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• 6-18-96 41-R-96 A RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Lease Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company to Operate and Maintain the Central Street Commuter (METRA)Station WHEREAS, the Union Pacific Railroad Company and METRA are interested in improving the Central Street Commuter Train Station to make the facility accessible for the disabled and make other general improvements to this facility; and WHEREAS, the City in seeing these improvements completed in a timely manner and interested in seeing that this facility remains open and is maintained adequately to serve the commuters at this location; and WHEREAS, the Union Pacific Railroad Company requires municipalities to enter into a lease agreement for the maintenance of commuter stations prior to making major improvements to commuter facilities; and WHEREAS, said improvements are in the best interest of the City of Evanston. •NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EVANSTON, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: That the City Manager of the City of Evanston is hereby authorized to sign the lease agreement marked as Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2: That the City Manager of the City of Evanston is hereby authorized and directed to negotiate any additional conditions as are in the best interest of the City of Evanston. SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect following its passage and approval in the manner required by law. Mayor / City Clerk [� Adopted j , 1995 • �/- kl'-�'L 0 • JUN 1 G1 8 8S 12 : 84 FROM IIPRR-C4NT-REAL EST LEM M FILE NO. 2211P-" LESSOR: Union Pacific Railroad Company 1416 dodge StTest Ornahs, NE 68179-1100 LESSEE: City of Evwnon 2100 Ridge AvGnue , Everwonr IL 6020 i-2798 on this day of i g r THE CrTY OF- EVIANS''1'ON (hereirmfter called "Leitse9") hereby offers and re" to Jews irons! the UNM PACIFIC RA1LWAD COMPANY (her"fter "Lessor") the Passover 5*60 thereinafter called "Premises') of Lessor, a an central Striet 1n ttw CY -OF - WAM110N State of 1111nois ahown outlined on wFX it A", attaMMd here► WKI * ti WO a part hereof. In addition to this area oWkied "gxhlblt A", the Pt MI=s: Wso include the lower lave! of the passenger s 1W and the exterior fko& -of't buAdbV IndudkV the roof, but does not hViude platfornn dream stoway ar ram. The term of this Lease Agreement shall be two tty (20) years, untesis aaon�er ter- minated as provided herein. The Lease is to co wrience on the •dey and year flrot above wrFtwn. This Leaks Is made upon the following w VMS ccvwum grid ff,91 mentl�. each of which is made an express oondhion hert of.., COveNAArr 1. Lessee. cover> ra and algrees to pay Lesson' as rswWfr-6w ; prsrniass the awn of One Dollar and No1100 (01.0%Par year.*id ; other valuable conslderatlow MASS 2. the LaMe dealres (a)1 o nrtiaintWn the existing W011tWWrht: appearance of the passe"er statim on ibe add Oda*"..;: (5) 'Ea control artid maintain access t � the said st�ioua ant) o to' dovelop corrutictiercial endeavors in the W • n Wfilch wig serve the Laws commums. Accordingly, Lessor has granied tltie.'Lo38+ee - lease. Howevar, the said as will continue t4 be occupied prhmilly as a rain d cumnuter Station f8c tity,: The Losor reserves unw itself its succealsorn and ass4a% and JUN 1 096 12.05 FROM 1.11*RR-CONT-REAL EST s0 88334325 licensees #0 ekft to use Sold praftws In the gwerat -conduct oaf its railroad business kicluding':,ondeavors to convenience "ii* commuters and the public. EJCCZL�lt�' . vssaytasaaat 3. Lessor reserves for its exclusive use and ocpupWCV pwdw of the passenger station shaded and labeled us hare. t bit office on the attached "Exhibit A'. l�eirca�aR . AAW A AK00 d. Lessor reserves for up by Lo"W attd the puhft. Including but not lbn*ed to LazzwCauftomn, the sdld* Premiers (exaspt such part of sold p os am with.L*svW.s iron hereafter sublet by Lessee11ppufiftcls shaati. net. krterfere wFtli. or Infringe upon Lessor's of lawful use of tho Remises w reserved. Lessor reserves the right to regtea" OW control the people who eaw suld Premises, WXI their egrtdjx.;4 and reserves the right to onto, upon aa • prei"Im at any I and to eject 'therefrom any dlsardarly psrson or pMeim. Ar WW4 Ya ALCM S. 1 essaa oempts the p(GOW sublocx to Etgtxts v1 rays, eas afftents. pwa *%, or qc eye.: Lest twe" td pr I"- to Lessor, and the public. a = evet and ftuugh Premisft Vn these existing roadways and assoments Should such ac s'bs daamed nocessary by Lessor. 'Lessee furthor >agraft-Owt Lessor shall not be responsible for VIS ogre or mairtOnWWO flr►ct kWV snow mmaval) of said roodways. g. Lassor reserves the 49h: to mok4ola or rel;=W he dKwft facWtles, or to contract and Ooreaftet mWntaln *W is In the, vicinity of the Premises with no gablNty for dow*40 td. Lauee'a interests or proofs ty Vesu" from such Wd*10W.. Lessor agrees, however, that no changes stall be MOM WWWA consultation with Lessee. 7. UMW reserves f : to post, p or place, or Wove posted, painted or placed *a Premises, tnformetionel relative to the weradorw of Lenoir on -the Prem , inc44no: but rot limited to, those d * rsWv enhance they accasilbift -of said iadlitles and services to . otderly urrd ha(l icapped. laser 2 .7 C,T-4 z-Ci2 CC-9 71C r1NT�JbAH-,,;1/(,nn men—, lr :trt 9F,F1-Ri-r�nr . • • 0 !UN 10 PSG 12 : a5 FROM UPRR-CONT- REAL EST i 'PO ©633d32S PAGE; a) 5/023. . awes" however, that no such 51ps shali be po tgd, .pent"I.-Ar placed without Lessee's conswrt. Advertising signs will nut b$ ' posted in they Promises. . 1 S. Lessee shall not use or parrnit upon the Prair iaam srtyoft ' that will Imalldats any polio s of insurance now .or t0eiaaftsiF carried on the Premises or y building or -structure the$*".. - . Lessee shall mai AWn and us the Pier isaa and butidlhp$ mW . Mazur" thenpon in W4Wda vaitft tine."Qui recr ono of: all l al - ordWmas, srte artd federal fa�+a In aft* dwft the #ate of leash. vrraw 9. Losses further agrees to comfy i�wfth all ordl WV". 1 , rules, and repulatlor+s enact d by any goverimmatal tody �r agency relating to the con of -abatement w oaft on of water con uminants and/or d sposal of refuse, salad v44stes or HaWd wastes. L.amee shall all cost and expanse add compliance with said ordlna s. laws. rules;. c(regwadoni:146 l shrill lndei<nniiy and save h rml� Lessor. from all: ilit3h Including without limftadon, .fines, forfeitures, and perm arising in connection with th failure by Lome to corrmly. With such ordinances, laws, rules or raguladons. EIVfN�W4fA�AlTAL � ' COWAA lrarxav 10. Loan recognizes assumes, nwpofor environmental liability or r nalblilty knpesed under epp50atble onvironrnerttm laws, or any other skn4w.ma " swap reltaing to any cantm*mt of the Pr®rnises'or•pra-" W1 thereunder or discharge or so to adjacent proOviv AR tram or In any respect aggrev d or altered by any ape, no --or activities by, or any epuipma or fecilitkts used by or perrriitt d on the Premis os by Lessee ( fvragoing horelnafter rofgrred to as "Losses operations"). lee as, tts$refoira, agraeis to krdefikoy and bold harmless Lassor, Its Mears, agants:and employees 'dam' any and all liability, fines, p ak e& *)aims, donvmdO,• -im 'or iawsuhs brought by any third or gpverrtrrtetttal!lcY' Wider : . any theory of law agaira l.+a at seeking to hold.LemK'. NW* for any investigation, respons or ckmup . costs, perlstom ; or • darnages, whether personal, property ar envirormrerWt, for.any contamination of any ptopoFtY of groundwater thereurdelr ; or discharge or release to adiaesnt property arising out 9f 0i.ln! -Ay :. QT'A CCQ 7TC �lhlih)�'.H-71:a4H'li^d1r1 MhJ'21 Jr•bT, qF.�T—�T—hlflf JUN 1 E ' 98 12: 06 FROM 1JPPR-coirr-RBHL V.ST 0 86334325 iaAes7��3 -- r. respect aggravated or altered by Lessee oper aCM. i:vsses agrees #hat the above Indemnity extends to a»y habit rastddr from or ,arising out of Lessee's lrnplernarMWon of � say inveadgatlan, response or clmlup per+ approved by the Od Stotas Environmental ProtecOn Agency or -car+apwkm- agency. Lasses further agrees to undertake, at its own "Port'". any investigation, response or cleanup of any conwpllrieltivfl of the premises mW groundwater thereunder arising from or in arty respect aggravated or altered by any rases opetatkwo and to promptly notify. Lessor of any +rn eM. notloo, char demWW Or litigation which Involves or on -af ' the prorniates, the groundwarter thereunder. a disohatge oir*raf"" t1wra it m to adjacent property. 4aOGr 7)UN3 ON vmW 11. Lessee accepts the Prom subject to rights of any tl"4, including Lessor, is and to ani eods#ing telepbone, telegraph; or other wires, and poles and fad*Ddes of. any kind whatsi**8 whether or.&X of record. Should the Lessee at any t±n* refit M the rolowdon of any of =rna, Losses shall bow and pay 0M: ' ' . of so doing. auA57EN4orsarnrr mt� 12. Lessor makes no covenant for quiet enyoy=r# "af. -the premises. Lessee assumes ary damages Lessee may suet its a result of, or 1n cartnectton wig any vmm or failure at .any, tfx* Of Lessor's title to the Pr00'dSd 1. so wwwaxrlw 13. Lasses agrees all 1najra. ace policies, if env, Isued to. K `or fbr or upon Lessee's accoura, coverhv say injuries to pe'ro.x q •or any loss or damage to propebty so written that tie inswer:ahaik have no claim or recourse of kind whetaoev&-&gWW` .amr, ll o&a, or the Premises unless id injuries, loss orr dwwo- s.. e0 the*= result of the sole negilgenc by the Lessor, Metre or LSpr d representnttves. UAaEJTY 14. As a material ComidwaOn fW entering lnW Udstnee and without which the Lessor vw4ld not enter Into-wno, t+ho Loom: covenents and agrees to Ind amrdfy, save hwVnIess snd -protbt the Lessor and the Committer Rall Divisbn of the fionw Railway Authority i"i~ ETRA" i from and. against any acid ail lgsa, • damage, claim, demand, fire, lawsult and/or tiabirdy, and !qnd, 4 LT Zl t, gX9 Fn �rtthlNti��l;��t+ rr� r1r � as:PT SF�i-si-rtnr n U E JLN•1 : k 195 12. 06 FROM IJPRR-GQNT-Rt?AL EST T 7 SS334325 PAGE-.0110"IM3 all costs, expenses and lanai fees in COWSctlon thereVyfttr by reason of iRJtlries to or: death of ns and/or loss of or: die to property and/or vk9atton of law, ordintnoe of tG arising or growing out of or cted with two. /.apse, 411e Premises, and/as any act or mlaston of d? the Logo", n�* envk wees be So", and/or (il) y other parson performing work or service for or on beho Df the Lessee on or dbout sue. Promk"s or arising out of thoir 2resence on abld Premises. M= 15. Less" agmes not to BLOW. far 00(0* arty lion of,6WWhajCa . or material men to be placed Aaakut the PreagW or.'Wy put thereof and,, in Case of any sum lien aching,-0. pay off and rarnove. same. it is. iurdw Meed by tho : ' herato .that Leased has no wadvrltty *(power to cause or permit any Ron or encumbrance of any kind wtw safer, ,whethw , by rat of Lome, operation of bqtv, or, 4NYBti 460 to attach -to Wr for be placed moon L,assor's title otl lntanM In the Preaiiej, WW any and all liens and encumb(ancaf created or suffered by Umsea or Its tonants Shalt attach to Less oafs krtamot only. AWMWraatAav 16. It the whoia at any part of. the PreMllrea snail bit'Imma or condemned by any competort euttwray far any public u4n or purpose, the tease shaft, as to the port so toper, tWWhs s as of the date when taken or requited for such use or puro' *". The er►tira amount of darrwges or Compernarion payable or paid 'far the parr taken and then for re adwir If a", ° shall. be paid to slid retained by lessor as its a property without da appurtioerutrl#: Lerihereby asrJans to L arxy *Wm which lessee woritd have to such darnages. Less shell, look. to •sald suftriity► solely for any compensation or ds on socount of Umee'tii coat and wense of removing 's personal properly f rom-ft Prorrlses and lot the cost and *perm of moving ony btdidit-.'or - . other a#ruolure placed upon Pramt9es by Looms and 'h /_eases would have the ri to romove :as a Lem of the Premises. cALW Fa: WMCH 17, If Lessee defaults In any of Lessee's undartakkW-- Cr obligations In this lease, that:. such event at satbwsly be. downed to constitute a br of Oft Jesse and if such doftuh, rer�nstrts uncured for thirty I ) days After irotlos h wr'I this hose shag cease and -termin te, at Lessor`s opt#on. TUN 1E f98 1 :0! FROM IIPRR-G4hIT RIwFlt_ EST 7 86'1343�5 PAGE.Q19f�23; 7 07"A V is. t:l'ther party may at any w4a toraortate this lease by giving ninety (90) days' wn'"n notice of its InUNT.000 to do so. ZVAMVVAW OF ATERAW 19. Upon the termination of tnIs iesso by any giver, 'rfls11, or oorWn0sncy whatsoever, Le shall, without fur is MOW or demand, deliver possession of the Premises to la"ar. -ln 'as good condition as when errtsr upon, ordinary w w.vrd w accepted. IUMrvrar 20. if Lessee shad breth or 08fault In any of the WMW of thus loase and If such breach or d eult IS not cured or N °th1$ :isle shalt expire or tenrr�nste In y Manner, U shall be � WMW for Lessor, that or at any tune fter, to reenter the Prep s" and take possession thereot, with without proom of the laar..end to use any masormbie or necessary force for .: rade�iing poaaesWom provided however, " Lie shall have #w right v renwve cartaln of Lewes's pro;ertles as. het": bovo :p�owt�ed sueWrr W It. (a) No walvw of any dwfit* of Lessai shall be►.:i KWled from ombstoo by Lessor to UK* arty salon on. account df such de#suit No "preen walvw ahaii affect arty:dsfoutr other thari`the : defaut specifW in the express vvitkw and that orily for- #ire tiros ark to the extent therein slate�.. ldo receipt of money bj L MW terms(1) from after any d�u�tt by t estae, (M : �aftr the termination of tires lease.. (0) s#lo' the service of Boy of demand or attar the comrriencs'noAt, of MW salt; or .00 aitrar *0 Judgement for possession orf 'tbe PreMlM, shall wave ' such default or reinstate, continue ."taw the term of this Isms 'or affect In any way any such a or suit, as the case nity be. (b) The erection of lding$ or improvements WAN Prernlaes $hall not consttture wover ar affect In arty .why. 0s : : r ghL of either party to twmim to this leans. 22. Any rentals or other to artues generated by,thd sublaft by Losses of my porWn of th Prwnbes shall beWnp sd(dly to the Lssltse. � • _ G r . i .0. -7r 4 , -ro 7T r C7h,l i AJh•H"l,J .' -4 -J}-1 ' I .^t-iCl M i'S'^, r-r - t,T (;F-9T_0T_W f • • JUN ] E ' 96 i Z : e7 FROM UPRR-CONT-RERC.. ES-T 8633A�25. PRCitr,,��gir,ca MPROMASM 23. Prior to arty ImprovenNUTO being Twos to she promlipS,- Lss:res shall summit to Lemes D wt".a. ea! Estets of - pt . and spec4leations for Improvements ?a any:pordon of On Prert*". ("kr,provements" shah Include, b 1t not necessarily be On*ed to, replacement or reparr of roof, ttaaro, haatkrg. plant.; -plu nblog. Or walls; bur shall not inchtde such llama of mai twence 'as: window washing, claming, sweeping, ar nori mal sierviars ordinerily. . provided by a jardwe.j cvsrraAnW rrre♦17�i 24. AM rights and remedies of i.essor shall be cumulative, and none ah exclude arty other rights and feawdles altowed by'lawa N011M 28. Ali notices, demands, a , a -Ad .otfter .infuurregrrts required at permitted to bit gtv Ln-or owde by ekher P": uponthe other by the terms of thisa or any stir Aer slink be in writing. They shall be dearned 1 o havo' been sufficiently swvod, It sit by rerdtled or registered rrraD, with proper postoo 12410-W to Lessor or Lessee at the resper tea address first sbovq shown. Such no*vs, demands, elections end other InatAww is shall. be aonsidemd as delivered to reaipie rtt an the firer: buskrass day after depasit in the V.S. Mail. 4aRNMEff 28. all of the representatlo and obsoudons: of Lessor -are Contained heroin. No m°dlflo brut' s+W&ws. or emendate: to of this Wag, or any of its •tears$, &balk be bkWft upon Lessor i s . it Is in writing and signed by x duly authadwd .Offter 0'.Ow Lessor. UX Gass= 27. lessor makes no warrenti" or r6preaer>itstons,.eW44501 or Impled as to Continued roll s&vice to the PrerrOsim. ro ofC►Far 28, tosses shall control the hours durirt$ which the Prsrrtts+ass q be open to the public. 7 SZ£IP ££9 ZT£ ONINNd1d"..AU ll'09 MN'D 00:ST 9E6T-8T4If?r 1UN 10 'OS 1?!00 FROM UPRR-CONT-REAL, SST na. $ ir•ncc� 9 ACCEFrAACF 29. Lessee has examined aq knows the condition of ow AmiTiiaes and s ball enter upon argil take the sari, In their. condition at the commencement of the tern of this ko". ,sWMArUW So. Lessee agrees to proVida -11 cleaning and janiYot!isl wvloe and supplies, Including toilet taper WO hand soap, ; to keep PnMs" In a clean and rivat cotnitlon 8ati11%ctory-to the Lessor's Director -Real fr sstarte. Only tx ose areas as deftrled $a the "Prernises" will be governed by t lls Section. During the term of this Agreersdarit, UNS88 shall malittaki seed repair said passenger station a alltucaues and apWAN thereof, end shall keep an of the same, and any area sised iri the future for oornmerclal develop t, In a good state of ce*r, appearence and order {Includl but not Ihnited to, roguW ; clewing of floor's, windows, pa g, plumbing rr!W � *4 providing of scavenger service), caresporWina to th8t apply to public buudings and foci , eacesfpt Lessee' ► ii0fbe resoonsible for repairing or rep g any :structurol•Pam go ft depot building resulting •frimm rdimy wear and .ter ;Wjch. as. support Wells, cructural t cali mns, floors, root, hpa*[p•, . plant and foundation). Lessee hall be rospctislhl ► for ttoi{ifylrstg . the Lessor, to writing, of the for istrpcove air repairs which are to be the responslblti of the Lessor. For ft ptirpou of determining vuhat items shaft a the resporAdWitty of ;Lessee or Lessor, hereunder it 14 hevi r sag od that env single ittiem cosdrrg more than 42,600 to repair or r lago, shall be the res ris'bilhy of the Lessor and 8I outer sing items costing $2 5W. or less. to repair or replace, shall Do the r�spansibilky of the ls , - Hoff m admr 31. Lessor, Its &gentst, empkritm wW authorised oontraptots shall have the right to enter thta Prernl.m at any part thereof,' at aii reasonable hours, for the p rpose of inspect the. Prernhws to determine If Lessee is c6mpt Ing with all terms Md 'doriditlons of this tease "lot to deter th to Ugh Intspgedon andjor testing it any hazardous conditlon, po ution or contamltTation. Is present. or threatened. Lessee agrees toc0000ree with Lessor'ln'aAy such inspection and to provld i .all Lessor's 'request. any sW al•! penjft, reports, Journals, bills, gypping papem ar'records of W* kind, paper or electronk. seS g to any materials used, ;stored, heated, disposed of of sold on transported from; the Proms. T� ' j S2CV 2C9 ETC ON I NNUld%.:�JN' L" 09 PN : 3 TO • ST 956T-ST-rinr J �J1Q ! E ' s8 12 s 85 FROM UPRR-COW—REAL 6S'r • • • TO; 86334325. Pp1tit i 1oG ! stcro LlN1 AM JAWU AAWS 32. Lessee further agrees -to v n, at Lesa w"s ovum oast qnd. axpense, fire, wind swm and ' nded avverage bmurence In, the arrtaurnt of full Insurable wslue f tits passiertgar station to; dg deurmined froth insurance ag apprslaer and approved by Lessor. Said Insurance shall runt In favor of Lessee a and sheik be endarsad to assume the contra ual obligatlom of Lessee as *O . . forth in this subject lease. `A d placate COPY Of such Insur�lnW poNCy or a cartiflpate of k%uM a and SOW Copy of .00"Ott - showing established insurable value, shall be fvrntsw to ;the Lessor and MWt show On tit Itsura M policy Or th* rertiflcst+st' of Insurance that the Lessor w NI be proporlyr notified withip a thirty (30) day written notice of any modlflcatlon or vanc+oEft n of sj,rch policy. lessee may selflneurei against ttta Asks ref8&ed: to above. v 33. Lessee wM pay all the JOIN y cost$ Incurred by #w. opwadm of the Premises. SIZE ON 4$SN dWWr 34. Any sale, asslpnraent„ far, or undarkrWrtg of thle laws by Lessee wi ttout the previous consent of Lmor;ba . SO void. Such wrhten consent a 9 not be Unreasonably w�hefsll and It is the Intent of the p a hereto that ttortlom of: the Premises will be sublet for muter converdance aarvice.: 111tr act at Lessor, Including am of mosey by Lessor from; any other party, shell consttture a V.Wver of this provlsaort. TMAAWAM v 35. in the event 'funds bate aWcy or outer sources for the the Lessor agrees that It' will parties in the applications for coat or expense to Lessor °af w funsts and pro+ kW such rehabil Lmor's IrOrests In the Pessary commuter raflmy operatlPn. s dveaieble from elOw a. publtp habllltativn of mUwvy statlori+r, }opora W with Lessee or other ch funds, provWed there O'no . kind in the acquisition of these lion in no way adversely aftM . Statlon or adversely effem its 77'14 C7t717 C"70 7T,; r)NrNKFF1-va-4H • i nnn mwn ZP:�- gPJ=,t-at-Nnr £Z ' d -Yd101 1 UN le I SG 1 Z a 09 1-K:in u-Rn-�••••, -- r IN WITNESS WMEAEQF, the pwtWs hatM halve 6lxecmd these Prate thy•' day and year flrat above written. WITNESS:UNION PACIRC HARMAD COWANY (For Lealsor) SY� Wt7NESS: CITY OF E:VANSTON (For Lessee) rummools 10 i £?'d SZ£b ££9 Zz£ ONINNu-kl/ddN'lA09 MN'8:)