. Murdough
Samuel S. Reid
Michael J. 'Ryan
Ralph K. Behr
Royce E. Champe
Raymond A.Gerstenberg
Orson T. Hoskins
Chase N. Hess
James Marsh
Walter D. Roeper
Arthur W. Schweer
Drennan J. Slater
Walter A. Trucker
Myles Woitesek
Otto H. Huebner
Donald ID. Dunlap
Ener C . ' Burch
Paul Burkhardt
George J. Clark
Donald H: Sweet
Norman B. Hicks
S.M. Davison
Patrick J. Fallon
Lloyd J. Jones
Louis B. Larson
George E. McBean
Carl Nettelhorst
Edward J. Scholl
George B. Schultz
Francis G. Waggoner
Frank G. Osborne
John H.-Bryant
Charles E. Collier
John W. Denison
Cameron Eddy
Charles 0. Fisher
Joseph J. Giannini
John Howard Owen
William H. Powers
Alexander Saeger
Jarvis A. Shedd
Joseph A. Popp
George W. Bergquist
James A. Brennan
W.C. Dreyfus
A.W. Ericson
Joseph H. Flinn
Maurice Kamonear
Marvin M. Molitor
Herbert S. Olson
Edwin G. Palaith
Joseph 0. Reis
E. Sherwood
Harry Wolff
Joseph P. Zak
A.J. Craig
Carl W. Alton
William N. Erickson
Robert F. Henderson
Lee Landeck
E. David Collidge, Jr.
Edward T. Muir
William T. Ortlund
Dudley S. Young
Richard A. Trenkmann
Paul P. Grant
Selman M. Doak
Joseph U. Irick
Richard 0. Lipsey
James N. Lockwood
Adolph F. Odenthal
Robert M. Seepe
J. Walter Nelson
Frederick B. Crosby
Harry B. Jackson
Herbert B. Jacobson
George J. Keller
Edward H. Payne
Charles H. Reynolds
Louis A. Sherman
Allen L. Simmons
Curtis F. Prangley
Robert R. Bailey
J. Nat Davis
C. Kendall Fisher
George W. Hallahan
Alwin M. Cramer Thomas J. Conner Rex N.-Jacobs
Arthur Johnson Richard W. Garner W.R. Kirsch
John D. Kiley Nicholas F. Mersch L.A. Peterson
Walter 0. Schirmann Berry T. Stevens Howard E. Rogers
Earl J. Rusnak Robert°Friedlander Romney E. Ashton
Herman M. Berman Dr. Walter P. Christiansen James Johnston
Herman Kruger' Edward D. Lappeere Charles H.'Rehfeld
Ralph Laue David T. Bjork Griffith-J. Cassells
Gordon Clinkunbroomer Roseman L. Harris Paul W. Lange
Edward E.`Meyer Melvin S. York L.W. Faulkner
Alderman Rubin moved the Suspension of,the Rules and that these
appointments be confirmed this evening'. Seconded by Alderman James.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford; Thoma,�Harwood, Corcoran, Emery,
Brandt, -Rubin, James, Mogg- Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and
Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 11;.00 P.M. t
;Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
February '7, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held February 7, 1944, convening
at 10:40' P.M.
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach'
" Hemenway
" Merrick
" Platt '
" Kimbark
" James '
" Jourdain '
" Rubin
" Brandt
" Harwood
n " Hungerf'ord ;
ABSENT:" (1) " Emery
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held January 31, 1944, be approved without reading. Alderman Mogg
called attention to name of "Nash Kelvinator" on list of auxiliary
police as being an error. Duly seconded and carried. -
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Communication Lawrence G..1,41eaver, calling attention to con-
dition of tracks at the steel plant.on Dempster Street, which ;mere
i ,
damaging tires. Alderman Rubin moved same be referred to the Street
Committee and Commissioner of Public Works. Duly seconded and carried.
Second Annual Report of the Evanston Auxiliary Fire Department.
Alderman Rubin moved same be received and placed on file. Duly seconded
and, carried.
Alderman. Jourdain for the BUILDING COMt!4ITTEE sub -
witted an application received from the Community_Hospital requesting
that a building permit for a basement addition, to cost not more than
6200, be issued.without fee. Committee on Buildings recommends that
this request be granted and that the Building Commissioner be author-
ized to issue the permit asked for without fee, and so moved. Motion
seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following Supplemental Payrolls, same to
be charged to the proper accounts:
Park Department $66.88
Public Works Department 154.56
City Collectorts Office 105,00
Street & Bridge Department 420.39
Civil Service Commission 15,00
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,' James, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma-and Hungerford (15): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark moved the Suspension of the Rules
for the purpose of passing An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of
Three Hundred Ninety-eight Thousand Dollars.($398,000) 1944 Tax
Anticipation Warrants of the City of Evanston, in Cook County, Illinois..
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye -Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark., Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark then presented and moved the passage
OF EVANSTON, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Motion seconded by Alderman
Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,-Rubin, Brandt, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman.Kimbark submitted the following requests
for refunds:
Adah Dinkmeyer, 821 Elmwood Avenue purchased vehicle
license #3586 on January 20th for $5. She has since sold the'
car. The license and sticker have been returned to this office..
Alderman Kimbark moved that a refund of $4.50 be made.
Mrs. R.G. Fort, 820 Mulford Street purchased vehicle license
#338 for $*10 on January 12th, and has since sold the car. 'The
license and stick have been returned.
Alderman Kimbark moved that a.refund of $9.50 be made. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt,.Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Hemenway for the HEALTH COMMITTEE reported
that Dr. Tucker is back on the job for a part of each day.
t Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. and consent to stay
in session beyond period of 10:30 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Merrick presented and moved the adoption
of the following Resolution: -
WHEREAS, FRANK B. DYCHE, for many years a resident of the
City of Evanston and a former member of this City Council as a
representative from the Seventh Ward from 1901 to 1914; departed
this life on February 1, 1944; and
WHEREAS, in his passing the City of Evanston has lost an
outstanding citizen who, during his'lif e, devoted much time and
energy to municipal, civic and social affairs; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City
of Evanston to pay tribute to said FRANK B. DYCHE.
Council of the City of Evanston in meeting assembled, that in the
death of FRANK B. DYCHE, the City -of Evanston has;lost a loyal,
public spirited citizen and that the City Council does express
its sympathy and regret at the passing of a citizen so deservedly
liked and appreciated.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
spread upon the records of the City . and that the Mayor and City
Clerk be authorized and requested to send a copy of the same to
the family of FRANK B. DYCHE with an expression of sincere sympathy
from the Mayor, City Council and Officers of the City of Evanston.
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
the following.report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"On December 14, 1942 the city purchased a 1934 Oldsmobile.
sedan in the amount of $35 for use of the Park Department, the use
of which was later discontinued and the car. was placed in storage
in the city yards.
On January 30, 1944 we advertised the sale of this car in
the Chica o Tribune but no bids were received. Today we received
a bid of 40 for this car from Francis J. Plunkett.
It is recommended this bid of $40 for No.• 53,E 1934 Olds-
mobile sedan, belonging to the Park Department, be accepted."
Alderman Corcoran moved recommendation be approved. Motion seconded
by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE submitted
the following report from the Chief of Police:
"Regarding Alderman Hungerford's reference concerning the
excessive speed of the Howard -Ridge buses on Ridge Avenue, this is
to advise that squads and motorcycles.have been instructed to check
closely for incidents on this matter, which shall be referred to
the bus company -for discipline of the guilty driver, and arrests
to follow immediately should the situation be not rectified."
made the following remarks:
"The present administration has certainly saved the taxpayers
a lot of money in proposed projects. I have a notation that the
present site of the New Municipal Building, not including Merrick
Park, was offered for sale to the Post Office for $450,000. We
purchased it as you know, for $85,000 including back taxes.
In considering how to consistently save the taxpayers money
the committee realized that a saving can no doubt;be made if we
are ready to proceed immediately after -the close of the war, or
even theclose of the European section of the war, and it was thought
that it would be advantageous to have the working plans of the New
Municipal Building ready when such happy times would arrive.
It will take something like three or four months to prepare
working plan's'f or this building and secure rough estimates and we
thought we should proceed to do so and be prepared to take advantage
of any building prices that would be obtained at the end of the war
and might not be obtained in the ensuing six or eight months. To
this end the Committee voted and I so move, that Eich and Reed who
were architects on preliminary plans for the new Municipal Building,
be authorized -to prepare working_ drawings and specifications for the
aforesaid building for total cost of M500. The City is' to pay
$1,500 during the year 1944 and balance of �1,000 to be paid in
1945. All amounts so paid will apply against final costs of plans,
and specifications andsupervision."
Motion seconded by Alderman James.
made the following remarks:
In this connection Alderman�Corcoran
-"I am in favor of saving the taxpayers money, but in the
committee meeting I voted no and I did so because I felt the matter
was not so urgent at this particular time that we should undertake
to have this work done.
Our Contingent Fund this year is very small and I do not
believe we should use that money to pay this bill: I think we
should wait until later this year, that is, until we know what
contingencies might arise, and for that reason I vote no."
Alderman Merrick inquired as to about how much money was received from
the sale of furniture and equipment of the Country Club, and was told
that there was now a balance of approximately-$500.
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick who'stated "I suggest
that money we received from the sale of furniture, etc. be exhausted
first before we take other money to pay for this" - Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, James,,Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Harwood and Thoma (12):
Voting nay Aldermen Platt who stated "I voted for the question in
Committee meeting but I am inclined to feel that Alderman Corcoran's
remarks are well put, and vote no" - Corcoran and Hungerford (3).
Alderman Brandt stated that it is the unanimous
recommendation of the Committee that the report and recommendation of
the Citizens Committee on Post -War Planning relative to the proposed
location of a new police and fire station to,be located at the north-
west corner of Elmwood Avenue and Lake Street, be accepted and appro-
ved and that the matter of acquiring the site for same be referred to
the Finance Committee of the City Council to consider ways and means
for financing same, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $1,103.77 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized.to pay -these bills. Motion
seconded.by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James,-Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15):r Voting
nay nong (0).
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE stated that
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company have.submitted plans'
and specifications to the Commissioner of Public Works providing for
the elevation of their tracks consistent with the existing ordinance,
and according to the opinion of the Council it. is necessary that these
plans be changed somewhat necessitating amending of the present ordi-
nance. Accordingly moved that the Corporation Counsel be authorized
and requested to prepare an ordinance amending our present ordinance
with respect to viaducts under the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway tracks north of Church Streetiso as to provide for elimination
of the grade switch track at Emerson Street, the elimination of viaduct
at'Clark Street and the construction of a viaduct at University Place
together with other changesin specifications as recommended by the
Commissioner of Public Works. Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven.
Upon motion of Alderman Platt, seconded by Alderman Bersbach this
matter was held over for one week.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Brandt of the Sixth
Ward asked for a report from the Commissioner of Public Works on
standing of funds in the New Municipal Building.Account,
introduced the following names for confirmation .at the next meeting
of ,the' City Council:,
James A. Holmes, Special Police'- 6 months renewal
Axel M-. - Anderson,
William Forsythe, rr rr rr n rr
For Council records, Chief Ekman has announced that
Ernest G. Fries, having completed his one year probationary period,
was sworn in"as a regular patrolman in the Police Department on
February 1,'1944.
Mayor Ingraham stated that the.Department-Heads ;
have invited the Aldermen to be their guests at an "Oyster Supper"
in the -Elks Lodge Hall on next Monday evening, February 14, after
-the Council meeting.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 11:10 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
- Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,.
February 14',•1944
Regular Meeting of -the City Council held February 14, 1944, convening
at 9:00 otclock P.M:-
PRESENT: (14) Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway
-" Kimbark
n Mogg
r► James
" Rubin
'► -Emery
" Corcoran
Hungerf ord
ABSENT: (2) _" MacSteven -
" Jourdain
Mayor Ingraham presiding. `
Alderman Rubin moved that the.Minutes of Meeting
held February 7, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and carried.
City Clerk Edward W: Bell, presented the following;
Communication Evanston Fire Fighters Association dated
February ll, 1944 relative to. condition caused by members of the
Evanston Fire Department being called�intothe Armed Forces. Alderman
Kimbark moved same be referred to the.Finance.Committee and.the Fire
Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for` the FINANCE COMMITTEE submitted
report from the City Collector concerning request of Mrs. J.W. O'Hair
611 Sheridan Road for refund on vehicle license #5678 purchased
February 7th and for which she paid5. She is moving to Iowa and
is asking for a refund. Alderman Kimbark moved. that a refund of
$4.50 be made to Mrs. O'Hair. Motion seconded by Alderman.Harwood.
Voting aye Aldermen Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick,•Hemenway and Bersbach (13):
Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment.
of the following bills,. and• that the proper -charges -and transfers be
Building Department ,
City Hall Building
.City Treasurer's Office
Civil.Service Commission i
Contingent Fund
Fire Department.
Garbage Department a
Legal Fund ,
Miscellaneous Fund
Motor Fuel Tax.Fund
Municipal Court ,
New Municipal Building
Park Department
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
Special Recreation Fund
Special Salvage Fund
Street & Bridge Department]
Pumping Station
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Department
Water Meter Department
313.. 97
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman-Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the following payrolls, same to be charged to the proper accounts:
Civil Service Commission
Police Department
Public Playgrounds Dept,
Public Works Dept. - Sewer
Public Works Dept. - Maintenance
Building Department
City Collector's Office
Park Department
Street &_Bridge Repair Dept.
Water Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Rubin for the POLICE COMMITTEE submitted
the Annual Report of the Police Department for the year ending
December 31, 1943, and moved same be received and placed on file.
Alderman Brandt seconded the motion, stating that it was the most
elaborate, comprehensive and thorough report ever received and the
Chief of Police and Members should be commended for this fine report.
Motion carried.
Alderman Rubin introduced -An Ordinance Amending
Section 128 entitled "Schedule 'K' Loading Zone" of An Ordinance
adopted February 2, 1942, entitled ".Traffic Regulations -of the' City
of Evanston!' by adding thereto and including the following item:
Davis Street - north side - extending.from the alley,
east to the east line of the building
at 615 Davis Street.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE
submitted a report from the Commissioner of Public Works advising
that an extension of time has been granted for receiving bids on
public liability, property damage and fire insurance on city owned
automotive equipment to 12 o'clock noon. February 18, 1944,
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $1,281,49 and moved
that the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
UNDER CALL OF WARDSs+'' Alderman'Platt of'the Second
Ward moved the Suspension of the Rules for .the purpose of passing An.
Ordinance Designating and Naming Merrck Park. Motion seconded byf-
Alderman Mogg. Voting.aye Aldermen Hungerford,: Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick,
Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0). .
Alderman Platt then1presented and moved the passage
southwest corner of,the intersection of Oak Avenue and Lake Street).
Alderman James stated that he had served with Alderman Merrick longer
than any other member of the City Council and it was his happy privi-
lege to second this motion. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
L t � • C t
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
(Alderman Merrick not voting) Hemenway' and Bersbach (13):. Voting nay
none (0)
Alderman Merrick of the Second Ward made the following
"I want to thank the Aldermen and the Mayor for this honor;
I thoroughly appreciate'it , I think'it is riot:,deserved, but I do'
want the members I have served with so long to know I am very much
pleased and touched with this compliment."
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
William Forsythe, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Axel M. Anderson, it it rr rt rt
James A. Holmesn n rr It, n
Alderman' Rubin moved that these appoir. tments be confirmed.- Duly
seconded and carried.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 9:18 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
February .21, 1944
Regular Meeting of. the City Council held February'21, 1944,'convening
at' 9:25 P.M.
PRESENT: (16 ) Alderman Be.rsbach
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held February 14, 1944,-be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Communication M.J. Battaglia, expressing his grateful
appreciation for the service rendered by the Fire Department in the
use of the pulmotor in an effort to save the life of his Mother.
Alderman Rubin moved same be referred to the Fire Chief and the Fire
Committee. Motion seconded by Alderman James who stated;
"I am moved to wonder if some of the Aldermen, due to pre-
occupation or inattention, have failed to recognize the full sig-
nificance of the communication just read. Here is a letter from a
citizen who directs our attention to the conduct of our Fire Depart-
ment in the matter, of their responding to a call for the use of the
pulmotor in an.effort to save the life of his Mother. He points out
that altho the life was not saved, one of the last recollections of
this woman was the"kindly, considerate, gentle manner in which she
was treated by the -Fire Department and its Chief. All representatives
of her local government.
Here Mr. Mayor, is involved as definite an example of
democracy in action as one would wish to view. Here a kindly,
lovable, God fearing Mother, who in her youth came to America from
the shores, of another land and who became a useful part of America,
raising her family and contributing generally to the welfare of her
adopted Country, finds herself facing the long shadows and knowing
her work on earth was done. Her family looks to her GOVERNMENT, HER
AMERICA, for aid in one last vain effort to flame a hoped for spark
of life, Representatives of her Government did respond (without
f irs•t requiring numerous forms being ' filled out) and while their
efforts could not -revive a life that was destined to go, they tried.
They tried to save -the life of an American Mother, as the writer
points out, with tender and kindly consideration and without regard
to geographical location or humility of home or religion or social
status. To me Mr.•Mayor, while giving full credit to our Fire
Department, this letter is more than'an acknowledgment of gratitude
to them, there is here a larger, greater and more significant con-
sideration, It is a tribute to the American way of life and by way
of protest against any person or group of persons, enemies here or
abroad, who would pursue or advocate's kind of governmental process
which would interfere, interrupt or destroy that American way. It
is a protest against outraging and violating the covenants and rights
of States and local governments and subordinating them to bureau-
cratic and directive edicts. Where on the face of this earth, outside
the Western Hemisphere, will you find Government functioning so as to
cause the writing of such a letter here at issue. Nowhere, Mr. Mayor.
It is for the preservation of this that our sons are fighting and
dying on the fields of battle. It is the direct responsibility of
those of us on the home front` to see' to it that while our boys fight
we do not lose here what it has taken countless generations to acquire."
Motion carried.
Alderman Merrick for'the BUILDING COMMITTEE submitted
an application received from the Thomas J. Webb Coffee Company request-
ing permission to erect a projecting sign at 365 Howard Street and*one
at 809 Main Street. Due to the restrictions on the use of metal, the
applicant desires permission to use a weatherproofed fiber board called
Masonite. Section 1392 of the Building Code requires that -projecting
electric signs be constructed of metal- Committee on Buildings rec-
ommends that this application be granted upon condition that the signs
will be replaced with metal signs as soon as government restrictions
permit. This report is signed by all members of the Building Commit-
tee present, and accordingly so moved., Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for, the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized;
Building Department 1 $15.08
City Collectors, Office ! 87.50
City Hall Building 5.50
City Treasurer's Office 257.80
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department !
Health Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Municipal Court.
New Municipal Building Acct'.
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Salaries of City Officers Fund
Special Salvage Account
Street & Bridge Department 1
Water Department
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Department
Water Meter Department
City Hall Building
Special Salvage Account !
.Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, P1att,.Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted three requests, for refunds
as follows:
Mrs.-J.C. Shuford, 1625 Ridge Avenue purchased vehicle
license #5841 in the name of Tubbs Cordage Co. (J.C. Shuford)
for which she paid $5. The car is owned by a Chicago firm and
is kept in a garage in Chicago. The license and sticker have
been returned. Recommend refund of $4.50.
Margaret W. Hanson, 2709 Lincoln Street purchased two
licenses for the same car. License and sticker #6394 have been
returned. Recommend refund of $4.50.
Douglas Power, 1011 Maple Avenue purchased dog license
#270 on February 7th for $2.25. Due to sickness the dog has been
returned' to the Shelter. Recommend refund of $2.25.
Alderman Kimbark moved that refunds as recommended be made. Motion
seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following report from
the Commissioner of Public Works:
"On December 16, 1943 the O.P.A. tire rationing section
amended its Tire and Tube Rationing Order so as to require inspec-
tions at central inspection stations for all tire replacements. A
charge of fifty cents per tire will be made for such inspection.
We already have our own local inspections but under the new ruling
these will not be sufficient except where the law of a municipality
prohibits the expenditure of money for the O.P.A. inspection. The
Corporation Counsel has given an opinion that payments for inspection
charges are not presently provided for and may not be made.
,Since we have our own local inspection of tires as required
by law and no provision has been made in the budget for the cost of
any additional inspection, it is recommended that the Commissioner
of Public Works be instructed to incur no expense or liability for
any additional inspection by an O.P.A. designated inspector or by
any central truck tire inspection stations designated by the O.P.A."
Alderman Kimbark stated that as there is no appropriation.in the budget
for this expense moved that the Commissioner of Public Works be instruc-
ted as requested. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood and carried.
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o1clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Merrick informed the Council that our
present ordinance with respect to vehicle licenses for automobiles
provides that metal licenses be attached to the front of automobiles
over the State license plate. In view of the fact that we have adopted_
decalcomania stickers our ordinance is inappropriate. The Corporation
Counsel has prepared an amendment to the ordinance, and accordingly
moved the Suspension of the Rules for the purpose of passing an or-
dinance amending this section. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg;
MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,'Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (15): Voting naynone (0).
Alderman Merrick then presented and moved the passage
AS AMENDED - by adding thereto a section to be known as Section 2837 A
Decalcomania Licenses. Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye.
Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford
(15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Merrick introduced An Ordinance Amending
Article XVII, Chapter XXXV of The Evanston Municipal Code of 1927, by
adding one section to said Article, to be known as Section 1872 (c)
Sale of Christmas Trees, etc. and asked that copies be sent to the
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
annual Lease with the Evanston'Anglers Club covering the premises
described as the beach between Lake Michigan and Sheridan Road immed-
iately north of the clubhouse occupied by the Columbia Canoe Club,
including the clubhouse thereon, for sum of $1.00 per year. The Park
Committee recommends that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to
enter into and execute this Lease, and so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (16): Voting nay none.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE requested
the Aldermen to read the Annual Report of the Police Department, stating
the Chief of Police should be complimented for such a complete and _
interesting report.
Alderman MacSteven presented and moved.the passage
REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF EVANSTON" by adding thereto and including
in said schedule the following item;
Davis Street - north side - extending from the alley,
east to the east line of the building
at 615 Davis Street.
Motion seconded by Alderman.Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (16):
Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works together with
tabulation of proposals received covering renewal for one year from
February 25, 1944, for fire, public liability ($100000/$20 limits)
and property damage ($5,000 limit) insurance on city owned and operated
vehicles and equipment. On the fire insurance bids the Purchasing
Committee recommends that the bid of Wohlleber & Jans of 13y per $10*0
valuation, be accepted. Motion seconded.by Alderman Bersbach.. In this
connection Alderman MacSteven stated'that if A.W. Saeger has the same
bid and gave good service last year that we should consider his bid,
and accordingly made a substitute motion that A.W. Saeger be given the
bid on fire insurance. Motion seconded by Alderman Kimbark. Voting
aye Aldermen Kimbark, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, and Brandt (5):
Voting nay Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Mogg, James,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (11) Motion lost.
After a brief discussion Alderman Kimbark stated that having found
he was misinformed on certain facts asked that his vote be changed,
making it (4) ayes and(12) nays. Alderman Harwood then moved the
adoption of the original motion. Motion seconded by Alderman James.
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma
and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none. Alderman .MacSteven absent at
call of roll. Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood moved that -bid on public liability
and property damage insurance be awarded to the American Automobile
Insurance Co. of St. Louis, Mo. at premium $1,097.46 - McGibney -
Wilkerson, Agents. Motion seconded by Alderman James. Voting aye
Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James,
Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14):
Voting nay Alderman Emery (1): Alderman MacSteven absent at call of
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of.Public Works listing three bids received for furnishing
coal for use in the incinerator. It is recommended that the.Commis-
sioner of Public Works be authorized to purchase one car 3 x 2 Illinois
Egg Coal from the low bidder, Marquette Coal and Mining Company at the
net price of $6.95 per ton, to be charged to item No. 588. This has
the approval of the PLtrchasin�ominittee, and so moved. Motion secon-
ded by Alderman Bersbach. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Merrick; Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (16): -Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works advising that the Street Department garage has
needed an air compressor badly for several years. Five bids were
received and it is recommended that the Commissioner of Public Works
be authorized to purchase 1 - No. 242D3 Ingersoll Rand Compressor -from
the low bidder, Ingersoll-Rand Company at price of $256.80, to be
charged to item No.548. This has the approval of the Purchasing
Committee, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (16): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works listing four bids received for furnishing 950
pounds of grass seed for use in maintenance of the parks. It is rec-
ommended that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to purchase
950 pounds of grass seed from the low bidder, George A. Davis, Inc. at
net price of $240.00, to be charged to item No. 482. This has the
approval of the Park Committee and Purchasing Committee, and so moved.
Motion.seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,_
Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (16):
Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bill"s • of the Relief. Organization in amount of $1,042.15 and moved ,
that the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Merrick, Platt, Kiiribark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin.
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma.and Hungerford (16): Voting
nay none (0) .
duced the following name for confirmation at the next meeting of the
City Council:
Luther,Avery,' Special Police - 6 months renewal
Upon motion -duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:05 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
February 28, 1944
Meeting of the
City Council held
February 28, 1944, convening
at 9:;18
Hungerf ord
Mayor Ingraham
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held February 21, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Communication Evanston League of Women Voters extending an
invitation to the Mayor and members of the City Council to attend two
meetings to be held in March - on March 16 a candidates meeting to
be held at the Georgian Hotel at 10:30 A.M. On March 30th at the
Board of Education House, 1323 Hinman Avenue, Mr. Clayton Smith and
Mr. Foley representing Mr. John Clarke will discuss the Cook County
tax set-up.' Alderman Rubin moved same be received and placed on
file. Duly seconded and carried.
Communication from Miss Helen Dyche acknowledging resolution
sent in memory of.her father. Alderman Kimbark moved same be received
and placed on file. Duly seconded and carried.
Notice State of Illinois advising that the allotment of
Motor Fuel Tax for the month of January, 1944 is $6,815.24. Alderman
Rubin moved' same be referred to the Coinmissioner of Public Works and
the Street Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and.that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized;
City Collector's Office
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Health Department
New Municipal Building Acct.
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department I
Special Recreation Fund
Street & Bridge Department]
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Meter Department
Special Salvage Fund
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg,,Kimbark, Merrick, Hemenway and•Bersbach
Voting nay none (0).
.Alderman Kimbark presented
and moved the. payment of
the following temporary payrolls, same; to be charged to the proper
Civil Service Commission
Public Playgrounds Dept.. i
Building Department
Police• Department k
Street & Bridge Repair Dept',
Public Works Department I
Water Department 4
Public Works Department
Small Parks Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16):
Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted communication from the
Investors Audit Company reading as follows:
"Reference is made to the contract with the City of
Evanston, covering services as continuous Auditor for the
period from April 1, 1944 to March 31, 1945.
We wish to offer our services for the above mentioned
period on the basis of $5,200.00 per annum, payable monthly
at the rate of $433.33. We assure you that we will render the
same service as you have had in the past. We are in a position
to afford the City of Evanston accounting records and reports
which are the equal of any other municipality."
This sum was anticipated and appropriated for in the budget, and
the Finance Committee, recommends that the .Corporation, Counsel prepare
contract with the Investors Audit Company for continuous audit service
for period from April 1, 1944 to March 31, 1945 on basis of $5,200.00
per annum payable monthly, and moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be
authorized to enter into such contract. Motion seconded by Alderman
Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt,'Pllerrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted two requests for refunds.
as follows:
Leon Wierniewski, 1615'Greenwood Street purchased truck
license B-321 on February 10 for $15.
Inasmuch as the truck will not pass the State testing
lane inspection he is unable to obtain a State license so is
going to sell the truck. License and sticker have been returned.
Recommend refund of $14.50.
L.C. VanWagner, 1910 Maple Avenue purchased vehicle
license #6338 on February 15 for $5. He has gone into the Army,
has sold the car and is asking for a refund. License and sticker
have been returned. Recommend refund of $4.50.
Alderman Kimbark moved that these refunds be made. Motion seconded
by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,. Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16): Voting nay none.
Alderman Thoma 'for the FIRE COMMITTEE submitted the
Annual Report of the Fire Department for 1943, calling attention to
--some interesting features as follows:
1. Some of -the equipment, such as fire hose is 28 years old, which
shows the care taken of this equipment.
2. Fire loss for 1943 was $2,691.66 less than in previous year.
3. In 1940 the fire loss was 41710:000 as compared with $81,000
in 1941 and each year it has been going down gradually.
4. The probable cause of fires, with the outstanding cause being
due to ignorance and carelessness. The people should cooperate
with the Fire Department and help them with their problem.
5. There were also a number of grass fires and those calls could
be eliminated.
6. The report of the inhalator squad showed that 13 were saved
and 11 lost.
The Chief of the Fire Department, the Mayor as well as the firemen
and the Auxiliary firemen are certainly to be congratulated on this
very fine report. Moved same be received and placed on file.
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMPIIITTEE pre-
sented and moved the passage of AN ORDINANCE'AMENDING ARTICLE XVII,
Christmas Trees, etc. Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway
and B ersb ach (16) ; Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Merrick also submitted communication from
the Chicago Federation of Aged and Adult Charities, also the Swedish
< A
Old PeopletsHome at Evanston who are also active in the tag daq,
for permission to have their Annual Tag Day on Monday, May 8th.
This is the usual application and moved that permit be -issued to these
two organizations and that they be notified accordingly, such tag day
to be conducted in the usual manner. Duly seconded and carried.,
Alderman MacSteven for the .POLICE COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Chief of Police advising that due to. the suspension
on January 26, 1944 of William H. Perdew'the department has no radio
repairman. They Were able to secure the services of J6bn Dodman,
336 N. Menard Avenue, Chicago, a first-class radioman, and is asking
permission to engage this man for such service. He has agreed to
maintain radios for $60 per month for his services; such expense to
be charged to account No. 96, effective February 1, 1944. This has
nthe approval of the Police Committee and accordingly moved that Mr.
Dodman be engaged as radio repairman. Motion seconded by Alderman
Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16); Voting nay none (0).
submitted contract with the Public Service Co. to furnish service for
Municipal Pumping and Street -Lighting system as of March 1, 1944. We
have been asked to renew this contract for. a period of five (5) years.
This has been discussed with the Chairman .of the Lighting Committee,
and the,Chairman of the Street Committee, and it is the recommendation
of the Public Utilities Committee that this contract be entered into
with the Public Service Company to furnish. service for Municipal
Pumping and Street -Lighting for another five (5) year period beginning
March 1, 1944. Motion seconded by Alderman'James. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Briery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach
(16): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for -the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief organization in amount of $450.56 and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16): Voting nay none.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE stated that
it now appears under certain circumstances that some vital materials
can be released and used for purpose of resurfacing streets, and
accordingly the Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that the
use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the purpose of resurfacing two streets,
namely: Noyes Street from Green Bay Road to Ridge Avenue and Central
Park Avenue from Simpson Street to Central Street. Accordingly presen-
ted and moved the adoption of a Resolution for the improvement, with
Motor Fuel Tax Funds, portions of two streets named above, for subse-
quent approval by the Division of Highways, for sum of $50,000. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood and carried.
Alderman Platt for the WATER COMMITTEE stated that
the Commissioner of Public Works brought to the attention of the
Finance and Water Committees the fact that we have some 25 items of
old accounts receivable dating back as far as 1932, in small amounts
aggregating N133.36 and would like to have these charged off the
books to release the department from sending out monthly bills, etc.
Under the circumstances moved that the Commissioner of Public Works
recommend that these items be charged off the books:
No. Date
Account No.
6/28 39
5/20 40
9/22 34
9/30 38
Motion seconded by Alderman Kimbark. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16):
Voting nay none (0).
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Harwood of the Seventh
Ward stated that a few weeks ago he made reference regarding the ."L"
trains dead-heading'through Evanston and report came in the next week
that service would be improved to the extent that these trains would
make Evanston stops. As far as he has been able to find out these
steps have. not been taken. Moved a reference to the Corporation,
Counsel to check into the matter further. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward -called attention
to the Annual Fire Department Report where they report 635 calls
that the department went out on, not counting special calls. About
331 were probably due to carelessness or thoughtlessness of some
children. In other words every other call was caused by some form
of juvenile delinquency. Grass, rubbish, leaves and brush fires
totaled 247 and there were 75 false alarms. Alderman Brandt stated
that there is a much needed education among the adults as well as
children, as this is a very serious problem.
Alderman James of the Fourth Ward made the following
Reference was made sometime ago asking for improved taxicab
service in Evanston, and as far as I can find out., gauging by the
number of complaints I receive, the service is not very materially
improved, if any.
I made some ,investigation of the matter on my own and I
find according to the City Collector, that the two major cab companies
in Evanston have applied for and I understand paid for, . a number of
licenses much in excess of what they used last year or is contem-
plated they will'use this'year. I further understand that the O.D.T.
protects them in this regard and to me it just does not add up to
sense. If tires and gasoline can be allotted to a major company
on basis of number of licenses they receive per year, it certainly
would seem to me that in the scheme of things as contemplated that
'their equipment be put into service for the benefit of the Evanston
public. It is. not being put into service and yet there are indepen-
dent cab people around town iRiho are in business and who would like
to increase the number of their cabs, but are prohibited from so
doing because of this rule.' I understand however, that it is
possible to circumvent a strict interpretation of the rule by the
major companies releasing some of their licenses to individual cab
owners. I understand that has been done in several instances and
I think if the major cab companies will not voluntarily release
those licenses that there should be some way of forcing them to do
it, as it seems senseless to have equipment provided for and yet
have the people beg for service. I do think that a very small
percentage of cabs now licensed operate in Evanston."
Moved a reference to the Public Utilities Committee and the Mayor
asking that they inquire as to whether or not transfers can be made
of licenses to people.who will operate cabs in Evanston and thus give
better service to the people. In this regard Alderman Emery stated;
"I do not think the fact that the cab service in Evanston
has not been improved has been due to lack of any diligence on the
part of the Committee. Alderman Platt has been interested in seeing
that licenses were given up by cab companies, but we have not had
any measure of success as yet. A total of three have been surren-
dered. We have had numerous discussions with cab drivers in respect
to their serviceing residents of Evanston, and in many cases they
prefer to operate over the line most of the time.
I do not know any solution to it, it is one of those things
we have been batting our heads against. We hope something can be
done. We have been told that cabs have been purchased and will
be available soon. We have fewer cabs operating in Evanston.today
than before, I wish something could be done about releasing of
licenses, but O.D.T. equity still exists. If we can bring pressure
to bear we will do what we can."
Alderman Platt stated that the major cab companies have
128 licenses -and only 56.cabs are operating on the'streets: Asked
Alderman James to amend his motion to include the Mayor and have
him talk to the President of the Evanston Cab Company, which will
indicate that we mean business.
Motion duly seconded and carried.
the following appointment of name previously,introduceds
Luther Avery
Special Police - 6 months renewal
Alderman Rubin moved that this appointment be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following name for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council;
Richard J. Roth. Special Police - 6 months renewal
For Council records, Chief of Police Ekman has
announced that Laurence J. Borre, Jr. has this day completed his
probationary period of one year and has been sworn in as a regular
Mayor Ingraham stated he had received a commun-
ication from Mr. David E. Walker, Superintendent.of District No.
76. stating that the members of that School Board were very much
pleased to learn that.the City of Evanston had arranged for the
acquisition of a fine park site near the corner'of Dodge Avenue
and Oakton Street and -that since they were planning for a school,
in that. area, were. wondering -if the City would consider selling
them a building site.
This property is'thedump site. I have acknow-
ledged Mr. Walker's letter and.am referring to this communication
at the present time in order that•it may become a part of the
Council records for, of course, the subject cannot be concluded
at this time."
Upon motion duly'seconded and carried,
adjourned at 9:.55 P.M.
the Council
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -i - - - - - - - - - - - -
Evanston, Illinois
+ City Hall,
March.6, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held March 6, 1944,•convening
at .10:10 P.M.
PRESENT (14) Alderman Bersbach
ABSENT: (2) "
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Mayor Ingraham requested the City Council to rise
out of respect to Alderman Corcoran whose mother passed away Saturday,
March 4, 1944.
Alderman MacSteven moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held February 28, 1944, be approved with the following amendment:
Page 3 - last paragraph - services for radioman to be
charged to item No. 96A instead of No. 96. �• '
Duly seconded and carried. -
Alderman Kim bark foi the FINANCE COMMITTEE sub-
mitted the following bills, and moved ;same be paid and charged to
the proper accounts: ! t
Miscellaneous Fund $10.00
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.. 2,828.94
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting,aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway; Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt., Emery, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none.
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following requests
for refunds:
Julius Schlessinger,• 567 Howard Street purchased license
#3269 on -January 17 for $5. Has sold the car and returned license
and sticker. Recommend refund of $4.50.
- Leonard Santi, 1527 Howard Street purchased license #6797
for $5 on February 21 and his wife purchased license #7034 for -$5
for the same car. He has returned license and sticker #7034.
Recommend refund of $5.
Alderman Kimbark moved that refunds as recommended be made. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,.
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark stated that the Finance Committee
feels that a time should be set for the purchase of vehicle licenses,
and advising that Chicago has set March 21 as the dead line. It might
be well for the City of Evanston to set the same time as their dead
. t
Alderman Thoma for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE -sub -
witted report from the Commissioner of Public Works requesting author-
ity to order a plastic covering from Plastic Insulating Company for the
boiler at the Health Department building, which is cracked and in need
of insulation, at price of $136.18, cost to be divided equally between
account No.'s 220 and 569. This has the approval of the Public
Buildings Committee, Health Committee and Purchasing Committee, and
so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Harwood, Thoma and HungerPord (14): Voting
nay.none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of.$961.08 and -moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman T!IacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
. Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
. 6 6-
UNDER CALL OF WARDS:,, Alderman Thoma of the Eighth
Ward made the following remarks: $ ( t
"I have been informed that the motormen on the '"L" trains
which run through Evanston are driving these cars without -•a wind-
shield wiper and are obliged to lean -out of the windows -in order•to
see. It is about time that we do something to rejuvenate this
antiquated equipment as far -as safety is concerned, as throughout
'the country millions of dollars are being spent to save lives.
It is true the Illinois Commerce Commission governs. they
"L" trains but the City of Evanston has also quite.a.measure of
control over the public utilities running through Evanston.
Moved a'reference to the Corporation Counsel and�the
Public Utilities Committee to get in touch with the Illinois
Commerce Commission and have them take immediate steps to pro-
tect the citizens as far as transportation is concerned."
Duly seconded and carried. I
the following appointment of name previously introduced:
Richard J. Roth Special Police - 6 months renewal "
Alderman Rubin moved that this appointment be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:,
John Campbell., Special Police - 6 months renewal
Eben E. Sherwood
For.Council records, Chief of Police Ekman has
announced that the probationary appointment of Ivan Rubin has.been
renewed for an additional 60 day period. _
Upon motion duly -seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:22
Edward W..Bell,
City Clerk
Evan,ston,_ Illinois
City Hall,.
March 130 1944
Regular•Meet.ng of the City Council held March 13, 1944, convening
at 10:05 P.M.
PRESENT: (16) Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway
'�. Merrick
" Platt
" Kimbark
" MacSteven
rr. Brandt
"n Corcoran
". Harwood
" Thoma
" . Hungerf ord
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Harwood moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held March-6, 1944, be approved with the following amendment;
Page 2 - 3rd paragraph should read "the brick wall surrounding
the boiler which is cracked and in need of insulation."
Duly seconded and carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Communication International Association of Fire Fighters.of
Evanston, Local No. 742 pledging their services in any emergency.
Alderman.Mogg,moved same be referred to the Fire Committee. Duly
seconded and carried.
Communication Evanston -Northwestern Community -Clubs inviting
the Mayor and Members,of the City Council to be present at dedication
of their service flagon Friday, March 17, 1944 at 8:00,P.M.. at 2002.
Maple Avenue,
Alderman Jourdain for the BUILDING COMMITTEE submitted
application received from Van Aken and Johnson requesting permission
to build a one story frame structure having an area of 15 x 12 feet
for use as an office at 961 Howard Street where the applicants,conduct
-a sales lot for used cars. Committee on Buildings recommends that this
application be granted provided that the applicants will post a cash
bond or insurance policy in the amount of $100 so drawn'as to guar&htee
the removal of the building when they have no further use for it, and
so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the .payment of -the following bills, and 'that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized;
Building Department
City Clerk's Office
City Collector's Office
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Municipal Court
New Municipal Building
Park Department .
Playground Department
Police Department
Prepaid Insurance
Public Works Department
Salaries of City Officers
Special Recreation Fund
Street.& Bridge Department
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
.Water Meter Bureau
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg.
1 266.14
_ 11.4'0•
i 291.13
• 5.61
+ 72.97
i .116,90
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,:
Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15); Voting
nay none (0).
- Alderman Kimbark alsoipresented ;and moved the payment
of the following temporary payrolls, same to be :charged to the proper
Small Parks Department
Civil Service Commission
Street & Bridge Repair Dept. ,, ,'6,343,27,
Water Department
Building Department
34.44 m
Police Department
Police Department .;
Public Playgrounds Dept.
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
Miscellaneous Fund (City Clerk's
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Jourdain, James,.MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt., Merrick., Hemenway and Bersbach (15); Voting
nay none (0) .
Alderman Kimbark submitted communication from the
Commissioner of Buildings recommending that application of Raymond
Noesen who paid $4.00 as an application fee in order to take the
examination for a Stationary Engineer be granted. He is about to be
` inducted into the service and requests that the fee be refunded.
Alderman Kimbark moved that Mr. Noesen be refunded $4.00. Motion
seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen.Hungerford, Thomas
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15) Voting nay none.
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 ofclock P.M. Duly seconded and
stated that about five weeks ago the Civic Committee appointed selected
1 t S r
a site for the new police and fire station and later the City Council
approved of that site. There have been -no criticisms made against the
site and accordingly moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized
to enter into an agreement with the owner of the fire and police station
site located at the northwest corner of Elmwood Avenue and Lake Street,
whereby the City is to pay $500 for an option to purchase said site at
.any time prior to July 1, 19450 for the aggregate sum'of 620,000. This
payment of $500 to be charged to the Contingent Fund and to*be credited
on purchase price. This has the approval of the Public Buildings.Com-
mittee and the Finance Committee. Motion seconded by Alderman Emery.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick; Hemenway,
and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works as follows:
"The Fire Department desire to convert their present resuscitator
so as to include aspirator and.also eliminate the piston chamber which
has given considerable trouble in the past.
The Oxygen Equipment and Service Company is the only firm able
to furnish the complete apparatus necessary to make this adjustment
and their bid price for this adjustment, including.labor and parts,
is $165.00,
Inasmuch as the Oxygen Equipment and Service Company is the
only firm able to furnish us with the complete apparatus necessary to
make this adjustment, it is recommended that the Commissioner of
Public Works be authorized to have this adjustment made and purchase
the aspirator from the.Oxygen Equipment and Service Company at their
bid price of $165.00, to be charged to item No. 176."
This has.the approval of the Purchasing Committee, and so moved. Motion
• ,. r
seconded.by Alderman Thoma. 'Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas
Harwood' Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, P1att,:Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none.
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commissioner
of Public Works advising that the Street and.Bridge Repair Department
is in need of 200 gallons white street marking lacquer, 20 gallons of
orange .street marking lacquer and 50 gallons thinner: Two bids were •.
received and it is recommended that the Commissioner of Public Works
be authorized to purchase from the low bidder, Kling -rite Paint Co.
200 gallons white street marking lacquer and 20 gallons orange street
marking lacquer at $2.00 per gallon and 50 gallons thinner at 90¢ per
gallon, to be..charged to item No. 559. This has, the approval of the
Purchasing and Street Committee.1, and 'so moved: Motion seconded by
Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick,..Hemenway and Bersbach.(15); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the 'RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills,
of the Relief Organization in amount of O1,312.66 and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to pap these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Jourdain, James; MacSteven, Mogg,.0mbark,
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Bersbach for `the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted
a report of.the Committee relative to communication received from the
Evanston Zoning Commission and Board of Appeals recommending the granting
of an appeal made by Olof Johnson for permission to alter the second
floor of the two story frame barn on the rear of his property at 1735
Asbury Avenue so that it may be occupied by a separate family. Com-
mittee.on Zoning recommends that -the City Council concur in the recom-,
mendation of -the Zoning Board and grant this appeal, and so moved.
Motion'seconded by Alderman Platt and carried.
UNDER•CALL OF WARDS; Alderman Corcoran of the Seventh
Ward stated; "On behalf of ; our family and myself • I wish to extend. to
the Mayor, Department Heads and the Council our sincere appreciation -
of sympathy tendered in our recent ber`eavement.rr
UNDER -MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS; Mayor •Ingraham made • the
following appointments of -names previously introduced;
Eben E. Sherwood Special Police - 6 months renewal
John Campbell' rr rr rr rr - rr
Alderman Mogg moved..that these appointments be confirmed: Duly seconded
and carried..
Upon motion duly seconded and carried,*.the Council
adjourned at 10:20 P.M. 1
Edward W. Bell, City Clerk
- '�, fiat• 4.1
aC Evanston Illinois
City Hall,.
March 20, - 1944
` Regular Meeting of the City , Council held March -20,; 1944, convening
at 9.:20 =P.M. .
:Alderman Merrick stated that Mayor Ingraham was -ill"and accordingly
moved that Alderman James be appointed.Mayor pro tem. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven and carried..
PRESENT: (16)-Alderman Bersbach
. " • Hemenway
" Merrick.
�► -Platt
" Kimbark
{ " MacSteven
" Brandt
r rr Emery
-• " -Corcoran
" Harwood
" Thoma
" Hungerford
Mayor pro tem-James presiding,
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting held
March 13, 1944, be approved without.reading. Duly seconded and carried.
City :Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Communication.State of Illinois, Division of Highways dated
.March 13, 1944, approving in part resolution adopted by the City Council
-on January 31,, 1944 for the maintenance of Arterial Streets and State -
aid route extensions.- Alderman Rubin moved same be.referred to the
Street Committee and the Commissioner .of. Public Works. Mayor- pro.. tem
.James stated that .the Commissioner ;of Public. Works ..should take steps
to.have those streets.which were removed from.the State -aid -system '
put.,back on the arterial list. Duly seconded and carried.
Notice State of Illinois advising that our allotment of Motor
Fuel• tax. for. the month of February,. 1944 is' i5,619.30:. Alderman Rubin
moved same be referred to,_ the Street Committee.- Duly, seconded and, _
City Treasurerts Financial Statement as of January 31•,.1944.
,Alderman. Kimbark moved. same be referred to thew Mayor., the Auditor and
the Finance -Committee.. Duly seconded .and carried.
QI 1
Alderman Jourdain for the BUILDING COMMITTEE advised
that the Building Commissioner reports that six bids were received in
response to his invitation to nine elevator companies to bid on the
inspection of elevators in Evanston. Committee .on Buildings recommends
that the contract for this work be let to the low bidder, the Chicago
Elevator Maintenance Company, at the rate of $2.00 car per inspection,
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin. Vot'ing aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15):
Voting nay -none (0) .
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and'transfers be authorized:
.Building Department
City Clerk's -Office
City Hall Building
Contingent Fund ;
Fire Department
Health Department
New Municipal*Building-Acct.•
68.16 .
Park Department {
Special Recreation Fund
Public Works Department
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Water Meter Bureau
Civil Service'Commission
23.64 T ..
Health Department
Police Department
Playground Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Motion. seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach;.
Hemenway, Merrick, -Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery; Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark advised that'city employees who.worked'
for the city prior -to 1941 and prior to Pearl Harbor have been provided
with separate pay at the time they were called into the Country"s servic
There has been no provision made for those employees who might be in-
ducted or who volunteered for the armed forces, who did'not work here
prior to that date. We have received'the names of R.L.- Decker of the
Fire Department and, Laurence J: Borre, Jr... of the Police Department
who have left and others who have been re-classified. It is the
_ f
recommendation of the Finance Committee and recommendation of the
• r
Council as a whole that the policy be established whereby all city
employees who have come to work for the city after Pearl Harbor date
and have worked here a year or more receive two weeks pay when, as and
if they will be inducted into the armed forces, and those in the cityts
employ less than one year receive one weeks pay, this to be retroactive
to include all those who have not heretofore been beneficiaries of the
terms of this ordinance. Moved a reference to the Corporation Counsel
and the Judiciary Committee that they be instructed to draw up an
ordinance covering this policy. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Thoma for the FIRE COMMITTEE made the following
"It is only fitting at this time that we pay compliment to
one of the cityts most faithful. employees.. I refer to Fire Chief
Hofstetter, who -this month marked the 43rd year of service with
the city. Chief Hofstetter began his career as a buck private
in 1901 through to 1913. He was appointed Chief in 1914 and has
been such for 30 years. At the time he came with the Fire Depart-
ment it consisted of 18•men and 3 companies. It now has 84 men
and 9 companies.
He installed the pulmotor squad, also the,pension.system for
firemen. I think he has done a great work and those of us who are
aldermen and in politics.can appreciate,a man who has served under
nine mayors. He must be a master politician or I might say a
master negotiator. In the line of duty he has the interest of
every citizen of Evanston at heart and we should pay him a com-
pliment on his 43rd anniversary."
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works requesting authority
to solicit sealed bids for the necessary beach tokens for'1944.
.The Committee concurs in this request and moved permission be granted
for the Commissioner to solicit bids for beach tokens. Duly seconded
and carried'.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works listing two bids received
for 4000 pounds of broom fibre and 1500 pounds of broom wire for the
mechanical street sweeper. It is recommended that the Commissioner of
!Public Works be authorized to purchase 4000 pounds broom fibre and
1500 pounds of broom wire from the low bidder, The Elgin Sweeper Co.
at prices quoted, or total -of $506.94, to be charged -to -item-No, 561.
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Street Committees, and so
moved. Motion -seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15):•
Voting nay none (0) .
Alderman Mogg-for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief Organization in amount of $646.62 and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thonia and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Platt for the WATER COMMITTEE submitted report
from the Commissioner of Public Works requesting permission to advertise
for bids for the necessary standard cast iron pipe and fittings neces-
sary for the installation of a water feeder main in Church Street from
Ridge Avenue to East Prairie Road to supply water to the Village of
Skokie, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Harwood of the Seventh
Ward stated:
"We have received no communication frow the Chicago Rapid
Transit Co. but I believe on March 15 they did initiate the im-
proved service, in that subway trains do not dead -head through
Evanston any more, at least,,at-certain hours. I think this is a
marked improvement for Evanston patrons as they can take whichever
train they prefer or change at Howard St. I believe it is in
order to thank the officials for putting this in service. I
also wish to congratulate the Mayor,and the Corporation'Counsel
for having been successful in getting this improved service. I
am also glad I made the reference.several weeks ago as.it will
be a help to Evanston patrons."
introduced the following names for confirmation at the next meeting
of the City Council:
Peter Kreutzer Special'Police - 6 months renewal
Ole Knutson to to to rr to
Joe Miller to to It it It
For council records Chief of Police Ekman has announced
that Stanley Gross has completed his probationary period ofrone ,year
and has been sworn in as a regular patrolman on the Police force.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
March 27, 1944
Regular. Meeting' of the . City Council -held March 27, 1944, convening
at•9:45 P.M.
At this time Mayor Ingraham asked Alderman Thoma to present President,
Councillor H.W. Morgan, J.P. of Port Stephens Shire Council; Australia,
who.will address the Council. Whereupon Alderman Thoma stated:
"I ' would like to welcome to the City of Evanston on behalf of
the.Council•a most distinguished visitor, President,,-, Councillor
H.W. Morgan, J.P. His office in Australia is comparable to the
office .of the Board of County Commissioners in our government.
He -is an official.representative of the Australian Government
and is making a tour of the United States.
In -times like this when so many of our loved ones are in
Australia we wonder how do the Australians feel towards our
boys - how are they being treated -.how do the Australians feel
towards our leadership over there. I refer to General MacArthur.
I take great pleasure in presenting to you'Mr. Morgan."
Mr. Morgan then addressed the Council stating that they had the
highest regard for the American boys and related several interesting
incidents. He then presented to Mayor Ingraham a Resolution extending
greetings_of Goodwill frann both the People and Council of Port Stephens
Roll Call was then taken: .
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach
`" Hemenway `
" Merrick
" Platt
" Kimbark
i� Mogg
" MacSteven
" James
" Rubin
" Brandt '
" _Emery
" Corcoran
" Harwood
" Thoma
!' Hungerf ord
ABSENT: (1) " Jourdain _
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minute.s of Meeting held
March 20, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded and carried.
City. Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following;
Annual.Report of the City Collector and Superintendent of
Special Assessments for the year 19439 Alderman Kimbark moved same be
referred to the Finance Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE submitted
the following requests for refunds:
Vincent J. B'reaks, 2230 Pioneer Road purchased vehicle license
#6322 on Feb ruarg'15 for $5, He has been accepted for army service
and has disposed of the car. The sticker has been returned.
Recommend refund of $2.50,
Brauchts Slumber Shop, 1506 Sherman Avenue purchased truck
license B-83 on January 12 for $15. Truck has been sold. Recom-
mend -refund of $7.50 provided the City Collector is assured that
the sticker is returned or removed from the truck.
Robert E. Evins at the .Health Department purchased vehicle
license -for $5. Being an employee of the City recommend a refund
of $4. 50,
AldermanKimbark moved payment of these refunds. Motion seconded by
Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven; Mogg, Kimbark�
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark stated that in the new budget an
increase was authorized of $50 per month starting April 1st for the
City Auditor for new work he is taking on with reference to the Police
Department. Moved that this extra payment of $50 per month be author-
ized for the first three months of 1944, same to be'charged to the
Contingent Fund. Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach
(15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark staterd that sometime ago.the Mayor
appointed the City Traffic Engineer, Mr, Z.A. Faulkner to have charge
of coupons of gasoline for the city. 'This has been rather difficult
to handle and Mr. Faulkner has arranged.with the O.P.A. to open a
ration banking account for gasoline. Accordingly moved that Mr.
Faulkner be authorized to open this bank account and authorizing him
or the Commissioner of Public Works,, Mr. J.L.. Rose to sign all checks
against gasoline coupons on deposit with the -First National Bank and
Trust Company of Evanston. Motion seconded by Alderman Platt and
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the following bills, and that the proper charges and transfers be
City Hall Building
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Health Department
Municipal Court
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Salvage Fund
Street & Bridge Department
Water Department
Filtration Department
City Hall Building
Special Salvage Fund
Miscellaneous Fund
' 464.54
,Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
nay none (0).
;Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the following payrolls, same to be charged to the p.roper accounts:
Building Department
Civil Service Commission
Small Parks..Department
Public Playgrounds Dept.
Police Department
Police Department
Public.Works Department
Public Works Department
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
Water Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
11'. 25
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay.none.
Alderman Kimbark stated that as Good Friday falls on
April 7, moved that out of respect.to the day that the City Hall as
usual be closed for business on April 7. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
carried, `
Alderman Merrick submitted application for permit
for Poppy Day from The American Legion, Evanston Post No. 42,' to be
held on Monday, May 22, 1944. The Judiciary Committee has considered
this application and moved the usual permit be granted to The American
Legion, to be operated iri the same manner as heretofore, and so moved.
Duly seconded 'and carried.
`Alderman Merrick stated that last week a reference was
made to the Corp oration Counsel and Judiciary Committee to prepare an
ordinance stating policy of the city with respect to' employees who have
become employees since Pearl Harbor, and who have been inducted into`
the service of their country in the armed forces, or shall hereafter be
inducted. Due to the fact that two or three employees come under this
class and have been inducted, submitted an ordinance and moved the
Suspension of the Rules for the passage of this -ordinance, Motion
seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford; Thomas
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none.
Alderman Merrick.then presented and moved the passage
1490 (b). Motion seconded by Alderman Corcoran. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran; Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark,'Platt, Merrick, Hemenway.and Bersbach,(15):
Voting nay none (0)•.'
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works relative to new traffic
marking machine needed by the Traffic Marking Department. A "Highway -
Simplex" Model Liner-o-graph machine,,owned by the State Highway Depart-
ment has been used by the traffic marking department and found highly
satisfactory. Attempts have been made to secure bids on other traffic
marking machines comparable with this machine, but with no success. A
quotation has been received from the�Line-O-Graph Company of $150.00
for one "Highway -Simplex" Model traffic marking machine with six inch
line. The Commissioner of Public Works requests authority to purchase
this machine from the Line-O-Graph Company for.$150.00, to be charged
to item No. 559.. This has the approval of the Purchasing and Street
Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Bersbach.
Voting aye Aldermen Hun gerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and
Bersbach (15): Voting naynone (0).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief Organization in amount'of $868.94 and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to,pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman Harwood.. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works together with -Supple-
mental Resolution for the improvement with Motor Fuel Tax funds in
amount of $45,000, portions of several streets for subsequent approval
by the Division of Highways, as follows:
t t
Lake Street
Dodge Avenue
Ashland Avenue
Simpson Street
Ridge Avenue
Sherman Avenue
Cleveland Street
Wesley Avenue
Asbury Avenue
Ashland Avenue
Dempster Street
Grove -Street
Ashland Avenue
Church Street
Emerson Street
Alderman James moved the adoption of this resolution. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman James submitted the following report from the
Commissioner of Public .Works for information of the Council:
"On Saturday, March 25, 1944, our salvage collection was held
and theaf ollowing is.a record of the tin cans, paper and metal
Ward Tin Cans
1 6300
2 6900
3 7840
4 9150
5 6510
6 17990
7 11050
8 8520
Special Misc.
Paper and Miscellaneous
Magazines Metal Scrap
129500 lbs 1840 lbs
Sixth Ward is the Tin Can Trophy Winner, Alderman James stated that
due recognition should be given to the men from the Street and Park
Departments and the boys who volunteered to do this work, which is one
of the many contributions they make to the war effort.
Alderman James also made the following report:
"For some years this Council has, in concert with others
throughout the State, protested the provisions of the State Motor
Fuel Tax law which unreasonably limits the city's power and use
of the revenue derived from the act. It is further felt that the
tax revenue is ill -proportioned and that the city or village is
entitled to a greater amount as its share. While it is recognized
.that the collecting agency should have a reasonable control over
the funds it is equally true that each local subdivision of govern-
ment has a better knowledge of the needs of its community which
need not be inimical to the interest of the State.
To -the end that the machinery may be put in motion to bring
the matter before the'State Legislature so that an amendment to
the Act may be sought, the Mayor, at my request, has referred it
to the Executive Committee of the Illinois Municipal League. That
committee has endorsed the suggestion of an amendment and will
refer the matter to a proper committee which will endeavor to gain
the force and weight of the League behind the measure at the forth-
coming annual meeting of the League."
Moved the confirmation of action of the Mayor. Duly seconded and
Mayor Ingraham stated that this matter was taken up
with the League.last Thursday and he hoped to have something to
report the latter part of this.week or the first of next.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Thoma of the Eighth
Ward thanked Councillor Morgan for appearing before the Council and
that his remarks with respect to our boys and how they are being
treated are -appreciated. He thanked' �Mr, .Frank Campbell,.former
alderman, whose efforts are responsible for having Mr. Morgan appear
before the Council this evening.
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Joe Miller Special Police - 6 months renewal
Ole Knutson 3 IT r► IT it n ,
Peter Kreutzer rr rr rr rr rr
Alderman Rubin moved.that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
,Mayor Ingraham introduced the following.names for
confirmation at next meeting of the.City Council:
Robert Kernohan Special Police - 6 months
Stanley Anderson { it " It '" renewal
Reinhold Nehring
Fred Hauf j IT IT rr rr . It
William Zielke I IT rr IT , .n IT
John Swanson rr IT rr rr r►
Upon'motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:25 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
_ I
Evanston, Illinois
City. Hall,
April 3, 1944'
Regular Meeting of .the City- Council held April .3, 1944,' convening
at 10:,30 P.M.
PRESENT: (16) Alderman Bersbach•
«, " • Merrick
" Platt +
" Kimbark _
�r Mogg
" MacSteven
" James
n Brandt
rr Emery
" Corcoran .
" Thoma
ABSENT: None ,
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Harwood moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held March 278 1944k be approved without reading. Duly seconded and
t City Clerk Edward W. Bell, -presented the following:
City Treasurerrs Financial Statement -as of February 2,9, 1944.
Alderman Kimbark moved same be referred -to the Mayor, the Finance
Committee and the Auditor. Duly seconded and carried..
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE submitted '
bill from the Illinois Municipal League covering annual dues for year
ending December 31. 1944 in amount of $262.00 and moved this bill be
,paid. Motion seconded by Alderman-Mogg.. Voting aye,Aldermen Bersbach,
,Hemenway,•Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacS.teven, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood and Hungerford (12): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved'the adoption of a
Resolution designating bank depositories for Thomas F. Airth, Town
Collector as follows:
State Bank & Trust Co. Evanston, Illinois
First National Bank & Trust Co Evanston, Illinois
Evanston Trust & Savings Bank .Evanston, Illinois
Duly .seconded and carried.
'Alderman Kimbark submitted the following requests for
refunds on vehicle licenses:
Joseph L. Cav<ins, 2226 Sherman Avenue purchased,vehicle
license #2801 on January 14'for $5.00. "Has sold the car.
Mrs, Beatrice A. Coyle, 1405 Seward Street purchased
vehicle license #6675 on February 18 for $5.00. Her husband
purchased an Olds for business in his name, turning in the Dodge..
The Finance Committee has considered these applications for refunds
and moved they be denied. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the following bills, and that the proper charges and transfers be
City Hall Building
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Health Department
Municipal Court
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Salaries of City Officers
Salvage Department
Special Recreation Account
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Water Mains Bureau
Water Meter Bureau
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt,-Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,
-Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none.
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the payment
of the following Supplemental Payroll, same to be'charged to the
proper account:
Civil Service Commission
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourrdain,
Brandt, -Emery, Corcoran, Harwood and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none.
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 otclock P.M. and consent to stay
in session beyond period of 10:30 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
communication from the Director of the Church School of the First
Methodist Church requesting, permission for the youth groups of the
First Baptist, First Presbyterian, First Congregational and First
Methodist Churches to hold an Easter Sunrise Service on the Clark
Street beach April 9th, also permit for a fire. The Park Committee
has considered this request and recommends it be granted, and so
moved. Duly seconded and carried.
submitted communication from the Citizents Advisory Committee,on
Post War Planning for Evanston with suggestions and recommendations
• s
for a "postwar" public works program. He also submitted a commun-
ication -from the Post -War Planning Committee addressed to the Mayor
and Council on subject of Architectural Service for proposed Police
and Fire Station., They are pleased to note that the Mayor and the
Council have concurred in the committeets views with reference to the
acquiring of a site for the proposed police and fire station, and that
steps are being taken to make certain of the acquisition of the said
site. Also other suggestions concerning the letting of contracts and
selecting of an architectural firm, etc. Alderman Brandt made a ref-
erence to the Corporation Counsel to submit opinion as to whether
their suggestions on financing of architectural service are feasible
or not.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
report -from the Commissioner of Public Works as follows:'
"The rate controllers which were installed in-1924 on the
filters at the Filtration Plant have been causing considerable
trouble for some time. The venturi tubes and gate valves, which
are the expensive part of these controllers, are in good condition
.and not in need of replacement. The pilot valves which control
the unit however, are•worn out and cannot be repaired. The con-
trollers can be completely modernized by the purchase of a new
and later design diaphragm pilot valve unit for each filter. A
•quotation on these pilot valve units has been obtained from
Builders -Providence, Inc, who are the makers -of the equipment
now in use, at $157.50 each or $1,890.00 for the twelve valves
It -is recommended that the Commissioner of Public Works be
authorized to ,purchase twelve pilot valve units from Builders -
Providence, Inc. at their bid price of g157.50 each or $1.890.00,
and charged jointly to accounts #366 and #368."
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so
moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, M,ogg, MacSteven, James,
Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford
(16); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from the Com-
missioner of Public Works advising that the Street Department is in
need of steel for scarifier teeth and it appears that the Itlum Steel
Company is the only one having any in stock. Their quotation on four
x 22" steel bars, estimated at 450 pounds is 34¢ per pound, or a
total of $153.00. It is recommended that the. Commissioner of Public.
Works be authorized to purchase fourl3/4« x 22" steel bars for
scarifier teeth from Itlum Steel Company at their bid price, to be
charged to item No. 552. This has•t)ae approval of the Purchasing
and Street Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jouldain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (16); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for theiRELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief Organization in amount lof $675.86 and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized tolpay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,-Thoma and Hungerford (16); Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman James for they STREET COMA!II•TTEE stated that the
Commissioner of Public Works is in receipt of information .that Dodge
Avenue has. been removed from State Aid System by resolution of the
County Board on November 29, 1940 and that the purpose was apparently
to place on State Aid System a portion of Kostner Avenue in Chicago
so that a certain job, of construction might be done on that, jointly
by the city, and county. It is the recommendation of the Commissioner
of Public Works that the Mayor be authorized to communicate with the
Board of County Commissioners of Cook County .determining whether or
not Dodge Avenue is on the system and if not how it can be restored
to the system so that Evanston can have advantage of expenditure of
County money in the.restoring of a certain part of Dodge Avenue.. This
probably will be several years in the future but nevertheless it is
well to have this street restored to the system, and so moved. Duly
seconded and carried.. .
Alderman James reported that_ there are three streets
that, in the opinion of the Commissioner.and•Committee should be de-
termined arterial. Two of them are Itreets that have previously
become arterial and in order to have Ridge Avenue -.,from Emerson Street
to Isabella Street and Asbury Avenue from Oakton Street to Green Bay
Road be susceptible to state mainl nce money expenditure, it is
desirable that they be declared arterial streets, and further that
Hinman Avenue from South Blvd. to Sheridan Road be, so. declared so
that that street will be eligible for expenditure of our own Motor
Fuel Tax funds. That street is in such condition that it should be
given attention in the next year. Accordingly presented and moved
the adoption of a Resolution for designation a's arterial streets, the
following; i
Hinman Avenue from South Blvd. to Sheridan Road
Ridge Avenue from Emerson Street to Isabella'Street'
Asbury Avenue from Oakton Street to Green Bay Road
such resolution to be sent to the State of Illinois, Division of
Highways, for approval. Duly seconded and carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Kimbark of - the Third
Ward moved a reference to the Traffic Engineer to consider placing
of a Stop sign at the northwest corner of Keeney Street and Michigan
Avenue where there is now a Slow sign. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward made the following
"My attention has been 'called to the proposal to erect an
86 family housing project in a region of Evanston where there is
at present unsatisfactory housing.
Some time ago I called the attention of this -Council to the
condition of dwellings'in this section of our city. Last Summer
I"also recommended to the -Post -War Planning Committee that they
take up this problem and make a survey. They appointed a very
able committee to consider this situation and make a study of it.
We have just followed through with the wise recommendations
of the Post War Planning committee regarding the War Memorial and
the site for the new Police and Fire Station. We are now ready to
take up other matters which they are considering. We suggest to
them..that they try to complete the housing survey as soon as possible.
We are aware that we have many bad spots which should be
corrected. Naturally the Mayor and the Building Commissioner have
been hesitant to enforce the condemning of bad housing during war
times when it would mean throwing people out of their homes with
no place to go. However, if there' are to be erected a number of
new buildings which are to be rented at reasonable rates, I believe
we should proceed with the condemnation of certain buildings which
are unsanitary, overcrowded'and a fire hazard.
Consequently I move'that=we ask the Post War Planning Committee
to present us with their housing survey as.soon as possible.`
Duly seconded and carried.
following appointments of names previously introduced:
Robert Kernohan
- 6
Stanley Anderson
►r renewal
Reinhold Nehring
n If
Fred Hauf
rr it
William Zielke
rr it
John Swanson
n it
Alderman Mogg moved that these appointments be confirmed._ Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:
George A. Dranis Special Police - 6 months
Walter J. Reich rr rr rr rr renewal
Nicholas, J. Hinkes !► " " rr
Upon motion.duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:55 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City , Hall -
# April'10, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held April 102 19440'convening
at 10;05 P.M.- t
PRESENT; (16) Alderman Bersbach -
�' Hemenway `
!' Merrick
" Platt
" Mogg
MacSteven .
rr James '
" Brandt
ti f it Corcoran
it Harwood �
rr Thoma'
Hungerford- '
Mayor Ingraham presiding.--,
.Mayor Ingraham asked that'the aldermen meet as a.
Committee of the Whole. Alderman Emery so moved. Duly seconded
and .carried.
WHEN COUNCIL RECONVENED; Alderman Brandt moved that
the Minutes of Meeting held -April 3, 1944, be approved without
reading. Duly seconded and -carried.,
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Communication Willard School Parent-Teacher Assn* requesting
the Council to give serious consideration to.the question of allocating
funds for a summer recreation program. Alderman Brandt moved same
be referred to the Park Committee.. Duly seconded and carried.
Telegram from National Safety�Council advising that Evanston
has been awarded third place in its population group in the 1943
National Traffic Safety Contest. --Alderman Rubin moved same be
received and placed on file. Duly seconded and carried.- ��
Alderman Jourdain for the BUILDING COMMITTEE reported
that two bids have been received for the public liability insurance
policy cove -ring electric signs and clocks projecting over public
property.' -These are a premium of $100 submitted by Baird & Warner
on behalf of the Continental Casualty Company and $90 by E.A.Dunphy, Jr.
for the Ohio Casualty Insurance Company. Committee on Buildings rec-
ommends that the low bid be accepted and that the contract be -awarded
to Mr. Dunphy and the Ohio Casualty Insurance Company -for a premium
of $90,.and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach
(15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE, COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
Building Department
City Clerk's Office
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department
Legal Fund
Legal Fund
Motor Fuel Tax -Fund
Municipal Court_
.Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Prepaid Insurance
Public Works Department
Salaries of City Officers Fund
Salaries of City Officers Fund
Salvage Fund
Special Salvage Fund
Street & Bridge Department
Water Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Water Meter Bureau
Contingent Fund
12.. 50
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the payment
of the following temporary payrolls, same to be charged to the proper
Playgrounds Department
Parks Department
Works. -Department
Works Department
& Bridge Repair Dept,
Service Commission
Building Department
Motion seconded by Alderman-Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerf ord,
Thoma, Harwood,,Corcoran, Emery., Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted request from J.I. McCauley
of the Ridgeview Hotel for refund on , license and sticker #11162, for
which he paid $5, be.ing a duplicate,purchase for the same .car. Alderman
Kimbark moved a refund of $5 be made to Ar. McCauley. Motion seconded
by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg,.Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted report from the Commissioner
of Public Works as follows:
"The ,Columbia Canoe Club pays�an annual rental fee of approx-
imately $125.00 for use of city beach south of Calvary Cemetery.
It is, recommended that this fee be credited to a special fund
to be known as "Fund for development of beaches and beach facil-
ities." ,
This meets with the approval of the Park Committee Chairman, and so
moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg and carried.
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. and consent to stay
in session beyond period of 10:30 otclock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran for'the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
the Twentieth Annual Report of Bureau of Recreation (1943), briefly
calling attention to a few highlights of last year:
Completion of the 7th Bathing season without a serious
casualty or -drowning. ,
Civic Hallowe'en parties that,assisted in the control
of juvenile depredations -
Playground Salvage Contests for tin, rubber, and paper -
Sale of Defense Bonds and War Stamps during the summer season
A supervised play program at 12 locations throughout the
summer vacation and at 6 centers during the entiretyear - .
Continuation of competitive sports in soft ball and basket-
ball leagues -
A summer enrollment of 3685 different participants -
Planning and sympathetic,'social and recreational outlet for
Evanston Shut Ins with the assistance of numerous civic organizations.
Alderman Corcoran stated this is a very fine report and we should
acknowledge our appreciation to Mr. Byrnes and his Staff for a job
very well done. Moved.this report be received and placed on file.
Duly seconded and carried.
submitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works as follows. -
"The garage door (east end door) was damaged and we have been
considering replacing the door'with a roll -up door, similar to
the one purchased for the west end of the garage last year.
The Commissioner of Public Works requests permission to take
informal bids for a door similar to the one now installed at the
west end of the garage. There are ample funds in Account No. 569
to take care of this expenditure."
This has the approval of the Street and Public Buildings Committees,
and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief Organization in amount of $810,82 and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg also introduced a Resolution authorizing
the issuance of Tax Anticipation Warrants i� anticipation of the 1944
Tax Levy of the Town of the City of Evanston, Cook County, Illinois,
levied for the relief and support of.all poor and indigent persons.
lawfully resident within said Town.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE reported that
the committee, in consultation with Aldermen from the Seventh and
First Wards, has carefully considered the recommendation of the Com-
missioner of Public Works with regard to treatment of Orrington Avenue.
This street has been a problem that -the City Council has lived with
for a good many years. We think this recommendation will solve the
problem for a reasonable period of time, and until such time as changed
conditions can permit of the construction of a new sewer, pavement,
curb and gutters. This plan for meeting this problem under present
conditions has been tentatively approved by the State Highway Depart-
ment. Accordingly presented and moved the adoption of a Resolution
for. improvement with Motor Fuel Tax funds of Orrington Avenue from
Emerson Street to Central Street - 29 CS in amount of $17,000. Said
resolution to be sent to the State of Illinois, Division of Highways,
for approval. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood and carried.
y `i
Alderman Bersbach stated: "On ,behalf of the citizens of.the!
First Ward and particularly the -taxpayers., and more particularly
;the taxpayers on Orrington Ave4ue,4 wish -,to thank the,Mayor, ;+
Alderman James and the •Committee for this fine improvement. I
know everyone will appreciate it very much."
Alderman Hemenway stated: "I1also.wish to add .the' apprecia-
tion of the First Ward citizens and their grateful thanks."
Alderman Corcoran stated; "On behalf of the citizens of the
Seventh War&many of whom,I have.. known for. a •good many years, I .
think this is one of the very finest improvements that the Seventh
Ward has received,in many years and the citizens will duly apprec-
iate it:• -• I appreciate 'the ;action 'of the Council, •the Mayor, the
Commissioner.:of•,Public Works and the Street Committee in:bringing
about this;very•necessary improvement. It will endure -not only to
the Seventh.•Ward but• will 1be a'credit to the whole .city of Evanston."
Alderman Harwood stated; "The*First Ward only has a small
portion of the length of the street' to be improved, the major •
t portion being in the Seventh Ward.1 The people•in the Seventh Ward
will be very glad to have this street put in proper shape."
Alderman James stated: "On behalf of the members of the
Street,•Committee,-the remarks of the aldermen are.very much
'appreciated and the State Highway Department should be compli-
mented for the cooperative manner in which it'has regarded this.,
particular type of improvement and!for its approval of same."
*Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted
a report of the Committee relative to
communication received from the
. • � ' r 1 r •fit i •
Zoning'Board of Appeals recommending ,the denial of an appeal filed
by Edward Rake for permission to use ;the building at 802 Madison
Street for three families. The Board recommends however, in confor-
mity with the recorded approval of the neighboring property owners,
that Mr. Rake be permitted to alter and use the premises in question
for the accommodation of not more than two families`. Committee on
Zoning recommends that the City Council concur in the recommendation
of the Zoning Board of Appeals and permit Edward Rake to alter and
use.the building at 802 Madison Street for not more•than two families,
and so moved. In this connection Alderman James made the following
I shall vote aye on this matter and I presume my colleague,
if he were here would do•likewise_ under,the.circumstances. I think
however, I should like my'remarks to be recorded - to the effect
that the Commissioner of Buildings and Zoning Enforcing Officer
should be ever diligent in his duty, in seeing that this permit,_
,the terms. of which are strictl9 complied with, because the motion
has been made on behalf of the original objectors to the plea of
the petitioner, and they expect the�•present .or future owners to
keep faith with them. That is the building that has been a source
of annoyance ,and -trouble to the people in the 'neighborhood for a
good many years, and now that permission has been granted for its
use -insofar as occupancy•is .concerned,,•to,two -,families, that .we do
not want to find' in days to come that we -are going 'to have a kind
of a beehive down. there that -formerly was .the' 'case. • •
I have faith that the present !owner will 'not take advantage
-of the situation,_ but I do think its is a situation that. requires
attention from time to time of the Building Department."
Motion duly seconded and carried with, Alderman Kimbark voting no.
that Northwestern University+s Ace of Aces, Lt. rrIke" Kepford will
be in our midst, this week. He was former football -star at the Uni-
versity and through the efforts of -Peter N.•Jans the Mutual Broadcast
over W.G.N.•Friday evening, April 14th will beconductedin Evanston
at the Haven School Auditorium, when t he.United States Junior Chamber
of Commerce award of merit and gold key will be presented to Lt.
Kepford, by the Commandant of the U.S. Naval Base at Glenview. The
Aldermen and their wives are invited to attend. Tickets may be
secured.from Mayor Ingraham at his office..
Mayor Ingraham made the following appointments of
names previously introduced;.
Nicholas J. Hinkes Special Police - 6 months renewal
Walter J. Reich rr rr +► rr rr
George A. Dranis
Alderman Emery moved that these appointments be'confirmed., Duly
seconded and carried: '
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council
John Munn Special Police - 6,months renewal
John Corrigan
Alderman James of the Fourth Ward referring to announce-
ment about "Ike" Kepford, stated that a resident of .the Fourth Ward
is now spending,three weeks furlough in his home on Darrow Avenue.
Robert Majewski has completed the required number of bombing missions
over Germany which entitles him to ,a rest from further .missions of
that, character. He.has been •awarded the Distinguished Flying -Cross
and the Distinguished Service.Cross. He has been in three major
Celebration will be had some time prior to his departure to a
flying field in Florida. I will notify the Council in time and I
hope they will pay their due respects to this man, who all his life
has been a resident`of the Fourth Ward and the City in general should
be proud."
Upon"motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 11:100 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk.
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall
' I
April 17, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council Yield 'April
17, 1944,` `convening
at 10:�05 P.M. - I
PRESENT;.,. _(15) Alderman Bersbach
" ' Hemenway '
" Merrick.,
Platt ti
• " Kimbark
it Mogg
" James
'.' Rubin
n Emery i
" Corcoran
!' Harwood
" Thoma j
Hungerford 11
ABSENT; (1) " MacSteven
- k
Mayor Ingraham presiding. �
.. Alderman Rubin moved that
the Minutes of Meeting
held April.1O, 1944,.be approved without
reading. Duly seconded
and carried.,.
City -Clerk Edward W.,Bell,-presented
the following;
i +
Communication State of..Illinois dated
April 10, 1944, approving
Resolution for Section-28 CS passed by the City Council on.February
28, 1944s which provides for the.improvement of Arterial Streets 17
and 26. Alderman James moved same -be referred
to the Commissioner
of Public Works*' Duly seconded and carried..
Alderman Kimbark 'for ,the FINANCE
COMMITTEE submitted
and moved the payment of the following bills,
and that the proper
charges and- transfers be, authorized;
Building Department
$'6.50, r
City Collector's Office i
9.80 '
City Hall Building !
City Treasurerts Office
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund 4
Fire Department ,
Health Department _i
Legal Fund
Miscellaneous Fund
Municipal Court
Park- Department
15.92 4
Playground Department
Police Department
Police Department
Public Works Department' '
Salaries of City Officerts Fund
Special Salvage Fund _
Street & Bridge Department
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Water Meter Bureau J
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldarm.e.n Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and'Hungerford (15): Voting
nay n one , (0) .
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of'9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
k ,
Alderman Merrick moved the Suspension of the`Rules
the passage of'An
Ordinance Amending Chapter XLV entitled."Peddlers
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting
Aldermen Ber.sbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James,
Jourdain, Rubin, -Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford
(15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Merrick then presented and moved the passage
OF THE EVANSTON MUNICIPAL CODE OF 1927 - By Adding Section 20342
Sounding of Bells, etc. Prohibited. Motion seconded by Alderman
Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma
and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0)".
Alderman Merrick submitted communication from the
Evanston Memorial Day Committee consisting of representatives of the
United Spanish -War Veterans, the Evanston AmericanLegion Post #42,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, The Military.Order of the Purple Heart,
and the Canadian Legion, making application of the City Council f or
permit to conduct the usual Memorial Day Parade on Sunday, May 28th
at 3 o'clock P.M. instead of Decoration Day, due to the fact that many
persons will be employed in war effort on that date. The route will
be East from Mason Park ori.Davis Street to the Lake Front, Alderman
Merrick moved permit be granted the same as usual. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Supt.of Bureau of Recreation and Commissioner of
Public Works regarding small Putting Green located in the west section
of Chandler -Leahy Park.and operated by the Evanston Community Recrea-
tion (Golf) Association, which has been discontinued. The North East
Park District`,which leases the property from the City of Evanston is
in accord with the Bureau of Recreation to work out a definite plan
for this area whereby two concrete shuffleboard courts might be
Placed at that location. The estimated cost of constructing two
courts would be approximately $110.00 - cost of same to be charged
to item #519, The Committee has considered this report and recom-
mends same be followed, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma
and Hungerford (14); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Corcoran submitted report from Supt. of Bureau
of Recreation with request from the Chaing Club, Torch Division, YMCA
to use the Chandler -Leahy Field House on Friday night, April 28, 1944
between the hours of 8 o'clock and 12 midnight. In order to have a
Department Supervisor at the building it is 'recommended that a $3.00
fee be charged. The Park Committee has considered this request and
recommends it be granted, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran submitted report from Supt. of Bureau
of Recreation advising that their Annual Spring Exhibition will be
conducted at Eiden Field House (Boltwood Park) on Friday, April 21st
starting at 8 o'clock P.M. The exhibition, which will be known as
"Khaki Review" will indicate the types of activities that have been
conducted in the fieldhouse during the past winter. The members of
the City Council, as well as the public, are cordially invited. There
is no charge.
Alderman Rubin for the POLICE COMMITTEE submitted the
following report and moved same be made part of the Minutes:
"Last Monday night, a telegram received by the Mayor from the
National Safety -Council was read to the City Council and placed on
During the past week, I have heard many complimentary and
enthusiastic comments in regard to Evanston's record as one of
the SAFEST CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. That record is truly
great, and I believe all Evanstonians.�Lre justly proud of it.
Evanston has participated for the past 14 years in this
Contest, and has been placed among the winners during 8 of those
years. The remarkable part of this record is that the winning
contestants are judged by the improvement shown over past years.
This means that Evanston has been able to maintain its place in
the face of the stiffest kind of opposition.
Many civic organizations have contributed toward Evanston's
safety record, but I believe that our Police Department - under
the direction of Chief Carl Ekman, should be particularly commen-
ded for its splendid work in this field. It has been a strenuous
task on the part of the Police Department during peace times to
maintain their efficiency, enthusiasm and effectiveness to say
nothing of the problems that are confronting the Department during
these trying war times.
9 5.
As most of your know, very nearly all of the younger members
of the Police Department are.innthe armed services of our Country -
the exact number in the service is 20. It has been impossible to
replace -these men, and as a result the older members of the Police
Department have been called upon to assume added burdens in all
phases - of police work. -
There are 17 men on our Police Department -who are eligible
for pension due to the fact that they are well past the retirement
age and service years required.
To these men, I should like to express my thanks and apprec-
iation for this very patriotic gesture'on their part. In my opinion
their continuing in the service -of the Police Department has been
greatly responsible for this showing not only in the National
Safety Council Contest but also in the fact that Evanston is ;
NATIONALLY KNOWN as a finely policed community."
Duly seconded and carried.
introduced An Ordinance Amending An Ordinance adopted by the City
Council of the City of Evanston on July 13, 1915, approved July 14,
1915, entitled "An Ordinance Requiring the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway Company to elevate the Plane of a Portion of its Roadbed
and Tracks in the City of Evanston; and changing the grade of portions
of certain streets and avenues in said City" as amended by An Ordinance
passed by the City Council of the City of Evanston, April 6, 1927.
Alderman Emery also introduced An Ordinance Vacating a
Portion of Clark Street in the City of Evanston, being supplemental
to the above ordinance.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works as follows:
"On March 20, 1944 the City Council awarded a contract to
Elgin -Sweeper Company as follows:
1500 lbs. broom wire for Elgin Sweeper 0 $.1989 lb. $119.34
4000 lbs. broom fibre for Elgin Sweeper @ f.0969 3b. 387.60
In their quotation a clerical -error was made in the
extension of the item 111500 lbs. broom wire G $.1989." This
should sum up to $298.35.
The Council is asked to ap,prove,of the expenditure of the
additional amount of §179.01 for this item."
This has the approval of the Purchasing Committee, and so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman James. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0)'.
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commissioner
of Public Works.advising that several proposals for furnishing 28,000
beach tokens for 1944 were received and opened on April 12, 1944.
After investigation of these proposals it is recommended that the low
bid of $20.00 per thousand for furnishing plastic beach tokens, sub-
witted by Keolyn Plastics Company, be accepted and that the Com-
missioner of Public Works be authorized to purchase 28,000 beach
tokens from Keolyn Plastics Company at $20.00 per thousand. This
has the approval of the Purchasing and Park Committees, and so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman Corcoran. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark,-Mogg, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14):. Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
Of the Relief Organization in amount of $644.10 and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded
by'Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg also presented and moved the adoption of
a RESOLUTION authorizing the issuance of Tax Anticipation Warrants in
anticipation of the 1944 Tax Levy of the Town of the City of Evanston,
Cook County, Illinois, levied for the relief and support of all poor
and indigent persons lawfully resident within said Town. Motion
seconded by Alderman Kimbark. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James," Rubin, Brandt., Emery; Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Brandt of the Sixth
Ward stated -The Sanitary District of Chicago passes through and borders
on five of the eight wards of Evanston, and referred to the fact that
they.had already disposed of some'of its property bordering the canal
banks; that one factory had already been built in Evanston,, near Green
Bay Road and McCormick Blvd. and that another had been built along the
canal south of the city limits. He called attention to the fact that
through the efforts of Evanston citizens arrangements had been made
several years ago to secure use of The Sanitary District property for
the Community Golf Course, as well as another small tract at Hartrey,
Brown and Payne Streets; that it was highly desirable that Evanston
should secure, if possible, the property along the canal banks within
the city limits of Evanston, particularly north of Church Street, in
order -to protect the residential areas of that neighborhood;. that
Alderman James and the Street Committee had already referred to a
controversy with The Sanitary District of their responsibility for
the upkeep and maintenance of at least one bridge within the city
limits, that possibly this controversy might be the basis of negot-
iations with The Sanitary District in regard to the real estate.
Whereupon he moved that a Special Committee consisting of
Alderman James, the Mavor and Corporation Counsel be appointed to
investigate and see what arrangements could be made with The Sanitary
District for taking over the ground or at least leasing ground to
Prevent puttin up of factories." ._Motion duly seconded and unan-
imously carrieg.
Alderman Harwood of the Seventh Ward called attention
to the passing of a resident of his ward and precinct, Mr. Lynn A.
Williams. -He has for many years been actively interested in the
welfare of Evanston, and particularly his services for two years at
considerable personal sacrifice, as Chairman of the Community Chest,
Alderman Corcoran of the Seventh Ward concurred in the
remarks of Alderman Harwood on the passing of Mr. Williams, stating
we have lost one of its most distinguished citizens.
Alderman Thoma.of the Eighth Ward stated he had re-
viewed with considerable interest the detailed report of the'Citizens
Advisory Committee of the Post War Planning Committee; that he felt
this report, showed a great deal. of effort, thought and study and that
iri connection with the work of such a committee he felt great consid-
eration should be given to the possibility of providing for the service
man returning -from service, and that in his estimation he should.be
given AA1 priority, after the war, particularly in order that hemight
have a means of knowing exactly what employment opportunities were
open to him, that in this connection he thought it well that the Post -
War Planning Committee undertake to supervise a business survey to,
ascertain what work could be planned by private industry and that he
understood that the Evanston Chamber of Commerce was willing to assist
in such a project. At the same time the Planning Committee should
confer with our city officials and Civil Service Commission to see
that the returning service man be given priority on any opportunity
which might arise in the City. He though we could find some nook -or
corner in the City Hall where we could furnish an office for some
such case as this. He knew every service man coming back will be
looking for advice and rehabilitation and we will be one of the
forerunners of this idea-.
following appointments of names previously introduced:
John, W. Munn,
John Corrigan,
Special Police - 6.months renewal
it n t► ' tt it
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:35 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
City Hall,'
April 24, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held April 24, 1944, convening
at 11015 P.M.'
PRESENT. (14)'Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway ,.
" Merrick '
" Platt
" Kimbark
rr Mogg i
Maesteven '
!' James
" Rubin j ..
r► Brandt
" Corcoran `
Thoma r
!' Hungerford
ABSENT;' (2) " Jourdain
" Emery
Mayor Ingraham presiding..
f Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting Yield,
April 170 19440. be approved without reading. Duly.`seconded and
City Clerk Edward W: Bell, presented the following;
Communication Chicago, Rapid Transit=Company advising that the.
Lease granting the City of Evanston permission to use a portion of
their property on the north side of Foster Street, Evanston Branch,
for playground and recreational'purpoces,''will expire May 31, 1944,
Alderman Corcoran moved same be referred to the Corporation Counsel
and the,Park Committee. Duly seconded and carried. r '
Notice State of Illinois advising that our allotment of Motor
Fuel Tax f or ' the` month of March, 1944 ' is $4, 944-� Ol. Alderman James
moved same be .referred to the Commissioner of Public Works,' and the
Street"Committee. Duly 'seconded and carried. `
City Treasurer's Financial Statement as'of March 31; 1944.
Alderman Kimbark moved same .be referr� d to' the Mayor, Finance Com- '
mittee and'the Auditor.: Duly seconde� and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the'FINANCE COMMITTEE submitted
City Treasurer's Statement'of Cash Receipts and -Disbursements, and.
moved same be received and placed on..file. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman 'Kimbark submitted and moved.the payment of the
following bills, and `that - the proper 1 charges and transfers `be author-
Building Department`'
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Park Department
Playground Department
Public Works Department
Municipal Court
New Municipal Building
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Water Meter Bureau_
Health Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14)s Voting nay none.
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of the
following temporary payrolls, same to be charged to the proper accounts;
Building Department
Civil Service Commission
Small Parks Department
Public Playgrounds Dept.
Police Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Public -Works Department
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
Water Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none.
Alderman Kimbark moved a reference to the Corporation
Counsel to prepare necessary resolution for the delivery of $100,000
1944 Tax Anticipation Warrants. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Thoma for the FIRE COMMITTEE made the following
"It appears that due to the draft situation and the firemen
going into service, the Fire Chief has reported that in the near
future there will be a shortage of help. So as to overcome this
situation the Fire Chief has taken the matter up with the men
and they have agreed to put in over -time td take up the shortage
of help. The men will work shifts of 36 hours on and 12 hours
off instead of the present shift of 24 hours on and 24 hours. off.
This will be in effect for the duration of the war. In
accordance with recommendation of the Fire Chief as unanimously
approved by the Fire Committee, it is proposed that these men will
be paid at the rate of 60¢ per hour for their excess time while
they are serving in the stead of another fireman; this being the
hourly rate computed on the`average annual scale.
It. is the plan of the Fire Chief -to rotate the men on the
Fire Department so that each man will receive a fair share of
.: overtime."
Alderman Thoma so moved on behalf of the Fire Committee. Motion
seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
:Har..wood$ Corcoran,.Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg,.Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 otclock P.M. and consent.to stay
in session beyond period of 10:30 ofclock P.M.. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works requesting authority
to obtain sealed informal bids for.the operation of concession
stands or.,wagons at the Clark Street,Beach,.Boltwood.Field, Mason
Park and Foster Field. The -,Park Committee has considered this re-
quest and recommends same be granted,and that bids be taken. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE. COMMITTEE submitted
report from the City Traffic Engineer on reference of Alderman Kimbark
relative to Stop sign on the northwest corner of Keeney Street and
Michigan Avenue. At the present time there is a Slow sign at'this
intersection which,seems to be doing'a very excellent job. According
to the police records for the past three years, there has not been an
accident at this intersection, and recommending that the Slow sign be .
retained and a Stop sign not be placed at the intersection, at this
0 L
time. This meets with the approval of the Police Committee and
Alderman Kimbark, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
presented and moved the passage of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE
EVANSTON, APRIL 6. 1927. Alderman,Harwood stated that the principal
changes are with reference to a subway at University Place. Alderman.
Harwood requested that the following communication from W.H. Penfield,
Chief Engineer of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
Company be read into the Minutes
"In My letter to you under date of April 12, 1944 I referred
to our requiring the trainmen to flag the University. Place grade
crossing before cros.sing the same. We are always desirous of
promoting safety and should this method of accident prevention be
insufficient in the opinion of your Traffic Engineer we will
cooperate with him in every way to provide more adequate protection.
You may rest assured that in the event .. your Traffic Engineer
.should find mechanical devices necessary for safety -of this crossing
our company will not oppose his position."
Alderman Harwood also requested that the following communication from
T.H. Strate, Division Engineer of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad Company be read into the Minutes:
"Referring to the proposed change in the ordinance discussed
in our meeting last Monday when it was agreed that two sidewalks
would be provided in University Place - one on each side of the
This will confirm agre.ement that the retaining wall necessary
in connection with the sidewalk will be included in the construction."
Alderman Harwood stated that it is the understanding of himself and
members of the committee that there is to be no supporting beam in the
roadway in either viaduct. In other words, they are to be clear of all
obstructions from curb to curb. Motion seconded by Alderman James.
Alderman Bersbach made the following remarks: "I believe that
after this viaduct is completed at University Place that it will
still leave a serious traffic hazard along the west side of'the
elevation. Moved a substitute motion eliminating the viaducts at
University Place and Clark Street."
Motion.'seconded by Alderman Hemenway. -On Call of Roll voting on
substitute motion Alderman Hemenway remarked as follows:
"Because of the universal demand for traffic crossing protection,
as well as our program for accident prevention, I myself cannot
really vote anything but aye."
Call.of Roll on substitute motion. Voting aye Aldermen Platt, Hemenway,
and Bersbaell (3): Voting nay Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark and Merrick
(11): Motion lost.
Alderman Harwood then presented the ordinance for passage.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,_Harwood, Corcoran, Brandt,
Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach
(13): Voting nay Alderman Platt (1)t. Motion carried and ordinance
Alderman Harwood also presented and moved the passage
EVANSTON9 Alderman Harwood stated that the present ordinance provides
for the closing of University Place and a viaduct at Clark Street.
Instead we are about to close Clark Street and have opened University
Place. Motion seconded by Alderman James. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting
nay none (0).
j Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works requesting permission to
advertise for bids for the construction of a 24 inch water feeder main
to be laid in Church Street from Ridge Avenue to East Prairie Road,
to supply water to the Village of Skokie, and so moved. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief Organization in amount of $1,554.28 and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to -pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Brandt,..Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (14):; Voting nay none (0).
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman James of the Fourth
Ward made. the following report:
"On Oakton Street 300 or 400 feet east of the bridge crossing
the canal, the North Western Railroad maintains three or four
series of tracks. Some of it lies within the corporate limits
of the Village of Skokie and one or two sets of rails in the City
of Evanston.
For a good many years since Oakton Street has been improved
and resurfaced, complaints have been directed to the various
aldermen and the Mayor about the condition of the crossing at the
point where these rails cross the street, and a good many accidents
and damage have occured to cars as to result of the condition of
the street at the point I mention.
The North Western Railroad has not, over the years, taken a
very cooperative attitude in matter of acquiescing in requests of
the City., of Evanston to put that portion of Oakton Street in a
state of -decent repair. '
Accordingly moved .that the Commissioner of Public Works and
the Corporation Counsel be directed to communicate with the North
Western Railroad authorities, making further demands upon them to
put this roadbed in a safe state of repair and that the Commissioner
.of Public Works be requested also to communicate with authorities
of the Village of Skokie, asking them to make a similar demand upon
,the North Western Railroad.
There are a good many people who do not understand that most
of the rails lie within the Village_ of Skokie so the City, of
Evanston is being held responsible on the part of the public for
the condition of those rails, and I think this action will bring
about the desired repairs. The Council should take the position
that if the railroad wants to be arbitrary that we should, proceed
in a legal manner to repair the street and charge them with the cost."
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Merrick of the Second Ward stated that his
attention has been called during the`past week to two violations of
our bicycle ordinance with respect to riding bicycles on sidewalks in
the business districts. Moved a reference to the Chief of Police and
the Mayor with the suggestion that special effort be made to enforce
the sordinance, as this can be a very dangerous thing for people on the
sidewalks,. Duly seconded -and carried. 4
Upon motion duly.seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 11;40 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
• Evanston, Illinois .
City Hall,
May 1, 1944
Regular Meeting -of the City'Council held May 1, 1944, convening at
10:10 P.M.
PRESENT; (13) Alderman Bersbach,
" Hemenway
" • Platt
" Brandt -
". Harwood
!' Hunge-rf ord
ABSENT; (3) 'r James
" Corcoran
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman -,Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting held
April 24, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded and carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following;
Communication Mock Political Convention extending an invitation
to the Mayor and City.Council to be special guests at the Convention
in Cahn Auditorium,,May.S and 6. Alderman Rubin moved same,be recei-
.ved and placed on file. Duly seconded and carried.
Communication State.of Illinois, Division of.Highways, dated
April 26, 1944 approving in part resolution for Section 28-CS passed
March 27., 1944. Approval is being withheld on Arterial Street 19,
Cleveland Street from Wesley Avenue to Asbury Avenue. Alderman Rubin
moved same be referred to the Street Committee. Duly sec.,onded and
C,o�nunication_Btate of .Illinois,, Division .of Highways, dated
April 29, 1944 approving Resolution passed April 3, 1944 designating
additional arterial streets #29 - #30 and #31. Alderman Rubin.moved
same be referred to the Street Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Communication State of Illinois, Division of Highways dated
April 29, 1944 advising that Asbury Avenue from Oakton Street to
Church Street and Ridge Avenue from Emerson'Street to Sheridan Road
are approved as a part'of the arterial street system and approving
additional amount of $811.00 for maintenance of these streets from
January 1, 1944 to December 31, 1944, Alderman Rubin moved same be
referred to the Street Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Communication State of Illinois, Division of Highways dated
April 29, 1944 approving resolution for Section 29-CS passed by.the
City Council on April 100 1944. This resolution provides for the
improvement of Arterial Street #25, Orrington Avenue from.Emerson
Street to Central Street, Alderman Rubin moved same be referred to
the Street Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE submitted
communication -from the Building Commissioner as follows:
"The 1943 permit fees for two signs which have been removed
remain unpaid and are uncollectable.
I recommend that the, permit fees for these signs, which are
described as follows, be cancelledi
1. W.C. Grunow, 327 Howard Street $12.00
2. Jim Moy, 1732 Sherman Avenue 11.67 "
"The electric sign formerly at 1618 Payne Street has been
removed and the attached bill no longer applies.- .
I recommend that the fee of $9.50 be cancelled and permit
#3759 be voided."
Alderman Kimbark moved the cancellation of the above fees and voiding
of permits. Motion.seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay.none.
Alderman Kimbark submitted report from the City
Collector advising that Harold H. Heinkel S/1C USNR of 721.Reba Place
purchased vehicle license #4669 on January 31, 1944 for $5..00, not
knowing that service men are issued licenses at no charge, and re-
questing a refund. Accordingly moved that a refund of $5.00 be made
to Mr. Heinkel.' Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye
Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,,Merrick, Platt, Kimbark,.Mogg, MacSteven,
Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Harwood, Thoma'and Hungerford (13): ,Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following report from
the Commissioner of Public Works:' `
"On April 100 1944 the City Council created a special fund to
be known as "Fund for the Development of beaches and beach facilities',
in which approximately $125.00, received from Columbia Canoe Club,
was to be,placed. The City Council is requested to rescind this
action and authorize that this fee be credited to the General Fund
"Reserves for Bathing Beaches."
It was decided that it would be better to put it in this fund rather
than open an account for $125.00, and accordingly moved that action
of April 10, 1944, be rescinded. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13):
Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the adoption of a
Resolution with respect to the delivery of 1944 General Corporate Fund,
Public Playground Fund, Street and Bridge Fund, Garbage Fund, and
Library Fund, Tax Anticipation Warrants of the City of Evanston, County
of Cook and State of Illinoisein amount of $110,000.00, being dated
May 50 1944, Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none.
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of the
following bills, and that the proper charges and transfers be authorized:
Building Department
City Collectorls Office
City Hall Building
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department
Health Department
Municipal Court
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Contingent Fund
Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark moved that the City Treasurer remit to
the Evanston -Northwestern Community Clubs, Inc. the first quarterly
payment due them in amount of t500 and charge to the Contingent Fund.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Ximbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved that
the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE submitted
the following report from the Chief of Police:
"Concerning Alderman Merrickts,re'ference to violations of our
bicycle ordinance with respect to riding bicycles on sidewalks in
the business districts:
Each and every member of the Police Department has been in-
structed to be on -the alert for said violations and put a stop to
this bicycle riding on sidewalks in the business districts for all
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE.submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works listing four bids received
for furnishing coal required by the Garbage Department for use -in the
incinerator; and recommending that he be authorized to purchase one
carload Illinois 3x2 egg coal from the low bidder, Marquette Coal and
Mining Company,- at the net price of$6.95 per ton; to be charged to
item No. 588. This has the approval:of the Purchasing and Street
Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Emery. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg.,
MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Harwood, Thoma and Huhgerford (13):
Voting nay none (0). ;
Alderman Mogg for the,RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief Organization in amount 'of $304.87 and moved that the
Township Supervisor -.be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Harwood, Thoma
and Hungerford (13)-: Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood for the STREET COMMITTKR.`.stated that
a •
during the week there will be placed in each Alderman's Committee
folder and sent to members of the Public Projects Sub -Committee on
Post War Planning, a report and recommendation from the Commissioner
of Public Works with reference to expenditure of Motor Fuel Tax funds
for the 5 year period beginning January 1, 1945. The object is.to
obtain if possible, expenditure of a;share of the County and State•
funds for such improvements.as the viaduct at Emerson Street and the
C. & N.W. Rwy. and on the C.M. & St.lPaul Rwy, at Chicago Avenue and
10 7.
Mulford.Street; also -the improvement of Dodge Avenue by placing a
bridge over the Sanitary District canal and opening up that street
as an arterial highway. Members are asked to give careful consider-
ation to this so when the Chairman of the Street Committee is here
next week the members of the Street Committee and others can discuss
the matter further.
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted
an application received from the Evanston Fireproof Warehouse re-
questing permission to use the south store of a group of one story
brick stores at 2543 Prairie Avenue as space for the storage of
personal property on a temporary basis. Committee on Zoning recom-
mends that this application be granted and that the Evanston Fireproof
Warehouse be permitted to use the space accordingly for one year,
providing the adjoining property owners approve, and so moved. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman.Bersbach submitted application received from
the Fowler Motor Sales, Inc.'requesting permission -to subdivide the
public garage occupied by the company at 2510 Green Bay Road and use
a portion of the space for the manufacture of screw machine products
on a war contract. Committee on Zoning recommends that this appli-
cation be granted and that the Fowler Motor Sales Company be permitted
to operate a machine shop doing war work for the duration of the war
and not longer than six months thereafter, subject however to such
structural revisions as will meet with the approval of the Building
Commissioner and Fire Marshal, and so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman Emery and carried.
Alderman Bersbach submitted an application received
from.the Electrical Research Laboratories, Inc. requesting permission
to occupy and use the building at 651-705 Chicago Avenue for the
storage and packing of units manufactured for the armed forces. Com-
mittee on Zoning recommends that this application be granted and that
the applicant be permitted to use the building in question for the
purpose stated for the duration of the war and not more than six months
thereafter, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin and carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS; Alderman Mogg of the Third Ward
remarked that recently a number of the council meetings have started
rather late in spite of the fact that there was very little committee
work to do; the reason being that the aldermen do not arrive at 7:30,
therefore the committee cannot convene on time. Suggested that the
Mayor urge the aldermen to be here at 7:30 P.M.
. Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward stated that the
Citizens Advisory Committee on Post War Planning have done a very
splendid job and they are about to prepare another report on '
housing which should be interesting. On Report No. 4 which has
to do in.part with grade separation at Emerson Street, conferences.
have been held with representatives of the lllinois State Highway
Commission and the District Engineer. A tentative plan prepared
under thedirection of our Traffic Engineer and the Commissioner
of Public Works, with the cooperation of engineers of the Chicago
Motor Club, has been presented to the State Highway Commission.
They have made a very.thorough study of the Emerson Street sit-
uation and they have also a very definite recommendation for
widening and straightening of the viaduct and for the extension
of Route 58 on Emerson Street to Sheridan Road. This report
shows a lot of hard work on their part and he -strongly recommends
that the Council take action as suggested in the last paragraph
of this report, reading as,follows:
"The Committee accordingly recommends that if -the Council
concurs in its views in this matter, that an appropriately worded
resolution addressed to the State Highway Commission be forwarded
the Commission at the earliest possible date. The Committee will
thereupon go into the matter further with the -State Highway -Com-
mission, preferably with representatives of the Council having
jurisdiction over such matters."
Alderman Brandt moved a reference of this report to the .Chairman of
the Street Committee$' Corporation Counsel and the Commissioner of
Public Works. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Thoma .of the ,Eighth Lard remarked as follows:
"In my perusal of the ward it.seems at the.p resent time there
is a lot of refuse and papers collected in the vacant lots.
In some other towns they have an annual clean-up week in which
the Press and the town gets behind the city and encourage all the
property owners to help out the city departments, such as cleaning
curb gutters as well as alleys behind their homes and collect
refuse in containers which can be carried away.
The -Street Department is doing a fine job, but is very much
under -manned. We know our Park Department is doing a fine job
in the parkways.
I would suggest that the Mayor designate a certain week in
May, say about the third week, starting it off this year and making
an annual affair, and ask the property owners.as well as the
people who are renting to assist us to clean up the parkways, curbs
and alleys, and if necessary the vacant lots next to their homes."
Alderman Thoma so moved. Duly seconded and carried:
duced the following names for confirmation at the next meeting of the
City Council:
K. Jigamian, Special Police - 6 months
William Henrichs, it rr rr . -11 : renewal
-For Council.r ecords, Chief Ekman has announced that
Ivan Rubin has this day been sworn in as a.regular patrolman, having
completed his probation period of one year.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:35 P.M.
Edward W. Bell, City Clerk
City. Hall,
May 8, 1944
R6gular Meeting of the -City Counci . 1'held
May 80 1944, convening at
PRESENT: (16) Alderman Bersbach
Mo gg
Jame s
Mayor Ingraham presiding..
Alderman Rubin moved that
the -Minutes of Meeting held
May 1. 19449 beapprovedwithout reading,..
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the
application from Mrs, W.N. Brown..,.1103 Harvard Teri -ace for a refund
on dog license #536 purchased March 202
owing,to the fact that.'she
.:is moving. out of town.. The Finance Committee
has•considered this
request and recommends samebe denied,.and so moved. Duly seconded
and carried,
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the following,bills., and -that the proper
charges and transfers be
.Building Department
$ 6.65
City Hall Building
• City,,Treasurer's Office-
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garb6ge 'Department,
Health Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Municipal Court
Park Department
Playground Department
Playground Department
Police Department
'Public Works -Department
Salaries of City Officers Fund'
Special Salvage Account t
Street & Bridge Department
..Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water,Mains Bureau t
Water 'Meter Bureau
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Harwood,,Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James., MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the. payment of
the following temporary payrolls, same to be charged to,the proper
Department i
$ 9.00
Playgrounds Dept.
Parks Department
Works Department -Sewer+
& Bridge Repair Dept,
Works -Maintenance
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, P1att,.Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
= nay none (0).
Alderman Hemenway for!the HEALTH COMMITTEE submitted
the 1943 .Annual Report of the Health Department, _ and read the' f ollow-
ing letter of transmittal;
"I have the honor to submit the annual -report of the activities
of the Department of Health of the .City of Evanston, and cooperating
private health agencies for,the calendar year 1943.
Our greatest communicable disease problem in 1943 was the out-
break of*.infantile paralysis throughout Cook County. .Ten Evanston
children developed this dreaded disease, but fortunately all of them
survived. No cases of diphtheria or smallpox occured in Evanston
children during the past year. _
Cooperation with the Selective' Service Boards in making blood
tests on selectees was continued as part of our duties in the war
emergency. This included 3,147 blood tests, and treatment in the
Health Department clinic of 24 men discovered to be infected with
a venereal disease.
Evanston again achieved a place on the National Health Honor
Roll in the 1943 Health Conservation Contest sponsored by the Chamber
of Commerce of the United States and the American Public Health
Association. This honor was granted because of the high standards
of health protection provided by the -public and private health
agencies, the hospitals- and practicing physicians in the community.
I wish to thank all. city .officials and departments for the
cooperation which=they extended to the Health*Department during
1943." T
Winston H. Tucker, M.D.
Commissioner of Health
Alderman Hemenway remarked as,follows: "I think the citizens.
of Evanston should be proud of the fact that 1943 was .the. 14th
year our city has=been placed on the National Health Honor Roll.
Also I think the members of our Health Department should be con-
gratulated -on this achievement.
I would like �to move that the Commissioner of Public Works
be authorized to solicit bids for the printing of 500 copies of
the 1943 annual Health Department report, and that the cost be
charged to item No. 209."
Duly seconded and carried.
. 4
that the Council convene
as of
o'clock P.M.
Duly seconded and
carried.. w
Alderman Merrick stated that the American Legion this
evening made application for permit to have the Drum and Bugle Corps
play in Fountain Square on the evening of Poppy Day, Monday, May 22
in order to - promote the sale of poppies to the shoppers. The Judiciary ,
Committee has considered the matter and recommends that this request
be granted, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Superintendent of Bureau of Recreation advising that
the Bureau is sponsoring the dedication of an Honor Plaque at Eiden
Fieldhouse, Boltwood Park.on Friday, May 12 starting at 8 o'clock PM.
There are more than 300,young men and women's names on the Roll. These
are boys and girls who have actually played in Boltwood Park or Eiden
Fieldhouse who reside within the immediate vicinity, and have entered
the Country's armed forces. -.Alderman Corcoran stated this is a very
fine gesture on the part of the Bureau of Recreation,.and if possible
theAldermen should attend.
Alderman Corcoran stated that the Parks and Playground
Comm.ittee,will hold its annual.meeting on playground and beach
programs -next Monday, May 15 starting at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the
Mayor's office.. All Aldermen are requested -to attend this meeting
at which time plans will be formulated for the coming summer season.
Alderman.Corcoran stated that on Tuesday.,, May 16 at
noon the Kiwanis Club is sponsoring.a luncheon at which time the
safety award earned by the City in the 1943 National Traffic Safety
Contest will be presented to the City. The Mayor. and Aldermen are
invited to attend. Charge is $1.00.
.Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE -submitted
the following report from. the Commissioner. of. Public Works;
"The contract -for activated carbon for'use in water treatment
now being rurnisnect by the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company
expires May 23, 1944. Last year when we advertised for bids, only
one bid was received and inquiries among the two or three carbon
companies this year indicate that at present they have all the
customers they can supply with their present plant facilities.
The contract covering the bid between May 23, 1944 and May
23, 1945 is attached. Prices and terms are exactly the same as
1943 and since that- contract was satisfactory, it is suggested
that -the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to enter into
a new contract with the West -Virginia Pulp and Paper Company for
our requirements in 1944.-rr-41' Y
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so
moved. Motion'seconded by Alderman Bersbach. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,._Jourdain,
James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach
(16): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from the Com-
missioner of Public Works listing five bids received for cast iron
water pipe. Pending future action of the City Council it is recom-
mended that the.certified deposit checks of the low bidders, United
States'Pipe and Foundry Company and the Lynchburg Foundry Company
be held and that the checks of the.remaining bidders be returned.
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so
moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Emery. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James, MacSteven,.Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach
(16): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from the Com-
missioner of Public Works advising that on May .6, 1944 bids were
received for the construction of a water,feeder main in Church Street,
and pending future action of the . Council it is recommended that the
certified deposit checks of George D.:Hardin and Santucci Construction
Company be held and'that the checks of the remaining bidders be re-
turned. This has the approval of the Purchasing and.Water Committees,
.and so moved.. Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen
.Hungerford,;Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, -Rubin, Jourdain,
James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach
(16): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the�RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief Organization in amount of $1,326.5.4.and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,,.MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16.): Voting.nay none.
Alderman Mogg advised -the Council that the relief load
has hit a new lour, in fact lower than ever before.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE stated that at
the last meeting of the City Council Report No'. 4 - Citizenst Advisory
Committee on Post War Planning for Evanston concerning Emerson -Ridge
viaduct and accompanying roadway, was submitted to' the City Council..
That part of the report pertaining to this particular improvement has
had consideration of the Street Committee and accordingly presented
the following Resolution:
' WHEREAS,' the Citizens! Advisory Committee on Post War Planning
has rendered it's report with suggestions and recommendations for
the extension of Route-58 on Emerson Street to Sheridan Road with
a grade separation at Emerson Street, 'Ridge Avenue and Green Bay
Road within the City of Evanston; and
WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Council of the City of
Evanston that .the extension of Route 58 on Emerson Street to Sheridan
Road with a grade separation at Emerson Street, Ridge Avenue and
Green Bay Road is of -vital importance in that the present provisions
for traffic are inadequate and hazardous causing congestion, delays,
confusion and inconveniences; and
WHEREAS, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul -Railway track
elevation.construction providing a clear span viaduct in Emerson
Street is now under way, which will also result in the elimination
of the grade crossing on Emerson Street; and
WHEREAS, this improvement at Emerson Street, Ridge Avenue and
Green Bay Road has.been recognized as necessary for many years in
order to relieve traffic congestion, shorten and improve Route 58
and eliminate a traffic hazard, which improvement:will benefit not
only the citizens of Evanston but the public at ::.large, being at an
intersection of State and Federal Routes, Emerson Street having
been originally State Bond Issue Route 581 and
WHEREAS, funds of the City of Evanston are definitely allocated
for 'the next five years and are not sufficient to provide for the
maintenance and the construction work involved in this project even
though the same is very badly needed.
That the City Council of the City of Evanston go on record as approving
the suggestions.and recommendations of the Citizenst Advisory Committee
on Post War Planning for the extension of Route 58 and a grade sep-
aration at Emerson Street, Ridge Avenue and Green Bay Road; that the
Commissioner of Public Works and the Mayor of the City of Evanston
be requested to petition the Department of Public Works and Buildings
of the State of Illinois and its Division of Highways, to provide
ways and means for the prompt construction of said project -and that -
a copy of this resolution be sent to the Director of the Department
.of Public; Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois -.-
Alderman James stated: "The adoption of this resolution would bring
this matter closer to a head than it has ever been before. The Council
will recall that on numerous occasions the matter has been discussed
and presented by the Street Committee on a_good many occasions at the
insistence and urging of,Alderman Jourdain. I think the Citizenst
Advisory Committee are to be congratulated for presenting the matter
to the Council in the manner in which they have. Accordingly I move
the adoption of the above resolution."
Alderman Jourdain stated: "I am very happy to second the motion for
the adoption of this resolution because it brings closer to a realiz-
ation the plan to improve the intersection at issue which I have so
•- consistently. urged before this council. It is just another one of'the
needed improvements which serve not only one isolated area but the
city as a whole."
Alderman Harwood stated: "Long before I was a member of this council
body I was concerned with this situation. It is the worst intersection
we have in Evanston.and if. -there is anything the administration or
the council can do to speed consumation of this improvement, we are
willing to do it." '•
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted
a report of the committee relative to communication received from the
Zoning Board of Appeals recommending the denial of an appeal filed by
,the First National Bank of Chicago; for permission to sell the property
at the northeast corner of Central Street and Crawford Avenue to Mrs.
Melanie McCarthy who would use it for. the manufacture of candies, '
cakes, puddings and other delicacies which would be distributed at
wholesale and retail from the premises'. Committee on Zoning recom-
mends that the City Council concur in the recommendation of the Zoning
Board of Appeals and deny this appeal and so moved. Motion seconded
by Alderman Emery, Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16): Voting nay none.
Alderman Bersbach submitted a report of the committee
relative to communication received from the Zoning Board of Appeals
recommending the denial of an appeal by Amos G. Willis for permission
to alter the. front of the ground floor apartment at 1732 Orrington
Avenue.so that it could be used by him as a real estate office.
Committee on Zoning recommends that the City Council.concur in the
recommendation of -the Zoning Board of Appeals and deny this appeal,
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Emery and carried.
' UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward
submitted report No. 5 - Citizens' Advisory Committee on Post War
Planning for Evanston, subject being (a) Improvement.of Dodge Avenue
from McCormick Boulevard south to Crain Street- (b) Improvement of
Oakton Street from Asbury Avenue east to Chicago Avenue; copies of
which have been put in the folder of each Alderman. Asked that this
report be referred to the Street Committee, Commissioner of Public
Works, the Mayor and Corporation Counsel, calling.attention to the
recommendation that,the Street Committee concurs in such a project.
Coupled with this report is a study of the anticipated receipts and
expenditures for 5 years of Motor Fuel Tax money. Alderman James has
championed very ably the last number of years, the fact that munici-
palities are entitled to more of a share of those funds which come out
of the pockets of citizens of municipalities. These figures show what
could be done if. we had more use of thbg@ funds. It is well for us all
to be familiar with this subject, to study it and help along the Street
Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt stated that since moving that a com-
mittee be appointed to wait on the Sanitary District, his attention
has been called to the fact that the Sanitary District ground is zoned
in Class "A"' and while exception -was made in January, 1942 new signs
have been put up along the Sanitary District ground advertising same
for factory sites, which is in direct violation of our zoning laws,
and asking that either before or after the meeting with the Sanitary'
District those signs should be removed, as the property cannot be -used
for industrial purposes and it would save them a lot of trouble.
Alderman James of the Fourth Ward stated that since he
made a reference about the condition of the road at Oakton Street just
east of the canal, several people called him with regard to a similar
condition existing on Main Street just east of the Sanitary District
canal at the North Western tracks. Moved a reference to the Corporation
Counsel and Commissioner of Public Works asking the railroad to repair
Main Street'; also Dempster Street in front of Mark Mfg.. Co. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman James stated: "It has been the thought of
some that certain employees of the city enjoying seniority should
.be permitted a more extended,vacation period than is'now the rule.
I have in mind particularly some of the older members of the city
staff who'get a relatively short vacation in consideration of their
long term of service., _
Accordingly moved a'reference to the Finance Committee
asking their comderation of a plan of vacation providing for extra
consideration being given according to longevity.of service which
will be by way or aaaea compensation ror long anca raitht'ul service."
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman James remarked as follows: "I should like
to make a reference to the Park Committee by respectfully bringing
the attention of the Chairman and his committee to the fact that
now the parks in the city are being put to more and greater use and
will be in forthcoming months, that we are short-handed both in the
park and street departments, and it is impossible to keep the parks
in condition that we have in the past. It would seem to me that it
is incumbent upon us to encourage the citizens who use the parks,
and particularly the youngsters, to cooperate in the matter of
keeping the parks clean. In visiting some.of the parks I find they
were littered with papers, wrappers, etc., and it is difficult to
keep them in a cleanly condition. It seems to me that this could
be brought to the attention of the children through the schools and
through the Girl and Boy Scouts. The Street Department has assumed
the responsibility of putting on many of the corners "Waste Paper"
containers. Metal is scarce yet scare of the unthinking and irre-
sponsible, not realizing the inconvenience and cost the department
is put to, will put a fire in some of the containers, which means
they have to be taken back to the yards and new ones put in their
stead. Asked the Park Committee to consider some plan*to seek
the cooperation of the people to the end that these offenses be
Duly seconded and carried.
tAlderman James also remarked as follows:
"Some people in the Fourth Ward called up one evening and,
suggested that it would be a fitting gesture if the Mayor and the
City .Council would take official notice of people in the armed
forces who have met death in the service of their country, and
that ,such official recognition be_ given by wav of a resolution
sent to their parents or nearest of, kin.''
Moved a reference' to the Judiciary Committee regarding this. Duly
seconded and carried'. `
the following appointments of•names previously introduced:
William Henrichs, Special Police - 6 months renewal
K. Jigamian, 4 rr n rr rr
Alderman Rubin moved that these a ppointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for con-
firmation at the next meeting of the ,City Council:
Mrs. Ruby P. McCaulli Special Police - 6 months
Mayor Ingraham submitted for confirmation the name of
Mr. Donald C. Miller, as a member of ;the Board of Trustees of the
Police Pension Fund to succeed himself, the term -of office to expire
May•15, 1946. Also the name of Mr. Ward T. Huston as a member of the
Zoning Commission and Zoning Board'of, Appeals to succeed himself, the
term of office to expire May 15, 1949,
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the .Council
adjourned at 10:15 P.M. f
Edward W. Bell, '
City Clerk
• 1
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall
May 15, k 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held May 152 19442 convening
at 10:05 P.M.
PRESENT (15) Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway _
" Merrick
" Kimbark
it Mogg
• " Brandt
" Emery
" Harwood
t' Thoma
!' Hungerf ord
ABSENT: (1) " Jourdain
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman -Brandt moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held May 8, 1944 be approved with the'following correction:
Page - second paragraph, fourth line should read
>. "and:while exception was made in January, 1941" instead
of January; 1942.
Duly seconded and carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell,,presented the following:
Communication from Polish American Club of Evanston, T.W.
Polinski, relative to poor service rendered by the Evanston Bus
Company and,the Elevated lines in Evanston. Alderman Emery moved
same be referred to the Public Utilities Committee. Duly seconded
and -carried.
City Treasurer's Financial Statement as of April 30, 1944,
Alderman Kimbark moved same be referred to the Finance Committee, the
Mayor and,the Auditor. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE CO04ITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
Building Department
City Hall Building
City Hall Building
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department-
Health Department
Legal Department
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
22.30 _
Water Meter Bureau-
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. VolIting aye Aldermen Bersb ach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark,,Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin,
Brandt Emer
y, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15):-,Voting
nay none (0),
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock'P.M. Duly seconded and
carried. !
Alderman Corcoran for,the,PARK COMMITTEE.stated that
the committee met tonight and after a short,session approved the
program for conducting the playgrounds and beaches. There will be
thirteen playgrounds, seven pay beaches and two free beaches. The
playgrounds will open June 12, 1944 and close August 25,`1944. The
beach season will open June•10, 19441and close September 40 1944.
Alderman Corcoran submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works listing the following bids received for beach
and park concessions:
Pete Eliope, $7.00 for Boltwood Park
George Brown, ) 207.100 for Clark Street Beach
72:00 for Boltwood Park
George Bebos, _ Check for-$21.00
The Park Committee has considered'these bids and recommends that the
high bid of George Brown for the Clark Street beach and.Boltwood Park
be. accepted, and so moved. Motion' seconded by Alderman Emery. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, P1att,.Kimbark, Mogg,,
MacSteven, James,,Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran;. Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief Organization in amount of $959.73 and moved that the
Township Supervisor,be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick,
Platt, Kimbark,.Mogg, MacSteven, Jams, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE stated that in
accordance with report of the Citizens' Adt6ory Committee on Post
War Planning with suggestions and recommendations for the widening
and paving of Dodge Avenue, with a grade separation at -the North-
Western Railroad and a bridge at the Sanitary District Canal, the
Council has approved of the recommendations and accordingly presented
and moved the adoption of the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Post lVar Planning,
has rendered it's report with suggestions and recommendations for
the widening and paving of Dodge Avenue, with a,grade separation
at the Northwestern Railroad.and a bridge at the Sanitary District
Canal, within the City of Evanston; and
WHEREAS, the City of Evanston now lacks and needs a truck
route from south to north to form a connection between Lincoln
Avenue and Western Avenue in Chicago, to Green Bay Road in
Evanston; and
WHEREAS, the property values along several north and south
residential streets are being depreciated by the above said truck
traffic in the City of Evanston; and
WHEREAS, the completion of this project would provide an
additional and badly needed traffic artery up the North Shore to
serve post war traffic; and
WHEREAS, the above mentioned route will be an excellent feeder
route for the proposed northwest limited highway in the City of
Chicago; and
WHEREAS, funds of the City of Evanston are definitely allocated
for the next five years and are not sufficient to provide for the
maintenance and the construction work involved in this project
even though the same is very badly needed.
That the City Council of the City of Evanston go on.record-as
approving the suggestions and recommendations of the Citizens'
Advisory Committee on Post War Planning for the widening and
paving of Dodge Avenue with a grade separation at the North-
Western Railroad and a bridge at the Sanitary District Canal;
that the Commissioner of Public Works and the Mayor.of the City
of Evanston be requested to petition the Board of Cook County
Commissioners and the Cook County Highway Department, to provide
ways and means for the prompt construction of said project and
that a.copy of this resolution be sent to the Board of Commis-
sioners of Cook County, State of Illinois.
Motion°seconded by Alderman Harwood and unanimously carried.
Alderman James also stated that the Council has pre-
viously approved the construction of Orrington Avenue and accordingly
moved that plans and specifications for Section 29-C S which provides
for construction of a bitumimous cover coat - on portions of Orrington
Avenue be approved subject to subsequent approval by the State Highway
'Department, and that the City Council authorize the Commissioner of
Public Works to advertise for bids for this improvement immediately
upon receipt of approval from the State Highway - Department. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman James also stated that the Council has pre-
viously approved the improvement of certain other streets, and accord-
ingly moved that plans and specifications for Section 28- CS which
provides for construction of bitumimous concrete resurfacing of
portions of Lake Street, Noyes Street, Simpson Street, Ashland Avenue
and Central Park Avenue be approved subject to subsequent approval by
the State Highway Department, and that the City Council authorize the
Commissioner of Public Works to advertise for bids for this.improvement
immediately upon receipt of approval from the State Highway Department.
Duly seconded and carried. `
Alderman Platt for the WATER COMMITTEE stated that the
Commissioner,of Public Works and the Corporation Counsel have drafted
an Agreement, which he believed has the approval of the Village of
Skokie, relative to Evanston supplying the Village 6 Skokie with its
water supply. Copies of the proposed Agreement .will be sent to the
Aldermen during the week so they can examine it. Accordingly intro-
duced A resolution to authorize the entering into of this Agreement
between the City of Evanston and Village of Skokie relating to water
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works stating that in accord-
ance with authority granted by the City Council on March 20,' 1944
bids were received and opened on April 8, 1944 for ,the- furnishing of -
pipe and fittings necespary for the installation of ..a,,water feeder main
in.Church Street from Ridge.Avenue west to East Prairie Road. It.is
recommended that the offer of the low bidder, the United.States Pipe
and Foundry Company, be accepted subject to cancellation within 60
days in the event that contract for the sale of water with Skokie
should not be completed.. The City. Council is requested to authorize
the immediate return of the deposit check of the Lynchburg Foundry
Company and the return of the deposit check of the successful bidder
upon the execution of a satisfactory contract and the furnishing of a
satisfactory performance bond, and so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,, Hemenway, Merrick,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood submitted communication from Charles
N. Evans addressed to the Evanston Tax Committee, and asked that same
be incorporated in the Minutes:
"In accordance with your request, I am submitting herewith a
report of the'prog_ress that has been made in collecting delinquent
taxes in the City of Evanston, Illinois.
As a result of the mailing of notices to delinquent tax -payers
and activity in connection with the foreclosure on certain property
in Evanston, I find that the record discloses that:
(1) The taxes on 241 parcels have been paid, and'the principal
amount of such back taxes is $42,673.14;
(2) Voluntary tax foreclosure proceedings have been started in
connection with 240 additional lots, and the principal
amount of unpaid taxes against such lots is 282:743.48;
(3) The yearly taxes on the above mentioned 240 lots is
$70,643.43, and under the present rules and procedure in
voluntary foreclosure suits, the owner must pay in full
the taxes for 1941 and all subsequent taxes on the property;
therefore, the taxing bodies of Evanston will have bene
fitted to the extent of three yearst taxes, namely, 1941,
1942 and 1943, or more than $210,000 when these proceedings
are completed, and also will have an increased yearly
revenue as to the extent of $70,643.43.
At this time I have prepared and submitted to the County Com-
missioners of Cook County, Illinois, a tax foreclosure suit affecting
200 lots. However, the owners of 66 of said lots have filed fore-
closure proceedings which are among those lots mentioned in paragraph
(2) above. The principal of the unpaid taxes on.the remaining lots
amounts to $266,511.61.
Also, I have completed a list of the necessary defendants for
350 additional lots for another foreclosure suit and this suit will
be submitted to the County Commissioners shortly. The principal
amount of taxes in connection with these 350 lots amounts to
The Committee may be interested in two other facts in connection
with these taxes. In making the tax searches, we found that 50
parcels of real estate are owned by "tax exempt" bodies and the back
taxes on these parcels amount to $27.,461.29. The -tax records indicate
that this real estate is exempt.
Also, we found by abstracting ownerships that there are 33
pieces of real estate where the ownership is vested in churches,
lodges, parks, schools, the City, or other "tax exempt" bodies,
and the amount of unpaid taxes on these parcels of real estate
totals $42,622.40. In connection with these 33 pieces of real
estate, I would call your attention to the fact that they are
currently being assessed and the yearly assessment is approximately
$62258.18. It is important that these parcels should be taken off
the assessment rolls if in fact they are "tax exempt" as their
valuation is set up in connection with each tax levy."
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Bersbach of the First
Ward stated that he had received a clipping from Mrs. Walrath which
appeared'in the News -Index May 21, 1934 and which referred to an
article of "Thirty Years Ago" reading as follows:
"Automobilists won a hard earned victory at the city council
meeting when the speed limit of Evanston was officially raised
to 12 miles an hour by the passage of Alderman,lValrath's ordinance
abolishing the eight -mile figure. Only three aldermen opposed the
change, and the final vote in favor of the more liberal provision
was 10 to 2."
'Alderman Harwood of the Seventh Ward stated that he
noticed in'the paper that former Alderman Huston was taken ill and
had to go to the hospital and expressed the wish from himself and,
other members of the -Council that he would. have - a� speedy recovery.
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Mrs. Ruby P. McCaull, Special Police - 6 months
Alderman Rubin moved that this appointment be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham also made the following appointments
of names previously introduced
- `Mr: Ward T: Huston, as a member of the Zoning Commission
and Zoning Board of Appeals to succeed himself, the term
of office to',expire May 15, -1949.
Mr. Donald C. Miller, as a member of the Board -of Trustees
of the Police Pension Fund to succeed himself, the term
of office- to• expire May 15, 1946. himself,'
Alderman Merrick moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried. }� - •'�
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following name for con-
firmation at - next meeting of the .City- Council:
Roy I. Balbirnie, Special Police - 6'months renewal
For Council records, Chief Ekman has announced that
Robert R. Kutok hastbeen sworn in -as a probationary patrolman for
a 60 day period.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
Edward W..Bell.'
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
_ City Hall,
May 22, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held May 22, 1944, convening
at 10:05 P.M. '
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach
rr Hemenway
it Merrick
rr Platt w
Kimbark ,
it Mogg
" James
t° Jourdain
" Rubin
` it • Brandt .
" Emery
" Corcoran
t0 Harwood o
rt Hungerford
ABSENT: (1) t° MacSteven
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting held
May 153 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded and carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Notice State of Illinois advising that the allotment of Motor
Fuel Tax for the month of April, 1944 is $.60771.23. Alderman Rubin
k-moved same be referred to the Street Committee and the Commissioner
ti of Public Works. Duly.seconded and carried.
t Alderman Kimbark for .the 'FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
the following bills, and moved that the payment of same and, that the
proper charges and transfers be authorized:
Building Department
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Ar Health Department
Municipal Court
New Municipal' Building
Park Department
Playground Department
_ 94.11
Police Department
Public Works Department
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Water Meter Bureau
Motion seconded by Alderman'Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway'and Bersbach (15.): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the following payrolls, same to be
charged to the proper accounts:
Building Department
Civil Service Commission
+ 9.00
Police Department
Police Department
i 30,00
Public Playgrounds Dept.
, 495.00
Water Department
! 298.98
Small Parks Department
1 1,280.13
Public Works -Sewer Dept.
Street & Bridge Repair Dept,
1 6,243.29
Public Works Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark reported that the -City has cash -on
hand in the special cash fund marked!"Illinois Municipal Retirement
Account" - the following:
1941 $ 1,665.08
1942 .44,472.25
Moved that the.City-Council authorize the City Treasurer to remit
the above sum of. $46,137.33 ! in payment of 1941 and 1942 amounts
due from the City of Evanston to the Retirement Fund. Motion seconded
by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford., Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,.Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Merrick, He menway and Bersbach (15):1 Voting nay none (0).
-- Alderman Kimbark submitted report from the City Col-
lector advising that Nelson Wilmot of 1107 Maple Avenue purchased
two dog licenses for the same dog. Tag and license #1536 have been
returned and accordingly moved that a refund of $2.25 be made to
Mr. Wilmot. Motion -seconded by Alderman Platt.. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran; Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt-, Merrick; Hemenway and Bersbach (15):
Voting nay none (0 )..
Alderman. Merrick for the JUDICIARY. COMMITTEE moved that
the Council convene.as of 9:00 o'clock E.14; Duly -seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran f orlthe PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works as follows:
• f
"On.May 15, 1944.the City -Council authorized the Commissioner
of Public Works to enter into a contract with George Brown, high
hidder, for Clark Street Beach and Boltwood Park concessions f-or
Contracts have been signed and payment received for the
privilege of operating the two concessions. The Commissioner of
.Public Works requests authority to return the deposit checks sub-
mitted with bids of the unsuccessful bidders.."
The Park Committee has considered this request and concurs in sug-
gestion, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and
Bersbach (15); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE -submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works in regard to printing of
the Health Department 1943 Annual Report. One bid was received from
the Mumm Print Shop, who have been printing these reports for the past
three years, of $165.00 for 500 copies of this report. It is recom-
mended that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to accept
the proposal of Mu mn Print Shop of $1.65.00'for 500 copies of this
report, to be charged to account No. 209. This has the approval of
the Purchasing and Health Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded
by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcorans Emerya Brandt., Rubin., Jourdaina James., Mogga Kimbarka Platt,
Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commissioner
of Public Works wherein he requests authority to advertise for bids
for furnishing coal for the pumping station, Eiden Field House, city
garage, fire stations, Health Department, incinerator and other uses.
The present contract'expires July 15, 1944. Alderman Harwood so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin and carried.
Alderman Harwood stated that at the last meeting of the
City Council, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works the
offe3' of the low bidder the United States Pipe and Foundry Company
to furnish pipe and, fittings for installation of a water feeder main
in Church Street, was approved, subject to cancellation within 60'
days. It has been suggested that instead the Commissioner of Public
Works be,authorized to enter into a contract with the United States
Pipe and Foundry Company to furnish pipe at price bid, provided the
Village of Skokie approves it's contract with the City of Evanston,
which he understood it contemplates doing tomorrow night. Such
action of the Commissioner of Public Works to be confirmed. at next
meeting of the City Council. This has the approval of.the Purchasing
and Water Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick,
Hemenway and Bersbach (15); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman.Harwood submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works with reference to gate valves for the water
main in Church Street. Two bids were received, one from the Ludlow
Valve .Company with 6 weeks delivery,'and one from The Rensselaer
Valve Company with delivery within 7-10 weeks. Inasmuch as we have
been purchasing Ludlow valves over a long period of years and most
of those now in the system are of that make, and in view of better
delivery schedule, it is recommended that the Commissioner of Public
Works be authorized to enter into a contract with the Ludlow Valve
Company to furnish these valves at price of $2,971.15, provided the
Village of Skokie approves it's contract with the City of Evanston
tomorrow night. Such action of the Commissioner of Public Works to
be approved by the City Council at it's next meeting. This has the
approval of the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so moved. Motion
seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Th.oma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commissioner
of Public Works advising that bids were received on May 6, 1944 for
the construction of Church Street water feeder main, and it is now
recommended that the contract be let to the low bidder.. George D.
Hardin at price quoted of $47,824.90, subject to approval of contract
between the City of Evanston and the Village of Skokie for supplying
water, such action of the Commissioner of Public Works to be approved
by the City Council at the next meeting. This has the approval of the
Purchasing and Water Committees, and -so -moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman.Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
'Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James; Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood submitted report from -the Chief of
Police relative to an E & J Inhalator which has been used by the
Police Department for many years. It is his desire to replace this
equipment with a modern E & J Resuscitator, Aspirator and Inhalator,
which represents the latest improvements in this type of equipment and
is the same type of machine used by the Fire Department. It is recom-
mended that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to purchase
this machine for.sum of $440.00 to be charged to the proper account.
This has the approval of all members of the Police Committee present
and the Purchasing Committee, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen-Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery,
Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway
and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief Organization in amount of $1,079.51- and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman Hungerford. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, -Brandt, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick,
Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
Partial Bill No. 1 for engineering services for April and the fist
.half of May, 1944 for M.F.T: resurfacing, Section 29-CS in amount
of $289.51. This bill is presented for approval of payment from
funds furnished for this purpose by the State Highway Department..
Moved approval and payment of this item. Motion seconded by Alderman
Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick,
Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman James also submitted Partial Bill No. 1
for engineering services for.the first half of January, all -of
February, the second half of March and first half of May, 1944; for
M.F.T: resurfacing, Section 28-CS in amount of $682.04. This bill
is presented to the City Council for approval of payment from funds
furnished for this purpose by the State Highway Department. Moved
approval and payment of this item. Motion seconded by Alderman
Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick,
Hemenway and Bersbach (15); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman James submitted request made by Mr. E.C...
Quinlan, Glenora Farms Dairy, 1601 Payne Street, for permission to
construct a 9 foot concrete driveway -adjoining the east side'of alley
north side of Payne Street west of Ashland Avenue, and to widen ex-
isting driveway from one to three .feet on the Ashland Avenue side of
their property. Investigation of this application indicates that
there is a street light cable in the Ashland Avenue parkway and that
a bond is required since this location -is in "Light Industrial Zone."
It is recommended that permission be granted for construction of the
` driveway\on Payne Street and the widening of the existing driveway on
Ashland Avenue with the condition that the construction be done in
accordance with proper ordinances and under the supervision of the
Public [Norks Department, and that the street light cables in the
Ashland Avenue parkway be properly protected and that the required
bond be furnished.. Moved approval of recommendation and that permit
be issued., Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman James made the following remarks.;
"I am about to offer a motion that so far as I am able to
ascertain, establishes a•precedent of it's kind here in this
Council.' My proposal is that we accept an out -right gift from
Miss.Vera Megowen of one Elgin Street Sweeper., costing in excess
of 47,000. This very modest and gracious lady insisted that no
publicity attend the acceptance of this.gift because it is offered
solely_ out of a desire to contribute to the sanitation of the bus-
iness district of Evanston, to give something more than lip service
and to maintain clean streets.
Dust and dirt breeds flies and vermin and it is to be .hoped
that those careless merchants who now sweep dirt and papers into
the street will refrain from .so doing and will engage in an all -
year -round habit of keeping their premises clean of filth, debris
and rubbish. I
In consideration of the low total assessed valuation of our
real property and the application of the strictest methods of
economy, consistent with good public service in the administration
of our local government, we find ourselves short of equipment and
facilities. If men and women, or corporations, of means would see
fit to deed land for parks and make grants of money or the proceeds
of the sale of property for the purchase or improvement and expan-
sion of our public works, I think a grateful public would consider
such acts as contributing as much or more to the general well-being
of our city as similar gifts to our great university." t
Alderman James moved acceptance of the gift from Miss Megowen. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman Platt for the WATER COMMITTEE stated that last
week there was introduced an Agre@ment with the City of Evanston and
the Village of Skokie relating to water supply; which -briefly contem-
plates the supplying by the City of Evanston of all requirements of
water to the Village of Skokie for the next ten years, going into
effect at once and extending to July 1, 1954. Copies of this agree-
ment were given to the Aldermen. Moved the adoptionof this Agreement
and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same'on
behalf of the City of Evanston. Motion seconded by Alderman Emery.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery,
Brandt, Rubin,,Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick,
Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Brandt of the Sixth
Ward made the following report:
"We are in receipt of Report No. 6 from the Citizenst Advisory
Committee on Post War Planning, and while this has to do with the
construction and improvement of a certain school building it might
be of interest to the Aldermen. It is on file in the City Clerk's
.Incidentally, they engaged the good -will services of five
architects and two building contractors in making this very con-
structive report.
Report No. 7 is about ready and this is the most extensive
report of all they have made so far. It contains'so many charts
and photographs which have to be shown by machine, that they could
not show it to the Council in any f orm.without a good deal of
expense which we cannot ask them to go to. I believe it would be
a courteous thing to meet with the Committee on Post War Planning
and acquaint ourselves with ' the work they are doing for us'.
Moved a reference -to the Judiciary Committee suggesting that
we meet with them,if possible two weeks from tonight, and in
order not to take up too much time I suggest that we have our
council meeting at 8:30'P.M. and get through the business as
quickly as. possible and adjourn to some place where the -committee
can show us their plans."
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman James of the Fourth Ward stated:
"Two1�-weeks ago I reported thatthe chicken yard and chicken
coop,.a permit for which was granted to Mr. Childs to erect, almost
on the corner.of Madison Street and Ridge Avenue near and a little
to the south of the apartment building there.
I understand the building has long since been abandoned as far
as its intended use is concerned. It has developed into a breeding
place for rats and the neighbors are disturbed about it. The City
Clerk has received many complaints from people in the neighborhood
and directed it to my attention. I do not know why it is permitted
to remain there.
Moved a reference to the Commissioner of Public Works requesting
him to take such steps as are necessary to have this permit rescinded
and that the building be removed and the premises restored to a
cleanly condition; and such steps as are necessary be taken*to
exterminate the rats. The neighborhood would appreciate it if that
were to be done tomorrow or within the next couple of days."
Alderman Merrick of the Third Ward remarked as follows:
"I would like to say a few words in regard to the gift that
Miss Megowen has made to the City. I think it is a splendid thing
that a citizen will make a gift like that without any suggestion
coming from the City or without any reason for it other than her
interest in the welfare of our City.
We have a hard time to keep up the-Aunicipal functions on our
tax money and a gift ofthis substantial propbVtlon is a very
wonderful thing. I think the Mayor and the Aldermen ought to be
particularly earnest in their appreciation of -this splendid gift."
Alderman Merrick also made the following remarks:
"Two or three weeks ago.Mrs.-Gretta Fuller wrote a letter that
was published in the Evanston Review in regard to the small park
at the corner of Oak Avenue and Crain Street. This property at one
time was purchased by a group of citizens who lived in that general
• neighborhood and gave it to the Larimer School as an additional
playground for children. Now that the Larimer School has been
abandoned the people in that neighborhood.think it would be an
excellent idea if the City and the School Board would get together
and try to get some;method to secure title in.perpetuity and thus
provide more place for the children to play ob for people to use
as a park.
Accordingly moved a reference'to the Park Committee and the
Corporation Counsel to-studv into this situation and get a copy of
that letter for the facts and get in touch with Mrs. Fuller and
have a meeting with representatives of the School Board in placing
title to that property in a more secure position."
Duly seconded and carried.
the following appointment of name previously introduced:
Roy I. Balbirnie, 'Special Police°- 6 months renewal:
Alderman Rubin moved that this appointment be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried. '
Mayor Ingraham stated that many months ago, Alderman
Jourdain called attention of the Council and the Illinois Municipal
League to the desirability of inter -racial study., The Illinois
Municipal League went on record as advocating that cities in Illinois
take active steps in this direction. The State of Illinois has taken
action in this regard -as has the Federal Government. This movement.
is national as well as local in scope. Numerous responsible groups
in Evanston have earnestly solicited and urged that a local represen-
tative committee be appointed. He announced the appointment of a
Leon Kranz, Chairman
B. Clifford Graves
Thomas E. Boswell
Elisabeth Hill
J.E. Bryant
Charles-M. MacConnell
Helen Cromer
Frederic E. Pamp
Herman Fabry
Jarvis Shedd
George Folds
Carlyle F. Stewart
Isabella Garnett
H. Alan Volkmar
Upon motion duly
seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:40 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,-
May 29, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held May 29, 1944, convening
at 9:10 P.M.
PRESENT: (16) Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway '
" Merrick
" Platt '
" Kimbark
!' Mogg
" MacSteven
" James
" Jourdain
!' Rubin
!' Brandt
". Emery .
" Corcoran
" Harwood
" Hungerford
Mayor Ingraham presiding. `
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes.of Meeting held
May 22, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly 'seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE submitted
the following report from the Commissioner of Buildings:
"In making out the bills for the annual filling station
permit for 2710 Green Bay Road, the storage was assumed to be
the same as in previous years. The operator has since reduced
this storage by filling two large tanks with water under the
supervision of the'.Fire De artment, thus reducing the annual'
permit fee from $75.00 to J35:00.
I recommend that 1 be authorized to change the billing
for this station accordingly."
This has the approval of the Finance Committee, and so moved. Motion
seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Merrick, Platt, Kimbark,-Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark.presented and moved the payment of
the following bills, and that the proper charges and transfers be -
Building Department
City Hall Building
Contingent Fund
Contingent Fund
,Garbage Department
Health Department
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Salvage Fund `
Street & Bridge Department
$ 4,50
Pumping Station $ 7.44
Filtration Plant 84.48
Water Mains Bureau 3.00
Water Meter Bureau 9.40
Miscellaneous Fund 38.54
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen'Bersbach,
Hemenway,.Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford'(15): Voting
nay none ( 0) . -
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
renewal of license (lease) from the Chicago Rapid Transit Company.
permitting the City of Evanston to use playground on the north side.
of Foster Street east of the "L" station for recreational purposes
for period of one year from June 1, 1944 at an annual fee of $1.00
per year. The Committee has considered this license, which has the
approval of the Corporation Counsel, and moved that the Mayor and.
City Clerk be authorized to enter into this lease. Motion seconded
by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0);
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works in regard to bids received
for insulating the boiler at Eiden Field House. He requests authority
to order this .insulation from the low bidder,'B.W. Crawford and
Company at price quoted of $98.60, to be' charged to account No. 486:
This has the approval of the Purchasing Committee, and so moved.
Motion seconded.by Alderman Thomas Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain,.Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15'): Voting
nay none (0) .
Alderman Harwood submitted the following report from
the Commissioner of Public Works:
"At the last'meeting of the City Council authorization was
given.to the Commissioner of Public Works to enter into a .contract
with George.Hardin for construction of a water main extension; with
United States Pipe and Foundry Company for purchase of material;
and with the Ludlbw Valve Company for purchase of valves, all
contingent upon the completion of contract with the Village of
Skokie, said Commissioner to report back to'the Council for rati-
fication of said agreements at the next meeting of the Council.
Commissioner -of Public Works reports that the Village Board
of Skokie has not'as yet held a meeting, that negotiations for
the contract have not been concluded and•that for this reason
the Commissioner has not entered into any -of the agreements.
authorized at the last meeting of the -Council, but requests that
the.authorizatlqj given him for the execution of said contracts
ae exrenaea.pending the completion of the Skokie Agreement."
This has
the approval of
the Purchasing and
Committees, and so
Motion seconded
by Alderman Platt:
aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain,
Rubin, -Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15):
.Voting nay none (0.).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of,the•Relief Organization in amount of $y622.36 and moved that the
.Township Supervisor -be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman Thoma,. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick,
_Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): -Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg made,the following remarks:
"Recently there was a short article in the Evanston Review
calling attention to the fact that the relief load had been reduced
fifty percent over last year, and this was the largest reduction in
the State of Illinois.,
I mention this as I think our Supervisor, who is retiring soon,
is largely responsible for Evanstonts record. -She., I am sure has
always been careful to see that everyone entitled to relief received
it, on the other hand she assisted people to gain employment and
put themselves on a"self -supporting basis.
I am•very sorry Mrs. Lyons has found it necessary to resign;
on the other hand .we have -been able to find another person, Miss
Louise Hilly who will succeed her."
Alderman James for tle STREET COMMITTEE advised that
the Commissioner of Public Works offered a report for information of
the Council pertaining to the salvage collection -last Saturday,
May 27, 1,944.
Ward Tin Cans Per Capita Paper and Miscellaneous
Tin Cans Magazines Metal scrap
1,. 6380 lbs 1,06 4180 lbs 1480 lbs
2 12620 lbs 1.77 - 15020 lbs --
3. 10280 lbs 1.30 9160 lbs 300 lbs
4 7940 lbs 1.01 7260 ibs 1200 lbs
5• .200 lbs -- 10100 lbs 4200 lbs
6 17300 lbs 1.66 32690 lbs 800•lbs
7 13�00 lbs 1,58 33780 lbs --
8 7150 lbs .97 9870 lbs 1380 lbs
Totals 75070 lbs 122060 lbs 9360 lbs
The Commissioner notes that for the first time since the inauguration
of this campaign that the Second Ward wins the Tin Can•Trophy, and that
it sums up per capita collection for the entire city of.1.15 lbs..
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman James of the Fourth Ward
moved a reference to the Commissioner of Public Works, Corporation
Counsel and the Street Committee to consider amending our present
ordinance insofar as, the •submission of Plats is concerned. At the
present time the ordinance provides for certain utilities being in-
stalled but it is silent with respect to improvement of alleys and
streets. There will come a day, and we hope in the not too distant
future, when many plats will be submitted for consideration and
approval, and it should;be understood before any -of these unsub-
divided properties are being.considered that one of the necessary
requirements is to improve alleys and streets by the property owner.
If this is started now, with the new Plats that may come in after the
war,.it will relieve the taxpayer of the responsibility of keeping
unimproved streets and alleys in a decent state of repair and it will
be better all around to start from scratch with an improved alley.
I am not prepared to state what the specifications shall be, but I
think the reference is a pertinent one and the details may be worked
out." Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt and Alderman Emery of the Sixth Ward
made a few remarks regarding the scrap and paper collection on Saturday.
Alderman Harwood of the Seventh Ward made the following
"Some of the work has started on the permanent elevation of
the Milwaukee tracks and in asking the•Commissioner of Public Works
whether or not specifications have been received and approved, he
said they had, and I think Alderman Emery will permit me to make
a few comments in that regard.
It seems that the viaduct at University Place, concerning which
the Aldermen had some question, has now been increased from 24 feet
to 38 feet. Reference is made in regard to the permanent stations
at Foster Street and Noyes Street. It was said at the time that
negotiations were being made that the Milwaukee Railroad could not
obtain priorities for completing the stations at this time. It
has occured to me that inasmuch as critical,materials to be used
for the completion of those stations is not very.much that possibly
if the Mayor and the Corporation Counsel would ask.the•,Railroad
to a ain make request for release of the necessary materials for
completion of that work, that it possibly could be authorized.
When.I was in the Council a few weeks I•was asked to bring up that
. question and it is very important that these stations be completed
permanently at this time." Duly seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham stated that -he had talked with officials
of the Railroad and they did not think that it could be done now.
He understood that lumber now is as critical as steel.
the following name for confirmation at the next meeting of the City
John C. Miller, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
.City Clerk
f Mr -
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall
June 5, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council -held June 5, 1944, convening
at 9:.50 P.M.
PRESENT: (16), Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway
t� Mogg
r' •MacSteven
!' James
" Jourdain
" Rubin
i' Brandt
r' Corcoran
" Harwood '
" Thoma
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Harwood moved that the Minutes of meeting
held May 29, 1944, be approved with the following correction:
Page 4-- 8th line should read "has now." Duly seconded and
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Communication Mrs. Lawrence B. Perkins inviting the Mayor and
members of the City -Council, also members•of the Post War Planning
Committee to meet at.her home on Monday, June 12 at 8:30 P.M. at
which time the Preliminary report of the Housing Committee will be
given. In .this connection Alderman Brandt stated that it is under-
stood that the hour will be as soon as the Council business is
finished and they will adjourn as soon as possible and will meet
with the'Civic Committee as well as -the Housing Committee.
Communication Mr. Richard J. Dunne, 1200•Dobsoh Street and
signed by six other property owners, requesting the removal of the
_'trailer hamburger stand now operating on the gas station lot at
Barton Avenue and Howard Street, on -the ground of its being an.all-
night nuisance and neighborhood detriment. Alderman Rubin moved same
be referred to the Commissioner of Buildings and the Police Department.
Duly seconded andtc'arried.
Alderman -Kimbark for the
and moved the payment of the following
bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be -authorized;
Building Department I
City Hall Building !
Contingent Fund, f
Fire Department
Garbage Department }
Health Department
Municipal Court j
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Park Department
Playground Department i
Police Department
Public Works Department
Special Salvage Account }
Special Salvage Account
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station- 2:75
Filtration Plant j 1 862.92
Water Mains Bureau } 26.17
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerf ord,'
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran., -Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
IalacSteven, Mogg,.Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16);
Voting nay none (0). r
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the. payment of the
following temporary payrolls, same to -be charged to the proper.accounts;
Police Department
Police Department
Civil Service Commission
Building Department
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
,Small Parks Department t
Public Works Department-Mtce.
Public Works Department -Sewer
Water Department
Public,Playgrounds Dept.
Motion seconded by Alderman'Harwood.
Voting aye Aldermen•Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood,,Corcoran,'Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven,, Mogg, Kimbark,,Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and,Bersbach (16);_
Voting nay none (0)..
Alderman Kimbark,approved and moved the issuance of a
check by the City Treasurer. -to the First'National Bank & Trust Company
of Evanston in amount of $5,011.04 being balance on Water Works Revenue
Bonds and Water Works Revenue Bond Interest as of June 1, 1944, to be
charged to account No. 344..; Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,' Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick,
Hemenway and Bersbach (16)t Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following report from
the Commissioner of Buildings:
"Adolph A. No-rdeen paid $4.00 for examination as a stationary
engineer on December 17, 1942, he has since moved to Chicago, no
'longer wishes an.Evanston license and requests that the•fee be
I accordingly recommend that I be'authorized to return the
$4.00 fee to Mr. Nordeen."
Alderman Kimbark moved a refund of $4.00 to Mr. Nordeen: Motion
seconded-by'Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,'James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (1.6): Voting
nay none (0);
Alderman Kimbark submitted report from -the City Collector
stating that on January 10 Mrs. P.M., Russell purchased license #320
paying $10 for a 1938Cadillac Sedan. In March she sold the car to
Ethel Moulton and Marion L. Bearup, who on March 25-purchased license
#1058 for'$10. Sixty days later the car was sold back to Mrs. Russell.
Miss Bearup has returned license #1058 and is applying for a refund of
10. The Finance Committee has considered this and moved that request
for a refund be denied. Duly seconded and'carried.
Alderman Merrick for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 otclock P.M. Duly'seconded and
Alderman Merrick stated that -in order that the Council
may attend the meeting of the Civic and Housing Committees of the Post
War Planning Committee at as'early an hour as possible, moved that
the Council convene as of 8:30 P.M. instead of 9:'00 P.M. on Monday,
June 12. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE spoke regarding
the drowning of two persons on Sunday, stating that -the Park Committee
and the Corporation Counsel were considering whether or not the"City
has the power to pass regulations regarding the use of'boats on Lake
Michigan; that regardless of regulations it might be well to call the
attention of citizens to.the use of boats on Lake Michigan and par-
ticularly to the over -loading of such boats; and'also the attention
of parents to warn them about allowing children to go into the lake
same it.is rough.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE -submitted
the following report from the Chief of Police;
f1i Wish to advise that at the present time the Police Depart-
ment has no special telephone communication system with the Rogers
Park Police Station. Therefore, in emergencies valuable -time is
lost in completing calls. An average of 10 to 15 phone calls are
made daily to the Rogers Park Station and on some occasions the
completion of a call is delayed for several minutes, due to a busy
Therefore, to'increase'the efficiency of our Police Department
and Rogers Park as well, I wish to recommend that a direct wire be
installed from our switchboard to a telephone at the Rogers Park
Police Station. This would permit direct communication -between
both police departments without going through the regular channels
and should result in much quicker service between the two locations.
Mr.. Carey of the Telephone Company estimates that the cost of
this service would be approximately $13.00 per month. We will only
have to.pay one-half of this expense as I have personally spoken to
Commissioner Allman of the Chicago Police Department and he assured
me they would be very happy to share the expense 'of this valuable
The Commissioner of Public Works has secured the confirmation from
Chicago of their willingness to stand half the expense of maintaining
a direct telephone line to the Rogers Park Police Station. This
meets with the approval of the Police Committee, and so moved. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerf ord, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,•James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16); Voting
nay none (0).
moved that communication which Mayor Ingraham read to committee of
aldermen this evening be spread upon the Minutes of this Council
Meeting. The communication is as follows;
"The Citizens Advisory Committee on postwar planning for a
new police and fire station for the City of Evanston has heretofore
recommended the L-shaped property at the Northwest corner of Lake
Street and Elmwood Avenue in Evanston, as the site for a hew police
and fire station, and procured without cost an option to the City
of Evanston from the owners of said property to purchase said
property at a price of 020,000.00.
The option from the present owners expires July 15, 1944 and
it has not been found practicable for the City to obtain the
requisite funds -for the purchase of the property within that time
limitation. Accordingly, the Council recently authorized the pay-
ment of the Sum of $500.00 for the purpose of procuring a new
option to purchase the property at the same price but extending to
July 1, 1945.
In order that the City of Evanston may acquire this advantageous
location at the stipulated price, it has been arranged for the
property to be acquired by and the title conveyed to State Bank and
Trust Company as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agreement
dated June 1, 1944 and identified as its Trust No. 2104, at a
purchase price of $20,000.000 by the exercise of the option first
mentioned above. The funds for that purpose have been procured by
.a loan from State Bank and Trust Company in the amount of $20,000.00
with interest at 42% per annum, evidenced by a note which I have
signed personally, and to secure the payment of which I have assigned
to the Bank all beneficial interest in said trust.
Concurrently, and in consideration of the sum of $500.00,
O O' a
z d a
d - z
The Evanston City Council 'meets on the second and fourth Monday of the month at, 9:00 P.M.
The City Council is composed of the Mayor and 18 Aldermen.. Each of the City's nine
wards elects two Aldermen who serve for staggered four year terms.
There are three standing committees, each comprised of six Aldermen; which meet at
7:30 P.M. prior to the City Council.meeting. Most'of..the issues acted upon by the
- — - -City.Council._are_discus.sed_and _debated. in' the standing . committees.
The'.three.standing committees are:. Administration and Public Works, Human Services
and Planning. and Development.
All of the meetings are.open to the public.
Should you desire additional information about Council actions or City business,
please call 866-2925 during regular business hours.
Kirsten F. Davis
City Clerk
previously voted by the Council for that purpose, an option has
been given to the City of Evanston to purchase said property for
the sum of $20,000.00 together with interest on $19,500,00 thereof
at the rate of 42% per annum, the same rate borne.by the note men-
tioned above, atany time up to and including July 1, 1945; pro-
vision is made to credit the $500.00 on account of the purchase
price and also any net rents which may be derived from the property
in the -meantime. It is anticipated that the income from.the property
will approximate the interest charges and current taxes. Similarly,
any deficit in the operation of the property in the.meantime would
be added to the purchase price.
• It is my desire.by this letter to advise the Council of these
developments. In this matter I have no personal interest whatso-
ever, but hold the beneficial interest in the trust which has title
to the property, subject to its pledge as security for the payment
of the note, solely on behalf of the City of Evanston. The new
option is designed to give the City the full and entire benefit of
the purchase price contained in the prior option., which it was not
practicable to extend, and I have acted only as agent for the City
in this transaction to carry out the previously expressed desire of
the Council to acquire for the City an option to purchase until
July 1, 1945.
I am having this letter spread upon the minutes of the Council
so that there will be an adequate record preserved."
.(signed) S.G. Ingraham,
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt moved that the $500,00 which we voted
for as option until.July 1, 1945 'on the police and fire station site
at Elmwood Avenue and Lake Street be paid the State Bank and Trust
® Company as Trustee. Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, K•imbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway
and Bersbach (16); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMP.41TTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works as follows;
"The North East Park Board has agreed to stand half the
expense of putting a sidewalk and steps on the south side of
Milburn Street .leading to the beach. Two bids were received
on this job.
It is recommended that the contract be awarded to the low
bidder, Carlson Construction Company, for the sum of $300.00.
The City's share of one-half of this is to be charged to account
No. 493."
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Park Committees, and so
moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Corcoran. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerf ord, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15);
Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood reported that on June 5th four bids
were received for furnishing and applying M.C.I. liquid asphalt. As
the Rock Road Construction Company can give immediate delivery and our
previous experience with this company has been satisfactory, it is
recommended that contract be awarded to the Rock Road Construction
Company at price of 12¢ per gallon. This has the approval of the .
Purchasing and Street Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman James. Voting aye Aldermen,Hungerford, Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
'of the Relief Organization in amount of $10,962.38, which amount
includes $10,095.76 for retirement of Tax Warrants and interest, and
moved that the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills.
Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16);
Voting nay none (0).
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works as follows;
"The Street and Bridge Repair Department has a 1930 Chevrolet,
City Truck No. 24, engine No. 1419048, which is in poor mechanical
condition and has not been in use for the past several months. An
offer has been received from Mr. F. Archer to purchase this 1930
Chevrolet truck for $100.00.
It is recommended that the offer of $100.00 for this piece
of equipment, submitted by Mr. Archer, be accepted."
Alderman James so moved. M.Ption seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,'�Kerrick,
Hemenway and Bersbach (16); Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Platt for the WATER COMMITTEE stated that he
Board of the
was happy to report that at a meeting of the/Village of Skokie last
Wednesday the Board approved Water Contract with the City of Evanston.
The contract as approved by the Village of Skokie is identical with
the agreement passed by this Council, with the exception that it
contains an additional paragraph which permits them to keep a contract
with the City of Chicago allowing them to purchase and distribute
through its water system, water obtained from the City of Chicago at
any time when in the opinion of the municipal officials an emergency
exists. This has had the consideration and approval of the Water
Committee and moved that this form of Agreement including the addi-
tional paragraph be approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk be
authorized to execute same on behalf of the City of Evanston. Motion
seconded by Alderman James. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16); Voting
nay none (0).
In this connection Alderman Platt stated that the City
Council should express its appreciation to the Commissioner of Public
Works, Mr. Joseph L. Rose for all the work he has done in making
this contract with the Village of Skokie possible. It was more or
less his idea in the first place to get this additional business
and it was through his hard work and persistence for a good many
months when we first got the Village of Skokie interested. He got
priorities from the.WPB and overcame the.objections of the Sanitary
District in crossing the North Shore channel."
Alderman James seconded the remarks of Alderman Platt,
saying "not to add to but to supplement those remarks, that too
often the Chairman of a committeets work is not recognized. In
this particular case great credit belongs to the Chairman of the
Water Committee for the manner in which he encouraged the Commis-
sioner of Public Works in this work. The Council should take
official cognizance of it."
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING.COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works in which he
requests authority to sign a contract with George D. Hardin for the
construction of the Church.Street water feeder main at price quoted,
$47,824.90. Authority is also requested to return the deposit check
of Santucci Construction Company. Inasmuch as contract with the
Village of Skokie has been approved it is.recommendation of the
Purchasing and Water Committees that this be granted. Motion seconded
by Alderman James. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway.and Bersbach (16); Voting nay.none.
Alderman Harwood also submitted the following report
from the Commissioner of Public Works;
"The Commissioner of Public Works has signed the contract with.
United States Pipe and Foundry Companv for the furnishing of pipe
and fittings for the installation of the water feeder main at
prices quoted, approximately $53,439.03, and with the Ludlow'Valve
Ctompany for the purchase of several gate valves at price: quoted,•
2,y'11.15, and requests approval of this action."
Inasmuch as contract has now been entered into with the Village of
Skokie for furnishing water, this has the approval of the Purchasing
and Water Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery,
Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach (16); Voting nay none (0).
1 41!2d
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from the Com-
missioner of Public Works as follows:
"For metering the water on the new main to Skokie, a 16 inch
meter will be required. The price of this meter is $3,500.00 less
our contract discount of 450, making a net of $10886.50.
It is recommended that the Commissioner of Public Works be
authorized to purchase this meter and charge same to.the proper
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so
moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Kimbark. Voting aye Aldermen
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Merrick, Hemenway and Bersbach
(15): Voting nay none (0).
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Thoma of the Eighth
Ward stated:
"I have received a number of complaints during the past week
with reference to the gas station at Barton Avenue and Howard
Street. It seems this gas station in addition to selling gas does
auto. repairing. There is no objection to repairing but there is.
quite a bit of objection to hammering out of fenders, especially
early in the morning. The work starts around 7 .in the morning.
Moved that the Chief of Police direct a letter to the attention
of the owner of this station asking him not to commence operation
before 8:30 in the morning. Also to include in this letter a warn-
ing with respect to parking�of trucks. The trucks are parked in
the rear of the gas station causing quite a bit of confusion to the
people immediately adjacent, and to ask that the owner,of,this gas
station be a little more orderly in parking these cars, to park
same 10 feet from the alley line."
Duly seconded and carried.
.Alderman Thoma referred to letter read by the City
Clerk from Richard J. Dunne regarding the hamburger stand, and asked
that the,City Collector who issued the permit direct a letter'to
Mr. Cornwell giving him a list of names of objectors and ask him to
call on these people and see if he cannot secure their consent.
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward stated that the
people who live on Simpson Street will be very grateful to the Com-
missioner of Public Works for having a covering of cut -back put on'
the cinders on the unimproved streets in that vicinity.
Alderman James of the Fourth Ward reported that the
Commissioner of Buildings has called attention to the fact that
at the meeting of the City Council on September 20, 1943, Mr.
Earle A. Childs was granted permission to build a frame chicken
coop on the rear of the vacant lot at the northeast corner of
Ridge Avenue and Madison Street. The written consent of the
owner of the lot, Mr. L.J. Sheridan was submitted with the appli-
cation. Mr. Childs subsequently took out the permit, paying the
two dollar fee for the same.
Several months ago Mr. Childs gave up keeping chickens and
the unsightly coop which he built under the above permit has been
the cause of objection by neighboring property owners because of
its appearance and because it harbors rats.
The Commissioner of Buildings has already request�,othat said
t fF
building be' removed but has . had no' response from his reque.st and
recommends that the Council rescind the permit heretofore granted
for the erection of said, chicken coop_ ana order that same be re-
moved. Alderman -James accordingly so moved. Duly seconded and.
the f oilowing appointment of name previously introduced:
John C. Miller, Special Police.- 6 months renewal
Alderman Rubin moved that this appointment be confirmed. Duly'
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at'next meeting of the City Council:
Edward Welsh Special Police - 6 months renewal
August Preuss rr It n, If it
For Council records, Chief of Police Ekman has announ-
ced the appointment of Robert Lewis Johnson' as a probationary patrol-
man for a sixty day period.
Mayor' Ingraham stated he was asked to invite the
aldermen to be present at the Flag Day services at the Elkfs Club
on Sunday; June llth at 3 P.M.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at-10:20 P.M..
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
F ,
Evanston, Illinois
June 12, 1944
Regular Meeting of the 'City Council held
June .12, 1944, convening 'at
8::30 P.M.
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach {
_ " Hemenway
n Merrick =
= -
" . Platt.
" Mogg
i' James
" Rubin
" Brandt I
rR Emery
It Corcoran
ABSENT: (1) " Jourdain
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Mogg moved that
the minutes of meeting held
June 5, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded and carried.
City Clerk Edward W.,Bell, presented the following:
Communication Skokie Valley Kennel Club requesting permission
to sell cigarettesas an accommodation at
their show to be held June
23 and 24 at Dvche Stadium•. Alderman Merrick moved that such permit
by granted. Duly seconded and.carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the
and moved "the payment of the following- bills, and 'that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
Building Department
$ 3.99.
City Clerk's Office
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department —,
Miscellaneous Fund
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Municipal Court
New Municipal Building
30,80 ' _
Park Department
Playground Department
Playground -Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Special Salvage Fund +
Street & Bridge Department
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Water Department !
Water Mains Bureau
Water Meter Bureau
4 �
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13) Voting nay none•(0).
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE SUBmitted
report from the Chief of Police concerning communication from Mr.
Richard J. Dunne, 1200 Dobson Street, and signed by six other property
owners, requesting the removal of the trailer hamburger stand at Barton
Avenue and -Howard Street, advising that Mr. Charles Cornwell, owner of
the stand,' was contacted and he stated that he has no desire to do
business in a neighborhood where he is not welcome. He secured'per-
mission from the men that signed the petition to operate his stand
through'Sunday evening, June llth. He is now looking for a new location.
Also concerning Alderman Thoma's reference to complaints about
noise and parking conditions at the gas station located at Barton Avenue
and Howard Street, wish to advise that Charles Fretz, owner of said gas
station was contacted and informed about the complaints.. He stated
that the gas station is not opened until about 7:30 A.M. and there is
no work done on cars until after 9:00 A.M. About two weeks ago a truck
drove up the alley with the horn stuck - the driver stopped at his
station to make repairs. Mr. Fretz promises his full cooperation.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works stating that changes in
the cathodic protection equipment installation at the southwest water
tank are necessary at this time. New electrodes have been purchased
and are on hand. A new 8 amphere copper oxide rectifier and variable
potentiometer can be purchased from the Electro Rust -Proofing Corporation
of Dayton, Ohio for $375.00. It is recommended that the purchase be
made and charged to account No. 378 of the Water Mains Division. This
has the approval of the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Merrick, Platt,.Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting
nay none (0) .
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted bills
of the Relief Organization in amount of $843.77 and moved; that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford •(15): Voting nay none (0).
UNDER CALL OF WARDS 'Alderman .Brandt of the; Sixth
Ward 'moved that permit be granted the North Evanston Fourth of July
Association, Inc. to have fireworks at Dyche Stadium on the evening
of July 4th. Duly, seconded and carried..
Alderman Brandt moved a reference to the Health and
Street Departments -regarding condition of rat infested place back of
the Jewel Store at 2026 Central Street where they have four garbage
cans without lids. Also at the northeast corner of Hastings Avenue
and Grant Street where thebarn is infested with rats. Duly seconded
and carried.
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
August Preuss, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Edward Welsh., ++ rr r► rr rr
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for con-
firmation at next meeting of the City Council:
Joseph C. Lee, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Leo Aron, n ++ rr rr rt
Axel Sandgren, rr rr rr ►+ +t
Dale Stempel, tt rr ►r n u
John Gamber,
Mayor Ingraham entertained a motion for the Suspension
of the Rules for the purpose of confirming appointment of Life Guards
and Token Inspectors. Alderman Kimbark so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman Corcoran. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Merrick,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,, Corcoran,
g <
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Mayor Ingraham then submitted the following appointments
for confirmation:
Thomas Lambert
John McCarthy,
John E. Francis,
Winfield Fisher,
Webster Shaker,
Robert Menary,
Horton Kellogg,
Bruce K. Zak,
Tom Parrish,
Fred Wynn, Jr.
Mark Squires,
Police -Beach
Guard _
r •Life
3 months
3 rt
3 it
3 , +t
3 it
3 If
3 It
3 ct
3 "
3 "
3 +t .
Tom Russell,
Richard Kelly
James Mattson,
,.Bernard Hanke
Howard Grant
William H. Davis,
Web Browning,
Robert Bramble,
James Baker,
James Connell,
George Kuzma,
Police -Life
. "
` Life
Guard y
" •
Christopher Corbett
" Token
3 "
Joseph M°..Fitzgerald
" Token
3 "
John E. Hebblethwaite
" Token
3 "
Frank J. Nillbs,
" Token
3 "
Edward Nugent •
" Token
3 rr
" Token
3 "
Edward Oiestad,
" Token
3 rr
Alderman�Corcoran moved
that the
above appointments'be
seconded and, carried..
Upon motion duly
seconded and carried,•the
adjourned at,- 8; 42 P.M.
Edward W.
Illinois -
City Hall
June 19, 1944
Regular Meeting of.the City'Council
held June
19, 1944,
at 9:20 P.M.
PRESENT: (14) Alderman
-Jame s
e r►'
ABSENT: (2) "
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin ,moved that .the Minutes of meeting
held June 12, 1944; be approved without reading.. Duly seconded and.'
City Clerk Edward.W. Bell, presented the following;
Communication State of Illinois, Geo. H. Baker, Engineer of
r o •
County Roads together: with audit report'covering the receipt and
disbursement ' of motor fuel tax funds by the,City of Evanston for the
period beginning October 1, 1942 and ending December 31, 1942; also
for period beginning January 1, 1943 and ending July 15, 1943.
Alderman Harwood moved same be referred to the Commissioner of Public
Works. Duly seconded and carried.
City Treasurer's Financial Statement as of May 31,,1944.
Alderman Kimbark moved same be referred to the Mayor,rFinance Committee
and the auditor. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Jourdain for the BUILDING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted an application made by Perkins, Wheeler & Will, architects,
on behalf of the Dickson Weatherproof Nail Company for permission to -
use steel joists in the construction of an addition to the company's
plant at Greenwood Street and Dodge Avenue. In view of the fact that
the proposal has the approval of the Fire Marshal and the Building
Commissioner, Committee on Buildings recommends that,it be granted,
and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
t .
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE sub-
mitted and m6ved'the payment of the following bills, and that the
proper charges and transfers be authorized:
City Treasurer's Office
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department
Legal Fund
Municipal Court Ftar_d
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Salaries of City Officers Fund
Street& Bridge Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,.Mogg, Kimbark and
Platt (10): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark submitted and moved -the payment
of the following temporary payrolls, same to be charged.to the proper
Police Department
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
Polz-ce Department
Building Department
Civil Service,Commission
Public Playgrounds Dept.
Small Parks Department
Public Works Dept. -Maintenance
Public Works Dept. -Sewer
Water Department
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,,Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt and Bersbach (14); Voting nay none,
Alderman Corcoran f or.the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as=of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran read a communication from the
Corporation Counsel relative to Oakton Street litigation, in which the
Council was advised that Attorney General George F. Barrett had in-
stituted proceedings in the Federal Court to enjoin -:the closing of
Oakton-Street and Florence Avenue., It was the opinion of the Corpor-
ation Counsel that such proceedings would be helpful to the interests
of the City of Evanston and the public, and it.was his recommendation
that the Attorney General be sent a letter of thanks for his efforts
in this behalf. Alderman.Corcoran stated that the communication from
the Corporation Counsel had had the consideration.of.the Judiciary
Committee and moved that the Mayor be instructed to address a commun-
ication to the Attorney General expressing appreciation of the City
of Evanston for his efforts. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works relative to request
received from 1lr. William Franzen, Secretary of the Borrowed Time Club
of Evanston, for permission to hold a picnic in Ellingwood Park on
Tuesday, July 25th. Also a request to have Hartrey Avenue from Harrison
Street north to alley closed to traffic during the time of the picnic.
The Park Committee has considered this request and is ,in favor of it,
and moved permit be.granted. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Harwood for the .PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works listing three
proposals received for relaying 150 feet of sidewalk at the southwest
corner of Main Street and Sheridan Road and 280 feet at the southwest
corner of University Place and Chicago Avenue, It is recommended that
contract be awarded to Oscar Bohlin to relay 150 feet of sidewalk at
the southwest corner of Main Street and Sheridan Road, according to
city specifications, at bid price of .$1.45 per lineal foot and that
contract be awarded to Carlson Construction Company to.relay 280 lineal
feet of sidewalk at the southwest corner of University Place and
Chicago Avenue, according to city specifications, at bid price of
$1.45 per lineal foot. This has the approval of the Purchasing and
Street Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery;
- Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt and
Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood submitted the following report
from the Commissioner of -Public Works
"In accordance with authority granted by,the City Council on
June 5, contract with George D. Hardin for" the construction of the
Church Street water feeder main has been executed and performance
and maintenance bonds have been furnished by George D. Hardin and
approved by the Corporation Counsel as per specifications.
The Commissioner of Public Works requests -authority to return
George D. Hardin's deposit check submitted with proposal."° •
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so.
moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Platt.. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,,Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt and Bersbach (14): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from the
Commissioner of Public Works reading as follows:
"In accordance with authority granted by the City Council on
May 22, 1944, bids for furnishing coal to the Pumping Station and
various city buildings were received on June S, 1944.
It is recommended that the contract for coal "All for the
incinerator be awarded to Evanston Fuel and Material Company at
bid price of $9.15 per ton less discount of 25� per ton.
Contract for "B" coal for park buildings be awarded to
Marquette Coal and Mining Company at bid price of $10.10 per
ton less 25¢ per ton discount.
Contract for "C" coal for fire stations, city garage., -Health
Department building and.Boltwood Field House be awarded to Nilles.
Coal, Oil and Building Supplies, Inc. at bid price of $6.80 per
ton less discount of 15y per ton.
Contract for "D" coal for the Pumping Station be awarded to
Consumers Company at bid price of $5.77,per ton, and that the Mayor
be authorized to enter into a contract with the above bidders at
specified prices.. It is also recommended that the Commissioner of
Public Works be authorized to return deposit checks of the bidders
upon execution of the contract and furnishing of a surety. bond."
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so
moved. Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven., Voting.aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdiin,
James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt and Bersbach (14): Voting
nay none (0). ,
Alderman Harwood also -submitted the following
report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
ii Ot 1.V� SJ..
TO: J O k!`h tL 'C— DATE: J C9i 0
® Please handle ❑ For information
❑ Reply ❑ Return
❑ See/call reattached ❑ For your comment
❑ Draft (letter) (memo) for my signature
U � ,bo6ki�
e l l ou) - C o
.JOn e 19y�f
1S5U�- � )
M 4
�o s-(.ear- �-
11 `` 1
�SaYvLP sari-,
" 3, q 60
e7 Z� -
"The United States Pipe and Foundry Company is allowing us
62.75 per ton for unloading arkl hauling the cast iron pipe for
the Church Street water main job.
We have bids as follows - t on this work:
Smith Hauling and Excavating
ton for hauling only
Herlihy Mid -Continent Company
ton for unloading
Evanston Fuel & Material Co.
ton for unloading
It is recommended that we accept the
combination bid of
Herlihy Mid -Continent Company
and Smith Mauling and Excavating, thus
saving 70� per ton or approximately y1050.
the City."
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so
moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt and Bersbach (14): Voting
nay none (0).
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $10,982.12 which includes
$10,098.44 for retirement of tax warrants, and moved that the Township
Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded by
Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt
and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted
application received from -the Evanston Fireproof Warehouse asking per-
mission to use that portion of the Orrington Hotel which was formerly
used as a garage for the storage of household goods. Committee on
Zoning recommends that this application be granted, provided that such
use of the premises is limited to the duration of the war and not more
than six months thereafter, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Brandt of the Sixth
Ward stated:
"WE should thank the Housin Committee of the Post War Planning
_ Committee for their splendid and thorough report which they presented
last Monday evening, and the aldermen who were not there can -secure
copies from the Mayor as additional ones are being made.
There are three definite things which should be done in regard
to that report:
1. I believe we need a city-wide plan for improvement of the entire
city, such planning to be done looking forward to a ten year
period, some of which will be for immediate improvement to be
done at once. We certainly need a city-wide plan.
2. Our Building Department should be re -instated with a full force
in time for next year's budget. We should go back to a thorough
inspection of housing in the city, and work should be done with
the force it now has this fall.
3. We should encourage private enterprises such as other cities
are doing, notably the City of Chicago, where building con-
tractors, architects and real estate firms function for im-
provement of their cities thereby.deriving their own personal
profit from such immediate advantage. We should suggest to
those people where improvements might be made.
Those three things we should take up in the very near,future."
Alderman Mogg for the Third Ward complimented the
Park Department on the clean-up job they have done on the strip between
the two traffic lanes on Sheridan Road east of Calvary Cemetery,
the following appointments of names previously introduced;
Joseph,C. Lee, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Leo Aron, rt j n it it it -
Axe l Sandgren r� n n rr tr
Dale Stempel, ±► n n ri n
John Gamber, rr it n n n
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names.for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council;
Z.A. Faulkner, Special Police -Traffic Engineer-1 year
Andrew Soderberg. " rt - 6 months
Edward J . Hughes, ±r rr 6 rt
John 0. Olson, " " 6 " renewal
Alexander R. McNaughton, 't 0 6 tr . it
Mayor Ingraham also submitted the names of Mr. C.M.
Cartwright and Mrs. Arne Oldberg as members of the Public Library
Board to.succeed themselves, for a term of three years from July 1,
1944; and Mr. Christian J. Golee as a member of the Public Library
Board for a term of three years to succeed Mr. James D. Wigginton,
whose term of office expires July 1, 1944 and .who has requested to be
excused from further duty on account of ill health.
Mayor Ingraham stated that all the aldermen who
attended the meeting at Mrs. Perkins. home felt well repaid for their
time. Copies of the committee report are available to all the aldermen. .
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:43 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
June 26, 1944
Meeting of the
City Council held
June 26, 1944.-convening
at 9:30
(14) Alderman
- "
Thoma -
Hungerf ord
(2) °°
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held>June 19; 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded and
City -Clerk Edward W. Bell,*presented the following:
Notice State of Illlinois advising that;the allotment of Motor
Fuel Tax for'the month of May, 1944 is $6,940.52. Alderman James moved
same be referred to the Commissioner of Public Works and the Street
Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
• Communication State of Illinois, Geo. H. Baker, Engineer of
County Roads and City Streets, dated June 23, 1944 approving plans,
specifications and estimate for Section 28-C.S. for improvement on
Central Park Avenue, Ashland Avenue, Noyes Street,'Simpson Street and
Lake Street.. Alderman Jamesmoved same be referred -to the Commissioner
of Public Works. Duly seconded and carried.
Communication State of Illinois, Geo. H. Baker, Engineer of
County Roads and City Streets, dated -June 23, 1944, approving plans,
specifications and estimate for section 29-C.S. for improvement of
Arrington Avenue from Emerson Street to Central Street.- Alderman James
moved 'same be referred to the Commissioner of Public Works.. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for -the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
1. 54
Building Department
City Clerk's Office
City Hall Building
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Municipal Court
New Municipal Building
Park Department
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Salaries of City Officers Fund
Street & Bridge -Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Meter Bureau '
Playground Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt-,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay
none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark presented and jnoved the payment
of supplemental payroll f.or the Park Department in amount of $23.40,.
same to be charged to the proper account. Motion seconded by, Alderman
Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (14) : Voting nay none' (0) . ; Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted report from the City
Collector relative to request of Heleri H. Bodholdt, 2307 Orrington
Avenue for refund on vehicle license, having purchased two licenses
for the same car in error. Accordingly,moved that a refund of $5.00
be made to Helen H. Bodholdt. Alderman Kimbark also submitted report
from the Commissioner of Buildings advising that Ferroll D. Pence
paid $4.00 for examination as a stationary engineer on Fepruary 8, 1943.
He no longer wishes an Evanston License and' requests that the fee be
returned. Accordingly moved that a refund of $4.00 be made to Mr.
Pence. Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay.none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark introduced An Ordinance Providing
for the Issuance of $110,000.00 Water Revenue Bonds of the City of
Evanston, Cook County, Illinois, for the purpose of defraying the cost
of improving and extending the present existing,water works system of
the City of Evanston, and providing for the payment of principal of
said bonds and interest thereon.
Alderman Thoma for the FIRE COMMITTEE presented and
moved the adoption of the following Resolution;
WHEREAS, ANTHONY J. STEIGELMAN, Captain of Engine Company
No. 1 of our Fire Department since 19331, passed away on June 21,
1944 at the -age of fifty-seven years; and
period of four years, has been a member of.the Fire Department
continuously since June 1, 1912, and during that time has rendered
faithful, loyal and efficient service to the City of Evanston and
has been an outstanding man in his department;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City -of Evanston, Illinois in regular meeting assembled: That in
behalf of ourselves and the citizens of this community we do hereby
express profound regret and sympathy upon the occasion of the
death of CAPTAIN ANTHONY J. STEIGELMAN and tender to the bereaved
members of his family our heartfelt condolence.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon
the permanent records of the City and that a copy thereof executed
lay the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk be sent to the members
of his family.
Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin and carried.
Alderman Hungerford for the HEALTH COMMITTEE stated
that one of the oldest employees in point.of service is about to retire.
and accordingly presented and moved the adoption of the following
Resolution in recognition of his long service;
WHEREAS, RICHARD E. LINDSAY, an Inspector in the Health
Department, who has been employed continuously by the City of
Evanston for over forty years, has voluntarily announced re-
tirement from service effective July 1, 1944; and
WHEREAS, throughout• thi s long span of years RICHARD E.
LINDSAY, familiarly known as "Dick" to his great host of friends,
has rendered true, efficient and meritorious service to our City
and is one of its oldest employees in point of service;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the
City of Evanston, Illinois, in behalf of its members, the Mayor
and the citizens of Evanston do hereby express to RICHARD E.
LINDSAY profound thanks, and gratitude for his years of faithful
service to our City and the sincere hope that he may have many
more years in which to enjoy a well earned and deserved retire-
ment; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution signed
by the Mayor and attested,by the City Clerk be presented to said
Motion seconded by Alderman Corcoran and carried.
Alderman Corcoran f or the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Supt. of Bureau of Recreation advising that Willard
Playground is planning on holding a Neighborhood Night and Street
Dance on Friday night, June 30th from 7 until 10 o'clock. -This program
is to be conducted in front of Willard School on Hurd Stre.et, and
requesting permit to have the street blocked on that evening from 7
until 10 o'clock. The Committee has considered this request, which
has the approval of the Street Committee, and so moved. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Corcoran submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works relative to request received from Mrs. William
H. Miles, 1228 Hinman Avenue, Chairman, Chicago Commonst Picnic, for
permission to hold a picnic in Lake Front Park on July 18th, for a
group of 150. The Committee has considered this request and recom-
mends permit be granted, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
stated: "My attention has been called by several financial men of
Evanston that the -real estate market for Evanston is very active right'
now and it might be well to consider again the sale of the City Hall
property. Therefore, moved a reference to the Finance Committee asking
their advice as to when they should again offer the City Hall property
for sale." Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub -
witted report from the Commissioner of Public Works advising that the
Police Department is in need of 10 M arrest tags. Only one bid was
received, that of Chandler's Inc. of $320.00. It is recommended that
the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to accept the proposal
of Chandler's to print 10 M arrest tags for the sum of $320.00 to be
charged.to account No. 113. This has the approval of the Purchasing
and Police Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma.and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from.the
Commissioner of Public Works as follows:
"Each year it is necessary to replace the buoys marking the
intake pipes on the water works intake.
A proposal has been received from G.W. Falcon covering this
work and including examination of the thirteen'intake strainers
and emergency tees. The amount of the bid is $400.00, which is
the same as 1943,
It is recommended that the Commissioner of Public Works be
authorized to accept Mr. Falcons proposal to do this work for
the amount of 4�400.00, to be charged to account No. 357.1r
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Water Committees, and
so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerf ord (14): Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE presented
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $1,154.29 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized`to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach; Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE stated
that the City Clerk has advised the Council of the approval of plans
and specifications for Section 28-C.S. which provides for the resur-
facing of various streets, and in accordance with authority granted
by the City Council on May 15, 1944, bids for this project will be
received until and opened at 11;00 A.M. Saturday, July 8, 1944. At
the same time bids will be received and opened for the improvement of
Orrington Avenue from Emerson Street to Central Street. This announce-
ment is made early for the information of the Council.
Alderman James also submitted report from the Com-
missioner of Public. Works as follows:
"Walter H. Flood & Company, Testing Engineers, have performed
plant, laboratory and street inspection and testing services for
the City on the resurfacing programs of the past several years.
The services provided by this firm have been very satisfactory and
of high quality.
This firm now proposes to provide testing and inspection ser-
vices for our 1944 resurfacing program on the same basis as in 1942,
at the rate of $0.715 per ton of asphaltic paving mixture placed.
It is recommended that the City Council accept the proposal of
W.H. Flood & Company to provide plant, laboratory and street in-
spection and testing services for the current resurfacing program
at a cost of �0.15 per ton of asphaltic mixture placed: to be paid
from motor fuel tax funds provided by the State of Illinois for
that purpose."
Alderman James moved that the Council concur in the above recommendation
and that it be accepted. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,
Rubin., Brandt, Emery, -Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.,
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COP1MITTEE submitted
application received from William Rocke requesting permission to rent
and use the' store at 2807 Central Street for the'assembly and sale of
hydro -therapy equipment. A majority of the Committee on Zoning recom-
mends that this applicat"ion be granted provided that the applicant
will file with the Building Commissioner the written consents of a
majority of the owners of the property on both sides of� Central Street
in the block in which the store is located, as well as the consent of
the owners of the two houses immediately to the north of the location,
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Brandt.- Whereupon Alderman
MacSteven made a substitute motion that this matter be referred to the
Zoning Board of Appeals. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. In this
connection Alderman Brandt made the following remarks:
"It is the opinion of my colleague and myself that we should
welcome such small industries in the Sixth Ward by filling it up
with high grade developments which would-be helping the community,
rather than businesses which would be an irratat,ion to the neigh-
borhood. On behalf of the Sixth Ward we would like to have this
industry in our midst."
Alderman Thoma stated;
"As the Zoning Board of Appeals does not meet until the
second week in September; the committee took the action of
approving this request by making the applicant secure the con-
sent -of the property owners `on both sides of Central Street and
thus give this party the opportunity of starting at once."
Alderman Emery Stated;
"We should encourage merchants coming into Evanston. However,
if this involved; aimanufaeturing project it would cause annoyance
to the neighbors, but this is a high grade commercial establishment
which would be moving into North Evanston and it would be -.a distinct
credit to our community."
Alderman Kimbark stated;
"In the call for vote, out of deference to the Sixth Ward
aldermen in committee meeting, I voted to grant the permit subject
to approval of the property owners in the block. However, I feel
this should be referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals and now
that a substitute motion has come up I will reconsider my vote
and vote in favor of the substitute motion. rr
Alderman Corcoran stated:
"I voted for this question in committee meeting, but I feel
the proper way is to refer it to the Zoning Board' of Appeals and
therefore I will vote aye..!'
Alderman Harwood stated:
"I am in favor of having this'matter go to the Zoning Board
of Appeals, but I do not like to vote againbt the aldermen, and
even though the Board is not.meeting until the second week in
September, I will vote aye.".` -
Call of Roll,was then taken on the substitute motion. Voting aye
Aldermen Bersbach, Kimbark; Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Corcoran
and Harwood (8): Voting nay Aldermen Platt, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Thoma and Hungerf ord (6): Motion carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Mogg of'the Third
Ward stated they were sorry to hear of Alderman IVierrick's illness and
asked the Mayor to send a letter expressing the wishes of, the Council
for his speedy recovery.
Alderman Jourdain of the Fifth Ward made the
following remarks:
"From time to time I have called the attention of the Council
to the serious necessity for filling a long existing need for better
housing in the west side of the city, particularly the Fifth Ward.
I have called attention to the increasing gravity of this problem
and to conditions in general that exist as no where else in the
City of Evanston. Housing situations have been investigated in
the city as a whole but it is obvious that no where else is there
the urgent need -for housing as in that particular area. For that
reason it was somewhat disarming to trace the course of the whole
housing development some weeks ago. Plans were outlined and pro-
posed for acquiring use for that particular piece of land and it
now appears that another proposal is on'the way and plans have
been presented for a housing project in that area. I am hoping
that it will.meet with no unnecessary delay."
Alderman Rubin concurred in remarks of Alderman Jourdain.-
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward stated;
"I do not want to be put in,the position of opposing the work
of the.Zoning Board of Appeals. They are doing this without compen-
sation and they are from among the best citizens we have. ,In this
particular case decided tonight, our action has caused the loss of a
high grade industry, which is of such a character that it has gained
the approval of the American Medical Association, and very few pro-
ducts are given this O.K. The City of Evanston should encourage
certain small industries to.come here.
We are making a grave mistake in blocking this request, as
on previous occasions we have taken the same action, and if we do
it many more times we will injure the business reputation of the
City of -Evanston. I am sorry we have such a cumbersome law that it
delays it to such an extent that this business goes -elsewhere. If
we continue to turn down these applications it will hurt us not only
in a business way but will hurt the City of Evanston."
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Alexander R. McNaughton, Special Police - 6 months renewal
John 0. Olson, n " 6 " "
Edward J . Hughes, " 'r 6
Andrew Soderberg, " !' 6
Z.A. Faulkner, Traffic Engineer !' !' 1 year
and Mr. C.M. Cartwright and Mrs. Arne Oldberg as members of the
Public -Library Board to succeed themselves for a term of three years
from July 1, 1944, and Mr. Christian J. Golee as a member of the Public
Library Board to succeed Mr. James D. Wigginton, whose term of office
expires July 1, 1944 and who has requested to be excused from further
duty on account.of ill health, for a term of three years. Alderman
Mogg moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly seconded and
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at the next meeting of the City Council:,
Harold A. Reitan,. Life Guard N.W. Univ. Special*Police-3 months
Bradner Gilmore, rr rr It it it It 3 ro
H.C. Cotton, r► n n n u ri 3 n
Mayor Ingraham made the fallowing reports
"On .last Wednesday the City of Evanston was host to about
90 Army and Navy Officers from the Civil Affairs Training School
at the University of Chicago. This group arrived in Army trucks
at 9:30 in the morning and spent the entire day visiting and
studying various departments 'of the city government. The Judges
of the Municipal Court, Alderman Kimbark of the Finance Committee,
-Edson Brock, past president of the Civil Service Commission and
the various department heads assisted in'explaining how a city
government functions. Many favorable comments were made by the
officers for the way in which this program was conducted. The
routine and schedule was prepared and worked out'by Sergt. Frank
Andrews of. the Police Department. He did a marvelous job and his
work in this behalf deserves special commendation. The Public
Service Company, under the direction of Mr. Kenneth Reeling, served
lunch to the group and thanks is due to Mr. Reeling and the Public
Service Company for their cooperation."
Mayor Ingraham also made . the following report;
"The. Office of Defense Transport.tion, through the United States
Conference of Mayors, has urged that the Mayors of every city, in the
United States make an appeal to their citizens to spend their vaca-
tions this ,year at home. Undoubtedly we have all heard of the appeals
being made over the radio and through the press stressing the need to
refrain from the use of trains, buses and automobiles during this
summer. .
The invasion of Europe has resulted in increased need for
military transportation and all civilians are urged to adopt a'
"Stay at Home" policy during the next few months. Citizens of
Evanston are particularly fortunate in having facilities available
at home for an ideal vacation if they will only avail themselves
of these facilities which include beaches, playgrounds, parks and
golf. Chicago, with its numerousplaces of interest, is in itself
an attractive and ideal vacation center.
I join with the Mayors of other cities -in urging the citizens
of Evanston to spend their vacations this year at home, and in this
way to cooperate with the war effort."
Mayor Ingraham stated that we all regret very much
to learn of the death of Dean Heidbrink. We was always active in civic
affairs and Evanston has suffered a great loss in his passing.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
• City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall
July 3, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held July 3, 1944, convening at
10:05 P.M.
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach
" o
Jourdain _
One vacancy on account -of death.
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Mayor Ingraham stated: "Words cannot express the
feeling I know we all have at the roll call -this evening. This is
the first time in about twenty years that the name of Alderman Merrick
has not been called on the roll. I
Out of respect,to his long and faithful service
and in his memory I ask that we all stand in silence until the sound
of the gavel."
At this•t3me Alderman Platt presented and moved the
adoption of the following Resolution:.
WHEREAS, CLINTON MERRICK, an honored member of this City
Council_ as an alderman from. the Second Ward departed this life
on June 27, A.D. 1944; and
WHEREAS, ALDERMAN CLINTON MERRICK' was a man of high ideals
and outstanding achivement both in private and public life, being
a lawyer of distinction of the Chicago Bar and a Master in Chancery
of the Circuit Court of Cook County; and
WHEREAS, ALDERMAN.CLINTON MERRICK has served this City and the
Second Ward as an Alderman continuously, most ably and well since
1925, having been a member of its most active committees and.Chairman
of its Judiciary Committee since 1932; and
generously of his time and ability to civic affairs, maintained
deep interest in Evanston and contributed beyond measure..to its
welfare; and r I ..
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City
of Evanston to pay tribute to ALDERMAN CLINTON MERRICK,
_ Council of the City of Evanston,.Illinois in regular meeting assem-
bled, that in behalf of ourselves,. the Mayor and the citizens of
this community we do -hereby express profound regret and sympathy
upon the occasion of the death of ALDERMAN CLINTON MERRICK and
tender to the bereaved members of his family our heartfelt condolence.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon
the permanent records of the City and that a copy thereof executed
by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk be sent to the members
of his family. "
Alderman James then.made the following remarks:
"In seconding the adoption of this resolution I would like
to say that I..have served in'this countil under four Mayorts, and
over the years I•have listendd,.:: to a good many like resolutions
read. The resolutions with respect to expressing the high regard
of the Evanston City Council for the works of the principals in-
volved are indeed deserved tributes and'I wish to retract nothing
from them, but I do Mr.'Mayor profoundly suggest to your Honor and
the Council, that never in the history of preceding councils has
such an appropriate resolution been presented. I am sure I express
the feeling of all the Council and the city officials, and partic-
ularly those who well,knew Clinton Merrick, and some of us have
over a period of a good many years.j Some of us knew him long before
he entered into the field of public service. We have worked with
him, we have fraternized with him, we have'.socialized with him, we
have played with him.and we came to know and understand hilt, and to
do that was to love him.
I do not think anyone has ever passed out of the ranks of city
service who was more respected, more loved and will be more missed
than Clinton Merrick. Even tonight there seems to be a great void,
there seems to be something lacking'in the proceedings of this
Many times I have sat in a meeting of the Committee of the
Whole as we did.tonight, and when a,-proposition,was presented there
was.always that momentary pause between the time the offer of the
project at issue had ceased and debate began., -when almost.intuitively
the most intelligent along with those of us who were less informed,
would turn to the .seat occupied by Alderman Clinton Merrick and wait
for some words of wisdom or guidance, that contributed on so many
occasions so largely to making up of the decisions of the City Council*
He .could always be depended upon toagive the soundest, sincerest
kind of advice to this colleagues. We shall all miss him. Personally
it is with' profound . regret that I view the passing of one whom. I
have known and loved for 40.odd years."
Alderman Brandt also stated:
"Resolutions are cold things, but I also want to second this
resolution and I want to add these personal notes. I owe a great
deal to Clinton Merrick. I would probably not have been in public
life if it had not been for him. He did not belong:to the Second
Ward but to the entire.City of Evanston and'he always demonstrated
that in his decisions.
I can only think of this one verse by Edwin Markham
"He went down as�when a kingly Cedar - green with bows;
Goes down with a great shout upon the hills
And leaves a lonesome -place against the sky:"
Through those rifts we can still see the stars and we can still
see the progress of Evanston he worked so hard for. We can still
remember many ordinances he was responsible for; we can follow
ideals he laid out for us,,and I believe it is his wish tonight
that we go on in.the.direction he started." -
Alderman Thoma also -stated
"I am one of the younger members of the Council, having been
a member for the' past three years. When I came into the council I
was green. I had.the happy privilege of serving with Clinton Merrick
on the Judiciary•Committee, and being.a young cub he took me by'the
hand and introduced me to the mysteries of public' life. By watching
him perform Monday night -after Monday night, hearing his words of
wisdom, saving the city millions of dollars,,it certainly is indeed
a'great loss not only to the'council but the City of Evanston as well.
I certainly do not feel that he -has left this Council, I feel he
will be the Dean of this Council as long as it sits in this Hall."
Alderman Corcoran also stated;
"Inasmuch as I sat with Clinton Merrick on the Judiciary Com-
mittee for eight years I think*it is only fitting and proper that I
reiterate what my colleagues have already said. He led me and I
watched him and I was guided by what he said and -what he did. That
applies to all members of the Council. I think the City of Evanston
has suffered a tremendous loss, as, his service could not be fixed in
dollars and cents. He has been a guiding influence in this council
and as has been said his spirit will remain with us and we will all
endeavor to give our best service."
Alderman Hungerford also -stated;
"Being one of the new members I wish to pay tribute to the memory
of one of the old members leaving this.Council. We will sorely miss the
guidance and wisdom of Clinton Merrick. To me he was also helpful and
kind and I shall miss him."
Alderman Jourdain also stated;
"Without adding to the testimony which has preceded there is,
city-wide, a sense -of grave loss in the -passing of a strong, fine figure.
Able, richly trained, poised, Alderman'Clinton Merrick brought to the
conduct of his cityts affairs a background that was rare and fertile.
With singular devotion to the good of his city as he aaw it, he was
accustomed to weigh his every decisions in one balance; the betterment
of his community as he viewed it. There may be those who'would read
tragedy into the swiftness of his passing, but we, who knew him well,
feel that he left life, as' he would have wished, - while .yet at the
height of his usefulness, while still -at the crest of his good works,
in the high noon of his accomplishment. His was the mettle that would
have asked;
'Let me,go quickly, like a candle light
_.. Snuffedtout just at the hey -day of its glow.
Give me high noon, and let it then be night.
Thus -would I"go.
And grant - that when I face The Grisly Thing,
My song;may,trumpet down the Gray Perhaps,
Let me be+like a tune -swept violin string
That feels the Master Melody - then snaps.9
Alderman Harwood also stated;
"While I had.known Clinton Merrick for many years, it was but
a cursory acquaintance, until I came into the Council. I.am deeply
grateful for the opportunity of coming to know rather well -Alderman
Merrick who served _the ,City so long and so efficiently.
Whenever there was a knotty problem to solve he was at hand with
the right solution. While he was not inclined to force his opinions on
his colleagues, he,was always willing to go to any length to advise and
counsel with any who requested his opinion.
With his degrees from Yale University and Northwestern University
Law School; his service in World War I; his success in his chosen pro-
fession as a member of -important co ittees'of the Chicago Bar Association,
as partner -in a leading law firm, as Master in Chancery, and as Chairman
of our Judiciary Committee; and with his interest in civic affairs, indeed,
he had much of which to be proud. But even more, he was proud of his
family, his father. who had gone before him, of his life companion, his
.two boys in service, his three daughters, and a son-in-law in service and
last but not least his grandchildren. As "Clint" was reminiscing with me
short a short time ago, and particularly..of.his family, he remarked;
"I have had a full life." That may have been a premonition but at least
it showed how ready he was for the call which came so unexpectedly while
he was still in the prime of life. Often it has been said but never more
fitly - "He ever bore without abuse the grand.old name of gentleman."
Resolution adopted,by a rising vote.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held June 26, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded and
• City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Communication addressed to Mayor Ingraham from the Civil Affairs
Training School at -the University of Chicago, expressing their apprec-
iation for the most instructive and interesting tour on Wednesday,
June 21st.
Alderman Jourdain for the BUILDING COMMITTEE
stated that an application has been received requesting permission
to remodel the store building at 1623 Orrington Avenue so as to convert
the front of the second floor of the building into a large sign. Com-
mittee on Buildings recommends that the application be denied., and so
moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark -for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized
Building Department
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Contingent Fund
Municipal Court
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Sidewalk Account
Special Salvage Fund
Street & Bridge Department
Street & Bridge Department
Water- Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Water Meter Bureau
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (14)S Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman'Kimbark also presented and moved the pay-
ment of the following temporary payrolls, to be paid July 7, 1944, to
be charged to the proper accounts:
Water Department
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
Public Works Department •
Water Department
Small Parks Department
Water Department
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
Civil Service -Commission
- Building Department
Police Department
Police Department
Public Playgrounds Dept.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
$164, 56
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0)..
Motion carried.
.Alderman Kimbark also submitted report from the
.Commissioner of Public Works as follows;
r '
In February of this year, the.City Engineer, James Moring,
left for service,in. the United States Navy. The vacation of this
position has placed an added burden on the remaining members of
Mr. Faulkner and Mr. Gad have had to assume many new re-
sponsibilities, and it -is recommended that their salaries begin-
ning July 1, 1944•be increased to $250 per month each. Lucille
Manelski took -over the•.job vacated by Mrs. Hepworth under agree-
ment that it would pay.a $5 per month increase be.Rinnina July 1.
Grant Straley also is recommended for a $5 per month increase
kVinning July 1.
As of June 1st there is a balance of $3,564,25 in City
Engineerts•account.. These increases amount to a total of $240
for the balance of the year 1944, which will still leave a saving
of .about $3,000 out of -the amount appropriated for City Engineer's
After discussion with the Mayor and Commissioner of Public Works it
is the recommendation of the Finance Committee that these changes be
made, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman James. Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (14):
Voting nay none (0) . ' Motion carried. ' r
A M. .
..Alderman Kirribark submitted report' from the Commis-
sioner. -of Buildings advising that the operator of the'Sarage at 651
Chicago Avenue, known as the Shore Line Garage, purchased gasoline
storage permit fee for $35.00.•:,This garage was later rented to the
Erla Company. The#tanks•were subsequently drained and filled.with
water and the -building turned over to the*Erla Company. The same'
operator then leased the Chicago Avenue Garage at 715 Chicago Avenue
for which the annual gasoline storage permit"fee. of $25 has not been
paid to date. He now requests that his previous payment be trans-
ferred.to apply at the new location. The Commissioner recommends that
permit #3847 in.the amount of $25 to the Chicago Avenue Garage at 715
Chicago Avenue be cancelled and that he be instructed to change the
street number on permit #3837, the fee of $35-for which was paid on
April 25th, from 651 to 715 Chicago Avenue. Accordingly moved that
the Commissioner of Buildings be instructed to make these changes.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
16 6, f.
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the
passage of AN 01�)INANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1100000.00
Motion seconded byAldermanHarwood. iVoting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. and consent to stay
in session beyond period of 10:30 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works advising that concession-
aires are using the Dempster Street Beach, which was not included in
the original permit. Several bidders were asked to make anoffer and
two proposals were received. It is recommended that the Commissioner
of Public.Works be authorized to accept the proposal of George Brown
for Dempster Street concession at the,price bid of $15, The Park Com-
mittee concurs in recommendation, and so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman Rubin, Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,,Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,.
Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
stated that the Committee has held several meetings rye arding the selec-
tion of architects for the new Fire and Police Station. They have been
advised by the Post War Planning Committee on two separate occasions
that we should begin to plan in order to save the city money and not
wait before the price of material has gone too high. They have con-
sulted with authorities and they advise that we should start as soon
as possible in making plans and prepare the necessary papers for a bond
issue. In order to make such a beginning, moved in accordance with
meeting in Committee of the Whole, that Maher and McGrew, architects,
be selected as architects for the new Fire and Police`Station site at
Elmwood Avenue and Lake Street, and that the Finance committee be asked
rj. r �a� f �.. � SFr �� ••4
to work out a list of payments that will be in accordance with the . City
of Evanston's needs and requirements. Motion seconded by Alderman James.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (13):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works advising that the
Water Department has need of a sectional map of Evanston showing the
streets, lots and buildings for the purpose of locating water services.
A quotation has been received from the Sanborn Map Co. for a complete
set of maps at a cost of $150. Similar maps are at present in use by
the Building and Engineering Departments. It is recommended that'this
set of maps be purchased for the Water Department from the Sanborn Map
Company for $150 and charge to account No. 375, This has the approval
of the Water and Purchasing Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded
by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemienway
and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $10,709.55 which includes
$10*032.81 for retirement of tax warrants, and moved that the Township
Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion seconded by
Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomia, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery., -Brandt,, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark., Platt,' Hemenway
and Bersbach (13):. Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
-Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works stating:
"In connection with three street openings in the Ridge'Avenue-
Church Street intersection pavements one from the existing north and
south 12-inch main to an existing water valve along a line parallel
to and approximately 6 feet south from the north pavement edge. of
Church Street; one to be located along the south line of Church
Street along a line approximately 30 feet west.from the east line
of Ridge Avenue; and one to be located on the north line of Church
Street near the east pavement edge of "Ridge Avenue, necessary in
connection with the construction of the Skokie water feeder main,
it is essential that a Resolution be passed by the City Council and
forwarded -to -the State Division of Highways . "
Accordingly presented and moved the adoption of such a Resolution.
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg and carried. _
Mayor Ingraham presented the Annual Report of the
Commissioner of Public Works for 1943, which will be filed in the office
of the City Clerk.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman . Jame.s... of.. the Fourth
Ward stated that -some weeks ago he made a reference to the Finance
Committee with regard to vacations for the older employees. Now that
the first of July is here if employees are going to have any benefit
from this privilege, something should,be done about it.reasonably soon.
Alderman James called for a meeting of the Committee
on Committees consisting of himself, Alderman Kimbark, Alderman Rubin
and Alderman Harwood, for next monday evening, July 10,
Alderman Kimbark of the Third Ward stated in answer.
to Alderman James.f request for report,` the Finance Committee discussed
his reference with the Mayor and Commissioner of Public Works and it was
left with the understanding that it would be taken up with the different
department heads and they would arrange a schedule where it was deserving
and where entitled to it, according to their best judgment. That was
the recommendation of the Finance Committee, but there was no policy
laid down. j
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Bradner Gilmore, Beach Guard, Special Police N.W. Univ. 3 months
Harold A. Reitan, ++ rr rr rr rr rr 3 rr
H.C. Cotton, u n rr rr n n 3 n
Alderman Mogg moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly seconded
and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following name for,
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:
John Borre,. Special Police (Dog Pound Warden) 6 months
For Council records, Chief Ekman has announced that
the following have been sworn in as Probationary Patrolman for a 60
day peri'od, having complied with the requirements of the Police Depart-
ment: =Victor J. Drogos and William H. Jones
Upon motion -dull' seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned. at 10:45 P.M. :• :•.
Edward W. Bells -
City Clerk
r r r r r r r r r r• r r r r r r + � r .r . r r, r r ,
' 169
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
July 10, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held July 10, 19440 convening
at 9:15, P.M.
PRESENT: (14) Alderman Bersbach A
it Platt
it Kimbark
" Mogg
" MacSteven
n Rubin '
" Brandt
�r Emery
!' Corcoran.
'.' Hungerford
ABSENT: (1) " Hemenway
Mayor Ingraham presiding. '
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held July 3, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded and
.City Clerk Edward W. Bell,'presented the following:
Communication Evanston Chamber of Commerce, dated.July 10, 1944
relative to request of Mr. William Rocke to use premises at 2807 Central
Street as a sales office, which request was referred to the Zoning
Board -of Appeals. -Alderman Brandt moved that same be referred to the
Mayor, Building Commissioner and the Zoning Committee. Duly seconded
and carried. t
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works requesting authority to
advertise the sale.of Water Revenue Bonds. Accordingly moved that such
authority be granted to advertise for the. sale of these bonds. Motion
seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt.,. Emery, -Corcoran, Harwood,.
Thome: and Hungerford .(14): Voting nay none'(0): Motion carried.
-Alderman Kimbark submitted two requests -for refunds
as follows:
Mrs. J. Paul Cooney, 545 Hinman Avenue purchased two sets of
_beach tokens in error, returning permit and 4 blue tokens-. Asked
for a refund of $2.40.
Lottie Jenez, 1215 Dodge Avenue purchased a vehicle license
#3192 ,on January 17 and again - purchased license #11980 for $5 on
June 21 when she intended to buy a Federal Stamp.
Alderman Kimbark moved a refund of
2.40 to Mrs. Cooney and a refund
of $5.00 to Lottie Jenez. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, P1atto Kimbark; Mogg, MacSteven, James, 'Jourdain,
Rubin - Brandt Eme I ,� ry, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): ,
Voting nay none (0) .'
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
a Supplemental Payroll for the Civil Service Commission.in amount of
$37.50, same to be charged to the proper..account. Motion seconded by
Alderman MacSteven, Voting aye Aldermen-Bersbach, Platt,-Kimbark, Mogg
MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt,•Emery,'Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (14): Noting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark also
presented and -moved the payment
of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be
City Collector's Office
•City Hall Building
City Hall Building .'
City. Hall Building` - ,,...
City Treasurer's Office
Contingent Fund -
Fire Department, = - 'r
998'28 _
Health Department
Legal Fund--.,
t 53.50
Miscellaneous Fund
Miscellaneous -Fund .
�. 24.00 .
'Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Municipal Court ;•
Park Department-
Police Department
.� Police Department .,.
•• 2.00
..Prepaid Insurance
Public Works Department . ' � •.
r ' . ' 7.-30.82
Public Works Department
Salaries of -City. Officers Fund
j .29
Special Salvage Fund"'
.Street,&..Bridge Department 11
Street & Bridge Department 1
T.: Street & Bridge -Department
Pumping Station
15.24 .
Pumping Station,..-.,, t ►
. 667.09
Water Mains Bureau .
, -, ,.831.68 ;
-Water Mains Bureau t
• Water -Meter Bureau',
� -• 11.25
Miscellaneous Fund'
Police Department
Contingent Fund
Motion seconded -by Alderman Mogg. Voting
aye, Aldermen Bersbach
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James,
Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood; , Thoma• and- Hungerf o d
(14) .: Voting • nay none . (0) .
Alderman Corcoran for
that the Council.convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from Supt. of Bureau of Recreation relative to request from
the Evanston Lions Club to hold their Annual All Star -Charity Game at
Boltwood Field, under lights on Wednesday, August 16, 1944. The Club
understands that the total cost of the field will.be $50. They also
voted to place the cost of the --tickets for adults at 50� and for
children under twelve years of age at 25¢, which includes the -tax.
The Park Committee has donsidered•this request and recommends permit
be granted, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,
_Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
: Alderman Corcoran also submitted copy of letter
received by Mr. Byrnes from the Chief of Police extending his sincere
congratulations to Beach Supervisor Thomas Lambert for his alertness
and splendid cooperation which led to the capture of an ex -convict
who was in the act of burglarizing the concession stand at the Clark
Street Beach on the night of July 3. Through the apprehension of this
burglar several hundred dollars worth of stolen property has been
recovered and returned to the rightful owners. Also a report from,
Mr. Byrnes advising that on July 9th Life Guard Bernhardt Ehlert
effected seven rescues at Clark Street Beach, five of them occuring
simultaneously. During the week of July 3 to July 9 our Guards went
to the.assistance of fifteen persons. Alderman Corcoran stated that it
was the consensus of.the committee that these -communications be read
on the floor ,so that the Council would have knowledge of the very fine
work done by Tom Lambert and Bernhardt Ehlert and all the Beach Guards.
There was some misapprehension because of the fact that we had to engage
youthful guards, but so far their work has been very effective, and the
Committee wishes to commend them for their fine service and hope it
will continue in the future.
Alderman Corcoran also submitted report from Mr.
Byrnes stating that the Bureau of Recreation desires to sell United
States War Stamps at each of the thirteen (13) playgrounds, and re-
questing an advance of $130.00 to be distributed amongst these centers.
At the close of the season this money will be returned to the City.
1 ,2
This was taken up with Alderman Kimbark, Chairman of the Finance Com-
mittee and he approved it, and accordingly moved this be granted.
Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0)9, Motion carried..
Alderman Corcoran also submitted report'from Mr.
Byrnes advising that the Lincolnwood Playground requests -a permit to
close McDaniel Avenue between Noyes and Grant Streets, on the evening
of Friday. July 14 from 7 until 10*o'clock*for the purpose,of holding
a Community Street Dance.: This1has the approval of the Chairman of the
Street Committee and the approval of the Park Committee,., and so moved.
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Mogg for the'RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $741,31 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0),
Motion carried. -
Alderman Mogg called the Councils attention to the
number of relief cases which has again hit a new low of 69 cases for
the month of June.
UNDER SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Alderman - James for the
COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES stated that due_to the death of Alderman
Merrick it appears desirable to add another member to the Judiciary
Committee. Accordingly moved that Alderman Harwood, who was a member
of that Committee last year, be addedlas a member of the Judiciary
Committee; also that Alderman Platt be made a member -of the Zoning
Committee. Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin,'
Brandt, Emery, Corooran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14);. Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Jourdain of the
Fifth Ward -addressed the Council with reference -to the need for immediate
relief in connection with the housing situation,'and called attention
to the fact that the situation in the Fifth Ward was becoming day by
day more acute, and urged the building officials and the proper com-
\ 173
mittees to do everything possible to hasten a solution of this problem.
Alderman Jourdain also stated that complaints have
been received by those in charge of recreation programs in Foster
Field, that in the city-wide contests the teams at Foster Field have-
not been worked out satisfactorily. Moved a reference to the Chairman
of the Playground Committee to discuss with the Superintendent and
with the persons in charge of recreation at Foster Field to look into
conditions behind this situation. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Thoma of the Eighth Ward stated that several
weeks ago Alderman James made a reference as to condition of the•rail-
road tracks at Oakton Street near the Illinois Brick Company, and -not
having heard of any report on this asked for a report as to progress
Alderman Thoma also brought to the attention of the
Council matter of Stop lights.which were to be placed at Custer Avenue
and Howard Street some time ago, but due to war conditions the city was
unable to secure proper cable. Asked if a check could be made at this
time to see if these lights can.be installed.
Alderman James replied to Alderman Thoma's reference,
stating that completion of the work on the tracks at Oakton Street was
made last Friday.
the following appointment of name previously introduced:
John Borre,"Dog Pound Warden, Special Police - 6 months
Alderman Rubin moved -that this appointment be confirmed.Duly seconded
and carried.,
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council;
.Stanley Tasker,-Supt. Sewers & Water Mains -Special Police - 6 mo.
John Nelson, " " 6 It
John H. Waler, " " 6 It
Clinton L. Baldwin, " " 6 "
Mayor Ingraham stated that due to the death of
Alderman Merrick, he desired to appoint Alderman James as a member of
the War Memorial Committee.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
Edward W. Bell, City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
r r
'City Hall.,.
July 17, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held July
17, 1944, convening at
9:35 P.M. I
PRESENT: (13),Alderman Bersbach
" Hem- enway
" Kimbark
rr James }
Jourdain }
Rubin +
" Brandt ,
" Harwood ;
!' Thoma'
!! Hungerford
ABSENT: (2) " MacSteven
!' Corcoran
.Mayor Ingraham presiding. i
Alderman Mogg moved that the
Minutes of Meeting
held July 10, 1944s be approved without reading. Duly seconded and
carried. t.
City C1erk.Edward W. Bell,
presented the following:
City Treasurerts Financial Statement
as of June 30, 1944,
Alderman Kimbark moved same be referred to the Mayor, Finance Committee
and the Auditor. Duly seconded'and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE'COMMITTEE
and moved the payment of the following bills,
and that the proper,
charges and transfers be authorized;
Building Department
$ 4.50
City Hall Building
Civil Service Commission` }
Contingent Fund
.Fire Department
Health Department
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Park Department
Playground Department
Police* Department
Public Works Department
Salvage Fund
Street'& Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau 1,679.51
Water Mains Bureau
Water Meter Bureau
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg.' Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Emery, Brandt, Rubin' Jourdain;'-James,
Platt Hemenwa and Bersbach (13): Voting n'a" none (0). Motion carried,
Platt, y g y
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the pay-
ment of the following temporary payrolls to be paid July 21, 1944,
same to be charged to the proper accounts:
Police Department -
Building Department
Public Playgrounds Dept,
Civil Service Commission
Small ,Parks Department
Public Works - Sewer
Public Works Department
Public Works Dept. - Maintenance
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
Water Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark also submitted communication from
Mrs. Julia A. Kelly requesting refund on vehicle license ¢#1150 for
which she paid $10.00 on April 3, 1944. Said license has not been
used as car has been disposed of. The Finance Committee feels that
this request for a refund should be denied, and so moved. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman Thoma for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Brandt for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
the following requests:
The Community Service Merits Center, 926 Church Street, for
permission, to hold a benefit dance in Foster Park, using the play-
ground and tennis courts between the hours of 8:30 and 12 o'clock
P.M. on July 29, 1944,
The Hi -League of Hemenway Methodist Church, for permission
to hold a picnic at Elliot Park on Sunday, July 23, 1944 from
.6:00 to 9:30 P.M.
The Committee has approved these requests and moved permits be granted
with the usual restrictions. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted the following report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"Our Engineering Department, in checking over the unpaved .
streets, has come to the conclusion that it is to the best interest
of, the city,and the streets that we procure an additional 5,000
gallons of road oil.
Authority is reaue-sted to order 5,000 gallons of oil from the
low bidder, Rock Road Construction Company, a� 12g4 per gallon."
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Street Committees, and so
moved.- Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (13); Voting nay none (0),
Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF•COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $601.92 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood.
Voting -aye;- alderman Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (13);
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.'
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE reported
that the Committee had under consideration submission of bids for
resurfacing of certain streets, that were opened on July 8, 1944.
There is a possibility of there being a further saving to the city.
therefore, will report on the matter next week.
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted
a report of the Committee relative to communication received from the
Zoning Board of Appeals recommending the granting of an appeal from the
Bowman Dairy Company for permission to sell the building at 537 Custer
Avenue to a purchaser who would use it for the manufacture of ice
cream to be sold at wholesale from the premises. Committee on Zoning
recommends that the City Council concur in the recommendation of the
Board of Appeals and grant this appeal, and so moved. Motion seconded
by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway
and Bersbach (13)s Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Bersbach stated that last Monday night
City Clerk Edward-W. Bell, read a letter to the Council from Mr. L.M.
Nelson, President of the Evanston Chamber of Commerce dated July 10,
regarding the use of premises at 2807:Central Street, Evanston, by
Mr. William Rocke, which communication was referred to the Zoning
Committee by Alderman Brandt. In this connection Alderman Bersbach
read a letter written on July 14 by the Commissioner of Buildings,
Mr. E.M. Goodman to Mr. Nelson in reply to his letter.
Alderman Bersbach also submitted an application
received from the Baxter Laboratories, Inc. of Glenview, Illinois,
requesting permission to use the part of the building at 2510 Green
Bay Road now used for public garage purposes for the storage and
shipping of containers for intravenous solutions. The applicants
also desire permission to assemble and disassemble or reclaim this
and similar•;equipment. Committee on Zoning recommends that this
application be granted for the duration of the war.and six months
,thereafter, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Emery. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,-Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay
none (0) . Motion carried.
made the following appointments of names previously introduced;
Clinton.L. Baldwin,. Special.Police - 6 months renewal
John H. Walker, It rr 6 It rr
John Nelson, . !' rr 6 rr rr
Stanley Tasker, Supt. Sewers �r it 6 tr rr
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:
Carl J. Karsten, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Willard B.•Tulloch, a ,
" (License Enforcing.Officer) " •n 6 rr r►
For Council records', Chief•Ekman has announced that
the probationary period for Robert Kutok has been extended another
60 days:
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
' 1 Evanston, Illinois
City Hall, .
July 24, 1944
Regular" -Meeting of- the City Council held July 24, l944,••convening
at 9:55 P.M. i
PRESENT: (13) Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway
!' Platt I
'rt Kimbark
i� James i F
er Jourda in i
rr Rubin I
" Emery
" Harwood
" • Thoma '
'r Hungerford'
ABSENT: (2) MacSteven
rr. Brandt
'Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Harwood moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held July 17, 1944, be approved without, reading. Duly seconded and
City Clerk Edward W. Bell' presented the following:
Notice State of Illinois advising -that � our •allotment of Motor
Fuel Tax for the month of June, 1944 is $10,j061.78. Alderman Kimbark
moved same be referred to the Commissioner of Public Works and the
Street Committee.` Duly seconded and carried.
petition signed by 29 residents of Monroe Street in block
from Florence Avenue to Dewey Avenue,,,irequesting that that block be
partially barricaded and suitable warning signs be erected to caution
motorists to traverse said block at a'reduced•speed to avoid injury
to children•playing'on adjoining lawns and sidewalks.- Alderman Mogg
moved same be referred to the Traffic'Engineer and.the Police Com-
mittee. -Duly seconded and carried. '
Alderman Emery forlthe BUILDING.COMMITTEE sub-
mitted an application received from Hennessey and Burgener, who pro-
pose to build two groups of row houses, one.containing five -units and
the other•four, requesting permission,to use perforated "Rock -lath"
and plaster on the basement ceilings of the house. The Building Dode,
while it does not cover this point specifically, has been interpreted
to require re-inforced concrete firstifloors for such buildings. The
Fire Marshal and Building Commissioner have stated that the requested
application has their approval. Committee on Buildings recommends
that this application be granted, and so moved.
Alderman Rubin and carried.
Motion seconded by
Alderman Emery presented and moved the adoption)
of the following Resolution,
which the committee feels is a very
constructive step to take in cooperation with neighboring communities:
WHEREAS, the adoption and administration of an ordinance
regulating the construction,of buildings is essential to the
promotion of health, -safety and welfare of the community; and
WHEREAS, such a building ordinance requires periodic re-
vision but in most municipalities is not kept up.to date because
of the expense of revising so complex and technical a document; and
WHEREAS, the City of Evanston together with the Chicago
Regional Planning Association and a number of municipalities in
the suburban region of Chicago desires to maintain high standards
of building construction and finds that a certain degree of uni-
formity in such building ordinances in the suburban communities
is desirable; and
WHEREAS, the Chicago Regional Planning Association together
with a group of building officials known as the Suburban Building
Officials' Conference has concluded that such a uniform building
ordinance -should be compiled and printed cooperatively for adoption
by reference as has been done by a number of Pacific Coast munici-
palities and by a.group of municipalities in New England; and.
WHEREAS, the cost in time of preparation and in printing such
uniform building ordinance would be considerably less to each
municipality if the work could be done jointly by a number of the
suburban communities and the resultant.basic code would be better
because of the combined effort, Now Therefore; Be It
RESOLVED, that the Building Commissioner of the City of
Evanston is authorized and directed to cooperate in further confer-
ences. designed to develop such a uniform building Code suitable
for the suburban region of Chicago, and be it r'urther
RESOLVED, that the Building Commissioner be instructed to
join in preparing a plan and estimate for the development of such
a code and report back for further instructions as to the possibil-
ity of this city sharing in the cost of preparing, printing and
maintaining such a code.
Duly seconded and carried.
` Alderman Kimbark for,the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be•authorized:
Building Department
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department
Municipal Court
` Park Department
Playground Department
Playground Department
Police Department .
Public Works'Department-
Special Salvage Fund
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Water Mains Bureau
Water Department
Miscellaneous Fund
- 6,60
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Emery,
Corcoran, Harvuood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Kimbark moved that the following checks
be drawn at this time as provided by the Annual Appropriation Ordin-
ance and charged to the Miscellaneous Fund:
Evanston Historical Society $100,00„
St. Francis Hospital Assn. L100.00
Community Hospital 500.00
Visiting Nurses Association 700.00
Evanston Safety Council 100.00
Infant Welfare Association 700.00
Also that the two quarterly payments due the Community Club in amount
of $1,000 be paid and charged to the Contingent Fund. Motion seconded
by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg,_ James, Jourdain, Rubin, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted for approval contract
Agreement between Maher & McGrew, architects and the City -of Evanston
covering their work to be done in connection with plans and specifi-
cations for,the fire and police station, and payments to be made,
at the customary architect fee of six percent (6%) of construction
cost, with first payment to be.$3,600.00. Work to be completed before
January 1, 1946. Form has been approved by the Corporation Counsel.
Accordingly moved approval of said contract. Motion seconded by
Alderman Emery. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark also submitted request from Owen
Martin, 2630 Prairie Avenue for refund of $2,50 on vehicle license
#12053 purchased July 10 for $5.00. As this was purchased after
July 1st moved that a refund of $2.50 be made. Motion seconded by
Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubins Emery,_Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted and moved the adoption
of Resolution designating bank depositories for Thomas F. Airth,
Collector of Taxes 'for the Town of the City'of Evanston, as follows:
State Bank'& Trust Co. Evanston, Illinois
First National Bank & Trust Co. ' Evanston, Illinois
Evanston Trust & Savings Bank', Evanston, Illinois
Motion seconded by Alderman Emery and carried.
-1 8 1
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from.Supt, of Bureau of Recreation relative to request of
Mason Park Playground for permission to conduct a street dance on
Thursday evening, July 27 from 7 until 10 P.M. on Davis Street between
Florence and Dewey Avenues. The Street Department likewise has to be
notified in order to erect barricades at this location. This request
has the approval of the Chairman of the Street Committee and the Park
Committee, and moved same be granted. Duly seconded.and carried.
Alderman Corcoran submitted report from the Supt.
of Bureau of Recreation requesting that the City advance $5,00 to each
playground as petty cash account for the 1944 summer closing events.
There being 13 playgrounds the total amount is-$65.00, chargeable to
account No. 519, The Park Committee has considered this request and
recommends same be granted, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen,Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,
James,- Jourdain, Rubin, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford
(13):. Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran also submitted application from
the Knights of. Columbus to engage the Boltwood Park Lighted Field on
Monday, August 21, 1944 for their annual charity soft ball (donkey)
game. The Park Committee recommends that permit be granted subject
to usual regulations and limit of 50¢ fee, and so moved. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Platt, Kimbp^,,.Mogg, James,Rubin, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
y 7 Thoma and,Hungerford .(13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran also submitted request from the
American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps for use of Boltwood Park Lighted
Field on Thursday, August 31, 1944 for their benefit softball game.
The Park Committee recommends this permit be granted subject to usual
regulations and top price of 50¢, and -so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,_Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran also submitted report from the
Commissioner of public Works relative to request received from Mrs.
Harry E. Mock, 1616 Forest Place, for .permission to hold,a picnic,in
Lake Front Park for the mothers and children of Chicago Commons on
Tuesday, August 1, 1944 from about 10:30 to 3:30'o'clock. This is an
annual affair and about 130 will be present.- The Park Committee has
considered this request and recommends it be,granted, and so moved.
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted a report from the Commissioner.of Public Works stating that a
quantity (approximately 20 tons), of old fittings, etc. were held by
the Water Department for possible use during the war. The need for
holding an has passed and it is deemed advisable to dispose of them
now. Prices were received from three concerns, and inasmuch as two
identical bids�of .$13.00 per ton have been received, one from Evanston
Scrap Iron and Metal Company, an Evanston fir4i, it is, recommended that
.proposal of $13,00 received.from the.Evanston Scrap Iron and Metal
Company for this scrap metal, be; accepted. This has the approval of
the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of, the' Relief Organization in amount of $990.79 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized.to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen-Bersbach, Hemenway,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford ,(13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
request for withdrawal of bid on the part of Graham Paving and Con-
struction Company submitted July 8, 1944:for resurfacing various
streets. This matter was taken up in Committee of the Whole and
moved request be denied. Motion seconded by Alderman Platt and
Alderman James,submitted report from the Coftnis-
s ioner of Public Works as follows:
"In accordance with authority granted by theFCity Council
on May_15, 1944, sealed bids were received until and opened at
11:00 A.M.-July 8, 1944 for Section •28-C.S: which provides for
the construction of bituminous. concrete resurfacing -of' portions
of Lake Street, Noyes Street, .Simpson Street, Ashland Avenue and
Central Park Avenue. Five proposals were received, with prices
as shown in the attached tabulation.
As�early completion of this job is imperative, it is recom-
mended that the City.Council accept the proposal.of the low bidder,
Graham Paving and Construction Company, to do this resurfacing
work at the unit prices shown in the tabulation of bids.
The City Council is requested to authorize the immediate
return of the deposit checks of the unsuccessful bidders, and the
.return -of the deposit check of the successful bidder after approval
by the State Highway.Department of the executed contract and the
surety bond. t'
Alderman James moved approval of the above recommendtion. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersb ach, Hemenway,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,,James, Jourdain, Rubin, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford'(13): Voting nay none. (0). Motion carried.
Alderman - James also submitted the following report
from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"In accordance with authority granted by the,City Council
on May "15, 1944, sealed bids were received until and opened at
11:00 A.M. July B..; 1944, for Section 29-C.S. which -provides for
the construction.of a bituminous cover coat on portions of Orrington
Avenue. Five proposals were received, with prices as shown in the
attached tabulation.
As early completion of this job is imperative, it is recom-
mended that the City Council accept the pproposal'of the low bidder
Graham Paving and Construction Company: -to do this work at the unit
prices shown in the tabulation of bids.
The City Council is requested to authorize the immediate
return of the deposit checks of the unsuccessful bidders, and the
return of the deposit :check of the successful bidder after approval
by the State•Highway Department of the executed contract and the
surety bond." -
Alderman James moved approval of the above recommendation. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Platt,- Kimbark; Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Pinery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman James of, the Fourth'
Ward stated that some time ago he made a reference to the Judiciary
Committee and the Corporation Counsel to prepare a form of resolution
to be passed by the City Council and sent by the Mayor to the families
of Evanston service.men and'women who have died or been killed while
in the service of their Country. This resolution has been prepared
and accordingly submitted same, which is as follows:
a resident of Evanston, lllinois has given up (his.or her) life
while serving'in the armed forces of these United States; -and
WHEREAS, the sacrifice of life, in the cause of humanity,
in behalf of our Country and for the security of our future is
-a, griovous event which should be inscribed on our official rec-
ords 6s well as preserved in our individual memories;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the ,City Council of the City
of Evanston, in regular meeting assembled; THAT, for ourselves
and -the citizens of Evanston, Illinois, in steadfast recognition
of- our debt, we hereby expressour heartfelt appreciation of the
-sacrifice so nobly made and extend to the bereaved family and
' 'next , of kin of our departed c itizen � sincere and profound sympathy;
BE IT FURTHER.RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this resole-
tion be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and presented to the
next of kin of the deceased.
Alderman James moved the adoption of this resolution with authorization
to the Mayor.to have suitably lithographed or etched copies of the
same prepared for presentation. Duly seconded and carried.
s Alderman James•also stated that at the suggestion
of the Mayor, the Corporation Counsel and the Judiciary Committee
have also proposed that,a resolution of this Council be sent to those
service men and women who, having served their Country have been
honorably discharged from further service. A resolution for this
purpose has been prepared and accordingly presented the same:
WHEREAS, service in the armed forces, of our Country in time
of war is worthy of�permanent record and note; and
WHEREAS, it has, come to our attention that
a citizen of Evanston has served (his or her), Country and our
.community during this great war and has been honorably discharged
from further service;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Evanston, in regular meeting assembled: THAT, for ourselves
and the citizens of Evanston, we do hereby express sincere
appreciation and gratitude for the military service rendered by
(him or her) in behalf of our Country and our City; and
BE•IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable copy of this resolu-
tion signed by the Mayor and attested by the_City Clerk be pre-
sented as a token of our esteem.
Alderman James moved the adoption of this resolution with author-
ization to the Mayor to have suitably lithographed or etched copies
of the same prepared for presentation. Motion seconded by Alderman
Mogg and carried.
Alderman Jourdain of the Fifth Ward stated that he
wished to refer to the Corpcm ation Counsel a question which has to do
with a soldier in the armed forces who, years before he was inducted
into the service was a taxicab driver, and asked if the taxicab license.
which he had for several years cannot'now be made available for a member
of his family. Duly seconded and carried.
he was taking a vacation next week and entertained•a motion for the
appointment of a Mayor pro tem, Whereupon Alderman Thoma moved to
appoint Aiderman,.;_James as Mayor pro tem. Duly, seconded and carried. /_Y/
Mayor_Ingraham made the following appointments
of names previously introduced:
Willard B. Tulloch,
License _Enforcing Officer Special Police - 6 months' renewal
Carl J. Karsten, rr rr 6 rr r►
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed, Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at,next. meeting of the City Council:
Jackson Tolbert, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Guy Caselberry, it rr 6 r► rr
Michael J. Lennon, n n 6 n rr
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:2.0 P.M.
Edwhrd W. Bell,
City Clerk - ,
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall
July..31, '1944 .
Regular"Meeting of the City Council held July 31, 1944, convening
at 9:;00 P.M.
PRESENT: (14) Alderman Bersbach
" Hemeriway _
E° Platt
`" Kimbark
n Mogg
rr Jourda in
r► Brandt,
!' Corcoran -
6' • Thoma
" Hungerford
ABSENT: (1)�� " MacSteven
Mayor pro tern James presiding.
Alderman Emery moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held July 240 1944 be approved without reading. Duly seconded'and..
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE PREsented
and moved the.payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges -and transfers be authorized:
Contingent Fund $104.90
Fire Department 18,15
Garbage Department 47,50
Health Department -18.15
Legal Department 3.70
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
$ 16.32
New Municipal Building
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
-Street & Bridge Department
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Water Mains Bureau
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood,16orcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, Mogg, Kimbark,
Hemenway and Bersbach (12): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the pay-
ment of the following temporary payrolls to be paid August 4, 1944,
same to be charged to the proper. accounts':
Public Playgrounds Dept.
Building Department
Police Department
Police Department
Small Parks Department
-Public Works Department- -
Water Department
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
Water Department.
Sewer Dept. Public Works
Engineering Dept, Public Works
$3,,124.79 .
126.00 .
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,'Rubin, Jourdain, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted memorandum from the City
Treasurer reading as follows:
"The Council -minutes for meeting held July 24, 1944, page 3,
first paragraph, -read Evanston Historical Society - $100.00 and
should read Evanston Hospital Association - $100.00.. Will you
please have correction made tonight."
Accordingly moved to rescind action of July 24, 1944 in approving pay-
ment of $100.00 to the Evanston'Historical Society. Duly seconded and
Alderman Kimbark then moved payment of $100,00 to
the Evanston Hospital Association and charge to Miscellaneous Fund.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark stated that per advertisement of
July 13, 1944 the Finance Committee received and opened bids for the
sale of $110,000 Water -Revenue Bonds and it was very gratifying to have
eleven bids for these bonds. The premium offered for these bonds bearing
interest at 11 varied from $137.50 ,to $1.,842.50. Harris, Hall & Co.
ill W. Monroe Street, Chicago and The Milwaukee -Company, 135 S. La Salle
Street, Chicago, have submitted a joint bid offering t'o purchase these
bonds at a premium of $1,842.50. This is equivalent to about 101.675
per $100 or an interest rate of .95 of 1%. This is without question
the lowest interest rate which the City of Evanston has ever paid and
is indeed a compliment to the City of Evanston and our Water Department.
Alderman Kimbark moved that the offer of Harris. Hall & Company and The
Milwaukee Company to purchase these bonds for a premium of $10842.50 be
accepted and that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to
notify them of our acceptance. Motion seconded by Alderman Thana.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin, Jourdain, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (13):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark moved that the checks of the un-
successful bidders on revenue bonds be returned. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
application from the'F-vanston Sports Association requesting permission
to sponsor an ALL STAR SOFTBALL BENEFIT GAME for Wednesday nip�it, August
23, 1944, or in case of postponement, August 25, 1944, The proceeds of
this game will be received for a Post -War Development of Boltwoodts
Memorial Stadium. The admission price will be 50¢ for adults and 25¢
for children. The Park Committee has considered this request and rec-
ommends it be granted, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
submitted the following report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"The Public Service Company of Northern Illinois has recently
submitted contracts for hot water heating of city buildings for the
period from September 15, 1944 to June 15. 1945= as follows:
City Hall Building . . . . $728.89'
Fire and Police Stations . 552.75
These contracts provide the same' terms and conditions at the same
rate as in previous years.
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Commis-
sioner of Public Works to enter into contracts for this heating
It is the unanimous opinion of the.Public Buildings Committee that the
Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to enter into contract for
this= heating service for period from September lb, 1944 to June 15, 1945,
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain;
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Brandt made the following ,remarks:
"The architects for the New.MunicipalBuilding have completed
the exterior plans and most of the interior plans. However, without
waiting until they get all the details necessary for procuring
estimates from contractors on this work, they would like to submit
particularly the exterior plans to the Public Buildings Committee
next Monday night, and to invite all the aldermen to attend this
meeting and see these plans. I suggest that we meet at 8:30 P.M.
and that everyone be' there if possible.
In addition to the exterior plans of the building they have
seen`f it to work out a plan for landscaping and method of approach
on the south side of the building. After seeing these preliminary
plans I have asked them to bring them in and show them next Monday
night, largely as there is a direct relation to the south front of
this building and the approach. We should consider plans'for the
future and in considering the final plans for the exterior we
should take into consideration the approach'."
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works as follows:
"Two proposals have been -received for furnishing rock salt
for use by the Street Department for icy walks.and pavements,
as follows: '
Morton Salt Company $14.20 per ton'
Myles Salt Company, 14.80 per ton
It is recommended that the Commissioner of Public Works be author-
ized to accept the proposal of the low bidder. Morton Salt ComPan
to furnish one minimum carload (30 tons) of rock salt in bags at
$14.20 per ton, less credit for sacks returned, to.•be charged to
account No. 561."
This has the approval` of the Purchasing and Street Committees, and so
moved.. Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, .Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,' Rubin, Jourdain,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works relative to proposal received from Robert M.
McCaull, one of our policemen, to paint the street name signs on his
own time at $1900 per sign post. It is proposed to go ahead this Fall.
and paint about 200 of these signs. This has the approval of the
Street and Purchasing Committees, and acdordingly moved that Mr. McCaull
be authorized to paint about 200 signs at $1.00 per sign post with the
City of Evanston furnishing paint, brushes and turpentine. Motion
seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting,aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (.13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood also submitted the following report
from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"The Health Department is in need of new floor covering in
the clinic room, first floor south end of building. Dr. Tucker
prefers asphalt tile to linoleum. Two bids for asphalt tile have
been received as follows:
Thos. Moulding Floor Company $289.0,0
Dallia Floors 373,00
It is recommended that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized
to accept .the proposal of the low bidder, Thos. Moulding Floor Co.
to furnish and instal. asphalt tile on Health Department Clinic
floor, approximately 850 square feet, for the sun of $289.00, to be
charged to account No. 220."
This has the approval of the Purchasing and Health Committees, and so
moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting.nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $446994 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Kimbark. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery,.Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, Mogg, Kimbark,
Platt, Hemenway,and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
`the following report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"On Saturday, July 29, our salvage collection was held and the
following is a record of the tin cans, paper and metal ,collected:
Per capita
Paper and,
tin cans
- 1944
Seventh Ward is
the tin
trophy winner.
is .821
Metal -.scrap
1700 lbs
100 lbs
300 lbs
300 lbs
700 lbs
480 lbs
°:800 ' lbs
4380 lbs
Per capita collection for
I` UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Thoma of the Eighth
Ward stated he had received a number of complaints about the service on
the "L" trains running to Skokie. The "L" lines run in a more or less
haphazard schedule and have little regard for the -riders on.that line.
Various trains pun into Howard St. and the Skokie train is waiting
there and pulls away without waiting for all pasengers to board the
train, then there is a wait of 10 or 15 minutes. There should be 6
or 8 minutes during rush hours.
Moved a reference to the Corporation Counsel to direct.a
letter to the.Illinois Commerce Commission and the "L" lines asking
them to improve that sbhedule as there are sufficient people riding
that "L" from Evanston to give better service during the rush period.w
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Thoma made the following remarks:
"There .is one member of the City cabinet who receives very
little praise for the work he does. I have been a member of the
'Judiciary Committee since coming into the Council,'and last year
the committee had a large number of suits pending frcm the previous
administration, which has now been reduced to one. There were
sidewalk cases and other types held over from year to year and to
have these cases cleaned up is a credit to the City.
I congratulate our Corporation Counsel for the fine Job he
has done." >
Alderman Emery of the Sixth Ward submitted a
Petition signed by residents living on Grey Avenue and -Colfax Street
-concerning the operation -of a business at -2333 Grey Avenue, and: moved
same be referred to Mr. E.M. Goodman, Building Commissioner to inves-
tigate and make a report to the Building Committee. Duly seconded and
• Alderman Kimbark of the Third Ward stated that it
has come to.,his attention on two occasions where s_treet marking signs
have been pulled 'doym in his•ne3 hborhood, one a stop sign at Hinman
Avenue and Kedzie Street. Asked the Traffic Engineer to call this to
the attention of the Press and the Police Department, that it is a very
dangerous thing for children to do.
made the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Guy Caselberry, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Jackson Tolbert, " " 6
Michael J. Lennon, !' !' .6
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. 'Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor pro tem James introduced the following names
for confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:
Boston Ephraim, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Charles Searles,- 6
Upon motion duly.seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at_9:35 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City. Hall,
Augu s t 74,1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held August 7, 1944, convening
at 9:12 P.M.
PRESENT: (13) Alderman Bersbach
- "
ABSENT: (2) "
Mayor pro tem James presiding.
Alderman Corcoran moved that the Council convene
as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Emery moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held July. 31,_1944, be approved without reading. Whereupon Mayor
pro tern James -addressed the Council as Chairman of the Street.Commit-
tee as follows.:
"Before consideration of the approval of the Minutes of the
previous meeting I should like to have the minutes recorded as
withdrawing my support as Chairman of the Street Committee to the
motion put and,made by Alderman Harwood in connection with contract
given to a policeman for the painting of street signs. I do that
for the reason I believe the matter rightfully should have been
submitted to and considered by the Street Committee because it is a
matter of policy rather than a matter of purchasing. We are pur-
chasing nothing excepting the services of an individual; and the..
Chairman of,the;Street Committee was in the building all during
that week and ample opportunity was had to -confer with him with
reference to, establishing of this policy and such recommendations
if any, as were necessary to be made.
I was.not consulted about it and in the pressure of other
matters I concurred with recommendation that came through at the
suggestion of Alderman Harwood. The matter was not considered by
the.Street Committee and that was my fault, but in reconsidering the
matter I wish to withdraw my support for the reason stated, and also
because in times past for many years there has been a rule of the
Civil Service Commission that no one on civil service should have
employment other than that for which he was engaged by the City,
and that that rule was temporized by agreement so as to permit work
by a civil service employee being done with the permission_of the
department head.
I understand upon inquiry that the head of the Police Depart-
ment did not know of this contract for a member of his•d apartment
being a party to this contract until he read it in the minutes.
I think gentlemen, that it is a precedent that we are estab-
lishing here that might be dangerous. We on the one hand for years
have considered the wisdom of complying with rules of the Civil
Service Commission, and then we concur in recommendation to violate
that rule. Therefore, I wish to withdraw my support."
Alderman Thoma stated that as Chairman of the Fire
Committee they had a good deal of discussion concerning matter of
policy as far as the firemen were considered, about a year and a
half ago. The firemen were seeking employment to increase their
.income and :we..°we.re not against that, but as far as the policmen
and firemen are concerned, the main reason being they have the lives
and welfare of the citizens at stake, and also the firemen being on,
24 hours and off 24 hours to get sufficient -rest when on duty. I
agree with you as far as the policy angle is concerned that we
should not deviate from the long established rules. We have made
deviations in -time of war and we have allowed the men to accept
other employment, but as a matter of fixed policy the rules of the
Civil Service Commission should be adhered to and as soon as the
war is over resume normal practice.'
Alderman Harwood then moved that the Council convene as a Committee
of the Whole,. at the conclusion of Call of Wards, which motion was
duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
Auditing Department
$ 7.65
Building Department
City Clerk's Office
City Collectors Office
City Hall.Building
Civil Service Commission
Civil Service Commission
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department
Health Department
Legal Department:
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Salaries of City Officers
Salvage Fund
Sidewalk Account
Street & Bridge Department
- Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Water Mains Bureau
Water Meter Bureau
Special Salvage Fund
Street & Bridge Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersb ach,
Hemenway, Kimbark, Mogg, MabSteven, Jourdain,_Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood,.Thoma and Hungerford (12): Voting nay none (0). Motion
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the payment
of a supplemental payroll for the Civil Service -.Commission in amount of
05.50, same to be charged to the proper account. Motion seconded by
Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Kimbark,
Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain,•Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,, Thoma and
Hungerford, (12): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the adoption
of a RESOLUTION with respect to the delivery of $10,000 - 1944'Library
Fund Tax Anticipation Warrants of the City of Evanston, County of
Cook and State of Illinois. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood and
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following memorandum
from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"On June 28,'1944, the First Park District, Evanston, Illinois
was billed for repairs to beach house at Main Street Park in the
amount of9.12, City invoice No. 16605. We now find that the used
door, billed at $2.00 and one padlock billed at $1950 was not
supplied by the City of Evanston.
The Commissioner of Public Works recommends that Invoice No.
16605 to First Park District be corrected, cancelling charge for
padlock and used door in the amount of §3,50, making the total
amount of the invoice $5.62."
Also the following report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"At the last meeting of the City Council authorization was
given for payment of $16.32 to be charged to Motor Fuel Tax.Fund.
This bill should have been charged to Public Works Department
-Account No. 12,
The Commissioner of Public Works recommends that the bills
listed.for payment in the Council minutes of July 31, 1944, be
amended accordingly."
Alderman Kimbark moved approval'of the above two recommendations.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma .and Hungerford (12): Voting nay none (0). Motion
Alderman Kimbark submitted memorandum from -the City
Collector relative to request from Mrs. J.G. Lawhon, 724 Noyes Street
who purchased vehicle license #8527 for $5 on March 8 and #12163 for
$5 on July -31, for the same car. Sticker #8527 has been returned to
the City Collector with request for refund of $5. Also submitted a
request from Mr. M.J. Brennan, 1316 Maple Avenue who purchased vehicle
license #10930 on April 3 for $5, He was taken ill and sold his car
without having used it. qHe has obtained a refund from the Office of
theSecretary of State. The Finance Committee feels that based on the
fact that he convinced the Secretary of State that he was ill, granted
a refund less the usual fee of 50� or total of $4.50; and also a re-
fund of $5 to Mrs. Lawhon. Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven.
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
Jourdain,.Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hun gerford (12):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Thoma for the FIRE COMMITTEE reported that
the International.Association of Fire Chiefs Convention is to be held
August 28-31, 1944 at Grand Rapids, Michigan:- The -Fire Chief has been
a member of this association for the past 30 years and has received a'
special invitation. This matter was taken up with the Fire Committee
and the Finance Committee to appropriate $100 to cover expenses of.
this trip, and s-o moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Bersbach. -Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Kimbark, Mogg, Mac.Steven, Jourdain,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, ,Thoma and Hungerf ord (12): Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried.
addressed the Council as follows:
"This evening the Public Buildings Committee met in the Mayorts
office, attended by most of the aldermen, and we were presented -the
final plans for�the exterior of the New Municipal Building. These
plans, and I wish the Press would note, are to be left 'in the office
of the Mayor for the next three weeks, and the public is invited,
and any suggestions they have to offer we will be ,glad to receive.
We will also have plans for the construction of the interior
of the building ready in a few weeks. They are preliminary plans
however, and we wish the heads of the departments and their assis-
tants to look over and if not in accordance with what they wish,
we, would like their suggestions. These plans will also be left in
the Mayorts office for their consideration.
In addition the architects on -their own initiative, because of
the approach to .the building itself suggest a '^ rt - The plans
for landscaping the park 'would extend south from .the building to
Lake Street. They have presented -.a very attractive landscaping
layout beginning with a large plaza'in the center of which is a
flag pole and extending with a long approach leading up to the south
front banked by - trees on either side. This landscaping is pomething
we will have to face in the future and we should not put it off too
long. It will probably amount with the flag pole and the front
approach, to somewhere around 47,000 to $8,000 additional. This -is
in addition to ,the plans for, the -municipal building itself. In the
past we have not considered the landscaping as we were not ready,
but now that we have decided where the front of the building is to
be we will have to consider that'and I am glad they went ahead on
their own initiative, these plans for our consideration.
However, the architects plans for the outside of the building
are now definitely, ready and unless we have any suggestions to the
contrary after about three weeks we will take steps to approve
these plans."
Alderman Harwood,for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE stated
that on April 24, 1944 the Commissioner of Public Works was authorized
on my motion to advertise for bids for the construction of a 24 inch
water f.eeder main in Church Street and -a 16 inch water main in Prairie
Road according to plans and spedifications then approved and on file
in .the office of the Commissioner of 'Public Works, ,for which the Engin-
eering Department had made an ,estimate of cost of $105,000. The -minutes
of the meeting as transcribed show this in abbreviated form. Accordingly
moved that the minutes of the meeting -of this Council for April -24, 1944
(page 4) be amended to show that the bids for which the Commissioner was
authorized to advertise were to be in accordance with plans and specifi-
cations then approved and on file in his office, and so moved. Motion
seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,-Jourdain., Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (12): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried:
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF ,COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $1,295•.70 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be 'authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway;
Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (12): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the WATER COMMITTEE presented and
moved the adoption of a RESOLUTION with respect to the delivery of
$110,000 Water Revenue Bonds 1944 of the City of Evanston, Cook County,
Illinois, dated as of August 15, 1944. Motion seconded by Alderman
Hungerford. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (11):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Jourdain .of the Fifth
Ward moved a reference to the Chief of Police regarding the excessive
speeding and reckless driving in the west end of the Fifth Ward, par-
ticularly in the area of Emerson Street, also the streets directly
east and west and south of Emerson Street., Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Jourdain stated that two weeks ago he had
made a reference to the Corporation Counsel relative to the securing of
a taxicab license for an ex -service man whose license had been taken
away from while he was over seas fighting for his country; that the
Corporation Counsel and the City Collector have rendered a reportto
him in which they show that they have done everything possible to
assist this man and that the difficulty in his securing a license is
not due to -the City of Evanston but to the.regulations of the O.D.T.
which has persistently refused to recognize his right for a license.
This is a matter of grave and public importance and accordingly moved
a reference to Z.A.. Faulkner our Traffic Engineer who is the Evanston
representative so far as the O.D.T. is concerned, in the hopes that he
may find some ways and means of persuading this government bureau to
correct an injustice. Whereupon Alderman Emery speaking on the subject
remarked that the Mayor, the City Collector,. the Corporation Counsel and
the Public -Utilities Committee had been struggling diligently to correct.
this situation but had met with no success or encouragement, having been
flatly turned down.by the O.D.T. - that Mr.Bent-had interceded with the
U.S. Employment Service that returning ex -service men be given the
positions which they had before entering the service, that there was
apparently a conflict between the two, and that as.yet no one had been
able to work out a solution to the matter but -that every effort would
be continued in that direction. Motion duly seconded and carried.
Speaking as Alderman of the Fourth Ward, Mayor pro
tem James stated that these -ex -service men and others who are seeking
permits to operate cabs or release of permits from the Evanston Cab
Company, perhaps do not know Alderman Platt well enough as he seems to
be the -only one who can get these permits.
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward made a reference
jointly with the Park Committee and the Public Buildings Committee on
the subject of landscaping in front of the New Municipal Building.
Alderman Emery of the Sixth Ward stated that the
citizens of the Sixth Ward are duly grateful to the Commissioner of
Public Works and the Commissioner of Streets for oiling of the streets.
Alderman Thoma of the Eighth Ward stated that several
weeks ago a reference was made relative t'o the gas station at Howard
Street and Barton Avenue, and the parking of trucks in the rear of this
gas station. The Police Department was asked to take the matter up,
which they did, but it seems this party is persisting in handling this
in,his own fashion. He received several calls about these trucks
starting at 5:30 in the morning, and checked with the City Collector.who
informed him that the gas station permit does not -include a•parking
permit. Moved a reference to the Police Department to have every one
of the trucks removed from this gas station and that this property be
operated only as a gas station. Duly' seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark of the Third Ward asked that the
remarks of Mayor,pro tem James in reference to Alderman Platt be made
a part of the minutes. Mayor pro tem:James replied stating that several
aldermen have been unsuccessful in attempting to obtain licenses from
the Evanston Cab Company yet Alderman Platt has been successful in
obtaining two.
made the following appointments of names previously.introduced:
Boston Ephraim,
Charles Searles,
Special Police - 6 months renewal
if it 6 tt tt
Alderman Mogg moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor pro tem James introduced the following names
for confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:
Fred A. Hertwig, Special Police - 6 months renewal
James A. Holmes, n n 6 n It
Axel M. Anderson, tt rt 6 It it
For Council records, -Chief h'lman has announced that
the probationary period for Patrolman Robert L. Johnson has been ex-
tended for 15- days only..
Alderman Harwood moved that the Council meet as a
Committee of the Whole. Duly seconded and carried.
WHEN COUNCIL RECONVENED: Alderman Harwood stated
that in view of the discussion early in the evening and in Committee
of the Whole, moved a reconsideration of action of the Council taken
at the last meeting for the approval of contract with Robert M. McCaull
for painting 200 street name signs and that said action be rescinded.
Alderman Emery then stated that Mr. McCaull should be notified that we
accepted this contract in good faith and regret exceedingly taking this
action. Motion seconded by Alderman Emery. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Hemenway, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (11): Voting nay none (0). Motion
Whereupon Alderman Harwood moved that the Minutes
of Meeting held July 31, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman Emery stated that the attention of the
Public Utilities Committee has been called to the fact that a good
many telephone and Public Service poles in Evanston are now being used
for political advertising. He had one picture of such a sign being
used, stating further that it does not make any difference which party
is involved, but advertising should not be plac-ed on property of this
sort and it should be determined who is putting up these signs dnd
steps taken to eliminate advertising from -telephone and Public Service
poles. If any Alderman would like proof, we have such ,proof . and it will
be made a part of the Council minutes that this matter has- been called
to our attention, that we strenuously,
• iobject and deplore the.action
and make it perfectly clear that this ;action is not to be tolerated.
Moved that the Commissioner of PubliclWorks communicate with. the
Telephone Company and the Public'Service Company requesting them to
remove these signs. Duly seconded and carried.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
( Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
August 14, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held August 14, 1944, convening
at 9:,50 P.M.
PRESENT: (14) Alderman Bersbach '
" Hemenway
" Platt
n Mogg
" MacSteven
F' James
" Jourdain
" Rubin l
ri Brandt
" Emery ,
t° Corcoran
ri Thoma 1
Hungerford I
ABSENT: ' (1) " Kimbark '
Mayor Ingraham presiding. E
Alderman Brandt mooed that the Minutes of Meeting
held August 7, 1944, be approved withithe following correction:
Page 4 -. 3rd paragraph 'because of the approach to the
building. itself suggest wi_landscaping. pro jept. r .
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Jourdain for the BUILDING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted an application received from John Foster:requesting permission
to move a two story.frame and stucco residence from 2329 Prairie
Avenue to 2025 Ashland Avenue. Frontage coXisents as required by the
Building Code have been obtained and are on file in the office of the
Building Commissioner.• Committee on .Buildings recommends that this
application be granted, subject'to the approval of the Commissioner of
Public Works and the Building Commissioner, and so moved. Duly -
seconded and carried.
Alderman Platt for the FINANCE COMMITTEE stated
that the Salvage Committee has been looking around for insurance for
the boys and other non -employees who help'out on salvage collection.
There have been some accidents and they thought they should have some
protection. Not being able to get insurance, their next thought was
that they should have a First Aid.Kit for each truck. Prices were
gotten and it _is recommended that 40 kits -be purchased from Ohlson
Drug Company, 1303 Elmwood Avenue, Evanston at $1.40 each, or a total
of $56.00, and charge to Special Salvage Fund. This report is signed
by the Superintendent of Streets and the 8ommissioner of Public Works.
The Finance Committee has given its approval, and accordingly so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (14); Voting nay none.
Motion carried.
_ Alderman Platt also stated that the Salvage Committee
would like to .do something for the men who have worked so faithfully
on the salvage.. Mr. Smedberg has organized a soft ball team and it
was -suggested by the Committee that uniforms be purchased for them and
charged to the;Salvage Account. This equipment would belong to the
City of_Evanston. It is further recommended by the Salvage Committee
that the entire O.C.D. group of men working on the salvage be given.a
sweater, costing approximately $3,00. The.total expenditure on these
items would amount to_ $375.00. The Commissioner of Public Works and
the Superintendent of Streets recommend these purchases be made, and
accordingly so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerf ord, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (14);
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Platt presented and moved the payment of
the following bills, and that the proper charges and transfers be
City Hall Building
City Treasurerls Office
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Municipal Court
Park Department
Playground Department
Public Works Department
Special Assessment,Fund
- Special Recreation -Fund
Street &.Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Water Mains Bureau
Water'Me.ter Bureau
City Hall Building
Miscellaneous Fund
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
.MacSteven, Mogg, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none.
: Motion carried.
Alderman Platt also presented and moved the payment
of the following temporary payrolls to be paid August 18, 1944, same to
be charged to the proper accounts:
Civil Service Commission
Building Department
Public Works Department
Water Department
Public Works Department
Small Parks Department
Public Works Department
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
Public Playgrounds Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin,.Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Platt, Hemenway
and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion ,carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M.. Duly seconded and
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE sub-
mitted''report from the Police Department relative to complaint about
speeding on Emerson Street, and adjacent streets, which was.referred to
the Traffic Division and a motorcycle officer has.been assigned to
patrol said streets. Also the complaint about the gas station at
Howard Street and Barton Avenue has been taken.care of to the complete
satisfaction of all parties concerned.
• Alderman MacSteven also submitted memorandum from
the Commissioner of Public Works advising that the City has operated
its own police cars for one and one-half years now, and submitting
a report showing the savings affected by this method. The police are
making every effort to conserve these vehicles, as the most optomistic
estimates indicate no cars will be available until the middle of 1945.
Alderman MacSteven stated that the Police Department should be con-
gratulated for the effort they are putting forth.
submitted a report from the Corporation Counsel relative to reference
made by Alderman Thorfta on the transportation schedule on the Skokie
elevated line,.advising that he had communicated with the Chicago Rapid
Transit Company and the Illinois Commerce Commission registering a com-
plaint as to service on the Skokie Division, particularly during the
' evening rush hours. The 'Illinois Commerce Commission called the officials
of the Chicago Rapid Transit Co. into a conference at the office of the
Commission on August 8th. At this meeting, the complaints were dis-
cussed and the Chicago Rapid Transit Co. exhibited not only their train
schedule but also a five-day operation schedule made'out.by the train
dispatcher. 'The Chief Engineer of the Illinois Commerce Commission has
suggested that if further complaint is received.in regard to off -schedule
trains or other causes of dissatisfaction with the service that written
details be sent in and they will use their best efforts to correct the
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $913.71-and moved that the
Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these'b,Ylls. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, 'Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Platt,
Hemenway and Bersbach (14) Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
the"f ollowing report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"Attached please find copy of agreement between the State of
Illinois, Division of Highways, and the City of Evanston for main-
"-tenance -of those portions of city streets now being used as State
Bond Issue Routes 42 and 58, for the period from June 30, 1944 to
June 30, 1945. The terms and conditions.of this agreement are
identical with those which have been in effect for the past several
It is recommended that the City Council'authorize the Mayor
and City Clerk to execute this agreement on behalf of the City of
Alderman James so -moved. Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (14):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Brandt of the Sixth
Ward reported that he and Alderman Emery have received a number of com-
plaints relative to traffic situation on Marcy.Avenue between Thayer
Street and Isabella Street. Marcy Avenue is a dead end street ending
in an alley just south of Isabella Street and as a consequence there
is a lot of speeding from the north vhere traffic comes south from
Wilmette and instead of turning either east or west continues on
Marcy Avenue into the east and west alley. Moved a reference to the
Street Committee to consider proposition of closing Marcy Avenue where
it joins the alley south of Isabella Street. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt stated that the Street Department
has done.a splendid job on Harrison Street and.Lincolnwood Drive.
However, the intersection of those two streets is being out up badly
due to speeding, and something should be done to save the good work on
those two streets. Moved a reference to the Commissioner of Public
Works and the Street Committee to see if we can put in some rough
concrete blocks at the northwest corner of Lincolnwood Drive and
Harrison Street. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Jourdain of the Fifth Ward referred to the
traffic situation existing on the east side of Darrow Avenue from Lake
Street back to the alley. Moved a reference to the Traffic Engineer'
to consider the feasibility of No Parking signs on the east side of
Darrow Avenue from Lake Street south to the first alley. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Jourdain moved a reference to the Chief of
Police as to whether it might be possible to have an Officer assigned
in the northwest area of the Fifth Ward; the nuisance being in the
trend toward speeding and reckless driving. Duly seconded,and carried.
Alderman James of the Fourth Ward addressed -*.the
Council as follows:
"I wish to make an observation with regard to reference made
by Alderman Brandt. I think the suggestion of Alderman MacSteven
possibly is as good a remedy as any for the condition and possibly
the best solution. Of course it cannot be considered being put
into practice at this time because of the war, but that -very refer-
ence, Mr. Mayor, is further justification for the action that this
Council has many times taken with regard to proper expenditure of
Motor Fuel Tax funds within a given city without reference to the
State Highway Department.
I think the feeling is becoming more and more prevalent
throughout the State that the theory of'special assessments is
obsolete and it is a means of financing local improvements that is
becoming more and more in.disfavor.. This is an example of how
• 'money'derived from -Motor Fuel'Tax funds should be judiciously
expended by. -direction of local.authorities, without being depen-
dant upon the whims of the State authorities,. Local self govern-
ment is a"doctrine which should be put into practice and not
merely be given lip service.
At the forthcoming meeting of the Illinois Municipal League
.this matter of local control over Motor Fuel Tax funds is to be
given due consideration.' There are some:Evanstonians who are on
the program to present the matter and this is a fine example of.
what we should attempt to accomplish."
made the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Fred- A`: Hertwig Special Police - 6 months renewal
James A. Holmes " " 6
Axel M. Anderson " " 6 " !'
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at the next meeting of the City Council:
Mrs. Eleanore M. Coffin, Special Police - 6 months
Carl Caldeen, It " 6 It renewal
Mayor Ingraham thanked .Alderman. James for taking
over his duties while he was out of town.
motion duly
seconded and carried,
-the Council
adjourned at 10:12
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
City Hall
August 21,
Meeting of
City Council
held August 21, 1944,
at 9:20
(14) Alderman
" -
Hungerf ord
Mayor Ingraham presiding. z
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held August 14, 19440 be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and 'carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Notice State of Illinois advising that the allotment of Motor
Fuel Tax for the month of July, 1944 is 09,224.70, Alderman Rubin
moved same be referred.to the Street Committee and the Commissioner
..of Public Works. Duly seconded and carried.
Communication and Petition dated August 17, 1944 signed by
some 25 residents residing at 1804 and 1812 Sherman Avenue, pretesting
against the noise and disturbances in and about the.Toddle House,
1816 Sherman Avenue, particularly during the late hours of night and
early hours of the morning. Alderman'Kimbark moved same be referred
to the Chief of Police. Duly seconded and carried.
City Treasurer's Financial Statement as of July 31, 1944.
Alderman Kimbark moved same be referred to the Mayor, the Finance
Committee and the Auditor. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE sub-
mitted the following bills, and moved that the proper charges and
transfers be authorized:
Building Department
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Civil Service Commission
Fire Department
Fire Department
Health Department
Miscellaneous Fund !
Municipal Court
New Municipal Building
Park 'Department
Park Department
Playground Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public.Works Department
Salvage Fund
Street & Bridge Department
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Water Revenue Bond Acct. 1944
Water Meter Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion
Alderman Kimbark also submitted and moved the payment
of a supplemental payroll for the Police Department in amount of $29,70,
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran.. Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following report from
the City Collector:
"Several months ago Mayor Ingraham made reference to a rebate
of the cash surplus in the Lighting Assessment fund. The 'of f is e of
the City Collector is working 'on this assessment roll in .anticipation
of such a rebate.
The confirmed assessment was for $1,385,325.46 and there is a
cash sur lus at the present time of $�92,000.00. This is sufficient
for a 67rebate and I should like Council approval to proceed on this
basis. As nearly every lot in the City is involved in this assessment
and as there is considerable preparatory work necessary, in all prob-
ability the matter cannot be concluded until after the.first of
next year."
The Finance Committee recommends that approval be given for the spreading
of a rebate of 6% in accordance with the above report, and so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark moved the Suspension of the Rules
for the adoption of a Resolution with respect to the delivery of $100,000
Tax Anticipation Warrants. Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark,.Mo.gg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark then presented and moved the.adoption
of a RESOLUTION with respect to the delivery of 1944"'General Corporate
Fund, Public Playground Fund, Street and Bridge Fund and Garbage Fund,
Tax Anticipation Warrants of the City of Evanston, Cook County and
State of Illinois, in amount of $100,000 to be dated August 25, 1944.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran f or.the PARK COMMITTEE..called the
attention of.the Council to the All Star game to be played at Boltwood
Field on Wednesday evening, August 23. Many of Evanstonts business
men are putting forth much time and effort to make this a success.
The profits are being set aside and will result some day in a permanent
stadium for soft ball. This game should receive our cooperation and
Alderman Corcoran commended the Commissioner of
Public Works for the very fine job done on Chandler Field House. It
has now been decorated on the outside, and wooden floors put on the
inside, making it a very practical and useful house for the community.
This was made possible by funds received from the Evanston Community
Recreation association.
stated that in view of the fact that several inquiries have been re-
ceived from prospective bidders during the last few days regarding sale
of the present City Hall, suggested that the Finance Committee consider
the matter and see" if it is not an 'opportune time to again advertise
for bids on the sale -of this site. Moved a reference to the Finance
Committee and the Judiciary Committee asking them to set a date. Duly
seconded and carried.
stated that the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway has been unable
to secure W.P.B. approval for use of structural'steel in the supports
for track south of Emerson Street and has submitted plans and specifi-
cations calling for sand fill instead of steel girders. The Commissioner
of Public Works has requested authority to permit this change before he
approves of the plans as now presented. This has the approval of a
majority of the Public Utilities Committee, and so moved. After some
discussion Alderman Hungerford stated that his was the dissenting vote
In the committee meeting, as he `did not think the railroad had exercised
as,much pressure as might have been brought to obtain steel and his vote
was merely a.protest vote. It'is necessary that'the improvement go
through but he was protesting the change and would vote in favor of the
amended plans.
Alderman Emery then called the attention of the Council to
the fact that this request isnot a departure from the, original
ordinance, which specified sand fill. The change to steel was made
for the railroad's own convenience and inasmuch as they could not
get steel have asked to revert back to the ordinance as originally
Alderman Harwood stated he would yield to the opinion of the
majority but at the same time called particular attention to the
fact that stress should be laid upon the railroad being required to
complete construction of the stations at Noyes ;street and Foster
Street if it is at all possible to get the critical material needed;
and that were it not for the delay which would ensue that he felt
that permission to complete the elevation should be contingent upon
the railroad completing said stations, but that acting upon the
assumption that the railroad was in good faith in its assurance
that every effort was being made to complete the stations this year
he would go along with the proposition, but urged that the city
'officials continue their efforts in this direction knowing that the
Mayor had already communicated with the railroad on this subject.
Moti.on seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14)t Voting nay none (0). -Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills -of, the Relief Organization in amount of $439.49 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by .Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt,
Kimbark,Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin. -Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood; Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE stated that
the -County of Cook contemplates making an improvement on McCormick Road
between Dempster'Street and Green Bay Road, and accordingly it is nec-
essary to pass a Resolution which is similar to resolutions that always
accompany request -from another political subdivision making improve-
ments on,roads within the corporate limits of the City of Evanston.
Accordingly presented and moved the adoption of this Resolution.- Motion
seconded by Alderman Rubin and carried.
Alderman James submitted application made on the
part of Victor Pinto, 716 Main Street, for operation 6f a news stand
on the south side of Main Street at the North Western viaduct. This
has the approval of all members of the Street Committee, and moved
permit be issued. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE stated
that at a recent meeting of the City Council; the Baxter Laboratories,
Inc. were granted permission to occupy, for the duration 'of the -war- and
six months thereafter, a portion of the building at 2510 Green Bay Road,
for packing, storing and shipping purposes. They now request the same
permission for the building at 2516 Green Bay Road. Committee on Zoning
recommends that the Baxter Laboratories, Inc. be granted permission to
occupy the building at 2516 Green Bay Road for packing, storing and
shipping purposes for the duration of the war and not more than six
months thereafter, and so moved. Duly seconded by Alderman Emery and
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Bersbach of the First
Ward stated that for several days he has been hoping to see the start
of the Orrington Avenue paving, but to date nothing has happened. Moved
a reference to the Commissioner of Public Works to advise reason for
the delay. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran of the Seventh Ward rose to -second' -
the remarks of Alderman Harwood regarding the completion of two "L"
stations at Noyes Street and Foster Street, stating that inasmuch as
the railroad is'now starting to do something definite urged that if at
all possible every bit of energy be put forth to complete these stations.
Moved a reference to the Mayor and the Public Utilities Committee re-
garding this matter. Whereupon the Mayor again gave assurance that he
had already done considerable work on this project and that it would
continue to receive the best efforts of the Public Utilities Committee
and the city officials. Duly seconded -and carried.
Alderman Thoma of the Eighth Ward stated that he
had received a number of calls from people residing on -Custer Avenue
and Oakton Street and Custer Avenue -and South Blvd. There was a lot of.
difficulty with the gas station at Custer Avenue and South Blvd. some
years ago. The young men then were using that.as a hang-out, driving
down Custer Avenue at a high rate of speed and cutting through the gas
station property. Due to the shortage of gas. they have now -taken to
motorcycles, making considerable noise and the tenants have threatened
the landlords that they will break their leases. The -noise commences
shortly after dark and on until one and two in the morning. Moved a
reference to the Police Committee and the Chief of Police to have this
street patrolled to see if we cannot rid this neighborhood of this
menace. Duly seconded and carried.
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Mrs. Eleanore M. Coffin, Special Police -*6 months
Carl Caldeen, It f' 6 It renewal
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments'be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:
Luther Avery, Special Police - 6 months renewal
William C. Cannon, " " .6 "
Upon motion duly seconded and carried,'the Council
adjourned at 9:•45 P.M.
Edward W. Bell, City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
' City Hall,.
August 28, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held
August 28, 1944,•convening
at 9:05 P.M.
PRESENT; (15) Alderman Bersbach
`.° Platt
cp MacSteven
10 Corcoran
`P Thoma
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved
that -the-Minutes of Meeting
held August 21,. 1944, be approved without
reading. Duly seconded
and carried.'
Alderman Kimbark for
sented and moved the payment of the following
bills, and that the -
proper charges and transfers -be authorized;
City Hall Building
Contingent Fund
5.00 -
Fire Department
Health Department
Park Department
40.08 "
Playground Department
. Police Department
Public Works Department
Salvage- Special Account
Special Recreation Fund
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
City of -Evanston -Water Works)
Revenue Bond 1944-Retirement)
9,366.92 a
Reserve Account )
Water Mains Bureau
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark and
Hemenway (10).: Voting nay none (0). Motion
_ Alderman Kimbark also
presented -and moved the pay-
ment of•the following temporary payrolls
to be paid September 1, 1944,
same to be charged to the proper accounts:
Civil Service Commission
Park Department
1,249.83 '
Playground Department
Engineering Department
Public Works Dept. Maintenance
Public Works Dept. Sewer
Street & Bridge Repair Dept. 6,020.74
Water Department 298.98
Water Department 95.97
Police Department 30.00,
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Ma.cSteven, Mogg, Kimbark and
Hemenway (10): Voting nay none (0). -Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works as follows:
"The following items are properly chargeable against the
Water Revenue Bond Account. They were paid out of other accounts
because the funds from the Water Revenue Bonds were not available
at the time. Will you please see that these transfers are passed
by the Council:
Date passed Account
by Council To For No. Amount
Alvord, Burdick &
Investigation & report
on Skokie water deal
Joseph L.
Expense in connection
with Skokie water deal
Advertising for bids
3-30-44 Skokie water
Advertising for pipe
Advertising for con-
tract 4-27-44
Advertising for con-
tract 5-4-44
North Shore Blue
15 copies tracing 24"
Print Co.
water main bid
Reprints Bond Ord.
Advertising Water
Revenue bond ordinance
Kimbark moved
of the above transfers
named and charge to Water Revenue Bond Account. Motion seconded by
Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerf ord, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt and
Bersbach (12): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
submitted communication addressed to the Mayor from the Evanston War
Chest, Inc. requesting use of Fountain Square the evening of October
2, for the kick-off rally for the Evanston War Chest. The Committee
has considered this request and accordingly moved permit be granted
subject to supervision of the Mayor. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran stated that inasmuch as next
Monday is Labor Day, moved that when the Council adjourns tonight it
adjourn until Tuesday., September 5, 1944. Duly seconded and carried.
2 1 1.
Alderman Corcoran moved that the Council convene
as of 9:00 otclock P.M. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
request from Mount Zion Church, 1113 Clark Street for use of Boltwood
Park facilities for a church picnic on Wednesday, August 30. The
Committee has considered this request and recommends it be granted,
and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE stated
that the Aldermen of the Fourth Ward have had several complaints from
citizens living in the neighborhood of Madison Street and Custer Avenue
regarding disturbances created by the Jitney Cab Company during the
night. People are unable to get any rest on account of the commotion
in the vicinity of the garage and on the corner. The noise from the
mechanical work going on, such as straightening out fenders and other
nuisances that go with this sort of work, is very annoying and cars
are also parked all over the neighborhood. Accordingly moved same be
referred to the Mayor and Chief of Police. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman MacSteven also submitted the following
report from the Chief of Police:
"Concerning Alderman Jourdaints reference to speeding and
reckless driving in the northwest area of the Fifth Ward, wish to
advise that a motorcycle olTicer has been patrolling this area for
the past two weeks and several arrests -have been made on Emerson St.
Concerning Alderman Thomats reference to speeding of motorcycles
on Custer Avenue in the vicinity of Oakton Street and South Blvd.
wish to advise that motorcycle and patrol car officers are giving
special attention to this a rea.
Concerning petition in reference to disturbances in and about
the Toddle House, 1816 Sherman Avenue, wish to advise that James.
Davenport, division manager of this concern, has assured us of his
full cooperation in the matter. He is planning to hire a policeman
who will be stationed in front of the place at night, to curb this
reported that the architects informed him that final plans for the New
Municipal Building will be ready about October 1.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted the following report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"At Fire Station No. 3 the hot water has been heated by a
separate heater using chestnut hard coal at $18.00 per ton. This
is a very expensive method of heating water and to further compli-
cate the situation, chestnut coal is extremely hard to get.
I have secured bids on the installation of No. 300 Bell Ec
Gossett hot water heater. This system can be used with mechanical
firing, i.e. stoker firing which will result in a saving of approx-
imate)y $11.00 per ton. The Fire Chief is in favor of this change.
The following is a tabulation of the,three bids received
Lawrence C. Swarthout $124.00
Northwestern Heating
& Plumbing Co. 149.00
E.E. Fitzgerald 165.00
It is recommended that contract be awarded to Lawrence C.
Swarthout, the low bidder, at $124.00, to be charged,to item
No. 180.11
This has,the approval of the Public Buildings Committee and the Pur-
chasing Committee, and so moved. Motion seconded.by Alderman Thoma.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery,
Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0) Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $899..87 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman.MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hun gerf ord, Thomas
Harwood, Corcoran,.Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
UNDER CALL OF.WARDS: Alderman Jourdain of the Fifth
Ward stated that word was received today that a service man still in
the service who was having difficulty�in securing a taxicab license
which had expired and which could not;be reissued, that this license
was made available to him, and wished on,behalf of his family to
express appreciation to the Mayor, the Corporation Counsell, City ,
Collector and other city officials who aided in making this possible,
and particularly the Chicago Tribune who were instrumental in -bringing
this about.
Alderman James of the Fourth Ward stated that com-
plaints have come to his attention about the existence of a barn in
the rear of 728 Custer Avenue, that according to the neighbors, is
both a fire and a health hazard. He looked at the place with the
Fire Marshal and he agreed that something should be done. As a matter
of fact notice was served on the owners some time ago that the place
should either be put in a decent state of repair or be demolished, and
"that order should be followed through. Accordingly moved that the
matter be referred,to the Health Commissioner, Building Commissioner
and the -Fire Marshal. Duly seconded and carried.
made the following appointments of names previously introduced:
William Cannon Special Police - 6 months
Luther Avery r► - rr 6 rr renewal
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at the next' meeting. of the City Council:
John Fee Special Police - 6 months renewal
Richard Roth it rr 6 rr tr
Osborn G. Hjelte "ti " 6
Mayor Ingraham appointed the f ollowing,citizens to
serve as members of the Evanston Art Commission:
Mr. Walter T. Stockton, Term to expire July 10 1945
Mrs. W. Swift Lord, Term to expire July l,' 1946) to succeed
Dr. James A..James, Term to expire July'l; 1946), themselves
Mrs. Arthur Boettcher, Term to expire July 10 1947)
Upon moetion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 9:25 P.M.'
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
- - -a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall.,
.� September 5, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held September 5,.1944, convening
at 10:20 P.M.
PRESENT: (14) Alderman Bersbach
ABSENT: (1), "
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held August 28, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded and
City.Clerk Edward W. Bell., -presented the following:
Communication State of Illinois, Division of Highways, -dated
Ate us 8, 1944, approving contract for Section 28-C.S. Alderman
.Rubin mo ed same be referred to the Commissioner of Public Works and
the Street Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
1 -
Communication State of Illinois, Division of Highways, dated
August 28, 1944, approving contract for Section 29-C.S. Alderman
Rubin moved same be referred to the Commissioner of Public Works and
the Street Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COPIMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the f ollowinA bills, and.that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
Building Department
City Hall -'Building. :- =. r
Contingent Fund
Fire Department . 2-
37'.24 J
Garbage Department
.Health Department =
Park Department
Playground Department
Prepaid Insurance ;
Public Works Department
Salvage-Spe(cial Account
Special Recreation'Fund
Street & Bridge Department
Filtration Plant
Water Mains,Bureau '
City of.Evanston-Water Works Revenue)
1944 Bond Account )
Miscellaneous Fund
Garbage Department.
Motion seconded by Alderman Nogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay
none (0)'. Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the
payment of the following supplementalipayrolls, same to be charged
to the proper accounts: i
Building Department $34.44
City Hall Building 50.00
Playground Department 66.71,
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. ;Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenwa Platt Kimbark Mo MacSteven James Rubin. Brandt
ye � s gge o a s e
Emery, Corcoran,- Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay
none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following reports
from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"On August 17 the Evanston War Chest purchased 8 - 36" x 36"
maps of the City of Evanst®n,.for which an invoice No. 16728 was
rendered in the amount of 06.00. It was later decided that these
maps could not be used by the Evanston War Chest and they were
returned to the City with 'a request that the invoice be cancelled.
It is recommended that invoice No. 16728 to Evanston War
Chest in the amount of $6.00 be cancelled."
"Arrangements were made by the Playground Department and
Haven School P.T.A.'for playground supervision for the summer
months at a cost of $327.87.
During this period it became necessary to transfer one of
the supervisors assigned to Haven School playgrounds to other
playgrounds as pianist for the summer pa§eant. This totaled 14`..
hours at $1.00 per hour, or a credit of gpl4.00 due Haven P:T.A.
on'their invoice No. 16726.
It is recommended that invoice 16726 to Haven School P.T.A.
be corrected to $313.87.11
This has the approval of the Finance Committee and the Park Committee
and moved that changes as recommended be authorized. Motion seconded
by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hun-9
erford (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion
` Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved -that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Corcoran submitted communication addressed
to the Mayor from The American"Legion, Evanston Post No. 42 advising
that they are giving away $1,000 in War Bonds at their Armistice Harvest
Party, November 11, 1944, and requesting permission to install a booth
west of the Fountain for the sale of tickets. The committee has con-
sidered this request and recommends it be granted, under supervision
of the Mayor as to location of booth, and so moved. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report -from Supt. of Bureau of Recreation calling attention to the
excellent services rendered by the Evanston Emergency Police during
the past three months in patrolling the Lake Front Parks and Beaches.
This volunteer force patrolled between the hours of 8 and 11 o'clock
P.M. and sometimes later, each day of the week. Each man in the group
gave at least one night per week. The usual nuisances created after
closing hours were eliminated and the area policed in a most satis-
factory manner. Captain Eagle Freshwater was the supervisor -in charge.
They likewise furnished men on special occasions during the past season
at Boltwood Park. Enlarging on this report, Alderman Corcoran called,
attentionof the council to the fact that the Emergency Police have done
a very fine job during this summer. As stated they have patrolled the
Lake Front Parks and Beaches and as a result they have been able to rid
the city of many nuisances and saved much damage to city property.
Moved that we extend to them a vote of thanks for services rendered
during this summer. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran also' submitted report from the
Supt. of Bureau of Recreation, advising that in accordance with past
procedure the Evanston`Beach season closed on Labor Day evening. The
department is pleased to report that it has concluded its eighth con-
secutive year without a drowning or serious casualty while the beaches
were under supervision. The net revenue derived from the sale of
tokens this year totaled $13,823.25, which was slightly above that
for 1943. This season the City supervised 9 beaches instead of 8 as
in 1943. The attendance for 1944 totaled 243,163 on the beaches.
The Supervisors, Tom Lambert and John McCarthy, both ex -service men,
and the staff, should be� congratulated upon the fine showing made.
Alderman Corcoran commented -on the very fine report, stating further
that they looked upon the past season with a bit of awe and fear as.
they had to hire younger life guards. They were happy to add that they
had no drownings or serious accidents. The men mentioned by Mr. Byrnes
and the staff.are deserving of our congratulations and thanks for a job
well done. Mr. Byrnes too has been working 16 to 18 hours a day and
he merits our congratulations.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE submitted
the following report from the Chief of Police:
"Concerning Alderman MacStevents reference to disturbances
created by the Jitney Cab Company at Madison Street and Custer
Avenue, Mr. George-L. Hardy, owner and manager of this concern,
has been interviewed and has promised his full cooperation in
eliminating all unnecessary noise at night and correcting the
parking situation, so there will be no further cause for complaint."
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE
stated that the Commissioner of Public Works requests authority to
advertise for bids for installing a 16 inch water main in Davis Street
from Benson Avenue to'Orrington Avenue. The pipe is on hand for,this
work and bids are requested for installation. This has the approval
of the Water Committee, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
Platt and carried.
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works requesting authority to advertise for bids for
furnishing motor vehicle and business license decalcomanias or trans-
parencies for 1945 in accordance with specifications on file in the
office of the Commissioner of Public Works, and so moved. Motion
seconded by Alderman James and carried.
Alderman Harwood also submitted'report from the
Commissioner of Public Works requesting authority to solicit bids for
dog tags and peddlers, solicitors and chauffeurs badges for 1945 in
accordance with, specifications on file in the office of the Commis-
sioner of Public Works, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
MacSteven and carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $338.60 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,'Hemenway,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE stated that
the Commissioner of Public Works advises that Graham Paving & Construc-
tion Company has requested approval of the assignment of two paving
contracts to Arcole-Midwest Corporation; that the form of the executed
-assignment, the acceptance and the form of consent of the surety have
been approved by the Corporation Counsel; that the Commissioner of
Public Works recommends the assignment and requests Council approval
of this action. This matter was discussed in Committee of the Whole
and informal approval of the Commissioner of Public Works recommendation
was given. Accordingly moved approval of the.recommendation and authority
to the Commissioner of Public Works to consent to this assignment,
subject to approval of same by the State. Motion seconded by Alderman
MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Platt, Kimbark, MacSteven, James,
Rubin, Brandt, Thoma and Hungerford (8): Voting nay Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Mogg, Emery, Corcoran and Harwood (6): Motion carried.
Alderman James submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works advising that the Street Department has a Brunner
Air Compressor which has not been in use for approximately six months.
This air compressor has been advertised for sale and three offers have
been received. It is recommended that the offer of 485.00 for this
piece of equipment, submitted by George E. Hiscott, be accepted.
Alderman James moved approval of recommendation and acceptance of the
high bid. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen
2.1 8
Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,*James, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted
a report of the committee relative to communication received from the
Zoning Board of Appeals recommending the granting of an.appeal filed
to permit the use of the building at 1709 Darrow Avenue by the Monogram
Glass Company. The Board recommends that such use of the building be
permitted for a period of one year. A majority of the Committee on
Zoning recommends that the City Council concur in the recommendation
of the `Board of Appeals and permit the use of the building at 1709..
Darrow Avenue'tor the processing, storage and shipping of etched
glassware by the Monogram Glass Company until September 1, 1945, and
so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin and carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Platt of the Second
Ward stated that one of the newcomers'in Evanston in the 1500 block on
Ashland Avenue has complained about the heavy trucks_going by her home.
In years -past there was a lot of comment regarding this and the police
diverted this traffic to other channels. Moved this matter be referred
to the Chief of Police for appropriate action. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward stated that his
colleague and he had received a Petition regarding the barricading of
Marcy Avenue, but there has been some discussion about this and the
citizens have asked us to have the Traffic Engineer make a'study and
submit his recommendation. Accordingly moved that the Traffic Engineer
make such a study. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran of the Seventh Ward moved that the
Council consent to stay in session beyond period of 10:'30 o'clock P.M.
Duly seconded and carried.
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Osborn G. Hjelte, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Richard Roth, " it 6 It It
John Fee., rr rr 6 it n
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following name for
confirmation at next meeting'of,the City Council:
Eben E: Sherwood, Special Police'- 6.months renewal
For Council records, Chief of Police Ekman has
announced that -the probationary period for patrolmen William H. Jones,
and Victor J. Drogos has been renewed for another 60 day period.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:40 P.M.
. C t - i K
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,
September 11, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held.September.11, 1944, convening
at 9:40 P.M.
PRESENT: (15)-Alderman Bersbach
" Platt
" Kimbark
rr Mogg
rr MacSteven .
ca James
rr Jourdain.
'► Emery
rn Corcoran .
" Harwood
ce Thoma
It Hungerford
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held September 5., 1944, be approved without -reading. Duly.seconded
and • carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and ,transfers 'be authorized:,
Building Department $6.08
City Collector's Office . 29.50
City Hall Building 20.82
Contingent Fund _ 13.0.0
Fire Department 830'76
Health Department 116.73
Miscellaneous Fund 23.96
: Motor Fuel Tax Fund 520.75
New Municipal Building 25.00
'Park Department 568.45,
Police Department 524.05
Public Works Department 100.82
Salvage -Special Account
Street & Bridge Department
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
City of Evanston Water Works )
Rev. Bond Account 1944 )
Water Meter Bureau
Miscellaneous Fund
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,.
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the pay-
ment of the following temporary payrolls to be paid September 15, 1944,
same to be charged to the proper accounts:
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.
Small Parks Department
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
Sewer -Dept. Public Works
Water Department
Civil Service Commission ,
Police Department
Police Department
Public -Playgrounds Dept.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerf ord,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark addressed the Council as follows:
"About a year ago last August the City received from the
County Treasurer a substantial sum of money; being distribution
of our share on the first installment of tax collection. To
date we have not received any money from the County Treasurer on
this tax collection, the first installment of which was collected
in July.
It is the consensus of this council that time for a remittance;
from the County Treasurer 'is long past due, and therefore, moved a
reference to the Mayor and the Corporation Counsel to telephone the
County Treasurer to make 'an investigation as to why remittances
have not ,yet been received."
Alderman James speaking to the motion inquired as to whether
or not this included an investigation of rumors he had heard con-
cerning the refusal of the County Board to cooperate with Attorney
Evans in filing of tax suits. Whereupon Alderman Kimbark stated that
such a reference be included.
Alderman Harwood also speaking to the subject stated that he
had been in touch with the tax foreclosure procedures and that
Attorney Evans had prepared and presented to the County Board original
tax f oreclosuresuits last February, that this suit had not been
filed although he had been given to understand that it would be
filed in a very short time; that Attorney Evanston had about com-
pleted preparation of second foreclosure suits, which a.re also being
placed before.the County Board.
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following report from
the City Collector:
"By virtue of an order of the Circuit Court of Cook County
we are paying a rebate on Special Assessment #1181 which covered
paving West Railroad Avenue from McCormick Blvd.1to the North
City Limits.
The site of the North End Fire Station is'included in this
assessment and the City is entitled to a rebate of $329.08.
However, it has been discovered that the first installment,
due in 1931 was never paid by the city and the Court directs that
the rebate be'applied against the amount due and the balance paid
to the city.
'As a matter of record may I suggest that the City Council
authorize the City Collector to follow this procedure. The city
owes for principal and interest, the sum of ,$284.76."
Accordingly moved that the City Collector be authorized to make these
• ' entries and pay.the delinquent assessment with interest and collect
the rebate. Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and'Bersbach (15):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.,
Alderman Corcoran stated that there has been pending
before the Industrial Commission a suit against the City of Evanston by
James Sterba on account of injuries sustained by him in 1937 while
employed by the City of Evanston. This suit was heard by the Industrial
Commission and later appealed to the Circuit Court. On September 7th
the Industrial Commission entered.an order approving a lump sum settle-
ment in amount.of $750. The Judiciary Committee had previously author-
ized negotiations for settlement on this basis. Payment in accordance
with this settlement is now in order to James Sterba and Charles A. Boyle
`his attorney, in amount of �750 to be charged to the Contingent Fund,
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Coreoran, Emery, -Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark; Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran introduced An Ordinance Calling
for an Election in the City of Evanston on Tuesday, November 7, 1944,
for the purpose of electing a Clerk of The Municipal Court of the City
of Evanston.
Alderman Rubin for the LIGHTING COMMITTEE submitted
the following report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"The contract with Commercial Light Company provides for an
option in which the City may renew the contract for the year com-
mencin January 1, 1945 at the same.terms,. conditions and agreements
as in the calendar •year 1944,
It is recommended that this option be taken up'and contract
be renewed for year beinning January 1, 1945 upon the same terms,
conditi6ns'and agreements as in the year 1944. It is further pro-
vided that the City of Evanston will have the option`of'renewing.
this contract for 1946 on same terms as in ,year 1945.11
Alderman Rubin moved that contract be,renewed as recommended. Motion
seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0)`.
Motion carried. I .
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
the following report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"The pier at the south end of Calvary Cemetery on premises
leased by the Canoe Club is iri bad condition. '
The Canoe Club proposes to repair same if the city will
furnish material not to exceed 4100.00 cost,
it is recommended that the Commissioner of Public Works
be authorized to spend an amount not to exceed $100 for material."
The Park Committee concurs in the recommendation of the Commissioner
of Public Works, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma; Harwood,'Corcoran, Emery,
Brandt, Rubin,' Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,-
Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting'nay none (0); Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran also submitted the following report
from the Superintendent of Bureau of Recreation:
"A very fine summer playground program has been concluded.
Evanston undertook a planned program at thirteen locations, starting
June 12 and lasting'through until August 25. This was in comparison
with a 10-weeks program in 1943, operating ten Centers.
The additional locations where supervision was undertaken
this year included - Dewey School, Willard School and -Haven School.
Likewise, the City was able to provide, with the assistance
.of several P.T.A. organizations and Park Boards, two Leaders on
each playground. The Centers were open from 9:30 a.m: until 9
o'clock p.m. five days of the week.
Financial assistance was received from Lincoln, Willard, Haven,
Lincolnwood and Dewey School P.T.A.,ts also Ridgeville and First
Park Boards." `
Also "The playgrounds undertook two Patriotic'programs during
the 11 weeks season.
A total of $1,029.65 worth of United States War Stamps
and Bonds were sold
42,760 pounds of paper were salvaged."
Alderman Corcoran stated: "I think we had a very successful playground
season and we owe thanks to Mr. Byrnes and his staff f or'conducting
a very able program this year.' Our thanks should go to the various
P.T.A.,ts and -the Park Boards who cooperated with us in making this
a very fine playground season."
Alderman MacSteven for the PO]GICE COMMITTEE sub-
•mitted the following report from the Chief of Police:
"Concerning Alderman Plattts reference to trucks in the 1500
block on Ashland Avenue. Investigation discloses that a few trucks
are using this street temporarily and this traffic cannot be di-
verted until after 'Church Street re -opens."
.' Alderman MacSteven introduced An Ordinance Amending
Section 118 entitled tQSchedule 'At Prohibited Parking" -*by adding
thereto and including in said schedule the following item:
Ingleside Place - south side - Ridge Avenue east to a
point opposite the east line of the
north and south alley.
reported that as, a matter of Council record, the plans for the New
Municipal Building were shown to the Aldermen and heads of the various
departments and such changes as were suggested were noted. The archi-
tects wi]l now proceed with .the working drawings to enable us,to secure
estimates on -the cost. .
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $812.47 and moved that
;the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Harwood of the Seventh
Ward stated that in these times when rubber is still a very critical
material, moved a reference to the Mayor and Chief of Police with
reference to -breakage of glass in the alleys and streets, that everything
possible should be done to prevent spreading. Alderman Harwood also
moved a ref er:ence'to the Fire Marshal and Fire Department about bon-
fires near buildings or fences. There is an ordinance prohibiting this
practice near wooden structures. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran of the Seventh Ward called atten-
tion of the Council to the fact that one of.his constituents had again
communicated with him regarding the fact that wooden coaches were still
being operated on the t°L" trains; and reminding him of the fire on the
Evanston "L" train recently. This matter has been previously called
to the attention of the council and moved a reference to the Public
Utilities Committee in the event that anything additional could be
done at this time. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward concurred in
remarks made by the Chairman of the Park Committee regarding the
playground program for. this year; stating it was the best the city
has ever had. His Ward took advantage of the City's suggestion for
cooperation and financial assistance from Willard School, Haven
School and Lincolnwood School. The Bureau of Recreation program
has done a•great deal -towards improving conditions and was welcomed
by the parents in the neighborhood to,a large extent.
Alderman Kimbark of the Third Ward made the following
"While talking to Sam Battaglia at the news stand at the
southeast corner of Davis Street and Sherman Avenue the other
day, I noticed the street sweeper had done a good job of cleaning
and Sam had swept the sidewalk around the stand. Later a bus
pulled up. and the driver threw a handful of transfers out the
window. This practice happens quite frequently all over the
city. I have found transfers in the parkway near my home, and
the Bus Company should speak to their men about this and have
them keep the transfers to be thrown away." .
Moved a reference to the Police Department regarding this. Duly
seconded and carried.
In this connection and after remarks by some of the Aldermen,
Alderman James stated: "My lawn is very often covered with discarded
transfers. I called the Police Department and asked them to send a
Sergeant, as on Main Street between Custer Avenue and Sherman Avenue
about 8 in the morning it was a disgrace.
We are now operating two sweepers on the streets and alleys
and they have never been cleaner than at the present: ;It is too bad
the people deliberately violate the law.
I have complained about this newspaper distributor so.many
times that I am about to exercise --a prerogative that is mine, if the
Police won't, and personally do something I have never done before,
and that is to make arrests. Several members of the Council have
complained about this before, and something should be done about it."
the following appointment of name previously introduced;
Eben E. Sherwood, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Alderman Rubin moved that this appointment be confinned. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced -the following name for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:
George T. Cunneen,
Special Police - 6 months renewal
Mayor. Ingraham announced the appointment of Mr.
Henry Ring Clauson, architect, to succeed himself as a member of the
Art Commission., -his term of office to expire July 1, 1947.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:06 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
r Evanston, Illinois
City Hall
September 18, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held September,18, 1944, convening
at 9:40 P.M.
PRESENT: (13) Alderman Bersbach
" -
ABSENT: (2) "
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman -Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held,Se-ptember 110 1944, be approved without reading. 'Duly•seconded
and carried.
. . Alderman Jourdain for the BUILDING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted an application received from Mr. A.W. Clark requesting per-
mission to erect a frame garage on his property at 1705 Livingston
Street closer to the dividtna Drouerty line than is permitted by the
Building Code. The.written.consent.of the adjoining.property owner
is attached. Committee on Buildings recommends that this application
be granted, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills,, and that the proper
charges .and transfers be authorized. -
Building Department
City Clerkts Office
City Hall Building
Civil Service Commission
Garbage Department
77:52 -
Health Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Municipal Court
New -Municipal Building Acet.
Park Department
Police Department
Police Department,
Public Workss Department-'
Salaries of City Officers'Fund
Street"& Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
City of Evanston Water Works)
Revenue 1944 Bond -Account )
Water Mains Bureau
Water'Meter Bureau
Street & Bridge Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark referred to his reference made
last week to the Mayor and Corporation Counsel regarding money from
the County Collector, stating the Finance Committee had a report to
the effect that the County Collector's Office is about two months
behind in their work in spreading the collection, one of the reasons
being that the tax bills were later this year than last, but there
are funds on hand and we should expect a substantial distribution
about the first two weeks of October. Thanked the Mayor and Corpor-
ation Counsel for their good mission.
Alderman Kimbark submitted a report from the City
Clerk requesting an appropriation of $200 for extra help in connection
with Permanent Registration. The Finance Committee approves of this
request and moved that the City Clerk be authorized to spend an amount
up to $200 for extra help on registration, to be charged to item No.
304, Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay
none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted report from the City
Collector in connection with rebate on Special Assessment #1181,
stating that two checks have been issued to the City of Evanston -
Voucher A-15755 for $44.32 and Voucher A-15752 for $10828.79, and
requesting information as to what account this money should be credited
to. Alderman Kimbark moved that the two checks described above be
credited to the Contingent Fund. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt,•Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark also submitted report from the
City Collector reading as follows:
Special Assessment #851 for paving Lincoln Street from
Sherman Avenue to Orrington Avenue:
Total amount spread' $90761.25
Total amount -collected $120756.36
Total expenditures 11,140.44
-Cash:. Balance 1*615.92
Unpaid bonds & interest 152.88
Uncollected principal e 468,86
Roll has-been pEepared in this office for the payment of a 12%
rebate amounting to 41,1'11.35.
This has the approval of the Mayor and Corporation Counsel. May
I have your authorization to proceed with this rebate."
Alderman Kimbark moved that authorization be given to the City Collector.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved that the Council convene as of 9:00 otclock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Corcoran presented and moved the -passage -
CITY OF EVANSTON ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1944, for the purpose of
electing a Clerk of The Municipal Court of the City of Evanston.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thomia and Hungerford (13):
Motion carried.
Voting nay none (0).
Alderman Corcoran stated that the Judiciary Committee
in its meeting tonight considered the matter of Evanston's .observance
of "V" day and recom"nends that the Mayor be authorized in his discretion
to appoint a committee to serve with him in making arrangements for a
fitting and proper observance and with power to the Mayor to act in
behalf of the City, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran stated there was presented to and
considered by the Committee the following Resolution, which he`under-
stood has the approval of the Republican and Democratic Committeemen:
WHEREAS, war conditions have resulted in many changes of
residence and at the same time employment in war industries has
in many instances prevented the registration of voters, and it is
highly desirable that all persons be given an additional oppor-
tunity , to register; grid
WHEREAS, an opportunity is to be'given voters in Chicago and
certain suburbs to register in their local Voting precincts on
October 10, 1944, and such an opportunity is likewise desirable and
needed in all suburbs within Cook County:
Council of the City of Evanston does hereby petition the Board of
County Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois to provide oppor-
tunity for local registration in each voting precinct of the City
of Evanston, all in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph
17 of Article 5, Chapter 46 - Revised Statutes of Illinois.
Moved the adoption of said Resolution. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works relative to request re-
ceived from Mr. Harry C. Herman in charge of education at The First
Presbyterian Church for permission.to use Elliot Park for games and
Dempster Street Beach for a small camp fire on Sunday, September 24
from 5 p.me to dusk., The Committee has considered this request and
recommends it be granted, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried,
Alderman Corcoran also submitted report from the
Commissioner of Public Works relative to request received from the
Evanston Council, Boy Scouts of America for permission to hold a
Scout Rally at Elliot Park on Saturdays September 23 from 2 to 5 p.m.
The Committee has considered this request and recomunends it be granted,
and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE sub-
mitted the following report from the Chief of Police. -
Concerning Alderman Harwoodts reference to breakage of glass
in,alleys .and streets; all police officers have been ordered -to
make arrests when they observe deliberate violations and have been
,instructed to see that any broken glass or other missile found in
streets or alleys be removed at once.
Concerning Alderman Kimbark's reference to bus drivers throwing
transfers on streets and parkways - Grant C: Bergsland, general
manager of the Evanston Bus Company has assured us of his full
cooperation in the matter by installing refuse containers in each.
bus with instructions to the bus drivers to use same for discarded
bus transfers and other papers.
Concerning Alderman Jamest remarks about discarded papers in
the 700 block of Maine Street - Police Officers assigned to this
district have been instructed to do everything possible to stop
this nuisance.
Alderman MacSteven presented and moved the adoption
REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF EVANSTON" by adding thereto and including
in said schedule the following item:
Ingleside Place - south side - Ridge Avenue, east to a
point opposite the east line of the
north and south alley.
Motion seconded by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen,Bersbach,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the -Commissioner of Public Works, advising that in
accordance with authority granted by the City Council on September 5,
1944, bids were received and opened on September 16 for the construction
of a 16 inch water main in Davis Street from Benson Avenue to Orrington
Avenue, These bids were carefully considered in the Water and Purchasing
Committee meeting and it is recommended that all bids be rejected and
deposit checks returned to the bidders, and so moved. Motion seconded
by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma
and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood also'submitted the following report
from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"It was found necessary to'immediately install new tubes in
the Health Department heating"plant. Three proposals were received
to furnish all'equipment, labor and materials to*install new tubes
in the boDer, clean flue -holes and free of all burrs, wash boiler
and renew boiler plate gaskets as follows:
Dan Hayes Boiler & Repair Co. $266000
W.A. Hudson Boiler & Welding Co. 271:00
Phil A. Corbett 290.00
Inasmuch as this is an eziiergency- :and that the W.A. .Hudson Boiler &
Welding Co.* could' start- 'work- immediately; while the low -bidder could
not start work until -the "latter part of this**'week, the dontract 'was
awarded to W.A. Hudson Boiler & Welding Co. at their bid price of
$271.00. The City Council is requested to approve of this action,
same to be charged to item No. 569."
This has the approval of the Public Buildings and Purchasing Committees,
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none.
Motion carried. ~
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from the
Commissioner of Public Works relative to two proposals received for
furnishing vehicle and business license decalcomanias or transparencies
for 1945; one from American Decal Co. on decals# or transp. total bid
of $828.40 - one from Meyercord Co. on decals, only of $792,40. Inasmuch
as the City Collector's preference is transparencies, it is recommended
that the American Decal. Company's bid for furnishing transparencies
at prices quoted of $828.40 be accepted, and charge to item No. 570,
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Bersbach. Voting aye
Aldermen Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting
nay none (0), Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from the
Commissioner of Public Works listing five (5) bids received for dog
tags and various license badges for 1945, and moved that bid of C.H:
Hanson Company of $227,50 for metal tags and badges be accepted, to
be charged to item No. 570. Motion seconded by Alderman Bersbach.
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
Jourdain, Rubin; Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hunger -
ford (13): Voting nay none (0), Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $371.38 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven: Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Platt,
Kimbark, Mogg,.MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0), Motion
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Jourdain of the
Fifth Ward moved a reference to the Relief Committee to see ,if some
immediate aid cannot be given to a family of 11 (9 children) where
the family's income is still insufficient to get this family out of
the basement where they are now living and which they share with two
other people. .There is also an urgent need for clothing. Duly secon-
ded and carried.
Alderman Thoma of the Eighth Ward stated that
several months ago he brought up the point of a Post War Planning
Committee, stating that the primary motive of this evrittee is to
find jobs for returning service men and war workers. He proposed
some plan by.which the employment in the remodeling of the new City
Hall and the building of a Police and fire station, as well as filling
in jobs in our cityfs set-up at the present time, be taken care of by
some member of this Post War Planning Committee whose primary work
would be personnel. The priority on these jobs of course should be
given to service men and war workers.. He proposed that we appoint. a
member from an organization he had in mind to the Post War Planning
Committee whose primary object would be to work out a method of
securing,returning service men the first jobs that might develop, as
well as working with the Civil Service -Commission in Evanston, the
Commissioner of Public Works'and the Mayor for.any openings which -
might be obtained. The organization he had in mind.was the American
Legion and asked the Mayor to appoint a -member from this organization.
made the following appointment*of name previously introduced;
George T': Cunneen, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Alderman . Rubin moved that this appointment be confirmed: _ Duly
seconded and carried. -
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting*of the City Council:
William Forsythe, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Theresa K.' Munzer it" , . . 6 '.'
Thomas E. Lambert, " It �90 days -
Joseph P. Zak, Emergency ""' 6 months. "
Waldemar C. Kasten,. Senior Clerk
- = Police Department 60 days
For Council records, Chief of Police Ekman• has
announced that Charles L. Schwarz -has been sworn in as a probationary
patrolman for a 60` day, period. Also the probationary period: for
"Robert R. � Kutok has been extended for another 60 day period.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried; the
Council.adjo4urned at 10:15 P.M. -
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Evanston, Illinois
City Hall..
September 25, 1944
Meeting of the
City Council
held September 25, 1944, convening
at 9:45
(15) Alderman
f 1
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Brandt moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held September 18, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:.
Communication Board of Commissioners of Cook County, acknow-
ledging resolution passed by the City Council of Evanston with refer-
ence to a general registration to be held in every precinct under
their jurisdiction. Alderman Brandt moved same be referred to the
Judiciary Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Communication Off ice for Emergency Management, Division of
Central Administrative .Services, acknowledging with gratitude the
providing of quarters and services without charge for the War Price
and Rationing Board. Alderman Harwood moved same be referred to the
Finance Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Communication Chicago, Milwaukee, St..Paul and Pacific Railroad
Company dated September 19, 1944, advising that the War Productinn Board
have denied their request for authority to begin construction of the
two passenger stations at Foster and Noyes Streets, and enclosing
photostatic copy of their letter denying their application. Alderman
Mogg moved same be referred to the Public Utilities Committee. Duly
seconded and carried.
Communication from C.M. Cartwright, President of Evanston Public
Library, extending to the City officials, Aldermen and the employees
of the city a cordial invitation to attend a reception at the Public
Library, Sunday afternoon, October 8 from 4;00 to 7rOQ o'clock and pay
tribute to Miss Ida Faye Wright, who retires from their service as
Chief Librarian after twenty-five years.
Notice State of Illinois advising that the allotment of Motor
Fuel Tax for the month of August, 1944 is $7,053.30. Alderman Harwood
moved same be referred to the Street Committee and Commissioner of
Public Works. Duly seconded and carried.
City Treasurer's Financial Statement as of August 31, 1944.
Alderman.Kimbark moved.same be referred to the Mayor, the Finance
Committee and the Auditor. Duly seconded and carried.
J. Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper charges
and transfers be authorized:
City Hall Building
, $86.05
Civil Service Commission
., City Treasurer's Office •
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department
r Health Department
Park Department
Playground Department
212,82 ,`•.
Police Department
Public Works Department~
Salvage Fund .
Special Recreation Fund
Street & Bridge Department
City of Evanston -Water Works)
Revenue 1944 Bond Account )
Filtration Plant i
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran,,Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven,•Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
nay none,(0). Motion carried. ,
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the following temporary payrolls to.be paid
.September 29; 1944, same
to be charged to the proper accounts:
Public Playground Department
Public Works Department
Water Department
Police Department
Police -Department
Civil Service Commission
Building Department
• 34.44 .i
Building Department
Street & Bridge Repair Dept.,
- 60074.68• I
Small Parks Department
Public Works Department,
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried..
Alderman Kimbark submitted communication from the
Visiting Nurse Association of Evanston cceveying to the City Council
their grateful acknowledgment of check in amount of $700 to their
funds, and moved same be received and placed on file. Duly seconded
and carried.
• Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock'P.M.•, Duly seconded and
carried. _
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from Mr. Byrnes relative to annual Hallowe'en programs at the
different playgrounds, and requesting a sum of $300 to carry on a
similar program for 1944. The committee has considered this request
and recommends=it be granted, and so moved, same to be charged to
item No. 529. -Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.'.
• Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works listing five bids
received for furnishing applications for vehicle licenses, dog licenses
and business license applications, and requesting authority to purchase
the necessary material from the low bidder,:LaBahn's at $268.44, and
charge to the proper account. This has the -approval -of the Purchasing
Committee, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman James. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James', MacSteven,'Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,-Hemenway and Bersbach
(15): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $957,21 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills.-, Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thomas
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt) Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark,•Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg informed the Council that he had given
a report to Alderman Jourdain on"his reference of last week.
Alderman James for the .STREET COMMITTEE asked for a
meeting of a Committee of the Aldermen before adjournment.
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward stated that some -recognition
should be given to Miss Ida Faye Wright, for the wonderful work she has
done for the community in her work at the Library. She has been an
inspiration to thousands and thousands of people in this area and it is
proper that the Council draw up a suitable resolution to be presented
to her at the reception to beheld October 8. A great volume has gone
out of our Library and we will miss her in years to comae. Alderman
Mogg seconded the motion and it was duly carried.
1. Alderman James of the Fourth Ward moved the Suspension
of the Rules for the purpose of passing an.amending Ordinance. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,'Jourdein, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman James then presented and moved the passage
OF THE CITY OF EVANSTON" by adding thereto a section to be designated
as Section 76-A - Traffic on Orrington Avenue. Motion seconded by
Alderman.Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubiri, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Hemenway-and.Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman James moved a reference to the Judiciary
Committee'to draw up and present -to the Council an ordinance amending
the Traffic Regulations of the City of Evanston as pertains to regu-
lation of load of trucks on Asbury Avenue. Duly seconded and carried.
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
William Forsythe
Theresa K. Munzer,
Thomas E. Lambert,
Joseph P. Zak,
Waldemar C. Kasten,
Special Police - 6 months renewal
" ." 6 It "
90 days "
6 months p'
Senior Clerk 60 days
Police Dept.
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City -Council: �'•
John Campbell, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Theodore• 0. Jorstad, rr rr 6
Mayor Ingraham announced that.he has appointed
Mr..Ray L.•Dowdall as a member of the;Civil•Service Commission to
succeed himself for a three year term; expiring'September 1, 1947,
Upon motion duly. seconded: and carried, the Council
adjourned at'10:17 P.M. { ,
'City Clerk
#' Evanston, Illinois•
City Hall
October 2, 1944
Regular Meeting of -the City ,Council h6ld,;October 2, 1944i convening
at 9:40 P.M.
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach
t �": Hemenway ,
" Kimbark -
ic Mbgg.
" James
" Jourdain •.�
'r Rubin
"<< -Brandt
" Emery
" Corcoran
rr Thoma
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Kimbark moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held September 25, 1944s be approved without reading. Duly seconded -
and carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following-,'
Communication addressed to Mayor Ingraham from the Evanston
Infant Welfare Society expressing thanks of the organization for the
donation of .$700 towards their budget. Alderman Harwood moved same be
received ^and placed on file. Duly seconded and carried,..;
Communication addressed to Mayor Ingraham from the Evanston
Defense Council thanking the city for'the interest shown and assistance
given at the Victory Garden Festival by Mr. Frye, Mr, Maltby, Mr.
Faulkner and Mr. Byrnes; and for the use of two.city trucks and drivers.
Alderman Harwood moved same. -be received and placed. on, f ile. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved'the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized;
Building Department
$ 2.59
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Health Department
Municipal Court
Park Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
Salvage -Special Account
Salvage -Special Account.
Salvage -Special Account
Street & Bridge Department
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
City of Evanston Water Works)
Revenue 1944 Bond Account )
Miscellaneous Fund
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg.' Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted a bill from Maher and
McGrew for services in connection with the -new Evanston Fire and
Police Station,on account in amount of $750. Our agreement with
Maher and.McGrew contemplates payment not to exceed $2,000.this year
and this is the first bill rendered. Alderman Kimbark moved the
approval and payment of this bill. Motion seconded by Alderman Brandt.
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13)=
Voting nay none. (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark stated that last week there was
referred to the Finance Committee A communication from the Office for
Emergency Management, thanking the city. for the use of space for the
Rationing Board, and suggesting that copy of this letter be forwarded,
to the Office of Civilian Defense, and so moved. Duly seconded and
Alderman.Corcoran.for the JUDICIARY.COMMITTEE
.. 4
introduced An Ordinance Amending Section_76 - Article XI of An
Ordinance entitled "Traffic Regulations of the City of Evanston"
Asbury Avenue -Limited Weight of Vehicles.
Alderman Corcoran presented and moved the adoption
of the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, Miss Ida Faye Wright, Chief Librarian of the.
Evanston Public Library, has announced her voluntary retirement
as of November 1, 1944; and
WHEREAS, Miss Ida,Faye Wright has served the Evanston Public
Library and -the citizens of Evanston faithfully andwell as Chief
Librarian'since January, 1920 and has ever been most untiring, kind,
resourceful and faithful during almost 25 years of service; and
WHEREAS, in addition to serving as Chief Librarian, Miss
Ida Faye Wright has always been most active in all civic and com-
munity affairs, serving on various committees and agencies connected
with community welfare;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE,IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the
City of Evanston in behalf .of itself, the Mayor, and the citizens
of Evanston do express to Miss Ida Faye Wright sincere appreciation
and gratitude for her long term of loyal service and the hope that
she will enjoy many years of a well-earned retirement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread upon
the permanent records of the City and that a copy thereof signed
by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk be delivered to Miss
-Ida Faye Wright. _ •- _
Motion seconded by Alderman Brandt and carried.
Alderman Corcoran moved that the Council convene
as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and carried.
submitted communication from Maher and McGrew dated September 27, 19440
and moved same be,incorporated in the Minutes of this meeting: __
"After a .careful study of , the requirements of both the Police
and Fire Departments of the Citv.; made in consultation with the
Chiefs of these Departments, it is our opinion that it would be
most advantageous if not absolutely necessary to acquire the two
lots facong on Elmwood Avenue and just north of the corner property.
We are listing herein our reasons for this opinion.
Starting east on Lake Street frcm.the alley which adjoins the
property on the west, the distances required for fire apparatus
are fixed. The Police Department faces on Elmwood Avenue and should
be. set back about fifteen feet for a lawn and some landscaping.
Even with this reduced the remaining distance on Lake Street avail-
able for use of the Police Department would be about fifty feet.
We are using the long leg of the property extending north to
provide a drill yard and tower for the Fire Department and space
for the Police car garage. The entrance to the Police garage should
be from Elmwood Avenue since no frontage can be spared on Lake .
Street. Deducting the.space for this driveway on the north end of
the Elmwood Avenue frontage would leave only about ninety-two feet
available for the Police Department.
-The east and west distance on the north leg of the property
is not sufficient for a proper size drill yard and Police garage.
Also the space remaining for the Police Department and Municipal
Court after providing for Fire Department and Police garage would
require the building fob this department to be three sto33es high,
2.4 0
In our opinion it would be unwise to proceed on that basis.
It would necessitate the expenditure of about $7,000 for the in-
stallation of an elevator, plus maintenance and the possible salary
of an operator. In addition, all stairways would have to extend
another story. More important, however, is the fact that with a
longer two story building it is possible to have the various
departmentsconvenient to each other, rather than to be constantly
going to and from a third floor. Also traffic from the first floor,
is far more convenient.
With a longer Police Station it will be possible to place the
pistol range in the basement of the Police.portion rather than under
the apparatus room of the Fire Department. The latter scheme would
.necessitate a heavy re-inforced concrete floor instead of the slab
being placed on the ground.
The saving.in the elevator and this slab will reduce consider-
ably the added expenditure entailed in the purchase of the additional
property and the item of elevator maintenance would be eliminated.
In addition to the foregoing there are many other small details
which work out better in the longer building. "The placing of the
Police Assembly Room and Firemen's handball court over the Police
garage constitute one of many -such items. -
There will still remain to the north of the building a piece
of. property approximately forty-five•feet by fifty feet available
for building extension in the future. While we are designing with
future requirements in mind, still it w ould seen wise to have some
-additional property. 1
With kindest regards,.we are
Duly seconded and carried.•
Alderman Brandt addressed the Council as follows;
"This evening the Public Buildings Committee were presented
with the reliminar9 plans for the new Fire and Police station and
we are aA to receive a copy during the week,.to be -gone over at
your convenience. Those of us.who have looked them over,are ex-
ceedingly well pleased with the arrangement and'I understand the
Police Chief and the Fire Chief as well as the Municipal Court are
equally pleased and their suggestions have been carried out in
every respect. -1
Of course there will be some minor changes but as a whole
I want to congratulate -the architects on these plans, and I am
asking the aldermen to offer any suggestions they have for'.improve-
ment s . "
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $293.96 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Emery. 'Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteveri; James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,-
Corcoran,Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15); Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman James for,the STREET COMMITTEE stated that
the resolution he -is submitting supersedes resolution passed by the
City Council on May 12, 1941 and is in confirmation of approval of
plans and specifications for treatment'of Fountain Square as passed by
the City Council in January, 1944. Accordingly presented and moved the
adoption of •a Resolution for Improvement by Municipality under the
Motor Fuel Tax Law, portions of several streets, as follows;
Davis Street from Benson Avenue to Orrington Avenue
Sherman Avenue from Grove Street to Davis Street
to be known as Section 20-C.S. in amount of $80,000. Motion seconded
by Alderman MacSteven. Alderman Harwood then moved that same be held
over for one week. Motion seconded by Alderman Platt.
Alderman Platt for the WATER COMMITTEE stated he
was happy to report that the 24-inch water main from Midge Avenue and
Church Street has been completed out to Skokie and the water is turned
on at the present time, and within the next week the City of Evanston
will be furnishing the Village of Skokie with all its water require-
ments, and the City of Evanston will be getting increased revenue from
the Village of Skokie.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Bersbach of the
First Ward stated he had a chance to ride the entire length"of the
new pavement on Orrington Avenue. It is a tremendous improvement and
he thanked the Mayor, Alderman James Chairman of the Street Committee
and the city employees who aided in this fine job.
Alderman James of the Fourth Ward made the following
"I suppose it will always be so that either I or someone else
gets up to remind the public of'the inadvisability of burning leaves
at this time of year on our bituminous concrete pavements. It is
particularly desirable to call attention of the public to the fact
at this time as during the coming week the top course will be put
ori.,I understand the course has been laid on streets to be re-
surfaced and it is very damaging for heat to strike this §u:�face.
I am particularly surprised to have it reported to me that
residents along Orrington Avenue have been guilty of burning leaves
on their street during the week. The effect of that indiscretion
will no doubt be evident next summer and I think if the Press will
be kind enough to again advise the people and caution them against
burning leaves on new pavements it will help all around."'
Alderman Brandt of the'Sixth Ward moved a reference
to the Mayor to investigate with other municipalities around this area
regarding the securing of an air port. When the boys come back from
war there will be plenty of aviators and -the North Shore needs an
airport very much and steps should be taken to make arrangements,
probably with some air line. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran of the Seventh Ward concurred in
remarks made by Alderman Bersbach and expressed his appreciation for
the fine improvement on Orrington Avenue,
Alderman Harwood of the Seventh Ward joined in the
remarks made by -Alderman Bersbach and also those made by Alderman.
James regarding the burning -of leaves.
Alderman Thoma of the Eighth Ward called the atten-
tion of the Council to an article in the Evanston Review pertaining to
the decrease in attendance in Evanston grade schools and offered the
opinion that this might be traced to the'lack of housing facilities'
for the young couples who, because of their inability to find places
to live in Evanston are compelled to go elsewhere.. In this connection
he spoke of the situation caused by unpaid special assessments against
much of the vacant property in the southwest part of the city, which
because in many instances the liens against the property are higher
than the value of the land which makes it impossible for bWlders to
purchase these lots. Referred this to the Corporation Counsel, the
Mayor and the Post War Planning Committee to study this special asses-
sment situation to determine some means whereby we can work out a plan
to reduce the burden of special assessments on s cane of these lots.
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Hungerford of the Eighth Ward requested a
report from the Corporation Counsel as to the progress made on tax'
foreclosure suits on general taxes, as we have not had a report for
some time. Also asked for a report from Alderman Harwood. -Duly
seconded and carried..
Alderman Thoma as Chairman of the Fire Commmittee
stated this is the time of year that the leaves are falling and
warning the people to be careful of fires. '
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
John Campbell, Special- Police - 6 months renewal
Theodore O..Jorstad, " ," 6
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation.at next meeting of the City.Council:
Harry S. Barber. Special Police - 6months
Louis Rzepecki, " " 6 " renewal
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the
Council adjourned at 10:05 P.M. '
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
City Hall
October 9, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held October
9, 19440 convening,
at 10:45 P.M..
t .
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach
rf Hemenway
n Platt
it Mogg
rr MacSteven
!' James
rr Jourdain
rr 'Rubin
if Emery
rr Corcoran
r' Harwood
r' Thoma
" ABSENT;. None
Mayor Ingraham'presiding.
Alderman Emery moved that the
Minutes of Meeting
held October 2,0 1944, be approved without reading.
Duly seconded and
City Clerk Edward W. Bell,
presented -the following;
.Communication Women's Republican Club,
Mrs.. Philip L: Burgett,
Cor. Sect'._o requesting their respective aldermen
to defer action on the. -
matter of the Fountain Square changes and the
War Memorialuntilthere
has been further publicity in this regard® Alderman
James moved. -same
be received and placed on file. Duly seconded
and carried;
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE
COMMITTEE presented•
and moved the payment of the•following bills,
and that the proper,
charges and transfers be authorized;
.Building Department
,City Hall Building
City .Treasurer f s Office
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
•39.79 `
Health Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Motor Fuel Tax -Special Account
Municipal Court
Park Department
-Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works'Department
Salvage -Special Account
Salvage -Special Account
Street & Bridge Department
�- Street & Bridge.Department.
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
City ..of Evanston Water Works)
1944 Revenue Bond. -Account )
City Hall Building
Park Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.-
Voting aye Aldermen •Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,,Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried.
• Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment
of the following temporary payrolls to be paid October 13, 1944, same
to be charged to -.the proper accounts:
Park Department
Building Department
Civil Service Commission
Street & Bridge Repair Dept,
Miscellaneous Fund
Civil Service Commission
-Public Playgrounds Department
Public, Works' Department
Public Works Department -Sewer
Street.& Bridge Repair Dept.
Water Department
Public Works-It4aintenance
Small Parks.Department
Police. -Department
Police Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Moggg.• Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,*
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
nay none (0.).
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved that the Council convene as of 9:00 otclock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Corcoran submitted communication from the
North Shore Commmittee, Independent Voters of Illinois, Inc._ requesting
permission to use a sound truck to canvass, the west side of -Evanston,
on Tuesday, October 10. This matter was considered by the Judiciary
Committee and in Committee of the Whole and recommendation' is that
request be denied, and so moved_. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran presented and moved the adoption,
Weight of Vehicles. Motion seconded by Alderman James. Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,.Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James,, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach
(15): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Ma.cSteven.for,the POLICE COMMITTEE addressed
the Council as follows;
"I should. like to call the attention of the City: Council to
the fact that because of the splendid efforts on the part of our
Police Department, a most dangerous criminal has been placed in
cu.stodV..,�This person had attempted attacks on four Evanston women,
and when arrested was seeking his fifth victim. He had in his
possession several rocks, a quantity of rags, and a. length of rope
which he stated were for the purpose of knocking down - tying and
gagging his next victim.
I feel quite certain that had this pereon remained at large,
Evanston would have experienced a terrible tragedy - inasmuch, as the
history of this type of criminal has usually led to MURDER.
The three Police Officers, Sergeant Kelsh, Officer Bussean and
Officer Brey making this arrest deserve the lions share of credit.
However, I have first-hand knowledge as to the,great-amount,of hard
work, long.hours, and extra effort expended by the entire department
in.this case. I.think that the department as a•whole deserves the
commendation of the City Council and the appreciation of the citizens
.of Evanston.
I should like to add that during the two years that I have been
Chairman of.the Police Committee, I have watched the Police Department
render splendid service in the face of mounting obstacles, largely
brought on by- the war..
As you undoubtedly know, there are 20 of our policemen in the
armed services and it has been next. to impossible to.,replace them.
Thus-, the remaining members of the Police Department have been called
ppon to assume.added responsibilities and to expend greater effort.
This they have done without a complaint.
..Chief Carl Ekman has been called upon to revise many of the
practices in the Police Department due to the man -power shortage.
He has been most successful, and due -to his efforts to increase the
efficiency of his limited man -power, coupled with the splendid coop-
eration of his personnel, Evanston has continued.to enjoy fine
police service from its Police Department.".
supplementing the Police Report stated "I believe one of the ways we
can help the Police Department in a constructive measure is to see that
they have a new police station and the firemen a new fire station. We
have .copies of the preliminary `pe, to be given to each of the aldermen.
We have received several suggestions for minor changes and will welcome
any other suggestions from the aldermen. Plans will be on display in
the Mayor's Office for the.public and asked the Press.to.make a note
of that and invite the public in so they will give their helpful
stated that the Public Service Company has offered the city'a new
contract in connection with rates for our street lighting and pumping.
This has the approval of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Public
Utilities Committee, and moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be empowered
to -enter into this contract. Motion seconded by Alderman Brandt.
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and
Bersbach (15); Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the'Relief Organization in amount of $926.29 and moved that
the Township.Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
.seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersb ach (15): Voting
nay none (0).•-Motion carried.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE presented
*Partial Estimate No. 1 in amount of $11,602.•30 payable to Arcole
Midwest Corporation for work done on Section 29-C.S. leveling course
and cover coat on portion of Orrington Avenue, Alderman James moved
the approval for payment of this item.' Motion seconded by Alderman
Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery-, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman James reported that the Commissioner of
Public Works submitted a list of obsolete equipment which has outlived
its usefulness insofar as the Street or any other city department is
concerned. Accordingly moved that the Commissioner of Public Works be
authorized to advertise for bids for the sale and disposal of these
various pieces of equipment and report back to the Street Committee..
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman James submitted request made on the part
of the Rust-Oleum Corporation for permission to construct a concrete
driveway at 2345-2401 Oakton Street. It is recommended that permission
be granted for construction of this driveway with condition that the
work be done in accordance with proper ordinances, that the street light
cables be properly protected; that the fire hydrant be moved approximately
10 feet east by the Water Department at the expense of Rust-Oleum
Corporation; . tha.t. a satisfactory bond be furnished and that the work
conform to instructions from the Public Works Department. Alderman
James moved that permit be issued. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman James stated that at the last regular
meeting of the City Council a Resolution was presented covering plans
approved by the Council last January for the improvement of Fountain
Square area. Accordingly presented and moved the adoption of a Reso
lution for Improvement by Muhicipality under the Motor Fuel Tax Law,
portions of several'streets; as follows:
Davis Street from Benson Avenue to Orrington Avenue
Sherman Avenue from Grove Street -to Davis`Street- .
in amount of $800000 to be known as Section 20-C.S. Motion seconded
by Alderman Emery:. In this connection Alderman Brandt addressed the
Council with remarks showing that considerable publicity had already
been given to this project and that for the past year the matter had
been before the public's attention; that pictures and diagrams had
been published in the local press and that the subject had been dis-
.cussed in many open meetings.and before various civic groups. Alderman
MacSteven then.stated that owing to request which had been made to give
the matter -more time for discussion, he wished to 'make a.substitute
motion that.the matter be held over for one .week, which motion was
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Alderman James speaking to the motion
stated that since the matter had already been held over for one week.
the council rules prohibited a substitute motion for the purpose of _
further delay. Considerable discussion followed and a motion was made
by Alderman Mogg seconded -by Alderman Platt to lay the original motion
on the table. Alderman Thoma then called the attention of the Council
to the fact that if the matter were tabled a two-thirds vote would be
required to again bring it up for consideration. Motion to lay on the
table was then put with.roll call as follows: Voting aye Aldermen
Harwood, Corcoran, MacSteven., Mogg, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (7):
Voting nay Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James and Kimbark (8): Motion to lay on the table was declared to be
lost. Whereupon the original motion of Alderman James was put and roll
call was as follows: Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach
.(11): Voting nay Aldermen Harwood, MacSteven, Mogg and Platt (4):
Motion carried.
- -- • Alderman James• submitted• communication from Dr.
J.F. Kotrich, a copy of which was probably sent to all the aldermen,
and which communication contains considerable merit'and before it.is
considered by the Street Committee asked that the original communi-
cation sent to the City Clerk be referred to the Mayor's Post War
Planning Committee,
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Brandt of the Sixth
Ward asked the aldermen to look at their blue prints of the new police
and fire stations and note the following changes: f
1. Door back of the rostrum -.will be :moved.
2. Another door on the second floor leading. out from the police
assembly room to the firemen's handball court, making two
exits to that room.
3. Bailiffts room on the far side of the building will be moved
closer to the Clerk of the Municipal Court.,
Alderman James of the Fourth Ward moved a reference
to the Traffic Engineer to report back.to .the council why the traffic
signal lights are not operating at.Sheridan Road and University Place.
-His attention was..called to the necessity because of the increased
traffic. now that the .University,.is open. Duly seconded and carried.
the following appointments of names previously introduced.
Harry S. Barber., Special Police - 6 months,
Louis Rzepecki, " " 6 !' renewal
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council:
Carl Olson; Special, Police - 6 months
Lawrence Ashcroft, _ ► '! " 6 'M renewal
Charles King, r► r► 6 rr r► -
Mayor Ingraham advised the Council that because of
numerous violations of City Ordinances and State laws he found -it.
necessary to revoke Evanston Chauffeurts license #171 and Evanston
taxicab license. #15050 issued in the name of Gerald J. Galvin,
Alderman Corcoran moved that the Council consent to
stay in session beyond period of 10:30 otclock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10:40 otclock P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
A" ,
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall '
October 16, 1944
Meeting of the
City Council held
October 16, 1944, convening
at 1000
(15) .Alderman
Harwood r
• rr
Mayor .Ingraham
Alderman Brandt moved that the Minutes of Meeting
_ held October 9., 1944, be approved with the
following correction:
• Page '3- second paragraph and fifth
line should_ read "we have
copies of the preliminary plan. ".
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the
and moved the payment of the following bills,
and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
City Clerk's Office
'City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
6.44 .
Gont'ingeni ..Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department �.
Health Department
'Miscellaneous Fund
Motor Fuel -Tax -Special Account
Municipal Court
Park Department
Playground Department
,Police Department
Public Works Department
- 30.85 •{
Salaries of -City Officers Fund.
-Salvage -Special. Account
Salvage-Special Account
Street•& Bridge.Department
- 323..82 `
Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,•James,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood; Thoma and
Hungerford (15)i Voting
nay none (0); Motion carried.
`Alderman Kimbark moved the
Suspension of the Rules
for. -the purpose.of adopting a Resolution with
respect to delivery of
1944 Library Fund Tax Anticipation.Warrants. Motion seconded by
Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, MacSteven,±James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,.Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark then presented and moved the adoption
of a Resolution with respect to delivery of 1944 Library Fund Tax
Anticipation'Warrants of the City of Evanston, County of Cook, State
of Illinois, in amount of $11,000 to be dated October 25, 1944.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Corcoran submitted communication from The
American Legion, Evanston Post No�. 42 requesting permission to hold.a.
brief Memorial Ceremony in Fountain Square'on Armistice Day, November
110 1944 between 10:30 and ll:-00 A.M. - this permit to include instal-
lation of a temporary public address system and a temporary Reviewing
Stand. The Judiciary Committee has considered this request and rec-
ommends it be &ranted, and so moved. 'Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Rubin for Ithe-LIGHTING COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works relative to -letter received
from the Merchantst Division of the Evanston Chamber of Commerce, re-
questing that we turn the lights on in the business sections to full
candle power on Monday and Thursday nights until approximately December
14, and from December 14 to December 23 inclusive, lights.be turned on
every night. Alderman Rubin so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran; Harwood,
Thoma-and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0),-,Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
communication from the Evanston Anglers Club and the Columbia Canoe
Club requesting permission to jointly erect a building and install
plumbing in same for use of the two clubs as per plans submitted.
The building and improvements, upon erection and installation, become
the property of the City of Evanston, and upon the termination of the.
lease of either the Evanston Anglers Club or the Columbia Canoe Club,
said club has no claim or interest in same. The Park Committee has
considered this request, which has the approval of the Corporation
Counsel and Commissioner of Public Works, and -recommends permit be
granted, work to be done subject to approval of the Building Commis-
sioner and the Commissioner of.Public Works, and so moved. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Rubin,'Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14); Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $401.35 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay.these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Kimbark. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven:, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14); Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted
a communication received from the Zoning Board of Appeals recommending
the granting of an appeal filed by Mrs. George H. Sargent for permission
to build a three story building to contain nineteen apartments on the
property at the northwest corner of Hinman Avenue and Grove Street,so
located as to'have its south wall on the south line of the property
instead of being set back. The appeal also requests that the section
of the ordinance requiring that space be provided for one car for each
two apartments. in the building, which in this case would call for
space for nine cars, be waived to the extent of approving•parking
space for eight cars, Committee on Zoning unanimously recommends that
the.City Council concur in the recommendation of the Board of Appeals
and grant this appeal, and so moved. Motion seconded.by Alderman
Kimbark. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, James-, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (14); Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Bersbach also submitted a report of the
Committee relative to communication received from the Zoning Board
of Appeals recommending the granting of an appeal filed by George N.
Moore for permission to divide.the property at the southwest corner
of Ridge Avenue and Church Street into two parcels; one fronting on
Ridge Avenue containing the large frame dwelling and 12;420 square
.feet of property and the:. -other fronting on Church Street containing
;the garage with.an apartment over it and 4,.5Q0.square feet. The
minimum area permitted in,this zone is 7,200 square feet in new sub-
divisions. Committee on Zoning unanimously recommends that the City
Council concur in the recommendation of the Board of'Appeals and
grant this appeal., and -so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Mac -
Steven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,.
MacSteven, James, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,,Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (14): Voting nay•none (0). Motion carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS:- Alderman Brandt of the Sixth
Ward addressed the Council as follows:
"My attention has been called -to the fact that the Assistant
Secretary of Commerce is preparing a program for submission to
Congress recommending appropriation for allocating 100 airports.
and 2900 airparks. -The Manager of the Aircraft Council commenting
on this stated that every community, no matter how small, will
require a landing facility suitable, for the use of personal aircraft..
Such towns as Davenport, Iowa City.,,Oneida and Niagara Falls all
report they have either appropriated funds for the purchase of air -
parks or are taking steps to do:so.. There is also a movement.on
for those cities which are adjacent to large bodies of water, such
as Evanston is for the installation of air harbors.
After the war there is no doubt that thousands of our boys
will return who are aviators and there will be a great demand for
what are called airparks. Naturally there will be only a feW.air-
ports, and as a Secretary has pointed out.these smaller cities
will develop these airparks for use of personal fliers.
.I think at this time we should investigate the possibility
of an air -park in the western section and possibly an airharbor
on the Lake Shore.
Moved that the Mayor be authorized to appoint an.AIRPARK
COMMISSION for that purpose." .. , _
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Hungerford of the Eighth Ward moved a
reference to the Traffic'Engineer concerning the placing of Stop
signs at two very bad corners namely: Oakton .Street and Elmwood
Avenue,'which is used as a through street to St. Francis Hospital,
and Oakton Street and Sherman Avenue. Duly seconded and carried.
the following appointments of;names previously introduced:
Charles King, Special Police - 6 months.renewal
Lawrence Ashcroft, " " 6 It it
Carl Olson, it it 6 n ii
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for -
confirmation -at next meeting of the City Council:
4 Walter J. Reich, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Nicholas J. Hinkes, " " 6 it !'
John Munn ►r It. . .6 n rr
Ivar Johnson, rr it 6 o it
Mayor Ingraham stated that Mrs. Whitney of the
League of Women Voters extended an invitation to all the Citv Officials
to attend the meeting of the League of Women Voters on Thursday,
,,ctober 19, at 10:30 A.M. at the Georgian Hotel, when the local
candidate's running for election on November 7 will present their
Vpon motion duly seconded and carried,.the Council
adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
Edward W. • Bell,
City Clerk
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Evanston, .Illinois
City Hall,.
October 23,' 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held October 23, 1944, convening
at 9:30 P.M.-.
PRESENT: (14) Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway
it Mogg t
" MacSteve_n
" .Brandt
it Emery
!' Corcoran
!' Hungerford
ABSENT: (1) �' Platt
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Harwood moved that the*Minutes of Meeting
held October 16, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and 'Carried. `
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Notice'State of Illinois advising that our allotment of Motor
Fuel Tax for the month of September, 1944 is $6,991.53. Alderman
Kimbark moved same be referred to the Street.Committee and Commissioner
of Public Works: Duly seconded and carried.
City Treasurer's Financial Statement as of September 30, 1944.
AldermanKimbark moved same be referred to the Mayor, Finance 'Committee
and.the Auditor. Duly seconded and carried: `
Y Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCt COMMITTEE submitted
report from the City Collector advising that the Evanston Hotel paid
$"54.00 on February 29, 1944 for their restaurant license for the full
year. The restaurant was closed September 1, 1944 and they are asking
for a refund. The Finance Committee,recommends, based on policy where
no refunds are made on licenses after July'l, that this request for a
refund be denied,, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works stating that 2-10 inch gate valves were sold to
the American Water Works and Electric Co, with shipment to the Clinton
Water Works Company, Clinton, Iowa. Our invoice.#16735 dated August
21, 1944 in amount of $80.00 covered cost of these valves f.o.b.
Evanston. Upon receipt of the valves -it was found they could not use
them and they were returned by prepaid freight. It is recommended
therefore, that invoice #16735 in amount,of J,80.00 be cancelled and
credit memorandum sent to the American Water Works and Electric Co.
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.. Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (14):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.'
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the following bills, and that the proper charges and transfers be
Building Department
City Hall Building
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Health Department
Health Department
New Municipal Building
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Salvage Fund
Salvage Fund -Special Account
Street & Bridge,Department
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
City of Evanston Water Works )
Revenue '1944,Bond Account )
Water Meter Bureau
Miscellaneous Fund
Water Department
Motion seconded by Alderman.Mogg. Voting
aye Aldermen•Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark; Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none.
Motion carried. '
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the following temporary payrolls to be paid October 27, 1944, same to
be charged to.the proper. accounts:
Civil Service Commission
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Sewer Department
Street_& Bridge Repair Dept.•
Water Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
567.00 .
Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark,.Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay
none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from Mr. Byrnes, Supt. Bureau of Recreation, advising that in
holding the annual Hallowefen program, scheduled for October 31 from
6:30wuntil 11:00 o'clock P.M. the department desires to hold several
.street dances at the following locations
Boltwood Park, Florence and Main
Willard School, Hurd Av. and Park P1.
Mason Park, Florence and Davis St.
block north
2 block. north
On Davis St. from
Florence Av. 1 block west
Barricades and lighted bombs will be -erected during the above stated
hour's. This has the approval of the Chairman of the Street Committee
and the Park Committee and moved permit be granted to close'streets
as requested in report. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran stated in connection with program
for Hallowefen, that last year we had fine cooperation from the church
groups, schools, P'.T.A.'s, The American Legion and Emergency Police, and
the result was we had the safest Hallowefen for many years, and would
tlike to solicit from those organizations their cooperation this year.
Duly seconded.and carried.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
Bill No. 2 Final, f.or Engineering services on M.F.T. `resurfacing -
Section 28-C.S. in amount of $692.06, Moved approval and payment of
bill. Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery , Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
James,•MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman James submitted Bill No. 2, Final for
Engineering services on M.F.T. Bituminous Cover Coat on Orrington
Avenue - Section 29-C.S./ Moved approval and payment of this bill.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood; Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,-Jourdain., James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none.
'Motion carried.
Alderman James submitted bill inaamount of $201.60
due Walter H. Flood and Company for plant, laboratory and street in-
spection services for Section 29-C.S. Orrington Avenue Bituminous Cover
Coat. Moved approval 'and payment of bill from Motor Fuel Tax funds
furnished for this purpose by the Illinois Division of Highways.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven,.Mogg, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (14):' Voting nay
none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman James submitted bill in amount of $705.89.
due Walter H. Flood and Company for plant, laboratory and street in
spection services for Section 28-C.S. resurfacing of various streets.
Moved approval and payment' of bill from Motor Fuel Tax funds furnished
for this purpose by the Illinois Division of Highways. Motion seconded
by Alderman Thoma. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood,
Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief. Organization inamount of $852,23 and moved that
the Township Supervisor.be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Kimbark. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried:
/UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Jourdain of the Fifth
Ward spoke of the still very serious housing shortage in the northwest
section of Evanstori\and which is far more serious than anywhere else
in Evanston.: The people who were suffering most had their hopes raised
when it was reported that a housing unit was to be built, land was being
acquired, etc.-, but since that time all signs of activity have died down.
We know the.Building Department was cooperating and making it•possible
for something to be worked up. In view of the long period of inactivity
trying to find out if anything is being done and if nothing is being
`done, what can be started to relieve that housing situation, moved a
reference to the Building Commissioner to see if inquiries can be made
and to get some action -in that direction. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Jourdain also spoke of the post-war plans
for various purposes and referred to the proposal for a recreation
building in the north end of the Fifth Ward. This had the hearty,.
support of the Superintendent of Bureau of Recreation and that proposal
was submitted to the Post War Planning Committee, but in the press of
considering other plans it was'not possible to'give consideration to
this, and asked that more time and more attention be given to a study
of-ia real need for a recreation building in that area. Moved a refer-
ence to tYie Mayor and Mr. Byrnes to take on themselves to bring this
to the attention of the Committee and for them to reconsider their
position in that matter. Duly seconded and carried. Alderman.Brandt
in ' speaking,,tb the motion stated that the post war -p6mimw"have not
turned down,that project. They have a great many reports they are
working over,7and they have a subsequent report on housing which will
probably go a'' little further than their first report. They have not
completed a'number of these reports, but will in due time.
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Ivar Johnson, Special Police - 6 months
John Munn, it rr 6 rr renewal
Nicholas J. Hinkes, rr rr 6 tr tr.
Walter J. Reich, " " 6 rr
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at.9;50 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,,.
I October 30, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council
held October 30, 1944, convening
at 9:30 P.M.
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach
+ ..
" Hemenway
" Platt
" Mogg
• '_' Rubin
" Brandt
" . Harwood
!' Thoma
" Hungerford
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held October 23, 19440 be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and carried,..
Alderman Kimbark
for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of .the.following,bills,
and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
City Hall.Building
City Treasurers Office
Fire Department
Health 'Department
1 127.39
Miscellaneous -Fund
Municipal Court
Park Department
4 188,90
f 41.72
Police Department
, 356.27
Police Pension Fund
I 10.00
Public Works Department
` -Street & Bridge Department
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
I 31.02
City of Evanston Water Works
Revenue 1944 Bond Account
Water Meter. Bureau
Salvage -Special Account
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, Rubin;
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, _
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (12):
Voting nay none (0). Motion
Alderman Kimbark
submitted bill from Eich and
Reed, architects, in amount of $500.06
and moved the payment of
this bill,•.same to be charged to the
New Municipal Building. -Account.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
;Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0)..
Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the Traffic Engineer relative to .reference of
Alderman Hungerford on traffic conditions at Oakton Street and Elmwood
Avenue and Oakton Street and Sherman Avenue, stating that these corners
have had a slight accident experience but not enough to warrant in-
stallation of stop signs. Oakton Street and Elmwood Avenue have a .
blind approach from the south and Oakton Street and Sherman Avenue
have a blind approach from the north. It is recommended that -large
slow signs.be placed at the blind approaches to these two intersections
and see if this remedy does not correct the situation. Alderman Mac -
Steven moved this recommendation be approved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works advising that the
Health Department is in need of linoleum for the second floor north
end of building. Two bids were received as follows;
Dallia Floors $2.60.00
$30.00 extra if done on Saturday or Sunday.
Sears Roebuck Co. $174.68
Sears, bid does not cover the sanding and filling of floors by
carpenter, as required.
It is recommended that contract be awarded to Dallia"Floors for $260.00
according to specifications of city, to be charged to item No. 220.
This has the approval of the Health Committee and moved that bid of
4260.00 be accepted." Motion seconded by Alderman James. Voting aye
Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James,
Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $392.43 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Kimbark. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (15): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
Estimate No. 1 partial, in amount of $39,663.75 payable to Arcole
Midwest Corporation for work done on Section 28-C.S. for resurfacing
of various streets. Moved the approval and payment of this bill from
Motor Fuel Tax funds furnished for this purpose by the State Highway
Department. Motion seconded byAlderman MacSteven. Voting aye
Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James,
Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford
(15): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted -
a report of the Committee relative to communication received from the
Zoning Board of Appeals recommending the denial of an appeal filed by
Mrs. P.R.-Shumway to permit the Victor Adding Machine. Company to erect
and use as a research laboratory a.two story building on her property
at the northeast corner of Hinman Avenue and Davis Street. Committee
on Zoning recommends that the City Council concur in the recommendation
of the Zoning Board of Appeals and deny this appeal, and so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman Emery and unanimously carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Mogg of the Third
Ward stated that there seems to be an epidemic of leaf burning in the
streets and -alleys and several fences and garages have been badly
damaged. Apparently -these fires were started by youngsters. Moved a
reference to the Fire Chief and the Police Department to watch this
situation. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward made the following
"In line with Alderman Mogg's statement, I think this is the
worst Hallowe'en the city has ever had. I wish to commend the
Police and Fire Departments for their splendid work in covering the
entire city, as well as the. Auxiliary Police and -Firemen.
In just the 6th and 7th Wards the Fire Department had to cover
.nearly 20 calls, while no doubt twice that number of fires had to be
put out by the citizens themselves. It is high time the parents
help in correcting the youth of this city, and - the attention of ,the
parents should be called to this situation."
introduced the following name for confirmation at next meeting of
the City Council:
William Henrichs, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Mayor Ingraham appointed
,the following Aldermen
as members of .the Canvassing Committee to canvass
election of November
7, 1944 for C1,erk of the Municipal ^Court:
Alderman Brandt
. o Alderman Ber.sbach
Alderman Harwood
Upon motion duly seconded
and carried, the Council
adjourned at 9:42 P.M.
W. Bell,
Clerk �.
Evanston,, Illinois
City Hall,.
November 6., 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held November 6, 1944, convening
at 9:05 P.M. ,
PRESENT;: (15) ,Alderman Bersbach
" Kimbark
n Mogg
T " MacSteven
it James
rr Jourdain
f " Rubin
rt Emery
�r Corcoran
" Harwood
r' Thoma
!' Hungerford
Mayor Ingraham. presiding.
Alderman Emery moved that the Minutes of meeting
held October.30, 1944, be approved without
reading: Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman..Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE pre-
sented and moved the, payment of the following bills, and that the
proper charges and .transfers be authorized:
City Colle c.t or'�s . Office
,City Hall Building
Civil Service Commission
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Miscellaneous Fund
- 12.00
Park Department,
- Police Department
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
Salaries of City Officers Fund
2.22 .
Salaries of City Officers Fund
Salvage -Special Account
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station ,
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Department
Water Mains Bureau J
City of Evanston Water Works )
Revenue 1944 Bond Account )
Water Meter Bureau
Miscellaneous Fund
Miscellaneous Fund
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg.. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none.
Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the
payment of the.f ollowing temporary payrolls to be paid November 10,
1944, same to be charged to the proper accounts:
Service Commission
Playgrounds Department
Works Department
Works Department -Sewer.
& Bridge Repair Dept.
Water Department
Park Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting
nay none (0). ?lotion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted*report from the City
Collector advising that John Omartin of 2126 Lake Street purchased
dog license #3170.for $2.25 - not knowing that his wife had purchased
a license earlier. in the year. He has returned license and tag #3170
and requests a refund of $2.25. The Finance Committee recommends that
a refund of $2,25 be made, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt,
Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none•(0).. Motion carried.
• Alderman Kimbark submitted the following report from
the Commissioner of Public Works:
"The attached bill .from Good Paint and Wall Paper Companv
was ordered .for Chandler Field House repairs and was charged to
"Special Recreation" account. This account is overdrawn and
authority is. requested to transfer $42,38, the amount of this bill,
from account No. 486 "Alterations and Repairs to Park Structures"
to the "Special Recreation" account."
Alderman Kimbark so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting*;.
aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark,. Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach
(15): Voting nay none (0_). Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
a report from the Supt. of Bureau of Recreation advising that 14 Civic
Hallowelen parties, sponsored by the Bureau of Recreation, were held in
accordance with schedule outlined in a previous memo. This is to report
that 7800 doughnuts and 510 - 1/2 gal. jugs of root beer and fruit juices
were consumed. Approximately 6,000 to 7,000 boys and girls participated
in the festivities. From all reports these programs were outstanding
successes and many favorable comments,have been received from parents
and community officials. Alderman Corcoran stated that these parties
were a success and the money was well spent and.it should be enlarged.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of .Public Works with statement of operating
costs and depreciation of police cars for first 21 months, also com-
yarison with proposed contract prices and resultant savings to City.
Asked the Aldermen to study this well worked out program, which will
be in the files.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of,$299.32 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt, Hemenway and Bersbach (15): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted a
report from the Traffic Engineer reading as follows:
"At the regular Council meeting held on June 29, i942, Alderman
James for the Street Committee made a motion to close Lincoln Street
east of Sheridan Road for the purpose of preventing sabotage to the
Water plant. This motion.was passed by the Council at that time.
The street has been blocked off from that time to this. It is now
believed that this danger is removed and that the street should
again be opened.
It is recommended by the Traffic Engineer that Lincoln Street
east of Sheridan Road be restored_to traffic as far east as the
present pavement extends, and that No Parking regulations formerly
on the north side of said Lincoln Street east of Sheridan Road be
again placed in force. It is understood that parking on top of the
five million gallon reservoir will still -be prohibited."
The Commissioner of Public Works moves that the recommendation be
approved, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
.Alderman James stated that the Commissioner of
Public Works requests authority to advertise for bids for furnishing
gasoline for use by City.vehicles for 1945. The present contract
expires December 31, 1944. Alderman James moved that such authority
be granted. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood and carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS.: Alderman Thoma of the Eighth
Ward moved a reference to the Superintendent of Streets concerning
complaints received relative' to alley in rear of 136 Custer Avenue.
Also moved a reference to the Superintendent of Sewers to make a check
to see if some of the sewers running up and down .Custer Avenue are
filled with sand, as at certain times the basements are flooded. Duly
seconded and carried.
Aldermen Jourdain of 'the Fif th Ward addressed the
Council as follows;
"Complaints have accumulated regarding bus service from the
north end of the Fifth Ward into down -down Evanston and other points.
One complaint is that the bus south -bound on Dodge Avenue from
North Evanston repeatedly in early morning -,fails to make the stop
at Dodge Avenue and Emerson Street. This leaves many people who
have left their homes early in the morning to`'get to jobs, stranded
at Dodge and Emerson. Often the complaints go,'they are compelled
to walk to Church Street to board a'bus. Another complaint is that
the first morning bus* leaves the area of Dodge and: Emerson so much
later than the starting time for down -town buses that people are
much delayed in making.early connections to get to jobs. A third
source of much annoyance is the unfit bus on what is known as the
Emerson Street route. This bus is hopelessly small and therefore,
at times is unbearably overcrowded, so overcrowded does this bus
become that dangerous piling in often results. A much larger bus
and a far more modern piece of equipment is needed on the Emerson
Street line. Also much more frequent service is needed on this
line. This bus runs so seldom that a serious inconvenience is
caused to.people.who have to put up with the long waits.
I am making a reference to the Public Utilities Committee
in order that much better bus service ma4 be established from the
North end of the Fifth Ward."
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Mogg of the Third Ward stated that recently
we have done some resurfacing in town from time to time and we will be
doing more of it. I believe work of that sort costs us more in Evanston
than in some communities not so far away. Moved a reference to*the
Commissioner of Public Works and the Chairman of the Street Committee
to investigate the question of the city's acquiring a small portable
asphalt plant and to make recommendations. Duly seconded and carried.
the following appointment of name previously introduced:
William Henrichs, Special'Police - 6 months renewal
Alderman Rubin.moved that this appointment be confirmed. Duly seconded
and carriedo
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmationat next meeting of the City Council:
William Zielke, Special Police 6 months renewal
Ole Knutzon, It 6 If it
Peter Kreutzer, " " 6 it "
Reinhold Nehring, !' !' 6
Stanley Anderson, g rr rr
Joseph Miller, !' '.' 6 " !'
Joseph Hoffman, rr ►r 6 ri rr
also Drennan J. Slater; 2441 Central Park Avenue as a member of the
Evanston Public Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Mr. James
M. Judson, deceased. Term of office to expire July 1, 1946,
Mayor Ingraham announced that Mrs. Nancy Merrick
Gilbert, daughter of A]cbrman Merrick deceased, has made a gift of
$100 to the city to be used for the improvement of Merrick Park:
Mayor Ingraham has acknowledged with thanks the receipt of this gift
which has been credited to the Park Department.
Mayor Ingraham reported that some weeks ago the
Council authorized him to appoint a committee to consider the problem
of municipal air ports and air parks, particularly in connection with
other municipalities in this area. He has appointed Mr. B.F. Ricker
as, Chairman of this committee 'and additional members will tie announced
at a later date.
For council records, Chief Ekman has announced that
the probationary.period for patrolmen Victor N. Drogos. and William H.
Jones has been extended another 60 days.
Upon motion duly•seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 9:•22 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall,,
November 13, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held November 13, 1944, convening
at 9:25 P.M._
PRESENT: (14) Alderman Bersbach
" Platt
Moggr t
" James
Jourdain {
" Rubin
" Emery
". Harwood
Thoma '
Hungerf ord {
ABSENT: (1) " MacSteven +
Mayor Ingraham presiding.'
Alderman Rubin moved that the
Minutes of Meeting
held November 6, 1944, be approved without reading.' Duly seconded
and carried.
City C1erk,Edward W. Bell,
presented the following:
Resolution from the Retirement Board -of
the Firemen's Annuity
& Benefit Fund of Evanston; Illinois certifying
to the Mayor and City
Council of the City of Evanston, Illinois,.that
the amount of tax to be
levied in the year 1945, for the purpose of providing
revenue for the
Firemen's Annuity & Benefit Fund should be the
full one-half mill tax,
as allowed by law. Alderman Kimbark moved -same
be referred to the
Finance Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE
COMMITTEE. presented
and moved the payment. of the following) bills, and
that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
City Clerk' •s Office
City Collector T s Office ,
City Hall Building
CivAl Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Health Department
Legal Department +
Miscellaneous.' Fund F
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
1,673" 88
Municipal Court.
Park Department i
Playground Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department ;
Salaries of City Officers Fund
Salvage -Special Account
Salvage -Special Account
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
Street & Bridge Department
30013.13 '
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,.James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment
of the following payrolls, same 'to be charged to the proper accounts:
Board of Examining Engineers
City Clerk's Office - Election
Votirig aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark., Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma-and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following commun-
ication from the Building Commissioner:
"The attached request from. the Presbyterian Home for a
waiver of the building permit i'ee for a proposed addition to
the home to cost an estimated �350,000 is referred to the..Finance
Committee for consideration..
Since it has been the practice of the City Council to
waive such fees for charitable institutions, I recommend that
this application -be granted."
Accordingly Alderman Kimbark moved that free permit be issued to the
Presbyterian Home. Motion seconded ,by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye
Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt', 'Emery, Corcoran, Harwood; Thoma and Hungerford . (14) :
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
.11 ' Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the PARK COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Supt. of Bureau of Recreation advising that the next
large project on the Bureau of Recreation agenda is the sponsorship of
the annual Christmas parties that are held during the yuletide at the
various centers, together with the'annual-Shut-in program. It is recom-
mended that an amount of 300 be granted to the department for the
above stated purpose, to be charged to item No. 529, The Park Committee
has considered this request and recommends it be granted, and so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark; Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerf ord (14): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
stated that the Citizen's Advisory Committee on Post War Planning for
Evanston has presented their Report No. 6 regarding additional sugges-
tions and recommendations relative to:
A. Improvement of Dodge Avenue from McCormick'Blvd. south
to Crain Street.
B. Improvement of*0akton Street from Dodge Avenue east to
Chicago Avenue.
C. Improvement of South Blvd: from Dodge Avenue east to
Sheridan Road.
He called the attention of the Chairman of the Street Committee to
this report which he will want to study, also the -two Aldermen from the
Eighth Ward.
Alderman Brandt also presented Report No. 9 of
Citizen's Advisory Committee for Post War Planning relative to Post
War Unemployment problems. In connection with that there has been
placed in each of the committee folders a pamphlet entitled "It's all
yours, Veteran," also a booklet of data`re.garding governmental assis-
tance and suggestions. Alderman Brandt read the final paragraph of
this very thorough and comprehensive report of 13 pages, stating that
it is worth studying and the aldermen should look it over carefully.
This report will be on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Alderman Brandt stated that tonight the Public
Buildings Committee received through the Mayor two sets of plans from
the architects for the police and fire station. These plans are on
the original "L" shape plan and are made in a three story building to
cover 32,000 cubic feet less than plans which were first submitted a
few weeks ago. It is the unanimous opinion of the Public Buildings
Committee that these two sets of plans -be referred to.the Mayor, the
Commissioner of Public Works and the Building Commissioner, together
with the Post War Planning Committee as to their recommendations re-
garding the two plans, ,and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
stated that last week Alderman Jourdain called the attention of the
Council and the Committee on complaints which have accumulated regarding
bus service in the north end of the Fifth Ward. This matter was taken
up with the Manager of the Bus Company who advised that no answer to
a problem such as this can be given today but we have been assured
that additional buses will be purchased when possible and they will
furnish as satisfactory service as they possibly can. It might be well
to call this to the attention of the committee from time to time and
thus keep in touch with the Bus Company,
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted request received from the Commissioner of Public Works for
authority to advertise for bids for 15,000 to 20,000 pounds of liquid
chlorine; 18 to 20 drums of aqua ammonia and 225 tons of aluminun
sulfate for the use in water treatment at the Filtration Plant during
1945. The present contracts for these materials expire on December 31,
1944. This has the approval of the Water Committee, and so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman Platt and carried.
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commis-
sioner of Public Works advising that the Fire Chief felt`it was very
essential that he install a new air brake unit on hook and ladder truck
No. 1. The following bid was received and work was authorized and
charged to account No. 176: Illinois Auto Electric Co. . . . $185,00.
Confirmation of this action is requested. This has the approval of the
Purchasing and Fire Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman James. Voting aye. Aldermen.Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma
and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood submitted the following report from
the Commissioner of Public works:
"The present car of the Fire Chief is in need of repairs.
The estimate on these repairs is $450 to $600. The ,Chief has an
opportunity to purchase a 1937 Lincoln .Sedan for $1,100 and trade
in allowance of his old car which is a 1932 Model valued at $195.
This has the approval of the Fire Committee.
It is.recommended that.the Commissioner of Public Works be
authorized to purchase from Wri ht'Motors, Inc. one used Lincoln
Sedan for $1,100 and the present Chief's car in exchange., to be,
paid for out of the 1945 budget."
This also has the approval of the Purchasing Committee, and so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, -Harwood., Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $751.24 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these -bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works as follows:
"In accordance with authority granted by the City Council on
October 90 advertisements for the sale of equipment on hand in the
Street Department not now being used, were placed in several news-
papers. The following bid for the used Caterpillar tractor has
been received:
Norbert Hollenbach .$550.00
It is recommended that the offer of 8550.00 for this piece of
equipment, submitted by Norbert Hollenbach, be accepted."
This has the approval of the Street Committee and moved that recommen-
dation of the Commissioner of Public Works be approved. Motion seconded
by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt,
Kimbark,.Mogg, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman James submitted proposal received by the
Commissioner of Public Works from the Carlson. Construction Company for
furnishing of labor and necessary material to complete the removing and
replacing of cement curb at Howard Street and the elevated tracks, at
unit price of $1.25 per lineal foot. This proposal carries the approval
of the Commissioner of Public Works and recommendation of the Corpor-
ation Counsel is that the work be done. Accordingly moved that proposal
be accepted. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, James, Jourdain,.Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried.
UNDER SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Alderman Brandt for the
CANVASSING COMMITTEE addressed the Council as follows:
The Canvassing Committee finds that over 50% of the 68 precincts
turned in incomplete and unsatisfactory reports. For instance, in
16 precincts the signatures of the judges and clerks were missing.
•In 21 precincts there was either no tallying shown or else improper
tallying. In 5 precincts.incorrect totals were reported. In 1
precinct the entire binder of application forms was missing. In
2 precincts we are told, altho only in one do we have personal
evidence of from a member of the Evanston Council,. that the ballots
were not even given to the voters until several hours after the
polls opened, and the voters called attention to this fact.
Of course this is all due to the fact that the judges and
clerks were not paid anything for their work by the City and they
were asked to do this work on top of a very heavy National election.
It is our recommendation that the Judiciary Committee and the
Corporation Counsel take steps to try to get the election of Munici-
pal Clerk concurrent with the Municipal election, -and if this is not
possible that the judges and clerks at least receive some remuneration
for their extra work.
I might say in passing that if possible we also believe that the
election for the judges of .the Municipal Court which ecomes up in June
should also be held at the time of the regular Municipal election."
Alderman Brandt also stated that 6,541`people did
not vote on this election that voted in the National election. Some-
thing should be done -to correct this"situation, which is deplorable
for a city .of this 'size and standing.
Alderman Brandt then reported that the Committee
appointed to canvass the returns of the Special election held in the
City of Evanston on Tuesday, November 7, 1944,.has canvassed said
returns and begs to report that the returns are found to be as follows:
Grand total number of votes cast 30, 717
For Clerk of the Municipal Court:
Edwin A. Lucado 14,979
John B.. Treff 15,736
Ward Evans 1
Ruby Schreiner 1
Your committee further finds that the following named person, having
received the largest number of votes cast, is duly and legally elected
to the following named office for the ensuing term, and we recommend
that the person named hereafter be declared elected to the respective
office: John Treff, Clerk of the Municipal Court
Alderman Brandt moved the approval of this report. Motion seconded by
Alderman Rubin and carried.
Alderman Brandt moved a reference to the Judiciary
Committee and the Corporation Counsel to see if the above recommendation
can be carried out through State legislation. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Brandt also stated that in the event the
date for election of a Municipal Court Clerk cannot be changed that the
Finance Committee make arrangements to appropriate money for the judges
and clerks, and so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman James of the Fourth
Ward stated:
"I have been petitioned by quite a number of residents of the
west side of Evanston in the vicinity of Dodge Avenue, Greenleaf
Street, Darrow Avenue and Dewey Avenue, for improved transportation
facilities, particularly -in the morning, as a good many of those
people are now obliged to walk over to Ridge Avenue to get a bus to
the "L" or elsewhere.
I would think that the lack of facilities would be no bona
fide excuse to offer on the part of the Bus Company, as all they -
want is an extra trip starting early. The first bus comes around
there about 6:45 a.m, which is too late for early defense workers,
.and the request is made on the part of those residents to have a
bus (Main Street) start from Davis Street to reach that area at
approxima,bBly 6 o'clock or shortly thereafter. Moved a reference
to the Public Utilities Committee regarding this."
Duly seconded and carried.
2'7 420
Alderman Jourdain of the Fifth Ward renewed his
reference to.the Public Utilities Committee regarding bus service in
the area of Dodge Avenue and Emerson Street. He referred to the.early
morning service around 6 o'clock and in the interest of the needs of
those people who want to get out to work early, it is necessary that
the Bus Company take some definite steps to relieve that situation.
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Jourdain stated that there is an easing
up of restrictions on the use of critical materials.. Moved a reference
to the Finance; Committee to see to it that -in making up the budget for
1945 that arrangements for including an item for lighting of Foster
Field. No expenditures were made from previous appropriation as
materials were unavailable, but materials necessary.can now be procured.
The Commissioner of Public Works is sizing up the possibility of getting
some -of this material and as plans are being made that in that particular
part of the budget that allowance be made for the lighting of Foster
Field. Duly seconded.and carried.
Alderman Thoma of the Eighth Ward asked for a report
on the proposed lights at Howard Street and Custer Avenue now that
materials.are available. Duly seconded and carried.
the following appointments of names previously introduced;
Joseph Hoffman,
Special Police
- 6
months renewal
Joseph Miller,
rt , rr
tr it
Stanley Anderson,
it "
Reinhold Nehring,
it "
Peter Kreutzer,
tr "
Ole Knutson, -
it. n
n ►r
William Zielke,
t► rr
tr rr
and Drennan J. Slater as a member of the Evanston Public Library
Board to fill the unexpired term of Mr. James M. Judson, deceased, the
term of office to expire July 1, 1946., Alderman Rubin moved that these
appointments be confirmed. Duly seconded and carried'.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting of the City Council;
Leo Aron, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Roy I. Balbirnie, it tr 6 "
t -John Swanson, rr It 6 rt tr
Fred Hauf, , It it 6 It rt
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council,
adjourned at 9:55 P..M.
Edward W. Be.11,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
November 20,.1944
Meeting of,the
City Council
held November 20, 1944, convening
at 9:45
> "
" ..
. Brandt
Mayor Ingraham
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held November 13, 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell,,presented the following. -
Resolution from .the Retirement Board of the.Firemen's Annuity
and Benefit Fund Qf Evanston, reading in part as follows:
RESOLVED, that due to the cost of placing the new Firemen's
Annuity and Benefit Fund in operation, with added Actuary, Counsel
and Supervisory.Board expenses, together with the loss of revenue
due to men leaving for the armed services and the greatly increased
monthly outlay in pensions due to men leaving the fire service,
which we cannot.offset by replacements, because -being temporary,
they are not participants and therefore do not pay into the Fund;
the Retirement Board of the Firemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund of
Evanston, Illinois requests your consideration of the following
That in order to increase the fund as rapidly as possible
the entire proceeds of the insurance tax on foreign fire insurance
business, be credited to the Firemen's Arinuitv and Benefit Fund
for the ,year 1945, as additional revenue. s
Alderman Kimbark moved same be referred to the Finance Committee.
Duly seconded and carried.
City Treasurer's Financial Statement as of October 31, 1944.
Alderman Kimbark moved same be referred to the Mayor, the Finance Com-
mittee and the Auditor. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
City Hall Building
City Hall Building
City Treasurer's Office
Contingent Fund
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
44:72 .
Garbage Department-
Health Department.
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Salaries of City Officers Fund
Street & Bridge Department i
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
City of Evanston Water Works )
Revenue 1944 Bond Account )
Water Meter Bureau
Miscellaneous Fund
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting
aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt,
Rubin, James',.MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark,-Platt and Bersbach (13•)': Voting nay none (0). Motion
Alderman Kimbark also -presented and moved the pay-
ment of the following.temporary payrolls to be paid November 24, 1944,
same to be charged to the proper•accounts:,
Parks Department
Parks Department
Playgrounds Department
Works -Maintenance
Works -Sewer Dept.
Service Commission ;
& Bridge Repair Dept.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerf ord.,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0):. Motion
carried. '
Alderman Kimbark submitted communication from the`
Building Commissioner requesting authorization to cancel .the following
bills which cannot be collected and to'void the respective permits:
1. Gosfield Furrier, 1943 electric sign;
(Out of business, sign removed)
2. G.F. Moy, 1943 electric sign
(Out of business, sign removed)
3. Victory Garage, fillin station 1943'
(Did not sell gasoline
Alderman Kimbark moved -that these bills be cancelled and permits voided.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, James, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Platt and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark referred to two references made to
the Finance Committee last week, and moved that reference to make arrange-
ments if necessary, to appropriate money for -judges and clerks of
election be re -referred to the Judiciary Committee. Also item to include
in budget for 1945 item for lighting of Foster Field, be re -referred to
the Park Committee, as they should come up through their respective
budgets as recommendations. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the'Council convene as of 9:00 otclock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran presented and moved the adoption
of the following Resolution:
OF _
WHEREAS., EDWIN A. LUCADO, Clerk of The ?Municipal Court of
Evanston has retired from office; and
WHEREAS, EDWIN A. LUCADO has been in the employ of the City
of Evanston .for the past eleven years, having served for five years
of that period as Clerk of The Municipal Court of the City of
Mayor and the City Council of the City of Evanston, in regular
meeting assembled, do hereby express to EDWIN A. LUCADO the
official thanks of the City of Evanston for his -services to the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and he is
he instructed t`o transmit to Mr. Lucado a copy of this resolu-
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works requesting authority
to advertise for proposals for storing, washing, greasing and miscel-
laneous service in connection with police cars. The present contract
expires December 31, 1944 Alderman MacSteven moved that such authority
be granted the Commissioner of Public Works. Duly seconded and carried.
stated that the Citizents Advisory Committee on Post War Planning has
prepared a 14 page report on Improvements to.Evanston's Sewerage System,
The Committee recommends Sewer Revenue Bonds as the only means of
financing a proposed project. The report is very thorough and covers
the situation completely, dovetailing it with the report of 1938 from
Alvord, Burdick & Howson, which was persued but about which nothing
ever was done. Alderman Brandt hoped the committee report will have
some action, and moved same be referred to the Committee on Local Im-
provements. ,Duly seconded and carried'.
*-Alderman Brandt stated that the; Citizents Advisory
Committee has prepared a Supplemental Report on Housing. The first
report is a very "thorough and.voluminous report on conditions in
Evanston after -going over several surveys. In this -report they have
outlined certain definite reco endations.' These -recommendations are
so constructive that Alderman Brandt has taken the liberty of breaking
down the report in its relationship to various committees of the City
1. Moved a reference to the Building Commissioner regarding the
condemnation of substandard housing as found on pages 2 and 3.
2. Moved a reference to the Building Committee regarding changing
the Building Code to allow for lower construction costs. See
page 11.
3. To the Finance Committee to put in the budget for 194.5 provision
for additional inspectors in connection with work of inspecting
existing dwellings. See page 7.
4. To the Finance Committee in regard to 'waiving of fees in connec-
tion with new building construction in order to further more
building construction in Evanston in the post-war period: See
page 12.
5. To the Park Committee' for definite suggestions regarding the
use of the canal banks for park areas. See "page 7. .
6. To the Judiciary Committee on foreclosure of liens of taxes
and special assessments on'vacant property. See page 9.
Also further.suggestions'as to instituting of suits in this
connection. See page 10.
7. To the Zoning Committee for rigid enforcement of Zoning ordin-
ances, see pages 2, 3, and 4, with special reference to the
Northwestern University's statement by Harry L. Wells, Manager,
regarding their going back to the original zoning regulations
immediately after the war.
�8. To the Mayor with suggestions for a -definite plan commission
for the City of Evanston, See page 5.
Alderman Brandt stated that instead of filing such a very definite
and valuable report from the men who have given such a thorough study
to housing conditions, that the aldermen should take the time to peruse
this report, and the references as outlined are made to cover such
report. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE
submitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works as follows:
"Cylinder and turbine oil for the Pumping Station have been
supplied continuously since 1924 by the Dearborn Chemical Company.
This oil has been very satisfactory for our engines and conforms
to our specifications. A quotation for our requirements for 1945
is the same as last yearts namely, 45¢'per gallon for turbine oil
and 61.6� for a gallon of cylinder oil.
In view of the long period of satisfactory service given by
the Dearborn Chemical Com any,it is recommended -that their proposal
be accepted and that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized
to negotiate a contract for the year 1945."
This has the approval of the Water and Purchasing Committees, and so
moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none.
Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood submitted report from the Commis-
sioner. of Public Works listing three proposals received for furnishing
gasoline for city equipment for 1945. It is recommended that the pro-:
posal'of the Pure Oil Company to furnish gasoline for the cityts re-
quirements for 1945 at their bid price of 11.43� per gallon and subject
to 1% cash discount in ten days, be accepted and that the proper officials
be authorized to enter into a contract for this service. The City
Council is requested to authorize the immediate return.of the deposit
checks of the unsuccessful bidders and the return of the check of the
successful bidder upon the execution of a satisfactory contract and the
furnishing of a satisfactory performance bond. This has the approval of
the Street and.Purchasing Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman James. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran,
Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Platt
and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $380.11 and moved that
5 '
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, James, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Platt and Bersbach (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Brandt of the Sixth
Ward stated that the Post War Planning Committee is making for the.City
of Evanston a most .remarkable form of government. -This group of, citizens
who without any remuneration whatever are assisting the city with their
suggestions. He found the Housing Report .particularly ,informative and
expressed the wish that the aldermen and officials would read this re-
port carefully as it affects the city,.more than any other single thing
in the future of Evanston.
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Fred Hauf, Special Police - 6 months renewal
John Swanson, ++ : n 6 rr rr
Roy I. Balbirnie, 11 rr 6 rr rr
Leo Aron, rr n 6. It n
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried. r '
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at next meeting.of the City Council:
Harry R. Dunn, Special Police - 6 months`renewal
Joseph Lee, r► rr 6 n it
Waldemar C. Kasten, Senior Clerk Police Dept.'60 days rr
For Council records, Chief Ekman has announced that
the probationary appointments of Charles L. Schwarz and Robert Kutok
have been extended another 60 days.
,Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10::05 P.M. 1
Edward W. Bell,;..
City Clerk s'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall
November 27, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held
November 27, 1944, convening
at 9:10 P.M.
PRESENT: (12) Alderman Platt
. it Kimbark
Jo urda in
" Brandt,
n -Emery
" Harwood
!' Thoma
" Hungerford
ABSENT: (3) " Bersbach
!' Hemenway
!' Hungerford
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman"Rubin moved
that the Minutes of Meeting
held November 20, 1944, be approved without
reading. Duly seconded
and carried.
City Clerk Edward W.
Beli, presented the following:
Notice State of Illinois advising that the allotment of Motor
Fuel Tax for the month of October, 1944
is V60738.62. Alderman Harwood
moved that same be referred to the Commissioner
of Public,Works and the
Street Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper charges
.and transfers be authorized:
' Building Department
$ 4.50
City Clerk 1 s Office
City Hall Building
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department
New Municipal Building
Park Department -
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
.Salvage -Special Account
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
City of Evanston Water Works)
Revenue 1944 Bond Account )
Garbage Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Water Department-
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood and Thoma (9):
Voting nay none (0), Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted a report from the City
Collector re: Special Assessment #1186 for paving Chicago Avenue from
Davis Street to Church Street. This special assessment -is paid up with
the exception of $270.08. Reserving $212.38 for expenses there is a
surplus on hand available for rebate of $4,057,78 which will allow a
17% rebate of the final amount spread. This has the approval of the
Mayor and the Corporation Counsel and he has requested authorization
to proceed with this rebate. Alderman Kimbark moved that such authority
be granted. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin', Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood
and Thoma (10): Voting'nay none. Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following report
from the Commissioner of Public Works:
!!There is an overdraft of $373.32 on the New Municipal
Building Account - State Bank & Trust Company. a
It ,is recommended that the above amount be transferred from
the General Fund to this account to cover the overdraft, and charge
to the Contingent Fund."
Alderman Kimbark so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting
aye Aldermen Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood and Thoma (12): Voting nay none.
Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark submitted the following commun-
ication from the City Treasurer:
"In accordance with the usual custom of paying the regular
payroll for the month of December on December 15th I am hereby
asking that theCouncil authorize same."
Alderman Kimbark moved the approval of such authority. Motion seconded
by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Platt.. Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood and Thoma
(12): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
moved that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded
and carried.
submitted Report No. 11 of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Post War
Planning on the proposed extension of Green Bay Road from Emerson Street
28 1.
southward along the west side of railroad tracks through Evanston.
The conclusion of the Committee is to the effect that the proposed
route is unsuitable for the purposes with which it is designed to .
accomplish. A-lderman Brandt moved same be referred to the Street
Committee. ;Duly. seconded and ,carried.
Alderman Brandt also submitted Supplemental Report
of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Post War Planning for Evanston
covering Post War Public Works Program for Evanston re: Recreation
Building in the Fifth Ward. They are heartily in favor -of this project
and also four other public works projects. The gist of the difficulty
seems to be summed up in this one sentence: "The Committee does not
see any feasible or practicable way at this time of financing an ex-
panding program of recreational facilities however desirable they
might be." The Judiciary Committee and the Finance Committee have been
diseussing this matter and the committee is hopeful.that considerable
additional revenue may be available in the collection -of back taxes.*.
If something could be accomplished we could have the recreation building
in the Fifth Ward. Moved that this report be referred to the.Public
Buildings Committee and the Park,Committee. Duly.seconded and carried.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted report from the Commissioner of Public Works listing two pro-
posals received for furnishing approximately 225 tons of aluminum
sulphate for water treatment during 1945. It is recommended that the
Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to enter into a contract
with the low bidder (and present supplier) General Chemical Company.
for approximately 225 tons of standard lump aluminum sulphate at price
quoted, $1.215 per 100 lbs. to be delivered as needed during 1945.
This price is the same as that in -effect for 1944. ,This has the approval
of the Water and Purchasing Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded
by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,-
James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood and Thoma (12):
Voting nay none (0): Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from the
Commissioner of Public Works listing two,identical bids received for
furnishing between 18 and 20 drums of Aqua Ammonia for water treatment
during 1945.• Inasmuch as we have done business with Mathieson Alkali
Company for approximately 17 years, it is recommended that the Commis-
sioner of Public Works be authorized to enter into a contract with
Mathieson Alkali Company to furnish our aqua ammonia needs for the year
1945, at the bid price of 32� per pound. This has the approval of the
Purchasing and Water Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman Emery. Voting aye Aldermen Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
James, Jourdain,'Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood and Thoma
(12): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from the
Commissioner of Public Works listing three -identical bids received for
furnishing between 15,000 and 20,000 pounds of liquid chlorine for water
treatment during 1945. Inasmuch as we have done business with Mathieson
Alkali Company for approximately 17 years, it is recommended that the
Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to enter into a contract with
Mathieson Alkali Company to furnish our liquid chlorine needs for the
year 1945, at the bid price of 71¢ per pound. This has the approval of
the Purchasing and Water Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by
Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood and Thoma (12):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood also submitted report from the
Commissioner of Public Works advising that the Garbage Department is in
need of 3,000 grill fire brick for repairs to the incinerator. Three
bids for furnishing this material have been received. It is recommended
that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to purchase 3,000
Acme 132 x 6 x 22" grill fire brick from the low bidder, Western
Materials Company at 20� each, or a total expenditure of $600 - to be
charged to item No: 586. This has the approval of. the Purchasing and
Street Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman James.
Voting aye Aldermen Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt,,Emery, Corcoran, Harwood and Thoma (12): Voting nay none,
Motion carried. t t
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of J�827.69 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay bills. Motion seconded
by Alderman Corcoran. Voting aye Aldermen Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, James, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood
and Thoma (12): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman James for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
Estimate No. 2 Final in amount of $1,289.15 due Arcole Midwest Cor-
poration for work done on Section 29-CS Orrington Avenue. It is rec-
ommended that the City Council approve this estimate for payment from
Motor Fuel Tax Funds furnished to the City by the State of Illinois
-for this contract, subject to subsequent approval by the Illinois
of -Highways,
and so moved.
Motion seconded by Alderman
Voting aye
Aldermen Platt,
Kimbark,14ogg, MacSteven, James,
Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,` Harwood and Thoma (12):
Voting nay none (0), Motion carried.
Alderman James also submitted Estimate No. 2 Final
in amount of $4,,589.08 due Arcole Midwest Corporation for work done
on Section 28-CS resurfacing portions of Central Park Avenue, Noyes
Street, Lake Street, Ashland Avenue and Simpson Street. it is recom-
mended that the City Council approve this estimate for payment from
Motor Fuel Tax Funds furnished to the City by the State of Illinois
for this contract, subject to the subsequent approval by the Illinois
Division of Highways, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.
Voting aye Aldermen Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Jourdain,
Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood and Thoma (12): Voting nay
none (0); Motion carried.
Alderman James submitted memorandum from the
Commissioner of Public Works on results of salvage collection as
"On Saturday, November 25, 1944 our salvage collection was
held and the following is a record of the tin cans and paper collected:
Tin Cans Per Capita
Papers and
tin cans
1880 lb s :
.31 lb s .
9740 lbs.
2300 lbs.
.32 lbs.
1860 lbs.
4000 lbs.
.51 lbs.
4950 lbs.
2520 lbs, -.
•.32 lbs.
4780 lbs.
7340 lbs.
,71 lbs.
7149 lbs.
7830 lbs.
.75 lbs.
42350 lbs.
5110 lbs.
.60 lbs.
19250 'lbs.
3800 lbs.
.45 lbs.
4100 lbs.
34780 lbs.
.53 lbs.
94160 lbs.
Sixth Ward is the
Tin Can Trophy Winner.
In this connection Mayor
Ingraham stated that
in excess
of $5,000 has accumulated from
the sale of salvage
While the
money is being held by the
City in reality it belongs to the Evanston Defense Council. Mr. Ralph
Shanesy, Co-ordinator of the Office of Civilian Defense is appointing a
committee which will make recommendations as to the disbursement and
distribution of this fund. `
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Kimbark of the Third
Ward addressed the Council as follows:
"We had this very excellent report from the Post War Planning
Committee on Housing and which I think is better than the first one.
It conforms with the survey made by Harland Bartholomew, and in that
ordinance recommendations were made for re -zoning certain lots,
particularly in the southwest part of Evanston. It is a good place
to build modern homes, and in talking with a party who was considering
buying a lot in that section, it was found that it was over -burdened
with past due general taxes and special assessments and they were
reluctant to tie up their money in order to`clear up that situation.
I understand the Judiciary Committee and the Corporation
Counsel have under considerat16n the question of the best way for the
city to take steps to clear up that situation, particularly.on
vacant lots. The best Post War program the could work on right now
would be to get that vacant property clear, and when the war is over .
the young people will feel free to buy property'there."
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward stated that he
hoped the Special Committee will have something to report in the near
future as to progress made in collecting back taxes. This report from
the Post War Planning Committee re; needed recreation building in the
Fifth Ward is blocked by the situation of back taxes, and the sooner
that can be corrected it will help'with a great many other things.
Alderman Thoma of the Eighth Ward following up
Alderman Kimbark's remarks stated:
"This matter of special assessments was discussed in com-
mittee meeting last week and a real estate man from the south end
of town who operates in that section of the Eighth Ward pointed
out that on various lots which he had tried to clear up, the special
assessments were exhorbitant. It hasbeen discussed in committee
meeting for some time and we always seem to come to the problem of
the liability to the city, but we will have to.do something about
this proposition, as other cities have taken this matter in their
own hands. It is quite a complicated thing and I would like to have
a committee of the aldermen next Monday night and have the Corpor-
ation Counsel present this problem to them. This is the big post
war problem of the city and it is one thing we, must decide if we
are to have the -young service men in town. It affects the Eighth
Ward where there is a lot of vacant property."
made the -following appointments of names previously introduced:
Harry R. Dunn, 'Special Police - 6 months
Joseph Lee, `" " 6 " renewal
Waldemar .C: Kasten, `
Senior`Clerk, Police Dept. 60 days "
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
ad j our"ned at 9:,35 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall
December 4, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held December- 4, 1944, convening
at 10::00 P.M.
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway
rr Mogg
" James
!' Brandt
!' Emery
!' Corcoran
rr Harwood
!' Thoma
!' Hungerf ord
Mayor Ingraham presiding.,
Alderman James excused by the Mayor.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held November 272 1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded
.and carried..
City Clerk E6ward W. Bell, p resented the following:
Notices from State of Illinois advising that the projects
providing for Bituminous,Concrete Sub -Class• 1-11 resurfacing on
Sections 28-CS and 29-CS arterial streets had been.inspected,and
the,construction found to be correct. Alderman,Rubin moved that
same be referred to the Commissioner of Public Works and the Street
Committee. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Jourdain submitted the following reports
from the Building Commissioner.as follows: The Commissioner be
authorized to engage the services of the Chicago Elevator Maintenance -
Company to make an inspection of local elevators at the rate of $$2.00
per car. This is the same basis upon which the Company made a similar
inspection beginning in July of this year.- Motion seconded by Alderman
Rubin. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg,
MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma
and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Application received from Courtenay C. Davis requesting
permission to remove the fire -wall separating two stores in his
building at 1000-1004 Davis Street, so as to allow the Jewel Tea
Company to',occupy the additional space so provided, and to replace
it by constructing an additional."pyrobar" plastered partition
placed against the existing partition of the same construction which
separates at 1000 and 1002 Davis Street. Alderman Jourdain so moved,
and motion unanimously carried. '
Alderman Kimbark for. the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
Building Department
$ 4.37
City Clerkts Office
City Collector's Office
City Hall Building
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Health Department
Park Department
74.25 y
Playground Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Salvage-Special Account
Street and Bridge Dept.
i 2,051.00.
Street and Bridge Dept..
Filtration Plant
City of Evanston Water Works)
Revenue 1944 Bond Account
) 1-,843.42 '
Salvage -Special Account
Sidewalk -Special Account
` 23.70
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg.
Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
Jourdain, Rubin,'Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (14): Voting nay
none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the payment
of the following temporary payrolls to be paid December 8, 1944s
same to be charged to'the proper.accounts:
Public Works Department $161.92
Police Department 544.95
Public Works -.Sewer r .309.$3
Public Works - Electrical Div_. 4.00
Police Department_ 30.00
Civil Service Commission 9.00
Street & Bridge Repair Dept., 6,058.00
Small Parks Dept. 1,211.32
Water Department, f 352.00
Public Playgrounds 413.50
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway; Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay
none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran moved to suspend the rules to
. -pass an Ordinance. Seconded by Alderman Brandt. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbaich, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried. , t
Alderman Corcoran then presented and moved the
AS SECTION 1499 (a). Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting
aye Aldermen_Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford
'(14): 'Voting nay none (0). Motion carried and Ordinance adopted.
Alderman Corcoran presented an ordinance AMENDING
CHAPTER IX, SECTION 2080 asked that it be marked "INTRODUCED" and
for copies to be sent to the Aldermen. So ordered.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub-
mitted a report from the Commissioner of Public Works advising that
the Water Department is in need of a supply of water bills. Bids
were received from the following companies:
Tallman Robbins Company - 16# Sulphite bond - $1.65 per M.
The -Fred J. Ringley Company - 20# Sulphite.bond - $1.40
per M._ - $140.00
It is recommended that the low bid from The Fred J. Ringley Company,
for 100,000 bills -be accepted at the price quoted of $140.00, to be
charged to Account #393. This has the approval of the Water and
.Purchasing Committees, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma
and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in the amount of $429.36 which
includes $100.000 salary for Jarvis A. Shedd for the month of December,
1944, and moved that the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay
these bills. Motion seconded by Alderman Emery. Voting aye Aldermen
Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none.
Motion carried.
Alderman Jourdain for the STREET COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works in relation to Maintenance
Bond of Western National Indemnity Company for Sections 28 and 29-CS.,
and moved its approval. Motion seconded_by Alderman Brandt. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven,
Jourdain, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and, Hungerford (13):
Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS: Alderman Hungerford of the
Eighth Ward stated that some weeks ago he made a reference to some
Committeo in relation to the condition of the :railroad track -crossing
on Oakton Street near the Illinois.Brick Company plant and stated
he did not know to whom,the reference was made. He stated the crossing
is getting worse and cannot get your car across it as it is a very
rough crossing. He stated he wished the Commissioner of Public Works
to make a report at the next meeting. t
Alderman Thoma of the Eighth.Ward requested that
because it is very dark, one-half block north on Dewey Avenue off
of Brummel Street, that the lights be turned on for the reason that
people .in this block have garages at this location and enter through
the alley and stated that it is very dark and dangerous and therefore,
moved that it be referred to the -Lighting Committee and Commissioner
of Public Works. Motion seconded by Alderman Corcoran. Motion carried.
Alderman Brandt of -the Sixth Ward stated that there
has been a great demand for the Millard School Playground to be used
for skating this year, and moved a reference to the Parks Committee
to consider Willard School for such use. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Jourdain of the Fifth Ward made a motion
that the City Hall close on Saturday preceding Christmas, which was
referred to the Mayor with power to act.
Alderman MacSteven of the Fourth Ward and Alderman
Kimbark of the Third Ward made the statement that Joseph L. Rose, the
Commissioner of Public Works father passed away and moved that a
letter of condolence should be sent to Commissioner Rose, and his
family, expressing sympathy of Council members and City Officials.
ir!6troduced the following names for confirmation at the next .meeting
of the City Council:
Dale Stempel Special Police - 6 months renewal
John Corrigan r► rr 6 n It
Ruby P. McCaull if " 6 If it
John Olson rr rr 6 it it
Anton Ketter " " 60 days
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 10;25.P.M.
Edward W. Bell,.
City Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall
December 11, 1944
Regular Meeting of the City Council held December 11, 1944, convening
at 9:45 P.M.
PRESENT; (13) Alderman Bersbach
" Hemenway
" Kimbark
^r► Mogg
" MacSteven
" James
" Brandt
it Emery
rr Corcoran
" Harwood `
" Thoma
ABSENT: (2) " Platt
'.' Jourdain
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
• Alderman Bersbachinoved that the Minutes of Meeting
held December 4, 1944 be approved -with the following correction;.
Page .1 report of Building .Committete to include -
"Committee further recommends that such inspections be
made in,accordance with the provisions of Section 1101 of The
Municipal.Code, namely, at least once every six months."
Motion seconded by Alderman Emery and carried.
Mayor Ingraham excused Alderman Rubin.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following;
Communication The United States Conference of,Mayors announcing
that the Annual Conference .of that organization will be held in
Washington at the Hotel Statler on January 25-27, with request that
the City Council be so advised so that members may make plans to
participate. Alderman Rubin moved same'be received and filed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the. FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized;
Building Department
.City Clerks Office
City Collectorts Office
City Hall Building
;Civil•Service Commission
Contingent .Fund
Fire Department
Health Department - -
Miscellaneous Fund
Motor Fuel Tax -Special Account
Municipal Court
New Municipal Building Account
Park Department
Playground Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Salvage -Special Account
Salvage -Special Account
Special Assessment Fund
Street-& Bridge Department ,
Street & Bridge.Department
Water Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
City of Evanston Water Works;)
Revenue 1944 Bond Account )
Water Meter Bureau
City Treasurer's Office
Health Department
Miscellaneous Fund
Contingent Fund (Evanston North-
Western Community Club)
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James,�Brandt., Emery,.Corcoran,
Harwood,-Thoma and Hungerford (12).: Voting.nay.none (0). Motion
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
carried. e
Alderman Corcoran submitted communication from the
Howard District Business Association requesting permission from the
City of Evanston to hang Christmas decorations, in the form of ever-
green wreaths of a diameter not in excess of 26 inches, on approxi-
mately 7 to 8 City of Evanston street light.posts in the territory
on Howard Street from Clark Street on the west to the elevated viaduct
on the east. The decorations will be,removed right after January 10
1945, or as soon thereafter as possible. The Judiciary Committee has
considered this request and recommends it be granted subject to
approval of the Mayor and Commissioner of Public Works, and so moved.
Duly seconded and carried. .
Alderman Corcoran presented and moved the passage
OF JUVENILE DIVISION. Motion seconded by.Alderman MacSteven. Voting
aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James,
Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (12): Voting
nay none (0). Motion carried.
reported to the Council that the architects for the.New Municipal
Building have completed working plans for this building, which plans
are in possession of the Mayor and Commissioner of Public Works where
the Aldermen can see, them if they so desire. The Committee held an
informal meeting and it was suggested that the Commissioner of Public
Works secure a rough estimate on the cost of the work, and so moved.
Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE sub -
witted a report from the Commissioner of Public Works listing bid
received for Maintenance of Police cars for 1945 from Vogeding
Chevrolet Company., Evanston. This proposal is same.as last year except
for the car washing bid which has been.raised from 75¢ to $1.00.
Bidding sheets and copies of advertisement were sent to twelve sources.
Vogeding Chevrolet Company was the only bidder. It is recommended that
the contract be awarded to Vogeding Chevrolet Company at unit prices
quoted. This has the approval of the Police and Purchasing Committees
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye
Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, James, Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,•Thoma and Hungerford (12): Voting nay none.
Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $586.89 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Kimbark. Voting aye Aldermen Ber-sbach, Hemenway,
Kimbark, Mogg,.MacSteven, James, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood,
Thoma and Hungerford (12): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Bersbach for the ZONING COMMITTEE submitted
a report of the Committee relative to communication received from the
Zoning Board of Appeals recommending.the granting of an appeal filed
by Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. on behalf of the owner of the three story
and basement twenty-eight apartment building at 808 Forest Avenue
for permission to install an additional apartment in the basement.
Committee on Zoning recommends that the City Council concur in the
recommendation and grant the appeal; and so moved. Motion seconded
by Alderman Emery and carried.
Alderman Bersbach also submitted a report of the
Committee relative to communication received'from the Zoning Board
of Appeals recommending the granting of an appeal by Quinlan & Tyson
on behalf of the owner of the three story and basement twenty-six
apartment building at 606 Sheridan Road requesting permission to
,install an additional apartment in the basement. Committee on Zoning,
recommends that the City Council concur in the recommendation and
grant the appeal, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Hemenway
and carried.
Alderman Bersbach also submitted a report of the
Committee with reference to communication received from the Zoning
Board of Appeals recommending the granting of an appeal filed by the
manager of the Orrington Hotel requesting permission to convert the
space now used'for ballroom purposes in the tower of the hotel building
into not more than five apartments. Committee on Zoning recommends
that the City Council concur in the recommendation and grant the
appeal, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Emery and carried.
UNDER CALL OF WARDS; Alderman James of the Fourth
Ward stated that•in the December current issue of the Reader's Digest
on page 49 there is an article entitled "Park your Car Underground"
which he read and asked that same be referred to the Commissioner of
Public Works, stating further:
"It would be worth while to have him explore into the possi-
bilities of using the Fountain Square area as an underground
parking use. The merchants in Evanst-on and particularly those
in the Davis Street area have for some time prior to the war and
even now, been greatly concerned about the establishment of
adequate parking.facilities for shoppers who patronize these
merchants. I -
This may not be a workable scheme and not at all practical,
but it is worth the attention of the Council to the point of
getting information contained in.the article and the Commissioner
of Public Works in making further investigations." .
Alderman'James submitted Petition made on the part
of the Electrical Research Laboratories addressed to the Mayor and
City Council, which subject was discussed informally in meeting last
Monday evening. In the last part of the Petition they,say in asking
for vacation of Grey Avenue and an alley -
"It is because the change in zoning and the vacation of the
street and alley are interrelated that the offer herein made is
conditioned upon*the change in zoning. If your honorable body is
favorable to the vacation of Grey Avenue and the alley in Block 2
as herein set forth, your petitioner will proceed through its
counsel to take the necessary steps to determine whether or not the
zoning of the easterly half of Block 2 aforesaid can be changed."
Alderman'James speaking to the subject stated;
"That is the position that was stated on the part of the
Corporation Counsel`in the meeting, but there was some objection
on the part of Alderman Bersbach and particularly Alderman
Hemenway to the effect that the council should not go on record
with reference to the vacation for sale of this street and alley
until after the matter of zoning had been determined. It would
appear that these people would like to have an answer given first
and whether that is a pertinent request it is up to the Council
to decide.
In having the matter referred to the Street Committee I
want to go on record as not feeling personally at all reluctant -in
expressing my opinion with regard to either a change in.zoning or
the advisability of selling a piece. of property to an individual
when the property at issue is in my ward.
If we have a Zoning Commission that is so thin skinned that
they may take offense at and,consider an opinion from the aldermen
as being influential, directional or coercive, they should resign,
but we do not have that kind of a Zoning Commission: It comprises
men of intellectual integrity and sincerity who seek honest opinion.
Ihave no compunction about voicing my opinion and it would seem
to me if I were on the Zoning Commission that where there were
certain instances such as this that I would welcome the advice of
both .the aldermen of the war involved, or any other member of the
Alderman Brandt of the Sixth Ward stated that two
weeks ago Alderman Thoma suggested a meeting of the Committee of the
Whole in regard to the back tax situation, and suggested that it be
held next Monday night. He understood the Corporation Counsel has
some further information on this matter. He also would like to know
if the council could not have a report from the Special Committee as
to what the joint committee is doing in regard to the back taxes.
Before the end of the year there should be some understanding as to
how far they can go in this matter as it might have something to do
with the finances for the coming year.
the following appointments of names previously introduced;
Dale Stempel, Special Police - 6 months renewal
John Corrigan, '! " 6
Mrs. Ruby P. McCaull, !' '_' 6
John Olson, n ± rr 6 rr rr
Anton Ketter, '.'� !' 60 days
Alderman Emery moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded. and carried. !
Mayor Ingraham introduced the following names for
confirmation at the next meeting of the City Council:
Axel Sandgren, Special Police - 6 months renewal
John Vander Lester.. ", " 6it
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, -the Council
adjourned at 10;15 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City- Clerk
Evanston, Illinois
1 City Hall ,
December 18, 1944
of the -City Council
Yield December 18, 1944, convening
at 9:40
_ _ -
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Alderman Rubin moved that the Minutes of Meeting
held December 11,.1944, be approved without reading. Duly seconded
and carried.
City Clerk Edward W.'Bell, presented the following;
Acknowledgment from the family of Joseph Rose to the Mayor
and City Council.
City Treasurer's Financial Statement as of November 30, 1944,
Alderman Kimbark moved same be referred to the Mayor, the Finance
Committee and the Auditor. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman Thoma asked that the Committee of the Whole
meeting requested .by Alderman Brandt to discuss the back tax-
be deferred until next week.
2 9 'a"
Alderman Thoma read a newspaper article entitled "Ask
Foreclosure of delinquent Special Assessment Liens" which reads in part
as follows: "The Northwest,Real Estate Board sent to Mayor Kelly and
the City Council copy of resolutions it adopted urging immediate fore-
closure of special assessment liens on vacant land on the northwest
side. of -Chicago. Such a step would prevent that part of the city from
becoming a frozen !'no man's land" useless for any building purpose. The
failure of Chicago to clean upzdelinquent special assessments by fore-
closure is driving the bulk of.reside-ntial construction beyond the city
limits.". Alderman Thoma also stated: "This is in line with our thinking
on the City of Evanston situation. `We want to be in position after the
war to offer the returning service men an opportunity to build homes,
and I think this is a question we must settle immediately." Alderman
Thoma asked for a meeting on this question next Tuesday.
• Alderman Jourdain for the BUILDING COMMITTEE submitted
application received from Mr. George Larson requesting permission to
make an addition to the one story frame building used by him as a store
and living quarters at 1613 Central Street. Committee on Buildings
recommends -that this application be granted, and so moved. Duly
seconded and carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE submitted
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper
charges and transfers be authorized:
"City'Clerk�s Office
City Hall Building
Fire Department
Health Department
Municipal Court
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Public Works Department
Street & Bridge Department
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
City of Evanston Water Works )
Revenue 1944 Bond Account )
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
I '
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (13):• Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the payment of
the following temporary payrolls to be paid December2l, 1944, same to
be charged to the proper accounts:
Service Commission
Service Commission
Parks Department
Playgrounds Dept.
Works -Sewer
Works Dept.
Works -Maintenance
& Bridge Repair Dept.
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark read a letter addressed to the Mayor
from a committee of the Office of Civilian Defense appointed by Mr.
Ralph D. Shanesy, Coordinator, which committee consisted of Mr. Herbert
S. Philbrick; Mr. Frank S. Endicott and Mr: George R. Folds, Chairman
with recommendation that the sum of 11-F&&27:2a of the accumulated
salvage fund be used to purchase United States War Savings bonds and
stamps for distribution to the city employees in accordance with a
schedule based upon the number of hours spent by such men in the
salvage work. Alderman Kimbark moved that approval be given to this
recommendation. Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye
Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin,
Jourdain, MacSteven; Mogg, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (13):
Voting nay none (0):. Motion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o1clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran moved that when the Council adjourns
this evening it adjourn until Tuesday, December 26, 1944. Duly seconded
and carried.
Alderman MacSteven for the POLICE COMMITTEE introduced
An Ordinance Amending Section 132 entitled "Schedule 10' Through
Streets" of An Ordinance adopted February 2, 1942, entitled "Traffic
Regulations of the City of Evanston" to include Greenwood Street -
Sherman Avenue - south side.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
report from the Commissioner of Public Works advising that contract for
the purchase of water meters expires on December 31, 1944, and recom-
mending that the 1944 contract with Neptune Meter Company be renewed
as per terms and discounts quoted in .their proposal dated December 4,
1944. This. has the approval of the Water and Purchasing Committees,
and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen
Hungerford, Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain,
MacSteven, Mogg, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay
none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of $818.29 and moved that
the Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these bills. Motion
seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford, Thoma,
Harwood, Corcoran,. Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, MacSteven, Mogg,
Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion
carried. -
Alderman Mogg for the WATER COMMITTEE made the
following report:
"The boilers at the Pumping Plant are now over 30 yearsold
and the.Commissioner of Public Works and the Water Superintendent
are of the opinion that something will have to be done with.respect.
to those boilers in the very near future.
The question arises as to whether or not'we should charge
over to complete electrification of the water plant, a.nd one esti-
mate indicates that by so doing we could save about $18,000 a
year in operation. There are also other improvements that will
have to be made, such as improvements in present intake, suction
wells, etc. and both the Commissioner of Public Works and the Water
Superintendent recommend that such a program have the benefit of
an -engineering survey.
The Water Committee unanimously.recommends that we engage.
Alvord, Burdick & Howson to make. a survey of our plant in accord-
ance with scope of following an outline prepared by the Commis-
sioner of Public Works, at a cost not to -exceed $750, and so moved."
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood. Voting aye Aldermen Hungerford,
Thoma, Harwood, Corcoran, Emery, Brandt, Rubin, Jourdain, MacSteven,
Mogg, Kimbark, Hemenway and Bersbach (13): Voting nay none (0).
Motion carried.
UNDER CCALL OF WARDS: Alderman Corcoran of the
Seventh Ward presented to the Council Page, Willard B. Tulloch a
token of appreciation from the Mayor, City Clerk, Corporation Counsel,
Commissioner of Public Works and the Aldermen, with their best wishes
for a Merry Christmas.
the following appointments of names previously introduced:
Axel Sandgren, Special Police - 6 months renewal
John Van der Lester "; " " 6 "
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed. Duly
seconded and carried.
Mayor Ingraham introduced the f ollowingynames'for
confirmation at next meeting'of the City Council: '
`Alexander R. McNaughton Special Police - 6 months renewal
Bartholomew Murphy, 6 rr
Upon motion duly seconded and carried,.the Council
adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk
- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Evanston, Illinois
City Hall
December 26, 1944
Regular. Meeting of the City Council held December 26, 1944,,convening
at 10:45 P.M.
PRESENT: (15) Alderman Bersbach
it Hemenway
it Platt
it Kimbark
rr Mogg '
rr MacSteven
" James
" Jourdain
" Rubin
" Brandt
'► Emery i o
" Harwood
" Thoma
'.' Hungerford
Mayor Ingraham presiding.
Mayor Ingraham excused Alderman fames.
Alderman Kimbark moved .that the Minutes of Meeting
held December 18, 1944, be approved with the following amendment:
Page 2, last paragraph to read "with recommendation that
the sum of 41..667.50 of the accumulated salvage fund be used to
purchase -United States War Savings bonds and stamps for distri-
bution to the city employees."
Motion seconded by Alderman Harwood.' Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt, Emery,
Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none.
Motion carried.
City Clerk Edward W. Bell, presented the following:
Communication from the men of the Street Department reading
as follows:
"We, the men of the Street Department realize that the great
burden of,war is borne by those who fight and suffer and die. Our
sons and nephews are bearing this load. We feel it is a high,
privilege to be able to make this simple contribution�to this
great effort.
We wish to thank the people of Evanston, the O.C.D. the
members of the Conservation Committee, the members of the Committee
on Distribution of Funds, the Mayor and City Council for their'
generosity of this gift. May we take this occasion to wish the
Mayor, City Council and department heads a Merry Christmas anda
Happy New Year."
Alderman Emery moved same be received and placed on file. Duly
seconded and carried.
Notice State of Illinois advising that our allotment of
Motor Fuel Tax for the month of November, 1944 is $7,527.84. Alderman
Rubin moved same be referred to the Street Committee and the Commis-
sioner of Public Works. Duly seconded and .carried.
Alderman Kimbark for the FINANCE COMMITTEE presented
and moved the payment of the following bills, and that the proper.
charges and transfers be authorized:
Building Department
City Clerk's Office
City Hall Building
Civil Service Commission
Contingent Fund
Fire Department
Garbage Department
Health Department
Health Department
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
tMotor Fuel Tax Fund
Municipal Court
' New Municipal Building
Park Department
Playground Department
Police Department
Prepaid Insurance
Public Works Department
Salaries of City Officers Fund
Street & Bridge Department
Pumping Station
Filtration Plant
Water Mains Bureau
Health Department
Motion seconded by Alderman Platt. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none.
Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark also presented and moved the payment
of the following bill, same to be charged to the proper account:
Miscellaneous Fund $19.98
Motion seconded by Alderman Platt.. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay
none. Motion carried.
Alderman Kimbark presented and moved the adoption
of the following Resolutions;
RESOLVED,'that all unexpended balances. on hand and all
deficits as of December 31, 1944 in the
Street & Bridge Repair Fund Small Parks Fund
Garbage Fund Firemen's Pension Fund
Bond Sinking Fund Public Benefit Fund
Bond Interest Fund Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
Police Pension Fund Public Library Fund
Public Playgrounds Fund (excluding any balances from the
sale of beach tokens -item 514)
be transferred to the various surplus accounts of the'above funds.
RESOLVED, that all unexpended balances on hand and all
deficits°as of December 31, 1944, in the General Corporate Fund
be transferred to the surplus account of.the General Corporate Fund.
RESOLVED, that all unexpended balances and overdrafts as
ofDecember 31,'1944 in the Water Department be transferred to
the Water Reserve Account.
RESOLVED, that the -Mayor, the City Treasurer and the City
Comptroller be, and they are hereby authorized to issue vouchers
in payment of all payrolls and bills, approved by the Auditor and
Department Heads, which may be presented during the remainder of
the year 1944; and report same at the next regular meeting of the
City Council.
RESOLVED, that pending the passage of the.'Annual Appropriation
Ordinance, the Mayor, the City Treasurer and the City Comptroller
are hereby authorized to sign and deliver all checks for all payrolls
as the same accrue.
Motion seconded by Alderman Mogg. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach,
Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark, Mogg., MacSteven, Jourdain, Rubin, Brandt,
Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and Hungerford (14): Voting nay none.
Notion carried.
Alderman Corcoran for the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE moved
that the Council convene as of 9:00 o'clock P.M. and consent to stay
in session beyond period of 10:30 o'clock P.M. Duly seconded and
Alderman Corcoran moved that when Council adjourns
tonight it reconvene on Tuesday, January 2, 1945. Duly seconded and
carried. `
Alderman Rubin for the LIGHTING COMMITTEE submitted
the following report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"In accordance with the request of Alderman Thoma for
additional. lighting on the west side of Dewey Avenuenorth of.
Brummel Street, the street lighting in this area has been in-
It is recommended that the street lighting unit on the west
side of Dewey Avenue north of Brummel Street be restored to service."
Alderman Rubin so moved. Duly seconded and carried.
Alderman MacSteven for the•POLICE COMMITTEE presented
Greenwood Street - Sherman Avenue - south side. Motion seconded by
Alderman Emery. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark,
Idlogg, MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (13): Voting nay none. Motion carried.
Alderman Harwood for the PURCHASING COMMITTEE submitted
the following report from the Commissioner of Public Works:
"The Commissioner of Public Works -requests authority to
renew contract with the Arwell Company for vermin extermination
services for the year i94b, as follows:
1802 Maple Avenue
Health Department building
Police Station
Fire Stations No. 1 and 2'
City Hall
The rates for this service are the same as for the year 1944."
This has the approval of the Public Buildings Committee and the
Purchasing Committee, and so moved. Motion seconded by Alderman
MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway, Platt, Kimbark,
Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, -Corcoran, Harwood, Thoma and
Hungerford (13): Voting nay none (0). Motion carried.
Alderman. Mogg for the RELIEF COMMITTEE submitted
bills of the Relief Organization in amount of 293.06 and moved that
the.Township Supervisor be authorized to pay these- bills. Motion
seconded by -Alderman MacSteven. Voting aye Aldermen Bersbach, Hemenway,
Platt, Kimbark, Mogg, MacSteven, Rubin, Brandt, Emery, Corcoran,
Harwood; Thoma and Hungerford (13): Voting nay none. Motion carried.
the following appointments -of names previously introduced:
Alexander R. McNaughton, Special Police - 6 months renewal
Bartholomew Murphy, " " 6 "
Alderman Rubin moved that these appointments be confirmed.- Duly
seconded and carried.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Council
adjourned at 11:00 P.M.
Edward W. Bell,
City Clerk